ENTRY 41755 20230118 42134175500000001 SUBENT 41755001 20230118 42134175500100001 BIB 18 69 4175500100002 TITLE Study of 239Pu(n,f) prompt fission neutron spectrum 4175500100003 AUTHOR (M.Schulc, M.Petrova, T.Czakoj, M.Kostal, E.Lychagin, 4175500100004 J.Simon) 4175500100005 REFERENCE (J,RPC,206,110804,2023) 4175500100006 #doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2023.110804 4175500100007 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) M.Petrova,E.Lychagin 4175500100008 (3CZRUJV) M.Schulc,T.Czakoj, M.Kostal,J.Simon 4175500100009 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) IBR-2 pulsed fast reactor, 239PuO(2) as 4175500100010 fuel. 4175500100011 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Beam line no.3 4175500100012 INC-SPECT Pu-239 fission neutron spectrum, 4175500100013 flux at the moderator surface up to 1.E+16 n/cm2/sec. 4175500100014 Samples were irradiated by thermalized prompt fission 4175500100015 neutron spectrum of Pu, the mean energy of spectrum 4175500100016 0.27 MeV ( from calculation ). 4175500100017 DETECTOR (HPGE) Gamma-spectra of activated samples we4175500100018 during March 2022 in different positions (5 cm, 10 cm, 4175500100019 15 cm, or 25 cm) by HPGe detector (Canberra GC10021). 4175500100020 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation time 12 days (12-24 April,2021) 4175500100021 at 1.5 MW power. 4175500100022 Reaction Cooling Measurement Net peak area 4175500100023 time,sec time,sec 4175500100024 46Ti(n,p) 2691138 790.4 121194 4175500100025 54Fe(n,p) 26914113 202.9 165896 4175500100026 58Ni(n,p) 26913229 672 146031 4175500100027 58Ni(n,X) 26913229 672 2210 4175500100028 89Y(n,2n) 28896824 83396 145604 4175500100029 209Bi(n,3n) 28727028 76022 2167 4175500100030 MONITOR (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG,,FIS) 4175500100031 From the GMA PFNS evaluation and IRDFF-II 4175500100032 cross-section 4175500100033 DECAY-MON (27-CO-58-G,70.86D,DG,810.759,0.9945) 4175500100034 ANALYSIS Averaged cross sections were derived from reaction 4175500100035 rates measured, for reaction rates see formula (1) in 4175500100036 PR/C,206,110804,2023. Difference of real spectra at 4175500100037 the sample position and Pu-239 fission neutron spectrum4175500100038 was taken into account. 4175500100039 CORRECTION For the neutron spectrum filtered by water, calculated4175500100040 by MCNP6. 4175500100041 For difference of spectra for monitor reaction and 4175500100042 reaction under study. 4175500100043 The burnup of the reactor was not taken into the 4175500100044 account. 4175500100045 COMMENT Of author Martin Schulc. 4175500100046 -The correction for neutron spectrum filtered by water4175500100047 was calculated by MCNP6. 4175500100048 This approach for PFNS reconstruction is validated in 4175500100049 an article: KOSTAL, Michal, et al. Impact of reactor 4175500100050 neutron spectrum on measured spectrum averaged cross 4175500100051 sections. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2022, 179: 109418. 4175500100052 Since the correction factor is validated, we can relate4175500100053 the result to 239Pu PFNS. 4175500100054 -Response function is the cross section in group 4175500100055 structure multiplied by the neutron flux in group 4175500100056 structure (sum of groups then returns reaction rates). 4175500100057 E50% is the energy where the multiplication gives 50% 4175500100058 of reaction rate. 4175500100059 REL-REF (M,,M.Kostal+,J,ANE,179,109418,2022) 4175500100060 Approach for PFNS reconstruction. 4175500100061 MISC-COL (MISC) The neutron energy which corresponds to a value 4175500100062 of 50% of the integrated energy response function 4175500100063 in the neutron field. 