ENTRY 41773 20240814 42184177300000001 SUBENT 41773001 20240814 42184177300100001 BIB 14 63 4177300100002 TITLE Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross 4177300100003 section and of 243Am relative to 235U in the neutron 4177300100004 energy range 0.3-500 MeV and its analysis 4177300100005 AUTHOR (A.S.Vorobyev, A.M.Gagarski, O.A.Shcherbakov, 4177300100006 L.A.Vaishnene, A.L.Barabanov, T.E.Kuz'mina) 4177300100007 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,60,117,2024) 4177300100008 #doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-024-01334-2 4177300100009 INSTITUTE (4RUSLIN,4RUSKUR) A.S.Vorobyev, A.M.Gagarski, 4177300100010 O.A.Shcherbakov, L.A.Vaishnene 4177300100011 (4RUSMIF,4RUSKUR) A.L.Barabanov 4177300100012 (4RUSRI) T.E.Kuz'mina 4177300100013 FACILITY (SYNCY,4RUSLIN) Neutron complex GNEIS on the basis of 4177300100014 1 GeV proton synchrocyclotron SC-1000. 4177300100015 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutron source intensity ~1.E14 n/sec, 4177300100016 pulse duration ~10 nsec, repetition rate ~50 Hz. 4177300100017 Cd of 0.5 mm thickness was placed at the entrance of 4177300100018 the flight path to remove neutrons of energy < 0.3 eV.4177300100019 Beam diameter 90 mm at sample position. 4177300100020 INC-SPECT Differential neutron flux was measured and fitted 4177300100021 in energy range 1- 1000 MeV by formula: 4177300100022 F(E)=4.281*exp[9.7999+0.5557(lnE) - 4177300100023 -1.4006*(lnE)**2 + 0.3706*(lnE)**3 - 0.0312*(lnE)**4]. 4177300100024 Evaluated neutron energy resolution: 4177300100025 1% at 1 MeV, 12% at 200 MeV. 4177300100026 METHOD (TOF) TOF base 36.50+-0.05 m. 4177300100027 Measurements were carried out for two orientations of 4177300100028 the setup relative to the incident neutron beam. 4177300100029 The orientation was changed by rotating the setup 4177300100030 180 deg around an axis perpendicular to the direction 4177300100031 of neutron beam motion . 4177300100032 SAMPLE Am-243 and U-235 samples were produced by painting 4177300100033 technique on 0.1 mm thick Al foils at Khlopin Radium 4177300100034 Institute. 4177300100035 243Am : 4177300100036 circle of a 82 mm diameter, 4177300100037 thickness 142+-7 mug/cm2, 4177300100038 isotopic purity (99.13+-0.10)%, 4177300100039 admixtures - 241Am -0.75(1)% and 244Cm -0.11(1)%. 4177300100040 235U: 4177300100041 rectangular form 50 x 100 mm 4177300100042 enrichment 99.992(1)% 4177300100043 thickness 203(11) mug/cm2. 4177300100044 The uniformity of the active layers was ~10%. 4177300100045 Measured ratio N(Am243)/N(U235) of the number of nuclei4177300100046 was 0.690+-0.012. 4177300100047 243Am and 235U targets were placed on opposite sides of4177300100048 the assembly of MWPCs. 4177300100049 DECAY-DATA (95-AM-243,7364.YR) 7364+-22 years 4177300100050 (95-AM-241,432.6YR) 432.6+-0.6 years 4177300100051 (96-CM-244,18.11YR) 18.11+-0.03 years. 