ENTRY 41757 20230707 42154175700000001 SUBENT 41757001 20230707 42154175700100001 BIB 13 59 4175700100002 TITLE Measurement of the 236U fission cross section and 4175700100003 angular distributions of fragments from fission of 4175700100004 235U and 236U in the neutron-energy range of 4175700100005 0.3-500 MeV 4175700100006 AUTHOR (A.S.Vorobyev, A.M.Gagarski, O.A.Shcherbakov, 4175700100007 L.A.Vaishnene, A.L.Barabanov, T.E.Kuz'mina) 4175700100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,108,014621,2023) 4175700100009 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.108.014621 4175700100010 INSTITUTE (4RUSLIN,4RUSKUR) A.S.Vorobyev, A.M.Gagarski, 4175700100011 O.A.Shcherbakov, L.A.Vaishnene 4175700100012 (4RUSMIF,4RUSKUR) A.L.Barabanov 4175700100013 (4RUSRI) T.E.Kuz'mina 4175700100014 FACILITY (SYNCY,4RUSLIN) Neutron complex GNEIS on the basis of 4175700100015 1 GeV proton synchrocyclotron SC-1000. 4175700100016 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Average intensity ~1.E14 n/sec, burst duration 4175700100017 ~10 nsec, repetition rate ~50 Hz. 4175700100018 Beam #5., diameter 90 mm. 4175700100019 INC-SPECT Differential neutron flux was measured and approximate4175700100020 in energy range 1- 1000 MeV by formula: 4175700100021 F(E)=4.281*exp[9.7999+0.5557(lnE) - 4175700100022 -1.4006(lnE)**2 + 0.3706(lnE)**3 - 0.0312(lnE)**4], 4175700100023 integral flux 4.2E+5 n/(cm2*sec). 4175700100024 METHOD (TOF) TOF base 36.50+-0.05 m. 4175700100025 SAMPLE Produced by painting technique on 0.1 mm thick Al foil.4175700100026 Chemical form - oxide U(3)O(8). 4175700100027 Uniformity (and mass) of active layers was measured 4175700100028 via alpha-activity registration by semiconductor 4175700100029 detector at 13 points to be average ~10% - see details 4175700100030 in Table III - with statistical accuracy 1.2-1.5 %. 4175700100031 235U 236U 4175700100032 Layer thickness,microg/cm2 203+-11 317+-16 4175700100033 Size,mm 50x100 82 diameter 4175700100034 Mass total, mg 10.15+-0.51 16.70+-0.83 4175700100035 Isotopes composition, mass percentage(%), determined by4175700100036 mass spectrometry. 4175700100037 235U 236U 4175700100038 234U 0.0020+-0.0005 <0.00001 4175700100039 235U 99.9920+-0.0010 0.0043+-0.0001 4175700100040 236U 0.0040+-0.0005 99.9730+-0.0002 4175700100041 238U 0.0020+-0.0005 0.0227+-0.0002 4175700100042 Al foil mask of 0.1 mm thickness and with 48.0(1) mm 4175700100043 diameter hole was placed on layers to obtain 4175700100044 identity of measurement conditions. 4175700100045 DECAY-DATA (92-U-234,2.455E+5YR) (2.455+-0.006)*10**5 years 4175700100046 (92-U-235,7.04E+8YR) (7.04+-0.01)*10**8 years 4175700100047 (92-U-236,2.342E+7YR) (2.342+-0.004)*10**7 years 4175700100048 (92-U-238,4.468E+9YR) (4.468+-0.006)*10**9 years 4175700100049 DETECTOR (FISCH) For neutron flux monitoring. 4175700100050 (MWPC) Position-sensitive multi-wire proportional 4175700100051 counters (MWPC) for FF registration . 4175700100052 The total registration efficiency of the detector 4175700100053 (assembly of two MWPCs), ~ 45%. 4175700100054 Lead resonances were used for energy calibration of 4175700100055 GNEIS spectrometer. 4175700100056 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by the author A.Vorobyev 4175700100057 HISTORY (20230810C) M.M. 4175700100058 Request of data was sent 11.08.2023 4175700100059 (20230811R) Supplementary Materials were received from 4175700100060 NDS,IAEA. 4175700100061 ENDBIB 59 0 4175700100062 NOCOMMON 0 0 4175700100063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 4175700199999 SUBENT 41757002 20230707 42154175700200001 BIB 4 10 4175700200002 REACTION (92-U-236(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) W(angle)/W(90deg) 4175700200003 REL-REF (N,13706008,J.E.Simmons+,J,PR,120,198,1960) 4175700200004 (N,10199002,J.R.Huizenga+,C,69VIENNA,,403(118),1969) 4175700200005 STI/PUB/234 4175700200006 (N,41096003,D.L.Shpak,J,SNP,54,734,1991) 4175700200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4175700200008 (ERR-SYS) Includes efficiency uncertainty and 4175700200009 resolution uncertainty. 4175700200010 STATUS (TABLE) Data were received from the author A.S.Vorobyev4175700200011 Data on Fig. 13 of J,PR/C,108,014621,2023 4175700200012 ENDBIB 10 0 4175700200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4175700200014 DATA 5 22 4175700200015 EN-MEAN COS-CM DATA-CM ERR-S ERR-SYS 4175700200016 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175700200017 0.8 0.375 1.463 17.15 4.11 4175700200018 0.8 0.435 1.136 11.79 2.3 4175700200019 0.8 0.495 1.174 9.16 1.61 4175700200020 0.8 0.555 1.038 8.8 1.08 4175700200021 0.8 0.615 1.243 7.67 0.76 4175700200022 0.8 0.675 1.089 8.14 0.56 4175700200023 0.8 0.735 1.072 8.14 0.53 4175700200024 0.8 0.795 1.129 7.91 0.51 4175700200025 0.8 0.855 1.086 8.03 0.5 4175700200026 0.8 0.915 0.989 8.39 0.49 4175700200027 0.8 0.975 0.89 9.13 0.5 4175700200028 6.6 0.375 0.955 6.37 4.11 4175700200029 6.6 0.435 0.972 3.83 2.3 4175700200030 6.6 0.495 1.077 2.92 1.61 4175700200031 6.6 0.555 1.017 2.7 1.08 4175700200032 6.6 0.615 1.018 2.57 0.76 4175700200033 6.6 0.675 1.052 2.51 0.56 4175700200034 6.6 0.735 1.092 2.44 0.53 4175700200035 6.6 0.795 1.153 2.37 0.51 4175700200036 6.6 0.855 1.276 2.25 0.5 4175700200037 6.6 0.915 1.348 2.18 0.49 4175700200038 6.6 0.975 1.431 2.2 0.5 4175700200039 ENDDATA 24 0 4175700200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4175700299999 SUBENT 41757003 20230707 42154175700300001 BIB 4 18 4175700300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) 4175700300003 W(0deg)/W(90deg) - angular anisotropy of fission 4175700300004 fragments dependence from incident neutron energy. 