ENTRY            41694   20210319                             41954169400000001 
SUBENT        41694001   20210319                             41954169400100001 
BIB                 10         61                                 4169400100002 
AUTHOR     (Yu.S.Zamyatnin,D.K.Ryazanov,B.G.Basova,A.D.Rabinovich,4169400100003 
           V.A.Korostylev)                                        4169400100004 
TITLE      Prompt neutrons from fission of heavy nuclei           4169400100005 
REFERENCE  (J,SNP,29,305,1979) Eng.trans.of J,YF,29,595,1979      4169400100006 
           (J,YF,29,595,1979) Figures only.                       4169400100007 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSNIR)                                              4169400100008 
REL-REF    (I,,B.G.Basova+,J,PTE,,(4),46,1975)                    4169400100009 
           Details of ionization chamber.                         4169400100010 
           (N,,B.G.Basova+,P,NIIAR-127,1971)                      4169400100011 
           Algorithm of determination of fragment mass, velocity, 4169400100012 
           combined kinetic energy.                               4169400100013 
           (M,,B.G.Basova+,P,NIIAR-269,1976)                      4169400100014 
           (M,,B.G.Basova+,P,NIIAR-262,1975)                      4169400100015 
             D.K.Ryazanov+,P,NIIAR-P-21(287),1976 -               4169400100016 
            details of analysis.                                  4169400100017 
           (N,40479001,Yu.S.Zamyatnin+,J,SNP,27,31,1978)          4169400100018 
            Eng.trans.of J,YF,27,(1),60,1978.                     4169400100019 
            In this experiment for Pu-239 and Cf-252 the number of4169400100020 
            events was more than 1.E+7, ionization chamber working4169400100021 
            gas Ar + 3.% of N2.                                   4169400100022 
METHOD     (COINC) Coincidence of neutrons and fission fragments  4169400100023 
           (TOF) For separation of neutrons from prompt gammas.   4169400100024 
             Flight path 40. cm.                                  4169400100025 
            Mass resolution - 4 a.m.u.,                           4169400100026 
            kinetic energy resolution - 2.5 MeV.                  4169400100027 
            Collimating of FF by mechanical collimator ( two      4169400100028 
           diaphragms of aperture diameter 8 mm, located coaxially4169400100029 
           of sample at 5.6 mm distance).                         4169400100030 
           Two (two-dimensional 64x64 channel) sets were obtained-4169400100031 
           fragment-fragment double coincidences Nf(El,Eh),       4169400100032 
           fragment-fragment-neutron triple coincidences Nn(El,Eh)4169400100033 
           Number of counts at detector location                  4169400100034 
                                    0 deg      90 deg             4169400100035 
             Cf-252 spont.fiss.                                   4169400100036 
           Nf                       7841976    11228084           4169400100037 
           Nn                        283441       98238           4169400100038 
             Pu-239 therm.neutr.fis.                              4169400100039 
           Nf                       1253081     486334            4169400100040 
           Nn                         28778       2484            4169400100041 
DETECTOR   (COIN,IOCH,SCIN) Double ionization chamber, filled with4169400100042 
            96% Ar + 4.% of N2 to measure FF kinetic energy.      4169400100043 
            Plastic scintillator of 175 mm diameter, 70 mm        4169400100044 
            thickness for neutron registration by TOF; located at 4169400100045 
            angles 0 and 90 degrees to the fragment emission      4169400100046 
            direction; covered with Pb of 10 mm thickness.        4169400100047 
            Neutron registration energy range is 0.4 - 10 MeV.    4169400100048 
            Time resolution 4 nsec.                               4169400100049 
CORRECTION  For detectors angular resolution, dependence of       4169400100050 
           neutron detector efficiency from neutron energy,       4169400100051 
           dependence of neutron spectrum average energy from     4169400100052 
           fragment mass.                                         4169400100053 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Error due to detectors angular resolution - 2% 4169400100054 
           (ERR-2,4.,12.) Detection efficiency                    4169400100055 
           for Cf - 4% for 0deg, 5% for 90 deg, up to 8% for      4169400100056 
           Nn-evap for 90 deg calculated from the data measured   4169400100057 
           at 0 deg;                                              4169400100058 
           for Pu - up to ~ 12 %.                                 4169400100059 
           (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4169400100060 
           article.                                               4169400100061 
HISTORY    (20200909C)M.M.                                        4169400100062 
           (20210319U) COREL was added in STATUS of Subent 002.   4169400100063 
ENDBIB              61          0                                 4169400100064 
COMMON               1          3                                 4169400100065 
ERR-1                                                             4169400100066 
PER-CENT                                                          4169400100067 
 2.                                                               4169400100068 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4169400100069 
ENDSUBENT           68          0                                 4169400199999 