4177300100052 DETECTOR (SOLST) Semiconductor detectors were used to measure 4177300100053 the masses of isotope by alpha-activity. 4177300100054 (MWPC) Two position-sensitive multi-wire proportional 4177300100055 counters (MWPC) of 14 x 140 mm2 size for FF detection. 4177300100056 (FISCH) 238U fission ionization chamber for relative 4177300100057 monitoring of neutron flux. 4177300100058 .Photomultiplier tube as start trigger. 4177300100059 .Detection efficiency of fission fragments ~45%. 4177300100060 CORRECTION For Cm-244 admixture spontaneous fission background. 4177300100061 For the detection efficiency. 4177300100062 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by the author A.Vorobyev 4177300100063 HISTORY (20240814C) M.M. 4177300100064 (20240814R) Data were received from the authors 4177300100065 ENDBIB 63 0 4177300100066 NOCOMMON 0 0 4177300100067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 4177300199999 SUBENT 41773002 20240814 42184177300200001 BIB 4 7 4177300200002 REACTION (95-AM-243(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) W(0deg)/W(90deg) 4177300200003 REL-REF (A,40837006,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,59,899,1985) 4177300200004 Eng.transl.of AE,59,339,1985. 4177300200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4177300200006 (ERR-SYS,1.,1.5) Total systematic uncertainty 4177300200007 STATUS (TABLE) Data were received from the author A.S.Vorobyev4177300200008 Data on Fig.6 of J,EPJ/A,60,117,2024 4177300200009 ENDBIB 7 0 4177300200010 COMMON 1 3 4177300200011 ANG 4177300200012 ADEG 4177300200013 0. 4177300200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4177300200015 DATA 3 29 4177300200016 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-S 4177300200017 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4177300200018 448.3 0.9701 0.04254 4177300200019 236.9 1.024 0.01678 4177300200020 137.1 0.9912 0.02078 4177300200021 91.15 1.106 0.01917 4177300200022 48.23 1.129 0.02097 4177300200023 30.06 1.196 0.02689 4177300200024 20.55 1.199 0.02114 4177300200025 14.95 1.278 0.03611 4177300200026 11.35 1.126 0.02413 4177300200027 8.939 1.123 0.01581 4177300200028 7.254 1.226 0.0209 4177300200029 6.007 1.29175 0.02752 4177300200030 5.021 1.204 0.02871 4177300200031 4.276 1.159 0.0331 4177300200032 3.686 1.089 0.02254 4177300200033 3.207 1.087 0.02224 4177300200034 2.821 1.155 0.02374 4177300200035 2.496 1.147 0.02226 4177300200036 2.228 1.175 0.02145 4177300200037 2.001 1.106 0.01825 4177300200038 1.808 1.14 0.0238 4177300200039 1.637 1.109 0.02296 4177300200040 1.492 1.126 0.01889 4177300200041 1.365 1.071 0.02037 4177300200042 1.254 1.133 0.0354 4177300200043 1.075 1.079 0.02661 4177300200044 0.9297 1.082 0.03744 4177300200045 0.727 1.094 0.04201 4177300200046 0.5671 1.003 0.07705 4177300200047 ENDDATA 31 0 4177300200048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 4177300299999 SUBENT 41773003 20240814 42184177300300001 BIB 5 39 4177300300002 REACTION 1((95-AM-243(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4177300300003 2(95-AM-243(N,F),,SIG) 4177300300004 MONITOR 2((MONIT)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 4177300300005 REL-REF 1 7 references for exp.data sets used for comparison 4177300300006 on Fig.8. 