4175700300005 REL-REF (N,13706001,J.E.Simmons+,J,PR,120,198,1960) 4175700300006 (N,13708004,R.B.Leachman+,J,PR,137,B814,1965) 4175700300007 (N,40366003,V.G.Nesterov+,J,YF,4,993,1966) 4175700300008 (N,30520002,S.Ahmad+,J,NSE,71,208,1979) 4175700300009 (N,31863001,A.R.de L.Musgrove+,J,JP/G,7,549,1981) 4175700300010 (N,40825004,Kh.D.Androsenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-193,1982) 4175700300011 (N,12798001,J.W.Meadows+,R,ANL-NDM-64,1982) 4175700300012 (N,14606002,V.Geppert-Kleinrath+,J,PR/C,99,064619,2019)4175700300013 (N,14660002,D.Hensle+,J,PR/C,102,014605,2020) 4175700300014 (N,41608003,A.S.Vorobyev+,J,JEL,102,203,2015) 4175700300015 10 data sets used for comparison 4175700300016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4175700300017 STATUS (TABLE,,A.S.Vorobyev+,J,PR/C,108,014621,2023) 4175700300018 Supplementary materials at PR/C web-site. 4175700300019 Data on Fig. 14 of J,PR/C,108,014621,2023 4175700300020 ENDBIB 18 0 4175700300021 COMMON 1 3 4175700300022 ANG 4175700300023 ADEG 4175700300024 0. 4175700300025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175700300026 DATA 3 50 4175700300027 EN DATA ERR-S 4175700300028 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4175700300029 487.20 0.9736 0.0357 4175700300030 282.00 0.9813 0.0138 4175700300031 177.40 0.9973 0.0156 4175700300032 122.00 1.0095 0.0130 4175700300033 89.66 1.0158 0.0185 4175700300034 68.96 1.0828 0.0117 4175700300035 54.81 1.1074 0.0158 4175700300036 44.69 1.1301 0.0154 4175700300037 37.19 1.2000 0.0178 4175700300038 31.45 1.1750 0.0152 4175700300039 26.96 1.2348 0.0158 4175700300040 23.37 1.2706 0.0206 4175700300041 20.46 1.2321 0.0171 4175700300042 18.06 1.3104 0.0282 4175700300043 16.07 1.3019 0.0238 4175700300044 14.40 1.2919 0.0231 4175700300045 12.98 1.2752 0.0234 4175700300046 10.90 1.2444 0.0204 4175700300047 9.48 1.3455 0.0200 4175700300048 8.32 1.3022 0.0166 4175700300049 7.38 1.3159 0.0215 4175700300050 6.59 1.3138 0.0226 4175700300051 5.90 1.1749 0.0198 4175700300052 5.32 1.1358 0.0192 4175700300053 4.82 1.1476 0.0139 4175700300054 4.39 1.1507 0.0179 4175700300055 4.01 1.1631 0.0161 4175700300056 3.68 1.1465 0.0124 4175700300057 3.21 1.1623 0.0114 4175700300058 2.82 1.1834 0.0196 4175700300059 2.50 1.1743 0.0142 4175700300060 2.23 1.1902 0.0130 4175700300061 2.00 1.2235 0.0130 4175700300062 1.81 1.2086 0.0153 4175700300063 1.56 1.1629 0.0118 4175700300064 1.31 1.1568 0.0127 4175700300065 1.12 1.1533 0.0139 4175700300066 0.96 1.1600 0.0117 4175700300067 0.84 1.1421 0.0243 4175700300068 0.74 1.1352 0.0221 4175700300069 0.65 1.1193 0.0175 4175700300070 0.58 1.1206 0.0109 4175700300071 0.52 1.1096 0.0184 4175700300072 0.47 1.0970 0.0328 4175700300073 0.43 1.0500 0.0322 4175700300074 0.39 0.9943 0.0262 4175700300075 0.35 1.0440 0.0461 4175700300076 0.29 0.9945 0.0254 4175700300077 0.23 1.0390 0.0282 4175700300078 0.19 1.0190 0.0252 4175700300079 ENDDATA 52 0 4175700300080 ENDSUBENT 79 0 4175700399999 SUBENT 41757004 20230707 42154175700400001 BIB 4 11 4175700400002 REACTION (92-U-236(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) 4175700400003 W(0deg)/W(90deg) - angular anisotropy of fission 4175700400004 fragments dependence from incident neutron energy. 4175700400005 REL-REF (N,13706008,J.E.Simmons+,J,PR,120,198,1960) 4175700400006 (N,13708005,R.B.Leachman+,J,PR,137,B814,1965) 4175700400007 (N,41096003,D.L.Shpak,J,SNP,54,734,1991) 4175700400008 3 data sets used for comparison 4175700400009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4175700400010 STATUS (TABLE,,A.S.Vorobyev+,J,PR/C,108,014621,2023) 4175700400011 Supplementary materials at PR/C web-site. 4175700400012 Data on Fig. 15 of J,PR/C,108,014621,2023 4175700400013 ENDBIB 11 0 4175700400014 COMMON 1 3 4175700400015 ANG 4175700400016 ADEG 4175700400017 0. 