ENTRY 41754 20221108 42094175400000001 SUBENT 41754001 20221108 42094175400100001 BIB 12 27 4175400100002 TITLE The measurement of SIGMAt for 208Pb with ~1 keV 4175400100003 resolution in the neutron energy range of 1.5 - 2.0 MeV4175400100004 AUTHOR (V.M.Morozov,Yu.G.Zubov,N.S.Lebedeva,N.I.Sidorov) 4175400100005 REFERENCE ((C,80KIEV,1,200,1980)= 4175400100006 (R,INDC(CCP)-169,(1),200,1983)) In Russian. 4175400100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4175400100008 FACILITY (ACCEL,4RUSKUR) ESU-2 accelerator. 4175400100009 INC-SOURCE (D-C12) deuterons energy 1.91 - 2.36 MeV, 4175400100010 neutrons of energy 1.54 - 1.96 MeV, respectively, 4175400100011 at 30 degrees angle 4175400100012 SAMPLE Enriched to 97 % Pb-208 in form of cylinder of 25 mm 4175400100013 diameter, thickness 0.0511 and 0.0878 nucl/barn. 4175400100014 Place at 900 mm distance from neutron source. 4175400100015 DETECTOR (SCIN) Stilbene crystal detector, placed at 2700 mm 4175400100016 distance from neutron source - for neutron transmission4175400100017 (SI) Silicon semiconductor detector for registration of4175400100018 protons from C-12(d,p) accompanying reaction - 4175400100019 for monitoring. 4175400100020 METHOD (TRN) 4175400100021 MONITOR Maximum in C-S of C-12 at En=2078.0+-0.3 keV 4175400100022 was used initially for incident neutron energy 4175400100023 calibration - accuracy ~5 keV. 4175400100024 Minimum in C-S of Pb-208 at En=1744.8 keV 4175400100025 were used for detectors energy calibration at each 4175400100026 series of measurement. 4175400100027 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,2.,5.) Statistical uncertainty 2-5 %. 4175400100028 HISTORY (20221108C) 4175400100029 ENDBIB 27 0 4175400100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 4175400100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4175400199999 SUBENT 41754002 20221108 42094175400200001 BIB 4 33 4175400200002 REACTION (82-PB-208(N,TOT),,SIG) 4175400200003 REL-REF (A,12217001,J.L.Fowler,J,PR,147,870,1966) 4175400200004 FLAG (1.) Fig. left; 4175400200005 energy resolution 1.3 keV, 4175400200006 sample thickness 0.0878 nucl/b 4175400200007 Quantization errors: 4175400200008 scale X - 0.22 keV, scale Y - 0.015 b. 4175400200009 (2.) Fig. middle left; full circles, 4175400200010 energy resolution 1.1 keV, 4175400200011 sample thickness 0.0511 nucl/b 4175400200012 Quantization errors: 4175400200013 scale X - 0.23 keV, scale Y - 0.015 b. 4175400200014 (3.) Fig. middle left; triangles, 4175400200015 energy resolution 1.1 keV, 4175400200016 sample thickness 0.0878 nucl/b 4175400200017 Quantization errors: 4175400200018 scale X - 0.23 keV, scale Y - 0.015 b. 4175400200019 (4.) Fig. middle right; 4175400200020 energy resolution 1.1 keV, 4175400200021 sample thickness 0.0878 nucl/b 4175400200022 Quantization errors: 4175400200023 scale X - 0.22 keV, scale Y - 0.015 b. 4175400200024 (5.) Fig. right; full circles, 4175400200025 energy resolution 0.9 keV, 4175400200026 sample thickness 0.0878 nucl/b 4175400200027 Quantization errors: 4175400200028 scale X - 0.11 keV, scale Y - 0.015 b. 4175400200029 (6.) Fig. right; triangles, 4175400200030 energy resolution 1.1 keV, 4175400200031 sample thickness 0.0511 nucl/b 4175400200032 Quantization errors: 4175400200033 scale X - 0.11 keV, scale Y - 0.015 b. 4175400200034 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. of INDC(CCP)-169,(1),200,1983 4175400200035 ENDBIB 33 0 4175400200036 COMMON 2 3 4175400200037 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4175400200038 KEV B 4175400200039 0.25 0.018 4175400200040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175400200041 DATA 3 146 4175400200042 EN DATA FLAG 4175400200043 KEV B NO-DIM 4175400200044 1541.3 4.384 1. 4175400200045 1543.5 4.146 1. 4175400200046 1546.1 5.844 1. 4175400200047 1547.9 6.291 1. 4175400200048 1551.0 5.845 1. 4175400200049 1553.2 5.100 1. 4175400200050 1555.9 4.922 1. 4175400200051 1558.1 5.458 1. 4175400200052 1561.2 5.547 1. 4175400200053 1563.0 4.952 1. 4175400200054 1565.7 3.820 1. 4175400200055 1568.4 3.999 1. 4175400200056 1571.0 3.642 1. 