SUBENT        41694002   20210319                             41954169400200001 
BIB                  5         15                                 4169400200002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F)MASS,PR/FRG,NU)                         4169400200003 
SAMPLE      Cf-252 was deposited on Al(2)O(3) (60 mug/cm2) by     4169400200004 
           vacuum evaporation, covered with Au (30 mug/cm2).      4169400200005 
           Sample activity 500 fis./sec .                         4169400200006 
REL-REF    (A,14065001,H.R.Bowman+,J,PR,129,2133,1963)            4169400200007 
           (A,14065001,H.R.Bowman+,J,PR,126,2120,1962)            4169400200008 
           (A,,J.Terrell,J,PR,113,527,1959)                       4169400200009 
           (A,,J.Terrell,J,PR,127,880,1962)                       4169400200010 
           (A,,J.S.Fraser+,J,ARN,16,430,1966)                     4169400200011 
ERR-ANALYS   Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     4169400200012 
            scale X - 0.083 a.m.u., scale Y - 0.0044 prt/fis.     4169400200013 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.29,p.305,1979        4169400200014 
           (COREL,40420002) Measurement by different sample -     4169400200015 
            backing Al(2)O(3) (thickness 30 mug/cm**2)            4169400200016 
            covered by gold film (thickness 10 mug/cm**2)         4169400200017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 4169400200018 
COMMON               2          3                                 4169400200019 
MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG                                                4169400200020 
NO-DIM     PRT/FIS                                                4169400200021 
0.069       0.0038                                                4169400200022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4169400200023 
DATA                 3         60                                 4169400200024 
MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4169400200025 
NO-DIM     PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     4169400200026 
     80.230     0.6030     0.1406                                 4169400200027 
     81.217     0.8053     0.1230                                 4169400200028 
     82.880     0.8583     0.1230                                 4169400200029 
     84.206     0.9727     0.1318                                 4169400200030 
     85.698     1.1136     0.0791                                 4169400200031 
     87.030     1.1226     0.0967                                 4169400200032 
     88.861     1.1668     0.1142                                 4169400200033 
     90.194     1.1671     0.1054                                 4169400200034 
     91.688     1.2640     0.0703                                 4169400200035 
     93.355     1.2643     0.0615                                 4169400200036 
     94.688     1.2733     0.0527                                 4169400200037 
     96.184     1.3263     0.0527                                 4169400200038 
     97.851     1.3266     0.0615                                 4169400200039 
     99.350     1.3356     0.0439                                 4169400200040 
    100.680     1.3886     0.0440                                 4169400200041 
    102.180     1.4240     0.0439                                 4169400200042 
    103.840     1.4770     0.0527                                 4169400200043 
    105.330     1.6442     0.0352                                 4169400200044 
    106.650     1.8465     0.0439                                 4169400200045 
    108.310     2.0313     0.0528                                 4169400200046 
    109.800     2.1897     0.0352                                 4169400200047 
    111.290     2.3306     0.0528                                 4169400200048 
    112.950     2.4363     0.0527                                 4169400200049 
    114.430     2.6474     0.0439                                 4169400200050 
    115.760     2.7443     0.0615                                 4169400200051 
    117.420     2.9467     0.0527                                 4169400200052 
    118.740     3.0436     0.0703                                 4169400200053 
    120.220     3.3514     0.0791                                 4169400200054 
    121.540     3.6152     0.1142                                 4169400200055 
    123.040     3.7033     0.1055                                 4169400200056 
    124.880     3.5982     0.1318                                 4169400200057 
    126.150     1.9465     0.1318                                 4169400200058 
    127.660     1.6393     0.0967                                 4169400200059 
    129.030     1.1563     0.0703                                 4169400200060 
    130.380     0.8226     0.0527                                 4169400200061 
    131.880     0.8404     0.0527                                 4169400200062 
    133.380     0.8758     0.0528                                 4169400200063 
    136.190     1.1839     0.0439                                 4169400200064 
    137.690     1.2808     0.0439                                 4169400200065 
    139.510     1.3865     0.0527                                 4169400200066 
    140.840     1.4395     0.0615                                 4169400200067 
    142.510     1.4925     0.0527                                 4169400200068 
    143.840     1.5367     0.0527                                 4169400200069 
    145.490     1.6951     0.0527                                 4169400200070 
    146.990     1.8008     0.0615                                 4169400200071 
