ENTRY 41711 20201112 41914171100000001 SUBENT 41711001 20201028 41914171100100001 BIB 13 35 4171100100002 TITLE Variation of fragment yield ratios of delayed neutron4171100100003 precursors in fission of Pu239 and U233 by 18-21 MeV 4171100100004 neutrons 4171100100005 AUTHOR (B.P.Maksyutenko,R.Ramazanov,M.S.Tarasko) 4171100100006 M.S.Tarasko = M.Z.Tarasko 4171100100007 REFERENCE (J,YF,13,293,1971) Issue 2. 4171100100008 (J,SNP,13,163,1971) 4171100100009 (R,INDC(CCP)-015,29,1971) Engl.translation of : 4171100100010 (R,YFI-10,28,1971) The same data table as in Yad.Fiz. 4171100100011 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4171100100012 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) 4171100100013 INC-SOURCE (D-T) ~1.6 mg/cm2 (~200 keV) thickness of Ti-T target 4171100100014 INC-SPECT No information in the article. 4171100100015 SAMPLE No information in the article. 4171100100016 DETECTOR (BF3) 10 proportional BF3 counters covered by 4171100100017 polyethylene. Used for neutrons registration. 4171100100018 METHOD After 5 min irradiation, the sample was moved 4171100100019 in a counting block placed at 2.5 m distance. 4171100100020 Each cycle - 10-12 runs. 4171100100021 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Decay curves were fitted by 11 groups : 4171100100022 Half-life, sec Precursor of delayed neutrons 4171100100023 55.65 Br-87 4171100100024 24.40 I-137 (Cs-137) 4171100100025 15.85 Br-88 4171100100026 11.30 Sb-134 4171100100027 6.05 I-138, Rb-93 4171100100028 4.45 Br-89 (Rb-92) 4171100100029 2.67 Rb-94 4171100100030 2.02 As-85, I-139 (Cs-142, Kr-92) 4171100100031 1.70 Cs-143 (Xe-141) 4171100100032 1.60 Br-90, Sb-135 4171100100033 1.30 Kr-93, Xe-142 4171100100034 REL-REF (M,,M.Z.Tarasko,R,FEI-156,1969) 4171100100035 Method of decay curve analysis. 4171100100036 HISTORY (20201112C) M.M. 4171100100037 ENDBIB 35 0 4171100100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 4171100100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4171100199999 SUBENT 41711002 20201112 41914171100200001 BIB 4 6 4171100200002 REACTION ((94-PU-239(N,F),DL/GRP,NU)// 4171100200003 (94-PU-239(N,F),DL/GRP,NU)) 4171100200004 FLAG (1.) This value 50.46 looks like too high - 4171100200005 comment of compiler. 4171100200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4171100200007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Yad.Fiz.,v.13,is.2,p.293,1971 4171100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4171100200009 COMMON 1 3 4171100200010 HL-DN 4171100200011 SEC 4171100200012 55.65 4171100200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4171100200014 DATA 6 90 4171100200015 EN HL-NM DATA ERR-S DATA-APRX FLAG 4171100200016 MEV SEC NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4171100200017 18.0 24.40 2.89 0.10 4171100200018 18.0 15.85 1.88 0.15 4171100200019 18.0 11.30 1.85 0.18 4171100200020 18.0 6.05 0.95 0.47 4171100200021 18.0 4.45 3.63 0.30 4171100200022 18.0 2.67 4.19 0.17 4171100200023 18.0 2.02 3.04 0.76 4171100200024 18.0 1.70 2.44 1.01 4171100200025 18.0 1.60 2.26 1.23 4171100200026 18.0 1.30 2. 