4175500100064 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 4175500100065 (ERR-1) Detector efficiency uncertainty 4175500100066 (ERR-2) Monitor reaction C-S uncertainty 4175500100067 (ERR-3) Calculated neutron flux uncertainty 4175500100068 (ERR-S) Counts statistical uncertainty 4175500100069 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by the author Martin Schulc 24-08-20234175500100070 HISTORY (20230118C) M.M. 4175500100071 ENDBIB 69 0 4175500100072 COMMON 2 3 4175500100073 EN-DUMMY MONIT 4175500100074 MEV MB 4175500100075 1.5 112.57 4175500100076 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175500100077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 4175500199999 SUBENT 41755002 20230118 42134175500200001 BIB 4 9 4175500200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,3N)83-BI-207,,SIG,,FIS) 4175500200003 SAMPLE Placed at 300 mm distance from the light water 4175500200004 moderator (5 cm thickness) surface. 4175500200005 Bismuth, 99.99% purity, 1.683 g 15 x 15 x 1 mm 4175500200006 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-207,31.55YR,DG,569.702,0.9775, 4175500200007 DG,1063.656,0.7450) 4175500200008 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Schulc+,J,RPC,206,110804,2023) 4175500200009 Table 5 - data, Table 4 - uncertainties. 4175500200010 (SUPPL,41755007) Spectrum at sample position 4175500200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4175500200012 COMMON 4 3 4175500200013 ERR-1 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-3 4175500200014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175500200015 3.12 2.85 1.52 5.12 4175500200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175500200017 DATA 3 1 4175500200018 MISC DATA ERR-T 4175500200019 MEV MB PER-CENT 4175500200020 18.16 1.43E-02 6.8 4175500200021 ENDDATA 3 0 4175500200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4175500299999 SUBENT 41755003 20230118 42134175500300001 BIB 4 9 4175500300002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88,,SIG,,FIS) 4175500300003 SAMPLE Placed at 300 mm distance from the light water 4175500300004 moderator (5 cm thickness) surface. 4175500300005 Yttrium, 99.99% purity, 0.154 g 7 x 7 x 0.64 mm 4175500300006 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-88,106.627D,DG,898.042,0.937, 4175500300007 DG,1836.063,0.992) 4175500300008 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Schulc+,J,RPC,206,110804,2023) 4175500300009 Table 5 - data, Table 4 - uncertainties. 4175500300010 (SUPPL,41755007) Spectrum at sample position 4175500300011 ENDBIB 9 0 4175500300012 COMMON 4 3 4175500300013 ERR-1 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-3 4175500300014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175500300015 3.01 1.51 1.52 3.53 4175500300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175500300017 DATA 3 1 4175500300018 MISC DATA ERR-T 4175500300019 MEV MB PER-CENT 4175500300020 13.86 2.62E-01 5.1 4175500300021 ENDDATA 3 0 4175500300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4175500399999 SUBENT 41755004 20230118 42134175500400001 BIB 4 9 4175500400002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)27-CO-57,,SIG,,FIS) 4175500400003 SAMPLE Placed at 300 mm distance from the light water 4175500400004 moderator (5 cm thickness) surface. 4175500400005 Nickel natural, 99.99% purity, several pieces of 4175500400006 2.60 - 2.90 mg, 5 x 5 x 0.1 mm 4175500400007 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,271.74D,DG,122.06065,0.8560) 4175500400008 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Schulc+,J,RPC,206,110804,2023) 4175500400009 Table 5 - data, Table 4 - uncertainties. 