DICTION 90001 20241220 91319000100000001 SUBDICT 90001001 20241220 System identifiers 9000100100001 BIB First record of each BIB section. 9000100100002 N1=number of keywords in the BIB section, disregarding9000100100003 pointers in col.11 9000100100004 N2=number of records in the BIB section 9000100100005 COMMON First record of each common data section. 9000100100006 N1=number of common data fields 9000100100007 N2=number of records in COMMON section 9000100100008 DATA First record of each DATA section. 9000100100009 N1=number of data fields 9000100100010 N2=number of data lines in the table excluding 9000100100011 headings and units (if N1 is greater than 6 a 9000100100012 data line consists of two or more records) 9000100100013 ENDBIB Last record of each BIB section. 9000100100014 N1=number of records in BIB section 9000100100015 ENDCOMMON Last record of common data section. 9000100100016 N1=number of records in common data section 9000100100017 ENDDATA Last record of DATA section. 9000100100018 N1=number of records in DATA section 9000100100019 ENDENTRY Last record of each work (accession number). 9000100100020 N1=number of sub-works in entry 9000100100021 ENDSUBENT Last record of each sub-work. 9000100100022 N1=number of records within the subwork 9000100100023 N1=number of works on the transmission file 9000100100024 N2=number of dictionaries in dictionary transmission 9000100100025 file 9000100100026 ENTRY First record of each work (accession number). 9000100100027 N1=5-digit accession number 9000100100028 N2=date of entry on file or last update (yyyymmdd) 9000100100029 NOBIB Used when there is no BIB information in a sub-work. 9000100100030 NOCOMMON Used when there is no common data in a sub-work. 9000100100031 NODATA Used when there is no data in a sub-work. 9000100100032 NOSUBENT Indicates subentry assigned, but empty. 9000100100033 Either deleted or included in another subentry. 9000100100034 N1=sub-accession number 9000100100035 SUBENT First record of each sub-work. 9000100100036 N1=8-digit sub-accession number 9000100100037 N2=date of entry on file or last update (yyyymmdd) 9000100100038 N3=special use for identifying data types 9000100100039 N4,N5=may contain center internal information 9000100100040 N1=transmission tape no. (center-id*1000 + seq.num) 9000100100041 N2=date of transmission tape generation (yyyymmdd). 9000100100042 N3=may contain a library name. 9000100100043 ENDSUBDICT 42 0 9000100199999 SUBDICT 90001002 20241220 Information identifiers 9000100200001 ADD-RES (Additional results) 36O 20 9000100200002 ANALYSIS (Analysis) B13O 23 9000100200003 ANG-SEC (Secondary angle) 25O 9000100200004 ASSUMED (Assumed values) 32R 9000100200005 AUTHOR (Author) R 2R 9000100200006 COMMENT (Comment) 40 9000100200007 CORRECTION (Corrections) 20 9000100200008 COVARIANCE (Covariance) 22 9000100200009 CRITIQUE (Critique) 44 9000100200010 DECAY-DATA (Decay data) 33R 9000100200011 DECAY-MON (Standard decay data) 34R 9000100200012 DETECTOR (Detector) B12O 22 9000100200013 EMS-SEC (Secondary effective mass) 19O 9000100200014O EN-SEC (Secondary energy) 18O 9000100200015 ERR-ANALYS (Error analysis) X21O 9000100200016 EXP-YEAR (Experiment year) 4R 9000100200017 FACILITY (Facility) B11O 18 9000100200018 FLAG (Flag) 42R 9000100200019 HALF-LIFE (Half-life) 23O 9000100200020 HISTORY (History) R28R 15 9000100200021 INC-SOURCE (Incident particle source) 14O 19 9000100200022 INC-SPECT (Incident spectrum) 15 9000100200023 INSTITUTE (Institute) R 3R 3 9000100200024 LEVEL-PROP (Level properties) 45R 9000100200025 METHOD (Method) B10O 21 9000100200026 MISC-COL (Miscellaneous columns) 24R 9000100200027 MOM-SEC (Secondary linear momentum) 17O 9000100200028 MONIT-REF (Standard reference) 37R 9000100200029 MONITOR (Standard) 31R 9000100200030 N-SOURCE (Incident particle source) 14O 9000100200031O PART-DET (Particle detected) 29O 33 9000100200032 RAD-DET (Radiation detected) 35R 33 9000100200033 REACTION (Quantity given) R30R 9000100200034 REFERENCE (Reference) R 5R 4 9000100200035 REL-REF (Related reference) 38R 9000100200036 RESULT (Result) 39R 37 9000100200037 SAMPLE (Sample) 16 9000100200038 STANDARD (Standard) 9R 9000100200039O STATUS (Status) R27O 16 9000100200040 SUPPL-INF (Supplemental information) 41R 38 9000100200041 TITLE (Title) X 1 9000100200042 ENDSUBDICT 41 0 9000100299999 SUBDICT 90001003 20241220 Institutes 9000100300001 1CANALA (Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta) 9000100300002 1CANBUQ (Bishop University, Lennoxville, Quebec) 9000100300003 1CANCAN (Canada) 9000100300004 1CANCPO (A.E.C.L. Commercial Products, Ottawa, Ontario) 9000100300005 1CANCRC (A.E.C.L., Chalk River, Ontario) 9000100300006 1CANCRL (Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario) 9000100300007 1CANGUE (Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario) 9000100300008 1CANKQU (Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario) 9000100300009O 1CANLUQ (Laval University, Sainte-Foy, Quebec) 9000100300010 1CANMCG (McGill University, Montreal,Quebec) 9000100300011 1CANMCM (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario) 9000100300012 1CANMGW (Sir George Williams Univ., Montreal, Quebec) 9000100300013 1CANMNA (Univ. of Manitoba, Cyclotron Lab., Winnipeg, Manitoba)9000100300014 1CANMON (Univ. of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec) 9000100300015 1CANMPT (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Quebec) 9000100300016 1CANMRC (National Research Council, Montreal Lab., Quebec) 9000100300017 1CANOTC (National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario) 9000100300018 1CANOTU (Univ. of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario) 9000100300019 1CANPIN (A.E.C.L., Whiteshell Nuc.Res.Establ.,Pinaua,Manitoba) 9000100300020 1CANQU (Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ontario) 9000100300021 1CANSAS (Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) 9000100300022 1CANSFU (Simon Frazer University, Burnaby, B.C.) 9000100300023 1CANSMR (Saint Mary's Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia) 9000100300024 1CANTMF (Tri University Meson Facility, Vancouver, B.C.) 9000100300025 1CANTOR (Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario) 9000100300026 1CANUBC (Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.) 9000100300027 1CANUWO (Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario) 9000100300028 1CANVCT (Univ. of Victoria, Victoria, B.C.) 9000100300029 1USAABD (U.S. Army Aberdeen Res.+ Develop.Center, Aberdeen, MD)9000100300030 Compare 1USABRL which is not the same. 9000100300031 1USAACC (Exxon Nuclear Idaho Co., ID) 9000100300032 Formerly Allied Chemical 9000100300033 Compare AIF, ANC, MTR. 9000100300034 1USAAEC (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC) 9000100300035 In 1975 split into ERDA ('ERD') and NRC. 9000100300036 1USAAFT (Air Force Inst. Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH) 9000100300037 1USAAFW (Air Force Weapons Lab., Kirkland AFB, Albuquerque, NM)9000100300038 1USAAGN (Aerojet-General Nucleonics, San Ramon, CA) 9000100300039 1USAAI (Rockwell Int., Energy Systems Group, Canoga Park, CA) 9000100300040 =(formerly Atomics International). 9000100300041 1USAAIF (Argonne National Laboratory - West, Idaho Falls, ID) 9000100300042 1USAAIP (American Institute of Physics, New York, NY) 9000100300043 1USAALB (State University of New York, Albany, NY) 9000100300044 1USAALS (Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL) 9000100300045 1USAAMH (Amherst College, Amherst, MA) 9000100300046 1USAAMW (American Universit, Washington, DC) 9000100300047 1USAANA (U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD) 9000100300048 1USAAND (Andrews Univ., Berrien Springs, MI) 9000100300049 1USAANL (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL) 9000100300050 For Idaho branch of ANL use code 'AIF'. 9000100300051 1USAAPD (Atomic Power Development Associates, Detroit, MI) 9000100300052 1USAARC (Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company, Richland, WA) 9000100300053 1USAARF (Armour Research Foundation, Chicago, IL) 9000100300054O 1USAARK (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR) 9000100300055 1USAARL (Aerospace Res. Labs, Wright-Patterson A.F. Base, OH) 9000100300056 Before 1972 1USAWAD 9000100300057 1USAARS (Aerospace Research Labs.) 9000100300058O Obsolete. Use 1USAARL. 9000100300059O 1USAAST (Astra Inc., Raleigh, NC) 9000100300060 1USAASU (Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ) 9000100300061 1USAAUB (Auburn University, Auburn, AL) 9000100300062 1USAAUI (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL) 9000100300063O 1USAB+W (Babcock and Wilcox, Lynchburgh, VA) 9000100300064 1USABAR (Bartol Research Foundation, Swarthmore, PA) 9000100300065 1USABAT (Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH) 9000100300066 1USABCC (J.T.Baker Chemical Company, Phillipsburg, NJ) 9000100300067 1USABCM (Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA) 9000100300068 1USABEL (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ) 9000100300069 1USABET (Bettis Atomic Power Lab., Westinghouse, Pittsburgh,PA)9000100300070 1USABLN (Brooklyn College of the C.U.N.Y., Brooklyn, NY) 9000100300071 1USABNL (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY) 9000100300072 1USABNW (Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA) 9000100300073 =(previously Battelle Northwest). 9000100300074 Previously 1USAHAN. Compare 1USAHED 9000100300075 1USABOE (Boeing Scientific Research Labs, Seattle, WA) 9000100300076 1USABRK (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA) 9000100300077 =(until 1971 Lawrence Radiation Lab. Berkeley) 9000100300078 1USABRL (Ballistic Research Labs, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD)9000100300079 Compare 1USAABD which is not the same 9000100300080 1USABRN (Brown University, Providence, RI) 9000100300081 1USABST (Boston University, Boston, MA) 9000100300082 1USABSU (Ball State Univ., Muncie, IN) 9000100300083 1USABYU (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT) 9000100300084 1USACAL (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA) 9000100300085 1USACAR (Carnegie Inst. of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA,) 9000100300086 =including Carnegie-Mellon University 9000100300087 1USACAW (Carnegie Institute, Washington, DC) 9000100300088 1USACBE (Combustion Engineering, Windsor, CN) 9000100300089 1USACBF (Thomas Jefferson Nat'l Accel.Facil., Newport News, VA)9000100300090 1USACFN (California State University, Northridge, CA) 9000100300091 1USACHI (University of Chicago, IL) 9000100300092 1USACLA (University of California, Los Angeles, CA) 9000100300093 1USACLI (Clinton Labs, Knoxville, TN) 9000100300094 1USACLK (Clark University, Worcester, MA) 9000100300095 1USACLS (Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH) 9000100300096 1USACLU (University of Colorado, Boulder, CO) 9000100300097 1USACMG (Central Michigan University, Mt.Pleasant, MI) 9000100300098 1USACMU (Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA) 9000100300099O Obsolete. Use 1USACAR. 9000100300100O 1USACOL (Columbia University, New York, NY) 9000100300101 1USACON (Convair, San Diego, CA) 9000100300102 1USACOR (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY) 9000100300103 1USACOU (Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, New York, NY) 9000100300104 1USACRD (California Research and Development Co., Livermore,CA)9000100300105 1USACSD (University of California, San Diego, CA) 9000100300106 1USACSE (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH) 9000100300107 Formerly Case Inst. of Technology 9000100300108 1USACSI (Columbia Scientific Industries Corp., Lafayette, LA) 9000100300109 1USACSM (Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO) 9000100300110 1USACSS (California State University, Sacramento, CA) 9000100300111 1USACST (California State University, Los Angeles, CA) 9000100300112 1USACSU (Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO) 9000100300113 Compare 1USACLU. 9000100300114 1USACUA (Catholic University of America, Washington, DC) 9000100300115 1USACUW (Curtiss-Wright Corp., Quehanna, PA) 9000100300116 1USACWR (Curtiss-Wright Corp., Quehanna, Pa) 9000100300117O 1USADAV (University of California, Davis, CA) 9000100300118 1USADKE (Duke University, Durham, NC) 9000100300119 1USADLS (Univ. of Dallas, Irving, TX) 9000100300120 1USADNS (Denison University, Granville, OH) 9000100300121 1USADOD (Dept. of Defense, DASA, Washington, DC) 9000100300122 1USADOE (Department of Energy, Washington, DC) 9000100300123 Previously ERDA (ERD) 9000100300124 1USADOF (Diamond Ordnance Fuse Laboratory) 9000100300125 1USADRF (Dow Chemical Co., Rocky Flats, CO) 9000100300126 1USAEGG (E G+G Energy Measurements, Santa Barbara, CA) 9000100300127 1USAEMY (Emory University, Atlanta, GA) 9000100300128 1USAERD (U.S. Energy Res. & Development Adm., Washington, DC) 9000100300129 Formerly 'USAAEC', later DOE. 9000100300130 1USAETS (East Texas State University) 9000100300131 1USAFLA (University of Florida, Gainesville, FL) 9000100300132 1USAFSU (Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL) 9000100300133 1USAGA (Gulf Energy and Environmental Systems, San Diego, CA) 9000100300134 =(until July 1970 Gulf General Atomics) 9000100300135 1USAGDT (General Dynamics, Fort Worth, TX) 9000100300136 1USAGEA (General Electric, Aircraft Nucl.Prop.Dept., Ohio) 9000100300137 1USAGEB (General Electric Breeder React.Dev.Op., Sunnyvale, CA)9000100300138 1USAGEC (General Electric Company, San Jose, CA) 9000100300139 1USAGEF (General Electric, Space Science Lab., PA) 9000100300140 1USAGEN (General Electric, Nuclear Materials, PA) 9000100300141 1USAGEO (University of Georgia, Athens, GA) 9000100300142 1USAGEP (General Electric, Nucleonics Lab., Pleasanton, CA) 9000100300143 1USAGES (General Electric, Schenectady, NY) 9000100300144 1USAGEV (General Electric, Vallecitos Atomic Lab., CA) 9000100300145 1USAGGA (Gulf General Atomic, San Diego, CA) 9000100300146 Founded around 1969, formerly General Atomics Div. 9000100300147 of General Dynamics 9000100300148 1USAGIT (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA) 9000100300149 1USAGRT (Gulf Radiation Technology, San Diego, CA) 9000100300150 Founded around 1971, split off from 1USAGA 9000100300151 1USAGSF (Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD) 9000100300152 1USAGSU (Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA) 9000100300153 1USAGWU (George Washington University, Washington, DC) 9000100300154 1USAHAN (Hanford Atomic Products, Richland, WA) 9000100300155X =(later changed to BNW) 9000100300156X Compare 1USAHED. 9000100300157X 1USAHED (Hanford Engineering Development Lab., Richland, WA) 9000100300158 Around 1971 split off from BNW. 9000100300159 1USAHNS (Hazelton Nuclear Science Corp., Palo Alto, CA) 9000100300160 1USAHOU (University of Houston, Houston, TX) 9000100300161 1USAHPE (Hope College, Holland, MI) 9000100300162 1USAHRV (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA) 9000100300163 1USAHSL (U.S.A.E.C. Health and Safety Lab., NY) 9000100300164 1USAIAP (Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, NJ) 9000100300165 1USAIBM (I B M Research Lab., San Jose, CA) 9000100300166 1USAIIT (Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL) 9000100300167 1USAINL (Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID) 9000100300168 - 1997 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory 9000100300169 1997 - 2005 Idaho National Engineering and 9000100300170 Environmental Laboratory 9000100300171 1USAINU (Indiana University, Bloomington, IN) 9000100300172 1USAIOW (University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA) 9000100300173 Compare 1USASUI. 9000100300174 1USAIRT (Intelcom Radiation Technology, San Diego, CA) 9000100300175 1USAIRV (University of California, Irvine, CA) 9000100300176 1USAISB (Indiana University, South Bend, IN) 9000100300177 1USAISU (Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID) 9000100300178 1USAJHU (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD) 9000100300179 1USAKAN (University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS) 9000100300180 1USAKAP (Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, NY) 9000100300181 1USAKNT (Kent State University, Kent, OH) 9000100300182 1USAKSU (Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS) 9000100300183 1USAKTY (University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY) 9000100300184 1USALAN (Langley Research Center, NASA Langley Station, VA) 9000100300185 1USALAS (Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM) 9000100300186 =(previously Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory) 9000100300187 1USALBL (Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA) 9000100300188O Obsolete. Use 1USABRK. 9000100300189O 1USALMS (Lockheed Missiles and Space Div., Palo Alto, CA) 9000100300190 1USALOK (Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Sunnyvale, CA) 9000100300191 1USALOW (Lowell Technological Institute, Lowell, MA) 9000100300192O 1USALOY (Loyola University, Los Angeles, CA) 9000100300193 1USALRC (NASA-Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH) 9000100300194 1USALRL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA)9000100300195 =(until 1971 Lawrence Radiation Laboratory) 9000100300196 1USALSU (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA) 9000100300197 1USALTI (University of Massachusetts at Lowell, MA) 9000100300198 =(formerly Lowell Technological Institute) 9000100300199 1USALVL (University of Louisville, Louisville, KY) 9000100300200 1USAMAG (MAGI, Elmsford, NY) 9000100300201 1USAMAR (Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI) 9000100300202 1USAMGH (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA) 9000100300203 1USAMGT (Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI) 9000100300204 1USAMHD (University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI) 9000100300205 1USAMHG (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI) 9000100300206 1USAMIN (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN) 9000100300207 1USAMIS (University of Missouri, Columbia, MO) 9000100300208 Distinct from (WAS) Washington Univ, Missouri. 9000100300209 1USAMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA) 9000100300210 1USAMIU (Miami University, Oxford, OH) 9000100300211 1USAMND (Mound Laboratory, Miamisburg, OH) 9000100300212 1USAMRD (University of Maryland, College Park, MD) 9000100300213O 1USAMRY (University of Maryland, College Park, MD) 9000100300214 1USAMSM (Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, FL) 9000100300215 1USAMSS (Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS) 9000100300216 1USAMST (Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS) 9000100300217O 1USAMSU (Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI) 9000100300218 1USAMTR (Idaho Nuclear Corp., Idaho Falls, ID) 9000100300219 Formerly Phillips Petroleum Co. 9000100300220 1971 changed to Idaho Nucl.Engineering Lab., 9000100300221 see 1USAINL 9000100300222 1USAMTS (Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN) 9000100300223 1USAMTU (Montana State University, Missoula, MT) 9000100300224 1USAMUR (Murray State University, Murray, KY) 9000100300225 1USANAL (Fermi National Laboratory, Batavia, IL) 9000100300226 1USANAS (NASA, Washington, DC) 9000100300227 1USANBS (National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC) 9000100300228X 1USANCA (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC) 9000100300229 1USANCC (North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC) 9000100300230 1USANCS (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC) 9000100300231 - 1963: North Carolina State College 9000100300232 1USANDA (Nuclear Development Associates Inc.) 9000100300233 (1958-1963) 9000100300234 1USANDL (U.S. Army Nuclear Defence Lab., Edgewood Arsenal, MD) 9000100300235 1972 changed to 1USANEL 9000100300236 1USANEB (North Eastern University, Boston, MA) 9000100300237 1USANEL (U.S. Nuclear Effects Lab., Edgewood Arsenal, MD) 9000100300238 Before 1972 1USANDL 9000100300239 1USANGC (North Georgia College, Dahlonega, NC) 9000100300240 1USANIH (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD) 9000100300241 1USANIS (National Inst.of Standards & Techn., Gaithersburg, MD)9000100300242 =(formerly Nat.Bureau of Standards, NBS) 9000100300243 1USANIU (Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL) 9000100300244 1USANMS (New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM) 9000100300245 1USANMX (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM) 9000100300246 1USANOL (U.S. Navy Ordinance Lab., Silver Springs, MD) 9000100300247 1USANOT (University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN) 9000100300248 1USANRD (U.S. Naval Radiolog. Defense Lab., San Francisco, CA) 9000100300249 1USANRL (U.S. Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC) 9000100300250 1USANTS (North Texas State University, Denton, TX) 9000100300251 1USANWU (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL) 9000100300252 1USANYB (State University of New York, Buffalo, NY) 9000100300253 1USANYU (New York University, New York, NY) 9000100300254 1USAOAU (Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN) 9000100300255 1USAOBR (Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH) 9000100300256 1USAOHO (Ohio University, Athens, OH) 9000100300257 1USAOKL (University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK) 9000100300258 1USAORD (Nuclear Data Project, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN) 9000100300259 1USAORE (University of Oregon, Eugene, OR) 9000100300260 1USAORL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN) 9000100300261 1USAORS (Radiation Shielding Inf. Center, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN) 9000100300262 1USAORU (Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR) 9000100300263 1USAOSU (Ohio State University, Columbus, OH) 9000100300264 1USAPCT (Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, NJ) 9000100300265 1USAPEN (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA) 9000100300266 1USAPPO (Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartletsville, OK) 9000100300267 1USAPR (Puerto Rico) 9000100300268 1USAPRW (Pratt + Whitney, Middletown, CT) 9000100300269 1USAPSU (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA) 9000100300270 1USAPTN (Princeton University, Princeton, NJ) 9000100300271 1USAPUP (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA) 9000100300272 1USAPUR (Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN) 9000100300273 1USARAN (The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA) 9000100300274 1USARDI (Radiation Dynamics, Inc., Westbury, NY) 9000100300275 1USARDL (University of Redlands, Redlands, CA) 9000100300276 1USARED (Redstone Arsenal, AL) 9000100300277 1USAREN (Reno Metallurgical Research Center, Reno, NV) 9000100300278 1USARES (Division of Research, USAEC, Washington, DC) 9000100300279 1USARHI (Rhode Island University, Kingston, RI) 9000100300280 1USARIC (Rice University, Houston, TX) 9000100300281 1USARL (Richland Operations Office, Richland, WA) 9000100300282 1USAROC (University of Rochester, Rochester, NY) 9000100300283 1USARPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY) 9000100300284 1USARUT (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ) 9000100300285 1USASAI (Science Applications Internat. Corp., San Diego, CA) 9000100300286 1USASC (Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM) 9000100300287 1USASCA (University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC) 9000100300288 1USASDC (San Diego State College, San Diego, CA) 9000100300289 1USASIG (National Nuclear Data Center, BNL, Upton, NY) 9000100300290 1USASJS (San Jose State University, San Jose, CA) 9000100300291 1USASLU (Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO) 9000100300292 1USASMU (Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX) 9000100300293 1USASNI (Southern University Nuclear Inst., Baton Rouge, LA) 9000100300294 1USASNP (Space Nuclear Propulsion Office, Cleveland, OH) 9000100300295 1USASOC (Socony Mobil Oil Co., Dallas, TX) 9000100300296 1USASPC (SPire Corp., Bedford, MA) 9000100300297 1USASRE (Space Radiation Effects Lab., Newport News, VA) 9000100300298 1USASRF (Sanford Underground Research Facility, Lead, SD) 9000100300299 1USASRI (Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, CA) 9000100300300 1USASRL (Savannah River Lab., E.I. Dupont, Aiken, SC) 9000100300301 1USASTB (State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY) 9000100300302 1USASTF (Stanford University, Stanford, CA) 9000100300303 1USASTM (Saint Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD)9000100300304 1USASUB (State University of New York, Binghamtom, NY) 9000100300305 1USASUI (Iowa State University, Ames, IA) 9000100300306 Compare 1USAIOW. 9000100300307 1USASWL (University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA) 9000100300308 1USASYR (Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY) 9000100300309 1USATAM (Texas A & M University, College Station, TX) 9000100300310 1USATEM (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA) 9000100300311 1USATEN (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN) 9000100300312 1USATEX (University of Texas, Austin, TX) 9000100300313 1USATID (Div. of Technical Info., USAEC, Oak Ridge, TN) 9000100300314 1USATNC (Texas Nuclear Corp., Austin, TX) 9000100300315 1USATNL (Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab., Durham, NC) 9000100300316 Compare 1USADKE, 1USANCA. 9000100300317 1USATRW (T R W, Redondo Beach, CA) 9000100300318 1USATTU (Tennessee Technological Univ., Cookeville, TN) 9000100300319 1USATUL (Tulane University, New Orleans, LA) 9000100300320 1USAUAL (University of Alabama, AL) 9000100300321 1USAUAZ (Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ) 9000100300322 1USAUCB (United Nuclear Corp., Tuxedo, NY) 9000100300323 Compare 1USAUNC and 1USAUCS. 9000100300324 1USAUCN (University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH) 9000100300325 1USAUCO (University of Connecticut, Groton, CT) 9000100300326 1USAUCS (Union Carbide, Sterling Forest Res. Center, Tuxedo,NY)9000100300327 Compare 1USAUCB. 9000100300328 1USAUCX (University of California, Berkeley, CA) 9000100300329 1USAUI (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL) 9000100300330 1USAUID (University of Idaho, Moscow, ID) 9000100300331 1USAUMA (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA) 9000100300332 1USAUMT (University of Montana, Helena, MT) 9000100300333 1USAUNB (University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE) 9000100300334 1USAUNC (United Nuclear Corp., Elmsford, NY) 9000100300335 Compare 1USAUCB. 9000100300336 1USAUNH (University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH) 9000100300337 1USAURS (Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA) 9000100300338 1USAUSA (United States of America) 9000100300339 1USAUSC (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA) 9000100300340 1USAUSU (Utah State University, Loagn, UT) 9000100300341 1USAUWY (University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY) 9000100300342 1USAVBT (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN) 9000100300343 1USAVIP (Virginia Polytechnic Inst.,Blacksburg, VA) 9000100300344 1USAVIR (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA) 9000100300345 1USAWAD (Wright Air Development Center, OH) 9000100300346X =(continued 1972 as ARL) 9000100300347X 1USAWAL (Westinghouse Astronuclear Lab., Pittsburgh, PA) 9000100300348 1USAWAP (Westinghouse Atomic Power Div., Pittsburgh, PA) 9000100300349 1USAWAS (Washington University, St.Louis, MO) 9000100300350 Distinct from GWU, MIS, WAU, WSU 9000100300351 1USAWAT (Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, MA) 9000100300352 1USAWAU (University of Washington, Seattle, WA) 9000100300353 1USAWAY (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI) 9000100300354 1USAWES (Westinghouse Research Lab., Pittsburgh, PA) 9000100300355 1USAWEW (Westinghouse Advanced Reactor Div., Pittsburgh, PA) 9000100300356 1USAWGC (West Georgia College, Carrolton, GA) 9000100300357 1USAWIS (University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI) 9000100300358 1USAWKU (Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY) 9000100300359 1USAWLY (Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT) 9000100300360 1USAWMC (College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA) 9000100300361 1USAWMU (Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI) 9000100300362 1USAWPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA) 9000100300363 1USAWRU (Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH) 9000100300364 Later on merged with Case Inst. of Technol. to Case 9000100300365 Western Reserve U. for which code CSE must be used 9000100300366 1USAWSA (White Sands Missile Range, White Sands, NM) 9000100300367 1USAWSU (Washington State University, Pullman, WA) 9000100300368 1USAWVU (University of West Virginia, Morgentown, WV) 9000100300369 1USAWWS (Western Washington State College, Bellingham, WA) 9000100300370 1USAYAL (Yale University, New Haven, CT) 9000100300371 2AUSATI (Atominstitut der Technischen Universitaet Wien,Vienna)9000100300372 Formerly Atominstitut der Oesterreichischen 9000100300373 Hochschulen 9000100300374 2AUSAUS (Austria) 9000100300375 2AUSGFK (Technische Universitaet Graz, Graz) 9000100300376 -1975: Technische Hochschule Graz 9000100300377 2AUSIRK (Inst. fuer Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik, Vienna) 9000100300378X =(previously Inst.fuer Radiumforschung und Kernphysik)9000100300379X 2AUSKUL (Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet, Linz) 9000100300380 2AUSPVI (Inst.fuer Experimentalphysik, Universitaet Wien) 9000100300381O Obsolete. Use 2AUSVIE. 9000100300382O Previously 1.Physikalisches Institut 9000100300383O 2AUSSGA (Oest.Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf, Wien+Seibersdorf) 9000100300384 =(previously Oest.Studienges.f.Atomenergie) 9000100300385 2AUSTHV (Technische Universitaet Wien, Vienna) 9000100300386 Use ATI for Atominstitut 9000100300387 2AUSTPG (Universitaet Graz, Graz) 9000100300388 2AUSVIE (Universitaet Wien, Vienna) 9000100300389 Use IRK for Inst.fuer Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik9000100300390 2BLGBLG (Belgium) 9000100300391 2BLGBN (Belgonucleaire) 9000100300392 2BLGBRU (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles) 9000100300393 =(previously Brussels Univ.) 9000100300394 2BLGGHT (Universiteit Gent, Gent) 9000100300395 -1991: Rijks Universiteit Gent) 9000100300396 2BLGLEU (Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Leuven) 9000100300397 2BLGLIE (Univ.of Liege, Liege) 9000100300398 2BLGLVN (Catholic Univ. of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve) 9000100300399 2BLGMOL (SCK CEN (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre), Mol) 9000100300400 2BLGNAM (University "Notre Dame de la Paix", Namur) 9000100300401 2BLGPCL (Inst.de Physique Corpusculaire, Louvain-la-Neuve) 9000100300402 2BLGUIA (Univ. Instelling, Anvers) 9000100300403 2BLGUMK (Union Miniere du Haut Katanga, Bruxelles) 9000100300404 2BLGVUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels) 9000100300405 2DENAAU (Aarhus University, Aarhus) 9000100300406 2DENCOP (Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen) 9000100300407 2DENDEN (Denmark) 9000100300408 2DENNBI (Niels Bohr Inst., Copenhagen) 9000100300409 2DENNTA (Nordita, Denmark) 9000100300410 2DENRIS (Riso, Roskilde) 9000100300411 2EIREIR (Ireland) 9000100300412 2EIRUCD (University College, Dublin) 9000100300413 2FR AAA (Groupement Atomique Alsacienne Atlantique) 9000100300414X Novatome from 1976, now part of AREVA-ANP 9000100300415X 2FR ARN (GIP Arronax, Saint Herblain) 9000100300416 2FR BOR (Universite de Bordeaux) 9000100300417 see also 2FR GRA 9000100300418 2FR BRC (CEA/DAM Ile-de-France, Bruyeres-le-Chatel, Arpajon) 9000100300419 2FR CAD (CEA/Cadarache) 9000100300420 2FR CAE (Universite de Caen) 9000100300421 Use also for Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC) 9000100300422 2FR CEL (CEN Limeil) 9000100300423X Centre closed; merged with 2FR BRC 9000100300424X 2FR CLE (Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand) 9000100300425 2FR CRI (Centre d'Etudes et de Rech. par Irrad., CNRS-Orleans) 9000100300426 CNRS/CERI, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches par 9000100300427 Irradiation, Orleans 9000100300428 2FR CSN (Centre Sci. Nucl. et Sci. Matiere (CSNSM), Orsay) 9000100300429 Centre de Sciences Nucleaires et de Sciences de la 9000100300430 Matiere, Orsay. 9000100300431 =Formerly Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de 9000100300432 =Spectrometrie de Masse, Orsay 9000100300433 =Compare 2FR PAR. 9000100300434 2FR EDF (Electricite de France, Paris) 9000100300435 2FR ENS (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris) 9000100300436 2FR FAR (CEA/Fontenay-aux-Roses) 9000100300437 2FR FR (France) 9000100300438 2FR GAN (Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds, Caen) 9000100300439 GANIL, Laboratoire commun DSM/CEA-IN2P3/CNRS 9000100300440 2FR GRA (Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan) 9000100300441 CENBG, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux- 9000100300442 Gradignan, Gradignan 9000100300443 2FR GRE (Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble) 9000100300444 -2007: Universite de Grenoble 9000100300445 Use also for CEA/Grenoble 9000100300446 Use also for Lab. de Phys. Subatom. et Cosmo. (LPSC) 9000100300447 2FR ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble) 9000100300448 2FR ITL (CEA/Valduc, Is-sur-tille) 9000100300449 2FR LIM (CEN Limeil) 9000100300450X Centre closed; merged with 2FR BRC 9000100300451X 2FR LRM (Lab. de Recherche des Musees de France, Paris) 9000100300452 LRMF, Laboratoire de Recherche des Musees de France, 9000100300453 Palais du Louvre, Paris 9000100300454 2FR LYO (Universite de Lyon) 9000100300455 2FR NTE (Universite de Nantes) 9000100300456 Use also for Lab. de Physique Subatom. (SUBATECH) 9000100300457 2FR PAR (Universite de Paris) 9000100300458 =including Institut de Physique Nucleaire, d'Orsay 9000100300459 Compare 2FR CSN. 9000100300460 2FR PAU (Dept. de Recherches Physiques, St-Paul-les-Durance) 9000100300461O Obsolete. Use 2FR CAD. 9000100300462O 2FR PCF (College de France, Paris) 9000100300463 2FR SAC (CEA/Saclay) 9000100300464 Previously also used for CEN Limeil - compare VNV 9000100300465 2FR SAT (Laboratoire National SATURNE, Saclay) 9000100300466X Closed 9000100300467X 2FR STR (IPHC, Strasbourg) 9000100300468 IPHC, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien 9000100300469 -2006: IReS, Institut de Recherches Subatomiques 9000100300470 -1997: CRN, Centre de Recherches Nucleaires 9000100300471 2FR TOU (Universite de Toulouse) 9000100300472 2FR ULP (Universite de Strasbourg, Strasbourg) 9000100300473 1970-1971: Universite Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg I), 9000100300474 Robert Schuman (II) and Marc Bloch (III) 9000100300475 See also 2FR STR 9000100300476 2FR VNV (Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges) 9000100300477X Centre closed; merged with 2FR BRC 9000100300478X Some older entries may have been coded under SAC 9000100300479X 2GERALK (Alkem GMBH, Leopoldshafen) 9000100300480 2GERBBC (Brown-Boveri/Krupp, Mannheim) 9000100300481 2GERBER (Hahn-Meitner-Inst., Berlin) 9000100300482 2GERBOC (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum) 9000100300483 2GERBON (Univ. of Bonn) 9000100300484 2GERDKZ (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg) 9000100300485 German Cancer Res. Centre, Heidelberg 9000100300486 2GERDOR (Dortmund Univ., F.R.Germany) 9000100300487 2GERDRE (Technische Universitaet Dresden, Dresden and Pirna) 9000100300488 =(Since 1991). 9000100300489 Extinct area 3 code was 3DDRTUD. 9000100300490 2GERFRB (Freiburg im Breisgau, Universitaet) 9000100300491 2GERFRK (J.W.Goethe Univ., Frankfurt/Main) 9000100300492 Including Inst.fuer Kernphysik, Univ. Frankfurt 9000100300493 2GERGAR (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Garching) 9000100300494 2GERGEE (Geesthacht, GKSS) 9000100300495O Obsolete. Use 2GERKIG. 9000100300496O 2GERGER (Germany) 9000100300497 2GERGOE (Univ. of Goettingen) 9000100300498 2GERGSI (GSI Helmholtzzent. f. Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt)9000100300499 -2008: Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung 9000100300500 2GERHAM (Hamburg, Universitaet) 9000100300501 2GERHEI (Heidelberg, Universitaet) 9000100300502 Independent of MPH. 9000100300503 2GERIAK (Inst.fuer Angewandte Kernphysik, Karlsruhe) 9000100300504O Obsolete. Use 2GERKRU. 9000100300505O 2GERIFS (Inst.fuer Strahlenphysik, Stuttgart) 9000100300506O Obsolete. Use 2GERTHS. 9000100300507O 2GERIKA (Informationssystem Karlsruhe,) 9000100300508 =Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik 9000100300509 Formerly 'ZAED'. 9000100300510 2GERINA (Interatom, Bensberg) 9000100300511 2GERJEU (Jena Univ.) 9000100300512 =(Since 1991). 9000100300513 Extinct area 3 code was 3DDRJNA. 9000100300514 2GERJLU (Justus Liebig Univ., Giessen) 9000100300515 2GERJUL (Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich) 9000100300516 Previously "Kernforschungsanlage" 9000100300517 2GERKFK (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) 9000100300518 1956 - 1994: Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (KFK) 9000100300519 1995 - 2008: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) 9000100300520 2GERKIG (GKSS, Geesthacht) 9000100300521 2GERKIL (Univ. of Kiel, Kiel) 9000100300522 2GERKLN (Universitaet zu Koeln, Koeln) 9000100300523 2GERKRU (Karlsruhe, Univ.) 9000100300524 Incl. Inst.fuer Struktur der Materie, fuer Angewandte 9000100300525 Physik, fuer Angew. Kernphysik 9000100300526 2GERLMU (Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen) 9000100300527 2GERMBG (Univ. of Marburg) 9000100300528 2GERMNZ (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, Mainz) 9000100300529 2GERMPH (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg) 9000100300530 Independent of HEI. 9000100300531 2GERMPM (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Chemie, Mainz) 9000100300532 2GERMST (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster,Muenster)9000100300533 Also known as Universitaet Muenster 9000100300534 2GERMUE (Muenchen, Techn.Univ.) 9000100300535O Obsolete. Use 2GERMUN. 9000100300536O 2GERMUN (Technische Universitaet Muenchen) 9000100300537 Formerly Technische Hochschule Muenchen 9000100300538 Including Forschungs-Neutronenquelle 9000100300539 Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz, Garching 9000100300540 2GERMUU (Univ. of Munich, Munich) 9000100300541 2GERPTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig) 9000100300542 2GERSBU (Univ. of Saarland, Saarbruecken) 9000100300543 2GERSFN (Forschungszentrum fur Umwelt u. Gesundheit,Neuherberg)9000100300544 1964 - 2007: Gesellschaft fuer Strahlenforschung 9000100300545 2GERSIE (Siemens, Erlangen) 9000100300546 Including Reaktorentwicklung and Forschungs- 9000100300547 laboratorium 9000100300548 2GERTHA (Tech.Hochschule, Aachen) 9000100300549 2GERTHB (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig) 9000100300550 Formerly Technische Hochschule Braunschweig 9000100300551 2GERTHD (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt) 9000100300552 Formerly Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 9000100300553 2GERTHS (Universitaet Stuttgart) 9000100300554 Formerly Technische Hochschule Stuttgart 9000100300555 2GERTUB (Tech.Univ., Berlin) 9000100300556 2GERTUE (Universitaet Tuebingen) 9000100300557 2GERTUH (Techn. Univ. Hannover) 9000100300558O renamed Univ.Hannover, see 2GERUH 9000100300559O 2GERUDE (Universitaet Duisburg-Essen) 9000100300560 Incl. Universitaetsklinikum, Essen 9000100300561 2GERUEN (Univ. of Erlangen-Nuernberg) 9000100300562 2GERUH (Univ. Hannover (previously Tech.Univ.Hannover)) 9000100300563 2GERUSI (Univ. Siegen) 9000100300564 2GERWUU (Wuerzburg, Universitaet) 9000100300565 2GERZFK (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden) 9000100300566 - 1991: Zentralinstitut fuer Kernforschung(ZFK) 9000100300567 1992 - 2006: Forschungszentrum Rossendorf(FZR) 9000100300568 1992 - 2011: Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf(FZD)9000100300569 =(Since 1991). 9000100300570 Extinct area 3 code was 3DDRROS. 9000100300571 2GRCARU (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki) 9000100300572 2GRCATH (NCSR Demokritos, Aghia Paraskevi, Athens) 9000100300573 2GRCGRC (Greece) 9000100300574 2GRCIOA (Univ. of Ioannina, Ioannina) 9000100300575 2GRCTUA (National Technical Univ. of Athens, Athens) 9000100300576 2ICEICE (Iceland) 9000100300577 2ITYBAU (Universita degli Studi di Bari + INFN Bari) 9000100300578 2ITYBOL (ENEA Centro Ricerche Energia di Bologna) 9000100300579 Bologna Centre for Energy Research. 9000100300580 Compare 2ITYUBO. 9000100300581 =(until about 1982 C.N.E.N. Bologna) 9000100300582 2ITYCAG (Universita degli Studi di Cagliari + INFN Cagliari) 9000100300583 2ITYCAM (Universita degli Studi di Camerino, Camerino) 9000100300584 2ITYCAS (Centro di Studi Nucleari della Casaccia, Rome) 9000100300585 2ITYCAT (Universita degli Studi di Catania + INFN Catania) 9000100300586 2ITYCIS (Centro Informazioni Studi ed Esperienze (CISE), Milan)9000100300587 2ITYEFR (ENEA Centro Ricerche Frascati, Frascati) 9000100300588 ENEA Frascati Research Centre 9000100300589 Compare 2ITYFRA. 9000100300590 -1982: CNEN Frascati 9000100300591 2ITYENI (ENI, San Donato, Milan) 9000100300592 2ITYENN (Universita degli Studi di Enna "Kore", Enna) 9000100300593 2ITYFIR (Universita degli Studi di Firenze + INFN Firenze) 9000100300594 2ITYFRA (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati) 9000100300595 Compare 2ITYEFR. 9000100300596 2ITYFSN (Universita degli Studi della Campania, Caserta) 9000100300597 =(formerly Seconda Universita degli Studi di Napoli) 9000100300598 2ITYGVA (Universita degli Studi di Genova + INFN Genova) 9000100300599 2ITYISR (Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma) 9000100300600 2ITYITY (Italy) 9000100300601 2ITYLEC (Universita degli Studi Lecce + INFN Lecce) 9000100300602 2ITYLGS (LINFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi) 9000100300603 Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Istituto 9000100300604 Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Assergi (L'Aquila) 9000100300605 2ITYLNS (INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania) 9000100300606 2ITYMES (Universita degli Studi di Messina, Messina) 9000100300607 2ITYMIL (Universita degli Studi di Milano + INFN Milano) 9000100300608 2ITYMIP (Politecnico di Milano) 9000100300609 2ITYNAP (Univ.degli Studi di Napoli Federico II + INFN Napoli) 9000100300610 2ITYOAC (Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania, Teramo) 9000100300611 Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania "Vincenzo 9000100300612 Cerulli", Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Teramo 9000100300613 2ITYPAD (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Padova)9000100300614 Use 2ITYUPV for Univ.degli Studi di Padova+INFN Padova9000100300615 2ITYPAV (Universita degli Studi di Pavia + INFN Pavia) 9000100300616 2ITYROM (Univ.degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" + INFN Roma 1) 9000100300617 Compare 2ITYUTV 9000100300618 2ITYSAL (Sorin Nuc.Res.Centre Saluggia) 9000100300619 2ITYSIC (Centro Sicil.di Fisica Nucl.CSFNSM, Catania) 9000100300620 Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura 9000100300621 della Materia, CSFNSM, Catania 9000100300622 2ITYTRI (Universita degli Studi di Trieste + INFN Trieste) 9000100300623 2ITYTUP (Politecnico di Torino) 9000100300624 2ITYTUR (Universita degli Studi di Torino + INFN Torino) 9000100300625 2ITYUBO (Universita di Bologna + INFN Bologna) 9000100300626 Compare 2ITYBOL. 9000100300627 2ITYUDN (Universita degli Studi di Udine + INFN Udine) 9000100300628 2ITYUPG (Universita degli Studi di Perugia + INFN Perugia) 9000100300629 2ITYUPV (Universita degli Studi di Padova + INFN Padova) 9000100300630 Use 2ITYPAD for INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro 9000100300631 2ITYUTV (Univ.degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" + INFN Roma 2) 9000100300632 Compare 2ITYROM 9000100300633 2JAPJAE (JAERI,rTokaib., Inst. of Phys.+ Chem. Res., Saitama) 9000100300634O 2JAPKTO (Kyoto Univ., Kyoto) 9000100300635O 2JAPTIT (Tokyo Inst.of Technology, Tokyo) 9000100300636O 2JAPTOH (Tohoku Univ., Sendai) 9000100300637O 2JAPTOK (Tokyo Univ., Tokyo) 9000100300638O 2JPNAIS (Nat.Inst.of Adv.Ind.Sci.Tech.(AIST), Tsukuba) 9000100300639 2JPNAIT (Ashikaga Inst.of Technology, Ashikaga, Tochigi) 9000100300640 2JPNAKT (Akita Univ., Akita) 9000100300641 2JPNAOY (Aoyama Gakuin Univ., Tokyo) 9000100300642 2JPNCIT (Chiba Inst.of Technology, Narashino, Chiba) 9000100300643 2JPNETL (Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba) 9000100300644X Moved from Tokyo in 1980. 9000100300645X Extinct March 2001, reorganized as 2JPNAIS 9000100300646X 2JPNFE (Fuji Electric) 9000100300647 2JPNFMU (Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima) 9000100300648 2JPNFUK (Fukuoka Univ., Fukuoka) 9000100300649 2JPNGMT (Gifu College of Medical Technologies, Gifu) 9000100300650 2JPNHIR (Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima and Higashi-Hiroshima) 9000100300651 2JPNHIT (Univ. of Hyogo, Himeji) 9000100300652 -2004: Himeji Inst. of Technology, Himeji 9000100300653 2JPNHOK (Hokkaido Univesity, Sapporo) 9000100300654 2JPNHOS (Hosei University, Tokyo) 9000100300655 2JPNHYO (Hyogo Agriculture Univ., Sasayama) 9000100300656X 2JPNICU (Internat.Christian Univ., Mitaka, Tokyo) 9000100300657 2JPNIPC (RIKEN (Inst. of Physical and Chemical Research), Wako)9000100300658 2JPNIRS (Nat.Inst. for Quantum & Radiol.Sci.& Tech., Chiba) 9000100300659 -2016: National Inst.of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) 9000100300660 Use 2JPNTAK for Takasaki Branch. 9000100300661 2JPNISS (Inst.of Solid State Physics, Univ. of Tokyo) 9000100300662 2JPNJAE (Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)) 9000100300663 -2005: Japan Atomic Energy Res.Inst. (JAERI) 9000100300664 Merged with 2JPNJNC to form JAEA. 9000100300665 Use this code for the J-PARC facility, too. 9000100300666 Use 2JPNTAK for Takasaki Branch. 9000100300667 2JPNJCL (Cyclotron Lab., Inst. of Phys.& Chem. Research, Wakou)9000100300668O Use 2JPNIPC. 9000100300669O 2JPNJEL (Elect.Pow.Dev.Corp., AED, Tokyo) 9000100300670 2JPNJNC (Japan Nucl.Cycle Development Inst., Tokai-mura) 9000100300671X Extinct Sept. 2005, merged with JAERI to form JAEA 9000100300672X 2JPNJPN (Japan) 9000100300673 2JPNJSR (Japan Synchrotron Rad.Res.Inst. (JASRI), Hyogo) 9000100300674 2JPNJTD (Juntendo Univ., Chiba) 9000100300675 2JPNKEK (High Energy Accelerator Res. Org. (KEK), Tsukuba) 9000100300676 2JPNKIT (Univ.of Occupat.and Environmental Health, Kitakyushu) 9000100300677 2JPNKNK (Kinki Univ.,Higashi Osaka) 9000100300678 2JPNKNZ (Kanazawa Univ., Kanazawa) 9000100300679 2JPNKON (Konan Univ., Kobe) 9000100300680 2JPNKTJ (Kobe Tokiwa Univ., Kobe) 9000100300681 -2008: Kobe Tokiwa Junior College 9000100300682 2JPNKTO (Kyoto Univ., Kyoto) 9000100300683 2JPNKUE (Kyoto Univ. of Education, Kyoto) 9000100300684 2JPNKYO (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, Tokyo) 9000100300685 2JPNKYP (Kyoto Prefectural Univ., Kyoto) 9000100300686 2JPNKYU (Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka) 9000100300687 2JPNLEP (Nat.lab.for High Energy Physics, Oho, Ibaraki) 9000100300688X 2JPNMZK (Univ. of Miyazaki, Miyazaki) 9000100300689 2JPNNAG (Nagoya Univ., Nagoya) 9000100300690 2JPNNAO (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka) 9000100300691 2JPNNCT (Oita National College of Technology, Oita) 9000100300692 2JPNNIA (Nagasaki Inst.of Applied Science, Nagasaki) 9000100300693 2JPNNIF (National Inst. for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu) 9000100300694 2JPNNIG (Toshiba Corporation) 9000100300695 =(formerly Nippon Atomic Industry Group, NAIG) 9000100300696 2JPNNII (Niigata Univ., Niigata) 9000100300697 2JPNOEC (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ., Neyagawa, Osaka) 9000100300698 2JPNOSA (Osaka Univ., Osaka) 9000100300699 2JPNOSP (Radiation Centre of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka) 9000100300700X Extinct March 2000, reorganized as Res.Inst.for Adv. 9000100300701X Sci. and Techn., Osaka Prefecture Univ. 9000100300702X 2JPNPNC (Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Devel. Corp., Tokai) 9000100300703X Plutonium Fuel Div., Tokai Works, Power Reactor and 9000100300704X Nuclear Fuel Development Corp., Muramatsu, Tokai-mura9000100300705X Extinct. Moved to Tokai-mura, see 2JPNJNC 9000100300706X 2JPNSAE (Sumitomo Atomic Energy Industries) 9000100300707X Extinct as of September 2004 9000100300708X 2JPNSHR (Ship Research Inst., Ministry of Transport, Japan) 9000100300709X Extinct March 2001. 9000100300710X Reorganized as National Maritime Research Institute 9000100300711X 2JPNSHZ (Shizuoka Univ., Shizuoka) 9000100300712 2JPNSTA (Science and Technology Agency, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) 9000100300713X 2JPNSUT (Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba) 9000100300714 -2001: Science University of Tokyo 9000100300715 2JPNSUU (Saitama University, Urawa, Saitama) 9000100300716 2JPNTAK (Nat.Inst. for Quantum & Radiol.Sci.& Tech., Takasaki) 9000100300717 -2005: Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) 9000100300718 -2016: Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) 9000100300719 Use 2JPNIRS for Chiba Branch. 9000100300720 2JPNTIT (Tokyo Inst.of Technology, Tokyo) 9000100300721 2JPNTKE (Tokyo Univ. of Education, Tokyo) 9000100300722X 2JPNTKS (Tokushima Univ., Tokushima) 9000100300723 2JPNTMU (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Hachioji, Tokyo) 9000100300724 2JPNTOH (Tohoku Univ., Sendai) 9000100300725 2JPNTOI (Tohoku Inst. of Technology, Sendai) 9000100300726 2JPNTOK (Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo) 9000100300727 2JPNTSU (Univ. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba) 9000100300728 2JPNWDA (Waseda Univ., Tokyo) 9000100300729 2JPNWER (Wakasa Wan Energy Res.Center, Tsuruga, Fukui) 9000100300730 2JPNYAM (Yamanashi Univ., Kofu) 9000100300731 2JPNYMG (Yamagata Univ., Yamagata) 9000100300732 2JPNYOK (Rikkyo (St.Paul) Univ., Yokosuka and Tokyo) 9000100300733 2LUXLUX (Luxembourg) 9000100300734 2MCOMCO (Monaco) 9000100300735 2NEDAMS (Univ. of Amsterdam, Amsterdam) 9000100300736 2NEDDEL (Technical Univ., Delft) 9000100300737 2NEDENT (Eindhoven Univ. of Technology) 9000100300738 2NEDFUL (Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam, De Boelelaan) 9000100300739 Free Univ. of Amsterdam, distinct from Univ. of 9000100300740 Amsterdam. 9000100300741 2NEDGRN (Groningen) 9000100300742O Use 2NEDKVI for Kernfysich Versneller Inst. 9000100300743O Use 2NEDRUG for Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 9000100300744O 2NEDIKO (Nat'l Inst. for Nucl. and High Energy Physics, Sect.K)9000100300745 National Inst. for Nuclear and High Energy Physics, 9000100300746 Sect.K, Amsterdam (NIKHEF-K)) 9000100300747 =(previously called Inst. voor Kernphysisch Onderzoek) 9000100300748 2NEDKVI (Kernfysich Versneller Inst., Groningen) 9000100300749 2NEDLEI (Univ. of Leiden) 9000100300750 2NEDNED (Netherlands) 9000100300751 2NEDNRG (Nuclear Res. and Consultancy Group, Petten) 9000100300752 2NEDRCN (Netherland's Energy Research Foundation, Petten) 9000100300753 =(until end of 1975: Reactor Centrum Nederland) 9000100300754 2NEDRUG (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen) 9000100300755 2NEDUTR (Univ. of Utrecht) 9000100300756 2NEDVDN (Central Bureau der V.D.E.N., Arnhem) 9000100300757 2NORBGN (Univ. of Bergen) 9000100300758 2NORHAL (Halden, Inst.for Energiteknikk) 9000100300759 =(previously Inst.for Atomenergi) 9000100300760 2NORJEN (Inst.for Atomenergi, Kjeller) 9000100300761O Obsolete. Use 2NORKJL. 9000100300762O 2NORKJL (Institutt for Energiteknikk (IFE), Kjeller) 9000100300763 -1980: Institutt for Atomenergi (IFA) 9000100300764 2NORNOR (Norway) 9000100300765 2NOROSL (Univ. of Oslo, Oslo) 9000100300766 2PRTCMB (Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra) 9000100300767 2PRTFNL (Centro de Fisica Nuclear, Lisboa) 9000100300768O Obsolete. Use 2PRTLIS. 9000100300769O 2PRTJES (Junta de Energia Nuclear, Sacavem) 9000100300770X Extinct Oct. 1979, merged with LFEN to form LNETI 9000100300771X 2PRTLFE (Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, Sacavem) 9000100300772X -1994: Instituto de Ciencias e Eng. Nucleares (ICEN) 9000100300773X -1985: Lab. Nacional de Eng. e Tecnol. Industr.(LNETI)9000100300774X -1979: Lab. de Fisica e Engenharia Nucleares (LFEN) 9000100300775X Extinguished in 2012, integrated in the Instituto 9000100300776X Superior Tecnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa. 9000100300777X 2PRTLIS (Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa) 9000100300778 2PRTNOV (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa) 9000100300779 2PRTPRT (Portugal) 9000100300780 2SF ABA (Abo Akademi, Turku) 9000100300781 2SF HLS (Univ. of Helsinki, Helsinki) 9000100300782 2SF HLT (Helsinki Tech.Univ., Otaniemi) 9000100300783 2SF JYV (University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla) 9000100300784 2SF OUL (University of Oulu, Oulu) 9000100300785 2SF SF (Finland) 9000100300786 2SF TKU (Turku University) 9000100300787 2SPNAUT (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid) 9000100300788 2SPNGRU (Universidad de Granada, Granada) 9000100300789 2SPNHLV (Universidad de Huelva, Huelva) 9000100300790 2SPNIEM (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Madrid) 9000100300791 2SPNJNE (Junta de Energia Nuclear, Madrid) 9000100300792X 1986-: CIEMAT (See 2SPNPCM) 9000100300793X 2SPNPCM (Centro para Invest. Energ., Medio. y Tecnol. (CIEMAT))9000100300794 Centro para Investigaciones Energeticas, 9000100300795 Medioambientales y Tecnologicas 9000100300796 -1986: Junta de Energia Nuclear (JEN) 9000100300797 2SPNSAU (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) 9000100300798 2SPNSEU (Universidad de Sevilla, Seville) 9000100300799 2SPNSPN (Spain) 9000100300800 2SPNUPC (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona) 9000100300801 2SPNUPM (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid) 9000100300802 2SPNVAL (Universidad de Valencia, Valencia) 9000100300803 2SPNVIG (Universidad de Vigo, Vigo) 9000100300804 2SPNVLD (Universidad de Valladolid) 9000100300805 2SWDAE (Studsvik Energiteknik AB) 9000100300806 =(before June 1978: AB Atomenergi, Studsvik+Stockholm) 9000100300807 2SWDCTH (Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Gothenburg) 9000100300808 2SWDFOA (Research Inst. for National Defence, Stockholm) 9000100300809X 2SWDFOI (Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Stockholm) 9000100300810 2SWDIPS (Res.Inst.of Physics (form.Nobel Inst.), Stockholm) 9000100300811 2SWDKTH (Royal Inst.of Tech., Stockholm) 9000100300812 2SWDLND (Lund Univ.+ Tech.Univ.) 9000100300813 2SWDRIP (Res.Inst.of Phys., Stockholm) 9000100300814O Obsolete. Use 2SWDIPS. 9000100300815O 2SWDSTK (Stockholm) 9000100300816O Obsolete. Use 2SWDAE, 2SWDFOA, 2SWDKTH or 2SWDUST. 9000100300817O 2SWDSWD (Sweden) 9000100300818 2SWDSWR (Studsvik Science Research Laboratory, Nykoeping) 9000100300819 =(formerly Swedish Research Council's Laboratory) 9000100300820 2SWDTLU (Tandem Laboratory, Uppsala) 9000100300821O Obsolete. Use 2SWDUPP. 9000100300822O 2SWDUPP (Uppsala Univ., Uppsala) 9000100300823 =including Tandem Accelerator Laboratory (ex. 2SWDTLU) 9000100300824 =including The Svedberg Laboratory (TSL) 9000100300825 2SWDUST (Stockholm University) 9000100300826 2SWTBAS (University of Basel, Basel) 9000100300827 2SWTETH (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zuerich) 9000100300828 2SWTFRS (Univ. of Fribourg) 9000100300829 2SWTGVE (Univ. of Geneva) 9000100300830 2SWTLAU (Univ. of Lausanne) 9000100300831 2SWTNEU (Univ. of Neuchatel) 9000100300832 2SWTPSI (Paul Scherrer Inst., Villigen) 9000100300833 =(replaced VIL and WUR in Jan 1988) 9000100300834 2SWTSWT (Switzerland) 9000100300835 2SWTUBE (Universitaet Bern, Bern) 9000100300836 2SWTVIL (Swiss.Inst.for Nucl.Phys.Res., Villigen) 9000100300837X =(as of Jan 1988 part of PSI) 9000100300838X 2SWTWUR (Eidgenossisches Inst.fuer Reakt.Forsch., Wuerenlingen)9000100300839X =(as of Jan 1988 part of PSI) 9000100300840X 2SWTZUR (Zurich) 9000100300841 =(other than ETH) 9000100300842 2TUKANK (Ankara Univ. + Middle East Technical Univ., Ankara) 9000100300843 2TUKANR (Ankara Nucl. Res. and Training Centre) 9000100300844 2TUKCNA (Cekmece Nucl. Res. Centre, Istanbul) 9000100300845 2TUKGZU (Gazi University, Ankara) 9000100300846 2TUKKOC (Kocaeli University, Kocaeli) 9000100300847 2TUKSTU (Istanbul University) 9000100300848 2TUKTUK (Turkey) 9000100300849 2TUKYTU (Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul) 9000100300850 2UK ALD (Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), Aldermaston) 9000100300851 -1987: Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE) 9000100300852 2UK BCT (Battersea College of Technology, London) 9000100300853X 2UK BIA (Univ. of Aston, Birmingham) 9000100300854 2UK BIR (Univ. of Birmingham, England) 9000100300855 2UK BLF (Univ. of Belfast, N.Ireland) 9000100300856 2UK BRD (Univ. of Bradford, England) 9000100300857 2UK BRI (Univ. of Bristol, England) 9000100300858 2UK CAV (Cavendish Lab., Cambridge, Engl.) 9000100300859 2UK CCH (UKAEA Reactor Materials Laboratory, Warrington) 9000100300860X 2UK CEG (Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories (BNL), Berkeley) 9000100300861 =(formerly under Central Electricity Generating Board) 9000100300862 2UK CRN (Royal Military Coll.of Sci.,Cranfield Univ.,Swindon) 9000100300863 2UK CUL (UKAEA Fusion, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon) 9000100300864 UK Atomic Energy Authority Fusion, Culham Science 9000100300865 Centre, Abingdon, England 9000100300866 2UK DAR (Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington) 9000100300867 2UK DOU (Dounreay Experimental Reactor Establishment, Thurso) 9000100300868 2UK DUR (Univ. of Durham, England) 9000100300869 2UK EDG (Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland) 9000100300870 2UK EE (English Electric Company, Wheatstone, Leics) 9000100300871X 2UK GLS (Univ. of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland) 9000100300872 2UK HAR (Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE), Harwell) 9000100300873X 2UK HFS (Univ. of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire) 9000100300874 2UK HHL (M.R.C.Cyclotron Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London) 9000100300875 2UK IST (Imp.Coll.of Sci.+Techn., London) 9000100300876 2UK KCL (King's College London, London) 9000100300877 2UK KEN (Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, England) 9000100300878 2UK KEU (Keele Univ., Keele, Staffordshire, England) 9000100300879 2UK LEE (Univ. of Leeds, Leeds, England) 9000100300880 2UK LON (Univ. of London, London, England) 9000100300881 2UK LVP (Univ. of Liverpool, England) 9000100300882 2UK MAN (Univ. of Manchester, England) 9000100300883 2UK MVE (Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical H.V. Lab.) 9000100300884 2UK NEW (Univ. of Newcastle-on-Tyne) 9000100300885 2UK NIN (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, England) 9000100300886 -1975: Rutherford High Energy Laboratory 9000100300887 -1979: Rutherford Laboratory 9000100300888 2UK NPL (National Phys.Lab., Teddington) 9000100300889 2UK NRP (National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell) 9000100300890 2UK OXF (Univ. of Oxford, Oxford) 9000100300891 2UK QML (Queen Mary College, London) 9000100300892 2UK REA (Univ. of Reading) 9000100300893 2UK RLY (UKAEA, Risley) 9000100300894X 2UK RR (Rolls-Royce) 9000100300895 2UK SBL (Polytechnic of South Bank, London) 9000100300896 2UK SHE (Univ. of Sheffield) 9000100300897 2UK SRC (Scottish Reactor Centre, E.Kilbride, Scotland) 9000100300898 2UK SSX (Univ. of Sussex, Brighton) 9000100300899 2UK SUR (Univ. of Surrey, Guildford) 9000100300900 2UK UK (United Kingdom) 9000100300901 2UK UKW (Windscale Reactor Development Labs., UKAEA) 9000100300902 2UK WIN (Atomic Energy Establishment (AEE), Winfrith, Dorset) 9000100300903X 2UK YRK (Univ. of York, York) 9000100300904 2ZZZBIP (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Sevres) 9000100300905 2ZZZCER (European Org. for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva) 9000100300906 2ZZZDGE (EURATOM, Bruxelles) 9000100300907 2ZZZEC (European Commission) 9000100300908 Use 2ZZZGEL, 2ZZZISP or 2ZZZITU when applicable. 9000100300909 2ZZZESR (The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble)9000100300910 2ZZZESS (The European Spallation Source, Lund) 9000100300911I 2ZZZGEL (EC Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC), Geel) 9000100300912 1960-1992: Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements 9000100300913 1993-2016: Inst.for Reference Materials & Measurements9000100300914 =(formerly EURATOM) 9000100300915 2ZZZISP (EC Joint Research Center (EC-JRC), Ispra) 9000100300916 =(formerly EURATOM) 9000100300917 2ZZZITU (EC Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC), Karlsruhe) 9000100300918 -2016: Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) 9000100300919 =(formerly Euratom) 9000100300920 2ZZZNDC (NEA Data Bank, Paris) 9000100300921 =(formerly NEA Nucl.Data Compilation Centre, CCDN/NDCC)9000100300922 2ZZZNEA (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)) 9000100300923 =(formerly European Nucl.En.Agency, ENEA) 9000100300924 2ZZZNTF (The nTOF Collaboration) 9000100300925O Collaboration for experiments at the CERN nTOF 9000100300926O facility, may be used instead of the set of institute 9000100300927O codes if the collaboration name is given in the 9000100300928O reference 9000100300929O 3AFGAFG (Afghanistan) 9000100300930 3ALGALG (Algeria) 9000100300931 3ALGCDT (Centre de Recherche Nucleaire d'Alger (CRNA), Algiers)9000100300932 Formerly known as Centre de Developpement des 9000100300933 Techniques Nucleaires (CDTN), which was renamed from 9000100300934 Institut d'Etudes Nucleaires (IEN) 9000100300935 3ALGRNB (Centre de Recherche Nucleaire de Birine (CRNB),Birine)9000100300936 3ALGUAG (Universite d'Alger, Algiers) 9000100300937 3ALGUHB (Universite Sci. et Tech. Houari Boumediene, Algiers) 9000100300938 3ANGANG (Angola) 9000100300939 3ARGARG (Argentina) 9000100300940 3ARGCAB (Inst.Balseiro y Centro Atomico Bariloche, Bariloche) 9000100300941 CAB had also been used for Univ.San Carlos 9000100300942 3ARGCDO (Centro de Documentacion Cientifica, Buenos Aires) 9000100300943 3ARGCIN (Consejo Nac. de Invest. Cientificas y Tec. (CONICET)) 9000100300944 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y 9000100300945 Tecnicas CONICET), Buenos Aires 9000100300946 3ARGCNE (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires) 9000100300947 4 branches - Buenos Aires, San Martin (Laboratorio 9000100300948 TANDAR), Ezeiza, Bariloche 9000100300949 3ARGCRB (Centr.Nacional de Rad. Cosmica, Buenos Aires) 9000100300950 3ARGIIA (Inst.de Investig.Aeronaut.y Espacial, Buenos Aires) 9000100300951 3ARGUBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires) 9000100300952 3ARGUPA (Universidad de La Plata, Buenos Aires) 9000100300953 3AULAIN (A.I.N.S.E., Lucas Heights, NSW) 9000100300954 3AULAML (Univ. of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria) 9000100300955 3AULARP (Australian Radiat.Protect.&Nucl.Safe.Agency,Melbourne)9000100300956 -1999: Nuclear Safety Bureau, and Australian Radiation9000100300957 Laboratory 9000100300958 3AULASY (Univ. of Sydney, Sydney) 9000100300959 3AULAUA (Australian Nucl.Sci.and Techn.Org., Lucas Heights,NSW)9000100300960 =(formerly AAEC Research Est.) 9000100300961 3AULAUF (Flinders Univ., Bedford Park, Adelaide) 9000100300962 3AULAUL (Australia) 9000100300963 3AULCBR (Australian National University, Canberra) 9000100300964 3AULMOU (Monash University) 9000100300965 3AULNSW (Univ.of New South Wales) 9000100300966 3AULQUC (Univ.Coll., Townsville, Queensl.) 9000100300967 3AULQUE (Univ.of Queensland) 9000100300968 3AULTAS (Univ.of Tasmania) 9000100300969 3AULUNE (Univ.of New England) 9000100300970 3AULUWA (Univ. of Western Australia, Nedlands) 9000100300971 3AULWAI (Western Australian Inst. of Tech., West Bentley) 9000100300972 3AULWUC (Wollongong University College, Wollongong) 9000100300973 3BANBAN (Bangladesh) 9000100300974 3BANDAC (University of Dhaka, Dhaka) 9000100300975 3BANDAE (Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka) 9000100300976O Obsolete. Use 3BANRAM. 9000100300977O 3BANRAJ (Univ.of Rajshahi) 9000100300978 3BANRAM (Atomic Energy Centre, Ramna, Dhaka) 9000100300979 3BANSAV (Inst. Nucl. Science & Technology, AERE, Savar, Dhaka) 9000100300980 Separated from 3BANRAM in 1981. 9000100300981 3BLVBLV (Bolivia) 9000100300982 3BLVIBC (Inst.Boliviano de Ciencia y Tecnologia Nucl., La Paz) 9000100300983 3BLVLFC (Laboratorio de Fisica Cosmica, Chacaltaya) 9000100300984 3BULBLA (Sofia, Inst. of Nuclear Res. and Nuclear Energy) 9000100300985 Institut po Yadernaja Fizika i Yadernaja Energetika 9000100300986 Previously Fizicheski Institut c Atomna Nauchno- 9000100300987 Eksperimentalna Baza (ANEB) (Inst.of Phys. with 9000100300988 Nucl.Res.Center) 9000100300989 Previously Bylgarska Akademija na Naukite (Bulg. 9000100300990 Acad.Sci.), Institut de Physique. 9000100300991 Further similar names existing. 9000100300992 3BULBUL (Bulgaria) 9000100300993 3BULPLV (Plovdivski Univercitet "Paisii Hiledarski", Plovdiv) 9000100300994 =(University of Plovdiv) 9000100300995 3BULSOF (Univ.of Sofia) 9000100300996 3BURBUR (Myanmar (formerly Burma)) 9000100300997 3BURRAS (Rangoon Arts and Science Univ., Rangoon) 9000100300998 3BWABWA (Botswana) 9000100300999 3BZLABC (Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Rio de Janeiro) 9000100301000 3BZLBSP (IEA and University, Sao Paulo) 9000100301001O Obsolete. Use 3BZLIEA or 3BZLUSP. 9000100301002O 3BZLBZL (Brazil) 9000100301003 3BZLCTA (Instituto de Estudos Avancados, Sao Jose dos Campos) 9000100301004 Compare 3BZLITA which is not the same 9000100301005 3BZLIDF (Inst.de Fisica,Univ.do Rio Grande do Sul,Porto Alegre)9000100301006 3BZLIEA (Instituto de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo) 9000100301007O Obsolete. Use 3BZLIPE. 9000100301008O 3BZLIEN (Instit. de Engenharia Nuclear, Rio de Janeiro) 9000100301009 3BZLIPE (Inst.de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, Sao Paulo) 9000100301010 Formerly Inst.de Energia Atomica (IEA) 9000100301011 3BZLIPR (Instit. de Pesquisas Radioativas, Belo Horizonte) 9000100301012 3BZLITA (Inst. Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Sao Jose dos Campos)9000100301013 Compare 3BZLCTA which is not the same 9000100301014 3BZLLDD (Lab.de Dosimetria, Rio de Janeiro) 9000100301015 3BZLPUJ (Pontif. Universidad Catolica, Rio de Janeiro) 9000100301016 3BZLREC (Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares, Recife) 9000100301017 3BZLRIO (Centro Brazil.de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro) 9000100301018 3BZLUEC (Univ.Estadual de Campinas, Inst.de Fisica, Campinas) 9000100301019 3BZLUFF (Univ. Federal Fluminense, Niteroi) 9000100301020 3BZLUFP (Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Recife) 9000100301021 Including Centro de Energia Nuclear 9000100301022 3BZLUFR (Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro) 9000100301023 sometimes called "Universidade do Brazil" 9000100301024 3BZLUSP (Univ.de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo) 9000100301025 Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo is not the same. 9000100301026 3CGOCGO (Zaire) 9000100301027O Obsolete. Use 3ZAIZAI. 9000100301028O Formerly Dem.Rep.of the Congo (Kinshasa) 9000100301029O 3CHFCHF (China, Taiwan) 9000100301030 3CHFNTU (National Taiwan Univ., Taipei) 9000100301031 3CHFSHI (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Lung-Tan) 9000100301032 3CHFTHU (National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsin-Chu) 9000100301033 3CHLCEC (Comision de Energia Nuclear, Santiago) 9000100301034 3CHLCHL (Chile) 9000100301035 3CHLSAN (Universidad de Chile, Santiago) 9000100301036 3CHLUCC (Univ.de Chile, Fac.de Ciencias, Santiago) 9000100301037O Obsolete. Use 3CHLSAN. 9000100301038O 3CHPAEP (China Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing) 9000100301039O 3CHPBNU (Beijing Normal Univ., Beijing) 9000100301040O 3CHPLNZ (Lanzhou Univ., Lanzhou) 9000100301041O 3CLMCLM (Colombia, Rep.) 9000100301042 3CLMIAN (Inst.de Asuntos Nucl., Bogota) 9000100301043 3CMRCMR (Cameroon) 9000100301044 3COSCOS (Costa Rica) 9000100301045 3CPRAEP (China Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing) 9000100301046 3CPRBHN (Beihang Univ., Beijing) 9000100301047 3CPRBJG (Peking Univ., Beijing) 9000100301048 3CPRBNT (Beijing National Tandem Accelerator Lab., Beijing) 9000100301049O Use 3CPRAEP. 9000100301050O 3CPRBNU (Beijing Normal Univ., Beijing) 9000100301051 3CPRCNI (China Nucl.Inf.Centre, Beijing) 9000100301052 3CPRCPR (China, People's Rep.) 9000100301053 3CPRFUD (Fudan Univ., Shanghai) 9000100301054 3CPRHST (Univ. of Science and Technology of China, Hefei) 9000100301055 3CPRHXU (Hexi Univ., Zhangye) 9000100301056 3CPRIHP (Inst.of High Energy Physics, Acad. Sinica, Beijing) 9000100301057 Also for China Spallation Neutron Source, Dongguan 9000100301058 3CPRIMP (Inst.of Modern Physics, Acad. Sinica, Lanzhou) 9000100301059 3CPRINT (Northwest Inst.of Nuclear Technology, Xian) 9000100301060O 3CPRIPM (Inst.of Applied Phys.and Computational Math., Beijing)9000100301061 3CPRJIL (Jilin Univ., Changchun) 9000100301062 3CPRLNZ (Lanzhou Univ., Lanzhou) 9000100301063 3CPRNAN (Nanjing Univ., Nanjing) 9000100301064 3CPRNIX (Northwest Inst.of Nucl.Technology, Xian) 9000100301065 3CPRNPC (Southwest Inst.Nucl.Phys.and Chem.,Mianyang,Sichuan) 9000100301066 3CPRNRS (Shanghai Inst.of Applied Physics, Chinese Acad.Sci.) 9000100301067 until 2003: Inst.of Nucl.Research,Acad.Sinica,Shanghai9000100301068 3CPRPDU (Pingdingshan Univ., Pingdingshan) 9000100301069 3CPRSHN (Shaanxi Normal Univ., Xian) 9000100301070 Compare 3CPRSNU. 9000100301071 3CPRSIU (Sichuan Univ., Chengdu) 9000100301072 3CPRSNU (Shanxi Normal University, Linfen) 9000100301073 Compare 3CPRSHN. 9000100301074 3CPRSST (Shanghai Univ. of Science and Technology) 9000100301075 3CPRSZH (Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai) 9000100301076 3CPRSZN (Shenzhen University, Shenzhen) 9000100301077 3CPRTSI (Tsinghua Univ., Beijing) 9000100301078 =(= Qinghua Univ.) 9000100301079 3CPRUCA (Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) 9000100301080 3CPRUPD (Univ. of Petroleum, Dongying, Shandong) 9000100301081 3CPRZHN (Zheng-Zhou Univ.) 9000100301082 =(= Cheng-Chou Univ.) 9000100301083 3CROCRO (Croatia) 9000100301084 3CRORBZ (Inst.Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb) 9000100301085 3CROZAG (Univ. of Zagreb, Zagreb) 9000100301086 3CSRCHE (Inst.of High En.Phys., Prague) 9000100301087O 3CSRCHU (Charles Univ.,Facult.of Mathem.and Physics, Prague) 9000100301088O 3CSRCSR (Czechoslovakia) 9000100301089X 3CSRCTI (Czech.Technical Univ., Prague) 9000100301090O 3CSRCZA (Czech.Acad.of Sciences, Prague) 9000100301091O 3CSRPFU (Pf Univ., Nuclear Physics Dept., Bratislava) 9000100301092O 3CSRSLO (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Physics Inst., Bratislava)9000100301093O 3CSRUB (Komenskeho (Comenius) Univ., Bratislava) 9000100301094O 3CSRUJF (Inst.of Nucl.Phys.of Czech.Acad.Sci., Rez u Prahy) 9000100301095O 3CSRUJV (Inst.of Nucl.Res., Rez u Prahy) 9000100301096O 3CUBCUB (Cuba) 9000100301097 3CUBHAB (Higher Inst. Tech. and Applied Sci.(InSTEC), Habana) 9000100301098 Renamed from Higher Institute of Nuclear Science and 9000100301099 Technology (ISCTN) in 2003 9000100301100 3CUBPLY (Center for Develop.Nucl.Ene.&Appl.Tech.(CEADEN),Playa)9000100301101 3CZRCHE (Inst. of High Energy Physics, Prague) 9000100301102 3CZRCHU (Charles Univ., Prague) 9000100301103 3CZRCTI (Czech Technical Univ., Prague) 9000100301104 3CZRCZA (Czech Acad.of Sciences, Prague) 9000100301105 3CZRCZR (Czech Republic) 9000100301106 3CZRUJF (Nuclear Physics Institute of Czech Acad. Sci., Rez) 9000100301107 =(Ustav Jaderne Fyziky CSAV) 9000100301108 3CZRUJV (Research Centre Rez, Husinec-Rez) 9000100301109 Formerly Inst. of Nuclear Research, Rez u Prahy 9000100301110 (Ustav Jaderneho Vyzkumu) 9000100301111 Split off from UJF in 1972 9000100301112 Code UJV was previously used also for Inst. of 9000100301113 Nucl. Phys.(UJF) 9000100301114 3DDRBEH (Humboldt Univ. Berlin + DAW Zeuthen) 9000100301115X 3DDRBEP (VEB Atomkraft, Berlin-Pankow) 9000100301116X 3DDRBFR (Bergakademie Freiberg) 9000100301117X 3DDRDDR (German Democratic Republic) 9000100301118X 3DDRJNA (Jena, Univ.) 9000100301119X 3DDRROS (Zentralinstitut fuer Kernforschung (ZFK), Rossendorf) 9000100301120X =(Until 1990). 9000100301121X 3DDRTUD (Dresden, Techn.Univ. at Dresden and Pirna) 9000100301122X =(Until 1990). 9000100301123X Use 2GERDRE for work after reunification. 9000100301124X 3DDRZFI (Zentralinst. Isotopen- und Strahlenforschung, Leipzig)9000100301125X Use 2GERZFK for work after reunification. 9000100301126X 3ECUECU (Ecuador) 9000100301127 3EGYASM (Ain Shams Univ., Cairo) 9000100301128 3EGYCAI (Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), Cairo) 9000100301129 Previously 3UARCAI. 9000100301130 3EGYEGY (Egypt) 9000100301131 Formerly United Arab Republic (3UARUAR) 9000100301132 3EGYTNT (Tanta Univ., Tanta) 9000100301133 3ETPETP (Ethiopia) 9000100301134 3GHAGHA (Ghana) 9000100301135 3GHALGN (National Nuclear Research Institute, Legon) 9000100301136 3GUAGUA (Guatemala) 9000100301137 3HKGHKG (Hong Kong) 9000100301138 3HKGHKU (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong) 9000100301139 3HKGUHK (The University of Hong Kong) 9000100301140 3HUNDEB (Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), Debrecen) 9000100301141 3HUNELU (Eotvos Lorand Univ., Budapest) 9000100301142 3HUNHUN (Hungary) 9000100301143 3HUNII (MTA Izotop Intezete, Budapest) 9000100301144X =(Institute of Isotopes, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)9000100301145X 3HUNKFI (Centre for Energy Research (EK), Budapest) 9000100301146 1950 - 1991: Central Research Institute for Physics 9000100301147 (KFKI) 9000100301148 1992 - 2011: KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute 9000100301149 (AEKI) 9000100301150 Merged with 3HUNII to form EK. 9000100301151 3HUNKOS (University of Debrecen, Debrecen) 9000100301152 1852 - 2000: Lajos Kossuth University 9000100301153 3HUNNBM (National Bureau of Measurements, Budapest) 9000100301154 3HUNTBP (Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, Budapest) 9000100301155 -1999: Technical University Budapest 9000100301156 3HUNWRC (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest) 9000100301157 1992 - 2011: KFKI Research Institute for Particle and 9000100301158 Nuclear Physics (RMKI) and Research 9000100301159 Institute for Solid State Physics and 9000100301160 Optics (SZFKI). 9000100301161 3INDALU (Allahabad Univ., Allahabad) 9000100301162 3INDAUW (Andhra Univ., Visakhapatnam) 9000100301163 Visakhapatnam is also known as Waltair. 9000100301164 3INDBDA (M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda) 9000100301165 3INDBGL (Bangalore University, Bengaluru) 9000100301166 3INDBHU (Banaras Hindu Univ., Varanasi) 9000100301167 3INDBOM (Bombay) 9000100301168O Obsolete. Use 3INDTRM or 3INDTAT. 9000100301169O 3INDBOS (Bose Institute, Kolkata) 9000100301170 3INDCAU (Kolkata, University) 9000100301171 3INDCCM (Nat. Centre for Composit. Charact. of Mat., Hyderabad)9000100301172 National Centre for Compositional Characterisation of 9000100301173 Materials, Hyderabad 9000100301174 3INDCCT (University of Calicut, Calicut) 9000100301175 3INDCLC (Calcutta) 9000100301176O Obsolete. Use 3INDSAH, 3INDBOS, 3INDIAC or 3INDISI. 9000100301177O 3INDDLH (Delhi Univ., Delhi) 9000100301178 3INDFRI (Central Fuel Research Inst., FRI, Bihar) 9000100301179 3INDGUJ (Gauhati Univ., Jalukbari, Guwahati) 9000100301180 3INDGUL (Gulmarg Res.Observat., Kashmir) 9000100301181 3INDIAC (Ind.Ass.Cult.of Sc., Kolkata) 9000100301182 3INDIIB (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai) 9000100301183 Mumbai is also known as Bombay. 9000100301184 3INDIID (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) 9000100301185 3INDIIK (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur) 9000100301186 3INDIIR (Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar) 9000100301187 3INDIND (India) 9000100301188 3INDIPB (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar) 9000100301189 3INDIRR (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee) 9000100301190 3INDISI (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata) 9000100301191 3INDITK (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur) 9000100301192 3INDJNU (Jawaharlal Nehru Univ., New Delhi) 9000100301193 3INDKAL (Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam) 9000100301194 =(before 1986: Kalpakkam Reactor Research Centre) 9000100301195 3INDKUD (Karnatak University, Dharwad) 9000100301196 Dharwad is also known as Dharwar. 9000100301197 3INDKUK (Kurukshetra Univ., Kurukshetra) 9000100301198 3INDLUL (Lucknow Univ., Lucknow) 9000100301199 3INDMAD (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras) 9000100301200 3INDMGA (Mahatma Ghandi Science Inst.of Technology, Ahmedabad) 9000100301201 3INDMNG (Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri, Konaje) 9000100301202 3INDMNP (Manipal University, Manipal) 9000100301203 3INDMUA (Aligarh Muslim Univ., Aligarh) 9000100301204 3INDNEH (North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya) 9000100301205 3INDNSD (Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi) 9000100301206 -2005: Nuclear Science Centre 9000100301207 3INDOSM (Osmania University, Hyderabad) 9000100301208 3INDPAT (Punjabi Univ., Patiala) 9000100301209 3INDPOO (University of Pune) 9000100301210 Formerly University of Poona 9000100301211 3INDPRA (Phys.Res.Laboratory, Ahmedabad) 9000100301212 3INDPUC (Punjab Univ., Chandigarh) 9000100301213 3INDSAH (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata) 9000100301214 3INDSRA (Saurashtra Univ., Rajkot) 9000100301215 3INDSUK (Shivaji Univ., Kolhapur) 9000100301216 3INDTAT (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) 9000100301217 Mumbai is also known as Bombay. 9000100301218 3INDTRM (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Mumbai)9000100301219 Before 1967, Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay 9000100301220 Also for BARC-TIFR Pelletron 9000100301221 3INDURJ (Univ.of Rajasthan, Jaipur) 9000100301222 3INDURR (Univ.of Roorkee, Roorkee) 9000100301223 3INDVEC (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata) 9000100301224 3INDVUU (Vikram Univ., Ujjain) 9000100301225 3INSBNG (Bandung Reactor Center, Bandung) 9000100301226 3INSINS (Indonesia) 9000100301227 3IRNAMU (Sharif University of Technology, Tehran) 9000100301228 -1979: Arya-Mehr Univ.of Technology (A.M.U.T.) 9000100301229 3IRNIRN (Iran) 9000100301230 3IRNKRJ (Agricult., Med. & Indust. Res. School (AMIRS), Karaj) 9000100301231 -2007: Nucl.Res.Center for Agricult.&Medicine(NRCAM) 9000100301232 3IRNNRT (Nucl. Sci. and Technol. Research Inst., AEOI, Tehran) 9000100301233 Formerly Nuclear Research Centre (NRC), AEOI. 9000100301234 Formerly Atomic Centre of Tehran Univ., taken over 9000100301235 by AEOI and renamed to NRC in 1974. 9000100301236 3IRNPAH (Pahlavi Univ., Daneshgah, Shiraz) 9000100301237 3IRNTEH (University of Tehran, Tehran) 9000100301238 3IRQBAG (Univ. Baghdad) 9000100301239 3IRQIRQ (Iraq) 9000100301240 3IRQNRI (Nucl.Research Center, Baghdad) 9000100301241 Previously Nuclear Research Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad 9000100301242 3ISLHEB (Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem) 9000100301243 3ISLHFA (Technion Haifa) 9000100301244 3ISLISL (Israel) 9000100301245 3ISLNEG (Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer-Sheva) 9000100301246 Including Nuclear Research Centre 9000100301247 3ISLREH (Rehovoth Lab., Israel AEC.) 9000100301248 3ISLSOR (Soreq Research Centre, Yavne) 9000100301249 3ISLTEL (Tel Aviv University) 9000100301250 3ISLWZI (Weizmann Inst., Rehovoth) 9000100301251 3IVCIVC (Ivory Coast) 9000100301252 3JAMJAM (Jamaica) 9000100301253 3JAMUWI (West-Indies Univ., Kingston) 9000100301254 3JORJOR (Jordan) 9000100301255 3KDRKDR (Democratic People's Rep. of Korea) 9000100301256 (North Korea) 9000100301257 3KDRPYN (Institute of Radiochemistry, Pyongyang) 9000100301258 3KORCHA (Chung-Ang University, Seoul) 9000100301259 3KORDAU (Donga University, Busan) 9000100301260 Busan is also known as Pusan. 9000100301261 3KORDRM (Dongnam Inst. of Radiological & Medical Sci., Busan) 9000100301262 3KORIBS (Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon) 9000100301263 3KORKAE (Korea Atomic Energy Research Instit. (KAERI), Daejeon)9000100301264 Daejeon is also known as Taejon. 9000100301265 -Dec.1989: Korea Advanced Energy Research Inst. 9000100301266 -Dec.1980: Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst. 9000100301267 3KORKBU (National Kyong-Buk University, Taegu) 9000100301268O Obsolete. Use 3KORKNU. 9000100301269O 3KORKGM (Korea Inst.Geosci.& Mineral Resources (KIGAM),Daejeon)9000100301270 (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 9000100301271 (KIGAM), Daejeon) 9000100301272 3KORKNU (Kyungpook National University, Daegu) 9000100301273 Daegu is also known as Taegu. 9000100301274 3KORKOR (Republic of Korea) 9000100301275 (South Korea) 9000100301276 3KORKRM (Korea Inst.Radiological & Medical Sci.(KIRAMS), Seoul)9000100301277 Previously Korea Cancer Center Hospital (KCCH). 9000100301278 Separated from KAERI in 2007. 9000100301279 3KORKSR (Korea Research Inst. of Standards & Science, Daejeon) 9000100301280 Daejeon is also known as Taejon. 9000100301281 3KORKUS (Korea University, Seoul) 9000100301282 3KORNSU (Seoul National University, Seoul) 9000100301283 3KORPNU (Pusan National University, Busan) 9000100301284 Busan is also known as Pusan. 9000100301285 3KORPUE (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang) 9000100301286 3KORSEO (Atomic Energy Research Institute (AERI), Seoul) 9000100301287X Extinct Feb.1973. 9000100301288X Merged with Radiological Research Institute (RRI) and 9000100301289X Radiation Research Institute in Agriculture (RRIA) to 9000100301290X form KAERI. 9000100301291X 3KORSKK (Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon) 9000100301292 3KORULS (University of Ulsan, Ulsan) 9000100301293 3KORYON (Yonsei University, Seoul) 9000100301294 3KUWKUW (Kuwait) 9000100301295 3KYAKYA (Kenya) 9000100301296 3KYANAI (University College, Nairobi) 9000100301297 3LE LE (Lebanon) 9000100301298 3LIBLIB (Libya) 9000100301299 3LIBTAJ (Tajura Nuclear Res. Center, Tripoli) 9000100301300 3LIBUGB (University of Garyounis, Benghazi) 9000100301301 3MA MA (Madagascar) 9000100301302 3MAKMAK (Macedonia) 9000100301303 3MALMAL (Malaysia) 9000100301304 3MALUKM (Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi) 9000100301305 3MALUSM (Univ.Sains Malaysia, Penang) 9000100301306 3MEXCNM (Centro Nuclear de Mexico, Salazar, Edo. de Mexico) 9000100301307O Colloquial name of ININ. Use 3MEXINI. 9000100301308O 3MEXIFM (Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City)9000100301309O Obsolete. Use 3MEXUMX. 9000100301310O 3MEXINI (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares) 9000100301311 Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares(ININ),9000100301312 Ocoyoacac 9000100301313 3MEXIPN (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico City) 9000100301314 3MEXITM (Tecnologico de Monterrey) 9000100301315 3MEXMEX (Mexico) 9000100301316 3MEXUGM (Universidad de Guanajuato) 9000100301317 3MEXUMX (Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City)9000100301318 3MGLMGL (Mongolia) 9000100301319 3MGLNUM (National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar) 9000100301320 Mongolian State University is not the same. 9000100301321 3MLIMLI (Mali) 9000100301322 3MORMOH (Univ. Mohammed V, Rabat) 9000100301323 3MORMOR (Morocco) 9000100301324 3MORRAB (Lab.de Phys.Nucl., Faculte de Rabat, Univ. Mohammed V)9000100301325O Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire, Faculte de Rabat, 9000100301326O Universite Mohammed V 9000100301327O Obsolete. Use 3MORMOH. 9000100301328O 3NERNER (Niger) 9000100301329 3NI ABU (Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria) 9000100301330 3NI NI (Nigeria) 9000100301331 3NZLNZA (Univ. of Auckland, Auckland) 9000100301332 3NZLNZH (Inst.of Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt) 9000100301333 3NZLNZL (New Zealand) 9000100301334 3NZLNZW (Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington) 9000100301335 3OMNOMN (Oman) 9000100301336 3PAKGCL (Nuc.Res.Lab.,Gov't College, Lahore) 9000100301337 3PAKLAH (Atomic Energy Centre, Lahore) 9000100301338 3PAKNIL (PINSTECH, Nilore, Rawalpindi) 9000100301339 Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, 9000100301340 post office Nilore, Rawalpindi 9000100301341 3PAKPAK (Pakistan) 9000100301342 3PAKQAU (Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad) 9000100301343 3PERISE (Instituto Superior de Energia Nuclear, Lima) 9000100301344 3PERPER (Peru) 9000100301345 3PHIPHI (Philippines) 9000100301346 3POLIBJ (Inst. Badan Jadr., Swierk and Warszawa) 9000100301347X =(Inst. Nuclear Research); 9000100301348X =in 1983 split into 3 independent institutes. 9000100301349X .Inst.Problemow Jadrowych (Inst.f.Nucl.Studies,renamed9000100301350X in Jan.1988 to Soltan Inst.f.Nucl.Studies,see IPJ) 9000100301351X .Inst.Energii Atomowej (Inst.of Atomic Energy) 9000100301352X .Inst.Techniki i Chemii Jadrowej (Inst.of Nucl. 9000100301353X Technics and Chemistry) 9000100301354X 3POLIFJ (Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow) 9000100301355 =(Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics) 9000100301356 3POLINR (Inst.Badan Jadr., Swierk+Warszawa) 9000100301357O Obsolete. Use 3POLIBJ. 9000100301358O 3POLIPJ (Narodowe Centrum Badan Jadrowych, Swierk+Warszawa) 9000100301359 =(National Centre for Nuclear Research) 9000100301360 =Until 1982 part of IBJ. 9000100301361 Until 1987 name was Inst. for Nucl. Studies 9000100301362 Until 2010 name was Inst. for Nucl. Problem 9000100301363 3POLITJ (AGH University of Science and Technology) 9000100301364 Formerly University (Academy) of Mining and Metallurgy9000100301365 3POLJAD (Swierk+Warszawa, Inst.Badan Jadr.) 9000100301366O Obsolete. Use 3POLIBJ. 9000100301367O 3POLKPI (Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, Kielce) 9000100301368 Higher Pedagog. School 9000100301369 3POLKPS (Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, Katowice) 9000100301370 Higher Pedagog. School 9000100301371 3POLKRK (Inst.Fiz.Jadr. + Univ., Krakow) 9000100301372O Obsolete. Use 3POLIFJ or 3POLUJK. 9000100301373O 3POLLOU (Univ. of Lodz, Lodz) 9000100301374 3POLPOL (Poland) 9000100301375 3POLPWA (Politechnika Warszawska) 9000100301376 Warsaw Univ. of Technology 9000100301377 3POLSKU (Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin) 9000100301378 3POLSLS (Univ. of Silesia, Katowice) 9000100301379 3POLUJK (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) 9000100301380 3POLWRO (Univ.of Wroclaw, Wroclaw) 9000100301381 3POLWWA (Univ. of Warsaw, Warsaw) 9000100301382 3PRGPRG (Paraguay) 9000100301383 3QATQAT (Qatar) 9000100301384 3RUMBBU (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj) 9000100301385 3RUMBUC (Horia Hulubei National Institute (IFIN-HH), Magurele) 9000100301386 Institutul de Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara, Bucharest,9000100301387 and Inst. de Fizica Atomica, Bucharest 9000100301388 3RUMBUU (Univ.of Bucharest) 9000100301389 3RUMCIP (Central Inst.of Physics, Bucharest) 9000100301390 3RUMJAS (Research Centre of Phys., Jassy) 9000100301391 3RUMPIC (Pedagogical Inst., Constantza) 9000100301392 3RUMPIT (Inst. of Nuclear Power Reactors (I.R.N.E.)) 9000100301393 =at Pitesti, Magurele and Bucuresti 9000100301394 3RUMRUM (Romania) 9000100301395 3SAFDWU (Univ.of Durban-Westville, Durban) 9000100301396 3SAFITH (iThemba Laboratories, Somerset West) 9000100301397 (previously Nat.Accelerator Centre, Faure) 9000100301398 3SAFNAC (National Accelerator Centre, Faure) 9000100301399X Renamed in 1 October 2001 to iThemba Laboratory for 9000100301400X Accelerator Based Sciences (iTehmba LABS) 9000100301401X 3SAFNLP (National Physical Research Lab., Pretoria) 9000100301402X 3SAFPEL (Atomic Energy Corp.of South Africa, Pelindaba) 9000100301403 =(until 1982: A.E.Board; 9000100301404 =1982-85: NUCOR (Nucl.Devel.Corp.)) 9000100301405 3SAFPOT (Univ. of Potchefstrom, Potchefstrom) 9000100301406 3SAFSAF (South Africa, Rep.) 9000100301407 3SAFSCT (Univ. of Capetown, Cape Town) 9000100301408 3SAFSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Res., Pretoria) 9000100301409 3SAFSTL (Stellenbosch Univ., Matieland) 9000100301410 Also known as University of Stellenbosch 9000100301411 3SAFSUN (Southern Universities Nuclear Insstitute, Faure) 9000100301412X Established by University Capte Town and University of9000100301413X Stellnbosch, referred to VdG accelerator which is now 9000100301414X at Materials Research Group of iThemba LABS) 9000100301415X 3SAFUPR (Univ.of Pretoria, Hatfield, Pretoria) 9000100301416 3SAFUSF (Univ. of South Africa, Pretoria) 9000100301417 3SAFUWC (Univ. of the Western Cape, Bellville) 9000100301418 3SAFWIT (Univ. of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) 9000100301419 3SARDHA (King Fhad Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran) 9000100301420 -1986: Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 9000100301421 3SARKFR (King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Res. Centre, Riyadh)9000100301422 3SARRIY (King Saud University, Riyadh) 9000100301423 -1981: Univ. of Riyadh 9000100301424 3SARSAR (Saudi Arabia) 9000100301425 3SHQNPT (Inst.of Nucl.Physics, Tirana) 9000100301426 3SHQSHQ (Albania) 9000100301427 =(Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqiperise) 9000100301428 3SILSIL (Sierra Leone) 9000100301429 3SINSIN (Singapore) 9000100301430 3SLKSLK (Slovakia) 9000100301431 3SLKSLO (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Physics Inst., Bratislava)9000100301432 3SLKUB (Komenskeho (Comenius) Univ., Bratislava) 9000100301433 3SLNIJS (Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana) 9000100301434 3SLNSLN (Slovenia) 9000100301435 3SN SN (Senegal) 9000100301436 3SR SR (Sri Lanka) 9000100301437 3SRBBKB (Institut za Nuklearne Nauke "Vinca", Beograd) 9000100301438 =(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences) 9000100301439 -1950: Inst.for Physics 9000100301440 -1953: Inst.for Investigation of the Struct. of Matter9000100301441 -1992: "Boris Kidrich" Institute of Nuclear Sciences 9000100301442 3SRBSRB (Serbia) 9000100301443 3SUDKHA (Univ.of Khartoum) 9000100301444 3SUDSUD (Sudan) 9000100301445 3SY DAM (Nucl. Engineering Dept., AEC, Damascus) 9000100301446 3SY SY (Syria) 9000100301447 3TAIBGK (Office of the Atomic Energy for Peace, Bangkok) 9000100301448 3TAICHM (Chiang Mai Univ.) 9000100301449 3TAITAI (Thailand) 9000100301450 3TUNTUN (Tunisia) 9000100301451 3UAEUAE (United Arab Emirates) 9000100301452 3UGDUGD (Uganda) 9000100301453 3URUURM (Montevideo, Universidad de la Republica) 9000100301454 3URUURU (Uruguay) 9000100301455 3VENIVI (Inst.Venezual. de Investigacion Cientifica, Caracas) 9000100301456 3VENUCV (Univ. Central de Venezuela, Caracas) 9000100301457 3VENUSB (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas) 9000100301458 -1969: Universidad de Caracas 9000100301459 3VENVEN (Venezuela) 9000100301460 3VN DAL (Nuclear Research Inst., Dalat) 9000100301461 3VN IPH (Inst. of Phys., Vietnam Acad. Sci.and Technol., Hanoi)9000100301462 Compare 3VN NNR, which is not the same. 9000100301463 -2008: Inst. of Phys. and Electronics, Viet.Acad.Sci. 9000100301464 -2004: Inst. of Phys., Nat.Center for Sci. and Technol9000100301465 -1993: Inst. of Phys., Acad. of Sci. of Vietnam 9000100301466 3VN NNR (Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM), Hanoi) 9000100301467 Formerly known as National Institute for Nuclear 9000100301468 Research and also as Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission 9000100301469 (VAEC). 9000100301470 3VN STH (Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, Hanoi) 9000100301471 Also known as Institute of Nuclear Science and 9000100301472 Technology 9000100301473 3VN VN (Vietnam) 9000100301474 3YUGBKB (Inst. Boris Kidrich, Vinca) 9000100301475O Near Belgrade 9000100301476O Use 3SRBBKB 9000100301477O 3YUGNJS (Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana) 9000100301478O Before June 1969, Nukl.Inst. Jozef Stefan (NIJS). 9000100301479O Obsolete. Use 3SLNIJS. 9000100301480O 3YUGRBZ (Inst.Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb) 9000100301481O Obsolete. Use 3CRORBZ. 9000100301482O 3YUGYUG (Yugoslavia) 9000100301483O 3YUGZAG (Univ. of Zagreb, Zagreb) 9000100301484O Obsolete. Use 3CROZAG. 9000100301485O 3ZAIZAI (Zaire) 9000100301486 3ZAMZAM (Zambia) 9000100301487 3ZIMZIM (Zimbabwe) 9000100301488 3ZZZIAE (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna) 9000100301489 3ZZZMO (Int.Lab.of Marine Radioactivity) 9000100301490 3ZZZNDS (Nuclear Data Section, IAEA, Vienna) 9000100301491O Obsolete. Use 3ZZZIAE. 9000100301492O 3ZZZTPT (Intern.Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste) 9000100301493 3ZZZUN (U.N. Organizations) 9000100301494 Except IAEA. 9000100301495 4ARMARM (Armenia) 9000100301496 4ARMJER (A.I. Alikhanyan National Sci. Lab. (YerPhI), Yerevan) 9000100301497 -2011: Inst. Fiziki Armen. A.N. 9000100301498 4ARMJSU (Yerevan State Univ., Yerevan) 9000100301499 4AZRAZR (Azerbaydzhan) 9000100301500 4BLRBLR (Belarus) 9000100301501 4BLRIFB (Inst.Fiz. Belorus. AN, Minsk) 9000100301502 4BLRIJE (Inst. Yad. Energetiki Byeloruss.A.N., Minsk) 9000100301503X =(Inst.of Nucl.Power Engineer.Byeloruss.Acad.Sci.) 9000100301504X For the limited period of 1978-1982 the nuclear 9000100301505X data lab of this inst. belonged to TMO. 9000100301506X From 2004, see 4BLRJIE 9000100301507X 4BLRJIE (Joint Inst.f.Energy and Nucl.Res., Minsk-Sosny) 9000100301508 Ob'edinennyy Institut Energeticheskikh i Jadernykh 9000100301509 Issledovaniy 9000100301510 Reformed in 2004 from 4BLRIJE 9000100301511 4BLRPCB (Inst. Rad.Phys.Chem.Probl., Belarus Acad.Sci., Minsk) 9000100301512 4BLRTMO (Inst. Teplo-Massoobmena Byeloruss. A.N., Minsk) 9000100301513 =(Inst. of Heat and Mass Transfer) 9000100301514 Byeloruss Acad. Sci. 9000100301515 For the limited period of 1978-1982 the nuclear 9000100301516 data lab of IJE belonged to this inst. 9000100301517 4CCPARM (Inst. Fiziki A.N. Armenian SSR, Jerevan) 9000100301518O 4CCPBIO (Biophysical Inst., Moscow) 9000100301519O 4CCPCCP (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) 9000100301520X 4CCPCJD (Centr po Yadernym Dannym, Obninsk) 9000100301521O 4CCPFEI (Fiziko-Energeticheskii Inst., Obninsk) 9000100301522O 4CCPFRT (Inst. Fiziko-Tekh. i Radio-tekh. Izmerenii, Meneleevo)9000100301523O Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Inst. Fiziko- 9000100301524O Tekhnicheskykh i Radio-Tekhnicheskykh Izmerenii = 9000100301525O All-Union Inst. of Phys.-Technical and Radio- 9000100301526O Technical Measurements, Mendeleevo 9000100301527O 4CCPFTI (Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Inst. Ioffe, Leningrad+Gatchina) 9000100301528O In 1971 a branch of this inst. became independent 9000100301529O as LIN. 9000100301530O 4CCPFVE (High-Energy Physics Inst.,Serpukhov) 9000100301531O 4CCPGAC (Inst. for Geo and Analytical Chemistry, Moscow) 9000100301532O 4CCPGAT (Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Inst. Ioffe, Gatchina) 9000100301533O Obsolete. Use 4CCPFTI. 9000100301534O 4CCPGKS (State Committee on Standards, Moscow) 9000100301535O 4CCPGOR (Univ. of Gorkii, Gorkii) 9000100301536O 4CCPICD (Inf. Centr po Yadern. Dannym, Obninsk) 9000100301537O 4CCPICP (Inst. of Chemical Physics, Moscow) 9000100301538O 4CCPIFB (Inst. Fiz. AN Belorus.SSR, Minsk) 9000100301539O 4CCPIFG (Inst. Fiziki Akad. Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, Tbilisi) 9000100301540O 4CCPIFL (Inst. Fiziki A.N. Latviiskoi SSR, Riga) 9000100301541O 4CCPIFP (Inst. Fizicheskikh Problem, Moskva) 9000100301542O 4CCPIFU (Inst. Fiziki A.N. Ukrainskoi SSR, Kiev) 9000100301543O Around 1970 the nuclear physics part of this 9000100301544O institute became a separate institute, see IJI. 9000100301545O 4CCPIIU (Inst. of Information of USSR State A.E.Comm., Moscow) 9000100301546O 4CCPIJE (Inst. Yad. Energetiki A.N. Byeloruss.SSR, Minsk) 9000100301547O Inst.of Nucl.Power Engineer.of the Byeloruss.Acad.Sci.9000100301548O For the limited period of 1978-1982 the nuclear 9000100301549O data lab of this inst. belonged to TMO. 9000100301550O 4CCPIJI (Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanii A.N. Ukrainskoi SSR,Kiev)9000100301551O Sometimes wrongly called 'Inst.Yad.Fiz.AN.UKR.SSR' 9000100301552O Founded in 1970, formerly part of IFU. 9000100301553O 4CCPIRE (Inst. Radiofiziki i Elektroniki (I.R.E.), Kharkov) 9000100301554O Institut Radiofiziki i Elektroniki A.N.Ukrainskoi SSR 9000100301555O Inst. of Radiophysics and Electronics, Kharkov. 9000100301556O 4CCPITE (Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moskva) 9000100301557O 4CCPITF (Inst. of Theor. Physics, Ukrainian Acad.Sci., Kiev) 9000100301558O 4CCPJIA (Inst. Yadernych Issledovanii A.N. SSSR, Moskva) 9000100301559O Nuclear Res.Inst. of Acad. of Science 9000100301560O Founded in 1971, previously part of LEB. 9000100301561O 4CCPKAZ (Inst. Yadernoi Fiziki, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan) 9000100301562O 4CCPKFT (Kharkovskii Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Inst., Kharkov) 9000100301563O Before 1978 see UFT, 9000100301564O 4CCPKGU (Gosudarstvennyi Univ. (State Univ.), Kiev) 9000100301565O 4CCPKHU (Kharkovskii Gosudarstvennii Univ.) 9000100301566O 4CCPKRI (Inst. of Crystallography, Leningrad) 9000100301567O 4CCPKUR (Institut Atomnoi Energii I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva) 9000100301568O Also known as IAE 9000100301569O 4CCPLEB (Fiz. Inst. Lebedev (FIAN), Moskva) 9000100301570O In 1971 a part of this inst. became independent as JIA9000100301571O 4CCPLIN (Leningrad Inst. Nucl. Phys., USSR Acad.Sci., Gatchina)9000100301572O Leningradskii Institut Yadernoi Fiziki Im. B.P. 9000100301573O Konstantinova (L.I.Ya.F.), A.N. SSSR 9000100301574O Founded in 1971, formerly part of FTI. 9000100301575O 4CCPLPI (Leningradskii Politekhnicheskii Inst.) 9000100301576O 4CCPMBP (Inst. Mediko-Biologicheskikh Problem, Moskva) 9000100301577O 4CCPMFT (Moskovskii Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Inst., Moskva) 9000100301578O 4CCPMIF (Moscow Inst. of Engineering Physics, Moscow) 9000100301579O 4CCPMIM (Vsesoyuzniy Nauchno-Issl. Inst. Metrologii, Leningrad)9000100301580O Imeni D.I. Mendeleeva 9000100301581O All-Union D.I. Mendeleev's Metrological Res. Inst. 9000100301582O 4CCPMOS (Moscow State Univ., Nuclear Physics Inst., Moscow) 9000100301583O 4CCPNIR (NIIAR Dimitrovgrad) 9000100301584O Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov 9000100301585O Sci. Res. Inst. for Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad 9000100301586O Dimitrovgrad was called Melekess before 1977 9000100301587O 4CCPOFI (Inst. Optiko-Fizicheskikh Izmerenii, Moskva) 9000100301588O Vsesoyozny Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Inst. Optiko- 9000100301589O Fizicheskikh Izmerenii 9000100301590O All-Union Res. Inst. of Optico-Physical Measurements 9000100301591O 4CCPOIE (Inst. of Atomic Energetics, Obninsk) 9000100301592O 4CCPRGU (Rostovskii Gosudarstvennyi Univ., Rostov-na-Donu) 9000100301593O 4CCPRI (Khlopin Radiev. Inst., Leningrad) 9000100301594O 4CCPSCU (USSR State Comm. on the Use of Atomic Energy, Moscow) 9000100301595O 4CCPSGU (Saratov Gosudarstvennyi Univ.) 9000100301596O 4CCPSIB (Inst. Yad. FIiz, Novosibirsk) 9000100301597O Nuclear Physics Institute of the Siberian Acad. Sci. 9000100301598O 4CCPSUL (Gosudarstvennyi Univ. (State Univ.), Leningrad) 9000100301599O 4CCPTGU (Tbilisskii Gosudarstvennyi Univ., Tbilisi) 9000100301600O State Univ. of Georgia 9000100301601O 4CCPTIL (Leningradskii Tekhnologicheskii Inst. Im.Lensoveta) 9000100301602O 4CCPTMO (Inst. Teplo-Massoobmena A.N. Byeloruss.SSR, Minsk) 9000100301603O Inst. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Byeloruss. Acad. Sci.9000100301604O For the limited period of 1978-1982 the nuclear 9000100301605O data lab of IJE belonged to this institute 9000100301606O 4CCPTPI (Tomskii Politekhnicheskii Inst., Tomsk) 9000100301607O 4CCPUFT (Ukrainskii Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Inst., Kharkov) 9000100301608O In 1978 the name was changed to KFT. 9000100301609O 4CCPUKR (Ukraine) 9000100301610O 4CCPUZB (Inst. Yadernoi Fiziki A.N. Uzbekskoi SSR, Tashkent) 9000100301611O 4CCPUZH (Uzhgorod State Univ.) 9000100301612O 4CCPVNI (USSR Scient. and Technical Inform. Inst., Moscow) 9000100301613O 4ESTEST (Estonia) 9000100301614 4GRGGRG (Georgia) 9000100301615 4GRGIFG (Inst.Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akad.Nauk, Tbilisi) 9000100301616 Inst.of Physics of the Acad.of Sci.of Gssr, Tbilisi 9000100301617 4GRGTGU (Tbilisskiy Gosudarstvennyi Univ., Tbilisi) 9000100301618 =(State Univ.of Georgia) 9000100301619 4KASAAT (Almaty Technological Institute, Almaty) 9000100301620 4KASAFU (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty) 9000100301621 4KASATN (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan)9000100301622 including Institute of Nuclear Physics, Astana Branch 9000100301623 Nur-Sultan is also known as Astana. 9000100301624 4KASKAS (Kazakhstan) 9000100301625 4KASKAZ (Inst.Yadernoi Fiziki, Almaty) 9000100301626 4KASNZR (Nazarbayev Univ., Nur-Sultan) 9000100301627 Nur-Sultan is also known as Astana. 9000100301628 4LATIFL (Inst. Fiziki Latviyskoi A.N., Riga) 9000100301629X 4LATLAT (Latvia) 9000100301630 4LATULR (Univ. of Latvia, Riga) 9000100301631 4LITLIT (Lithuania) 9000100301632 4LITVLN (Vilnius University, Vilnius) 9000100301633 4MLDAPI (Inst. of Applied Physics, Chisinau) 9000100301634 4MLDMLD (Moldova) 9000100301635 4RUSBIO (Biophysical Inst., Moscow) 9000100301636 4RUSCJD (Centr po Yadernym Dannym, Obninsk) 9000100301637 4RUSDBU (Dubna State University, Dubna) 9000100301638 4RUSEPA (Experimental Physics Inst., Sarov) 9000100301639 4RUSFEI (Fiziko-Energeticheskii Inst., Obninsk) 9000100301640 4RUSFRT (Fiziko-Tekh. i Radio-Tekh. Izmerenii, Mendeleevo) 9000100301641 Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatelskiy Inst.Fiziko- 9000100301642 Tekhnicheskykh i Radio-Tekhnicheskykh Izmereniy 9000100301643 (All-Union Inst.of Phys.-Techn.and Radio-Technical 9000100301644 Measurements) 9000100301645 4RUSFTI (Fiz.-Tekhnicheskiy Inst.Ioffe, St.Petersburg+Gatchina)9000100301646 In 1971 a branch of this inst. became 9000100301647 independent as LIN. 9000100301648 4RUSFVE (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino) 9000100301649 4RUSGAC (Inst. for Geo- and Analytical Chemistry, Moscow) 9000100301650 4RUSGKS (State Committee on Standards, Moscow) 9000100301651 4RUSGOR (Univ.of Gorkiy, Gorkiy) 9000100301652 4RUSICP (Inst.of Chemical Phys., Moscow) 9000100301653 4RUSICR (Space Res. Inst., Moscow) 9000100301654 Inst.of Cosmic Res. - Inst.Kosmicheskikh Issledovaniy 9000100301655 Rossiyskoy Akad. Nauk, Moskva 9000100301656 4RUSIFP (Inst. Fizicheskikh Problem, Moskva) 9000100301657 4RUSIIU (Inst.of Information of Russ.State A.E.Comm., Moscow) 9000100301658 4RUSITE (Inst. Teoret. + Experiment. Fiziki, Moskva) 9000100301659 4RUSITR (Inst.of Innovation and Thermonuclear Res., Troitsk) 9000100301660 4RUSJIA (Inst. Yadernych Issledovaniy Rossiiskoi A.N., Moskva) 9000100301661 =(Nucl.Res.Inst. of Acad.of Science) 9000100301662 Founded in 1971, previously part of '4RUSLEB' 9000100301663 4RUSKRI (Inst.of Crystallography, St.Petersburg) 9000100301664 4RUSKTU (Khabarovsk State Technical Univ., Khabarovsk) 9000100301665 Khabarovskiy Gosudarstvennyj Tekhnicheskiy Universitet9000100301666 4RUSKUR (Nat.Issl.Tsentr "Kurchatovskii Institut", Moskva) 9000100301667 Natsionalnyi Issledovatelskii Tsentr "Kurchatovskii 9000100301668 Institut", Moskva 9000100301669 =(National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute") 9000100301670 -2010: Russian Scientific Centre "Kurchatov Institute"9000100301671 -1991: Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy 9000100301672 4RUSLEB (Fiz.Inst. Lebedev (FIAN), Moskva) 9000100301673 In 1971 a part of this inst. became independent as JIA9000100301674 4RUSLIN (Peterburgskiy Inst.Yad.Fiz.,Russ.Ak.Nauk., Gatchina) 9000100301675 Peterburgskiy Institut Yadernoy Fiziki, Rossiyskaja 9000100301676 Akademijya Nauk, Gatchina 9000100301677 =(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russian Academy9000100301678 of Science) 9000100301679 1954-1971: Part of Fiziko-Tekhicheskiy Institut (FTI) 9000100301680 1971-1992: Leningradskiy Inst.Yad.Fiz.,Ak.Nauk.SSSR. 9000100301681 4RUSLPI (Leningradskiy Politekhnicheskiy Inst.) 9000100301682 4RUSMBP (Inst. Mediko-Biologicheskikh Problem, Moskva) 9000100301683 4RUSMFT (Moskovskiy Fiziko-Tekhnicheskiy Inst., Moskva) 9000100301684 4RUSMIF (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow) 9000100301685 -2009: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute 9000100301686 4RUSMIM (Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issl.Inst. Metrol., St.Petersburg)9000100301687 Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatelskiy Inst. Metrologii 9000100301688 Imeni D.I.Mendeleeva 9000100301689 =(All-Union D. I. Mendeleev's Metrological Res.Inst.) 9000100301690 4RUSMOS (Moscow State Univ., Moscow) 9000100301691 4RUSNIK (Moscow Scient.and Res. Project Inst.in En.and Techn.) 9000100301692 Moscow Scientific-and-Research Project Institute in 9000100301693 Energetics and Technology - (NIKIET - Naucho- 9000100301694 Issledocatel'skiy Konstruktorskiy Institut Energetiki 9000100301695 i Tekhnologii) 9000100301696 4RUSNIR (NIIAR Dimitrovgrad) 9000100301697 Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Inst.Atomnykh Reaktorov 9000100301698 =(= Sci.Res.Inst.for Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad; 9000100301699 =Dimitrovgrad was called Melekess before 1977) 9000100301700 4RUSOFI (Inst. Optiko-Fizicheskikh Izmerenii, Moskva) 9000100301701 Vsesoyozny Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Inst. Optiko- 9000100301702 Fizicheskikh Izmerenii 9000100301703 All-Union Res. Inst. of Optico-Physical Measurements 9000100301704 4RUSOIE (Inst.of Atomic Energetics, Obninsk) 9000100301705 4RUSOZT (Omsk Inst. of Railroad Engineers) 9000100301706 Omskiy Inst.Inzhenerov Zheleznodorozhnogo Transporta 9000100301707 4RUSRGU (Rostovskiy Gosudarstvennyi Univ., Rostov-na-Donu) 9000100301708 State Univ.of Rostov-na-Donu 9000100301709 4RUSRI (Khlopin Radievij Inst., St.Petersburg) 9000100301710 4RUSRUS (Russia) 9000100301711 4RUSSCU (USSR State Comm.on the Use of Atomic Energy, Moscow) 9000100301712X 4RUSSGU (Saratov Gosudarstvennyi Univ.) 9000100301713 4RUSSIB (Inst. Yad. Fiz., Sib. A.N., Novosibirsk) 9000100301714 Nuclear Physics Institute of the Siberian Academy of 9000100301715 Sciences, Novosibirsk 9000100301716 4RUSSUL (Gosudarstvennyi Univ. (State Univ.), St.Petersburg) 9000100301717 4RUSTIL (Leningradskiy Tekhnologicheskiy Inst. Im.Lensoveta) 9000100301718 4RUSTPC (Technical Physics Inst., Chelyabinsk) 9000100301719 4RUSTPI (Tomskii Politekhnicheskii Universitet, Tomsk) 9000100301720 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk 9000100301721 -1998: Tomskii Politekhnichesii Institut 9000100301722 4RUSTVU (Tver' State Univ., Tver') 9000100301723 Tverskoy Gosudarstvennyj Universitet 9000100301724 4RUSVNI (Scient.and Technical Inform.Inst., Moscow) 9000100301725 4UKRIEP (Inst.of Electron Physics, Ukrain.Acad.Sci., Uzhgorod) 9000100301726 4UKRIFU (Inst. Fiziki Ukrainskoi A.N., Kiev) 9000100301727 Around 1970 the nuclear-physics part of this Institute9000100301728 became a separate institute, see IJI. 9000100301729 4UKRIJD (Inst. Yadernyh Doslidzhen, N.A.N.Ukraini, Kyiv) 9000100301730 Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research 9000100301731 4UKRIJI (Inst. Yadernykh Issledovaniy Ukrainskoi A.N., Kiev) 9000100301732O Sometimes wrongly called 'Inst.Yad.Fiz.AN.Ukr.SSR' 9000100301733O Founded in 1970, formerly part of IFU. 9000100301734O Obsolete. Use 4UKRIJD. 9000100301735O 4UKRIRE (Inst. Radiofiziki i Elekroniki, Ukrain. AN, Kharkov) 9000100301736 Institut Radiofiziki i Elektroniki Ukr.Ak.Nauk 9000100301737 Inst.of Radiophysics and Electronics, Kharkov. 9000100301738 4UKRITF (Bogolyubov Inst.of Theor.Phys.,Ukrain.Acad.Sci., Kiev)9000100301739 previously "Inst.of Theor.Phys." 9000100301740 4UKRKFT (Kharkovskii Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Inst., Kharkov) 9000100301741 -1978: Ukrainskiy Fiziko-Tekhnicheskiy Inst., Kharkov 9000100301742 4UKRKGU (Kyivsky Natsionalny Univ. "Taras Shevchenko", Kyiv) 9000100301743 Formerly Kievskii Gosudarstvennyi Univ. 9000100301744 4UKRKHU (Kharkivsky Natsionalny Univ. "V.N. Karazin", Kharkiv) 9000100301745 Formerly Kharkovskii Gosudarstvennyi Univ. 9000100301746 4UKRUFT (Ukrainskiy Fiziko-Tekhnicheskiy Inst., Kharkov) 9000100301747O Use 4UKRKFT. 9000100301748O 4UKRUKR (Ukraine) 9000100301749 4UKRUZH (Uzhgorod State Univ.) 9000100301750 4UZ NUU (National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent) 9000100301751 Renamed from Tashkent State University in 2000 9000100301752 4UZ SSU (Samarkand State Univ., Samarkand) 9000100301753 4UZ UZ (Uzbekistan) 9000100301754 4UZ UZB (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent) 9000100301755 4ZZZDUB (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna) 9000100301756 Formerly 9000100301757 - Hydroengineering Laboratory, Academy of Science USSR9000100301758 and 9000100301759 - Electrophysical Laboratory, Academy of Science USSR.9000100301760 ENDSUBDICT 1759 0 9000100399999 SUBDICT 90001004 20241220 Reference types 9000100400001 0 (DATA) Experimental data library 9000100400002 Preliminary or not yet compiled data 9000100400003 3 (DATA) Evaluated data library 9000100400004 4 (DATA) Experimental data library 9000100400005 A (CONF) Abstract of conference DICT 7 9000100400006 B (BOOK) Book DICT07 9000100400007 C (CONF) Conference DICT 7 9000100400008 J (JOUR) Journal DICT 5 9000100400009 K (JOUR) Abstract of journal DICT 5 9000100400010O P (PROG) Progress report DICT 6 9000100400011 R (REPT) Report other than progress report DICT 6 9000100400012 S (REPT) Report containing conference proc. DICT 6 9000100400013 T (THES) Thesis or dissertation 9000100400014 W (PRIV) Private communication 9000100400015 X (PREP) Preprint 9000100400016 ENDSUBDICT 15 0 9000100499999 SUBDICT 90001005 20241220 Journals 9000100500001 Note= In CINDA, 5-char journal-codes (e.g., ACR/A) 9000100500002 are converted to 4-char codes by omitting the 9000100500003 slash (e.g., ACRA). 4-char codes remain the 9000100500004 same, even if they include a slash. 9000100500005 The CINDA-code for JNE/AB is JNAB. 9000100500006 AAA (Astronomy and Astrophysics) 2GER9000100500007 AAB (Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias) 3BZL9000100500008 AAF (Annales Acad. Sci. Fennicae, Series A6: Physica) 2SF 9000100500009 AANL (Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei,Rend.,Sci.Fis.,Mat.Nat.) 2ITY9000100500010 Atti della Academia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma), 9000100500011 Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Mathematiche 9000100500012 e Naturali 9000100500013 AAST (Atti Acad. Sci. Torino, Cl.Sci.Fis.Mat.Nat.) 2ITY9000100500014 Atti della Academia della Scienze di Torino, 9000100500015 Classe de Scienze Fisiche, Mathematiche e Naturali 9000100500016 ABS (Memoires de l'Acad. Roy.Belg.,Cl.Sci.) 2BLG9000100500017 AC (Analytical Chemistry) 1USA9000100500018 ACA (Analitica Chimica Acta) 2NED9000100500019 ACH (Angewandte Chemie) 2GER9000100500020 ACJ (Acta Chemica Scandinavica) 2DEN9000100500021 ACR (Acta Crystallographica) 2DEN9000100500022X (continued 1970 in parts A and B) 9000100500023X ACR/A (Acta Crystallographica, Part A) 2DEN9000100500024 vol.24 no.1 (1968) - 9000100500025 continues ACR 9000100500026 ACR/B (Acta Crystallographica, Part B) 2DEN9000100500027 vol.24 no.1 (1968) - 9000100500028 continues ACR 9000100500029 ACS (Journal of the American Chemical Society) 1USA9000100500030 ACSOM (ACS Omega) 1USA9000100500031 ISSN:2470-1343 9000100500032 ADC (Annales de Chimie) 2FR 9000100500033 ADP (Annalen der Physik) 3DDR9000100500034X (published in former DDR, 9000100500035X restarted with Vol.1 in 1992, see ANP). 9000100500036X AE (Atomnaya Energiya) 4RUS9000100500037 (English translation: see AE/T, earlier SJA) 9000100500038 French see EAF). 9000100500039 Selected articles and abstracts from vol.1 (1956) 9000100500040 to vol.20 (1966) translated into English in JNE 9000100500041 vol.3 (1956) to vol.21 (1967). 9000100500042 Every issue starts from page 1 for Vol.1. 9000100500043 Vol.3 starts from issue 7. 9000100500044 Vol.33 starts from page 537. 9000100500045 AE/S (Atomnaya Energiya, Supplement) 4RUS9000100500046 (English translation: see SJA/S) 9000100500047 AE/T (Atomic Energy) 1USA9000100500048 (English of AE) 9000100500049 vol.72 no.3 (1992) - 9000100500050 continues SJA 9000100500051 AEA (Atomic Energy in Australia) 3AUL9000100500052 AEJ (Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan) 2JPN9000100500053 Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkaishi 9000100500054 AF (Arkiv foer Fysik) 2SWD9000100500055X (1970 replaced by Physica Scripta) 9000100500056X AHP (Acta Physica Hungarica) 3HUN9000100500057X vol.1 (1951) - vol.75 (1994) 9000100500058X vol.1-53: Acta Phys.Academiae Sci.Hungaricae 9000100500059X continued as AHP/N vol.1 (1995) 9000100500060X AHP/A (Acta Physica Hungarica A (Heavy Ion Physics)) 3HUN9000100500061X vol.19 (2004) - vol.27 (2006) 9000100500062X continues AHP/N 9000100500063X absorbed by EPJ/A 9000100500064X AHP/N (Acta Phys.Hungar.New Series (Heavy Ion Physics)) 3HUN9000100500065X Acta Physica Hungarica New Series (Heavy Ion Physics) 9000100500066X vol.1 (1995) - vol.18 (2003) 9000100500067X continues AHP 9000100500068X continued as AHP/A vol.19 (2004), AHP/B vol.20 (2004) 9000100500069X AHT (Acta Technica (Budapest)) 3HUN9000100500070 Formerly Acta Technica Hungarica and also Acta 9000100500071 Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 9000100500072 AIF (Anales del Instituto de Fisica) 3MEX9000100500073X (publ. 1955 only) 9000100500074X AIP (Advances in Physics) 2UK 9000100500075 (suppl. to Philosophical Magazine) 9000100500076 AJ (Astrophysical Journal) 1USA9000100500077 AJ/L (Astrophysical Journal, Letters) 1USA9000100500078O Obsolete. Use AJ with L in page number field. 9000100500079O AJ/S (Astrophysical Journal, Supplement) 1USA9000100500080 AJN (Arab Journal of Nuclear Sci.and Application) 3EGY9000100500081 AJP (American Journal of Physics) 1USA9000100500082 AJPA (American Journal of Physics and Applications) 1USA9000100500083 ISSN: 2330-4286 (print), 2330-4308 (online) 9000100500084 AJS (Australian Journal of Science) 3AUL9000100500085X (up to vol.32, 1970) 9000100500086X Discontinued with vol.32 no.12 (June 1970) 9000100500087X New journal 'Search' started instead. 9000100500088X AJSE (Arabian J.for Science and Engineering) 3SAR9000100500089 AK (ATOMKI Koezlemenyek) 3HUN9000100500090X Replaced by 'Annual Report' of ATOMKI in 1996. 9000100500091X AKE (Atomkernenergie) 2GER9000100500092X (up to vol.32 (1978); 9000100500093X from vol.33 (1979) to vol.49 (1986) called 9000100500094X 'Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik'; 9000100500095X from vol.50 (1987) called 'Kerntechnik', see KT) 9000100500096X Use 'AKE' for all pre-1987 entries. 9000100500097X AKS (Atomki Kozlemenyek Supplement) 3HUN9000100500098 ANA (Analyst (London)) 2UK 9000100500099 AND (Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables) 1USA9000100500100 vol.12 (1973) - 9000100500101 continues ND/A and 'Atomic data' 9000100500102 ANE (Annals of Nuclear Energy) 2UK 9000100500103 Vol.1 (1974) was called Annals of Nucl. Sci. and 9000100500104 Engineering 9000100500105 Cont'd with vol.2 (Jan.1975) under Annals of Nuclear 9000100500106 Energy. 9000100500107 Formerly JNE. 9000100500108 ANP (Annalen der Physik (Leipzig).) 2GER9000100500109 Continuation of ADP, restarted with vol.1 in 1992. 9000100500110 ANS (Transactions of the American Nuclear Society) 1USA9000100500111 AOS (Acta Oncologica (Stockholm)) 2SWD9000100500112 AP (Annals of Physics (New York)) 1USA9000100500113 APA (Acta Physica Austriaca) 2AUS9000100500114 APH (Annales de Physique (Paris)) 2FR 9000100500115X - vol.14 (1975); vol.1 (1976) - vol.34 (2009) 9000100500116X continued as EPJ/H vol.1 (2010) 9000100500117X APL (Applied Physics Letters) 1USA9000100500118 APP (Acta Physica Polonica) 3POL9000100500119X (until vol.36, 1969; continued in parts A and B) 9000100500120X APP/A (Acta Physica Polonica, Part A) 3POL9000100500121 General, Solid State, and Applied Physics. 9000100500122 (starting with vol.37, 1970) 9000100500123 APP/B (Acta Physica Polonica, Part B) 3POL9000100500124 Elementary Particles, Nuclear Physics, Relativity 9000100500125 and Field Theory. 9000100500126 (starting with vol.1, 1970) 9000100500127 APP/BS (Acta Physica Polonica, Part B Proceeding Suppl.) 3POL9000100500128 ISSN:1899-2358 9000100500129 APPL/A (Applied Physics A) 2GER9000100500130 Materials Science and Processing 9000100500131 APPL/B (Applied Physics B) 2GER9000100500132 Lasers and Optics 9000100500133 APS (Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica) 2SWD9000100500134 AR/S (Acta Radiologica Supplement) 2SWD9000100500135 vol.1 (1921) - 9000100500136 ARI (Applied Radiation and Isotopes) 2UK 9000100500137 (Part A of Int. Journal of Radiation Applications and 9000100500138 Instrumentation', starting with vol.37 in 1986; 9000100500139 up to vol.36 (1985) called 'Int. Journal of Applied 9000100500140 Radiation and Isotopes') 9000100500141 ARN (Annual Review of Nuclear and Part.Sci.) 1USA9000100500142 Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. 9000100500143 Until 1977 title was 'Annual Review of Nuclear 9000100500144 Science' 9000100500145 ARS (Anales de Fisica) 2SPN9000100500146X Formerly Anales de la Real Sociedad Espanola de 9000100500147X Fisica y Quimica 9000100500148X vol.64 (1968) - vol.76 (1980) 9000100500149X split into An.Fis.A and B vol.77 (1981) 9000100500150X ASI (Acta Physica Sinica) 3CPR9000100500151 (articles in Chinese) 9000100500152 vol.9 (1953) - 9000100500153 continues Chinese Journal of Physics 9000100500154 Issue number must be coded for Vol.17. 9000100500155 ASI/OE (Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition)) 3CPR9000100500156X vol.1 (1992) - vol.8 (1999) 9000100500157X continued as CPH vol.9 (2000) 9000100500158X ASL (Acta Physica Slovaca) 3SLK9000100500159 ASP (Astrophysics and Space Science) 2NED9000100500160 ASS (Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles) 2BLG9000100500161 AT (Atomes) 2FR 9000100500162 ATP (Atompraxis) 2GER9000100500163 ATT (Atomtechnikai Tajekoztato) 3HUN9000100500164 ATW (Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik) 2GER9000100500165 Formerly Atomwirtschaft 9000100500166 AUJ (Australian Journal of Physics) 3AUL9000100500167 BAP (Bulletin of the American Physical Society Ser.II) 1USA9000100500168 vol.1 (1956) - 9000100500169 BAS (Bull.Russian Academy of Sciences - Physics) 1USA9000100500170 Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ser.Physics9000100500171 (English of IZV) 9000100500172 vol.1(1)- 55(12): Bull.Academ.Sci.USSR Phys.Ser. 9000100500173 Every issue starts from page 1 for Vol.37-55. 9000100500174 BCF (Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France) 2FR 9000100500175 BCI (Bull.Research Council of Israel, Sect. F) 3ISL9000100500176 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section 9000100500177 F, Mathematics and Physics 9000100500178 (superseded by Israel Jour. Math.) 9000100500179 BCJ (Bull.of the Chemical Soc.of Japan) 2JPN9000100500180 BCR (Bull.of Inst.Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ.) 2JPN9000100500181X vol.31 (1953) - vol.73 (1995) 9000100500182X BCS (Bull.de la Classe des Sci.,Acad.Roy.Belgique) 2BLG9000100500183 Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, Academie Royale 9000100500184 de Belgique 9000100500185 Supersedes Bull. de l'Academie Royale de Belgique 9000100500186 BGNST (BgNS Transactions) 3BUL9000100500187 ISSN:1310-8727 9000100500188 BIP (Bull. of the Israel Physical Society) 3ISL9000100500189 BIS (Bull.d'Informations Scientifiques et Techniques) 2FR 9000100500190 Bulletin d'Informations Scientifiques et Techniques 9000100500191 Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique 9000100500192 BJA (British Journal of Applied Physics) 2UK 9000100500193 BJA/S (British J.of Applied Physics, Suppl.) 2UK 9000100500194 BJE (Bezpecnost Jaderne Energie) 3CZR9000100500195 Safety of Nuclear Energy 9000100500196 (continuation of JE, started in 1993) 9000100500197 BJP (Bulgarian J.of Physics) 3BUL9000100500198 BKE (Bull.Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Electron.) 3YUG9000100500199X Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear 9000100500200X Sciences, Electronics 9000100500201X (only vol.18) 9000100500202X BKN (Bull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Nucl.Eng.) 3YUG9000100500203X Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear 9000100500204X Sciences, Nuclear Engineering. 9000100500205X (only vols. 18 (1967) - 22 (1971)) 9000100500206X BKP (Bull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Physics) 3YUG9000100500207X Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear 9000100500208X Sciences, Physics. 9000100500209X (only vols. 18 (1967) - 21 (1970)) 9000100500210X BNE (Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society) 2UK 9000100500211 BOS (Transactions of the Bose Research Inst.,Calcutta) 3IND9000100500212 BPC (Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci., Chimique) 3POL9000100500213 Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 9000100500214 Serie des Sciences Chimiques. 9000100500215 BPP (Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Math.,Astr.,Phys.) 3POL9000100500216 Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 9000100500217 Serie des Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques et 9000100500218 Physiques 9000100500219 BPT (Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Ser.Sci.Techniques) 3POL9000100500220 Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 9000100500221 Serie des Sciences Techniques 9000100500222 BSI (Bolletino della Societa Italiana di Fisica) 2ITY9000100500223 BSL (Bull.Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege) 2BLG9000100500224 BTI (Bull.of the Tokyo Inst.of Technology) 2JPN9000100500225X (English edition;content differs from Japanese edition)9000100500226X (from Vol. 39 (1961) to Vol. 131 (1975)) 9000100500227X CA (Chemia Analityczna) 3POL9000100500228 CDP (Cahiers de Physique) 2FR 9000100500229 CEC (Ciencia e Cultura (Sao Paulo)) 3BZL9000100500230 CHP (Chinese Journal of Physics (Taiwan)) 3CHF9000100500231 CJC (Canadian Journal of Chemistry) 1CAN9000100500232 CJP (Canadian Journal of Physics) 1CAN9000100500233 Formerly, Canadian J. Research, Part A. 9000100500234 CJR (Canadian Journal of Research) 1CAN9000100500235X (later split into CJP and CJC) 9000100500236X CJR/A (Canadian Journal of Research, Part A) 1CAN9000100500237X (existing in 1947) 9000100500238X CJR/B (Canadian Journal of Research, Part B) 1CAN9000100500239X CL (Chemistry Letters) 2JPN9000100500240 CNDP (Communication of Nuclear Data Progress) 3CPR9000100500241X vol.1 (1989) -vol.30 (2006) 9000100500242X Coded as report CNIC- up to Vol. 22 (1999) 9000100500243X Other names on cover: CNIC-, CNDC-, INDC(CPR)- 9000100500244X CNP (Chinese J.of Nuclear Physics (Beijing).) 3CPR9000100500245X vol.1 no.1 (1979) - vol.19 no.4 (1997) 9000100500246X Up to vol.10 (1988) in Chinese, with English abstracts;9000100500247X from vol.11 (1989) onwards published in English. 9000100500248X Each issue of Vol.11 starts with page 1. 9000100500249X CNPR (Nuclear Physics Review) 3CPR9000100500250 vol.14 (1997) - 9000100500251 Yuanzihe Wuli Pinglun (in Chinese) 9000100500252 Every issue starts from page 1 for Vol.1-13. 9000100500253 CNST (Nuclear Science and Techniques (Shanghai).) 3CPR9000100500254 In English. Contains original articles and translations9000100500255 of articles selected from NTC. 9000100500256 Each issue of Vol.1 to starts with page 1. 9000100500257 CNT (Canadian Nuclear Technology) 1CAN9000100500258X (superseded by Canadian Res. Develop.) 9000100500259X CP (Chinese Physics) 1USA9000100500260X (English of selected articles from several journals) 9000100500261X vol.1 (1981) - vol.12 no.4 (1992) 9000100500262X CPC (Computer Physics Communications) 2NED9000100500263 CPH (Chinese Physics) 3CPR9000100500264X vol.9 (2000) - vol.16 (2007) 9000100500265X continues ASI/OE 9000100500266X continued as CPH/B vol.17 (2008) 9000100500267X Published by Chinese Phys. Soc. and Inst. of Phys. (UK)9000100500268X Compare CP (Chinese Physics) 9000100500269X last volume received at IAEA: Vol. 12 (1992) 9000100500270X CPH/B (Chinese Physics B) 3CPR9000100500271 vol.17 (2008) - 9000100500272 continues CPH 9000100500273 CPH/C (Chinese Physics C) 3CPR9000100500274 Chinese Physics C (High Energy and Nuclear Physics) 9000100500275 vol.32 (2008) - 9000100500276 continues PHE 9000100500277 CPL (Chinese Physics Letters) 3CPR9000100500278 published by Chinese Physical Society and 9000100500279 Inst. of Physics (UK), 9000100500280 starting with Vol. 18 (2001) 9000100500281 CR (Comptes Rendus) 2FR 9000100500282X Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 9000100500283X l'Academie des Sciences 9000100500284X vol.1 (1835) - vol.261 (1965) 9000100500285X Earlier CINDA entries coded as CR refer to CR/B 9000100500286X CR/B (Comptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique) 2FR 9000100500287X Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 9000100500288X l'Academie des Sciences, Serie B, Physique 9000100500289X vol.262 (1966) - vol.291 (1980) 9000100500290X Serie A (Mathematique) and Serie B (Physique) appear 9000100500291X mostly together in same issue but with separate 9000100500292X pagination. 9000100500293X CR/C (Comptes rendus, Serie C, Chimie) 2FR 9000100500294 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 9000100500295 l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Chimie 9000100500296 CRB (Comptes Rendus Acad.Bulgare Sci.) 3BUL9000100500297 Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences. 9000100500298 CRD (Compt.Rend.(Doklady) de l'Acad.des Sci.de l'URSS) 4RUS9000100500299 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Science 9000100500300 de l'URSS 9000100500301 CS (Current Science) 3IND9000100500302 CSA (Abstracts of papers, American Chemical Soc.) 1USA9000100500303 Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society 9000100500304 CST (Atomic Energy Science and Technology) 3CPR9000100500305 Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu (in Chinese) 9000100500306 vol.1 (1959) - vol.8 (1966) 9000100500307 vol.9 (1975) - 9000100500308 CTNP (Trends in Nuclear Physics) 3CPR9000100500309X vol.9 (1992) - Vol.13 (1996) 9000100500310X continued as CNPR 9000100500311X He Wuli Dongtai 9000100500312X CZC (Collection of Czech.Chemical Communications) 3CZR9000100500313 Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 9000100500314 CZJ (Czechoslovak Journal of Physics) 3CZR9000100500315X vol. 1 (1951) - vol.10 (1960) 9000100500316X continued as CZJ/A and CZJ/B 9000100500317X continues CZJB and restarted 9000100500318X vol.40 (1990) - vol.56 (2006) 9000100500319X absorbed by EPJ/D 9000100500320X CZJ/A (Ceskoslovensky Casopys pro Fyziku) 3CZR9000100500321X (articles in Czech and Slovak) 9000100500322X vol.16 (1966) - vol.39 (1989): Czech.J.of Phys. Sect.A 9000100500323X Extinct. Merged into European Physical Journal 9000100500324X CZJ/B (Czech.J.of Physics, Part B) 3CZR9000100500325X International issue. 9000100500326X vol.11 (1961) - vol.39 (1989) 9000100500327X continues CZJ 9000100500328X continued as CZJ 9000100500329X Containing original articles in foreign languages 9000100500330X DA (Dissertation Abstracts) 1USA9000100500331X Until no.26, 1966/67. 9000100500332X DA/B (Dissertation Abstracts B (Sciences)) 1USA9000100500333 From no.27 1966/67. 9000100500334 From vol.30 (1969) journal is called Dissertation 9000100500335 Abstracts International B 9000100500336 DOK (Doklady Akademii Nauk) 4CCP9000100500337 Previously Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 9000100500338 (English translation: see SPD) 9000100500339 EAF (Energie Atomique) 2FR 9000100500340X (French translation of AE). 9000100500341X Discontinued with vol.28, nr.6 (1970) 9000100500342X EARR (European Applied Research Reports) 2ZZZ9000100500343 EAT (Energia es Atomtechnika) 3HUN9000100500344 EEJP (East European Journal of Physics) 4UKR9000100500345 ISSN:2312-4334 9000100500346 Vol.1 (2014) - 9000100500347 Every issue starts from page 1. 9000100500348 No volume numbers since 2019 9000100500349 EEN (Ergebnisse der Exakten Naturwissenschaften) 2GER9000100500350 EN (Energia Nucleare (Milan)) 2ITY9000100500351 ENF (Energie Nucleaire) 2FR 9000100500352 ENM (Europ.J.of Nucl.Medicine and Molecular Imaging) 2GER9000100500353 EON (Euronuclear) 2UK 9000100500354X (extinct May 1966) 9000100500355X EPJ/A (European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei) 2GER9000100500356 vol.1 (1998) - 9000100500357 continues ZP/A, absorbs NC/A and AHP/A 9000100500358 Issue number must be coded for Vol.18-19, 22 and 24-28.9000100500359 EPJ/AS (European Physical Journal A Supplement) 2GER9000100500360O Obsolete. Use EPJ/A with coded issue number. 9000100500361O EPJ/C (Europ. Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields) 2GER9000100500362 vol.1 (1998) - 9000100500363 continues ZP/C 9000100500364 EPJ/CS (EPJ Web of Conferences) 2FR 9000100500365 vol.1 (2009) - 9000100500366 EPJ/N (European Physical Journal N: Nucl.Sci.Technol.) 2GER9000100500367 vol.1 (2015) - 9000100500368 EPJ/P (European Physical Journal Plus) 2GER9000100500369 EPJ/ST (European Physical Journal: Special Topics) 2FR 9000100500370 vol.140 (2007) - 9000100500371 continues J.Phys.IV 9000100500372 EPL (Earth and Planetary Sci.Letters) 2NED9000100500373 EPRC (Energy Procedia) 2NED9000100500374X vol.1 (2009) - vol.162 (2019) 9000100500375X Electronic version only 9000100500376X ESJ (J.of Engineering Sciences, Univ. of Riyadh) 3SAR9000100500377 ETP (Experimentelle Technik der Physik) 3GER9000100500378 EUL (EPL) 2FR 9000100500379 A Letters Journal Exploring Frontiers of Physics 9000100500380 vol.1 no.1 (1986) - 9000100500381 vol.1 no.1 - vol.76 no.6: Europhysics Letters 9000100500382 continues JPR/L and NCL 9000100500383 EXP (Experientia) 2SWT9000100500384 FBS (Few-Body Systems) 2AUS9000100500385 FBS/S (Few-Body Systems, Supplement) 2AUS9000100500386 FCY (Fizika Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomnogo Yadra) 4RUS9000100500387 (English translation: see PPN, earlier SJPN) 9000100500388 FCY/L (Fiz. Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomn.Yadra,Letters) 4RUS9000100500389 (English translation: see PPN/L since 2004) 9000100500390 Coding format: 9000100500391 2000-2003 9000100500392 J,FCY/L,,(issue/sequential number),page,year 9000100500393 Example: J,FCY/L,,(6/103),5,2000 9000100500394 2004-2006 9000100500395 J,FCY/L,volume,(issue),page,year 9000100500396 Every issue starts from page 1. 9000100500397 Example: J,FCY/L,2,(2),44,2005 9000100500398 2007- 9000100500399 Same as normal journals 9000100500400 Example: J,FCY/L,5,628,2008 9000100500401 FDP (Fortschritte der Physik) 2GER9000100500402 FED (Fusion Engineering and Design) 2NED9000100500403 vol.5 no.1 (1987) - 9000100500404 continues Nuclear Engineering and Design. Fusion 9000100500405 FIZ (Fizika) 3CRO9000100500406X Volume 1 started 1968 9000100500407X (up to vol.23 (1991); continued as Fizika A, B) 9000100500408X FIZ/B (Fizika B) 3CRO9000100500409 General, Nuclear, Particle Physics 9000100500410 (continuation of Fizika, starting in 1992 (vol.1)) 9000100500411 FIZ/S (Fizika, Supplement) 3CRO9000100500412 FMM (Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniya) 4RUS9000100500413 FRCH (Frontiers in Chemistry) 2SWT9000100500414I FST (Fusion Science and Technology) 1USA9000100500415 starting with vol.40 no.1 (July 2001), cont.of NTF 9000100500416 FT (Fysisk Tidsskrift) 2DEN9000100500417 FTT (Fizika Tverdogo Tela) 4RUS9000100500418 Solid State Physics 9000100500419 (English translation: see SPS) 9000100500420 GCA (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta) 2UK 9000100500421 GEK (Geokhimiya) 4RUS9000100500422 GK (Genshiryoku Kogyo) 2JPN9000100500423X Nuclear Engineering 9000100500424X (from Vol.1 (1955) to Vol. 43 (1997)) 9000100500425X GUS (Godishnik na Sofijskija Univ. 'Kliment Ohridski') 3BUL9000100500426 (Annuaire de l'Univ.de Sofia 'Kliment Ohridski') 9000100500427 HCA (Helvetica Chimica Acta) 2SWT9000100500428 HEN (High Energy Physics and Nucl.Phys.,English.ed.) 1USA9000100500429X High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, English ed. 9000100500430X English translation of PHE 9000100500431X vol.12 (1988) - vol.22 (1998) 9000100500432X HFH (He Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue) 3CPR9000100500433 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry 9000100500434 (= J.Nucl.and Radiochemistry), Beijing. 9000100500435 In Chinese with English abstracts and table of contents9000100500436 HI (Hyperfine Interactions) 2SWT9000100500437 HP (Health Physics) 1USA9000100500438 HPA (Helvetica Physica Acta) 2SWT9000100500439 IAB (Int.Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin) 3ZZZ9000100500440 IAC (Proc.Indian Assoc.for Cultiv.of Sci.) 3IND9000100500441 Proceedings of the Indian Association for the 9000100500442 Cultivation of Science 9000100500443 IBK (Bull.Boris Kidrich Inst.of Nucl.Sci.) 3YUG9000100500444X Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of 9000100500445X Nuclear Sciences 9000100500446X (vols. 1-17) 9000100500447X IEE/R (IEEE Trans.Radiat.Plasma Med.Sci.) 1USA9000100500448I IEEE Transactions of Radiation and Plasma Medical 9000100500449I Sciences 9000100500450I IET (Instruments and Experimental Techniques) 1USA9000100500451 (English translation of PTE) 9000100500452 1958-1970 no volume number printed on cover 9000100500453 (an artificial no. is given), 9000100500454 Volume number printed on journal cover starts 9000100500455 with Vol.14 (1971). 9000100500456 Volume number and issue date same as PTE 9000100500457 IFG (Trudy Inst.Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akad.Nauk) 4GRG9000100500458 Trudy Instituta Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akademii Nauk 9000100500459 IFI (Izvestiya na Fizicheskija Institut s ANEB) 3BUL9000100500460X Bulletin de l'Institut de Physique et de Recherche 9000100500461X Atomique 9000100500462X (up to vol.24, 1973) 9000100500463X as of 1974 replaced by BJP 9000100500464X IJM (Israel Journal of Mathematics) 3ISL9000100500465 IJP (Indian Journal of Physics) 3IND9000100500466 vol. 1 (1926) - vol.50 no.12 (1976) 9000100500467 continued as IJP/A and IJP/B 9000100500468 continues IJP/A and IJP/B and restarted 9000100500469 vol.78 no.6 (2004) - 9000100500470 IJP/A (Indian Journal of Physics, Part A) 3IND9000100500471X vol.51 no.1 (1977) - vol.78 no.3 (2004) 9000100500472X IMP/CS (Int.Journal of Modern Physics, Conference Series) 3SIN9000100500473 IMP/E (Int.Journal of Modern Physics, Part E) 3SIN9000100500474 INC (Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters) 2UK 9000100500475X (last publication in Dec. 1981, replaced by 9000100500476X Polyhedron (PLY)) 9000100500477X INST (Instruments) 2SWT9000100500478 IP (Isotopes in Envir.and Health Studies) 2GER9000100500479 until Vol. 30 (1994): Isotopenpraxis 9000100500480 IPA (Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics) 3IND9000100500481 vol. 1 (1963) - 9000100500482 IPC (Radiation Physics and Chemistry) 2NED9000100500483O vol. 1- 8: Int. J. for Radiation Phys. and Chem. 9000100500484O vol. 9-26: Radiation Physics and Chemistry 9000100500485O vol.27-40: Int. J. of Radiat. Appl. and Instrum. C 9000100500486O vol.41- : Radiation Physics and Chemistry 9000100500487O IRE (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science) 1USA9000100500488 vol. 1- 9: IRE Transactions on Nuclear Science 9000100500489 ISA (Indian Science Abstracts) 3IND9000100500490 ISC (Israel J.of Chemistry) 3ISL9000100500491 ISP (Israel J.of Physics) 3ISL9000100500492 IV/Y (Izv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Yad.En.) 4RUS9000100500493 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya 9000100500494 Yadernaya Energetika 9000100500495 IVU (Izv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Fizika) 4RUS9000100500496 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya 9000100500497 Fizika 9000100500498 (English translation: see SPJ) 9000100500499 Other existing series are Energetika, Pravovedenie, 9000100500500 Yad.Energetika (IV/Y) 9000100500501 IZA (Izv.Azerb.Akad.Nauk,Ser.Fiz.-Tekh.i Mat.) 4AZR9000100500502 Izvestiya Azerbaydzh. Akad. Nauk, Fiz.,Tekh. i Mat. 9000100500503 IZK (Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Resp.Kaz.,Ser.Fiz.-Mat.) 4KAS9000100500504 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, Seriya 9000100500505 Fiziko-Matematicheskaya 9000100500506 1963-1991: Izv.AN.KazSSR,Ser.Fiz.-Mat.Nauk 9000100500507 IZL (Izv.Latviiskoi Akad.Nauk) 4LAT9000100500508 This journal has no volume-numbers. It is coded 9000100500509 in the form (J,IZL,,(3),127,6803) 9000100500510 IZTP (Izotopy v SSSR) 4RUS9000100500511 Issued from 1965 till the end of 1989 (approx.) 9000100500512 ISSN:0579-2940 9000100500513 IZU (Izvestiya Akademii Nauk UzSSSR,Ser.Fiz.-Mat.) 4UZ 9000100500514X Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoj SSR, Seriya Fiziko- 9000100500515X Matematicheskaya Nauk 9000100500516X published in 1957-1994 9000100500517X continues as Uzbek Journal of Physics 9000100500518X IZV (Izv. Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Ser.Fiz.) 4RUS9000100500519 Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Seriya 9000100500520 Fizicheskaya. 9000100500521 Formerly Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya 9000100500522 Fizicheskaya. 9000100500523 (English translation: see BAS) 9000100500524 Every issue starts from page 1 for Vol.56-60. 9000100500525 Both No.3 and No.4 of Vol.45 starts from page 450. 9000100500526 JAC (J.of Applied Crystallography) 2DEN9000100500527 JAE (Yadernaya Energetika) 4RUS9000100500528 JAI (J.Am.Soc. Testing and Materials (ASTM)) 1USA9000100500529X vol.1 (2004) - vol.9 (2012) 9000100500530X JALC (Journal of Alloys and Compounds) 2NED9000100500531 JAP (Journal of Applied Physics) 1USA9000100500532 JBAS (J.of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences) 3BAN9000100500533 JBS (J.of Research of Nat.Bureau of Standards) 1USA9000100500534 Journal of Research of the National Bureau of 9000100500535 Standards 9000100500536 JCP (J.Chemical Physics) 1USA9000100500537 JE (Jaderna Energie (Prague).) 3CZR9000100500538X stopped after 1992 9000100500539X Continued from 1993 as BJE (starting with vol.1) 9000100500540X JEB (Jaderna Energiya, Bulgarian Acad.Sci.) 3BUL9000100500541 JEL (JETP Letters) 1USA9000100500542 (English of ZEP) 9000100500543 vol.1 (1965) - 9000100500544 JES (J.of the Electro-Chemical Society Belgium) 2BLG9000100500545 Journal of the Electro-Chemical Society of Belgium 9000100500546 JET (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics) 1USA9000100500547 (English of ZET) 9000100500548 vol.1 (1955) - vol.75 (1992): Soviet Physics JETP 9000100500549 (vol.1 corresponds to vol.28 in ZET) 9000100500550 JFE (Journal of Fusion Energy) 1USA9000100500551 JFI (Journal of the Franklin Institute) 1USA9000100500552 JGR (Journal of Geophysical Research) 1USA9000100500553X (until vol.82 (1977), then JGRA,B,C) 9000100500554X JGR/A (Journal of Geophysical Research, Part A) 1USA9000100500555 (from vol.83 (1978)) 9000100500556 JGR/B (Journal of Geophysical Research, Part B) 1USA9000100500557 (from vol.83 (1978)) 9000100500558 JGR/C (Journal of Geophysical Research, Part C) 1USA9000100500559 (from vol.83 (1978)) 9000100500560 JIN (Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry) 2UK 9000100500561X (last publication in Dec. 1981, replaced by 9000100500562X Polyhedron (PLY)) 9000100500563X JINS (Journal of Instrumentation) 2UK 9000100500564 JJAP (Japanese Journal of Applied Physics) 2JPN9000100500565 JLCR (J.of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceut.) 2UK 9000100500566 Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 9000100500567 JLCR/S (J.of Labelled Comp.and Radiopharmaceut.Suppl.) 2UK 9000100500568O Obsolete. Use JLCR with S in page number field 9000100500569O Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 9000100500570O Supplement 9000100500571O JLNZ (Journal of Lanzhou Univ., Natural Science Ed.) 3CPR9000100500572 JMJ (Proc.Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan) 2JPN9000100500573X Superseded by J. Phys. Soc. Japan (JPJ) 9000100500574X JMM (Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials) 2NED9000100500575 JMS (Internat.J.of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics) 2NED9000100500576 JMSJ (Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Soc. of Japan) 2JPN9000100500577 JNC (Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids) 2NED9000100500578 JNE (Journal of Nuclear Energy) 2UK 9000100500579X vol.1 (1954/55) - vol.9 (1959) and 9000100500580X continued as JNE/A, B and C 9000100500581X vol.21 (1967) - vol.27 (1973) 9000100500582X continued as ANE vol.1 (1974) 9000100500583X JNE/A (Journal of Nuclear Energy A (Reactor Science)) 2UK 9000100500584X vol.10 (1959) - vol.13 (1960/61) 9000100500585X continued as JNE/AB vol.14 (1961) 9000100500586X JNE/AB (J.Nuclear Energy A&B (Reactor Sci. and Technol.)) 2UK 9000100500587X vol.14 (1961) - vol.20 (1966) 9000100500588X continued as JNE vol.21 (1967) 9000100500589X JNE/B (Journal of Nuclear Energy B (Reactor Technology)) 2UK 9000100500590X vol.1 (1959) - vol.3 (1962) 9000100500591X continued as JNE/AB vol.14 (1961) 9000100500592X JNM (Journal of Nuclear Materials) 2NED9000100500593 JNRS (Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences) 2JPN9000100500594 JOES (J.of the Electro-Chemical Society (USA)) 1USA9000100500595 Journal of the Electro-Chemical Society (USA) 9000100500596 JP/A (Jour. of Physics, Part A (Mathematical+General)) 2UK 9000100500597 Nucl.Phys. part split as JP/G from Jan (1975). 9000100500598 JP/AL (Jour. of Physics, Part A, Letters to the editor) 2UK 9000100500599 JP/C (Jour. of Physics, Part C (Solid State Physics)) 2UK 9000100500600X vol. 1 (1968) - vol.21 (1988) 9000100500601X continuation of PPS 9000100500602X Merged with J.Phys.F into J.Phys.Condensed Matter 9000100500603X Issued in 2 parts (regular and letters). Letter 9000100500604X part is coded with 'L' behind vol.no, e.g.,JP/C,3L,.. 9000100500605X JP/CM (Jour. of Physics, Condense Matter) 2UK 9000100500606 JP/CS (Jour. of Physics, Conference Series) 2UK 9000100500607 JP/D (Jour. of Physics, Part D (Applied Physics)) 2UK 9000100500608 JP/E (Jour. of Physics, Part E (Sci.Instruments)) 2UK 9000100500609 Started with vol.1(1968) 9000100500610 JP/F (Jour. of Physics, Part F (Metal Physics)) 2UK 9000100500611 JP/G (Jour. of Physics, Part G (Nucl.and Part.Phys.)) 2UK 9000100500612 Started with vol.1(1975) cont. of part of JP/A 9000100500613 JP/GL (Jour. of Physics, Part G, Letters to the editor) 2UK 9000100500614O Obsolete. Use JP/G with L in page number field. 9000100500615O JP/S (Jour. of Physics, Part G, Supplement) 2UK 9000100500616O Obsolete. Use JP/G with S in page number field. 9000100500617O JPC (J.de Chimie Physique et Physicochimie Biol.) 2FR 9000100500618 Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physicochimie 9000100500619 Biologique 9000100500620 JPJ (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan) 2JPN9000100500621 JPJ/S (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Suppl.) 2JPN9000100500622 JPR (Journal de Physique) 2FR 9000100500623X vol.1 (1920) - vol.51 (1990) 9000100500624X vol.1-23: Journal de Physique et le Radium 9000100500625X split into J.Phys.I and II vol.1 (1991) 9000100500626X JPR/A (Journal de Physique - Appliquee) 2FR 9000100500627X vol.12 (1951) - vol.25 (1964) 9000100500628X continued as RPA vol.1 (1966) 9000100500629X Supplement to some volumes of JPR 9000100500630X JPR/C (Journal de Physique - Colloque) 2FR 9000100500631X vol.27 (1966) - vol.51 (1990) 9000100500632X continued as J.Phys.IV vol.1 (1991) 9000100500633X Supplement to some volumes of JPR 9000100500634X Some issues have two parts - "Comptes rendus des 9000100500635X conferences plenieres" (full papers of 9000100500636X selected talks) and "Comptes rendus des 9000100500637X communications" (abstracts of all talks) 9000100500638X JPR/L (Journal de Physique - Lettres) 2FR 9000100500639X vol.35 (1974) - vol.46 (1985) 9000100500640X continued as EUL vol.1 (1986) 9000100500641X Supplement of Journal de Physique 9000100500642X covers also field of RPA. 9000100500643X JPR/S (Journal de Physique, Suppl.S, Soc.Francaise) 2FR 9000100500644 Supplement to some volumes of Journal de Physique, 9000100500645 containing Comptes rendus des seances de la 9000100500646 Societe Francaise de Physique 9000100500647 JPS/CP (JPS Conference Proceedings) 2JPN9000100500648 ISSN:2435-3892 9000100500649 JR (J.of Research of Nat.Inst.Stand.+Technology) 1USA9000100500650 Journal of Research of the National Institute 9000100500651 of Standards and Technology 9000100500652 JRC (Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry) 3HUN9000100500653X vol.1 (1968) - vol.80 (1983) 9000100500654X split into JRN vol.81 and JRN/L vol.85 9000100500655X JRN (Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry) 3HUN9000100500656 vol.81 (1984) - vol.211 (1996), vol.215 (1997) - 9000100500657 continues JRC and RRL 9000100500658 4 vols. per year; last 3 volume numbers each 9000100500659 year reserved for JRN/L. 9000100500660 JRN/L (J. of Radioanalytical and Nucl. Chem., Letters) 3HUN9000100500661X Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 9000100500662X Letters 9000100500663X vol.85 (1984) - vol.214 (1996) 9000100500664X continues JRC and RRL 9000100500665X continued as JRN vol.215 (1997). 9000100500666X 3 vols. per year; first 4 volume numbers each 9000100500667X year reserved for JRN. 9000100500668X JSIU (Journal of Sichuan Univ., Natural Science Ed.) 3CPR9000100500669 KDV (Kgl.Danske Videns.Selskab.Mat.-Fys.Medd.) 2DEN9000100500670 Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. 9000100500671 Matematisk-Fysiske Meddelelser 9000100500672 KE (Kernenergie) 3DDR9000100500673X Ceased publication with vol.34 (1991) 9000100500674X (after reunion absorbed by KT in 1992) 9000100500675X KFI (KFKI Kozlemenyek) 3HUN9000100500676 KFKI (Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet) Kozlemenyek 9000100500677 KFKN (KFK-Nachrichten) 2GER9000100500678 KNS (Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society) 3KOR9000100500679X vol.1 (1969) - vol.36 (2004) 9000100500680X continued as Nuclear Eng. and Technology Vol.37 (2005) 9000100500681X KPS (Journal of the Korean Physical Society) 3KOR9000100500682 KRI (Kristallografiya) 4RUS9000100500683 (English translation: see SPC) 9000100500684 KSF (Kratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike) 4RUS9000100500685X (English translation: see SPL) 9000100500686X Extinct. 9000100500687X KSO (Kratkie Soobscheniya OIYaI (JINR Rapid Commun.)) 4RUS9000100500688X - 1999 9000100500689X continued as FCY/L 9000100500690X No volume numbers 9000100500691X KT (Kerntechnik) 2GER9000100500692 Title varied, at times called 9000100500693 Kerntechnik, Isotopentechnik und -Chemie 9000100500694 (published from vol.1 to vol.20 (1978) and again from 9000100500695 vol.50 (1987) onwards; between 1979 and 1986 9000100500696 published as Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik (AKE)) 9000100500697 KUV (Vestnik Kiev State Univ.) 4UKR9000100500698 KXT (Kexue Tongbao (Chinese Sci.Letters)) 3CPR9000100500699 - foreign language edition. 9000100500700 LEB (Issled.po Neitr.Fiz., Trudy Fiz. Inst. Lebedeva) 4RUS9000100500701 Akad. Nauk SSSR, Issledovaniya po Neitronnoi Fizike, 9000100500702 Trudy Fizicheskogo Instituta Im. P. N. Lebedeva 9000100500703 (= Studies in Neutron Phys.) 9000100500704 Publication of the Lebedev Physics Institute 9000100500705 Some English translations in the LA-TR- series. 9000100500706 LPS (Lunar and Planetary Science Conferences) 1USA9000100500707 Journal reporting on annual conferences in Houston, TX9000100500708 Conferences before 1991 were cited as conferences 9000100500709 (Proc.9th Conf.on...) 9000100500710 MAB (Monatsber.d.Deutschen Akad.Wiss.Berlin) 2GER9000100500711 Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der 9000100500712 Wissenschaften zu Berlin 9000100500713 MDLC (Mendeleev Communications) 2NED9000100500714 vol.1 (1991) - 9000100500715 MED (Medical Physics) 1USA9000100500716 MET (Metrologia) 2GER9000100500717 MFC (Matematicko-Fyzikalny Casopis) 3CSR9000100500718 MFF (Magyar Fizikai Folyoirat) 3HUN9000100500719 MPL/A (Modern Physics Letters A) 3SIN9000100500720 MPM (Memoirs of Phys. Fac. Moscow State Univ.) 4RUS9000100500721 Memoirs of the Physics Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow 9000100500722 State University 9000100500723 MPS (Meteoritics & Planetary Science) 2UK 9000100500724 MSA/S (Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supp.) 2ITY9000100500725 Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement 9000100500726 ISSN:1824-0178 9000100500727 MSK/A (Memoirs Faculty of Sci., Kyoto Univ.,Ser.Phys.) 2JPN9000100500728 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto 9000100500729 University, Series of Physics, 9000100500730 Astrophysics, Geophysics and Chemistry 9000100500731 MSL (Memoires de la Soc.Royale des Sci.de Liege) 2BLG9000100500732 Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de 9000100500733 Liege 9000100500734 MUPB (Moscow Univ.Physics Bulletin) 1USA9000100500735 (English of VMU) 9000100500736 Volume number exists since Vol.26(1971). 9000100500737 NAP (Nuclear Applications) 1USA9000100500738X vol.1 (1965) - 6 (1969) 9000100500739X (vol.7 (1969) - 9 (1970) is called 'Nucl. Appl. and 9000100500740X Technology') 9000100500741X Then see NT. 9000100500742X NAT (Nature (London)) 2UK 9000100500743 NAT/C (Nature Communications) 2UK 9000100500744 NAW (Proc.Koninklijke Nederlandse Akad.Wetenschappen) 2NED9000100500745 NC (Nuovo Cimento) 2ITY9000100500746X Ser. 8 vol.1 (1924) - vol.19 (1942) 9000100500747X Ser. 9 vol.1 (1943) - vol.12 (1954) 9000100500748X Ser.10 vol.1 (1955) - vol.39 (1965) 9000100500749X split into NC/A and NC/B vol.40, NC/C and NC/D vol.1 9000100500750X NC/A (Nuovo Cimento A) 2ITY9000100500751X Ser.10 vol. 40 (1965) - vol. 70 (1970) 9000100500752X Ser.11 vol. 1 (1971) - vol.109 (1996) 9000100500753X Ser.12 vol.110 (1997) - vol.112 (1999) 9000100500754X continues NC 9000100500755X absorbed by EPJ/A and EPJ/C 9000100500756X Contains Elementary Particle Physics 9000100500757X NC/B (Nuovo Cimento B) 2ITY9000100500758X Ser.10 vol. 40 (1965) - vol. 70 (1970) 9000100500759X Ser.11 vol. 1 (1971) - vol.111 (1996) 9000100500760X Ser.12 vol.112 (1997) - vol.125 (2010) 9000100500761X continues NC 9000100500762X continued as European Physical Journal Plus 9000100500763X NC/C (Nuovo Cimento C) 2ITY9000100500764 vol.1 (1978) - 9000100500765 continues NC 9000100500766 NCL (Lettere al Nuovo Cimento) 2ITY9000100500767 NCR (Rivista del Nuovo Cimento) 2ITY9000100500768 Ser.1 vol. 1 (1969) - vol. 2 (1970) 9000100500769 Ser.2 vol. 1 (1971) - vol. 7 (1977) 9000100500770 Ser.3 vol. 1 (1978) - vol.19 (1996) 9000100500771 Ser.4 vol.20 (1997) - 9000100500772 continues NCS 9000100500773 NCS (Nuovo Cimento, Supplemento) 2ITY9000100500774X Ser. 9 - vol. 12 (1954) 9000100500775X Ser.10 vol. 1 (1955) - vol. 26 (1962) 9000100500776X Supplemento al Nuovo cimento. Serie prima 9000100500777X vol. 1 (1963) - vol. 6 (1968) 9000100500778X continued as NCR Ser.1 vol.1 (1969). 9000100500779X ND/A (Nuclear Data Tables (Nuclear Data Sect.A)) 1USA9000100500780X vol.1 (1965) - vol.11 (1973) 9000100500781X vol.1(1)- 4(6): Nuclear Data Section A 9000100500782X vol.5(1)- 9(3): Nuclear Data Tables Section A 9000100500783X vol.9(4)-11(9): Nuclear Data Tables 9000100500784X continued as AND vol.12 (1973) 9000100500785X ND/B (Nuclear Data Sheets (Nuclear Data Sect.B)) 1USA9000100500786X vol.1 (1966) - vol.5 (1971) 9000100500787X vol.1(1)- 2(6): Nuclear Data Section B 9000100500788X vol.3(1)- 5(6): Nuclear Data Current Sheets Section B 9000100500789X continued as NDS vol.6 (1971) 9000100500790X NDF (Notas de Fisica) 3BZL9000100500791 - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas 9000100500792 NDS (Nuclear Data Sheets) 1USA9000100500793 vol.6 (1971) - 9000100500794 continues ND/B 9000100500795 NE (Nuclear Engineering International) 2UK 9000100500796 (formerly Nucl. Eng., also contains Nucl. Power) 9000100500797 NEN (Nuklearna Energija) 3YUG9000100500798 NESE (International Journal of Nucl. Sci.& Engineering) 1USA9000100500799 International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and 9000100500800 Engineering 9000100500801 ISSN:2226-3217 (online), 2226-3225 (print) 9000100500802 NET (Nuclear Engineering and Technology) 3KOR9000100500803 vol.37 (2005) - 9000100500804 continues KNS 9000100500805 NF (Nuclear Fusion (IAEA)) 3ZZZ9000100500806 NIM (Nuclear Instrum.and Methods in Physics Res.) 2NED9000100500807X Formerly Nucl. Instruments and Methods 9000100500808X (in 1984, vol. 219-228 = NIMA vol. 219-228, 9000100500809X vol. 229-233 = NIMB vol. 1-5; 9000100500810X from 1985 on extinct, continued as NIMA and NIMB 9000100500811X NIM/A (Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.A) 2NED9000100500812 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 9000100500813 section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors 9000100500814 and associated equipment 9000100500815 (continuation of NIM since vol.219 (1984)). 9000100500816 In 1984, vol.219-228 coded as NIM/A or NIM; from 9000100500817 1985 only NIM/A is used. 9000100500818 In the first volumes of section A, the 'A' 9000100500819 appears only on the cover. For volumes > 233, use of 9000100500820 code NIM/A is obligatory. 9000100500821 NIM/B (Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.B) 2NED9000100500822 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 9000100500823 Section B - Beam interactions with materials and 9000100500824 atoms 9000100500825 (starting with vol. 229 (=B1), 1984). 9000100500826 Vols. B1-B5 = NIM vols.229-233; from 1985 on only 9000100500827 NIM/B is used. 9000100500828 For these duplicate vol.nrs. use either NIM,229 or 9000100500829 NIM/B,1 but not NIM/B, 229. 9000100500830 NIN (Nuclear India) 3IND9000100500831 (Dept. of Atomic Energy, Bombay) 9000100500832 NKA (Nukleonika) 3POL9000100500833 NKK (Nippon Kagaku Kaishi) 2JPN9000100500834 Journal of the Chemical Soc. of Japan 9000100500835 NKN (Nukleon) 3CSR9000100500836 NM (Nuklearmedizin) 2GER9000100500837 Nuclear Medicine, Medecine Nucleaire, etc. 9000100500838 With meeting proceedings as supplements. 9000100500839 NMB (Int. Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology) 2UK 9000100500840 NNEWS (Neutron News) 2UK 9000100500841 NP (Nuclear Physics) 2NED9000100500842X vol.1 (1956) - vol.89 (1966) 9000100500843X continued as NP/A vol.90 (1967) and NP/B vol.1 (1967) 9000100500844X NP/A (Nuclear Physics, Section A) 2NED9000100500845 vol.90 (1967) - 9000100500846 continues NP 9000100500847 NP/B (Nuclear Physics, Section B) 2NED9000100500848 vol.1 (1967) - 9000100500849 NP/BS (Nuclear Physics B: Proceedings Supplements) 2NED9000100500850X vol.1 (1987) - vol.257 (2014) 9000100500851X NPSM (New Physics: Sae Mulli) 3KOR9000100500852 vol.1 (1961) - 9000100500853 NPW (Nuclear Power) 2UK 9000100500854X Started in 1956, discontinued in April 1963 (vol.8) and9000100500855X Absorbed in 1963 by Nucl. Eng. 9000100500856X which later became Nucl. Eng. International 9000100500857X NRP (Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics) 3EGY9000100500858 vol.1 (2006) - 9000100500859 ISSN:1687-420X 9000100500860 NSA (Nuclear Science Abstracts) 1USA9000100500861 NSB (Nuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka)) 3BAN9000100500862 - restarted with vol.1 (1989) combining NSDA and NSDB; 9000100500863 Note the gap of 3 years: vol.3 no.1 publ.91-01, 9000100500864 vol.3 no.2 publ.94-07 9000100500865 NSD (Nuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka).) 3BAN9000100500866X Existed 1965-1968; continued as NSDA (1969 on) and 9000100500867X NSDB (1968 on). 9000100500868X Existing issues = 1(1) Dec.65, 2(1) Apr.66, 2(2) Oct.669000100500869X 3(2) Oct.67, 4(1) Apr.68. 3(1) was not issued 9000100500870X Note= Each issue starts with page 1, so that the 9000100500871X issue number must always be included. 9000100500872X NSD/A (Nuclear Science and Applications, Series A) 3BAN9000100500873X - Biological Sciences (1969-1985) 9000100500874X restarted 1989, see NSB. 9000100500875X Starting with vol.5 Apr.69, 1 issue per year 9000100500876X NSD/B (Nuclear Science and Applications, Series B) 3BAN9000100500877X - Physical Sciences (1969-1985) 9000100500878X restarted 1989, see NSB. 9000100500879X Starting with vol.4 oct.68, 1 issue per year 9000100500880X NSD/BS (Nuclear Science and Applications, Ser. B Suppl.) 3BAN9000100500881X Physical Science 9000100500882X NSE (Nuclear Science and Engineering) 1USA9000100500883 NSF (Nuclear Science, Taiwan) 3CHF9000100500884X Ho Tzu k'o Hsueh 9000100500885X (ceased publication as of January 2002) 9000100500886X NSJ (Nuclear Science Abstracts of Japan) 2JPN9000100500887X (from Vol. 1 (1961) to Vol.9 No.2 (1971)) 9000100500888X NSP (Nuclear Science and Applications) 3BAN9000100500889O (existed 1965-1968) 9000100500890O Existing issues = 1(1) Dec.65, 2(1) Apr.66, 2(2) Oct.669000100500891O 3(2) Oct.67, 4(1) Apr.68. 3(1) was not issued. 9000100500892O Note= each issue starts with page 1, so that the 9000100500893O issue number must always be included. 9000100500894O NSP/A (Nuclear Science and Applications A) 3BAN9000100500895O Biological Sciences 9000100500896O Starting with vol.5 Apr. 1969, 1 issue per year 9000100500897O NSP/B (Nuclear Science and Applications B) 3BAN9000100500898O Physical Sciences 9000100500899O Starting with vol.4, Oct. 1968, 1 issue per year 9000100500900O NST (Jour. of Nuclear Science and Technology) 2JPN9000100500901 NSTP (Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology) 2JPN9000100500902 vol.1 (2011) - 9000100500903 NSTS (Jour. of Nuclear Science and Technology Suppl.) 2JPN9000100500904X vol.1 (2000) - vol.6(2008) 9000100500905X NT (Nuclear Technology) 1USA9000100500906 (title from vol.10, 1971 onwards) 9000100500907 Published by Am. Nuclear Soc. 9000100500908 vol.1(1965)-5(1968) = Nuclear Applications 9000100500909 vol.6(1969)-9(1970) = Nucl.Appl.and Technol. 9000100500910 NTC ((Chinese J.of) Nuclear Techniques, Shanghai.) 3CPR9000100500911 In Chinese. 9000100500912 Occasionally cited as (Chinese J.of) Nucl.Techniques 9000100500913 in Science Res.,Industry,Medicine and Agriculture. 9000100500914 Compare CNST 9000100500915 Note: until 1986 no volume number was printed on the 9000100500916 cover (in CINDA the year was given as volume number). 9000100500917 Numbering started with vol.10 in 1987. 9000100500918 NTF (Fusion Technology) 1USA9000100500919X until vol.39 no.3 (May 2001), then continued as FST 9000100500920X NTN (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde) 2NED9000100500921 NUC (Nucleonics) 1USA9000100500922X Vol.1 (1947) - vol.25 (1967) 9000100500923X NUK (Nukleonik) 2GER9000100500924 NWS (Naturwissenschaften) 2GER9000100500925 NYA (Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences) 1USA9000100500926 OAW (Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber.) 2AUS9000100500927 Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 9000100500928 mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Sitzungs- 9000100500929 berichte, Abteilung 2. 9000100500930 OAWA (Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Anzeiger) 2AUS9000100500931O ***Use OSA 9000100500932O OAWS (Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber.) 2AUS9000100500933O ***Use OAW 9000100500934O OE (Onde Electrique) 2FR 9000100500935 OSA (Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Anzeiger) 2AUS9000100500936 Anzeiger der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissen- 9000100500937 schaften,mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. 9000100500938 PA (Physics Abstracts) 2UK 9000100500939 PAC (Pure and Applied Chemistry) 2UK 9000100500940 PAN (Physics of Atomic Nuclei) 1USA9000100500941 (English of YF) 9000100500942 vol.56 (1993) - 9000100500943 continues SNP 9000100500944 PAS (Phys. Abhandlungen aus der Sowjetunion) 3GER9000100500945X (German translations from various USSR periodicals) 9000100500946X Last issue vol. 7(6) 1962. 9000100500947X PB (Physikalische Blaetter) 2GER9000100500948 PC (Physics in Canada) 1CAN9000100500949 Bull. of the Assoc. of Physicists 9000100500950 PCJ (Journal of Physical Chemistry) 1USA9000100500951 by Am. Chem. Society 9000100500952 PCM (Physics of Condensed Matter) 2GER9000100500953X vol.1 (1963) - vol.19 (1975) 9000100500954X vol.1-16: Physik der Kondensierten Materie 9000100500955X continued as ZP/B vol.20 (1975) 9000100500956X PCN (Physical and Chemical News (Morocco)) 3MOR9000100500957 PCP (Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Soc.) 2UK 9000100500958 PCS (Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids) 2UK 9000100500959 PF (Postepy Fizyki) 3POL9000100500960 PHCL (Physicalia (Journal of the Belgian Phys.Soc.)) 2BLG9000100500961 PHE (High Energy Physics and Nucl.Physics,Chinese ed.) 3CPR9000100500962X High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, Chinese ed. 9000100500963X (English translation: see HEN) 9000100500964X Gaomeng Wuli Yu Hewuli 9000100500965X vol.1 (1977) - vol.31 (2007) 9000100500966X vol.1-10: Physica Energiae Fortis et Physica Nuclearis 9000100500967X continued as CPH/C vol.32 (2008) 9000100500968X In Chinese with English abstracts and table of contents9000100500969X PHF (Physica Fennica) 2SF 9000100500970 PHN (Notes Scientifiques de l'Universite de Grenoble) 2FR 9000100500971 PHRM (Pharamaceuticals) 2SWT9000100500972I PHY (Physica (Utrecht)) 2NED9000100500973 PIA (Proc. of the Indian Acad. Sciences, Sect. A) 3IND9000100500974 Proceedings of the Indian Academy Sciences, Section A 9000100500975 PJA (Proceedings of the Japan Academy) 2JPN9000100500976X (from Vol.21 No.3 (1945) to Vol. 53 No.3 (1977)) 9000100500977X PJS (Prikladnaya Yadernaya Spektroskopiya) 4CCP9000100500978 Applied Nuclear Spectroscopy 9000100500979 PKL (Problemy Yadernoj Fiziki i Kosmicheskikh Luchej) 4UKR9000100500980X vol.1 (1974), vol.2 (1975) - vol.35 (1991) 9000100500981X published twice a year by Osnova, Kharkiv State Univ. 9000100500982X PL (Physics Letters) 2NED9000100500983X (until vol.23, 1966. Continued as parts A,B) 9000100500984X PL/A (Physics Letters, Section A) 2NED9000100500985 From vol.24, Jan (1967). 9000100500986 PL/B (Physics Letters,Section B) 2NED9000100500987 From vol.24, Jan (1967) 9000100500988 PL/C (Phys.Letters,Sect.C, Physics Reports) 2NED9000100500989X A review section of Phys.Letters (section C) 9000100500990X from Jan.1971. Reference to 'Part C' removed with 9000100500991X vol.44,1978. 9000100500992X PLY (Polyhedron) 2UK 9000100500993 Started 1982. Supersedes J.Inorg. Nucl.Chem. (JIN) 9000100500994 and Inorg. Nucl.Chem.Lett. (INC) 9000100500995 PM (Philosophical Magazine) 2UK 9000100500996X Ser.7 vol.1 (1926) - vol.46 (1955) 9000100500997X Ser.8 vol.1 (1956) - vol.36 (1977) 9000100500998X continued as PM/A vol.37 (1978) and PM/B vol.37 (1978) 9000100500999X PMB (Physics in Medicine and Biology) 2UK 9000100501000 PNA (Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.) 1USA9000100501001 PNE (Progress in Nuclear Energy) 2UK 9000100501002 Started 1977 with vol.1. 9000100501003 For 1956-59 publication see book PR.NUC.EN. 9000100501004 PNJ (Philippines Nuclear Journal) 3PHI9000100501005X Ceased publication with vol2, no2 (1970) 9000100501006X PNP (Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics) 2UK 9000100501007 Formerly Prog.in Nuclear Physics. 9000100501008 PNV (Physica Norvegica) 2NOR9000100501009X Ceased publication as of 1978. 9000100501010X PPA (Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences) 3PAK9000100501011 PPN (Physics of Particles and Nuclei) 4RUS9000100501012 vol.24 (1993) - 9000100501013 PPN/L (Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters) 4RUS9000100501014 vol.1 (2004) - 9000100501015 (English of FCY/L) 9000100501016 PPRC (Physics Procedia) 2NED9000100501017X vol.1 (2008) - vol.90 (2017) 9000100501018X Electronic version only 9000100501019X PPS (Proceedings of the Physical Society (London),) 2UK 9000100501020X ends with vol.92, Dec.1967, cont'd as JP. 9000100501021X PPS/A (Proc.Physical Society (London), Section A) 2UK 9000100501022X Proceedings of the Physical Society (London), Section A9000100501023X (existing vol.62, Jan.1949 - vol.70, Dec.1957) 9000100501024X PQR (Quarterly Rev.Scientific Publ.Polish Acad.Sci.) 3POL9000100501025 Quarterly Review of Scientific Publications of the 9000100501026 Polish Academy of Sciences. 9000100501027 PR (Physical Review) 1USA9000100501028X vol.1 (1913) - vol.188 (1969) 9000100501029X continued as PR/A, PR/B, PR/C and PR/D vol.1 (1970) 9000100501030X Coding format for Sections A and B (Vol.133-140) 9000100501031X J,PR,vol,Apage,year or J,PR,vol,Bpage,year 9000100501032X Example: J,PR,137,B1491,1965 9000100501033X PR/A (Physical Review, Part A, General Physics) 1USA9000100501034 vol.1 (1970) - 9000100501035 PR/B (Physical Review, Part B, Condensed Matter) 1USA9000100501036 vol.1 (1970) - 9000100501037 PR/C (Physical Review, Part C, Nuclear Physics) 1USA9000100501038 vol.1 (1970) - 9000100501039 PR/D (Physical Review, Part D, Particles and Fields) 1USA9000100501040 vol.1 (1970) - 9000100501041 PRE (Proceedings of the Royal Society Edinburgh) 2UK 9000100501042 PRE/A (Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Series A) 2UK 9000100501043 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Series A9000100501044 PRL (Physical Review Letters) 1USA9000100501045 PRM (Pramana) 3IND9000100501046 Journal of Physics, India 9000100501047 PRN (Physics Reports) 2NED9000100501048X A review section of Phys.Letters 9000100501049X Until vol.44,1978 publ.as 'Part C' of 9000100501050X Physics Letters, see PL/C. 9000100501051X PRS (Proc. of the Royal Society (London)) 2UK 9000100501052X Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) 9000100501053X vol.7 (1854) - vol.75 (1905) 9000100501054X continued as Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) 9000100501055X Series A (Vol.76) 9000100501056X PRS/A (Proc. Royal Society (London), Series A) 2UK 9000100501057 Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) Series A, 9000100501058 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 9000100501059 vol.76 (1905) - 9000100501060 PS (Physica Scripta) 2SWD9000100501061 Started 1970. 9000100501062 PSPS (Planetary and Space Science) 2NED9000100501063 vol.1 (1959) - 9000100501064 PSS (Physica Status Solidi) 2GER9000100501065 PSS/A (Physica Status Solidi A) 2GER9000100501066 PT (Physics Today) 1USA9000100501067 PTE (Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta) 4CCP9000100501068 (English translation: see IET) 9000100501069 no volume numbers; artificial number given, starting 9000100501070 with vol.1 (1956). 9000100501071 PTEP (Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) 2JPN9000100501072 vol.2012 (2012) - 9000100501073 continues PTP 9000100501074 PTP (Progress of Theoretical Physics) 2JPN9000100501075X vol.1 (1946) - vol.128 (2012) 9000100501076X continued as Progress of Theoretical and Experimental 9000100501077X Physics (PTEP) 9000100501078X PTP/S (Progress of Theoretical Physics, Suppl.) 2JPN9000100501079 PZ (Physikalische Zeitschrift) 3DDR9000100501080 RAK (Radiokhimiya) 4RUS9000100501081 (English translation: see RDC, earlier SRA) 9000100501082 RBF (Brazilian Journal of Physics) 3BZL9000100501083 (up to vol.21(1991): Revista Brasileira de Fisica) 9000100501084 RCA (Radiochimica Acta) 2GER9000100501085 RCA/S (Proceedings in Radiochemistry) 2GER9000100501086 Proceedings in Radiochemistry: a supplement to 9000100501087 Radiochimica Acta 9000100501088 ISSN:2193-2875 9000100501089 RDC (Radiochemistry) 1USA9000100501090 (English of RAK) 9000100501091 vol.35 no.1 (1993) - 9000100501092 continues SRA 9000100501093 RE (Radiation Effects) 2UK 9000100501094X vol.1 (1969) - vol.107 (1989) 9000100501095X continued as Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 9000100501096X REA (Atomic Energy Review, IAEA) 3ZZZ9000100501097X REF (Referativnyi Zhurnal, Fizika) 4CCP9000100501098 RFT (Reactor and Fuel-Processing Technology) 1USA9000100501099 RI (Radioisotopes) 2JPN9000100501100 RIC (Ricerca Scientifica) 2ITY9000100501101X RIZ (Radioaktivni Izotopi i Zracenja.) 3YUG9000100501102 RJP (Romanian Journal of Physics) 3RUM9000100501103 (continuation of RRP, starting with vol.37(7), 1992) 9000100501104 RJP/S (Romanian Journal of Physics, Supplement) 3RUM9000100501105 RM (Radiation Measurements) 2NED9000100501106 RMF (Revista Mexicana de Fisica) 3MEX9000100501107 RMP (Review of Modern Physics.) 1USA9000100501108 RPA (Revue de Physique Appliquee) 2FR 9000100501109X vol.1 (1966) - vol.25 (1990) 9000100501110X continues JPR/A 9000100501111X continued as J.Phys.III vol.1 (1991) 9000100501112X Supplement to some volumes of JPR 9000100501113X See JPR/L for Letters section 9000100501114X RPC (Radiation Physics and Chemistry) 2NED9000100501115 vol. 1- 8: Int. J. for Radiation Phys. and Chem. 9000100501116 vol. 9-26: Radiation Physics and Chemistry 9000100501117 vol.27-40: Int. J. of Radiat. Appl. and Instrum. C 9000100501118 vol.41- : Radiation Physics and Chemistry 9000100501119 RPD (Radiation Protection Dosimetry) 2UK 9000100501120 vol.1 (1981) - 9000100501121 RPP (Reports on Progress in Physics) 2UK 9000100501122 RPQ (Revista Portugesa de Qimica) 2PRT9000100501123 RPR (Journal of Radiation Protection and Research) 3KOR9000100501124 RR (Radiation Research) 1USA9000100501125 RRIP (Romanian Reports in Physics) 3RUM9000100501126 (starting with vol.44,no.8(1992); formerly SCF) 9000100501127 RRL (Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters) 3HUN9000100501128X vol.1 (1969) - vol.59 (1983) 9000100501129X split into JRN vol.81 (1984) and JRN/L vol.85 (1984) 9000100501130X RRP (Revue Roumaine de Physique) 3RUM9000100501131X Vol.1(1956) - vol.8(1963)= Revue de Physique 9000100501132X Vol.9(1964) onwards = Revue Roumaine de Physique 9000100501133X Vol.6(1961) supplement is coded 61BUCHAR 9000100501134X (continued as 'Romanian J.of Physics' (RJP) 9000100501135X from vol. 37 (7), 1992) 9000100501136X RSA (Rumanian Scientific Abstracts, Natural Sciences) 3RUM9000100501137 RSE (Transactions of the Royal Society Edinburgh) 2UK 9000100501138 RSI (Review of Scientific Instruments) 1USA9000100501139 RSR (Review of Science Research) 3CZR9000100501140 RST (Reactor Science and Technology) 2UK 9000100501141O (now JNAB) 9000100501142O SAJ (South African Journal of Science) 3SAF9000100501143 SAP (South African Journal of Physics) 3SAF9000100501144 SCF (Studii si Cercetari de Fizica) 3RUM9000100501145X Until vol.44,no.7. 9000100501146X (continued as RRIP from vol.44,no.8 (1992)) 9000100501147X SCI (Science) 1USA9000100501148 (Am. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci.) 9000100501149 SCP (Scient.Papers Inst.Phys.Chem.Res.,Tokyo) 2JPN9000100501150X Scientific Papers of the Institute of Physical and 9000100501151X Chemical Research 9000100501152X (from Vol.1 (1922) to Vol. 42 (1947) and 9000100501153X from Vol. 52 (1958) to Vol. 87 (1991)) 9000100501154X SCR (Scientific Reports) 2UK 9000100501155 SCS (Science in China, Series A) 3CPR9000100501156 (in English); 9000100501157 formerly Scientia Sinica, Series A 9000100501158 Mathem., Physical, Astronom. and Technical Sciences 9000100501159 SIA (Surface and Interface Analysis) 1USA9000100501160 SJA (Soviet Atomic Energy) 1USA9000100501161X (English of AE) 9000100501162X vol.1 (1956) - vol.72 no.2 (1992) 9000100501163X vol.1-13 no.5: The Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy 9000100501164X continued as AE/T vol.72 no. 3 (1992) 9000100501165X SJA/S (Soviet Atomic Energy, Supplement) 1USA9000100501166X (English of AE/S) 9000100501167X SJPN (Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei) 1USA9000100501168X (English of FCY) 9000100501169X vol.3 (1972) - vol.23 (1992) 9000100501170X continued as PPN 9000100501171X SNP (Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics) 1USA9000100501172X (English of YF) 9000100501173X vol.1 (1965) - vol.55 (1992) 9000100501174X continued as PAN vol.56 (1993) 9000100501175X Month of translation (6 month later than YF 9000100501176X publication) is printed until Vol.20 (1975). 9000100501177X Only the month of YF publication is printed 9000100501178X since Vol.21 (1975). 9000100501179X Use 1975 as the publication year of Vols.21 and 22 9000100501180X SPC (Soviet Physics-Crystallography) 1USA9000100501181X (English of KRI) 9000100501182X vol.1 (1956) - vol.37 (1992) 9000100501183X SPD (Soviet Physics-Doklady) 1USA9000100501184X (English of DOK) 9000100501185X vol.1 (1956) - vol.37 (1992) 9000100501186X SPL (Soviet Physics - Lebedev Inst.Report) 1USA9000100501187X (English of KSF) 9000100501188X SPS (Soviet Physics-Solid State) 1USA9000100501189X (English of FTT) 9000100501190X vol.1 (1959) - vol.34 (1992) 9000100501191X SPT (Soviet Physics-Technical Physics) 1USA9000100501192X (English of ZTF) 9000100501193X vol.1 (1956) - vol.37 (1992) 9000100501194X SPU (Soviet Physics-Uspekhi) 1USA9000100501195X (English of UFN) 9000100501196X vol.1 (1958) - vol.35 (1992) 9000100501197X SRA (Soviet Radiochemistry) 1USA9000100501198X (English of RAK) 9000100501199X vol.4 (1962) - vol.34 (1992) 9000100501200X continued as RDC 9000100501201X SSC (Solid State Communications) 2UK 9000100501202 SUTP (Teoreticheskaya Fizika) 4RUS9000100501203 Theoretical Physics 9000100501204 ISSN:1996-8884 9000100501205 Published by Samara State University. 9000100501206 TAL (Talanta) 2UK 9000100501207 TMF (Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika) 4RUS9000100501208 TNS (The Nucleus (Lahore)) 3PAK9000100501209 TRS/A (Philosophical Transactions, Series A) 2UK 9000100501210 Royal Society of London 9000100501211 TRTU (Fac. of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. Tech. Report) 2JPN9000100501212 Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, 9000100501213 Technical Report 9000100501214 TUG (Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskolas Handlingar) 2SWD9000100501215 Transactions of the Chalmers University of 9000100501216 Technology, Gothenburg 9000100501217 UFN (Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk) 4CCP9000100501218 (English translation: see SPU) 9000100501219 UFZ (Ukrainskii Fizichnii Zhurnal) 4UKR9000100501220 (English translation: see UJP, ealier UPJ) 9000100501221 UJP (Ukrainian Journal of Physics) 4UKR9000100501222 vol.49 (2004) - 9000100501223 UPJ (Ukrainian Physics Journal) 1USA9000100501224X (English of UFZ) 9000100501225X vol.12 (1967) - vol.13 (1969) 9000100501226X UZHV (Naukovyi Visnyk Uzhgorods'kogo Univ., Ser.Fiz.) 4UKR9000100501227 VAC (Vacuum) 2UK 9000100501228 VAN (Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR) 4RUS9000100501229 VAT/F (Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Fiziki) 4UKR9000100501230 Vysokykh Energij i Atomnogo Yadra 9000100501231 1972 - 9000100501232 J,VAT/F,,(number/parenthesized number),page,year 9000100501233 Example: J,VAT/F,,(1/18),15,1977 9000100501234 VAT/I (Vopr.Atomn.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Yad..Fiz..Issledo.) 4UKR9000100501235 Problems of Atom. Sci. & Tech. Ser. Nucl. Phys. Invest.9000100501236 1989 - 9000100501237 continues VAT/O 9000100501238 No volume numbers 9000100501239 J,VAT/I,,(number/parenthesized number),page,year 9000100501240 Example: J,VAT/I,,(8/16),17,1990 9000100501241 VAT/O (Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Obshch.) 4RUS9000100501242X Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Obshchej i 9000100501243X Yadernoj Fiziki 9000100501244X - 1988 9000100501245X continued as VAT/I 9000100501246X No volume numbers 9000100501247X J,VAT/O,,(number/parenthesized number),page,year 9000100501248X Example: J,VAT/O,,(2/16),37,1981 9000100501249X VAT/R (Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Reak.) 4RUS9000100501250X Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya 9000100501251X Reaktorostroenie 9000100501252X 1972 - 1977 9000100501253X continued as VAT/Y 9000100501254X J,VAT/R,,(number/parenthesized number),page,year 9000100501255X VAT/V (Vopr.At.Nauki i Tek.,Ser.Fiz.Vys.Ene.i Atom.Yad.) 4UKR9000100501256 Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya 9000100501257 Fizika Vysokikh Energiy i Atomnogo Yadra 9000100501258 VAT/Y (Voprosy Atomn.Nauki i Tekhniki,Ser.Fiz.Yad.Reak.) 4RUS9000100501259 Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya 9000100501260 Fizika Yadernykh Reaktorov 9000100501261 continues VAT/R 9000100501262 1978 - 9000100501263 No volume numbers 9000100501264 Coding format: 9000100501265 1978-1984 9000100501266 J,VAT/Y,,(number/parenthesized number),page,year 9000100501267 1985- 9000100501268 J,VAT/Y,,(number),page,year 9000100501269 Example: J,VAT/Y,,(1-2),72,2002 9000100501270 VBF (Vestsi Ak.Navuk, Ser.Fiz.En.) 4BLR9000100501271 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belaruskai SSR, Seriya 9000100501272 Fizika-Energetychnykh Navuk 9000100501273 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk BSSR. 9000100501274 VDPG (Verhandlung.Deutsch.Physik.Ges.) 2GER9000100501275 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen 9000100501276 Gesellschaft 9000100501277 VKHU (Visnyk Kharkivs'kogo Univ., Ser.Fiz.) 4UKR9000100501278X Visnyk Kharkivs'kogo Natsional'nogo Univ."V.N.Karazin",9000100501279X Ser.Fiz. 9000100501280X Journal of Kharkiv National University Physical Series 9000100501281X ISSN:2221-7754 9000100501282X 1998 - 2013 9000100501283X continued as EEJP 9000100501284X VLU (Vestnik Leningradskogo Univ., Fizika, Khimiya) 4RUS9000100501285 Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Fizika, Khimiya 9000100501286 VMU (Vestnik Moskovskogo Univ., Seriya Fiz.Astron.) 4RUS9000100501287 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya III, 9000100501288 Fizika i Astronomiya 9000100501289 (English translation: see MUPB) 9000100501290 Volume number exists between Vol.11(1970)-Vol.36(1995).9000100501291 VTYF (Voprosy Teoreticheskoy i Yadernoy Fiziki) 4RUS9000100501292 Int. scientific collection, published by Saratov Univ. 9000100501293 WULI (Wuli (Physics)) 3CPR9000100501294 WZD (Wiss.Zeitschr.der Univ.Dresden) 3DDR9000100501295 YF (Yadernaya Fizika) 4RUS9000100501296 (English translation: see PAN, earlier SNP) 9000100501297 Every issue starts from page 1 for Vol.56. 9000100501298 YFE (Yaderna Fizika ta Energetika) 4UKR9000100501299 Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy 9000100501300 vol.7 no.1(17) (2006) - vol.9 no.3(25) (2008) 9000100501301 vol.10 (2009) - 9000100501302 continues ZNJD 9000100501303 Coding format: 9000100501304 2006-2008 9000100501305 J,YFE,vol,(number/parenthesized number),page,year 9000100501306 Example: J,YFE,8,(1/19),53,2007 9000100501307 2009- 9000100501308 J,YFE,vol,(issue),page,year (issue is optional.) 9000100501309 Example: J,YFE,10,61,2009 9000100501310 YK (Vop.At.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Yaderno-Reak.Konstanty) 4RUS9000100501311 Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya 9000100501312 Yaderno-Reaktornye Konstanty 9000100501313 until 2013: Voprosy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya 9000100501314 Yadernye Konstanty 9000100501315 no.1(28) (1978) - no.5(59) (1984) 9000100501316 no.1 (1985) - 9000100501317 continues report YK- 9000100501318 No volume numbers 9000100501319 Coding format: 9000100501320 1978-1984 9000100501321 J,YK,,(number/parenthesized number),page,year 9000100501322 Example: J,YK,,(5/44),43,1981 9000100501323 1985- 9000100501324 J,YK,,(number),page,year 9000100501325 Example: J,YK,,(1),69,1985 9000100501326 YTN (Yuan Tzu Neng (Atomic Energy)) 3CPR9000100501327 ZAP (Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Physik) 2GER9000100501328 ZEC (Zeitschrift fuer Elektrochemie) 2GER9000100501329 ZEP (Zhurnal Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., Pisma v Redakt.) 4RUS9000100501330 Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 9000100501331 Pis'ma v Redaktsiyu. 9000100501332 (English translation: see JEL) 9000100501333 ZET (Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoret. Fiziki) 4RUS9000100501334 (English translation: see JET) 9000100501335 ZK (Z.fuer Kristallographie) 2GER9000100501336 (Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie) 9000100501337 ZMM (Z.fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) 2GER9000100501338 Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 9000100501339 ZMP (Zeit. fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik) 2SWT9000100501340 Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 9000100501341 ZN (Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung) 2GER9000100501342X only vol.1 (1946) 9000100501343X ZN/A (Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section A) 2GER9000100501344 vol.2 (1947) - 9000100501345 ZN/B (Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section B) 2GER9000100501346 vol.2 (1947) - 9000100501347 ZNJD (Zbirnik Nauk. Institutu Yadernikh Doslidzhen) 4UKR9000100501348X Zbirnik Naukovikh prats Institutu Yadernikh Doslidzhen 9000100501349X Scientific Papers of Inst. for Nuclear Research (Kiev) 9000100501350X no.1(1) (1999) - no.3(16) (2005) 9000100501351X continued as YFE 9000100501352X Coding format: 9000100501353X J,ZNJD,,(number/parenthesized number),page,year 9000100501354X Example: J,ZNJD,,(1/7),15,2002 9000100501355X ZP (Zeitschrift fuer Physik) 2GER9000100501356X vol.1 (1920) - vol.271 (1974) 9000100501357X split into ZP/A vol.272, ZP/B vol.20 and ZP/C vol.1 9000100501358X ZP/A (Zeitschrift fuer Physik A, Hadrons and Nuclei) 2GER9000100501359X vol.272 (1975) - vol.359 (1997) 9000100501360X vol.272-322: Zeitschrift fuer Physik A,Atoms and Nuclei9000100501361X vol.323-337: Zeitschrift fuer Physik A,Atomic Nuclei 9000100501362X continues ZP 9000100501363X continued as EPJ/A vol.1 (1998) 9000100501364X ZP/B (Zeitschrift fuer Physik B, Condensed Matter) 2GER9000100501365X vol.20 (1975) - vol.104 (1997) 9000100501366X vol.20-37:Zeitschrift fuer Physik B,Cond.Mat.and Quanta9000100501367X continues ZP and PCM 9000100501368X continued as EPJ/B vol.1 (1998) 9000100501369X ZPC (Z. Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig)) 3DDR9000100501370 Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig) 9000100501371 ZPF (Z. Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt)) 2GER9000100501372 Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt am 9000100501373 Main) 9000100501374 ZTF (Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki) 4RUS9000100501375 (English translation: see SPT) 9000100501376 ENDSUBDICT 1375 0 9000100599999 SUBDICT 90001006 20241220 Reports 9000100600001 ===Note= The following series which usually contain 9000100600002 conference proceedings, are generally not considered 9000100600003 as reports. Therefore, such publications are usually 9000100600004 entered with a conference code (see dict. 7). 9000100600005 CEA-CONF 9000100600006 CONF- (AEC, ERDA) 9000100600007 NBS-SPEC-PUB 9000100600008 STI/PUB (IAEA) 9000100600009 ALBERTA- Nucl.Res.Centre, U.of Alberta, Edmonton Reports 1CANALA9000100600010 =(reports carry a number but no report code; 9000100600011 =code 'ALBERTA-' was invented) 9000100600012 MC- Nat'l Res.Council of Canada, Montreal Labs Repts1CANCAN9000100600013 AECL- Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Reports 1CANCRC9000100600014 CR- *** Code obsolete *** Use AECL-number 1CANCRC9000100600015O CRC- National Research Council Reports 1CANCRC9000100600016X CRGP- AECL . 1CANCRC9000100600017X Use AECL- numbers 9000100600018X CRNL- AECL Chalk River Reports 1CANCRC9000100600019 CRP- AECL Chalk River Reports 1CANCRC9000100600020 CRRP- AECL Chalk River Reports 1CANCRC9000100600021 CRT- Natn'l Res.Council of Canada, Chalk River Repts 1CANCRC9000100600022 PR-CM- AECL Chalk River Reports 1CANCRC9000100600023 PR-CMA- AECL Chalk River Reports 1CANCRC9000100600024 PR-P- AECL Reports 1CANCRC9000100600025X Use AECL- numbers 9000100600026X TDS- AECL Nucl.Power Plant Div. Reports 1CANCRC9000100600027 UK/C- AECL Reports 1CANCRC9000100600028X Use AECL- numbers 9000100600029X LPN-UM- Univ. of Montreal Reports 1CANMON9000100600030 NRCC- Nat'l Res.Council of Canada, Ottawa Reports 1CANOTC9000100600031 ENICO- Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company Reports 1USAACC9000100600032 ICP- Allied Chem. Corp., Idaho Chem. Programs 1USAACC9000100600033 AN- Aerojet General Nucleonics Reports 1USAAGN9000100600034 AI- Atomics International Reports 1USAAI 9000100600035 AI-AEC- Atomics International Reports 1USAAI 9000100600036 NAA- North American Aviation report series 1USAAI 9000100600037! NAA-SR- North American Aviation Reports 1USAAI 9000100600038 NAA-SR-M- North American Aviation Reports 1USAAI 9000100600039! NAA-SR-MEMONorth American Aviation Reports 1USAAI 9000100600040 Note: Coded in CINDA as NAA-SR-M- 9000100600041 NAA-SR-TDR-North American Aviation Reports 1USAAI 9000100600042 TI- Atomics Int., N. American Rockwell, Tech. Inf. 1USAAI 9000100600043 AIP- Conf.proceedings by Am.Inst.of Phys. 1USAAIP9000100600044 Published electronically in 9000100600045 http://proceedings.aip.org 9000100600046 A-ALB- State Univ. of New York at Albany Reports 1USAALB9000100600047 ANL- Argonne National Laboratory report series 1USAANL9000100600048 ANL-NDM- Argonne National Laboratory Reports 1USAANL9000100600049 ANL-TRANS- Argonne National Laboratory, translations 1USAANL9000100600050 ANL/NPBTSTRArgonne Nat.Lab.Neutr.Part.Beam Test Prog.Repts.1USAANL9000100600051 =ANL/NPBTS-TR- on the cover 9000100600052 AP/CTR/TM- Argonne Nat. Lab., Appl.Phys.Div., Techn. Memo 1USAANL9000100600053 FRA-TM- FRA Technical Memorandum, Argonne Nat. Lab. 1USAANL9000100600054 RPCC- Reactor Physics Constants Center Newsletter 1USAANL9000100600055 APDA- Atomic Power Devel. Assoc., Detroit Reports 1USAAPD9000100600056 ARF- Armour Research Foundation Reports 1USAARF9000100600057 A-ARK- Univ. of Arkansas Reports 1USAARK9000100600058 ARL- Aerospace Res.Labs,Wright-Patterson A.F.B.Repts.1USAARL9000100600059 BAW- Babcock and Wilcox Co. Reports 1USAB+W9000100600060 BMI- Battelle Memorial Inst. Reports 1USABAT9000100600061 BNL- Brookhaven National Laboratory report series 1USABNL9000100600062 BNL-C- Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports 1USABNL9000100600063 BNL-NCS- Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports 1USABNL9000100600064 BNL-TR- Brookhaven National Laboratory translations 1USABNL9000100600065 IS/P- Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports 1USABNL9000100600066 BNWL- Battelle-Northwest report series 1USABNW9000100600067 BNWL-B- Battelle-Northwest Reports 1USABNW9000100600068 BNWL-SA- Battelle-Northwest Reports 1USABNW9000100600069 BNWL-TR- Battelle-Northwest Reports 1USABNW9000100600070 LBL- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Reports 1USABRK9000100600071 LBNL- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Reports 1USABRK9000100600072 BRL- Ballistic Research Labs report series 1USABRL9000100600073 BRL-MR- Ballistic Research Labs Reports 1USABRL9000100600074 BRL-R- Ballistic Research Labs Reports 1USABRL9000100600075 LAP- Calif. Inst. of Technology Lemon Aid Preprints 1USACAL9000100600076 OAP- Calif. Inst. of Technology Orange Aid Preprints 1USACAL9000100600077 CC- Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports 1USACHI9000100600078 CF- Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports 1USACHI9000100600079 CN- Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports 1USACHI9000100600080 CP- Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports 1USACHI9000100600081 Some reports issued from Argonne National Lab. 9000100600082 CS- Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports 1USACHI9000100600083 NPL- U. Colorado, Nucl.Phys.Lab., Techn. Prog. Rept. 1USACLU9000100600084 UCOL-P- Colorado Univ. Reports 1USACLU9000100600085 CU(PNPL)- Columbia Univ. progress report 1USACOL9000100600086 CU- Columbia Univ. report series 1USACOL9000100600087 CUD- Columbia Univ. report series 1USACOL9000100600088 NYO-GEN- Columbia Univ. Reports 1USACOL9000100600089 NUCL-EX- Cornell University Web Reports 1USACOR9000100600090 Numbers on website are given as "nucl-ex/..." 