4175700400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175700400019 DATA 3 49 4175700400020 EN DATA ERR-S 4175700400021 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4175700400022 305.40 1.0055 0.0302 4175700400023 161.80 0.9577 0.0183 4175700400024 95.89 1.0560 0.0161 4175700400025 63.84 1.1630 0.0332 4175700400026 45.80 1.1850 0.0278 4175700400027 34.51 1.3455 0.0486 4175700400028 27.01 1.2850 0.0404 4175700400029 21.75 1.3380 0.0340 4175700400030 17.83 1.2935 0.0431 4175700400031 14.96 1.5085 0.0560 4175700400032 12.68 1.2820 0.0486 4175700400033 10.90 1.3475 0.0564 4175700400034 9.48 1.3185 0.0487 4175700400035 8.32 1.5135 0.0486 4175700400036 7.38 1.6600 0.0611 4175700400037 6.59 1.4660 0.0663 4175700400038 5.90 1.1265 0.0443 4175700400039 5.32 1.2300 0.0614 4175700400040 4.82 1.1425 0.0581 4175700400041 4.39 1.1640 0.0446 4175700400042 4.01 1.1810 0.0578 4175700400043 3.69 1.1445 0.0347 4175700400044 3.40 1.1775 0.0632 4175700400045 3.14 1.1330 0.0509 4175700400046 2.91 1.1525 0.0515 4175700400047 2.71 1.2100 0.0458 4175700400048 2.52 1.0835 0.0473 4175700400049 2.36 1.1405 0.0536 4175700400050 2.21 1.1985 0.0512 4175700400051 2.07 1.2470 0.0502 4175700400052 1.95 1.3570 0.0767 4175700400053 1.84 1.3465 0.0545 4175700400054 1.73 1.2170 0.0448 4175700400055 1.64 1.0105 0.0405 4175700400056 1.55 0.9438 0.0267 4175700400057 1.47 1.1960 0.0962 4175700400058 1.40 1.2615 0.0623 4175700400059 1.33 1.5165 0.0825 4175700400060 1.26 1.3975 0.0761 4175700400061 1.20 1.4785 0.0798 4175700400062 1.15 1.6020 0.0846 4175700400063 1.10 1.1820 0.0870 4175700400064 1.05 0.9582 0.0487 4175700400065 1.00 0.9856 0.0975 4175700400066 0.96 0.5736 0.0448 4175700400067 0.88 0.6469 0.0377 4175700400068 0.80 0.9016 0.1084 4175700400069 0.74 0.7744 0.1277 4175700400070 0.69 1.1690 0.1265 4175700400071 ENDDATA 51 0 4175700400072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 4175700499999 SUBENT 41757005 20230707 42154175700500001 BIB 4 25 4175700500002 REACTION ((92-U-236(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4175700500003 REL-REF (N,10653003,J.W.Behrens+,J,NSE,63,250,1977) 4175700500004 (N,10654002,J.W.Meadows,J,NSE,65,171,1978) 4175700500005 (N,40921002,A.A.Goverdovskii+,J,SJA,59,1004,1985) 4175700500006 (N,40836001,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,59,846,1985) 4175700500007 Subents .002 and .003 4175700500008 (N,22024002,K.Kanda+,R,INDC(JPN)-108,99,1986) 4175700500009 (N,14011003,P.W.Lisowski+,C,91JUELIC,,732,1991) 4175700500010 (N,23131007,R.Sarmento+,J,PR/C,84,044618,2011) 4175700500011 (N,14402007,F.Tovesson+,J,NSE,178,57,2014) 4175700500012 8 data sets used for comparison. 4175700500013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 4175700500014 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4175700500015 (ERR-1) Uncertainty of the determination number of 4175700500016 nuclei in U-236 and U-235 targets 4175700500017 (ERR-2) Error due to uncertainties in the geometry of 4175700500018 the MWPC, which leads to a change in the efficiency of 4175700500019 detection of fission fragments 4175700500020 (ERR-3) Uncertainty due to impurities in the targets of4175700500021 U-236 and U-235 4175700500022 (ERR-4) Error due to uncertainties of angular 4175700500023 anisotropy of U-236 and U-235 4175700500024 STATUS (TABLE,,A.S.Vorobyev+,J,PR/C,108,014621,2023) 4175700500025 Supplementary materials at PR/C web-site. 4175700500026 Data on Fig. 17 of J,PR/C,108,014621,2023 4175700500027 ENDBIB 25 0 4175700500028 COMMON 2 3 4175700500029 ERR-1 ERR-2 4175700500030 PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175700500031 1.35 0.3 4175700500032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175700500033 DATA 6 153 4175700500034 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-3 ERR-4 4175700500035 MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175700500036 513.80 1.05252 0.05098 4.615 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500037 426.40 0.97447 0.03452 3.222 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500038 362.50 0.96645 0.02915 2.634 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500039 312.80 0.96153 0.02614 2.287 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500040 274.50 0.92175 0.02360 2.096 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500041 242.90 0.97506 0.02447 2.033 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500042 217.50 0.95155 0.02337 1.967 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500043 195.90 0.94535 0.02289 1.923 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500044 177.60 0.98604 0.02393 1.931 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500045 162.00 0.96141 0.02309 1.899 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500046 148.60 0.94276 0.02271 1.908 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500047 136.80 0.96223 0.02329 1.922 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500048 126.40 0.94270 0.02292 1.936 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500049 117.30 0.94217 0.02294 1.940 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500050 109.10 0.96428 0.02356 1.951 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500051 101.90 0.98451 0.02428 1.980 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500052 95.30 0.93550 0.02311 1.985 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500053 89.43 0.93932 0.02351 2.025 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500054 84.03 0.97563 0.02474 2.066 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500055 79.19 0.95933 0.02434 2.067 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500056 74.79 0.93204 0.02378 2.085 