ENTRY 41750 20230131 42114175000000001 SUBENT 41750001 20230131 42114175000100001 BIB 14 64 4175000100002 TITLE Inelastic scattering of 14.1 MeV neutrons on iron 4175000100003 AUTHOR (N.A.Fedorov, D.N.Grozdanov, Yu.N.Kopatch, 4175000100004 T.Yu.Tretyakova,I.N.Ruskov,V.R.Skoy,I.D.Dashkov, 4175000100005 F.A.Aliyev,S.Dabylova,C.Hramco,A.Kumar,A.Gandhi,D.Wang,4175000100006 E.P.Bogolyubov,D.I.Yurkov,V.M.Bystritsky,A.V.Gorelikov)4175000100007 and TANGRA collaboration. 4175000100008 Two last authors are from S,ISINN-26,,80,2019. 4175000100009 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,57,194,2021) 4175000100010 ((S,ISINN-26,80,2019)=(S,JINR-E3-2019-18,80,2019)) 4175000100011 Preliminary publication. 4175000100012 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) N.A.Fedorov,Yu.N.Kopatch,V.M.Bystritsky, 4175000100013 D.N.Grozdanov,F.A.Aliyev,V.R.Skoy,S.Dabylova,C.Hramco. 4175000100014 (4RUSMOS) N.A.Fedorov,T.Yu.Tretyakova,A.V.Gorelikov 4175000100015 (3BULBLA) D.N.Grozdanov,I.N.Ruskov. 4175000100016 (4AZRAZR) Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG), 4175000100017 Baku, Azerbaijan. 4175000100018 F.A.Aliyev. 4175000100019 (4KASATN) S.Dabylova 4175000100020 (4MLDMLD) Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Science of4175000100021 Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. 4175000100022 C.Hramco 4175000100023 (3INDBHU) A.Kumar, A.Gandhi 4175000100024 (3CPRCPR) Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Xi'an, China. 4175000100025 D.Wang 4175000100026 (4RUSRUS) All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics 4175000100027 (VNIIA), Moscow, Russia. 4175000100028 E.P.Bogolyubov, D.I.Yurkov 4175000100029 FACILITY (NGEN,4ZZZDUB) ING-27 portable neutron generator. 4175000100030 TANGRA setup. 4175000100031 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuteron beam of 80-100 keV energy on 4175000100032 tritium-enriched target. 4175000100033 INC-SPECT Maximal intensity of neutron flux in 4PI-geometry 4175000100034 5.E+7 n/sec. 4175000100035 SAMPLE 4x4x14 cm3 Al-container filled with natural Fe powder 4175000100036 of chemical purity 99 %, density 3.53 g/cm3. 4175000100037 Fe-56 - 91.75 %, Fe-54 - 5.85 %, Fe-57 - 2.12 %. 4175000100038 DETECTOR (SISD) 64-pixel (6x6 mm) alpha detector was located at 4175000100039 ~10 cm distance from tritium target. 4175000100040 (BGO) 18 BGO-scintillator gamma-detectors placed around4175000100041 the sample with ~14 deg angle step on a circle of 4175000100042 75 cm radius.. 4175000100043 (PS) Position-sensitive silicon detector to measure 4175000100044 the incident neutron beam. 4175000100045 (HPGE) HPGe gamma spectrometer for high-resolution 4175000100046 gamma-spectrum. 57.5 mm diameter, 66.6 mm thickness. 4175000100047 Energy resolution 0.8% for 846.8 keV gamma and 0.6 % 4175000100048 for 1238.3 keV gamma. 4175000100049 METHOD (ASSOP) 14.1 MeV neutrons and 3.52 MeV alphas from 4175000100050 d+t -> n+a reaction. 4175000100051 (TOF) For background. For energy spectra. 4175000100052 (COINC) Neutron - gamma. 4175000100053 ANALYSIS Normalization to CS for 846.8 keV (2+1 -> 0+gs) 4175000100054 transition for Fe-56. 4175000100055 CORRECTION For background. For gamma absorption in the sample, 4175000100056 for effective solid angles for each detector by 4175000100057 Geant4 code . 4175000100058 ADD-RES In Table 1 of S,ISINN-26,,80,2019 there are directly 4175000100059 observed gamma-lines in n,inl and n,2n reactions with 4175000100060 initial and final level for each transition. 4175000100061 (COMP) TALYS-1.9 calculations. 4175000100062 Table 1 of J,EPJ/A,57,194,2021 - optical model 4175000100063 parameters. 4175000100064 HISTORY (20220622C) M.M. 4175000100065 (20230131A) Subent 004 was corrected. 