4175500400010 (SUPPL,41755007) Spectrum at sample position 4175500400011 ENDBIB 9 0 4175500400012 COMMON 4 3 4175500400013 ERR-1 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-3 4175500400014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175500400015 3.49 1.30 1.52 3.28 4175500400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175500400017 DATA 3 1 4175500400018 MISC DATA ERR-T 4175500400019 MEV MB PER-CENT 4175500400020 12.80 3.30E-01 5.2 4175500400021 ENDDATA 3 0 4175500400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4175500499999 SUBENT 41755005 20230118 42134175500500001 BIB 4 8 4175500500002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,P)25-MN-54,,SIG,,FIS) 4175500500003 SAMPLE Placed at 300 mm distance from the light water 4175500500004 moderator (5 cm thickness) surface. 4175500500005 54Fe, 99.4% purity, 0.651 g 14 x 14 x 0.01 mm 4175500500006 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,312.2D,DG,834.848,0.99976) 4175500500007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Schulc+,J,RPC,206,110804,2023) 4175500500008 Table 5 - data, Table 4 - uncertainties. 4175500500009 (SUPPL,41755007) Spectrum at sample position 4175500500010 ENDBIB 8 0 4175500500011 COMMON 4 3 4175500500012 ERR-1 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-3 4175500500013 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175500500014 2.95 1.59 1.52 3.08 4175500500015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175500500016 DATA 3 1 4175500500017 MISC DATA ERR-T 4175500500018 MEV MB PER-CENT 4175500500019 4.38 8.25E+01 5.4 4175500500020 ENDDATA 3 0 4175500500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4175500599999 SUBENT 41755006 20230118 42134175500600001 BIB 4 10 4175500600002 REACTION (22-TI-46(N,P)21-SC-46,,SIG,,FIS) 4175500600003 SAMPLE Placed at 300 mm distance from the light water 4175500600004 moderator (5 cm thickness) surface. 4175500600005 Titanium natural, 99.99% purity, 4175500600006 0.283 g 15 x 15 x 0.2 mm 4175500600007 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46-G,83.79D,DG,889.277,0.99984, 4175500600008 DG,1120.545,0.99987) 4175500600009 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Schulc+,J,RPC,206,110804,2023) 4175500600010 Table 5 - data, Table 4 - uncertainties. 4175500600011 (SUPPL,41755007) Spectrum at sample position 4175500600012 ENDBIB 10 0 4175500600013 COMMON 4 3 4175500600014 ERR-1 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-3 4175500600015 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175500600016 2.80 1.80 1.52 3.11 4175500600017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175500600018 DATA 3 1 4175500600019 MISC DATA ERR-T 4175500600020 MEV MB PER-CENT 4175500600021 6.00 1.25E+01 4.8 4175500600022 ENDDATA 3 0 4175500600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4175500699999 SUBENT 41755007 20230118 42134175500700001 BIB 3 122 4175500700002 SUPPL-INF (INCSP) Calculated neutron spectrum at sample position:4175500700003 E,MeV Flux n/cm2 4175500700004 1.E-11 0. 4175500700005 2.1544E-11 0. 