9000100600091 CWR- Curtiss-Wright Corp. Reports 1USACUW9000100600092X DAV- Crocker Nucl. Lab., U.C. at Davis Reports 1USADAV9000100600093 UCD-CNL- Crocker Nucl. Lab., U.C. at Davis, prog.rep. 1USADAV9000100600094 AD- Dept. of Defence Reports 1USADOD9000100600095 AFOSR- Dept. of Defense Reports 1USADOD9000100600096 AFSWP- Armed Forces Special Weapons Project Reports 1USADOD9000100600097 DASA- Defense Atomic Support Agency Reports 1USADOD9000100600098 ===Note: In 1972/73 replaced by DNA 9000100600099 RFP-TRANS- Dow Chemical Comp., Rocky Flats, translations 1USADRF9000100600100 GA- General Atomic Div. Reports 1USAGA 9000100600101 GACD- General Atomic Div. Reports 1USAGA 9000100600102 GAMD- General Atomic Div. Reports 1USAGA 9000100600103 GULF- Gulf Radiation Technology report series 1USAGA 9000100600104 GULF-RT- Gulf Radiation Technology Reports 1USAGA 9000100600105 GULF-RT-A- Gulf Radiation Technology Reports 1USAGA 9000100600106 FZK- General Dynamics Reports 1USAGDT9000100600107 NARF- Nuclear Aerospace Research Facility Reports 1USAGDT9000100600108 WL-TR- General Dynamics, Fort Worth, Techn. Reports 1USAGDT9000100600109 APEX- General Electric, Aircraft Nucl.Prop.Dept.Repts.1USAGEA9000100600110X DC- General Electric, Aircraft Nucl. Prop. Proj. 1USAGEA9000100600111X GEMP- General Electric, Flight Prop. Lab. Reports 1USAGEA9000100600112 APED- General Electric, Atomic Power Equipm.Dept.Repts1USAGEC9000100600113 GEAP- General Electric, California Reports 1USAGEC9000100600114 NEDO- General Electric, At.Power Equipm. Dept. 1USAGEC9000100600115 HW- Hanford Reports 1USAHAN9000100600116X now BNWL- , extinct 1965 9000100600117X HW-SA- Hanford Reports 1USAHAN9000100600118X now BNWL- , extinct 1965 9000100600119X HEDL-TME- Hanford Engineering Development Lab. Reports 1USAHED9000100600120 ===Note: Series started 1971. number includes 9000100600121 the year (HEDL-TME-71-...) 9000100600122 TC- Hanford Engineering Development Lab. Reports 1USAHED9000100600123 HNS- Hazleton-Nuclear Science Co. Reports 1USAHNS9000100600124 HASL- USAEC Health and Safety Lab, New York Reports 1USAHSL9000100600125 IIT- Illinois Inst.of Technology Reports 1USAIIT9000100600126 IITRI- Illinois Inst.of Technology Reports 1USAIIT9000100600127 INL/EXT- Idaho National Laboratory Reports 1USAINL9000100600128 IS- Iowa State Univ. Reports 1USAIOW9000100600129 IS-T- Iowa State Univ., thesis 1USAIOW9000100600130 SUI- Iowa State Univ. Reports 1USAIOW9000100600131 INTEL-RT- Intelcom Radiation Technology Reports 1USAIRT9000100600132 INTELRT- Intelcom Radiation Technology reports 1USAIRT9000100600133! IRT- Intelcom Radiation Technology Reports 1USAIRT9000100600134 KAPL- Knolls Atomic Power Lab. report series 1USAKAP9000100600135 KAPL-M- Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports 1USAKAP9000100600136 KAPL-M-ECH-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports 1USAKAP9000100600137 KAPL-M-EFC-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports 1USAKAP9000100600138 KAPL-M-JBN-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports 1USAKAP9000100600139 KAPL-P- Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports 1USAKAP9000100600140 KAPL/CSNL- Knolls At. Power Lab. Cross-Section Newsletter 1USAKAP9000100600141 A-KTY- Univ.of Kentucky annual report 1USAKTY9000100600142 U/KTY- University of Kentucky Reports 1USAKTY9000100600143 LA- Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports 1USALAS9000100600144 LA-DC- Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports 1USALAS9000100600145 LA-TR- Los Alamos Scientific Lab. translations 1USALAS9000100600146 LA-UR- Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports 1USALAS9000100600147 LADC- Los Alamos Scientific lab. Reports 1USALAS9000100600148 LAMS- Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports 1USALAS9000100600149X extinct Sept. 1964 9000100600150X LMSC- Lockheed Aircraft Co. Reports 1USALOK9000100600151 LMSD- Lockheed Aircraft Co. Reports 1USALOK9000100600152 LLNL-TR- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Reports 1USALRL9000100600153 RL- Lawrence Radiation Lab., Berkeley Reports 1USALRL9000100600154 UCAR- U.C., Lawrence Livermore Lab., Reports 1USALRL9000100600155 UCID- U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab., Reports 1USALRL9000100600156 UCRL- U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab. (Berkeley and Livermore)1USALRL9000100600157 UCRL-ID- U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab. (Berkeley and Livermore)1USALRL9000100600158 UCRL-TR- U.C., Lawrence Radiation Lab., Reports 1USALRL9000100600159 UCRL-TRANS-U.C., Lawrence Radiation Lab. translation 1USALRL9000100600160 ===Note: the CINDA code is UCRL-TR- 9000100600161 UNIV-MI- University of Michigan Reports 1USAMHG9000100600162 MIT- Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports 1USAMIT9000100600163 MIT-LNS-PR-M.I.T. Lab. of Nucl.Science progress report 1USAMIT9000100600164 MIT-REP- Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports 1USAMIT9000100600165 MIT-TR- Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports 1USAMIT9000100600166 MITNE- M.I.T. Dept.of Nuclear Engineering Reports 1USAMIT9000100600167 MLM- Mound Lab., Miamisburg Reports 1USAMND9000100600168 MNC- Maryland Univ., Dept. of Nuclear Chem. Reports 1USAMRY9000100600169 A-MSU- Michigan State Univ.Cyclotron Lab., annual rept.1USAMSU9000100600170 ANCR- Aerojet Nuclear Corp. Reports 1USAMTR9000100600171 IDO- Philips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls Reports 1USAMTR9000100600172X IN- Idaho Nuclear Corp. Reports 1USAMTR9000100600173 MTR-L- Idaho Nuclear Corp. Reports 1USAMTR9000100600174 PTR- Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls Reports 1USAMTR9000100600175 N- N.A.S.A. Reports 1USANAS9000100600176 Code includes the year. (Write N-70-..., not N70-...)9000100600177 N70- *** Code obsolete *** Write N-70- 1USANAS9000100600178O NASA- N.A.S.A. Reports, TM = Technical Memo, 1USANAS9000100600179! =TN = Technical Note, TP = Technical Paper 9000100600180! NASA-SP- N.A.S.A. Special Publication 1USANAS9000100600181 NASA-TM- N.A.S.A. Technical Memo 1USANAS9000100600182 NASA-TM-X- N.A.S.A. Technical Memo 1USANAS9000100600183 NASA-TN- N.A.S.A. Technical Note 1USANAS9000100600184 NASA-TN-D- N.A.S.A. Technical Note 1USANAS9000100600185 NASA-TP- N.A.S.A. Technical Paper 1USANAS9000100600186 NBS-MONO- National Bureau of Standards Monograph 1USANBS9000100600187 NBSIR- National Bureau of Standards Interagency Reports1USANBS9000100600188I NDL-TR- U.S. Army Chem.Corps. Nuclear Def. Lab. Reports 1USANDL9000100600189 NISTIR- N.I.S.T. Report Series 1USANIS9000100600190 USNRDL- Naval Radiological Def. Lab. Reports 1USANRD9000100600191 USNRDL-TR- Naval Radiological Def. Lab. Reports 1USANRD9000100600192 NRL- Naval Research Lab. Reports 1USANRL9000100600193 ORNL- Oak Ridge National Lab. Reports 1USAORL9000100600194 ORNL-CF- Oak Ridge National Lab. Central File Memo 1USAORL9000100600195X ORNL-CPX- ORNL Charged-Part.Cross-Sect.Data Center Reports1USAORL9000100600196X ORNL-P- Oak Ridge National Lab. preprint 1USAORL9000100600197 ORNL-TM- Oak Ridge National Lab. technical memo 1USAORL9000100600198 ORNL-TR- Oak Ridge National Lab. translation 1USAORL9000100600199 PWAC- Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Div. Reports 1USAPRW9000100600200 PPAR- Princeton Pennsylvania Accelerator Reports 1USAPTN9000100600201X PUC- Princeton, Palmer Physics Lab. Reports 1USAPTN9000100600202 UR- Univ. of Rochester Reports 1USAROC9000100600203 A-RPI- R.P.I. annual progress report 1USARPI9000100600204 RPI- Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Reports 1USARPI9000100600205 RPI-PR- R.P.I. progress report 1USARPI9000100600206 SC- Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, report series 1USASC 9000100600207 SC-R- Sandia Corp., Albuquerque Reports 1USASC 9000100600208 SC-RR- Sandia Corp., Albuquerque Reports 1USASC 9000100600209 SCR- Sandia Corp. Reports 1USASC 9000100600210X Continued as SC-R-. 9000100600211X DP- Du Pont, Savannah River Reports 1USASRL9000100600212 DP-MS- Du Pont, Savannah River Reports 1USASRL9000100600213 ESL- Univ. of Texas technical report 1USATEX9000100600214 AEC-TR- Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC translation 1USATID9000100600215 AECD- Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC 1USATID9000100600216X Succeeded MDDC-, extinct 1960 9000100600217X AECU- Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports 1USATID9000100600218X MDDC- Manhatten District Reports 1USATID9000100600219X Continued as AECD- 9000100600220X NP- Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports 1USATID9000100600221 numbering of non project 9000100600222 NP-TR- Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC translations 1USATID9000100600223 TID- Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports 1USATID9000100600224 TNC- Texas Nuclear Corp. Reports 1USATNC9000100600225 A-TNL- Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab. annual report 1USATNL9000100600226X TUNL- Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab. annual report 1USATNL9000100600227 UILU-ENG- Univ.of Illinois, Dept. of Engin. progress rept.1USAUI 9000100600228 NDA- United Nuclear Corp. Reports 1USAUNC9000100600229X NDA-MEMO- United Nuclear Corp. Reports 1USAUNC9000100600230 NDA-PHYS- United Nuclear Corp. Reports 1USAUNC9000100600231X UNC- United Nuclear Corp. Reports 1USAUNC9000100600232 ACRH- Argonne Cancer Res. Hospital Reports 1USAUSA9000100600233 AFSWC- Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.1USAUSA9000100600234! AFSWC-TDR- Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.1USAUSA9000100600235 AFSWC-TR- Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.1USAUSA9000100600236 AFWL- Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.1USAUSA9000100600237! AFWL-TDR- Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.1USAUSA9000100600238O AFWL-TR- Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.1USAUSA9000100600239 ASTM- American Soc. of Testing and Materials, reports 1USAUSA9000100600240! ASTM-STP- American Soc. of Testing and Materials Reports 1USAUSA9000100600241 CONF- Conference proceedings report series 1USAUSA9000100600242 ===Note: Instead of the CONF- code usually a 9000100600243 conference code is introduced (see dictionary 7 9000100600244 for conference codes) 9000100600245 COO- Chicago Operations Office,A.E.C.,Contract rept. 1USAUSA9000100600246 CVAC- Vultee Aircraft Corp. Reports 1USAUSA9000100600247X D2- Boeing Aircraft Reports 1USAUSA9000100600248X DNA- Defense Nuclear Agency Reports 1USAUSA9000100600249 ===Note: DNA is a contracting agency, and many labs 9000100600250 publish in DNA- . 9000100600251 DNA- replaced DASA- in 1972/73 9000100600252 DOE- U.S. Dept.of Energy Reports 1USAUSA9000100600253 DOE-ER- U.S. Dept.of Energy, Fusion Energy Series 1USAUSA9000100600254 DOE-NDC- U.S. D.O.E. Nuclear Data Committee Reports 1USAUSA9000100600255 ENDF- Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) Reports 1USAUSA9000100600256 EPRI- Electric Power Res. Inst., Palo Alto reports 1USAUSA9000100600257 ===Note: the report numbers are project numbers, so 9000100600258 different reports may appear under the same report 9000100600259 number. 9000100600260 EPRI-NP- Electric Power Res. Inst., Nuclear Phys. Series 1USAUSA9000100600261 ERDA- U.S. Energy Res. and Development Admin. Reports 1USAUSA9000100600262 ERDA-NDC- U.S. E.R.D.A. Nuclear Data Committee Reports 1USAUSA9000100600263 HEW(FDA)- Public Health Service, F.D.A. Reports 1USAUSA9000100600264 ICRU- Int.Comm.on Radiation Units and Meas. Reports 1USAUSA9000100600265 LRL- Calif. Research and Development Co. Reports 1USAUSA9000100600266X MON-N- Chemistry Division Reports 1USAUSA9000100600267 MR-A- Vultee Aircraft Corp., Ft.Worth Reports 1USAUSA9000100600268 NAS-NRC- Nat. Acad. of Sci., Nat. Res. Council Reports 1USAUSA9000100600269 NCSAC- U.S.AEC Nucl.Cross Sections Advisory Comm. Repts1USAUSA9000100600270 NUREG/CP- Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reports 1USAUSA9000100600271 NYO- New York Operations Office Reports 1USAUSA9000100600272 NYO-GEN72- New York Operations Office Reports 1USAUSA9000100600273 ORO- Oak Ridge Operations Office, contract report 1USAUSA9000100600274 PNE- U.S. AEC, Peaceful Nuclear Explosions series 1USAUSA9000100600275 RFP- Dow Chemical Company, Rocky Flats Div. Reports 1USAUSA9000100600276 RLO- U.S. AEC Reports 1USAUSA9000100600277 RPC- Radioplane Co., Van Nuys, California Reports 1USAUSA9000100600278 UMO- University Microfilms Order Number 1USAUSA9000100600279 =(Theses can be ordered using this number from 9000100600280 =University Microfilms Ltd.) 9000100600281 USNDC- Report to the U.S. Nuclear Data Comm. 1USAUSA9000100600282 WASH- Washington AEC Office Reports 1USAUSA9000100600283 Often reports to NCSAG. 9000100600284 XDC- General Electric Corp., Cincinnati Reports 1USAUSA9000100600285X WADC- Wright Air Devel. Centre report series 1USAWAD9000100600286! WADC-TN- Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports 1USAWAD9000100600287 WADC-TR- Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports 1USAWAD9000100600288 WADD-TR- Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports 1USAWAD9000100600289 WANL- Westinghouse Astro-Nuclear Lab. reports 1USAWAL9000100600290 WANL-TME- Westinghouse Astro-Nuclear Lab. Reports 1USAWAL9000100600291 WAPD- Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) reports 1USAWAP9000100600292 WAPD-BT- Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports 1USAWAP9000100600293 WAPD-T- Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports 1USAWAP9000100600294 WAPD-TM- Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports 1USAWAP9000100600295 WAPD-TRANS-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports 1USAWAP9000100600296 A-WAU- Univ.of Washington, Seattle, annual report 1USAWAU9000100600297 WCAP- Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Pittsburgh) Repts1USAWES9000100600298 WARD- Westinghouse Advanced Reactors Division Reports 1USAWEW9000100600299 UWFDM- Univ.Wisconsin Fusion Engineering Program Repts 1USAWIS9000100600300 TNCC(CAN)- Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports 1ZZZ 9000100600301X TNCC(UK)- Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports 1ZZZ 9000100600302X TNCC(US)- Tripartite Nucl Cross Sections Comm. Reports 1ZZZ 9000100600303X TNCC- Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports 1ZZZ 9000100600304X OAWS- Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber. 2AUSAUS9000100600305O See journal OAW. 9000100600306O IRK-PR- Inst. f. Radiumforschung Progress Report 2AUSIRK9000100600307 No report code shown on document 9000100600308 SGAE- Oesterr. Studienges. f. Atomenergie reports 2AUSSGA9000100600309 SGAE-PH- Oesterr.Studienges.f.Atomen.,Physikinst., Repts 2AUSSGA9000100600310 BLG- Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucl.,Bruxelles,Rept2BLGMOL9000100600311 RISO- RISO Research Institute report series 2DENRIS9000100600312 RISO-M- RISO Research Institute Reports 2DENRIS9000100600313 CEN(BG)- C.E.N. Bordeaux-Gradignan Reports 2FR BOR9000100600314 Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires Bordeaux-Gradignan 9000100600315 PNR- Cadarache Reports 2FR CAD9000100600316 PNR/SETR- Cadarache Reports 2FR CAD9000100600317 Code on cover e.g. PNR/SETR 65.010 9000100600318 to be coded as PNR/SETR-65-1OPRD/B 9000100600319 PNR/SETR-R-Cadarache Reports 2FR CAD9000100600320 E.g.: PNR/SETR-R-25 9000100600321 Code on cover (on 2 lines): PNR/SETR 9000100600322 R.025 9000100600323 A-CSN- C.S.N.S.M., Orsay Reports 2FR CSN9000100600324 Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie 9000100600325 de Masse 9000100600326 EDF- Electricite de France Reports 2FR EDF9000100600327 EDF-HX- Electricite de France Reports 2FR EDF9000100600328 CEA- Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires report series 2FR FR 9000100600329 CEA-CONF- Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Conf.reports 2FR FR 9000100600330 CEA-N- Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, note 2FR FR 9000100600331 Internal report with limited distribution 9000100600332 CEA-R- Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay Reports 2FR FR 9000100600333 FRNC-TH- French non CEA Reports 2FR FR 9000100600334 ISN- U. de Grenoble, Inst. des Sciences Nucl. reports2FR GRE9000100600335 ISN-TS- U. de Grenoble, Inst. des Sciences Nucl. reports2FR GRE9000100600336 SAR-G- C.E.A. Grenoble Reports 2FR GRE9000100600337 LYCEN- Univ. of Lyon Reports 2FR LYO9000100600338 A-IPNO- Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay Activity Report 2FR PAR9000100600339 IPNO-DRE- Inst. de Phys. Nucl. Orsay Reports (Nucl.Phys.) 2FR PAR9000100600340 IPNO-PHN- Inst. de Phys. Nucl. Orsay Reports (Nucl.Phys.) 2FR PAR9000100600341 IPNO-RC- Inst. de Phys. Nucl. Orsay Reports (Radiochem.) 2FR PAR9000100600342 IPNO-TH- Inst. de Physique Nucleaire Orsay thesis 2FR PAR9000100600343 LPC- Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire Reports 2FR PCF9000100600344 LPC-T- Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire thesis 2FR PCF9000100600345 CEA-SMNF- Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay Reports 2FR SAC9000100600346 HMI- Hahn-Meitner Inst., Berlin report series 2GERBER9000100600347 HMI-B- Hahn-Meitner Inst., Berlin Reports 2GERBER9000100600348 IKF- Inst.fuer Kernphysik, Frankfurt Reports 2GERFRK9000100600349 BMWF-FBK- Bundesmin.f.Wiss.Forschg. Reports 2GERGER9000100600350 ZAED-M- Zentralstelle fuer Atomkernenergie-Dokum. 2GERGER9000100600351 GSI- Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung Reports 2GERGSI9000100600352 GSI-J- Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung Reports 2GERGSI9000100600353 HH- Hamburg Univ.,Inst.f.Experimentalphysik Reports 2GERHAM9000100600354 FIZ-KA- Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Reports 2GERIKA9000100600355 JUEL- Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich, report series 2GERJUL9000100600356 JUEL-SPEZ- Kernforschungsanlage Juelich, Progress Report 2GERJUL9000100600357 ARB.BER- Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports 2GERKFK9000100600358 FZKA- Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports 2GERKFK9000100600359 KFK- Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports 2GERKFK9000100600360 KFK-EXT- KFK Reports (Externer Bericht) 2GERKFK9000100600361 KFK-TR- Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe translation ser.2GERKFK9000100600362 PSB-BER- Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe preprint 2GERKFK9000100600363 GKSS- Ges.Kernen.-Verwertung, Schiffbau and Schiffahrt2GERKIG9000100600364 Ges. fuer Kernenergie-Verwertung in Schiffbau und 9000100600365 Schiffahrt Reports 9000100600366 MAINZ- Inst. Nuclear Chem. Mainz Univ. Annual Reports 2GERMNZ9000100600367 FRM- Forschungs Reactor Muenchen Reports 2GERMUN9000100600368 PTUM-E- Techn. Univ. Muenchen Reports 2GERMUN9000100600369 BLM-JB- Beschleunigerlab. Univ. Muenchen annual report 2GERMUU9000100600370 und der Techn. Univ. Muenchen 9000100600371 PTB- P.T.B., Braunschweig, reports 2GERPTB9000100600372! PTB-FMRB- P.T.B., Braunschweig Reports 2GERPTB9000100600373 Phys.Techn.Bundesanst.,Forschungs- u.Messreaktor 9000100600374 PTB-N- Phys.Techn.Bundesanst., Neutronenphysik Reports 2GERPTB9000100600375 IKDA- Inst. f. Kernphysik,Darmstadt Reports 2GERTHD9000100600376 IKE- Stuttgart u. Inst. f. Kernenergetik Reports 2GERTHS9000100600377 ZFK- Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports2GERZFK9000100600378 Starting with number ZFK-121 7/66 as continuation 9000100600379 of 6 ZFK- subseries as follows. 9000100600380 CEC- Centro di Calcolo, CNEN, Bologna Reports 2ITYBOL9000100600381X ===Note: report number includes the year in the form 9000100600382X CEC-(71)9 9000100600383X =(now: CEC(year)-) 9000100600384X RT/TIB- ENEA Dipart.Technol.Interessettor.di Base Repts 2ITYBOL9000100600385X CISE- Centre Inform. Studi Esp. Reports 2ITYCIS9000100600386 INFN/BE- INFN Reports / Low Energy Physics Series 2ITYGVA9000100600387 (Fisica di Bassa Energia) 9000100600388 CNEN-RT/FI-Com.Naz. per l'Energia Nucleare Reports 2ITYITY9000100600389X ENEA/RT/IN-E.N.E.A., Area Innovazione Reports 2ITYITY9000100600390 ===Note: complete code is ENEA/RT/INN- 9000100600391 ENEA/RT/NU-E.N.E.A., Area Nucleare Reports 2ITYITY9000100600392 ==Note: complete code is ENEA/RT/NUCL- 9000100600393 INFN/TC- INFN Reports / Various Techniques Series 2ITYITY9000100600394 (Tecniche varie) 9000100600395 RT/FI- Comitate Nazionale per l'En. Nuc. Fiz. Reports 2ITYITY9000100600396X RT/FIMA- Comitate Nazionale per l'En.Nuc.Fiz.Mat.Repts. 2ITYITY9000100600397X TIB/FICS- ENEA Dpmt. TIB / FICS Reports 2ITYITY9000100600398 ENEA Dipmt. Tecnologie Intersettorali di Base / 9000100600399 Div. Fisica e Calcolo Scientifico Reports 9000100600400 Code on cover: e.g. TIB/FICS (83) 4 9000100600401 A-LNS- INFN Southern National Lab.(LNS), activity rept.2ITYLNS9000100600402 A-PAD- Padua Univ. and Lab. Naz. Legnaro annual report 2ITYPAD9000100600403 A-JCL- RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 2JPNIPC9000100600404 Inst.of Phys.and Chem.Res., Wako-shi,Saitama 9000100600405 =vol.1 (1967) - 9000100600406 RIKEN-NC-NPRIKEN Nishina Center: Nuclear Physics preprint 2JPNIPC9000100600407 HIMAC- Nat.Inst.of Radiological Sciences, HIMAC Reports2JPNIRS9000100600408 JAEA-C- JAEA Conference proceedings 2JPNJAE9000100600409 Complete code is JAEA-Conf- 9000100600410 JAEA-R- JAEA Research Reports 2JPNJAE9000100600411 Complete code is JAEA-Research- 9000100600412 JAERI- JAERI Reports 2JPNJAE9000100600413X Extinct. Last issue: JAERI-1348 9000100600414X JAERI-C- JAERI Conference proceedings 2JPNJAE9000100600415X Complete code is JAERI-Conf- 9000100600416X Extinct. Last issue: JAERI-Conf-2005-12 9000100600417X JAERI-D- JAERI Data collection / Computer code reports 2JPNJAE9000100600418X Complete code is JAERI-Data/Code 9000100600419X Extinct. Last issue: JAERI-Data/Code-2005-10 9000100600420X JAERI-M- JAERI-M Reports 2JPNJAE9000100600421X Extinct in 1994, continued as -C, -D, -R 9000100600422X Last issue: JAERI-M-94-082 9000100600423X JAERI-MEMO-JAERI-Memo Reports 2JPNJAE9000100600424X In 1972 split into JAERI memo (unpublished) and 9000100600425X JAERI-M (published) 9000100600426X Extinct. Last issue: JAERI-MEMO-14-006 9000100600427X JAERI-R- JAERI Research Reports 2JPNJAE9000100600428X Complete code is JAERI-Research 9000100600429X Extinct. Last issue: JAERI-Research-2005-30 9000100600430X KURRI- Kyoto Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Reports 2JPNKTO9000100600431! KURRI-AR- Kyoto Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Annual Report 2JPNKTO9000100600432 KURRI-TR- Kyoto-Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Tech. Report 2JPNKTO9000100600433 In Japanese with English abstracts 9000100600434 A-RCNP- Res. Centre for Nucl. Phys., Osaka, annual rept.2JPNOSA9000100600435 OKTAV-A- Osaka Univ., OKTAVIAN Reports 2JPNOSA9000100600436 Original papers and data tables 9000100600437 OKTAV-C- Osaka Univ., OKTAVIAN Reports 2JPNOSA9000100600438 Files of publications by other organizations 9000100600439 NETU- Tohoku Univ., Dept.of Nucl.Engineering Reports 2JPNTOH9000100600440X A-INS- Univ.Tokyo,Inst.f.Nucl.Study, Annual Report 2JPNTOK9000100600441X INS-J- Univ.Tokyo, Inst.for Nucl.Study, Reports 2JPNTOK9000100600442X Extinct March 1997 due to close of inst. 9000100600443X Last issue: INS-J-186 9000100600444X UTTAC- Tandem Accel. Complex Univ. Tsukuba Ann.Reports 2JPNTSU9000100600445 ECN- Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports 2NEDRCN9000100600446 ECN-C- Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports 2NEDRCN9000100600447 ECN-R- Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports 2NEDRCN9000100600448 ECN-RX- Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports 2NEDRCN9000100600449 RCN- Reactor Cent. Nederland, Petten Reports 2NEDRCN9000100600450 BUP- Bergen Univ. Dept. of Physics Reports 2NORBGN9000100600451 JENER- Joint Establ. Nucl. Res., Kjeller Reports 2NORKJL9000100600452X KR- Inst. for Atomenergi, Kjeller Reports 2NORKJL9000100600453 ABO-ANN- Abo Akademi Annual Reports 2SF ABA9000100600454 JU-RR- Univ. of Jyvaeskylae, Dept.of Physics Reports 2SF JYV9000100600455 SFL-A- Sateilyfysiikan Laitos-Radiofys. Inst. Reports 2SF SF 9000100600456 (Inst. of Radiation Physics), Helsinki 9000100600457 JEN- Junta de Energia Nuclear Reports 2SPNJNE9000100600458 MF- Junta Energia Nuclear, Madrid Reports 2SPNJNE9000100600459 AE- Aktiebolaget Atomenergi,Stockholm/Studsvik Repts2SWDAE 9000100600460 Series discontinued. Last report = AE-517. 9000100600461 AE-FFN- Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports 2SWDAE 9000100600462 AE-FN- Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm,internal rpt.2SWDAE 9000100600463 AE-RFT- Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm/Studsvik rpt.2SWDAE 9000100600464 AES- Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Studsvik, Reports 2SWDAE 9000100600465 RFA- Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports 2SWDAE 9000100600466 RFR- Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports 2SWDAE 9000100600467 S- Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm, prog. rept. 2SWDAE 9000100600468 CTH-RF- Chalmers Univ. of Technol., Gothenburg Reports 2SWDCTH9000100600469 FOA4- Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4 reports 2SWDFOA9000100600470 FOA4-A- Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4A Reports 2SWDFOA9000100600471 FOA4-C- Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4C Reports 2SWDFOA9000100600472 FOA4-D- Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4D Reports 2SWDFOA9000100600473 A-IPS- Res. Inst. of Phys., Stockholm Annual Rept. 2SWDIPS9000100600474 LU-NP- Lund Univ. Reports 2SWDLND9000100600475 LUNF-D6- Lund Univ., Nuclear Physics Series 2SWDLND9000100600476 KDK- Swedish Nuclear Data Committee Reports 2SWDSWD9000100600477 LFF- Swedish Reports 2SWDSWD9000100600478 NFL- Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Reports 2SWDSWR9000100600479 STUDSVIK- Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Reports 2SWDSWR9000100600480 TLU- Uppsala Univ. Tandem Lab. Reports 2SWDTLU9000100600481 UPP- Uppsala Univ. Annual Report 2SWDUPP9000100600482 UU-NF- Uppsala Univ., Neutron Physics Lab. Reports 2SWDUPP9000100600483 IPF-SP- Inst.de Phys., U. de Fribourg, Physics Series 2SWTFRS9000100600484 EIR- Eidg.Inst.Reaktorforsch.Wuerenlingen Reports 2SWTWUR9000100600485 CNAEM- Cekmece Nuclear Res. and Training Centre Reports2TUKCNA9000100600486 ACO/UK- Aldermaston Reports 2UK ALD9000100600487 AKO-UK- Aldermaston Internal Report 2UK ALD9000100600488 AWRE- A.W.R.E. Aldermaston report series 2UK ALD9000100600489! AWRE-CNR/PRA.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports 2UK ALD9000100600490 AWRE-NR/C- A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports 2UK ALD9000100600491 AWRE-NR/P- A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports 2UK ALD9000100600492 AWRE-O- A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports 2UK ALD9000100600493 NR/P- U.K.AEA Weapons Group,A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Rept.2UK ALD9000100600494 BR- Cavendish Lab. Reports 2UK CAV9000100600495X Early reports 9000100600496X RD/B/M- Central Electricity Generating Board Reports 2UK CEG9000100600497 ===Note: Complete code is CEGB-RD/B/M- 9000100600498 RD/B/N- Central Electricity Generating Board Reports 2UK CEG9000100600499 ===Note: Complete code is CEGB-RD/B/M- 9000100600500 AERE- A.E.R.E. Harwell report series 2UK HAR9000100600501! AERE-C/R- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600502 AERE-I/R- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600503 AERE-M- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600504 AERE-N/M- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600505 AERE-N/R- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600506 AERE-NP/GENA.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600507 AERE-NP/M- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600508 AERE-NP/R- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600509 AERE-PR/NP-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600510 AERE-R- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600511 AERE-R/M- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600512 AERE-R/R- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600513 AERE-RP/R- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600514 AERE-TRANS-A.E.R.E. Harwell translations 2UK HAR9000100600515 AERE-X/PR- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600516 NRDC- A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports 2UK HAR9000100600517 NRPB- National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports 2UK NRP9000100600518! NRPB-M- National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports 2UK NRP9000100600519 NRPB-R- National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports 2UK NRP9000100600520 AHSB(S)R- U.K. AEA Health and Safety Branch Risley Reports2UK RLY9000100600521 UKNDC- Progress report from U.K. Nuclear Data Comm. 2UK UK 9000100600522! UKNDC-P- Progress report from U.K.N.D.C. 2UK UK 9000100600523 Note: report appears as UKNDC(75)- . 9000100600524 AEA-TRS- AEA Technol.Winfrith, Thermal Reactor Serv.,rpt.2UK WIN9000100600525 AEEW- A.E.E.W. Winfrith report series 2UK WIN9000100600526! AEEW-M- A.E.E.W. Winfrith Reports 2UK WIN9000100600527 AEEW-R- A.E.E.W. Winfrith Reports 2UK WIN9000100600528 BIPM- Bureau Int. des Poids et Mesures Reports 2ZZZBIP9000100600529 CERN- CERN Europ. Org. for Nuclear Res. Reports 2ZZZCER9000100600530 CERN-PROC- CERN Proceedings (CERN-Proceedings-) 2ZZZCER9000100600531 CERN/DI/HP-CERN Health Physics Group Reports 2ZZZCER9000100600532 EUR- Euratom Reports 2ZZZEC 9000100600533 IRMM- Inst. of Ref.Materials and Meas. Repts., Geel 2ZZZGEL9000100600534 IRMM-R- Inst. of Ref.Materials and Meas. Repts., Geel 2ZZZGEL9000100600535 CCDN- C.C.D.N. Saclay report series 2ZZZNDC9000100600536! CCDN-CI- C.C.D.N. Saclay Reports 2ZZZNDC9000100600537 CCDN-NW- C.C.D.N. Saclay Newsletters 2ZZZNDC9000100600538 EANDC(CAN)-Canadian report to EANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600539X EANDC(E)- Report from Euratom-countries + Euratom to EANDC2ZZZNEA9000100600540X EANDC(J)- Japanese report to EANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600541X EANDC(OR)- Report from misc. OECD Countries to EANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600542X EANDC(UK)- U.K. report to EANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600543X EANDC(US)- U.S. report to EANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600544X EANDC- European-American Nucl. Data Committee Documents2ZZZNEA9000100600545X =(usually accompanied by an additional code, 9000100600546X =e.g. EANDC(CAN); continued 1974 as NEANDC-) 9000100600547X NEA-NSC- NEA Nuclear Science Committee Reports 2ZZZNEA9000100600548 NEACRP-L- NEA internal report NEANDC(E)-NEACRP-L 2ZZZNEA9000100600549 NEANDC(CAN)Canadian report to NEANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600550 NEANDC(E)- Report from CEC-Countries and CEC to NEANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600551 NEANDC(J)- Japanese report to NEANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600552 NEANDC(OR)-Report from misc. OECD countries to NEANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600553 NEANDC(OR)-140 is published three times by Spain, 9000100600554 Sweden, Switzerland with the same distribution code L.9000100600555 NEANDC(UK)-U.K. report to NEANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600556 NEANDC(US)-U.S. report to NEANDC 2ZZZNEA9000100600557 NEANDC- Nucl. En. Agency Nucl. Data Committee reports 2ZZZNEA9000100600558 =(started 1974 as continuation of EANDC-) 9000100600559 CNEA- Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica report ser.3ARGCNE9000100600560 CNEA-CAB- Centro Atomico Bariloche, internal report 3ARGCNE9000100600561! CNEA-CAB-ITCentro Atomico Bariloche, internal report 3ARGCNE9000100600562 LR- Inst. Investigacion Aeronautica y Esp, Reports 3ARGIIA9000100600563 AAEC/ Australian AEC reports 3AULAUA9000100600564! AAEC/AP/PR-Australian AEC Applied Phys.Div. Prog. Report 3AULAUA9000100600565 AAEC/E- Australian AEC Reports 3AULAUA9000100600566 AAEC/PD/PR-Australian AEC Physics Div. Progress Report 3AULAUA9000100600567 AAEC/PR- Australian AEC Progress report 3AULAUA9000100600568 AAEC/TM- Australian AEC Technical Memo 3AULAUA9000100600569 LIB/TRAN- Australia Translation 3AULAUL9000100600570! LIB/TRANS- Australia Translation 3AULAUL9000100600571 ANU- Australian National Univ., Canberra Reports 3AULCBR9000100600572! ANU-P- Australian National Univ., Canberra Reports 3AULCBR9000100600573 AECD/ Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports 3BANRAM9000100600574! AECD/EP- Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports 3BANRAM9000100600575 AECD/MISC- Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Progress Report 3BANRAM9000100600576 AECD/TP- Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports 3BANRAM9000100600577 IEAV/NT- Inst. de Estudos Avancados, Technical Note 3BZLCTA9000100600578 IEA- Inst. de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, Reports 3BZLIEA9000100600579 IEA-INF- Inst. de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, prog. rept.3BZLIEA9000100600580 IPEN- Inst.de Pesquisas Energ.e Nucl.,Sao Paulo,Repts 3BZLIPE9000100600581 CCEN- Comun.do Centro de Energia Nuclear,Recife,Repts.3BZLUFP9000100600582 Univ. Federal de Pernambuco 9000100600583 IFUSP/P- Univ. of Sao Paulo, Inst.of Phys. Reports 3BZLUSP9000100600584 INER- Inst. of Nucl.Energy Research Reports 3CHFSHI9000100600585 IAN- Inst. de Asuntos Nucleares, Bogota, reports 3CLMIAN9000100600586! IAN-E- Inst. de Asuntos Nucleares, Bogota Reports 3CLMIAN9000100600587 A-AEP- Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing, Annual Report 3CPRAEP9000100600588 A-BNT- Beijing Nat. Tandem Accel. Lab., Prog. Report 3CPRAEP9000100600589 (one report every 2 years) 9000100600590 HSJ- Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing Reports 3CPRAEP9000100600591 CNIC- China Nucl. Information Center Reports 3CPRCNI9000100600592 NST- Inst.of Nucl.Sci.and Technol.,Sichuan U. Reports3CPRSIU9000100600593 LNS- Inst. Rudjer Boskovic Reports 3CRORBZ9000100600594 IPPCZ- Czechoslovak A.S. Plasma Physics Reports, Prague3CZRCZA9000100600595 UJF- Ustav Jad. Fyziky (Inst.Nucl.Phys.) Reports 3CZRUJF9000100600596 Note: The series UJV- and UJF- share the same 9000100600597 consecutive numbering such that the existence of 9000100600598 UJF-2899 excludes the existence of UJV-2899 9000100600599 UJV- Ustav Jad. Vyzkumu (Inst Nucl res), Reports 3CZRUJV9000100600600 ZFK-DOS- Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports3DDRROS9000100600601X Last issue ZFK-DOS-5 7/66 9000100600602X ZFK-PHA- Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports3DDRROS9000100600603X Last issue ZFK-PHA-26 1/67 9000100600604X ZFK-RCH- Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports3DDRROS9000100600605X Last issue ZFK-RCH-3 D/65 9000100600606X ZFK-RN- Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports3DDRROS9000100600607X Last issue ZFK-RN-33 2/66 9000100600608X ZFK-TPH- Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports3DDRROS9000100600609X Last issue ZFK-TPH-23 3/66 9000100600610X ZFK-WF- Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports3DDRROS9000100600611X Last issue ZFK-WF-29 5/66 9000100600612X TU- Technische Univ. Dresden, Reports 3DDRTUD9000100600613X AREAEE- Atomic Energy Establishment Reports 3EGYCAI9000100600614 Series started with nr.117 in 1971 9000100600615 UARAEE- Atomic Energy Establishment Reports 3EGYCAI9000100600616X Last issue nr.116 (1971). Continued as AREAEE- 9000100600617X ATOMKI-AR- Atomki Annual Reports 3HUNDEB9000100600618 =(Code is invented for reference, report appears as 9000100600619 ='Atomki Annual report 1989') 9000100600620 KFKI- Central Research Inst. of Physics Reports 3HUNKFI9000100600621 Hungarian Academy of Sciences 9000100600622 ===Note: Subject codes appended to the report number 9000100600623 (e.g., KFKI-1989-02/G) may be omitted. 9000100600624 (KFKI-1989-02 is sufficient for unique reference). 9000100600625 KFKI-YB- KFKI Yearbook (progress-report) 3HUNKFI9000100600626 RRC- Reactor Research Center Kalpakkam Reports 3INDKAL9000100600627 AEET- Atomic Energy Est. Trombay Reports 3INDTRM9000100600628X Last issue is AEET-275 (1967). 9000100600629X Continued as BARC- 9000100600630X AEET-ANAL- Trombay Reports 3INDTRM9000100600631X AEET-NP- Trombay Reports 3INDTRM9000100600632X BARC- B.A.R.C., Trombay report series 3INDTRM9000100600633 Starts with BARC-276 (1967) 9000100600634 =(formerly AEET- series) 9000100600635 BARC/I- B.A.R.C., Trombay Reports 3INDTRM9000100600636 NRITB- Nuclear Res. Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad, reports 3IRQNRI9000100600637! NRITB-PH- Nuclear Res. Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad, Reports 3IRQNRI9000100600638 TNSD-P- Technion Nuclear Science Dept. Reports 3ISLHFA9000100600639 TNSD-R- Technion Nuclear Science Dept. Reports 3ISLHFA9000100600640 IA- Israel AEC Reports 3ISLISL9000100600641 NRCN- Beersheva Nuclear Res. Center Negev Reports 3ISLNEG9000100600642 LS- Soreq Nuclear Research Center Reports 3ISLSOR9000100600643 KAERI/GP- Korean Atomic Energy Research Inst. Reports 3KORKAE9000100600644 AIF- Anales del Instituto de Fisica 3MEXIFM9000100600645O See journal-code AIF 9000100600646O MOH- Univ. Mohammed V, Rabat, Annual Report 3MORMOH9000100600647 =(the code MOH- was created for input and does 9000100600648 =not show up on the cover) 9000100600649 INS- Inst.of Nuclear Sciences, Progress Reports 3NZLNZH9000100600650 AEC(NZ)- New Zealand A.E.C. Reports 3NZLNZL9000100600651 The original code is 'AEC-' and (NZ) is added for 9000100600652 clarification 9000100600653 NPD- Pakistan Inst.Nuc.Sci.Tech.,Nucl.Phys.Div.Repts 3PAKNIL9000100600654O === see PINST-NPD- 9000100600655O PINST- Pakistan Inst. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Reports 3PAKNIL9000100600656 = - Note: original code is 'PINSTECH-'. 9000100600657 PINST-NPD- Pakistan Inst.Nuc.Sci.Tech.,Nucl.Phys.Div.Repts 3PAKNIL9000100600658 = - Note: original code is 'NPD-' only. 9000100600659 PINST-RT- Pakistan Inst. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Reports 3PAKNIL9000100600660 = - Note: original Code is 'PINSTECH-RT-'. 9000100600661 IBJ- Inst.Badan Jadr.(Nucl.Res.),Swierk+Warsaw,Repts 3POLIBJ9000100600662O Had sometimes been used for INR- 9000100600663O INR- Inst.Badan Jadr.(Nucl.Res.),Swierk+Warsaw,Repts 3POLIBJ9000100600664 Note: On the covers of this series one sometimes 9000100600665 finds INR-..., sometimes IBJ-..., but often a 9000100600666 report number without a report code. 9000100600667 Some were indexed in NSA as PAN-(Pol.Ak.Nauk). 9000100600668 Characters behind report number should not be omitted.9000100600669 Example: INR-1461/I/PL/A and INR-1461/I/PL/B are 9000100600670 two different documents with no relation to each 9000100600671 other. 9000100600672 INR-FIA- Inst. Badan Jadr., Swierk+Warsaw Reports 3POLIBJ9000100600673 IFJ- Inst. Fiz. Jadr. (Nucl.Phys.), Krakow Reports 3POLIFJ9000100600674O Use INP- 9000100600675O INP- Inst. Fiz. Jadr. (Nucl.Phys.), Krakow Reports 3POLIFJ9000100600676 Note: On the covers of this series one finds 9000100600677 sometimes INP-..., sometimes IFJ-..., but 9000100600678 often a report number without a report code. 9000100600679 Some were indexed in NSA as PAN-(Pol.Ak.Nauk). 9000100600680 Omit characters behind report number 9000100600681 Example: INP-543 instead of INP-543/PL 9000100600682 CLOR- Biuro Pelnom. Rzadu do Spraw Wykorzyst. En. Jad.3POLPOL9000100600683 PAN- Polish Academy of Sciences Reports 3POLPOL9000100600684O Was used by NSA for INR- and INP- 9000100600685O IFA- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. reports 3RUMBUC9000100600686! IFA-CRD- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600687 IFA-DNBR- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600688 IFA-DNR- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600689 Note: Sometimes the code IFA is not shown on the cover9000100600690 IFA-EP- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600691 Note: Sometimes the code IFA is not shown on the cover9000100600692 IFA-FN- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600693 IFA-FR- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600694 IFA-NF- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600695 IFA-NR- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600696 Note: Codes of the form IFA-NR-33-1970 must be given 9000100600697 in Exfor as IFA-NR-33,(1970),... 9000100600698 IFA-R- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600699 IFA-RN- Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600700 IFIN-NR- Inst. de Fiz. si Ing.Nucleara,Bucharest Reports 3RUMBUC9000100600701 IRNE- Inst. Nuclear Power Reactors Reports 3RUMPIT9000100600702 PEL- Atomic Energy Board, Pelindaba Reports 3SAFPEL9000100600703 CSIR-FIS- Council f.Scient.and Indust.Res.,Pretoria,Repts.3SAFSIR9000100600704 SUNI- Southern Universities Nuclear Inst. Reports 3SAFSUN9000100600705 IJS- Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, reports 3SLNIJS9000100600706! IJS-P- Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports 3SLNIJS9000100600707 Starting with IJS-P-245 6/69 9000100600708 IJS-R- Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports 3SLNIJS9000100600709 Starting with IJS-R-560 6/69 9000100600710 NIJS- Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana, report series 3SLNIJS9000100600711! NIJS-P- Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports 3SLNIJS9000100600712 Continued June 1969 as IJS-P- 9000100600713 NIJS-R- Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports 3SLNIJS9000100600714 Continued June 1969 as IJS-R- 9000100600715 THAI-AEC- Atomic Energy for Peace, Bangkok Reports 3TAIBGK9000100600716 IBK- Inst. Boris Kidrich Reports 3YUGBKB9000100600717 IAEA- I.A.E.A. technical report, Vienna 3ZZZIAE9000100600718 =(starting with report no. 219, the full title 9000100600719 =of this series is now IAEA-TECDOC-) 9000100600720 IAEA-NDS- Nuclear Data Services (Doc. series of NDS) 3ZZZIAE9000100600721 IAEA-R- I.A.E.A. Research Contract Report 3ZZZIAE9000100600722 IAEA-SM- I.A.E.A. Symposium Collection -extended synopses3ZZZIAE9000100600723 IAEA-TECDOCI.A.E.A. Technical Documents 3ZZZIAE9000100600724 previously coded as IAEA- 9000100600725 IAEA/ I.A.E.A., Vienna, report series 3ZZZIAE9000100600726! IAEA/RL- I.A.E.A. Div. of Res. + Labs Reports 3ZZZIAE9000100600727 IAEA/TA- I.A.E.A. Technical Assistance Reports 3ZZZIAE9000100600728 INDC(ARG)- Argentine report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600729 INDC(AUL)- Australian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600730 INDC(AUS)- Austrian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600731 INDC(BAN)- Bangladesh report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600732 INDC(BLG)- Belgian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600733 INDC(BLR)- Belorus report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600734 INDC(BOL)- Bolivian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600735 INDC(BUL)- Bulgarian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600736 INDC(BZL)- Brazilian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600737 INDC(CAN)- Canadian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600738 INDC(CCP)- USSR report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600739 INDC(CHL)- Chile report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600740 INDC(CPR)- Chinese report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600741 INDC(CSR)- CSSR report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600742X INDC(CUB)- Cuban report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600743 INDC(CZR)- Czech report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600744 INDC(EGY)- Egyptian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600745 INDC(EUR)- Comm. of the European Commun. report to I.N.D.C.3ZZZIAE9000100600746 (Formerly Euratom) 9000100600747 INDC(FIN)- Finnish report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600748 INDC(FR)- French report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600749 INDC(GDR)- Germ.Dem.Rep.report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600750X INDC(GER)- Fed.Rep.Germ.report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600751 Distribution code (L or LN) is mandatory for 9000100600752 INCD(GER)-35 and 36. 9000100600753 INDC(HUN)- Hungarian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600754 INDC(IND)- Indian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600755 INDC(IRN)- Iran report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600756 INDC(IRQ)- Iraq report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600757 INDC(ISL)- Israel report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600758 INDC(ITY)- Italian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600759 INDC(JAP)- Japanese report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600760X INDC(JPN)- Japanese report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600761 INDC(KOR)- Korean report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600762 INDC(MOR)- Morocco report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600763 INDC(NDS)- IAEA Nucl.Data Section report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600764 INDC(NDU)- IAEA Nucl.Data Section report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600765X INDC(NED)- Netherlands report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600766 INDC(NOR)- Norwegian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600767 INDC(PAK)- Pakistan report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600768 INDC(POL)- Polish report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600769 INDC(ROM)- Romanian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600770 Before 1981, the code INDC(RUM) was used. 9000100600771 INDC(RUM)- Romanian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600772X INDC(SAF)- South-African report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600773 INDC(SEC)- I.N.D.C. Secretariat Report Series 3ZZZIAE9000100600774 INDC(SLK)- Slovakian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600775 INDC(SLN)- Slovenian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600776 INDC(SPN)- Spanish report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600777 INDC(SUD)- Sudanese report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600778 INDC(SWD)- Swedish report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600779 INDC(SWT)- Swiss report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600780 INDC(TAI)- Thailand report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600781 INDC(TUK)- Turkish report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600782 INDC(TUR) is printed on 1, 2 and 5 9000100600783 INDC(TUR)- Turkish report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600784 INDC(TUK) is printed on 3 and 4 9000100600785 INDC(UK)- U.K. report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600786 INDC(UKR)- Ukrainian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600787 INDC(US)- U.S. report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600788O Use INDC(USA) although some issues have INDC(US)- on 9000100600789O their covers 9000100600790O INDC(USA)- U.S. report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600791 INDC(VN)- Vietnam report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600792 INDC(YUG)- Yugoslavian report to the I.N.D.C. 3ZZZIAE9000100600793 INDC- International Nucl. Data Committee report series3ZZZIAE9000100600794 =(usually accompanied by an additional code, 9000100600795 =e.g.,INDC(NDS)) 9000100600796 Nr.1(1971)-15(1973) and Nr.156(1967)-274(1969) 9000100600797 Then continued in a number of subseries 9000100600798 Note: /G /L /U etc. are distribution-codes which 9000100600799 should be ignored. 9000100600800 'E' following the report number distinguishes an 9000100600801 English translation from its original. 9000100600802 INDSWG- Int. Nuclear Data Sci. Working Group Reports 3ZZZIAE9000100600803X Nr.1(1962)-155(1967),continued as INDC-. 9000100600804X 'E' following the report no. distinguishes an 9000100600805X English translation from its original. 9000100600806X INIS-MF- INIS microfiche 3ZZZIAE9000100600807 Identification assigned by IAEA to documents received 9000100600808 without report code. 9000100600809 INIS-SU- INIS Reports 3ZZZIAE9000100600810 Identification assigned by Atom-Inform to documents 9000100600811 received without report code. 9000100600812 STI/DOC/10-I.A.E.A. Technical Document Series 3ZZZIAE9000100600813 ===Note: See also IAEA- 9000100600814 STI/PUB- I.A.E.A. Publications 3ZZZIAE9000100600815 STI/PUB/15-I.A.E.A. Review Series (1959-1962) 3ZZZIAE9000100600816 STI/PUB/21-I.A.E.A. Bibliographical Series 3ZZZIAE9000100600817 IC- Internat.Centre for Theoretical Physics, reports3ZZZTPT9000100600818 EFI- Erevanskij Fisicheskij Institut Reports 4ARMARM9000100600819 IJE- Inst. of Nucl. Energetics, Bjelorus. Acad. Sci. 4BLRIJE9000100600820 report and preprints 9000100600821 IJE-nnn-yy (nnn=serial no., yy=year) 9000100600822 TMO- Inst.Teplo-Massoobmena Bjeloruss.Acad.Sci.Repts 4BLRTMO9000100600823 ===Note: This is an invented code. The reports have 9000100600824 only a 'preprint'-number without a code. 9000100600825 English translation of TMO-2 through TMO-7 is 9000100600826 available as report INDC(CCP)-142. 9000100600827 IAN/E- Izvestia Estonian Akad.Nauk, Reports 4ESTEST9000100600828 IYFK-P- Inst. Nucl.Phys., Alma-Ata, preprints 4KASKAZ9000100600829 LAFI- Inst. Fiziki Latvijskoi Akad. Sci., Riga Reports4LATIFL9000100600830 ICD- Bull. Centr po Jadernym Dannym, Obninsk 4RUSCJD9000100600831X =no.1 (1964) - no.6 (1969) 9000100600832X =continued as YK-7 9000100600833X YK- Yadernye Konstanty 4RUSCJD9000100600834X Full title = Vopr.At.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Jad.Kon 9000100600835X =no.7 (1971) - no.27 (1977) 9000100600836X =continues ICD-6 9000100600837X =continued as journal YK 9000100600838X EPA- Exp.Physics Inst. Arzamas Reports 4RUSEPA9000100600839 FEI- Fiz.-Energ Institut, Obninsk Reports 4RUSFEI9000100600840 YFI- Yaderno-Fizicheskie Issledovaniya v SSSR 4RUSFEI9000100600841 Partly translated to English in INDC(CCP) reports as 9000100600842 "Nuclear Physics Research in the USSR" 9000100600843 FTI- Fiz-Tech. Inst. Ioffe, Leningrad Reports 4RUSFTI9000100600844 ITE- Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow Repts4RUSITE9000100600845O Use ITEF- 9000100600846O ITEF- Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow Repts4RUSITE9000100600847 JIA- Inst. Nucl. Res., Russian Acad. Sci. Preprint 4RUSJIA9000100600848 IAE- Inst. Atomnoy Energii, Kurchatov Reports 4RUSKUR9000100600849 KUR- Inst. Atomnoy Energii, Kurchatov Reports 4RUSKUR9000100600850 Had been used for IAE- 9000100600851 FIAN- Fiz. Inst. Akad. Nauk Lebedev, Moscow Reports 4RUSLEB9000100600852 BCDL- Bull. Centro Dannykh LIJAF, Leningrad-Gatchina 4RUSLIN9000100600853 (Bulletin of the Data Centre of LIJAF) 9000100600854 LIJAF- Leningrad Inst. Nucl. Phys. Reports 4RUSLIN9000100600855 MIF- Moscow Inst. of Engineering Physics Reports 4RUSMIF9000100600856 MIF-nnn-yy (nnn=serial no.,yy=year) 9000100600857 CDFE- Fotoyadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) 4RUSMOS9000100600858 To be used for annual series starting with no.1,1977 9000100600859 (Compare CDFE-IND- and book codes CDFE/..) 9000100600860 CDFE-IND- Fotoyadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) Index 4RUSMOS9000100600861 Compare CDFE- and book codes 9000100600862 CDFE-IND2- Photonuclear Data Index (Photofission) 4RUSMOS9000100600863 Fotojadernye Dannye. Compare CDFE-and book codes 9000100600864 MSU-INP- Moscow State Univ.Inst.of Nucl.Phys.Reports 4RUSMOS9000100600865 NIIAR- Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Melekess Reports 4RUSNIR9000100600866 NIIAR-P1- Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Melekess Reports 4RUSNIR9000100600867 RI- Khlopin Radiev. Inst., Leningrad Reports 4RUSRI 9000100600868 IFVE- Inst. Fiz. Vysokikh Energij, Serpukhov Reports 4RUSRUS9000100600869 ISTC- Internat.Science and Technology Center, Reports 4RUSRUS9000100600870 SIB- Inst. Jad. Fiz., Novosibirsk Reports 4RUSSIB9000100600871 =(This is an invented code. The reports 9000100600872 =have only a 'preprint'-number without a code) 9000100600873 IF- Akad. Nauk Ukrainskaja, Kiev 4UKRIFU9000100600874 IJAI- Inst. Yad. Issledovanii Communications,Kiev 4UKRIJI9000100600875 IJAI-P- Inst. Yad. Issledovanii, Kiev Reports 4UKRIJI9000100600876 KIYAI- Inst. Yad. Issledovanii, Kiev Reports 4UKRIJI9000100600877 KHFTI- Ukrainsk. Fiz. Tekhn. Inst. Reports 4UKRUFT9000100600878 Until 1968 no report code was printed on the cover 9000100600879 but only a number. 9000100600880 Starting 1969 the report codes have the form 9000100600881 KHFTI-69-1 which is coded KHFTI-69/1 9000100600882 UFT- Ukrainskij Fiz. Tech. Inst. Reports 4UKRUFT9000100600883O Had been used for old KHFTI- report which had no 9000100600884O report code on the cover 9000100600885O UZB-P- Inst.of Nucl.Phys., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Repts 4UZ UZB9000100600886 DUB- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600887O Use JINR- 9000100600888O DUB-E- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600889O Use JINR-E- 9000100600890O DUB-P- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600891O Use JINR-P- 9000100600892O ISINN- Int.Sem.on Interactions of Neutrons with Nuclei 4ZZZDUB9000100600893 Proceedings of annual meeting held in Dubna 9000100600894 JINR- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna, reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600895 Note: the 4-digits report number is unique, the 9000100600896 symbols between JINR and number can be omitted. 9000100600897 They mean P=Russian, E=English, D=Engl+Russian. 9000100600898 The digit following this character denotes the 9000100600899 subject category, e.g. 9000100600900 3 = low-energy experimental physics 9000100600901 4 = low-energy theoretical physics 9000100600902 15 = exp'tl phys.of nucl.reactions at low en. 9000100600903 JINR-D- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600904 JINR-D15- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600905 JINR-D3- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600906 JINR-D6- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600907 JINR-D7- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600908 JINR-E- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600909 JINR-E1- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600910 JINR-E15- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600911 JINR-E3- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600912 JINR-E4- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600913 JINR-E7- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600914 JINR-P- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600915 JINR-P1- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600916 JINR-P10- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600917 JINR-P11- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600918 JINR-P12- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600919 JINR-P13- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600920 JINR-P14- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600921 JINR-P15- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600922 JINR-P2- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600923 JINR-P3- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600924 JINR-P4- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600925 JINR-P6- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600926 JINR-P7- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600927 P3- Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports 4ZZZDUB9000100600928O *** Use JINR-P3- or JINR-. 9000100600929O Similarly, use JINR-Codes for P15-, E3-, etc. 9000100600930O ENDSUBDICT 929 0 9000100699999 SUBDICT 90001007 20241220 Conferences 9000100700001 ===Note: New codes added to this dictionary should not9000100700002 exceed a length of 8 characters (2 digits plus 6 9000100700003 letters), due to limitations in CINDA. For longer 9000100700004 conference codes existing in this dictionary the 9000100700005 characters 9 and 10 are dropped in CINDA. The 9000100700006 conference codes showing up in the CINDA book may 9000100700007 differ and must not be used for input. 9000100700008 55ANS (Nuclear Sci.and Engineering Congress, Cleveland 1955) 9000100700009 (Nuclear Science and Engineering Congress, Cleveland, 9000100700010 12-16 December 1955) 9000100700011 55GENEVA (1st UN Conf.Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva 1955) 9000100700012 (1st U.N. Conf. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva,9000100700013 8-20 Aug. 1955) 9000100700014 55MOSCOW (USSR Conf. Peaceful Uses of At. En., Moscow 1955) 9000100700015 (Conf. of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the Peaceful 9000100700016 Uses of Atomic Energy. Moscow, USSR, 1-5 July 1955) 9000100700017 =English translation in AEC-TR-2435 9000100700018 56AMSTERDM (Conf. on Nuclear Reactions., Amsterdam 1956) 9000100700019O (Int'l Conf. on Nucl. Reactions, Amsterdam,Netherlands,9000100700020O 2-7 July 1956) 9000100700021O Proceedings published in Physica 22 941-1196. 9000100700022O *** Enter under journal-code PHY 22 9000100700023O 56BNL (Resonance Absorption Conf., Brookhaven 1956) 9000100700024O (Conf. on Resonance Absorption of Neutrons, Brookhaven 9000100700025O National Lab, 24-25 Sept 1956) 9000100700026O *** To be entered as BNL-433 9000100700027O 56KIEV (Kiev Conf., Kiev 1956) 9000100700028 57ANS (American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York 1957) 9000100700029 (American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York, N.Y., 9000100700030 28-31 October 1957) 9000100700031 57COLUMBIA (Columbia Conf., New York 1957) 9000100700032O (International Conf. on Neutron Interactions with 9000100700033O Nuclei, Columbia University, New York, Sept 1957) 9000100700034O *** proceedings publ as TID-7547. 9000100700035O 57MOSCOW (Low and Medium Energy Nucl.Reactons, Moscow 1957) 9000100700036 (1st All-Union Conference on Low and Medium Energy 9000100700037 Nuclear Reactions, Moscow, USSR, 19-27 Nov. 1957) 9000100700038 57PARIS (Radioisotopes in Scient.Res., UNESCO, Paris 1957) 9000100700039 (UNESCO Conf. on Radioisotopes in Scientific Research, 9000100700040 Paris 9-20 Sep 1957) 9000100700041 Edited by Extermann and published in 4 volumes by 9000100700042 Pergamon Press in 1958. 9000100700043 58BERKELEY (Application of Pulsed Neutron Source Techniques Symp.)9000100700044O (Symp. on the Application of Pulsed Neutron Source 9000100700045O Techniques, Lawrence Radiation Lab, Berkeley, 4-5 Dec 9000100700046O 1958) 9000100700047O ***Published as UCRL-5665. 9000100700048O 58GENEVA (Second Internat. At.En. Conf., Geneva 1958) 9000100700049 (Second UN Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy.9000100700050 Geneva, 1-13 Sep 1958) 9000100700051 58PARIS (Nucl. Phys. Congress, Paris 1958) 9000100700052 (International Congress on Nuclear Physics, Nuclear 9000100700053 Interactions at Low Energies and Nuclear Structure, 9000100700054 Paris, France, 7-12 Jul. 1958) 9000100700055 59ANL (Physics of Breeding Conf) 9000100700056O *** proceedings publ as ANL-6122 9000100700057O 59CALCUTTA (Low Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Calcutta 1959) 9000100700058 (Symp. on Low Energy Nuclear Physics. Calcutta, 19-21 9000100700059 Feb. 1959) 9000100700060 59LONDON (Conf.Nucl.Forces and Few-Nucleon Probl.,London 1959) 9000100700061 (Proceedings of the Int'l Conf.on Nucl.Forces and the 9000100700062 Few-Nucleon Problem. London 1959) 9000100700063 published in 1960. 9000100700064 59TASHKENT (Peaceful Uses of At. En. Conf., Tashkent 1959) 9000100700065 (Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Tashkent,9000100700066 USSR, 28 Sep - 3 Oct 1959) 9000100700067 59VIENNA (Panel on Heavy Water Lattices, Vienna 1959) 9000100700068 (IAEA Panel on Heavy Water Lattices, Vienna, Sep 1959) 9000100700069 =Published by IAEA, Vienna, as STI/PUB/17(1960). 9000100700070 60BASEL (Conf.on Polariz.Phenom.in Nucl.React.,Basel 1960) 9000100700071 (Conf. of the Swiss Phys.Soc. on Polarization Phenomena9000100700072 in Nucl.Reactions, Basel, 4-8 July 1960) 9000100700073 Published as suppl. to Helv.Phys.Acta vol.33, 1960 9000100700074 60KINGSTON (Nuclear Structure Conf., Kingston 1960) 9000100700075 (United Nations Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Kingston, 9000100700076 Canada, 29 Aug - 3 Sep 1960) 9000100700077 60LONDON (Conf.Nucl.Forces and Few-Nucleon Probl.,London 1959) 9000100700078O (Proceedings of the Int'l Conf.on Nucl.Forces and the 9000100700079O Few-Nucleon Problem, London 1959) 9000100700080O Published in 1960. 9000100700081O *** Use 59LONDON 9000100700082O 60MOSCOW (Low and Medium Energy Nucl.Reactons, Moscow 1960) 9000100700083 (2nd All-Union Conference on Low and Medium Energy 9000100700084 Nuclear Reactions, Moscow, USSR, 21-28 July 1960) 9000100700085 60SVIENNA (Radiation Dosimetry Symp., Vienna, 1960) 9000100700086 (Symp. on Selected Topics in Radiation Dosimetry, 9000100700087 Vienna, Jun 1960) 9000100700088 Published by IAEA as STI/PUB/25. 9000100700089 60VIENNA (Pile Neutron Research Symp., Vienna 1960) 9000100700090 (IAEA Symp. on Pile Neutron Research in Physics, 9000100700091 Vienna, 17-21 Oct 1960) 9000100700092 60WALTAIR (Low Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Waltair 1960) 9000100700093 (Symp. on Low Energy Nuclear Physics, Waltair, India, 9000100700094 24-26 Feb 1960) 9000100700095 60WIEN (Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Vienna 1960) 9000100700096 (IAEA Symp. on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in 9000100700097 Solids and Liquids, Vienna, 11-14 Oct 1960) 9000100700098 61BOMBAY (Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay 1961) 9000100700099 (Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, Feb 1961) 9000100700100 61BRUSSELS (Neutron Time-of-Flight Colloquium, Brussels 1961) 9000100700101 (Colloquium on Neutron Time-of-Flight Methods, Brussels9000100700102 1961) 9000100700103 ===Note: Existence of this reference in CINDA could not9000100700104 be verified. 9000100700105 61BUCHAR (Research Reactors Conf., Bucuresti,1961) 9000100700106 (International Conf. on Physics and Technique of 9000100700107 Research Reactors, Bucuresti, Romania, 10-17 Nov. 9000100700108 1961) 9000100700109 Proceedings published as Supplement to Revue de 9000100700110 Physique Vol.6 (1961) 9000100700111 61DUBNA (Slow Neutron Physics Conf., Dubna 1961) 9000100700112 (Conf. on Slow Neutron Physics, Dubna, USSR, 7-12 Dec 9000100700113 1961) 9000100700114 61MANCH (Rutherford Conf., Manchester 1961) 9000100700115 (Rutherford Jubilee International Conf., Manchester, 9000100700116 England, 4-8 Sep 1961) 9000100700117 61RPI (Neutron Physics Symp., Rensselaer Polytech 1961) 9000100700118 (Symp. on Neutron Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic 9000100700119 Institute, Troy, NY, May 1961) 9000100700120 Edited by M.L.Yeater as -Neutron Physics-. 9000100700121 61SACLAY (Time of Flight Methods Conf., Saclay 1961) 9000100700122 (EANDC Conf. on Time of Flight Methods, Saclay, France,9000100700123 24-27 Jul 1961) 9000100700124 61VIENNA (Reactor Physics Sem., Vienna 1961) 9000100700125 (IAEA Seminar on the Physics of Fast and Intermediate 9000100700126 Reactors, Vienna, Austria, 3-11 Aug 1961) 9000100700127 Proceedings publ as STI/PUB/49 by IAEA. 9000100700128 61WIEN (Programming and Utiliz.of Res.Reactors Symp.Wien,1961)9000100700129 (IAEA Symp. on the Programming and Utilization of 9000100700130 Research Reactors, Vienna, Oct. 1961) 9000100700131 Published 1962. 9000100700132 62BNL (Neutron Thermalization Conf., Brookhaven 1962) 9000100700133O (Conf. on Neutron Thermalization, Brookhaven, 30 Apr - 9000100700134O 2 May 1962) 9000100700135O *** Published as BNL-719. 9000100700136O 62CHALKR (Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Chalk River 1962) 9000100700137 (Symp. on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Liquids 9000100700138 and Solids, Chalk River, Canada, 10-14 Sep 1962) 9000100700139 62HARWELL (Neutron Dosimetry Symp., Harwell 1962) 9000100700140 (Symp. on Neutron Dosimetry. Harwell, UK, Dec 1962) 9000100700141 =Published by IAEA in Vienna, May 1963. 9000100700142 62LOSANG (Radiation Effects Symp., Los Angeles 1962) 9000100700143 (ASTM Symp. on Radiation Effects on Metals and Neutron 9000100700144 Dosimetry, Los Angeles, CA, 2-3 Oct 1962) 9000100700145 American Society For Testing and Materials. 9000100700146 ASTM Special Technical Publ. Nr.341, Baltimore, 1963. 9000100700147 62MADRAS (Nuclear Physics Symp., Madras 1962) 9000100700148 (Nuclear Physics Symp., Madras, India, 28 Feb - 2 Mar 9000100700149 1962) 9000100700150 62MEXICO (Peaceful Appl.of Nucl.En.Symp., Mexico City 1962) 9000100700151 (4th Inter-American Symp. on the Peaceful Applications 9000100700152 of Nuclear Energy, Mexico City, Mexico, 9-13 Apr 1962)9000100700153 62PADUA (Nucl. Reaction Mechanisms Conf., Padua 1962) 9000100700154 (Conf. on Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction 9000100700155 Mechanisms, Padua, Italy, 3-8 Sept 1962) 9000100700156 62TRIESTE (Theoretical Physics Lectures, Trieste 1962) 9000100700157 (Lectures on Theoretical Physics. Trieste, Italy, Aug 9000100700158 1962) 9000100700159 Published by IAEA in Vienna, 1963. 9000100700160 62WIEN (Light Water Lattices Panel, Vienna 1962) 9000100700161 (Panel on Light Water Lattices. Vienna, Austria, May- 9000100700162 Jun 1962) 9000100700163 Published by IAEA in Vienna Nov 1962. 9000100700164 63ADAM (Expon. and Critical Expts.Symp., Amsterdam 1963) 9000100700165 (Symp. on Exponential and Critical Experiments. 9000100700166 Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2-3 Sep 1963) 9000100700167 Published by IAEA in Vienna 1964. 9000100700168 63ANL (Nucl.Physics with Reactor Neutrons Conf.,Argonne 1963)9000100700169O (International Conf. on Nuclear Physics with Reactor 9000100700170O Neutrons, Argonne, 15-17 Oct 1963) 9000100700171O *** Published as ANL-6797. 9000100700172O 63BOMBAY (Nucl.and Sol.State Physics Symp., Bombay 1963) 9000100700173 (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, 9000100700174 Bombay, India, 27 Feb - 2 Mar 1963) 9000100700175 63GATLNB (Conf.on Compound Nuclear States,Gatlinburg 1963) 9000100700176 (Topical Conf. on Compound Nuclear States, Gatlinburg, 9000100700177 TN, 10-12 Oct. 1963) 9000100700178 Sponsored by American Physical Society 9000100700179 63HOUSTON (Fast Neutron Physics Conf., Houston 1963) 9000100700180 (International Conf. on Fast Neutron Physics, Rice 9000100700181 University, Houston, Texas, 26-28 Feb 1963) 9000100700182 Proceedings published as 'Progress in Fast Neutron 9000100700183 Physics' by Univ.of Chicago Press, 1963 9000100700184 63KRLSRH (Neutron Physics Conf., Karlsruhe 1963) 9000100700185 (Neutron Physics Conf., Karlsruhe, Germany, 8-10 Oct 9000100700186 1963) 9000100700187 63MANCHST (Nuclear Physics Conf., Manchester 1963) 9000100700188 (Conf. on Low and Medium Energy Nuclear Physics, 9000100700189 Manchester, U.K., Sep 1963) 9000100700190 63OXFORD (Neutron Flux Detection Symp., Oxford 1963) 9000100700191O (AWRE Symp. on Absolute Neutron Flux Detection from 9000100700192O 1-100 keV, Oxford, U.K., Sep 1963) 9000100700193O *** Published as EANDC-33U 9000100700194O 63SPAULO (Research Reactor Utilisation Symp., Sao Paulo 1963) 9000100700195 (Symp. on Utilisation of Research Reactors, Sao Paulo, 9000100700196 Brazil, 4-8 Nov 1963) 9000100700197 64ATHENS (Crystal Diffraction of Nucl.Gamma Rays, Athens,1964) 9000100700198 (Symp. on Crystal Diffraction of Nuclear Gamma Rays, 9000100700199 Athens, Greece, 15-17 Jun 1964) 9000100700200 Edited by F.Boehm. 9000100700201 Published as TID-7705 = CONF-614 9000100700202 64BOMBAY (Neutron Inelastic Scatt.Symp., Bombay 1964) 9000100700203 (IAEA Symp. on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in 9000100700204 Solids and Liquids, Bombay, India, 15-19 Dec 1964) 9000100700205 64CHANDGRH (Nuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Chandigarh 1964) 9000100700206 (Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700207 Chandigarh, India, 24-28 Feb 1964) 9000100700208 64DUBNA (Neutron Interactions Conf., Dubna 1964) 9000100700209O (Conf. on Interactions of Neutrons With Nuclei, Dubna, 9000100700210O USSR, Jun 1964) 9000100700211O *** Published as JINR-1845 9000100700212O 64GENEVA (Third Internat. At.En. Conf., Geneva 1964) 9000100700213 (Third U.N. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic nergy,9000100700214 Geneva, 31 Aug - 9 Sep 1964) 9000100700215 64PARIS (Nuclear Physics Congress, Paris 1964) 9000100700216 (Congres International de Physique Nucleaire, Paris, 9000100700217 2-8 Jul 1964) 9000100700218 === Vol. number must be coded to identify each article.9000100700219 64VIENNA (Plutonium for Power Production Panel, Vienna, 1964) 9000100700220 (Panel on Use of Plutonium for Power Production, 9000100700221 Vienna, 7-11 Dec. 1964) 9000100700222 Published by IAEA as STI/DOC/10/49. 9000100700223 64WIEN (In-Pile Dosimetry Panel, Vienna, 1964) 9000100700224 (Panel on In-Pile Dosimetry, Vienna, July 1964) 9000100700225 Published by IAEA as STI/DOC/10/46. 9000100700226 65ANTWERP (Nuclear Structure Study with Neutrons, Antwerp 1965) 9000100700227 (International Confeference on the Study of Nuclear 9000100700228 Structure with Neutrons, Antwerp, Belgium, 19-23 Jul 9000100700229 1965) 9000100700230 =Proceedings give (1) papers by invisted speakers, 9000100700231 =(2) session summaries by rapporteurs, and 9000100700232 =(3) final abstracts of all papers (p491-p576). 9000100700233 =See EANDC-50-S for full papers. 9000100700234 =See EANDC-44 for collection of preliminary abstracts. 9000100700235 65CALCUTTA (Nuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Calcutta 1965) 9000100700236 (Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700237 Calcutta, India, 8-13 Feb 1965) 9000100700238 2 Volumes: 9000100700239 Vol.1 = Solid State Physics, 8-9 Feb 9000100700240 Vol.2 = Nuclear Physics, 11-13 Feb 9000100700241 ===Note: The Volume number is not printed on the cover9000100700242 but must be given by the compiler to distinguish 9000100700243 the volumes. 9000100700244 65IAEA (Accident Dosimetry Symp., Vienna 1965) 9000100700245 (IAEA Symp. on Personnel Dosimetry for Radiation 9000100700246 Accidents, Vienna, 8-12 Mar 1965) 9000100700247 65KFK (Polarization Symp., Karlsruhe 1965) 9000100700248 (International Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in 9000100700249 Nuclei, Karlsruhe, 6-10 Sep 1965) 9000100700250 65KRLSRH (Pulsed Neutron Symp., Karlsruhe 1965) 9000100700251 (IAEA Symp. on Pulsed Neutron Research, Karlsruhe, 9000100700252 10-14 May 1965) 9000100700253 Preprint Code = SM-62/... 9000100700254 Proceedings publ.by IAEA, Vienna, Aug.1965 as 9000100700255 STI/PUB/104. 9000100700256 65SALZBURG (Physics and Chemistry of Fission Conf., Salzburg 1965)9000100700257 (IAEA Conf. on the Physics and Chemistry of Fission 9000100700258 Salzburg, Austria, 22-26 Mar 1965) 9000100700259 Preprint Code = SM-60/... 9000100700260 =Proceedings published by 9000100700261 =IAEA, Vienna, July 1965 as STI/PUB/101. 9000100700262 66ANL (Fast Critical Experiments Conf., Argonne 1966) 9000100700263O (International Conf. on Fast Critical Experiments and 9000100700264O Their Analysis, Argonne, IL, 10-13 Oct 1966) 9000100700265O *** Published as ANL-7320. 9000100700266O 66ARGONNE (Capture-Gamma Spectroscopy Conf, Argonne, 1966) 9000100700267O (Conf. on Slow Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, 9000100700268O Argonne National Lab, 2-4 Nov 1966) 9000100700269O *** To be entered as ANL-7282 (Nov 1968) 9000100700270O 66BERKELEY (Radiation Measurements Conf., Berkeley 1966) 9000100700271 (CEGB Conf. on Radiation Measurements in Nuclear Power,9000100700272 Berkeley, UK, 12-16 Sept 1966) 9000100700273 66BOMBAY (Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1966) 9000100700274 (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, 9000100700275 Bombay, India, 21-25 Feb 1966) 9000100700276 66DUBNA (Nuclear Pulsed Systems Panel, Dubna 1966) 9000100700277 (Panel on Research and Applications of Nuclear Pulsed 9000100700278 Systems, Dubna, USSR, July 1966) 9000100700279 Published by IAEA in Vienna, July 1967. 9000100700280 66GATLNBG (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Physics, Gatlinburg, 1966) 9000100700281 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Gatlinburg, TN, 12-17 9000100700282 Sep. 1966) 9000100700283 66LYON (Light Nuclei Colloquium, Lyon, 1966) 9000100700284 (Light Nuclei Colloquium, Lyon, France, 26-28 Jan.1966)9000100700285 Colloque sur les Noyaux Legers 9000100700286 66MOSCOW (Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1966) 9000100700287 (Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Moscow, USSR, 1966) 9000100700288 Partly published in Izvest. Vols. 30-31. 9000100700289 66OXFORD (Conf.on Nucl.Struct.and Elem.Part.,Oxford 1966) 9000100700290 (Conf.on Nuclear Structure and Elementary Particles, 9000100700291 Oxford, 30 Mar - 1 Apr 1966) 9000100700292 66PARIS (Nuclear Data For Reactors Conf., Paris 1966) 9000100700293 (IAEA Conf. on Nuclear Data for Reactors, Paris, 9000100700294 France, 17 - 21 Oct 1966) 9000100700295 Published by IAEA in Vienna, 1967, as STI/PUB/140. 9000100700296 66ROME (Measurements in Power Reactors Sem., Rome 1966) 9000100700297 (ENEA Seminar on Physics Measurements in Operating 9000100700298 Power Reactors, Rome, Italy, 9-13 May 1966) 9000100700299 66ROSSDF (Nucl. Reactions and Structure Conf., Rossendorf 1966) 9000100700300O (Conf. on Nuclear Reactions with Light Nuclei and 9000100700301O Nuclear Structure, Rossendorf, Germany, 10-15 Jan 9000100700302O 1966) 9000100700303O *** Published as ZFK-122. 9000100700304O 66SDIEGO (Reactor Physics Conf., San Diego 1966) 9000100700305 (ANS Conf. on Reactor Physics in the Resonance and 9000100700306 Thermal Region, San Diego, CA, 7-9 Feb 1966) 9000100700307 66TRIESTE (Fundamentals in Nuclear Theory Lectures, Trieste 1966)9000100700308 (Lectures on Fundamentals in Nuclear Theory, Trieste, 9000100700309 Italy, Oct-Dec 1966) 9000100700310 Published by IAEA in Vienna, Aug 1967. 9000100700311 66VIENNA (Symp.on Standardization of Radionuclides,Vienna 1966) 9000100700312 (Symp. on Standardization of Radionuclides, Vienna, 9000100700313 10-14 Oct.1966) 9000100700314 Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, 1967. 9000100700315 66WASH (Neutron Cross-Section Techn. Conf., Washington 1966) 9000100700316 (Conf. on Neutron Cross-Section and Technology, 9000100700317 Washington, D.C., 22-24 Mar 1966) 9000100700318 Published as AEC Report CONF-660303. 9000100700319 67ANNARB (Neutron Thermalization Symp. Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967) 9000100700320 (IAEA Symp. on Neutron Thermalization and Reactor 9000100700321 Spectra, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 17-21 July 1967) 9000100700322 Proceedings published in 2 Vols. by IAEA, Vienna, 19689000100700323 as STI/PUB/160. Preprint-Code = SM-96/.. 9000100700324 67BORDEAUX (Nuclear Physics Colloquium, Bordeaux 1967) 9000100700325 (Colloque de Physique Nucleaire Noyaux Moyens et Noyaux9000100700326 Lourds, French Physical Society, Bordeaux, France, 9000100700327 22-24 Mar 1967) 9000100700328 67BRELA (Light Nuclei Symp., Brela 1967) 9000100700329 (Symp. on Light Nuclei, Few Body Problems and Nuclear 9000100700330 Forces, Brela, Yugoslavia, 26 Jun - 5 Jul 1967) 9000100700331 67BRUSSELS (Symp.on Plutonium as a Reactor Fuel, Brussels 1967) 9000100700332 (Symp. on Plutonium as a Reactor Fuel, Brussels, 9000100700333 Belgium, 13-17 Mar 1967) 9000100700334 Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, Sep 67. 9000100700335 67BRXL (Neutron Cross-Sections Standards Panel, Brussels 1967)9000100700336O (IAEA Panel on Nuclear Standards Needed for Neutron 9000100700337O Cross-Section Measurements, Brussels, Belgium, 8-12 9000100700338O May 1967) 9000100700339O Published in Vienna as IAEA-107. 9000100700340O *** Use IAEA-107 9000100700341O 67COLLEG (Nucl.Phys.Res. w.Low Energy Accel., U.Maryland 1967) 9000100700342 (Conf. on Nuclear Physics Research with Low Energy 9000100700343 Accelerators, Univ.Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, 9000100700344 June 1967) 9000100700345 67GNSVLLE (Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction Conf., Gainsville 1967) 9000100700346 (Conf. on Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, Gainsville, 9000100700347 Florida, 23-25 Mar 1967) 9000100700348 =Published in Rev. Mod. Phys. 39 (3), July 1967. 9000100700349 67JUELICH (Neutron Physics at Reactors Conf., Juelich 1967) 9000100700350 (Neutron Physics at Research Reactors, Juelich,Germany,9000100700351 25-28 Apr 1967) 9000100700352 67KANPUR (Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Kanpur 1967) 9000100700353O (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, 9000100700354O Kanpur, India, 28 Feb - 3 Mar 1967) 9000100700355O *** Use INDC(IND)-3 9000100700356O 67KARLSR (Symp.on Fast Reactor Physics,Karlsruhe 1967) 9000100700357 (IAEA Symp. on Fast Reactor Physics and Related Safety 9000100700358 Problems, Karlsruhe, 30 Oct- 3 Nov 1967) 9000100700359 Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, as STI/PUB/165 9000100700360 in 2 Volumes. 9000100700361 Preprint Code SM-101/.. 9000100700362 67KHARKOV (Nucl. Spectroscopy and Structure Conf., Kharkov 1967) 9000100700363 (Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, 9000100700364 Kharkov, USSR, Jan-Feb 1967) 9000100700365 67KRAKOW (Nuclear Spectroscopy Sem., Krakow 1967) 9000100700366 (Seminar on Nucl. Spectroscopy, Krakow, Poland, May 9000100700367 1967) 9000100700368 Program and Abstracts published as INP-543 9000100700369 67LUBLIN (Polish Physics Congress, Lublin 1967) 9000100700370 (20th Polish Physics Congress, Lublin, Poland, 1967) 9000100700371 67MARYLD (Symp.on Nucl.Phys.Res.w.Low En.Accel., Maryland 1967) 9000100700372 (Symp. on Nuclear Physics Research with Low Energy 9000100700373 Accelerators, College Park, Maryland, June 1967) 9000100700374 Proceed.ed.by Jerry B.Marion and Douglas M.Van Patter 9000100700375 67MCHG (Neutron Thermalization Symp. Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967) 9000100700376O ***Code has been changed to 67ANNARB 9000100700377O 67ROS (Second Nucl.Reactions+Structure Conf.Rossendorf 1967) 9000100700378O (Second Conf. on Nuclear Reactions with Light Nuclei 9000100700379O and Nuclear Structure, Rossendorf, Germany, 16-21 Oct 9000100700380O 1967) 9000100700381O Proceedings published as ZFK-130, Dec 1967. 9000100700382O *** Use ZFK-130 9000100700383O 67SCHFFHSN (Swiss Physical Soc. Meeting, Schaffhausen 1967) 9000100700384 (Swiss Physical Society, Autumn Meeting, Schaffhausen, 9000100700385 Switzerland, 29 Sep - 1 Oct 1967) 9000100700386 67TOKAI (Utilization of Research Reactors Meeting,Tokai,1967) 9000100700387 (IAEA Meeting on Utilization of Research Reactors, 9000100700388 Tokai, Japan, Oct 1967) 9000100700389 67TOKYO (Nuclear Structure Conf., Tokyo 1967) 9000100700390 (International Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, 9000100700391 Japan, 7-13 Sept 1967) 9000100700392 Published as a supplement to JPJ/S Vol.24, 1968 9000100700393 ***To be coded as 67TOKYO, not as JPJ/S 9000100700394 67VIENNA (Panel on Delayed Fission Neutrons, Vienna 1967) 9000100700395 (Panel on Delayed Fission Neutrons, Vienna, 24-27 Apr 9000100700396 1967) 9000100700397 Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, Jun 1968. 9000100700398 67WIEN (Panel on Fuel Burn-Up Predictions,Vienna 1967) 9000100700399 (Panel on Fuel Burn-Up Predictions in Thermal Reactors,9000100700400 Vienna, 10-14 Apr 1967) 9000100700401 Proceedings published by IAEA Jan. 1968. 9000100700402 68BOMBAY (Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1968) 9000100700403 (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, 9000100700404 Bombay, India, 28-31 Dec 1968) 9000100700405 Note= Earlier code used was 68PNS 9000100700406 68COPENHGN (Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Copenhagen 1968) 9000100700407 (Symp. on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Copenhagen, 9000100700408 Denmark, 20-25 May 1968) 9000100700409 68DEBRECEN (Electron Capture in Nucl. Decays Conf.,Debrecen,1968) 9000100700410 (Conf. on Electron Capture and Higher Order Processes 9000100700411 in Nuclear Decays, Debrecen, Hungary, Jul 1968) 9000100700412 68DUBNA (Nuclear Data for Computations Sem., Dubna 1968) 9000100700413 (UK-USSR Seminar on Nuclear Data for Reactor 9000100700414 Computations, Dubna, USSR, Jun 1968) 9000100700415 68DUBPA (Nuclear Structure Studies Panel, Dubna 1968) 9000100700416O *** Use 68JINR 9000100700417O 68DUBSY (Symp.on Nuclear Structure, Dubna, USSR, 4-11 Jul 1968)9000100700418 (Symp. on Nuclear Structure, Dubna, USSR, 4-11 Jul 9000100700419 1968) 9000100700420 Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, Dec. 1968, and 9000100700421 as JINR-D-3893. 9000100700422 68JINR (Nuclear Structure Studies Panel, Dubna 1968) 9000100700423 (IAEA Panel on the Future of Nuclear Structure Studies,9000100700424 Dubna, USSR, 1-3 Jul 1968) 9000100700425 Published by IAEA, Vienna, July 1969 as STI/PUB/200. 9000100700426 68MADRAS (Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Madras 1968) 9000100700427 (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, 9000100700428 Madras, India, 27 Feb - 1 Mar 1968) 9000100700429 Vol.1 = Nuclear Physics 9000100700430 Vol.2 = Solid State Physics 9000100700431 Note: The volume number is not printed on the cover 9000100700432 but must be given by the compiler to distinguish the 9000100700433 volumes. 9000100700434 68RIGA (Nucl. Spectroscopy and Structure Conf., Riga 1968) 9000100700435 (18th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700436 Structure, Riga, USSR, Jan-Feb 1968) 9000100700437 68WASH (Nuclear Cross-Sections Techn. Conf., Washington 1968) 9000100700438 (2nd Conf. on Nuclear Cross-Sections and Technology 9000100700439 Washington, D.C., 4-7 Mar 1968) 9000100700440 Published as NBS Special Publication 299 9000100700441 69BIRMIN (1st Conf.2 Body Prob.Nucl.Part.Phys., Birmingham 1969)9000100700442 (First International Conference on the Three Body 9000100700443 Problem in Nuclear and Particle Physics, Birmingham, 9000100700444 9-10 July 1969) 9000100700445 =Published by North Holland in 1970. 9000100700446 69BOCHUM (Clustering Phenomena Conf., Bochum,Germany,1969) 9000100700447 (International Conf. on Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei,9000100700448 Bochum, Germany, 21-24 Jul 1969) 9000100700449 Published by IAEA as STI/PUB/232, Nov.1969 9000100700450 69CHAND (Chemistry Symp., Chandigarh 1969) 9000100700451 (Proceedings of the Chemistry Symp., Chandigarh, India,9000100700452 23-26 Sep 1969) 9000100700453 2 volumes. Government of India, 9000100700454 Department of Atomic Energy 9000100700455 69EREVAN (Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Erevan 1969) 9000100700456 (19th Annual Conf. on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700457 Structure Erevan, USSR, 27 Jan-4 Feb 1969) 9000100700458 Some papers published in Izvest. 33 Nr.4 - 34 Nr.1. 9000100700459 69HOUSTON (Welch Found.Conf.on Chem.Res.,Houston,1969,Vol.13) 9000100700460 (R.A.Welch Foundation Conf. on Chemical Research, 9000100700461 Houston, Texas, 17-19 Nov 1969) 9000100700462 Vol.13 of Proceedings 9000100700463 69KINSHASA (Peaceful Uses of At.Energy in Africa,Kinshasa,1969) 9000100700464 (Symp. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Africa,9000100700465 Kinshasa, Congo, 28 Jul - 1 Aug 1969) 9000100700466 Organised by OAU, IAEA and Congo AEC. Published by 9000100700467 IAEA as STI/PUB/233. 9000100700468 69LONDON (Physics of Fast Reac.Oper.+ Design,Conf.,London 1969) 9000100700469 (International Conf. on Physics of Fast Reactor 9000100700470 Operation and Design, London, U.K., 24-26 Jun 1969) 9000100700471 69MONTRL (Conf.on Properties of Nuclear States,Montreal,1969) 9000100700472 (Int. Conf. on Properties of Nuclear States, Montreal, 9000100700473 Canada, 25-30 Aug 1969) 9000100700474 69RIO (Nuclear Physics Symp., Rio de Janeiro 1969) 9000100700475 (Nuclear Physics Symp., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jan 9000100700476 1969) 9000100700477 69ROORKEE (Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Roorkee 1969) 9000100700478 (Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp.,Roorkee,9000100700479 India, 28-31 Dec 1969) 9000100700480 3 volumes: 9000100700481 Vol.1 = Invited Talks, Vol.2 = Nuclear Physics, 9000100700482 Vol.3 = Solid State Physics 9000100700483 69STUDSVIK (Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy,Studsvik,1969) 9000100700484 (International Symp. on Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray 9000100700485 Spectroscopy, Studsvik, Sweden, 11-15 Aug 1969) 9000100700486 Published by IAEA as STI/PUB/235. 9000100700487 69TRIESTE (Trieste Lectures 1969) 9000100700488 (Lectures on Theory of Nuclear Structure, International9000100700489 Course, Trieste, Italy, 7 Jan - 31 Mar 1969) 9000100700490 Proceedings published as STI/PUB/249 by IAEA, Vienna, 9000100700491 July 1970. Preprint-Code = IAEA-SMR 6/... 9000100700492 69VIENNA (Physics and Chemistry of Fission Symp., Vienna 1969) 9000100700493 (Second IAEA Symp. on the Physics and Chemistry of 9000100700494 Fission, Vienna, 28 Jul - 1 Aug 1969) 9000100700495 Preprint-Code SM-122/----. 9000100700496 =Proceedings published by IAEA as STI/PUB/234. 9000100700497 69WIEN (Instrumentation for Neut.Inelast.Scat.Res.,Vienna1969)9000100700498 (IAEA Panel on Instrumentation for Neutron Inelastic 9000100700499 Scattering Research, Vienna, 1-5 Dec 1969) 9000100700500 Published in October 1970 as STI/PUB/275. 9000100700501 70ANL (Neutron Standards Symp., Argonne 1970) 9000100700502 (EANDC Symp. on Neutron Standards and Flux 9000100700503 Normalization, Argonne Nat'l Lab., 21-23 Oct 1970) 9000100700504 Published by USAEC-DTIE in August 1971 as AEC 9000100700505 Symposium Series 23 (CONF-701002). 9000100700506 70BARCEL (7.Int.Conf.on Corpuscular Photography, Barcelona 1970)9000100700507 (7th Coll. International de Photographie Corpusculaire 9000100700508 et des Detecteurs Visuels Solides, Barcelona, Spain, 9000100700509 7-11 Jul 1970) 9000100700510 Proceedings published in 2 Volumes by 9000100700511 P.Cuer and R.Schmitt, Laboratoire de Physique 9000100700512 Corpusculaire, Strasbourg, France. 9000100700513 =Also known as CONF-700705. 9000100700514 70CHICAGO (APS Meeting Chicago 1970) 9000100700515O (Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Symp.9000100700516O of the Division of Nuclear Physics, Chicago, 26-29 Jan9000100700517O 1970) 9000100700518O *** See Bulletin of American Physics Society 9000100700519O 70HELSINKI (Nuclear Data for Reactors Conf., Helsinki 1970) 9000100700520 (Second IAEA Conf. on Nuclear Data for Reactors, 9000100700521 Helsinki, Finland, 15-19 Jun 1970) 9000100700522 =Proceedings published as STI/PUB/259 by IAEA, 1970. 9000100700523 Preprint-Code CN-26/---- 9000100700524 70HOUSTON (159th American Chem.Soc.National Meeting,Houston 1970)9000100700525 (159th American Chemical Society National Meeting, 9000100700526 Houston, Texas, 22-27 Feb 1970) 9000100700527 70LENING (Nucl.Spectroscopy Conf.,Leningrad 1970) 9000100700528 (20th Annual Conf. on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700529 Structure Leningrad, USSR, 28 Jan-5 Feb 1970) 9000100700530 Short articles published in two volumes. 9000100700531 Some papers published in Izvest. 34 Nr.4 - 35 Nr.1 9000100700532 70LVEG (ANS Nucl.Expl.Symp.,Las Vegas 1970) 9000100700533 (ANS Symp. on Engineering with Nuclear Explosives, Las 9000100700534 Vegas, Nevada, 14-16 Jan 1970) 9000100700535 2 Volumes. 9000100700536 70MADISON (Polarization Phenomena Conf., Madison 1970) 9000100700537 (International Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in 9000100700538 Nuclear Reactions, Madison, Wisconsin, 31 Aug - 4 Sep 9000100700539 1970) 9000100700540 70MADRAS (Chemistry Symp., ITT, Madras 1970) 9000100700541 (Chemistry Symp., ITT, Madras, 25-28 Nov 1970) 9000100700542 Vol.1= Phys.Chem.Methods in Structural Inorg.Chem. 9000100700543 Vol.2= Radiation Technology and Applied Nuclear Chem. 9000100700544 70MADURAI (Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Madurai 1970) 9000100700545 (Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700546 Madurai, India, 27-30 Dec 1970) 9000100700547 =Vol.1 = Invited Talks, Vol.2 = Nuclear Physics, 9000100700548 =Vol.3 = Solid State Physics 9000100700549 70MARBG (7.Int.Conf.on Electrom.Isotope Separatn, Marburg 1970)9000100700550 (7th International Conf. on Electromagnetic Isotope 9000100700551 Separators and the Techniques of their Applications, 9000100700552 Marburg, Germany, 7-10 Sep 1970) 9000100700553 70PARIS (Reactor Shielding Specialist Meeting, Paris, 1970) 9000100700554 (Joint ENEA/IAEA Specialist Meeting on the Physics 9000100700555 Problems of Reactor Shielding, Paris, 8-10 Dec 1970) 9000100700556 Report published by OECD/ENEA, 1971. Includes papers 9000100700557 from the EACRP meeting in Richland, Wash, Jul 1970. 9000100700558 70SFE (Plutonium 1970 Symp. Santa Fe 1970) 9000100700559 (Symp. on Plutonium '1970' and Other Actinides, Santa 9000100700560 Fe, New Mexico, USA, Oct 1970) 9000100700561 71ALBANY (Conf.on Statistical Properties of Nuclei,Albany,1971) 9000100700562 (Int.Conf.on Statistical Properties of Nuclei, Albany, 9000100700563 23-27 Aug 1971) 9000100700564 Published by Plenum Press, N.Y., 1972. 9000100700565 71BUDAPEST (Symp.on The Nuclear 3-Body Problem, Budapest 1971) 9000100700566O *** proceedings publ in AHP 33(2) 4/73 9000100700567O 71CANT (Chemical Nucl. Data Conf.,Canterbury 1971) 9000100700568 (Conf. on Chemical Nuclear Data, Measurements and 9000100700569 Applications, Univ.of Kent at Canterbury, U.K., 20-22 9000100700570 Sep 1971) 9000100700571 71KIEV (Neutron Physics Conf., Kiev 1971) 9000100700572 (Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 24-28 May 1971) 9000100700573 =Proceedings published as 'Nejtronnaja Fizika' in 9000100700574 =two volumes, Kiev 1972. 9000100700575 71KNOX (3rd Conf.Neutron Cross-Sections+Tech.,Knoxville 1971) 9000100700576 (3rd Conf. on Neutron Cross Sections and Technology, 9000100700577 Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, 15-17 Mar 1971) 9000100700578 Proceedings publ as CONF-710301 in 2 volumes 9000100700579 71MOCKBA (Neutron Metrology Conf, Moscow 1971) 9000100700580 (Conf. on Metrology of Neutron Radiation at Reactors 9000100700581 and Accelerators, Moscow, USSR, 18-22 Oct 1971) 9000100700582 71MOSCOW (Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1971) 9000100700583 (22nd Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700584 Structure, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1971) 9000100700585 Short articles published in two volumes. 9000100700586 Some papers published in Izvest. 9000100700587 71VIENNA (Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra Meeting, Vienna 1971) 9000100700588 (IAEA Consultants' Meeting on Prompt Fission Neutron 9000100700589 Spectra, Vienna, Austria, 25-27 Aug 1971) 9000100700590 Published as STI/PUB/329 by IAEA, 1972 9000100700591 72ALUSHTA (Nucl.Structure Lectures, Alushta 1972) 9000100700592O (International School on Nuclear Structure, Alushta, 9000100700593O 13-28 Apr 1972) 9000100700594O Organized by JINR Dubna. 9000100700595O Lectures publ. May 1972 as JINR-D-6465 9000100700596O *** Use JINR-D-6465 9000100700597O 72BOMBAY (14.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp, Bombay 1972) 9000100700598 (14th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700599 Bombay, India, 1-4 Feb 1972) 9000100700600 3 volumes: 9000100700601 Vol.14a = Invited Talks, Vol.14b = Nuclear Physics, 9000100700602 Vol.14c = Solid State Physics 9000100700603 72BUD (Nucl.Structure Conf.,Budapest 1972) 9000100700604 (Conf. on Nuclear Structure and Study with Neutrons, 9000100700605 Budapest, Hungary, 31 Jul - 5 Aug 1972) 9000100700606 72CHANDG (15.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp. Chandigarh 1972)9000100700607 (15th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700608 Chandigarh, India, 28 Dec 1972-1 Jan 1973) 9000100700609 Vol.1 (=Vol.15a) = Invited Papers 9000100700610 Vol.2 (=Vol.15b) = Nuclear Physics 9000100700611 Vol.3 (=Vol.15c) = Solid State Physics 9000100700612 72DENVER (18.Conf.on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat.,Denver 1972) 9000100700613 (18th Annual Conf. on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,9000100700614 Denver, Colorado, 28 Nov-1 Dec 1972) 9000100700615 American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 10 (1973) 9000100700616 72GRENOBLE (Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Grenoble 1972) 9000100700617 (IAEA Symp. on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Grenoble, 9000100700618 France, 6-10 Mar 1972) 9000100700619 Proceedings publ. by IAEA Vienna 1972 as STI/PUB/308. 9000100700620 Code of Preprints= IAEA-SM-155/... 9000100700621 72KIAMESHA (Conf.on Developm.in Reactor Phys.,Kiamesha Lake 1972) 9000100700622 (Conf. on New Developments in Reactor Physics and 9000100700623 Shielding, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., 12-15 Sep 1972) 9000100700624 Published as CONF-720901 in 2 volumes. 9000100700625 72KIEV (22. Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf, Kiev 1972) 9000100700626 (22nd Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700627 Structure, Kiev, USSR, 25-28 Jan 1972) 9000100700628 Short articles published in two volumes. 9000100700629 Some papers published in Izvest. 