4175000100066 ENDBIB 64 0 4175000100067 COMMON 1 3 4175000100068 EN 4175000100069 MEV 4175000100070 14.1 4175000100071 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175000100072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 4175000199999 SUBENT 41750002 20220622 42074175000200001 BIB 6 27 4175000200002 REACTION ((26-FE-56(N,X)0-G-0,,SPC)// 4175000200003 (26-FE-56(N,X)0-G-0,,SPC)) 4175000200004 EN-SEC (E,G) 4175000200005 CORRECTION 846.86 keV gamma contribution from Fe-57(n,2n)Fe-56 wa4175000200006 not subtracted. 4175000200007 FLAG Line peaks can not be separated: 4175000200008 (1.) 123.5(4) keV from Fe56(n,p)Mn56 and 4175000200009 126.0(4) keV from Fe56(n,d)Mn55 . 4175000200010 (2.) 212. keV from Fe56(n,p)Mn56 and 4175000200011 212. keV from Fe54(n,p)Mn54 4175000200012 (3.) 1238.53(4) keV from Fe56(n,inl)Fe56 and 4175000200013 from Fe57(n,2n)Fe56 . 4175000200014 (4.) 1304.0 keV from Fe56(n,inl)Fe56 and 4175000200015 from Fe57(n,2n)Fe56. 4175000200016 (5.) 1810.7 keV from Fe56(n,inl)Fe56 and 4175000200017 from Fe57(n,2n)Fe56 . 4175000200018 (6.) 1408.3 keV from Fe54(n,inl)Fe54 and 4175000200019 from Fe56(n,2n)Fe55. 4175000200020 (10.) Belongs to Fe56(n,p)Mn56 reaction 4175000200021 (11.) Belongs to Fe56(n,2n)Fe55 reaction 4175000200022 (12.) Belongs to Fe56(n,inl)Fe56 reaction 4175000200023 (13.) Belongs to Fe56(n,alpha)Cr53 reaction 4175000200024 ERR-ANALYS (E-DN-ERR) Statistical 4175000200025 (E-NM-ERR) Statistical 4175000200026 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4175000200027 article. 4175000200028 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,EPJ/A,57,194,2021 4175000200029 ENDBIB 27 0 4175000200030 COMMON 2 3 4175000200031 E-DN E-DN-ERR 4175000200032 KEV KEV 4175000200033 846.86 0.02 4175000200034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175000200035 DATA 5 18 4175000200036 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 4175000200037 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4175000200038 123.5 0.4 6. E-02 1. E-02 1. 4175000200039 211.9 0.2 5.9 E-02 0.8 E-02 2. 4175000200040 335.7 0.5 2.2 E-02 0.8 E-02 10. 4175000200041 411.2 0.2 5.3 E-02 0.7 E-02 11. 4175000200042 477.4 0.5 4.6 E-02 0.7 E-02 11. 4175000200043 846.86 0.02 100.0 E-02 0.6 E-02 12. 4175000200044 931.4 0.1 12.0 E-02 0.8 E-02 11. 4175000200045 1038.1 0.2 8.2 E-02 0.8 E-02 12. 4175000200046 1238.53 0.04 43.8 E-02 1.1 E-02 3. 4175000200047 1289.7 0.5 1.7 E-02 0.5 E-02 13. 4175000200048 1304.0 0.1 9.2 E-02 0.6 E-02 4. 4175000200049 1316.0 0.1 5.6 E-02 0.5 E-02 11. 4175000200050 1408.3 0.3 4.0 E-02 0.6 E-02 6. 4175000200051 1670.6 0.2 4.5 E-02 0.5 E-02 12. 4175000200052 1810.7 0.2 6.7 E-02 0.5 E-02 5. 4175000200053 2114.2 0.6 2.5 E-02 0.7 E-02 12. 4175000200054 2524.2 0.8 2.5 E-02 0.7 E-02 12. 4175000200055 2600.3 0.5 3.4 E-02 0.5 E-02 12. 4175000200056 ENDDATA 20 0 4175000200057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 4175000299999 SUBENT 41750003 20220622 42074175000300001 BIB 6 25 4175000300002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA,G,LEG/RS) 4175000300003 EN-SEC (E,G) 4175000300004 ANALYSIS Measured angular distribution W was fitted by formula 4175000300005 W(angle)=A*(1+sum(ak*Pk(cos(angle)))), k=2,4. 4175000300006 A - normalization coefficient, 4175000300007 Pk - Legendre polynomials, 4175000300008 ak - fitting coefficients ( DATA). 4175000300009 Angular distributions (point-wise) used for fitting 4175000300010 are on Fig.5 a(847 keV) and b (1238 keV). 4175000300011 REL-REF (N,40575001,A.P.Degtyarev+,C,77KIEV,2,3,1977) 4175000300012 a2=0.21(5), a4=0.07(3) for 846.8 keV gamma, 4175000300013 a2=0.32(8), a4=0.16(8) for 1238.3 keV gamma. 4175000300014 (N,20493022,U.Abbondanno+,J,JNE,27,227,1973) 4175000300015 a2=0.36, a4=-0.38 for 846.8 keV gamma, 4175000300016 A2=0.37, A4=-0.23 for 1238.3 keV gamma. 4175000300017 (N,20474001,J.Lachkar+,J,NSE,55,168,1974) 4175000300018 a2=0.09, a4=-0.1 for 846.8 keV gamma, 4175000300019 a2=0.14, a4=-0.1 for 1238.3 keV gamma. 