4177300300007 (D,10652003,J.W.Behrens+,J,NSE,77,444,1981) 4177300300008 Higher 4177300300009 (A,22044002,K.Kanda+,J,NST,24,423,1987) 4177300300010 (A,22032002,H.Knitter+,J,NSE,99,1,1988) 4177300300011 (A,22282009,F.Manabe+,J,TRTU,52,(2),97,1988) 4177300300012 (D,41058002,A.A.Goverdovskii+,J,SJA,67,524,1989) 4177300300013 Higher 4177300300014 (A,23148002,F.Belloni+,J,EPJ/A,47,160,2011) 4177300300015 (A,41487015,A.B.Laptev+,C,2007SANIB,,462,2007) 4177300300016 2 10 references for exp.data used for comparison on 4177300300017 Figs.9-10 4177300300018 (N,10652003,J.W.Behrens+,J,NSE,77,444,1981) 4177300300019 (N,22044002,K.Kanda+,J,NST,24,423,1987) 4177300300020 (N,22032002,H.Knitter+,J,NSE,99,1,1988) 4177300300021 (N,22282009,F.Manabe+,J,TRTU,52,(2),97,1988) 4177300300022 (N,41058002,A.A.Goverdovskii+,J,SJA,67,524,1989) 4177300300023 (N,23148002,F.Belloni+,J,EPJ/A,47,160,2011) 4177300300024 (N,22993001,G.Kessedjian+,J,PR/C,85,044613,2012) 4177300300025 Subents 003, 004, 005. 4177300300026 (N,12543003,D.K.Butler+,J,PR,124,1129,1961) 4177300300027 (N,10063004,P.A.Seeger,R,LA-4420,138,1970) 4177300300028 (A,40837003,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,59,899,1985) 4177300300029 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistics 4177300300030 (ERR-1) Number of nuclei 4177300300031 (ERR-2) Spontaneous fission 4177300300032 (ERR-3) Detection efficiency 4177300300033 (ERR-4) Impurities in samples 4177300300034 (ERR-5) Anisotropy 4177300300035 1(ERR-T) Total uncertainty 4177300300036 2(MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of monitor U-235 4177300300037 STATUS (TABLE,,A.S.Vorobyev+,J,EPJ/A,60,117,2024) 4177300300038 Table 1 - energy bins; 4177300300039 data and uncertainties were received from the author 4177300300040 A.S.Vorobyev. 4177300300041 ENDBIB 39 0 4177300300042 COMMON 3 3 4177300300043 ERR-1 ERR-3 ERR-5 4177300300044 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4177300300045 1.68 0.3 1. 4177300300046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4177300300047 DATA 9 155 4177300300048 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2MONIT 24177300300049 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-4 4177300300050 MEV MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT B B 4177300300051 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 4177300300052 0.195 0.203 0.0097 45.565 0.01319 1.35976 4177300300053 44.919 7.32 1. 4177300300054 0.203 0.213 0.01104 41.206 0.01488 1.34772 4177300300055 40.554 6.956 1. 4177300300056 0.213 0.223 0.00333 72.216 0.00447 1.3425 4177300300057 71.674 8.552 1. 4177300300058 0.223 0.234 0.0192 28.423 0.02528 1.3165 4177300300059 27.834 5.314 1. 