1972 No.4. 9000100700630 72LANZH (Conf.on Low Energy Nucl.Phys.,Lanzhou,1972) 9000100700631 72LOSANG (Conf. on Few-Particle Problems, Los Angeles 1972) 9000100700632 (International Conf. on Few-Particle Problems in 9000100700633 Nuclear Interaction, Los Angeles, Calif., 28 Aug - 1 9000100700634 Sep 1972) 9000100700635 Proceedings published 1972 by North-Holland, 9000100700636 Amsterdam, and Elsevier, New York. 9000100700637 72NEUHER (1.Symp.on Neutron Dosimetry,Munich-Neuherberg,May1972)9000100700638 (1st Symp. on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and 9000100700639 Medicine, Munich-Neuherberg, Germany, 15-19 May 1972) 9000100700640 72PARIS (4.Int.Reactor Shielding Conf., Paris 1972) 9000100700641 (4th International Conf. on Reactor Shielding, Paris, 9000100700642 France, 9-13 Oct 1972) 9000100700643 by ENEA, French AEC, and IAEA. 9000100700644 72PREDEAL (Summer School Nucl.Data and React.Phys.,Predeal 1972) 9000100700645 (Summer School on Nuclear Data and Reactor Physics, 9000100700646 Predeal, Romania, Sep 1972) 9000100700647 Proceedings by I.Purica, Bucurest. 9000100700648 72SENDAI (Conf.Nucl.Structure Studies, Sendai, Japan, 1972) 9000100700649 (Conf. on Nuclear Structure Studies Using Electron 9000100700650 Scattering and Photoreactions, Sendai, Japan, 1972) 9000100700651 72VIENNA (Panel on Neutron Standard Reference Data,Vienna,1972) 9000100700652 (IAEA Panel on Neutron Standard Reference Data, Vienna,9000100700653 Nov 1972) 9000100700654 Proceedings Vienna 1974 as STI/PUB/371. 9000100700655 73BANGLO (16.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bangalore,1973) 9000100700656 (16th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700657 Bangalore, India, 27-31 Dec 1973) 9000100700658 73BOLOGNA (IAEA Panel on Fission-Product Nuclear Data) 9000100700659O (IAEA Panel on Fission-Product Nuclear Data, Bologna, 9000100700660O Italy, 26-30 Nov 1973) 9000100700661O =Published as IAEA-169 (1974) in 3 vols. 9000100700662O 73BOSTON (19.Conf.on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat.,Boston 1973) 9000100700663 (19th Annual Conf. on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,9000100700664 Boston, Mass., 13 - 16 Nov 1973) 9000100700665 =American Inst. Phys. Conf. Proceedings 18, 1974. 9000100700666 73DUBNA (13. Nuclear Spectroscopy Symp., Dubna 1973) 9000100700667O (13th Symp. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Theory,9000100700668O Dubna, USSR, 19-23 Jun 1973) 9000100700669O Two-page summaries of papers publ.as JINR-7094 9000100700670O *** Use JINR-7094 9000100700671O 73GAUSSIG (3.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1973) 9000100700672O (3rd Int. Seminar on Interactions of Fast Neutrons with9000100700673O Nuclei, Gaussig, DDR, 5-9 Nov 1973) 9000100700674O ***Enter as ZFK-271, Feb.1974. 9000100700675O 73KARLSR (Capture Cross-Sections Panel, Karlsruhe 1973) 9000100700676O (Specialists' Panel on Capture Cross-Sections of the 9000100700677O Structural Materials Ni, Fe, Cr, Karlsruhe, Germany, 9000100700678O 8-9 May 1973) 9000100700679O *** Use KFK-2046 9000100700680O 73KIEV (2.Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1973) 9000100700681 (2nd National Soviet Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, 9000100700682 USSR, 28 May - 1 Jun 1973) 9000100700683 =Proc. in 4 vols by F.E.I., Obninsk (1974). 9000100700684 73MUNICH (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Physics,Munich 1973) 9000100700685 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Munich, Germany, 27 Aug9000100700686 - 1 Sep 1973) 9000100700687 Proc. in 2 Vols by North-Holland/Elsevier, 1973. 9000100700688 Vol.1 = Contributed Papers, Vol.2 = Invited Papers 9000100700689 73PACIFI (Int.Conf.on Photonucl.Reactions,Pacific Grove 1973) 9000100700690 (Int. Conf. on Photonuclear Reactions and Applications,9000100700691 Pacific Grove, Calif., 26-30 Mar 1973) 9000100700692 Published in 2 vols. as CONF-730301. 9000100700693 73PARIS (Applications of Nuclear Data Symp., Paris 1973) 9000100700694 (Symp. on Applications of Nuclear Data in Science and 9000100700695 Technology, Paris, France, 13-16 Mar 1973) 9000100700696 Proc. published by IAEA as STI/PUB/343 in 2 volumes. 9000100700697 Code of Preprints= IAEA-SM-170/... 9000100700698 73PETTEN (Nuclear Physics Symp., Petten 1973) 9000100700699 (Tripartite Symp. on Nuclear Physics with Thermal and 9000100700700 Resonance-Energy Neutrons, Petten, Netherlands, 22-25 9000100700701 May 1973) 9000100700702 73ROCH (3.Physics+Chemistry of Fission Symp., Rochester 1973) 9000100700703 (3rd IAEA Symp. on the Physics and Chemistry of 9000100700704 Fission, Rochester, N.Y., USA, 13-17 Aug 1973) 9000100700705 =Proc. published by IAEA as STI/PUB/347 in 2 vols, 9000100700706 =Vienna 1974. 9000100700707 73TBILISI (23. Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Tbilisi 1973) 9000100700708 (23rd Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700709 Structure, Tbilisi, USSR, Feb 1973) 9000100700710 73TOKAI (Meeting on Fast Reactor Physics, Tokai 1973) 9000100700711 (AESJ 1973 Topical Meeting on Fast Reactor Physics, 9000100700712 Tokai, Japan, 11-12 Jun 1973) 9000100700713 73TRIEST (Int.Extend.Sem.on Nucl.Physics,Trieste 1973) 9000100700714 (Heavy-Ion, High Spin States, and Nuclear Structure 9000100700715 International Extended Seminar on Nuclear Physics, 9000100700716 Trieste, 17 Sep - 21 Dec 1973) 9000100700717 74AMSTER (Conf.on Nucl.Struct.and Spectroscopy,Amsterdam 1974) 9000100700718 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Structure and Spectroscopy, 9000100700719 Amsterdam, 9-13 Sep 1974) 9000100700720 74BOMBAY (17.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bombay 1974) 9000100700721 (17th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700722 Bombay, India, 27-31 Dec 1974) 9000100700723 74CALCUT (Int.Symp.on Radiation Physics, Calcutta 1974) 9000100700724 (Int. Symp. on Radiation Physics, Calcutta, India, 30 9000100700725 Nov-4 Dec 1974) 9000100700726 =Proceed. published by Nat. Bureau 9000100700727 =of Standards, USA, as NBS-SP-461, Jan 1977. 9000100700728 74COLUMB (2.Conf.on Nucl.Meth.in Envir.Res.,Columbia 1974) 9000100700729 (2nd Int. Conf. on Nuclear Methods in Environmental 9000100700730 Research, Univ.of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, 29-31 9000100700731 Jul 1974) 9000100700732 Published as CONF-740701. 9000100700733 74DACCA (Physics Symp., Dhaka,18-21 Nov.1974) 9000100700734 (Physics Symp., Dhaka, Bangladesh, 18-21 Nov 1974) 9000100700735 Proceedings published in Nucl.Sci.Appl./B, Suppl.1, 9000100700736 Apr 1977) 9000100700737 74GAUSSIG (5.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1974) 9000100700738O (5th Seminar on Interactions of Fast Neutrons with 9000100700739O Nuclei, Gaussig, DDR, 18-22 Nov 1974) 9000100700740O See Wiss.Zeitschr. der Techn. Univ. Dresden 9000100700741O 24,(6), 1975 pp. 1351-1380. 9000100700742O ===Note: The WZD issue clearly says 'Fifth' but it 9000100700743O may actually be the 'fourth' int. seminar 9000100700744O *** enter 'WZD 24' 9000100700745O 74KHARKOV (24.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1974) 9000100700746O (24th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700747O Structure, Kharkov, USSR, 29 Jan -1 Feb 1974) 9000100700748O *** Some papers published in IZV Vol.38 Nr.4, 1974 9000100700749O 74KHARKV (24.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1974) 9000100700750 (24th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700751 Structure, Kharkov, USSR, 29 Jan -1 Feb 1974) 9000100700752 *** Some Papers published in IZV vol.38 Nr.4, 1974 9000100700753 74LOSANG (167th American Chem.Soc.Nat.Meeting,Los Angeles, 1974)9000100700754 (167th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Los 9000100700755 Angeles, California, 1-4 April 1974) 9000100700756 74NASH (Int.Conf.on React.Betw.Complex Nuclei,Nashville 1974) 9000100700757 (Int. Conf. on Reactions Between Complex Nuclei, 9000100700758 Nashville, Tennessee, 10-14 Jun 1974) 9000100700759 74PETTEN (2.Symp.on Neutr.Capt.Gamma Ray Spectrosc.,Petten 1974)9000100700760 (2nd Int. Symp. on Neutron Capture Gamma Ray 9000100700761 Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Petten, 2-6 Sep 1974)9000100700762 =ISBN:90 70120 01 1 9000100700763 Preprints of all papers received before Jun 20, 1974 9000100700764 exist, but the page numbers of the final proceedings 9000100700765 must be coded. 9000100700766 74SHANGH (Conf.on Nucl.Physics,Shanghai 1974) 9000100700767 74SMOLEN (Int.Symp.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1974) 9000100700768O (Int. Symp. on Neutron Induced Reactions, Smolenice, 9000100700769O 2-6 Sep 1974) 9000100700770O =Proceedings publ in ASL 25(2/3) 1975 9000100700771O 75CALCUTTA (18.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Calcutta,1975) 9000100700772 (18th Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Calcutta, 9000100700773 India, Dec 1975) 9000100700774 =Three books (18A, 18B and 18C) 9000100700775 75DEBREC (Symp.on Fast Neutr.Interactions,Debrecen 1975) 9000100700776O (Symp. on Fast Neutron Interactions and the Problems of9000100700777O High Current Neutron Generators, Debrecen, 27-30 Aug 9000100700778O 1975) 9000100700779O *** Proceedings publ. in AK 18(2) 1976 9000100700780O 75DELHI (7.Conf.on Few-Body Problems,Delhi Dec.1975/Jan.1976) 9000100700781 (7th Int.Conf.on Few-Body Problems in Nucl.and Particle9000100700782 Physics, Delhi, India, 29 Dec 1975 - 3 Jan 1976) 9000100700783 Proceedings published by North-Holland. 9000100700784 75GATLIN (Conf.Rad.Eff.Trit.Tech.for Fus.React.,Gatlinburg,1975)9000100700785 (International Conference on Radiation Effects and 9000100700786 Tritium Technology for Fusion Reactors, Gatlinburg, 9000100700787 TN, USA, 1-3 Oct., 1975) 9000100700788 =Published as CONF-750989 9000100700789 75GAUSSIG (5.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1975) 9000100700790 (5th Int. Seminar on Interaction of Fast Neutrons with 9000100700791 Nuclei, Gaussig, DDR, Nov 1975) 9000100700792 Some French contributions as CEA-CONF-reports 9000100700793 75GOTHEN (Conf.in Physics,Gothenburg,10-12 Jun 1975) 9000100700794 75HARWELL (Europhysics Conf.on Nucl.Interactions, Harwell 1975) 9000100700795 (Europhysics Conf. on Nuclear Interactions at Medium 9000100700796 and Low Energies, Harwell, U.K., 24-26 Mar 1975) 9000100700797 75KARLSR (Seminar on Aspects of Cf-252,Karlsruhe 1975) 9000100700798 (Seminar on Physical, Dosimetry and Biomedical Aspects 9000100700799 of Cf-252, Karlsruhe, Germany, 14-18 Apr 1975) 9000100700800 Published as IAEA-STI/PUB-418, Nov.1976. 9000100700801 75KIEV (3.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,9-13 Jun 1975) 9000100700802 (3rd All Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 9000100700803 9-13 Jun 1975) 9000100700804 =Proc. in 6 vols. as 'Nejtronnaja Fizika', 9000100700805 =Moscow, 1976. 9000100700806 Titles of papers and INIS keywords appeared in 9000100700807 KIYAI-75-24 (in English). 9000100700808 75LENING (25.Conf.on Nucl.Spect.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1975)9000100700809 (25th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700810 Structure, Leningrad, USSR, Jan 1975) 9000100700811 75MRYLND (2.Conf.on Clustering Phen.in Nuclei,Maryland 1975) 9000100700812 (2nd Int. Conf. on Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei, 9000100700813 College Park, Maryland, USA, 21-25 Apr 1975) 9000100700814 75WASH (Conf.on Nucl.Cross-Sect.and Techn.,Washington 1975) 9000100700815 (Conf. on Nuclear Cross Sections and Technology, 9000100700816 Washington, D.C., 3-7 Mar 1975) 9000100700817 =Published as NBS Special Publication 425 9000100700818 75ZUERI (7.Int.Conf.on Cyclotrons,Zuerich 1975) 9000100700819 (7th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their Applications, 9000100700820 Zurich, Switz., 19-22 Aug 1975) 9000100700821 Proceedings published in Experientia, Suppl.24 (1975).9000100700822 75ZURICH (4.Int.Symp.on Polarization Phen.,Zuerich 1975) 9000100700823 (4th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear 9000100700824 Reactions, Zurich, Switz., 25-29 Aug 1975) 9000100700825 Proceedings published in Experientia, Suppl.25 (1976).9000100700826 76AHMEDABA (19.Nucl.Phys.Solid State Phys.Symp.,Ahmedabad,1976) 9000100700827 (19th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700828 Ahmedabad, India, 27-31 Dec 1976) 9000100700829 76ANL (Meet.Fast Neutr.Cross Sect.of U and Pu,Argonne 1976) 9000100700830 (Meeting on Fast Neutron Cross Sections of 9000100700831 U-233,235,238 and Pu-239, Argonne, USA, 28-30 Jun 9000100700832 1976) 9000100700833 Proceedings published as ANL-76-90=NEANDC(US)-199/L. 9000100700834 Some papers published in CONF-7606-47. 9000100700835 76ANL-2 (Symp.on Macrosc.React.of Heavy Ion Coll.,Argonne 1976)9000100700836 (Symp.on Macroscopic Reactions of Heavy Ion Collisions,9000100700837 Argonne National Lab., USA, 1-3 Apr 1976) 9000100700838 76BAKU (Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Baku 1976) 9000100700839 (Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, 9000100700840 Baku, USSR, 3-6 Feb 1976) 9000100700841 Some papers published in Izvest. 40(4), 1976. 9000100700842 76BOMBAY (Symp.on Reactor Physics, Bombay, 1-3 Mar 1976) 9000100700843 (Symp. on Reactor Physics, Bombay, India, 1-3 Mar 1976)9000100700844 76CAEN (European Conf.on Nucl.Phys.with Heavy Ions,Caen 1976) 9000100700845 (European Conf. on Nuclear Physics with Heavy Ions, 9000100700846 Caen, France, 6 - 10 Sep 1976) 9000100700847 76CORSICA (3.Int.Conf.on Nuclei Far from Stability,Cargese,1976) 9000100700848 (3rd Int. Conf. on Nuclei Far from Stability, Cargese, 9000100700849 Corsica, 19-26 May 1976) 9000100700850 Proceedings published as CERN-76-13, July 1976. 9000100700851 76GARMIS (9th Symp. on Fusion Technology, Garmisch 1976) 9000100700852 (9th Symp. on Fusion Technology, Garmisch, 14-18 Jun 9000100700853 1976) 9000100700854 Proceedings publ. by Pergamon Press. 9000100700855 76LOWELL (Int.Conf.on Interact.of Neutr.with Nuclei,Lowell 1976)9000100700856 (Int. Conf. on Interactions of Neutrons with Nuclei, 9000100700857 Lowell, Mass., 6-9 Jul 1976) 9000100700858 76NEUHER (9.Conf.Solid State Nucl.Track Detect.,Neuherberg 1976)9000100700859 (9th Int. Conf. on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors,9000100700860 Neuherberg, Germany, 30 Sept.-6 Oct. 1976) 9000100700861 76PARIS (Paris.Symp.of Int.Symp.Cf-252 Utilization, Paris 1976)9000100700862 (Paris Symposium of the International Symposium on 9000100700863 Californium-252 Utilization, Paris, France, 26-28 9000100700864 April 1976. (Also known as CONF-760436 Vol. II)) 9000100700865 76RIGA (School on Neutron Metrology, Riga, 22 Nov-3 Dec 1976) 9000100700866 (All-Union School on Neutron Measurement Metrology in 9000100700867 Nuclear Physics Facilities, Riga, USSR, 22 Nov-3 Dec 9000100700868 1976) 9000100700869 Proceedings published in 2 vols. Moskva 1976, in 9000100700870 Russian with abstracts in English. 9000100700871 77BNL (Symp.on Neutr.Cross-Sect. 10 - 40 MeV,Brookhaven 1977)9000100700872 (Symp. on Neutron Cross Sections from 10 To 40 MeV, 9000100700873 Brookhaven Nat.Lab., New York, 3-5 May 1977) 9000100700874 Proceedings published in BNL-NCS-50681. 9000100700875 77BNL-2 (Meeting on Accelerator Breeding,Brookhaven 1977) 9000100700876 (Information Meeting on Accelerator Breeding, 9000100700877 Brookhaven Nat.Lab., New York, 18-19 Jan 1977) 9000100700878 77GEEL (Meet.on Neutr.Data of Struct.Mat.,Geel 1977) 9000100700879 (Specialist's Meeting on Neutron Data of Structural 9000100700880 Materials for Fast Reactors, CBNM, Geel, 5-8 Dec 1977)9000100700881 77KIEV (4.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,18-22 Apr 1977)9000100700882 (4th All Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 9000100700883 18-22 Apr 1977) 9000100700884 77MANNHE (Reaktortagung 1977, Mannheim, Germany, Mar 1977) 9000100700885 (Reaktortagung 1977, Mannheim, Germany, Mar 1977) 9000100700886 by ZAED Karlsruhe. 9000100700887 77NBS (Symp.on Neutron Standards,Gaithersburg 1977) 9000100700888 (Symp.on Neutron Standards and Applications, Nat.Bureau9000100700889 of Standards, Gaithersburg, USA, 28-31 Mar 1977) 9000100700890 =Published as NBS Special Publication 493 9000100700891 77PALOALTO (2nd Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Palo Alto 1977) 9000100700892 (2nd ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Palo 9000100700893 Alto, California, USA, 3 - 7 October 1977) 9000100700894 =Proceedings published as NUREG/CP-0004 9000100700895 77PARIS (Meeting on Natural Fission Reactors,Paris 1977) 9000100700896 (Meeting of the Technical Committee on Natural Fission 9000100700897 Reactors, Paris, France, 19-21 Dec 1977) 9000100700898 Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, as STI/PUB/475 9000100700899 (1978). 9000100700900 77PLOVDIV (15th International Cosmic Ray Conf., Plovdiv 1977) 9000100700901 (15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Plovdiv, 9000100700902 Bulgaria, 13-26 August 1977) 9000100700903 77PUNE (20.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Poona 1977) 9000100700904 (20th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700905 Poona, Pune, India, 26-30 Dec 1977) 9000100700906 77TASHKENT (27.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Tashkent 1977)9000100700907 (27th Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700908 Structure, Tashkent, USSR, 23-25 Mar 1977) 9000100700909 =Some papers published in IZV 41(6,8,10), 42(1). 9000100700910 77TENN (Conf.on Heavy Ion Collisions,Falls Creek,Tenn. 1977) 9000100700911 (Topical Conf. on Heavy Ion Collisions, Falls Creek, 9000100700912 Falls State Park, Tennessee, 13-17 Jun 1977) 9000100700913 77TOKYO (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, 5-10 Sep 1977) 9000100700914 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, 5-10 Sep 1977)9000100700915 =Some articles are published in J,JPJ/S,44. 9000100700916 77VIENNA (Symp.on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vienna 1977) 9000100700917 (Symp. on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vienna, 17-21 9000100700918 Oct 1977) 9000100700919 =Proceed. published by IAEA Vienna as STI/PUB/468. 9000100700920 78ALMAATA (28.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1978)9000100700921 (28th Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100700922 Structure, Alma-Ata, USSR, 28-31 Mar 1978) 9000100700923 =Some papers published in IZV 42(4,9,11), 43(1). 9000100700924 78ALUSHTA (3.Int.School on Neutron Physics, Alushta 1978) 9000100700925 (3rd Int. School on Neutron Physics, Alushta (The 9000100700926 Crimea), USSR, 19-30 Apr 1978) 9000100700927 78BNL (3.Symp.Neutr.Capt.Gamma Ray Spectr.,Brookhaven 1978) 9000100700928 (3rd Int. Symp. on Neutron Capture Gamma Ray 9000100700929 Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Brookhaven Nat. Lab.,9000100700930 USA, 18 - 22 Sep 1978) 9000100700931 =Proceedings published by Plenum Press, New York 9000100700932 =ISBN:0-306-40166-5 9000100700933 78BNL-2 (Meet.Nucl.Data Higher Pu and Am Isot.,Brookhaven 1978)9000100700934O (Meeting on Nuclear Data of Higher Pu and Am Isotopes 9000100700935O for Reactor Applications, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., USA, 9000100700936O 20 - 21 Nov.1978) 9000100700937O *** proceedings published in BNL-50991 9000100700938O 78BOMBAY (21.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp., Bombay 1978) 9000100700939 (21st Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100700940 Bombay, India, 28-31 Dec 1978) 9000100700941 78GRAZ (Int.Conf.on Few Body Syst.and Nucl.Forces,Graz 1978) 9000100700942 (Int. Conf. on Few Body Systems and Nuclear Forces, 9000100700943 Graz, Austria, 24-30 Aug 1978) 9000100700944 =Proceedings published by Springer Verlag. 9000100700945 78HARWELL (Int.Conf.on Neutr.Phys.and Nucl.Data,Harwell 1978) 9000100700946 (Int. Conf. on Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data for 9000100700947 Reactors and Other Applied Purposes, AERE Harwell, 9000100700948 U.K., 25 - 29 Sep 1978) 9000100700949 78HEIDLB (Meet.on Nucl.and High Energy Physics,Heidelberg 1978) 9000100700950 (Meeting on Nuclear and High Energy Physics, 9000100700951 Heidelberg, Germany, 13 - 18 Mar 1978) 9000100700952 Published in Verh.Dtsch.Phys.Ges. 4/1978. 9000100700953 78LUSHAN (3.Chinese Nucl.Phys.Conf.,Lushan,China,Aug.1978) 9000100700954 (3rd Chinese Nuclear Physics Conf., Lushan, China, Aug 9000100700955 1978) 9000100700956 78MAYAG (Conf.on Computers in Activ.Analysis,Mayaguez 1978) 9000100700957 (ANS Topical Conf. on Computers in Activation Analysis 9000100700958 and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 30 9000100700959 Apr - 4 May 1978) 9000100700960 79AIX (Symp.on Fast Reactor Physics,Aix-en-Provence 1979) 9000100700961 (Int. Symp. on Fast Reactor Physics, Aix-en-Provence, 9000100700962 France, 24 - 28 Sep 1979) 9000100700963 Proceedings published in 2 volumes by IAEA as 9000100700964 STI/PUB/529 (July 1980). 9000100700965 79BOLOGN (Meet.Neutr.Cross Sect.of Fiss.Prod.Nucl.,Bologna 1979)9000100700966 (Specialists' Meeting on Neutron Cross Sections of 9000100700967 Fission Product Nuclei, Bologna, Italy, 12-14 Dec 9000100700968 1979) 9000100700969 =Published as rept. RIT/FIS-LDN(80)1 = NEANDC(E)209 9000100700970 79GAUSSIG (9.Symp.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1979) 9000100700971O (9th Symp. on Interactions of Fast Neutrons with 9000100700972O Nuclei, Gaussig, DDR, 26 - 30 Nov 1979) 9000100700973O CINDA-Code = 79GAUSSI 9000100700974O *** Proceedings publ.in ZFK-410 9000100700975O 79GEEL (Meet.on Neutr.Cross Sect.For Struct.Mat.,Geel 1979) 9000100700976 (Topical Meeting on Neutron Cross Sections for 9000100700977 Structural Materials, Geel, Belgium, 26 Sep 1979) 9000100700978 Held during NEANDC meeting 9000100700979 79GHENT (Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Ghent, 26-30 Mar 1979) 9000100700980 (Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Ghent, Belgium, 26-30 Mar 9000100700981 1979) 9000100700982 Published in Verh.Dtsch.Phys.Ges. 3/1979 9000100700983 79GRENOB (Workshop Nucl. Spectr. of Fiss. Prod., Grenoble, 1979)9000100700984 (Workshop on the Nuclear Spectroscopy of Fission 9000100700985 Products, Grenoble, France, 21-23 May, 1979) 9000100700986 =Published as IOP Conference Series 51 9000100700987 =ISBN:0-85498-142-X 9000100700988 79INNSBR (17.Meet.of the Ges.f.Nuklearmedizin,Innsbruck 1979) 9000100700989 (17th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft fuer Nuklear- 9000100700990 Medizin, Innsbruck, Austria, 1979) 9000100700991 Proceedings 1980, Suppl.17 to journal 'Nuklearmedizin'9000100700992 79JUELICH (IAEA Symp.on Phys.and Chem.of Fission,Juelich 1979) 9000100700993 (IAEA Symp. on Physics and Chemistry of Fission, 9000100700994 Juelich, Germany, 14 - 18 May 1979) 9000100700995 =Proceedings published in 2 vols. as STI/PUB/526 by 9000100700996 =IAEA (Jan.1980). 9000100700997 Note = Not all papers included in 9000100700998 proceedings, see also extended synopses in IAEA-SM-2419000100700999 79KNOX (Conf.on Nucl.Cross Sections F.Techn.,Knoxville 1979) 9000100701000 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Cross Sections for Technology, 9000100701001 Knoxville, Tennessee, 22 - 26 Oct 1979) 9000100701002 =Proceedings published as NBS-SP-594, Sep 1980. 9000100701003 ==Use the code 79KNOX and not the NBS code. 9000100701004 79LYON (10.Conf.on Solid State Nucl.Track Detect.,Lyon 1979) 9000100701005 (10th Int. Conf. on Solid State Nuclear Track 9000100701006 Detectors, Lyon, France, 2-6 Jul 1979) 9000100701007 Proceedings published by Pergamon Press. 9000100701008 79MADRAS (22.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Madras 1979) 9000100701009 (22nd Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100701010 Madras, India, 26-30 Dec 1979) 9000100701011 79RHODES (Conf.on Structure of Medium-Heavy Nuclei, Rhodes 1979)9000100701012 (Int. Conf. on the Structure of Medium-Heavy Nuclei, 9000100701013 Rhodes, Greece, 1-4 May 1979) 9000100701014 79RIGA (29.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Riga 1979) 9000100701015 (29th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100701016 Structure, Riga, Latvia, 1979) 9000100701017 Some papers published in Izvest. 43(5,10), 44(1,5). 9000100701018 79SMOLENIC (2.Symp.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1979) 9000100701019 (2nd Int. Symp. on Neutron Induced Reactions, 9000100701020 Smolenice, 25-29 Jun 1979) 9000100701021 =Published by Slovak Acad.of Sciences as 9000100701022 ='Physics and Applications' Vol.6 9000100701023 80BEIJING (Theories and Meth.of Nucl.Reactions,Beijing 1980) 9000100701024 (Collected Papers on Theories and Methods of Nuclear 9000100701025 Reactions and its Application, Beijing, People's Rep. 9000100701026 of China, Aug 1980) 9000100701027 =Publ.by the Nuclear Data Centre, 9000100701028 =Ministry of Second Machinery. All articles, abstracts 9000100701029 =and table of contents in Chinese. 9000100701030 80BERKELEY (Int.Conf.Nuclear Physics, Berkeley,California,1980) 9000100701031 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Berkeley, California, 9000100701032 24 - 30 Aug 1980) 9000100701033 Abstracts see rept. LBL-11118 9000100701034 80BNL (Symp.on Neutr.Cross Sect.10-50 MeV,Brookhaven 1980) 9000100701035 (Symp. on Neutron Cross Sections from 10 - 50 MeV, 9000100701036 Brookhaven Nat. Lab., N.Y., 12-14 May 1980) 9000100701037 =Publ. as report BNL-NCS-51245 (July 1980) in 2 vols 9000100701038 80BNL-2 (Conf.on Nucl.Data Eval.Methods,Brookhaven 1980) 9000100701039 (Conf. on Nuclear Data Evaluation Methods and 9000100701040 Procedures, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., N.Y., 22-25 Sep 9000100701041 1980) 9000100701042 80DELHI (23.Nucl.Phys.A.Solid State Phys.Symp.,New Delhi 1980) 9000100701043 (23rd Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100701044 New Delhi, India, 11-15 Dec 1980) 9000100701045 80KIEV (5.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,15-19 Sep 1980)9000100701046 (5th All Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 9000100701047 15-19 Sep 1980) 9000100701048 80KOPPENN (Meet.Technol.Contr.Nucl.Fusion,King of Prussia 1980) 9000100701049 (Meeting on Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, 9000100701050 King of Prussia, Penn., USA, 14 - 17 Oct 1980) 9000100701051 80LANZHO (4.Chinese Nucl.Phys.Conf.,Lanzhou,China,Oct.1980) 9000100701052 (4th Chinese Nuclear Physics Conf., Lanzhou, China, Oct9000100701053 1980) 9000100701054 80LENGRD (30.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1980) 9000100701055 (30th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100701056 Structure, Leningrad, USSR, 18 - 21 Mar 1980) 9000100701057 =Some papers published in IZV 44(5,11,12), 45(1,5) 9000100701058 80MUNICH (Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Munich, 17-22 Mar 1980) 9000100701059 (Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Munich, Germany, 17-22 Mar9000100701060 1980) 9000100701061 =Published in Verh.Dtsch.Phys.Ges. 3/1980 9000100701062 80SANTA (5.Symp.on Polar.Phen.in Nucl.Phys.,Santa Fe 1980) 9000100701063 (5th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear 9000100701064 Physics, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 11-15 Aug 1980) 9000100701065 80SANTA FE (5.Symp.on Polar.Phen.in Nucl.Phys.,Santa Fe 1980) 9000100701066O (5th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear 9000100701067O Physics, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 11-15 Aug 1980) 9000100701068O 80WALTAI (Nucl.Chem.and Radiochem.Symp.,Waltair,India 1980) 9000100701069 (Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Symp., Andhra 9000100701070 Univ., Waltair, India, 25 - 28 Feb 1980) 9000100701071 81ANL (Neutron Scattering Conf.,Argonne Nat.Lab. 1981) 9000100701072 (Neutron Scattering Conf., Argonne Nat.Lab., USA, 12-149000100701073 Aug 1981) 9000100701074 =Published as AIP-89, Neutron Scattering - 1981, 9000100701075 =American Inst. of Physics, New York 1982. 9000100701076 81BOMBAY (24.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Bombay 1981) 9000100701077 (24th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100701078 Bombay, India, 28 Dec 1981 - 1 Jan 1982) 9000100701079 81GRENOB (4.Symp.Neutr.Capt.Gamma-Ray Spectrosc.,Grenoble 1981) 9000100701080 (4th Int. Symp. on Neutron-Capture Gamma-Ray 9000100701081 Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Grenoble, France, 7 -9000100701082 11 Sep 1981) 9000100701083 81NEUHERBG (4.Symp.on Neutron Dosimetry, Munich-Neuherberg 1981) 9000100701084 (4th Symp. on Neutron Dosimetry, Munich-Neuherberg, 9000100701085 Germany, 1-5 Jun 1981) 9000100701086 81SAMAR (31.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Samarkand 1981) 9000100701087 (31st Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100701088 Structure, Samarkand, USSR, 14-16 Apr 1981) 9000100701089 =Selected papers publ. in IZV 45(5,10,11),46(1,5,11) 9000100701090 82ANTWER (Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Technol.,Antwerp 1982) 9000100701091 (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Data For Science and Technology, 9000100701092 Antwerp, Belgium, 6 - 10 Sep 1982) 9000100701093 =Proc. publ. by D.Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland.9000100701094 82GAITHERS (4th Symp. on Reactor Dosimetry, Washington D.C. 1982) 9000100701095 (4th ASTM-Euratom Symp. on Reactor Dosimetry, 9000100701096 Gaithersburg, Maryland, 22-26 Mar 1982) 9000100701097 =Proceedings published as NUREG/CP-0029 9000100701098 82KHARKIV (Conf.Nucl.Phys.50th Anniv.Nucl.Fis.USSR, Kharkov 1982)9000100701099 (Conference on Nuclear Physics Research Dedicated to 9000100701100 the 50th Anniversary of Atomic Nucleus Fission 9000100701101 Conducted in USSR, Kharkov, USSR, 4-6 Oct 1982) 9000100701102 82KIAMES (Meet.on Adv.in Reactor Phys.,Kiamesha Lake 1982) 9000100701103 (Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and 9000100701104 Core Thermal Hydraulics, Kiamesha Lake, New York, 9000100701105 22-24 Sep 1982) 9000100701106 =Proceedings published as NUREG/CP-0034,Vol.1,2 9000100701107 82KIEV (32.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kiev 1982) 9000100701108 (32nd All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701109 Nuclear Structure, Kiev, USSR, 16-18 Mar 1982) 9000100701110 =Selected papers published in IZV 46(11) and 47(1,5,11)9000100701111 82SMOLEN (Conf.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1982) 9000100701112 (Europhysics Topical Conference on Neutron Induced 9000100701113 Reactions, Smolenice, 21-25 Jun 1982) 9000100701114 =Proceedings published by Slovak Acad. of Sci. as 9000100701115 ='Phys. and Applications', Vol.10 9000100701116 82VARANA (25.Nucl.Phys.A.Solid State Phys.Symp.,Varanasi 1982) 9000100701117 (25th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100701118 Varanasi, India, 27-31 Dec 1982) 9000100701119 82WASH (4.Symp.on Radiation Dosimetry,Washington D.C. 1982) 9000100701120O (4th ASTM-Euratom Symp. on Radiation Dosimetry, 9000100701121O Gaithersburg, Maryland, 22-26 Mar 1982) 9000100701122O Obsolete; use 82GAITHERS 9000100701123O 83GAUSSG (13.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1983) 9000100701124O (13th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics - Measurement and 9000100701125O Analysis of 14 MeV Neutron Nuclear Data Needed for 9000100701126O Fission and Fusion Reactor Technology, Gaussig, DDR, 9000100701127O 21-25 Nov 1983) 9000100701128O =Proceedings published as INDC(NDS)-173 9000100701129O =(=invited papers) and INDC(GDR)-34 (=contrib.papers) 9000100701130O 83KIEV (6.All-Union Conf.on Neutron Physics,Kiev,2-6 Oct.1983)9000100701131 (6th All-Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, 2-6 Oct 9000100701132 1983) 9000100701133 83MOSCOW (33.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Moscow 1983) 9000100701134 (33rd All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701135 Nuclear Structure, Moscow, USSR, 19-21 Apr 1983) 9000100701136 =Selected papers published in IZV 47(11), 48(1,2,5) 9000100701137 83MOSKVA (3.Meet.on Neutron Radiation Metrology,Moscow 1983) 9000100701138 (3rd All-Union Meeting on Neutron Radiation Metrology 9000100701139 at Reactors and Accelerators, Moscow, USSR, 1983) 9000100701140 83MYSORE (26.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Mysore 1983) 9000100701141 (26th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., 9000100701142 Mysore, India, 22-27 Dec 1983) 9000100701143 83TOKYO (Symp.on High Energy Photonucl.Reactions, Tokyo 1983) 9000100701144 (Symp. on High Energy Photonucl.Reactions and Related 9000100701145 Topics, Tokyo, Japan, 28 Sep -1 Oct 1983) 9000100701146 83TURKU (3.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1983)9000100701147 (3.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, 9000100701148 Turku, Finland, 13 - 16 June 1983) 9000100701149 83WASH (Symp.Ultrashort-Lived Radionucl.,Washington D.C.1983) 9000100701150 (Symp. on Single-Photon Ultrashort-Lived Radionuclides,9000100701151 Washington, D.C., 9-10 May 1983) 9000100701152 84ALMAAT (34.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.A.Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1984) 9000100701153 (34th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701154 Nuclear Structure, Alma-Ata, USSR, Apr 1984) 9000100701155 =Selected papers published in IZV 48(5) 9000100701156 84DEBREC (Int.Symp.on In-Beam Nucl.Spectroscopy, Debrecen 1984) 9000100701157 (Int. Symp.on In-Beam Nuclear Spectroscopy, Debrecen, 9000100701158 Hungary, 14-18 May 1984) 9000100701159 =Proc. published by Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1984 9000100701160 84GAUSSIG (14.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Gaussig,DDR,1984) 9000100701161 (14th Int. Symp. on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Generators9000100701162 and Applications, Gaussig, DDR, 19-23 Nov 1984) 9000100701163 ===Note: Code to be used only until proceedings are 9000100701164 Published as ZFK-report. 9000100701165 84GEESTH (5th Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Geesthacht, 1984) 9000100701166 (5th ASTM-Euratom Symp. on Reactor Dosimetry, 9000100701167 Geesthacht, FRG, 24-28 Sep 1984) 9000100701168 =Proceedings published as EUR-9869 9000100701169 84KNOX (Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy,Knoxville 1984) 9000100701170 (Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and 9000100701171 Related Topics, Knoxville, Tennessee, 10-14 Sep 1984) 9000100701172 =AIP Conf.Proceedings No.125 9000100701173 84OHIO (Conf.on Neutron-Nucleus Collisions,Glouster 1984) 9000100701174 (Conf. on Neutron-Nucleus Collisions - A Probe of 9000100701175 Nuclear Structure, Glouster, Ohio, 5-8 Sep 1984) 9000100701176 =AIP Conf.Proceedings No.124 9000100701177 84OSAKA (Symp.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Interact.,Osaka 1984) 9000100701178 (Int.Symp.on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Inter- 9000100701179 Actions, Osaka, 21-24 Mar 1984) 9000100701180 =Proceedings published by World Sci.Pub.Co., Singapore,9000100701181 =1984 9000100701182 84TRIUMF (TRIUMF-ISOL Workshop, Mont Gabriel, Quebec, 1984) 9000100701183 (TRIUMF-ISOL Workshop, Mont Gabriel, Quebec, Canada, 139000100701184 - 16 June 1984) 9000100701185 84UPPSAL (Conf.on Transactinium Isotope Nucl.Data,Uppsala 1984) 9000100701186O (Conf. on Transactinium Isotope Nuclear Data, Uppsala, 9000100701187O Sweden, 21-25 May 1984) 9000100701188O =Proceedings published as IAEA-TECDOC-336, May 1985 9000100701189O 84VARESE (13th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Varese,Sept.1984)9000100701190 84VENICE (6.Symp.Safeguards and Nucl.Mat.Managem.,Venice 1984) 9000100701191 (6th Annual Symp. on Safeguards and Nucl.Material 9000100701192 Management (ESARDA), Venice, Italy, 14-18 May 1984) 9000100701193 85CHIANG (Fast Neutrons in Sci.and Techn.Symp.,Chiang Mai 1985) 9000100701194 (Int. Symp. on Fast Neutrons in Science and Technology,9000100701195 Chiang Mai, Thailand, 4 - 8 Feb 1985) 9000100701196 85CHICAG (Nuclei Off Line of Stability Symp.,Chicago,1985) 9000100701197 (Nuclei Off the Line of Stability Symp. (190th American9000100701198 Chem. Society Meeting), Chicago, USA, 8-13 Sep 1985) 9000100701199 =Published as ACS Symposium Series 324-ACS, 9000100701200 =Washington D.C., 1986 9000100701201 85GAUSSI (15.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Nucl.Fission,Gaussig,DDR,1985) 9000100701202O (15th Int. Symp. on Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Fission, 9000100701203O Gaussig, DDR, 11-15 Nov 1985) 9000100701204O =Proceedings published as ZFK-592,Apr 1986 9000100701205O 85JAIPUR (Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Jaipur,16-20 Dec.1985) 9000100701206 (28th Sympos. on Nuclear Physics, Univ. of Rajastan, 9000100701207 Jaipur, 16-20 Dec 1985) 9000100701208 85JUELIC (Conf.on Neutron Scatt.in the Nineties,Juelich 1985) 9000100701209 (Conf. on Neutron Scattering in the Nineties, Juelich, 9000100701210 Germany, 14 - 18 Jan 1985) 9000100701211 85LENING (35.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1985) 9000100701212 (35th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701213 Nuclear Structure, Leningrad, USSR, Apr 1985) 9000100701214 85SANTA (Conf.on Nucl.Data f.Basic a.Appl.Sci.,Santa Fe 1985) 9000100701215 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied 9000100701216 Science, Santa Fe, N.M., 13-17 May 1985) 9000100701217 =Originally published in Radiation Effects Vol.92-96. 9000100701218 =Also published as books (two volumes) by Gordon and 9000100701219 =Brench Science Publishers, NY, USA. 9000100701220 Coding:((J,RE,vol,page,1986)=(C,85SANTA,vol,page,1985)9000100701221 86BEIJIN (Int.Conf.Nucl.Radiochemistry, Beijing, 1-5 Sept.1986) 9000100701222 86BIRMIN (Delayed Neutr.Prop.Meeting, Birmingham 1986) 9000100701223 (Specialists Meeting on Delayed Neutron Properties, 9000100701224 Birmingham, U.K., 15-19 Sep 1986) 9000100701225 86DUBRO2 (Conf.Nucl.Struct.,Reactions,Symmetries,Dubrovnik 1986)9000100701226 (Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, 9000100701227 Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 5-14 Jun 1986) 9000100701228 =Publ.by World Scientific Press, Singapore, 1986 9000100701229 86DUBROV (Int.Conf.on Fast Neutr.Phys.,Dubrovnik,26-31 May 1986)9000100701230 (Int. Conf. on Fast Neutron Physics, Dubrovnik, 26-31 9000100701231 May 1986) 9000100701232 =Proceedings publ. by Ruder Boskovic Inst.,Zagreb. 9000100701233 =Some copies were distributed as INDC(YUG)-10. 9000100701234 86HABAY (Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve,Belgium,22-23 May 1986)9000100701235 86HARROG (Int.Nucl.Phys.Conf., Harrogate,U.K.,25-30 Aug.1986) 9000100701236 (Int. Nuclear Physics Conf., Harrogate, U.K., 25-30 Aug9000100701237 1986) 9000100701238 =Proceedings published by the Inst.of Physics. as 9000100701239 =Inst.of Physics Conf.Series No.86, 9000100701240 =Vol.1 = Contributed Papers (1 page each), 9000100701241 =Vol.2 = Invited Papers. 9000100701242 86KHARKO (36.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1986) 9000100701243 (36th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701244 Nuclear Structure, Kharkov, USSR, 15 - 18 Apr 1986) 9000100701245 =Selected papers published in IZV 50(9), 51(1). 9000100701246 86TEL-AV (Nucl.Soc.of Israel Meeting,Tel Aviv,17-18 Feb.1986) 9000100701247 (Annual Meeting of the Nuclear Societies of Israel, Tel9000100701248 Aviv, 17-18 Feb 1986) 9000100701249 =Transactions Vol.13. 9000100701250 86TURKU (4.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1986)9000100701251 (4.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, 9000100701252 Turku, Finland, 28 - 31 May 1986) 9000100701253 86WASH (Conf.3-Body Force in 3-Nucleon Syst.,Washington D.C.) 9000100701254 87BADHON (Symp.on Dynamics of Collective Phen.,Bad Honnef 1987) 9000100701255 (Int.Symp.on Dynamics of Collective Phenomena in 9000100701256 Nuclear and Subnuclear Long Range Interactions in 9000100701257 Nuclei, Bad Honnef, Germany, 4 - 7 May 1987) 9000100701258 87JURMAL (37.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Jurmala 1987) 9000100701259 (37th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701260 Nuclear Structure, Jurmala, USSR, 14-17 Apr 1987) 9000100701261 =Selected papers published in IZV 51(11) 9000100701262 87KIEV (1.Int.Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev,14-18 Sep 1987) 9000100701263 (1st Int. Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 14-18 9000100701264 Sep 1987) 9000100701265 87LEUVEN (6.Conf.on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, Leuven 1987)9000100701266 (6.Conf.on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, Leuven, 9000100701267 Belgium, 31 Aug. - 4 Sept. 1987) 9000100701268 Proceedings edited by K.Abrahams and P.Van Assche 9000100701269 87ROSSEA (5.Conf.on Nuclei Far from Stability,Rosseau Lake 1987)9000100701270 (5th Int. Conf. on Nuclei Far from Stability, Rosseau 9000100701271 Lake, Ontario, 14-19 Sep 1987) 9000100701272 =Publ. as AIP Conf. Proceeding 164, Amer. Inst. Phys., 9000100701273 =N.Y., 1988 9000100701274 87VIENNA (IAEA Meet.on Fusion Eval.Nucl.Data,Vienna,Nov.1987) 9000100701275 (IAEA Specialists' Meeting on Fusion Evaluated Nuclear 9000100701276 Data Library Related to the ITER-Activity, Vienna, 9000100701277 Austria, 16-18 Nov 1987) 9000100701278 87ZVENIGRD (Program of Exp.Res. at Meson Factory INR AS USSR 1987)9000100701279 (All-Union Seminar "Program of Experimental Research at9000100701280 Meson Factory of INR AS USSR", Zvenigorod, USSR, 12-159000100701281 Apr. 1987) 9000100701282 88BADHON (Conf.on Nucl.Struct.of the Zr Region,Bad Honnef 1988) 9000100701283 (Int. Workshop on Nuclear Structure of the Zirconium 9000100701284 Region, Bad Honnef, Germany, 24-28 Apr 1988) 9000100701285 88BAKU (38.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct., Baku 1988) 9000100701286 (38th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701287 Nuclear Structure, Baku, USSR, 12-14 Apr 1988) 9000100701288 =Selected papers published in IZV 52(11), 53(1) 9000100701289 88BOMBAY (31.Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, 27 - 31 Dec.1988) 9000100701290 (31st Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, India, 27 - 31 Dec9000100701291 1988) 9000100701292 88GAUSSI (18.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1988) 9000100701293 (18th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics - Physics and 9000100701294 Chemistry of Fission, Gaussig, DDR, 21-25 Nov 1988) 9000100701295 =Proceedings published 1992 by Nova Science Publ., 9000100701296 =Commack, New York, USA 9000100701297 88JACKHO (Int.Reactor Phys.Conf.,Jackson Hole,18-22 Sep.1988) 9000100701298O (Int. Reactor Phys.Conf., Jackson Hole, USA, 18-22 Sep 9000100701299O 1988) 9000100701300O 88MITO (Conf.on Nucl.Data For Sci.and Technol.,Mito 1988) 9000100701301 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data For Science and Technology,9000100701302 Mito, Japan, 30 May - 3 Jun 1988) 9000100701303 88SMOLEN (Symp.on Nucleon Induced Reactions, Smolenice 1988) 9000100701304 (5.Int. Symposium on Nucleon Induced Reactions, 9000100701305 Smolenice, Slovakia, 20-25 June 1988) 9000100701306 88TRIEST (Worksh.on Applied Nucl.Theory, Trieste 1988) 9000100701307 (Workshop on Applied Nuclear Theory and Nuclear Model 9000100701308 Calculations for Nuclear Technology Appl., Trieste, 9000100701309 Italy, 15 Feb-19 Mar 1988) 9000100701310 89ALBUQU (High En.&Heavy Ion Beams in Mat.An.,Albuquerque 1989) 9000100701311 (Workshop on High Energy and Hevay Ion Bemas in 9000100701312 Materials Analysis, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 14 - 17 June9000100701313 1989) 9000100701314 Publ.by Material Research Soc.1990 9000100701315 89ALIGAR (32nd Nuclear Physics Symp., Aligarh, 26-30 Dec.1989) 9000100701316 89BANGLO (Int.Sem.on Direct Nucl.Reactions,Bangalore, 1989) 9000100701317 (Int.Seminar on Direct Nuclear Reactions, Bangalore, 9000100701318 India, 12 - 16 Jan. 1989) 9000100701319 =Proceedings publ.by Ind.Acad.Sci., 1991 9000100701320 89BERLIN (Int.Conf.on 50 Years Res.in Nucl.Fiss., Berlin 1989) 9000100701321O (Int. Conf. on 50 Years Research in Nuclear Fission, 9000100701322O Berlin, Germany, 3 - 7 Apr 1989) 9000100701323O =Proceedings published in NP/A 502 (Oct.1989). 9000100701324O 89BRAUNS (Nuclear Decay Data Symp., Braunschweig 1989) 9000100701325O (Int. Comm. f. Radionuclide Metrology Symp.on Nuclear 9000100701326O Decay Data: Spectrometric Methods, Measurements and 9000100701327O Evaluations, Braunschweig, 6-8 Jun 1989) 9000100701328O =Proceedings publ.in NIM/A 286 No.3 (Jan.1990). 9000100701329O 89LENING (Int.Conf.50th Anniv.of Nucl.Fission, Leningrad 1989) 9000100701330 (Int. Conf. 50th Anniversary of Nuclear Fission, 9000100701331 Leningrad, USSR, 16 - 20 Oct 1989) 9000100701332 89TASHKE (39.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Tashkent 1989)9000100701333 (39th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701334 Nuclear Structure, Tashkent, USSR, 18-21 Apr 1989) 9000100701335 89TURKU (5.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1989)9000100701336 (5.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, 9000100701337 Turku, Finland, 30 May - 2 June 1989) 9000100701338 89WASH (50 Years Nucl.Fission Conf., Washington D.C., 1989) 9000100701339 (50 Years with Nuclear Fission Conf., Washington, D.C.,9000100701340 25 - 28 Apr 1989) 9000100701341 =Proceed. publ. by Amer. Nucl. Soc. 9000100701342 90ASILOM (7.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spectrosc.,Asilomar 1990) 9000100701343 (7th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and 9000100701344 Related Topics, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, 9000100701345 14 - 19 Oct 1990) 9000100701346 90BOMBAY (Indo-Japan Sem.on Thorium Utilization,Bombay 1990) 9000100701347 (Indo-Japan Seminar on Thorium Utilization, Bombay, 9000100701348 India, 10-13 Dec 1990) 9000100701349 90LENING (40.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1990)9000100701350 (40th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and 9000100701351 Nuclear Structure, Leningrad, USSR, 10-13 Apr 1990) 9000100701352 =Selected papers publ. in IZV 54 (5,9,11). 9000100701353 90MARSEI (Int.Conf.on the Physics of Reactors, Marseille 1990) 9000100701354 (Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors: Operation, 9000100701355 Design and Computation. Marseille, 23-27 Apr 1990) 9000100701356 Proc. published in 4 vols: 1-2 oral sessions, 9000100701357 3-4 poster sessions. 9000100701358 90STRASB (7.Int.Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Strasbourg,1990)9000100701359 (7th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, 9000100701360 Strasbourg, 27-31 Aug 1990) 9000100701361 =Proceedings published by Kluwer Academic Publishers 9000100701362 =ISBN:0-7923-1792-0 9000100701363 91BEIJIN (Symp.on Fast Neutron Physics, Beijing, 9-13 Sep 1991) 9000100701364 (Symp. on Fast Neutron Physics, Beijing, 9-13 Sep 1991)9000100701365 91GAUSSG (21.Int.Symp.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1991) 9000100701366 (21. Int. Symp. on Nuclear Physics: From Spectroscopic 9000100701367 to Chaotic Features of Nuclear Systems, Gaussig, 9000100701368 Germany, 4 - 8 Nov. 1991) 9000100701369 =Proceedings published by World Scientific 9000100701370 91JUELIC (Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Technol.,Juelich 1991) 9000100701371 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology,9000100701372 Juelich, Germany, 13 - 17 May 1991) 9000100701373 CINDA index and list of partic.publ.in NEANDC-312 9000100701374 91MINSK (41.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Minsk 1991) 9000100701375 (41th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nucl.9000100701376 Structure, Minsk, 16-19 Apr 1991) 9000100701377 =Selected papers publ. in IZV 55 (5), 56(1),(5),(11) 9000100701378 91UPPSAL (Meet.on Neutron Cross Section Standards, Uppsala 1991)9000100701379O (Specialists' Meeting on Neutron Cross Section 9000100701380O Standards for the region above 20 MeV, Uppsala, 9000100701381O Sweden, 21 - 23 May 1991) 9000100701382O *** Use S,NEA-NDC-305 9000100701383O 91VILLIG (4.Int.Worksh.on Targetry, Villigen, Switzerland,1991) 9000100701384 (4th Int. Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry, 9000100701385 Villigen, Switzerland, 9 - 12 September 1991) 9000100701386 92ADELAI (13.Int.Conf.on Few Body Problems,Adelaide,Jan.1992) 9000100701387 (13th Int. Conf. on Few Body Problems in Physics, 9000100701388 Adelaide, Australia, 5 - 11 Jan 1992) 9000100701389 92ALMAAT (Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1992)9000100701390 (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear 9000100701391 Structure, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 21-24 Apr 1992) 9000100701392 =Selected papers publ. in IZV 56 (11), 57 (1),(5),(6) 9000100701393 92BERNKAST (6th Conf.Nucl.Far Stab., Bernkastel-Kues, July 1992) 9000100701394 (6th Int. Conf. on Nuclei Far from Stability & 9th Int.9000100701395 Conf. on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants, 9000100701396 Bernkastel-Kues, Germany 19-25 July 1992) 9000100701397 92BNL (Int.Symp.on Nucl.Data Eval.Methodology, BNL, Oct.1992)9000100701398 (Int. Symp. on Nuclear Data Evaluation Methodology, 9000100701399 Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, 12-16 Oct 1992) 9000100701400 =Proceedings publ. by World Scientific, Singapore 9000100701401 92BOMBAY (35.Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, 21 - 24 Dec.1992) 9000100701402 (35th Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, India, 21 - 24 Dec9000100701403 1992) 9000100701404 92KARLSR (Conf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Karlsruhe, July 1992) 9000100701405 (2.Int.Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics: Nuclei in the9000100701406 Cosmos, Karlsruhe, Germany, 6-10 July 1992) 9000100701407 Proceedings published by Inst. of Physics 9000100701408 =Selected papers publ. in J,JP/G,19 Supplement. 9000100701409 92TRIEST (Workshop on Comput.and Anal.of Nucl.Data,Trieste 1992)9000100701410 (Workshop on Computation and Analysis of Nuclear Data 9000100701411 Relevant to Nuclear Energy and Safety, Trieste, Italy,9000100701412 10 Feb -13 Mar 1992) 9000100701413 92TURKU (6.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1992)9000100701414 (6.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, 9000100701415 Turku, Finland, 1 - 4 June 1992) 9000100701416 93CALICUT (36th Nuclear Physics Symposium, Calicut, 1993) 9000100701417 (36th Nuclear Physics Symposium, Calicut, India, 27-30 9000100701418 December 1993) 9000100701419 93DUBNS (43.Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Dubna 1993) 9000100701420 (43.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701421 Dubna, Russia, April 1993) 9000100701422 =Rel.papers published in IZV 58,no.1 9000100701423 93FRIBOU (8.Int.Conf.Capture Gamma-Ray Spectrosc.,Fribourg 1993)9000100701424 (8.Int.Symp.on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and 9000100701425 Related Topics, Fribourg, Switzerland, 20 -24 Sept. 9000100701426 1993) 9000100701427 93VAIL (8th Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Vail, CO, 1993) 9000100701428 (8th ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Vail,9000100701429 Colorado, 29 August - 3 September, 1993) 9000100701430 =Proceedings published as ASTM-STP-1228 9000100701431 =ISBN:9780803118997 9000100701432 94AQUI (Conf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos, L'Aquila, 1994 1994)9000100701433 (3.Int.Symp.on Nuclear Astrophysics: Nuclei in the 9000100701434 Cosmos III, Assergi, L'Aquila, Italy, July 1994) 9000100701435 AIP Conf.Proceedings Vol. 327 9000100701436 94BOLOGN (Meas.,Calc.and Eval.of Photon Prod.Data,Bologna 1994)9000100701437 (Specialists' Meeting on Measurement, Calculation and 9000100701438 Evaluation of Photon Production Data, Bolgna, Italy, 99000100701439 - 11 November 1994) 9000100701440 94CRETE (Conf.on Neutrons and Their Appl.,Crete,Greece,1994) 9000100701441 (International Conference on Neutrons and Their 9000100701442 Applications, Crete, Greece, 12-18 June, 1994) 9000100701443 94DENTON (Conf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,USA,1994)9000100701444 (13.Int.Conf.on the Application of Accelerators in 9000100701445 Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, USA, 7 - 10 Nov.9000100701446 1994) 9000100701447 94GATLIN (Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn.,Gatlinburg 1994) 9000100701448 (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 9000100701449 Gatlinburg, Tenn., USA, 9-13 May 1994) 9000100701450 94PARIS (Specialists' Meet.Intermed.Ene.Nucl.Data, Paris, 1994)9000100701451 (Specialists' Meeting on Intermediate Energy Nuclear 9000100701452 Data: Models and Codes, Paris, France, 30 May - 1 June9000100701453 1994) 9000100701454 =ISBN:9789264142787 9000100701455 94PETRBG (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersburg 1994) 9000100701456 (Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701457 St.Petersburg, Russia, 17-20 May 1994) 9000100701458 95ARLES (Conf.Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, 1995) 9000100701459 (Int.Conf. on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, 9000100701460 France, 19-23 June 1995) 9000100701461 95HABAY (Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1995) 9000100701462 (Seminar on Fission "Point d'Oye III", Habay-la-Neuve, 9000100701463 Belgium, 9-11 May 1995) 9000100701464 95OBNIN (13.Meeting on Physics of Nucl.Fission, Obninsk 1995) 9000100701465 (13.Meeting on Physics of Nuclear Fission, Obninsk, 9000100701466 Russia, 3 - 6 October 1995) 9000100701467 95PETRBG (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersburg 1995) 9000100701468 (Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701469 St.Petersburg, Russia, 27-30 June 1995) 9000100701470 Some papers published in IZV 60 (1), (5), (11), 1996 9000100701471 95TURKU (7.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1995)9000100701472 (7.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, 9000100701473 Turku, Finland, 22 - 25 May 1995) 9000100701474 95VANCOU (6th Worksh.on Targetry, Vancouver, Canada,1995) 9000100701475 (6th Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry, 9000100701476 Vancouver, Canada, 17 - 19 August 1995) 9000100701477 96BUDA (9.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spect., Budapest, 1996) 9000100701478 (9.Int.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and 9000100701479 Related Topics, Budapest, 8 - 12 October 1996) 9000100701480 =Published by Springer (1997), ISBN: 963-7775-55-2 9000100701481 =Vol.1 (pp. 1-486) and Vol.2 (pp. 489-961) 9000100701482 96DENTON (Conf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,USA,1996)9000100701483 (14.Int.Conf.on the Application of Accelerators in 9000100701484 Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, USA, 6 - 9 Nov. 9000100701485 1996) 9000100701486 96KALMAR (Conf.on Accel.Driven Transmut.Tech.Appl.,Kalmar, 1996)9000100701487 (Int.Conf.on Accelerator-Driven Transmutation 9000100701488 Technologies and Applications, Kalmar, Sweden, 3-7 9000100701489 June 1996) 9000100701490 96MITO (Conf.on the Physics of Reactors, Mito, Japan 1996) 9000100701491 (Int.Conf.on the Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR 96), Mito,9000100701492 Japan, 16-20 September 1996) 9000100701493 96MOSCOW (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Moscow, June 1996) 9000100701494 (46.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701495 Moscow, Russia, 18 - 21 June 1996) 9000100701496 =Selected papers publ. in IZV 60 (11) 9000100701497 96NOTRED (Conf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos IV, Notre Dame, 1996) 9000100701498 (Conf. on Nuclei in the Cosmos IV, Notre Dame, Indiana,9000100701499 USA, June 1996) 9000100701500 96PANTNG (Dept.Atom.Energ.Symp.on Nucl.Phys., Pantnagar, 1996) 9000100701501 96PRAHA (9.Internat.Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry,Prague,1996)9000100701502 (9th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, 9000100701503 Prague, 2-6 Sept, 1996) 9000100701504 =Proceedings published by World Scientific 9000100701505 =ISBN:981-02-3346-9 9000100701506 96SAROV (Worksh.Exact Meas.in Nucl.Spect., Sarov, Russia 1996) 9000100701507 (11. Workshop on Exact Measurements in Nuclear 9000100701508 Spectroscopy, Sarov (Arzamas-16), Russia, 2 - 6 Sept. 9000100701509 1996) 9000100701510 97OBNIN (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Obninsk 1997) 9000100701511 (47.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701512 Obninsk, Russia, 10-13 June 1997) 9000100701513 =Selected papers publ. in IZV 62 (5) 9000100701514 97PHILAD (Symp.Synth.Isot.Labelled Comp.,Philadelphia,PA 1997) 9000100701515 (6.Int.Symp. on Synthesis and Applications of 9000100701516 Isotopically Labelled Compounds, Philadelphia, PA, 9000100701517 USA, 14 - 18 Sept. 1997) 9000100701518 97SANIB (Fission,Prop.of Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel,USA,1997) 9000100701519 (Int.Conf.on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich 9000100701520 Nuclei, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, 12-15 Nov. 1997) 9000100701521 97TOKYO (Symp. New Facet of Spin of Giant Res.,Tokyo 1997) 9000100701522 (Int.Symp. on New Facet of Spin of Giant Resonances in 9000100701523 Nuclei, Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 Nov. 1997) 9000100701524 97TRIEST (Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Trieste 1997) 9000100701525 (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 9000100701526 Trieste, Italy, 19 - 24 May 1997) 9000100701527 98BELAIR (Conf.Exotic Nuclei & At.Masses, Bellaire, USA, 1998) 9000100701528 (2.Int.Conf. on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, 9000100701529 Bellaire, MI, USA, 23 - 27 June 1998) 9000100701530 98CAEN (15.Conf.on Cyclotrons and Appl., Caen, France, 1998) 9000100701531 98DENTON (Conf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,TX,1998) 9000100701532 (15.Int.Conf.on the Application of Accelerators in 9000100701533 Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, USA, 4 - 7 Nov. 9000100701534 1998) 9000100701535 98GATLIN (Nuclear Structure 98 Conf., Gatlinburg, USA, 1998) 9000100701536 (Conf.on Nuclear Structure, Gatlinburg, TN, USA, August9000100701537 1998) 9000100701538 98MARSEI (20.Symp.on Fusion Technology, Marseille,France, 1998) 9000100701539 (20. Symposium on Fusion Technology, Marseille, France,9000100701540 7-11 Sept. 1998) 9000100701541 98MOSCOW (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Moscow, June 1998) 9000100701542 (48.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701543 Moscow, Russia, 16 - 19 June 1998) 9000100701544 =Selected papers publ. in IZV 64 (1,3) 9000100701545 98SEYSS (Nucl.Fiss.&Fiss.-Prod.Spectr.,Seyssins,France, 1998) 9000100701546 (2.Int.Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product 9000100701547 Spectroscopy, Seyssins, France, 22-25 April 1998) 9000100701548 =AIP Conf.Proceedings No.447 9000100701549 98VOLOS (5. Nuclei in the Cosmos Conf., Volos, Greece, 1998) 9000100701550 (5. Nuclei in the Cosmos Conference, Volos, Greece, 9000100701551 6-11 July 1998) 9000100701552 =ISBN:2-86332-242-7 9000100701553 99BUCHAR (Symp.on Adv.in Nucl.Phys., Bucharest, Romania, 1999) 9000100701554 (Int.Symp.on Advances in Nuclear Physics, Bucharest, 9000100701555 Romania, 9 - 10 December 1999) 9000100701556 99HABAY (Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1999) 9000100701557 (Seminar on Fission "Point d'Oye IV", Habay-la-Neuve, 9000100701558 Belgium, 5 - 8 October 1999) 9000100701559 Proc.publ.by World Scientific, April 2000 9000100701560 99OSAKA (10th Internat.Symp.on Reactor Dosimetry, Osaka, 1999) 9000100701561 (10th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, 9000100701562 Osaka, 12 - 17 September, 1999) 9000100701563 =Proceedings published as ASTM-STP-1398 9000100701564 =ISBN:978-0-8031-2884-2 9000100701565 99PRAHA (Conf.on Accelerator Driven Transmutation, Prague 1999)9000100701566 (3.Int.Conf.on Accelerator Driven Transmutation 9000100701567 Technology and Applications, Prague, Czech Rep., 7 - 9000100701568 11 June 1999) 9000100701569 Proc.publ.on CD-ROM only 9000100701570 99RAB (Conf.Cluster.Aspects of Nucl.Struct.& Dynam.,Rab 1999)9000100701571 (The 7th International Conference on Clustering Aspects9000100701572 of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (Cluster 99), Rab, 9000100701573 Island of Rab, Croatia, 14 - 19 June, 1999) 9000100701574 =Published by World Scientific (Mar. 2000) 9000100701575 99SANTA (Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Santa Fe,NM 1999)9000100701576 (10. Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and 9000100701577 Related Topics, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 30 August - 3 9000100701578 September 1999) 9000100701579 99SARAT (Workshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimiz, Saratov 1999) 9000100701580 (6th International Workshop on Fundamental Problems of 9000100701581 Charged Particles Beam Physics, Mathematical Modeling,9000100701582 Optimization Control and Associate Research Areas, 9000100701583 Saratov, Russia, 6 - 10 September, 1999) 9000100701584 99ST.AND (Conf.on Fission+Neutron-Rich Nucl.,St.Andrews, 1999) 9000100701585 (2.Int.Conf.on Fission and Neutron-Rich Nuclei, St. 9000100701586 Andrews, Scotland, UK, 28 June - 2 July 1999) 9000100701587 99TSUKUB (Conf.on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999) 9000100701588 (9.Int.Conf. on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 179000100701589 - 22 October 1999) 9000100701590 99VANCOU (Int.Conf.on Isotopes (3ICI), Vancouver, Sept.1999) 9000100701591 (3.Int.Conf.on Isotopes (3ICI), Vancouver, Canada, 6 - 9000100701592 10 Sept. 1999) 9000100701593 2000IZMIR (Eurasia Conf. Nucl. Science & Appl., Izmir, 2000) 9000100701594 (1. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its 9000100701595 Application, Izmir, Turkey, 23-27 Oct. 2000) 9000100701596 2000PITTSB (PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, PA, 2000) 9000100701597 (ANS Int. Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor 9000100701598 Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next 9000100701599 Millenium - PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 7 - 11 9000100701600 May 2000) 9000100701601 2000STPETR (Conf.Nucl.Spectr.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersbg.,June 2000) 9000100701602 (50.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701603 Int. Conf. "Clusters in Nuclear Physics", St. 9000100701604 Petersburg, Russia, 14 - 17 June 2000) 9000100701605 2001BERKEL (Nucl.Physics in the 21st Cent.,Berkeley, CA,USA,2001) 9000100701606 2001CASTAP (Dyn.Aspects of Nucl.Fiss.,Casta-Papiernicka 2001) 9000100701607 (5.Int.Conf.on Dynamical Aspects of Nucl.Fission, 9000100701608 Casta-Papiernicka, Slovakia, 23 - 27 Oct. 2001) 9000100701609 Proc.publ.by World Scientific, Dec. 2002 9000100701610 2001DUBNA (Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei, Dubna 2001) 9000100701611O (9.Int. Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei 9000100701612O - ISINN-9, Dubna, 23 - 26 May 2001) 9000100701613O *** Use JINR-E3-2001-192 9000100701614O 2001SARAT (Workshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimiz, Saratov 2001) 9000100701615 (8th International Workshop on Fundamental Problems of 9000100701616 Charged Particles Beam Physics, Mathematical Modeling,9000100701617 Optimization Control and Associate Research Areas, 9000100701618 Saratov, Russia, 25 - 29 June, 2001) 9000100701619 2001SAROV (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Sarov, Russia,2001) 9000100701620 (51.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701621 Sarov, Russia, 3 - 8 Sept. 2001) 9000100701622 2001TSUKUB (Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Tsukuba 2001) 9000100701623 (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 9000100701624 Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 7 - 12 October 2001) 9000100701625 2002BERKEL (Conf. on Frontier of Nuclear Physics, Berkeley 2002) 9000100701626 (Conference on Frontier of Nuclear Physics, Berkeley, 9000100701627 Calif., USA, 29 July - 2 Aug. 2002) 9000100701628 2002BRUSS (11th Inter.Symp.on Reactor Dosimetry, Brussels, 2002) 9000100701629 (11th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, 9000100701630 Brussels, 18 - 23 August, 2002) 9000100701631 =Proceedings published by World Scientific 9000100701632 =ISBN:981-238-448-0 9000100701633 2002DUBNA (Int.Sem.Interaction of Neutrons w.Nuclei,Moscow,2002) 9000100701634O (10.Int.Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei,9000100701635O (ISINN-10), Moscow, Russia, 22 - 25 May 2002) 9000100701636O *** Use JINR-E3-2003-10 9000100701637O 2002MOSCOW (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Moscow,Russia,2002) 9000100701638 (52.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, 9000100701639 Moscow, Russia, 18 -22 June 2002) 9000100701640 2002PRAHA (Workshop on Activation Data - EAF 2003, Prague 2002) 9000100701641 (2nd Workshop on Activation Data - EAF 2003, Prague, 9000100701642 June 24-26, 2002) 9000100701643 =Published on CD-ROM only 9000100701644 2002PRUHON (Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Pruhonice, 2002) 9000100701645 (11. Symp. on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscoy and Related9000100701646 Topics, Pruhonice near Prague, Czech Republic, 2002) 9000100701647 Publ. by World Scientific, 2003 9000100701648 2002SANIB (Fission,Prop.of Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel,USA,2002) 9000100701649 (Int.Conf.on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich 9000100701650 Nuclei, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, 3 - 9 Nov. 2002) 9000100701651 Proc.publ.by World Scientific, Oct. 2003 9000100701652 =ISBN:978-981-238-386-0 9000100701653 2002SANTA (Meeting on Radiation Shielding,Santa Fe,NM,USA, 2002) 9000100701654 2002SEOUL (PHYSOR 2002, Physics of Reactors, Seoul, Korea, 2002) 9000100701655 (Int.Conf.on the Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR 2002), 9000100701656 Seoul, Korea, 7 - 10 October 2002) 9000100701657 2003DARMST (Worksh.Nucl.Data for Transmutation, Darmstadt, 2003) 9000100701658 (Workshop on Nuclear Data for Transmutation of Nuclear 9000100701659 Waste (TRAMU), Darmstadt, Germany, 1-5 September 2003)9000100701660 2003HABAY (Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2003) 9000100701661 (Seminar on Fission "Point d'Oye V", Habay-la-Neuve, 9000100701662 Belgium, 16 - 19 Sept. 2003) 9000100701663 Proc.publ.by World Scientific, Feb.2004 9000100701664 2003MOSCOW (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Moscow,Russia,2003) 9000100701665 (53.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure 9000100701666 "Nucleus-2003", Moscow, Russia, 7 - 10 October 2003) 9000100701667 2003SDIEGO (Int.Meet.on Nucl.Appl.of Accel.Tech., San Diego 2003) 9000100701668 (6.Int.Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator 9000100701669 Technology, San Diego, California, USA, 1 - 5 June 9000100701670 2003) 9000100701671 2004ARGON (Conf.on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, July 2004) 9000100701672 (Conf.on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, Ill., USA, 26 -9000100701673 30 July 2004) 9000100701674 2004BELGOR (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Belgorod,Russia,2004)9000100701675 (54.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure 9000100701676 "Nucleus-2004", Belgorod, Russia, 22 - 25 June 2004) 9000100701677 2004BORMIO (Int.Meeting on Nucl.Physics, Bormio, Italy, 2004) 9000100701678 (42.Int.Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, 9000100701679 Italy, 25 - 31 January 2004) 9000100701680 2004CHICAG (PHYSOR 2004, Physics of Reactors, Chicago,IL,USA,2004)9000100701681 (PHYSOR 2004, The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced 9000100701682 Nuclear Systems: Global Developments, Chicago, 9000100701683 Illinois, 25-29 April, 2004) 9000100701684 =Published on CD-ROM only by Americal Nuclear Society 9000100701685 2004EURAD (Conf.Manag.and Disposal of Rad.Waste,Luxembourg 2004) 9000100701686 (6.European and Int.Conf.on Management and Disposal of 9000100701687 Radioactive Waste, EURADWASTE 04, Luxembourg, 29 - 31 9000100701688 March 2004) 9000100701689 2004PETERH (International Symp. on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, 2004) 9000100701690 (International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON 2004), 9000100701691 Peterhof, Russia, 5 - 12 July 2004) 9000100701692 =Published by World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-256-392-7)9000100701693 2004SANTA (Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Santa Fe 2004) 9000100701694 (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 9000100701695 Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 26 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2004) 9000100701696 =Published as AIP Conference Proceedings #769 9000100701697 2005BRUSS (Int.Conf.on Isotopes (5ICI), Brussels, April 2005) 9000100701698 (5.Int.Conf.on Isotopes (5ICI), Brussels, Belgium, 25 -9000100701699 29 April 2005) 9000100701700 2005KOS (Frontiers in Nucl.Structure,Kos,Greece,Sept.2005) 9000100701701 (Int.Conf.on Frontiers in Nucl.Structure, Astrophysics 9000100701702 and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 12 - 17 Sept.2005) 9000100701703 Publ.by American Inst.of Physics 9000100701704 2005NOTRED (Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Notre Dame 2005) 9000100701705 (12. Symp. on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscoy and Related9000100701706 Topics, Notre Dame, IN, USA, 4-9 Sept. 2005) 9000100701707 =Published as AIP Conference Proceedings #819 9000100701708 2005PAVIA (Nucl.Phys.Divisional Conf., Pavia, Italy, Sept.2005) 9000100701709 (EPS XIX Nuclear Physics Divisional Conf. (NPDC19), 9000100701710 Pavia, Italy, 5 - 9 Sept. 2005) 9000100701711 2005SANTA (Int.Collab.on Adv.Neutron Sources,Santa Fe,April 2005)9000100701712 (17.Meeting of the Int. Collaboration on Advanced 9000100701713 Neutron Sources (ICANS-XVII), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 9000100701714 USA, 25 - 29 April 2005) 9000100701715 2005SEVILL (Int.Conf.on Ion Beam Analysis, Sevilla, 2005) 9000100701716 (17.Int.Conf. on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA-17), Sevilla, 9000100701717 Spain, 26 June - 1 July 2005) 9000100701718 2005ULAANB (3rd Int.School on Contemp.Physics, Ulaanbaatar, 2005) 9000100701719 (3rd International School on Contemporary Physics, 9000100701720 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 8 - 15 August 2005) 9000100701721 2006BOROVE (Workshop Neutron Meas., Eval.& Appl., Borovets, 2006) 9000100701722O (Enlargement Workshop on Neutron Measurements, 9000100701723O Evaluations and Applications (NEMEA-3), Borovets, 9000100701724O Bulgaria, 25 - 28 October, 2006) 9000100701725O =Published by European Commission (EUR 22794 EN) 9000100701726O Obsolete; use S,EUR-22794 9000100701727O 2006CAPE (Workshop on Fast Neut.Det. & Appl., Rondebosch, 2006) 9000100701728 (International Workshop on Fast Neutron Detectors and 9000100701729 Applications (FNDA2006), Rondebosch, 3-6 April, 2006) 9000100701730 =Published only on website ("Proceedings of Science") 9000100701731 2006CERN (9.Int.Symp.Nuclei in the Cosmos, CERN, Geneva, 2006) 9000100701732 (9. Int. Symp. on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the 9000100701733 Cosmos (NIC-IX), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 25 - 30 9000100701734 June 2006) 9000100701735 =Published only on website ("Proceedings of Science") 9000100701736 2006KYIV (Int.Conf.Cur.Prob.in Nucl.Phys.Atom.Energ.,Kyiv,2006) 9000100701737 (International Conference on Current Problems in 9000100701738 Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 29 9000100701739 May - 3 June, 2006) 9000100701740 2006MANGAL (Nucl.Data f.Adv.Nucl.Systems, Mangalore, India, 2006) 9000100701741 (Nuclear Data for Advanced Nuclear Systems, Nuclear 9000100701742 Databases and Applications (NWND-2006), Mangalore, 9000100701743 India, 8 - 11 November 2006) 9000100701744 2006SAROV (Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Sarov, Russia,2006) 9000100701745 (Int.Conf.on Problem of Nucl.Spectroscopy and Structure9000100701746 of Atomic Nucleus (Nucleus-2006), Sarov, Russia, 4 - 89000100701747 Sept.2006) 9000100701748 2006SMOLEN (6th Int.Conf.Dynamical Aspects Nucl.Fiss., Smolenice) 9000100701749 (6th International Conference on Dynamical Aspects of 9000100701750 Nuclear Fission, Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, 9000100701751 2-6 Oct.2006) 9000100701752 2006VANCOU (Advances in Nucl.Analysis and Simul.,Vancouver, 2006) 9000100701753 (Am.Nucl.Soc.Topical Meeting on Advances in Nuclear 9000100701754 Analysis and Simulation, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 10 - 9000100701755 14 September 2006) 9000100701756 =Published on CD-ROM only by Americal Nuclear Society 9000100701757 =ISBN:0-89448-697-7 9000100701758 2007CORSEN (Seminar on Fissssion, Corsendonk Priory, 2007) 9000100701759 (Seminar on Fission, Corsendonk Priory, Belgium, 18-21 9000100701760 Sep. 2007) 9000100701761 2007LUXOR (6th Int.Nat.Conf.Nucl.& Part.Phys.,Luxor,Egypt 2007) 9000100701762 (6th International Conference on Nuclear and Particle 9000100701763 Physics (NUPPAC'07), Luxor, Egypt, 17-21 November, 9000100701764 2007) 9000100701765 =Published on Website 9000100701766 2007NICE (Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci. and Technology, Nice 2007) 9000100701767 (Int.Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 9000100701768 (ND2007), Nice, France, 22 - 27 April 2007) 9000100701769 2007SANIB (Conf.Fiss.Prop.Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel Island 2007)9000100701770 (4th International Conference on Fission and Properties9000100701771 of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, 9000100701772 11 - 17 November 2007) 9000100701773 =Published by World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-283-342-6)9000100701774 2007TOKAI (Symp.on Nuclear Data, Tokai, Japan, Jan. 2007) 9000100701775O (Symp. on Nuclear Data, RICOTTI, Tokai, Japan, 25 - 26 9000100701776O January 2007) 9000100701777O *** Use S,JAEA-C-2008-006 9000100701778O 2007TOKYO (23rd International Nuclear Physics Conf., Tokyo 2007) 9000100701779 (23rd International Nuclear Physics Conference 9000100701780 (INPC2007), Tokyo, Japan, 3-8 June 2007) 9000100701781 =Published by Elsevier (ISSN 0375-9474), 2 volumes. 9000100701782 =Vol.1 is published in NP/A 805 (June 2008). 9000100701783 2008AKERSL (13th Inter.Symp.on Reactor Dosimetry, Akersloot, 2008)9000100701784 (13th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, 9000100701785 Akersloot, 25 - 30 May, 2008) 9000100701786 =Proceedings published by World Scientific 9000100701787 =ISBN:981-4271-10-1 9000100701788 2008AOMORI (16th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Aomori 2008) 9000100701789 (16th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (16PBNC), 9000100701790 Aomori, Japan, 13 - 18 October 2008) 9000100701791 =Published on CD-ROM only 9000100701792 2008BUDA (7th Int.Conf. on Nucl. and Radiochem., Budapest, 2008)9000100701793 (7th International Conference on Nuclear and 9000100701794 Radiochemistry, Budapest, Hungary, August 24-29, 2008)9000100701795 =Published on CD-ROM only 9000100701796 2008INTLAK (Int.Conf. on the Phys. of Reactors, Interlaken, 2008) 9000100701797 (International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 9000100701798 (PHYSOR08), Interlaken, Switzerland, 14 - 10 September9000100701799 2008) 9000100701800 2008KYIV (2 Int.Conf.Cur.Prob.in Nucl.Phys.Atom.Ene.,Kyiv,2008) 9000100701801 2008MACKIN (10th Symp.on Nucl.in the Cosmos, Mackinac Island 2008)9000100701802 (10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC X), 9000100701803 Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA, 27 July - 1 August 9000100701804 2008) 9000100701805 =Published only on website ("Proceedings of Science") 9000100701806 2008MOSCOW (Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct., Moscow, 2008)9000100701807 (International Confeference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and9000100701808 Nuclear Structure (Nucleus-2008), Moscow, Russia, 9000100701809 23-27 June 2008) 9000100701810 2008VILLIG (1 Int.Worksh.on Acc.Radat.Ind.Activ., Villigen, 2008) 9000100701811 (First International Workshop on Accelerator Radiation 9000100701812 Induced Activation (ARIA2008), Villigen, Switzerland, 9000100701813 13 - 17 October 2008) 9000100701814 2009BUDA (Workshop Nucl.Data Meas., Theo.&Appl., Budapest,2009) 9000100701815 (Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Data Measurements, 9000100701816 Theory and Applications, Budapest, Hungary, 23-25 9000100701817 September, 2009) 9000100701818 2009VARENN (12th Int.Conf. on Nucl.React.Mechanism, Varenna,2009) 9000100701819O (12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction 9000100701820O Mechanisms, Varenna, Italy, 15-19 June, 2009) 9000100701821O *** Use S,CERN-PROC-2010-001 9000100701822O 2010HEIDLB (11th Symp. on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Heidelberg, 2010) 9000100701823 (11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XI), 9000100701824 Heidelberg, Germany, 19-23 July 2010) 9000100701825 =Published only on website ("Proceedings of Science") 9000100701826 2010KRAKOW (6 Workshop Neutron Meas., Eval.& Appl., Krakow, 2010) 9000100701827 (6th Workshop on Nuclear Measurements, Evaluation and 9000100701828 Applications (NEMEA-6), Krakow, Poland, October 25-28,9000100701829 2010) 9000100701830 2010KYIV (3 Int.Conf.Cur.Prob.in Nucl.Phys.Atom.Ene.,Kyiv,2010) 9000100701831 (3rd International Conference on Current Problems in 9000100701832 Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 7 - 9000100701833 12 June, 2010) 9000100701834 2010STPETR (Conf.Meth.Nucl.Phy.Femt.Nanotech.,St.Petersburg,2010) 9000100701835 (International Conference - Methods of Nuclear Physics 9000100701836 for Femto- and Nanotechnologies (Nucleus-2010), 9000100701837 St.Petersburg, Russia, 6-9 July, 2010) 9000100701838 2011BRETTO (14th Int.Symp.on Reactor Dosimetry,Bretton Woods,2011)9000100701839 (14th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, 9000100701840 Bretton Woods, NH, 22 - 27 May, 2011) 9000100701841 =Proceedings published as ASTM-STP-1550 9000100701842 =ISBN:978-0-8031-7536-5 9000100701843 2011GHENT (2nd Conf.Adv.Nucl.Instrum.Meas.Meth.&Their Appl.,2011)9000100701844 (2nd Conference on Advancements in Nuclear 9000100701845 Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their 9000100701846 Applications (ANIMMA), Ghent, Belgium, 6-9 June, 2011)9000100701847 2012CAIRNS (12th Symp. on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Cairns, 2012) 9000100701848 (12th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XII), 9000100701849 Cairns, Australia, 5-12 August, 2012) 9000100701850 2012DUBNA (11th Int.Seminar on High Energ.Phys.Prob., Dubna,2012)9000100701851 (11th International Baldin Seminar on High Energy 9000100701852 Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, 10-15 September, 9000100701853 2012) 9000100701854 =Published only on website ("Proceedings of Science") 9000100701855 2012KNOX (Int.Conf. on the Phys. of Reactors, Knoxville, 2012) 9000100701856 (International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, 9000100701857 Knoxville, TN, USA, 15-20 April, 2012) 9000100701858 =Published on CD-ROM only by Americal Nuclear Society 9000100701859 =ISBN:978-0-89448-085-9 9000100701860 2012KYIV (4 Int.Conf.Cur.Prob.in Nucl.Phys.Atom.Ene.,Kyiv,2012) 9000100701861 (4th International Conference on Current Problems in 9000100701862 Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 3 - 9000100701863 7 September, 2012) 9000100701864 2014DEBREC (13th Symp. on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Debrecen, 2014) 9000100701865 (13th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XIII), 9000100701866 Debrecen, Hungary, 7-11 July 2014) 9000100701867 2015WASH (12th Int.Meet. on Nucl.Appl.of Acc., Washington, 2015)9000100701868 (12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear 9000100701869 Applications of Accelerators (AccApp'15), Washington, 9000100701870 DC, USA, 10-13, November, 2015) 9000100701871 2016KOLKAT (61st DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nucl. Phys., Kolkata,2016) 9000100701872 (61st DAE-BRSn Symposium of Nuclear Physics, 5-9 9000100701873 December 2016) 9000100701874 2017ALMATY (Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct., Almaty, 2017)9000100701875 (International Confeference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and9000100701876 Nuclear Structure (Nucleus-2017), Almaty, Kazakhstan, 9000100701877 12-15 September 2017) 9000100701878 2017ATTICA (Ann. Symp. of Hellenic Nucl. Phys. Soc., Attica, 2017)9000100701879 (Annual Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics 9000100701880 Society, Attica, Greece, 9-10 June, 2017) 9000100701881 2017QUEBEC (13th Int.Meeting on Nucl.Appl.of Accel., Quebec, 2017)9000100701882 (13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear 9000100701883 Applications of Accelerators (AccApp'17), Quebec City,9000100701884 Canada, 31 July - 4 August, 2017) 9000100701885 2018VORNZH (Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Voronezh,2018)9000100701886 (International Confeference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and9000100701887 Nuclear Structure (Nucleus-2018), Voronezh, Russia, 9000100701888 1-6 July 2018) 9000100701889 ENDSUBDICT 1888 0 9000100799999 SUBDICT 90001008 20241220 Elements 9000100800001 1-H (Hydrogen) 9000100800002 2-HE (Helium) 9000100800003 3-LI (Lithium) 9000100800004 4-BE (Beryllium) 9000100800005 5-B (Boron) 9000100800006 6-C (Carbon) 9000100800007 7-N (Nitrogen) 9000100800008 8-O (Oxygen) 9000100800009 9-F (Fluorine) 9000100800010 10-NE (Neon) 9000100800011 11-NA (Sodium) 9000100800012 12-MG (Magnesium) 9000100800013 13-AL (Aluminium) 9000100800014 14-SI (Silicon) 9000100800015 15-P (Phosphorus) 9000100800016 16-S (Sulphur) 9000100800017 17-CL (Chlorine) 9000100800018 18-AR (Argon) 9000100800019 19-K (Potassium) 9000100800020 20-CA (Calcium) 9000100800021 21-SC (Scandium) 9000100800022 22-TI (Titanium) 9000100800023 23-V (Vanadium) 9000100800024 24-CR (Chromium) 9000100800025 25-MN (Manganese) 9000100800026 26-FE (Iron) 9000100800027 27-CO (Cobalt) 9000100800028 28-NI (Nickel) 9000100800029 29-CU (Copper) 9000100800030 30-ZN (Zinc) 9000100800031 31-GA (Gallium) 9000100800032 32-GE (Germanium) 9000100800033 33-AS (Arsenic) 9000100800034 34-SE (Selenium) 9000100800035 35-BR (Bromine) 9000100800036 36-KR (Krypton) 9000100800037 37-RB (Rubidium) 9000100800038 38-SR (Strontium) 9000100800039 39-Y (Yttrium) 9000100800040 40-ZR (Zirconium) 9000100800041 41-NB (Niobium) 9000100800042 42-MO (Molybdenum) 9000100800043 43-TC (Technetium) 9000100800044 44-RU (Ruthenium) 9000100800045 45-RH (Rhodium) 9000100800046 46-PD (Palladium) 9000100800047 47-AG (Silver) 9000100800048 48-CD (Cadmium) 9000100800049 49-IN (Indium) 9000100800050 50-SN (Tin) 9000100800051 51-SB (Antimony) 9000100800052 52-TE (Tellurium) 9000100800053 53-I (Iodine) 9000100800054 54-XE (Xenon) 9000100800055 55-CS (Cesium) 9000100800056 56-BA (Barium) 9000100800057 57-LA (Lanthanum) 9000100800058 58-CE (Cerium) 9000100800059 59-PR (Praseodymium) 9000100800060 60-ND (Neodymium) 9000100800061 61-PM (Promethium) 9000100800062 62-SM (Samarium) 9000100800063 63-EU (Europium) 9000100800064 64-GD (Gadolinium) 9000100800065 65-TB (Terbium) 9000100800066 66-DY (Dysprosium) 9000100800067 67-HO (Holmium) 9000100800068 68-ER (Erbium) 9000100800069 69-TM (Thulium) 9000100800070 70-YB (Ytterbium) 9000100800071 71-LU (Lutetium) 9000100800072 72-HF (Hafnium) 9000100800073 73-TA (Tantalum) 9000100800074 74-W (Tungsten) 9000100800075 75-RE (Rhenium) 9000100800076 76-OS (Osmium) 9000100800077 77-IR (Iridium) 9000100800078 78-PT (Platinum) 9000100800079 79-AU (Gold) 9000100800080 80-HG (Mercury) 9000100800081 81-TL (Thallium) 9000100800082 82-PB (Lead) 9000100800083 83-BI (Bismuth) 9000100800084 84-PO (Polonium) 9000100800085 85-AT (Astatine) 9000100800086 86-RN (Radon) 9000100800087 87-FR (Francium) 9000100800088 88-RA (Radium) 9000100800089 89-AC (Actinium) 9000100800090 90-TH (Thorium) 9000100800091 91-PA (Protactinium) 9000100800092 92-U (Uranium) 9000100800093 93-NP (Neptunium) 9000100800094 94-PU (Plutonium) 9000100800095 95-AM (Americium) 9000100800096 96-CM (Curium) 9000100800097 97-BK (Berkelium) 9000100800098 98-CF (Californium) 9000100800099 99-ES (Einsteinium) 9000100800100 100-FM (Fermium) 9000100800101 101-MD (Mendelevium) 9000100800102 102-NO (Nobelium) 9000100800103 103-LR (Lawrencium) 9000100800104 104-RF (Rutherfordium) 9000100800105 105-DB (Dubnium) 9000100800106 106-SG (Seaborgium) 9000100800107 107-BH (Bohrium) 9000100800108 108-HS (Hassium) 9000100800109 109-MT (Meitnerium) 9000100800110 110-DS (Darmstadtium) 9000100800111 111-RG (Roentgenium) 9000100800112 112-CN (Copernicium) 9000100800113 113-NH (Nihonium) 9000100800114 114-FL (Flerovium) 9000100800115 115-MC (Moscovium) 9000100800116 116-LV (Livermorium) 9000100800117 117-TS (Tennessine) 9000100800118 118-OG (Oganesson) 9000100800119 (Others to be added when they occur) 9000100800120 ENDSUBDICT 119 0 9000100899999 SUBDICT 90001015 20241220 History 9000101500001 A (Altered) Important alterations 9000101500002 C (Compiled) Compiled at the data center 9000101500003 D (Deleted) Entry or subentry deleted 9000101500004 This must be followed by free text justifying the 9000101500005 deletion. 9000101500006 E (Transmitted) Transmitted to other data centers 9000101500007 L (Entered) Entered into other data library 9000101500008 Entered to NEUDADA, DASTAR etc. 9000101500009 R (Received) Data received at the data center 9000101500010 S (Restored) Data restored from archive 9000101500011 T (Converted) Converted from previous compilation 9000101500012 U (Altered) Unimportant alterations 9000101500013 ENDSUBDICT 12 0 9000101599999 SUBDICT 90001016 20241220 Status 9000101600001 APRVD (Approved by author) 9000101600002 Proof copy approved by author and author's corrections9000101600003 entered. 9000101600004 Free text = name and date of approval 9000101600005 BERMN (Data converted from file of B.Berman) 9000101600006 CPX (Data taken from data file of McGowan, et al.) 9000101600007 The data are partly published in: 9000101600008 ORNL-CPX-1 (1964) for reactions with Mn, Fe, Co 9000101600009 ORNL-CPX-2 (1964) for reactions with Ni, Cu 9000101600010 Nucl.Data/A,1,203 (1966) for reactions with Li, Be, B9000101600011 Nucl.Data/A,2,1 (1966) for reactions with C 9000101600012 Nucl.Data/A,3,123 (1967) for reactions with N, O 9000101600013 Some of the data in this file were obtained from 9000101600014 curves with a data point reader. 9000101600015 The data sets compiled in area P entries (P0001 to 9000101600016 P0148) are published in Physik Daten Nr.15-5. 9000101600017 CURVE (Data read from a curve) 9000101600018 DASTR (Data converted from DASTAR file) 9000101600019 ECSIL (Data converted from ECSIL library) 9000101600020 NACRE (Data converted from NACRE files) 9000101600021 Nuclear Astrophysics Compilation of Reaction Rates 9000101600022 NCHKD (Authenticity not confirmed) 9000101600023 Mainly used when original reference is not checked 9000101600024 (e.g., translation from another compilation) 9000101600025 Not allowed for newly inserted data sets. 9000101600026 NDD (Data converted from NEUDADA file) 9000101600027 PENTZ (Data converted from GMA input file of W.P.Poenitz) 9000101600028 Data compiled by W.P.Poenitz for the least-squares 9000101600029 analysis of the neutron standard cross sections with 9000101600030 the GMA code (Report ANL/NDM-139). Data obtained from9000101600031 the authors and converted into the form of the 9000101600032 'primary' measured quantities where it was needed for9000101600033 the combined standards fit. Some partial components 9000101600034 of the uncertainties may be assigned by Poenitz at 9000101600035 the base of expert estimation. 9000101600036 PRELM (Preliminary data) 9000101600037 Data labelled by author as preliminary 9000101600038 Free text = author's information about finalizing the 9000101600039 data. 9000101600040 Also to be used for data not to be quoted prior to 9000101600041 publication. 9000101600042 RCALC (Ratio to standard calculated by other than author) 9000101600043 RIDER (Data converted from file of B.F.Rider) 9000101600044 SCSRS (Data converted from SCISRS file) 9000101600045 Information is incomplete due to automatic 9000101600046 conversion from SCISRS. 9000101600047 SGMBS (Data converted from Sigmabase) 9000101600048 Cross section compilation for ion beam analysis 9000101600049 TABLE (Data presented by authors) 9000101600050 Data shown in text or table in articles, or data 9000101600051 received from authors. Previously used for data 9000101600052 received by centre in tabular form. 9000101600053 UNOBT (Data unobtainable from author) 9000101600054 Free text = explanation of why unobtainable 9000101600055 ------------------------------------------------------ 9000101600056 The following codes must be followed by an accession 9000101600057 number indicating a cross-reference, e.g., 9000101600058 (COREL,B0123004)= Data correlated with subentry 9000101600059 B0123004 9000101600060 (DEP,10048007)= Data deduced from subentry 10048007 9000101600061 ------------------------------------------------------ 9000101600062 COREL (Data correlated with another data set) R9000101600063 Example: different results obtained by different 9000101600064 analyses of the same experimental data. 9000101600065 CRCTD (Data corrected by other than author) R9000101600066 Accession number follows: original data coded under 9000101600067 that accession number. 9000101600068 DEP (Dependent data) R9000101600069 Example: Gamma width obtained by subtraction of 9000101600070 independently measured total width and neutron 9000101600071 width. 9000101600072 Free text = cross-reference to the data from which 9000101600073 the dependent data were derived. 9000101600074 RNORM (Data renormalized by other than author) R9000101600075 Free text = explanation of renormalization and 9000101600076 cross-reference to author's original data 9000101600077 =NOTE= To be used only for non-trivial renormalization9000101600078 by an evaluator. Compilation centers should 9000101600079 generally store the author's normalization. 9000101600080 SUPPL (Supplemental information compiled separately) R9000101600081 ------------------------------------------------------ 9000101600082 The following codes may be followed by an accession 9000101600083 number indicating a cross-reference, e.g., 9000101600084 (SPSDD,10048009)= Superseded by subentry 10048009 9000101600085 ------------------------------------------------------ 9000101600086 OUTDT (Normalization out-of-date) S9000101600087 Reason or cross-reference to renormalized data 9000101600088 SPSDD (Data superseded or withdrawn) S9000101600089 Superseded by author's decision. 9000101600090 Accession number follows: revised data coded under 9000101600091 that accession number. 9000101600092 No subaccession number follows for: 9000101600093 - data withdrawn by author with no replacement 9000101600094 - replacing data not yet entered at time of 9000101600095 compilation 9000101600096 - old entries before 1977 when accession number field9000101600097 was not used. 9000101600098 Free text explanation required. 9000101600099 ENDSUBDICT 98 0 9000101699999 SUBDICT 90001017 20241220 Related reference types 9000101700001 A (Reference with which data agree) 9000101700002 C (Critical remarks) 9000101700003 D (Reference with which data disagree) 9000101700004 E (Reference used in the evaluation) 9000101700005 I (Reference to experimental instruments) 9000101700006 General description of facility, detector etc. 9000101700007 M (Reference to experimental technique) 9000101700008 General description of method, analysis etc. 9000101700009 N (-) 9000101700010 Used whenever other codes do not apply. 9000101700011 Explanation in free text is obligatory. 9000101700012 O (Reference to related data compiled in another entry) 9000101700013 R (Reference from which data were used) 9000101700014 Do not use this code for references coded under 9000101700015 MONIT-REF 9000101700016 ENDSUBDICT 15 0 9000101799999 SUBDICT 90001018 20241220 Facilities 9000101800001 =======================================================9000101800002 General use 9000101800003 =======================================================9000101800004 ACCEL (Accelerator) 9000101800005 BETAT (Betatron) 9000101800006 CCW (Cockcroft-Walton accelerator) 9000101800007 CYCLO (Cyclotron) 9000101800008 CYCTM (Tandem cyclotrons) 9000101800009 CYGFF (Cyclograaff) 9000101800010 DYNAM (Dynamitron) 9000101800011 ESTRG (Electron storage ring) 9000101800012 FNS (Fusion neutron source) 9000101800013 FRS (Fragment separator) 9000101800014O ICTR (Insulated core transformer accelerator) 9000101800015 INTFM (Interferometer) 9000101800016 ISOCY (Isochronous cyclotron) 9000101800017 incl. AVF-cyclotron 9000101800018 LASER (Laser system) 9000101800019 LCEXP (Location of experiment) 9000101800020 To be used when 9000101800021 (1) the location is coded in the Institute Field, 9000101800022 (2) two or more codes are under INSTITUTE, and 9000101800023 (3) no other facility code applies. 