ENTRY 41690 20200630 41884169000000001 SUBENT 41690001 20200630 41884169000100001 BIB 12 42 4169000100002 TITLE Energy, angular and mass correlations in fission of 4169000100003 235U by thermal neutrons with emission 4He, Li, and Be 4169000100004 nuclei. 4169000100005 AUTHOR (V.T.Grachev,Yu.I.Gusev,D.M.Seliverstov,N.N.Smirnov, 4169000100006 A.A.Vorob'ev) 4169000100007 A.A.Vorob'ev=A.A.Vorobiev =A.A.Vorobyev =A.A.Vorobyov 4169000100008 (aliases) 4169000100009 INSTITUTE (4RUSLIN) 4169000100010 REFERENCE (J,YF,32,1186,1980) First author V.T.Grachev. 4169000100011 (J,SNP,32,612,1980) Engl.transl. of YF,32,1186,1980 4169000100012 ((C,80KIEV,3,182,1980)= 4169000100013 (S,INDC(CCP)-169,(3),182,1980)) In Russian. 4169000100014 First author A.A.Vorob'ev. 4169000100015 The same Table as Table II of Yad.Fiz. 4169000100016 (R,LIJAF-523,1979) First author V.T.Grachev. 4169000100017 All exp.details. Tables and Figures. 4169000100018 REL-REF (N,40503001,A.A.Vorobyov,J,PL/B,40,(1),102,1972) 4169000100019 Average kinetic energy of light fragment used in 4169000100020 analysis, previous measurement. 4169000100021 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSLIN) WWR-M reactor 4169000100022 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 4169000100023 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron flux 2.E+9 n/(cm2*sec) at sample 4169000100024 position. 4169000100025 SAMPLE Uranium oxide of 80-100 mug/cm2 thickness, 10 mm 4169000100026 diameter, deposited on an Al(2)O(3) backing of 4169000100027 60-80 nug/cm2 thickness. 4169000100028 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Mosaic of 9 surface-barrier detectors for FF. 4169000100029 (IOCH) Wide aperture ionization chamber with grid of 4169000100030 100x100mm2 area as dE detector. 40m mm thickness, 4169000100031 filled with Ar and methane (5%). 4169000100032 Energy resolution for alphas 90 keV (FWHM) 4169000100033 METHOD (EDE) For light particles identification. 4169000100034 Registration threshold for Li - 13 MeV, 4169000100035 for Be - 18 MeV. 4169000100036 for alpha - 7 MeV. 4169000100037 Angular bin for FF - +-4 deg, 4169000100038 for LCP -+-6.2 deg. 4169000100039 Measurements at 24 angles. 4169000100040 Ternary fission registered with He-4 - 5.E+05 events, 4169000100041 with Li - 540, 4169000100042 with Be - 1200. 4169000100043 HISTORY (20200630C) M.M. 4169000100044 ENDBIB 42 0 4169000100045 COMMON 1 3 4169000100046 EN-DUMMY 4169000100047 EV 4169000100048 0.0253 4169000100049 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4169000100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 4169000199999 SUBENT 41690002 20200630 41884169000200001 BIB 4 6 4169000200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),BIN,AKE,FF) 4169000200003 MISC-COL (MISC) Dispersion SIGMA 4169000200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4169000200005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980 4169000200006 Table 1 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 : 170.2+-0.2 MeV, 4169000200007 FWHM - 24.9+-0.05 MeV 4169000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4169000200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4169000200010 DATA 4 1 4169000200011 DATA ERR-S MISC MISC-ERR 4169000200012 MEV MEV MEV MEV 4169000200013 170.2 0.2 10.7 0.03 4169000200014 ENDDATA 3 0 4169000200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4169000299999 SUBENT 41690003 20200630 