ENTRY 41733 20210208 41924173300000001 SUBENT 41733001 20210118 41924173300100001 BIB 15 67 4173300100002 TITLE Investigation of the (n, gamma f) process on a 235U 4173300100003 nucleus 4173300100004 AUTHOR (Z.Dlouhy, A.Duka-Zolyomi, J.Kristiak, Ts.Panteleev) 4173300100005 REFERENCE (J,CZJ/B,30,1101,1980) 4173300100006 (J,CZJ/B,26,1334,1976) Preliminary publication 4173300100007 (R,JINR-P3-9613,1976) Preliminary publication, 4173300100008 the same figures as in CZJ/B,26,1334,1976 . 4173300100009 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 4173300100010 FACILITY (LINAC,4ZZZDUB) 4173300100011 (REAC,4ZZZDUB) 4173300100012 Pulsed reactor IBR-30 operating in booster mode with 4173300100013 LINAC. Reactor power ~6 kW, repetition rate 100 Hz, 4173300100014 neutron pulse ~4 microsec. 4173300100015 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 4173300100016 INC-SPECT Neutron flux ~10**3 n/(cm2*sec) 4173300100017 SAMPLE 2 mg/cm2 thickness layer, total 2 g uranium, enriched 4173300100018 by U-235 to 90%. Placed in fission 4173300100019 (92-U-235,ENR=0.90) 4173300100020 DETECTOR (FISCH) Multilayer fission chamber for fission 4173300100021 fragments detection. 4173300100022 Pure methane at 2.5 atm as working gas. 4173300100023 Detection efficiency ~50%. 4173300100024 .The energy calibration - by gamma-lines from uranium 4173300100025 natural activity of U layers placed in the fission 4173300100026 chambers. 4173300100027 (GELI) Ge(li) detector of 5 cm3 volume or 4173300100028 coaxial detector of 7 cm3; 4173300100029 energy resolution at 185 keV - 1.3 keV and 2.6 keV, 4173300100030 respectively. 4173300100031 Placed outside the neutron beam at a distance of 2.5 cm4173300100032 from the active volume of the fission chamber. 4173300100033 For gamma-rays detection. 4173300100034 The absolute efficiency of Ge(li) detector - from 4173300100035 measurement of total activity of U-235 in the fission 4173300100036 chamber by using absolute intensity of 4173300100037 gamma-transitions per 100 alpha-decays of U-235 from 4173300100038 rel.ref. of Vano+. 4173300100039 REL-REF (R,,E.Vano+,J,NP/A,251,225,1975) 4173300100040 METHOD (COINC,TOF) Fast-slow coincidence. 4173300100041 Time window ~40 nsec. 4173300100042 Exp. time resolution of prompt coincidence 12 nsec. 4173300100043 TOF - for resonance neutrons. 4173300100044 Detection system was installed on the 57 m flight 4173300100045 path. 4173300100046 512 - time and 1024 - pulse height channels. 4173300100047 Two runs - ~100 hr and 163 hr. 4173300100048 CORRECTION For backgrounds. 4173300100049 ADD-RES In Abstract of 4173300100050 Czech.J.of Physics,Part B,v.30,p.1101,1980 : 4173300100051 - Mean width of gamma+fission reaction resonances was 4173300100052 determined to be (2.1 +1.5 -1.7) meV. 4173300100053 - Mean energy of pre-fission gamma-rays - 4173300100054 (750. +400. -130.) keV for 1-21 eV energy range. 4173300100055 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4173300100056 On fig.2 of each of 3 articles ( see REFERENCE) 4173300100057 values of resonance energies Eres are given. 4173300100058 It's not mentioned in the articles, 4173300100059 - these Eres were determined by authors in this 4173300100060 experiment or 4173300100061 - obtained from other experimental or evaluated data. 4173300100062 Resonance energies (eV) given on Fig.2 of 4173300100063 Czech.J.of Physics,Part B,v.30,p.1101,1980: 4173300100064 29.65, 27.84, 26.49, 25.59, 24.32, 23.40, 22.94, 21.07,4173300100065 19.30, 18.05, 16.68, 16.08, 15.40, 14.0, 12.85, 12.39, 4173300100066 11.66, 10.18, 9.28, 8.78, 7.08, 6.39, 4.84, 3.61, 3.14,4173300100067 2.03. 4173300100068 HISTORY (20210208C) M.M. 4173300100069 ENDBIB 67 0 4173300100070 NOCOMMON 0 0 4173300100071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 4173300199999 SUBENT 41733002 20210208 41924173300200001 BIB 4 8 4173300200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)0-G-0,,MLT,G,RES/MSC) 4173300200003 Ri - number of registered Kalpha1 gamma-quanta at 4173300200004 resonance per fission event. 4173300200005 MISC-COL (MISC) 1/(fission width) for resonance. 4173300200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4173300200007 article. 4173300200008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4 of 4173300200009 Czech.J.of Physics,Part B,v.30,p.1101,1980 4173300200010 ENDBIB 8 0 4173300200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4173300200012 DATA 4 15 4173300200013 EN-RES DATA DATA-ERR MISC 4173300200014 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 1/MILLI-EV 4173300200015 3.14 11.29 E-05 2.77 E-05 0.0095 4173300200016 3.61 7.12 E-05 1.51 E-05 0.0190 4173300200017 4.84 15.31 E-05 6.09 E-05 0.2556 4173300200018 6.39 9.79 E-05 1.22 E-05 0.0912 4173300200019 7.08 8.15 E-05 2.36 E-05 0.0368 4173300200020 8.78 8.00 E-05 1.03 E-05 0.0111 4173300200021 10.18 9.48 E-05 7.60 E-05 0.0167 4173300200022 11.66 13.49 E-05 4.58 E-05 0.1716 4173300200023 12.39 7.34 E-05 1.44 E-05 0.0436 4173300200024 15.40 11.51 E-05 4.47 E-05 0.0239 4173300200025 16.08 8.23 E-05 1.96 E-05 0.0492 4173300200026 16.68 11.95 E-05 3.95 E-05 0.0106 4173300200027 18.05 12.36 E-05 3.17 E-05 0.0121 4173300200028 19.30 8.78 E-05 0.96 E-05 0.0190 4173300200029 21.07 7.60 E-05 1.22 E-05 0.0409 4173300200030 ENDDATA 17 0 4173300200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4173300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4173399999999