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500057 70.68 0.96458 0.02493 2.125 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500058 66.95 0.95706 0.02494 2.151 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500059 63.50 0.95056 0.02504 2.186 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500060 60.31 0.94560 0.02501 2.198 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500061 57.40 0.93808 0.02503 2.227 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500062 54.68 0.94178 0.02532 2.250 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500063 52.19 0.96815 0.02630 2.284 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500064 49.81 0.91710 0.02513 2.312 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500065 47.63 0.94228 0.02598 2.332 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500066 45.57 0.93478 0.02609 2.372 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500067 43.66 0.95106 0.02692 2.418 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500068 41.90 0.94121 0.02673 2.430 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500069 40.21 0.92072 0.02638 2.459 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500070 38.62 0.93037 0.02708 2.512 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500071 37.11 0.92938 0.02712 2.520 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500072 35.71 0.91882 0.02691 2.533 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500073 34.36 0.93396 0.02798 2.610 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500074 33.16 0.97779 0.02955 2.641 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500075 31.96 0.96868 0.02930 2.643 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500076 30.84 0.94598 0.02915 2.708 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500077 29.78 0.95588 0.02959 2.724 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500078 28.78 0.92131 0.02879 2.758 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500079 26.91 0.86586 0.02142 1.990 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500080 25.24 0.92933 0.02341 2.045 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500081 23.70 0.91849 0.02331 2.068 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500082 22.31 0.91294 0.02362 2.129 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500083 21.06 0.91627 0.02431 2.208 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500084 19.87 0.88138 0.02371 2.253 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500085 18.80 0.90591 0.02470 2.296 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500086 17.82 0.86987 0.02374 2.299 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500087 16.91 0.85840 0.02331 2.283 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500088 16.07 0.84805 0.02331 2.323 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500089 15.29 0.80052 0.02215 2.344 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500090 14.58 0.77460 0.02180 2.399 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500091 13.90 0.77540 0.02210 2.441 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500092 13.26 0.74969 0.02168 2.490 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500093 12.68 0.79080 0.02312 2.528 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500094 12.14 0.82049 0.02418 2.554 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500095 11.62 0.86739 0.02530 2.519 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500096 11.14 0.85096 0.02461 2.490 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500097 10.69 0.87275 0.02493 2.449 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500098 10.27 0.85462 0.02432 2.437 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500099 9.86 0.83507 0.02339 2.384 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500100 9.49 0.90453 0.02511 2.354 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500101 9.14 0.86735 0.02369 2.302 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500102 8.80 0.88352 0.02410 2.297 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500103 8.48 0.93367 0.02531 2.277 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500104 8.18 0.89265 0.02374 2.217 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500105 7.90 0.92418 0.02471 2.233 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500106 7.63 0.88708 0.02360 2.217 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500107 7.38 0.92542 0.02484 2.245 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500108 7.13 0.91053 0.02455 2.260 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500109 6.90 0.91346 0.02510 2.321 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500110 6.68 0.91375 0.02584 2.416 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500111 6.47 0.85643 0.02500 2.522 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500112 6.27 0.85011 0.02562 2.631 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500113 6.08 0.81689 0.02545 2.747 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500114 5.89 0.81341 0.02575 2.803 