41884169000300001 BIB 4 11 4169000300002 REACTION 1(92-U-235(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,AKE,LF+HF) 4169000300003 2(92-U-235(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,KE) 4169000300004 MISC-COL (MISC1) Dispersion SIGMA of energy distribution 4169000300005 (MISC2) Average angle of alpha relative to LF 4169000300006 (MISC3) Dispersion of angular distribution 4169000300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4169000300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980. 4169000300009 Table 1 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 : 157.2+-0.2 MeV, 4169000300010 FWHM - 21.2+-0.08 MeV; 4169000300011 Table 2 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 : average angle 4169000300012 81.9+-0.5 deg and 19.5+-0.9 deg (FWHM) 4169000300013 ENDBIB 11 0 4169000300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4169000300015 DATA 12 1 4169000300016 DATA 1ERR-S 1MISC1 1MISC1-ERR 1DATA 2ERR-S 24169000300017 MISC1 2MISC1-ERR 2MISC2 MISC2-ERR MISC3 MISC3-ERR 4169000300018 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 4169000300019 MEV MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG 4169000300020 157.2 0.2 9.0 0.05 15.9 0.2 4169000300021 4.22 0.12 81.9 0.5 8.3 0.4 4169000300022 ENDDATA 6 0 4169000300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4169000399999 SUBENT 41690004 20200630 41884169000400001 BIB 4 10 4169000400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM,TER,AKE,LF+HF) 4169000400003 Ternary fission accompanied by Li or Be. 4169000400004 Data for 2-He-4 are in Subent 003. 4169000400005 MISC-COL (MISC1) Dispersion SIGMA 4169000400006 (MISC2) Average angle of Li or Be relative to LF 4169000400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4169000400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980. 4169000400009 Table of INDC(CCP)-169,3,182,1980 . 4169000400010 Table 3 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 - 4169000400011 FWHM - 16.2+-1.7 deg for Li, 11.0+-1.5 deg for Be. 4169000400012 ENDBIB 10 0 4169000400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4169000400014 DATA 7 2 4169000400015 ELEMENT DATA ERR-S MISC1 MISC1-ERR MISC2 4169000400016 MISC2-ERR 4169000400017 NO-DIM MEV MEV MEV MEV ADEG 4169000400018 ADEG 4169000400019 3. 154. 6.9 0.7 80.9 4169000400020 0.9 4169000400021 4. 157. 2. 4.7 0.6 82.4 4169000400022 0.8 4169000400023 ENDDATA 8 0 4169000400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4169000499999 SUBENT 41690005 20200630 41884169000500001 BIB 3 8 4169000500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,KE/TKE) 4169000500003 Alpha energy dependence from total kinetic energy. 4169000500004 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors: 4169000500005 scale X - 0.14 MeV, scale Y - 0.028 MeV, 4169000500006 TKE digitizaion error - 0.079 MeV 4169000500007 (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4169000500008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1a of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980. 