ENTRY 41738 20231221 42164173800000001 SUBENT 41738001 20231221 42164173800100001 BIB 17 56 4173800100002 TITLE Prompt fission neutron investigation in 235U(nth,f) 4173800100003 and 252Cf(sf) reactions 4173800100004 AUTHOR (Sh.Zeynalov, P.Sedyshev, V.Shvetsov, O.Sidorova) 4173800100005 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/CS,211,04003,2019) 4173800100006 #doi:10.1051/epjconf/201921104003 4173800100007 (J,EPJ/CS,146,04022,2017) 4173800100008 #doi:10.1051/epjconf/201714604022 4173800100009 Preliminary data. 4173800100010 REL-REF (O,41739001,Sh.Zeynalov+,J,EPJ/CS,211,04003,2019) 4173800100011 Data for Cf-252 4173800100012 (M,23175001,C.Budtz-Jorgensen+,J,NP/A,490,307,1988) 4173800100013 Exp.method and data analysis procedure 4173800100014 (M,,O.Zeynalova+,S,AIP-1404,325,2011) 4173800100015 Pulse shape analysis. 4173800100016 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 4173800100017 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) IBR-2 reactor 4173800100018 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Bent mirror neutron guide. 4173800100019 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons 4173800100020 SAMPLE Enriched (99.99%) U vacuum evaporated on the polyamide 4173800100021 foil of 35 microgram/cm2. The homogeneous U layer 4173800100022 thickness was 48 microg/cm2. The target was of 4173800100023 circular shape with 70 mm diameter, gold plated 4173800100024 (~20 microgram/cm2). 4173800100025 The cathode of fission chamber serves as backing 4173800100026 for the fissile deposit. 4173800100027 DETECTOR (IOCH) Twin Frisch grid ionization chamber for the 4173800100028 fission fragment detection. Operated with P10 gas 4173800100029 mixture at constant flow (~35 ml/min) at pressure 4173800100030 of 1.05 bar. 4173800100031 (SCIN) NE213 equivalent neutron detector. 4173800100032 .A digital pulse processing (DPP) system, consisting of4173800100033 six synchronous waveform digitizers (12bit, 250MS/sec) 4173800100034 METHOD (TOF,COINC) The fission fragment kinetic energy, mass 4173800100035 and angular distribution has been investigated along 4173800100036 with prompt neutron time of flight and pulse shape 4173800100037 using a six channel synchronous waveform digitizer 4173800100038 with sampling frequency of 250 MHz and 12 bit 4173800100039 resolution.The signals were analyzed using digital 4173800100040 pulse processing algorithms, developed by authors. 4173800100041 About 10**6 neutron coincidences were registered. 4173800100042 PFN flight path - 0.65 m. 4173800100043 PART-DET (N,FF) 4173800100044 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,92-U-235(N,F),PRE,AKE,LF+HF) 4173800100045 (ASSUM2,92-U-235(N,F),PRE,AKE,LF) 4173800100046 Data used for FF kinetic energy calibration. 4173800100047 ANALYSIS Prompt fission neutrons were separated from gammas 4173800100048 using pulse shape analysis. 4173800100049 CORRECTION For energy losses, for pulse height defect. 4173800100050 For backgrounds. 4173800100051 COMMENT Of author Sh.Zeynalov 15-09-2021. 4173800100052 All given data evaluated before neutron emission, i.e.4173800100053 corrected for PFN emission. 4173800100054 HISTORY (20210624R) Data were received from the author 4173800100055 Sh.Zeynalov. 4173800100056 (20210625C) M.M. 4173800100057 (20231221A) Subent 004 was corrected. 