ENTRY 41775 20240822 42184177500000001 SUBENT 41775001 20240822 42184177500100001 BIB 12 54 4177500100002 TITLE Prompt neutron emission in 250No spontaneous fission 4177500100003 associated with ground and isomeric state decays 4177500100004 AUTHOR (R.S.Mukhin,A.V.Isaev,A.V.Andreev,M.L.Chelnokov, 4177500100005 V.I.Chepigin,H.M.Devaraja, I.N.Izosimov,A.A.Kuznetsova,4177500100006 O.N.Malyshev,A.G.Popeko,Yu.A.Popov,A.Rahmatinejad, 4177500100007 B.Sailaubekov,T.M.Shneidman,E.A.Sokol,A.I.Svirikhin, 4177500100008 M.S.Tezekbayeva,M.A.Bychkov,A.V.Yeremin, 4177500100009 O.Dorvaux,B.Gall,K.Kessaci,K.Hauschild,A.Lopez-Martens)4177500100010 REFERENCE (J,CPH/C,48,064002,2024) 4177500100011 #doi:10.1088/1674-1137/ad361a 4177500100012 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) R.S.Mukhin,A.V.Isaev,A.V.Andreev, 4177500100013 M.L.Chelnokov,V.I.Chepigin,H.M.Devaraja, I.N.Izosimov, 4177500100014 A.A.Kuznetsova,O.N.Malyshev,A.G.Popeko,Yu.A.Popov, 4177500100015 A.Rahmatinejad,B.Sailaubekov,T.M.Shneidman,E.A.Sokol, 4177500100016 A.I.Svirikhin,M.S.Tezekbayeva,M.A.Bychkov,A.V.Yeremin 4177500100017 (4RUSDBU) A.V.Isaev,O.N.Malyshev,A.G.Popeko,Yu.A.Popov,4177500100018 A.I.Svirikhin 4177500100019 (4KASKAZ) B.Sailaubekov,M.S.Tezekbayeva 4177500100020 (4KASATN) B.Sailaubekov 4177500100021 (4RUSRUS) Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia. 4177500100022 T.M.Shneidman 4177500100023 (2FR STR) O.Dorvaux,B.Gall,K.Kessaci 4177500100024 (2FR PAR) K.Hauschild,A.Lopez-Martens 4177500100025 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) U-400 cyclotron to produce No-250 . 4177500100026 Ca-48 beam energy 226+-2.0 MeV. 4177500100027 . SHELS separator. 4177500100028 SAMPLE Produced in the complete fusion reaction 4177500100029 Ca-48(Pb-204,2N)No-250 4177500100030 DETECTOR (SISD,HE3SP) Detection system SFiNx consists of 4177500100031 box-like assembly of double-sided silicon 4177500100032 strip detectors ( DSSD )surrounded by 116 neutron 4177500100033 counters filled with He3 at 7 atm pressure. 4177500100034 Single neutron detection efficiency calibration was 4177500100035 carried out using the 248Cm source, assuming that 4177500100036 the energy spectrum of prompt SF neutrons of 250No does4177500100037 not differ significantly from that of 248Cm. 4177500100038 The single neutron detection efficiency (56+-1) %. 4177500100039 The DSSD placed at the focal plane of SHELS consisted 4177500100040 of 128 x 128 strips, its area was 100 x 100 mm2. 4177500100041 Eight side 16 x 16 DSSDs of 50 x 50 mm2 were located 4177500100042 around the focal plane DSSD in the backward direction. 4177500100043 DSSD energy calibration at alpha-particle energies was 4177500100044 performed using the 174Yb(48Ca,xn)222-xTh reaction. 4177500100045 Dead time of detection system 4.5 microsec. 4177500100046 METHOD 1357 events of 252No spontaneous fission were found. 4177500100047 CORRECTION For background and detection efficiency. 4177500100048 ADD-RES Half-lives of two activities extracted from fitting 4177500100049 curve - 4.7+-0.2 and 46.+-4. microsec; 4177500100050 expected number of nuclei - 1510+-50 and 500+-50, 4177500100051 respectively. 4177500100052 Isomer population probability was estimated to be 4177500100053 0.25+-0.02. 4177500100054 COMMENT This work was supported by JINR grant 23-502-06. 4177500100055 HISTORY (20240822C) M.M. 4177500100056 ENDBIB 54 0 4177500100057 NOCOMMON 0 0 4177500100058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 4177500199999 SUBENT 41775002 20240822 42184177500200001 BIB 3 5 4177500200002 REACTION (102-NO-250(0,F),PR,NU) 4177500200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4177500200004 article. 4177500200005 STATUS (TABLE,,R.S.Mukhin+,J,CPH/C,48,064002,2024) 4177500200006 Text pages 064002-4, 064002-5. 4177500200007 ENDBIB 5 0 4177500200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4177500200009 DATA 2 1 4177500200010 DATA DATA-ERR 4177500200011 PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4177500200012 4.1 0.1 4177500200013 ENDDATA 3 0 4177500200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4177500299999 SUBENT 41775003 20240822 42184177500300001 BIB 5 8 4177500300002 REACTION (102-NO-250(0,F),PR/NUM,NU) 4177500300003 MISC-COL (MISC) Number of events 4177500300004 ANALYSIS No significant difference between two (short and long) 4177500300005 activities concerning the prompt neutron multiplicity 4177500300006 distribution were found. 4177500300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4177500300008 article. 4177500300009 STATUS (TABLE,,R.S.Mukhin+,J,CPH/C,48,064002,2024) Table 1 4177500300010 ENDBIB 8 0 4177500300011 COMMON 1 3 4177500300012 ERR-HL 4177500300013 SEC 4177500300014 0.04 4177500300015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4177500300016 DATA 4 10 4177500300017 PART-OUT DATA DATA-ERR MISC 4177500300018 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4177500300019 0. 0.009 0.007 32. 4177500300020 1. 0.004 0.006 100. 4177500300021 2. 0.102 0.015 169. 4177500300022 3. 0.226 0.018 125. 4177500300023 4. 0.280 0.019 63. 4177500300024 5. 0.232 0.020 18. 4177500300025 6. 0.120 0.017 3. 4177500300026 7. 0.024 0.013 0. 4177500300027 8. 0.002 0.003 0. 4177500300028 9. 0.001 0.003 0. 4177500300029 ENDDATA 12 0 4177500300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4177500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4177599999999