4169000500009 See also Fig.3 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 4169000500010 ENDBIB 8 0 4169000500011 COMMON 1 3 4169000500012 ERR-DIG 4169000500013 MEV 4169000500014 0.026 4169000500015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4169000500016 DATA 3 11 4169000500017 TKE DATA ERR-S 4169000500018 MEV MEV MEV 4169000500019 132.66 16.76 0.34 4169000500020 137.73 16.99 0.22 4169000500021 142.80 16.99 0.22 4169000500022 147.87 16.88 0.17 4169000500023 152.94 16.61 0.22 4169000500024 158.02 16.05 0.17 4169000500025 163.11 15.15 0.28 4169000500026 168.19 14.48 0.22 4169000500027 172.99 13.81 0.28 4169000500028 178.07 13.14 0.39 4169000500029 183.15 12.75 0.73 4169000500030 ENDDATA 13 0 4169000500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4169000599999 SUBENT 41690006 20200630 41884169000600001 BIB 3 10 4169000600002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,AKE,LF+HF,MSC) 4169000600003 Average kinetic energy of fission fragments as function4169000600004 of alpha-particle energy in various intervals of alpha 4169000600005 angle relative to light fragment. 4169000600006 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors: 4169000600007 scale X - 0.042 MeV, scale Y - 0.042 MeV, 4169000600008 (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4169000600009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 left scale, four plots of 4169000600010 Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980. 4169000600011 See also Fig.18 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 4169000600012 ENDBIB 10 0 4169000600013 COMMON 2 3 4169000600014 E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4169000600015 MEV MEV 4169000600016 0.056 0.041 4169000600017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4169000600018 DATA 5 63 4169000600019 ANG-MIN ANG-MAX E DATA ERR-S 4169000600020 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV MEV 4169000600021 60. 120. 7.397 163.75 4169000600022 60. 120. 8.480 162.58 4169000600023 60. 120. 9.480 161.66 4169000600024 60. 120. 10.563 160.75 4169000600025 60. 120. 11.562 160.00 4169000600026 60. 120. 12.562 159.33 4169000600027 60. 120. 13.561 158.66 4169000600028 60. 120. 14.644 158.00 4169000600029 60. 120. 15.478 157.50 4169000600030 60. 120. 16.644 156.83 4169000600031 60. 120. 17.560 156.33 4169000600032 60. 120. 18.477 155.91 4169000600033 60. 120. 19.477 155.58 4169000600034 60. 120. 20.560 155.24 4169000600035 60. 120. 21.476 154.66 4169000600036 60. 120. 22.476 154.24 4169000600037 60. 120. 23.476 153.91 4169000600038 60. 120. 24.559 153.49 4169000600039 60. 120. 25.475 152.99 4169000600040 60. 120. 26.475 152.41 4169000600041 60. 120. 27.392 152.49 4169000600042 67. 72. 10.153 160.520 0.339 4169000600043 67. 72. 11.084 159.770 0.424 4169000600044 67. 72. 12.100 158.920 0.424 4169000600045 67. 72. 13.115 158.250 0.424 4169000600046 67. 72. 14.045 157.910 0.508 4169000600047 67. 72. 15.060 157.150 0.424 4169000600048 67. 72. 15.989 156.990 0.424 4169000600049 67. 72. 16.920 156.480 0.339 4169000600050 67. 72. 17.934 155.980 0.424 4169000600051 67. 72. 18.949 155.480 0.424 4169000600052 67. 72. 20.047 155.060 0.424 4169000600053 67. 72. 21.064 154.130 0.339 4169000600054 67. 72. 22.076 154.130 0.339 4169000600055 67. 72. 23.006 153.800 0.424 4169000600056 91. 92. 10.255 162.200 0.588 4169000600057 91. 92. 11.258 160.440 0.588 4169000600058 91. 92. 12.172 160.110 0.504 4169000600059 91. 92. 13.169 159.860 0.336 4169000600060 91. 92. 14.085 159.110 0.252 4169000600061 91. 92. 15.167 158.270 0.336 4169000600062 91. 92. 16.082 157.600 0.336 4169000600063 91. 92. 17.079 157.270 0.252 4169000600064 91. 92. 18.078 156.520 0.252 4169000600065 91. 92. 18.992 156.100 0.336 4169000600066 91. 92. 20.073 155.520 0.336 4169000600067 91. 92. 