9000101800024 LINAC (Linear accelerator) 9000101800025 MESON (Meson facility) 9000101800026O MICRT (Microtron) 9000101800027 OLMS (On-line mass separator) 9000101800028 PRJFS (Secondary beam from projectile fragment separator) 9000101800029O SPECC (Crystal spectrometer) 9000101800030 SPECD (Double mass spectrometer) 9000101800031 SPECM (Mass spectrometer) 9000101800032 SRING (Storage ring) 9000101800033 except Electron storage ring (use ESTRG) 9000101800034 SYNCH (Synchrotron) 9000101800035 SYNCY (Synchro cyclotron) 9000101800036 VDG (Van de Graaff) 9000101800037 also for single-ended Pelletron (without D in name) 9000101800038 VDGT (Tandem van de Graaff) 9000101800039 also for tandem type Pelletron (e.g., 8UD, 12UD, 14UD)9000101800040 =======================================================9000101800041 Neutron data only 9000101800042 =======================================================9000101800043 CHOPF (Fast chopper) 9000101800044 CHOPS (Slow chopper) 9000101800045 CRASS (Critical assembly) 9000101800046 NGEN (Neutron generator) 9000101800047 To be used when specific type is unknown 9000101800048 OSCIP (Pile oscillator) 9000101800049 REAC (Reactor) 9000101800050 SELVE (Velocity selector) 9000101800051 ENDSUBDICT 50 0 9000101899999 SUBDICT 90001019 20241220 Incident sources 9000101900001 =======================================================9000101900002 General use 9000101900003 =======================================================9000101900004 FRAGM (Fragmentation) 9000101900005 ISOL (Online isotope separation) 9000101900006 POLIS (Polarized ion source) 9000101900007 POLTR (Polarized target) 9000101900008 SPALL (Spallation) 9000101900009 =======================================================9000101900010 Neutron data only 9000101900011 =======================================================9000101900012 A-BE (Alpha-Beryllium) 9000101900013 AM-BE (Americium-Beryllium neutron source) 9000101900014 B11-H (1H(11B,n)) 9000101900015 CF252 (Spont.fission of Californium-252) 9000101900016 CM-BE (Curium-Beryllium neutron source) 9000101900017 CM244 (Spont.fission of Curium-244) 9000101900018 CM246 (Spont.fission of Curium-246) 9000101900019 CM248 (Spont.fission of Curium-248) 9000101900020 D-BE (9Be(d,n)) 9000101900021 D-C12 (12C(d,n)) 9000101900022 D-C14 (14C(d,n)) 9000101900023 D-D (2H(d,n)) 9000101900024 D-LI (Li(d,n)) 9000101900025 D-LI7 (7Li(d,n)) 9000101900026 D-N14 (14N(d,n)) 9000101900027 D-N15 (15N(d,n)) 9000101900028 D-T (3H(d,n)) 9000101900029 EVAP (Evaporation neutrons) 9000101900030 EXPLO (Nuclear explosive device) 9000101900031 P-BE (9Be(p,n)) 9000101900032 P-D (2H(p,n)) 9000101900033 P-LI7 (7Li(p,n)) 9000101900034 P-N15 (15N(p,n)) 9000101900035 P-T (3H(p,n)) 9000101900036 PHOTO (Photo-neutron) 9000101900037 PO-BE (Polonium-Beryllium neutron source) 9000101900038 POLNS (Polarized neutron source) 9000101900039 PU-BE (Plutonium-Beryllium neutron source) 9000101900040 PU240 (Spont.fission of Plutonium-240) 9000101900041 PU242 (Spont.fission of Plutonium-242) 9000101900042 RA-BE (Radium-Beryllium neutron source) 9000101900043 REAC (Reactor) 9000101900044 RN-BE (Radon-Beryllium neutron source) 9000101900045 TH-BE (Thorium-Beryllium neutron source) 9000101900046 THCOL (Thermal column) 9000101900047 =======================================================9000101900048 Photonuclear data only 9000101900049 =======================================================9000101900050 ARAD (Annihilation radiation) 9000101900051 ATOMI (Atomic beam source) 9000101900052 BRST (Bremsstrahlung) 9000101900053 COMPT (Compton scattering) 9000101900054O COULX (Coulomb excitation) 9000101900055 HARD (Hardened) 9000101900056 KINDT (Kinematically determined) 9000101900057 LAMB (Lamb-shift source) 9000101900058 LASER (Laser scattering) 9000101900059O LCS (Laser Compton Scattered Photons) 9000101900060 MPH (Monoenergetic photons) 9000101900061 POLPS (Polarized photon source) 9000101900062 QMPH (Quasi-monoenergetic photons) 9000101900063 TAGD (Electron tagged) 9000101900064 THRDT (Determined by threshold technique) 9000101900065 VPH (Virtual photons) 9000101900066 ENDSUBDICT 65 0 9000101999999 SUBDICT 90001020 20241220 Additional results 9000102000001 The following codes are to be used for the keyword 9000102000002 'ADD-RES' only. codes for the keyword 'RESULT' are 9000102000003 given in dictionary 37. 9000102000004 'ADD-RES' is used to refer to additional results not 9000102000005 compiled in the exfor entry, whereas 'RESULT' gives 9000102000006 additional explanations about the data given under 9000102000007 'REACTION'. 9000102000008 A-DIS (Mass distribution) 9000102000009 AMFF (Angular momentum of fission fragments) 9000102000010 ANGD (Angular distribution) 9000102000011 COMP (Comparison with calculated values) 9000102000012 DECAY (Decay properties investigated) 9000102000013 E-DIS (Energy distribution) 9000102000014 G-SPC (Gamma spectra) 9000102000015 LD (Level density) 9000102000016 N-SPC (Neutron spectra) 9000102000017 P-SPC (Proton spectra) 9000102000018 POT (Parameters of nuclear potential) 9000102000019 e.g., barrier heights or deformation 9000102000020 RANGE (Range of recoils measured) 9000102000021 RECIP (Calculated data for reciprocal reaction) 9000102000022 RRATE (Reaction rate) 9000102000023 STRUC (Nuclear structure data) 9000102000024 THEO (Theory) 9000102000025 TRCS (Total reaction cross section) 9000102000026 TTY-C (Calculated thick target yield) 9000102000027 Z-DIS (Charge distribution) 9000102000028 ENDSUBDICT 27 0 9000102099999 SUBDICT 90001021 20241220 Methods 9000102100001 =======================================================9000102100002 General use 9000102100003 =======================================================9000102100004 ACTIV (Activation) 9000102100005 AMS (Accelerator mass spectrometry) 9000102100006 ASEP (Off-line mass separation of a product) 9000102100007 ASPEC (Alpha spectrometry) 9000102100008 ASSOP (Associated particle) 9000102100009 for neutron flux determination 9000102100010 BCINT (Beam current integrated) 9000102100011 Code used only if values given in the data section are9000102100012 based on this measurement 9000102100013 BGCT (Beta-gamma coincidence technique) 9000102100014 BSPEC (Beta ray spectrometry) 9000102100015 CHARG (Measurements in gas discharge) 9000102100016 CHSEP (Chemical separation of products) 9000102100017 including radiochemical separation 9000102100018 COINC (Coincidence) 9000102100019 DSCAT (Double scattering) 9000102100020 for polarization determination 9000102100021 EDE (Particle identification by 'E/Delta E' measurement) 9000102100022 EDEG (Energy degradation by foils) 9000102100023 The projectile energy was considerably degraded before9000102100024 hitting the target. The initial projectile energy and 9000102100025 the reference of the energy loss relation used should 9000102100026 be stated. 9000102100027 EXTB (Irradiation with external beam) 9000102100028 FNB (Filtered neutron beam) 9000102100029 GSPEC (Gamma ray spectrometry) 9000102100030 HE-AC (Helium accumulation method) 9000102100031 for helium determination by vaporization and 9000102100032 mass spectrometry 9000102100033 HEJET (Collection by He jet) 9000102100034 for reaction product transportation 9000102100035 INTB (Irradiation with internal beam) 9000102100036 JET (Collection by gas jet) 9000102100037 LRASY (Left-right asymmetry) 9000102100038 for polarization determination 9000102100039 MAGFR (Magnetic field rotation) 9000102100040 for polarized beam production 9000102100041 MASSP (Mass spectrometry of a product) 9000102100042O Obsolete. Use ASEP or OLMS. 9000102100043O MOMIX (Mixed monitor) 9000102100044 Monitor and target combined as chemical compound or 9000102100045 mixture, or monitor reaction has the same target 9000102100046 nuclide as the reaction given under 'REACTION' 9000102100047 MOSEP (Separate monitor foil) 9000102100048 OLMS (On-line mass separation of a product) 9000102100049 PHD (Pulse-height discrimination) 9000102100050 PHWT (Pulse-height weighting technique) 9000102100051 PLSED (Pulse die-away) 9000102100052 PSD (Pulse-shape discrimination) 9000102100053 REC (Collection of recoils) 9000102100054 RINGR (Ring ratio method) 9000102100055 for neutron energy determination 9000102100056 SFLIP (Spin flip) 9000102100057 SITA (Single target irradiation) 9000102100058 STATD (Statistically determined) 9000102100059 STTA (Stacked target irradiation) 9000102100060 THERM (Gas thermochromatographic separation) 9000102100061 TOF (Time-of-flight) 9000102100062 TOFDE (Particle identification by 'TOF-Delta E' measurement) 9000102100063 TRN (Transmission method) 9000102100064 TTM (Thick-target method) 9000102100065 for excitation function determination 9000102100066 XSPEC (X-ray spectrometry) 9000102100067 =======================================================9000102100068 Fission product yields 9000102100069 =======================================================9000102100070 ABSFY (Absolute fission yield measurement) 9000102100071 i.e., not relative to another fission yield, though 9000102100072 may be relative to a monitor cross section 9000102100073 FISCT (Absolute fission counting) 9000102100074 of the total number of fissions with a detector to 9000102100075 be specified 9000102100076 FLUX (Neutron flux monitoring) 9000102100077 by a reaction to be coded under MONITOR 9000102100078 FPGAM (Direct gamma-ray spectrometry) 9000102100079 of unseparated fission products 9000102100080 HADT (Heavy atom difference technique) 9000102100081 by mass spectrometry 9000102100082 HATOM (Hot atom method) 9000102100083 RCHEM (Radiochemical separation) 9000102100084O Obsolete. Use CHSEP. 9000102100085O RELFY (Relative fission yield measurement) 9000102100086 i.e., relative to another fission yield value 9000102100087 RVAL (R-value measurement) 9000102100088 see LEXFOR under Fission Yields 9000102100089 =======================================================9000102100090 Neutron data only 9000102100091 =======================================================9000102100092 BURN (Burn-up) 9000102100093 CADMB (Cadmium bath) 9000102100094 CHRFL (Christiansen filter) 9000102100095 DIFFR (Diffraction) 9000102100096 DIFUS (Diffusion approximation) 9000102100097 for non-elastic scattering cross section determination9000102100098 MANGB (Manganese bath) 9000102100099 REAC (Reactivity measurement) 9000102100100 REFL (Total reflection from mirrors) 9000102100101 SHELT (Shell transmission) 9000102100102 SLODT (Slowing-down time) 9000102100103 for neutron energy determination 9000102100104 ENDSUBDICT 103 0 9000102199999 SUBDICT 90001022 20241220 Detectors 9000102200001 =======================================================9000102200002 General use 9000102200003 =======================================================9000102200004 BAF2 (Scintillator BaF2) 9000102200005 BGO (Bismuth-Germanate crystal detector) 9000102200006 BUBLC (Bubble chamber) 9000102200007 CEREN (Cerenkov detector) 9000102200008 COIN (Coincidence counter arrangement) 9000102200009 Detectors used in coincidence follow in the form 9000102200010 (COIN,DET1,DET2). Other detectors must not be coded 9000102200011 within the same parentheses but must be coded in a 9000102200012 separate line. 9000102200013 COMPL (Compton Polarimeter) 9000102200014 CSICR (Cesium-Iodide crystal) 9000102200015 D4PI (4pi detector) 9000102200016 DRFTC (Drift chamber) 9000102200017 FISCH (Fission chamber) 9000102200018 GEMUC (Geiger-Mueller counter) 9000102200019 GLASD (Glass detector) 9000102200020 IMPSI (Passivated implanted planar Si detector) 9000102200021 IOCH (Ionization chamber) 9000102200022 MAGSP (Magnetic spectrometer) 9000102200023 or spectrograph 9000102200024 MCPLT (Microchannel plate) 9000102200025 MTANK (Moderating tank detector) 9000102200026 MWDC (Multi-wire drift chamber) 9000102200027 MWPC (Multi-wire proportional counter) 9000102200028 MWSC (Multi-wire spark counter) 9000102200029 NAICR (Sodium-Iodide crystal) 9000102200030 PGAC (Parallel-grid avalanche detector) 9000102200031 PHVC (Photovoltaic Cell) 9000102200032 PLATE (Nuclear plates (emulsion)) 9000102200033 PPAC (Parallel plate avalanche counter) 9000102200034 PROPC (Proportional counter) 9000102200035 PS (Position sensitive detector) 9000102200036 Specific detector type follows in the form 9000102200037 (PS,DET), e.g. (PS,MWPC). Other detectors must not 9000102200038 be coded within the same parentheses but must be 9000102200039 coded in a separate line. 9000102200040 PSSCN (Position sensitive scintillator) 9000102200041O PSSSD (Position sensitive solid state detector) 9000102200042O SCIN (Scintillation detector) 9000102200043 SI (Silicon detector) 9000102200044 to be used when specific type is not known 9000102200045 SIBAR (Silicon surface barrier detector) 9000102200046 SILI (Silicon-Lithium detector) 9000102200047 SISD (Silicon strip detector) 9000102200048 SOLST (Solid-state detector) 9000102200049 SPEC (Large spectrometer system) 9000102200050 for spectrometer which cannot be expressed by a set of9000102200051 detector codes clearly 9000102200052 STANK (Scintillator tank) 9000102200053 SWPC (Single-wire proportional counter) 9000102200054 TELES (Counter telescope) 9000102200055 Detectors used may follow in the form 9000102200056 (TELES,DET1,DET2). Other detectors used must not be 9000102200057 coded within the same parenthesis but must be coded 9000102200058 in a separate line 9000102200059 TFBC (Thin-film Breakdown Counter) 9000102200060 THRES (Threshold detector) 9000102200061 TPC (Time projection chamber) 9000102200062 TRD (Track detector) 9000102200063 =======================================================9000102200064 Gamma detectors 9000102200065 =======================================================9000102200066 BPAIR (Electron-pair spectrometer) 9000102200067 GE (Germanium detector) 9000102200068 to be used when specific type is not known 9000102200069 GE-IN (Germanium intrinsic detector) 9000102200070 GELI (Germanium-Lithium detector) 9000102200071 HPGE (Hyperpure Germanium detector) 9000102200072 LABR3 (LaBr3 scintillator) 9000102200073 LEGE (Low energy Germanium Detector) 9000102200074 MOXR (Moxon-Rae detector) 9000102200075 XHPGE (Extended range Germanium gamma detector) 9000102200076 =======================================================9000102200077 Neutron detectors 9000102200078 =======================================================9000102200079 BF3 (Boron Trifluoride neutron detector) 9000102200080 HE3SP (He-3 spectrometer) 9000102200081 HORBU (Hornyak button detector) 9000102200082 LONGC (Long counter) 9000102200083 ENDSUBDICT 82 0 9000102299999 SUBDICT 90001023 20241220 Analyses 9000102300001 =======================================================9000102300002 General use 9000102300003 =======================================================9000102300004 4PI1A (4pi times differential cross section at one angle) 9000102300005 ANC (Asymptotic normalization constant) 9000102300006 CHGDS (Corrected for charge distribution) 9000102300007 For derivation of total chain yield 9000102300008 CORAB (Correction on isotopic abundance) 9000102300009 DECAY (Decay curve analysis) 9000102300010 DTBAL (Detailed balance) 9000102300011 For analysis of inverse reactions 9000102300012 ERCSN (Extracted from Ericson fluctuation) 9000102300013 For level density derivation 9000102300014 INTAD (Integration of angular distribution) 9000102300015 INTED (Integration of energy distribution) 9000102300016 INTEF (Integration of excitation function) 9000102300017 For derivation of thick target yield 9000102300018 INTPD (Integration of momentum distribution) 9000102300019 NTRTH (Normalized to Rutherford scattering cross section) 9000102300020 PES (Extracted from equilibrium particle emission spectra) 9000102300021 For level density derivation 9000102300022 PGS (Extracted from primary gamma spectra) 9000102300023 For level density derivation 9000102300024 SURGT (Surrogate reaction method) 9000102300025 TROJA (Trojan-horse method) 9000102300026 TTUNF (Calculated from thick target using unfolding proced.) 9000102300027 UNFLD (Unfolding procedure) 9000102300028 WSP (Woods-Saxon potential) 9000102300029O =======================================================9000102300030 Photonuclear data only 9000102300031 =======================================================9000102300032 DIFFR (Difference spectrum) 9000102300033 For unfolding of photonuclear cross section. 9000102300034 Differentiation of outgoing particle spectra obtained 9000102300035 by bremsstrahlung having different end-point energies 9000102300036 LEAST (Least structure method) 9000102300037 For unfolding of photonuclear cross section 9000102300038 PHDIF (Photon difference) 9000102300039 For unfolding of photonuclear cross section. 9000102300040 Differentiation of reaction yields obtained by 9000102300041 bremsstrahlung having different end-point energies 9000102300042 PLA (Penfold-Leiss method) 9000102300043 For unfolding of photonuclear cross section 9000102300044 REDUC (Reduction method) 9000102300045 REGUL (Regularization method) 9000102300046 For unfolding of photonuclear cross section 9000102300047 THIES (Thies's method) 9000102300048 =======================================================9000102300049 Resonance parameter analysis 9000102300050 =======================================================9000102300051 AREA (Area analysis) 9000102300052 For derivation of resonance parameters 9000102300053 MLA (Multilevel analysis) 9000102300054 For derivation of resonance parameters 9000102300055 RFN (R-function formalism) 9000102300056O Special case of Reich-Moore (RM in REACTION SF8) 9000102300057O SHAPE (Shape analysis) 9000102300058 For derivation of resonance parameters 9000102300059 SLA (Single level analysis) 9000102300060 For derivation of resonance parameters 9000102300061 ENDSUBDICT 60 0 9000102399999 SUBDICT 90001024 20241220 Data headings 9000102400001 =======================================================9000102400002 =NOTE= Characters and digits in Column 66 are used for 9000102400003 computerized checking of the field sequence 9000102400004 =======================================================9000102400005 =======================================================9000102400006 Monitor/Assumed Values 9000102400007 =======================================================9000102400008 ANG-CM-NRM Angle at which normalization was made, c.m. system 9000102400009 ANG-NRM Angle at which normalization was made 9000102400010 E-EXC-C-NR Exc.energy of initial compound nucl. for normalization 9000102400011 E-LVL-NRM Level energy used for normalization 9000102400012 When a partial cross section is specified under 9000102400013 MONITOR. 9000102400014 E-NRM Energy of outgoing particle used for normalization 9000102400015 Energy of the outgoing gamma ray or particle group for9000102400016 normalization value when a partial cross section is 9000102400017 specified under MONITOR 9000102400018 E-NRM1 Energy of first outgoing part. used for normalization 9000102400019 E-NRM2 Energy of second outgoing part. used for normalization 9000102400020 EN-CM-NRM Inc.proj. energy (in c.m.) used for normalization 9000102400021 EN-NRM Incident projectile energy used for normalization 9000102400022 Used when a data set is normalized at one energy only.9000102400023 EN-NRM-MAX Upper limit of incident en. range for normalization 9000102400024 EN-NRM-MIN Lower limit of incident en. range for normalization 9000102400025 EN-NRM-RSL Energy resolution of normalization incident energy 9000102400026 EN-NRM1 1st incident proj.en. for normalization, see MONITOR 9000102400027 If more than one energy is given. 9000102400028 Explanation under MONITOR. 9000102400029 EN-NRM1-MN Lower limit of 1st incident en.range for normalization 9000102400030 Explanation under MONITOR. 9000102400031 EN-NRM1-MX Upper limit of 1st incident en.range for normalization 9000102400032 Explanation under MONITOR. 9000102400033 EN-NRM2 2nd incident proj.en. for normalization, see MONITOR 9000102400034 Explanation under MONITOR. 9000102400035 EN-NRM3 3rd incident proj.en. for normalization, see MONITOR 9000102400036 Explanation under MONITOR. 9000102400037 EN-RES-NRM Resonance energy for normalization 9000102400038 HL-NRM Half-life of nuclide to which data is normalized 9000102400039 KT-DUM-NRM Dummy spectrum temperature of reference 9000102400040 KT-NRM Temperature of reference Maxwellian spectrum 9000102400041 MONIT Normalization value for reaction given under MONITOR 9000102400042 For the reaction given under MONITOR 9000102400043 MONIT-CM Normalization value, c.m. system, see MONITOR 9000102400044 For the reaction given under MONITOR 9000102400045 MONIT-DN Normalization value for denominator of REACTION ratio 9000102400046 MONIT-MAX Upper limit of normalization value 9000102400047 MONIT-MIN Lower limit of normalization value 9000102400048 MONIT-NM Normalization value for numerator of ratio 9000102400049 MONIT1 1st normalization value, see MONITOR 9000102400050 If more than one is given. 9000102400051 Explanation under MONITOR 9000102400052 MONIT1-ERR Error in 1st normalization value 9000102400053 MONIT2 2nd normalization value, see MONITOR 9000102400054 Explanation under MONITOR 9000102400055 MONIT2-ERR Error in 2nd normalization value 9000102400056 MONIT3 3rd normalization value, see MONITOR 9000102400057 Explanation under MONITOR 9000102400058 MONIT3-ERR Error in 3rd normalization value 9000102400059 MONIT4 4th normalization value, see MONITOR 9000102400060 Explanation under MONITOR 9000102400061 MONIT4-ERR Error in 4th normalization value 9000102400062 MONIT5 5th normalization value, see MONITOR 9000102400063 Explanation under MONITOR 9000102400064 MONIT5-ERR Error in 5th normalization value 9000102400065 MONIT6 6th normalization value, see MONITOR 9000102400066 MONIT6-ERR Error in 6th normalization value 9000102400067 MONIT7 7th normalization value, see MONITOR 9000102400068 MONIT8 8th normalization value, see MONITOR 9000102400069 STAND Numerical value Assumed 9000102400070O Heading for field giving the numerical value assumed 9000102400071O for the quantity specified under STANDARD 9000102400072O STAND-ERR Standard error 9000102400073O STAND1 1st standard value, see STANDARD 9000102400074O If More Than One given 9000102400075O STAND1-ERR Error in 1st standard value 9000102400076O STAND2 2nd standard value, see STANDARD. 9000102400077O STAND2-ERR Error in 2nd standard value 9000102400078O STAND3 3rd standard value, see STANDARD. 9000102400079O STAND3-ERR Error in 3rd standard value 9000102400080O +MONIT-ERR + Unsymmetric error in value assumed for normalization 9000102400081 Absolute value can be coded when MONIT is also given 9000102400082 -MONIT-ERR - Unsymmetric error in value assumed for normalization 9000102400083 Absolute value can be coded when MONIT is also given 9000102400084 MONIT-ERR Error in normalization value 9000102400085 Absolute value can be coded when MONIT is also given 9000102400086 ASSUM Assumed value, defined under ASSUMED. 9000102400087 ASSUM-ERR Error in assumed value 9000102400088 ASSUM-MAX Upper limit of assumed value 9000102400089 ASSUM-MIN Lower limit of assumed value 9000102400090 ASSUM1 1st assumed value, defined under ASSUMED. 9000102400091 If more than one assumed value given. 9000102400092 ASSUM1-ERR 1st assumed value error 9000102400093 ASSUM1-MAX Upper limit of 1st assumed value 9000102400094 ASSUM1-MIN Lower limit of 1st assumed value 9000102400095 ASSUM2 2nd Assumed value, defined under ASSUMED. 9000102400096 ASSUM2-ERR 2nd Assumed value error 9000102400097 ASSUM2-MAX Upper limit of 2nd assumed value 9000102400098 ASSUM2-MIN Lower limit of 2nd assumed value 9000102400099 ASSUM3 3rd assumed value, defined under ASSUMED. 9000102400100 ASSUM3-ERR 3th assumed value error 9000102400101 ASSUM4 4th assumed value, defined under ASSUMED. 9000102400102 ASSUM4-ERR 4th assumed value error 9000102400103 ASSUM5 5th assumed value, defined under ASSUMED. 9000102400104 ASSUM5-ERR 5th assumed value error 9000102400105 =======================================================9000102400106 Quantity Measured 9000102400107 =======================================================9000102400108 DATA Value of quantity specified under REACTION 9000102400109 =Note= All codes starting with 'DATA' are in the 9000102400110 laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 9000102400111 DATA-AP-CM Approx.value of quant.specif.under REACTION, c.m. sys. 9000102400112 DATA-APRX Approximate value of quantity specif. under REACTION 9000102400113 DATA-CM Value of quantity specif. under REACTION, c.m. sys. 9000102400114 DATA-MAX Upper limit of quantity specified under REACTION 9000102400115 DATA-MIN Lower limit of quantity specified under REACTION 9000102400116 DATA-MN-CM Lower lim.of quant.specif.under REACTION, c.m.sys. 9000102400117 DATA-MX-CM Upper lim.of quant.specif.under REACTION, c.m.sys. 9000102400118 SUM Sum value of quantity specified under REACTION 9000102400119O May be used instead of DATA for an explicit sum 9000102400120O ((...)+(...)) or an isomeric sum is coded under 9000102400121O REACTION. 9000102400122O +DATA-ERR + Unsymmetric data error, see ERR-ANALYS 9000102400123 +DATA-ERR1 + Unsymmetric data uncertainty 9000102400124 +DATA-ERR2 + Unsymmetric 2nd data uncertainty 9000102400125 +ERR-1 + Unsymmetric 1st partial uncertainty, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400126 +ERR-2 + Unsymmetric 2nd partial uncertainty, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400127 +ERR-5 + Unsymmetric 5th partial uncertainty, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400128 +ERR-S + Unsymmetric statistical error 9000102400129 +ERR-SYS + Unsymmetric total systematic uncertainty 9000102400130 +ERR-T + Unsymmetric total uncertainty 9000102400131 +RATIO-ERR + Unsymmetric ratio error, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400132O +SUM-ERR + Unsymmetric error in sum, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400133O -DATA-ERR - Unsymmetric data error, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400134 -DATA-ERR1 - Unsymmetric data uncertainty 9000102400135 -DATA-ERR2 - Unsymmetric 2nd data uncertainty 9000102400136 -ERR-1 - Unsymmetric 1st partial uncertainty, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400137 -ERR-2 - Unsymmetric 2nd partial uncertainty, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400138 -ERR-5 - Unsymmetric 5th partial uncertainty, see ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400139 -ERR-S - Unsymmetric statistical uncertainty 9000102400140 -ERR-SYS - Unsymmetric total systematic uncertainty 9000102400141 -ERR-T - Unsymmetric total uncertainty 9000102400142 -RATIO-ERR - Unsymmetric ratio error 9000102400143O Explanation under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400144O -SUM-ERR - Unsymmetric error in sum 9000102400145O Explanation under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400146O DATA-ERR Error in value of quantity, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400147 DATA-ERR1 1st data uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400148 If more than one uncertainty field given. 9000102400149 DATA-ERR2 2nd data uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400150 DATA-ERR3 3rd data uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400151 DATA-ERR4 4th data uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400152 DATA-ERR5 5th data uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400153 DATA-ERR6 6th data uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400154 ERR-1 1st partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400155 ERR-10 10th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400156 ERR-11 11th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400157 ERR-12 12th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400158 ERR-13 13th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400159 ERR-14 14th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400160 ERR-15 15th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400161 ERR-16 16th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400162 ERR-17 17th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400163 ERR-18 18th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400164 ERR-2 2nd partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400165 ERR-3 3rd partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400166 ERR-4 4th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400167 ERR-5 5th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400168 ERR-6 6th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400169 ERR-7 7th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400170 ERR-8 8th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400171 ERR-9 9th partial uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400172 ERR-DIG Digitizing error (of DATA) 9000102400173 ERR-S Statistical uncertainty (1-Sigma) 9000102400174 ERR-SYS Total systematic uncertainty 9000102400175 ERR-T Total uncertainty (1-Sigma) 9000102400176 SUM-ERR Error in Sum 9000102400177O Explanation under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400178O RATIO Ratio value of quantity specified under REACTION 9000102400179O May be used instead of DATA for an explicit ratio 9000102400180O ((...)/(...)), or for an isomeric ratio. 9000102400181O In earlier entries also used for the ISO-QUANT/ 9000102400182O STANDARD ratio even if this ratio is not explicitly 9000102400183O coded under ISO-QUANT 9000102400184O RATIO-APRX Approximate value of ratio 9000102400185O RATIO-MAX Upper limit of ratio 9000102400186O RATIO-MIN Lower limit of ratio 9000102400187O RATIO-ERR Ratio error 9000102400188O RATIO-ERR1 1st ratio error 9000102400189O If more than one ratio error is given. 9000102400190O Explanation under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400191O RATIO-ERR2 2nd ratio error 9000102400192O Explanation under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400193O RATIO-ERR3 3rd ratio error 9000102400194O Explanation under ERR-ANALYS 9000102400195O =======================================================9000102400196 Resonance Parameters 9000102400197 =======================================================9000102400198 PARITY Parity of resonance 09000102400199 Compare Also the BIB Keyword LEVEL-PROP. 9000102400200 MOMENTUM L Angular momentum (L) of resonance 29000102400201 For resonance parameters, strength functions, etc. 9000102400202 SPIN J Spin (J) 49000102400203 Spin J of resonances, Strength-Functions, etc. 9000102400204 Compare also the BIB Keyword LEVEL-PROP. 9000102400205 STAT-W G Statistical-weight Factor (g) 49000102400206 For resonance Parameters 9000102400207 EN-RES Resonance energy C9000102400208 EN-RES-CM Resonance energy, c.m. system C9000102400209 EN-RES-DN Resonance energy, REACTION ratio denominator C9000102400210 EN-RES-MAX Upper limit of resonance energy C9000102400211 EN-RES-MIN Lower limit of resonance energy C9000102400212 EN-RES-NM Resonance energy, REACTION ratio numerator C9000102400213 MU-ADLER Mu C9000102400214 Used in Adler-Adler resonance analysis. 9000102400215 Equivalent to resonance energy. 9000102400216 +EN-RES-ER + Unsymmetric resonance energy error D9000102400217 -EN-RES-ER - Unsymmetric resonance energy error D9000102400218 E-EXC-R-ER Error in exc. energy of initial comp.nucl.on resonanceD9000102400219 E-EXC-RES Exc. energy of initial compound nucleus on resonance D9000102400220 EN-RES-ERR Error in resonance energy D9000102400221 =======================================================9000102400222 Energy/Momentum of Incident Projectile 9000102400223 =======================================================9000102400224 E-EXC-C-MN Lower limit of exc. energy of initial compound nucleusA9000102400225 E-EXC-C-MX Upper limit of exc. energy of initial compound nucleusA9000102400226 E-EXC-CMP Excitation energy of initial compound nucleus A9000102400227 EN Energy of incident projectile, laboratory system A9000102400228 =Note= All codes starting with 'EN' are in the 9000102400229 Laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 9000102400230 EN-APRX Approximate incident projectile energy A9000102400231 EN-CM Sum of projectile and target energies in c.m.s. A9000102400232 Also known as Centre-of-mass energy 9000102400233 EN-CM-MAX Upper limit of c.m. incident projectile energy range A9000102400234 EN-CM-MIN Lower limit of c.m. incident projectile energy range A9000102400235 EN-DN Incident energy for REACTION ratio denominator A9000102400236 EN-MAX Upper limit of incident projectile energy range A9000102400237 EN-MAX-DN Upper limit of inc. en. range, REACTION ratio denom. A9000102400238 EN-MAX-NM Upper limit of inc. en. range, REACTION ratio numer. A9000102400239 EN-MIN Lower limit of incident projectile energy range A9000102400240 EN-MIN-APX Approximate lower limit incident projectile energy A9000102400241 EN-MIN-DN Lower limit of inc. en. range, REACTION ratio denom. A9000102400242 EN-MIN-NM Lower limit of inc. en. range, REACTION ratio numer. A9000102400243 EN-NM Incident projectile energy, REACTION ratio numerator A9000102400244 +EN-ERR + Unsymmetric energy error B9000102400245 +EN-RSL + Unsymmetric energy resolution B9000102400246 +EN-RSL-HW + Unsymmetric energy resolution (Half width) B9000102400247O -EN-ERR - Unsymmetric energy error B9000102400248 -EN-RSL - Unsymmetric energy resolution B9000102400249 -EN-RSL-HW - Unsymmetric energy resolution (Half width) B9000102400250O E-EXC-C-ER Error in excitation energy of initial compound nucleusB9000102400251 EN-ERR Uncertainty in incident projectile energy B9000102400252 for monoenergetic incident projectile energy or 9000102400253 for central energy in an incident projectile spectrum.9000102400254 EN-ERR-DIG Digitizing error of incident particle energy B9000102400255 EN-ERR1 1st incident projectile energy error, see ERR-ANALYS B9000102400256 If more than one uncertainty is given. 9000102400257 Explanation under ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400258 EN-ERR2 2nd incident projectile energy error, see ERR-ANALYS B9000102400259 Explanation under ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400260 EN-ERR3 3rd incident projectile energy error, see ERR-ANALYS B9000102400261 Explanation under ERR-ANALYS. 9000102400262 EN-RSL Incident projectile energy resolution (Unspecified) B9000102400263 EN-RSL-DN Inc.proj.en. resol.(FWHM), REACTION ratio denominator B9000102400264 EN-RSL-FW Incident projectile energy resolution (Full width) B9000102400265 EN-RSL-HW Incident projectile energy resolution (Half width) B9000102400266 EN-RSL-HW1 1st incident projectile energy resolution (Half width)B9000102400267 EN-RSL-HW2 2nd incident projectile energy resolution (Half width)B9000102400268 EN-RSL-NM Inc.proj.energy resol.(FWHM), REACTION ratio numeratorB9000102400269 MOM Linear momentum of incident projectile M9000102400270 MOM-MAX Maximum linear momentum of incident projectile M9000102400271 MOM-MIN Minimum linear momentum of incident projectile M9000102400272 MOM-ERR Error of linear momentum of incident projectile R9000102400273 MOM-RSL Incident projectile linear momentum resolution R9000102400274 EN-DUM-DN Dummy incident energy, REACTION ratio denominator A9000102400275 EN-DUM-NM Dummy incident energy, REACTION ratio numerator A9000102400276 EN-DUMMY Dummy incident proj. energy, for broad spectrum A9000102400277 Used as the numerical equivalent of an incident 9000102400278 particle spectrum when neither EN-MEAN nor KT 9000102400279 apply. See also INC-SPECT. 9000102400280 Quantity has modifier to specify spectrum. 9000102400281 EN-MEAN Mean energy of incident projectile spectrum A9000102400282 Either mean energy of incident projectile spectrum or 9000102400283 of energy range. Explanation in free text is required.9000102400284 EN-MEAN-DN Inc. spectr. mean energy, REACTION ratio denominator A9000102400285 EN-MEAN-NM Inc. spectr. mean energy, REACTION ratio numerator A9000102400286 KT Spectrum temperature (energy units) A9000102400287 KT-DN Spectrum temperature, REACTION ratio denominator A9000102400288 KT-DUM-DN Dummy spectrum temperature, REACTION ratio denominatorA9000102400289 KT-DUM-NM Dummy spectrum temperature, REACTION ratio numerator A9000102400290 KT-DUMMY Dummy spectrum temperature A9000102400291 for spectrum temprature asssumed by compilers 9000102400292 kT=1.42 MeV for 252Cf(sf), 1.32 MeV for 235U(nth,f) 9000102400293 KT-K Spectrum temperature (temperature units) A9000102400294 KT-NM Spectrum temperature, REACTION ratio numerator A9000102400295 KT-DUM-ERR Error in dummy spectrum temperature B9000102400296 KT-ERR Error in spectrum temperature (energy units) B9000102400297 KT-K-ERR Error in spectrum temperature (temperature units) B9000102400298 WVE-LN Wave length of incident particle A9000102400299 WVE-LN-MAX Upper boundary of wave length of incident particle A9000102400300 WVE-LN-MIN Lower boundary of wave length of incident particle A9000102400301 =======================================================9000102400302 Secondary Energy 9000102400303 =======================================================9000102400304 E Energy of outgoing particle, lab. system E9000102400305 =Note= All codes starting with 'E' are in the 9000102400306 laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 9000102400307 E-APRX Approximate energy of outgoing particle, lab. system E9000102400308 E-CM Energy of outgoing particle, c.m. system E9000102400309 E-CM-MAX Upper limit of outgoing part. en. range, c.m. sys. E9000102400310 E-CM-MIN Lower limit of outgoing part. en. range, c.m. sys. E9000102400311 E-DN Outgoing particle energy, REACTION ratio denominator E9000102400312 E-MAX Upper limit of outgoing particle en. range, lab. sys. E9000102400313 E-MAX-CM Upper limit of outgoing particle en. range, c.m. sys. E9000102400314O E-MAX-DN Outgoing particle energy, REACTION ratio denominator E9000102400315 E-MAX-NM Outgoing particle energy, REACTION ratio numerator E9000102400316 E-MEAN Mean energy of outgoing particles, lab. system E9000102400317 E-MIN Lower limit of outgoing particle en. range, lab. sys. E9000102400318 E-MIN-CM Lower limit of outgoing particle en. range, c.m. sys. E9000102400319O E-MIN-DN Outgoing particle energy, REACTION ratio denominator E9000102400320 E-MIN-NM Outgoing particle energy, REACTION ratio numerator E9000102400321 E-NM Outgoing particle energy, REACTION ratio numerator E9000102400322 E-RL Relative energy of outgoing particles E9000102400323 E-RL-CM Relative energy of outgoing particle, c.m. system E9000102400324O E-RL-MAX Upper limit of relative energy of outgoing part. E9000102400325 E-RL-MIN Lower limit of relative energy of outgoing part. E9000102400326 E1 1st outgoing part. en., defined under EN-SEC E9000102400327 E1-CM 1st outgoing part. en., c.m. defined under EN-SEC E9000102400328 E1-MAX Upper limit, 1st outgoing part. en.range, see EN-SEC E9000102400329 E1-MIN Lower limit, 1st outgoing part. en.range, see EN-SEC E9000102400330 E2 2nd outgoing part. energy, defined under EN-SEC E9000102400331 E2-MAX Upper limit, 2nd outgoing part. en.range, see EN-SEC E9000102400332 E2-MIN Lower limit, 2nd outgoing part. en.range, see EN-SEC E9000102400333 S Distance along S-curve for range of E1 and E2 E9000102400334 S-MEAN Mean distance along S-curve for range of E1 and E2 E9000102400335 TKE Total kinetic energy E9000102400336 TKE-MAX Upper boundary of total kinetic energy E9000102400337 TKE-MIN Lower boundary of total kinetic energy E9000102400338 WVE-LN-SEC Wave length of outgoing particle E9000102400339 +E-ERR + Unsymmetric outgoing particle energy error F9000102400340 -E-ERR - Unsymmetric outgoing particle energy error F9000102400341 E-DN-ERR Error in outgoing particle en., REACTION ratio denom. F9000102400342 E-ERR Outgoing particle energy error F9000102400343 E-ERR-DIG Digitizing error of outgoing particle energy F9000102400344 E-NM-ERR Error in outgoing part. en., REACTION ratio numerator F9000102400345 E-RL-ERR Error in relative energy of outgoing particles F9000102400346 E-RSL Outgoing particle energy resolution F9000102400347 E-RSL-FW Outgoing particle energy resolution (full width) F9000102400348 E-RSL-HW Outgoing particle energy resolution (half width) F9000102400349 E1-ERR 1st outgoing particle energy error F9000102400350 E1-RSL-FW 1st outgoing particle energy resolution (full width) F9000102400351 E2-ERR 2nd outgoing particle energy error F9000102400352 TKE-ERR-D Digitizing error of total kinetic energy F9000102400353 E-LVL Level energy E9000102400354 Compare also with BIB keyword LEVEL-PROP. 9000102400355 E-LVL-DN Level energy, REACTION ratio denominator E9000102400356 E-LVL-FIN Final level of gamma transition E9000102400357 E-LVL-FIN1 Final level of gamma transition, def.under EN-SEC E9000102400358 E-LVL-FIN2 Final level of gamma transition, def.under EN-SEC E9000102400359 E-LVL-INI Initial level of gamma transition E9000102400360 E-LVL-INI1 Initial level of gamma transition, def.under EN-SEC E9000102400361 E-LVL-INI2 Initial level of gamma transition, def.under EN-SEC E9000102400362 E-LVL-MAX Upper energy limit of discrete level group E9000102400363 E-LVL-MEAN Mean level energy E9000102400364 E-LVL-MIN Lower energy limit of discrete level group E9000102400365 E-LVL-NM Level energy, REACTION ratio numerator E9000102400366 E-LVL1 1st level energy, defined under EN-SEC E9000102400367 E-LVL1-MAX Upper limit of 1st level energy range E9000102400368 E-LVL1-MIN Lower limit of 1st level energy range E9000102400369 E-LVL2 2nd level energy, defined under EN-SEC E9000102400370 E-LVL2-MAX Upper limit of 2nd level energy range E9000102400371 E-LVL2-MIN Lower limit of 2nd level energy range E9000102400372 +E-LVL-ERR + Unsymmetric level energy error F9000102400373 -E-LVL-ERR - Unsymmetric level energy error F9000102400374 E-LVL-ERR Level energy error F9000102400375 E-EXC Excitation energy E9000102400376 E-EXC-DN Excitation energy for denominator of REACTION ratio E9000102400377 E-EXC-MAX Upper limit of excitation energy range E9000102400378 E-EXC-MEAN Mean excitation energy E9000102400379 E-EXC-MIN Lower limit of excitation energy range E9000102400380 E-EXC-MX-A Approximate upper limit of excitation energy range E9000102400381 E-EXC-NM Excitation energy for numerator of REACTION ratio E9000102400382 E-EXC1 1st excitation energy, defined under EN-SEC E9000102400383 If more than one given. 9000102400384 E-EXC1-MAX Upper limit of 1st excitation energy range E9000102400385 E-EXC1-MIN Lower limit of 1st excitation energy range E9000102400386 E-EXC2 2nd excitation energy, defined under EN-SEC. E9000102400387 E-EXC2-MAX Upper limit of 2nd excitation energy range E9000102400388 E-EXC3 3rd excitation energy, defined under EN-SEC. E9000102400389 E-EXC-ERR Excitation energy error F9000102400390 E-EXC-ERR1 1st excitation energy error, defined under ERR-ANALYS F9000102400391 E-EXC-ERR2 2nd excitation energy error, defined under ERR-ANALYS F9000102400392 Q-VAL Q-value E9000102400393 Q-VAL-APRX Approximate Q-value E9000102400394 Q-VAL-MAX Upper limit of Q-value E9000102400395 Q-VAL-MEAN Mean Q-value E9000102400396 Q-VAL-MIN Lower limit of Q-value E9000102400397 Q-VAL-ERR Q-value uncertainty F9000102400398 Q-VAL-RSL Q-value resolution F9000102400399 E-DGD Degradation in incident vs. outgoing particle energy E9000102400400 E-DGD-MAX Upper limit of degradat. in inc. vs. outgoing part.en.E9000102400401 E-DGD-MIN Lower limit of degradat. in inc. vs. outgoing part.en.E9000102400402 E-DGD-ERR Error in degradation in incident vs. outgoing part.en.F9000102400403 E-GAIN Gain in incident vs. outgoing particle energy E9000102400404 E-GAIN-ERR Error in gain in incident vs. outgoing particle energyF9000102400405 IAS-NUMB Level number of isobaric analog state E9000102400406 ISO-NUMB Level number of isobaric analog state E9000102400407O LVL-NUM-DN Level number, REACTION ratio denominator E9000102400408 (Used only if other information is not available) 9000102400409 LVL-NUM-MN Lower limit of level number E9000102400410 (Used only if other information is not available) 9000102400411 LVL-NUM-MX Upper limit of level number E9000102400412 (Used only if other information is not available) 9000102400413 LVL-NUM-NM Level number, REACTION ratio numerator E9000102400414 (Used only if other information is not available) 9000102400415 LVL-NUMB Level number E9000102400416 (Used only if other information is not available) 9000102400417 Compare also to the BIB Keyword LEVEL-PROP. 9000102400418 M1 Linear momentum of 1st outgoing particle L9000102400419O More than one linear momentum field given. 9000102400420O M1-MAX Upper limit of 1st outgoing particle linear momentum L9000102400421O M1-MIN Lower limit of 1st outgoing particle linear momentum L9000102400422O M1-SEC-MAX Upper limit of 1st outgoing particle linear momentum L9000102400423 M1-SEC-MIN Lower limit of 1st outgoing particle linear momentum L9000102400424 M2 Linear momentum of 2nd outgoing particle L9000102400425O M2-MAX Upper limit of 2nd outgoing particle linear momentum L9000102400426O M2-MIN Lower limit of 2nd outgoing particle linear momentum L9000102400427O M2-SEC-MAX Upper limit of 2nd outgoing particle linear momentum L9000102400428 M2-SEC-MIN Lower limit of 2nd outgoing particle linear momentum L9000102400429 M3 Linear momentum of 3rd outgoing particle L9000102400430O M4 Linear momentum of 4th outgoing particle L9000102400431O M5 Linear momentum of 5th outgoing particle L9000102400432O MOM-SEC Linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400433 MOM-SEC-ER Error of linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400434 MOM-SEC-MN Minimum linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400435 MOM-SEC-MX Maximum linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400436 MOM-SEC1 1st linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400437 Defined under MOM-SEC. 9000102400438 More than one linear momentum given. 9000102400439 MOM-SEC2 2nd linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400440 Defined under MOM-SEC. 9000102400441 MOM-SEC3 3rd linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400442 Defined under MOM-SEC. 9000102400443 MOM-SEC4 4th linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400444 Defined under MOM-SEC. 9000102400445 MOM-SEC5 5th linear momentum of outgoing particle L9000102400446 Defined under MOM-SEC. 9000102400447 -t 4-momentum transfer squared 9000102400448 POLAR Polarity E9000102400449 Electric or magnetic polarity 9000102400450 POLAR-DN Polarity for denominator of REACTION ratio E9000102400451 POLAR-NM Polarity for numerator of REACTION ratio E9000102400452 =======================================================9000102400453 Angle 9000102400454 =======================================================9000102400455 ANG Angle, laboratory system G9000102400456 =Note= All codes starting with 'ANG' are in the 9000102400457 Laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 9000102400458 ANG-APRX Approximate angle, laboratory system G9000102400459 ANG-AZ Azimuthal angle G9000102400460O ANG-AZ-RL Azimuthal angle between 2 reaction planes G9000102400461 ANG-AZ1 Azimuthal angle G9000102400462O ANG-AZ2 Azimuthal angle G9000102400463O ANG-CM Angle, c.m. system G9000102400464 ANG-CM-DN Angle for REACTION ratio denominator, c.m. system G9000102400465 ANG-CM-MAX Upper limit of angular range, c.m. system G9000102400466 ANG-CM-MIN Lower limit of angular range, c.m. system G9000102400467 ANG-CM-NM Angle for REACTION ratio numerator, c.m. system G9000102400468 ANG-DN Angle, REACTION ratio denominator G9000102400469 ANG-MAX Upper limit of angular range, lab. system G9000102400470 ANG-MIN Lower limit of angular range, lab. system G9000102400471 ANG-MN Mean angle of correlated pair G9000102400472 ANG-NM Angle, REACTION ratio numerator G9000102400473 ANG-RL Relative angle G9000102400474 ANG-RL-CM Relative angle, c.m. system G9000102400475 ANG-RL-DN Relative angle for REACTION ratio denominator G9000102400476 ANG-RL-MAX Upper limit of relative angular range G9000102400477 ANG-RL-MIN Lower limit of relative angular range G9000102400478 ANG-RL-NM Relative angle for REACTION ratio numerator G9000102400479 ANG1 1st angle, definition given in BIB Section G9000102400480 If more than one angle is given. 9000102400481 ANG1-CM Angle, c.m. system, definition given in BIB G9000102400482 ANG1-CM-MN Lower limit of first angle, c.m. system G9000102400483 ANG1-CM-MX Upper limit of first angle, c.m. system G9000102400484 ANG1-MAX Upper limit of first angular range, lab. system G9000102400485 ANG1-MIN Lower limit of first angular range, lab. system G9000102400486 ANG2 2nd angle, definition given in BIB section G9000102400487 ANG2-CM Angle, c.m. system, definition given in BIB G9000102400488 ANG2-MAX Upper limit of second angular range, lab. system G9000102400489 ANG2-MIN Lower limit of second angular range, lab. system G9000102400490 ANG3 3rd Angle, definition given in BIB Section G9000102400491 ANG4 4th Angle, definition given in BIB Section G9000102400492 +ANG-RSL + Unsymmetric angular resolution H9000102400493 -ANG-RSL - Unsymmetric angular resolution H9000102400494 ANG-ERR Angle error H9000102400495 ANG-ERR-D Digitizing error of angle H9000102400496 ANG-MN-ERR Error of mean angle of correlated pair H9000102400497 ANG-RSL Angular resolution H9000102400498 ANG-RSL-FW Angular resolution (full width) H9000102400499 ANG-RSL-HW Angular resolution (half width) H9000102400500 ANG1-ERR 1st angle error, definition given in BIB section H9000102400501 ANG1-RSLHW 1st angular resolution (half width) H9000102400502 ANG2-ERR 2nd angle error, definition given in BIB Section H9000102400503 ANG2-RSLHW 2nd angular resolution (half width) H9000102400504 COS Cosine of angle, laboratory system G9000102400505 =Note= All codes starting with 'COS' are in the 9000102400506 laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 9000102400507 COS-CM Cosine of angle, c.m.system G9000102400508 COS-CM-MAX Upper limit of cosine range, c.m. system G9000102400509 COS-CM-MIN Lower limit of cosine range, c.m. system G9000102400510 COS-MAX Upper limit of cosine range, lab. system G9000102400511 COS-MIN Lower limit of cosine range, lab. system G9000102400512 COS-ERR Cosine error H9000102400513 COS-ERR-D Digitizing error of cosine H9000102400514 COS-RSL Cosine angular resolution H9000102400515 MOM-TR Momentum transfer (in units MeV/c or equiv.) G9000102400516 MOM-TR-CM Momentum transfer (in units MeV/c or equiv.), c.m.sys.G9000102400517 q Momentum transfer, q G9000102400518 q-CM Momentum transfer, q, center of mass system G9000102400519 MOM-TR-ERR Error of momentum transfer (in units MeV/c or equiv.) H9000102400520 WVE-NM Wave number G9000102400521 =======================================================9000102400522 Coefficient Number 9000102400523 =======================================================9000102400524 NUMBER Fitting coefficient number N9000102400525 NUMBER-CM Fitting coefficient number, for data in c.m. system N9000102400526O Use NUMBER 9000102400527O KQ Indices for tensor analyzing power N9000102400528O =======================================================9000102400529 Independent Variables or Associated Inform. 9000102400530 =======================================================9000102400531 TEMP Sample temperature 89000102400532 TEMP-ERR Error in sample temperature 99000102400533 THICKNESS Sample thickness K9000102400534 Used as independent variable when data from several 9000102400535 runs with different sample thicknesses are given. 9000102400536 POL-BM Beam polarization 9000102400537 POL-BM-ERR Beam polarization error 9000102400538 POL-BM-MAX Upper limit of beam polarization 9000102400539 POL-BM-MIN Lower limit of beam polarization 9000102400540 POL-TR Target polarization 9000102400541 POL-TR-ERR Target polarization error 9000102400542 HL Half-life of nuclide specified. 69000102400543 - of Nucleus given under HALF-LIFE or RESID-NUC 9000102400544 or of delayed neutron group 9000102400545 - or as Independent Variable 9000102400546 HL-DN Half-life of nuclide specified in ratio denominator 69000102400547 HL-MAX Upper limit of half-life of nuclide specified. 69000102400548 HL-MIN Lower limit of half-life of nuclide specified. 69000102400549 HL-NM Half-life of nuclide specified in ratio numerator 69000102400550 HL1 Half-life of 1st nucleus specified 69000102400551 More than one half-life given. 9000102400552 HL2 Half-life of 2nd nucleus specified 69000102400553 HL3 Half-life of 3rd nucleus specified 69000102400554 HL4 Half-life of 4th nucleus specified 69000102400555 HL-ERR Error in Half-life 79000102400556 HL1-ERR Error in Half-life of 1st nucleus specified 79000102400557 HL2-ERR Error in Half-life of 2nd nucleus specified 79000102400558 HL3-ERR Error in Half-life of 3rd nucleus specified 79000102400559 HL4-ERR Error in Half-life of 4th nucleus specified 79000102400560 GRP-NUM Group number (of delayed neutrons) N9000102400561 DCNST Decay constant N9000102400562 DCNST-ERR Error in decay constant N9000102400563 ERR-EDD Error of energy value given under DECAY-DATA 9000102400564 ERR-HL Error of half-life value given under DECAY-DATA 9000102400565 ERR-IDD Error of intensity value given under DECAY-DATA 9000102400566 =======================================================9000102400567 Isotope/Particle Identification 9000102400568 =======================================================9000102400569 ELEM-DN Atomic number, REACTION ratio denominator I9000102400570 ELEM-MAX Upper limit of atomic number range I9000102400571 ELEM-MIN Lower limit of atomic number range I9000102400572 for isotope yields only 9000102400573 ELEM-NM Atomic number, REACTION ratio numerator I9000102400574 ELEM1 Atomic number of 1st element I9000102400575 ELEM2 Atomic number of 2nd element I9000102400576 ELEM3 Atomic number of 3rd element I9000102400577 ELEMENT Atomic number of element I9000102400578 for product yields or delayed neutron precursor nuclei9000102400579 MASS Atomic mass of nuclide J9000102400580 For product yields or delayed neutron precursor 9000102400581 nuclei. 9000102400582 MASS-DN Atomic mass of nuclide, REACTION ratio denominator J9000102400583 MASS-MAX Upper limit of atomic mass range J9000102400584 MASS-MIN Lower limit of atomic mass range J9000102400585 MASS-NM Atomic mass of nuclide, REACTION ratio numerator J9000102400586 MASS-RATIO Ratio of atomic masses of Fission Fragments J9000102400587 MASS1 Atomic mass of 1st nuclide J9000102400588 MASS1-MAX Maximum atomic mass of 1st nuclide J9000102400589 MASS2 Atomic mass of 2nd nuclide J9000102400590 MASS2-MIN Minimum atomic mass of 2nd nuclide J9000102400591 MASS3 Atomic mass of 3rd nuclide J9000102400592 +MASS-ERR + Unsymmetric uncertainty in atomic mass 9000102400593 -MASS-ERR - Unsymmetric uncertainty in atomic mass 9000102400594 MASS-ERR-D Digitizing error in atomic mass of nuclide 9000102400595 MASS-RSL Mass resolution 9000102400596 For mass ranges in product yields. 9000102400597 ISOMER Isomer for nuclide given J9000102400598 Nuclide given in preceding fields under ELEMENT 9000102400599 and MASS. 9000102400600 blank = Nucleus has no Metastable state 9000102400601 0. = Ground state (when Metastable state exists) 9000102400602 1. = 1st or unspecified Metastable state 9000102400603 2. = 2nd Metastable state, etc. 9000102400604 ISOMER-DN Isomer for nuclide, REACTION ratio denominator J9000102400605 ISOMER-NM Isomer for nuclide, REACTION ratio numerator J9000102400606 ISOMER1 1st Isomer for nuclide J9000102400607 ISOMER2 2nd Isomer for nuclide J9000102400608 ELEM-NRM Atomic number of nuclide used for normalization 9000102400609 MASS-NRM Atomic mass of nuclide used for normalization 9000102400610 EMS Effective mass squared S9000102400611O EMS1 1st effective mass squared, defined under MOM-SEC. S9000102400612O EMS1-MAX Upper limit, 1st effective mass squared, see MOM-SEC S9000102400613O EMS1-MIN Lower limit, 1st effective mass squared, see MOM-SEC S9000102400614O EMS2 2nd effective mass squared, defined under MOM-SEC. S9000102400615O EMS2-MAX Upper limit, 2nd effective mass squared, see MOM-SEC S9000102400616O EMS2-MIN Lower limit, 2nd effective mass squared, see MOM-SEC S9000102400617O EMS3 3rd effective mass squared, defined under MOM-SEC S9000102400618O EMS4 4th effective mass squared, defined under MOM-SEC S9000102400619O EMS5 5th effective mass squared, defined under MOM-SEC S9000102400620O N-OUT Number of emitted neutrons P9000102400621O P-OUT Number of emitted protons P9000102400622O PART-OUT Number of emitted particles P9000102400623 =======================================================9000102400624 Additional Information 9000102400625 =======================================================9000102400626 FLAG Flag, defined under FLAG. Z9000102400627 DECAY-FLAG Decay flag. See corresponding flag in BIB section 9000102400628 Used in variable product nucleus formalism to link 9000102400629 product nuclei in DATA section to codes under 9000102400630 DECAY-DATA or RAD-DET (re PART-DET proposal is 9000102400631 pending). 9000102400632 LVL-FLAG Level Flag, Link to information under LEVEL-PROP 9000102400633 +MISC-ERR + Unsymmetric error in miscellaneous value 9000102400634 -MISC-ERR - Unsymmetric error in miscellaneous value 9000102400635 ANAL-STEP Analysis energy step 9000102400636 LVL Level energy as additional information 9000102400637 LVL-ERR Error of level energy as additional information 9000102400638 LVL-FIN Final level energy as additional information 9000102400639 LVL-FIN-ER Error of final level energy as addit.information 9000102400640 LVL-FIN1 1st final level energy as additional information 9000102400641 LVL-FIN2 2nd final level energy as additional information 9000102400642 LVL-INI Initial level energy as additional information 9000102400643 LVL-INI-ER Error of initial level energy as addit.information 9000102400644 LVL-INI1 1st initial level energy as additional information 9000102400645 LVL-INI2 2nd initial level energy as additional information 9000102400646 MISC Miscellaneous Information, defined under MISC-COL. 9000102400647 Supplementary information for which no data-Heading 9000102400648 Keyword has been defined. 9000102400649 MISC-ERR Error in miscellaneous value 9000102400650 MISC-ERR-D Digitizing error in miscellaneous value 9000102400651 MISC-MAX Upper limit of miscellaneous value 9000102400652 MISC-MIN Lower limit of miscellaneous value 9000102400653 MISC1 1st miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400654 More than one miscellaneous field given. 9000102400655 MISC1-ERR Error in 1st miscellaneous field 9000102400656 MISC10 10th miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400657 MISC2 2nd miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400658 MISC2-ERR Error in 2nd miscellaneous field 9000102400659 MISC3 3rd miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400660 MISC3-ERR Error in 3rd miscellaneous field 9000102400661 MISC4 4th miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400662 MISC4-ERR Error in 4th miscellaneous field 9000102400663 MISC5 5th miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400664 MISC5-ERR Error in 5th miscellaneous field 9000102400665 MISC6 6th miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400666 MISC6-ERR Error in 6th miscellaneous field 9000102400667 MISC7 7th miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400668 MISC7-ERR Error in 7th miscellaneous field 9000102400669 MISC8 8th miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400670 MISC8-ERR Error in 8th miscellaneous field 9000102400671 MISC9 9th miscellaneous field, defined under MISC-COL 9000102400672 TIME-IRRD Irradiation time 9000102400673 for unsaturated thick target yields 9000102400674 TOF Time-of-flight 9000102400675 TOF-MAX Upper boundary of time-of-flight 9000102400676 TOF-MIN Lower boundary of time-of-flight 9000102400677 ENDSUBDICT 676 0 9000102499999 SUBDICT 90001025 20241220 Data units 9000102500001 SEE TEXT rare units. See 'MISC-COL' 9000102500002 Rare units which are not coded but used under 'MISC' 9000102500003 only. 9000102500004 CM3/S/MOL centimeters**3 per second per MolB*V 1.6605E-249000102500005 = cm3 / (Mol * sec) 9000102500006 ARB-UNITS arbitrary Units NO 9000102500007 To be combined with the REL, RAW or MSC modifier 9000102500008 NO-DIM no Dimensions NO 1.0000E+009000102500009 PER-CENT per-cent PC 1.0000E+009000102500010 Used for relative errors. Must not be used under the 9000102500011 headings 'DATA', 'RATIO', etc. (In such case, divide 9000102500012 data by 100 and use 'NO-DIM'). 9000102500013 =======================================================9000102500014 Angle 9000102500015 =======================================================9000102500016 ADEG angular Degrees A 1.0000E+009000102500017 AMIN angular Minutes A 1.6667E-029000102500018 ARAD radians A 5.7296E+019000102500019 ASEC angular Seconds A 2.7778E-049000102500020 =======================================================9000102500021 Decay 9000102500022 =======================================================9000102500023 GAM/100N gammas per 100 neutrons YLD 1.0000E-029000102500024O GAM/PART gammas per incident projectile YLD 1.0000E+009000102500025O P/FS/MEVSR particles/fission/MeV/sr FYAE 1.0000E-069000102500026 PRT/FIS/SR particles per fission per sterad FYDA 1.0000E+009000102500027 P/IN/MEVSR particl./inc.proj. per Sr per MeVYAE 1.0000E-069000102500028 = (part./inc.proj.) / (sr * MeV) 9000102500029 PC/INC/SR particles/100 incid.proj. per sr YDA 1.0000E-029000102500030 PRD/INC/SR products/inc.projectile/steradianYDA 1.0000E+009000102500031 = (prod.per inc.proj.) / sr 9000102500032 PRT/INC/SR partcles/inc.projectile/steradianYDA 1.0000E+009000102500033 = (part.per inc.proj.) / sr 9000102500034 PART/FIS particles per fission FY 1.0000E+009000102500035O PC/FIS particles per 100 fissions FY 1.0000E-029000102500036 PRD/FIS products/fission FY 1.0000E+009000102500037 PRT/FIS particles per fission FY 1.0000E+009000102500038 PRD/FIS/SR products/fission/sr FYDA 1.0000E+009000102500039 PC/FIS/MEV particl. per 100 fissions per MeVFYDE 1.0000E-089000102500040 = (part.per 100 fissions) / MeV 9000102500041 PD/FIS/MEV products per fission per MeV FYDE 1.0000E-069000102500042 PT/FIS/MEV particles per fission per MeV FYDE 1.0000E-069000102500043 = (part.per fission) / MeV 9000102500044 FGY*M2 femtogrey * square meters KER 1.0000E-159000102500045 GY*M-SQ Grey * square meters KER 1.0000E+009000102500046 PGY*CM2 picogrey * square centimeters KER 1.0000E-169000102500047 PRT/RCT/SR particles per reaction per steradMDA 1.0000E+009000102500048 PT/RCT/MEV particles per reaction per MeV MDE 1.0000E-069000102500049 PC/REAC particles/100 reactions MLT 1.0000E-029000102500050 PRD/REAC products/reaction MLT 1.0000E+009000102500051 PRT/REAC particles/reaction MLT 1.0000E+009000102500052 PC/DECAY particles per 100 decays YLD 1.0000E-029000102500053 PRT/DECAY particles per decay YLD 1.0000E+009000102500054 =======================================================9000102500055 Energy or inverse energy 9000102500056 =======================================================9000102500057 1/EV per eV 1/E 1.0000E+009000102500058 1/GEV per GeV 1/E 1.0000E-099000102500059 1/INC/KEV per incident projectile per keV 1/E 1.0000E-039000102500060O 1/KEV per keV 1/E 1.0000E-039000102500061 1/MEV per MeV 1/E 1.0000E-069000102500062 1/MILLI-EV per milli-eV 1/E 1.0000E+039000102500063 EV electron-Volts E 1.0000E+009000102500064 GEV GeV E 1.0000E+099000102500065 GEV/A GeV per mass number E 9000102500066 KEV keV E 1.0000E+039000102500067 MEV MeV E 1.0000E+069000102500068 MEV/A MeV per mass number E 9000102500069 MICRO-EV micro-Electron-Volts E 1.0000E-069000102500070 (in American often microvolts) 9000102500071 MILLI-EV milli-Electron-Volts E 1.0000E-039000102500072 (in American often millivolts) 9000102500073 NANO-EV nano-Electron-Volts E 1.0000E-099000102500074 TEV tera-Electron-Volts E 1.0000E+129000102500075 EV/C eV per Velocity of Light E/C 1.0000E+009000102500076 GEV/C GeV per Velocity of Light E/C 1.0000E+099000102500077 KEV/C keV per Velocity of Light E/C 1.0000E+039000102500078 MEV/C MeV per Velocity of Light E/C 1.0000E+069000102500079 EV-SQ eV-squared E2 1.0000E+009000102500080 GEV-SQ GeV-squared E2 1.0000E+189000102500081 KEV-SQ keV-squared E2 1.0000E+069000102500082 MEV-SQ MeV-squared E2 1.0000E+129000102500083 GEV2/C2 (GeV/c)**2 EC2 9000102500084 RT-EV square-root(eV) RE 1.0000E+009000102500085 MICROSEC/M microseconds per Meter RSL 1.0000E-069000102500086 MSEC/M milliseconds per meter RSL 1.0000E-039000102500087 NSEC/M nanoseconds per meter RSL 1.0000E-099000102500088 =======================================================9000102500089 Length 9000102500090 =======================================================9000102500091 1/FM per fermi 1/L 1.0000E+159000102500092 ANGSTROM Angstroms L 1.0000E-109000102500093 CM centimeters L 1.0000E-029000102500094 FERMI fermis L 1.0000E-159000102500095 KM kilometers L 1.0000E+039000102500096 M meters L 1.0000E+009000102500097 MILLI-MU milli-microns L 1.0000E-099000102500098 MM millimeters L 1.0000E-039000102500099 MU micrometers, microns L 1.0000E-069000102500100 =======================================================9000102500101 Time or inverse time 9000102500102 =======================================================9000102500103 1/D per day 1/T 1.1574E-059000102500104 1/HR per hour 1/T 2.7778E-049000102500105 1/MICROSEC per microsecond 1/T 1.0000E+069000102500106 1/MIN per minute 1/T 1.6667E-029000102500107 1/MSEC per milli-second 1/T 1.0000E+039000102500108 1/NSEC per nano-second 1/T 1.0000E+099000102500109 1/PSEC per pico-second 1/T 1.0000E+129000102500110 1/SEC per second 1/T 1.0000E+009000102500111 D days TIME 8.6400E+049000102500112 FSEC femtoseconds TIME 1.0000E-159000102500113 HR hours TIME 3.6000E+039000102500114 MICROSEC microseconds TIME 1.0000E-069000102500115 MIN minutes TIME 6.0000E+019000102500116 (not angular) 9000102500117 MSEC milliseconds TIME 1.0000E-039000102500118 NSEC nanoseconds TIME 1.0000E-099000102500119 PSEC picoseconds TIME 1.0000E-129000102500120 SEC seconds TIME 1.0000E+009000102500121 (not angular) 9000102500122 YR years (=365.2422 Days) TIME 3.1557E+079000102500123 =======================================================9000102500124 Temperature 9000102500125 =======================================================9000102500126 DEG-C degrees Celsius, Centigrade TEM 9000102500127 DEG-F degrees Fahrenheit TEM 9000102500128 DEG-K degrees Kelvin TEM 9000102500129O DEG-R degrees Rankine TEM 9000102500130 (not Reaumur) 9000102500131 K Kelvin TEM 1.0000E+009000102500132 K9 10**9 Kelvin TEM 1.0000E+099000102500133 =======================================================9000102500134 Thickness 9000102500135 =======================================================9000102500136 ATOMS/B atoms/barn THK 9000102500137 for sample thickness 9000102500138 G/CM-SQ grams per centimeters-squared THK 9000102500139 for sample thickness 9000102500140 =======================================================9000102500141 Thick target yield 9000102500142 =======================================================9000102500143 P/RC/MEVSR particles/reaction/MeV/sr MAE 1.0000E-069000102500144 DPS/MUAHR decays per Sec/micro-Ampere-hour TTT 1.0000E-069000102500145 GBQ/COUL Giga-Becquerel/Coulomb TTT 3.6000E+069000102500146 GBQ/MUAHR Giga-Becquerel/micro-Ampere-hour TTT 1.0000E+039000102500147 KBQ/MUAHR kilo-Becquerel/micro-Ampere-hour TTT 1.0000E+039000102500148 MBQ/COUL Mega-Becquerel/Coulomb TTT 3.6000E+039000102500149 MBQ/MUAHR Mega-Becquerel/micro-Ampere-hour TTT 1.0000E+069000102500150 MCI/MUAHR milli-Curie/micro-Ampere-hour TTT 3.7000E+079000102500151 MUCI/MUAHR micro-Curie/micro-Ampere-Hour TTT 3.7000E+049000102500152 PART/MUAHR particles/micro-Ampere-hour TTT 9000102500153O CI/AHR/MEV Curie per Ampere-hour per MeV TTTE 3.7000E+109000102500154 = Ci / (Ahr * MeV) 9000102500155 = micro-Ci / (micro-Ahr * MeV) 9000102500156 CI/ASECMEV Curie per Ampere-second per MeV TTTE 1.0278E+079000102500157 = Ci / (Asec * MeV) 9000102500158 = micro-Ci / (micro-Asec * MeV) 9000102500159 MBQ/C/MEV Mega-Becquerel/Coulomb/MeV TTTE 1.0000E+009000102500160 = MBq / (Coul * MeV) 9000102500161 DPS/MUA decays per Sec/micro-Ampere TTY 1.0000E-069000102500162 GBQ/MUA Giga-Becquerel/micro-Ampere TTY 1.0000E+039000102500163 KBQ/MUA kilo-Becquerel/micro-Ampere TTY 1.0000E+039000102500164 MBQ/MUA Mega-Becquerel/micro-Ampere TTY 1.0000E+009000102500165 MCI/MUA milli-Curie/micro-Ampere TTY 3.7000E+019000102500166 MUCI/MUA micro-Curie/micro-Ampere TTY 3.7000E-029000102500167 P/MEVMUCSR particles/(MeV muC sr) YAEC 9000102500168 = particles / (MeV * muC * sr) 9000102500169 PRD/MUC/SR products/micro-Coulomb/sr YDAC 9000102500170 = prod. / (muCoul * sterad) 9000102500171 PRT/MUC/SR particles/micro-Coulomb/steradianYDAC 3.6000E+039000102500172 = part / (micro-Coulomb * sterad) 9000102500173 PRD/IN/MEV products per inc. proj. per MeV YDE 1.0000E-069000102500174 PRT/IN/MEV particles per inc. proj. per MeV YDE 1.0000E-069000102500175 = (part.per inc.proj.) / MeV 9000102500176 N/PART neutrons per Incident Projectile YLD 1.0000E+009000102500177O NUC/PART nuclei per incident projectile YLD 1.0000E+009000102500178O PC/INC particles/100 incid.projectiles YLD 1.0000E-029000102500179 PRD/INC products/incident projectile YLD 1.0000E+009000102500180 PRT/INC particles per incident projectileYLD 1.0000E+009000102500181 PRD/MUAHR products/micro-Ampere-hour YLDC 1.0000E+009000102500182 PRD/MUCOUL products/micro-Coulomb YLDC 3.6000E+039000102500183 PRT/MAMIN particles/milli-Ampere-minute YLDC 1.6700E+019000102500184 PRT/MUAHR particles/micro-Ampere-hour YLDC 1.0000E+009000102500185 PRT/MUCOUL particles/micro-Coulomb YLDC 3.6000E+039000102500186 =======================================================9000102500187 Cross section or inverse cross section 9000102500188 =======================================================9000102500189 1/SR per steradian 1/A 1.0000E+009000102500190 B barns B 1.0000E+009000102500191 FB femtobarns B 1.0000E-159000102500192 KB kilobarns B 1.0000E+039000102500193 MB millibarns B 1.0000E-039000102500194 MICRO-B microbarns B 1.0000E-069000102500195 NB nanobarns B 1.0000E-099000102500196 PB picobarns B 1.0000E-129000102500197 B*EV barns * eV B*E 1.0000E+009000102500198 B*KEV barns * keV B*E 1.0000E+039000102500199 B*MEV barns * MeV B*E 1.0000E+069000102500200 B*MILLI-EV barns * milli-eV B*E 1.0000E-039000102500201 MB*EV millibarns * eV B*E 1.0000E-039000102500202 MB*MEV millibarns * MeV B*E 1.0000E+039000102500203 MB*MILLIEV millibarns * milli-eV B*E 1.0000E-069000102500204 CM3/SEC centimeters-cubed per second B*V 9000102500205 for reaction rate (cross section*velocity) 9000102500206 B*EV-SQ barns * eV-squared BE2 1.0000E+009000102500207 MB*EV-SQ millibarns * eV-squared BE2 1.0000E-039000102500208 B*EV/SR barns * eV per steradian BEDA 1.0000E+009000102500209 B*MEV/SR barns * MeV per steradian BEDA 1.0000E+069000102500210 MB*MEV/SR millibarns*MeV per steradian BEDA 1.0000E+039000102500211 B*EV*RT-EV barns * eV * square-root(eV) BERE 1.0000E+009000102500212 for Adler-Adler coefficients 9000102500213 B*RT-EV barns * square-root(eV) BRE 1.0000E+009000102500214 B*RT-KEV barns * square-root(keV) BRE 3.1623E+019000102500215 MB*RT-EV millibarns * square-root(eV) BRE 1.0000E-039000102500216 MB/SR/MEV2 millibarns/sr. per MeV-squared D3 1.0000E-159000102500217 = mb / (sr * MeV**2) 9000102500218 MB/SR2/MEV mb per steradian-squared per MeV D3A 1.0000E-099000102500219 = mb / (sr**2 * MeV) 9000102500220 MUB/SR2KEV microbarns per steradian**2 keV D3A 1.0000E-099000102500221 = micro-b / (sr**2 * keV) 9000102500222 MUB/SR2MEV microbarns per steradian**2 MeV D3A 1.0000E-129000102500223 = micro-b / (sr**2 * MeV) 9000102500224 MB/GEV2/C2 millibarns per (GeV/c)**2 D4 9000102500225 NB/GEV2/C2 nanobarns per (GeV/c)**2 D4 1.0000E-279000102500226 MB/SR2MEV2 mb per steradian**2 MeV**2 D4A 1.0000E-159000102500227 = mb / (sr**2 * MeV**2) 9000102500228 NB/SR2MEV2 nanobarns per steradian**2 MeV**2D4A 1.0000E-219000102500229 B/SR barns/steradian DA 1.0000E+009000102500230 MB/SR millibarns per steradian DA 1.0000E-039000102500231 MU-B/SR microbarns per steradian DA 1.0000E-069000102500232 NB/SR nanobarns per steradian DA 1.0000E-099000102500233 = nanobarns / (sr * MeV) 9000102500234 MB/SR2 millibarns per steradian-squared DA2 1.0000E-039000102500235 MUB/SR2 microbarns per steradian**2 DA2 1.0000E-069000102500236 NB/SR2MEVC nanobarns / (sr**2 * MeV/c) DA2P 1.0000E-159000102500237 B/SR/EV barns per steradian per eV DAE 1.0000E+009000102500238 = barns / (sr * eV) 9000102500239 B/SR/GEV barns per steradian per GeV DAE 1.0000E-099000102500240 = barns / (sr * GeV) 9000102500241 B/SR/KEV barns per steradian per keV DAE 1.0000E-039000102500242 = barns / (sr * keV) 9000102500243 B/SR/MEV barns per steradian per MeV DAE 1.0000E-069000102500244 = barns / (sr * MeV) 9000102500245 B/SR/MEVA barns/steradian/(MeV/A) DAE 1.0000E-069000102500246 = barns / (sr * MeV/A) 9000102500247 B/SR/MI-EV barns per steradian per milli-eV DAE 1.0000E+039000102500248 = barns / (sr * milli-eV) 9000102500249 MB/SR/EV millibarns per steradian per eV DAE 1.0000E-039000102500250 = mb / (sr * eV) 9000102500251 MB/SR/GEV millibarns per steradian per GeV DAE 1.0000E-129000102500252 = mb / (sr * GeV) 9000102500253 MB/SR/KEV millibarns per steradian per keV DAE 1.0000E-069000102500254 = mb / (sr * keV) 9000102500255 MB/SR/MEV millibarns per steradian per MeV DAE 1.0000E-099000102500256 = mb / (sr * MeV) 9000102500257 MUB/SR/MEV microbarns per steradian per MeV DAE 1.0000E-129000102500258 = micro-b / (sr * MeV) 9000102500259 NB/SR/MEV nanobarns per steradian per MeV DAE 1.0000E-159000102500260 B/SR/GEVC barns/sr/(GeV/c) DAP 1.0000E-099000102500261I MB/SR/GEVC millibarns/sr/(GeV/c) DAP 1.0000E-129000102500262 MB/SR/MEVC millibarns/sr. per MeV/c DAP 1.0000E-099000102500263 = mb / (sr * (MeV/c)) 9000102500264 MUB/SRGEVC microbarns /(sr*(GeV/c)) DAP 1.0000E-159000102500265 MUB/SRMEVC microbarns /(sr*(MeV/c)) DAP 1.0000E-129000102500266 B/EV barns per eV DE 1.0000E+009000102500267 B/KEV barns per keV DE 1.0000E-039000102500268 B/MEV barns per MeV DE 1.0000E-069000102500269 B/MEVA barns per (MeV/A) DE 1.0000E-069000102500270 = barns / (MeV/A) 9000102500271 B/MILLI-EV barns per milli-eV DE 1.0000E+039000102500272 MB/EV millibarns per eV DE 1.0000E-039000102500273 MB/KEV millibarns per keV DE 1.0000E-069000102500274 MB/MEV millibarns per MeV DE 1.0000E-099000102500275 MU-B/MEV micro-barns/MeV DE 1.0000E-129000102500276 NB/MEV nanobarns per MeV DE 1.0000E-159000102500277 MB/MEV/C millibarns/(MeV/c) DP 1.0000E-099000102500278 MUB/GEV/C microbarns/(GeV/c) DP 1.0000E-159000102500279 MUB/MEV/C microbarns/(MeV/c) DP 1.0000E-129000102500280 ENDSUBDICT 279 0 9000102599999 SUBDICT 90001030 20241220 Processes (REACTION SF 3) 9000103000001 ABS Absorption 9000103000002 EL Elastic scattering 9000103000003 F Fission 9000103000004 FUS Total fusion 9000103000005 INL Inelastic scattering 9000103000006 NON Nonelastic (= total minus elastic) 9000103000007 PAI Pair production 9000103000008 SCT Total scattering (elastic + inelastic) 9000103000009 TCC Total charge changing 9000103000010 THS Thermal neutron scattering 9000103000011 involving molecular and crystalline binding vibrations9000103000012 TOT Total 9000103000013 X Process unspecified 9000103000014 Examples 9000103000015 - (...,X)Z-S-A = production of the product specified in9000103000016 SF4 9000103000017 - (..,P+X)Z-S-A = emission of a proton plus the product9000103000018 specified in SF4, and of other unspecified particles 9000103000019 - (..,P+X),SEQ,... = emission of a proton followed by 9000103000020 the emission of other unspecified particles or other 9000103000021 processes. 9000103000022 XN Variable number of emitted neutrons 9000103000023O YP Variable number of emitted protons 9000103000024O ENDSUBDICT 23 0 9000103099999 SUBDICT 90001031 20241220 Branches (REACTION SF 5) 9000103100001 (CUM) Compiler uncertain if cumulative 9000103100002 Application of the code 'CUM' uncertain. Explanation is9000103100003 obligatory. 9000103100004 To be used only with process codes 'F' or 'X' 9000103100005 (M) Uncertain if formation via isomeric trans. included 9000103100006 Whether formation via isomeric transition is included 9000103100007 is regarded by the compiler as uncertain. Explanation 9000103100008 is obligatory. 9000103100009 (SEC) Compiler uncertain if secondary 9000103100010 (for fission product yields) 9000103100011 1 Channel 1, e.g., in Reich-Moore res.pars. 9000103100012 2 Channel 2, e.g., in Reich-Moore res.pars. 9000103100013 20 0th component of the 2nd rank spherical tensor 9000103100014 21 1st component of the 2nd rank spherical tensor 9000103100015 22 2nd component of the 2nd rank spherical tensor 9000103100016 3 Channel 3, e.g., in Reich-Moore res.pars. 9000103100017 31 1st component of the 3rd rank spherical tensor 9000103100018 32 2nd component of the 3rd rank spherical tensor 9000103100019 33 3rd component of the 3rd rank spherical tensor 9000103100020 4 Channel 4, e.g., in Reich-Moore res.pars. 9000103100021 40 0th component of the 4th rank spherical tensor 9000103100022 BA Bound atom 9000103100023 BIN Binary fission 9000103100024 CHG Total element yield (of fission products) 9000103100025 CHN Total chain 9000103100026 CN Compound-nucleus part 9000103100027 COH Coherent 9000103100028 CON For a range of continuum gammas excl. discrete gammas 9000103100029 CRN More than two fragments are specified 9000103100030 To be used when more than two atomic and/or mass 9000103100031 numbers are specified under headings ELEM1, MASS1 etc. 9000103100032 CUM Cumulative production of product nucleus 9000103100033 (Cumulative) Production of the product nucleus via 9000103100034 direct formation and radioactive decay. 9000103100035 To be used only with process codes 'F' or 'X'. 9000103100036 DI Direct-interaction part 9000103100037 DIS For a range of discrete gammas excl. continuum gammas 9000103100038 DL Delayed 9000103100039 For use in fission. 9000103100040 EM Emission cross section (excluding elastic scattering) 9000103100041 ===Use only when outgoing particle considered equals 9000103100042 the incident particle 9000103100043 EP For a given electric polarity component 9000103100044 EXL Excitation to low-lying levels 9000103100045 FA Free atom 9000103100046 FIS High-energy fission cross section 9000103100047 FRG Referring to fragment specified 9000103100048 GRP For a given half-life group 9000103100049 ICL Uncorrected for other channels emitting same particle 9000103100050 IM Imaginary part 9000103100051 INC Incoherent 9000103100052 IND Independent production of product nucleus 9000103100053 (Independent) Production of the product nucleus via 9000103100054 direct formation only. To be used only with process 9000103100055 codes 'F' or 'X' and only in cases where cumulative 9000103100056 production (SF5 = CUM) can occur also. 9000103100057 ISP Partial with respect to level of intermediate products 9000103100058 L- Excluding formation via quasi-metastable state 9000103100059 LL Longitudinal-longitudinal (zz) component 9000103100060 Beam and target spins parallel to beam direction in 9000103100061 scattering plane (=zz) 9000103100062 LON Longitudinally polarized 9000103100063 LP For longitudinal component of linear momentum 9000103100064 LS Longitudinal-sideward (zx) component 9000103100065 M+ Including formation via isomeric transition 9000103100066 M- Excluding formation via isomeric transition 9000103100067 MP For a given magnetic polarity component 9000103100068 NL Normal-longitudinal (yz) component 9000103100069 NN Normal-normal (yy) component 9000103100070 Beam and target spins normal to scattering plane 9000103100071 (=yy) 9000103100072 NUM For number of outgoing particles 9000103100073 PAR Partial 9000103100074 leaving the residual nucleus in a specific level or 9000103100075 emitting a specific gamma or particle group. 9000103100076 PM+ Paramagnetic effects included 9000103100077 (for thermal scattering) 9000103100078 POT Potential 9000103100079 (for scattering) 9000103100080 PR Prompt 9000103100081 (for use in fission) 9000103100082 PRE Primary 9000103100083 (for fission product yields) 9000103100084 PRV Provisional 9000103100085 (for fission product yields) 9000103100086 QTR Quaternary fission 9000103100087 SEC Secondary 9000103100088 (for fission product yields) 9000103100089 SEQ Particle sequence as specified in SF3 9000103100090 Indicates that the sequence of outgoing particles is 9000103100091 as specified in subfield 3. 9000103100092 SL Sideward-longitudinal (xz) component 9000103100093 Beam spin perpendicular, target spin parallel to 9000103100094 beam direction in scattering plane 9000103100095 SPL Spallation cross section 9000103100096 SS Sideward-sideward (xx) component 9000103100097 Target and beam spins perpendicular to beam 9000103100098 direction in scattering plane 9000103100099 TER Ternary fission 9000103100100 TP For transverse component of linear momentum 9000103100101 TRS Transversely polarized 9000103100102 UND Reaction channel undefined 9000103100103O outgoing particles represent only sum of emitted 9000103100104O nucleons. 9000103100105O ===Not to be used with process codes 'X' or 'F'. 9000103100106O So far used only for charged particle data. 9000103100107O UNW Unweighted production cross section 9000103100108 not weighted by multiplicity of outgoing particle 9000103100109 ENDSUBDICT 108 0 9000103199999 SUBDICT 90001032 20241220 Parameters (REACTION SF 6) 9000103200001 =======================================================9000103200002 General use 9000103200003 =======================================================9000103200004 AG Symmetry coefficient 9000103200005 AH Asymmetry coefficient 9000103200006 AKE Average kinetic energy 9000103200007 ALF Alpha = capture/fission cross-section ratio 9000103200008 AMP Scattering length 9000103200009 AP Most probable mass of fission-fragments 9000103200010 ARE Resonance-area 9000103200011 D Average level-spacing 9000103200012 DA Differential with angle of outgoing particle 9000103200013 DA2 Double-diff. by angle (for quadruple-diff cs only) 9000103200014 DE Differential with energy of outgoing particle 9000103200015 DE2 Double-diff. by energy (for quadruple-diff.cs only) 9000103200016 DEN Differential with incident energy 9000103200017 DP Differential with lin.momentum of outgoing particles 9000103200018 DT Diff.with 4-momentum transfer squared of outg.particles9000103200019 EN Resonance-energy 9000103200020 ETA Average neutron yield per nonelastic event 9000103200021 for fissile isotopes 9000103200022 FM Product of polarization and cross section 9000103200023 FY Fission-product yield 9000103200024 INT Cross-section integral over incident energy 9000103200025 (from EN-MIN to EN-MAX) 9000103200026 IPA Cs integrated over partial angular range 9000103200027 IPP Cs integrated over partial momentum range 9000103200028 J Spin J 9000103200029 (resonances, strength-functions) 9000103200030 KE Kinetic energy 9000103200031 KEM Temperature of Maxwellian distr.of outgoing particles 9000103200032 KEP Most probable kinetic energy of outgoing particle 9000103200033 KER Kerma factor 9000103200034 L Angular momentum L 9000103200035 (resonances, strength-functions) 9000103200036 LD Level-density 9000103200037 LDP Level-density parameter 9000103200038 MLT Multiplicity (particle yield per event) 9000103200039 ===Note=== the special codes 'NU','ETA' for fission 9000103200040 NU Fission-neutron yield, nu-bar 9000103200041 PHS Reich-Moore phase 9000103200042 PN Pn-value or delayed neutron emission probability 9000103200043 POL Polarization 9000103200044 PTY Parity 9000103200045 PY Product yield 9000103200046 To be used in cases where neither SIG nor TTY applies. 9000103200047 Degradation of primary projectile energy within target 9000103200048 does not extend below reaction threshold. Data are thus9000103200049 sensitive to target thickness and beam profile and are 9000103200050 not always reproducible. 9000103200051 RAD Scattering radius 9000103200052 RAT Ratio 9000103200053 (in case of isomeric ratios, TER/BIN ratios) 9000103200054 RED Reduced 9000103200055 (resonance-width) 9000103200056 RI Resonance integral 9000103200057 RYL Reaction yield 9000103200058 SCO Spin cut-off factor 9000103200059 SGV Thermonuclear reaction rate 9000103200060 SIF Self-indication function 9000103200061 SIG Cross section 9000103200062 (Integral) cross-section for the formation of the 9000103200063 specified product nucleus or the specified reaction- 9000103200064 type (x,y) 9000103200065 SPC Intensity of discrete gamma-lines 9000103200066 (not to be used for continuous gamma spectra) 9000103200067 STF Strength function 9000103200068 STR Strength 9000103200069 SUM Sum 9000103200070O (in case of isomeric sums) 9000103200071O SWG Statistical weight g 9000103200072 (to be coded with reaction (N,0)) 9000103200073 TEM Nuclear temperature 9000103200074 TKE Total kinetic energy 9000103200075 TMP Temperature-dependent quantity 9000103200076O (not to be used with SF3 = THS) 9000103200077O TRN Transmission 9000103200078 TTT Thick-target yield per unit time 9000103200079 TTY Thick-target yield of the specified reaction product. 9000103200080 Cross-section measurement with a target thick enough to9000103200081 degrade the primary projectile energy well below the 9000103200082 threshold of the reaction under consideration. Data are9000103200083 not very sensitive to slight changes in target thick- 9000103200084 ness or beam properties. 9000103200085 TYA Differential with respect to Treiman-Yang angle 9000103200086 (to be coded DA/TYA) 9000103200087 WID Resonance width 9000103200088 ZP Most probable charge of fission fragments 9000103200089 ENDSUBDICT 88 0 9000103299999 SUBDICT 90001033 20241220 Particles 9000103300001 Flag D: For use with the keywords PART-DET, RAD-DET, 9000103300002 DECAY-DATA, DECAY-MON, EN-SEC 9000103300003 (previously EXFOR dictionary 13) 9000103300004 Flag 2,3,7: Permitted in REACTION SF2, SF3, SF7 9000103300005 and corresponding fields in MONITOR and ASSUMED 9000103300006 (previously EXFOR dictionaries 28, 29, 33) 9000103300007 ---------------------------------------------------- 9000103300008 0 ( -) 23 9000103300009 No incident particle - spontaneous decay 9000103300010 No outgoing particle - property of compound nucleus 9000103300011 A (Alphas) 2004D2379000103300012 He-4 9000103300013 AN (Antineutrons) D 379000103300014 AP (Antiprotons) D2379000103300015 AR (Annihilation radiation) D 9000103300016 B (Decay Betas) D 9000103300017 unspecified whether B+ or B- 9000103300018 B+ (Decay Beta+) D 9000103300019 positrons 9000103300020 B- (Decay Beta-) D 3 9000103300021 B12 (Boron 12) 79000103300022 B8 (Boron 8) 79000103300023 BE10 (Beryllium 10) 79000103300024 C14 (Carbon 14) 79000103300025 CA40 (Calcium 40) 79000103300026 D (Deuterons) 1002D2379000103300027 DG (Decay Gammas) D 79000103300028 Used for gammas emitted from metastable states and for9000103300029 gammas following a particle-emitting decay (e.g., 9000103300030 beta decay) 9000103300031 DN (Delayed Neutrons) D 79000103300032 E (Electrons) D2 79000103300033 Where no more specific code applies, e.g., Auger 9000103300034 electrons, Compton electrons, etc. 9000103300035 =NOTE= This code may have been used more generally in 9000103300036 earlier entries. 9000103300037 EC (Electron Capture) D 9000103300038 Used when 9000103300039 (1) detection of electron capture activity is mentioned9000103300040 by the author without further specification of the 9000103300041 radiation type (e.g., X-ray, Auger electron), or 9000103300042 (2) the electron capture branching ratio is assumed by 9000103300043 the author to determine the quantity measured 9000103300044 ER (Evaporation Residues) D 79000103300045 ETA (Eta mesons) D2379000103300046 FF (Fission Fragments) D 79000103300047 G (Gammas) 0D2379000103300048 Use DG for decay gammas 9000103300049 HE2 (He-2) 2002D 379000103300050 HE3 (He-3) 2003D2379000103300051 HE6 (He-6) 2006 79000103300052 HF (Heavy Fragment) D 79000103300053 ICE (Internal-Conversion Electrons) D 9000103300054 K (Kaons,unspecified) D 79000103300055 K0 (Kaons,neutral) D2379000103300056 KN (Kaons,negative) D2379000103300057 KP (Kaons,positive) D2379000103300058 LCP (Light Charged Particle (Z less than 7)) D 79000103300059 LF (Light Fragment) D 79000103300060 LI6 (Lithium 6) 79000103300061 LI7 (Lithium 7) 79000103300062 LI9 (Lithium 9) 79000103300063 N (Neutrons) 0001D2379000103300064 Use DN for delayed neutrons 9000103300065 NE20 (Neon 20) 79000103300066 O15 (Oxygen 15) 79000103300067 O16 (Oxygen 16) 79000103300068 P (Protons) 1001D2379000103300069 PI (Pions,unspecified) D 379000103300070 PI0 (Pions,neutral) 0000D2379000103300071 PIN (Pions,negative) -1000D2379000103300072 PIP (Pions,positive) 1000D2379000103300073 PN (Prompt Neutrons) D 9000103300074 Use N 9000103300075 RCL (Recoil Nucleus) D 79000103300076O RSD (Residual Nucleus) D 79000103300077 SF (Fragments from Spontaneous Fission) D 9000103300078 T (Tritons) 1003D2379000103300079 U238 (Uranium 238) 79000103300080 XR (X-rays) D 9000103300081 all types, K, L, M, etc. 9000103300082 ENDSUBDICT 81 0 9000103399999 SUBDICT 90001034 20241220 Modifiers (REACTION SF 8) 9000103400001 (PHY) Uncertain if corrected for decay during irradiation 9000103400002 1K2 Modifier for Legendre or cosine coefficients of the 9000103400003 form k**2 d-sig/d-Omega = Sum(a(L)*p(L)), where 9000103400004 k = wave vector 9000103400005 2AG times 2 * isotopic abund. and stat. weight factor 9000103400006 2G times 2 * statistical weight factor 9000103400007 2L2 Modifier for Legendre or cosine coefficients of the 9000103400008 form d-sig/d-Omega = (1/2)Sum((2L+1)*a(L)*p(L)) 9000103400009 4AG times 4 * isotopic abund. and stat. weight factor 9000103400010 4PI times 4 pi 9000103400011 AA Adler-Adler formalism 9000103400012 for resonance parameters 9000103400013 AG times isotopic abund. and stat. weight factor 9000103400014 AL1 Coefficients for first-order associated Legendre 9000103400015 functions of the first kind 9000103400016 AMP Amplitude (for resonance parameters) 9000103400017 ANA Analyzing power 9000103400018 ASY Asymmetry of polarization of outgoing particles 9000103400019 AXX Tensor analyzing power, Cartesian coord. 9000103400020O AYY Tensor analyz.power,inc.proj.spin normal to scatt.plane9000103400021O Tensor analyzing power, incident projectile spin 9000103400022O normal to scattering plane 9000103400023O AZZ Tensor analyz.power,inc.proj.spin parall.to scatt.plane9000103400024O Tensor analyzing power, incident projectile spin 9000103400025O parallel to beam direction in scattering plane 9000103400026O C Spin correlation parameter 9000103400027 CH per electric charge 9000103400028 COS Cosine coefficients 9000103400029 CS2 Coefficients of the form d-sig/d-Omega = a(0) + 9000103400030 a(1)*sin**2(theta) + a(2)*sin**2(theta)*cos(theta) + 9000103400031 a(3)*sin**2(theta)*cos**2(theta) 9000103400032 D Spin rotation parameter 9000103400033 D4PI Divided by 4 pi 9000103400034 DMN Divided by mass number of the target nuclide 9000103400035 DSP Difference for spins parallel - antiparallel 9000103400036 DT production thick/thin target yield 9000103400037O EOB End-of-bombardment thick/thin target yield 9000103400038 FRC Fractional 9000103400039 G times statistical weight factor 9000103400040 HYD hydrogen part 9000103400041 IPA integrated over partial angular range 9000103400042O K Spin transfer parameter 9000103400043 L4P Modifier for Legendre or cos coefficients of the form 9000103400044 4pi*d-sig/d-Omega =Sum((2L+1)*a(L)*p(L)) 9000103400045 LEG Legendre coefficients 9000103400046 LIM Modifier for a resonance integral given for a 9000103400047 limited EN-range only 9000103400048 MOT relative to Mott scattering 9000103400049 MXD Spectrum rel.to Maxw.distr.of given temperature 9000103400050 NCP Non-coplanar 9000103400051 NPD Normalized to probability distribution 9000103400052 NSF Non-spin-flip 9000103400053 PHY Physical yield 9000103400054 PP Inc.proj.parallel/perpendicular to reac.plane 9000103400055 RAB times natural isotopic abundance, divided by isotopic 9000103400056 abundance of target of first term of REACTION sum 9000103400057 RES at peak of resonance 9000103400058 RG times (2J(i)+1) * (2J(j)+1) 9000103400059 RM Reich-Moore formalism 9000103400060 for resonance parameters 9000103400061 RMT R-matrix formalism 9000103400062 for resonance parameters 9000103400063 RNV Non-1/v part 9000103400064 of cross-section or resonance-integral 9000103400065 RRE relative to square-root(E) 9000103400066 RS Times 4pi/sigma 9000103400067 Modifier for diff.cross-sections 4pi/sig d-sig/d-Omega 9000103400068 and for Legendre or cosine coefficients of the form: 9000103400069 (4pi/sig)*(d-sig/d-Omega) = Sum(a(L)*p(L)) 9000103400070 RS0 Modifier for Legendre or cosine coefficients of the 9000103400071 form: 9000103400072 (d-sig/d-Omega)/(d-sig/d-Omega at 0 deg)=Sum(a(L)*p(L))9000103400073 RSD Modifier for Legendre or cosine coefficients of the 9000103400074 form: 9000103400075 (d-sig/d-Omega)/(d-sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) = 9000103400076 = 1 +Sum(a(L)*p(L)) 9000103400077 Also modifier for angular distributions of the form: 9000103400078 sig(theta)/sig(90deg) and for the anisotropy-coeff 9000103400079 sig(0)/sig(90deg) 9000103400080 RSL Modifier for Legendre or cosine coefficients of the 9000103400081 form: 9000103400082 (4pi/sig)*(d-sig/d-Omega)=Sum((2L+1)*a(L)*p(L)) 9000103400083 RTE times square-root(E) 9000103400084 RTH relative to Rutherford scattering 9000103400085 RV 1/v part only 9000103400086 S0 times total peak cross section 9000103400087 S2T Coefficients of the form: d-sig/d-Omega = 9000103400088 a(0) + a(1)*sin**2(theta) + a(2)*sin**2(2*theta) 9000103400089 SAT Saturation yield 9000103400090 SF Spin flip 9000103400091 SFC S-factor 9000103400092 SQ Quantity squared 9000103400093 SRF Spin rotation function 9000103400094 SS Spin-spin cross section 9000103400095 TAP Tensor analyzing power, spherical coordinates 9000103400096 TM per 1 MeV target thickness (for thick target yields) 9000103400097O TMP at temperature other than the room temperature 9000103400098 TST Total spin transfer 9000103400099 TT Measured for thick target 9000103400100 TTA Thin target approximation 9000103400101 VAP Vector analyzing power, spherical coordinates 9000103400102 VGT Vogt formalism 9000103400103 for resonance parameters 9000103400104 =======================================================9000103400105 The following modifiers may be added to any quantity 9000103400106 code without entry in Dictionary 36. These general 9000103400107 quantity modifiers must be coded after any modifier 9000103400108 included in Dictionary 36. 9000103400109 =======================================================9000103400110 (A) Uncertain if corrected for natural isotopic abund. 9000103400111 Unclear whether corrected for natural isotopic 9000103400112 abundance of target. To be used only when data are 9000103400113 given for an isotope, but were measured on a target 9000103400114 with natural isotopic composition. 9000103400115 For enriched targets use modifier 'FCT' instead. 9000103400116 A Data times natural isotopic abundance 9000103400117 To be used only when data are given for an isotope, 9000103400118 but were measured on a target with natural isotopic 9000103400119 composition. For enriched targets use modifier 9000103400120 'FCT' instead. 9000103400121 DAM Divided by atomic mass of the target nuclide 9000103400122 AV Average 9000103400123 FCT times a factor (see text) 9000103400124 MSC Approximate definition only, see REACTION text 9000103400125 ==Note==This is approximate definition only, see text 9000103400126 General purpose modifier for unusual data types. Exact 9000103400127 definition is given in free text following the 9000103400128 reaction code. Use with code from dict.36 which is 9000103400129 closest to data given. 