4177300300060 0.234 0.240 0.0044 56.507 0.00573 1.302 4177300300061 55.893 8.005 1. 4177300300062 0.240 0.252 0.01893 25.588 0.02444 1.29102 4177300300063 25.036 4.8 1. 4177300300064 0.252 0.265 0.01501 27.044 0.01907 1.27078 4177300300065 26.473 5.066 1. 4177300300066 0.265 0.279 0.01884 23.060 0.02351 1.24808 4177300300067 22.55 4.283 1. 4177300300068 0.279 0.294 0.01788 24.892 0.02205 1.23307 4177300300069 24.355 4.642 1. 4177300300070 0.294 0.310 0.01057 28.606 0.01301 1.23122 4177300300071 28.018 5.327 1. 4177300300072 0.310 0.328 0.00601 36.151 0.00742 1.2348 4177300300073 35.508 6.414 1. 4177300300074 0.328 0.348 0.02027 17.530 0.02485 1.226 4177300300075 17.119 3.055 1. 4177300300076 0.348 0.369 0.01961 19.019 0.02386 1.21679 4177300300077 18.577 3.419 1. 4177300300078 0.369 0.392 0.01903 17.867 0.02306 1.21161 4177300300079 17.452 3.123 1. 4177300300080 0.392 0.418 0.03256 13.621 0.03868 1.18792 4177300300081 13.278 2.08 1. 4177300300082 0.418 0.446 0.02892 13.871 0.03453 1.19401 4177300300083 13.518 2.179 1. 4177300300084 0.446 0.477 0.03834 10.960 0.04426 1.1543 4177300300085 10.631 1.483 1. 4177300300086 0.477 0.511 0.03626 9.833 0.04139 1.1415 4177300300087 9.501 1.23 1. 4177300300088 0.511 0.550 0.04957 8.529 0.05609 1.13159 4177300300089 8.182 0.939 1. 4177300300090 0.550 0.565 0.05519 14.712 0.06225 1.12791 4177300300091 14.525 0.754 1. 4177300300092 0.565 0.576 0.06686 13.471 0.07612 1.13852 4177300300093 13.272 0.633 1. 4177300300094 0.576 0.587 0.06194 13.409 0.06992 1.12885 4177300300095 13.21 0.629 1. 4177300300096 0.587 0.598 0.05746 13.690 0.06418 1.11696 4177300300097 13.494 0.655 1. 4177300300098 0.598 0.610 0.06477 12.371 0.07193 1.11062 4177300300099 12.159 0.535 1. 4177300300100 0.610 0.622 0.08419 11.095 0.09372 1.1132 4177300300101 10.863 0.425 1. 4177300300102 0.622 0.634 0.08886 10.667 0.09912 1.11546 4177300300103 10.427 0.39 1. 4177300300104 0.634 0.647 0.10032 10.261 0.11216 1.11804 4177300300105 10.012 0.357 1. 4177300300106 0.647 0.660 0.11789 9.677 0.13202 1.11982 4177300300107 9.415 0.312 1. 4177300300108 0.660 0.673 0.1289 8.888 0.14424 1.11901 4177300300109 8.603 0.26 1. 4177300300110 0.673 0.687 0.12936 8.493 0.14465 1.11819 4177300300111 8.195 0.236 1. 4177300300112 0.687 0.702 0.15599 7.868 0.17429 1.11734 4177300300113 7.547 0.197 1. 4177300300114 0.702 0.716 0.15585 7.555 0.17448 1.11955 4177300300115 7.22 0.18 1. 4177300300116 0.716 0.732 0.18364 7.471 0.20646 1.12426 4177300300117 7.133 0.172 1. 4177300300118 0.732 0.748 0.20514 6.872 0.23157 1.12885 4177300300119 6.503 0.142 1. 4177300300120 0.748 0.764 0.19984 6.742 0.2258 1.1299 4177300300121 6.366 0.137 1. 4177300300122 0.764 0.781 0.26015 6.275 0.29213 1.12293 4177300300123 5.87 0.112 1. 4177300300124 0.781 0.798 0.32252 5.898 0.35982 1.11566 4177300300125 5.465 0.094 1. 