21.155 154.770 0.504 4169000600068 91. 92. 22.069 154.600 0.420 4169000600069 91. 92. 23.066 154.350 0.673 4169000600070 104. 106. 10.020 155.250 1.083 4169000600071 104. 106. 11.029 154.840 0.833 4169000600072 104. 106. 12.037 156.010 0.667 4169000600073 104. 106. 13.129 155.590 0.667 4169000600074 104. 106. 14.053 156.420 0.750 4169000600075 104. 106. 14.977 157.340 0.500 4169000600076 104. 106. 16.069 156.930 0.500 4169000600077 104. 106. 16.993 157.090 0.667 4169000600078 104. 106. 18.002 156.930 0.583 4169000600079 104. 106. 19.011 156.340 0.417 4169000600080 104. 106. 20.104 155.680 0.583 4169000600081 104. 106. 21.029 155.260 0.500 4169000600082 104. 106. 22.037 154.930 0.750 4169000600083 104. 106. 23.130 154.680 0.833 4169000600084 ENDDATA 65 0 4169000600085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 4169000699999 SUBENT 41690007 20200630 41884169000700001 BIB 3 10 4169000700002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)4-BE-10,TER,AKE,LF+HF,MSC) 4169000700003 Average kinetic energy of fission fragments as function4169000700004 of Be-10 energy in specified interval of Be-10 4169000700005 angle relative to light fragment. 4169000700006 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors: 4169000700007 scale X - 0.042 MeV, scale Y - 0.042 MeV 4169000700008 (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4169000700009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980 4169000700010 See also Fig.4 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 , 4169000700011 Fig.1 of INDC(CCP)-169,3,182,1980 4169000700012 ENDBIB 10 0 4169000700013 COMMON 2 3 4169000700014 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4169000700015 MEV MEV 4169000700016 0.066 0.050 4169000700017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4169000700018 DATA 3 5 4169000700019 E DATA ERR-S 4169000700020 MEV MEV MEV 4169000700021 19.829 155.680 0.917 4169000700022 21.660 153.930 0.833 4169000700023 23.490 151.930 0.833 4169000700024 26.154 150.840 0.750 4169000700025 29.817 148.250 0.750 4169000700026 ENDDATA 7 0 4169000700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4169000799999 SUBENT 41690008 20200630 41884169000800001 BIB 3 8 4169000800002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,KE,,MSC) 4169000800003 Alpha particles average energy dependence from alpha's 4169000800004 angle relative to light fragment. 4169000800005 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors: 4169000800006 scale X - 0.081 deg, scale Y - 0.016 MeV 4169000800007 (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4169000800008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 upper of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980 4169000800009 See also Fig.10 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 4169000800010 ENDBIB 8 0 4169000800011 COMMON 2 3 4169000800012 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4169000800013 ADEG MEV 4169000800014 0.079 0.010 4169000800015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4169000800016 DATA 3 24 4169000800017 ANG-RL DATA ERR-S 4169000800018 ADEG MEV MEV 4169000800019 61.423 18.906 0.646 4169000800020 66.221 15.764 0.516 4169000800021 67.527 16.019 0.354 4169000800022 72.301 15.007 0.226 4169000800023 75.669 14.708 0.225 4169000800024 76.599 14.125 0.291 4169000800025 80.999 14.823 0.226 4169000800026 82.583 14.367 0.258 4169000800027 82.949 15.044 0.226 4169000800028 84.249 