4173800100058 ENDBIB 56 0 4173800100059 COMMON 3 3 4173800100060 EN-DUMMY ASSUM1 ASSUM2 4173800100061 EV MEV MEV 4173800100062 0.0253 170.5 100.6 4173800100063 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4173800100064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 4173800199999 SUBENT 41738002 20210625 41984173800200001 BIB 4 8 4173800200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PRE/PR/FRG,NU) 4173800200003 REL-REF (A,41397001,V.F.Apalin+,J,NP,55,249,1964) 4173800200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. 4173800200005 STATUS (TABLE) Data from author Sh.Zeynalov. 4173800200006 Data are presented on Fig.6 a of 4173800200007 Eur.Phys.J., Conf.Ser.,v.146,p.04022,2017 (preliminary)4173800200008 Fig.3 left of Eur.Phys.J.,Conf.Ser.,v.211,p.04003,2019 4173800200009 (final). 4173800200010 ENDBIB 8 0 4173800200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4173800200012 DATA 3 81 4173800200013 MASS DATA ERR-S 4173800200014 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4173800200015 79.5 0.04652 0.00895 4173800200016 80.5 0.13028 0.0179 4173800200017 81.5 0.21086 0.02314 4173800200018 82.5 0.28826 0.0249 4173800200019 83.5 0.36248 0.02427 4173800200020 84.5 0.41685 0.02144 4173800200021 85.5 0.49622 0.02086 4173800200022 86.5 0.55754 0.01896 4173800200023 87.5 0.62181 0.01718 4173800200024 88.5 0.69386 0.01619 4173800200025 89.5 0.73383 0.01502 4173800200026 90.5 0.77385 0.01367 4173800200027 91.5 0.81932 0.01256 4173800200028 92.5 0.87276 0.01233 4173800200029 93.5 0.91962 0.01236 4173800200030 94.5 0.96745 0.01248 4173800200031 95.5 0.9753 0.01246 4173800200032 96.5 0.9965 0.01294 4173800200033 97.5 1.0374 0.01288 4173800200034 98.5 1.07795 0.01351 4173800200035 99.5 1.11035 0.01386 4173800200036 100.5 1.16264 0.01483 4173800200037 101.5 1.21978 0.01579 4173800200038 102.5 1.27883 0.01693 4173800200039 103.5 1.36037 0.01925 4173800200040 104.5 1.45863 0.02191 4173800200041 105.5 1.5771 0.02595 4173800200042 106.5 1.80563 0.03391 4173800200043 107.5 2.16965 0.04941 4173800200044 108.5 2.76303 0.07596 4173800200045 109.5 3.51962 0.14067 4173800200046 110.5 3.95422 0.21136 4173800200047 111.5 3.78158 0.34666 4173800200048 112.5 3.07026 0.38082 4173800200049 113.5 2.35915 0.33035 4173800200050 114.5 1.84613 0.25851 4173800200051 115.5 1.65128 0.24086 4173800200052 116.5 1.58544 0.42373 4173800200053 117.5 1.60164 0.22427 4173800200054 118.5 1.65523 0.22736 4173800200055 119.5 1.71172 0.23737 4173800200056 120.5 1.7461 0.28325 4173800200057 121.5 1.71797 0.24296 4173800200058 122.5 1.59073 0.27691 4173800200059 123.5 1.3487 0.24624 4173800200060 124.5 1.14 0.23771 4173800200061 125.5 1.0485 0.13316 4173800200062 126.5 0.88286 0.07114 4173800200063 127.5 0.72515 0.04813 4173800200064 128.5 0.60576 0.03158 4173800200065 129.5 0.58754 0.02754 4173800200066 130.5 0.54398 0.02192 4173800200067 131.5 0.62714 0.02172 4173800200068 132.5 0.74129 0.02202 4173800200069 133.5 0.87899 0.02202 4173800200070 134.5 1.01413 0.02255 4173800200071 135.5 1.17937 0.02302 4173800200072 136.5 1.2744 0.02304 4173800200073 137.5 1.36155 0.02288 4173800200074 138.5 1.39908 0.02241 4173800200075 139.5 1.40851 0.02211 4173800200076 140.5 1.44375 0.02299 4173800200077 141.5 1.49651 0.02341 4173800200078 142.5 1.52571 0.02338 4173800200079 143.5 1.53546 0.02455 4173800200080 144.5 1.62771 0.02668 4173800200081 145.5 1.67314 0.02861 4173800200082 146.5 1.74097 0.03179 4173800200083 147.5 1.83563 0.0376 4173800200084 148.5 2.08136 0.04661 4173800200085 149.5 2.26347 0.05617 4173800200086 150.5 2.38962 0.06864 4173800200087 151.5 2.47741 0.0783 4173800200088 152.5 2.53946 0.09689 4173800200089 153.5 2.63733 0.11724 4173800200090 154.5 2.77929 0.15512 4173800200091 155.5 2.96368 0.20549 4173800200092 156.5 3.19347 0.29032 4173800200093 157.5 3.46734 0.42048 4173800200094 158.5 3.78531 0.65894 4173800200095 159.5 4.10503 0.85596 4173800200096 ENDDATA 83 0 4173800200097 ENDSUBENT 96 0 4173800299999 SUBENT 41738003 20210625 41984173800300001 BIB 3 7 4173800300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU/TKE) 4173800300003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. 