4177300300126 0.798 0.816 0.31759 5.558 0.35323 1.11221 4177300300127 5.178 0.085 0.4 4177300300128 0.816 0.834 0.37031 5.525 0.41309 1.11552 4177300300129 5.143 0.081 0.4 4177300300130 0.834 0.856 0.41505 5.034 0.4644 1.1189 4177300300131 4.611 0.064 0.4 4177300300132 0.856 0.874 0.48994 4.796 0.55184 1.12634 4177300300133 4.35 0.055 0.4 4177300300134 0.874 0.894 0.55365 4.365 0.62891 1.13594 4177300300135 3.87 0.042 0.4 4177300300136 0.894 0.915 0.5899 4.085 0.67677 1.14726 4177300300137 3.551 0.035 0.4 4177300300138 0.915 0.938 0.68581 3.903 0.79769 1.16314 4177300300139 3.341 0.029 0.4 4177300300140 0.938 0.960 0.69443 3.827 0.82182 1.18344 4177300300141 3.251 0.028 0.4 4177300300142 0.960 0.984 0.7994 3.692 0.96172 1.20305 4177300300143 3.091 0.024 0.4 4177300300144 0.984 1.009 0.85169 3.602 1.02523 1.20376 4177300300145 2.984 0.022 0.4 4177300300146 1.009 1.034 0.85246 3.553 1.0239 1.20111 4177300300147 2.924 0.021 0.4 4177300300148 1.034 1.061 0.96117 3.491 1.15222 1.19877 4177300300149 2.849 0.019 0.4 4177300300150 1.061 1.089 1.04275 3.309 1.24739 1.19625 4177300300151 2.622 0.016 0.4 4177300300152 1.089 1.117 1.10424 3.253 1.31884 1.19434 4177300300153 2.551 0.014 0.4 4177300300154 1.117 1.147 1.05423 3.292 1.26258 1.19763 4177300300155 2.601 0.015 0.4 4177300300156 1.147 1.178 1.08785 3.247 1.30654 1.20103 4177300300157 2.544 0.014 0.4 4177300300158 1.178 1.211 1.05141 3.211 1.26658 1.20465 4177300300159 2.497 0.014 0.4 4177300300160 1.211 1.244 1.07964 3.141 1.30476 1.20851 4177300300161 2.407 0.013 0.4 4177300300162 1.244 1.280 1.1299 3.120 1.36985 1.21236 4177300300163 2.379 0.012 0.4 4177300300164 1.280 1.316 1.16308 3.082 1.41482 1.21644 4177300300165 2.33 0.012 0.4 4177300300166 1.316 1.354 1.14482 3.031 1.3974 1.22063 4177300300167 2.262 0.011 0.4 4177300300168 1.354 1.394 1.17994 3.003 1.44549 1.22505 4177300300169 2.224 0.011 0.4 4177300300170 1.394 1.437 1.17377 3.002 1.44376 1.23002 4177300300171 2.223 0.011 0.4 4177300300172 1.437 1.481 1.16884 2.992 1.44449 1.23583 4177300300173 2.209 0.01 0.4 4177300300174 1.481 1.526 1.18689 2.917 1.47384 1.24177 4177300300175 2.142 0.01 0.1 4177300300176 1.526 1.574 1.12496 2.903 1.40423 1.24825 4177300300177 2.123 0.01 0.1 4177300300178 1.574 1.624 1.16679 2.839 1.46401 1.25473 4177300300179 2.034 0.009 0.1 4177300300180 1.624 1.676 1.1358 2.825 1.43054 1.2595 4177300300181 2.014 0.009 0.1 4177300300182 1.676 1.732 1.14501 2.850 1.4477 1.26436 4177300300183 2.05 0.009 0.1 4177300300184 1.732 1.790 1.07435 2.858 1.36388 1.26949 4177300300185 2.061 0.009 0.1 4177300300186 1.790 1.851 1.12446 2.767 1.43324 1.2746 4177300300187 1.932 0.008 0.1 4177300300188 1.851 1.915 1.08858 2.754 1.3929 1.27956 4177300300189 1.913 0.008 0.1 4177300300190 1.915 1.982 1.10924 2.788 1.42528 1.28492 4177300300191 1.962 0.009 0.1 4177300300192 1.982 2.054 1.09873 2.752 1.41537 1.28819 4177300300193 1.911 0.008 0.1 4177300300194 2.054 2.128 1.11669 2.758 1.43489 1.28495 4177300300195 1.919 0.008 0.1 4177300300196 2.128 2.208 1.15965 2.751 1.48602 1.28144 4177300300197 1.909 0.008 0.1 4177300300198 2.208 2.292 1.13963 