15.202 0.226 4169000800029 87.847 15.967 0.226 4169000800030 88.997 16.286 0.194 4169000800031 91.593 16.538 0.291 4169000800032 92.706 16.277 0.258 4169000800033 96.358 17.880 0.290 4169000800034 97.813 17.941 0.387 4169000800035 98.822 18.584 0.226 4169000800036 99.953 18.613 0.226 4169000800037 103.090 19.702 0.323 4169000800038 104.230 19.860 0.355 4169000800039 106.810 19.918 0.452 4169000800040 111.080 21.036 0.548 4169000800041 114.430 20.447 0.516 4169000800042 118.680 21.339 0.999 4169000800043 ENDDATA 26 0 4169000800044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 4169000899999 SUBENT 41690009 20200630 41884169000900001 BIB 3 9 4169000900002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,FY/DA/DE,A+LF/A,REL) 4169000900003 Energy distribution of alpha particles for different 4169000900004 alpha's angle relative to light fragment. 4169000900005 Units are number of events. 4169000900006 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors: 4169000900007 scale X - 0.056 - 0.057 MeV, 4169000900008 scale Y - 0.58 - 19.1 arb.units (events). 4169000900009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.5 of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980 4169000900010 See also Fig.13 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979 4169000900011 ENDBIB 9 0 4169000900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4169000900013 DATA 6 170 4169000900014 ANG-RL E-MIN E-MAX DATA E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4169000900015 ADEG MEV MEV ARB-UNITS MEV ARB-UNITS 4169000900016 60.6 7. 8. 48.56 0.068 0.55 4169000900017 60.6 8. 9. 93.49 4169000900018 60.6 9. 10. 92.93 4169000900019 60.6 10. 11. 60.68 4169000900020 60.6 11. 12. 62.99 4169000900021 60.6 12. 13. 75.67 4169000900022 60.6 13. 14. 77.98 4169000900023 60.6 14. 15. 73.38 4169000900024 60.6 15. 16. 94.70 4169000900025 60.6 16. 17. 98.16 4169000900026 60.6 17. 18. 116.60 4169000900027 60.6 18. 19. 144.23 4169000900028 60.6 19. 20. 178.25 4169000900029 60.6 20. 21. 144.85 4169000900030 60.6 21. 22. 167.32 4169000900031 60.6 22. 23. 142.56 4169000900032 60.6 23. 24. 127.58 4169000900033 60.6 24. 25. 101.09 4169000900034 60.6 25. 26. 60.20 4169000900035 60.6 26. 27. 11.25 4169000900036 60.6 27. 28. 3.19 4169000900037 60.6 28. 29. 0.89 4169000900038 65.9 7. 8. 379.0 0.056 1.10 4169000900039 65.9 8. 9. 343.2 4169000900040 65.9 9. 10. 393.6 4169000900041 65.9 10. 11. 381.1 4169000900042 65.9 11. 12. 379.4 4169000900043 65.9 12. 13. 404.7 4169000900044 65.9 13. 14. 422.8 4169000900045 65.9 14. 15. 404.9 4169000900046 65.9 15. 16. 476.9 4169000900047 65.9 16. 17. 502.2 4169000900048 65.9 17. 18. 469.9 4169000900049 65.9 18. 19. 534.8 4169000900050 65.9 19. 20. 405.4 4169000900051 65.9 20. 21. 502.6 4169000900052 65.9 21. 22. 389.4 4169000900053 65.9 22. 23. 234.8 4169000900054 65.9 23. 24. 218.7 4169000900055 65.9 24. 25. 130.6 4169000900056 65.9 25. 26. 57.0 4169000900057 65.9 26. 27. 57.1 4169000900058 65.9 27. 28. 15.8 4169000900059 65.9 28. 29. 10.5 4169000900060 76. 7. 8. 892. 0.062 5.12 4169000900061 76. 8. 9. 1194. 4169000900062 76. 9. 10. 1410. 4169000900063 76. 10. 11. 1497. 4169000900064 76. 11. 12. 1835. 4169000900065 76. 12. 13. 1878. 4169000900066 76. 13. 14. 2116. 4169000900067 76. 14. 15. 2303. 4169000900068 76. 15. 16. 2088. 4169000900069 76. 16. 18. 1844. 4169000900070 76. 18. 19. 1420. 4169000900071 76. 19. 20. 1211. 4169000900072 76. 20. 21. 888. 