    148.480     1.9856     0.0615                                 4169400200072 
    149.970     2.1352     0.0527                                 4169400200073 
    151.460     2.2848     0.0703                                 4169400200074 
    152.940     2.4960     0.0967                                 4169400200075 
    154.600     2.6983     0.0879                                 4169400200076 
    155.920     2.8567     0.1143                                 4169400200077 
    157.750     3.0064     0.1054                                 4169400200078 
    159.080     2.9627     0.1318                                 4169400200079 
    160.580     3.0069     0.1669                                 4169400200080 
    162.070     3.1829     0.2109                                 4169400200081 
    163.700     3.7280     0.1933                                 4169400200082 
    165.210     3.5173     0.3075                                 4169400200083 
    166.720     3.3770     0.4393                                 4169400200084 
    168.360     3.8430     0.6151                                 4169400200085 
    170.030     3.7203     0.9577                                 4169400200086 
ENDDATA             62          0                                 4169400200087 
ENDSUBENT           86          0                                 4169400299999 
SUBENT        41694003   20200909                             41894169400300001 
BIB                  6         10                                 4169400300002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,PR/FRG,NU,,SPA)                    4169400300003 
INC-SPECT         Thermal neutrons .                              4169400300004 
SAMPLE     Pu-239 was deposited electrically on a Au-covered      4169400300005 
           organic film                                           4169400300006 
REL-REF    (A,,B.G.Basova+,C,75KIEV,5,160,1975)                   4169400300007 
           (A,,H.Nifenecker+,C,73ROCH,2,117,1973)                 4169400300008 
            paper SM-174/207                                      4169400300009 
ERR-ANALYS   Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     4169400300010 
            scale X - 0.077 a.m.u., scale Y - 0.0032 prt/fis.     4169400300011 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.29,p.305,1979        4169400300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4169400300013 
COMMON               3          3                                 4169400300014 
EN-DUMMY   MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG                                     4169400300015 
EV         NO-DIM     PRT/FIS                                     4169400300016 
   2.53E-02 0.055      0.0032                                     4169400300017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4169400300018 
DATA                 3         62                                 4169400300019 
MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4169400300020 
NO-DIM     PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     4169400300021 
     73.794     0.5604     0.3373                                 4169400300022 
     75.342     0.7003     0.2737                                 4169400300023 
     76.891     0.9357     0.2037                                 4169400300024 
     77.968     0.7257     0.1273                                 4169400300025 
     79.665     0.6492     0.0955                                 4169400300026 
     81.063     1.0119     0.1273                                 4169400300027 
     82.759     0.8909     0.1018                                 4169400300028 
     84.151     1.0118     0.0636                                 4169400300029 
     85.695     0.9799     0.0573                                 4169400300030 
     87.242     1.0880     0.0636                                 4169400300031 
     88.635     1.2089     0.0700                                 4169400300032 
     90.179     1.2025     0.0509                                 4169400300033 
     91.881     1.3361     0.0446                                 4169400300034 
     93.115     1.2978     0.0382                                 4169400300035 
     94.661     1.3678     0.0382                                 4169400300036 
     96.362     1.4441     0.0382                                 4169400300037 
     97.906     1.4567     0.0446                                 4169400300038 
     99.142     1.4631     0.0446                                 4169400300039 
    100.840     1.4566                                            4169400300040 
    102.230     1.5457                                            4169400300041 
    103.780     1.5138     0.0318                                 4169400300042 
    105.320     1.6156     0.0318                                 4169400300043 
    106.560     1.8128     0.0255                                 4169400300044 
    107.960     1.9591     0.0318                                 4169400300045 
    109.360     2.3664     0.0509                                 4169400300046 
    110.750     2.6145     0.0636                                 4169400300047 
    112.300     2.8245     0.1273                                 4169400300048 
    113.700     3.2190     0.2100                                 4169400300049 
    115.390     2.8116     0.3055                                 4169400300050 
    116.620     2.4488     0.2991                                 4169400300051 
    118.460     2.2578     0.2800                                 4169400300052 
    119.710     2.4933     0.4137                                 4169400300053 
    121.240     1.8950     0.3373                                 4169400300054 
    122.930     1.8949     0.3309                                 4169400300055 