4173800300004 STATUS (TABLE) Data from author Sh.Zeynalov. 4173800300005 Data are presented on Fig.6 b of 4173800300006 Eur.Phys.J. Conf.Ser.,v.146,p.04022,2017 (preliminary),4173800300007 Fig.3 right of Eur.Phys.J. Conf.Ser.,v.211,p.04003,20194173800300008 (final) 4173800300009 ENDBIB 7 0 4173800300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4173800300011 DATA 3 61 4173800300012 TKE DATA ERR-S 4173800300013 MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4173800300014 140.5 3.09808 1.3286 4173800300015 141.5 4.08121 1.03663 4173800300016 142.5 4.09598 0.89515 4173800300017 143.5 4.12257 0.86552 4173800300018 144.5 3.68112 0.69105 4173800300019 145.5 4.12791 0.71319 4173800300020 146.5 3.47468 0.51726 4173800300021 147.5 3.84821 0.51655 4173800300022 148.5 3.81447 0.47245 4173800300023 149.5 3.56395 0.39238 4173800300024 150.5 3.11401 0.32076 4173800300025 151.5 3.14031 0.2964 4173800300026 152.5 3.16408 0.2754 4173800300027 153.5 3.26535 0.26308 4173800300028 154.5 2.9513 0.22362 4173800300029 155.5 2.8918 0.20474 4173800300030 156.5 2.85273 0.18862 4173800300031 157.5 2.82832 0.17906 4173800300032 158.5 2.8411 0.17134 4173800300033 159.5 2.70524 0.15394 4173800300034 160.5 2.65111 0.14624 4173800300035 161.5 2.50703 0.13676 4173800300036 162.5 2.50038 0.13183 4173800300037 163.5 2.46175 0.12644 4173800300038 164.5 2.37774 0.11982 4173800300039 165.5 2.2198 0.11143 4173800300040 166.5 2.36072 0.11719 4173800300041 167.5 2.16513 0.1073 4173800300042 168.5 2.12614 0.10696 4173800300043 169.5 2.09282 0.10667 4173800300044 170.5 1.89334 0.09808 4173800300045 171.5 1.91155 0.10056 4173800300046 172.5 1.85898 0.10105 4173800300047 173.5 1.88558 0.10545 4173800300048 174.5 1.66597 0.09723 4173800300049 175.5 1.59253 0.09635 4173800300050 176.5 1.63324 0.10258 4173800300051 177.5 1.61939 0.10515 4173800300052 178.5 1.47634 0.10094 4173800300053 179.5 1.46069 0.10368 4173800300054 180.5 1.36879 0.10356 4173800300055 181.5 1.14673 0.09154 4173800300056 182.5 1.26129 0.10796 4173800300057 183.5 1.10904 0.09912 4173800300058 184.5 1.13669 0.10897 4173800300059 185.5 1.0842 0.11023 4173800300060 186.5 0.9271 0.10246 4173800300061 187.5 0.862 0.10463 4173800300062 188.5 0.84901 0.11314 4173800300063 189.5 0.68247 0.10539 4173800300064 190.5 0.65678 0.10534 4173800300065 191.5 0.618 0.11319 4173800300066 192.5 0.58575 0.11686 4173800300067 193.5 0.50135 0.11716 4173800300068 194.5 0.30658 0.08523 4173800300069 195.5 0.35509 0.09687 4173800300070 196.5 0.20365 0.06909 4173800300071 197.5 0.17007 0.07054 4173800300072 198.5 0.07429 0.03409 4173800300073 199.5 4.5526E-4 2.68498E-4 4173800300074 200.5 2.97934E-4 1.70248E-4 4173800300075 ENDDATA 63 0 4173800300076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 4173800399999 SUBENT 41738004 20231221 42164173800400001 BIB 5 11 4173800400002 REACTION 1(92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PRE,FY) 4173800400003 2(92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PRE,FY) 4173800400004 ANALYSIS 1 With measured NU. 4173800400005 2 With NU from V.F.Apalin+. 