4169000900073 76. 21. 22. 607. 4169000900074 76. 22. 23. 406. 4169000900075 76. 23. 24. 298. 4169000900076 76. 24. 25. 155. 4169000900077 76. 25. 26. 62. 4169000900078 76. 26. 28. 33. 4169000900079 82.6 7. 8. 1332. 0.046 20.2 4169000900080 82.6 8. 9. 1830. 4169000900081 82.6 9. 10. 2519. 4169000900082 82.6 10. 11. 3017. 4169000900083 82.6 11. 12. 3821. 4169000900084 82.6 12. 13. 4185. 4169000900085 82.6 13. 14. 5467. 4169000900086 82.6 14. 15. 6385. 4169000900087 82.6 15. 16. 6022. 4169000900088 82.6 16. 17. 5660. 4169000900089 82.6 17. 18. 5871. 4169000900090 82.6 18. 19. 4323. 4169000900091 82.6 19. 20. 3253. 4169000900092 82.6 20. 21. 3254. 4169000900093 82.6 21. 22. 1897. 4169000900094 82.6 22. 23. 1286. 4169000900095 82.6 23. 24. 694. 4169000900096 82.6 24. 25. 427. 4169000900097 82.6 25. 26. 198. 4169000900098 82.6 26. 27. 141. 4169000900099 82.6 27. 28. 46. 4169000900100 91.9 7. 8. 280.7 0.048 3.4 4169000900101 91.9 8. 9. 370.2 4169000900102 91.9 9. 10. 451.6 4169000900103 91.9 10. 11. 472.0 4169000900104 91.9 11. 12. 541.3 4169000900105 91.9 12. 13. 655.2 4169000900106 91.9 13. 14. 785.4 4169000900107 91.9 14. 15. 996.9 4169000900108 91.9 15. 16. 1110.8 4169000900109 91.9 16. 17. 1306.1 4169000900110 91.9 17. 18. 1204.5 4169000900111 91.9 18. 19. 1184.3 4169000900112 91.9 19. 20. 798.3 4169000900113 91.9 20. 21. 769.9 4169000900114 91.9 21. 22. 583.0 4169000900115 91.9 22. 23. 274.2 4169000900116 91.9 23. 24. 201.2 4169000900117 91.9 24. 25. 107.8 4169000900118 91.9 25. 26. 55.1 4169000900119 91.9 26. 27. 26.7 4169000900120 91.9 27. 28. 6.5 4169000900121 98.1 7. 8. 149.0 0.050 2.8 4169000900122 98.1 8. 9. 168.4 4169000900123 98.1 9. 10. 187.8 4169000900124 98.1 10. 11. 202.4 4169000900125 98.1 11. 12. 298.2 4169000900126 98.1 12. 13. 398.9 4169000900127 98.1 13. 14. 523.4 4169000900128 98.1 14. 15. 777.0 4169000900129 98.1 15. 16. 1035.4 4169000900130 98.1 16. 17. 1269.9 4169000900131 98.1 17. 18. 1466.1 4169000900132 98.1 18. 19. 1303.8 4169000900133 98.1 19. 20. 1390.1 4169000900134 98.1 20. 21. 1127.5 4169000900135 98.1 21. 22. 645.0 4169000900136 98.1 22. 23. 540.1 4169000900137 98.1 23. 24. 306.1 4169000900138 98.1 24. 25. 196.4 4169000900139 98.1 25. 26. 82.0 4169000900140 98.1 26. 27. 34.4 4169000900141 98.1 27. 28. 15.6 4169000900142 106.3 7. 8. 57.02 0.069 1.46 4169000900143 106.3 8. 9. 41.04 4169000900144 106.3 9. 10. 52.59 4169000900145 106.3 10. 11. 43.52 4169000900146 106.3 11. 12. 105.55 4169000900147 106.3 12. 13. 117.11 4169000900148 106.3 13. 14. 130.97 4169000900149 106.3 14. 16. 158.64 4169000900150 106.3 16. 17. 190.89 4169000900151 106.3 17. 18. 252.91 4169000900152 106.3 18. 19. 365.38 4169000900153 106.3 19. 20. 404.47 4169000900154 106.3 20. 21. 503.19 4169000900155 106.3 21. 22. 556.04 4169000900156 106.3 22. 23. 397.89 4169000900157 106.3 23. 24. 356.69 4169000900158 106.3 24. 25. 255.87 4169000900159 106.3 25. 26. 159.66 4169000900160 106.3 26. 27. 65.71 4169000900161 106.3 27. 28. 31.41 4169000900162 106.3 28. 29. 13.17 4169000900163 114.4 7. 8. 15.57 0.082 0.66 4169000900164 114.4 8. 9. 25.98 4169000900165 114.4 9. 10. 33.49 4169000900166 114.4 10. 11. 24.77 4169000900167 114.4 11. 12. 31.70 4169000900168 114.4 12. 13. 41.53 4169000900169 114.4 13. 14. 37.45 4169000900170 114.4 14. 15. 53.66 4169000900171 114.4 15. 16. 50.16 4169000900172 114.4 16. 17. 55.93 4169000900173 114.4 17. 18. 75.62 4169000900174 114.4 18. 19. 91.83 4169000900175 114.4 19. 