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500115 5.72 0.80517 0.02568 2.830 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500116 5.56 0.79298 0.02543 2.849 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500117 5.40 0.81543 0.02609 2.842 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500118 5.24 0.80369 0.02602 2.884 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500119 5.10 0.80335 0.02584 2.861 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500120 4.95 0.80579 0.02534 2.780 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500121 4.82 0.79407 0.01952 1.970 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500122 4.57 0.78909 0.01915 1.931 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500123 4.34 0.75268 0.01822 1.923 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500124 4.12 0.78993 0.01897 1.899 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500125 3.92 0.77753 0.01852 1.874 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500126 3.73 0.76612 0.01816 1.859 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500127 3.56 0.73870 0.01730 1.823 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500128 3.40 0.76034 0.01773 1.809 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500129 3.25 0.73878 0.01726 1.816 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500130 3.11 0.72407 0.01673 1.782 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500131 2.97 0.69707 0.01606 1.774 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500132 2.85 0.70777 0.01605 1.726 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500133 2.73 0.69797 0.01598 1.755 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500134 2.63 0.71857 0.01638 1.741 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500135 2.52 0.70119 0.01582 1.712 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500136 2.43 0.71089 0.01580 1.666 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500137 2.34 0.69135 0.01562 1.716 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500138 2.25 0.68445 0.01536 1.695 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500139 2.17 0.67343 0.01519 1.710 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500140 2.09 0.65248 0.01478 1.723 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500141 2.02 0.64357 0.01462 1.732 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500142 1.95 0.64184 0.01474 1.763 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500143 1.88 0.60939 0.01381 1.725 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500144 1.82 0.59902 0.01350 1.708 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500145 1.76 0.61212 0.01449 1.856 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500146 1.70 0.59659 0.01424 1.879 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500147 1.65 0.57047 0.01356 1.867 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500148 1.60 0.53512 0.01289 1.908 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500149 1.55 0.54892 0.01347 1.964 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500150 1.50 0.55946 0.01384 1.990 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500151 1.46 0.57445 0.01445 2.042 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500152 1.42 0.55650 0.01408 2.060 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500153 1.37 0.55428 0.01410 2.075 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500154 1.34 0.54431 0.01379 2.062 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500155 1.30 0.56451 0.01467 2.142 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500156 1.26 0.55915 0.01484 2.209 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500157 1.23 0.50805 0.01379 2.280 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500158 1.19 0.47821 0.01300 2.286 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500159 1.16 0.43952 0.01246 2.424 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500160 1.13 0.43311 0.01270 2.537 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500161 1.10 0.39254 0.01158 2.559 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500162 1.08 0.36251 0.01106 2.672 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500163 1.05 0.31775 0.01054 2.972 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500164 1.02 0.32377 0.01084 3.008 1.E-4 0.5 4175700500165 1.00 0.32261 0.01263 3.064 0.2 2. 4175700500166 0.97 0.31384 0.01238 3.101 0.2 2. 4175700500167 0.95 0.35233 0.01395 3.119 0.2 2. 4175700500168 0.93 0.30157 0.01219 3.224 0.2 2. 4175700500169 0.91 0.26032 0.00910 2.502 0.2 2. 4175700500170 0.86 0.19092 0.00765 3.176 0.2 2. 4175700500171 0.83 0.15297 0.00670 3.636 0.2 2. 4175700500172 0.79 0.10586 0.00509 4.140 0.2 2. 4175700500173 0.76 0.08324 0.00439 4.673 0.2 2. 4175700500174 0.72 0.05596 0.00358 5.907 0.2 2. 4175700500175 0.69 0.03739 0.00274 6.913 0.2 2. 4175700500176 0.67 0.02410 0.00218 8.705 0.2 2. 4175700500177 0.62 0.01577 0.00130 7.851 0.2 2. 4175700500178 0.57 0.01286 0.00127 9.541 0.2 2. 4175700500179 0.53 0.00714 0.00098 13.540 0.2 2. 