4175000300020 Three data sets used for comparison after 4175000300021 re-normalization to the same form. 4175000300022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4175000300023 article. 4175000300024 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4 of J,EPJ/A,57,194,2021 4175000300025 Table 2 of S,ISINN-26,,80,2019 - preliminary data. 4175000300026 (DEP,41750004) Measured angular distributions. 4175000300027 ENDBIB 25 0 4175000300028 NOCOMMON 0 0 4175000300029 DATA 4 4 4175000300030 E NUMBER DATA DATA-ERR 4175000300031 KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4175000300032 846.8 2. 0.13 0.02 4175000300033 846.8 4. 0.02 0.02 4175000300034 1238.3 2. 0.24 0.04 4175000300035 1238.3 4. 0.16 0.08 4175000300036 ENDDATA 6 0 4175000300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 4175000399999 SUBENT 41750004 20230131 42114175000400001 BIB 5 18 4175000400002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA,G,FCT) 4175000400003 See formula (5) in J,EPJ/A,57,194,2021 - 4175000400004 W(ANG) = (dSIG/dANG)/(SIG/(4*PI)), 4175000400005 REL-REF (N,40575004,A.P.Degtyarev+,C,77KIEV,2,3,1977) 4175000400006 (N,20493021,U.Abbondanno+,J,JNE,27,227,1973) 4175000400007 (N,20474006,J.Lachkar+,J,NSE,55,168,1974) 4175000400008 Three data sets used for comparison after 4175000400009 re-normalization to the same form. 4175000400010 ERR-ANALYS .Quantization errors ( 1/2 pixel): 4175000400011 scale X - 0.19 deg, scale Y - 0.0022 . 4175000400012 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4175000400013 article. 4175000400014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.10a,b of J,EPJ/A,57,194,2021,black circles.4175000400015 Also data are on Fig.5 a,b of S,ISINN-26,,80,2019. 4175000400016 HISTORY (20220622C) Request of data was sent to corresponding 4175000400017 author N.Fedorov 22 June 2022. 4175000400018 (20230131A) Digitized data were added. 4175000400019 REL -> FCT, UNOBT -> CURVE. 4175000400020 ENDBIB 18 0 4175000400021 COMMON 2 3 4175000400022 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4175000400023 ADEG NO-DIM 4175000400024 0.17 0.0016 4175000400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175000400026 DATA 4 36 4175000400027 E ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR 4175000400028 KEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 4175000400029 847. 16.49 1.1010 0.0390 4175000400030 847. 19.49 1.1054 0.0390 4175000400031 847. 28.12 1.1573 0.0346 4175000400032 847. 31.87 1.0664 0.0303 4175000400033 847. 41.24 1.0491 0.0346 4175000400034 847. 44.62 1.0102 0.0303 4175000400035 847. 54.74 1.0405 0.0303 4175000400036 847. 58.50 0.8890 0.0260 4175000400037 847. 68.62 0.9842 0.0216 4175000400038 847. 72.00 0.9236 0.0303 4175000400039 847. 82.50 0.9540 0.0216 4175000400040 847. 85.87 0.9366 0.0303 4175000400041 847. 96.37 0.9756 0.0260 4175000400042 847. 99.37 0.9540 0.0260 4175000400043 847. 110.24 0.9930 0.0260 4175000400044 847. 113.25 0.8977 0.0260 4175000400045 847. 123.74 1.0666 0.0303 4175000400046 847. 126.74 0.9973 0.0303 4175000400047 1238. 16.32 1.2569 0.0736 4175000400048 1238. 19.33 1.2179 0.0649 4175000400049 1238. 28.35 1.2526 0.0649 4175000400050 1238. 31.73 1.1054 0.0736 4175000400051 1238. 41.50 1.2136 0.0736 4175000400052 1238. 45.25 1.0881 0.0606 4175000400053 1238. 55.02 0.8500 0.0606 4175000400054 1238. 58.41 0.7461 0.0519 4175000400055 1238. 68.55 0.9583 0.0649 4175000400056 1238. 71.93 0.8024 0.0476 4175000400057 1238. 82.44 1.1141 0.1169 4175000400058 1238. 85.83 0.9237 0.0476 4175000400059 1238. 96.35 0.9886 0.0606 4175000400060 1238. 99.35 0.9756 0.0390 4175000400061 1238. 110.24 1.0536 0.0693 4175000400062 1238. 113.25 0.9064 0.0606 4175000400063 1238. 124.14 1.0363 0.0519 4175000400064 1238. 127.15 0.8848 0.0563 4175000400065 ENDDATA 38 0 4175000400066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 4175000499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4175099999999