4171100200027 18.2 24.40 5.101 0.051 4171100200028 18.2 15.85 4.219 0.069 4171100200029 18.2 11.30 1.79 0.12 4171100200030 18.2 6.05 3.22 0.18 4171100200031 18.2 4.45 0.6 4171100200032 18.2 2.67 0.2 4171100200033 18.2 2.02 0.6 4171100200034 18.2 1.70 2.36 0.69 4171100200035 18.2 1.60 4.34 0.61 4171100200036 18.2 1.30 50.46 0.26 1. 4171100200037 18.5 24.40 1.669 0.082 4171100200038 18.5 15.85 3.141 0.061 4171100200039 18.5 11.30 4.E-02 4171100200040 18.5 6.05 0.1 4171100200041 18.5 4.45 2.18 0.20 4171100200042 18.5 2.67 7.27 0.19 4171100200043 18.5 2.02 0.4 4171100200044 18.5 1.70 3.E-02 4171100200045 18.5 1.60 1.E-02 4171100200046 18.5 1.30 1.E-04 4171100200047 18.8 24.40 3.241 0.024 4171100200048 18.8 15.85 1.402 0.046 4171100200049 18.8 11.30 1.039 0.064 4171100200050 18.8 6.05 1.17 0.11 4171100200051 18.8 4.45 1.55 0.12 4171100200052 18.8 2.67 4.98 0.11 4171100200053 18.8 2.02 5.61 0.15 4171100200054 18.8 1.70 3.77 0.21 4171100200055 18.8 1.60 3.03 0.29 4171100200056 18.8 1.30 1.17 0.63 4171100200057 19.0 24.40 5.892 0.038 4171100200058 19.0 15.85 0.519 0.010 4171100200059 19.0 11.30 1.18 0.12 4171100200060 19.0 6.05 2.61 0.15 4171100200061 19.0 4.45 1.93 0.22 4171100200062 19.0 2.67 4.29 0.25 4171100200063 19.0 2.02 6.56 0.28 4171100200064 19.0 1.70 5.65 0.38 4171100200065 19.0 1.60 4.95 0.46 4171100200066 19.0 1.30 2.42 0.96 4171100200067 19.5 24.40 5.153 0.027 4171100200068 19.5 15.85 1.349 0.064 4171100200069 19.5 11.30 0.71 0.11 4171100200070 19.5 6.05 1.39 0.14 4171100200071 19.5 4.45 2.14 0.15 4171100200072 19.5 2.67 4.54 0.17 4171100200073 19.5 2.02 4.33 0.24 4171100200074 19.5 1.70 2.93 0.33 4171100200075 19.5 1.60 2.35 0.46 4171100200076 19.5 1.30 0.9 4171100200077 20.0 24.40 6.444 0.026 4171100200078 20.0 15.85 0.518 0.036 4171100200079 20.0 11.30 0.552 0.042 4171100200080 20.0 6.05 3.18 0.11 4171100200081 20.0 4.45 3.77 0.13 4171100200082 20.0 2.67 2.13 0.27 4171100200083 20.0 2.02 2.15 0.37 4171100200084 20.0 1.70 2.58 0.40 4171100200085 20.0 1.60 2.81 0.46 4171100200086 20.0 1.30 3.77 0.57 4171100200087 20.5 24.40 4.733 0.039 4171100200088 20.5 15.85 1.666 0.085 4171100200089 20.5 11.30 0.91 0.13 4171100200090 20.5 6.05 0.97 0.24 4171100200091 20.5 4.45 1.19 0.26 4171100200092 20.5 2.67 2.91 0.29 4171100200093 20.5 2.02 5.71 0.30 4171100200094 20.5 1.70 6.14 0.33 4171100200095 20.5 1.60 5.65 0.41 4171100200096 20.5 1.30 2.54 0.85 4171100200097 21.0 24.40 5.805 0.031 4171100200098 21.0 15.85 1.086 0.089 4171100200099 21.0 11.30 0.69 0.13 4171100200100 21.0 6.05 1.05 0.20 4171100200101 21.0 4.45 2.19 0.17 4171100200102 21.0 2.67 6.60 0.17 4171100200103 21.0 2.02 3.58 0.33 4171100200104 21.0 1.70 1.03 0.71 4171100200105 21.0 1.60 0.6 4171100200106 21.0 1.30 0.04 4171100200107 ENDDATA 92 0 4171100200108 ENDSUBENT 107 0 4171100299999 SUBENT 41711003 20201112 41914171100300001 BIB 3 4 4171100300002 REACTION ((92-U-233(N,F),DL/GRP,NU)// 4171100300003 (92-U-233(N,F),DL/GRP,NU)) 4171100300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4171100300005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Yad.Fiz.,v.13,is.2,p.293,1971 4171100300006 ENDBIB 4 0 4171100300007 COMMON 1 3 4171100300008 HL-DN 4171100300009 SEC 4171100300010 55.65 4171100300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4171100300012 DATA 5 90 4171100300013 EN HL-NM DATA ERR-S DATA-APRX 4171100300014 MEV SEC NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4171100300015 