4175700500180 0.50 0.00575 0.00087 14.965 0.2 2. 4175700500181 0.46 0.00559 0.00100 17.744 0.2 2. 4175700500182 0.43 0.00415 0.00077 18.365 0.2 2. 4175700500183 0.38 0.00277 0.00069 22.935 0.4 10. 4175700500184 0.35 0.00247 0.00068 25.421 0.4 10. 4175700500185 0.29 0.00207 0.00054 23.959 0.4 10. 4175700500186 0.25 0.00216 0.00060 26.033 0.4 10. 4175700500187 0.22 0.00187 0.00050 24.588 0.4 10. 4175700500188 0.17 0.00165 0.00056 32.268 0.4 10. 4175700500189 ENDDATA 155 0 4175700500190 ENDSUBENT 189 0 4175700599999 SUBENT 41757006 20230707 42154175700600001 BIB 6 29 4175700600002 REACTION (92-U-236(N,F),,SIG) 4175700600003 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4175700600004 MONIT-REF (,A.D.Carlson+,J,NDS,148,143,2018) 4175700600005 (,B.Marcinkevicius+,R,INDC(NDS)-0681,2015) 4175700600006 REL-REF (N,10653003,J.W.Behrens+,J,NSE,63,250,1977) 4175700600007 (N,40836001,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,59,846,1985) 4175700600008 (N,23131001,R.Sarmento+,J,PR/C,84,044618,2011) 4175700600009 (N,14402006,F.Tovesson+,J,NSE,178,57,2014) 4175700600010 4 data sets used for comparison 4175700600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty excluding error of U-235 4175700600012 standard (monitor) fission cross section 4175700600013 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty of cross sections ratio4175700600014 (ERR-1) Uncertainty of the determination number of 4175700600015 nuclei in U-236 and U-235 targets 4175700600016 (ERR-2) Error due to uncertainties in the geometry of 4175700600017 the MWPC, which leads to a change in the efficiency of 4175700600018 detection of fission fragments 4175700600019 (ERR-3) Uncertainty due to impurities in the targets of4175700600020 U-236 and U-235 4175700600021 (ERR-4) Error due to uncertainties of angular 4175700600022 anisotropy of U-236 and U-235 4175700600023 (ERR-5,1.3,7.) Monitor uncertainty - 4175700600024 1.3 - 1.5 % at En <20 MeV, 4175700600025 1.5 - 4.8 % at 20 - 200 MeV, 4175700600026 5. - 7. % at En > 200 MeV. 4175700600027 STATUS (TABLE,,A.S.Vorobyev+,J,PR/C,108,014621,2023) 4175700600028 Supplementary materials at PR/C web-site. 4175700600029 Data on Fig. 18 of J,PR/C,108,014621,2023 4175700600030 (DEP,41757005) 236U(n,f)/235U(n,f) ratio 4175700600031 ENDBIB 29 0 4175700600032 COMMON 2 3 4175700600033 ERR-1 ERR-2 4175700600034 PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175700600035 1.35 0.3 4175700600036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4175700600037 DATA 6 153 4175700600038 EN DATA DATA-ERR ERR-S ERR-3 ERR-4 4175700600039 MEV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4175700600040 513.80 1.63618 0.07925 4.615 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600041 426.40 1.55719 0.05516 3.222 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600042 362.50 1.54381 0.04657 2.634 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600043 312.80 1.51048 0.04107 2.287 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600044 274.50 1.41796 0.03631 2.096 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600045 242.90 1.46633 0.03679 2.033 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600046 217.50 1.40131 0.03442 1.967 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600047 195.90 1.36694 0.03309 1.923 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600048 177.60 1.43626 0.03486 1.931 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600049 162.00 1.38921 0.03336 1.899 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600050 148.60 1.37317 0.03308 1.908 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600051 136.80 1.40999 0.03412 1.922 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600052 126.40 1.39793 0.03399 1.936 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600053 117.30 1.42433 0.03468 1.940 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600054 109.10 1.48408 0.03626 1.951 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600055 101.90 1.52832 0.03769 1.980 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600056 95.30 1.47896 0.03654 1.985 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600057 89.43 1.52157 0.03808 2.025 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600058 84.03 1.65808 0.04204 2.066 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600059 79.19 1.64404 0.04171 2.067 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600060 74.79 1.61965 0.04132 2.085 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600061 70.68 1.68122 0.04345 2.125 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600062 66.95 1.70997 0.04456 2.151 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600063 63.50 1.74600 0.04600 2.186 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600064 60.31 1.74822 0.04624 2.198 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600065 57.40 1.76203 0.04702 2.227 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600066 54.68 1.76732 0.04751 2.250 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600067 52.19 1.84183 