4175400200057 1572.8 3.047 1. 4175400200058 1575.9 3.821 1. 4175400200059 1578.6 3.255 1. 4175400200060 1580.4 2.928 1. 4175400200061 1581.7 4.119 1. 4175400200062 1583.0 4.030 1. 4175400200063 1583.5 5.877 1. 4175400200064 1584.8 6.473 1. 4175400200065 1586.6 6.443 1. 4175400200066 1586.6 6.562 1. 4175400200067 1588.3 5.907 1. 4175400200068 1588.8 5.401 1. 4175400200069 1590.1 4.805 1. 4175400200070 1591.0 4.656 1. 4175400200071 1593.3 4.448 1. 4175400200072 1594.1 4.746 1. 4175400200073 1596.8 4.418 1. 4175400200074 1598.2 3.882 1. 4175400200075 1599.9 5.193 1. 4175400200076 1603.0 5.640 1. 4175400200077 1605.7 5.968 1. 4175400200078 1678.0 7.398 2. 4175400200079 1680.8 6.415 2. 4175400200080 1683.5 6.416 2. 4175400200081 1685.7 7.518 2. 4175400200082 1688.4 8.679 2. 4175400200083 1691.1 9.782 2. 4175400200084 1693.4 7.637 2. 4175400200085 1695.2 6.118 2. 4175400200086 1698.4 5.612 2. 4175400200087 1700.7 5.314 2. 4175400200088 1703.8 5.880 2. 4175400200089 1707.0 6.476 2. 4175400200090 1709.7 6.893 2. 4175400200091 1711.9 5.851 2. 4175400200092 1714.7 6.745 2. 4175400200093 1716.5 6.536 2. 4175400200094 1719.2 6.924 2. 4175400200095 1721.9 6.566 2. 4175400200096 1725.5 6.864 2. 4175400200097 1725.7 6.882 5. 4175400200098 1726.9 7.735 6. 4175400200099 1727.3 7.698 2. 4175400200100 1727.8 7.058 5. 4175400200101 1728.2 7.550 3. 4175400200102 1730.0 8.027 5. 4175400200103 1731.4 8.205 3. 4175400200104 1732.1 8.379 6. 4175400200105 1733.2 8.761 5. 4175400200106 1733.2 8.354 2. 4175400200107 1733.2 8.920 3. 4175400200108 1734.8 9.907 6. 4175400200109 1735.7 10.172 5. 4175400200110 1735.9 9.903 2. 4175400200111 1736.3 10.171 3. 4175400200112 1737.1 10.259 5. 4175400200113 1737.2 10.469 2. 4175400200114 1737.3 10.465 6. 4175400200115 1738.4 10.788 5. 4175400200116 1739.0 10.796 3. 4175400200117 1739.9 10.231 2. 4175400200118 1740.2 10.228 6. 4175400200119 1740.9 9.493 5. 4175400200120 1741.3 9.337 3. 4175400200121 1742.4 7.492 6. 4175400200122 1742.7 7.491 2. 4175400200123 1743.0 6.639 5. 4175400200124 1743.6 6.538 3. 4175400200125 1743.7 7.168 6. 4175400200126 1743.9 5.491 5. 4175400200127 1744.0 7.074 2. 4175400200128 1744.8 5.991 6. 4175400200129 1745.4 6.031 2. 4175400200130 1746.2 6.579 6. 4175400200131 1746.4 5.608 5. 4175400200132 1746.7 6.508 2. 4175400200133 1746.7 6.687 3. 4175400200134 1747.5 6.637 5. 4175400200135 1747.6 7.490 6. 4175400200136 1747.6 7.193 3. 4175400200137 1748.1 7.461 2. 4175400200138 1748.5 7.372 5. 4175400200139 1748.9 8.166 6. 4175400200140 1749.0 8.980 3. 4175400200141 1749.0 8.176 2. 4175400200142 1751.0 7.988 5. 4175400200143 1751.7 9.189 3. 4175400200144 1751.7 8.861 3. 4175400200145 1754.4 7.551 3. 4175400200146 1756.7 6.479 3. 4175400200147 1758.1 5.704 2. 4175400200148 1847.7 3.828 4. 4175400200149 1850.8 4.335 4. 4175400200150 1853.0 4.722 4. 4175400200151 1855.7 4.782 4. 4175400200152 1858.3 5.081 4. 4175400200153 1861.0 5.170 4. 4175400200154 1863.7 4.724 4. 4175400200155 1866.4 4.635 4. 4175400200156 1869.0 4.010 4. 4175400200157 1872.2 4.160 4. 4175400200158 1874.8 3.922 4. 4175400200159 1877.1 4.071 4. 4175400200160 1880.2 3.952 4. 4175400200161 1882.8 4.340 4. 4175400200162 1885.5 4.608 4. 4175400200163 1887.3 4.698 4. 4175400200164 1890.8 4.520 4. 4175400200165 1893.5 4.371 4. 4175400200166 1895.7 4.789 4. 4175400200167 1898.8 6.040 4. 4175400200168 1901.4 6.190 4. 4175400200169 1903.7 6.369 4. 4175400200170 1906.8 6.339 4. 4175400200171 1909.0 6.548 4. 4175400200172 1911.7 6.489 4. 4175400200173 1914.3 7.204 4. 4175400200174 1917.5 6.520 4. 4175400200175 1920.1 6.848 4. 4175400200176 1922.4 6.372 4. 4175400200177 1925.0 5.806 4. 4175400200178 1928.6 5.449 4. 4175400200179 1930.9 5.062 4. 4175400200180 1933.1 5.510 4. 4175400200181 1936.6 6.046 4. 4175400200182 1938.4 5.123 4. 4175400200183 1942.0 4.826 4. 4175400200184 1944.2 4.320 4. 4175400200185 1946.8 5.750 4. 4175400200186 1949.0 7.299 4. 4175400200187 1951.7 7.508 4. 4175400200188 1954.8 6.168 4. 4175400200189 1957.9 6.913 4. 4175400200190 ENDDATA 148 0 4175400200191 ENDSUBENT 190 0 4175400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4175499999999