20. 81.94 4169000900176 114.4 20. 21. 137.01 4169000900177 114.4 21. 22. 161.34 4169000900178 114.4 22. 23. 144.50 4169000900179 114.4 23. 24. 178.69 4169000900180 114.4 24. 25. 138.07 4169000900181 114.4 25. 26. 97.45 4169000900182 114.4 26. 27. 36.53 4169000900183 114.4 27. 28. 10.99 4169000900184 114.4 28. 29. 6.32 4169000900185 114.4 29. 30. 2.82 4169000900186 ENDDATA 172 0 4169000900187 ENDSUBENT 186 0 4169000999999 SUBENT 41690010 20200630 41884169001000001 BIB 3 8 4169001000002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,TER,FY,A,REL) 4169001000003 Relative yield, arbitrary units. 4169001000004 Neutron emission was not taken into account. 4169001000005 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors (1/2 pixel): 4169001000006 scale X - 0.043 a.m.u., scale Y - 0.0020 arb.units. 4169001000007 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.8 lower of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980 4169001000008 See also Fig.21 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979, 4169001000009 Fig.2 upper of INDC(CCP)-169,3,182,1980 4169001000010 ENDBIB 8 0 4169001000011 COMMON 2 3 4169001000012 MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4169001000013 NO-DIM ARB-UNITS 4169001000014 0.058 0.0079 4169001000015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4169001000016 DATA 2 75 4169001000017 MASS DATA 4169001000018 NO-DIM ARB-UNITS 4169001000019 80. 0.0407 4169001000020 81. 0.0612 4169001000021 82. 0.0857 4169001000022 83. 0.1306 4169001000023 84. 0.1756 4169001000024 85. 0.2367 4169001000025 86. 0.3344 4169001000026 87. 0.4159 4169001000027 88. 0.4933 4169001000028 89. 0.5951 4169001000029 90. 0.6563 4169001000030 91. 0.7784 4169001000031 92. 0.8478 4169001000032 93. 0.9089 4169001000033 94. 0.9416 4169001000034 95. 0.9499 4169001000035 96. 0.9379 4169001000036 97. 0.8974 4169001000037 98. 0.8406 4169001000038 99. 0.7474 4169001000039 100. 0.6256 4169001000040 101. 0.5648 4169001000041 102. 0.4633 4169001000042 103. 0.3741 4169001000043 104. 0.2442 4169001000044 105. 0.2078 4169001000045 106. 0.1510 4169001000046 107. 0.1146 4169001000047 108. 0.0823 4169001000048 109. 0.0621 4169001000049 110. 0.0420 4169001000050 111. 0.0340 4169001000051 112. 0.0301 4169001000052 113. 0.0303 4169001000053 114. 0.0345 4169001000054 115. 0.0224 4169001000055 116. 0.0226 4169001000056 117. 0.0187 4169001000057 118. 0.0189 4169001000058 119. 0.0190 4169001000059 120. 0.0192 4169001000060 121. 0.0236 4169001000061 122. 0.0319 4169001000062 123. 0.0565 4169001000063 124. 0.0770 4169001000064 125. 0.1260 4169001000065 126. 0.1872 4169001000066 127. 0.2443 4169001000067 128. 0.3258 4169001000068 129. 0.4235 4169001000069 130. 0.4846 4169001000070 131. 0.6149 4169001000071 132. 0.7167 4169001000072 133. 0.8470 4169001000073 134. 0.8756 4169001000074 135. 0.9449 4169001000075 136. 0.9979 4169001000076 137. 1.0021 4169001000077 138. 0.9861 4169001000078 139. 0.9578 4169001000079 140. 0.9011 4169001000080 141. 0.8281 4169001000081 142. 0.7348 4169001000082 143. 0.6211 4169001000083 144. 0.5278 4169001000084 145. 0.4304 4169001000085 146. 0.3290 4169001000086 147. 0.2519 4169001000087 148. 0.1870 4169001000088 149. 0.1547 4169001000089 150. 0.1223 4169001000090 151. 0.0900 4169001000091 152. 0.0658 4169001000092 153. 0.0375 4169001000093 154. 