ENTRY 41777 20241226 422141777000 1 SUBENT 41777001 20241226 422141777001 1 BIB 13 45 41777001 2 TITLE The energy dependence of the temporal parameters of 41777001 3 delayed neutrons from the neutron-induced fission of 41777001 4 235U in the energy range from 0.4 to 8 MeV 41777001 5 AUTHOR (D.E.Gremyachkin,A.S.Egorov,K.V.Mitrofanov, 41777001 6 V.F.Mitrofanov, V.M.Piksaikin, I.P.Bondarenko) 41777001 7 REFERENCE (J,ANE,211,110904,2025) 41777001 8 #doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2024.110904 41777001 9 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 41777001 10 REL-REF (O,F1525000,D.E.Gremyachkin+,J,ANE,211,110904,2025) 41777001 11 Charge particle induced data of this article. 41777001 12 FACILITY (ACCEL,4RUSFEI) 6-MeV electrostatic accelerator 41777001 13 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) For neutron energy 0.42 - 2.92 MeV. 41777001 14 Targets - LiF evaporated on 0.5-mm thick copper 41777001 15 backings. 41777001 16 (D-D) For neutron energy 4 - 8 MeV. 41777001 17 Targets - deuterium absorbed in ~1 mg/cm2 thick Ti 41777001 18 layer deposited on 0.5 mm thick copper backings. 41777001 19 .Energy loss in the target does not exceed the neutron 41777001 20 kinematic energy spread. 41777001 21 INC-SPECT Spectra are presented on Figs.2 (p-Li7),3 (d-d). 41777001 22 METHOD (ACTIV) Cyclic irradiation followed by the measurement 41777001 23 of the time dependence of delayed neutron activity. 41777001 24 Irradiation time was 180 and 15s, DN counting time was 41777001 25 600 and 500 s, respectively; sample delivery time 41777001 26 200 ms. 41777001 27 DETECTOR (HE3SP) 4PI neutron detector - assembly of 21 41777001 28 proportional He3-counters distributed in polyethylene 41777001 29 moderator. Surrounded by Cd sheet and borated 41777001 30 polyethylene (10 cm thick). 41777001 31 Energy dependence of the 4PI detector absolute 41777001 32 efficiency was determined by 252Cf calibrated source 41777001 33 and calculated by Monte Carlo method. See Fig.6 . 41777001 34 Average efficiency (weighted by the 252Cf prompt 41777001 35 neutron spectrum) - 34.96+-0.81. 41777001 36 (FISCH) Fission chamber with Pu-239 deposit of 41777001 37 100 microg/cm2 was used as neutron flux monitor. 41777001 38 SAMPLE No information about U-235 sample in the article. 41777001 39 239Pu deposit of 100 mug/cm2 was used as the neutron 41777001 40 flux monitor. 41777001 41 CORRECTION For background. 41777001 42 For break-up neutrons. 41777001 43 For non-monoenergetic component of incident neutrons. 41777001 44 For background. 41777001 45 HISTORY (20241226C) M.M. 41777001 46 (20250116R) 41777001 47 ENDBIB 45 0 41777001 48 NOCOMMON 0 0 41777001 49 ENDSUBENT 48 0 4177700199999 SUBENT 41777002 20241226 422141777002 1 BIB 5 17 41777002 2 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),DL,NU) 41777002 3 ANALYSIS Analysis of DN decay curve was done by iterative 41777002 4 least-square method in frames of 6-group model. 41777002 5 Obtained data of HL(En) were used to estimate DN yield.41777002 6 ADD-RES Delayed neutrons precursors average HL dependence from41777002 7 incident neutron energy HL(En) is on Fig.10. 41777002 8 ERR-ANALYS Relative uncertainties of the activity values: 41777002 9 Uncertainty of the number of atoms in the 41777002 10 sample ~ 1.%. 41777002 11 Uncertainty of total delayed neutron yield ~5% 41777002 12 Uncertainty of neutron detection efficiency 2.3%41777002 13 Uncertainty of U235 fission cross section 1% 41777002 14 Uncertainty of flux density 5.3 % 41777002 15 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty was not explained by 41777002 16 the authors. 41777002 17 STATUS (TABLE) From authors 41777002 18 Data are on Fig.11 of the article (black circles) 41777002 19 ENDBIB 17 0 41777002 20 NOCOMMON 0 0 41777002 21 DATA 3 14 41777002 22 EN DATA DATA-ERR 41777002 23 MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 41777002 24 0.42 0.01565 6.54558E-4 41777002 25 0.47 0.01539 6.04944E-4 41777002 26 0.92 0.01576 6.96444E-4 41777002 27 1.92 0.01576 6.61550E-4 41777002 28 2.92 0.01569 6.22242E-4 41777002 29 4.0 0.01615 3.96647E-4 41777002 30 4.5 0.01635 5.87637E-4 41777002 31 5.0 0.01647 6.31231E-4 41777002 32 5.5 0.01627 5.83417E-4 41777002 33 6.0 0.01643 4.06772E-4 41777002 34 6.5 0.01510 5.88272E-4 41777002 35 7.0 0.01447 3.68440E-4 41777002 36 7.5 0.01385 5.76286E-4 41777002 37 8.0 0.01231 3.15116E-4 41777002 38 ENDDATA 16 0 41777002 39 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4177700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4177799999999