2.753 1.45482 1.27657 4177300300199 1.912 0.008 0.1 4177300300200 2.292 2.381 1.12854 2.763 1.43387 1.27055 4177300300201 1.927 0.008 0.1 4177300300202 2.381 2.474 1.14505 2.729 1.44829 1.26483 4177300300203 1.878 0.007 0.1 4177300300204 2.474 2.574 1.11665 2.768 1.4075 1.26047 4177300300205 1.934 0.008 0.1 4177300300206 2.574 2.680 1.172 2.785 1.47061 1.25479 4177300300207 1.958 0.008 0.1 4177300300208 2.680 2.793 1.17682 2.775 1.46576 1.24553 4177300300209 1.944 0.008 0.1 4177300300210 2.793 2.912 1.18398 2.769 1.46105 1.23402 4177300300211 1.935 0.008 0.1 4177300300212 2.912 3.040 1.17397 2.772 1.4321 1.21988 4177300300213 1.939 0.008 0.1 4177300300214 3.040 3.176 1.21519 2.770 1.46762 1.20773 4177300300215 1.937 0.008 0.1 4177300300216 3.176 3.321 1.18546 2.808 1.41743 1.19568 4177300300217 1.99 0.008 0.1 4177300300218 3.321 3.477 1.23127 2.820 1.45609 1.18259 4177300300219 2.008 0.008 0.1 4177300300220 3.477 3.644 1.2065 2.840 1.40965 1.16838 4177300300221 2.035 0.009 0.1 4177300300222 3.644 3.823 1.19459 2.858 1.38083 1.1559 4177300300223 2.06 0.009 0.1 4177300300224 3.823 4.016 1.2576 2.858 1.43711 1.14274 4177300300225 2.061 0.009 0.1 4177300300226 4.016 4.224 1.24445 2.885 1.4094 1.13255 4177300300227 2.098 0.009 0.1 4177300300228 4.224 4.449 1.30035 2.938 1.46189 1.12423 4177300300229 2.17 0.009 0.1 4177300300230 4.449 4.692 1.24419 2.951 1.3837 1.11213 4177300300231 2.188 0.009 0.1 4177300300232 4.692 4.956 1.28015 2.986 1.39499 1.08971 4177300300233 2.235 0.01 0.1 4177300300234 4.956 5.242 1.29182 3.016 1.37972 1.06804 4177300300235 2.274 0.01 0.1 4177300300236 5.242 5.554 1.34401 3.036 1.40875 1.04817 4177300300237 2.301 0.01 0.1 4177300300238 5.554 5.895 1.37298 3.056 1.42616 1.03873 4177300300239 2.327 0.01 0.1 4177300300240 5.895 6.268 1.35155 2.984 1.5193 1.12412 4177300300241 2.232 0.009 0.1 4177300300242 6.268 6.678 1.3922 2.861 1.8329 1.31655 4177300300243 2.064 0.008 0.1 4177300300244 6.678 7.131 1.31364 2.753 1.97039 1.49995 4177300300245 1.912 0.007 0.1 4177300300246 7.131 7.631 1.26077 2.721 2.09237 1.6596 4177300300247 1.866 0.007 0.1 4177300300248 7.631 8.185 1.2047 2.726 2.12728 1.76582 4177300300249 1.873 0.008 0.1 4177300300250 8.185 8.803 1.19423 2.736 2.14085 1.79266 4177300300251 1.888 0.008 0.1 4177300300252 8.803 9.493 1.1506 2.747 2.04399 1.77646 4177300300253 1.904 0.008 0.1 4177300300254 9.493 10.27 1.14555 2.793 2.01805 1.76164 4177300300255 1.969 0.009 0.1 4177300300256 10.27 11.14 1.16226 2.855 2.02597 1.74313 4177300300257 2.056 0.009 0.1 4177300300258 11.38 11.88 1.20761 3.581 2.06311 1.70842 4177300300259 2.984 0.01 0.1 4177300300260 11.88 12.41 1.17877 3.601 2.05395 1.74245 4177300300261 3.007 0.01 0.1 4177300300262 12.41 12.97 1.10236 3.622 2.02267 1.83485 4177300300263 3.032 0.01 0.1 4177300300264 12.97 13.58 1.07094 3.579 2.07353 1.93618 4177300300265 2.981 0.01 0.1 4177300300266 13.58 14.23 0.97619 3.583 2.01066 2.0597 4177300300267 2.986 0.01 0.1 4177300300268 14.23 