ENTRY 41746 20221025 42094174600000001 SUBENT 41746001 20221025 42094174600100001 BIB 11 67 4174600100002 TITLE Study of spontaneous fission using the SFiNx system 4174600100003 AUTHOR (A.V.Isaev,A.V.Yeremin,N.I.Zamyatin,I.N.Izosimov, 4174600100004 A.A.Kuznetsova,O.N.Malyshev,R.S.Mukhin,A.G.Popeko, 4174600100005 Yu.A.Popov, B.Sailaubekov,A.I.Svirikhin, E.A.Sokol, 4174600100006 M.S.Tezekbayeva,D.A.Testov,M.L.Chelnokova,V.I.Chepigin,4174600100007 S.Antalic,P.Mosat,P.Brionnet,B.Gall,O.Dorvaux, 4174600100008 K.Kessaci,A.Sellam,A.Lopez-Martens,K.Hauschild) 4174600100009 REFERENCE (J,APP/BS,14,835,2021) Proceedings Supplement No 4. 4174600100010 #doi:10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.14.835 4174600100011 Presented at III International Scientific Forum 4174600100012 'Nuclear Science and Technologies', Almaty, Kazakhstan,4174600100013 September 20-24, 2021. 4174600100014 (J,FCY/L,19,(1/240),26,2022) "Detector System SFiNx" 4174600100015 Full text In Russian, Abstract in English. 4174600100016 Data table. 4174600100017 (J,PPN/L,19,37,2022) Engl.translation of FCY/L. 4174600100018 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) A.V.Isaev,A.V.Yeremin,N.I.Zamyatin, 4174600100019 I.N.Izosimov,A.A.Kuznetsova,O.N.Malyshev,R.S.Mukhin, 4174600100020 A.G.Popeko,Yu.A.Popov,B.Sailaubekov,A.I.Svirikhin, 4174600100021 E.A.Sokol,M.S.Tezekbayeva,D.A.Testov,M.L.Chelnokova, 4174600100022 V.I.Chepigin. 4174600100023 (4RUSDBU) A.V.Yeremin,O.N.Malyshev,A.G.Popeko, 4174600100024 Yu.A.Popov,A.I.Svirikhin. 4174600100025 (4KASKAZ) B.Sailaubekov,M.S.Tezekbayeva. 4174600100026 (3SLKUB) S.Antalic,P.Mosat. 4174600100027 (2FR STR) P.Brionnet,B.Gall,O.Dorvaux,K.Kessaci, 4174600100028 A.Sellam. 4174600100029 (2FR PAR) A.Lopez-Martens,K.Hauschild. 4174600100030 REL-REF (I,,A.G.Popeko+,J,NIM/B,376,140,2016) 4174600100031 SHELS velocity filter details. 4174600100032 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) 4174600100033 . SHELS separator. 4174600100034 SAMPLE Produced in the reaction 4174600100035 Ca-48(Pb-206,2N) -> No-252 on 4174600100036 206PbS of 97 % enrichment in 206Pb, 350 microgram/cm2 4174600100037 thickness. The beam energy 215+-2 MeV. 4174600100038 After passing through the separator, the recoil nuclei 4174600100039 were implanted into the focal plane large DSSSD. 4174600100040 The cross sections of the 2n-evaporation channel 4174600100041 (whereby the 252No isotope was produced) is estimated 4174600100042 ~800 nb. 4174600100043 DETECTOR (HE3SP) 116 He-3 proportional counters placed in a 4174600100044 polyethylene moderator in the form of a regular 4174600100045 octagonal prism (height 630 mm, circumscribed circle 4174600100046 diameter 762 mm). See details in Table I of 4174600100047 APP/BS,14,(4),835,2021. 4174600100048 The single-neutron registration efficiency measured 4174600100049 with 248Cm source is 54.7+-0.1% (nonlinear 4174600100050 least-squares method error). The average neutron 4174600100051 lifetime in the setup is 18.4+-0.2 microsec (exponent 4174600100052 fitting error). 4174600100053 (SISD) An array of DSSSD detectors inside the vacuum 4174600100054 chamber is represented by a focal plane 128 x 128-strip4174600100055 detector (100 x 100 mm2 area, 500 micron thickness) and4174600100056 8 side 16 x 16-strip detectors (50 x 60 mm2 area, 4174600100057 700 micron thickness). For registration of alpha-, 4174600100058 beta-particles, and fission fragments. 4174600100059 Energy resolutions were measured using 8 MeV 4174600100060 alpha-particles as 20 keV and 30 keV for the focal and 4174600100061 side silicon detectors, respectively. 4174600100062 METHOD 3260 reliable events of 252No spontaneous fission were4174600100063 found. 4174600100064 COMMENT This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for 4174600100065 Basic Research, project No.18-52-15004. 