0.05004 2.284 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600068 49.81 1.74428 0.04780 2.312 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600069 47.63 1.81527 0.05005 2.332 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600070 45.57 1.82652 0.05097 2.372 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600071 43.66 1.87042 0.05294 2.418 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600072 41.90 1.85989 0.05282 2.430 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600073 40.21 1.83649 0.05261 2.459 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600074 38.62 1.84649 0.05374 2.512 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600075 37.11 1.86205 0.05433 2.520 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600076 35.71 1.88059 0.05508 2.533 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600077 34.36 1.96384 0.05883 2.610 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600078 33.16 2.07944 0.06285 2.641 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600079 31.96 2.07231 0.06268 2.643 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600080 30.84 2.03212 0.06262 2.708 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600081 29.78 2.04955 0.06345 2.724 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600082 28.78 1.94535 0.06080 2.758 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600083 26.91 1.82677 0.04520 1.990 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600084 25.24 1.97692 0.04979 2.045 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600085 23.70 1.93393 0.04908 2.068 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600086 22.31 1.93949 0.05018 2.129 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600087 21.06 1.91470 0.05080 2.208 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600088 19.87 1.78328 0.04797 2.253 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600089 18.80 1.84559 0.05033 2.296 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600090 17.82 1.79703 0.04905 2.299 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600091 16.91 1.80514 0.04902 2.283 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600092 16.07 1.82329 0.05013 2.323 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600093 15.29 1.70856 0.04728 2.344 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600094 14.58 1.62343 0.04568 2.399 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600095 13.90 1.59759 0.04553 2.441 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600096 13.26 1.45258 0.04201 2.490 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600097 12.68 1.45083 0.04243 2.528 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600098 12.14 1.43168 0.04220 2.554 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600099 11.62 1.48162 0.04321 2.519 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600100 11.14 1.46953 0.04249 2.490 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600101 10.69 1.52111 0.04346 2.449 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600102 10.27 1.49778 0.04263 2.437 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600103 9.86 1.47108 0.04120 2.384 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600104 9.49 1.59998 0.04441 2.354 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600105 9.14 1.54049 0.04208 2.302 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600106 8.80 1.57659 0.04300 2.297 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600107 8.48 1.67383 0.04537 2.277 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600108 8.18 1.59605 0.04246 2.217 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600109 7.90 1.63228 0.04365 2.233 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600110 7.63 1.52612 0.04060 2.217 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600111 7.38 1.53853 0.04129 2.245 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600112 7.13 1.44361 0.03892 2.260 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600113 6.90 1.37165 0.03769 2.321 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600114 6.68 1.28895 0.03646 2.416 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600115 6.47 1.12870 0.03295 2.522 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600116 6.27 1.03467 0.03119 2.631 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600117 6.08 0.92072 0.02869 2.747 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600118 5.89 0.86579 0.02741 2.803 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600119 5.72 0.83636 0.02667 2.830 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600120 5.56 0.82327 0.02640 2.849 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600121 5.40 0.85424 0.02734 2.842 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600122 5.24 0.85197 0.02758 2.884 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600123 5.10 0.85780 0.02759 2.861 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600124 4.95 0.86799 0.02730 2.780 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600125 4.82 