18.0 24.40 1.412 0.037 4171100300016 18.0 15.85 0.385 0.087 4171100300017 18.0 11.30 1.148 0.061 4171100300018 18.0 6.05 0.846 0.041 4171100300019 18.0 4.45 1.03 0.15 4171100300020 18.0 2.67 1.99 0.18 4171100300021 18.0 2.02 1.57 0.28 4171100300022 18.0 1.70 1.12 0.39 4171100300023 18.0 1.60 0.97 0.16 4171100300024 18.0 1.30 0.58 0.28 4171100300025 18.2 24.40 3.E-03 4171100300026 18.2 15.85 2.41 0.06 4171100300027 18.2 11.30 3.E-02 4171100300028 18.2 6.05 5.E-03 4171100300029 18.2 4.45 5.E-02 4171100300030 18.2 2.67 2.65 0.26 4171100300031 18.2 2.02 4.93 0.49 4171100300032 18.2 1.70 2.39 0.45 4171100300033 18.2 1.60 1.51 0.67 4171100300034 18.2 1.30 0.2 4171100300035 18.5 24.40 1.781 0.028 4171100300036 18.5 15.85 0.116 0.043 4171100300037 18.5 11.30 0.718 0.021 4171100300038 18.5 6.05 2.535 0.066 4171100300039 18.5 4.45 0.847 0.045 4171100300040 18.5 2.67 0.809 0.077 4171100300041 18.5 2.02 1.57 0.25 4171100300042 18.5 1.70 1.71 0.28 4171100300043 18.5 1.60 1.59 0.34 4171100300044 18.5 1.30 0.87 0.21 4171100300045 18.8 24.40 1.012 0.038 4171100300046 18.8 15.85 1.814 0.036 4171100300047 18.8 11.30 0.419 0.027 4171100300048 18.8 6.05 0.234 0.097 4171100300049 18.8 4.45 0.716 0.049 4171100300050 18.8 2.67 2.97 0.13 4171100300051 18.8 2.02 2.99 0.18 4171100300052 18.8 1.70 2.056 0.250 4171100300053 18.8 1.60 1.67 0.33 4171100300054 18.8 1.30 0.63 0.24 4171100300055 19.0 24.40 1.223 0.044 4171100300056 19.0 15.85 1.373 0.051 4171100300057 19.0 11.30 0.673 0.086 4171100300058 19.0 6.05 0.61 0.13 4171100300059 19.0 4.45 0.51 0.16 4171100300060 19.0 2.67 1.34 0.13 4171100300061 19.0 2.02 3.055 0.096 4171100300062 19.0 1.70 2.86 0.11 4171100300063 19.0 1.60 2.38 0.12 4171100300064 19.0 1.30 0.66 0.26 4171100300065 19.5 24.40 0.960 0.029 4171100300066 19.5 15.85 2.243 0.024 4171100300067 19.5 11.30 0.249 0.084 4171100300068 19.5 6.05 0.1 4171100300069 19.5 4.45 0.632 0.084 4171100300070 19.5 2.67 2.688 0.052 4171100300071 19.5 2.02 1.596 0.079 4171100300072 19.5 1.70 0.932 0.036 4171100300073 19.5 1.60 0.769 0.041 4171100300074 19.5 1.30 0.42 0.19 4171100300075 20.0 24.40 2.286 0.024 4171100300076 20.0 15.85 0.323 0.017 4171100300077 20.0 11.30 1.092 0.034 4171100300078 20.0 6.05 1.357 0.057 4171100300079 20.0 4.45 0.746 0.031 4171100300080 20.0 2.67 1.58 0.11 4171100300081 20.0 2.02 2.99 0.12 4171100300082 20.0 1.70 2.80 0.13 4171100300083 20.0 1.60 2.44 0.18 4171100300084 20.0 1.30 0.99 0.12 4171100300085 20.5 24.40 2.013 0.015 4171100300086 20.5 15.85 0.884 0.028 4171100300087 20.5 11.30 0.781 0.035 4171100300088 20.5 6.05 0.776 0.066 4171100300089 20.5 4.45 1.115 0.069 4171100300090 20.5 2.67 1.611 0.097 4171100300091 20.5 2.02 1.32 0.15 4171100300092 20.5 1.70 1.10 0.19 4171100300093 20.5 1.60 1.02 0.24 4171100300094 20.5 1.30 0.87 0.36 4171100300095 21.0 24.40 2.052 0.015 4171100300096 21.0 15.85 0.791 0.029 4171100300097 21.0 11.30 0.781 0.035 4171100300098 21.0 6.05 0.781 0.066 4171100300099 21.0 4.45 0.927 0.075 4171100300100 21.0 2.67 2.229 0.083 4171100300101 21.0 2.02 2.69 0.01 4171100300102 21.0 1.70 2.24 0.14 4171100300103 21.0 1.60 1.99 0.17 4171100300104 21.0 1.30 1.13 0.31 4171100300105 ENDDATA 92 0 4171100300106 ENDSUBENT 105 0 4171100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4171199999999