9000103400130 RAW Raw data (see REACTION text) 9000103400131 REL Relative data 9000103400132 To be combined with arbitrary units. 9000103400133 Otherwise use 'FCT'. 9000103400134 BRA Bremsstrahlung spectrum average 9000103400135 BRS Average over part of bremsstrahlung spectrum 9000103400136 EPI Epithermal neutron spectrum average 9000103400137 FIS Fission spectrum average 9000103400138 FST Fast reactor neutron spectrum average 9000103400139 MXW Maxwellian average 9000103400140 The appropriate spectrum temperature is to be given 9000103400141 under data heading 'KT', or the mean energy under 9000103400142 'EN-MEAN' (if given by author) or 'EN-DUMMY' (if 9000103400143 assumed by compiler). 9000103400144 ==Note== 'MXW' previously meant 'thermal Maxwellian 9000103400145 average'. 9000103400146 SDT Slowing-down time average 9000103400147 SPA Spectrum average 9000103400148 ENDSUBDICT 147 0 9000103499999 SUBDICT 90001035 20241220 Data types (REACTION SF 9) 9000103500001 CALC (Calculated data) 9000103500002 CRCTD (Data corrected by other than the author) 9000103500003 Data corrected or reassessed by other than the author 9000103500004 DERIV (Derived data) 9000103500005 Data not derived from the experimental data by the most9000103500006 direct method, but are calculated from other data 9000103500007 obtained in the analysis of the experimental data. 9000103500008 Only values derived by the experimentalist from their 9000103500009 own data should be entered in this way. 9000103500010 DEROT (Data derived by other than the author) 9000103500011 EVAL (Evaluated data) 9000103500012 Using best available experimental and theoretical 9000103500013 information 9000103500014 EXP (Experimental data) 9000103500015O RECOM (Recommended data) 9000103500016 Recommended at the time the entry was prepared 9000103500017 ENDSUBDICT 16 0 9000103599999 SUBDICT 90001037 20241220 Results 9000103700001 The following codes are to be used for the keyword 9000103700002 'RESULT' only. Codes for the keyword 'ADD-RES' are 9000103700003 given in dictionary 20. 9000103700004 'ADD-RES' is used to refer to additional results not 9000103700005 compiled in the Exfor entry, whereas 'RESULT' gives 9000103700006 additional explanations about the data given under 9000103700007 'REACTION'. 9000103700008 CAPTA (G*Gamma(N) * Gamma(Gamma) / Gamma) 9000103700009O Capture area/2*pi**2 * Lambda(0)**2 9000103700010O DFRCT (Delayed neutron fraction) 9000103700011 FRCUM (Fractional cumulative yield) 9000103700012O Ratio of cumulative yield to chain yield 9000103700013O FRIND (Fractional independent yield) 9000103700014O Ratio of independent yield to chain yield 9000103700015O RVAL (R-value) 9000103700016 Ratio of yields at 2 different incid.energies 9000103700017 ENDSUBDICT 16 0 9000103799999 SUBDICT 90001038 20241220 Supplemental information 9000103800001 INCSP (Incident particle spectrum) 9000103800002 RESFN (Resolution (response) function) 9000103800003 ENDSUBDICT 2 0 9000103899999 SUBDICT 90001043 20241220 NLIB for evaluated libraries 9000104300001 0 ENDF/B 9000104300002 1 ENDF/A 9000104300003 2 JEFF 9000104300004 until version 2.2 (1993): JEF 9000104300005 3 EFF 9000104300006X last version: EFF-2.4 (1994) 9000104300007X 4 ENDF/HE 9000104300008 5 CENDL 9000104300009 6 JENDL 9000104300010 17 TENDL 9000104300011 18 ROSFOND 9000104300012 21 IFPL 9000104300013 International Fission Product Library of Neutron 9000104300014 Cross section Evaluations 9000104300015 31 INDL/V 9000104300016 32 INDL/A 9000104300017 33 FENDL/E, FENDL/C, FENDL/D 9000104300018 FENDL/E (neutrons, full evaluations); 9000104300019 FENDL/C (charged particles, fusion reactions); 9000104300020 FENDL/D (decay data) 9000104300021 34 IRDFF 9000104300022 until version 2002: IRDF 9000104300023 same as FENDL/DS (neutron dosimetry) 9000104300024 35 BROND-NDS 9000104300025 36 INGDB-90 9000104300026 (Geophysics data) 9000104300027 37 FENDL/A 9000104300028 (Neutron activation) 9000104300029 38 SPALLDOS 9000104300030 41 BROND 9000104300031 (Original Version) 9000104300032 49 MENDL-2 9000104300033 Medium Energy Nuclear Data Library (1995-1998) 9000104300034 51 ADL-3 9000104300035 Neutron activation data library, Rev. 2, July 1995 9000104300036 52 MINSK-ACT 9000104300037 Minsk Actinides Library (Maslov et al.) 9000104300038 53 YAVSHITS 9000104300039 Neutron, proton induced fission for Pb-Pu (20-200 MeV)9000104300040 54 WIND 9000104300041 Neutron activation data Library for U, Np, Pu (up to 9000104300042 100 MeV) and Pu-239 (up to 2 GeV) 9000104300043 55 IAEA-Medical 9000104300044 IAEA-Medical Charged-particle cross section database 9000104300045 for medical radioisotope production (2001) 9000104300046 56 IBA-EVAL 9000104300047 IBAE-EVAL Differential charged-particle cross sections9000104300048 for ion beam analysis (2006-2007) 9000104300049 57 IAEA-STD 9000104300050 IAEA-STD Standard Cross Sections (2006) 9000104300051 58 PADF 9000104300052 Proton Activation Data File 9000104300053 59 RUSFOND 9000104300054 Russian File of Evaluated Neutron Data 9000104300055 ENDSUBDICT 54 0 9000104399999 SUBDICT 90001045 20241220 CINDA quantities 9000104500001 ALF CS Alpha 9000104500002 AMP L Scattering length 9000104500003 CHG ZAP Fragment charge 9000104500004 CS CS Cross section 9000104500005 CSN CSP Differential with respect to number of particles9000104500006O CSP CSP Partial cross section 9000104500007 CST CST Temperature dependent cross section 9000104500008 D3A DAE Triple differential dAngle1/dAngle2/dE' 9000104500009 D3E DAE Triple differential dAngle/dE1'/dE2' 9000104500010 D4A DAE Quadruple diff. dAng1/dAng2/dE1'/dE2' 9000104500011 DA DA Differential d/dAngle 9000104500012 DAA DA Double differential dAngle1/dAngle2 9000104500013 DAE DAE Double differential dAngle/dE' 9000104500014 DAP DAP Partial differential d/dAngle 9000104500015 DAT DA Temperature-dependent Legendre coefficient 9000104500016 DE DE Differential d/dE' 9000104500017 DEP DEP Energy spectrum for specific group 9000104500018 DP DE Diff. by linear momentum of outgoing part. 9000104500019 DT DA Diff. by 4-momentum transfer squared 9000104500020 ETA NU Eta 9000104500021 EVL Evaluation 9000104500022 FRS FY Fragment spectra 9000104500023O FY FY Fission product yield 9000104500024 INT INT Cross section integral over incident energy 9000104500025 KE E Kinetic energy 9000104500026 KER SQ Kerma factor 9000104500027 MAS ZAP Fragment mass 9000104500028 MFQ MFQ Differential fission neutron multiplicity 9000104500029 MLT MLT Multiplicity 9000104500030 NQ NQ Nuclear quantity 9000104500031 NU NU Nu 9000104500032 NUD NU Nu delayed 9000104500033 NUF MFQ Fragment neutrons 9000104500034O POD POL Differential polarization 9000104500035 POL POL Polarization 9000104500036 POT CS Potential scattering 9000104500037 PY PY Product yield (other than fission) 9000104500038 RI RI Resonance integral 9000104500039 RP RP Resonance parameter 9000104500040 RR RR Reaction rate 9000104500041 SPC SP Gamma spectrum 9000104500042 TSL CS Thermal scattering 9000104500043 TT TT Thick target yield 9000104500044 TTD TTD Differential thick target yield, d/dAngle 9000104500045 TTP TTP Partial thick target yield 9000104500046 ENDSUBDICT 45 0 9000104599999 SUBDICT 90001047 20241220 Old CINDA quantities 9000104700001 ABS N,ABS CS 9000104700002 AEM N,X+A 9000104700003 ALF N,ABS ALF 9000104700004 CHG N,F CHG * 9000104700005 DEL N,EL DA 9000104700006 DEM N,X+D 9000104700007 DIN N,INL 9000104700008 DNG N,INL+G 9000104700009 ETA N,ABS ETA 9000104700010 EVL N,X EVL 9000104700011 FPB N,F * 9000104700012 FPG N,F * 9000104700013 FRS N,F * 9000104700014 GF G,F 9000104700015 GN G,N 9000104700016 LDL 0,0 NQ 9000104700017 N2N N,2N 9000104700018 NA N,A 9000104700019 ND N,D 9000104700020 NEG N,X+G 9000104700021 NEM N,X+N 9000104700022 NF N,F CS 9000104700023 NFY N,F FY * 9000104700024 NG N,G 9000104700025 NHE N,HE3 9000104700026 NNA N,N+A 9000104700027 NND N,N+D 9000104700028 NNP N,N+P 9000104700029 NNT N,N+T 9000104700030 NP N,P 9000104700031 NT N,T 9000104700032 NU N,F NU * 9000104700033 NUD N,F NUD * 9000104700034 NUF N,F NUF * 9000104700035 NX N,X 9000104700036 NXN N,XN 9000104700037 PEM N,X+P 9000104700038 POL N,X POL 9000104700039 POT N,EL POT 9000104700040 RES N,0 RP 9000104700041 RIA N,ABS RI 9000104700042 RIF N,F RI 9000104700043 RIG N,G RI 9000104700044 SCT N,SCT 9000104700045 SEL N,EL CS 9000104700046 SFG N,F SPC * 9000104700047 SFN N,F * 9000104700048 SIN N,INL CS 9000104700049 SNE N,NON CS 9000104700050 SNG N,G 9000104700051 STF N,0 RP 9000104700052 TEM N,X+T 9000104700053 TOT N,TOT CS 9000104700054 TSL N,THS TSL 9000104700055 ENDSUBDICT 54 0 9000104799999 SUBDICT 90001048 20241220 Alphabetic energy values 9000104800001 COLD Cold Subthermal neutron spectrum 9000104800002 FAST Fast Fast reactor spectrum 9000104800003 FISS Fiss Unmoderated fission-neutron spectrum 9000104800004 MAXW Maxwl Maxwellian neutron spectrum 9000104800005 (293 K or reactor temperature) 9000104800006 NDG None No data given 9000104800007 PILE Pile Reactor spectrum with non-Maxw.energy distr. 9000104800008 SPON Spont Spontaneous fission 9000104800009 TR Thrsh Threshold energy 9000104800010 TR UP Thrsh up No upper limit specified above the threshold 9000104800011 ENDSUBDICT 10 0 9000104899999 SUBDICT 90001052 20241220 CINDA readers 9000105200001 $ IAEA Nuclear Data Section 9000105200002 & Other than NNDC 9000105200003 ( H.A.J. Van der Kamp 9000105200004 + National Nuclear Data Center 9000105200005 - Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200006X . Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200007X / Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200008X 0 IAEA Nuclear Data Section: corrections 9000105200009 1 Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200010X 2 NEA Data Bank 9000105200011 3 I.L. Nitteberg 9000105200012 4 A. Ventura 9000105200013 5 H. Bruneder 9000105200014 6 F. Hijerup 9000105200015 7 NEA Data Bank 9000105200016 8 NEA Data Bank 9000105200017 9 E. Ramstrom 9000105200018 = Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200019X ? NEA Data Bank: (semi-)automatic generation 9000105200020 A Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200021X B F. Poortmans 9000105200022 C Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200023X D Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200024X E C. Bastian 9000105200025 F F. Wasastjerna 9000105200026 G Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200027X H Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200028X I Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200029X J Japan Charged-Particle Nuclear Reaction Data Group 9000105200030 Sapporo 9000105200031 K Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200032X L F. Manero 9000105200033 N Japan 9000105200034 T. Nakagawa (JAERI, Tokai), 9000105200035 T. Fukahori (JAERI, Tokai), 9000105200036 S. Chiba (JAERI, Tokai), 9000105200037 O. Iwamoto (JAERI, Tokai), 9000105200038 H. Kitazawa (National Defense Academy, Tokyo), 9000105200039 M. Kawai (KEK,Tsukuba), 9000105200040 T. Ohsaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo) 9000105200041 O Russian Nuclear Center, Obninsk 9000105200042 P Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200043X Q Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200044X R Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200045X S K. Junker 9000105200046 T Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200047X U Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200048X V Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200049X W M.F. James, J.S. Storey, M. Moxon 9000105200050 X Unknown (coded without definition in old entries) 9000105200051X X4 Automatically generated CINDA lines from EXFOR 9000105200052 Y J. Frehaut 9000105200053 Z H. Behrens 9000105200054 ENDSUBDICT 53 0 9000105299999 SUBDICT 90001113 20241220 Web quantities 9000111300001 CS Cross section data 9000111300002 CSP Partial cross section data 9000111300003 CST Temperature dependent cross section data 9000111300004 DA Differential data with respect to angle 9000111300005 DAE Differential data with respect to angle and energy 9000111300006 DAP Partial differential data with respect to angle 9000111300007 DE Differential data with respect to energy 9000111300008 DEP Partial differential data with respect to energy 9000111300009 E Kinetic energies 9000111300010 FY Fission product yields 9000111300011 INT Cross section integral over incident energy 9000111300012 L Scattering length 9000111300013 MFQ Differential fission neutron multiplicities 9000111300014 MLT Outgoing particle multiplicities 9000111300015 NQ Nuclear quantities 9000111300016 NU Fission neutron multiplicities 9000111300017 POL Polarization data 9000111300018 PY Product yields 9000111300019 RI Resonance integrals 9000111300020 RP Resonance parameters 9000111300021 RR Reaction rates 9000111300022 SP Gamma spectra 9000111300023 SQ Special quantities 9000111300024 TT Thick target yields 9000111300025 TTD Differential thick target yields 9000111300026 TTP Partial thick target yields 9000111300027 ZAP Most probable charge or mass 9000111300028 ENDSUBDICT 27 0 9000111399999 SUBDICT 90001144 20241220 Data libraries 9000114400001 AUSTR-DFN Austral.Lib.Eval.Neut.Cross Sect.for Fis.Prod.Nuclei9000114400002 (Australian Library of Evaluated Neutron Cross Sections9000114400003 for Fission-Product Nuclei) 9000114400004 BENZI-DFN Bologna Lib.Eval.Neut.Cross Sect.for Fis.Prod.Nuclei9000114400005 (Bologna Library of Evaluated Neutron Cross Sections 9000114400006 for Fission-Product Nuclei) 9000114400007 BROND- Russian Recommended Evaluated Neutron Data Library 9000114400008 1993 BROND-2.2 9000114400009 1992 BROND-2 9000114400010 CENDL- Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (CENDL) 9000114400011 2009 CENDL-3.1 9000114400012 1995 CENDL-2.1 9000114400013 1991 CENDL-2.0 9000114400014 CNEN-CEA Evaluated Data Library from CNEN-CEA Collaboration 9000114400015 EFF- European Fusion File 9000114400016 Last version: EFF-2.4 (1994) 9000114400017 1994 EFF-2.4 9000114400018 1986 EFF-1 9000114400019 ENDF/B- US Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) B Library 9000114400020 2011 ENDF/B-VII.1 9000114400021 2006 ENDF/B-VII.0 9000114400022 2001 ENDF/B-VI.8 9000114400023 2000 ENDF/B-VI.7 9000114400024 1999 ENDF/B-VI.6 9000114400025 1998 ENDF/B-VI.5 9000114400026 1996 ENDF/B-VI.4 9000114400027 1995 ENDF/B-VI.3 9000114400028 1993 ENDF/B-VI.2 9000114400029 1990 ENDF/B-VI 9000114400030 1978 ENDF/B-V 9000114400031 1974 ENDF/B-IV 9000114400032 1972 ENDF/B-III 9000114400033 1970 ENDF/B-II 9000114400034 1968 ENDF/B-I 9000114400035 ENDL- Livermore Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (ENDL) 9000114400036 1986 ENDL-86 9000114400037 1978 ENDL-78 9000114400038 EXFOR EXFOR Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Library 9000114400039 FENDL Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (FENDL) 9000114400040 2004 FENDL/E-2.1 (Evaluated data for n/g transport)9000114400041 1998 FENDL/E-2.0 (Evaluated data for n/g transport)9000114400042 1997 FENDL/A-2.0 (Activation) 9000114400043 1997 FENDL/D-2.0 (Decay) 9000114400044 1997 FENDL/DS-2.0(Dosimetry) 9000114400045 1997 FENDL/C-2.0 (Charged-particle fusion xs) 9000114400046 INDL- IAEA Nulear Data Library (INDL) 9000114400047 Files included in both INDL/A and INDL/V under the 9000114400048 same accession number 9000114400049 INDL/A- IAEA Nucl.Data Lib.Eval.Neut.Reac.Data of Actinides 9000114400050 (IAEA Nuclear Data Library for Evaluated Neutron 9000114400051 Reaction Data of Actinides) 9000114400052 INDL/V- IAEA Nucl.Data Lib.Var.Neut.Data Eval.ENDF-5 format 9000114400053 (IAEA Nuclear Data Library for Various Neutron Data 9000114400054 Evaluations in ENDF-5 format) 9000114400055 IRDF- International Reactor Dosimetry File (IRDF) 9000114400056 in ENDF-5 format 9000114400057 2005 IRDF-2002 9000114400058 1993 IRDF-90.2 9000114400059 1990 IRDF-90.1 9000114400060 IRDFF- International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File 9000114400061 2019 IRDFF-II 9000114400062 2014 IRDFF-1.05 9000114400063 2012 IRDFF-1.02 9000114400064 JEF- Joint Evaluated File (JEF) 9000114400065 Compiled at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank 9000114400066 Last version: JEF-2.2 (1992) 9000114400067 1993 JEF-2.2 9000114400068 1991 JEF-2.1 9000114400069 1990 JEF-2.0 9000114400070 1985 JEF-1 9000114400071 JEFF- Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) Library 9000114400072 Compiled at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank 9000114400073 2012 JEFF-3.1.2/GP (update of neutron data) 9000114400074 2009 JEFF-3.1.1/GP (update of neutron data) 9000114400075 2009 JEFF-3.1.1/FY (update of fission yields) 9000114400076 2007 JEFF-3.1.1/DD (update of decay data) 9000114400077 2005 JEFF-3.1 (general and special purpose files) 9000114400078 2002 JEFF-3.0/GP (general purpose file) 9000114400079 JENDL- Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL) 9000114400080 2010 JENDL-4.0, General Purpose File 9000114400081 2002 JENDL-3.3, General Purpose File 9000114400082 1994 JENDL-3.2, General Purpose File 9000114400083 1990 JENDL-3.1, General Purpose File 9000114400084 1985 JENDL-2 (Addition of Fission Products) 9000114400085 1984 JENDL-2 (Revised) 9000114400086 1982 JENDL-2 9000114400087 1977 JENDL-1 9000114400088 JENDL-A- JENDL Activation File (JENDL/A) 9000114400089 1996 JENDL/A-96 9000114400090 JENDL-AC- JENDL Actinoid File (JENDL/AC) 9000114400091 2008 JENDL/AC-2008 9000114400092 JENDL-AN- JENDL (alpha,n) Reaction Data File (JENDL/AN) 9000114400093 2005 JENDL/AN-2005 9000114400094 2003 JENDL/AN-2003 9000114400095 JENDL-D- JENDL Dosimetry File (JENDL/D) 9000114400096 1999 JENDL/D-99 9000114400097 1991 JENDL/D-91 9000114400098 JENDL-F- JENDL Fusion File (JENDL/F) 9000114400099 1999 JENDL/F-99 9000114400100 JENDL-FP- JENDL Fission Product Decay Data (JENDL/FPD) 9000114400101 2000 JENDL/FPD-2000 9000114400102 JENDL-HE- JENDL High Energy File (JENDL/HE) 9000114400103 2007 JENDL/HE-2007 9000114400104 2004 JENDL/HE-2004 9000114400105 JENDL-PD- JENDL Photonuclear Data File (JENDL/PD) 9000114400106 2004 JENDL/PD-2004 9000114400107 JNDC-FFP-WG Nuclear data evaluated by JNDC Fast FP WG 9000114400108X JNDC-FP JNDC Nuclear Data Library of Fission Products 9000114400109X Decay data,fission yields and one group cross sections9000114400110X KEDAK- Karlsruhe Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (KEDAK) 9000114400111X RCN- Evaluated Fission Product Cross Section Library 9000114400112 SOKRATOR- USSR Evaluated Nuclear Data Library 9000114400113X Superseded by BROND-2 9000114400114X TENDL- TALYS-based Evaluated Nuclear Data Library 9000114400115 UKFY2 UK Fission Yield library (UKFY) version 2 9000114400116 in ENDF-6 format 9000114400117 UKNDL-DFN United Kingdom Nuclear Data Library (UKNDL) 9000114400118 VIEN-V Various International Evaluated Neutron Data (VIEN) 9000114400119 ENDSUBDICT 118 0 9000114499999 SUBDICT 90001207 20241220 Books 9000120700001 ABAGJAN (Abagjan Group Constants) 9000120700002 (Gruppovye Konstanty dlja Rascheta Jadernykh Reaktorov,9000120700003 Atomizdat, Moskva, 1964. English translation: Group 9000120700004 Constants for Nuclear Reactor Calculations, 9000120700005 Consultants Bureau, New York, 1964) 9000120700006 Note= The English version contains some revised data. 9000120700007 ACT.EL (Actinide Elements) 9000120700008 (The Actinide Elements, National Nuclear Energy Series,9000120700009 Div IV, Vol 14a 1954, McGraw Hill 1954) 9000120700010 =Editors G.T. Seaborg and J.J. Katz. 9000120700011 ANCIPOV (Ancipov et al,Nucl.Data for Pu Isotopes,Minsk 1982) 9000120700012 (G.V.Ancipov,V.A.Konshin,E.Sh.Sukhovickij, Yadernye 9000120700013 Konstanty dlja Isotopov Plutoniya (Nuclear Data for 9000120700014 Plutonium Isotopes), Minsk 1982, in Russian) 9000120700015 ANDERSEN (H.H.Andersen,H Stopping Powers and Ranges,Pergamon 77)9000120700016 (H.H.Andersen,J.F.Ziegler, Hydrogen Stopping Powers and9000120700017 Ranges in All Elements, Pergamon Press, 1977. Vol.3 of9000120700018 Stopping Powers and Ranges of Ions in Matter) 9000120700019 BAARD (Baard et al.,Nuclear Data Guide,Kluwer Acad.Publ.1989)9000120700020 (J.H. Baard, W.L. Zijp, H.J. Nolthenius, Nuclear Data 9000120700021 Guide for Reactor Neutron Metrology, Kluwer Academic 9000120700022 Publishers for the CEC, 1989) 9000120700023 =(see also 'Handbooks', page I.18 ff) 9000120700024 BELANOVA (Belanova et al.,Neutron Capt.Cross Sect.,Moscow 1986) 9000120700025 (T.S.Belanova,A.V.Ignatjuk,A.B.Pashchenko,V.I.Pljaskin,9000120700026 Radiacionnyi Zakhvat Neitronov (Neutron Capture Cross 9000120700027 Sections), A Handbook published by Energoatomizdat, 9000120700028 Moskva, 1986, in Russian) 9000120700029 BLATT (J.M.Blatt et al., Theoretical Nuclear Physics,NY 1952)9000120700030 (J.M.Blatt and V.F.Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear 9000120700031 Physics, John Wiley & Sons, NY, USA, 1952) 9000120700032 BROND (V.N.Manokhin: BROND Documentation, Obninsk 1986) 9000120700033 (V.N. Manokhin, Biblioteka Rekomendovannykh Ocenennykh 9000120700034 Nejtronnykh Dannykh - Brond (USSR Evaluated Neutron 9000120700035 Data Library), Obninsk 1986, in Russian) 9000120700036 =English translation see report INDC(CCP)-283 9000120700037 BROWNE (Browne et al., Table of Radioactive Isotopes, NY 1986)9000120700038 (E.Browne et al., Table of Radioactive Isotopes, 1986, 9000120700039 John Wiley & Sons, NY, USA, 1986) 9000120700040 BRUNE (Activation Analysis Handbook, D.Brune) 9000120700041 (Activation Analysis Handbook, D.Brune, IAEA Technical 9000120700042 Report 156, Vienna 1974, STI/DOC/10/156) 9000120700043 BYCHKOV (Bychkov et al,Cross Sect.f.Thresh.React.,Moscow 1982) 9000120700044 (V.M.Bychkov, V.N.Manokhin, A.B.Pashchenko, 9000120700045 V.I.Pljaskin, Cross-Sections for Neutron-Induced 9000120700046 Threshold Reactions, Moscow, Energoizdat 1982, in 9000120700047 Russian) 9000120700048 CDFE/FIS (Fotojad.Dannye - Fission of Heavy Nuclei,Moscow 1983) 9000120700049 (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) - Fission of 9000120700050 Heavy Nuclei, Moscow State Univ., 1983) 9000120700051 CDFE/FIS2 (Fotojad.Dannye-Photofission of U-235,238, Moscow 1987)9000120700052 (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data), Photofission 9000120700053 of Uranium 235,238, Moscow State Univ. 1987) 9000120700054 CDFE/LI (Fotojad.Dannye - Photodisintegr.of Li, Moscow 1984) 9000120700055 (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) - 9000120700056 Photodisintegration of Lithium, Moscow State Univ., 9000120700057 1984) 9000120700058 CDFE/LI2 (Fotojad.Dannye - Photodisint.of Li,Suppl.,Moscow 1986)9000120700059 (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) - 9000120700060 Photodisintegration of Lithium, Supplement, Moscow 9000120700061 State Univ.,1986) 9000120700062 CDFE/XG (Fotojad.Dannye - Gamma,X Gamma'Reactions, Moscow 1985)9000120700063 (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) - Gamma,X 9000120700064 Gamma' Reactions, Moscow State Univ., 1985) 9000120700065 DEMIDOV (Demidov, Excited States of Nuclei, Alma Ata 1986) 9000120700066 (A.M.Demidov et al., Issledovaniya Vozbuzhdennykh 9000120700067 Sostoyaniy Yader - Investigation of the Excited States9000120700068 of Nuclei. Alma Ata, "Nauka" edition, 1986, in 9000120700069 Russian) 9000120700070 DMITRIEV (Dmitriev, Yields of Radionuclides, Moscow 1986) 9000120700071 (P.P.Dmitriev, Vykhod Radionuklidov V Reakcijakh S 9000120700072 Protonami,Dejtronami, Al'Fa-Chasticami I Geliem-3 9000120700073 (Yields of Radionuclides from Reactions with Protons, 9000120700074 Deuterons,Alphas and He-3), Energoatomizdat, Moscow 9000120700075 1986, in Russian) 9000120700076 =English translation see INDC(CCP)-263 9000120700077 EXP.NUC.P. (Experimental Nuclear Physics) 9000120700078 (Experimental Nuclear Physics, Edited by E.Segre, 9000120700079 Wiley, N.Y., 1959) 9000120700080 FAST N.PH. (Fast Neutron Physics) 9000120700081 (Fast Neutron Physics, Marion and Fowler, Interscience,9000120700082 N.Y., 1960) 9000120700083 =Russian translation Fizika Bystryh Neitronov Moskva 9000120700084 =Cosatomizdat, 1963. 9000120700085 FIRESTONE (Table of Isotopes, 8th edition 1996) 9000120700086 (R.B. Firestone et al., Table of Isotopes, 8th edition,9000120700087 John Wiley and Sons, NY, USA, 1996) 9000120700088 FRC (Fast Reactor Cross-Sections, Pergamon 1960) 9000120700089 (S.Yiftah et al, Fast Reactor Cross-Sections, Int'l. 9000120700090 Series of Monographs on Nuclear Energy, Pergamon Press9000120700091 1960) 9000120700092 GAMMAATLAS (Atlas of Gamma-Ray Spectra, Moscow 1978) 9000120700093 (Atlas of Gamma-Ray Spectra from the Inelastic 9000120700094 Scattering of Reactor Fast Neutrons, Moscow, Atomizdat9000120700095 1978) 9000120700096 = INDC(CCP)-120 9000120700097 GRUEBLER (Gruebler,Reactions Induced by Deuterons, Zurich 1973) 9000120700098 (Results of Measurements and Analyses of Nuclear 9000120700099 Reactions Induced by Polarized and Unpolarized 9000120700100 Deuterons, W.Gruebler,V.Koenig,P.A.Schmelzbach, 9000120700101 Lab.F.Kernphysik, ETH Zurich, May 1973) 9000120700102 GUSEV (Gusev,Quant.Emiss.of Radionuclides,Moscow 1977) 9000120700103 (N.G.Gusev,N.P.Dimitriev, Kvantovoe Izluchenie 9000120700104 Radioaktivnykh Nuklidov. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1977) 9000120700105 =In Russian 9000120700106 HB.SPEC (Handbook of Spectroscopy, Crc Press, Florida, 1981) 9000120700107 (Handbook of Spectroscopy, CRC Press, Florida, 1981, 3 9000120700108 vols.) 9000120700109 KEEPIN (Keepin, Physics of Nuclear Kinetics, 1965) 9000120700110 (G.R.Keepin, Physics of Nuclear Kinetics, 9000120700111 Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA, 1965) 9000120700112 KONSHIN (Konshin,Eval.of Nucl.Data for Pu-242,Minsk 1979) 9000120700113 (Otsenka Yadernych Dannych dlja Pu-242 v Oblasti 9000120700114 Energii Neitronov 10**E-5 eV - 15 MeV (Evaluation of 9000120700115 nuclear data for Pu-242 in the 10**E-5 eV - 15 MeV 9000120700116 neutron energy region), V. Konshin, et al., editor: 9000120700117 A.K. Krasin, Minsk 1979) 9000120700118 =English translation see INDC(CCP)-150(1980). 9000120700119 KOSYAK (Kosyak, Study of Nucl. Excited States, Alma Ata, 1986)9000120700120 (Yu.G.Kosyak, Izuchenie vozbuzshdennykh sostoyaniy 9000120700121 yader, ed. Dzhelepov B.S., Alma Ata, Nauka, 1986) 9000120700122 LANDOLT (Landolt-Boernstein, New Series, Springer) 9000120700123 (Landolt-Boernstein, Numerical Data and Functional 9000120700124 Relationships in Science and Technology, New Series, 9000120700125 Springer Verlag) 9000120700126 Group I, Vol.5, part B, page 7 is coded 9000120700127 (B,LANDOLT,I/5B,7,1973) 9000120700128 LAPENAS (Lapenas,Neutron Spect.Meas.by Activ.,Riga 1975) 9000120700129 (Izmerenie Spektrov Nejtronov Aktivacionnym Metodom, 9000120700130 Zinatne (Neutron Spectra Measurements by Activation 9000120700131 Techniques), Riga, USSR, 1975, in Russian) 9000120700132 LEDERER-6 (C.M.Lederer,Table of Isotopes, 6th Ed., 1967) 9000120700133 (C.M.Lederer, J.M.Hollander, I.Perlman, ed., Table of 9000120700134 Isotopes, 6th Ed., Wiley and Sons, 1967) 9000120700135 LEDERER-7 (C.M.Lederer,Table of Isotopes,7th Ed.,1978) 9000120700136 (C.M.Lederer,V.S.Shirley, ed., Table of Isotopes, 7th 9000120700137 Ed., Wiley and Sons, 1978) 9000120700138 LEVKOVSKIJ (Levkovskij,Act.Cs.By Protons and Alphas,Moscow 1991) 9000120700139 (V.N.Levkovskij, Sechenija Aktivacii Nuklidov Srednej 9000120700140 Massi(A=40-100) Protonami I Alfa Chasticami Srednikh 9000120700141 Energij (E=10-50 MeV) (Activation Cross Sections for 9000120700142 Medium Mass Nuclei (A=40-100) by Medium Energy Protons9000120700143 and Alpha Particles (E=10-50 MeV)), Moscow 1991) 9000120700144 MOLNAR (Molnar, Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis) 9000120700145 (G.L.Molnar (ed.), Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation,9000120700146 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2004) 9000120700147 N.REAC.DES (Theory and Method of Nucl.Reactor Design,Moscow 1962) 9000120700148 (Theory and Method of Nucl.Reactor Design,Moscow 1962) 9000120700149 =English: see REAC.CALC 9000120700150 NAKAMURA (Handbook on secondary part. prod. and transport, 2006)9000120700151 (T.Nakamura, L.Heilbronn, Handbook on secondary 9000120700152 particle production and transport by high-energy heavy9000120700153 ions, World Scientific, 2006) 9000120700154 =ISBN:9789812565587 9000120700155 NB.GS.COMP (Noble Gas Compounds, Chicago Press 1963) 9000120700156 (Noble Gas Compounds, H.H.Hyman, Ed., Chicago Press 9000120700157 1963) 9000120700158 NEA-DISCR (NEA Discrepancy File 1983) 9000120700159 (Nuclear Discrepancies 1983, the NEANDC-INDC Joint 9000120700160 Discrepancy File, OECD-NEA, 1984) 9000120700161 NEJTRONFIZ (Neitronnaya Fizika, Moskva 1961) 9000120700162 (Neitronnaya Fizika, P.Krupcickiy, Moscow Gosatomizdat 9000120700163 1961) 9000120700164 =English translation as 'Soviet Progress in Neutron 9000120700165 =Physics' by Consultants Bureau, New York, USA 9000120700166 =see: SPN 9000120700167 NEUT.CS 1A (Neutron Cross Sections,Vol.1,Part A, Res.Par., 1981) 9000120700168 (Mughabghab, et al., Neutron Cross Sections, Vol.1, 9000120700169 Res.Par. + Thermal Cross Sections, Part A, Academic 9000120700170 Press, 1981) 9000120700171 NEUT.CS 1B (Neutron Cross Sections,Vol.1,Part B, Res.Par., 1984) 9000120700172 (Mughabghab, Neutron Cross Sections, Vol.1, Res.Par. + 9000120700173 Thermal Cross Sections, Part B, Academic Press, 1984) 9000120700174 NEUT.CS 2 (Neutron Cross Sections,Vol.2, Curves, 1984) 9000120700175 (McLane, et al., Neutron Cross Sections, Vol.2, Curves,9000120700176 Academic Press, 1984) 9000120700177 NEUT.D.BKL (Neutron Data Booklet, 2nd edition, 2003) 9000120700178 (Neutron Data Booklet, edited by A.-J.Dianoux and 9000120700179 G.Lander, Institut Laue-Langevin 2003) 9000120700180 =ISBN: 0-9704143-7-4 9000120700181 NEUT.RES (Atlas of Neutron Resonances, S.F.Mughabghab, 2006) 9000120700182 (Atlas of Neutron Resonances - Resonance Parameters and9000120700183 Thermal Cross Sections - Z=1-100, S.F.Mughabghab, 9000120700184 Elsevier, 2006) 9000120700185 NEUTRDIFFR (G.E.Bacon= Neutron Diffraction. 2nd ed, Oxford 1962) 9000120700186O *** Schoolbook with no original work. 9000120700187O NIKOL84 (Nikolaev,Multigr.Approx.in Neutr.Transp.,Moskva 1984) 9000120700188 (M.N.Nikolaev,B.G.Rjazanov,M.M.Savoskin,A.M.Cibulja, 9000120700189 Mnogo-Gruppovoje Priblizhenije V Teorii Perenosa 9000120700190 Nejtronov (Multigroup Approximation in Neutron 9000120700191 Transport Theory), Energoatomizdat, Moskva, 1984, in 9000120700192 Russian) 9000120700193 NIKOLAEV (Nikolaev,Anisotr.of Elast.Scatt.Neutr.,Moscow 1972) 9000120700194 (M.N.Nikolaev,N.O.Bazazjanc, Anizotropija Uprugogo 9000120700195 Rassejanija Nejtronov (Anisotropy of Elastically 9000120700196 Scattered Neutrons), Moskva, Atomizdat 1972) 9000120700197 =In Russian. English transl. as 'Anisotropy of Elastic 9000120700198 =Scattering of Neutrons' by A.Schett, INDC(CCP)-71 Jan 9000120700199 =1976. 9000120700200 NRLME (Nucl.Reactions at Low and Middle Energies,Moscow 1962)9000120700201 (Jadernye Reakcii Pri Nizkikh I Srednikh Energijakh 9000120700202 (Nucl.Reactions at Low and Middle Energies), Moscow 9000120700203 1962, in Russian) 9000120700204 NRLMEN (Nucl.Reactions at Low and Middle Energies,Moscow 1958)9000120700205O (Yadernye Reakcii Pri Nizkikh I Srednikh Energijakh 9000120700206O (Nucl.Reactions at Low and Middle Energies), Moscow 9000120700207O 1958, in Russian) 9000120700208O Obsolete. Use J,AE/S,1957,(5) and J,SJA,1957,(5). 9000120700209O OKAMOTO (Handbook on Nucl.Activation Data, IAEA 1987) 9000120700210 (Handbook on Nuclear Activation Data, IAEA Technical 9000120700211 Report Series No.273, editor K.Okamoto, IAEA 1987) 9000120700212 PERFILOV (Perfilov,Nucl.React.Ind.by High En.Part.,USSR 1962) 9000120700213 (N.A.Perfilov, et al., Yadernye Reakcii Pod Dejstviem 9000120700214 Chastic Vysokikh Energii (Nuclear Reactions Induced by9000120700215 High Energy Particles), Publ.by Acad.Sci.USSR, 9000120700216 Izdatel'Stvo AN SSSR, Moskva/Leningrad 1962, in 9000120700217 Russian) 9000120700218 PFN (Fast Neutron Physics Conf., Houston 1963) 9000120700219O *** Use 63HOUSTON *** 9000120700220O PH-DAT (Physik Daten/Physics Data,Series,Karlsruhe) 9000120700221 (Physik Daten (Physics Data). Compilation Series 9000120700222 Published by Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, 9000120700223 Mathematik, Karlsruhe) 9000120700224 PNS (Proc. Nucl.and Solid State Phys. Symp., India) 9000120700225O *** previously used for the annual Indian symposia, 9000120700226O has been replaced by the usual Conf. 9000120700227O codes 63BOMBAY, 64CHANDGRH, etc. 9000120700228O PR.NUC.EN. (Progress in Nuclear Energy Ser.1 Phys. & Mathematics) 9000120700229 Pergamon Press, 1956-1959 9000120700230 Vol.1 (1956): R.A.Charpie et al. (ed.) 9000120700231 Vol.2 (1958): D.J.Hughes et al. (ed.) 9000120700232 Vol.3 (1959): D.J.Hughes et al. (ed.) 9000120700233 Selected articles from Conf.Proc. of 58GENEVA. 9000120700234 Started as a Journal (PNE) in 1977 with vol.1. 9000120700235 PROKOFJEV (Prokofjev,Therm.Neutr.Capt.for A=143-193,Riga 1973) 9000120700236 (P.Prokofjev, et al., Spectra of Electromagnetic 9000120700237 Transitions and Level Schemes Following Thermal 9000120700238 Neutron Capture by Nuclides with A=143-193. Riga, 9000120700239 Publ.House Zinatne, 1973, Latvija, USSR. In Russian 9000120700240 and English.) 9000120700241 RCS (Radiochemical Studies, Fission Products, USA, 1951) 9000120700242 (Radiochemical Studies: The Fission Products, National 9000120700243 Nuclear Energy Series, Division IV - Plutonium Project9000120700244 Record Vol. 9, Books 1,2,3, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1951.) 9000120700245 Book 1: p.1 - p. 516 9000120700246 Book 2: p.517 - p. 1315 9000120700247 Book 3: p.1316 - p.2086 9000120700248 REAC.CALC. (Maruk,Theory and Meth.of Nucl.Reactor Calc.,1964) 9000120700249 (Theory and Methods of Nucl.Reactor Calculations, 9000120700250 Consultants Bureau, New York 1964) 9000120700251 Translated from Russian from collection of articles 9000120700252 ed.by G.I.Marchuk, Moscow 1962. 9000120700253 Orig.=Teoriya I Metody Rascheta Yadernyuh Reaktorov 9000120700254 =English of book N.REAC.DES 9000120700255 RISR (Radioisotopes in Scient.Res., UNESCO, Paris 1957) 9000120700256O *** use 57PARIS 9000120700257O SEGRAVE (Segrave,The Three-Body Problem,Amsterdam 1970) 9000120700258O (John D.Segrave, The Three-Body Problem, North-Holland,9000120700259O Amsterdam, 1970) 9000120700260O *** use 69BIRMIN 9000120700261O SIEGBAHN (Siegbahn, Beta and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, 1955) 9000120700262 (K.Siegbahn, Beta and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, 9000120700263 Interscience Publ., N.Y., 1955) 9000120700264 SINGH2011 (Radioisotopes-Applications in Bio-Medical Sci. 2011) 9000120700265 (Radioisotopes-Applications in Bio-Medical Science, 9000120700266 Nirmal Singh (ed.), InTech, Rijeka, Croatia) 9000120700267 =ISBN:9789533077482 9000120700268 SNR (Studies in Neutron Reactions, New York 1966) 9000120700269 (Studies of Nuclear Reactions, D.V.Skobel'tsyn (ed.), 9000120700270 Springer Science+Business Media, New York, 1966) 9000120700271 =(English translation of J,LEB Vol.33) 9000120700272 =ISBN:978-1-4899-2659-3 9000120700273 =DOI:10.1007/978-1-4899-2657-9 9000120700274 SPN (Soviet Progress in Neutron Physics, New York 1963) 9000120700275 (Soviet Progress in Neutron Phys., Consultants Bureau, 9000120700276 New York 1963, Engl transl. of Nejtronnaja Fizika) 9000120700277 =(English translation: see NEJTRONFIZ) 9000120700278 TRANSU.EL. (Transuranium Elements) 9000120700279 (The Transuranium Elements, National Nuclear Energy 9000120700280 Series, Div.IV, Vol.14b, 1949) 9000120700281 WAGEMANS (Wagemans, The Nuclear Fission Process, CRC Press 1991)9000120700282 (The Nuclear Fission Process, C.Wagemans, editor, CRC 9000120700283 Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1991) 9000120700284 ENDSUBDICT 283 0 9000120799999 SUBDICT 90001209 20241220 Chemical compounds 9000120900001 1-D-D2O (Heavy water) 9000120900002O ===Obsolete, use 1-H-D2O 9000120900003O 1-D-DXX (Deuterium compound) 9000120900004O ===Obsolete, use 1-H-DXX 9000120900005O 1-H-ARM (Aromatic compounds) 9000120900006 except benzene, benzyl compounds, phenol and phenyl 9000120900007 compounds 9000120900008 1-H-BNZ (Benzene, benzyl compounds) 9000120900009 C6-H6 9000120900010 1-H-BUT (Butane, butyl compounds) 9000120900011 C4-H10 9000120900012 1-H-CMP (Hydrogen compound) 9000120900013 except water, metal-hydrides, organic or ammonium 9000120900014 compound 9000120900015 1-H-CXX (Organic compound) 9000120900016 except BNZ, MTH, PFN, PHL, PLE 9000120900017 1-H-D2O (Heavy water) 9000120900018 1-H-DXX (Deuterium compound) 9000120900019 including mixed H-D compounds and excluding heavy 9000120900020 water and Zr-deuteride 9000120900021 1-H-ETH (Ethane, ethyl compounds) 9000120900022 C2-H6 9000120900023 1-H-MTH (Methane, methyl compounds) 9000120900024 C-H4 9000120900025 1-H-PFN (Paraffin) 9000120900026 1-H-PHL (Phenol, phenyl compounds) 9000120900027 C6-H5-OH. Di-, Ter-, Poly- 9000120900028 1-H-PLE (Polyethylene) 9000120900029 1-H-PRO (Propane, propyl compounds) 9000120900030 C3-H8 9000120900031 1-H-TXX (Tritium compound) 9000120900032 including mixed H-T or D-T compounds and excluding 9000120900033 Zr-tritide 9000120900034 1-H-WTR (Water, Ice, Steam) 9000120900035 1-T-TXX (Tritium compound) 9000120900036O ===Obsolete, use 1-H-TXX 9000120900037O 3-LI-CMP (Lithium compound) 9000120900038 4-BE-CMP (Beryllium compound) 9000120900039 4-BE-OXI (Beryllium oxide) 9000120900040 5-B-CMP (Boron compound) 9000120900041 5-B-OXI (Boron oxide) 9000120900042 6-C-CMP (Carbon compound) 9000120900043 except carbonates and hydro-carbons 9000120900044 7-N-AIR (Air) 9000120900045 7-N-AMM (Ammonium compound) 9000120900046 7-N-CMP (Nitrogen compound) 9000120900047 8-O-CMP (Oxygen compound) 9000120900048 9-F-CMP (Fluorine compound) 9000120900049 11-NA-CMP (Sodium compound) 9000120900050 12-MG-CMP (Magnesium compound) 9000120900051 12-MG-OXI (Magnesium oxide) 9000120900052 13-AL-CMP (Aluminium compound) 9000120900053 13-AL-OXI (Aluminium oxide) 9000120900054 14-SI-CMP (Silicon compound) 9000120900055 14-SI-OXI (Silicon oxide) 9000120900056 Si-O2, glass, quartz 9000120900057 15-P-CMP (Phosphorus compound) 9000120900058 16-S-CMP (Sulphur compound) 9000120900059 17-CL-CMP (Chlorine compound) 9000120900060 19-K-CMP (Potassium compound) 9000120900061 20-CA-CMP (Calcium compound) 9000120900062 20-CA-OXI (Calcium oxide) 9000120900063 22-TI-CMP (Titanium compound) 9000120900064 22-TI-HYD (Titanium hydride) 9000120900065 22-TI-OXI (Titanium oxide) 9000120900066 23-V-CMP (Vanadium compound) 9000120900067 24-CR-CMP (Chromium compound) 9000120900068 24-CR-OXI (Chromium oxide) 9000120900069 25-MN-CMP (Manganese compound) 9000120900070 26-FE-CMP (Iron compound) 9000120900071 26-FE-OXI (Iron oxide) 9000120900072 27-CO-CMP (Cobalt compound) 9000120900073 27-CO-OXI (Cobalt oxide) 9000120900074 28-NI-CMP (Nickel compound) 9000120900075 28-NI-OXI (Nickel oxide) 9000120900076 29-CU-CMP (Copper compound) 9000120900077 30-ZN-CMP (Zinc compound) 9000120900078 31-GA-CMP (Gallium compound) 9000120900079 31-GA-OXI (Gallium oxide) 9000120900080 32-GE-CMP (Germanium compound) 9000120900081 32-GE-OXI (Germanium oxide) 9000120900082 33-AS-CMP (Arsenic compound) 9000120900083 33-AS-OXI (Arsenic oxide) 9000120900084 34-SE-CMP (Selenium compound) 9000120900085 35-BR-CMP (Bromine compound) 9000120900086 37-RB-CMP (Rubidium compound) 9000120900087 38-SR-CMP (Strontium compound) 9000120900088 38-SR-OXI (Strontium oxide) 9000120900089 39-Y-CMP (Yttrium compound) 9000120900090 39-Y-HYD (Yttrium hydride) 9000120900091I 40-ZR-ALY (Zircalloy) 9000120900092 40-ZR-CMP (Zirconium compound) 9000120900093 40-ZR-HYD (Zirconium hydride) 9000120900094 including deuteride and tritide 9000120900095 40-ZR-OXI (Zirconium oxide) 9000120900096 41-NB-CMP (Niobium compound) 9000120900097 44-RU-CMP (Ruthenium compound) 9000120900098 44-RU-OXI (Ruthenium oxide) 9000120900099 45-RH-CMP (Rhodium compound) 9000120900100 46-PD-CMP (Palladium compound) 9000120900101 47-AG-CMP (Silver compound) 9000120900102 48-CD-CMP (Cadmium compound) 9000120900103 48-CD-OXI (Cadmium oxide) 9000120900104 49-IN-CMP (Indium compound) 9000120900105 50-SN-CMP (Tin compound) 9000120900106 50-SN-OXI (Tin oxide) 9000120900107 51-SB-CMP (Antimony compound) 9000120900108 52-TE-CMP (Tellurium compound) 9000120900109 52-TE-OXI (Tellurium oxide) 9000120900110 53-I-CMP (Iodine compound) 9000120900111 55-CS-CMP (Cesium compound) 9000120900112 56-BA-CMP (Barium compound) 9000120900113 57-LA-CMP (Lanthanum compound) 9000120900114 57-LA-OXI (Lanthanum oxide) 9000120900115 58-CE-CMP (Cerium compound) 9000120900116 58-CE-OXI (Cerium oxide) 9000120900117 59-PR-CMP (Praseodymium compound) 9000120900118 59-PR-OXI (Praseodymium oxide) 9000120900119 60-ND-CMP (Neodymium compound) 9000120900120 62-SM-CMP (Samarium compound) 9000120900121 63-EU-CMP (Europium compound) 9000120900122 63-EU-OXI (Europium oxide) 9000120900123 64-GD-OXI (Gadolinium oxide) 9000120900124 65-TB-CMP (Terbium compound) 9000120900125 65-TB-OXI (Terbium oxide) 9000120900126 66-DY-CMP (Dysprosium compound) 9000120900127 66-DY-OXI (Dysprosium oxide) 9000120900128 67-HO-CMP (Holmium compound) 9000120900129 67-HO-OXI (Holmium oxide) 9000120900130 68-ER-CMP (Erbium compound) 9000120900131 68-ER-OXI (Erbium oxide) 9000120900132 69-TM-OXI (Thulium oxide) 9000120900133 70-YB-CMP (Ytterbium compound) 9000120900134 71-LU-OXI (Lutetium oxide) 9000120900135 72-HF-CMP (Hafnium compound) 9000120900136 73-TA-CMP (Tantalum compound) 9000120900137 73-TA-OXI (Tantalum oxide) 9000120900138 74-W-CMP (Tungsten compound) 9000120900139 74-W-OXI (Tungsten oxide) 9000120900140 75-RE-CMP (Rhenium compound) 9000120900141 78-PT-CMP (Platinum compound) 9000120900142 79-AU-CMP (Gold compound) 9000120900143 80-HG-CMP (Mercury compound) 9000120900144 80-HG-OXI (Mercury oxide) 9000120900145 81-TL-CMP (Thallium compound) 9000120900146 81-TL-OXI (Thallium oxide) 9000120900147 82-PB-CMP (Lead compound) 9000120900148 83-BI-CMP (Bismuth compound) 9000120900149 83-BI-OXI (Bismuth oxide) 9000120900150 90-TH-CMP (Thorium compound) 9000120900151 90-TH-OXI (Thorium oxide) 9000120900152 91-PA-OXI (Protoactinium oxide) 9000120900153 92-U-CMP (Uranium compound) 9000120900154 92-U-OXI (Uranium oxide) 9000120900155 94-PU-CMP (Plutonium compound) 9000120900156 ENDSUBDICT 155 0 9000120999999 SUBDICT 90001213 20241220 Reaction types 9000121300001 ALF ALF CS Alpha (capture-to-fission cs ratio) 9000121300002 ALR ALF CS Alpha at resonance 9000121300003 AP MAS ZAP Most probable mass 9000121300004 APA MAS ZAP Most probable mass as a fn. of angle 9000121300005 APP MAS ZAP Most probable mass for given fragment energy 9000121300006 APR MAS ZAP Most probable mass at resonance 9000121300007 CP4 CSP CSP Partial differential d/dAngle * 4pi 9000121300008 CRP CSP CSP Partial cross section at resonance 9000121300009 CS CS CS Cross section 9000121300010 CS+ CS CS Cross section (nonstandard) 9000121300011 CS4 CS CS Differential d/dAngle * 4pi 9000121300012 CSG CS CS Cross section for specific half-life group 9000121300013 CSN CS CS Cross section for emission of N products 9000121300014 CSP CSP CSP Partial cross section 9000121300015 CSR CS CS Cross section at resonance 9000121300016 CST CST CST Temperature or thickness dependent cross sect.9000121300017 D2P DAA DA Partial double differential dAngle1/dAngle2 9000121300018 D2T DAE DAE Double diff. dA/dE' at other than room temp. 9000121300019 D3A D3A DAE Triple differential dAngle1/dAngle2/dE' 9000121300020 D3E D3E DAE Triple differential dAngle/dE1'/dE2' 9000121300021 D4A D4A DAE Quadruple diff. dAng1/dAng2/dE1'/dE2' 9000121300022 DA DA DA Differential d/dAngle 9000121300023 DAA DAA DA Double differential dAngle1/dAngle2 9000121300024 DAE DAE DAE Double differential dAngle/dE' 9000121300025 DAP DAP DAP Partial differential d/dAngle 9000121300026 DAR DA DA Differential d/dAngle at resonance 9000121300027 DAT DA DA Differential d/dAng at other than room temp. 9000121300028 DE DE DE Differential d/dE' 9000121300029 DE4 DE DE Differential d/dAngle/dE' * 4pi 9000121300030 DEP DEP DEP Energy spectrum for specific energy group 9000121300031 DP DP DE Diff.by linear momentum of outg.part. 9000121300032 DPP DP DE Diff.by lin.mom.of outg.part.,partl react. 9000121300033 DPR DAP DAP Partial angular distribution at resonance 9000121300034 DT DT DA Diff.by 4-momentum transfer squared 9000121300035 E KE E Kinetic energy 9000121300036 EA KE E Kinetic energy as a fn. of angle 9000121300037 EDA KE E Kinetic energy, differential, d/dAngle 9000121300038 EG KE E Kinetic energy for specific half-life group 9000121300039 EP KE E Kinetic energy for specific energy group 9000121300040 ETA ETA NU Neutron yield (Eta) 9000121300041 ETR ETA NU Neutron yield (Eta) at resonance 9000121300042 FC DA DA Cosine coefficient 9000121300043 FCP DAP DAP Partial cosine coefficient 9000121300044 FL DA DA Legendre coefficient 9000121300045 FLP DAP DAP Legendre coefficient, partial or d/dE 9000121300046 FS2 DA DA Sine**2 coefficient 9000121300047 FSP DAP DAP Sine**2 coefficient, partial 9000121300048 FY FY FY Fission product yield 9000121300049 FY2 FY FY Fission product yield, differential, d/dA/dE 9000121300050 FYA FY FY Fission product yield as fn. of angle 9000121300051 FYE FY FY Fission product yield, differential, d/dE 9000121300052 FYP FY FY Fiss.prod.yield as fn.of sec.part.energy 9000121300053 FYR FY FY Fission product yield at resonance 9000121300054 FYS FY FY Production cross section of fission products 9000121300055 FYZ FY FY Fission mass or element yield 9000121300056 IAP INT INT Cs integral over inc.en for partl.angle 9000121300057 IAR INT INT Cs integral over inc.en. at resonance 9000121300058 IDA INT INT Cross section integral over inc.en., d/dAngle 9000121300059 IDE INT INT Cs integral over inc.en., d/dE' 9000121300060 INP INT INT Cs integral over inc.en.for given E' or level 9000121300061 INT INT INT Cross section integral over incident energy 9000121300062 IP4 INT INT Cs integral over inc.en.,d/dA*4pi,for E'or lvl9000121300063 IT4 INT INT Cs integral over inc.en., d/dAngle * 4pi 9000121300064 KER KER SQ Kerma factor 9000121300065 KRP KER SQ Partial kerma factor 9000121300066 L AMP L Scattering length 9000121300067 MLT MLT MLT Multiplicity 9000121300068 MTA MLT MLT Multiplicity d/dA 9000121300069 MTE MLT MLT Multiplicity, partial or d/dE 9000121300070 MTR MLT MLT Multiplicity at resonance 9000121300071 NAE MFQ MFQ Neutron yield d/dAngle/dE' 9000121300072 NGP NUD NU Partial neutron yield for spec.half-life group9000121300073 NQ NQ NQ Nuclear quantity 9000121300074 NU NU NU Neutron yield (nu-bar) 9000121300075 NUA MFQ MFQ Neutron yield dep.on angle 9000121300076 NUD NUD NU Delayed neutron yield (nu-bar delayed) 9000121300077 NUE MFQ MFQ Neutron yield dep.on sec.particle energy 9000121300078 NUG NUD NU Neutron yield for specific half-life group 9000121300079 NUN NU NU Probability for emission of N neutrons 9000121300080 NUP NU NU Partial neutron yield (nu-bar) 9000121300081 NUR NU NU Neutron yield at resonance 9000121300082 P2A POD POL Analyzing power dA1/dA2 for 2 particles 9000121300083 P3A POD POL Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 for 2 particles 9000121300084 P4A POD POL Anal.power dA1/dA2/dE1/dE2 for 2 particles 9000121300085 PDE POD POL Differential polarization, d/dAngle/dE' 9000121300086 PDR POD POL Differential polarization, d/dAng at resonance9000121300087 PDT POD POL Differential polarization, d/d(-t) 9000121300088 PN NUD NU Delayed neutron emission probability 9000121300089 PNE MFQ MFQ Delayed neutron spect. from individ. precursor9000121300090 PNP NUD NU Partial delayed neutron emission probability 9000121300091 PO POL POL Polarization 9000121300092 POD POD POL Differential polarization, d/dAngle 9000121300093 POF POL POL Polarization fitting coefficient 9000121300094 POT POT CS Potential scattering cross section 9000121300095 PPD POD POL Partial differential polarization, d/dAngle 9000121300096 PPF POL POL Partial polarization fitting coefficient 9000121300097 PPO POL POL Partial polarization 9000121300098 PTD POD POL Differential polarization, d/dAngle, tensor 9000121300099 PTP POD POL Partial diff.polarization, d/dAngle, tensor 9000121300100 PY PY PY Product yield (other than fission) 9000121300101 PY2 PY PY Double-diff. Product yield d/dAngle/dEnergy 9000121300102 PYA PY PY Product yield d/dAngle 9000121300103 PYP PY PY Partial product yield 9000121300104 PZ MLT MLT Partial multiplicity 9000121300105 PZR MLT MLT Partial multiplicity at resonance 9000121300106 RE RP RP Resonance energy 9000121300107 RI RI RI Resonance integral 9000121300108 RIL RI RI Resonance integral over limited energy range 9000121300109 RP RP RP Resonance parameter 9000121300110 RPE KE E Resonance kinetic energy 9000121300111 RPP RP RP Partial resonance parameter 9000121300112 RR RR RR Reaction rate 9000121300113 RRP RR RR Partial reaction rate 9000121300114 SP SPC SP Secondary energy spectrum 9000121300115 SPA SPC SP Secondary energy spectrum as a funct.of angle 9000121300116 SPP SPC SP Partial sec. energy spectrum (for given level)9000121300117 SPR SPC SP Spectrum at resonance 9000121300118 TAE TTD TTD Differential thick target yield, d/dAngle/dE' 9000121300119 TAP TTD TTD Partial thick target yield, d/dAngle 9000121300120 TDA TTD TTD Differential thick target yield, d/dAngle 9000121300121 TDE TTD TTD Differential thick target yield, d/dE' 9000121300122 TDP TTD TTD Partial diff. thick target yield, d/dAngle 9000121300123 TOF CS CS Time-of-flight spectrum 9000121300124 TOT CST CST Time-of-flight spect.other than the room temp.9000121300125 TSL TSL CS Thermal-neutron scattering cross section 9000121300126 TT TT TT Thick target yield 9000121300127 TTP TTP TTP Partial thick target yield 9000121300128 ZP CHG ZAP Most probable charge 9000121300129 ZPP CHG ZAP Most probable charge for given fragment energy9000121300130 ENDSUBDICT 129 0 9000121399999 SUBDICT 90001227 20241220 Nuclides and nat.isot.mixtures 9000122700001 0-P0-0 -110 Z -0.0 9000122700002C pi0 9000122700003C 1-PN-0 -100 Z -0.0 9000122700004C pi- 9000122700005C 1-PP-0 -90 Z -0.0 9000122700006C pi+ 9000122700007C 1-KN-0 -80 Z -0.0 9000122700008C K- 9000122700009C 1-KP-0 -70 Z -0.0 9000122700010C K+ 9000122700011C 0-AK-1 -60 Z -0.0 9000122700012C Anti-kaon 9000122700013C 0-K0-0 -50 Z -0.0 9000122700014C K0 9000122700015C 0-ET-0 -40 Z -0.0 9000122700016C eta 9000122700017C 1-AP-1 -30 Z 0.5 9000122700018C Anti-proton 9000122700019C 0-AN-1 -20 Z 0.5 9000122700020C Anti-neutron 9000122700021C 0-LM-1 -10 Z 0.5 9000122700022C Lambda baryon 9000122700023C 0-G-0 0 Z -1.0 9000122700024C gamma-ray 9000122700025C 0-NN-1 10 +0.5 6.0980E+02U 9000122700026C 1-H-0 10000 9000122700027C Natural hydrogen 9000122700028C 1-H-1 10010 +0.5 S 9.9986E+01 9000122700029C 1-H-2 10020 +1.0 S 1.4500E-02 9000122700030C 1-H-3 10030 +0.5 3.8878E+08U 9000122700031C 1-H-4 10040 -2.0 1.3900E-22U 9000122700032C 1-H-5 10050 8.6000E-23U 9000122700033C 1-H-6 10060 2.9400E-22U 9000122700034C 1-H-7 10070 6.5200E-22U 9000122700035C 2-HE-0 20000 9000122700036C Natural helium 9000122700037C 2-HE-2 20020 Z 9000122700038C 2-HE-3 20030 +0.5 S 2.0000E-04 9000122700039C 2-HE-4 20040 +0.0 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700040C 2-HE-5 20050 -1.5 6.0200E-22U 9000122700041C 2-HE-6 20060 +0.0 8.0692E-01U 9000122700042C 2-HE-7 20070 2.5100E-21U 9000122700043C 2-HE-8 20080 +0.0 1.1950E-01U 9000122700044C 2-HE-9 20090 2.5000E-21U 9000122700045C 2-HE-10 20100 +0.0 2.6000E-22U 9000122700046C 3-LI-0 30000 9000122700047C Natural lithium 9000122700048C 3-LI-3 30030 P 9000122700049C 3-LI-4 30040 -2.0 9.1000E-23U 9000122700050C 3-LI-5 30050 -1.5 3.7000E-22U 9000122700051C 3-LI-6 30060 +1.0 S 4.8500E+00 9000122700052C 3-LI-7 30070 -1.5 S 9.5150E+01 9000122700053C 3-LI-8 30080 +2.0 8.3870E-01U 9000122700054C 3-LI-9 30090 -1.5 1.7820E-01U 9000122700055C 3-LI-10 30100 2.0000E-21U 9000122700056C 3-LI-11 30110 -1.5 8.7500E-03U 9000122700057C 3-LI-12 30120 U 9000122700058C 3-LI-13 30130 3.3000E-21U 9000122700059C 4-BE-5 40050 P 9000122700060C 4-BE-6 40060 +0.0 5.0000E-21U 9000122700061C 4-BE-7 40070 -1.5 4.5982E+06U 9000122700062C 4-BE-8 40080 +0.0 8.1900E-17U 9000122700063C 4-BE-9 40090 -1.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700064C 4-BE-10 40100 +0.0 4.3769E+13U 9000122700065C 4-BE-11 40110 +0.5 1.3760E+01U 9000122700066C 4-BE-12 40120 +0.0 2.1460E-02U 9000122700067C 4-BE-13 40130 1.0000E-21U 9000122700068C 4-BE-14 40140 +0.0 4.5300E-03U 9000122700069C 4-BE-15 40150 7.9000E-22U 9000122700070C 4-BE-16 40160 +0.0 6.5000E-22U 9000122700071C 5-B-0 50000 9000122700072C Natural boron 9000122700073C 5-B-6 50060 P 9000122700074C 5-B-7 50070 5.7000E-22U 9000122700075C 5-B-8 50080 +2.0 7.7190E-01U 9000122700076C 5-B-9 50090 -1.5 8.0000E-19U 9000122700077C 5-B-10 50100 +3.0 S 1.9650E+01 9000122700078C 5-B-11 50110 -1.5 S 8.0350E+01 9000122700079C 5-B-12 50120 +1.0 2.0200E-02U 9000122700080C 5-B-13 50130 -1.5 1.7160E-02U 9000122700081C 5-B-14 50140 -2.0 1.2360E-02U 9000122700082C 5-B-15 50150 -1.5 1.0180E-02U 9000122700083C 5-B-16 50160 U 9000122700084C 5-B-17 50170 5.0800E-03U 9000122700085C 5-B-18 50180 U 9000122700086C 5-B-19 50190 2.9200E-03U 9000122700087C 5-B-20 50200 U 9000122700088C 5-B-21 50210 U 9000122700089C 6-C-0 60000 9000122700090C Natural carbon 9000122700091C 6-C-8 60080 +0.0 3.5000E-21U 9000122700092C 6-C-9 60090 -1.5 1.2650E-01U 9000122700093C 6-C-10 60100 +0.0 1.9301E+01U 9000122700094C 6-C-11 60110 -1.5 1.2204E+03U 9000122700095C 6-C-12 60120 +0.0 S 9.8940E+01 9000122700096C 6-C-13 60130 -0.5 S 1.0600E+00 9000122700097C 6-C-14 60140 +0.0 1.7987E+11U 9000122700098C 6-C-15 60150 +0.5 2.4490E+00U 9000122700099C 6-C-16 60160 +0.0 7.5000E-01U 9000122700100C 6-C-17 60170 +1.5 1.9300E-01U 9000122700101C 6-C-18 60180 +0.0 9.2000E-02U 9000122700102C 6-C-19 60190 +0.5 4.6200E-02U 9000122700103C 6-C-20 60200 +0.0 1.6000E-02U 9000122700104C 6-C-21 60210 U 9000122700105C 6-C-22 60220 +0.0 6.2000E-03U 9000122700106C 6-C-23 60230 U 9000122700107C 7-N-0 70000 9000122700108C Natural nitrogen 9000122700109C 7-N-10 70100 -1.0 1.4300E-22U 9000122700110C 7-N-11 70110 +0.5 5.8500E-22U 9000122700111C 7-N-12 70120 +1.0 1.1000E-02U 9000122700112C 7-N-13 70130 -0.5 5.9790E+02U 9000122700113C 7-N-14 70140 +1.0 S 9.9621E+01 9000122700114C 7-N-15 70150 -0.5 S 3.7950E-01 9000122700115C 7-N-16 70160 -2.0 7.1300E+00U 9000122700116C 7-N-17 70170 -0.5 4.1730E+00U 9000122700117C 7-N-18 70180 -1.0 6.1920E-01U 9000122700118C 7-N-19 70190 -0.5 3.3600E-01U 9000122700119C 7-N-20 70200 1.3600E-01U 9000122700120C 7-N-21 70210 8.5000E-02U 9000122700121C 7-N-22 70220 2.3000E-02U 9000122700122C 7-N-23 70230 1.3900E-02U 9000122700123C 7-N-24 70240 U 9000122700124C 7-N-25 70250 U 9000122700125C 8-O-0 80000 9000122700126C Natural oxygen 9000122700127C 8-O-11 80110 1.9800E-22U 9000122700128C 8-O-12 80120 +0.0 8.9000E-21U 9000122700129C 8-O-13 80130 8.5800E-03U 9000122700130C 8-O-14 80140 +0.0 7.0621E+01U 9000122700131C 8-O-15 80150 -0.5 1.2227E+02U 9000122700132C 8-O-16 80160 +0.0 S 9.9757E+01 9000122700133C 8-O-17 80170 +2.5 S 3.8350E-02 9000122700134C 8-O-18 80180 +0.0 S 2.0450E-01 9000122700135C 8-O-19 80190 +2.5 2.6470E+01U 9000122700136C 8-O-20 80200 +0.0 1.3510E+01U 9000122700137C 8-O-21 80210 3.4200E+00U 9000122700138C 8-O-22 80220 +0.0 2.2500E+00U 9000122700139C 8-O-23 80230 +0.5 9.7000E-02U 9000122700140C 8-O-24 80240 +0.0 7.7400E-02U 9000122700141C 8-O-25 80250 5.1800E-21U 9000122700142C 8-O-26 80260 +0.0 4.2000E-12U 9000122700143C 8-O-27 80270 U 9000122700144C 8-O-28 80280 +0.0 U 9000122700145C 9-F-13 90130 U 9000122700146C 9-F-14 90140 -2.0 5.0000E-22U 9000122700147C 9-F-15 90150 +0.5 1.1000E-21U 9000122700148C 9-F-16 90160 -0.0 2.1000E-20U 9000122700149C 9-F-17 90170 +2.5 6.4370E+01U 9000122700150C 9-F-18 90180 +1.0 6.5840E+03U 9000122700151C 9-F-19 90190 +0.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700152C 9-F-20 90200 +2.0 1.1006E+01U 9000122700153C 9-F-21 90210 +2.5 4.1580E+00U 9000122700154C 9-F-22 90220 4.2300E+00U 9000122700155C 9-F-23 90230 +2.5 2.2300E+00U 9000122700156C 9-F-24 90240 +3.0 3.8400E-01U 9000122700157C 9-F-25 90250 8.0000E-02U 9000122700158C 9-F-26 90260 +1.0 8.2000E-03U 9000122700159C 9-F-27 90270 5.0000E-03U 9000122700160C 9-F-28 90280 4.6000E-20U 9000122700161C 9-F-29 90290 2.5000E-03U 9000122700162C 9-F-30 90300 U 9000122700163C 9-F-31 90310 U 9000122700164C 10-NE-0 100000 9000122700165C Natural neon 9000122700166C 10-NE-15 100150 7.7000E-22U 9000122700167C 10-NE-16 100160 +0.0 U 9000122700168C 10-NE-17 100170 -0.5 1.0920E-01U 9000122700169C 10-NE-18 100180 +0.0 1.6642E+00U 9000122700170C 10-NE-19 100190 +0.5 1.7257E+01U 9000122700171C 10-NE-20 100200 +0.0 S 9.0480E+01 9000122700172C 10-NE-21 100210 +1.5 S 2.7000E-01 9000122700173C 10-NE-22 100220 +0.0 S 9.2500E+00 9000122700174C 10-NE-23 100230 +2.5 3.7150E+01U 9000122700175C 10-NE-24 100240 +0.0 2.0280E+02U 9000122700176C 10-NE-25 100250 +0.5 6.0200E-01U 9000122700177C 10-NE-26 100260 +0.0 1.9700E-01U 9000122700178C 10-NE-27 100270 3.0900E-02U 9000122700179C 10-NE-28 100280 +0.0 1.8800E-02U 9000122700180C 10-NE-29 100290 1.4700E-02U 9000122700181C 10-NE-30 100300 +0.0 7.2200E-03U 9000122700182C 10-NE-31 100310 3.4000E-03U 9000122700183C 10-NE-32 100320 +0.0 3.5000E-03U 9000122700184C 10-NE-33 100330 U 9000122700185C 10-NE-34 100340 +0.0 U 9000122700186C 11-NA-17 110170 U 9000122700187C 11-NA-18 110180 1.3000E-21U 9000122700188C 11-NA-19 110190 U 9000122700189C 11-NA-20 110200 +2.0 4.4790E-01U 9000122700190C 11-NA-21 110210 +1.5 2.2455E+01U 9000122700191C 11-NA-22 110220 +3.0 8.2108E+07U 9000122700192C 11-NA-23 110230 +1.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700193C 11-NA-24 110240 +4.0 5.3842E+04U 9000122700194C 11-NA-25 110250 +2.5 5.9100E+01U 9000122700195C 11-NA-26 110260 +3.0 1.0713E+00U 9000122700196C 11-NA-27 110270 +2.5 3.0100E-01U 9000122700197C 11-NA-28 110280 +1.0 3.3100E-02U 9000122700198C 11-NA-29 110290 +1.5 4.3200E-02U 9000122700199C 11-NA-30 110300 +2.0 4.5900E-02U 9000122700200C 11-NA-31 110310 +1.5 1.6800E-02U 9000122700201C 11-NA-32 110320 1.2900E-02U 9000122700202C 11-NA-33 110330 8.2000E-03U 9000122700203C 11-NA-34 110340 +1.0 5.5000E-03U 9000122700204C 11-NA-35 110350 1.5000E-03U 9000122700205C 11-NA-36 110360 U 9000122700206C 11-NA-37 110370 U 9000122700207C 11-NA-38 110380 U 9000122700208C 11-NA-39 110390 U 9000122700209C 12-MG-0 120000 9000122700210C Natural magnesium 9000122700211C 12-MG-19 120190 5.0000E-12U 9000122700212C 12-MG-20 120200 +0.0 9.0400E-02U 9000122700213C 12-MG-21 120210 +2.5 1.2000E-01U 9000122700214C 12-MG-22 120220 +0.0 3.8745E+00U 9000122700215C 12-MG-23 120230 +1.5 1.1304E+01U 9000122700216C 12-MG-24 120240 +0.0 S 7.8965E+01 9000122700217C 12-MG-25 120250 +2.5 S 1.0011E+01 9000122700218C 12-MG-26 120260 +0.0 S 1.1025E+01 9000122700219C 12-MG-27 120270 +0.5 5.6610E+02U 9000122700220C 12-MG-28 120280 +0.0 7.5294E+04U 9000122700221C 12-MG-29 120290 +1.5 1.3000E+00U 9000122700222C 12-MG-30 120300 +0.0 3.1700E-01U 9000122700223C 12-MG-31 120310 +0.5 2.7000E-01U 9000122700224C 12-MG-32 120320 +0.0 8.0400E-02U 9000122700225C 12-MG-33 120330 -1.5 9.2000E-02U 9000122700226C 12-MG-34 120340 +0.0 4.4900E-02U 9000122700227C 12-MG-35 120350 1.1300E-02U 9000122700228C 12-MG-36 120360 +0.0 3.9000E-03U 9000122700229C 12-MG-37 120370 8.0000E-03U 9000122700230C 12-MG-38 120380 +0.0 U 9000122700231C 12-MG-39 120390 U 9000122700232C 12-MG-40 120400 +0.0 U 9000122700233C 12-MG-41 120410 U 9000122700234C 13-AL-21 130210 U 9000122700235C 13-AL-22 130220 9.1100E-02U 9000122700236C 13-AL-23 130230 +2.5 4.4600E-01U 9000122700237C 13-AL-24-G 130240 +4.0 2.0530E+00U 9000122700238C 13-AL-24-M 130241 +1.0 1.3000E-01U 9000122700239C 13-AL-25 130250 +2.5 7.1666E+00U 9000122700240C 13-AL-26-G 130260 +5.0 2.2626E+13U 9000122700241C 13-AL-26-M 130261 +0.0 6.3460E+00U 9000122700242C 13-AL-27 130270 +2.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700243C 13-AL-28 130280 +3.0 1.3470E+02U 9000122700244C 13-AL-29 130290 +2.5 3.9360E+02U 9000122700245C 13-AL-30 130300 +3.0 3.6200E+00U 9000122700246C 13-AL-31 130310 +2.5 6.4400E-01U 9000122700247C 13-AL-32 130320 +1.0 3.2600E-02U 9000122700248C 13-AL-33 130330 +2.5 4.1460E-02U 9000122700249C 13-AL-34 130340 -4.0 5.3730E-02U 9000122700250C 13-AL-35 130350 3.8160E-02U 9000122700251C 13-AL-36 130360 9.0000E-02U 9000122700252C 13-AL-37 130370 1.1400E-02U 9000122700253C 13-AL-38 130380 9.0000E-03U 9000122700254C 13-AL-39 130390 7.6000E-03U 9000122700255C 13-AL-40 130400 U 9000122700256C 13-AL-41 130410 U 9000122700257C 13-AL-42 130420 U 9000122700258C 13-AL-43 130430 U 9000122700259C 14-SI-0 140000 9000122700260C Natural silicon 9000122700261C 14-SI-22 140220 +0.0 2.8700E-02U 9000122700262C 14-SI-23 140230 4.2300E-02U 9000122700263C 14-SI-24 140240 +0.0 1.4320E-01U 9000122700264C 14-SI-25 140250 +2.5 2.2060E-01U 9000122700265C 14-SI-26 140260 +0.0 2.2453E+00U 9000122700266C 14-SI-27 140270 +2.5 4.1170E+00U 9000122700267C 14-SI-28 140280 +0.0 S 9.2254E+01 9000122700268C 14-SI-29 140290 +0.5 S 4.6720E+00 9000122700269C 14-SI-30 140300 +0.0 S 3.0735E+00 9000122700270C 14-SI-31 140310 +1.5 9.4296E+03U 9000122700271C 14-SI-32 140320 +0.0 4.9544E+09U 9000122700272C 14-SI-33 140330 +1.5 6.1800E+00U 9000122700273C 14-SI-34 140340 +0.0 2.7700E+00U 9000122700274C 14-SI-35 140350 7.8000E-01U 9000122700275C 14-SI-36 140360 +0.0 5.0300E-01U 9000122700276C 14-SI-37 140370 1.4100E-01U 9000122700277C 14-SI-38 140380 +0.0 6.3000E-02U 9000122700278C 14-SI-39 140390 4.1200E-02U 9000122700279C 14-SI-40 140400 +0.0 3.1200E-02U 9000122700280C 14-SI-41 140410 2.0000E-02U 9000122700281C 14-SI-42 140420 +0.0 1.2500E-02U 9000122700282C 14-SI-43 140430 U 9000122700283C 14-SI-44 140440 +0.0 U 9000122700284C 14-SI-45 140450 U 9000122700285C 15-P-24 150240 U 9000122700286C 15-P-25 150250 U 9000122700287C 15-P-26 150260 4.3600E-02U 9000122700288C 15-P-27 150270 +0.5 2.6000E-01U 9000122700289C 15-P-28 150280 +3.0 2.7030E-01U 9000122700290C 15-P-29 150290 +0.5 4.1020E+00U 9000122700291C 15-P-30 150300 +1.0 1.5000E+02U 9000122700292C 15-P-31 150310 +0.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700293C 15-P-32 150320 +1.0 1.2328E+06U 9000122700294C 15-P-33 150330 +0.5 2.1902E+06U 9000122700295C 15-P-34 150340 +1.0 1.2430E+01U 9000122700296C 15-P-35 150350 +0.5 4.7300E+01U 9000122700297C 15-P-36 150360 -4.0 5.6000E+00U 9000122700298C 15-P-37 150370 2.3100E+00U 9000122700299C 15-P-38 150380 6.4000E-01U 9000122700300C 15-P-39 150390 2.8200E-01U 9000122700301C 15-P-40 150400 1.5000E-01U 9000122700302C 15-P-41 150410 1.0100E-01U 9000122700303C 15-P-42 150420 4.8500E-02U 9000122700304C 15-P-43 150430 3.5800E-02U 9000122700305C 15-P-44 150440 1.8500E-02U 9000122700306C 15-P-45 150450 U 9000122700307C 15-P-46 150460 U 9000122700308C 15-P-47 150470 U 9000122700309C 16-S-0 160000 9000122700310C Natural sulfur 9000122700311C 16-S-26 160260 +0.0 U 9000122700312C 16-S-27 160270 1.6300E-02U 9000122700313C 16-S-28 160280 +0.0 1.2500E-01U 9000122700314C 16-S-29 160290 1.8800E-01U 9000122700315C 16-S-30 160300 +0.0 1.1798E+00U 9000122700316C 16-S-31 160310 +0.5 2.5534E+00U 9000122700317C 16-S-32 160320 +0.0 S 9.4850E+01 9000122700318C 16-S-33 160330 +1.5 S 7.6300E-01 9000122700319C 16-S-34 160340 +0.0 S 4.3650E+00 9000122700320C 16-S-35 160350 +1.5 7.5488E+06U 9000122700321C 16-S-36 160360 +0.0 S 1.5800E-02 9000122700322C 16-S-37 160370 -3.5 3.0300E+02U 9000122700323C 16-S-38 160380 +0.0 1.0218E+04U 9000122700324C 16-S-39 160390 1.1500E+01U 9000122700325C 16-S-40 160400 +0.0 8.8000E+00U 9000122700326C 16-S-41 160410 1.9900E+00U 9000122700327C 16-S-42 160420 +0.0 1.0160E+00U 9000122700328C 16-S-43 160430 -1.5 2.6500E-01U 9000122700329C 16-S-44 160440 +0.0 1.0000E-01U 9000122700330C 16-S-45 160450 6.8000E-02U 9000122700331C 16-S-46 160460 +0.0 5.0000E-02U 9000122700332C 16-S-47 160470 U 9000122700333C 16-S-48 160480 +0.0 U 9000122700334C 16-S-49 160490 U 9000122700335C 17-CL-0 170000 9000122700336C Natural chlorine 9000122700337C 17-CL-28 170280 U 9000122700338C 17-CL-29 170290 5.4000E-21U 9000122700339C 17-CL-30 170300 U 9000122700340C 17-CL-31 170310 +1.5 1.9000E-01U 9000122700341C 17-CL-32 170320 +1.0 2.9800E-01U 9000122700342C 17-CL-33 170330 +1.5 2.5038E+00U 9000122700343C 17-CL-34-G 170340 +0.0 1.5267E+00U 9000122700344C 17-CL-34-M 170341 +3.0 1.9194E+03U 9000122700345C 17-CL-35 170350 +1.5 S 7.5800E+01 9000122700346C 17-CL-36 170360 +2.0 9.5081E+12U 9000122700347C 17-CL-37 170370 +1.5 S 2.4200E+01 9000122700348C 17-CL-38-G 170380 -2.0 2.2338E+03U 9000122700349C 17-CL-38-M 170381 -5.0 7.1500E-01U 9000122700350C 17-CL-39 170390 +1.5 3.3720E+03U 9000122700351C 17-CL-40 170400 -2.0 8.1000E+01U 9000122700352C 17-CL-41 170410 3.8400E+01U 9000122700353C 17-CL-42 170420 6.8000E+00U 9000122700354C 17-CL-43 170430 3.1300E+00U 9000122700355C 17-CL-44 170440 5.6200E-01U 9000122700356C 17-CL-45 170450 4.1300E-01U 9000122700357C 17-CL-46 170460 2.3200E-01U 9000122700358C 17-CL-47 170470 1.0100E-01U 9000122700359C 17-CL-48 170480 U 9000122700360C 17-CL-49 170490 U 9000122700361C 17-CL-50 170500 U 9000122700362C 17-CL-51 170510 U 9000122700363C 17-CL-52 170520 U 9000122700364C 18-AR-0 180000 9000122700365C Natural argon 9000122700366C 18-AR-29 180290 U 9000122700367C 18-AR-30 180300 +0.0 U 9000122700368C 18-AR-31 180310 +2.5 1.5000E-02U 9000122700369C 18-AR-32 180320 +0.0 9.8000E-02U 9000122700370C 18-AR-33 180330 +0.5 1.7300E-01U 9000122700371C 18-AR-34 180340 +0.0 8.4646E-01U 9000122700372C 18-AR-35 180350 +1.5 1.7756E+00U 9000122700373C 18-AR-36 180360 +0.0 S 3.3360E-01 9000122700374C 18-AR-37 180370 +1.5 3.0250E+06U 9000122700375C 18-AR-38 180380 +0.0 S 6.2900E-02 9000122700376C 18-AR-39 180390 -3.5 8.4573E+09U 9000122700377C 18-AR-40 180400 +0.0 S 9.9603E+01 9000122700378C 18-AR-41 180410 -3.5 6.5766E+03U 9000122700379C 18-AR-42 180420 +0.0 1.0382E+09U 9000122700380C 18-AR-43 180430 3.2220E+02U 9000122700381C 18-AR-44 180440 +0.0 7.1220E+02U 9000122700382C 18-AR-45 180450 2.1480E+01U 9000122700383C 18-AR-46 180460 +0.0 8.4000E+00U 9000122700384C 18-AR-47 180470 1.2300E+00U 9000122700385C 18-AR-48 180480 +0.0 4.1500E-01U 9000122700386C 18-AR-49 180490 2.3600E-01U 9000122700387C 18-AR-50 180500 +0.0 1.0600E-01U 9000122700388C 18-AR-51 180510 U 9000122700389C 18-AR-52 180520 +0.0 U 9000122700390C 18-AR-53 180530 U 9000122700391C 18-AR-54 180540 +0.0 U 9000122700392C 19-K-0 190000 9000122700393C Natural potassium 9000122700394C 19-K-31 190310 U 9000122700395C 19-K-32 190320 U 9000122700396C 19-K-33 190330 U 9000122700397C 19-K-34 190340 U 9000122700398C 19-K-35 190350 +1.5 1.7520E-01U 9000122700399C 19-K-36 190360 +2.0 3.4100E-01U 9000122700400C 19-K-37 190370 +1.5 1.2365E+00U 9000122700401C 19-K-38-G 190380 +3.0 4.5906E+02U 9000122700402C 19-K-38-M 190381 +0.0 9.2435E-01U 9000122700403C 19-K-39 190390 +1.5 S 9.3258E+01 9000122700404C 19-K-40 190400 -4.0 3.9383E+16U 1.1700E-02 9000122700405C 19-K-41 190410 +1.5 S 6.7302E+00 9000122700406C 19-K-42 190420 -2.0 4.4478E+04U 9000122700407C 19-K-43 190430 +1.5 8.0280E+04U 9000122700408C 19-K-44 190440 -2.0 1.3278E+03U 9000122700409C 19-K-45 190450 +1.5 1.0680E+03U 9000122700410C 19-K-46 190460 -2.0 9.6300E+01U 9000122700411C 19-K-47 190470 +0.5 1.7380E+01U 9000122700412C 19-K-48 190480 -1.0 6.8300E+00U 9000122700413C 19-K-49 190490 +0.5 1.2600E+00U 9000122700414C 19-K-50 190500 -0.0 4.7200E-01U 9000122700415C 19-K-51 190510 +1.5 3.6500E-01U 9000122700416C 19-K-52 190520 1.1000E-01U 9000122700417C 19-K-53 190530 +1.5 3.0000E-02U 9000122700418C 19-K-54 190540 1.0000E-02U 9000122700419C 19-K-55 190550 U 9000122700420C 19-K-56 190560 U 9000122700421C 19-K-57 190570 U 9000122700422C 19-K-58 190580 U 9000122700423C 19-K-59 190590 U 9000122700424C 20-CA-0 200000 9000122700425C Natural calcium 9000122700426C 20-CA-33 200330 U 9000122700427C 20-CA-34 200340 +0.0 U 9000122700428C 20-CA-35 200350 2.5700E-02U 9000122700429C 20-CA-36 200360 +0.0 1.0090E-01U 9000122700430C 20-CA-37 200370 +1.5 1.8100E-01U 9000122700431C 20-CA-38 200380 +0.0 4.4370E-01U 9000122700432C 20-CA-39 200390 +1.5 8.6030E-01U 9000122700433C 20-CA-40 200400 +0.0 S 9.6941E+01 9000122700434C 20-CA-41 200410 -3.5 3.1368E+12U 9000122700435C 20-CA-42 200420 +0.0 S 6.4700E-01 9000122700436C 20-CA-43 200430 -3.5 S 1.3500E-01 9000122700437C 20-CA-44 200440 +0.0 S 2.0860E+00 9000122700438C 20-CA-45 200450 -3.5 1.4050E+07U 9000122700439C 20-CA-46 200460 +0.0 S 4.0000E-03 9000122700440C 20-CA-47 200470 -3.5 3.9191E+05U 9000122700441C 20-CA-48 200480 +0.0 1.7672E+27U 1.8700E-01 9000122700442C 20-CA-49 200490 -1.5 5.2308E+02U 9000122700443C 20-CA-50 200500 +0.0 1.3450E+01U 9000122700444C 20-CA-51 200510 -1.5 1.0000E+01U 9000122700445C 20-CA-52 200520 +0.0 4.6000E+00U 9000122700446C 20-CA-53 200530 4.6100E-01U 9000122700447C 20-CA-54 200540 +0.0 9.0000E-02U 9000122700448C 20-CA-55 200550 2.2000E-02U 9000122700449C 20-CA-56 200560 +0.0 1.1000E-02U 9000122700450C 20-CA-57 200570 U 9000122700451C 20-CA-58 200580 +0.0 U 9000122700452C 20-CA-59 200590 U 9000122700453C 20-CA-60 200600 +0.0 U 9000122700454C 20-CA-61 200610 U 9000122700455C 21-SC-35 210350 U 9000122700456C 21-SC-36 210360 U 9000122700457C 21-SC-37 210370 U 9000122700458C 21-SC-38 210380 U 9000122700459C 21-SC-39 210390 U 9000122700460C 21-SC-40 210400 -4.0 1.8230E-01U 9000122700461C 21-SC-41 210410 -3.5 5.9630E-01U 9000122700462C 21-SC-42-G 210420 +0.0 6.8072E-01U 9000122700463C 21-SC-42-M 210421 +7.0 6.1700E+01U 9000122700464C 21-SC-43 210430 -3.5 1.4008E+04U 9000122700465C 21-SC-44-G 210440 +2.0 1.4552E+04U 9000122700466C 21-SC-44-M 210441 +6.0 2.1100E+05U 9000122700467C 21-SC-45-G 210450 -3.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700468C 21-SC-45-M 210451 +1.5 3.1800E-01U 9000122700469C 21-SC-46-G 210460 +4.0 7.2366E+06U 9000122700470C 21-SC-46-M 210461 -1.0 1.8750E+01U 9000122700471C 21-SC-47 210470 -3.5 2.8937E+05U 9000122700472C 21-SC-48 210480 +6.0 1.5721E+05U 9000122700473C 21-SC-49 210490 -3.5 3.4308E+03U 9000122700474C 21-SC-50-G 210500 +5.0 1.0250E+02U 9000122700475C 21-SC-50-M 210501 +2.0 3.5000E-01U 9000122700476C 21-SC-51 210510 1.2400E+01U 9000122700477C 21-SC-52 210520 8.2000E+00U 9000122700478C 21-SC-53 210530 2.4000E+00U 9000122700479C 21-SC-54 210540 5.2600E-01U 9000122700480C 21-SC-55 210550 9.6000E-02U 9000122700481C 21-SC-56 210560 * 2.6000E-02U 9000122700482C 21-SC-57 210570 2.2000E-02U 9000122700483C 21-SC-58 210580 1.2000E-02U 9000122700484C 21-SC-59 210590 U 9000122700485C 21-SC-60 210600 U 9000122700486C 21-SC-61 210610 U 9000122700487C 21-SC-62 210620 U 9000122700488C 21-SC-63 210630 U 9000122700489C 22-TI-0 220000 9000122700490C Natural titanium 9000122700491C 22-TI-37 220370 U 9000122700492C 22-TI-38 220380 +0.0 U 9000122700493C 22-TI-39 220390 2.8500E-02U 9000122700494C 22-TI-40 220400 +0.0 5.2400E-02U 9000122700495C 22-TI-41 220410 +1.5 8.1900E-02U 9000122700496C 22-TI-42 220420 +0.0 2.0830E-01U 9000122700497C 22-TI-43 220430 -3.5 5.0900E-01U 9000122700498C 22-TI-44 220440 +0.0 1.8650E+09U 9000122700499C 22-TI-45 220450 -3.5 1.1088E+04U 9000122700500C 22-TI-46 220460 +0.0 S 8.2500E+00 9000122700501C 22-TI-47 220470 -2.5 S 7.4400E+00 9000122700502C 22-TI-48 220480 +0.0 S 7.3720E+01 9000122700503C 22-TI-49 220490 -3.5 S 5.4100E+00 9000122700504C 22-TI-50 220500 +0.0 S 5.1800E+00 9000122700505C 22-TI-51 220510 -1.5 3.4560E+02U 9000122700506C 22-TI-52 220520 +0.0 1.0200E+02U 9000122700507C 22-TI-53 220530 3.2700E+01U 9000122700508C 22-TI-54 220540 +0.0 2.1000E+00U 9000122700509C 22-TI-55 220550 1.3000E+00U 9000122700510C 22-TI-56 220560 +0.0 2.0000E-01U 9000122700511C 22-TI-57 220570 9.5000E-02U 9000122700512C 22-TI-58 220580 +0.0 5.5000E-02U 9000122700513C 22-TI-59 220590 2.8500E-02U 9000122700514C 22-TI-60 220600 +0.0 2.2200E-02U 9000122700515C 22-TI-61 220610 1.5000E-02U 9000122700516C 22-TI-62 220620 +0.0 U 9000122700517C 22-TI-63 220630 U 9000122700518C 22-TI-64 220640 +0.0 U 9000122700519C 22-TI-65 220650 U 9000122700520C 23-V-0 230000 9000122700521C Natural vanadium 9000122700522C 23-V-39 230390 U 9000122700523C 23-V-40 230400 U 9000122700524C 23-V-41 230410 U 9000122700525C 23-V-42 230420 U 9000122700526C 23-V-43 230430 7.9300E-02U 9000122700527C 23-V-44-G 230440 1.1100E-01U 9000122700528C 23-V-44-M 230441 1.5000E-01U 9000122700529C 23-V-45 230450 -3.5 5.4700E-01U 9000122700530C 23-V-46 230460 +0.0 4.2262E-01U 9000122700531C 23-V-47 230470 -1.5 1.9560E+03U 9000122700532C 23-V-48 230480 +4.0 1.3801E+06U 9000122700533C 23-V-49 230490 -3.5 2.8512E+07U 9000122700534C 23-V-50 230500 +6.0 8.5519E+24U 2.5000E-01 9000122700535C 23-V-51 230510 -3.5 S 9.9750E+01 9000122700536C 23-V-52 230520 +3.0 2.2458E+02U 9000122700537C 23-V-53 230530 -3.5 9.2580E+01U 9000122700538C 23-V-54 230540 +3.0 4.9800E+01U 9000122700539C 23-V-55 230550 6.5400E+00U 9000122700540C 23-V-56 230560 2.1600E-01U 9000122700541C 23-V-57 230570 3.5000E-01U 9000122700542C 23-V-58 230580 1.9100E-01U 9000122700543C 23-V-59 230590 9.5000E-02U 9000122700544C 23-V-60 230600 * 1.2200E-01U 9000122700545C 23-V-61 230610 4.8200E-02U 9000122700546C 23-V-62 230620 3.3600E-02U 9000122700547C 23-V-63 230630 1.9600E-02U 9000122700548C 23-V-64 230640 1.5000E-02U 9000122700549C 23-V-65 230650 U 9000122700550C 23-V-66 230660 U 9000122700551C 23-V-67 230670 U 9000122700552C 24-CR-0 240000 9000122700553C Natural chromium 9000122700554C 24-CR-41 240410 U 9000122700555C 24-CR-42 240420 +0.0 1.3300E-02U 9000122700556C 24-CR-43 240430 2.1100E-02U 9000122700557C 24-CR-44 240440 +0.0 4.2800E-02U 9000122700558C 24-CR-45 240450 * 6.0900E-02U 9000122700559C 24-CR-46 240460 +0.0 2.2430E-01U 9000122700560C 24-CR-47 240470 -1.5 4.6160E-01U 9000122700561C 24-CR-48 240480 +0.0 7.7616E+04U 9000122700562C 24-CR-49 240490 -2.5 2.5380E+03U 9000122700563C 24-CR-50 240500 +0.0 S 4.3450E+00 9000122700564C 24-CR-51 240510 -3.5 2.3934E+06U 9000122700565C 24-CR-52 240520 +0.0 S 8.3789E+01 9000122700566C 24-CR-53 240530 -1.5 S 9.5010E+00 9000122700567C 24-CR-54 240540 +0.0 S 2.3650E+00 9000122700568C 24-CR-55 240550 -1.5 2.0982E+02U 9000122700569C 24-CR-56 240560 +0.0 3.5640E+02U 9000122700570C 24-CR-57 240570 2.1100E+01U 9000122700571C 24-CR-58 240580 +0.0 7.0000E+00U 9000122700572C 24-CR-59 240590 1.0500E+00U 9000122700573C 24-CR-60 240600 +0.0 4.9000E-01U 9000122700574C 24-CR-61 240610 2.4300E-01U 9000122700575C 24-CR-62 240620 +0.0 2.0600E-01U 9000122700576C 24-CR-63 240630 1.2900E-01U 9000122700577C 24-CR-64 240640 +0.0 4.3000E-02U 9000122700578C 24-CR-65 240650 2.7500E-02U 9000122700579C 24-CR-66 240660 +0.0 2.3800E-02U 9000122700580C 24-CR-67 240670 U 9000122700581C 24-CR-68 240680 +0.0 U 9000122700582C 24-CR-69 240690 U 9000122700583C 24-CR-70 240700 +0.0 U 9000122700584C 25-MN-43 250430 U 9000122700585C 25-MN-44 250440 U 9000122700586C 25-MN-45 250450 U 9000122700587C 25-MN-46 250460 * 3.6200E-02U 9000122700588C 25-MN-47 250470 8.8000E-02U 9000122700589C 25-MN-48 250480 +4.0 1.5810E-01U 9000122700590C 25-MN-49 250490 -2.5 3.8200E-01U 9000122700591C 25-MN-50-G 250500 +0.0 2.8321E-01U 9000122700592C 25-MN-50-M 250501 +5.0 1.0500E+02U 9000122700593C 25-MN-51 250510 -2.5 2.7486E+03U 9000122700594C 25-MN-52-G 250520 +6.0 4.8306E+05U 9000122700595C 25-MN-52-M 250521 +2.0 1.2660E+03U 9000122700596C 25-MN-53 250530 -3.5 1.1676E+14U 9000122700597C 25-MN-54 250540 +3.0 2.6964E+07U 9000122700598C 25-MN-55 250550 -2.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700599C 25-MN-56 250560 +3.0 9.2840E+03U 9000122700600C 25-MN-57 250570 -2.5 8.5400E+01U 9000122700601C 25-MN-58-G 250580 +1.0 3.0000E+00U 9000122700602C 25-MN-58-M 250581 +4.0 6.5400E+01U 9000122700603C 25-MN-59 250590 -2.5 4.5900E+00U 9000122700604C 25-MN-60-G 250600 +1.0 2.8000E-01U 9000122700605C 25-MN-60-M 250601 +4.0 1.7700E+00U 9000122700606C 25-MN-61 250610 -2.5 7.0900E-01U 9000122700607C 25-MN-62-G 250620 +1.0 * 9.2000E-02U 9000122700608C 25-MN-62-M 250621 +4.0 * 6.7100E-01U 9000122700609C 25-MN-63 250630 -2.5 2.7500E-01U 9000122700610C 25-MN-64 250640 +1.0 8.8800E-02U 9000122700611C 25-MN-65 250650 9.1900E-02U 9000122700612C 25-MN-66 250660 6.3800E-02U 9000122700613C 25-MN-67 250670 4.6700E-02U 9000122700614C 25-MN-68 250680 3.3700E-02U 9000122700615C 25-MN-69 250690 2.2100E-02U 9000122700616C 25-MN-70 250700 1.9900E-02U 9000122700617C 25-MN-71 250710 U 9000122700618C 25-MN-72 250720 U 9000122700619C 25-MN-73 250730 U 9000122700620C 26-FE-0 260000 9000122700621C Natural iron 9000122700622C 26-FE-45 260450 2.5000E-03U 9000122700623C 26-FE-46 260460 +0.0 1.3000E-02U 9000122700624C 26-FE-47 260470 2.1900E-02U 9000122700625C 26-FE-48 260480 +0.0 4.5300E-02U 9000122700626C 26-FE-49 260490 6.4700E-02U 9000122700627C 26-FE-50 260500 +0.0 1.5200E-01U 9000122700628C 26-FE-51 260510 -2.5 3.0540E-01U 9000122700629C 26-FE-52-G 260520 +0.0 2.9790E+04U 9000122700630C 26-FE-52-M 260521 +12.0 4.5900E+01U 9000122700631C 26-FE-53-G 260530 -3.5 5.1060E+02U 9000122700632C 26-FE-53-M 260531 -9.5 1.5240E+02U 9000122700633C 26-FE-54 260540 +0.0 S 5.8450E+00 9000122700634C 26-FE-55 260550 -1.5 8.6977E+07U 9000122700635C 26-FE-56 260560 +0.0 S 9.1754E+01 9000122700636C 26-FE-57 260570 -0.5 S 2.1190E+00 9000122700637C 26-FE-58 260580 +0.0 S 2.8200E-01 9000122700638C 26-FE-59 260590 -1.5 3.8448E+06U 9000122700639C 26-FE-60 260600 +0.0 8.2679E+13U 9000122700640C 26-FE-61 260610 3.5880E+02U 9000122700641C 26-FE-62 260620 +0.0 6.8000E+01U 9000122700642C 26-FE-63 260630 6.1000E+00U 9000122700643C 26-FE-64 260640 +0.0 2.0000E+00U 9000122700644C 26-FE-65-G 260650 8.0500E-01U 9000122700645C 26-FE-65-M 260651 1.1200E+00U 9000122700646C 26-FE-66 260660 +0.0 4.6700E-01U 9000122700647C 26-FE-67 260670 3.9400E-01U 9000122700648C 26-FE-68 260680 +0.0 1.8800E-01U 9000122700649C 26-FE-69 260690 1.6200E-01U 9000122700650C 26-FE-70 260700 +0.0 6.1400E-02U 9000122700651C 26-FE-71 260710 3.4300E-02U 9000122700652C 26-FE-72 260720 +0.0 1.7000E-02U 9000122700653C 26-FE-73 260730 1.2900E-02U 9000122700654C 26-FE-74 260740 +0.0 5.0000E-03U 9000122700655C 26-FE-75 260750 U 9000122700656C 26-FE-76 260760 +0.0 U 9000122700657C 27-CO-47 270470 U 9000122700658C 27-CO-48 270480 U 9000122700659C 27-CO-49 270490 U 9000122700660C 27-CO-50 270500 3.8800E-02U 9000122700661C 27-CO-51 270510 -3.5 6.8800E-02U 9000122700662C 27-CO-52-G 270520 +6.0 1.1170E-01U 9000122700663C 27-CO-52-M 270521 +2.0 1.0200E-01U 9000122700664C 27-CO-53-G 270530 2.4460E-01U 9000122700665C 27-CO-53-M 270531 2.5000E-01U 9000122700666C 27-CO-54-G 270540 +0.0 1.9327E-01U 9000122700667C 27-CO-54-M 270541 +7.0 8.8800E+01U 9000122700668C 27-CO-55 270550 -3.5 6.3108E+04U 9000122700669C 27-CO-56 270560 +4.0 6.6732E+06U 9000122700670C 27-CO-57 270570 -3.5 2.3484E+07U 9000122700671C 27-CO-58-G 270580 +2.0 6.1209E+06U 9000122700672C 27-CO-58-M 270581 +5.0 3.1871E+04U 9000122700673C 27-CO-59 270590 -3.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700674C 27-CO-60-G 270600 +5.0 1.6635E+08U 9000122700675C 27-CO-60-M 270601 +2.0 6.2802E+02U 9000122700676C 27-CO-61 270610 -3.5 5.9364E+03U 9000122700677C 27-CO-62-G 270620 9.2400E+01U 9000122700678C 27-CO-62-M 270621 8.3160E+02U 9000122700679C 27-CO-63 270630 -3.5 2.6900E+01U 9000122700680C 27-CO-64 270640 +1.0 3.0000E-01U 9000122700681C 27-CO-65 270650 1.1600E+00U 9000122700682C 27-CO-66 270660 1.9400E-01U 9000122700683C 27-CO-67-G 270670 3.2900E-01U 9000122700684C 27-CO-67-M 270671 4.9600E-01U 9000122700685C 27-CO-68-G 270680 * 2.0000E-01U 9000122700686C 27-CO-68-M 270681 * 1.6000E+00U 9000122700687C 27-CO-69-G 270690 * 1.8000E-01U 9000122700688C 27-CO-69-M 270691 * 7.5000E-01U 9000122700689C 27-CO-70-G 270700 * 5.0800E-01U 9000122700690C 27-CO-70-M 270701 * 1.1200E-01U 9000122700691C 27-CO-71 270710 8.0000E-02U 9000122700692C 27-CO-72 270720 * 5.1500E-02U 9000122700693C 27-CO-73 270730 4.2000E-02U 9000122700694C 27-CO-74 270740 3.1300E-02U 9000122700695C 27-CO-75 270750 2.6500E-02U 9000122700696C 27-CO-76 270760 * 2.3000E-02U 9000122700697C 27-CO-77 270770 1.5000E-02U 9000122700698C 27-CO-78 270780 U 9000122700699C 28-NI-0 280000 9000122700700C Natural nickel 9000122700701C 28-NI-48 280480 +0.0 2.8000E-03U 9000122700702C 28-NI-49 280490 7.5000E-03U 9000122700703C 28-NI-50 280500 +0.0 1.8500E-02U 9000122700704C 28-NI-51 280510 2.3800E-02U 9000122700705C 28-NI-52 280520 +0.0 4.1800E-02U 9000122700706C 28-NI-53 280530 5.5200E-02U 9000122700707C 28-NI-54 280540 +0.0 1.1410E-01U 9000122700708C 28-NI-55 280550 -3.5 2.0390E-01U 9000122700709C 28-NI-56 280560 +0.0 5.2488E+05U 9000122700710C 28-NI-57 280570 -1.5 1.2816E+05U 9000122700711C 28-NI-58 280580 +0.0 S 6.8077E+01 9000122700712C 28-NI-59 280590 -1.5 2.5561E+12U 9000122700713C 28-NI-60 280600 +0.0 S 2.6223E+01 9000122700714C 28-NI-61 280610 -1.5 S 1.1399E+00 9000122700715C 28-NI-62 280620 +0.0 S 3.6345E+00 9000122700716C 28-NI-63 280630 -0.5 3.1936E+09U 9000122700717C 28-NI-64 280640 +0.0 S 9.2560E-01 9000122700718C 28-NI-65 280650 -2.5 9.0630E+03U 9000122700719C 28-NI-66 280660 +0.0 1.9656E+05U 9000122700720C 28-NI-67 280670 -0.5 2.1000E+01U 9000122700721C 28-NI-68 280680 +0.0 2.9000E+01U 9000122700722C 28-NI-69-G 280690 1.1400E+01U 9000122700723C 28-NI-69-M 280691 3.5000E+00U 9000122700724C 28-NI-70 280700 +0.0 6.0000E+00U 9000122700725C 28-NI-71-G 280710 2.5600E+00U 9000122700726C 28-NI-71-M 280711 2.3000E+00U 9000122700727C 28-NI-72 280720 +0.0 1.5700E+00U 9000122700728C 28-NI-73 280730 8.4000E-01U 9000122700729C 28-NI-74 280740 +0.0 5.0770E-01U 9000122700730C 28-NI-75 280750 3.3160E-01U 9000122700731C 28-NI-76 280760 +0.0 2.3460E-01U 9000122700732C 28-NI-77 280770 1.5890E-01U 9000122700733C 28-NI-78 280780 +0.0 1.2220E-01U 9000122700734C 28-NI-79 280790 4.4000E-02U 9000122700735C 28-NI-80 280800 +0.0 3.0000E-02U 9000122700736C 28-NI-81 280810 U 9000122700737C 28-NI-82 280820 +0.0 U 9000122700738C 29-CU-0 290000 9000122700739C Natural copper 9000122700740C 29-CU-52 290520 U 9000122700741C 29-CU-53 290530 U 9000122700742C 29-CU-54 290540 U 9000122700743C 29-CU-55 290550 5.5900E-02U 9000122700744C 29-CU-56 290560 8.0800E-02U 9000122700745C 29-CU-57 290570 -1.5 1.9640E-01U 9000122700746C 29-CU-58 290580 +1.0 3.2040E+00U 9000122700747C 29-CU-59 290590 -1.5 8.1500E+01U 9000122700748C 29-CU-60 290600 +2.0 1.4220E+03U 9000122700749C 29-CU-61 290610 -1.5 1.2035E+04U 9000122700750C 29-CU-62 290620 +1.0 5.8032E+02U 9000122700751C 29-CU-63 290630 -1.5 S 6.9150E+01 9000122700752C 29-CU-64 290640 +1.0 4.5721E+04U 9000122700753C 29-CU-65 290650 -1.5 S 3.0850E+01 9000122700754C 29-CU-66 290660 +1.0 3.0720E+02U 9000122700755C 29-CU-67 290670 -1.5 2.2259E+05U 9000122700756C 29-CU-68-G 290680 +1.0 3.0900E+01U 9000122700757C 29-CU-68-M 290681 -6.0 2.2500E+02U 9000122700758C 29-CU-69 290690 -1.5 1.7100E+02U 9000122700759C 29-CU-70-G 290700 -6.0 4.4500E+01U 9000122700760C 29-CU-70-M1 290701 -3.0 3.3000E+01U 9000122700761C 29-CU-70-M2 290702 +1.0 6.6000E+00U 9000122700762C 29-CU-71 290710 -1.5 1.9400E+01U 9000122700763C 29-CU-72 290720 -2.0 6.6300E+00U 9000122700764C 29-CU-73 290730 -1.5 4.2000E+00U 9000122700765C 29-CU-74 290740 -2.0 1.6060E+00U 9000122700766C 29-CU-75 290750 -2.5 1.2240E+00U 9000122700767C 29-CU-76-G 290760 -3.0 6.3770E-01U 9000122700768C 29-CU-76-M 290761 1.2700E+00U 9000122700769C 29-CU-77 290770 -2.5 4.7030E-01U 9000122700770C 29-CU-78 290780 3.3070E-01U 9000122700771C 29-CU-79 290790 2.4130E-01U 9000122700772C 29-CU-80 290800 1.1330E-01U 9000122700773C 29-CU-81 290810 7.3200E-02U 9000122700774C 29-CU-82 290820 3.4000E-02U 9000122700775C 29-CU-83 290830 U 9000122700776C 29-CU-84 290840 U 9000122700777C 30-ZN-0 300000 9000122700778C Natural zinc 9000122700779C 30-ZN-54 300540 +0.0 1.8000E-03U 9000122700780C 30-ZN-55 300550 1.9800E-02U 9000122700781C 30-ZN-56 300560 +0.0 3.2400E-02U 9000122700782C 30-ZN-57 300570 4.5700E-02U 9000122700783C 30-ZN-58 300580 +0.0 8.6000E-02U 9000122700784C 30-ZN-59 300590 -1.5 1.7870E-01U 9000122700785C 30-ZN-60 300600 +0.0 1.4280E+02U 9000122700786C 30-ZN-61 300610 -1.5 8.9100E+01U 9000122700787C 30-ZN-62 300620 +0.0 3.3095E+04U 9000122700788C 30-ZN-63 300630 -1.5 2.3082E+03U 9000122700789C 30-ZN-64 300640 +0.0 S 4.9170E+01 9000122700790C 30-ZN-65 300650 -2.5 2.1076E+07U 9000122700791C 30-ZN-66 300660 +0.0 S 2.7730E+01 9000122700792C 30-ZN-67 300670 -2.5 S 4.0400E+00 9000122700793C 30-ZN-68 300680 +0.0 S 1.8450E+01 9000122700794C 30-ZN-69-G 300690 -0.5 3.3840E+03U 9000122700795C 30-ZN-69-M 300691 +4.5 4.9489E+04U 9000122700796C 30-ZN-70 300700 +0.0 S 6.1000E-01 9000122700797C 30-ZN-71-G 300710 -0.5 1.4400E+02U 9000122700798C 30-ZN-71-M 300711 +4.5 1.4933E+04U 9000122700799C 30-ZN-72 300720 +0.0 1.6740E+05U 9000122700800C 30-ZN-73 300730 -0.5 2.4500E+01U 9000122700801C 30-ZN-74 300740 +0.0 9.5600E+01U 9000122700802C 30-ZN-75 300750 +3.5 1.0200E+01U 9000122700803C 30-ZN-76 300760 +0.0 5.7000E+00U 9000122700804C 30-ZN-77-G 300770 +3.5 2.0800E+00U 9000122700805C 30-ZN-77-M 300771 -0.5 1.0500E+00U 9000122700806C 30-ZN-78 300780 +0.0 1.4700E+00U 9000122700807C 30-ZN-79 300790 +4.5 7.4600E-01U 9000122700808C 30-ZN-80 300800 +0.0 5.6220E-01U 9000122700809C 30-ZN-81 300810 2.9940E-01U 9000122700810C 30-ZN-82 300820 +0.0 1.7790E-01U 9000122700811C 30-ZN-83 300830 1.0000E-01U 9000122700812C 30-ZN-84 300840 +0.0 5.4000E-02U 9000122700813C 30-ZN-85 300850 U 9000122700814C 30-ZN-86 300860 +0.0 U 9000122700815C 31-GA-0 310000 9000122700816C Natural gallium 9000122700817C 31-GA-56 310560 U 9000122700818C 31-GA-57 310570 U 9000122700819C 31-GA-58 310580 * U 9000122700820C 31-GA-59 310590 U 9000122700821C 31-GA-60 310600 7.2400E-02U 9000122700822C 31-GA-61 310610 -1.5 1.6590E-01U 9000122700823C 31-GA-62 310620 +0.0 1.1612E-01U 9000122700824C 31-GA-63 310630 -1.5 3.2400E+01U 9000122700825C 31-GA-64 310640 1.5762E+02U 9000122700826C 31-GA-65 310650 -1.5 9.0798E+02U 9000122700827C 31-GA-66 310660 +0.0 3.3494E+04U 9000122700828C 31-GA-67 310670 -1.5 2.8181E+05U 9000122700829C 31-GA-68 310680 +1.0 4.0705E+03U 9000122700830C 31-GA-69 310690 -1.5 S 6.0108E+01 9000122700831C 31-GA-70 310700 +1.0 1.2684E+03U 9000122700832C 31-GA-71 310710 -1.5 S 3.9892E+01 9000122700833C 31-GA-72 310720 -3.0 5.0490E+04U 9000122700834C 31-GA-73 310730 -0.5 1.7496E+04U 9000122700835C 31-GA-74-G 310740 4.8720E+02U 9000122700836C 31-GA-74-M 310741 9.5000E+00U 9000122700837C 31-GA-75 310750 -1.5 1.2600E+02U 9000122700838C 31-GA-76 310760 -2.0 3.0600E+01U 9000122700839C 31-GA-77 310770 -1.5 1.3200E+01U 9000122700840C 31-GA-78 310780 -2.0 5.0900E+00U 9000122700841C 31-GA-79 310790 -1.5 2.8480E+00U 9000122700842C 31-GA-80-G 310800 -6.0 * 1.9000E+00U 9000122700843C 31-GA-80-M 310801 -3.0 * 1.3000E+00U 9000122700844C 31-GA-81 310810 -2.5 1.2170E+00U 9000122700845C 31-GA-82 310820 -2.0 6.0000E-01U 9000122700846C 31-GA-83 310830 3.1000E-01U 9000122700847C 31-GA-84 310840 9.7600E-02U 9000122700848C 31-GA-85 310850 9.5300E-02U 9000122700849C 31-GA-86 310860 4.9000E-02U 9000122700850C 31-GA-87 310870 2.9000E-02U 9000122700851C 31-GA-88 310880 U 9000122700852C 32-GE-0 320000 9000122700853C Natural germanium 9000122700854C 32-GE-58 320580 +0.0 U 9000122700855C 32-GE-59 320590 1.3300E-02U 9000122700856C 32-GE-60 320600 +0.0 2.1000E-02U 9000122700857C 32-GE-61 320610 4.0700E-02U 9000122700858C 32-GE-62 320620 +0.0 8.2500E-02U 9000122700859C 32-GE-63 320630 1.5360E-01U 9000122700860C 32-GE-64 320640 +0.0 6.3700E+01U 9000122700861C 32-GE-65 320650 -1.5 3.0900E+01U 9000122700862C 32-GE-66 320660 +0.0 8.1360E+03U 9000122700863C 32-GE-67 320670 -0.5 1.1340E+03U 9000122700864C 32-GE-68 320680 +0.0 2.3419E+07U 9000122700865C 32-GE-69 320690 -2.5 1.4058E+05U 9000122700866C 32-GE-70 320700 +0.0 S 2.0520E+01 9000122700867C 32-GE-71 320710 -0.5 9.8755E+05U 9000122700868C 32-GE-72 320720 +0.0 S 2.7450E+01 9000122700869C 32-GE-73-G 320730 +4.5 S 7.7600E+00 9000122700870C 32-GE-73-M 320731 -0.5 4.9900E-01U 9000122700871C 32-GE-74 320740 +0.0 S 3.6520E+01 9000122700872C 32-GE-75-G 320750 -0.5 4.9668E+03U 9000122700873C 32-GE-75-M 320751 +3.5 4.7700E+01U 9000122700874C 32-GE-76 320760 +0.0 5.9327E+28U 7.7500E+00 9000122700875C 32-GE-77-G 320770 +3.5 4.0360E+04U 9000122700876C 32-GE-77-M 320771 -0.5 5.3700E+01U 9000122700877C 32-GE-78 320780 +0.0 5.2800E+03U 9000122700878C 32-GE-79-G 320790 1.8980E+01U 9000122700879C 32-GE-79-M 320791 3.9000E+01U 9000122700880C 32-GE-80 320800 +0.0 2.9500E+01U 9000122700881C 32-GE-81-G 320810 9.0000E+00U 9000122700882C 32-GE-81-M 320811 6.0000E+00U 9000122700883C 32-GE-82 320820 +0.0 4.3100E+00U 9000122700884C 32-GE-83 320830 1.8500E+00U 9000122700885C 32-GE-84 320840 +0.0 9.5100E-01U 9000122700886C 32-GE-85 320850 4.9500E-01U 9000122700887C 32-GE-86 320860 +0.0 2.2160E-01U 9000122700888C 32-GE-87 320870 1.0300E-01U 9000122700889C 32-GE-88 320880 +0.0 6.1000E-02U 9000122700890C 32-GE-89 320890 U 9000122700891C 32-GE-90 320900 +0.0 U 9000122700892C 33-AS-60 330600 U 9000122700893C 33-AS-61 330610 U 9000122700894C 33-AS-62 330620 U 9000122700895C 33-AS-63 330630 U 9000122700896C 33-AS-64 330640 6.9000E-02U 9000122700897C 33-AS-65 330650 1.3030E-01U 9000122700898C 33-AS-66 330660 +0.0 9.5770E-02U 9000122700899C 33-AS-67 330670 4.2500E+01U 9000122700900C 33-AS-68 330680 +3.0 1.5160E+02U 9000122700901C 33-AS-69 330690 -2.5 9.1200E+02U 9000122700902C 33-AS-70 330700 +4.0 3.1560E+03U 9000122700903C 33-AS-71 330710 -2.5 2.3508E+05U 9000122700904C 33-AS-72 330720 -2.0 9.3600E+04U 9000122700905C 33-AS-73 330730 -1.5 6.9379E+06U 9000122700906C 33-AS-74 330740 -2.0 1.5353E+06U 9000122700907C 33-AS-75 330750 -1.