    124.320     1.6976     0.2991                                 4169400300056 
    126.000     0.7047     0.1209                                 4169400300057 
    127.540     0.5774     0.0955                                 4169400300058 
    129.230     0.3736     0.0636                                 4169400300059 
    130.310     0.4245     0.0509                                 4169400300060 
    132.010     0.3799     0.0446                                 4169400300061 
    133.410     0.5389     0.0446                                 4169400300062 
    134.950     0.7489     0.0573                                 4169400300063 
    136.350     1.0607     0.0255                                 4169400300064 
    137.900     1.2197     0.0382                                 4169400300065 
    139.450     1.3469     0.0318                                 4169400300066 
    141.150     1.3787     0.0318                                 4169400300067 
    142.540     1.4996     0.0318                                 4169400300068 
    144.240     1.5695     0.0318                                 4169400300069 
    145.480     1.6967     0.0382                                 4169400300070 
    147.180     1.8940     0.0318                                 4169400300071 
    148.570     1.9321     0.0573                                 4169400300072 
    150.120     1.9766     0.0827                                 4169400300073 
    151.810     1.9001     0.0827                                 4169400300074 
    153.060     2.2947     0.1464                                 4169400300075 
    154.610     2.5555     0.1527                                 4169400300076 
    156.150     2.5809     0.1655                                 4169400300077 
    157.710     2.8673     0.2673                                 4169400300078 
    159.090     2.7845     0.3437                                 4169400300079 
    160.940     2.4726     0.3437                                 4169400300080 
    162.030     2.7844     0.4773                                 4169400300081 
    163.880     2.8925     0.5473                                 4169400300082 
    165.430     3.2043     0.5919                                 4169400300083 
ENDDATA             64          0                                 4169400300084 
ENDSUBENT           83          0                                 4169400399999 
SUBENT        41694004   20200909                             41894169400400001 
BIB                  6          9                                 4169400400002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,PR,NU,,SPA)                        4169400400003 
INC-SPECT         Thermal neutrons .                              4169400400004 
SAMPLE     Pu-239 was deposited electrically on a Au-covered      4169400400005 
           organic film                                           4169400400006 
REL-REF    (A,,H.Nifenecker+,C,73ROCH,2,117,1973)                 4169400400007 
            paper SM-174/207                                      4169400400008 
ERR-ANALYS   Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     4169400400009 
            scale X - 0.077 a.m.u., scale Y - 0.021 prt/fis.      4169400400010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.29,p.305,1979        4169400400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 4169400400012 
COMMON               3          3                                 4169400400013 
EN-DUMMY   MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG                                     4169400400014 
EV         NO-DIM     PRT/FIS                                     4169400400015 
   2.53E-02 0.063      0.017                                      4169400400016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4169400400017 
DATA                 3         30                                 4169400400018 
MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4169400400019 
NO-DIM     PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     4169400400020 
     118.86      4.585      0.497                                 4169400400021 
     120.56      4.295      0.539                                 4169400400022 
     122.26      4.751      0.331                                 4169400400023 
     123.49      5.538      0.290                                 4169400400024 
     125.50      4.709      0.290                                 4169400400025 
     126.74      4.295                                            4169400400026 
     128.13      3.715                                            4169400400027 
     129.36      2.970                                            4169400400028 
     130.91      2.514                                            4169400400029 
     132.30      2.224                                            4169400400030 
     135.54      2.390                                            4169400400031 
     137.08      2.639                                            4169400400032 
     138.63      2.763                                            4169400400033 
     140.33      2.846                                            4169400400034 
     141.72      3.012                                            4169400400035 
     143.42      3.012                                            4169400400036 
     144.96      3.053                                            4169400400037 
     146.19      3.302                                            4169400400038 
     147.58      3.302                                            4169400400039 
     149.44      3.178                                            4169400400040 
     151.14      3.054                                            4169400400041 