4173800400006 REL-REF (A,,C.Wagemans+,B,WAGEMANS,,,1991) 4173800400007 2(R,41397001,V.F.Apalin+,J,NP,55,249,1964) 4173800400008 STATUS (TABLE) Data from author Sh.Zeynalov. 4173800400009 Data are presented on Fig.7 of 4173800400010 Eur.Phys.J. Conf.Ser.,v.146,p.04022,2017 4173800400011 (PRELM) 4173800400012 HISTORY (20231221A) Units were corrected: PRT/FIS -> PC/FIS 4173800400013 ENDBIB 11 0 4173800400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4173800400015 DATA 3 80 4173800400016 MASS DATA 1DATA 2 4173800400017 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 4173800400018 79.5 0.03859 0.07472 4173800400019 80.5 0.07969 0.10305 4173800400020 81.5 0.14465 0.15071 4173800400021 82.5 0.24583 0.22495 4173800400022 83.5 0.37679 0.34458 4173800400023 84.5 0.55864 0.51398 4173800400024 85.5 0.81733 0.76478 4173800400025 86.5 1.13604 1.08961 4173800400026 87.5 1.56599 1.51252 4173800400027 88.5 2.09965 2.05581 4173800400028 89.5 2.70261 2.7323 4173800400029 90.5 3.41971 3.48619 4173800400030 91.5 4.20269 4.33153 4173800400031 92.5 4.92111 4.93004 4173800400032 93.5 5.51668 5.52851 4173800400033 94.5 5.99346 5.99263 4173800400034 95.5 6.18426 6.05702 4173800400035 96.5 6.40991 6.29567 4173800400036 97.5 6.58426 6.31135 4173800400037 98.5 6.47445 6.36745 4173800400038 99.5 6.25522 6.15077 4173800400039 100.5 6.07695 5.90318 4173800400040 101.5 5.70807 5.60663 4173800400041 102.5 5.20905 5.21039 4173800400042 103.5 4.56354 4.61481 4173800400043 104.5 3.77591 3.81843 4173800400044 105.5 2.96818 3.02096 4173800400045 106.5 2.26291 2.23894 4173800400046 107.5 1.58201 1.55989 4173800400047 108.5 1.03306 0.95343 4173800400048 109.5 0.54523 0.5459 4173800400049 110.5 0.24112 0.30494 4173800400050 111.5 0.09321 0.18398 4173800400051 112.5 0.04772 0.09768 4173800400052 113.5 0.03478 0.07003 4173800400053 114.5 0.02929 0.06754 4173800400054 115.5 0.02716 0.06549 4173800400055 116.5 0.02646 0.06736 4173800400056 117.5 0.02632 0.06373 4173800400057 118.5 0.02626 0.06461 4173800400058 119.5 0.02632 0.06373 4173800400059 120.5 0.02646 0.06734 4173800400060 121.5 0.02716 0.06549 4173800400061 122.5 0.02929 0.06754 4173800400062 123.5 0.03478 0.0655 4173800400063 124.5 0.04772 0.09768 4173800400064 125.5 0.09321 0.18398 4173800400065 126.5 0.24112 0.30494 4173800400066 127.5 0.54523 0.5459 4173800400067 128.5 1.03306 0.95343 4173800400068 129.5 1.58201 1.55989 4173800400069 130.5 2.26288 2.23894 4173800400070 131.5 2.96818 3.02096 4173800400071 132.5 3.77594 3.81843 4173800400072 133.5 4.56354 4.61481 4173800400073 134.5 5.20905 5.21039 4173800400074 135.5 5.70799 5.60663 4173800400075 136.5 6.07692 5.90318 4173800400076 137.5 6.25525 6.15077 4173800400077 138.5 6.47445 6.36745 4173800400078 139.5 6.58429 6.31135 4173800400079 140.5 6.40994 6.29567 4173800400080 141.5 6.18426 6.05702 4173800400081 142.5 5.99343 5.99264 4173800400082 143.5 5.51668 5.52851 4173800400083 144.5 4.92114 4.93004 4173800400084 145.5 4.20269 4.33153 4173800400085 146.5 3.41971 3.48619 4173800400086 147.5 2.70263 2.7323 4173800400087 148.5 2.09965 2.05581 4173800400088 149.5 1.56596 1.51252 4173800400089 150.5 1.13601 1.08961 4173800400090 151.5 0.81735 0.76478 4173800400091 152.5 0.55864 0.51398 4173800400092 153.5 0.37679 0.34458 4173800400093 154.5 0.24583 0.22495 4173800400094 155.5 0.14465 0.15071 4173800400095 156.5 0.07969 0.10305 4173800400096 157.5 0.03859 0.07472 4173800400097 158.5 0.01666 0.05917 4173800400098 ENDDATA 82 0 4173800400099 ENDSUBENT 98 0 4173800499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4173899999999