0.0133 4169001000094 ENDDATA 77 0 4169001000095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 4169001099999 SUBENT 41690011 20200630 41884169001100001 BIB 3 9 4169001100002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,TER,FY,BE10,REL) 4169001100003 Relative yield, arbitrary units. 4169001100004 Neutron emission was not taken into account. 4169001100005 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors (1/2 pixel): 4169001100006 scale X - 0.043 a.m.u., scale Y - 0.0020 arb.units. 4169001100007 (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4169001100008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.8 upper of Yad.Fiz.,v.32,p.1186,1980 4169001100009 See also Fig.21 of rep.LIJAF-523,1979, 4169001100010 Fig.2 lower of INDC(CCP)-169,3,182,1980 4169001100011 ENDBIB 9 0 4169001100012 COMMON 2 3 4169001100013 MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4169001100014 NO-DIM ARB-UNITS 4169001100015 0.053 0.0020 4169001100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4169001100017 DATA 3 73 4169001100018 MASS DATA ERR-S 4169001100019 NO-DIM ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4169001100020 80. 0.1668 0.0328 4169001100021 81. 0.2041 0.0410 4169001100022 82. 0.1881 0.0369 4169001100023 83. 0.3073 0.0615 4169001100024 84. 0.4758 0.0614 4169001100025 85. 0.4721 0.0615 4169001100026 86. 0.5831 0.0697 4169001100027 87. 0.7105 0.0738 4169001100028 88. 0.7888 0.0779 4169001100029 89. 0.9531 0.0902 4169001100030 90. 1.0027 0.0778 4169001100031 91. 1.0728 0.1106 4169001100032 92. 0.9871 0.0737 4169001100033 93. 0.9547 0.0738 4169001100034 94. 1.0248 0.1024 4169001100035 95. 0.8653 0.0943 4169001100036 96. 0.6076 0.0697 4169001100037 97. 0.5014 0.0696 4169001100038 98. 0.3912 0.0574 4169001100039 99. 0.4244 0.0861 4169001100040 100. 0.4043 0.0738 4169001100041 101. 0.2448 0.0696 4169001100042 102. 0.1673 0.0450 4169001100043 103. 0.0693 0.0287 4169001100044 104. 0.0903 0.0369 4169001100045 105. 0.1153 0.0327 4169001100046 106. 0.0828 0.0328 4169001100047 107. 0.0587 0.0287 4169001100048 108. 0.0427 0.0287 4169001100049 109. 0.0185 4169001100050 110. 0.0189 4169001100051 111. 0.0315 4169001100052 112. 0.0279 4169001100053 113. 0.0365 4169001100054 114. 0.0246 4169001100055 115. 0.0251 4169001100056 116. 0.0254 4169001100057 117. 0.0217 4169001100058 118. 0.0263 4169001100059 119. 0.0225 4169001100060 121. 0.0274 4169001100061 122. 0.0646 0.0205 4169001100062 123. 0.0814 0.0205 4169001100063 124. 0.1188 0.0287 4169001100064 125. 0.1479 0.0491 4169001100065 126. 0.1892 0.0697 4169001100066 127. 0.2798 0.0778 4169001100067 128. 0.4278 0.0738 4169001100068 129. 0.5634 0.0983 4169001100069 130. 0.8261 0.1147 4169001100070 131. 0.6666 0.1147 4169001100071 132. 0.8433 0.0902 4169001100072 133. 0.9133 0.1148 4169001100073 134. 1.0244 0.1270 4169001100074 135. 1.0002 0.1188 4169001100075 136. 1.0005 0.1147 4169001100076 137. 1.0911 0.0984 4169001100077 138. 0.9767 0.1065 4169001100078 139. 0.9608 0.1147 4169001100079 140. 0.7398 0.1189 4169001100080 141. 0.7731 0.0983 4169001100081 142. 0.63 0.0983 4169001100082 143. 0.4829 0.0860 4169001100083 144. 0.3194 0.0614 4169001100084 145. 0.2173 0.0492 4169001100085 146. 0.1357 0.0328 4169001100086 147. 0.1443 0.0246 4169001100087 148. 0.1242 0.0327 4169001100088 149. 0.0754 0.0205 4169001100089 150. 0.0184 0.0328 4169001100090 151. 0.0189 4169001100091 152. 0.0397 4169001100092 153. 0.0156 4169001100093 ENDDATA 75 0 4169001100094 ENDSUBENT 93 0 4169001199999 ENDENTRY 11 0 4169099999999