     152.53      3.592                                            4169400400042 
     153.92      3.758                                            4169400400043 
     155.46      3.841                                            4169400400044 
     156.85      4.090      0.456                                 4169400400045 
     158.55      3.344                                            4169400400046 
     160.40      3.303      0.539                                 4169400400047 
     161.64      4.090                                            4169400400048 
     163.18      4.421                                            4169400400049 
     164.73      4.256      0.994                                 4169400400050 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 4169400400051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 4169400499999 
SUBENT        41694005   20200909                             41894169400500001 
BIB                  6         27                                 4169400500002 
REACTION  1(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/TKE,,MSC,DERIV)                  4169400500003 
           Fig.5b - NUevap - neutrons from completely accelerated 4169400500004 
           fragments ( part of total prompt neutrons)             4169400500005 
          2(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/TKE,,MSC,DERIV)                  4169400500006 
            Fig.5c - scission neutrons.                           4169400500007 
           . Dependence from kinetic energy of fission fragments. 4169400500008 
SAMPLE      Cf-252 was deposited on Al(2)O(3) (60 mug/cm2) by     4169400500009 
           vacuum evaporation, covered with Au (30 mug/cm2).      4169400500010 
           Sample activity 500 fis./sec .                         4169400500011 
ANALYSIS    It was assumed :                                      4169400500012 
           - at 0 deg - neutrons evaporated from fully accelerated4169400500013 
           fragments (evaporated neutrons), corresponding to      4169400500014 
           time > 5.E-21 sec; contribution of scission neutrons   4169400500015 
           is small.                                              4169400500016 
           - at 90 deg - there are evaporated neutrons and        4169400500017 
           neutrons emitted before complete acceleration of       4169400500018 
           fragments.                                             4169400500019 
           - spectrum of scission neutrons is Maxwellian with     4169400500020 
           average energy 2.5 MeV, angular distribution is        4169400500021 
           isotropic.                                             4169400500022 
          2 See formula (4) for derived yield of scission neutrons4169400500023 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Fig5a - ratio at 90 deg Nexperimental/Nevapor.  4169400500024 
ERR-ANALYS   Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     4169400500025 
           Fig.1b: scale X - 0.083 MeV, scale Y - 0.017 prt/fis;  4169400500026 
           Fig.1c: scale X - 0.083 MeV, scale Y - 0.0034 prt/fis; 4169400500027 
           (ERR-S) Statistical error                              4169400500028 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.29,p.305,1979        4169400500029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 4169400500030 
COMMON               3          3                                 4169400500031 
E-ERR-DIG 1ERR-DIG   1ERR-DIG   2                                 4169400500032 
MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     4169400500033 
0.068       0.0093     0.0026                                     4169400500034 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4169400500035 
DATA                 6         26                                 4169400500036 
TKE        DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2ERR-S      MISC       4169400500037 
MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS    NO-DIM     4169400500038 
 155.01       5.7131     0.2985      0.3228   0.2115              4169400500039 
 157.40       5.7076                 0.2671   0.2113     1.0796   4169400500040 
 159.95       5.5693                 0.0544   0.1229     1.0153   4169400500041 
 162.41       5.5306                -0.0899   0.0955     0.9677   4169400500042 
 165.16       5.4248                -0.0708   0.0682     0.9671   4169400500043 
 167.65       5.3529                 0.0372   0.0613     1.0069   4169400500044 
 170.06       5.1482                 0.0155   0.0682     0.9997   4169400500045 
 172.50       4.9767                 0.1712   0.0477     1.0429   4169400500046 
 175.09       4.7716                 0.2313   0.0409     1.0491   4169400500047 
 177.51       4.5004                 0.2574   0.0409     1.0721   4169400500048 
 180.21       4.1621                 0.3175   0.0409     1.1287   4169400500049 
 182.42       3.9585                 0.3435   0.0477     1.1551   4169400500050 
 185.01       3.6534                 0.3833   0.0477     1.1949   4169400500051 
 187.44       3.5819                 0.4639   0.0477     1.2179   4169400500052 
 189.97       3.4104                 0.4558   0.0546     1.2409   4169400500053 
 192.45       3.2056                 0.4955   0.0409     1.2505   4169400500054 
 194.87       3.0016                 0.4943   0.0545     1.2768   4169400500055 
 197.45       2.7958                 0.5340   0.0818     1.2931   4169400500056 
 199.76       2.6582                 0.5397   0.0886     1.2893   4169400500057 
 202.46       2.4860                 0.5930   0.0954     1.3324   4169400500058 
 204.84       2.2820                 0.6735   0.1569     1.3655   4169400500059 
 207.20       2.1101                 0.6383   0.2113     1.3819   4169400500060 