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122700908C 33-AS-76 330760 -2.0 9.4461E+04U 9000122700909C 33-AS-77 330770 -1.5 1.3964E+05U 9000122700910C 33-AS-78 330780 -2.0 5.4420E+03U 9000122700911C 33-AS-79 330790 -1.5 5.4060E+02U 9000122700912C 33-AS-80 330800 +1.0 1.5200E+01U 9000122700913C 33-AS-81 330810 -1.5 3.3300E+01U 9000122700914C 33-AS-82-G 330820 1.9100E+01U 9000122700915C 33-AS-82-M 330821 1.3600E+01U 9000122700916C 33-AS-83 330830 1.3400E+01U 9000122700917C 33-AS-84-G 330840 3.1600E+00U 9000122700918C 33-AS-84-M 330841 6.5000E-01U 9000122700919C 33-AS-85 330850 2.0220E+00U 9000122700920C 33-AS-86 330860 9.4500E-01U 9000122700921C 33-AS-87 330870 4.9200E-01U 9000122700922C 33-AS-88 330880 2.7000E-01U 9000122700923C 33-AS-89 330890 U 9000122700924C 33-AS-90 330900 U 9000122700925C 33-AS-91 330910 U 9000122700926C 33-AS-92 330920 U 9000122700927C 34-SE-0 340000 9000122700928C Natural selenium 9000122700929C 34-SE-63 340630 1.3200E-02U 9000122700930C 34-SE-64 340640 +0.0 2.2600E-02U 9000122700931C 34-SE-65 340650 3.4200E-02U 9000122700932C 34-SE-66 340660 +0.0 5.4000E-02U 9000122700933C 34-SE-67 340670 1.3300E-01U 9000122700934C 34-SE-68 340680 +0.0 3.5500E+01U 9000122700935C 34-SE-69 340690 -0.5 2.7400E+01U 9000122700936C 34-SE-70 340700 +0.0 2.4660E+03U 9000122700937C 34-SE-71 340710 2.8440E+02U 9000122700938C 34-SE-72 340720 +0.0 7.2576E+05U 9000122700939C 34-SE-73-G 340730 +4.5 2.5740E+04U 9000122700940C 34-SE-73-M 340731 -1.5 2.3880E+03U 9000122700941C 34-SE-74 340740 +0.0 S 8.6000E-01 9000122700942C 34-SE-75 340750 +2.5 1.0349E+07U 9000122700943C 34-SE-76 340760 +0.0 S 9.2300E+00 9000122700944C 34-SE-77-G 340770 -0.5 S 7.6000E+00 9000122700945C 34-SE-77-M 340771 +3.5 1.7360E+01U 9000122700946C 34-SE-78 340780 +0.0 S 2.3690E+01 9000122700947C 34-SE-79-G 340790 +3.5 1.0319E+13U 9000122700948C 34-SE-79-M 340791 -0.5 2.3400E+02U 9000122700949C 34-SE-80 340800 +0.0 S 4.9800E+01 9000122700950C 34-SE-81-G 340810 -0.5 1.1070E+03U 9000122700951C 34-SE-81-M 340811 +3.5 3.4368E+03U 9000122700952C 34-SE-82 340820 +0.0 2.7644E+27U 8.8200E+00 9000122700953C 34-SE-83-G 340830 +4.5 1.3350E+03U 9000122700954C 34-SE-83-M 340831 -0.5 7.0100E+01U 9000122700955C 34-SE-84 340840 +0.0 1.9560E+02U 9000122700956C 34-SE-85 340850 3.2900E+01U 9000122700957C 34-SE-86 340860 +0.0 1.4300E+01U 9000122700958C 34-SE-87 340870 5.5000E+00U 9000122700959C 34-SE-88 340880 +0.0 1.5300E+00U 9000122700960C 34-SE-89 340890 4.3000E-01U 9000122700961C 34-SE-90 340900 +0.0 2.1000E-01U 9000122700962C 34-SE-91 340910 2.7000E-01U 9000122700963C 34-SE-92 340920 +0.0 U 9000122700964C 34-SE-93 340930 U 9000122700965C 34-SE-94 340940 +0.0 U 9000122700966C 34-SE-95 340950 U 9000122700967C 35-BR-0 350000 9000122700968C Natural bromine 9000122700969C 35-BR-65 350650 U 9000122700970C 35-BR-66 350660 U 9000122700971C 35-BR-67 350670 U 9000122700972C 35-BR-68 350680 U 9000122700973C 35-BR-69 350690 * U 9000122700974C 35-BR-70-G 350700 +0.0 7.8800E-02U 9000122700975C 35-BR-70-M 350701 +9.0 2.1600E+00U 9000122700976C 35-BR-71 350710 2.1400E+01U 9000122700977C 35-BR-72-G 350720 +1.0 7.8600E+01U 9000122700978C 35-BR-72-M 350721 1.0600E+01U 9000122700979C 35-BR-73 350730 -0.5 2.0400E+02U 9000122700980C 35-BR-74-G 350740 1.5240E+03U 9000122700981C 35-BR-74-M 350741 +4.0 2.7600E+03U 9000122700982C 35-BR-75 350750 -1.5 5.8020E+03U 9000122700983C 35-BR-76-G 350760 -1.0 5.8320E+04U 9000122700984C 35-BR-76-M 350761 1.3100E+00U 9000122700985C 35-BR-77-G 350770 -1.5 2.0534E+05U 9000122700986C 35-BR-77-M 350771 +4.5 2.5680E+02U 9000122700987C 35-BR-78 350780 +1.0 3.8700E+02U 9000122700988C 35-BR-79-G 350790 -1.5 S 5.0650E+01 9000122700989C 35-BR-79-M 350791 +4.5 4.8500E+00U 9000122700990C 35-BR-80-G 350800 +1.0 1.0608E+03U 9000122700991C 35-BR-80-M 350801 -5.0 1.5914E+04U 9000122700992C 35-BR-81 350810 -1.5 S 4.9350E+01 9000122700993C 35-BR-82-G 350820 -5.0 1.2702E+05U 9000122700994C 35-BR-82-M 350821 -2.0 3.6780E+02U 9000122700995C 35-BR-83 350830 -1.5 8.5464E+03U 9000122700996C 35-BR-84-G 350840 -2.0 1.9056E+03U 9000122700997C 35-BR-84-M 350841 3.6000E+02U 9000122700998C 35-BR-85 350850 -1.5 1.7400E+02U 9000122700999C 35-BR-86 350860 5.5100E+01U 9000122701000C 35-BR-87 350870 -2.5 5.5680E+01U 9000122701001C 35-BR-88 350880 1.6340E+01U 9000122701002C 35-BR-89 350890 4.3570E+00U 9000122701003C 35-BR-90 350900 1.9100E+00U 9000122701004C 35-BR-91 350910 5.4300E-01U 9000122701005C 35-BR-92 350920 3.1400E-01U 9000122701006C 35-BR-93 350930 1.5200E-01U 9000122701007C 35-BR-94 350940 7.0000E-02U 9000122701008C 35-BR-95 350950 U 9000122701009C 35-BR-96 350960 U 9000122701010C 35-BR-97 350970 U 9000122701011C 35-BR-98 350980 U 9000122701012C 36-KR-0 360000 9000122701013C Natural krypton 9000122701014C 36-KR-67 360670 7.4000E-03U 9000122701015C 36-KR-68 360680 +0.0 2.1600E-02U 9000122701016C 36-KR-69 360690 2.7900E-02U 9000122701017C 36-KR-70 360700 +0.0 4.5000E-02U 9000122701018C 36-KR-71 360710 9.8800E-02U 9000122701019C 36-KR-72 360720 +0.0 1.7160E+01U 9000122701020C 36-KR-73 360730 2.7300E+01U 9000122701021C 36-KR-74 360740 +0.0 6.9000E+02U 9000122701022C 36-KR-75 360750 +2.5 2.7600E+02U 9000122701023C 36-KR-76 360760 +0.0 5.3280E+04U 9000122701024C 36-KR-77 360770 +2.5 4.3560E+03U 9000122701025C 36-KR-78 360780 +0.0 S 3.5500E-01 9000122701026C 36-KR-79-G 360790 -0.5 1.2614E+05U 9000122701027C 36-KR-79-M 360791 +3.5 5.0000E+01U 9000122701028C 36-KR-80 360800 +0.0 S 2.2860E+00 9000122701029C 36-KR-81-G 360810 +3.5 7.2265E+12U 9000122701030C 36-KR-81-M 360811 -0.5 1.3100E+01U 9000122701031C 36-KR-82 360820 +0.0 S 1.1593E+01 9000122701032C 36-KR-83-G 360830 +4.5 S 1.1500E+01 9000122701033C 36-KR-83-M 360831 -0.5 6.5880E+03U 9000122701034C 36-KR-84 360840 +0.0 S 5.6987E+01 9000122701035C 36-KR-85-G 360850 +4.5 3.3854E+08U 9000122701036C 36-KR-85-M 360851 -0.5 1.6128E+04U 9000122701037C 36-KR-86 360860 +0.0 S 1.7279E+01 9000122701038C 36-KR-87 360870 +2.5 4.5780E+03U 9000122701039C 36-KR-88 360880 +0.0 1.0170E+04U 9000122701040C 36-KR-89 360890 +1.5 1.8900E+02U 9000122701041C 36-KR-90 360900 +0.0 3.2320E+01U 9000122701042C 36-KR-91 360910 +2.5 8.5700E+00U 9000122701043C 36-KR-92 360920 +0.0 1.8400E+00U 9000122701044C 36-KR-93 360930 +0.5 1.2870E+00U 9000122701045C 36-KR-94 360940 +0.0 2.1200E-01U 9000122701046C 36-KR-95 360950 +0.5 1.1400E-01U 9000122701047C 36-KR-96 360960 +0.0 8.0000E-02U 9000122701048C 36-KR-97 360970 6.2200E-02U 9000122701049C 36-KR-98 360980 +0.0 4.2800E-02U 9000122701050C 36-KR-99 360990 4.0000E-02U 9000122701051C 36-KR-100 361000 +0.0 1.2000E-02U 9000122701052C 36-KR-101 361010 U 9000122701053C 37-RB-0 370000 9000122701054C Natural rubidium 9000122701055C 37-RB-71 370710 * U 9000122701056C 37-RB-72 370720 * 1.0300E-07U 9000122701057C 37-RB-73 370730 U 9000122701058C 37-RB-74 370740 +0.0 6.4780E-02U 9000122701059C 37-RB-75 370750 -1.5 1.9000E+01U 9000122701060C 37-RB-76 370760 -1.0 3.6500E+01U 9000122701061C 37-RB-77 370770 -1.5 2.2680E+02U 9000122701062C 37-RB-78-G 370780 +0.0 1.0596E+03U 9000122701063C 37-RB-78-M 370781 -4.0 3.4440E+02U 9000122701064C 37-RB-79 370790 +2.5 1.3740E+03U 9000122701065C 37-RB-80 370800 +1.0 3.3400E+01U 9000122701066C 37-RB-81-G 370810 -1.5 1.6459E+04U 9000122701067C 37-RB-81-M 370811 +4.5 1.8300E+03U 9000122701068C 37-RB-82-G 370820 +1.0 7.5450E+01U 9000122701069C 37-RB-82-M 370821 -5.0 2.3299E+04U 9000122701070C 37-RB-83 370830 -2.5 7.4477E+06U 9000122701071C 37-RB-84-G 370840 -2.0 2.8356E+06U 9000122701072C 37-RB-84-M 370841 -6.0 1.2156E+03U 9000122701073C 37-RB-85 370850 -2.5 S 7.2170E+01 9000122701074C 37-RB-86-G 370860 -2.0 1.6109E+06U 9000122701075C 37-RB-86-M 370861 -6.0 6.1020E+01U 9000122701076C 37-RB-87 370870 -1.5 1.5684E+18U 2.7830E+01 9000122701077C 37-RB-88 370880 -2.0 1.0668E+03U 9000122701078C 37-RB-89 370890 -1.5 9.1920E+02U 9000122701079C 37-RB-90-G 370900 -0.0 1.5800E+02U 9000122701080C 37-RB-90-M 370901 -3.0 2.5800E+02U 9000122701081C 37-RB-91 370910 -1.5 5.8200E+01U 9000122701082C 37-RB-92 370920 -0.0 4.4800E+00U 9000122701083C 37-RB-93 370930 -2.5 5.8400E+00U 9000122701084C 37-RB-94 370940 -3.0 2.7020E+00U 9000122701085C 37-RB-95 370950 -2.5 3.7770E-01U 9000122701086C 37-RB-96 370960 -2.0 * 2.0150E-01U 9000122701087C 37-RB-97 370970 +1.5 1.6910E-01U 9000122701088C 37-RB-98 370980 1.1500E-01U 9000122701089C 37-RB-99 370990 5.4000E-02U 9000122701090C 37-RB-100 371000 5.1300E-02U 9000122701091C 37-RB-101 371010 3.1800E-02U 9000122701092C 37-RB-102 371020 3.7000E-02U 9000122701093C 37-RB-103 371030 2.6000E-02U 9000122701094C 37-RB-104 371040 U 9000122701095C 38-SR-0 380000 9000122701096C Natural strontium 9000122701097C 38-SR-73 380730 2.5300E-02U 9000122701098C 38-SR-74 380740 +0.0 2.7600E-02U 9000122701099C 38-SR-75 380750 8.5200E-02U 9000122701100C 38-SR-76 380760 +0.0 7.8900E+00U 9000122701101C 38-SR-77 380770 +2.5 9.0000E+00U 9000122701102C 38-SR-78 380780 +0.0 1.5610E+02U 9000122701103C 38-SR-79 380790 -1.5 1.3500E+02U 9000122701104C 38-SR-80 380800 +0.0 6.3780E+03U 9000122701105C 38-SR-81 380810 -0.5 1.3380E+03U 9000122701106C 38-SR-82 380820 +0.0 2.1902E+06U 9000122701107C 38-SR-83-G 380830 +3.5 1.1668E+05U 9000122701108C 38-SR-83-M 380831 -0.5 4.9500E+00U 9000122701109C 38-SR-84 380840 +0.0 S 5.6000E-01 9000122701110C 38-SR-85-G 380850 +4.5 5.6027E+06U 9000122701111C 38-SR-85-M 380851 -0.5 4.0578E+03U 9000122701112C 38-SR-86 380860 +0.0 S 9.8600E+00 9000122701113C 38-SR-87-G 380870 +4.5 S 7.0000E+00 9000122701114C 38-SR-87-M 380871 -0.5 1.0098E+04U 9000122701115C 38-SR-88 380880 +0.0 S 8.2580E+01 9000122701116C 38-SR-89 380890 +2.5 4.3686E+06U 9000122701117C 38-SR-90 380900 +0.0 9.1231E+08U 9000122701118C 38-SR-91 380910 +2.5 3.4740E+04U 9000122701119C 38-SR-92 380920 +0.0 9.3996E+03U 9000122701120C 38-SR-93 380930 +2.5 4.4580E+02U 9000122701121C 38-SR-94 380940 +0.0 7.5300E+01U 9000122701122C 38-SR-95 380950 +0.5 2.3900E+01U 9000122701123C 38-SR-96 380960 +0.0 1.0590E+00U 9000122701124C 38-SR-97 380970 +0.5 4.3200E-01U 9000122701125C 38-SR-98 380980 +0.0 6.5300E-01U 9000122701126C 38-SR-99 380990 +1.5 2.6920E-01U 9000122701127C 38-SR-100 381000 +0.0 2.0210E-01U 9000122701128C 38-SR-101 381010 1.1370E-01U 9000122701129C 38-SR-102 381020 +0.0 6.9000E-02U 9000122701130C 38-SR-103 381030 5.3000E-02U 9000122701131C 38-SR-104 381040 +0.0 5.0600E-02U 9000122701132C 38-SR-105 381050 3.9000E-02U 9000122701133C 38-SR-106 381060 +0.0 2.1000E-02U 9000122701134C 38-SR-107 381070 U 9000122701135C 39-Y-75 390750 U 9000122701136C 39-Y-76 390760 2.8000E-02U 9000122701137C 39-Y-77 390770 6.3000E-02U 9000122701138C 39-Y-78-G 390780 * 5.4000E-02U 9000122701139C 39-Y-78-M 390781 * 5.8000E+00U 9000122701140C 39-Y-79 390790 1.4800E+01U 9000122701141C 39-Y-80-G 390800 -4.0 3.0100E+01U 9000122701142C 39-Y-80-M 390801 -1.0 4.8000E+00U 9000122701143C 39-Y-81 390810 7.0400E+01U 9000122701144C 39-Y-82 390820 +1.0 8.3000E+00U 9000122701145C 39-Y-83-G 390830 4.2480E+02U 9000122701146C 39-Y-83-M 390831 1.7100E+02U 9000122701147C 39-Y-84-G 390840 2.3700E+03U 9000122701148C 39-Y-84-M 390841 +1.0 4.6000E+00U 9000122701149C 39-Y-85-G 390850 9.6480E+03U 9000122701150C 39-Y-85-M 390851 1.7496E+04U 9000122701151C 39-Y-86-G 390860 -4.0 5.3064E+04U 9000122701152C 39-Y-86-M 390861 2.8440E+03U 9000122701153C 39-Y-87-G 390870 -0.5 2.8728E+05U 9000122701154C 39-Y-87-M 390871 +4.5 4.8132E+04U 9000122701155C 39-Y-88 390880 -4.0 9.2127E+06U 9000122701156C 39-Y-89-G 390890 -0.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122701157C 39-Y-89-M 390891 +4.5 1.5663E+01U 9000122701158C 39-Y-90-G 390900 -2.0 2.3058E+05U 9000122701159C 39-Y-90-M 390901 +7.0 1.1614E+04U 9000122701160C 39-Y-91-G 390910 -0.5 5.0553E+06U 9000122701161C 39-Y-91-M 390911 +4.5 2.9826E+03U 9000122701162C 39-Y-92 390920 -2.0 1.2744E+04U 9000122701163C 39-Y-93-G 390930 -0.5 3.6648E+04U 9000122701164C 39-Y-93-M 390931 +4.5 8.2000E-01U 9000122701165C 39-Y-94 390940 -2.0 1.1220E+03U 9000122701166C 39-Y-95 390950 -0.5 6.1800E+02U 9000122701167C 39-Y-96-G 390960 -0.0 5.3400E+00U 9000122701168C 39-Y-96-M 390961 +8.0 9.6000E+00U 9000122701169C 39-Y-97-G 390970 -0.5 3.7500E+00U 9000122701170C 39-Y-97-M1 390971 +4.5 1.1700E+00U 9000122701171C 39-Y-97-M2 390972 1.4200E-01U 9000122701172C 39-Y-98-G 390980 -0.0 5.4800E-01U 9000122701173C 39-Y-98-M 390981 2.3200E+00U 9000122701174C 39-Y-99 390990 +2.5 1.4840E+00U 9000122701175C 39-Y-100-G 391000 +4.0 9.4000E-01U 9000122701176C 39-Y-100-M 391001 7.2700E-01U 9000122701177C 39-Y-101 391010 +2.5 4.2600E-01U 9000122701178C 39-Y-102-G 391020 * 3.6000E-01U 9000122701179C 39-Y-102-M 391021 * 3.0000E-01U 9000122701180C 39-Y-103 391030 2.3900E-01U 9000122701181C 39-Y-104 391040 1.9700E-01U 9000122701182C 39-Y-105 391050 9.5000E-02U 9000122701183C 39-Y-106 391060 7.5000E-02U 9000122701184C 39-Y-107 391070 3.3500E-02U 9000122701185C 39-Y-108 391080 3.0000E-02U 9000122701186C 39-Y-109 391090 2.5000E-02U 9000122701187C 40-ZR-0 400000 9000122701188C Natural zirconium 9000122701189C 40-ZR-77 400770 U 9000122701190C 40-ZR-78 400780 +0.0 U 9000122701191C 40-ZR-79 400790 5.6000E-02U 9000122701192C 40-ZR-80 400800 +0.0 4.6000E+00U 9000122701193C 40-ZR-81 400810 5.5000E+00U 9000122701194C 40-ZR-82 400820 +0.0 3.2000E+01U 9000122701195C 40-ZR-83 400830 4.2000E+01U 9000122701196C 40-ZR-84 400840 +0.0 1.5480E+03U 9000122701197C 40-ZR-85-G 400850 4.7160E+02U 9000122701198C 40-ZR-85-M 400851 1.0900E+01U 9000122701199C 40-ZR-86 400860 +0.0 5.9400E+04U 9000122701200C 40-ZR-87-G 400870 +4.5 6.0480E+03U 9000122701201C 40-ZR-87-M 400871 -0.5 1.4000E+01U 9000122701202C 40-ZR-88 400880 +0.0 7.2058E+06U 9000122701203C 40-ZR-89-G 400890 +4.5 2.8210E+05U 9000122701204C 40-ZR-89-M 400891 -0.5 2.4966E+02U 9000122701205C 40-ZR-90-G 400900 +0.0 S 5.1450E+01 9000122701206C 40-ZR-90-M 400901 -5.0 8.0920E-01U 9000122701207C 40-ZR-91 400910 +2.5 S 1.1220E+01 9000122701208C 40-ZR-92 400920 +0.0 S 1.7150E+01 9000122701209C 40-ZR-93 400930 +2.5 5.0807E+13U 9000122701210C 40-ZR-94 400940 +0.0 S 1.7380E+01 9000122701211C 40-ZR-95 400950 +2.5 5.5324E+06U 9000122701212C 40-ZR-96 400960 +0.0 7.3843E+26U 2.8000E+00 9000122701213C 40-ZR-97 400970 +0.5 6.0296E+04U 9000122701214C 40-ZR-98 400980 +0.0 3.0700E+01U 9000122701215C 40-ZR-99 400990 +0.5 2.1000E+00U 9000122701216C 40-ZR-100 401000 +0.0 7.1000E+00U 9000122701217C 40-ZR-101 401010 +1.5 2.2900E+00U 9000122701218C 40-ZR-102 401020 +0.0 2.0100E+00U 9000122701219C 40-ZR-103 401030 1.3800E+00U 9000122701220C 40-ZR-104 401040 +0.0 9.2000E-01U 9000122701221C 40-ZR-105 401050 6.7000E-01U 9000122701222C 40-ZR-106 401060 +0.0 1.7900E-01U 9000122701223C 40-ZR-107 401070 1.4570E-01U 9000122701224C 40-ZR-108 401080 +0.0 7.8500E-02U 9000122701225C 40-ZR-109 401090 5.6000E-02U 9000122701226C 40-ZR-110 401100 +0.0 3.7500E-02U 9000122701227C 40-ZR-111 401110 2.4000E-02U 9000122701228C 40-ZR-112 401120 +0.0 4.3000E-02U 9000122701229C 40-ZR-113 401130 +1.5 U 9000122701230C 41-NB-79 410790 U 9000122701231C 41-NB-80 410800 U 9000122701232C 41-NB-81 410810 U 9000122701233C 41-NB-82 410820 5.1000E-02U 9000122701234C 41-NB-83 410830 3.9000E+00U 9000122701235C 41-NB-84 410840 9.8000E+00U 9000122701236C 41-NB-85-G 410850 2.0500E+01U 9000122701237C 41-NB-85-M1 410851 3.3000E+00U 9000122701238C 41-NB-85-M2 410852 1.2000E+01U 9000122701239C 41-NB-86-G 410860 * 8.8000E+01U 9000122701240C 41-NB-86-M 410861 5.6300E+01U 9000122701241C 41-NB-87-G 410870 2.2200E+02U 9000122701242C 41-NB-87-M 410871 1.5600E+02U 9000122701243C 41-NB-88-G 410880 * 8.7000E+02U 9000122701244C 41-NB-88-M 410881 * 4.6200E+02U 9000122701245C 41-NB-89-G 410890 * 7.3080E+03U 9000122701246C 41-NB-89-M 410891 * 3.9600E+03U 9000122701247C 41-NB-90-G 410900 +8.0 5.2560E+04U 9000122701248C 41-NB-90-M 410901 -4.0 1.8810E+01U 9000122701249C 41-NB-91-G 410910 +4.5 2.1459E+10U 9000122701250C 41-NB-91-M 410911 -0.5 5.2583E+06U 9000122701251C 41-NB-92-G 410920 +7.0 1.0950E+15U 9000122701252C 41-NB-92-M 410921 8.7402E+05U 9000122701253C 41-NB-93-G 410930 +4.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122701254C 41-NB-93-M 410931 -0.5 5.0870E+08U 9000122701255C 41-NB-94-G 410940 +6.0 6.4376E+11U 9000122701256C 41-NB-94-M 410941 +3.0 3.7578E+02U 9000122701257C 41-NB-95-G 410950 +4.5 3.0232E+06U 9000122701258C 41-NB-95-M 410951 -0.5 3.1190E+05U 9000122701259C 41-NB-96 410960 +6.0 8.4060E+04U 9000122701260C 41-NB-97-G 410970 +4.5 4.3260E+03U 9000122701261C 41-NB-97-M 410971 -0.5 5.8700E+01U 9000122701262C 41-NB-98-G 410980 +1.0 2.8600E+00U 9000122701263C 41-NB-98-M 410981 3.0660E+03U 9000122701264C 41-NB-99-G 410990 +4.5 1.5000E+01U 9000122701265C 41-NB-99-M 410991 -0.5 1.5000E+02U 9000122701266C 41-NB-100-G 411000 +1.0 1.5000E+00U 9000122701267C 41-NB-100-M 411001 2.9900E+00U 9000122701268C 41-NB-101 411010 +2.5 7.1000E+00U 9000122701269C 41-NB-102-G 411020 4.3000E+00U 9000122701270C 41-NB-102-M 411021 1.3100E+00U 9000122701271C 41-NB-103 411030 +2.5 1.3400E+00U 9000122701272C 41-NB-104-G 411040 * 9.8000E-01U 9000122701273C 41-NB-104-M 411041 * 4.9000E+00U 9000122701274C 41-NB-105 411050 2.9100E+00U 9000122701275C 41-NB-106-G 411060 9.0000E-01U 9000122701276C 41-NB-106-M 411061 1.2000E+00U 9000122701277C 41-NB-107 411070 2.8600E-01U 9000122701278C 41-NB-108 411080 2.0100E-01U 9000122701279C 41-NB-109 411090 1.0690E-01U 9000122701280C 41-NB-110 411100 * 7.5000E-02U 9000122701281C 41-NB-111 411110 5.4000E-02U 9000122701282C 41-NB-112 411120 3.8000E-02U 9000122701283C 41-NB-113 411130 3.2000E-02U 9000122701284C 41-NB-114 411140 1.7000E-02U 9000122701285C 41-NB-115 411150 2.3000E-02U 9000122701286C 41-NB-116 411160 U 9000122701287C 42-MO-0 420000 9000122701288C Natural molybdenum 9000122701289C 42-MO-81 420810 U 9000122701290C 42-MO-82 420820 +0.0 U 9000122701291C 42-MO-83 420830 2.3000E-02U 9000122701292C 42-MO-84 420840 +0.0 2.3000E+00U 9000122701293C 42-MO-85 420850 3.2000E+00U 9000122701294C 42-MO-86 420860 +0.0 1.9100E+01U 9000122701295C 42-MO-87 420870 1.4100E+01U 9000122701296C 42-MO-88 420880 +0.0 4.8000E+02U 9000122701297C 42-MO-89-G 420890 1.2660E+02U 9000122701298C 42-MO-89-M 420891 1.9000E-01U 9000122701299C 42-MO-90 420900 +0.0 2.0016E+04U 9000122701300C 42-MO-91-G 420910 +4.5 9.2940E+02U 9000122701301C 42-MO-91-M 420911 -0.5 6.4600E+01U 9000122701302C 42-MO-92 420920 +0.0 S 1.4649E+01 9000122701303C 42-MO-93-G 420930 +2.5 1.2623E+11U 9000122701304C 42-MO-93-M 420931 +10.5 2.4660E+04U 9000122701305C 42-MO-94 420940 +0.0 S 9.1870E+00 9000122701306C 42-MO-95 420950 +2.5 S 1.5873E+01 9000122701307C 42-MO-96 420960 +0.0 S 1.6673E+01 9000122701308C 42-MO-97 420970 +2.5 S 9.5820E+00 9000122701309C 42-MO-98 420980 +0.0 S 2.4292E+01 9000122701310C 42-MO-99 420990 +0.5 2.3736E+05U 9000122701311C 42-MO-100 421000 +0.0 2.2311E+26U 9.7440E+00 9000122701312C 42-MO-101 421010 +0.5 8.7660E+02U 9000122701313C 42-MO-102 421020 +0.0 6.7800E+02U 9000122701314C 42-MO-103 421030 +1.5 6.7500E+01U 9000122701315C 42-MO-104 421040 +0.0 6.0000E+01U 9000122701316C 42-MO-105 421050 3.6300E+01U 9000122701317C 42-MO-106 421060 +0.0 8.7300E+00U 9000122701318C 42-MO-107 421070 3.5000E+00U 9000122701319C 42-MO-108 421080 +0.0 1.1050E+00U 9000122701320C 42-MO-109 421090 7.0000E-01U 9000122701321C 42-MO-110 421100 +0.0 2.9200E-01U 9000122701322C 42-MO-111-G 421110 1.9360E-01U 9000122701323C 42-MO-111-M 421111 2.0000E-01U 9000122701324C 42-MO-112 421120 +0.0 1.2500E-01U 9000122701325C 42-MO-113 421130 8.0000E-02U 9000122701326C 42-MO-114 421140 +0.0 5.8000E-02U 9000122701327C 42-MO-115 421150 4.5500E-02U 9000122701328C 42-MO-116 421160 +0.0 3.2000E-02U 9000122701329C 42-MO-117 421170 2.2000E-02U 9000122701330C 42-MO-118 421180 +0.0 2.1000E-02U 9000122701331C 42-MO-119 421190 U 9000122701332C 43-TC-83 430830 U 9000122701333C 43-TC-84 430840 U 9000122701334C 43-TC-85 430850 U 9000122701335C 43-TC-86 430860 5.5000E-02U 9000122701336C 43-TC-87 430870 * 2.1400E+00U 9000122701337C 43-TC-88-G 430880 6.4000E+00U 9000122701338C 43-TC-88-M 430881 5.8000E+00U 9000122701339C 43-TC-89-G 430890 1.2800E+01U 9000122701340C 43-TC-89-M 430891 1.2900E+01U 9000122701341C 43-TC-90-G 430900 4.9200E+01U 9000122701342C 43-TC-90-M 430901 +1.0 8.7000E+00U 9000122701343C 43-TC-91-G 430910 1.8840E+02U 9000122701344C 43-TC-91-M 430911 1.9800E+02U 9000122701345C 43-TC-92 430920 2.5500E+02U 9000122701346C 43-TC-93-G 430930 +4.5 9.9000E+03U 9000122701347C 43-TC-93-M 430931 -0.5 2.6100E+03U 9000122701348C 43-TC-94-G 430940 +7.0 1.7580E+04U 9000122701349C 43-TC-94-M 430941 3.1200E+03U 9000122701350C 43-TC-95-G 430950 +4.5 6.9329E+04U 9000122701351C 43-TC-95-M 430951 -0.5 5.3533E+06U 9000122701352C 43-TC-96-G 430960 +7.0 3.6979E+05U 9000122701353C 43-TC-96-M 430961 +4.0 3.0900E+03U 9000122701354C 43-TC-97-G 430970 +4.5 1.3285E+14U 9000122701355C 43-TC-97-M 430971 -0.5 7.8710E+06U 9000122701356C 43-TC-98 430980 +6.0 1.3254E+14U 9000122701357C 43-TC-99-G 430990 +4.5 6.6617E+12U 9000122701358C 43-TC-99-M 430991 -0.5 2.1624E+04U 9000122701359C 43-TC-100 431000 +1.0 1.5460E+01U 9000122701360C 43-TC-101 431010 +4.5 8.5320E+02U 9000122701361C 43-TC-102-G 431020 +1.0 * 5.2800E+00U 9000122701362C 43-TC-102-M 431021 * 2.6100E+02U 9000122701363C 43-TC-103 431030 +2.5 5.4200E+01U 9000122701364C 43-TC-104 431040 1.0980E+03U 9000122701365C 43-TC-105 431050 4.5840E+02U 9000122701366C 43-TC-106 431060 3.5600E+01U 9000122701367C 43-TC-107 431070 2.1200E+01U 9000122701368C 43-TC-108 431080 5.1700E+00U 9000122701369C 43-TC-109 431090 9.0500E-01U 9000122701370C 43-TC-110 431100 9.0000E-01U 9000122701371C 43-TC-111 431110 3.5000E-01U 9000122701372C 43-TC-112 431120 3.2300E-01U 9000122701373C 43-TC-113 431130 1.5200E-01U 9000122701374C 43-TC-114 431140 * 1.2100E-01U 9000122701375C 43-TC-115 431150 7.8000E-02U 9000122701376C 43-TC-116 431160 5.7000E-02U 9000122701377C 43-TC-117 431170 4.4500E-02U 9000122701378C 43-TC-118 431180 3.0000E-02U 9000122701379C 43-TC-119 431190 2.2000E-02U 9000122701380C 43-TC-120 431200 2.1000E-02U 9000122701381C 43-TC-121 431210 2.2000E-02U 9000122701382C 43-TC-122 431220 U 9000122701383C 44-RU-0 440000 9000122701384C Natural ruthenium 9000122701385C 44-RU-85 440850 U 9000122701386C 44-RU-86 440860 +0.0 U 9000122701387C 44-RU-87 440870 U 9000122701388C 44-RU-88 440880 +0.0 1.5000E+00U 9000122701389C 44-RU-89 440890 1.3200E+00U 9000122701390C 44-RU-90 440900 +0.0 1.1700E+01U 9000122701391C 44-RU-91-G 440910 * 8.0000E+00U 9000122701392C 44-RU-91-M 440911 * 7.6000E+00U 9000122701393C 44-RU-92 440920 +0.0 2.1900E+02U 9000122701394C 44-RU-93-G 440930 5.9700E+01U 9000122701395C 44-RU-93-M 440931 1.0800E+01U 9000122701396C 44-RU-94 440940 +0.0 3.1080E+03U 9000122701397C 44-RU-95 440950 +2.5 5.7852E+03U 9000122701398C 44-RU-96 440960 +0.0 S 5.5400E+00 9000122701399C 44-RU-97 440970 +2.5 2.4512E+05U 9000122701400C 44-RU-98 440980 +0.0 S 1.8700E+00 9000122701401C 44-RU-99 440990 +2.5 S 1.2760E+01 9000122701402C 44-RU-100 441000 +0.0 S 1.2600E+01 9000122701403C 44-RU-101 441010 +2.5 S 1.7060E+01 9000122701404C 44-RU-102 441020 +0.0 S 3.1550E+01 9000122701405C 44-RU-103 441030 +1.5 3.3908E+06U 9000122701406C 44-RU-104 441040 +0.0 S 1.8620E+01 9000122701407C 44-RU-105 441050 +1.5 1.5980E+04U 9000122701408C 44-RU-106 441060 +0.0 3.2124E+07U 9000122701409C 44-RU-107 441070 2.2500E+02U 9000122701410C 44-RU-108 441080 +0.0 2.7300E+02U 9000122701411C 44-RU-109 441090 3.4400E+01U 9000122701412C 44-RU-110 441100 +0.0 1.2040E+01U 9000122701413C 44-RU-111 441110 +2.5 2.1200E+00U 9000122701414C 44-RU-112 441120 +0.0 1.7500E+00U 9000122701415C 44-RU-113-G 441130 8.0000E-01U 9000122701416C 44-RU-113-M 441131 5.1000E-01U 9000122701417C 44-RU-114 441140 +0.0 5.4000E-01U 9000122701418C 44-RU-115 441150 3.1800E-01U 9000122701419C 44-RU-116 441160 +0.0 2.0400E-01U 9000122701420C 44-RU-117 441170 1.5100E-01U 9000122701421C 44-RU-118 441180 +0.0 9.9000E-02U 9000122701422C 44-RU-119 441190 6.9500E-02U 9000122701423C 44-RU-120 441200 +0.0 4.5000E-02U 9000122701424C 44-RU-121 441210 2.9000E-02U 9000122701425C 44-RU-122 441220 +0.0 2.5000E-02U 9000122701426C 44-RU-123 441230 1.9000E-02U 9000122701427C 44-RU-124 441240 +0.0 1.5000E-02U 9000122701428C 44-RU-125 441250 U 9000122701429C 45-RH-88 450880 U 9000122701430C 45-RH-89 450890 U 9000122701431C 45-RH-90-G 450900 * 2.9000E-02U 9000122701432C 45-RH-90-M 450901 * 5.6000E-01U 9000122701433C 45-RH-91 450910 1.4700E+00U 9000122701434C 45-RH-92-G 450920 5.6100E+00U 9000122701435C 45-RH-92-M 450921 3.1800E+00U 9000122701436C 45-RH-93 450930 1.3900E+01U 9000122701437C 45-RH-94-G 450940 * 7.0600E+01U 9000122701438C 45-RH-94-M 450941 * 2.5800E+01U 9000122701439C 45-RH-95-G 450950 3.0120E+02U 9000122701440C 45-RH-95-M 450951 1.1760E+02U 9000122701441C 45-RH-96-G 450960 +6.0 5.9400E+02U 9000122701442C 45-RH-96-M 450961 +3.0 9.0600E+01U 9000122701443C 45-RH-97-G 450970 +4.5 1.8420E+03U 9000122701444C 45-RH-97-M 450971 -0.5 2.7720E+03U 9000122701445C 45-RH-98-G 450980 * 5.2320E+02U 9000122701446C 45-RH-98-M 450981 * 2.1600E+02U 9000122701447C 45-RH-99-G 450990 -0.5 1.3910E+06U 9000122701448C 45-RH-99-M 450991 +4.5 1.6920E+04U 9000122701449C 45-RH-100-G 451000 -1.0 7.4880E+04U 9000122701450C 45-RH-100-M 451001 2.7600E+02U 9000122701451C 45-RH-101-G 451010 -0.5 1.2844E+08U 9000122701452C 45-RH-101-M 451011 +4.5 3.7524E+05U 9000122701453C 45-RH-102-G 451020 -2.0 1.7885E+07U 9000122701454C 45-RH-102-M 451021 +6.0 1.1809E+08U 9000122701455C 45-RH-103-G 451030 -0.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122701456C 45-RH-103-M 451031 +3.5 3.3668E+03U 9000122701457C 45-RH-104-G 451040 +1.0 4.2300E+01U 9000122701458C 45-RH-104-M 451041 +5.0 2.6040E+02U 9000122701459C 45-RH-105-G 451050 +3.5 1.2723E+05U 9000122701460C 45-RH-105-M 451051 -0.5 4.2800E+01U 9000122701461C 45-RH-106-G 451060 +1.0 3.0070E+01U 9000122701462C 45-RH-106-M 451061 7.8600E+03U 9000122701463C 45-RH-107 451070 +3.5 1.3020E+03U 9000122701464C 45-RH-108-G 451080 +1.0 1.6800E+01U 9000122701465C 45-RH-108-M 451081 3.6000E+02U 9000122701466C 45-RH-109 451090 +3.5 8.0800E+01U 9000122701467C 45-RH-110-G 451100 * 3.3500E+00U 9000122701468C 45-RH-110-M 451101 * 2.8500E+01U 9000122701469C 45-RH-111 451110 1.1000E+01U 9000122701470C 45-RH-112-G 451120 3.4000E+00U 9000122701471C 45-RH-112-M 451121 6.7300E+00U 9000122701472C 45-RH-113 451130 2.8000E+00U 9000122701473C 45-RH-114-G 451140 +1.0 * 1.8500E+00U 9000122701474C 45-RH-114-M 451141 * 1.8500E+00U 9000122701475C 45-RH-115 451150 1.0300E+00U 9000122701476C 45-RH-116-G 451160 +1.0 * 6.8500E-01U 9000122701477C 45-RH-116-M 451161 * 5.7000E-01U 9000122701478C 45-RH-117 451170 4.2100E-01U 9000122701479C 45-RH-118-G 451180 * 2.8200E-01U 9000122701480C 45-RH-118-M 451181 * 3.1000E-01U 9000122701481C 45-RH-119 451190 1.9000E-01U 9000122701482C 45-RH-120 451200 1.2960E-01U 9000122701483C 45-RH-121 451210 7.4000E-02U 9000122701484C 45-RH-122 451220 5.1000E-02U 9000122701485C 45-RH-123 451230 4.2000E-02U 9000122701486C 45-RH-124 451240 3.0000E-02U 9000122701487C 45-RH-125 451250 2.6500E-02U 9000122701488C 45-RH-126 451260 1.9000E-02U 9000122701489C 45-RH-127 451270 2.8000E-02U 9000122701490C 45-RH-128 451280 U 9000122701491C 46-PD-0 460000 9000122701492C Natural palladium 9000122701493C 46-PD-90 460900 +0.0 U 9000122701494C 46-PD-91 460910 3.2000E-02U 9000122701495C 46-PD-92 460920 +0.0 1.0600E+00U 9000122701496C 46-PD-93 460930 1.1700E+00U 9000122701497C 46-PD-94 460940 +0.0 9.1000E+00U 9000122701498C 46-PD-95-G 460950 7.4000E+00U 9000122701499C 46-PD-95-M 460951 1.3300E+01U 9000122701500C 46-PD-96 460960 +0.0 1.2200E+02U 9000122701501C 46-PD-97 460970 1.8600E+02U 9000122701502C 46-PD-98 460980 +0.0 1.0620E+03U 9000122701503C 46-PD-99 460990 1.2840E+03U 9000122701504C 46-PD-100 461000 +0.0 3.1363E+05U 9000122701505C 46-PD-101 461010 +2.5 3.0492E+04U 9000122701506C 46-PD-102 461020 +0.0 S 1.0200E+00 9000122701507C 46-PD-103 461030 +2.5 1.4680E+06U 9000122701508C 46-PD-104 461040 +0.0 S 1.1140E+01 9000122701509C 46-PD-105 461050 +2.5 S 2.2330E+01 9000122701510C 46-PD-106 461060 +0.0 S 2.7330E+01 9000122701511C 46-PD-107-G 461070 +2.5 2.0512E+14U 9000122701512C 46-PD-107-M 461071 -5.5 2.1300E+01U 9000122701513C 46-PD-108 461080 +0.0 S 2.6460E+01 9000122701514C 46-PD-109-G 461090 +2.5 4.8924E+04U 9000122701515C 46-PD-109-M 461091 -5.5 2.8218E+02U 9000122701516C 46-PD-110 461100 +0.0 S 1.1720E+01 9000122701517C 46-PD-111-G 461110 +2.5 1.4136E+03U 9000122701518C 46-PD-111-M 461111 -5.5 2.0027E+04U 9000122701519C 46-PD-112 461120 +0.0 7.5744E+04U 9000122701520C 46-PD-113-G 461130 9.3000E+01U 9000122701521C 46-PD-113-M 461131 3.0000E-01U 9000122701522C 46-PD-114 461140 +0.0 1.4520E+02U 9000122701523C 46-PD-115-G 461150 2.5000E+01U 9000122701524C 46-PD-115-M 461151 5.0000E+01U 9000122701525C 46-PD-116 461160 +0.0 1.1800E+01U 9000122701526C 46-PD-117 461170 4.3000E+00U 9000122701527C 46-PD-118 461180 +0.0 1.9000E+00U 9000122701528C 46-PD-119 461190 9.2000E-01U 9000122701529C 46-PD-120 461200 +0.0 4.9200E-01U 9000122701530C 46-PD-121 461210 2.9000E-01U 9000122701531C 46-PD-122 461220 +0.0 1.9300E-01U 9000122701532C 46-PD-123 461230 1.0800E-01U 9000122701533C 46-PD-124 461240 +0.0 8.8000E-02U 9000122701534C 46-PD-125 461250 6.0000E-02U 9000122701535C 46-PD-126 461260 +0.0 4.8600E-02U 9000122701536C 46-PD-127 461270 3.8000E-02U 9000122701537C 46-PD-128 461280 +0.0 3.5000E-02U 9000122701538C 46-PD-129 461290 3.1000E-02U 9000122701539C 46-PD-130 461300 +0.0 U 9000122701540C 46-PD-131 461310 U 9000122701541C 47-AG-0 470000 9000122701542C Natural silver 9000122701543C 47-AG-92 470920 U 9000122701544C 47-AG-93 470930 2.2800E-07U 9000122701545C 47-AG-94-G 470940 2.7000E-02U 9000122701546C 47-AG-94-M1 470941 4.7000E-01U 9000122701547C 47-AG-94-M2 470942 4.0000E-01U 9000122701548C 47-AG-95 470950 1.7800E+00U 9000122701549C 47-AG-96-G 470960 * 4.4500E+00U 9000122701550C 47-AG-96-M 470961 * 6.9000E+00U 9000122701551C 47-AG-97 470970 2.5500E+01U 9000122701552C 47-AG-98 470980 4.7500E+01U 9000122701553C 47-AG-99-G 470990 1.2420E+02U 9000122701554C 47-AG-99-M 470991 1.0500E+01U 9000122701555C 47-AG-100-G 471000 1.2060E+02U 9000122701556C 47-AG-100-M 471001 1.3440E+02U 9000122701557C 47-AG-101-G 471010 +4.5 6.6600E+02U 9000122701558C 47-AG-101-M 471011 3.1000E+00U 9000122701559C 47-AG-102-G 471020 +5.0 7.7400E+02U 9000122701560C 47-AG-102-M 471021 +2.0 4.6200E+02U 9000122701561C 47-AG-103-G 471030 +3.5 3.9420E+03U 9000122701562C 47-AG-103-M 471031 -0.5 5.7000E+00U 9000122701563C 47-AG-104-G 471040 +5.0 4.1520E+03U 9000122701564C 47-AG-104-M 471041 +2.0 2.0100E+03U 9000122701565C 47-AG-105-G 471050 -0.5 3.5675E+06U 9000122701566C 47-AG-105-M 471051 +3.5 4.3380E+02U 9000122701567C 47-AG-106-G 471060 +1.0 1.4376E+03U 9000122701568C 47-AG-106-M 471061 +6.0 7.1539E+05U 9000122701569C 47-AG-107-G 471070 -0.5 S 5.1839E+01 9000122701570C 47-AG-107-M 471071 +3.5 4.4300E+01U 9000122701571C 47-AG-108-G 471080 +1.0 1.4292E+02U 9000122701572C 47-AG-108-M 471081 +6.0 1.3853E+10U 9000122701573C 47-AG-109-G 471090 -0.5 S 4.8161E+01 9000122701574C 47-AG-109-M 471091 +3.5 3.9790E+01U 9000122701575C 47-AG-110-G 471100 +1.0 2.4560E+01U 9000122701576C 47-AG-110-M 471101 +6.0 2.1588E+07U 9000122701577C 47-AG-111-G 471110 -0.5 6.4221E+05U 9000122701578C 47-AG-111-M 471111 +3.5 6.4800E+01U 9000122701579C 47-AG-112 471120 -2.0 1.1268E+04U 9000122701580C 47-AG-113-G 471130 -0.5 1.9332E+04U 9000122701581C 47-AG-113-M 471131 +3.5 6.8700E+01U 9000122701582C 47-AG-114 471140 +1.0 4.6000E+00U 9000122701583C 47-AG-115-G 471150 -0.5 1.2000E+03U 9000122701584C 47-AG-115-M 471151 +3.5 1.8000E+01U 9000122701585C 47-AG-116-G 471160 2.2980E+02U 9000122701586C 47-AG-116-M1 471161 2.0000E+01U 9000122701587C 47-AG-116-M2 471162 9.3000E+00U 9000122701588C 47-AG-117-G 471170 7.3600E+01U 9000122701589C 47-AG-117-M 471171 5.3400E+00U 9000122701590C 47-AG-118-G 471180 3.7600E+00U 9000122701591C 47-AG-118-M 471181 2.0000E+00U 9000122701592C 47-AG-119-G 471190 * 6.0000E+00U 9000122701593C 47-AG-119-M 471191 * 2.1000E+00U 9000122701594C 47-AG-120-G 471200 * 1.5200E+00U 9000122701595C 47-AG-120-M1 471201 * 9.4000E-01U 9000122701596C 47-AG-120-M2 471202 3.8400E-01U 9000122701597C 47-AG-121 471210 * 7.7700E-01U 9000122701598C 47-AG-122-G 471220 * 5.2900E-01U 9000122701599C 47-AG-122-M1 471221 * 5.5000E-01U 9000122701600C 47-AG-122-M2 471222 * 2.0000E-01U 9000122701601C 47-AG-123 471230 2.9400E-01U 9000122701602C 47-AG-124-G 471240 * 1.7790E-01U 9000122701603C 47-AG-124-M 471241 * 1.4400E-01U 9000122701604C 47-AG-125 471250 1.6000E-01U 9000122701605C 47-AG-126-G 471260 5.2000E-02U 9000122701606C 47-AG-126-M 471261 1.0840E-01U 9000122701607C 47-AG-127 471270 * 8.9000E-02U 9000122701608C 47-AG-128 471280 6.0000E-02U 9000122701609C 47-AG-129 471290 * 4.9900E-02U 9000122701610C 47-AG-130 471300 4.0600E-02U 9000122701611C 47-AG-131 471310 3.5000E-02U 9000122701612C 47-AG-132 471320 3.0000E-02U 9000122701613C 47-AG-133 471330 U 9000122701614C 48-CD-0 480000 9000122701615C Natural cadmium 9000122701616C 48-CD-94 480940 +0.0 U 9000122701617C 48-CD-95 480950 3.2000E-02U 9000122701618C 48-CD-96-G 480960 +0.0 1.0030E+00U 9000122701619C 48-CD-96-M 480961 +16.0 5.1100E-01U 9000122701620C 48-CD-97-G 480970 1.1600E+00U 9000122701621C 48-CD-97-M 480971 3.8600E+00U 9000122701622C 48-CD-98 480980 +0.0 9.2900E+00U 9000122701623C 48-CD-99 480990 1.7000E+01U 9000122701624C 48-CD-100 481000 +0.0 4.9100E+01U 9000122701625C 48-CD-101 481010 +2.5 8.1600E+01U 9000122701626C 48-CD-102 481020 +0.0 3.3000E+02U 9000122701627C 48-CD-103 481030 +2.5 4.3800E+02U 9000122701628C 48-CD-104 481040 +0.0 3.4620E+03U 9000122701629C 48-CD-105 481050 +2.5 3.3300E+03U 9000122701630C 48-CD-106 481060 +0.0 S 1.2450E+00 9000122701631C 48-CD-107 481070 +2.5 2.3400E+04U 9000122701632C 48-CD-108 481080 +0.0 S 8.8800E-01 9000122701633C 48-CD-109 481090 +2.5 3.9856E+07U 9000122701634C 48-CD-110 481100 +0.0 S 1.2470E+01 9000122701635C 48-CD-111-G 481110 +0.5 S 1.2795E+01 9000122701636C 48-CD-111-M 481111 -5.5 2.9100E+03U 9000122701637C 48-CD-112 481120 +0.0 S 2.4109E+01 9000122701638C 48-CD-113-G 481130 +0.5 2.5372E+23U 1.2227E+01 9000122701639C 48-CD-113-M 481131 -5.5 4.3833E+08U 9000122701640C 48-CD-114 481140 +0.0 S 2.8754E+01 9000122701641C 48-CD-115-G 481150 +0.5 1.9246E+05U 9000122701642C 48-CD-115-M 481151 -5.5 3.8500E+06U 9000122701643C 48-CD-116 481160 +0.0 8.4888E+26U 7.5120E+00 9000122701644C 48-CD-117-G 481170 +0.5 9.0108E+03U 9000122701645C 48-CD-117-M 481171 -5.5 1.2388E+04U 9000122701646C 48-CD-118 481180 +0.0 3.0180E+03U 9000122701647C 48-CD-119-G 481190 +0.5 1.6140E+02U 9000122701648C 48-CD-119-M 481191 -5.5 1.3200E+02U 9000122701649C 48-CD-120 481200 +0.0 5.0800E+01U 9000122701650C 48-CD-121-G 481210 +1.5 1.3500E+01U 9000122701651C 48-CD-121-M 481211 -5.5 8.3000E+00U 9000122701652C 48-CD-122 481220 +0.0 5.2400E+00U 9000122701653C 48-CD-123-G 481230 +1.5 2.1000E+00U 9000122701654C 48-CD-123-M 481231 -5.5 1.8200E+00U 9000122701655C 48-CD-124 481240 +0.0 1.2500E+00U 9000122701656C 48-CD-125-G 481250 +1.5 6.8000E-01U 9000122701657C 48-CD-125-M 481251 -5.5 4.8000E-01U 9000122701658C 48-CD-126 481260 +0.0 5.1200E-01U 9000122701659C 48-CD-127-G 481270 +1.5 4.8000E-01U 9000122701660C 48-CD-127-M 481271 -5.5 3.6000E-01U 9000122701661C 48-CD-128 481280 +0.0 2.4600E-01U 9000122701662C 48-CD-129-G 481290 -5.5 1.4700E-01U 9000122701663C 48-CD-129-M 481291 +1.5 1.5700E-01U 9000122701664C 48-CD-130 481300 +0.0 1.2680E-01U 9000122701665C 48-CD-131 481310 9.8000E-02U 9000122701666C 48-CD-132 481320 +0.0 8.4000E-02U 9000122701667C 48-CD-133 481330 6.1000E-02U 9000122701668C 48-CD-134 481340 +0.0 6.5000E-02U 9000122701669C 48-CD-135 481350 U 9000122701670C 49-IN-0 490000 9000122701671C Natural indium 9000122701672C 49-IN-96 490960 U 9000122701673C 49-IN-97 490970 3.6000E-02U 9000122701674C 49-IN-98-G 490980 * 3.0000E-02U 9000122701675C 49-IN-98-M 490981 * 8.9000E-01U 9000122701676C 49-IN-99 490990 3.1100E+00U 9000122701677C 49-IN-100 491000 5.6200E+00U 9000122701678C 49-IN-101 491010 1.5100E+01U 9000122701679C 49-IN-102 491020 2.3300E+01U 9000122701680C 49-IN-103-G 491030 6.0000E+01U 9000122701681C 49-IN-103-M 491031 3.4000E+01U 9000122701682C 49-IN-104-G 491040 1.0800E+02U 9000122701683C 49-IN-104-M 491041 1.5700E+01U 9000122701684C 49-IN-105-G 491050 +4.5 3.0420E+02U 9000122701685C 49-IN-105-M 491051 4.8000E+01U 9000122701686C 49-IN-106-G 491060 +7.0 3.7200E+02U 9000122701687C 49-IN-106-M 491061 3.1200E+02U 9000122701688C 49-IN-107-G 491070 +4.5 1.9440E+03U 9000122701689C 49-IN-107-M 491071 -0.5 5.0400E+01U 9000122701690C 49-IN-108-G 491080 +7.0 3.4800E+03U 9000122701691C 49-IN-108-M 491081 +2.0 2.3760E+03U 9000122701692C 49-IN-109-G 491090 +4.5 1.4972E+04U 9000122701693C 49-IN-109-M1 491091 -0.5 8.0400E+01U 9000122701694C 49-IN-109-M2 491092 +9.5 2.1000E-01U 9000122701695C 49-IN-110-G 491100 +7.0 1.7712E+04U 9000122701696C 49-IN-110-M 491101 +2.0 4.1460E+03U 9000122701697C 49-IN-111-G 491110 +4.5 2.4233E+05U 9000122701698C 49-IN-111-M 491111 -0.5 4.6200E+02U 9000122701699C 49-IN-112-G 491120 +1.0 8.9280E+02U 9000122701700C 49-IN-112-M 491121 +4.0 1.2402E+03U 9000122701701C 49-IN-113-G 491130 +4.5 S 4.2810E+00 9000122701702C 49-IN-113-M 491131 -0.5 5.9684E+03U 9000122701703C 49-IN-114-G 491140 +1.0 7.1900E+01U 9000122701704C 49-IN-114-M 491141 +5.0 4.2777E+06U 9000122701705C 49-IN-115-G 491150 +4.5 1.3917E+22U 9.5719E+01 9000122701706C 49-IN-115-M 491151 -0.5 1.6150E+04U 9000122701707C 49-IN-116-G 491160 +1.0 1.4100E+01U 9000122701708C 49-IN-116-M1 491161 +5.0 3.2574E+03U 9000122701709C 49-IN-116-M2 491162 -8.0 2.1800E+00U 9000122701710C 49-IN-117-G 491170 +4.5 2.5920E+03U 9000122701711C 49-IN-117-M 491171 -0.5 6.9720E+03U 9000122701712C 49-IN-118-G 491180 +1.0 * 5.0000E+00U 9000122701713C 49-IN-118-M1 491181 +5.0 * 2.6184E+02U 9000122701714C 49-IN-118-M2 491182 -8.0 8.5000E+00U 9000122701715C 49-IN-119-G 491190 +4.5 1.4400E+02U 9000122701716C 49-IN-119-M 491191 -0.5 1.0800E+03U 9000122701717C 49-IN-120-G 491200 +1.0 * 3.0800E+00U 9000122701718C 49-IN-120-M1 491201 +5.0 * 4.6200E+01U 9000122701719C 49-IN-120-M2 491202 -8.0 * 4.7300E+01U 9000122701720C 49-IN-121-G 491210 +4.5 2.3100E+01U 9000122701721C 49-IN-121-M 491211 -0.5 2.3280E+02U 9000122701722C 49-IN-122-G 491220 +1.0 * 1.5000E+00U 9000122701723C 49-IN-122-M1 491221 +5.0 * 1.0300E+01U 9000122701724C 49-IN-122-M2 491222 -8.0 1.0800E+01U 9000122701725C 49-IN-123-G 491230 +4.5 6.1700E+00U 9000122701726C 49-IN-123-M 491231 -0.5 4.7400E+01U 9000122701727C 49-IN-124-G 491240 +3.0 * 3.1200E+00U 9000122701728C 49-IN-124-M 491241 -8.0 * 3.6700E+00U 9000122701729C 49-IN-125-G 491250 +4.5 2.3600E+00U 9000122701730C 49-IN-125-M 491251 -0.5 1.2200E+01U 9000122701731C 49-IN-126-G 491260 +3.0 1.5300E+00U 9000122701732C 49-IN-126-M 491261 -8.0 1.6400E+00U 9000122701733C 49-IN-127-G 491270 +4.5 1.0860E+00U 9000122701734C 49-IN-127-M1 491271 3.6180E+00U 9000122701735C 49-IN-127-M2 491272 1.0400E+00U 9000122701736C 49-IN-128-G 491280 8.1600E-01U 9000122701737C 49-IN-128-M 491281 7.2000E-01U 9000122701738C 49-IN-129-G 491290 +4.5 5.7000E-01U 9000122701739C 49-IN-129-M1 491291 -0.5 1.2300E+00U 9000122701740C 49-IN-129-M2 491292 6.7000E-01U 9000122701741C 49-IN-129-M3 491293 1.1000E-01U 9000122701742C 49-IN-130-G 491300 * 2.7300E-01U 9000122701743C 49-IN-130-M1 491301 * 5.4000E-01U 9000122701744C 49-IN-130-M2 491302 5.4000E-01U 9000122701745C 49-IN-131-G 491310 +4.5 2.6150E-01U 9000122701746C 49-IN-131-M1 491311 -0.5 3.2800E-01U 9000122701747C 49-IN-131-M2 491312 3.2200E-01U 9000122701748C 49-IN-132 491320 2.0220E-01U 9000122701749C 49-IN-133-G 491330 1.6300E-01U 9000122701750C 49-IN-133-M 491331 1.6700E-01U 9000122701751C 49-IN-134 491340 1.3600E-01U 9000122701752C 49-IN-135 491350 1.0300E-01U 9000122701753C 49-IN-136 491360 8.6000E-02U 9000122701754C 49-IN-137 491370 7.0000E-02U 9000122701755C 50-SN-0 500000 9000122701756C Natural tin 9000122701757C 50-SN-99 500990 2.4000E-02U 9000122701758C 50-SN-100 501000 +0.0 1.1800E+00U 9000122701759C 50-SN-101 501010 2.2200E+00U 9000122701760C 50-SN-102 501020 +0.0 3.8000E+00U 9000122701761C 50-SN-103 501030 7.0000E+00U 9000122701762C 50-SN-104 501040 +0.0 2.0800E+01U 9000122701763C 50-SN-105 501050 3.2700E+01U 9000122701764C 50-SN-106 501060 +0.0 1.1520E+02U 9000122701765C 50-SN-107 501070 1.7400E+02U 9000122701766C 50-SN-108 501080 +0.0 6.1800E+02U 9000122701767C 50-SN-109 501090 +2.5 1.0860E+03U 9000122701768C 50-SN-110 501100 +0.0 1.4954E+04U 9000122701769C 50-SN-111 501110 +3.5 2.1180E+03U 9000122701770C 50-SN-112 501120 +0.0 S 9.7000E-01 9000122701771C 50-SN-113-G 501130 +0.5 9.9429E+06U 9000122701772C 50-SN-113-M 501131 +3.5 1.2840E+03U 9000122701773C 50-SN-114 501140 +0.0 S 6.6000E-01 9000122701774C 50-SN-115 501150 +0.5 S 3.4000E-01 9000122701775C 50-SN-116 501160 +0.0 S 1.4540E+01 9000122701776C 50-SN-117-G 501170 +0.5 S 7.6800E+00 9000122701777C 50-SN-117-M 501171 -5.5 1.2043E+06U 9000122701778C 50-SN-118 501180 +0.0 S 2.4220E+01 9000122701779C 50-SN-119-G 501190 +0.5 S 8.5900E+00 9000122701780C 50-SN-119-M 501191 -5.5 2.5324E+07U 9000122701781C 50-SN-120 501200 +0.0 S 3.2580E+01 9000122701782C 50-SN-121-G 501210 +1.5 9.7308E+04U 9000122701783C 50-SN-121-M 501211 -5.5 1.3853E+09U 9000122701784C 50-SN-122 501220 +0.0 S 4.6300E+00 9000122701785C 50-SN-123-G 501230 -5.5 1.1163E+07U 9000122701786C 50-SN-123-M 501231 +1.5 2.4036E+03U 9000122701787C 50-SN-124 501240 +0.0 S 5.7900E+00 9000122701788C 50-SN-125-G 501250 -5.5 8.3238E+05U 9000122701789C 50-SN-125-M 501251 +1.5 5.8620E+02U 9000122701790C 50-SN-126 501260 +0.0 7.2581E+12U 9000122701791C 50-SN-127-G 501270 -5.5 7.5600E+03U 9000122701792C 50-SN-127-M 501271 +1.5 2.4780E+02U 9000122701793C 50-SN-128-G 501280 +0.0 3.5442E+03U 9000122701794C 50-SN-128-M 501281 -7.0 6.5000E+00U 9000122701795C 50-SN-129-G 501290 +1.5 1.3380E+02U 9000122701796C 50-SN-129-M 501291 -5.5 4.1400E+02U 9000122701797C 50-SN-130-G 501300 +0.0 2.2320E+02U 9000122701798C 50-SN-130-M 501301 -7.0 1.0200E+02U 9000122701799C 50-SN-131-G 501310 +1.5 5.6000E+01U 9000122701800C 50-SN-131-M 501311 -5.5 5.8400E+01U 9000122701801C 50-SN-132 501320 +0.0 3.9700E+01U 9000122701802C 50-SN-133 501330 -3.5 1.3700E+00U 9000122701803C 50-SN-134 501340 +0.0 9.3000E-01U 9000122701804C 50-SN-135 501350 5.1500E-01U 9000122701805C 50-SN-136 501360 +0.0 3.5500E-01U 9000122701806C 50-SN-137 501370 2.4900E-01U 9000122701807C 50-SN-138 501380 +0.0 1.4800E-01U 9000122701808C 50-SN-139 501390 1.2000E-01U 9000122701809C 50-SN-140 501400 +0.0 U 9000122701810C 51-SB-0 510000 9000122701811C Natural antimony 9000122701812C 51-SB-102 511020 U 9000122701813C 51-SB-103 511030 U 9000122701814C 51-SB-104 511040 4.7000E-01U 9000122701815C 51-SB-105 511050 1.1200E+00U 9000122701816C 51-SB-106 511060 6.0000E-01U 9000122701817C 51-SB-107 511070 4.0000E+00U 9000122701818C 51-SB-108 511080 7.4000E+00U 9000122701819C 51-SB-109 511090 1.7200E+01U 9000122701820C 51-SB-110 511100 2.3600E+01U 9000122701821C 51-SB-111 511110 7.5000E+01U 9000122701822C 51-SB-112 511120 5.3500E+01U 9000122701823C 51-SB-113 511130 +2.5 4.0020E+02U 9000122701824C 51-SB-114 511140 +3.0 2.0940E+02U 9000122701825C 51-SB-115 511150 +2.5 1.9260E+03U 9000122701826C 51-SB-116-G 511160 +3.0 9.4800E+02U 9000122701827C 51-SB-116-M 511161 -8.0 3.6180E+03U 9000122701828C 51-SB-117 511170 +2.5 1.0692E+04U 9000122701829C 51-SB-118-G 511180 +1.0 2.1600E+02U 9000122701830C 51-SB-118-M 511181 -8.0 1.8036E+04U 9000122701831C 51-SB-119-G 511190 +2.5 1.3748E+05U 9000122701832C 51-SB-119-M 511191 +12.5 8.3500E-01U 9000122701833C 51-SB-120-G 511200 +1.0 * 9.5340E+02U 9000122701834C 51-SB-120-M 511201 -8.0 * 4.9766E+05U 9000122701835C 51-SB-121 511210 +2.5 S 5.7210E+01 9000122701836C 51-SB-122-G 511220 -2.0 2.3534E+05U 9000122701837C 51-SB-122-M 511221 -8.0 2.5146E+02U 9000122701838C 51-SB-123 511230 +3.5 S 4.2790E+01 9000122701839C 51-SB-124-G 511240 -3.0 5.2013E+06U 9000122701840C 51-SB-124-M1 511241 +5.0 9.3000E+01U 9000122701841C 51-SB-124-M2 511242 1.2120E+03U 9000122701842C 51-SB-125 511250 +3.5 8.7021E+07U 9000122701843C 51-SB-126-G 511260 -8.0 1.0670E+06U 9000122701844C 51-SB-126-M1 511261 +5.0 1.1490E+03U 9000122701845C 51-SB-126-M2 511262 -3.0 1.1000E+01U 9000122701846C 51-SB-127 511270 +3.5 3.3264E+05U 9000122701847C 51-SB-128-G 511280 -8.0 * 3.2580E+04U 9000122701848C 51-SB-128-M 511281 +5.0 * 6.2460E+02U 9000122701849C 51-SB-129-G 511290 +3.5 1.5718E+04U 9000122701850C 51-SB-129-M 511291 -9.5 1.0620E+03U 9000122701851C 51-SB-130-G 511300 -8.0 2.3700E+03U 9000122701852C 51-SB-130-M 511301 +4.0 3.7800E+02U 9000122701853C 51-SB-131 511310 +3.5 1.3818E+03U 9000122701854C 51-SB-132-G 511320 1.6740E+02U 9000122701855C 51-SB-132-M 511321 2.4600E+02U 9000122701856C 51-SB-133 511330 1.4040E+02U 9000122701857C 51-SB-134-G 511340 6.7400E-01U 9000122701858C 51-SB-134-M 511341 1.0010E+01U 9000122701859C 51-SB-135 511350 1.6680E+00U 9000122701860C 51-SB-136 511360 9.2300E-01U 9000122701861C 51-SB-137 511370 4.9700E-01U 9000122701862C 51-SB-138 511380 3.3300E-01U 9000122701863C 51-SB-139 511390 1.8200E-01U 9000122701864C 51-SB-140 511400 1.7000E-01U 9000122701865C 51-SB-141 511410 1.0300E-01U 9000122701866C 51-SB-142 511420 8.0000E-02U 9000122701867C 52-TE-0 520000 9000122701868C Natural tellurium 9000122701869C 52-TE-104 521040 +0.0 U 9000122701870C 52-TE-105 521050 6.3300E-07U 9000122701871C 52-TE-106 521060 +0.0 7.8000E-05U 9000122701872C 52-TE-107 521070 3.2200E-03U 9000122701873C 52-TE-108 521080 +0.0 2.1000E+00U 9000122701874C 52-TE-109 521090 4.4000E+00U 9000122701875C 52-TE-110 521100 +0.0 1.8600E+01U 9000122701876C 52-TE-111 521110 2.6200E+01U 9000122701877C 52-TE-112 521120 +0.0 1.2000E+02U 9000122701878C 52-TE-113 521130 1.0200E+02U 9000122701879C 52-TE-114 521140 +0.0 9.1200E+02U 9000122701880C 52-TE-115-G 521150 +3.5 * 3.4800E+02U 9000122701881C 52-TE-115-M 521151 * 4.0200E+02U 9000122701882C 52-TE-116 521160 +0.0 8.9640E+03U 9000122701883C 52-TE-117-G 521170 +0.5 3.7200E+03U 9000122701884C 52-TE-117-M 521171 1.0300E-01U 9000122701885C 52-TE-118 521180 +0.0 5.1840E+05U 9000122701886C 52-TE-119-G 521190 +0.5 5.7780E+04U 9000122701887C 52-TE-119-M 521191 -5.5 4.0608E+05U 9000122701888C 52-TE-120 521200 +0.0 S 9.0000E-02 9000122701889C 52-TE-121-G 521210 +0.5 1.6684E+06U 9000122701890C 52-TE-121-M 521211 -5.5 1.4230E+07U 9000122701891C 52-TE-122 521220 +0.0 S 2.5500E+00 9000122701892C 52-TE-123-G 521230 +0.5 S 8.9000E-01 9000122701893C 52-TE-123-M 521231 -5.5 1.0299E+07U 9000122701894C 52-TE-124 521240 +0.0 S 4.7400E+00 9000122701895C 52-TE-125-G 521250 +0.5 S 7.0700E+00 9000122701896C 52-TE-125-M 521251 -5.5 4.9594E+06U 9000122701897C 52-TE-126 521260 +0.0 S 1.8840E+01 9000122701898C 52-TE-127-G 521270 +1.5 3.3660E+04U 9000122701899C 52-TE-127-M 521271 -5.5 9.1670E+06U 9000122701900C 52-TE-128 521280 +0.0 7.1003E+31U 3.1740E+01 9000122701901C 52-TE-129-G 521290 +1.5 4.1760E+03U 9000122701902C 52-TE-129-M 521291 -5.5 2.9030E+06U 9000122701903C 52-TE-130 521300 +0.0 2.4962E+28U 3.4080E+01 9000122701904C 52-TE-131-G 521310 +1.5 1.5000E+03U 9000122701905C 52-TE-131-M 521311 -5.5 1.1693E+05U 9000122701906C 52-TE-132 521320 +0.0 2.7683E+05U 9000122701907C 52-TE-133-G 521330 7.5000E+02U 9000122701908C 52-TE-133-M 521331 3.3240E+03U 9000122701909C 52-TE-134 521340 +0.0 2.5080E+03U 9000122701910C 52-TE-135 521350 1.9000E+01U 9000122701911C 52-TE-136 521360 +0.0 1.7630E+01U 9000122701912C 52-TE-137 521370 2.4900E+00U 9000122701913C 52-TE-138 521380 +0.0 1.4600E+00U 9000122701914C 52-TE-139 521390 7.2400E-01U 9000122701915C 52-TE-140 521400 +0.0 3.5100E-01U 9000122701916C 52-TE-141 521410 1.9300E-01U 9000122701917C 52-TE-142 521420 +0.0 1.4700E-01U 9000122701918C 52-TE-143 521430 1.2000E-01U 9000122701919C 52-TE-144 521440 +0.0 9.3000E-02U 9000122701920C 52-TE-145 521450 +0.0 U 9000122701921C 53-I-106 531060 U 9000122701922C 53-I-107 531070 U 9000122701923C 53-I-108 531080 2.6400E-02U 9000122701924C 53-I-109 531090 9.2800E-05U 9000122701925C 53-I-110 531100 6.6400E-01U 9000122701926C 53-I-111 531110 2.5000E+00U 9000122701927C 53-I-112 531120 3.3400E+00U 9000122701928C 53-I-113 531130 6.6000E+00U 9000122701929C 53-I-114-G 531140 +1.0 2.0100E+00U 9000122701930C 53-I-114-M 531141 6.2000E+00U 9000122701931C 53-I-115 531150 7.8000E+01U 9000122701932C 53-I-116 531160 +1.0 2.9100E+00U 9000122701933C 53-I-117 531170 1.3320E+02U 9000122701934C 53-I-118-G 531180 8.2200E+02U 9000122701935C 53-I-118-M 531181 5.1000E+02U 9000122701936C 53-I-119 531190 +2.5 1.1460E+03U 9000122701937C 53-I-120-G 531200 -2.0 4.9002E+03U 9000122701938C 53-I-120-M 531201 3.1800E+03U 9000122701939C 53-I-121 531210 +2.5 7.6320E+03U 9000122701940C 53-I-122 531220 +1.0 2.1780E+02U 9000122701941C 53-I-123 531230 +2.5 4.7604E+04U 9000122701942C 53-I-124 531240 -2.0 3.6081E+05U 9000122701943C 53-I-125 531250 +2.5 5.1315E+06U 9000122701944C 53-I-126 531260 -2.0 1.1172E+06U 9000122701945C 53-I-127 531270 +2.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122701946C 53-I-128 531280 +1.0 1.4994E+03U 9000122701947C 53-I-129 531290 +3.5 5.0933E+14U 9000122701948C 53-I-130-G 531300 +5.0 4.4496E+04U 9000122701949C 53-I-130-M 531301 +2.0 5.3040E+02U 9000122701950C 53-I-131 531310 +3.5 6.9335E+05U 9000122701951C 53-I-132-G 531320 +4.0 8.2620E+03U 9000122701952C 53-I-132-M 531321 4.9932E+03U 9000122701953C 53-I-133-G 531330 +3.5 7.4988E+04U 9000122701954C 53-I-133-M 531331 9.0000E+00U 9000122701955C 53-I-134-G 531340 3.1500E+03U 9000122701956C 53-I-134-M 531341 2.1120E+02U 9000122701957C 53-I-135 531350 +3.5 2.3688E+04U 9000122701958C 53-I-136-G 531360 8.3400E+01U 9000122701959C 53-I-136-M 531361 4.6600E+01U 9000122701960C 53-I-137 531370 2.4130E+01U 9000122701961C 53-I-138 531380 6.2600E+00U 9000122701962C 53-I-139 531390 2.2800E+00U 9000122701963C 53-I-140 531400 5.8800E-01U 9000122701964C 53-I-141 531410 4.2000E-01U 9000122701965C 53-I-142 531420 2.3500E-01U 9000122701966C 53-I-143 531430 1.8200E-01U 9000122701967C 53-I-144 531440 9.4000E-02U 9000122701968C 53-I-145 531450 8.9700E-02U 9000122701969C 53-I-146 531460 9.4000E-02U 9000122701970C 53-I-147 531470 U 9000122701971C 54-XE-0 540000 9000122701972C Natural xenon 9000122701973C 54-XE-108 541080 +0.0 7.2000E-05U 9000122701974C 54-XE-109 541090 1.3000E-02U 9000122701975C 54-XE-110 541100 +0.0 9.3000E-02U 9000122701976C 54-XE-111 541110 7.4000E-01U 9000122701977C 54-XE-112 541120 +0.0 2.7000E+00U 9000122701978C 54-XE-113 541130 2.7400E+00U 9000122701979C 54-XE-114 541140 +0.0 1.0000E+01U 9000122701980C 54-XE-115 541150 1.8000E+01U 9000122701981C 54-XE-116 541160 +0.0 5.9000E+01U 9000122701982C 54-XE-117 541170 +2.5 6.1000E+01U 9000122701983C 54-XE-118 541180 +0.0 2.2800E+02U 9000122701984C 54-XE-119 541190 +2.5 3.4800E+02U 9000122701985C 54-XE-120 541200 +0.0 2.7600E+03U 9000122701986C 54-XE-121 541210 +2.5 2.4060E+03U 9000122701987C 54-XE-122 541220 +0.0 7.2360E+04U 9000122701988C 54-XE-123 541230 +0.5 7.4880E+03U 9000122701989C 54-XE-124 541240 +0.0 S 9.5000E-02 9000122701990C 54-XE-125-G 541250 +0.5 6.0732E+04U 9000122701991C 54-XE-125-M 541251 -4.5 5.6900E+01U 9000122701992C 54-XE-126 541260 +0.0 S 8.9000E-02 9000122701993C 54-XE-127-G 541270 +0.5 3.1399E+06U 9000122701994C 54-XE-127-M 541271 -4.5 6.9200E+01U 9000122701995C 54-XE-128 541280 +0.0 S 1.9100E+00 9000122701996C 54-XE-129-G 541290 +0.5 S 2.6401E+01 9000122701997C 54-XE-129-M 541291 -5.5 7.6723E+05U 9000122701998C 54-XE-130 541300 +0.0 S 4.0710E+00 9000122701999C 54-XE-131-G 541310 +1.5 S 2.1232E+01 9000122702000C 54-XE-131-M 541311 -5.5 1.0323E+06U 9000122702001C 54-XE-132 541320 +0.0 S 2.6909E+01 9000122702002C 54-XE-133-G 541330 +1.5 4.5338E+05U 9000122702003C 54-XE-133-M 541331 -5.5 1.8991E+05U 9000122702004C 54-XE-134-G 541340 +0.0 S 1.0436E+01 9000122702005C 54-XE-134-M 541341 2.9000E-01U 9000122702006C 54-XE-135-G 541350 +1.5 3.2904E+04U 9000122702007C 54-XE-135-M 541351 -5.5 9.1740E+02U 9000122702008C 54-XE-136 541360 +0.0 6.8794E+28U 8.8570E+00 9000122702009C 54-XE-137 541370 -3.5 2.2908E+02U 9000122702010C 54-XE-138 541380 +0.0 8.4840E+02U 9000122702011C 54-XE-139 541390 -1.5 3.9680E+01U 9000122702012C 54-XE-140 541400 +0.0 1.3600E+01U 9000122702013C 54-XE-141 541410 -2.5 1.7300E+00U 9000122702014C 54-XE-142 541420 +0.0 1.2300E+00U 9000122702015C 54-XE-143 541430 -2.5 5.1100E-01U 9000122702016C 54-XE-144 541440 +0.0 3.8800E-01U 9000122702017C 54-XE-145 541450 1.8800E-01U 9000122702018C 54-XE-146 541460 +0.0 1.4600E-01U 9000122702019C 54-XE-147 541470 8.8000E-02U 9000122702020C 54-XE-148 541480 +0.0 8.5000E-02U 9000122702021C 54-XE-149 541490 U 9000122702022C 54-XE-150 541500 +0.0 U 9000122702023C 55-CS-111 551110 U 9000122702024C 55-CS-112 551120 4.9000E-04U 9000122702025C 55-CS-113 551130 1.6940E-05U 9000122702026C 55-CS-114 551140 5.7000E-01U 9000122702027C 55-CS-115 551150 1.4000E+00U 9000122702028C 55-CS-116-G 551160 * 7.0000E-01U 9000122702029C 55-CS-116-M 551161 * 3.8500E+00U 9000122702030C 55-CS-117-G 551170 * 8.4000E+00U 9000122702031C 55-CS-117-M 551171 * 6.5000E+00U 9000122702032C 55-CS-118-G 551180 +2.0 * 1.4000E+01U 9000122702033C 55-CS-118-M 551181 * 1.7000E+01U 9000122702034C 55-CS-119-G 551190 +4.5 * 4.3000E+01U 9000122702035C 55-CS-119-M 551191 +1.5 * 3.0400E+01U 9000122702036C 55-CS-120-G 551200 +2.0 * 6.0400E+01U 9000122702037C 55-CS-120-M 551201 * 5.7000E+01U 9000122702038C 55-CS-121-G 551210 +1.5 1.5500E+02U 9000122702039C 55-CS-121-M 551211 +4.5 1.2200E+02U 9000122702040C 55-CS-122-G 551220 +1.0 2.1180E+01U 9000122702041C 55-CS-122-M1 551221 -8.0 2.2200E+02U 9000122702042C 55-CS-122-M2 551222 -5.0 3.6000E-01U 9000122702043C 55-CS-123-G 551230 +0.5 3.5280E+02U 9000122702044C 55-CS-123-M 551231 -5.5 1.6400E+00U 9000122702045C 55-CS-124-G 551240 +1.0 3.0900E+01U 9000122702046C 55-CS-124-M 551241 6.4100E+00U 9000122702047C 55-CS-125 551250 +0.5 2.6610E+03U 9000122702048C 55-CS-126 551260 +1.0 9.8400E+01U 9000122702049C 55-CS-127 551270 +0.5 2.2500E+04U 9000122702050C 55-CS-128 551280 +1.0 2.1840E+02U 9000122702051C 55-CS-129 551290 +0.5 1.1542E+05U 9000122702052C 55-CS-130-G 551300 +1.0 1.7526E+03U 9000122702053C 55-CS-130-M 551301 -5.0 2.0760E+02U 9000122702054C 55-CS-131 551310 +2.5 8.3713E+05U 9000122702055C 55-CS-132 551320 +2.0 5.5987E+05U 9000122702056C 55-CS-133 551330 +3.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122702057C 55-CS-134-G 551340 +4.0 6.5165E+07U 9000122702058C 55-CS-134-M 551341 -8.0 1.0483E+04U 9000122702059C 55-CS-135-G 551350 +3.5 4.1971E+13U 9000122702060C 55-CS-135-M 551351 -9.5 3.1800E+03U 9000122702061C 55-CS-136-G 551360 +5.0 1.1241E+06U 9000122702062C 55-CS-136-M 551361 -8.0 1.7500E+01U 9000122702063C 55-CS-137 551370 +3.5 9.4797E+08U 9000122702064C 55-CS-138-G 551380 -3.0 2.0100E+03U 9000122702065C 55-CS-138-M 551381 -6.0 1.7460E+02U 9000122702066C 55-CS-139 551390 +3.5 5.5620E+02U 9000122702067C 55-CS-140 551400 -1.0 6.3700E+01U 9000122702068C 55-CS-141 551410 +3.5 2.4840E+01U 9000122702069C 55-CS-142 551420 -0.0 1.6870E+00U 9000122702070C 55-CS-143 551430 +1.5 1.8020E+00U 9000122702071C 55-CS-144 551440 -1.0 9.9400E-01U 9000122702072C 55-CS-145 551450 +1.5 5.8200E-01U 9000122702073C 55-CS-146 551460 -1.0 3.2160E-01U 9000122702074C 55-CS-147 551470 2.3050E-01U 9000122702075C 55-CS-148 551480 1.5180E-01U 9000122702076C 55-CS-149 551490 1.1230E-01U 9000122702077C 55-CS-150 551500 8.1000E-02U 9000122702078C 55-CS-151 551510 5.9000E-02U 9000122702079C 55-CS-152 551520 U 9000122702080C 56-BA-0 560000 9000122702081C Natural barium 9000122702082C 56-BA-113 561130 U 9000122702083C 56-BA-114 561140 +0.0 4.6000E-01U 9000122702084C 56-BA-115 561150 4.5000E-01U 9000122702085C 56-BA-116 561160 +0.0 1.3000E+00U 9000122702086C 56-BA-117 561170 1.7500E+00U 9000122702087C 56-BA-118 561180 +0.0 5.2000E+00U 9000122702088C 56-BA-119 561190 5.4000E+00U 9000122702089C 56-BA-120 561200 +0.0 2.4000E+01U 9000122702090C 56-BA-121 561210 +2.5 2.9700E+01U 9000122702091C 56-BA-122 561220 +0.0 1.1700E+02U 9000122702092C 56-BA-123 561230 +2.5 1.6200E+02U 9000122702093C 56-BA-124 561240 +0.0 6.6000E+02U 9000122702094C 56-BA-125 561250 +0.5 1.9800E+02U 9000122702095C 56-BA-126 561260 +0.0 6.0000E+03U 9000122702096C 56-BA-127-G 561270 +0.5 7.6200E+02U 9000122702097C 56-BA-127-M 561271 -3.5 1.9300E+00U 9000122702098C 56-BA-128 561280 +0.0 2.0995E+05U 9000122702099C 56-BA-129-G 561290 +0.5 8.0280E+03U 9000122702100C 56-BA-129-M 561291 +3.5 7.6860E+03U 9000122702101C 56-BA-130 561300 +0.0 S 1.1000E-01 9000122702102C 56-BA-131-G 561310 +0.5 9.9533E+05U 9000122702103C 56-BA-131-M 561311 -4.5 8.5560E+02U 9000122702104C 56-BA-132 561320 +0.0 S 1.0000E-01 9000122702105C 56-BA-133-G 561330 +0.5 3.3254E+08U 9000122702106C 56-BA-133-M 561331 -5.5 1.4004E+05U 9000122702107C 56-BA-134 561340 +0.0 S 2.4200E+00 9000122702108C 56-BA-135-G 561350 +1.5 S 6.5900E+00 9000122702109C 56-BA-135-M 561351 -5.5 1.0120E+05U 9000122702110C 56-BA-136-G 561360 +0.0 S 7.8500E+00 9000122702111C 56-BA-136-M 561361 -7.0 3.0840E-01U 9000122702112C 56-BA-137-G 561370 +1.5 S 1.1230E+01 9000122702113C 56-BA-137-M 561371 -5.5 1.5312E+02U 9000122702114C 56-BA-138 561380 +0.0 S 7.1700E+01 9000122702115C 56-BA-139 561390 -3.5 4.9758E+03U 9000122702116C 56-BA-140 561400 +0.0 1.1019E+06U 9000122702117C 56-BA-141 561410 -1.5 1.0962E+03U 9000122702118C 56-BA-142 561420 +0.0 6.3600E+02U 9000122702119C 56-BA-143 561430 -2.5 1.4500E+01U 9000122702120C 56-BA-144 561440 +0.0 1.1730E+01U 9000122702121C 56-BA-145 561450 -2.5 4.3100E+00U 9000122702122C 56-BA-146 561460 +0.0 2.1500E+00U 9000122702123C 56-BA-147 561470 -2.5 8.9300E-01U 9000122702124C 56-BA-148 561480 +0.0 6.2000E-01U 9000122702125C 56-BA-149 561490 3.4900E-01U 9000122702126C 56-BA-150 561500 +0.0 2.5800E-01U 9000122702127C 56-BA-151 561510 1.6700E-01U 9000122702128C 56-BA-152 561520 +0.0 1.3900E-01U 9000122702129C 56-BA-153 561530 1.1300E-01U 9000122702130C 56-BA-154 561540 +0.0 5.3000E-02U 9000122702131C 57-LA-0 570000 9000122702132C Natural lanthanum 9000122702133C 57-LA-116 571160 U 9000122702134C 57-LA-117 571170 2.1700E-02U 9000122702135C 57-LA-118 571180 U 9000122702136C 57-LA-119 571190 U 9000122702137C 57-LA-120 571200 2.8000E+00U 9000122702138C 57-LA-121 571210 5.3000E+00U 9000122702139C 57-LA-122 571220 8.6000E+00U 9000122702140C 57-LA-123 571230 1.7000E+01U 9000122702141C 57-LA-124-G 571240 * 2.9210E+01U 9000122702142C 57-LA-124-M 571241 * 2.1000E+01U 9000122702143C 57-LA-125-G 571250 6.4800E+01U 9000122702144C 57-LA-125-M 571251 3.9000E-01U 9000122702145C 57-LA-126-G 571260 * 5.4000E+01U 9000122702146C 57-LA-126-M 571261 * 2.0000E+01U 9000122702147C 57-LA-127-G 571270 3.0600E+02U 9000122702148C 57-LA-127-M 571271 2.2200E+02U 9000122702149C 57-LA-128 571280 * 3.1080E+02U 9000122702150C 57-LA-129-G 571290 6.9600E+02U 9000122702151C 57-LA-129-M 571291 5.6000E-01U 9000122702152C 57-LA-130 571300 5.2200E+02U 9000122702153C 57-LA-131 571310 +1.5 3.5400E+03U 9000122702154C 57-LA-132-G 571320 -2.0 1.6524E+04U 9000122702155C 57-LA-132-M 571321 -6.0 1.4580E+03U 9000122702156C 57-LA-133 571330 +2.5 1.4083E+04U 9000122702157C 57-LA-134 571340 +1.0 3.8700E+02U 9000122702158C 57-LA-135 571350 +2.5 6.8076E+04U 9000122702159C 57-LA-136-G 571360 +1.0 5.9220E+02U 9000122702160C 57-LA-136-M 571361 1.1400E-01U 9000122702161C 57-LA-137 571370 +3.5 1.8934E+12U 9000122702162C 57-LA-138 571380 +5.0 3.2504E+18U 8.8810E-02 9000122702163C 57-LA-139 571390 +3.5 S 9.9911E+01 9000122702164C 57-LA-140 571400 -3.0 1.4504E+05U 9000122702165C 57-LA-141 571410 1.4112E+04U 9000122702166C 57-LA-142 571420 -2.0 5.4660E+03U 9000122702167C 57-LA-143 571430 8.5200E+02U 9000122702168C 57-LA-144 571440 4.4000E+01U 9000122702169C 57-LA-145 571450 2.4800E+01U 9000122702170C 57-LA-146-G 571460 * 9.9000E+00U 9000122702171C 57-LA-146-M 571461 * 6.0800E+00U 9000122702172C 57-LA-147 571470 4.0260E+00U 9000122702173C 57-LA-148 571480 1.4140E+00U 9000122702174C 57-LA-149 571490 1.0710E+00U 9000122702175C 57-LA-150 571500 5.0400E-01U 9000122702176C 57-LA-151 571510 4.6500E-01U 9000122702177C 57-LA-152 571520 2.8700E-01U 9000122702178C 57-LA-153 571530 2.4500E-01U 9000122702179C 57-LA-154 571540 1.6100E-01U 9000122702180C 57-LA-155 571550 1.0100E-01U 9000122702181C 57-LA-156 571560 8.4000E-02U 9000122702182C 57-LA-157 571570 U 9000122702183C 58-CE-0 580000 9000122702184C Natural cerium 9000122702185C 58-CE-119 581190 U 9000122702186C 58-CE-120 581200 +0.0 U 9000122702187C 58-CE-121 581210 1.1000E+00U 9000122702188C 58-CE-122 581220 +0.0 U 9000122702189C 58-CE-123 581230 3.8000E+00U 9000122702190C 58-CE-124 581240 +0.0 9.1000E+00U 9000122702191C 58-CE-125-G 581250 9.7000E+00U 9000122702192C 58-CE-125-M 581251 1.3000E+01U 9000122702193C 58-CE-126 581260 +0.0 5.1000E+01U 9000122702194C 58-CE-127-G 581270 3.4000E+01U 9000122702195C 58-CE-127-M 581271 2.8600E+01U 9000122702196C 58-CE-128 581280 +0.0 2.3580E+02U 9000122702197C 58-CE-129 581290 2.1000E+02U 9000122702198C 58-CE-130 581300 +0.0 1.3740E+03U 9000122702199C 58-CE-131-G 581310 +3.5 6.1800E+02U 9000122702200C 58-CE-131-M 581311 3.2400E+02U 9000122702201C 58-CE-132 581320 +0.0 1.2636E+04U 9000122702202C 58-CE-133-G 581330 +0.5 5.8200E+03U 9000122702203C 58-CE-133-M 581331 -4.5 1.8360E+04U 9000122702204C 58-CE-134 581340 +0.0 2.7302E+05U 9000122702205C 58-CE-135-G 581350 +0.5 6.3720E+04U 9000122702206C 58-CE-135-M 581351 2.0000E+01U 9000122702207C 58-CE-136 581360 +0.0 S 1.8600E-01 9000122702208C 58-CE-137-G 581370 +1.5 3.2400E+04U 9000122702209C 58-CE-137-M 581371 -5.5 1.2384E+05U 9000122702210C 58-CE-138 581380 +0.0 S 2.5100E-01 9000122702211C 58-CE-139-G 581390 +1.5 1.1892E+07U 9000122702212C 58-CE-139-M 581391 -5.5 5.7580E+01U 9000122702213C 58-CE-140 581400 +0.0 S 8.8449E+01 9000122702214C 58-CE-141 581410 -3.5 2.8084E+06U 9000122702215C 58-CE-142 581420 +0.0 S 1.1114E+01 9000122702216C 58-CE-143 581430 -1.5 1.1894E+05U 9000122702217C 58-CE-144 581440 +0.0 2.4614E+07U 9000122702218C 58-CE-145 581450 1.8060E+02U 9000122702219C 58-CE-146 581460 +0.0 8.0940E+02U 9000122702220C 58-CE-147 581470 5.6400E+01U 9000122702221C 58-CE-148 581480 +0.0 5.6800E+01U 9000122702222C 58-CE-149 581490 4.9400E+00U 9000122702223C 58-CE-150 581500 +0.0 6.0500E+00U 9000122702224C 58-CE-151 581510 1.7600E+00U 9000122702225C 58-CE-152 581520 +0.0 1.4200E+00U 9000122702226C 58-CE-153 581530 8.6500E-01U 9000122702227C 58-CE-154 581540 +0.0 7.2200E-01U 9000122702228C 58-CE-155 581550 3.1300E-01U 9000122702229C 58-CE-156 581560 +0.0 2.3300E-01U 9000122702230C 58-CE-157 581570 1.7500E-01U 9000122702231C 58-CE-158 581580 +0.0 9.9000E-02U 9000122702232C 58-CE-159 581590 U 9000122702233C 59-PR-121 591210 1.2000E-02U 9000122702234C 59-PR-122 591220 U 9000122702235C 59-PR-123 591230 U 9000122702236C 59-PR-124 591240 1.2000E+00U 9000122702237C 59-PR-125 591250 3.3000E+00U 9000122702238C 59-PR-126 591260 3.1200E+00U 9000122702239C 59-PR-127 591270 4.2000E+00U 9000122702240C 59-PR-128 591280 2.8500E+00U 9000122702241C 59-PR-129 591290 3.0000E+01U 9000122702242C 59-PR-130 591300 4.0000E+01U 9000122702243C 59-PR-131-G 591310 9.0000E+01U 9000122702244C 59-PR-131-M 591311 5.7300E+00U 9000122702245C 59-PR-132 591320 * 8.9400E+01U 9000122702246C 59-PR-133-G 591330 +2.5 3.9000E+02U 9000122702247C 59-PR-133-M 591331 1.1000E+00U 9000122702248C 59-PR-134-G 591340 -2.0 1.0200E+03U 9000122702249C 59-PR-134-M 591341 -6.0 6.6000E+02U 9000122702250C 59-PR-135 591350 +1.5 1.4400E+03U 9000122702251C 59-PR-136 591360 +2.0 7.8600E+02U 9000122702252C 59-PR-137 591370 +2.5 4.6080E+03U 9000122702253C 59-PR-138-G 591380 +1.0 8.7000E+01U 9000122702254C 59-PR-138-M 591381 -7.0 7.6320E+03U 9000122702255C 59-PR-139 591390 +2.5 1.5876E+04U 9000122702256C 59-PR-140 591400 +1.0 2.0340E+02U 9000122702257C 59-PR-141 591410 +2.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122702258C 59-PR-142-G 591420 -2.0 6.8832E+04U 9000122702259C 59-PR-142-M 591421 -5.0 8.7600E+02U 9000122702260C 59-PR-143 591430 +3.5 1.1724E+06U 9000122702261C 59-PR-144-G 591440 -0.0 1.0368E+03U 9000122702262C 59-PR-144-M 591441 -3.0 4.3200E+02U 9000122702263C 59-PR-145 591450 +3.5 2.1542E+04U 9000122702264C 59-PR-146 591460 1.4454E+03U 9000122702265C 59-PR-147 591470 +1.5 8.0340E+02U 9000122702266C 59-PR-148-G 591480 -1.0 1.3740E+02U 9000122702267C 59-PR-148-M 591481 1.2060E+02U 9000122702268C 59-PR-149 591490 1.3560E+02U 9000122702269C 59-PR-150 591500 -1.0 6.1900E+00U 9000122702270C 59-PR-151 591510 1.8900E+01U 9000122702271C 59-PR-152 591520 +4.0 3.5700E+00U 9000122702272C 59-PR-153 591530 4.2800E+00U 9000122702273C 59-PR-154 591540 2.3000E+00U 9000122702274C 59-PR-155 591550 1.4700E+00U 9000122702275C 59-PR-156 591560 4.4400E-01U 9000122702276C 59-PR-157 591570 3.0700E-01U 9000122702277C 59-PR-158 591580 1.8100E-01U 9000122702278C 59-PR-159 591590 1.3400E-01U 9000122702279C 59-PR-160 591600 1.7000E-01U 9000122702280C 59-PR-161 591610 U 9000122702281C 60-ND-0 600000 9000122702282C Natural neodymium 9000122702283C 60-ND-124 601240 +0.0 U 9000122702284C 60-ND-125 601250 6.5000E-01U 9000122702285C 60-ND-126 601260 +0.0 U 9000122702286C 60-ND-127 601270 1.8000E+00U 9000122702287C 60-ND-128 601280 +0.0 U 9000122702288C 60-ND-129-G 601290 6.8000E+00U 9000122702289C 60-ND-129-M 601291 2.6000E+00U 9000122702290C 60-ND-130 601300 +0.0 2.1000E+01U 9000122702291C 60-ND-131 601310 2.5400E+01U 9000122702292C 60-ND-132 601320 +0.0 9.3600E+01U 9000122702293C 60-ND-133-G 601330 7.0000E+01U 9000122702294C 60-ND-133-M 601331 7.0000E+01U 9000122702295C 60-ND-134 601340 +0.0 5.1000E+02U 9000122702296C 60-ND-135-G 601350 -4.5 7.4400E+02U 9000122702297C 60-ND-135-M 601351 3.3000E+02U 9000122702298C 60-ND-136 601360 +0.0 3.0390E+03U 9000122702299C 60-ND-137-G 601370 +0.5 2.3100E+03U 9000122702300C 60-ND-137-M 601371 -5.5 1.6000E+00U 9000122702301C 60-ND-138 601380 +0.0 1.8144E+04U 9000122702302C 60-ND-139-G 601390 +1.5 1.7820E+03U 9000122702303C 60-ND-139-M 601391 -5.5 1.9800E+04U 9000122702304C 60-ND-140 601400 +0.0 2.9117E+05U 9000122702305C 60-ND-141-G 601410 +1.5 8.9640E+03U 9000122702306C 60-ND-141-M 601411 -5.5 6.2000E+01U 9000122702307C 60-ND-142 601420 +0.0 S 2.7153E+01 9000122702308C 60-ND-143 601430 -3.5 S 1.2173E+01 9000122702309C 60-ND-144 601440 +0.0 7.2265E+22U 2.3798E+01 9000122702310C 60-ND-145 601450 -3.5 S 8.2930E+00 9000122702311C 60-ND-146 601460 +0.0 S 1.7189E+01 9000122702312C 60-ND-147 601470 -2.5 9.4867E+05U 9000122702313C 60-ND-148 601480 +0.0 S 5.7560E+00 9000122702314C 60-ND-149 601490 -2.5 6.2208E+03U 9000122702315C 60-ND-150 601500 +0.0 2.9348E+26U 5.6380E+00 9000122702316C 60-ND-151 601510 +1.5 7.4640E+02U 9000122702317C 60-ND-152 601520 +0.0 6.8400E+02U 9000122702318C 60-ND-153 601530 3.1600E+01U 9000122702319C 60-ND-154 601540 +0.0 2.5900E+01U 9000122702320C 60-ND-155 601550 8.9000E+00U 9000122702321C 60-ND-156 601560 +0.0 5.0600E+00U 9000122702322C 60-ND-157 601570 1.1500E+00U 9000122702323C 60-ND-158 601580 +0.0 8.1000E-01U 9000122702324C 60-ND-159 601590 5.0000E-01U 9000122702325C 60-ND-160 601600 +0.0 4.3900E-01U 9000122702326C 60-ND-161 601610 2.1500E-01U 9000122702327C 60-ND-162 601620 +0.0 3.1000E-01U 9000122702328C 60-ND-163 601630 U 9000122702329C 61-PM-126 611260 U 9000122702330C 61-PM-127 611270 U 9000122702331C 61-PM-128 611280 1.0000E+00U 9000122702332C 61-PM-129 611290 2.4000E+00U 9000122702333C 61-PM-130 611300 2.6000E+00U 9000122702334C 61-PM-131 611310 6.3000E+00U 9000122702335C 61-PM-132 611320 6.2000E+00U 9000122702336C 61-PM-133 611330 1.3500E+01U 9000122702337C 61-PM-134-G 611340 * 2.2000E+01U 9000122702338C 61-PM-134-M 611341 * 5.0000E+00U 9000122702339C 61-PM-135-G 611350 4.9000E+01U 9000122702340C 61-PM-135-M 611351 4.0000E+01U 9000122702341C 61-PM-136-G 611360 * 1.0700E+02U 9000122702342C 61-PM-136-M 611361 * 9.0000E+01U 9000122702343C 61-PM-137-G 611370 U 9000122702344C 61-PM-137-M 611371 -5.5 1.4400E+02U 9000122702345C 61-PM-138-G 611380 1.9440E+02U 9000122702346C 61-PM-138-M 611381 1.0000E+01U 9000122702347C 61-PM-139-G 611390 2.4900E+02U 9000122702348C 61-PM-139-M 611391 1.8000E-01U 9000122702349C 61-PM-140-G 611400 +1.0 9.2000E+00U 9000122702350C 61-PM-140-M 611401 -8.0 3.5700E+02U 9000122702351C 61-PM-141 611410 +2.5 1.2540E+03U 9000122702352C 61-PM-142 611420 +1.0 4.0500E+01U 9000122702353C 61-PM-143 611430 +2.5 2.2896E+07U 9000122702354C 61-PM-144 611440 -5.0 3.1363E+07U 9000122702355C 61-PM-145 611450 +2.5 5.5856E+08U 9000122702356C 61-PM-146 611460 -3.0 1.7451E+08U 9000122702357C 61-PM-147 611470 +3.5 8.2786E+07U 9000122702358C 61-PM-148-G 611480 -1.0 4.6380E+05U 9000122702359C 61-PM-148-M 611481 -5.0 3.5675E+06U 9000122702360C 61-PM-149 611490 +3.5 1.9109E+05U 9000122702361C 61-PM-150 611500 9.7128E+03U 9000122702362C 61-PM-151 611510 +2.5 1.0224E+05U 9000122702363C 61-PM-152-G 611520 +1.0 * 2.4720E+02U 9000122702364C 61-PM-152-M1 611521 * 4.5120E+02U 9000122702365C 61-PM-152-M2 611522 8.2800E+02U 9000122702366C 61-PM-153 611530 -2.5 3.1500E+02U 9000122702367C 61-PM-154-G 611540 * 1.6080E+02U 9000122702368C 61-PM-154-M 611541 * 1.0380E+02U 9000122702369C 61-PM-155 611550 4.1500E+01U 9000122702370C 61-PM-156-G 611560 +4.0 2.7400E+01U 9000122702371C 61-PM-156-M 611561 2.3000E+00U 9000122702372C 61-PM-157 611570 1.0560E+01U 9000122702373C 61-PM-158 611580 4.8000E+00U 9000122702374C 61-PM-159 611590 1.4900E+00U 9000122702375C 61-PM-160 611600 7.2500E-01U 9000122702376C 61-PM-161 611610 1.0500E+00U 9000122702377C 61-PM-162 611620 6.3000E-01U 9000122702378C 61-PM-163 611630 2.5500E-01U 9000122702379C 61-PM-164 611640 U 9000122702380C 61-PM-165 611650 U 9000122702381C 62-SM-0 620000 9000122702382C Natural samarium 9000122702383C 62-SM-128 621280 +0.0 U 9000122702384C 62-SM-129 621290 5.5000E-01U 9000122702385C 62-SM-130 621300 +0.0 U 9000122702386C 62-SM-131 621310 1.2000E+00U 9000122702387C 62-SM-132 621320 +0.0 4.0000E+00U 9000122702388C 62-SM-133-G 621330 2.8900E+00U 9000122702389C 62-SM-133-M 621331 3.5000E+00U 9000122702390C 62-SM-134 621340 +0.0 9.5000E+00U 9000122702391C 62-SM-135 621350 1.0300E+01U 9000122702392C 62-SM-136 621360 +0.0 4.7000E+01U 9000122702393C 62-SM-137 621370 4.5000E+01U 9000122702394C 62-SM-138 621380 +0.0 1.8600E+02U 9000122702395C 62-SM-139-G 621390 +0.5 1.5420E+02U 9000122702396C 62-SM-139-M 621391 -5.5 1.0700E+01U 9000122702397C 62-SM-140 621400 +0.0 8.8920E+02U 9000122702398C 62-SM-141-G 621410 +0.5 6.1200E+02U 9000122702399C 62-SM-141-M 621411 -5.5 1.3560E+03U 9000122702400C 62-SM-142 621420 +0.0 4.3494E+03U 9000122702401C 62-SM-143-G 621430 +1.5 5.2500E+02U 9000122702402C 62-SM-143-M 621431 -5.5 6.6000E+01U 9000122702403C 62-SM-144 621440 +0.0 S 3.0800E+00 9000122702404C 62-SM-145 621450 -3.5 2.9376E+07U 9000122702405C 62-SM-146 621460 +0.0 2.1459E+15U 9000122702406C 62-SM-147 621470 -3.5 3.3640E+18U 1.5000E+01 9000122702407C 62-SM-148 621480 +0.0 1.9881E+23U 1.1250E+01 9000122702408C 62-SM-149 621490 -3.5 S 1.3820E+01 9000122702409C 62-SM-150 621500 +0.0 S 7.3700E+00 9000122702410C 62-SM-151 621510 -2.5 2.9853E+09U 9000122702411C 62-SM-152 621520 +0.0 S 2.6740E+01 9000122702412C 62-SM-153 621530 +1.5 1.6662E+05U 9000122702413C 62-SM-154 621540 +0.0 S 2.2740E+01 9000122702414C 62-SM-155 621550 -1.5 1.3308E+03U 9000122702415C 62-SM-156 621560 +0.0 3.3840E+04U 9000122702416C 62-SM-157 621570 4.8180E+02U 9000122702417C 62-SM-158 621580 +0.0 3.1800E+02U 9000122702418C 62-SM-159 621590 -2.5 1.1370E+01U 9000122702419C 62-SM-160 621600 +0.0 9.6000E+00U 9000122702420C 62-SM-161 621610 4.8000E+00U 9000122702421C 62-SM-162 621620 +0.0 2.7000E+00U 9000122702422C 62-SM-163 621630 1.3000E+00U 9000122702423C 62-SM-164 621640 +0.0 1.4300E+00U 9000122702424C 62-SM-165 621650 9.8000E-01U 9000122702425C 62-SM-166 621660 +0.0 8.0000E-01U 9000122702426C 62-SM-167 621670 U 9000122702427C 62-SM-168 621680 U 9000122702428C 63-EU-0 630000 9000122702429C Natural europium 9000122702430C 63-EU-130 631300 1.0000E-03U 9000122702431C 63-EU-131 631310 +1.5 1.7800E-02U 9000122702432C 63-EU-132 631320 U 9000122702433C 63-EU-133 631330 U 9000122702434C 63-EU-134 631340 5.0000E-01U 9000122702435C 63-EU-135 631350 1.5000E+00U 9000122702436C 63-EU-136-G 631360 * 3.3000E+00U 9000122702437C 63-EU-136-M 631361 * 3.8000E+00U 9000122702438C 63-EU-137 631370 8.4000E+00U 9000122702439C 63-EU-138-G 631380 * U 9000122702440C 63-EU-138-M 631381 * 1.2100E+01U 9000122702441C 63-EU-139 631390 1.7900E+01U 9000122702442C 63-EU-140-G 631400 +1.0 1.5100E+00U 9000122702443C 63-EU-140-M 631401 1.2500E-01U 9000122702444C 63-EU-141-G 631410 +2.5 4.0700E+01U 9000122702445C 63-EU-141-M 631411 -5.5 2.7000E+00U 9000122702446C 63-EU-142-G 631420 +1.0 2.3600E+00U 9000122702447C 63-EU-142-M 631421 -8.0 7.3380E+01U 9000122702448C 63-EU-143 631430 +2.5 1.5540E+02U 9000122702449C 63-EU-144 631440 +1.0 1.0200E+01U 9000122702450C 63-EU-145 631450 +2.5 5.1235E+05U 9000122702451C 63-EU-146 631460 -4.0 3.9830E+05U 9000122702452C 63-EU-147 631470 +2.5 2.0822E+06U 9000122702453C 63-EU-148 631480 -5.0 4.7088E+06U 9000122702454C 63-EU-149 631490 +2.5 8.0438E+06U 9000122702455C 63-EU-150-G 631500 -5.0 1.1645E+09U 9000122702456C 63-EU-150-M 631501 -0.0 4.6080E+04U 9000122702457C 63-EU-151 631510 +2.5 1.4516E+26U 4.7810E+01 9000122702458C 63-EU-152-G 631520 -3.0 4.2655E+08U 9000122702459C 63-EU-152-M1 631521 -0.0 3.3522E+04U 9000122702460C 63-EU-152-M2 631522 -8.0 5.7480E+03U 9000122702461C 63-EU-153 631530 +2.5 S 5.2190E+01 9000122702462C 63-EU-154-G 631540 -3.0 2.7114E+08U 9000122702463C 63-EU-154-M 631541 2.7780E+03U 9000122702464C 63-EU-155 631550 +2.5 1.4964E+08U 9000122702465C 63-EU-156 631560 +0.0 1.3124E+06U 9000122702466C 63-EU-157 631570 +2.5 5.4648E+04U 9000122702467C 63-EU-158 631580 -1.0 2.7540E+03U 9000122702468C 63-EU-159 631590 +2.5 1.0860E+03U 9000122702469C 63-EU-160-G 631600 4.2600E+01U 9000122702470C 63-EU-160-M 631601 3.0800E+01U 9000122702471C 63-EU-161 631610 2.6200E+01U 9000122702472C 63-EU-162-G 631620 1.0000E+01U 9000122702473C 63-EU-162-M 631621 1.5000E+01U 9000122702474C 63-EU-163 631630 7.7000E+00U 9000122702475C 63-EU-164 631640 4.1600E+00U 9000122702476C 63-EU-165 631650 2.5300E+00U 9000122702477C 63-EU-166 631660 1.2400E+00U 9000122702478C 63-EU-167 631670 1.3300E+00U 9000122702479C 63-EU-168 631680 2.0000E-01U 9000122702480C 63-EU-169 631690 U 9000122702481C 63-EU-170 631700 U 9000122702482C 64-GD-0 640000 9000122702483C Natural gadolinium 9000122702484C 64-GD-133 641330 U 9000122702485C 64-GD-134 641340 +0.0 U 9000122702486C 64-GD-135 641350 1.1000E+00U 9000122702487C 64-GD-136 641360 +0.0 U 9000122702488C 64-GD-137 641370 2.2000E+00U 9000122702489C 64-GD-138 641380 +0.0 4.7000E+00U 9000122702490C 64-GD-139-G 641390 * 5.7000E+00U 9000122702491C 64-GD-139-M 641391 * 4.8000E+00U 9000122702492C 64-GD-140 641400 +0.0 1.5800E+01U 9000122702493C 64-GD-141-G 641410 1.4000E+01U 9000122702494C 64-GD-141-M 641411 2.4500E+01U 9000122702495C 64-GD-142 641420 +0.0 7.0200E+01U 9000122702496C 64-GD-143-G 641430 +0.5 3.9000E+01U 9000122702497C 64-GD-143-M 641431 -5.5 1.1000E+02U 9000122702498C 64-GD-144 641440 +0.0 2.6820E+02U 9000122702499C 64-GD-145-G 641450 +0.5 1.3800E+03U 9000122702500C 64-GD-145-M 641451 -5.5 8.5000E+01U 9000122702501C 64-GD-146 641460 +0.0 4.1705E+06U 9000122702502C 64-GD-147 641470 -3.5 1.3702E+05U 9000122702503C 64-GD-148 641480 +0.0 2.2500E+09U 9000122702504C 64-GD-149 641490 -3.5 8.0179E+05U 9000122702505C 64-GD-150 641500 +0.0 5.6487E+13U 9000122702506C 64-GD-151 641510 -3.5 1.0705E+07U 9000122702507C 64-GD-152 641520 +0.0 3.4081E+21U 2.0000E-01 9000122702508C 64-GD-153 641530 -1.5 2.0788E+07U 9000122702509C 64-GD-154 641540 +0.0 S 2.1800E+00 9000122702510C 64-GD-155 641550 -1.5 S 1.4800E+01 9000122702511C 64-GD-156 641560 +0.0 S 2.0470E+01 9000122702512C 64-GD-157 641570 -1.5 S 1.5650E+01 9000122702513C 64-GD-158 641580 +0.0 S 2.4840E+01 9000122702514C 64-GD-159 641590 -1.5 6.6524E+04U 9000122702515C 64-GD-160 641600 +0.0 S 2.1860E+01 9000122702516C 64-GD-161 641610 -2.5 2.1876E+02U 9000122702517C 64-GD-162 641620 +0.0 5.0400E+02U 9000122702518C 64-GD-163-G 641630 +3.5 6.8000E+01U 9000122702519C 64-GD-163-M 641631 -0.5 2.3500E+01U 9000122702520C 64-GD-164 641640 +0.0 4.5000E+01U 9000122702521C 64-GD-165 641650 1.1600E+01U 9000122702522C 64-GD-166 641660 +0.0 5.1000E+00U 9000122702523C 64-GD-167 641670 4.2000E+00U 9000122702524C 64-GD-168 641680 +0.0 3.0300E+00U 9000122702525C 64-GD-169 641690 7.5000E-01U 9000122702526C 64-GD-170 641700 +0.0 4.2000E-01U 9000122702527C 64-GD-171 641710 U 9000122702528C 64-GD-172 641720 U 9000122702529C 65-TB-135 651350 1.0100E-03U 9000122702530C 65-TB-136 651360 U 9000122702531C 65-TB-137 651370 U 9000122702532C 65-TB-138 651380 U 9000122702533C 65-TB-139 651390 1.6000E+00U 9000122702534C 65-TB-140 651400 2.2900E+00U 9000122702535C 65-TB-141-G 651410 * 3.5000E+00U 9000122702536C 65-TB-141-M 651411 * 7.9000E+00U 9000122702537C 65-TB-142-G 651420 +1.0 5.9700E-01U 9000122702538C 65-TB-142-M 651421 -5.0 3.0300E-01U 9000122702539C 65-TB-143-G 651430 * 1.2000E+01U 9000122702540C 65-TB-143-M 651431 * 1.7000E+01U 9000122702541C 65-TB-144-G 651440 +1.0 1.0000E+00U 9000122702542C 65-TB-144-M 651441 -6.0 4.2500E+00U 9000122702543C 65-TB-145 651450 * 3.0900E+01U 9000122702544C 65-TB-146-G 651460 +1.0 * 8.0000E+00U 9000122702545C 65-TB-146-M 651461 -5.0 * 2.4100E+01U 9000122702546C 65-TB-147-G 651470 5.9040E+03U 9000122702547C 65-TB-147-M 651471 1.1220E+02U 9000122702548C 65-TB-148-G 651480 -2.0 3.6000E+03U 9000122702549C 65-TB-148-M 651481 1.3200E+02U 9000122702550C 65-TB-149-G 651490 +0.5 1.4825E+04U 9000122702551C 65-TB-149-M 651491 -5.5 2.4960E+02U 9000122702552C 65-TB-150-G 651500 1.2528E+04U 9000122702553C 65-TB-150-M 651501 +9.0 3.4800E+02U 9000122702554C 65-TB-151-G 651510 +0.5 6.3392E+04U 9000122702555C 65-TB-151-M 651511 -5.5 2.5000E+01U 9000122702556C 65-TB-152-G 651520 -2.0 6.3000E+04U 9000122702557C 65-TB-152-M 651521 +8.0 2.5200E+02U 9000122702558C 65-TB-153 651530 +2.5 2.0218E+05U 9000122702559C 65-TB-154-G 651540 -3.0 * 3.5978E+04U 9000122702560C 65-TB-154-M1 651541 -0.0 * 7.7400E+04U 9000122702561C 65-TB-154-M2 651542 -7.0 * 8.1720E+04U 9000122702562C 65-TB-155 651550 +1.5 4.5965E+05U 9000122702563C 65-TB-156-G 651560 -3.0 4.6224E+05U 9000122702564C 65-TB-156-M1 651561 1.9080E+04U 9000122702565C 65-TB-156-M2 651562 8.7840E+04U 9000122702566C 65-TB-157 651570 +1.5 2.2405E+09U 9000122702567C 65-TB-158-G 651580 -3.0 5.6802E+09U 9000122702568C 65-TB-158-M 651581 -0.0 1.0700E+01U 9000122702569C 65-TB-159 651590 +1.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122702570C 65-TB-160 651600 -3.0 6.2467E+06U 9000122702571C 65-TB-161 651610 +1.5 6.0031E+05U 9000122702572C 65-TB-162 651620 4.5600E+02U 9000122702573C 65-TB-163 651630 +1.5 1.1700E+03U 9000122702574C 65-TB-164 651640 1.8000E+02U 9000122702575C 65-TB-165 651650 1.2660E+02U 9000122702576C 65-TB-166 651660 2.7100E+01U 9000122702577C 65-TB-167 651670 1.8900E+01U 9000122702578C 65-TB-168 651680 9.4000E+00U 9000122702579C 65-TB-169 651690 5.1300E+00U 9000122702580C 65-TB-170 651700 9.6000E-01U 9000122702581C 65-TB-171 651710 1.2300E+00U 9000122702582C 65-TB-172 651720 7.6000E-01U 9000122702583C 65-TB-173 651730 U 9000122702584C 65-TB-174 651740 U 9000122702585C 66-DY-0 660000 9000122702586C Natural dysprosium 9000122702587C 66-DY-138 661380 +0.0 U 9000122702588C 66-DY-139 661390 6.0000E-01U 9000122702589C 66-DY-140 661400 +0.0 U 9000122702590C 66-DY-141 661410 9.0000E-01U 9000122702591C 66-DY-142 661420 +0.0 2.3000E+00U 9000122702592C 66-DY-143-G 661430 5.6000E+00U 9000122702593C 66-DY-143-M 661431 3.0000E+00U 9000122702594C 66-DY-144 661440 +0.0 9.1000E+00U 9000122702595C 66-DY-145-G 661450 9.5000E+00U 9000122702596C 66-DY-145-M 661451 1.4100E+01U 9000122702597C 66-DY-146-G 661460 +0.0 3.3200E+01U 9000122702598C 66-DY-146-M 661461 +10.0 1.5000E-01U 9000122702599C 66-DY-147-G 661470 6.7000E+01U 9000122702600C 66-DY-147-M 661471 5.5200E+01U 9000122702601C 66-DY-148 661480 +0.0 1.9800E+02U 9000122702602C 66-DY-149-G 661490 -3.5 2.5200E+02U 9000122702603C 66-DY-149-M 661491 -13.5 4.9000E-01U 9000122702604C 66-DY-150 661500 +0.0 4.3020E+02U 9000122702605C 66-DY-151 661510 -3.5 1.0740E+03U 9000122702606C 66-DY-152 661520 +0.0 8.5680E+03U 9000122702607C 66-DY-153 661530 -3.5 2.3040E+04U 9000122702608C 66-DY-154 661540 +0.0 9.4671E+13U 9000122702609C 66-DY-155 661550 -1.5 3.5640E+04U 9000122702610C 66-DY-156 661560 +0.0 S 5.6000E-02 9000122702611C 66-DY-157 661570 -1.5 2.9304E+04U 9000122702612C 66-DY-158 661580 +0.0 S 9.5000E-02 9000122702613C 66-DY-159 661590 -1.5 1.2476E+07U 9000122702614C 66-DY-160 661600 +0.0 S 2.3290E+00 9000122702615C 66-DY-161 661610 +2.5 S 1.8889E+01 9000122702616C 66-DY-162 661620 +0.0 S 2.5475E+01 9000122702617C 66-DY-163 661630 -2.5 S 2.4896E+01 9000122702618C 66-DY-164 661640 +0.0 S 2.8260E+01 9000122702619C 66-DY-165-G 661650 +3.5 8.3952E+03U 9000122702620C 66-DY-165-M 661651 -0.5 7.5420E+01U 9000122702621C 66-DY-166 661660 +0.0 2.9376E+05U 9000122702622C 66-DY-167 661670 3.7200E+02U 9000122702623C 66-DY-168 661680 +0.0 5.2200E+02U 9000122702624C 66-DY-169 661690 3.9000E+01U 9000122702625C 66-DY-170 661700 +0.0 5.4900E+01U 9000122702626C 66-DY-171 661710 4.0700E+00U 9000122702627C 66-DY-172-G 661720 +0.0 3.4000E+00U 9000122702628C 66-DY-172-M 661721 7.1000E-01U 9000122702629C 66-DY-173 661730 1.4300E+00U 9000122702630C 66-DY-174 661740 +0.0 U 9000122702631C 66-DY-175 661750 U 9000122702632C 66-DY-176 661760 +0.0 U 9000122702633C 67-HO-140 671400 6.0000E-03U 9000122702634C 67-HO-141 671410 4.1000E-03U 9000122702635C 67-HO-142 671420 4.0000E-01U 9000122702636C 67-HO-143 671430 U 9000122702637C 67-HO-144 671440 7.0000E-01U 9000122702638C 67-HO-145 671450 * 2.4000E+00U 9000122702639C 67-HO-146 671460 3.3200E+00U 9000122702640C 67-HO-147 671470 5.8000E+00U 9000122702641C 67-HO-148-G 671480 2.2000E+00U 9000122702642C 67-HO-148-M 671481 9.4900E+00U 9000122702643C 67-HO-149-G 671490 2.1100E+01U 9000122702644C 67-HO-149-M 671491 5.6000E+01U 9000122702645C 67-HO-150-G 671500 * 7.6800E+01U 9000122702646C 67-HO-150-M 671501 * 2.3300E+01U 9000122702647C 67-HO-151-G 671510 -5.5 3.5200E+01U 9000122702648C 67-HO-151-M 671511 +0.5 4.7200E+01U 9000122702649C 67-HO-152-G 671520 -2.0 1.6180E+02U 9000122702650C 67-HO-152-M 671521 +9.0 4.9800E+01U 9000122702651C 67-HO-153-G 671530 -5.5 1.2060E+02U 9000122702652C 67-HO-153-M 671531 +0.5 5.5800E+02U 9000122702653C 67-HO-154-G 671540 -2.0 7.0560E+02U 9000122702654C 67-HO-154-M 671541 +8.0 1.8600E+02U 9000122702655C 67-HO-155 671550 +2.5 2.8800E+03U 9000122702656C 67-HO-156-G 671560 -4.0 3.3600E+03U 9000122702657C 67-HO-156-M1 671561 -1.0 9.5000E+00U 9000122702658C 67-HO-156-M2 671562 +9.0 4.5600E+02U 9000122702659C 67-HO-157 671570 -3.5 7.5600E+02U 9000122702660C 67-HO-158-G 671580 +5.0 6.7800E+02U 9000122702661C 67-HO-158-M1 671581 -2.0 1.6800E+03U 9000122702662C 67-HO-158-M2 671582 1.2780E+03U 9000122702663C 67-HO-159-G 671590 -3.5 1.9830E+03U 9000122702664C 67-HO-159-M 671591 +0.5 8.3000E+00U 9000122702665C 67-HO-160-G 671600 +5.0 1.5360E+03U 9000122702666C 67-HO-160-M1 671601 -2.0 1.8072E+04U 9000122702667C 67-HO-160-M2 671602 3.0000E+00U 9000122702668C 67-HO-161-G 671610 -3.5 8.9280E+03U 9000122702669C 67-HO-161-M 671611 +0.5 6.7600E+00U 9000122702670C 67-HO-162-G 671620 +1.0 9.0000E+02U 9000122702671C 67-HO-162-M 671621 -6.0 4.0200E+03U 9000122702672C 67-HO-163-G 671630 -3.5 1.4422E+11U 9000122702673C 67-HO-163-M 671631 +0.5 1.0900E+00U 9000122702674C 67-HO-164-G 671640 +1.0 1.7280E+03U 9000122702675C 67-HO-164-M 671641 -6.0 2.1960E+03U 9000122702676C 67-HO-165 671650 -3.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122702677C 67-HO-166-G 671660 -0.0 9.6523E+04U 9000122702678C 67-HO-166-M 671661 -7.0 3.5741E+10U 9000122702679C 67-HO-167 671670 -3.5 1.1160E+04U 9000122702680C 67-HO-168-G 671680 +3.0 1.7940E+02U 9000122702681C 67-HO-168-M 671681 1.3200E+02U 9000122702682C 67-HO-169 671690 -3.5 2.8320E+02U 9000122702683C 67-HO-170-G 671700 * 1.6560E+02U 9000122702684C 67-HO-170-M 671701 * 4.3000E+01U 9000122702685C 67-HO-171 671710 5.3000E+01U 9000122702686C 67-HO-172 671720 2.5000E+01U 9000122702687C 67-HO-173 671730 7.1000E+00U 9000122702688C 67-HO-174 671740 3.7000E+00U 9000122702689C 67-HO-175 671750 1.8800E+00U 9000122702690C 67-HO-176 671760 U 9000122702691C 67-HO-177 671770 U 9000122702692C 67-HO-178 671780 U 9000122702693C 68-ER-0 680000 9000122702694C Natural erbium 9000122702695C 68-ER-142 681420 +0.0 U 9000122702696C 68-ER-143 681430 U 9000122702697C 68-ER-144 681440 +0.0 U 9000122702698C 68-ER-145-G 681450 9.0000E-01U 9000122702699C 68-ER-145-M 681451 1.0000E+00U 9000122702700C 68-ER-146 681460 +0.0 1.7000E+00U 9000122702701C 68-ER-147-G 681470 * 3.2000E+00U 9000122702702C 68-ER-147-M 681471 * 1.6000E+00U 9000122702703C 68-ER-148 681480 +0.0 4.6000E+00U 9000122702704C 68-ER-149-G 681490 4.0000E+00U 9000122702705C 68-ER-149-M 681491 8.9000E+00U 9000122702706C 68-ER-150 681500 +0.0 1.8500E+01U 9000122702707C 68-ER-151-G 681510 2.3500E+01U 9000122702708C 68-ER-151-M 681511 5.8000E-01U 9000122702709C 68-ER-152 681520 +0.0 1.0300E+01U 9000122702710C 68-ER-153 681530 -3.5 3.7100E+01U 9000122702711C 68-ER-154 681540 +0.0 2.2380E+02U 9000122702712C 68-ER-155 681550 -3.5 3.1800E+02U 9000122702713C 68-ER-156 681560 +0.0 1.1700E+03U 9000122702714C 68-ER-157 681570 -1.5 1.1190E+03U 9000122702715C 68-ER-158 681580 +0.0 8.2440E+03U 9000122702716C 68-ER-159 681590 -1.5 2.1600E+03U 9000122702717C 68-ER-160 681600 +0.0 1.0289E+05U 9000122702718C 68-ER-161 681610 -1.5 1.1556E+04U 9000122702719C 68-ER-162 681620 +0.0 S 1.3900E-01 9000122702720C 68-ER-163 681630 -2.5 4.5000E+03U 9000122702721C 68-ER-164 681640 +0.0 S 1.6010E+00 9000122702722C 68-ER-165 681650 -2.5 3.7296E+04U 9000122702723C 68-ER-166 681660 +0.0 S 3.3503E+01 9000122702724C 68-ER-167-G 681670 +3.5 S 2.2869E+01 9000122702725C 68-ER-167-M 681671 -0.5 2.2690E+00U 9000122702726C 68-ER-168 681680 +0.0 S 2.6978E+01 9000122702727C 68-ER-169 681690 -0.5 8.1147E+05U 9000122702728C 68-ER-170 681700 +0.0 S 1.4910E+01 9000122702729C 68-ER-171 681710 -2.5 2.7058E+04U 9000122702730C 68-ER-172 681720 +0.0 1.7748E+05U 9000122702731C 68-ER-173 681730 8.6040E+01U 9000122702732C 68-ER-174-G 681740 +0.0 1.9200E+02U 9000122702733C 68-ER-174-M 681741 -8.0 3.9000E+00U 9000122702734C 68-ER-175 681750 7.2000E+01U 9000122702735C 68-ER-176 681760 +0.0 U 9000122702736C 68-ER-177 681770 U 9000122702737C 68-ER-178 681780 +0.0 U 9000122702738C 68-ER-179 681790 U 9000122702739C 68-ER-180 681800 +0.0 U 9000122702740C 69-TM-144 691440 2.3000E-06U 9000122702741C 69-TM-145 691450 3.1700E-06U 9000122702742C 69-TM-146-G 691460 1.5500E-01U 9000122702743C 69-TM-146-M 691461 2.0000E-01U 9000122702744C 69-TM-147 691470 -5.5 5.8000E-01U 9000122702745C 69-TM-148 691480 7.0000E-01U 9000122702746C 69-TM-149 691490 -5.5 9.0000E-01U 9000122702747C 69-TM-150-G 691500 * U 9000122702748C 69-TM-150-M 691501 * 2.2000E+00U 9000122702749C 69-TM-151-G 691510 4.1700E+00U 9000122702750C 69-TM-151-M 691511 6.6000E+00U 9000122702751C 69-TM-152-G 691520 * 8.0000E+00U 9000122702752C 69-TM-152-M 691521 * 5.2000E+00U 9000122702753C 69-TM-153-G 691530 1.4800E+00U 9000122702754C 69-TM-153-M 691531 2.5000E+00U 9000122702755C 69-TM-154-G 691540 * 8.1000E+00U 9000122702756C 69-TM-154-M 691541 * 3.3000E+00U 9000122702757C 69-TM-155-G 691550 -5.5 2.1600E+01U 9000122702758C 69-TM-155-M 691551 +0.5 4.5000E+01U 9000122702759C 69-TM-156 691560 -2.0 8.3800E+01U 9000122702760C 69-TM-157-G 691570 +0.5 * 2.1780E+02U 9000122702761C 69-TM-157-M 691571 * 1.6000E+00U 9000122702762C 69-TM-158-G 691580 -2.0 * 2.3880E+02U 9000122702763C 69-TM-158-M 691581 * 2.0000E+01U 9000122702764C 69-TM-159 691590 +2.5 5.4780E+02U 9000122702765C 69-TM-160-G 691600 -1.0 5.6400E+02U 9000122702766C 69-TM-160-M 691601 7.4500E+01U 9000122702767C 69-TM-161 691610 +3.5 1.8120E+03U 9000122702768C 69-TM-162-G 691620 -1.0 1.3020E+03U 9000122702769C 69-TM-162-M 691621 +5.0 2.4300E+01U 9000122702770C 69-TM-163 691630 +0.5 6.5160E+03U 9000122702771C 69-TM-164-G 691640 +1.0 1.2000E+02U 9000122702772C 69-TM-164-M 691641 -6.0 3.0600E+02U 9000122702773C 69-TM-165 691650 +0.5 1.0822E+05U 9000122702774C 69-TM-166-G 691660 +2.0 2.7720E+04U 9000122702775C 69-TM-166-M 691661 3.4800E-01U 9000122702776C 69-TM-167 691670 +0.5 7.9920E+05U 9000122702777C 69-TM-168 691680 +3.0 8.0438E+06U 9000122702778C 69-TM-169 691690 +0.