4175500700006 4.6416E-11 2.74302E-14 4175500700007 1.E-10 7.84779E-13 4175500700008 1.5849E-10 1.29797E-12 4175500700009 2.5119E-10 4.96749E-12 4175500700010 3.9811E-10 1.81841E-11 4175500700011 6.7607E-10 4.91386E-11 4175500700012 7.4199E-10 2.01381E-11 4175500700013 8.1804E-10 2.6945E-11 4175500700014 9.0642E-10 2.72725E-11 4175500700015 1.0099E-9 4.81287E-11 4175500700016 1.1322E-9 4.54673E-11 4175500700017 1.2782E-9 6.93789E-11 4175500700018 1.4543E-9 8.71585E-11 4175500700019 1.6695E-9 1.34756E-10 4175500700020 1.9362E-9 1.86361E-10 4175500700021 2.2723E-9 2.83773E-10 4175500700022 2.7043E-9 4.75966E-10 4175500700023 3.2722E-9 9.31833E-10 4175500700024 3.9811E-9 1.36759E-9 4175500700025 5.0119E-9 1.98647E-9 4175500700026 6.3096E-9 3.00078E-9 4175500700027 7.9433E-9 4.8152E-9 4175500700028 1.E-8 7.54381E-9 4175500700029 1.2589E-8 1.27134E-8 4175500700030 1.5849E-8 1.64282E-8 4175500700031 1.9953E-8 2.42724E-8 4175500700032 2.5119E-8 3.72912E-8 4175500700033 3.1623E-8 4.5505E-8 4175500700034 3.9811E-8 5.93522E-8 4175500700035 5.0119E-8 7.15053E-8 4175500700036 6.3096E-8 7.73596E-8 4175500700037 7.9433E-8 7.4814E-8 4175500700038 1.E-7 6.96902E-8 4175500700039 1.2589E-7 5.33236E-8 4175500700040 1.5849E-7 4.09989E-8 4175500700041 1.9953E-7 2.96343E-8 4175500700042 2.5119E-7 2.47826E-8 4175500700043 3.1623E-7 2.38501E-8 4175500700044 3.9811E-7 2.47874E-8 4175500700045 5.0119E-7 2.72819E-8 4175500700046 6.3096E-7 2.80568E-8 4175500700047 7.9433E-7 3.05669E-8 4175500700048 1.E-6 3.24339E-8 4175500700049 1.2589E-6 3.38998E-8 4175500700050 1.5849E-6 3.562E-8 4175500700051 1.9953E-6 3.81081E-8 4175500700052 2.5119E-6 4.08504E-8 4175500700053 3.1623E-6 4.34971E-8 4175500700054 3.9811E-6 4.50909E-8 4175500700055 5.0119E-6 4.74748E-8 4175500700056 6.3096E-6 4.92606E-8 4175500700057 7.9433E-6 4.99774E-8 4175500700058 1.E-5 5.04001E-8 4175500700059 1.2589E-5 5.24473E-8 4175500700060 1.5849E-5 5.35301E-8 4175500700061 1.9953E-5 5.67949E-8 4175500700062 2.5119E-5 5.62296E-8 4175500700063 3.1623E-5 5.79342E-8 4175500700064 3.9811E-5 5.86622E-8 4175500700065 5.0119E-5 5.69485E-8 4175500700066 6.3096E-5 5.82746E-8 4175500700067 7.9433E-5 5.94067E-8 4175500700068 1.E-4 5.9009E-8 4175500700069 1.2589E-4 5.79883E-8 4175500700070 1.5849E-4 5.8147E-8 4175500700071 1.9953E-4 5.79708E-8 4175500700072 2.5119E-4 5.86562E-8 4175500700073 3.1623E-4 5.80122E-8 4175500700074 3.9811E-4 5.56515E-8 4175500700075 5.0119E-4 5.74459E-8 4175500700076 6.3096E-4 5.66016E-8 4175500700077 7.9433E-4 5.54283E-8 4175500700078 0.001 5.36895E-8 4175500700079 0.00126 5.57214E-8 4175500700080 0.00158 5.88888E-8 4175500700081 0.002 6.00154E-8 4175500700082 0.00251 5.94165E-8 4175500700083 0.00316 5.86516E-8 4175500700084 0.00398 5.9627E-8 4175500700085 0.00501 5.83776E-8 4175500700086 0.00631 5.88888E-8 4175500700087 0.00794 5.88694E-8 4175500700088 0.01 5.77586E-8 4175500700089 0.01259 5.73803E-8 4175500700090 0.01585 5.64594E-8 4175500700091 0.01995 6.13688E-8 4175500700092 0.02512 2.57096E-7 4175500700093 0.03162 9.78319E-8 4175500700094 0.03981 5.86453E-8 4175500700095 0.05012 7.84737E-8 4175500700096 0.0631 8.94533E-8 4175500700097 0.07943 1.62366E-7 4175500700098 0.1 1.54022E-7 4175500700099 0.12589 1.3307E-7 4175500700100 0.15849 2.29553E-7 4175500700101 0.19953 2.44838E-7 4175500700102 0.25119 1.9398E-7 4175500700103 0.31623 3.53431E-7 4175500700104 0.39811 2.68896E-7 4175500700105 0.50119 1.7455E-7 4175500700106 0.63096 2.44417E-7 4175500700107 0.79433 1.94367E-7 4175500700108 1. 1.11095E-7 4175500700109 1.2589 9.00792E-8 4175500700110 1.5849 7.15966E-8 4175500700111 1.9953 6.34739E-8 4175500700112 2.5119 6.02879E-8 4175500700113 3.1623 4.53723E-8 4175500700114 3.9811 2.71069E-8 4175500700115 5.0119 2.24539E-8 4175500700116 6.3096 1.41208E-8 4175500700117 7.9433 7.7068E-9 4175500700118 10. 2.72163E-9 4175500700119 12.589 7.23592E-10 4175500700120 15.849 1.77134E-10 4175500700121 19.953 1.2553E-11 4175500700122 STATUS (TABLE) From M.Schulc 4175500700123 HISTORY (20230824R) 4175500700124 ENDBIB 122 0 4175500700125 NOCOMMON 0 0 4175500700126 NODATA 0 0 4175500700127 ENDSUBENT 126 0 4175500799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 4175599999999