14.92 0.96061 3.606 2.01252 2.09504 4177300300269 3.013 0.01 0.1 4177300300270 14.92 15.67 0.94896 3.556 2.02519 2.13412 4177300300271 2.954 0.01 0.1 4177300300272 15.67 16.48 0.99946 3.509 2.14892 2.15008 4177300300273 2.897 0.01 0.1 4177300300274 16.48 17.36 0.99675 3.488 2.09565 2.10248 4177300300275 2.871 0.009 0.1 4177300300276 17.36 18.30 1.00832 3.486 2.08321 2.06602 4177300300277 2.869 0.009 0.1 4177300300278 18.3 19.33 1.04124 3.502 2.12114 2.03713 4177300300279 2.888 0.009 0.1 4177300300280 19.33 20.45 1.04112 3.476 2.10619 2.023 4177300300281 2.857 0.009 0.1 4177300300282 20.45 21.66 0.98724 3.439 2.06242 2.08908 4177300300283 2.811 0.009 0.1 4177300300284 21.66 23.00 1.05456 3.374 2.24083 2.1249 4177300300285 2.731 0.008 0.1 4177300300286 23.00 24.45 1.02451 3.337 2.15627 2.10468 4177300300287 2.686 0.008 0.1 4177300300288 24.45 26.06 1.0247 3.276 2.17978 2.12724 4177300300289 2.61 0.008 0.1 4177300300290 26.06 27.83 0.99526 3.249 2.0992 2.1092 4177300300291 2.575 0.008 0.1 4177300300292 27.83 29.79 1.01021 3.230 2.13255 2.111 4177300300293 2.552 0.007 0.1 4177300300294 29.79 31.97 1.01369 3.178 2.17777 2.14836 4177300300295 2.486 0.007 0.1 4177300300296 31.97 34.40 1.0092 3.118 2.1465 2.12693 4177300300297 2.408 0.006 0.1 4177300300298 34.40 37.12 0.99676 3.089 2.04041 2.04704 4177300300299 2.37 0.006 0.1 4177300300300 37.12 40.19 0.99586 3.047 1.97636 1.98458 4177300300301 2.316 0.006 0.1 4177300300302 40.19 43.67 0.97561 3.016 1.92758 1.97577 4177300300303 2.275 0.006 0.1 4177300300304 43.67 47.63 0.994 2.984 1.94236 1.95408 4177300300305 2.232 0.006 0.1 4177300300306 47.63 52.17 1.01493 2.933 1.93039 1.90199 4177300300307 2.163 0.005 0.1 4177300300308 52.17 57.41 0.97945 2.897 1.83846 1.87703 4177300300309 2.114 0.005 0.1 4177300300310 58.84 61.89 0.98351 3.581 1.81817 1.84865 4177300300311 2.984 0.005 0.1 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4177300300335 2.544 0.003 0.1 4177300300336 131.5 142.5 1.02679 3.218 1.50499 1.46572 4177300300337 2.536 0.004 0.1 4177300300338 142.5 155.1 1.07856 3.183 1.57011 1.45575 4177300300339 2.492 0.003 0.1 4177300300340 155.1 169.6 1.05226 3.204 1.52062 1.4451 4177300300341 2.519 0.003 0.1 4177300300342 169.6 186.5 1.05114 3.189 1.53109 1.4566 4177300300343 2.499 0.003 0.1 4177300300344 186.5 206.2 1.05559 3.193 1.52631 1.44593 4177300300345 2.505 0.003 0.1 4177300300346 206.2 229.7 1.06784 3.212 1.5688 1.46913 4177300300347 2.529 0.003 0.1 4177300300348 229.7 257.9 1.02211 3.298 1.53096 1.49784 4177300300349 2.637 0.004 0.1 4177300300350 257.9 292.6 1.06051 3.351 1.62681 1.53399 4177300300351 2.703 0.004 0.1 4177300300352 292.6 336.0 1.1007 3.512 1.72834 1.57022 4177300300353 2.90 0.004 0.1 4177300300354 336.0 391.9 1.0369 3.857 1.65427 1.5954 4177300300355 3.31 0.006 0.1 4177300300356 391.9 466.6 1.00806 4.461 1.61239 1.5995 4177300300357 3.997 0.009 0.1 4177300300358 466.6 571.4 1.13914 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