 209.82       2.0050     0.3650      0.5757   0.2454     1.2738   4169400500061 
 212.41       1.9656     0.5314      0.4858   0.2659     1.3943   4169400500062 
 214.81                              0.6687   0.2455     1.3467   4169400500063 
 217.28                              0.5585   0.2726     1.4167   4169400500064 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 4169400500065 
ENDSUBENT           64          0                                 4169400599999 
SUBENT        41694006   20200909                             41894169400600001 
BIB                  7         27                                 4169400600002 
REACTION  1(94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU/TKE,,SPA/MSC,DERIV)              4169400600003 
           Fig.7b - NUevap - neutrons from completely accelerated 4169400600004 
           fragments ( part of total prompt neutrons)             4169400600005 
          2(94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU/TKE,,SPA/MSC,DERIV)              4169400600006 
            Fig.7c - scission neutrons.                           4169400600007 
           . Dependence from kinetic energy of fission fragments. 4169400600008 
INC-SPECT         Thermal neutrons .                              4169400600009 
SAMPLE     Pu-239 was deposited electrically on a Au-covered      4169400600010 
           organic film                                           4169400600011 
ANALYSIS    It was assumed :                                      4169400600012 
           - at 0 deg - neutrons evaporated from fully accelerated4169400600013 
           fragments (evaporated neutrons), corresponding to      4169400600014 
           time > 5.E-21 sec; contribution of scission neutrons   4169400600015 
           is small.                                              4169400600016 
           - at 90 deg - there are evaporated neutrons and        4169400600017 
           neutrons emitted before complete acceleration of       4169400600018 
           fragments.                                             4169400600019 
           - spectrum of scission neutrons is Maxwellian with     4169400600020 
           average energy 2.5 MeV, angular distribution is        4169400600021 
           isotropic.                                             4169400600022 
          2 See formula (4) for derived yield of scission neutrons4169400600023 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Fig.7a - ratio at 90 deg Nexperimental/Nevapor. 4169400600024 
ERR-ANALYS   Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     4169400600025 
           Fig.1b: scale X - 0.069 MeV, scale Y - 0.014 prt/fis;  4169400600026 
           Fig.1c: scale X - 0.069 MeV, scale Y - 0.003  prt/fis; 4169400600027 
           (ERR-S) Statistical error                              4169400600028 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.7 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.29,p.305,1979        4169400600029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 4169400600030 
COMMON               4          3                                 4169400600031 
EN-DUMMY   E-ERR-DIG 1ERR-DIG   1ERR-DIG   2                      4169400600032 
EV         MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                          4169400600033 
   2.53E-02  0.056     0.011      0.023                           4169400600034 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4169400600035 
DATA                 6         23                                 4169400600036 
TKE        DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2ERR-S      MISC       4169400600037 
MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS    NO-DIM     4169400600038 
 147.84      5.457      0.369                                     4169400600039 
 150.45      5.231      0.255                                     4169400600040 
 152.93      4.834                                                4169400600041 
 155.40      4.863                                                4169400600042 
 158.01      4.580                                                4169400600043 
 160.48      4.297                                                4169400600044 
 162.96      4.071                                                4169400600045 
 165.33      3.760                 0.192      0.102       1.0971  4169400600046 
 167.90      3.477                 0.095      0.057       1.0517  4169400600047 
 170.24      3.251                 0.152      0.057       1.0601  4169400600048 
 172.67      2.911                 0.379      0.096       1.1366  4169400600049 
 175.23      2.855                 0.487      0.102       1.1932  4169400600050 
 177.66      2.628                 0.590      0.085       1.2527  4169400600051 
 180.14      2.431                 0.397      0.085       1.1675  4169400600052 
 182.52      2.119                 0.647      0.182       1.2837  4169400600053 
 185.09      1.865                 0.647      0.193       1.2921  4169400600054 
 187.70      1.639                 0.517      0.119       1.2608  4169400600055 
 190.45      1.497                                                4169400600056 
 192.92      1.328                                                4169400600057 
 195.39      0.960                                                4169400600058 
 198.00      1.046                                                4169400600059 
 200.34      0.677      0.255                                     4169400600060 
 202.95      0.366      0.312                                     4169400600061 
ENDDATA             25          0                                 4169400600062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 4169400699999 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 4169499999999