4174600100066 HISTORY (20220211C) M.M. 4174600100067 (20221025U) J,APP/B,14,(S4),835,2021 -> 4174600100068 J,APP/BS,14,835,2021. 4174600100069 ENDBIB 67 0 4174600100070 NOCOMMON 0 0 4174600100071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 4174600199999 SUBENT 41746002 20220211 42054174600200001 BIB 6 20 4174600200002 REACTION 1(102-NO-252(0,F),PR,NU) 4174600200003 2(102-NO-252(0,F),PR,NU) 4174600200004 ANALYSIS 1 Restored by using the Tikhonov statistical 4174600200005 regularisation method. 4174600200006 DECAY-DATA (102-NO-252-G,2.46SEC) 4174600200007 HL=2.44+-0.04 sec measured (exponential fitting error).4174600200008 REL-REF (A,41741004,A.V.Isaev+,J,PPN/L,18,449,2021) 4174600200009 4.51+-0.25 prt/fis 4174600200010 (A,41559002,Yu.A.Lazarev+,J,PL/B,52,321,1974) 4174600200011 4.15+-0.30 prt/fis 4174600200012 (A,41540002,A.V.Yeremin+,J,NIM/A,539,441,2005) 4174600200013 4.43+-0.45 prt/fis 4174600200014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Contains statistical uncertainty and 4174600200015 the neutron detector efficiency uncertainty. 4174600200016 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of FCY/L,19,(1/240),26,2022 4174600200017 Text page 837 of J.Acta Physica Polonica, Part B, 4174600200018 v.14, Suppl.4, p.835, 2021 4174600200019 (DEP,41746003) Prompt neutron multiplicity distribution4174600200020 (COREL,41741004) Measurement with an arrange of 4174600200021 54 He3 counters 4174600200022 ENDBIB 20 0 4174600200023 COMMON 1 3 4174600200024 ERR-HL 4174600200025 SEC 4174600200026 0.04 4174600200027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4174600200028 DATA 4 1 4174600200029 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 4174600200030 PRT/FIS PRT/FIS PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4174600200031 4.27 0.15 4.25 0.09 4174600200032 ENDDATA 3 0 4174600200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4174600299999 SUBENT 41746003 20220211 42054174600300001 BIB 6 12 4174600300002 REACTION 1(102-NO-252(0,F),PR/NUM,NU) Directly measured. 4174600300003 2(102-NO-252(0,F),PR/NUM,NU) Restored. 4174600300004 ANALYSIS 2 Restored by using the Tikhonov statistical 4174600300005 regularisation method. 4174600300006 DECAY-DATA (102-NO-252-G,2.46SEC) 4174600300007 HL=2.44+-0.04 sec measured (exponential fitting error).4174600300008 MISC-COL (MISC) Background 4174600300009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Contains statistical uncertainty and 4174600300010 the neutron detector efficiency uncertainty. 4174600300011 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of FCY/L,19,(1/240),26,2022 4174600300012 Data are on Fig.2 of J.Acta Physica Polonica, Part B, 4174600300013 v.14, Suppl.4, p.835, 2021 4174600300014 ENDBIB 12 0 4174600300015 COMMON 1 3 4174600300016 ERR-HL 4174600300017 SEC 4174600300018 0.04 4174600300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4174600300020 DATA 7 10 4174600300021 PART-OUT DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC 4174600300022 MISC-ERR 4174600300023 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4174600300024 NO-DIM 4174600300025 0. 0.069 0.005 0.010 0.008 0.994 4174600300026 0.016 4174600300027 1. 0.206 0.008 0.012 0.018 0.006 4174600300028 0.001 4174600300029 2. 0.303 0.007 0.081 0.023 3. E-044174600300030 1. E-04 4174600300031 3. 0.245 0.005 0.201 0.024 0. 4174600300032 0.001 4174600300033 4. 0.125 0.003 0.276 0.025 4174600300034 4174600300035 5. 0.041 0.002 0.225 0.024 4174600300036 4174600300037 6. 0.010 0.001 0.122 0.026 4174600300038 4174600300039 7. 0.001 0.001 0.055 0.020 4174600300040 4174600300041 8. 0. 0.001 0.018 0.021 4174600300042 4174600300043 9. 0. 0. 0.010 4174600300044 4174600300045 ENDDATA 24 0 4174600300046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 4174600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4174699999999