0.86491 0.02126 1.970 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600126 4.57 0.87764 0.02130 1.931 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600127 4.34 0.84603 0.02048 1.923 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600128 4.12 0.89447 0.02148 1.899 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600129 3.92 0.88838 0.02116 1.874 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600130 3.73 0.88525 0.02098 1.859 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600131 3.56 0.86300 0.02021 1.823 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600132 3.40 0.89832 0.02094 1.809 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600133 3.25 0.88242 0.02062 1.816 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600134 3.11 0.87395 0.02019 1.782 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600135 2.97 0.85036 0.01960 1.774 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600136 2.85 0.87329 0.01980 1.726 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600137 2.73 0.86924 0.01991 1.755 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600138 2.63 0.90154 0.02055 1.741 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600139 2.52 0.88374 0.01994 1.712 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600140 2.43 0.89912 0.01998 1.666 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600141 2.34 0.87825 0.01985 1.716 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600142 2.25 0.87368 0.01961 1.695 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600143 2.17 0.86293 0.01946 1.710 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600144 2.09 0.83834 0.01899 1.723 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600145 2.02 0.82901 0.01883 1.732 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600146 1.95 0.82476 0.01893 1.763 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600147 1.88 0.77987 0.01767 1.725 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600148 1.82 0.76356 0.01721 1.708 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600149 1.76 0.77718 0.01840 1.856 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600150 1.70 0.75446 0.01800 1.879 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600151 1.65 0.71862 0.01708 1.867 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600152 1.60 0.67151 0.01618 1.908 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600153 1.55 0.68530 0.01682 1.964 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600154 1.50 0.69505 0.01720 1.990 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600155 1.46 0.71014 0.01787 2.042 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600156 1.42 0.68458 0.01732 2.060 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600157 1.37 0.67910 0.01727 2.075 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600158 1.34 0.66460 0.01683 2.062 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600159 1.30 0.68681 0.01784 2.142 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600160 1.26 0.67793 0.01799 2.209 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600161 1.23 0.61405 0.01666 2.280 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600162 1.19 0.57620 0.01566 2.286 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600163 1.16 0.52804 0.01497 2.424 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600164 1.13 0.51879 0.01521 2.537 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600165 1.10 0.46884 0.01384 2.559 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600166 1.08 0.43362 0.01323 2.672 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600167 1.05 0.38084 0.01263 2.972 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600168 1.02 0.38882 0.01302 3.008 1.E-4 0.5 4175700600169 1.00 0.38835 0.01521 3.064 0.2 2. 4175700600170 0.97 0.37759 0.01490 3.101 0.2 2. 4175700600171 0.95 0.41686 0.01651 3.119 0.2 2. 4175700600172 0.93 0.35077 0.01418 3.224 0.2 2. 4175700600173 0.91 0.29894 0.01045 2.502 0.2 2. 4175700600174 0.86 0.21513 0.00862 3.176 0.2 2. 4175700600175 0.83 0.17066 0.00747 3.636 0.2 2. 4175700600176 0.79 0.11809 0.00567 4.140 0.2 2. 4175700600177 0.76 0.09403 0.00496 4.673 0.2 2. 4175700600178 0.72 0.06294 0.00402 5.907 0.2 2. 4175700600179 0.69 0.04177 0.00306 6.913 0.2 2. 4175700600180 0.67 0.02696 0.00244 8.705 0.2 2. 4175700600181 0.62 0.01756 0.00144 7.851 0.2 2. 4175700600182 0.57 0.01461 0.00144 9.541 0.2 2. 4175700600183 0.53 0.00808 0.00111 13.540 0.2 2. 4175700600184 0.50 0.00656 0.00100 14.965 0.2 2. 4175700600185 0.46 0.00646 0.00116 17.744 0.2 2. 4175700600186 0.43 0.00497 0.00092 18.365 0.2 2. 4175700600187 0.38 0.00335 0.00084 22.935 0.4 10. 4175700600188 0.35 0.00301 0.00082 25.421 0.4 10. 4175700600189 0.29 0.00255 0.00066 23.959 0.4 10. 4175700600190 0.25 0.00276 0.00077 26.033 0.4 10. 4175700600191 0.22 0.00246 0.00065 24.588 0.4 10. 4175700600192 0.17 0.00231 0.00078 32.268 0.4 10. 4175700600193 ENDDATA 155 0 4175700600194 ENDSUBENT 193 0 4175700699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 4175799999999