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122702779C 69-TM-170 691700 -1.0 1.1111E+07U 9000122702780C 69-TM-171 691710 +0.5 6.0589E+07U 9000122702781C 69-TM-172 691720 -2.0 2.2896E+05U 9000122702782C 69-TM-173 691730 2.9664E+04U 9000122702783C 69-TM-174-G 691740 -4.0 3.2400E+02U 9000122702784C 69-TM-174-M 691741 +0.0 2.2900E+00U 9000122702785C 69-TM-175 691750 9.1200E+02U 9000122702786C 69-TM-176 691760 1.1100E+02U 9000122702787C 69-TM-177-G 691770 * 9.5000E+01U 9000122702788C 69-TM-177-M 691771 * 7.7000E+01U 9000122702789C 69-TM-178 691780 U 9000122702790C 69-TM-179 691790 U 9000122702791C 69-TM-180 691800 U 9000122702792C 69-TM-181 691810 U 9000122702793C 69-TM-182 691820 U 9000122702794C 70-YB-0 700000 9000122702795C Natural ytterbium 9000122702796C 70-YB-148 701480 +0.0 U 9000122702797C 70-YB-149 701490 7.0000E-01U 9000122702798C 70-YB-150 701500 +0.0 U 9000122702799C 70-YB-151-G 701510 1.6000E+00U 9000122702800C 70-YB-151-M 701511 1.6000E+00U 9000122702801C 70-YB-152 701520 +0.0 3.0300E+00U 9000122702802C 70-YB-153 701530 -3.5 4.2000E+00U 9000122702803C 70-YB-154 701540 +0.0 4.0900E-01U 9000122702804C 70-YB-155 701550 1.7930E+00U 9000122702805C 70-YB-156 701560 +0.0 2.6100E+01U 9000122702806C 70-YB-157 701570 -3.5 3.8600E+01U 9000122702807C 70-YB-158 701580 +0.0 8.9400E+01U 9000122702808C 70-YB-159 701590 -2.5 1.0020E+02U 9000122702809C 70-YB-160 701600 +0.0 2.8800E+02U 9000122702810C 70-YB-161 701610 -1.5 2.5200E+02U 9000122702811C 70-YB-162 701620 +0.0 1.1322E+03U 9000122702812C 70-YB-163 701630 -1.5 6.6300E+02U 9000122702813C 70-YB-164 701640 +0.0 4.5480E+03U 9000122702814C 70-YB-165 701650 -2.5 5.9400E+02U 9000122702815C 70-YB-166 701660 +0.0 2.0412E+05U 9000122702816C 70-YB-167 701670 -2.5 1.0500E+03U 9000122702817C 70-YB-168 701680 +0.0 S 1.2300E-01 9000122702818C 70-YB-169-G 701690 +3.5 2.7660E+06U 9000122702819C 70-YB-169-M 701691 -0.5 4.6000E+01U 9000122702820C 70-YB-170 701700 +0.0 S 2.9820E+00 9000122702821C 70-YB-171 701710 -0.5 S 1.4086E+01 9000122702822C 70-YB-172 701720 +0.0 S 2.1686E+01 9000122702823C 70-YB-173 701730 -2.5 S 1.6103E+01 9000122702824C 70-YB-174 701740 +0.0 S 3.2025E+01 9000122702825C 70-YB-175 701750 -3.5 3.6158E+05U 9000122702826C 70-YB-176-G 701760 +0.0 S 1.2995E+01 9000122702827C 70-YB-176-M 701761 -8.0 1.1400E+01U 9000122702828C 70-YB-177-G 701770 +4.5 6.8796E+03U 9000122702829C 70-YB-177-M 701771 -0.5 6.4100E+00U 9000122702830C 70-YB-178 701780 +0.0 4.4400E+03U 9000122702831C 70-YB-179 701790 4.8000E+02U 9000122702832C 70-YB-180 701800 +0.0 1.4400E+02U 9000122702833C 70-YB-181 701810 U 9000122702834C 70-YB-182 701820 +0.0 U 9000122702835C 70-YB-183 701830 U 9000122702836C 70-YB-184 701840 +0.0 U 9000122702837C 70-YB-185 701850 U 9000122702838C 71-LU-0 710000 9000122702839C Natural lutetium 9000122702840C 71-LU-150 711500 4.5000E-02U 9000122702841C 71-LU-151 711510 -5.5 7.8400E-02U 9000122702842C 71-LU-152 711520 6.5000E-01U 9000122702843C 71-LU-153 711530 -5.5 9.0000E-01U 9000122702844C 71-LU-154-G 711540 U 9000122702845C 71-LU-154-M 711541 1.1200E+00U 9000122702846C 71-LU-155-G 711550 -5.5 6.8000E-02U 9000122702847C 71-LU-155-M 711551 +0.5 1.3800E-01U 9000122702848C 71-LU-156-G 711560 * 4.9400E-01U 9000122702849C 71-LU-156-M 711561 +10.0 * 1.9800E-01U 9000122702850C 71-LU-157-G 711570 7.7000E+00U 9000122702851C 71-LU-157-M 711571 4.7900E+00U 9000122702852C 71-LU-158 711580 1.0600E+01U 9000122702853C 71-LU-159 711590 +0.5 * 1.2100E+01U 9000122702854C 71-LU-160-G 711600 * 3.6100E+01U 9000122702855C 71-LU-160-M 711601 * 4.0000E+01U 9000122702856C 71-LU-161 711610 +0.5 7.7000E+01U 9000122702857C 71-LU-162-G 711620 -1.0 * 8.2200E+01U 9000122702858C 71-LU-162-M1 711621 * 9.0000E+01U 9000122702859C 71-LU-162-M2 711622 1.1400E+02U 9000122702860C 71-LU-163 711630 +0.5 2.3820E+02U 9000122702861C 71-LU-164 711640 -1.0 1.8840E+02U 9000122702862C 71-LU-165 711650 +0.5 6.4440E+02U 9000122702863C 71-LU-166-G 711660 -6.0 1.5900E+02U 9000122702864C 71-LU-166-M1 711661 -3.0 8.4600E+01U 9000122702865C 71-LU-166-M2 711662 -0.0 1.2720E+02U 9000122702866C 71-LU-167-G 711670 +3.5 3.0900E+03U 9000122702867C 71-LU-167-M 711671 +0.5 U 9000122702868C 71-LU-168-G 711680 -6.0 3.3000E+02U 9000122702869C 71-LU-168-M 711681 +3.0 4.0200E+02U 9000122702870C 71-LU-169-G 711690 +3.5 1.2262E+05U 9000122702871C 71-LU-169-M 711691 -0.5 1.6000E+02U 9000122702872C 71-LU-170-G 711700 +0.0 1.7384E+05U 9000122702873C 71-LU-170-M 711701 -4.0 6.7000E-01U 9000122702874C 71-LU-171-G 711710 +3.5 7.1254E+05U 9000122702875C 71-LU-171-M 711711 -0.5 7.9000E+01U 9000122702876C 71-LU-172-G 711720 -4.0 5.7888E+05U 9000122702877C 71-LU-172-M 711721 -1.0 2.2200E+02U 9000122702878C 71-LU-173 711730 +3.5 4.3233E+07U 9000122702879C 71-LU-174-G 711740 -1.0 1.0445E+08U 9000122702880C 71-LU-174-M 711741 -6.0 1.2269E+07U 9000122702881C 71-LU-175 711750 +3.5 S 9.7401E+01 9000122702882C 71-LU-176-G 711760 -7.0 1.1679E+18U 2.5990E+00 9000122702883C 71-LU-176-M 711761 -1.0 1.3190E+04U 9000122702884C 71-LU-177-G 711770 +3.5 5.7407E+05U 9000122702885C 71-LU-177-M 711771 -11.5 1.3859E+07U 9000122702886C 71-LU-178-G 711780 +1.0 1.7040E+03U 9000122702887C 71-LU-178-M 711781 -9.0 1.3860E+03U 9000122702888C 71-LU-179 711790 +3.5 1.6524E+04U 9000122702889C 71-LU-180-G 711800 +5.0 3.4200E+02U 9000122702890C 71-LU-180-M 711801 -3.0 1.0000E+00U 9000122702891C 71-LU-181 711810 2.1000E+02U 9000122702892C 71-LU-182 711820 1.2000E+02U 9000122702893C 71-LU-183 711830 5.8000E+01U 9000122702894C 71-LU-184 711840 2.0000E+01U 9000122702895C 71-LU-185 711850 U 9000122702896C 71-LU-186 711860 U 9000122702897C 71-LU-187 711870 U 9000122702898C 71-LU-188 711880 U 9000122702899C 72-HF-0 720000 9000122702900C Natural hafnium 9000122702901C 72-HF-153 721530 U 9000122702902C 72-HF-154 721540 +0.0 2.0000E+00U 9000122702903C 72-HF-155 721550 8.4300E-01U 9000122702904C 72-HF-156 721560 +0.0 2.3000E-02U 9000122702905C 72-HF-157 721570 -3.5 1.1500E-01U 9000122702906C 72-HF-158 721580 +0.0 2.8500E+00U 9000122702907C 72-HF-159 721590 -3.5 5.2000E+00U 9000122702908C 72-HF-160 721600 +0.0 1.3600E+01U 9000122702909C 72-HF-161 721610 1.8400E+01U 9000122702910C 72-HF-162 721620 +0.0 3.9400E+01U 9000122702911C 72-HF-163 721630 4.0000E+01U 9000122702912C 72-HF-164 721640 +0.0 1.1100E+02U 9000122702913C 72-HF-165 721650 7.6000E+01U 9000122702914C 72-HF-166 721660 +0.0 4.0620E+02U 9000122702915C 72-HF-167 721670 1.2300E+02U 9000122702916C 72-HF-168 721680 +0.0 1.5570E+03U 9000122702917C 72-HF-169 721690 1.9440E+02U 9000122702918C 72-HF-170 721700 +0.0 5.7636E+04U 9000122702919C 72-HF-171-G 721710 +3.5 4.3560E+04U 9000122702920C 72-HF-171-M 721711 -0.5 2.9500E+01U 9000122702921C 72-HF-172 721720 +0.0 5.9011E+07U 9000122702922C 72-HF-173 721730 -0.5 8.4960E+04U 9000122702923C 72-HF-174 721740 +0.0 6.3114E+22U 1.6000E-01 9000122702924C 72-HF-175 721750 -2.5 6.1042E+06U 9000122702925C 72-HF-176 721760 +0.0 S 5.2600E+00 9000122702926C 72-HF-177-G 721770 -3.5 S 1.8600E+01 9000122702927C 72-HF-177-M1 721771 +11.5 1.0900E+00U 9000122702928C 72-HF-177-M2 721772 -18.5 3.0840E+03U 9000122702929C 72-HF-178-G 721780 +0.0 S 2.7280E+01 9000122702930C 72-HF-178-M1 721781 -8.0 4.0000E+00U 9000122702931C 72-HF-178-M2 721782 +16.0 9.7826E+08U 9000122702932C 72-HF-179-G 721790 +4.5 S 1.3620E+01 9000122702933C 72-HF-179-M1 721791 -0.5 1.8670E+01U 9000122702934C 72-HF-179-M2 721792 -12.5 2.1600E+06U 9000122702935C 72-HF-180-G 721800 +0.0 S 3.5080E+01 9000122702936C 72-HF-180-M 721801 -8.0 1.9908E+04U 9000122702937C 72-HF-181 721810 -0.5 3.6625E+06U 9000122702938C 72-HF-182-G 721820 +0.0 2.8086E+14U 9000122702939C 72-HF-182-M 721821 -8.0 3.6900E+03U 9000122702940C 72-HF-183-G 721830 3.6648E+03U 9000122702941C 72-HF-183-M 721831 4.0000E+01U 9000122702942C 72-HF-184-G 721840 +0.0 1.4832E+04U 9000122702943C 72-HF-184-M1 721841 -8.0 4.8000E+01U 9000122702944C 72-HF-184-M2 721842 9.6000E+02U 9000122702945C 72-HF-185 721850 2.1000E+02U 9000122702946C 72-HF-186-G 721860 +0.0 1.5600E+02U 9000122702947C 72-HF-186-M 721861 U 9000122702948C 72-HF-187 721870 U 9000122702949C 72-HF-188 721880 +0.0 U 9000122702950C 72-HF-189 721890 U 9000122702951C 72-HF-190 721900 +0.0 U 9000122702952C 73-TA-0 730000 9000122702953C Natural tantalum 9000122702954C 73-TA-155 731550 -5.5 3.2000E-03U 9000122702955C 73-TA-156-G 731560 1.0600E-01U 9000122702956C 73-TA-156-M 731561 3.6000E-01U 9000122702957C 73-TA-157 731570 +0.5 1.0100E-02U 9000122702958C 73-TA-158 731580 4.9000E-02U 9000122702959C 73-TA-159-G 731590 +0.5 1.0400E+00U 9000122702960C 73-TA-159-M 731591 -5.5 5.6000E-01U 9000122702961C 73-TA-160-G 731600 * 1.7000E+00U 9000122702962C 73-TA-160-M 731601 * 1.5500E+00U 9000122702963C 73-TA-161-G 731610 * U 9000122702964C 73-TA-161-M 731611 * 3.0800E+00U 9000122702965C 73-TA-162 731620 * 3.5700E+00U 9000122702966C 73-TA-163 731630 +0.5 1.0600E+01U 9000122702967C 73-TA-164 731640 1.4200E+01U 9000122702968C 73-TA-165 731650 * 3.1000E+01U 9000122702969C 73-TA-166 731660 3.4400E+01U 9000122702970C 73-TA-167 731670 7.9800E+01U 9000122702971C 73-TA-168 731680 1.2000E+02U 9000122702972C 73-TA-169 731690 2.9400E+02U 9000122702973C 73-TA-170 731700 4.0560E+02U 9000122702974C 73-TA-171 731710 1.3980E+03U 9000122702975C 73-TA-172 731720 2.2080E+03U 9000122702976C 73-TA-173 731730 -2.5 1.1304E+04U 9000122702977C 73-TA-174 731740 +3.0 4.1040E+03U 9000122702978C 73-TA-175 731750 +3.5 3.7800E+04U 9000122702979C 73-TA-176 731760 2.9124E+04U 9000122702980C 73-TA-177 731770 +3.5 2.0290E+05U 9000122702981C 73-TA-178-G 731780 -7.0 * 8.4960E+03U 9000122702982C 73-TA-178-M1 731781 * 5.5860E+02U 9000122702983C 73-TA-178-M2 731782 -21.0 2.9000E-01U 9000122702984C 73-TA-179 731790 +3.5 5.7434E+07U 9000122702985C 73-TA-180-G 731800 +1.0 2.9354E+04U 9000122702986C 73-TA-180-M 731801 -9.0 S 1.2010E-02 9000122702987C 73-TA-181 731810 +3.5 S 9.9988E+01 9000122702988C 73-TA-182-G 731820 -3.0 9.9135E+06U 9000122702989C 73-TA-182-M1 731821 +5.0 2.8300E-01U 9000122702990C 73-TA-182-M2 731822 -10.0 9.5040E+02U 9000122702991C 73-TA-183 731830 +3.5 4.4064E+05U 9000122702992C 73-TA-184 731840 3.1320E+04U 9000122702993C 73-TA-185 731850 2.9640E+03U 9000122702994C 73-TA-186-G 731860 6.3000E+02U 9000122702995C 73-TA-186-M 731861 9.2400E+01U 9000122702996C 73-TA-187-G 731870 1.3800E+02U 9000122702997C 73-TA-187-M1 731871 7.3000E+00U 9000122702998C 73-TA-187-M2 731872 U 9000122702999C 73-TA-188-G 731880 1.9600E+01U 9000122703000C 73-TA-188-M 731881 1.9600E+01U 9000122703001C 73-TA-189 731890 U 9000122703002C 73-TA-190 731900 5.3000E+00U 9000122703003C 73-TA-191 731910 U 9000122703004C 73-TA-192 731920 2.2000E+00U 9000122703005C 73-TA-193 731930 U 9000122703006C 73-TA-194 731940 U 9000122703007C 74-W-0 740000 9000122703008C Natural tungsten 9000122703009C 74-W-157 741570 2.7500E-01U 9000122703010C 74-W-158 741580 +0.0 1.4300E-03U 9000122703011C 74-W-159 741590 8.2000E-03U 9000122703012C 74-W-160 741600 +0.0 9.0000E-02U 9000122703013C 74-W-161 741610 4.0900E-01U 9000122703014C 74-W-162 741620 +0.0 1.1900E+00U 9000122703015C 74-W-163 741630 -3.5 2.6300E+00U 9000122703016C 74-W-164 741640 +0.0 6.3000E+00U 9000122703017C 74-W-165 741650 5.1000E+00U 9000122703018C 74-W-166 741660 +0.0 1.9200E+01U 9000122703019C 74-W-167 741670 1.9900E+01U 9000122703020C 74-W-168 741680 +0.0 5.0900E+01U 9000122703021C 74-W-169 741690 7.4000E+01U 9000122703022C 74-W-170 741700 +0.0 1.4520E+02U 9000122703023C 74-W-171 741710 1.4280E+02U 9000122703024C 74-W-172 741720 +0.0 3.9600E+02U 9000122703025C 74-W-173 741730 -2.5 4.5600E+02U 9000122703026C 74-W-174 741740 +0.0 1.9920E+03U 9000122703027C 74-W-175 741750 2.1120E+03U 9000122703028C 74-W-176 741760 +0.0 9.0000E+03U 9000122703029C 74-W-177 741770 -0.5 7.9440E+03U 9000122703030C 74-W-178 741780 +0.0 1.8662E+06U 9000122703031C 74-W-179-G 741790 -3.5 2.2230E+03U 9000122703032C 74-W-179-M 741791 -0.5 3.8400E+02U 9000122703033C 74-W-180 741800 +0.0 5.0176E+25U 1.2000E-01 9000122703034C 74-W-181 741810 +4.5 1.0451E+07U 9000122703035C 74-W-182 741820 +0.0 S 2.6500E+01 9000122703036C 74-W-183-G 741830 -0.5 S 1.4310E+01 9000122703037C 74-W-183-M 741831 +5.5 5.3000E+00U 9000122703038C 74-W-184 741840 +0.0 S 3.0640E+01 9000122703039C 74-W-185-G 741850 -1.5 6.4886E+06U 9000122703040C 74-W-185-M 741851 +5.5 9.5820E+01U 9000122703041C 74-W-186-G 741860 +0.0 S 2.8430E+01 9000122703042C 74-W-186-M 741861 +16.0 2.0000E+00U 9000122703043C 74-W-187 741870 -1.5 8.5712E+04U 9000122703044C 74-W-188 741880 +0.0 6.0281E+06U 9000122703045C 74-W-189 741890 6.9600E+02U 9000122703046C 74-W-190 741900 +0.0 1.8000E+03U 9000122703047C 74-W-191 741910 U 9000122703048C 74-W-192 741920 +0.0 U 9000122703049C 74-W-193 741930 U 9000122703050C 74-W-194 741940 +0.0 U 9000122703051C 74-W-195 741950 U 9000122703052C 74-W-196 741960 +0.0 U 9000122703053C 74-W-197 741970 U 9000122703054C 75-RE-0 750000 9000122703055C Natural rhenium 9000122703056C 75-RE-159 751590 U 9000122703057C 75-RE-160 751600 6.1100E-04U 9000122703058C 75-RE-161 751610 +0.5 4.4000E-04U 9000122703059C 75-RE-162 751620 1.0700E-01U 9000122703060C 75-RE-163-G 751630 +0.5 3.9000E-01U 9000122703061C 75-RE-163-M 751631 -5.5 2.1400E-01U 9000122703062C 75-RE-164-G 751640 * 7.1900E-01U 9000122703063C 75-RE-164-M 751641 * 8.9000E-01U 9000122703064C 75-RE-165-G 751650 * 1.6000E+00U 9000122703065C 75-RE-165-M 751651 * 1.7400E+00U 9000122703066C 75-RE-166 751660 2.2500E+00U 9000122703067C 75-RE-167-G 751670 -4.5 3.4000E+00U 9000122703068C 75-RE-167-M 751671 +0.5 5.9000E+00U 9000122703069C 75-RE-168 751680 4.4000E+00U 9000122703070C 75-RE-169-G 751690 8.1000E+00U 9000122703071C 75-RE-169-M 751691 1.5100E+01U 9000122703072C 75-RE-170-G 751700 U 9000122703073C 75-RE-170-M 751701 9.2000E+00U 9000122703074C 75-RE-171 751710 1.5200E+01U 9000122703075C 75-RE-172-G 751720 * 5.5000E+01U 9000122703076C 75-RE-172-M 751721 * 1.5000E+01U 9000122703077C 75-RE-173 751730 1.2000E+02U 9000122703078C 75-RE-174 751740 1.4400E+02U 9000122703079C 75-RE-175 751750 3.5340E+02U 9000122703080C 75-RE-176 751760 3.1800E+02U 9000122703081C 75-RE-177 751770 -2.5 8.4000E+02U 9000122703082C 75-RE-178 751780 7.9200E+02U 9000122703083C 75-RE-179 751790 +2.5 1.1700E+03U 9000122703084C 75-RE-180 751800 1.4760E+02U 9000122703085C 75-RE-181 751810 +2.5 7.1640E+04U 9000122703086C 75-RE-182-G 751820 +7.0 * 2.3112E+05U 9000122703087C 75-RE-182-M 751821 +2.0 * 5.0904E+04U 9000122703088C 75-RE-183 751830 +2.5 6.0480E+06U 9000122703089C 75-RE-184-G 751840 -3.0 3.0586E+06U 9000122703090C 75-RE-184-M 751841 +8.0 1.4602E+07U 9000122703091C 75-RE-185 751850 +2.5 S 3.7400E+01 9000122703092C 75-RE-186-G 751860 -1.0 3.2128E+05U 9000122703093C 75-RE-186-M 751861 6.3114E+12U 9000122703094C 75-RE-187 751870 +2.5 1.3128E+18U 6.2600E+01 9000122703095C 75-RE-188-G 751880 -1.0 6.1218E+04U 9000122703096C 75-RE-188-M 751881 -6.0 1.1154E+03U 9000122703097C 75-RE-189 751890 +2.5 8.7480E+04U 9000122703098C 75-RE-190-G 751900 1.8000E+02U 9000122703099C 75-RE-190-M 751901 1.1160E+04U 9000122703100C 75-RE-191 751910 5.8800E+02U 9000122703101C 75-RE-192 751920 1.5400E+01U 9000122703102C 75-RE-193 751930 U 9000122703103C 75-RE-194-G 751940 5.0000E+00U 9000122703104C 75-RE-194-M1 751941 2.5000E+01U 9000122703105C 75-RE-194-M2 751942 1.0000E+02U 9000122703106C 75-RE-195 751950 6.0000E+00U 9000122703107C 75-RE-196 751960 2.4000E+00U 9000122703108C 75-RE-197 751970 U 9000122703109C 75-RE-198 751980 U 9000122703110C 75-RE-199 751990 U 9000122703111C 76-OS-0 760000 9000122703112C Natural osmium 9000122703113C 76-OS-161 761610 6.4000E-04U 9000122703114C 76-OS-162 761620 +0.0 2.1000E-03U 9000122703115C 76-OS-163 761630 -3.5 5.7000E-03U 9000122703116C 76-OS-164 761640 +0.0 2.1000E-02U 9000122703117C 76-OS-165 761650 7.1000E-02U 9000122703118C 76-OS-166 761660 +0.0 2.1300E-01U 9000122703119C 76-OS-167 761670 -3.5 8.3900E-01U 9000122703120C 76-OS-168 761680 +0.0 2.1000E+00U 9000122703121C 76-OS-169 761690 3.4600E+00U 9000122703122C 76-OS-170 761700 +0.0 7.3700E+00U 9000122703123C 76-OS-171 761710 8.3000E+00U 9000122703124C 76-OS-172 761720 +0.0 1.9200E+01U 9000122703125C 76-OS-173 761730 -2.5 2.2400E+01U 9000122703126C 76-OS-174 761740 +0.0 4.4000E+01U 9000122703127C 76-OS-175 761750 8.4000E+01U 9000122703128C 76-OS-176 761760 +0.0 2.1600E+02U 9000122703129C 76-OS-177 761770 -0.5 1.8000E+02U 9000122703130C 76-OS-178 761780 +0.0 3.0000E+02U 9000122703131C 76-OS-179 761790 -0.5 3.9000E+02U 9000122703132C 76-OS-180 761800 +0.0 1.2900E+03U 9000122703133C 76-OS-181-G 761810 -0.5 6.3000E+03U 9000122703134C 76-OS-181-M 761811 -3.5 1.6200E+02U 9000122703135C 76-OS-182 761820 +0.0 7.8624E+04U 9000122703136C 76-OS-183-G 761830 +4.5 4.6800E+04U 9000122703137C 76-OS-183-M 761831 -0.5 3.5640E+04U 9000122703138C 76-OS-184 761840 +0.0 3.5344E+20U 2.0000E-02 9000122703139C 76-OS-185 761850 -0.5 8.0309E+06U 9000122703140C 76-OS-186 761860 +0.0 6.3114E+22U 1.5900E+00 9000122703141C 76-OS-187 761870 -0.5 S 1.9600E+00 9000122703142C 76-OS-188 761880 +0.0 S 1.3240E+01 9000122703143C 76-OS-189-G 761890 -1.5 S 1.6150E+01 9000122703144C 76-OS-189-M 761891 -4.5 2.0916E+04U 9000122703145C 76-OS-190-G 761900 +0.0 S 2.6260E+01 9000122703146C 76-OS-190-M 761901 -10.0 5.9160E+02U 9000122703147C 76-OS-191-G 761910 -4.5 1.2951E+06U 9000122703148C 76-OS-191-M 761911 -1.5 4.7160E+04U 9000122703149C 76-OS-192-G 761920 +0.0 S 4.0780E+01 9000122703150C 76-OS-192-M 761921 -10.0 5.9400E+00U 9000122703151C 76-OS-193 761930 -1.5 1.0739E+05U 9000122703152C 76-OS-194 761940 +0.0 1.8934E+08U 9000122703153C 76-OS-195-G 761950 3.9000E+02U 9000122703154C 76-OS-195-M 761951 4.7000E+01U 9000122703155C 76-OS-196 761960 +0.0 2.0940E+03U 9000122703156C 76-OS-197 761970 9.3000E+01U 9000122703157C 76-OS-198 761980 +0.0 1.2500E+02U 9000122703158C 76-OS-199 761990 6.0000E+00U 9000122703159C 76-OS-200 762000 +0.0 7.0000E+00U 9000122703160C 76-OS-201 762010 U 9000122703161C 76-OS-202 762020 +0.0 U 9000122703162C 76-OS-203 762030 U 9000122703163C 77-IR-0 770000 9000122703164C Natural iridium 9000122703165C 77-IR-163 771630 U 9000122703166C 77-IR-164 771640 U 9000122703167C 77-IR-165 771650 U 9000122703168C 77-IR-166 771660 1.0500E-02U 9000122703169C 77-IR-167 771670 +0.5 2.9300E-02U 9000122703170C 77-IR-168-G 771680 * 2.3000E-01U 9000122703171C 77-IR-168-M 771681 * 1.6300E-01U 9000122703172C 77-IR-169-G 771690 3.5300E-01U 9000122703173C 77-IR-169-M 771691 2.8000E-01U 9000122703174C 77-IR-170-G 771700 * 9.1000E-01U 9000122703175C 77-IR-170-M 771701 * 8.1100E-01U 9000122703176C 77-IR-171-G 771710 +0.5 3.1000E+00U 9000122703177C 77-IR-171-M 771711 1.4700E+00U 9000122703178C 77-IR-172-G 771720 4.4000E+00U 9000122703179C 77-IR-172-M 771721 2.1900E+00U 9000122703180C 77-IR-173-G 771730 9.0000E+00U 9000122703181C 77-IR-173-M 771731 -5.5 2.2000E+00U 9000122703182C 77-IR-174-G 771740 7.9000E+00U 9000122703183C 77-IR-174-M 771741 4.9000E+00U 9000122703184C 77-IR-175-G 771750 9.0000E+00U 9000122703185C 77-IR-175-M 771751 3.3000E+01U 9000122703186C 77-IR-176 771760 * 8.7000E+00U 9000122703187C 77-IR-177 771770 -2.5 2.9800E+01U 9000122703188C 77-IR-178 771780 1.2000E+01U 9000122703189C 77-IR-179 771790 7.9000E+01U 9000122703190C 77-IR-180 771800 9.0000E+01U 9000122703191C 77-IR-181 771810 -2.5 2.9400E+02U 9000122703192C 77-IR-182 771820 +3.0 9.0000E+02U 9000122703193C 77-IR-183 771830 -2.5 3.4800E+03U 9000122703194C 77-IR-184 771840 -5.0 1.1124E+04U 9000122703195C 77-IR-185 771850 -2.5 5.1840E+04U 9000122703196C 77-IR-186-G 771860 +5.0 5.9904E+04U 9000122703197C 77-IR-186-M 771861 -2.0 6.9120E+03U 9000122703198C 77-IR-187 771870 +1.5 3.7800E+04U 9000122703199C 77-IR-188 771880 -1.0 1.4940E+05U 9000122703200C 77-IR-189 771890 +1.5 1.1405E+06U 9000122703201C 77-IR-190-G 771900 -4.0 1.0178E+06U 9000122703202C 77-IR-190-M1 771901 -1.0 4.0320E+03U 9000122703203C 77-IR-190-M2 771902 -11.0 1.1113E+04U 9000122703204C 77-IR-191-G 771910 +1.5 S 3.7300E+01 9000122703205C 77-IR-191-M1 771911 -5.5 4.8990E+00U 9000122703206C 77-IR-191-M2 771912 5.7000E+00U 9000122703207C 77-IR-192-G 771920 +4.0 6.3780E+06U 9000122703208C 77-IR-192-M1 771921 -1.0 8.7000E+01U 9000122703209C 77-IR-192-M2 771922 7.6052E+09U 9000122703210C 77-IR-193-G 771930 +1.5 S 6.2700E+01 9000122703211C 77-IR-193-M 771931 -5.5 9.0979E+05U 9000122703212C 77-IR-194-G 771940 -1.0 6.9660E+04U 9000122703213C 77-IR-194-M 771941 1.4774E+07U 9000122703214C 77-IR-195-G 771950 +1.5 8.2440E+03U 9000122703215C 77-IR-195-M 771951 -5.5 1.3464E+04U 9000122703216C 77-IR-196-G 771960 5.2000E+01U 9000122703217C 77-IR-196-M 771961 5.0400E+03U 9000122703218C 77-IR-197-G 771970 +1.5 3.4800E+02U 9000122703219C 77-IR-197-M 771971 -5.5 5.3400E+02U 9000122703220C 77-IR-198 771980 -1.0 8.7000E+00U 9000122703221C 77-IR-199 771990 7.0000E+00U 9000122703222C 77-IR-200 772000 4.3000E+01U 9000122703223C 77-IR-201 772010 2.1000E+01U 9000122703224C 77-IR-202 772020 1.1000E+01U 9000122703225C 77-IR-203 772030 U 9000122703226C 77-IR-204 772040 U 9000122703227C 77-IR-205 772050 U 9000122703228C 78-PT-0 780000 9000122703229C Natural platinum 9000122703230C 78-PT-165 781650 3.7000E-04U 9000122703231C 78-PT-166 781660 +0.0 2.9400E-04U 9000122703232C 78-PT-167 781670 9.1500E-04U 9000122703233C 78-PT-168 781680 +0.0 2.0200E-03U 9000122703234C 78-PT-169 781690 6.9900E-03U 9000122703235C 78-PT-170 781700 +0.0 1.3930E-02U 9000122703236C 78-PT-171 781710 -3.5 4.5500E-02U 9000122703237C 78-PT-172 781720 +0.0 9.7600E-02U 9000122703238C 78-PT-173 781730 3.8200E-01U 9000122703239C 78-PT-174 781740 +0.0 8.6200E-01U 9000122703240C 78-PT-175 781750 2.4300E+00U 9000122703241C 78-PT-176 781760 +0.0 6.3300E+00U 9000122703242C 78-PT-177 781770 -2.5 1.0000E+01U 9000122703243C 78-PT-178 781780 +0.0 2.0700E+01U 9000122703244C 78-PT-179 781790 -0.5 2.1200E+01U 9000122703245C 78-PT-180 781800 +0.0 5.6000E+01U 9000122703246C 78-PT-181 781810 -0.5 5.2000E+01U 9000122703247C 78-PT-182 781820 +0.0 1.6020E+02U 9000122703248C 78-PT-183-G 781830 -0.5 3.9000E+02U 9000122703249C 78-PT-183-M 781831 -3.5 4.3000E+01U 9000122703250C 78-PT-184 781840 +0.0 1.0380E+03U 9000122703251C 78-PT-185-G 781850 +4.5 4.2540E+03U 9000122703252C 78-PT-185-M 781851 -0.5 1.9800E+03U 9000122703253C 78-PT-186 781860 +0.0 7.4880E+03U 9000122703254C 78-PT-187 781870 -1.5 8.4600E+03U 9000122703255C 78-PT-188 781880 +0.0 8.7782E+05U 9000122703256C 78-PT-189 781890 -1.5 3.9132E+04U 9000122703257C 78-PT-190 781900 +0.0 1.5242E+19U 1.2000E-02 9000122703258C 78-PT-191 781910 -1.5 2.4451E+05U 9000122703259C 78-PT-192 781920 +0.0 S 7.8200E-01 9000122703260C 78-PT-193-G 781930 -0.5 1.5778E+09U 9000122703261C 78-PT-193-M 781931 +6.5 3.7411E+05U 9000122703262C 78-PT-194 781940 +0.0 S 3.2864E+01 9000122703263C 78-PT-195-G 781950 -0.5 S 3.3775E+01 9000122703264C 78-PT-195-M 781951 +6.5 3.4646E+05U 9000122703265C 78-PT-196 781960 +0.0 S 2.5211E+01 9000122703266C 78-PT-197-G 781970 -0.5 7.1609E+04U 9000122703267C 78-PT-197-M 781971 +6.5 5.7246E+03U 9000122703268C 78-PT-198 781980 +0.0 S 7.3560E+00 9000122703269C 78-PT-199-G 781990 -2.5 1.8480E+03U 9000122703270C 78-PT-199-M 781991 +6.5 1.3480E+01U 9000122703271C 78-PT-200 782000 +0.0 4.5360E+04U 9000122703272C 78-PT-201 782010 1.5000E+02U 9000122703273C 78-PT-202 782020 +0.0 1.5840E+05U 9000122703274C 78-PT-203-G 782030 2.2000E+01U 9000122703275C 78-PT-203-M 782031 1.2000E+01U 9000122703276C 78-PT-204 782040 +0.0 1.0300E+01U 9000122703277C 78-PT-205 782050 U 9000122703278C 78-PT-206 782060 +0.0 U 9000122703279C 78-PT-207 782070 U 9000122703280C 78-PT-208 782080 +0.0 U 9000122703281C 79-AU-168 791680 U 9000122703282C 79-AU-169 791690 U 9000122703283C 79-AU-170 791700 2.9000E-04U 9000122703284C 79-AU-171 791710 +0.5 2.2300E-05U 9000122703285C 79-AU-172 791720 * 2.8000E-02U 9000122703286C 79-AU-173 791730 2.5500E-02U 9000122703287C 79-AU-174-G 791740 1.3900E-01U 9000122703288C 79-AU-174-M 791741 1.6200E-01U 9000122703289C 79-AU-175-G 791750 +0.5 2.0000E-01U 9000122703290C 79-AU-175-M 791751 1.3600E-01U 9000122703291C 79-AU-176-G 791760 * 1.0500E+00U 9000122703292C 79-AU-176-M 791761 * 1.3600E+00U 9000122703293C 79-AU-177-G 791770 +0.5 1.5010E+00U 9000122703294C 79-AU-177-M 791771 -5.5 1.1930E+00U 9000122703295C 79-AU-178-G 791780 3.4000E+00U 9000122703296C 79-AU-178-M 791781 2.7000E+00U 9000122703297C 79-AU-179 791790 +0.5 7.1000E+00U 9000122703298C 79-AU-180 791800 7.9000E+00U 9000122703299C 79-AU-181 791810 1.3700E+01U 9000122703300C 79-AU-182 791820 1.5500E+01U 9000122703301C 79-AU-183 791830 -2.5 4.2800E+01U 9000122703302C 79-AU-184-G 791840 +5.0 2.0600E+01U 9000122703303C 79-AU-184-M 791841 +2.0 4.7600E+01U 9000122703304C 79-AU-185-G 791850 -2.5 * 2.5500E+02U 9000122703305C 79-AU-185-M 791851 * 4.0800E+02U 9000122703306C 79-AU-186 791860 -3.0 6.4200E+02U 9000122703307C 79-AU-187-G 791870 +0.5 4.9800E+02U 9000122703308C 79-AU-187-M 791871 -4.5 2.3000E+00U 9000122703309C 79-AU-188 791880 -1.0 5.3040E+02U 9000122703310C 79-AU-189-G 791890 +0.5 1.7220E+03U 9000122703311C 79-AU-189-M 791891 -5.5 2.7540E+02U 9000122703312C 79-AU-190-G 791900 -1.0 * 2.5680E+03U 9000122703313C 79-AU-190-M 791901 * 1.2500E-01U 9000122703314C 79-AU-191-G 791910 +1.5 1.1448E+04U 9000122703315C 79-AU-191-M 791911 -5.5 9.2000E-01U 9000122703316C 79-AU-192-G 791920 -1.0 1.7784E+04U 9000122703317C 79-AU-192-M 791921 -11.0 1.6000E-01U 9000122703318C 79-AU-193-G 791930 +1.5 6.3540E+04U 9000122703319C 79-AU-193-M 791931 -5.5 3.9000E+00U 9000122703320C 79-AU-194-G 791940 -1.0 1.3687E+05U 9000122703321C 79-AU-194-M1 791941 +5.0 6.0000E-01U 9000122703322C 79-AU-194-M2 791942 -11.0 4.2000E-01U 9000122703323C 79-AU-195-G 791950 +1.5 1.6071E+07U 9000122703324C 79-AU-195-M 791951 -5.5 3.0500E+01U 9000122703325C 79-AU-196-G 791960 -2.0 5.3266E+05U 9000122703326C 79-AU-196-M1 791961 +5.0 8.1000E+00U 9000122703327C 79-AU-196-M2 791962 -12.0 3.4571E+04U 9000122703328C 79-AU-197-G 791970 +1.5 S 1.0000E+02 9000122703329C 79-AU-197-M 791971 -5.5 7.7300E+00U 9000122703330C 79-AU-198-G 791980 -2.0 2.3282E+05U 9000122703331C 79-AU-198-M 791981 -12.0 1.9630E+05U 9000122703332C 79-AU-199 791990 +1.5 2.7121E+05U 9000122703333C 79-AU-200-G 792000 2.9040E+03U 9000122703334C 79-AU-200-M 792001 -12.0 6.7320E+04U 9000122703335C 79-AU-201 792010 +1.5 1.5600E+03U 9000122703336C 79-AU-202 792020 2.8400E+01U 9000122703337C 79-AU-203 792030 +1.5 6.0000E+01U 9000122703338C 79-AU-204 792040 3.8300E+01U 9000122703339C 79-AU-205-G 792050 3.2000E+01U 9000122703340C 79-AU-205-M 792051 6.0000E+00U 9000122703341C 79-AU-206 792060 4.7000E+01U 9000122703342C 79-AU-207 792070 U 9000122703343C 79-AU-208 792080 U 9000122703344C 79-AU-209 792090 U 9000122703345C 79-AU-210 792100 U 9000122703346C 80-HG-0 800000 9000122703347C Natural mercury 9000122703348C 80-HG-170 801700 +0.0 3.1000E-04U 9000122703349C 80-HG-171 801710 7.0000E-05U 9000122703350C 80-HG-172 801720 +0.0 2.3100E-04U 9000122703351C 80-HG-173 801730 8.0000E-04U 9000122703352C 80-HG-174 801740 +0.0 2.0000E-03U 9000122703353C 80-HG-175 801750 1.0200E-02U 9000122703354C 80-HG-176 801760 +0.0 2.0300E-02U 9000122703355C 80-HG-177 801770 -3.5 1.1700E-01U 9000122703356C 80-HG-178 801780 +0.0 2.6650E-01U 9000122703357C 80-HG-179 801790 -3.5 1.0500E+00U 9000122703358C 80-HG-180 801800 +0.0 2.5900E+00U 9000122703359C 80-HG-181 801810 -0.5 3.6000E+00U 9000122703360C 80-HG-182 801820 +0.0 1.0830E+01U 9000122703361C 80-HG-183 801830 -0.5 9.4000E+00U 9000122703362C 80-HG-184 801840 +0.0 3.0870E+01U 9000122703363C 80-HG-185-G 801850 -0.5 4.9100E+01U 9000122703364C 80-HG-185-M 801851 +6.5 2.1600E+01U 9000122703365C 80-HG-186 801860 +0.0 8.2800E+01U 9000122703366C 80-HG-187-G 801870 -1.5 1.1400E+02U 9000122703367C 80-HG-187-M 801871 +6.5 1.4400E+02U 9000122703368C 80-HG-188 801880 +0.0 1.9500E+02U 9000122703369C 80-HG-189-G 801890 -1.5 4.5600E+02U 9000122703370C 80-HG-189-M 801891 +6.5 5.1600E+02U 9000122703371C 80-HG-190 801900 +0.0 1.2000E+03U 9000122703372C 80-HG-191-G 801910 -1.5 2.9400E+03U 9000122703373C 80-HG-191-M 801911 +6.5 3.0480E+03U 9000122703374C 80-HG-192 801920 +0.0 1.7460E+04U 9000122703375C 80-HG-193-G 801930 -1.5 1.3680E+04U 9000122703376C 80-HG-193-M 801931 +6.5 4.2480E+04U 9000122703377C 80-HG-194 801940 +0.0 1.4106E+10U 9000122703378C 80-HG-195-G 801950 -0.5 3.8484E+04U 9000122703379C 80-HG-195-M 801951 +6.5 1.4976E+05U 9000122703380C 80-HG-196 801960 +0.0 S 1.5000E-01 9000122703381C 80-HG-197-G 801970 -0.5 2.3375E+05U 9000122703382C 80-HG-197-M 801971 +6.5 8.5752E+04U 9000122703383C 80-HG-198 801980 +0.0 S 1.0040E+01 9000122703384C 80-HG-199-G 801990 -0.5 S 1.6940E+01 9000122703385C 80-HG-199-M 801991 +6.5 2.5602E+03U 9000122703386C 80-HG-200 802000 +0.0 S 2.3140E+01 9000122703387C 80-HG-201 802010 -1.5 S 1.3170E+01 9000122703388C 80-HG-202 802020 +0.0 S 2.9740E+01 9000122703389C 80-HG-203 802030 -2.5 4.0271E+06U 9000122703390C 80-HG-204 802040 +0.0 S 6.8200E+00 9000122703391C 80-HG-205 802050 -0.5 3.0840E+02U 9000122703392C 80-HG-206 802060 +0.0 4.9920E+02U 9000122703393C 80-HG-207 802070 +4.5 1.7400E+02U 9000122703394C 80-HG-208 802080 +0.0 1.3500E+02U 9000122703395C 80-HG-209 802090 6.3000E+00U 9000122703396C 80-HG-210 802100 +0.0 6.4000E+01U 9000122703397C 80-HG-211 802110 2.6400E+01U 9000122703398C 80-HG-212 802120 +0.0 U 9000122703399C 80-HG-213 802130 U 9000122703400C 80-HG-214 802140 +0.0 U 9000122703401C 80-HG-215 802150 U 9000122703402C 80-HG-216 802160 +0.0 U 9000122703403C 81-TL-0 810000 9000122703404C Natural thallium 9000122703405C 81-TL-176 811760 6.2000E-03U 9000122703406C 81-TL-177 811770 1.8000E-02U 9000122703407C 81-TL-178 811780 2.5500E-01U 9000122703408C 81-TL-179 811790 +0.5 4.3700E-01U 9000122703409C 81-TL-180 811800 1.0900E+00U 9000122703410C 81-TL-181 811810 +0.5 2.9000E+00U 9000122703411C 81-TL-182-G 811820 * 1.9000E+00U 9000122703412C 81-TL-182-M 811821 * 3.1000E+00U 9000122703413C 81-TL-183 811830 +0.5 6.9000E+00U 9000122703414C 81-TL-184-G 811840 -2.0 * 9.5000E+00U 9000122703415C 81-TL-184-M 811841 * 1.0600E+01U 9000122703416C 81-TL-185-G 811850 +0.5 1.9500E+01U 9000122703417C 81-TL-185-M 811851 -4.5 1.9300E+00U 9000122703418C 81-TL-186-G 811860 * 3.5000E+00U 9000122703419C 81-TL-186-M1 811861 +7.0 * 2.7500E+01U 9000122703420C 81-TL-186-M2 811862 -10.0 3.4000E+00U 9000122703421C 81-TL-187-G 811870 +0.5 5.1000E+01U 9000122703422C 81-TL-187-M 811871 -4.5 1.5600E+01U 9000122703423C 81-TL-188-G 811880 * 7.1000E+01U 9000122703424C 81-TL-188-M 811881 +7.0 * 7.1500E+01U 9000122703425C 81-TL-189-G 811890 +0.5 1.3800E+02U 9000122703426C 81-TL-189-M 811891 -4.5 8.4000E+01U 9000122703427C 81-TL-190-G 811900 -2.0 1.5600E+02U 9000122703428C 81-TL-190-M 811901 +7.0 2.1600E+02U 9000122703429C 81-TL-191-G 811910 +0.5 U 9000122703430C 81-TL-191-M 811911 -4.5 3.1320E+02U 9000122703431C 81-TL-192-G 811920 -2.0 5.7600E+02U 9000122703432C 81-TL-192-M 811921 +7.0 6.4800E+02U 9000122703433C 81-TL-193-G 811930 +0.5 1.2960E+03U 9000122703434C 81-TL-193-M 811931 -4.5 1.2660E+02U 9000122703435C 81-TL-194-G 811940 -2.0 1.9800E+03U 9000122703436C 81-TL-194-M 811941 +7.0 1.9680E+03U 9000122703437C 81-TL-195-G 811950 +0.5 4.1760E+03U 9000122703438C 81-TL-195-M 811951 -4.5 3.6000E+00U 9000122703439C 81-TL-196-G 811960 -2.0 6.6240E+03U 9000122703440C 81-TL-196-M 811961 +7.0 5.0760E+03U 9000122703441C 81-TL-197-G 811970 +0.5 1.0224E+04U 9000122703442C 81-TL-197-M 811971 -4.5 5.4000E-01U 9000122703443C 81-TL-198-G 811980 -2.0 1.9080E+04U 9000122703444C 81-TL-198-M 811981 +7.0 6.7320E+03U 9000122703445C 81-TL-199 811990 +0.5 2.6712E+04U 9000122703446C 81-TL-200 812000 -2.0 9.3960E+04U 9000122703447C 81-TL-201 812010 +0.5 2.6284E+05U 9000122703448C 81-TL-202 812020 -2.0 1.0636E+06U 9000122703449C 81-TL-203 812030 +0.5 S 2.9515E+01 9000122703450C 81-TL-204 812040 -2.0 1.1938E+08U 9000122703451C 81-TL-205 812050 +0.5 S 7.0485E+01 9000122703452C 81-TL-206-G 812060 -0.0 2.5212E+02U 9000122703453C 81-TL-206-M 812061 2.2440E+02U 9000122703454C 81-TL-207-G 812070 +0.5 2.8620E+02U 9000122703455C 81-TL-207-M 812071 -5.5 1.3300E+00U 9000122703456C 81-TL-208 812080 +5.0 1.8318E+02U 9000122703457C 81-TL-209 812090 +0.5 1.2972E+02U 9000122703458C 81-TL-210 812100 7.8000E+01U 9000122703459C 81-TL-211 812110 +0.5 8.1000E+01U 9000122703460C 81-TL-212 812120 3.1000E+01U 9000122703461C 81-TL-213 812130 2.3800E+01U 9000122703462C 81-TL-214 812140 1.1000E+01U 9000122703463C 81-TL-215 812150 9.7000E+00U 9000122703464C 81-TL-216 812160 5.9000E+00U 9000122703465C 81-TL-217 812170 U 9000122703466C 81-TL-218 812180 U 9000122703467C 82-PB-0 820000 9000122703468C Natural lead 9000122703469C 82-PB-178 821780 +0.0 2.5000E-04U 9000122703470C 82-PB-179 821790 2.7000E-03U 9000122703471C 82-PB-180 821800 +0.0 4.1000E-03U 9000122703472C 82-PB-181 821810 3.9000E-02U 9000122703473C 82-PB-182 821820 +0.0 5.5000E-02U 9000122703474C 82-PB-183-G 821830 -1.5 5.3500E-01U 9000122703475C 82-PB-183-M 821831 +6.5 4.1500E-01U 9000122703476C 82-PB-184 821840 +0.0 4.9000E-01U 9000122703477C 82-PB-185-G 821850 -1.5 * 6.3000E+00U 9000122703478C 82-PB-185-M 821851 +6.5 * 4.0700E+00U 9000122703479C 82-PB-186 821860 +0.0 4.8200E+00U 9000122703480C 82-PB-187-G 821870 -1.5 * 1.5200E+01U 9000122703481C 82-PB-187-M 821871 +6.5 * 1.8300E+01U 9000122703482C 82-PB-188 821880 +0.0 2.5100E+01U 9000122703483C 82-PB-189-G 821890 -1.5 3.9000E+01U 9000122703484C 82-PB-189-M 821891 +6.5 5.0500E+01U 9000122703485C 82-PB-190 821900 +0.0 7.1000E+01U 9000122703486C 82-PB-191-G 821910 -1.5 7.9800E+01U 9000122703487C 82-PB-191-M 821911 +6.5 1.3080E+02U 9000122703488C 82-PB-192 821920 +0.0 2.1000E+02U 9000122703489C 82-PB-193-G 821930 U 9000122703490C 82-PB-193-M 821931 +6.5 3.4800E+02U 9000122703491C 82-PB-194 821940 +0.0 6.4200E+02U 9000122703492C 82-PB-195-G 821950 -1.5 9.0000E+02U 9000122703493C 82-PB-195-M 821951 +6.5 9.0000E+02U 9000122703494C 82-PB-196 821960 +0.0 2.2200E+03U 9000122703495C 82-PB-197-G 821970 -1.5 4.8600E+02U 9000122703496C 82-PB-197-M 821971 +6.5 2.5740E+03U 9000122703497C 82-PB-198 821980 +0.0 8.6400E+03U 9000122703498C 82-PB-199-G 821990 -1.5 5.4000E+03U 9000122703499C 82-PB-199-M 821991 7.3200E+02U 9000122703500C 82-PB-200 822000 +0.0 7.7400E+04U 9000122703501C 82-PB-201-G 822010 -2.5 3.3588E+04U 9000122703502C 82-PB-201-M 822011 +6.5 6.0800E+01U 9000122703503C 82-PB-202-G 822020 +0.0 1.6567E+12U 9000122703504C 82-PB-202-M 822021 -9.0 1.2744E+04U 9000122703505C 82-PB-203-G 822030 -2.5 1.8693E+05U 9000122703506C 82-PB-203-M1 822031 +6.5 6.2100E+00U 9000122703507C 82-PB-203-M2 822032 -14.5 4.8000E-01U 9000122703508C 82-PB-204-G 822040 +0.0 S 1.4000E+00 9000122703509C 82-PB-204-M 822041 -9.0 4.0158E+03U 9000122703510C 82-PB-205 822050 -2.5 5.3647E+14U 9000122703511C 82-PB-206 822060 +0.0 S 2.4100E+01 9000122703512C 82-PB-207-G 822070 -0.5 S 2.2100E+01 9000122703513C 82-PB-207-M 822071 +6.5 8.0600E-01U 9000122703514C 82-PB-208 822080 +0.0 S 5.2400E+01 9000122703515C 82-PB-209 822090 +4.5 1.1646E+04U 9000122703516C 82-PB-210 822100 +0.0 7.0056E+08U 9000122703517C 82-PB-211 822110 +4.5 2.1698E+03U 9000122703518C 82-PB-212 822120 +0.0 3.8257E+04U 9000122703519C 82-PB-213 822130 6.1200E+02U 9000122703520C 82-PB-214 822140 +0.0 1.6236E+03U 9000122703521C 82-PB-215 822150 1.4200E+02U 9000122703522C 82-PB-216 822160 +0.0 9.9600E+01U 9000122703523C 82-PB-217 822170 1.9900E+01U 9000122703524C 82-PB-218 822180 +0.0 1.4800E+01U 9000122703525C 82-PB-219 822190 U 9000122703526C 82-PB-220 822200 +0.0 U 9000122703527C 83-BI-184 831840 * 6.6000E-03U 9000122703528C 83-BI-185 831850 * U 9000122703529C 83-BI-186 831860 * 1.4800E-02U 9000122703530C 83-BI-187 831870 3.7000E-02U 9000122703531C 83-BI-188-G 831880 6.0000E-02U 9000122703532C 83-BI-188-M 831881 2.6500E-01U 9000122703533C 83-BI-189 831890 -4.5 6.8800E-01U 9000122703534C 83-BI-190-G 831900 6.3000E+00U 9000122703535C 83-BI-190-M 831901 -10.0 6.2000E+00U 9000122703536C 83-BI-191-G 831910 -4.5 1.2400E+01U 9000122703537C 83-BI-191-M 831911 +0.5 1.2500E-01U 9000122703538C 83-BI-192-G 831920 3.4600E+01U 9000122703539C 83-BI-192-M 831921 -10.0 3.9600E+01U 9000122703540C 83-BI-193-G 831930 -4.5 6.3600E+01U 9000122703541C 83-BI-193-M 831931 +0.5 3.2000E+00U 9000122703542C 83-BI-194-G 831940 +3.0 9.5000E+01U 9000122703543C 83-BI-194-M1 831941 1.2500E+02U 9000122703544C 83-BI-194-M2 831942 -10.0 1.1500E+02U 9000122703545C 83-BI-195-G 831950 -4.5 1.8300E+02U 9000122703546C 83-BI-195-M 831951 +0.5 8.7000E+01U 9000122703547C 83-BI-196-G 831960 3.0780E+02U 9000122703548C 83-BI-196-M1 831961 6.0000E-01U 9000122703549C 83-BI-196-M2 831962 2.4000E+02U 9000122703550C 83-BI-197-G 831970 -4.5 5.5980E+02U 9000122703551C 83-BI-197-M 831971 +0.5 3.0240E+02U 9000122703552C 83-BI-198-G 831980 +3.0 6.1800E+02U 9000122703553C 83-BI-198-M1 831981 +7.0 6.9600E+02U 9000122703554C 83-BI-198-M2 831982 -10.0 7.7000E+00U 9000122703555C 83-BI-199-G 831990 -4.5 1.6200E+03U 9000122703556C 83-BI-199-M 831991 1.4820E+03U 9000122703557C 83-BI-200-G 832000 +7.0 * 2.1840E+03U 9000122703558C 83-BI-200-M1 832001 * 1.8600E+03U 9000122703559C 83-BI-200-M2 832002 4.0000E-01U 9000122703560C 83-BI-201-G 832010 -4.5 6.1800E+03U 9000122703561C 83-BI-201-M 832011 +0.5 3.4500E+03U 9000122703562C 83-BI-202 832020 +5.0 6.1920E+03U 9000122703563C 83-BI-203-G 832030 -4.5 4.2336E+04U 9000122703564C 83-BI-203-M 832031 +0.5 3.0500E-01U 9000122703565C 83-BI-204 832040 +6.0 4.0392E+04U 9000122703566C 83-BI-205 832050 -4.5 1.2882E+06U 9000122703567C 83-BI-206 832060 +6.0 5.3940E+05U 9000122703568C 83-BI-207 832070 -4.5 9.8521E+08U 9000122703569C 83-BI-208 832080 +5.0 1.1613E+13U 9000122703570C 83-BI-209 832090 -4.5 6.3429E+26U 1.0000E+02 9000122703571C 83-BI-210-G 832100 -1.0 4.3304E+05U 9000122703572C 83-BI-210-M 832101 -9.0 9.5933E+13U 9000122703573C 83-BI-211 832110 -4.5 1.2840E+02U 9000122703574C 83-BI-212-G 832120 -1.0 3.6330E+03U 9000122703575C 83-BI-212-M1 832121 1.5000E+03U 9000122703576C 83-BI-212-M2 832122 4.2000E+02U 9000122703577C 83-BI-213-G 832130 -4.5 2.7360E+03U 9000122703578C 83-BI-213-M 832131 U 9000122703579C 83-BI-214-G 832140 -1.0 1.1940E+03U 9000122703580C 83-BI-214-M 832141 U 9000122703581C 83-BI-215-G 832150 4.5720E+02U 9000122703582C 83-BI-215-M 832151 3.6900E+01U 9000122703583C 83-BI-216-G 832160 * 1.3260E+02U 9000122703584C 83-BI-216-M 832161 * 3.9600E+02U 9000122703585C 83-BI-217 832170 9.8500E+01U 9000122703586C 83-BI-218 832180 3.3000E+01U 9000122703587C 83-BI-219 832190 8.7000E+00U 9000122703588C 83-BI-220 832200 9.5000E+00U 9000122703589C 83-BI-221 832210 U 9000122703590C 83-BI-222 832220 U 9000122703591C 83-BI-223 832230 U 9000122703592C 83-BI-224 832240 U 9000122703593C 84-PO-186 841860 +0.0 3.4000E-05U 9000122703594C 84-PO-187 841870 -0.5 * 1.4000E-03U 9000122703595C 84-PO-188 841880 +0.0 2.7000E-04U 9000122703596C 84-PO-189 841890 3.5000E-03U 9000122703597C 84-PO-190 841900 +0.0 2.4500E-03U 9000122703598C 84-PO-191 841910 -1.5 2.2000E-02U 9000122703599C 84-PO-192 841920 +0.0 3.2200E-02U 9000122703600C 84-PO-193-G 841930 -1.5 3.9900E-01U 9000122703601C 84-PO-193-M 841931 +6.5 2.4500E-01U 9000122703602C 84-PO-194 841940 +0.0 3.9200E-01U 9000122703603C 84-PO-195-G 841950 -1.5 4.6400E+00U 9000122703604C 84-PO-195-M 841951 +6.5 1.9200E+00U 9000122703605C 84-PO-196 841960 +0.0 5.6300E+00U 9000122703606C 84-PO-197-G 841970 5.3600E+01U 9000122703607C 84-PO-197-M 841971 +6.5 2.5800E+01U 9000122703608C 84-PO-198 841980 +0.0 1.0560E+02U 9000122703609C 84-PO-199-G 841990 -1.5 3.2820E+02U 9000122703610C 84-PO-199-M 841991 +6.5 2.5020E+02U 9000122703611C 84-PO-200 842000 +0.0 6.9060E+02U 9000122703612C 84-PO-201-G 842010 -1.5 9.3600E+02U 9000122703613C 84-PO-201-M 842011 +6.5 5.3760E+02U 9000122703614C 84-PO-202 842020 +0.0 2.6760E+03U 9000122703615C 84-PO-203-G 842030 -2.5 2.2020E+03U 9000122703616C 84-PO-203-M 842031 +6.5 4.5000E+01U 9000122703617C 84-PO-204 842040 +0.0 1.2668E+04U 9000122703618C 84-PO-205 842050 -2.5 6.2640E+03U 9000122703619C 84-PO-206 842060 +0.0 7.6032E+05U 9000122703620C 84-PO-207-G 842070 -2.5 2.0880E+04U 9000122703621C 84-PO-207-M 842071 -9.5 2.7900E+00U 9000122703622C 84-PO-208 842080 +0.0 9.1452E+07U 9000122703623C 84-PO-209 842090 -0.5 3.9131E+09U 9000122703624C 84-PO-210 842100 +0.0 1.1956E+07U 9000122703625C 84-PO-211-G 842110 +4.5 5.1600E-01U 9000122703626C 84-PO-211-M 842111 2.5200E+01U 9000122703627C 84-PO-212-G 842120 +0.0 2.9440E-07U 9000122703628C 84-PO-212-M 842121 4.5100E+01U 9000122703629C 84-PO-213 842130 +4.5 3.7050E-06U 9000122703630C 84-PO-214 842140 +0.0 1.6347E-04U 9000122703631C 84-PO-215 842150 +4.5 1.7810E-03U 9000122703632C 84-PO-216 842160 +0.0 1.4400E-01U 9000122703633C 84-PO-217 842170 1.5300E+00U 9000122703634C 84-PO-218 842180 +0.0 1.8582E+02U 9000122703635C 84-PO-219 842190 6.1800E+02U 9000122703636C 84-PO-220 842200 +0.0 U 9000122703637C 84-PO-221 842210 1.3200E+02U 9000122703638C 84-PO-222 842220 +0.0 5.4600E+02U 9000122703639C 84-PO-223 842230 U 9000122703640C 84-PO-224 842240 +0.0 U 9000122703641C 84-PO-225 842250 U 9000122703642C 84-PO-226 842260 +0.0 U 9000122703643C 84-PO-227 842270 U 9000122703644C 85-AT-191 851910 +0.5 2.1000E-03U 9000122703645C 85-AT-192 851920 * 1.1500E-02U 9000122703646C 85-AT-193 851930 +0.5 * 2.9000E-02U 9000122703647C 85-AT-194-G 851940 * 2.8600E-01U 9000122703648C 85-AT-194-M 851941 -10.0 * 3.2300E-01U 9000122703649C 85-AT-195-G 851950 +0.5 2.9000E-01U 9000122703650C 85-AT-195-M 851951 -3.5 1.4300E-01U 9000122703651C 85-AT-196 851960 * 3.7700E-01U 9000122703652C 85-AT-197-G 851970 -4.5 * 3.8820E-01U 9000122703653C 85-AT-197-M 851971 +0.5 * 2.0000E+00U 9000122703654C 85-AT-198-G 851980 +3.0 4.4700E+00U 9000122703655C 85-AT-198-M 851981 -10.0 1.2300E+00U 9000122703656C 85-AT-199-G 851990 -4.5 7.0200E+00U 9000122703657C 85-AT-199-M 851991 +0.5 2.7300E-01U 9000122703658C 85-AT-200-G 852000 4.3200E+01U 9000122703659C 85-AT-200-M1 852001 4.7000E+01U 9000122703660C 85-AT-200-M2 852002 8.0000E+00U 9000122703661C 85-AT-201 852010 -4.5 8.5200E+01U 9000122703662C 85-AT-202-G 852020 +3.0 1.8400E+02U 9000122703663C 85-AT-202-M1 852021 +7.0 1.8200E+02U 9000122703664C 85-AT-202-M2 852022 -10.0 4.6000E-01U 9000122703665C 85-AT-203 852030 -4.5 4.4400E+02U 9000122703666C 85-AT-204-G 852040 +7.0 5.4720E+02U 9000122703667C 85-AT-204-M 852041 -10.0 1.0800E-01U 9000122703668C 85-AT-205 852050 -4.5 1.6140E+03U 9000122703669C 85-AT-206 852060 1.8360E+03U 9000122703670C 85-AT-207 852070 -4.5 6.5160E+03U 9000122703671C 85-AT-208 852080 +6.0 5.8680E+03U 9000122703672C 85-AT-209 852090 -4.5 1.9512E+04U 9000122703673C 85-AT-210 852100 2.9160E+04U 9000122703674C 85-AT-211 852110 -4.5 2.5970E+04U 9000122703675C 85-AT-212-G 852120 3.1400E-01U 9000122703676C 85-AT-212-M 852121 1.1900E-01U 9000122703677C 85-AT-213 852130 -4.5 1.2500E-07U 9000122703678C 85-AT-214 852140 -1.0 5.5800E-07U 9000122703679C 85-AT-215 852150 -4.5 3.7000E-05U 9000122703680C 85-AT-216 852160 -1.0 3.0000E-04U 9000122703681C 85-AT-217 852170 -4.5 3.2600E-02U 9000122703682C 85-AT-218 852180 1.2800E+00U 9000122703683C 85-AT-219 852190 5.6000E+01U 9000122703684C 85-AT-220 852200 2.2260E+02U 9000122703685C 85-AT-221 852210 1.3800E+02U 9000122703686C 85-AT-222 852220 5.4000E+01U 9000122703687C 85-AT-223 852230 5.0000E+01U 9000122703688C 85-AT-224 852240 1.5000E+02U 9000122703689C 85-AT-225 852250 U 9000122703690C 85-AT-226 852260 U 9000122703691C 85-AT-227 852270 U 9000122703692C 85-AT-228 852280 U 9000122703693C 85-AT-229 852290 U 9000122703694C 86-RN-193 861930 1.1500E-03U 9000122703695C 86-RN-194 861940 +0.0 7.8000E-04U 9000122703696C 86-RN-195 861950 -1.5 * 7.0000E-03U 9000122703697C 86-RN-196 861960 +0.0 4.7000E-03U 9000122703698C 86-RN-197 861970 -1.5 5.4000E-02U 9000122703699C 86-RN-198 861980 +0.0 6.4400E-02U 9000122703700C 86-RN-199-G 861990 -1.5 5.9000E-01U 9000122703701C 86-RN-199-M 861991 +6.5 3.1000E-01U 9000122703702C 86-RN-200 862000 +0.0 1.0900E+00U 9000122703703C 86-RN-201-G 862010 -1.5 7.0000E+00U 9000122703704C 86-RN-201-M 862011 +6.5 3.8000E+00U 9000122703705C 86-RN-202 862020 +0.0 9.7000E+00U 9000122703706C 86-RN-203-G 862030 -1.5 4.4200E+01U 9000122703707C 86-RN-203-M 862031 +6.5 2.6900E+01U 9000122703708C 86-RN-204 862040 +0.0 7.4520E+01U 9000122703709C 86-RN-205-G 862050 -2.5 1.7000E+02U 9000122703710C 86-RN-205-M 862051 U 9000122703711C 86-RN-206 862060 +0.0 3.4020E+02U 9000122703712C 86-RN-207 862070 -2.5 5.5500E+02U 9000122703713C 86-RN-208 862080 +0.0 1.4610E+03U 9000122703714C 86-RN-209 862090 -2.5 1.7280E+03U 9000122703715C 86-RN-210 862100 +0.0 8.6400E+03U 9000122703716C 86-RN-211 862110 -0.5 5.2560E+04U 9000122703717C 86-RN-212 862120 +0.0 1.4340E+03U 9000122703718C 86-RN-213 862130 1.9500E-02U 9000122703719C 86-RN-214 862140 +0.0 2.5900E-07U 9000122703720C 86-RN-215 862150 +4.5 2.3000E-06U 9000122703721C 86-RN-216 862160 +0.0 2.9000E-05U 9000122703722C 86-RN-217 862170 +4.5 5.9300E-04U 9000122703723C 86-RN-218 862180 +0.0 3.3750E-02U 9000122703724C 86-RN-219 862190 +2.5 3.9600E+00U 9000122703725C 86-RN-220 862200 +0.0 5.5600E+01U 9000122703726C 86-RN-221 862210 +3.5 1.5420E+03U 9000122703727C 86-RN-222 862220 +0.0 3.3018E+05U 9000122703728C 86-RN-223 862230 +3.5 1.4580E+03U 9000122703729C 86-RN-224 862240 +0.0 6.4200E+03U 9000122703730C 86-RN-225 862250 -3.5 2.7960E+02U 9000122703731C 86-RN-226 862260 +0.0 4.4400E+02U 9000122703732C 86-RN-227 862270 2.0200E+01U 9000122703733C 86-RN-228 862280 +0.0 6.5000E+01U 9000122703734C 86-RN-229 862290 1.1900E+01U 9000122703735C 86-RN-230 862300 +0.0 U 9000122703736C 86-RN-231 862310 U 9000122703737C 87-FR-197 871970 2.3000E-03U 9000122703738C 87-FR-198 871980 * 1.5000E-02U 9000122703739C 87-FR-199 871990 6.6000E-03U 9000122703740C 87-FR-200-G 872000 * 4.7500E-02U 9000122703741C 87-FR-200-M 872001 * 1.9000E-01U 9000122703742C 87-FR-201 872010 -4.5 6.2800E-02U 9000122703743C 87-FR-202-G 872020 +3.0 3.7200E-01U 9000122703744C 87-FR-202-M 872021 -10.0 2.8600E-01U 9000122703745C 87-FR-203 872030 -4.5 5.5000E-01U 9000122703746C 87-FR-204-G 872040 +3.0 1.7500E+00U 9000122703747C 87-FR-204-M1 872041 +7.0 2.4100E+00U 9000122703748C 87-FR-204-M2 872042 -10.0 1.6500E+00U 9000122703749C 87-FR-205 872050 -4.5 3.9000E+00U 9000122703750C 87-FR-206-G 872060 +3.0 1.6000E+01U 9000122703751C 87-FR-206-M1 872061 +7.0 1.6000E+01U 9000122703752C 87-FR-206-M2 872062 -10.0 7.0000E-01U 9000122703753C 87-FR-207 872070 -4.5 1.4800E+01U 9000122703754C 87-FR-208 872080 +7.0 5.9100E+01U 9000122703755C 87-FR-209 872090 -4.5 5.0500E+01U 9000122703756C 87-FR-210 872100 +6.0 1.9080E+02U 9000122703757C 87-FR-211 872110 -4.5 1.8600E+02U 9000122703758C 87-FR-212 872120 +5.0 1.2000E+03U 9000122703759C 87-FR-213 872130 -4.5 3.4140E+01U 9000122703760C 87-FR-214 872140 5.5100E-03U 9000122703761C 87-FR-215 872150 -4.5 9.0000E-08U 9000122703762C 87-FR-216 872160 7.0000E-07U 9000122703763C 87-FR-217 872170 -4.5 2.2000E-05U 9000122703764C 87-FR-218 872180 -1.0 1.4000E-03U 9000122703765C 87-FR-219 872190 -4.5 2.2500E-02U 9000122703766C 87-FR-220 872200 +1.0 2.7400E+01U 9000122703767C 87-FR-221 872210 -2.5 2.8806E+02U 9000122703768C 87-FR-222 872220 -2.0 8.5200E+02U 9000122703769C 87-FR-223 872230 -1.5 1.3200E+03U 9000122703770C 87-FR-224 872240 -1.0 1.9980E+02U 9000122703771C 87-FR-225 872250 -1.5 2.3700E+02U 9000122703772C 87-FR-226 872260 -1.0 4.8500E+01U 9000122703773C 87-FR-227 872270 +0.5 1.4820E+02U 9000122703774C 87-FR-228-G 872280 -2.0 3.8000E+01U 9000122703775C 87-FR-228-M 872281 1.8000E+02U 9000122703776C 87-FR-229 872290 5.0200E+01U 9000122703777C 87-FR-230 872300 1.9100E+01U 9000122703778C 87-FR-231 872310 1.7600E+01U 9000122703779C 87-FR-232 872320 5.5000E+00U 9000122703780C 87-FR-233 872330 9.0000E-01U 9000122703781C 88-RA-201 882010 2.0000E-02U 9000122703782C 88-RA-202 882020 +0.0 4.1000E-03U 9000122703783C 88-RA-203 882030 -1.5 3.6000E-02U 9000122703784C 88-RA-204 882040 +0.0 6.0000E-02U 9000122703785C 88-RA-205-G 882050 -1.5 2.2000E-01U 9000122703786C 88-RA-205-M 882051 +6.5 1.8000E-01U 9000122703787C 88-RA-206 882060 +0.0 2.4000E-01U 9000122703788C 88-RA-207 882070 1.3800E+00U 9000122703789C 88-RA-208 882080 +0.0 1.1100E+00U 9000122703790C 88-RA-209 882090 -2.5 4.7100E+00U 9000122703791C 88-RA-210 882100 +0.0 4.0000E+00U 9000122703792C 88-RA-211 882110 -2.5 1.2600E+01U 9000122703793C 88-RA-212 882120 +0.0 1.3000E+01U 9000122703794C 88-RA-213 882130 -0.5 1.6380E+02U 9000122703795C 88-RA-214 882140 +0.0 2.4370E+00U 9000122703796C 88-RA-215 882150 1.6690E-03U 9000122703797C 88-RA-216 882160 +0.0 1.7200E-07U 9000122703798C 88-RA-217 882170 1.9500E-06U 9000122703799C 88-RA-218 882180 +0.0 2.5910E-05U 9000122703800C 88-RA-219 882190 9.0000E-03U 9000122703801C 88-RA-220 882200 +0.0 1.8100E-02U 9000122703802C 88-RA-221 882210 +2.5 2.5000E+01U 9000122703803C 88-RA-222 882220 +0.0 3.3600E+01U 9000122703804C 88-RA-223 882230 +1.5 9.8800E+05U 9000122703805C 88-RA-224 882240 +0.0 3.1377E+05U 9000122703806C 88-RA-225 882250 +0.5 1.2804E+06U 9000122703807C 88-RA-226 882260 +0.0 5.0491E+10U 9000122703808C 88-RA-227 882270 +1.5 2.5320E+03U 9000122703809C 88-RA-228 882280 +0.0 1.8145E+08U 9000122703810C 88-RA-229 882290 +2.5 2.4000E+02U 9000122703811C 88-RA-230 882300 +0.0 5.5800E+03U 9000122703812C 88-RA-231 882310 1.0400E+02U 9000122703813C 88-RA-232 882320 +0.0 2.4000E+02U 9000122703814C 88-RA-233 882330 3.0000E+01U 9000122703815C 88-RA-234 882340 +0.0 3.0000E+01U 9000122703816C 88-RA-235 882350 U 9000122703817C 89-AC-205 892050 -4.5 8.0000E-02U 9000122703818C 89-AC-206 892060 +3.0 2.5000E-02U 9000122703819C 89-AC-207 892070 -4.5 3.1000E-02U 9000122703820C 89-AC-208 892080 +3.0 9.7000E-02U 9000122703821C 89-AC-209 892090 -4.5 9.4000E-02U 9000122703822C 89-AC-210 892100 3.5000E-01U 9000122703823C 89-AC-211 892110 -4.5 2.1300E-01U 9000122703824C 89-AC-212 892120 +7.0 8.9500E-01U 9000122703825C 89-AC-213 892130 -4.5 7.3800E-01U 9000122703826C 89-AC-214 892140 +5.0 8.2000E+00U 9000122703827C 89-AC-215 892150 -4.5 1.7100E-01U 9000122703828C 89-AC-216 892160 4.4000E-04U 9000122703829C 89-AC-217 892170 -4.5 6.9000E-08U 9000122703830C 89-AC-218 892180 * 1.0000E-06U 9000122703831C 89-AC-219 892190 -4.5 9.4000E-06U 9000122703832C 89-AC-220 892200 2.6360E-02U 9000122703833C 89-AC-221 892210 5.2000E-02U 9000122703834C 89-AC-222-G 892220 -1.0 * 5.0000E+00U 9000122703835C 89-AC-222-M 892221 * 6.3000E+01U 9000122703836C 89-AC-223 892230 1.2600E+02U 9000122703837C 89-AC-224 892240 1.0008E+04U 9000122703838C 89-AC-225 892250 -1.5 8.5700E+05U 9000122703839C 89-AC-226 892260 1.0573E+05U 9000122703840C 89-AC-227 892270 -1.5 6.8706E+08U 9000122703841C 89-AC-228-G 892280 +3.0 2.2140E+04U 9000122703842C 89-AC-228-M 892281 1.8000E+02U 9000122703843C 89-AC-229 892290 +1.5 3.7620E+03U 9000122703844C 89-AC-230 892300 1.2200E+02U 9000122703845C 89-AC-231 892310 +0.5 4.5000E+02U 9000122703846C 89-AC-232 892320 1.1880E+02U 9000122703847C 89-AC-233 892330 1.4300E+02U 9000122703848C 89-AC-234-G 892340 4.5000E+01U 9000122703849C 89-AC-234-M1 892341 U 9000122703850C 89-AC-234-M2 892342 1.8000E+02U 9000122703851C 89-AC-235 892350 6.2000E+01U 9000122703852C 89-AC-236 892360 2.7000E+02U 9000122703853C 89-AC-237 892370 U 9000122703854C 90-TH-208 902080 +0.0 2.4000E-03U 9000122703855C 90-TH-209 902090 U 9000122703856C 90-TH-210 902100 +0.0 1.6000E-02U 9000122703857C 90-TH-211 902110 4.8000E-02U 9000122703858C 90-TH-212 902120 +0.0 3.1700E-02U 9000122703859C 90-TH-213 902130 -2.5 1.4400E-01U 9000122703860C 90-TH-214 902140 +0.0 8.7000E-02U 9000122703861C 90-TH-215 902150 1.3500E+00U 9000122703862C 90-TH-216 902160 +0.0 2.6280E-02U 9000122703863C 90-TH-217 902170 2.4800E-04U 9000122703864C 90-TH-218 902180 +0.0 1.2200E-07U 9000122703865C 90-TH-219 902190 1.0230E-06U 9000122703866C 90-TH-220 902200 +0.0 1.0200E-05U 9000122703867C 90-TH-221 902210 1.7500E-03U 9000122703868C 90-TH-222 902220 +0.0 2.2400E-03U 9000122703869C 90-TH-223 902230 6.0000E-01U 9000122703870C 90-TH-224 902240 +0.0 1.0400E+00U 9000122703871C 90-TH-225 902250 +1.5 5.2500E+02U 9000122703872C 90-TH-226 902260 +0.0 1.8420E+03U 9000122703873C 90-TH-227 902270 1.6151E+06U 9000122703874C 90-TH-228 902280 +0.0 6.0353E+07U 9000122703875C 90-TH-229 902290 +2.5 2.4980E+11U 9000122703876C 90-TH-230 902300 +0.0 2.3794E+12U 2.0000E-02 9000122703877C 90-TH-231 902310 +2.5 9.1872E+04U 9000122703878C 90-TH-232 902320 +0.0 4.4180E+17U 9.9980E+01 9000122703879C 90-TH-233 902330 +0.5 1.3098E+03U 9000122703880C 90-TH-234 902340 +0.0 2.0828E+06U 9000122703881C 90-TH-235 902350 4.3200E+02U 9000122703882C 90-TH-236 902360 +0.0 2.2380E+03U 9000122703883C 90-TH-237 902370 2.8800E+02U 9000122703884C 90-TH-238 902380 +0.0 5.6400E+02U 9000122703885C 90-TH-239 902390 U 9000122703886C 91-PA-211 912110 -4.5 6.0000E-03U 9000122703887C 91-PA-212 912120 5.8000E-03U 9000122703888C 91-PA-213 912130 -4.5 7.4000E-03U 9000122703889C 91-PA-214 912140 1.7000E-02U 9000122703890C 91-PA-215 912150 -4.5 1.4000E-02U 9000122703891C 91-PA-216 912160 1.0500E-01U 9000122703892C 91-PA-217 912170 -4.5 3.8000E-03U 9000122703893C 91-PA-218 912180 1.0800E-04U 9000122703894C 91-PA-219 912190 -4.5 5.6000E-08U 9000122703895C 91-PA-220 912200 * 8.5000E-07U 9000122703896C 91-PA-221 912210 -4.5 5.9000E-06U 9000122703897C 91-PA-222 912220 3.8000E-03U 9000122703898C 91-PA-223 912230 -4.5 5.3000E-03U 9000122703899C 91-PA-224 912240 8.4400E-01U 9000122703900C 91-PA-225 912250 1.7100E+00U 9000122703901C 91-PA-226 912260 1.0800E+02U 9000122703902C 91-PA-227 912270 2.2980E+03U 9000122703903C 91-PA-228 912280 +3.0 7.9200E+04U 9000122703904C 91-PA-229 912290 +2.5 1.3392E+05U 9000122703905C 91-PA-230 912300 -2.0 1.5034E+06U 9000122703906C 91-PA-231 912310 -1.5 1.0303E+12U 1.0000E+02 9000122703907C 91-PA-232 912320 1.1405E+05U 9000122703908C 91-PA-233 912330 -1.5 2.3306E+06U 9000122703909C 91-PA-234-G 912340 +4.0 2.4120E+04U 9000122703910C 91-PA-234-M 912341 6.9540E+01U 9000122703911C 91-PA-235 912350 -1.5 1.4640E+03U 9000122703912C 91-PA-236 912360 5.4600E+02U 9000122703913C 91-PA-237 912370 +0.5 5.2200E+02U 9000122703914C 91-PA-238 912380 1.3680E+02U 9000122703915C 91-PA-239 912390 6.4800E+03U 9000122703916C 91-PA-240 912400 U 9000122703917C 91-PA-241 912410 U 9000122703918C 92-U-0 920000 9000122703919C Natural uranium 9000122703920C 92-U-215 922150 1.4000E-03U 9000122703921C 92-U-216 922160 +0.0 6.9000E-03U 9000122703922C 92-U-217 922170 8.5000E-04U 9000122703923C 92-U-218 922180 +0.0 3.5400E-04U 9000122703924C 92-U-219 922190 6.0000E-05U 9000122703925C 92-U-220 922200 +0.0 U 9000122703926C 92-U-221 922210 6.6000E-07U 9000122703927C 92-U-222 922220 +0.0 4.7000E-06U 9000122703928C 92-U-223 922230 6.5000E-05U 9000122703929C 92-U-224 922240 +0.0 3.9600E-04U 9000122703930C 92-U-225 922250 6.2000E-02U 9000122703931C 92-U-226 922260 +0.0 2.6900E-01U 9000122703932C 92-U-227 922270 6.6000E+01U 9000122703933C 92-U-228 922280 +0.0 5.4600E+02U 9000122703934C 92-U-229 922290 +1.5 3.4680E+03U 9000122703935C 92-U-230 922300 +0.0 1.7479E+06U 9000122703936C 92-U-231 922310 3.6288E+05U 9000122703937C 92-U-232 922320 +0.0 2.1743E+09U 9000122703938C 92-U-233 922330 +2.5 5.0235E+12U 9000122703939C 92-U-234 922340 +0.0 7.7472E+12U 5.4000E-03 9000122703940C 92-U-235-G 922350 -3.5 2.2216E+16U 7.2040E-01 9000122703941C 92-U-235-M 922351 +0.5 1.5420E+03U 9000122703942C 92-U-236 922360 +0.0 7.3906E+14U 9000122703943C 92-U-237 922370 +0.5 5.8337E+05U 9000122703944C 92-U-238 922380 +0.0 1.4084E+17U 9.9274E+01 9000122703945C 92-U-239 922390 +2.5 1.4070E+03U 9000122703946C 92-U-240 922400 +0.0 5.0760E+04U 9000122703947C 92-U-241 922410 U 9000122703948C 92-U-242 922420 +0.0 1.0080E+03U 9000122703949C 92-U-243 922430 U 9000122703950C 93-NP-219 932190 5.7000E-04U 9000122703951C 93-NP-220 932200 2.9000E-08U 9000122703952C 93-NP-221 932210 U 9000122703953C 93-NP-222 932220 4.8000E-07U 9000122703954C 93-NP-223 932230 2.5000E-06U 9000122703955C 93-NP-224 932240 4.8000E-05U 9000122703956C 93-NP-225 932250 6.5000E-03U 9000122703957C 93-NP-226 932260 3.5000E-02U 9000122703958C 93-NP-227 932270 5.1000E-01U 9000122703959C 93-NP-228 932280 6.1400E+01U 9000122703960C 93-NP-229 932290 2.4000E+02U 9000122703961C 93-NP-230 932300 2.7600E+02U 9000122703962C 93-NP-231 932310 2.9280E+03U 9000122703963C 93-NP-232 932320 8.8200E+02U 9000122703964C 93-NP-233 932330 2.1720E+03U 9000122703965C 93-NP-234 932340 3.8016E+05U 9000122703966C 93-NP-235 932350 +2.5 3.4223E+07U 9000122703967C 93-NP-236-G 932360 * 4.8282E+12U 9000122703968C 93-NP-236-M 932361 * 8.1000E+04U 9000122703969C 93-NP-237 932370 +2.5 6.7658E+13U 9000122703970C 93-NP-238 932380 +2.0 1.8135E+05U 9000122703971C 93-NP-239 932390 +2.5 2.0356E+05U 9000122703972C 93-NP-240-G 932400 * 3.7140E+03U 9000122703973C 93-NP-240-M 932401 * 4.3320E+02U 9000122703974C 93-NP-241 932410 8.3400E+02U 9000122703975C 93-NP-242-G 932420 * 1.3200E+02U 9000122703976C 93-NP-242-M 932421 * 3.3000E+02U 9000122703977C 93-NP-243 932430 1.1100E+02U 9000122703978C 93-NP-244 932440 1.3740E+02U 9000122703979C 93-NP-245 932450 U 9000122703980C 94-PU-221 942210 U 9000122703981C 94-PU-222 942220 +0.0 U 9000122703982C 94-PU-223 942230 U 9000122703983C 94-PU-224 942240 +0.0 U 9000122703984C 94-PU-225 942250 U 9000122703985C 94-PU-226 942260 +0.0 U 9000122703986C 94-PU-227 942270 U 9000122703987C 94-PU-228 942280 +0.0 2.1000E+00U 9000122703988C 94-PU-229 942290 9.1000E+01U 9000122703989C 94-PU-230 942300 +0.0 1.0500E+02U 9000122703990C 94-PU-231 942310 5.1600E+02U 9000122703991C 94-PU-232 942320 +0.0 2.0220E+03U 9000122703992C 94-PU-233 942330 1.2540E+03U 9000122703993C 94-PU-234 942340 +0.0 3.1680E+04U 9000122703994C 94-PU-235 942350 1.5180E+03U 9000122703995C 94-PU-236 942360 +0.0 9.0190E+07U 9000122703996C 94-PU-237-G 942370 -3.5 3.9433E+06U 9000122703997C 94-PU-237-M 942371 +0.5 1.8000E-01U 9000122703998C 94-PU-238 942380 +0.0 2.7675E+09U 9000122703999C 94-PU-239 942390 +0.5 7.6084E+11U 9000122704000C 94-PU-240 942400 +0.0 2.0704E+11U 9000122704001C 94-PU-241 942410 +2.5 4.5218E+08U 9000122704002C 94-PU-242 942420 +0.0 1.1834E+13U 9000122704003C 94-PU-243 942430 +3.5 1.7839E+04U 9000122704004C 94-PU-244-G 942440 +0.0 2.5656E+15U 9000122704005C 94-PU-244-M 942441 -8.0 1.7500E+00U 9000122704006C 94-PU-245 942450 3.7800E+04U 9000122704007C 94-PU-246 942460 +0.0 9.3658E+05U 9000122704008C 94-PU-247 942470 1.9613E+05U 9000122704009C 95-AM-223 952230 1.0000E-02U 9000122704010C 95-AM-224 952240 U 9000122704011C 95-AM-225 952250 U 9000122704012C 95-AM-226 952260 U 9000122704013C 95-AM-227 952270 U 9000122704014C 95-AM-228 952280 U 9000122704015C 95-AM-229 952290 1.8000E+00U 9000122704016C 95-AM-230 952300 4.0000E+01U 9000122704017C 95-AM-231 952310 U 9000122704018C 95-AM-232 952320 7.8600E+01U 9000122704019C 95-AM-233 952330 1.9200E+02U 9000122704020C 95-AM-234 952340 1.3920E+02U 9000122704021C 95-AM-235 952350 6.1800E+02U 9000122704022C 95-AM-236-G 952360 -5.0 2.1600E+02U 9000122704023C 95-AM-236-M 952361 1.7400E+02U 9000122704024C 95-AM-237 952370 -2.5 4.4160E+03U 9000122704025C 95-AM-238 952380 +1.0 5.8800E+03U 9000122704026C 95-AM-239 952390 -2.5 4.2840E+04U 9000122704027C 95-AM-240 952400 1.8288E+05U 9000122704028C 95-AM-241 952410 -2.5 1.3652E+10U 9000122704029C 95-AM-242-G 952420 -1.0 5.7672E+04U 9000122704030C 95-AM-242-M 952421 -5.0 4.4495E+09U 9000122704031C 95-AM-243 952430 -2.5 2.3194E+11U 9000122704032C 95-AM-244-G 952440 3.6036E+04U 9000122704033C 95-AM-244-M 952441 +1.0 1.5678E+03U 9000122704034C 95-AM-245 952450 +2.5 7.3800E+03U 9000122704035C 95-AM-246-G 952460 -7.0 2.3400E+03U 9000122704036C 95-AM-246-M 952461 1.5000E+03U 9000122704037C 95-AM-247 952470 1.3800E+03U 9000122704038C 95-AM-248 952480 U 9000122704039C 95-AM-249 952490 U 9000122704040C 96-CM-231 962310 U 9000122704041C 96-CM-232 962320 +0.0 U 9000122704042C 96-CM-233 962330 2.7000E+01U 9000122704043C 96-CM-234 962340 +0.0 5.2000E+01U 9000122704044C 96-CM-235 962350 4.2000E+02U 9000122704045C 96-CM-236 962360 +0.0 4.0800E+02U 9000122704046C 96-CM-237 962370 U 9000122704047C 96-CM-238 962380 +0.0 7.9200E+03U 9000122704048C 96-CM-239 962390 9.0000E+03U 9000122704049C 96-CM-240 962400 +0.0 2.6266E+06U 9000122704050C 96-CM-241 962410 +0.5 2.8339E+06U 9000122704051C 96-CM-242 962420 +0.0 1.4066E+07U 9000122704052C 96-CM-243 962430 +2.5 9.1831E+08U 9000122704053C 96-CM-244 962440 +0.0 5.7150E+08U 9000122704054C 96-CM-245 962450 +3.5 2.6034E+11U 9000122704055C 96-CM-246-G 962460 +0.0 1.4851E+11U 9000122704056C 96-CM-246-M 962461 -8.0 1.1200E+00U 9000122704057C 96-CM-247 962470 -4.5 4.9229E+14U 9000122704058C 96-CM-248 962480 +0.0 1.0982E+13U 9000122704059C 96-CM-249 962490 +0.5 3.8490E+03U 9000122704060C 96-CM-250 962500 +0.0 U 9000122704061C 96-CM-251 962510 1.0080E+03U 9000122704062C 96-CM-252 962520 +0.0 U 9000122704063C 97-BK-233 972330 4.0000E+01U 9000122704064C 97-BK-234 972340 2.0000E+01U 9000122704065C 97-BK-235 972350 U 9000122704066C 97-BK-236 972360 2.6000E+01U 9000122704067C 97-BK-237 972370 U 9000122704068C 97-BK-238 972380 1.4400E+02U 9000122704069C 97-BK-239 972390 * U 9000122704070C 97-BK-240 972400 2.8800E+02U 9000122704071C 97-BK-241 972410 2.7600E+02U 9000122704072C 97-BK-242 972420 4.2000E+02U 9000122704073C 97-BK-243 972430 -1.5 * 1.6560E+04U 9000122704074C 97-BK-244 972440 -4.0 1.8072E+04U 9000122704075C 97-BK-245 972450 -1.5 * 4.2768E+05U 9000122704076C 97-BK-246 972460 1.5552E+05U 9000122704077C 97-BK-247 972470 -1.5 4.3549E+10U 9000122704078C 97-BK-248-G 972480 * U 9000122704079C 97-BK-248-M 972481 * 8.5320E+04U 9000122704080C 97-BK-249 972490 +3.5 2.8270E+07U 9000122704081C 97-BK-250 972500 -2.0 1.1563E+04U 9000122704082C 97-BK-251 972510 3.3360E+03U 9000122704083C 97-BK-252 972520 1.0800E+02U 9000122704084C 97-BK-253 972530 U 9000122704085C 97-BK-254 972540 U 9000122704086C 98-CF-237 982370 8.0000E-01U 9000122704087C 98-CF-238 982380 +0.0 2.1100E-02U 9000122704088C 98-CF-239 982390 2.8000E+01U 9000122704089C 98-CF-240 982400 +0.0 4.0300E+01U 9000122704090C 98-CF-241 982410 1.4100E+02U 9000122704091C 98-CF-242 982420 +0.0 2.0940E+02U 9000122704092C 98-CF-243 982430 6.4800E+02U 9000122704093C 98-CF-244 982440 +0.0 1.1700E+03U 9000122704094C 98-CF-245 982450 +0.5 2.7000E+03U 9000122704095C 98-CF-246 982460 +0.0 1.2852E+05U 9000122704096C 98-CF-247 982470 1.1196E+04U 9000122704097C 98-CF-248 982480 +0.0 2.8814E+07U 9000122704098C 98-CF-249 982490 -4.5 1.1076E+10U 9000122704099C 98-CF-250 982500 +0.0 4.1276E+08U 9000122704100C 98-CF-251 982510 +0.5 2.8338E+10U 9000122704101C 98-CF-252 982520 +0.0 8.3468E+07U 9000122704102C 98-CF-253 982530 1.5388E+06U 9000122704103C 98-CF-254 982540 +0.0 5.2272E+06U 9000122704104C 98-CF-255 982550 5.1000E+03U 9000122704105C 98-CF-256 982560 +0.0 7.3800E+02U 9000122704106C 99-ES-239 992390 U 9000122704107C 99-ES-240 992400 6.0000E+00U 9000122704108C 99-ES-241 992410 5.1000E+00U 9000122704109C 99-ES-242 992420 1.7800E+01U 9000122704110C 99-ES-243 992430 * 2.2100E+01U 9000122704111C 99-ES-244 992440 3.7000E+01U 9000122704112C 99-ES-245 992450 * 6.6600E+01U 9000122704113C 99-ES-246 992460 4.5000E+02U 9000122704114C 99-ES-247 992470 * 2.7300E+02U 9000122704115C 99-ES-248 992480 1.4400E+03U 9000122704116C 99-ES-249 992490 +3.5 6.1320E+03U 9000122704117C 99-ES-250-G 992500 * 3.0960E+04U 9000122704118C 99-ES-250-M 992501 * 7.9920E+03U 9000122704119C 99-ES-251 992510 -1.5 1.1880E+05U 9000122704120C 99-ES-252 992520 4.0755E+07U 9000122704121C 99-ES-253 992530 +3.5 1.7686E+06U 9000122704122C 99-ES-254-G 992540 +7.0 2.3820E+07U 9000122704123C 99-ES-254-M 992541 +2.0 1.4148E+05U 9000122704124C 99-ES-255 992550 3.4387E+06U 9000122704125C 99-ES-256-G 992560 * 2.7360E+04U 9000122704126C 99-ES-256-M 992561 * 1.5240E+03U 9000122704127C 99-ES-257 992570 6.6528E+05U 9000122704128C 99-ES-258 992580 U 9000122704129C 100-FM-241 1002410 7.3000E-04U 9000122704130C 100-FM-242 1002420 +0.0 8.0000E-04U 9000122704131C 100-FM-243 1002430 2.3100E-01U 9000122704132C 100-FM-244 1002440 +0.0 3.1200E-03U 9000122704133C 100-FM-245 1002450 4.2000E+00U 9000122704134C 100-FM-246 1002460 +0.0 1.5400E+00U 9000122704135C 100-FM-247-G 1002470 3.1000E+01U 9000122704136C 100-FM-247-M 1002471 5.1000E+00U 9000122704137C 100-FM-248 1002480 +0.0 3.4500E+01U 9000122704138C 100-FM-249 1002490 +3.5 9.6000E+01U 9000122704139C 100-FM-250-G 1002500 +0.0 1.8600E+03U 9000122704140C 100-FM-250-M 1002501 1.9200E+00U 9000122704141C 100-FM-251 1002510 -4.5 1.9080E+04U 9000122704142C 100-FM-252 1002520 +0.0 9.1404E+04U 9000122704143C 100-FM-253 1002530 +0.5 2.5920E+05U 9000122704144C 100-FM-254 1002540 +0.0 1.1664E+04U 9000122704145C 100-FM-255 1002550 +3.5 7.2252E+04U 9000122704146C 100-FM-256 1002560 +0.0 9.4260E+03U 9000122704147C 100-FM-257 1002570 +4.5 8.6832E+06U 9000122704148C 100-FM-258 1002580 +0.0 3.7000E-04U 9000122704149C 100-FM-259 1002590 1.5000E+00U 9000122704150C 100-FM-260 1002600 +0.0 U 9000122704151C 101-MD-244 1012440 3.6000E-01U 9000122704152C 101-MD-245 1012450 * 3.8000E-01U 9000122704153C 101-MD-246-G 1012460 * 9.2000E-01U 9000122704154C 101-MD-246-M 1012461 * 4.4000E+00U 9000122704155C 101-MD-247-G 1012470 1.1900E+00U 9000122704156C 101-MD-247-M 1012471 2.5000E-01U 9000122704157C 101-MD-248 1012480 7.0000E+00U 9000122704158C 101-MD-249-G 1012490 * 2.5600E+01U 9000122704159C 101-MD-249-M 1012491 * 1.9000E+00U 9000122704160C 101-MD-250-G 1012500 5.4000E+01U 9000122704161C 101-MD-250-M 1012501 4.2400E+01U 9000122704162C 101-MD-251 1012510 2.5260E+02U 9000122704163C 101-MD-252 1012520 1.3800E+02U 9000122704164C 101-MD-253 1012530 7.2000E+02U 9000122704165C 101-MD-254-G 1012540 * 6.0000E+02U 9000122704166C 101-MD-254-M 1012541 * 1.6800E+03U 9000122704167C 101-MD-255 1012550 -3.5 * 1.6200E+03U 9000122704168C 101-MD-256 1012560 * 4.6620E+03U 9000122704169C 101-MD-257 1012570 1.9872E+04U 9000122704170C 101-MD-258-G 1012580 * 4.4574E+06U 9000122704171C 101-MD-258-M 1012581 * 3.4200E+03U 9000122704172C 101-MD-259 1012590 5.7600E+03U 9000122704173C 101-MD-260 1012600 2.4019E+06U 9000122704174C 101-MD-261 1012610 U 9000122704175C 101-MD-262 1012620 U 9000122704176C 102-NO-248 1022480 +0.0 U 9000122704177C 102-NO-249 1022490 5.7000E-05U 9000122704178C 102-NO-250 1022500 +0.0 5.0800E-06U 9000122704179C 102-NO-251-G 1022510 8.0000E-01U 9000122704180C 102-NO-251-M 1022511 1.0200E+00U 9000122704181C 102-NO-252-G 1022520 +0.0 2.4670E+00U 9000122704182C 102-NO-252-M 1022521 1.0910E-01U 9000122704183C 102-NO-253 1022530 -4.5 9.4200E+01U 9000122704184C 102-NO-254-G 1022540 +0.0 5.1200E+01U 9000122704185C 102-NO-254-M 1022541 2.6490E-01U 9000122704186C 102-NO-255 1022550 2.1120E+02U 9000122704187C 102-NO-256 1022560 +0.0 2.9100E+00U 9000122704188C 102-NO-257 1022570 2.4500E+01U 9000122704189C 102-NO-258 1022580 +0.0 1.2300E-03U 9000122704190C 102-NO-259 1022590 +4.5 3.4800E+03U 9000122704191C 102-NO-260 1022600 +0.0 1.0600E-01U 9000122704192C 102-NO-261 1022610 U 9000122704193C 102-NO-262 1022620 +0.0 5.0000E-03U 9000122704194C 102-NO-263 1022630 U 9000122704195C 102-NO-264 1022640 +0.0 U 9000122704196C 103-LR-251 1032510 U 9000122704197C 103-LR-252 1032520 3.6900E-01U 9000122704198C 103-LR-253-G 1032530 * 6.3200E-01U 9000122704199C 103-LR-253-M 1032531 * 1.3200E+00U 9000122704200C 103-LR-254-G 1032540 1.2000E+01U 9000122704201C 103-LR-254-M 1032541 2.0300E+01U 9000122704202C 103-LR-255-G 1032550 3.1100E+01U 9000122704203C 103-LR-255-M 1032551 2.5400E+00U 9000122704204C 103-LR-256 1032560 2.7900E+01U 9000122704205C 103-LR-257-G 1032570 * 6.0000E+00U 9000122704206C 103-LR-257-M 1032571 * 2.7000E-01U 9000122704207C 103-LR-258 1032580 3.9200E+00U 9000122704208C 103-LR-259 1032590 6.2000E+00U 9000122704209C 103-LR-260 1032600 1.8000E+02U 9000122704210C 103-LR-261 1032610 2.3400E+03U 9000122704211C 103-LR-262 1032620 1.4400E+04U 9000122704212C 103-LR-263 1032630 U 9000122704213C 103-LR-264 1032640 U 9000122704214C 103-LR-265 1032650 U 9000122704215C 103-LR-266 1032660 7.9200E+04U 9000122704216C 104-RF-253 1042530 * 1.3000E-02U 9000122704217C 104-RF-254 1042540 +0.0 2.2900E-05U 9000122704218C 104-RF-255 1042550 1.6300E+00U 9000122704219C 104-RF-256 1042560 +0.0 6.6000E-03U 9000122704220C 104-RF-257-G 1042570 5.0000E+00U 9000122704221C 104-RF-257-M 1042571 4.5000E+00U 9000122704222C 104-RF-258 1042580 +0.0 1.2500E-02U 9000122704223C 104-RF-259 1042590 2.6300E+00U 9000122704224C 104-RF-260 1042600 +0.0 2.1000E-02U 9000122704225C 104-RF-261-G 1042610 * 2.1000E+00U 9000122704226C 104-RF-261-M 1042611 * 7.4000E+01U 9000122704227C 104-RF-262 1042620 +0.0 2.5000E-01U 9000122704228C 104-RF-263 1042630 6.6000E+02U 9000122704229C 104-RF-264 1042640 +0.0 U 9000122704230C 104-RF-265 1042650 9.6000E+01U 9000122704231C 104-RF-266 1042660 +0.0 U 9000122704232C 104-RF-267 1042670 9.0000E+03U 9000122704233C 104-RF-268 1042680 +0.0 U 9000122704234C 105-DB-255 1052550 * 5.4000E-02U 9000122704235C 105-DB-256 1052560 1.7000E+00U 9000122704236C 105-DB-257-G 1052570 * 2.3000E+00U 9000122704237C 105-DB-257-M 1052571 * 6.7000E-01U 9000122704238C 105-DB-258-G 1052580 2.1700E+00U 9000122704239C 105-DB-258-M 1052581 4.4100E+00U 9000122704240C 105-DB-259 1052590 5.1000E-01U 9000122704241C 105-DB-260 1052600 1.5200E+00U 9000122704242C 105-DB-261 1052610 4.7000E+00U 9000122704243C 105-DB-262 1052620 3.4000E+01U 9000122704244C 105-DB-263 1052630 2.9000E+01U 9000122704245C 105-DB-264 1052640 U 9000122704246C 105-DB-265 1052650 U 9000122704247C 105-DB-266 1052660 4.8000E+03U 9000122704248C 105-DB-267 1052670 7.2000E+03U 9000122704249C 105-DB-268 1052680 1.0440E+05U 9000122704250C 105-DB-269 1052690 U 9000122704251C 105-DB-270 1052700 6.1200E+03U 9000122704252C 106-SG-258 1062580 +0.0 2.7000E-03U 9000122704253C 106-SG-259-G 1062590 4.0200E-01U 9000122704254C 106-SG-259-M 1062591 2.2600E-01U 9000122704255C 106-SG-260 1062600 +0.0 4.9500E-03U 9000122704256C 106-SG-261 1062610 1.8300E-01U 9000122704257C 106-SG-262 1062620 +0.0 1.0300E-02U 9000122704258C 106-SG-263-G 1062630 * 9.4000E-01U 9000122704259C 106-SG-263-M 1062631 * 4.2000E-01U 9000122704260C 106-SG-264 1062640 +0.0 7.8000E-02U 9000122704261C 106-SG-265-G 1062650 * 9.2000E+00U 9000122704262C 106-SG-265-M 1062651 * 1.6400E+01U 9000122704263C 106-SG-266 1062660 +0.0 3.9000E-01U 9000122704264C 106-SG-267 1062670 1.0800E+02U 9000122704265C 106-SG-268 1062680 +0.0 U 9000122704266C 106-SG-269 1062690 3.0000E+02U 9000122704267C 106-SG-270 1062700 +0.0 U 9000122704268C 106-SG-271 1062710 1.3200E+02U 9000122704269C 106-SG-272 1062720 +0.0 U 9000122704270C 106-SG-273 1062730 U 9000122704271C 107-BH-260 1072600 4.1000E-02U 9000122704272C 107-BH-261 1072610 1.2800E-02U 9000122704273C 107-BH-262 1072620 8.4000E-02U 9000122704274C 107-BH-263 1072630 U 9000122704275C 107-BH-264 1072640 1.0700E+00U 9000122704276C 107-BH-265 1072650 1.1900E+00U 9000122704277C 107-BH-266 1072660 1.0600E+01U 9000122704278C 107-BH-267 1072670 2.2000E+01U 9000122704279C 107-BH-268 1072680 U 9000122704280C 107-BH-269 1072690 U 9000122704281C 107-BH-270 1072700 2.2800E+02U 9000122704282C 107-BH-271 1072710 2.9000E+00U 9000122704283C 107-BH-272 1072720 1.1300E+01U 9000122704284C 107-BH-273 1072730 U 9000122704285C 107-BH-274 1072740 5.7000E+01U 9000122704286C 107-BH-275 1072750 U 9000122704287C 107-BH-276 1072760 U 9000122704288C 107-BH-277 1072770 U 9000122704289C 107-BH-278 1072780 U 9000122704290C 108-HS-263 1082630 9.0000E-04U 9000122704291C 108-HS-264 1082640 +0.0 7.0000E-01U 9000122704292C 108-HS-265 1082650 1.9600E-03U 9000122704293C 108-HS-266-G 1082660 +0.0 3.0000E-03U 9000122704294C 108-HS-266-M 1082661 2.8000E-01U 9000122704295C 108-HS-267 1082670 * 5.5000E-02U 9000122704296C 108-HS-268 1082680 +0.0 1.4000E+00U 9000122704297C 108-HS-269 1082690 1.5000E+01U 9000122704298C 108-HS-270 1082700 +0.0 9.0000E+00U 9000122704299C 108-HS-271 1082710 U 9000122704300C 108-HS-272 1082720 +0.0 U 9000122704301C 108-HS-273 1082730 1.0600E+00U 9000122704302C 108-HS-274 1082740 +0.0 U 9000122704303C 108-HS-275 1082750 2.8000E-01U 9000122704304C 108-HS-276 1082760 +0.0 U 9000122704305C 108-HS-277-G 1082770 * 1.2000E-02U 9000122704306C 108-HS-277-M 1082771 * 1.3000E+02U 9000122704307C 108-HS-278 1082780 +0.0 U 9000122704308C 108-HS-279 1082790 U 9000122704309C 108-HS-280 1082800 +0.0 U 9000122704310C 109-MT-265 1092650 U 9000122704311C 109-MT-266 1092660 2.0000E-03U 9000122704312C 109-MT-267 1092670 U 9000122704313C 109-MT-268 1092680 2.3000E-02U 9000122704314C 109-MT-269 1092690 U 9000122704315C 109-MT-270 1092700 8.0000E-01U 9000122704316C 109-MT-271 1092710 U 9000122704317C 109-MT-272 1092720 U 9000122704318C 109-MT-273 1092730 U 9000122704319C 109-MT-274 1092740 8.5000E-01U 9000122704320C 109-MT-275 1092750 3.1000E-02U 9000122704321C 109-MT-276-G 1092760 * 7.0000E-01U 9000122704322C 109-MT-276-M 1092761 * 7.0000E+00U 9000122704323C 109-MT-277 1092770 9.0000E+00U 9000122704324C 109-MT-278 1092780 6.0000E+00U 9000122704325C 109-MT-279 1092790 U 9000122704326C 109-MT-280 1092800 U 9000122704327C 109-MT-281 1092810 U 9000122704328C 109-MT-282 1092820 U 9000122704329C 110-DS-267 1102670 1.0000E-05U 9000122704330C 110-DS-268 1102680 +0.0 U 9000122704331C 110-DS-269 1102690 2.3000E-04U 9000122704332C 110-DS-270 1102700 +0.0 2.0500E-04U 9000122704333C 110-DS-271 1102710 * 1.4400E-01U 9000122704334C 110-DS-272 1102720 +0.0 U 9000122704335C 110-DS-273-G 1102730 2.4000E-04U 9000122704336C 110-DS-273-M 1102731 1.2000E-01U 9000122704337C 110-DS-274 1102740 +0.0 U 9000122704338C 110-DS-275 1102750 U 9000122704339C 110-DS-276 1102760 +0.0 U 9000122704340C 110-DS-277 1102770 6.0000E-03U 9000122704341C 110-DS-278 1102780 +0.0 U 9000122704342C 110-DS-279 1102790 2.1000E-01U 9000122704343C 110-DS-280 1102800 +0.0 2.5000E-02U 9000122704344C 110-DS-281-G 1102810 * 1.4000E+01U 9000122704345C 110-DS-281-M 1102811 * 9.0000E-01U 9000122704346C 110-DS-282 1102820 +0.0 2.5200E+02U 9000122704347C 110-DS-283 1102830 U 9000122704348C 110-DS-284 1102840 +0.0 U 9000122704349C 111-RG-272 1112720 4.2000E-03U 9000122704350C 111-RG-273 1112730 U 9000122704351C 111-RG-274 1112740 2.0000E-02U 9000122704352C 111-RG-275 1112750 U 9000122704353C 111-RG-276 1112760 U 9000122704354C 111-RG-277 1112770 U 9000122704355C 111-RG-278 1112780 8.0000E-03U 9000122704356C 111-RG-279 1112790 1.7000E-01U 9000122704357C 111-RG-280 1112800 4.3000E+00U 9000122704358C 111-RG-281 1112810 1.9000E+01U 9000122704359C 111-RG-282 1112820 1.3000E+02U 9000122704360C 111-RG-283 1112830 U 9000122704361C 111-RG-284 1112840 U 9000122704362C 111-RG-285 1112850 U 9000122704363C 111-RG-286 1112860 U 9000122704364C 112-CN-276 1122760 +0.0 U 9000122704365C 112-CN-277 1122770 7.9000E-04U 9000122704366C 112-CN-278 1122780 +0.0 U 9000122704367C 112-CN-279 1122790 U 9000122704368C 112-CN-280 1122800 +0.0 U 9000122704369C 112-CN-281 1122810 1.8000E-01U 9000122704370C 112-CN-282 1122820 +0.0 1.1000E-03U 9000122704371C 112-CN-283 1122830 4.7000E+00U 9000122704372C 112-CN-284 1122840 +0.0 1.0200E-01U 9000122704373C 112-CN-285-G 1122850 * 3.0000E+01U 9000122704374C 112-CN-285-M 1122851 * 1.5000E+01U 9000122704375C 112-CN-286 1122860 +0.0 3.0000E+01U 9000122704376C 112-CN-287 1122870 U 9000122704377C 112-CN-288 1122880 +0.0 U 9000122704378C 113-NH-278 1132780 2.3000E-03U 9000122704379C 113-NH-279 1132790 U 9000122704380C 113-NH-280 1132800 U 9000122704381C 113-NH-281 1132810 U 9000122704382C 113-NH-282 1132820 1.4000E-01U 9000122704383C 113-NH-283 1132830 1.4000E-01U 9000122704384C 113-NH-284 1132840 9.7000E-01U 9000122704385C 113-NH-285 1132850 4.6000E+00U 9000122704386C 113-NH-286 1132860 1.2000E+01U 9000122704387C 113-NH-287 1132870 U 9000122704388C 113-NH-288 1132880 U 9000122704389C 113-NH-289 1132890 U 9000122704390C 113-NH-290 1132900 8.0000E+00U 9000122704391C 114-FL-284 1142840 +0.0 3.1000E-03U 9000122704392C 114-FL-285 1142850 2.1000E-01U 9000122704393C 114-FL-286 1142860 +0.0 1.3000E-01U 9000122704394C 114-FL-287 1142870 5.1000E-01U 9000122704395C 114-FL-288 1142880 +0.0 6.5300E-01U 9000122704396C 114-FL-289-G 1142890 2.1000E+00U 9000122704397C 114-FL-289-M 1142891 1.1000E+00U 9000122704398C 114-FL-290 1142900 +0.0 8.0000E+01U 9000122704399C 114-FL-291 1142910 U 9000122704400C 115-MC-287 1152870 6.0000E-02U 9000122704401C 115-MC-288 1152880 1.7700E-01U 9000122704402C 115-MC-289 1152890 4.1000E-01U 9000122704403C 115-MC-290 1152900 8.4000E-01U 9000122704404C 115-MC-291 1152910 U 9000122704405C 115-MC-292 1152920 U 9000122704406C 116-LV-289 1162890 U 9000122704407C 116-LV-290 1162900 +0.0 9.0000E-03U 9000122704408C 116-LV-291 1162910 2.6000E-02U 9000122704409C 116-LV-292 1162920 +0.0 1.6000E-02U 9000122704410C 116-LV-293 1162930 7.0000E-02U 9000122704411C 117-TS-291 1172910 U 9000122704412C 117-TS-292 1172920 U 9000122704413C 117-TS-293 1172930 2.5000E-02U 9000122704414C 117-TS-294 1172940 7.0000E-02U 9000122704415C 118-OG-293 1182930 U 9000122704416C 118-OG-294 1182940 +0.0 7.0000E-04U 9000122704417C 118-OG-295 1182950 6.8000E-01U 9000122704418C ENDSUBDICT 4417 0 9000122799999 SUBDICT 90001235 20241220 Work types 9000123500001 C Comp Compilation 9000123500002 D Eval Evaluation 9000123500003 E Expt Experimental 9000123500004 M ExTh Experimental plus theoretical 9000123500005X R Revw Review 9000123500006 T Theo Theoretical 9000123500007 ENDSUBDICT 6 0 9000123599999 SUBDICT 90001236 20241220 Quantities (REACTION SF 5-8) 9000123600001 This dictionary should include all 9000123600002 combinations of codes in SF5-8 existing in 9000123600003 the files. New combinations should be 9000123600004 communicated to NRDC for inclusion in this 9000123600005 dictionary. Without entry in this dictionary 9000123600006 the following general modifiers and data 9000123600007 types may be added to the quantities listed. 9000123600008 * General quantity modifier (SF8, Dict.34) 9000123600009 AV = average 9000123600010 SPA = spectrum average 9000123600011 MXW = maxwellian average 9000123600012 FIS = fission spectrum average 9000123600013 FST = fast reactor neutron spectrum average 9000123600014 A = times natural isotopic abundance 9000123600015 (A) = unclear if corrected for natural 9000123600016 isotopic abundance 9000123600017 FCT = times a factor 9000123600018 REL = relative data 9000123600019 RAW = raw data 9000123600020 MSC = unusual quantity defined in free text 9000123600021 (use with code from Dict.236 providing 9000123600022 closest definition) 9000123600023 BRA = bremsstrahlung spectrum average 9000123600024 BRS = average over part of bremsstrahlung 9000123600025 spectrum 9000123600026 EPI = epithermal neutron spectrum average 9000123600027 * Data-type (SF9, Dict.35) 9000123600028 CALC = calculated 9000123600029 DERIV = derived from other 9000123600030 EVAL = evaluated 9000123600031 RECOM = recommended when compiled 9000123600032 =======================================================9000123600033 Integral cross sections, general 9000123600034 =======================================================9000123600035 (CUM),SIG B (Cross section (uncertain if cumulative)) 9000123600036 (Cross section, uncertain if cumulative) 9000123600037 (CUM),SIG/RAT NO (Cross section ratio (uncertain if 9000123600038 cumulative)) 9000123600039 (CUM)/M+,SIG B (Cross section,incl.isom.trans.,uncert.if 9000123600040 cum) 9000123600041 (Cross section, including formation of the 9000123600042 product nucleus via isomeric transition, 9000123600043 uncertain if cumulative) 9000123600044 (CUM)/M-,SIG B (Cross section excluding isomeric 9000123600045 transition, uncertain if cumulative) 9000123600046 (M),INT B*E (Cs.int.over inc.energy, unc. if iso.trans. 9000123600047 incl.) 9000123600048 (Cross section integral over incident 9000123600049 energy, uncertain if isomeric transition 9000123600050 included) 9000123600051 (M),RI B (Resonance integral (uncert.if isom.trans. 9000123600052 incl.)) 9000123600053 (M),SIG B (Cross section (uncert.if isomeric trans. 9000123600054 incl)) 9000123600055 (Cross section, including/excluding 9000123600056 formation via isomeric transition regarded 9000123600057 by compiler as uncertain) 9000123600058 ,DA,*,4PI B (Angular distribution of particle spec. * 9000123600059 4pi) 9000123600060 ,DA,,4PI B (Differential c/s d/dA * 4pi) 9000123600061 ,DA,,IPA B (Diff.cs integrated over partial angular 9000123600062O range) 9000123600063O ,INT B*E (Cross-section integral over incident 9000123600064 energy) 9000123600065 ,INT,,RAB B*E (Cs.int.inc.e.*abun.(nat)/abun.(nucl.of 1st 9000123600066 term)) 9000123600067 (Cross section integral over incident energy9000123600068 times natural isotopic abundance divided by9000123600069 abundance of target of first term of 9000123600070 REACTION sum) 9000123600071 ,INT,,RTE BERE(Cross-section integral over inc. 9000123600072 energy*sqrt(E)) 9000123600073 (Cross section integral over incident energy9000123600074 * root(E) ) 9000123600075 ,INT/DA,,4PI B*E (4pi * integral over inc.energy of ang. 9000123600076 distr.) 9000123600077 (4 pi * integral over incident energy of 9000123600078 angular distribution) 9000123600079 ,IPA B (Diff.cs integrated over partial angular 9000123600080 range) 9000123600081 ,IPA,* B (Diff.cs int.over part.ang.range of part. 9000123600082 spec.) 9000123600083 (Differential cross section integrated over 9000123600084 partial angular range of particle 9000123600085 specified) 9000123600086 ,RI B (Resonance integral) 9000123600087 ,RI,,LIM B (Resonance integral for limited energy 9000123600088 range) 9000123600089 ,RI,,RNV B (Resonance integral, non 1/v part) 9000123600090 ,RI,,RNV/LIM B (Resonance int., non 1/v, limited energy 9000123600091 range) 9000123600092 ,RI,,RV B (Resonance integral, 1/v part) 9000123600093 ,RI/SUM B (Resonance integral, isomeric sum) 9000123600094O ,RYL NO (Reaction yield) 9000123600095 ,SGV B*V (Thermonuclear reaction rate) 9000123600096 Spectrum-averaged, always used with the 9000123600097 modifier 'MXW'. 9000123600098 ,SGV,,SFC B*E (S-factor for reaction rate) 9000123600099O ,SIF NO (Self-indication function) 9000123600100 ,SIF,,TMP NO (Self-indication function at other than room9000123600101 tmp.) 9000123600102 ,SIG B (Cross section) 9000123600103 Independent formation of product nucleus 9000123600104 assumed but not explicitly stated by author9000123600105 ,SIG,*+* B (Cross section for particle pair) 9000123600106 ,SIG,,D4PI DA (Cross section divided by 4pi) 9000123600107 ,SIG,,DMN B (Cross section divided by target mass 9000123600108 number) 9000123600109 ,SIG,,HYD B (Cross section of hydrogen in hydride 9000123600110 molecule) 9000123600111 ,SIG,,RAB B (Cs * abund.(nat)/abund.(nuclide of 1st 9000123600112 term)) 9000123600113 (Cross section times natural isotopic 9000123600114 abundance, divided by abundance of target 9000123600115 of first term of REACTION sum) 9000123600116 ,SIG,,RES B (Cross section at resonance) 9000123600117 ,SIG,,RES/RTE BRE (Cross section * square root(E) at 9000123600118 resonance) 9000123600119 ,SIG,,RNV B (Cross section, non 1/v part) 9000123600120 ,SIG,,RTE BRE (Cross section * root(E)) 9000123600121 ,SIG,,RV B (Cross section, 1/v part) 9000123600122 ,SIG,,SFC B*E (S-factor) 9000123600123 ,SIG,,SFC/RES B*E (S-factor at resonance) 9000123600124 ,SIG,,SS B (Spin-spin cross section) 9000123600125 ,SIG,,TMP B (Cross section at other than the room 9000123600126 temperature) 9000123600127 ,SIG,,TT B (Cross section for thick target) 9000123600128 ,SIG,,TTA B (Cross section in thin target approximation)9000123600129 ,SIG,ER B (Unspec. evap. resid. production cross 9000123600130 section) 9000123600131 ,SIG,ER,SFC B*E (S-factor for unspecified evaporation 9000123600132 residue) 9000123600133 ,SIG,G B (Gamma-production cross section) 9000123600134 ,SIG,G,RES B (Gamma-production cross section at 9000123600135 resonance) 9000123600136 ,SIG/RAT NO (Cross section ratio) 9000123600137 ,SIG/RAT,,RES NO (Cross section ratio at resonance) 9000123600138 ,SIG/SUM B (Cross section sum) 9000123600139O Sum of isomeric cross sections. 9000123600140O ,SIG/TMP B (Temperature-dependent cross section) 9000123600141O ===Not to be used with process code 'THS' 9000123600142O ,SIG/TMP,,SFC B*E (Temperature-dependent S-factor) 9000123600143O ,TRN NO (Transmission) 9000123600144 ,TRN,,TMP NO (Transmission at other than the room 9000123600145 temperature) 9000123600146 ,TRN/TMP NO (Transmission, temperature dependent) 9000123600147O BA,SIG B (Bound-atom cross section) 9000123600148 BA/COH,SIG B (Bound-atom coherent cross section) 9000123600149 BIN,SIG B (Binary fission cross section) 9000123600150 BIN/TER,SIG/RAT NO (Binary/ternary cross section ratio) 9000123600151 CN,SIG B (Cross section, compound nucleus 9000123600152 contribution) 9000123600153 COH,SIG B (Coherent cross section) 9000123600154 CON,SIG B (Production cross section for continuous 9000123600155 gammas) 9000123600156 CUM,INT B*E (Cumulative cross-section, int.over inc. 9000123600157 energy) 9000123600158 CUM,SIG B (Cumulative cross section) 9000123600159 (Cumulative cross section, including 9000123600160 formation of product nucleus via 9000123600161 radioactive decay and isomeric transition) 9000123600162 CUM,SIG,,RAB B (Cum.Cs * abund.(nat)/abund.(nucl.of 1st 9000123600163 term)) 9000123600164 (Cumulative cross section times natural 9000123600165 isotopic abundance, divided by abundance of9000123600166 target of first term of REACTION sum) 9000123600167 CUM,SIG/RAT NO (Cross section ratio, cumulative) 9000123600168 CUM/(M),SIG B (Cumulative cross sect.(uncert.isom.trans. 9000123600169 incl.)) 9000123600170 (Cumulative cross section, but including/ 9000123600171 excluding formation of product nucleus via 9000123600172 radioactive decay and isomeric transition 9000123600173 regarded by compiler as uncertain) 9000123600174 CUM/M-,SIG B (Cumulative cross section, excluding isom. 9000123600175 trans.) 9000123600176 (Cumulative cross section, including 9000123600177 formation of product nucleus via radio- 9000123600178 active decay, but excl.isomeric transition)9000123600179 CUM/UND,SIG B (Cumulative cross section, undefined 9000123600180O reaction) 9000123600181O (Cumulative cross section, including 9000123600182O formation of product nucleus via 9000123600183O radioactive decay and isomeric transition. 9000123600184O Without defined reaction channel, outgoing 9000123600185O particles represent only sum of emitted 9000123600186O nucleons.) 9000123600187O ===Not to be used with process codes X,F. 9000123600188O So far only used for charged particle data.9000123600189O DI,SGV B*V (Thermonuclear reaction rate, direct int. 9000123600190 contr.) 9000123600191 (Thermonuclear reaction rate, direct 9000123600192 interaction contribution) 9000123600193 DI,SIG B (Cross section, direct interaction 9000123600194 contribution) 9000123600195 DI,SIG,,SFC B*E (S-factor, direct interaction contribution) 9000123600196 DIS,SIG B (Production cross section for discrete 9000123600197 gammas) 9000123600198 DL,SIG B (Cross section of delayed products) 9000123600199 DL,SIG,N B (Delayed-neutron emission cross section) 9000123600200 DL/GRP,SIG B (Cross sect.of delayed prod.f.gvn.half-life 9000123600201 grp.) 9000123600202 (Cross section of delayed products for given9000123600203 half-life group) 9000123600204 DL/GRP,SIG,N B (Del.neutron emiss.cs for given half-life 9000123600205 group) 9000123600206 EM,SIG B (Emission cross section) 9000123600207 (Emission cross section excluding elastic 9000123600208 scattering) 9000123600209 EXL,SIG B (Cross section including excitation to 9000123600210 low-lying levels) 9000123600211 FA,SIG B (Free-atom cross section) 9000123600212 FA/COH,SIG B (Free-atom coherent scattering cross 9000123600213 section) 9000123600214 FA/INC,SIG B (Free-atom incoherent scattering cross 9000123600215 section) 9000123600216 FIS,SIG B (Partial cs due to high-energy fission) 9000123600217 INC,SIG B (Incoherent scattering cross section) 9000123600218 IND,SIG B (Independent cross section) 9000123600219O (Independent cross section for direct 9000123600220O formation of the product nucleus) 9000123600221O Formation via radioactive decay explicitly 9000123600222O excluded. 9000123600223O IND,SIG/RAT NO (Independent cross section ratio) 9000123600224O (Independent cross section for direct 9000123600225O formation of the product nucleus, isomeric 9000123600226O ratio) 9000123600227O Formation via radioactive decay explicitly 9000123600228O excluded. 9000123600229O IND/(M),SIG B (Indep. cross section (isomeric trans. 9000123600230O uncertain)) 9000123600231O (Independent cross section, but 9000123600232O including/excluding formation via isomeric 9000123600233O transition regarded by compiler as 9000123600234O uncertain) 9000123600235O IND/M+,SIG B (Independent cross sect., incl. isomeric 9000123600236O trans.) 9000123600237O (Independent cross section, including 9000123600238O formation via isomeric transition) 9000123600239O L-,SIG B (Cross section excluding quasi-metastable 9000123600240 state production) 9000123600241 L-,SIG,,SFC B*E (S-factor excluding quasi-metastable state 9000123600242 production) 9000123600243 LON,SIG,,DSP B (Cs diff.(longit.spins, parallel - 9000123600244 antiparallel)) 9000123600245 M+,RI B (Resonance integral, including via isomer. 9000123600246 trans.) 9000123600247 (Resonance integral, including formation of 9000123600248 the product nucleus via isomeric 9000123600249 transition) 9000123600250 M+,SIG B (Cross section, incl. form. via isomeric 9000123600251 trans.) 9000123600252 (Cross section, including formation of the 9000123600253 product nucleus via isomeric transition) 9000123600254 M+,SIG,,RAB B (Cs * abund.(nat)/abund.(nucl.of 1st term) 9000123600255 including isomeric transition) 9000123600256 (Cross section times natural isotopic 9000123600257 abundance, divided by abundance of target 9000123600258 of first term of REACTION sum including 9000123600259 isomeric transition) 9000123600260 M+,SIG,,SFC B*E (S-factor including isomeric transition) 9000123600261 M-,SIG B (Cross section, excluding isomeric 9000123600262O transition) 9000123600263O (Cross section, excluding formation of the 9000123600264O product nucleus via isomeric transition) 9000123600265O NUM,SIG B (Cs for production of N product particles) 9000123600266 NUM,SIG,* B (Cs for production of N product particles 9000123600267 spec.) 9000123600268 PAR,SGV B*V (Partial thermonuclear reaction rate) 9000123600269 Spectrum-averaged, always used with the 9000123600270 modifier 'MXW'. 9000123600271 PAR,SIG,G,RAB B (Ptl.gam.pro.Cs*abun.(nat)/abun.(nucl. 1st 9000123600272 term)) 9000123600273 (Partial cross section times natural 9000123600274 isotopic abundance, divided by abundance of9000123600275 target of first term of REACTION sum) 9000123600276 POT,SIG B (Potential scattering cross section) 9000123600277 PR,SIG B (Prompt fission cross section) 9000123600278O SEQ,SIG B (Cross section for specified reaction 9000123600279 sequence) 9000123600280 (Partial cross section for specified 9000123600281 sequence of outgoing particles) 9000123600282 SPL,SIG B (Partial cross section due to spallation) 9000123600283 TER,SIG B (Ternary fission cross section) 9000123600284 TER/BIN,SIG/RAT NO (Ternary/binary cross section ratio) 9000123600285 TRS,SIG,,DSP B (Cs diff.(transv.spins, parallel - 9000123600286 antiparallel)) 9000123600287 UND,SIG B (Cross section, undefined reaction) 9000123600288O (Cross section, without defined reaction 9000123600289O channel, outgoing particles represent only 9000123600290O sum of emitted nucleons.) 9000123600291O ===Not to be used with process codes X, F. 9000123600292O So far only used for charged particle data. 9000123600293O UNW,INT B*E (Unweighted prod.cs integral over incid. 9000123600294 energy) 9000123600295 (Production cross section integral, not 9000123600296 weighted by outgoing particle multiplicity)9000123600297 UNW,SIG B (Unweighted production cross section) 9000123600298 (Production cross section, not weighted by 9000123600299 multiplicity of outgoing particle) 9000123600300 =======================================================9000123600301 Integral cross sections, partial 9000123600302 =======================================================9000123600303 CN/PAR,SIG B (Partial cross section, compound nucleus 9000123600304 contrib) 9000123600305 To be used only when partial cross section 9000123600306 leaving the residual nucleus in specific 9000123600307 level is split into direct-interaction and 9000123600308 compound-nucleus contributions 9000123600309 CN/PAR,SIG,,RES B (Part. c/s, compound nucleus contrib.at 9000123600310 resonance) 9000123600311 CN/SEQ/PAR,SIG B (Partial cross section, spec.seq.,comp.nuc. 9000123600312 contr) 9000123600313 (Partial cross section for specified 9000123600314 sequence of outgoing particles, compound 9000123600315 nuclear contribution) 9000123600316 DI/PAR,SIG B (Partial cross section, direct interact. 9000123600317 contrib.) 9000123600318 To be used only when partial cross section 9000123600319 leaving the residual nucleus in specific 9000123600320 level is split into direct-interaction and 9000123600321 compound-nucleus contributions 9000123600322 EM/PAR,SIG B (Partial emission cross section) 9000123600323 (Partial emission cross section excluding 9000123600324 elastic scattering) 9000123600325 EP,SIG B (Cross section for electric polarity given) 9000123600326 (Electric multipole component of cross 9000123600327 section for polarity specified) 9000123600328 EP,SIG,,SFC B*E (S-factor for electric polarity given) 9000123600329 (S-factor for electric multipole component 9000123600330 of cross section for polarity specified) 9000123600331 EP/PAR,INT B*E (Integral c/s over inc.en.for electr.polar. 9000123600332 given) 9000123600333 (Electric multipole component of partial 9000123600334 cross section integral over incident energy9000123600335 for polarity specified) 9000123600336 EP/PAR,SIG B (Partial cross section for electric polar. 9000123600337 given) 9000123600338 (Electric multipole component of partial 9000123600339 cross section for polarity specified) 9000123600340 EP/PAR,SIG,,SFC B*E (S-factor for electric polarity given, 9000123600341 partial) 9000123600342 ISP,SIG B (Cross section, partial for intermediate 9000123600343 product) 9000123600344 (Cross-section, partial with respect to 9000123600345 secondary energy of intermediate product) 9000123600346 ISP/PAR,SIG B (Cross section, partial for final and 9000123600347 intermediate products) 9000123600348 (Cross-section, partial with respect to 9000123600349 secondary energy of final and intermediate 9000123600350 products) 9000123600351 MP,SIG B (Cross section for magnetic polarity given) 9000123600352 (Magnetic multipole component of cross 9000123600353 section for polarity specified) 9000123600354 PAR,DA,*,4PI B (Partial diff.particle em.cross section 9000123600355 d/dA*4pi) 9000123600356 (Diff.partial particle emission cs * 4pi) 9000123600357 PAR,DA,,4PI B (Partial diff. cross section d/dA * 4pi) 9000123600358 PAR,DA,,IPA B (Par.diff.cs integrated over partial ang. 9000123600359O range) 9000123600360O PAR,INT B*E (Cs integral over incident energy f.given 9000123600361 level) 9000123600362 PAR,INT/DA BEDA(Integral over incid.energy of partl.ang 9000123600363 distr.) 9000123600364 (Integral over incident energy of partial 9000123600365 angular distribution) 9000123600366 PAR,INT/DA,* BEDA(Integral over inc.en. of partl.ang distr. 9000123600367 part.) 9000123600368 (Integral over incident energy of partial 9000123600369 angular distribution of part.spec.) 9000123600370 PAR,INT/DA,*,4PI B*E (4pi*integral over inc.energy of ang.distr. 9000123600371 part.) 9000123600372 (4 pi * integral over incident energy of 9000123600373 partial angular distribution of part.spec.)9000123600374 PAR,INT/DA,,4PI B*E (4pi * integral over inc.en. of partl.ang. 9000123600375 distr.) 9000123600376 (4 pi * integral over incident energy of 9000123600377 partial angular distribution) 9000123600378 PAR,IPA B (Par.diff.cs integrated over partial ang. 9000123600379 range) 9000123600380 PAR,IPA,* B (Par.diff.cs integr.ov.part.ang.rang,f.part.9000123600381 spec.) 9000123600382 PAR,SIG B (Partial cross section) 9000123600383 PAR,SIG,* B (Partial cross section for particle 9000123600384 specified) 9000123600385 PAR,SIG,*+* B (Partial cross section for particle pair) 9000123600386 PAR,SIG,,RES B (Partial cross section at resonance) 9000123600387 PAR,SIG,,RTE BRE (Partial cross section * square root(E)) 9000123600388 PAR,SIG,,SFC B*E (S-factor for partial reaction) 9000123600389 PAR,SIG,G,RES B (Partial gamma-production cross section at 9000123600390 resonance) 9000123600391 PAR/CON,SIG B (Prod.cs for continuous gammas of given en. 9000123600392 range) 9000123600393 PAR/CUM,SIG B (Partial cumulative cross section) 9000123600394 PAR/CUM,SIG,G B (Partial cumulative gamma production cross 9000123600395 section) 9000123600396 PAR/DIS,SIG B (Prod.cs for discrete gammas of given en. 9000123600397 range) 9000123600398 PAR/IND,SIG B (Partial independent cross section) 9000123600399O SEQ/PAR,SIG B (Partial cross section, specified reaction 9000123600400 seq.) 9000123600401 (Partial cross section of the partial cs 9000123600402 specified by sequence of outgoing 9000123600403 particles) 9000123600404 =======================================================9000123600405 Thick target yields 9000123600406 =======================================================9000123600407 (CUM),TTY,,EOB TTY (EOB thick target yield, uncertain if 9000123600408 cumulative) 9000123600409 (CUM),TTY,,PHY TTT (Physical thick target yield, unc. if 9000123600410 cumulative) 9000123600411 (M),TTY,,EOB TTY (EOB thick target yld., unc. if isom.trans. 9000123600412 incl.) 9000123600413 (End-of-bombardment thick/thin target yield,9000123600414 uncertain if isomeric transition included) 9000123600415 (M),TTY,,PHY TTT (Physical thick targ.yld.,unc.if isom.trans.9000123600416 incl.) 9000123600417 (M),TTY,,SAT TTY (Saturat.thick targ.yld., unc.if isom.trans.9000123600418 incl.) 9000123600419 (Saturation thick/thin-target yield, 9000123600420 uncertain if isomeric transition included) 9000123600421 ,MLT,*,TT YLD (Thick target multiplicity of particle 9000123600422 specified) 9000123600423 ,MLT,,TT YLD (Multiplicity for thick target,no.part./inc.9000123600424 ) 9000123600425 (Outgoing particle or radiation multiplicity9000123600426 for thick target, no. of particles per 9000123600427 incident projectile) 9000123600428 ,MLT,,TT/CH YLDC(Multiplicity for thick target per elect. 9000123600429 charge) 9000123600430 ,MLT/DA,,TT/CH YDAC(Part.mult.f.thick targ.d/dA per electric 9000123600431 charge) 9000123600432 ,MLT/DA,G,TT YDA (Gamma multiplicity for thick target d/dA) 9000123600433 ,MLT/DA/DE,,TT YAE (Particle multiplicity f.thick target 9000123600434 d2/dA/dE) 9000123600435 ,MLT/DA/DE,,TT/CH YAEC(Part.mult.f.thick targ.d2/dA/dE per elec. 9000123600436 charge) 9000123600437 ,MLT/DE,,TT YDE (Particle multiplicity f.thick target d/dE) 9000123600438 ,MLT/DE,,TT/NPD 1/E (Particle multipl.f.thick target d/dE prob. 9000123600439 dist.) 9000123600440 (Particle multiplicity for thick target d/dE9000123600441 normalized to probability distribution) 9000123600442 ,MLT/IPA/DE,,TT/NPD 99000123600443 1/E (Mult.f.thick tar.d2/dA/dE in.ov.ang.ran. 9000123600444 pro.dis.) 9000123600445 (Multiplicity d2/dA/dE for thick target 9000123600446 integrated over angular range normalized to9000123600447 probability distribution) 9000123600448 ,PY,,TT YLD (Prod.yield for thick target,no.of nucl. 9000123600449 /inc.) 9000123600450 ,PY,,TT/CH YLDC(Thick target product yield per electric 9000123600451 charge) 9000123600452 ,PY/DA,,TT YDA (Diff.product yield d/dA for thick target) 9000123600453 (Differential product yield for thick 9000123600454 target with respect to angle of 9000123600455 outgoing particle) 9000123600456 ,PY/DA,,TT/CH YDAC(Thick target prod. yld. d/dA per electric 9000123600457 charge) 9000123600458 ,PY/DA/DE,,TT YAE (Double-diff.product yield for thick target)9000123600459 ,PY/DA/DE,,TT/CH YAEC(Thick targ.prod.yld. d/dA/dE per electric 9000123600460 charge) 9000123600461 ,PY/DE,,TT YDE (Diff.product yield d/dE for thick target) 9000123600462 ,PY/DE,,TT/NPD 1/E (Diff.prod.yield d/dE f.thick target prob. 9000123600463 dist.) 9000123600464 (Energy differential product yield for thick9000123600465 target normalized to probability 9000123600466 distribution) 9000123600467 ,PY/IPA,,TT YLD (Prod.yield d/dA f.thick target,int.ang. 9000123600468 range) 9000123600469 (Differential product yield for thick 9000123600470 target with respect to angle of 9000123600471 outgoing particle, integrated over 9000123600472 angular range) 9000123600473 ,PY/IPA/DE,,TT YDE (Prod.yield d/dA/dE f.thick target,int.ang.9000123600474 range) 9000123600475 (Double differential product yield for thick9000123600476 target integrated over angular range) 9000123600477 ,TTY TTY (Saturated thick/thin-target yield) 9000123600478O Independent formation of product nucleus 9000123600479O assumed but not explicitly stated by 9000123600480O author. 9000123600481O ,TTY,,(PHY) TTT (Thick/thin-target yield, unc. if physical) 9000123600482 (Thick/thin-target yield, uncertain if it is9000123600483 physical yield) 9000123600484 ,TTY,,EOB TTY (End-of-bombardment thick/thin-target yield)9000123600485 ,TTY,,PHY TTT (Physical thick/thin-target yield) 9000123600486 ,TTY,,SAT TTY (Saturation thick/thin target yield) 9000123600487 ,TTY,,TM TTTE(Prod.thick target yield/1 MeV thn.) 9000123600488O (Production thick/thin-target yield for 1 9000123600489O MeV target thickness) 9000123600490O Obsolete. Use ,TTY/DEN,,PHY 9000123600491O ,TTY/DEN,,PHY TTTE(Physical thick targ.yld.diff.by incident 9000123600492 energy) 9000123600493 ,TTY/MLT YLDC(Outg.part.mult.f.thick tgt,fct.of beam 9000123600494O curr.) 9000123600495O (Outgoing particle multiplicity for thick 9000123600496O target as a function of beam current) 9000123600497O Obsolete. Use ,MLT,,TT/CH 9000123600498O ,TTY/MLT/DA/DE YAEC(Thick target mult.d/dA/dE,fct.of beam 9000123600499O current) 9000123600500O (Double-differential thick target yield 9000123600501O multiplicity, given as no. of particles as 9000123600502O function of incident beam current) 9000123600503O ,TTY/PY YLDC(Thick-target prod.yld(fct.of inc.beam curr.9000123600504O )) 9000123600505O (Thick target product yield, given as no. of9000123600506O nuclei as function of incident beam 9000123600507O current) 9000123600508O Obsolete. Use ,PY,,TT/CH 9000123600509O ,TTY/PY/DA YDAC(Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr.)d/dA)9000123600510O (Thick target product yield, given as no. of9000123600511O nuclei as function of incident beam 9000123600512O current, differential by angle) 9000123600513O Obsolete. Use ,PY/DA,,TT/CH 9000123600514O ,TTY/PY/DA/DE YAEC(Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr. 9000123600515O )d/dAdE) 9000123600516O (Thick target product yield, given as no. of9000123600517O nuclei as function of incident beam 9000123600518O current, double-differential by angle and 9000123600519O energy) 9000123600520O Obsolete. Use ,PY/DA/DE,,TT/CH 9000123600521O CUM,TTY,,(PHY) TTT (Cumulative thick target yield, unc. if 9000123600522 physical) 9000123600523 CUM,TTY,,EOB TTY (EOB thick target yield, cumulative) 9000123600524 CUM,TTY,,PHY TTT (Physical thick/thin-target yield, 9000123600525 cumulative) 9000123600526 CUM,TTY,,SAT TTY (Cumulative saturation thick target yield) 9000123600527 CUM,TTY/DEN,,PHY TTTE(Cum.physical thick target yld.diff.by inc. 9000123600528 energy) 9000123600529 IND,TTY,,DT TTY (Indep.production thick/thin-target yld 9000123600530O (unsat.)) 9000123600531O IND,TTY,,EOB TTY (EOB thick target yield, independent) 9000123600532O IND,TTY,,PHY TTT (Physical thick/thin-target yield, 9000123600533O independent) 9000123600534O IND,TTY,,SAT TTY (Independent saturation thick target yield) 9000123600535O IND/M+,TTY,,EOB TTY (Ind. EOB thick target yield, incl.isom. 9000123600536O trans.) 9000123600537O (Independent EOB thick target yield 9000123600538O including isomeric transition) 9000123600539O M+,TTY,,(PHY) TTT (Thick target yld.,incl.iso.tran.,unc.if 9000123600540 physical) 9000123600541 (Thick target yield including isomeric 9000123600542 transition, uncertain if physical) 9000123600543 M+,TTY,,EOB TTY (EOB thick target yield, incl.isomeric 9000123600544 transition) 9000123600545 M+,TTY,,PHY TTT (Physical thick target yield incl.isomeric 9000123600546 trans.) 9000123600547 M+,TTY,,SAT TTY (Saturation thick target yld.incl.isomeric 9000123600548 trans.) 9000123600549 M+,TTY/DEN,,PHY TTTE(Phys.thick targ.yld.dif.by inc.ene.inc.iso.9000123600550 tran.) 9000123600551 (Physical thick target yield differential by9000123600552 incident energy including formation by 9000123600553 partial feeding via isomeric transition) 9000123600554 M-,TTY,,EOB TTY (EOB thick target yield excl.isom. 9000123600555O transition) 9000123600556O M-,TTY,,PHY TTT (Physical thick target yld., excl.isom. 9000123600557O transition) 9000123600558O M-,TTY,,SAT TTY (Saturation thick target yld., excl.isom. 9000123600559O transit.) 9000123600560O PAR,MLT,*,TT YLD (Partial multiplicity of part.spec.f. thick 9000123600561 targ.) 9000123600562 PAR,MLT,,TT YLD (Partial thick target multiplicity) 9000123600563 PAR,MLT,,TT/CH YLDC(Partial thick target mulit. per electric 9000123600564 charge) 9000123600565 PAR,MLT,G,TT/CH YLDC(Ptl.thick target gamma mult.per electric 9000123600566 charge) 9000123600567 PAR,PY,,TT YLD (Partial product yield for thick target) 9000123600568 PAR,PY,,TT/CH YLDC(Partial product yield for thick target per 9000123600569 electric charge) 9000123600570 PAR,TTY TTY (Partial thick target yield) 9000123600571O PAR,TTY/MLT,G YLDC(Thick targ.multiplicity,fct.of beam curr., 9000123600572O for g) 9000123600573O (Thick target yield gamma multiplicity, 9000123600574O given as no. of particles as function of 9000123600575O incident beam current) 9000123600576O Obsolete. Use PAR,MLT,G,TT/CH 9000123600577O PAR,TTY/MLT/DA YDAC(Partial thick target mult.d/dA,fct.of beam 9000123600578O curr.) 9000123600579O (Differential thick target yield 9000123600580O multiplicity, given as no. of particles as 9000123600581O function of incident beam current) 9000123600582O Obsolete. Use PAR,MLT/DA,,TT/CH 9000123600583O PAR,TTY/MLT/DA,G YDAC(Thick targ.mult.d/dA,fct.of beam curr., for9000123600584O g) 9000123600585O (Differential thick target yield gamma 9000123600586O multiplicity, given as no. of particles as 9000123600587O function of incident beam current) 9000123600588O Obsolete. Use PAR,MLT/DA,G,TT/CH 9000123600589O PAR,TTY/PY/DA YDAC(Ptl.Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr. 9000123600590O )d/dA) 9000123600591O (Partial thick target product yield, as no. 9000123600592O of nuclei as function of incident beam 9000123600593O current, differential by angle) 9000123600594O Obsolete. Use PAR,PY/DA,,TT/CH 9000123600595O =======================================================9000123600596 Special quantities 9000123600597 =======================================================9000123600598 ,ALF NO (Capture-to-fission cross section ratio) 9000123600599 ===reaction (N,ABS) 9000123600600 ,ALF,,RES NO (Capture-to-fission (alpha) ratio at 9000123600601 resonance) 9000123600602 ,ALF,,TTA NO (Capture-to-fission yield ratio) 9000123600603 alpha in thin target approximation 9000123600604 ,ETA MLT (Neutron yield (Eta)) 9000123600605 REACTION(SF3) is NON (or ABS below (n,n') 9000123600606 threshold) 9000123600607 ,ETA,,RES MLT (Eta at resonance) 9000123600608 ,KER KER (Kerma factor) 9000123600609 ,MLT MLT (Multiplicity of outgoing particle) 9000123600610 ,MLT,* MLT (Multiplicity of particle specified) 9000123600611 ,MLT,,RES MLT (Multiplicity at resonance) 9000123600612 ,MLT,G,RES MLT (Average particle multiplicity at resonance)9000123600613 ,MLT/DA MDA (Particle multiplicity d/dA) 9000123600614 ,MLT/DA,G/FF 1/A (Gamma multiplicity as fct.of fiss.fragm. 9000123600615O angle) 9000123600616O Obsolete. Use ,FY/DA,G/FF. 9000123600617O ,MLT/DE MDE (Particle multiplicity d/dE) 9000123600618 ,NU FY (Total neutron yield (nu-bar)) 9000123600619 ,NU,,RES FY (Total Nu-bar at resonance) 9000123600620 ,NU/DA/DE,LF+HF/N FYAE(Diff. prompt neutron mult. 9000123600621 d/dA(lf+hf)/dE(n)) 9000123600622 (Differential prompt fission neutron 9000123600623 multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle9000123600624 between light and heavy fission fragment 9000123600625 and energy of neutron) 9000123600626 ,NU/DA/DE,N+*F/N FYAE(Diff. prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag.spec. 9000123600627 )/dE(n)) 9000123600628 ,NU/DE FYDE(Diff. fiss. neutron multiplicity d/dE(n)) 9000123600629 ,NU/DE,,RRE FYET(Diff. fiss. neutron mult.rel.to square 9000123600630 root(E)) 9000123600631 (Differential fission neutron multiplicity 9000123600632 with respect to outgoing neutron energy 9000123600633 relative to square root(E)) 9000123600634 ,PN NO (Delayed neutron emission probability) 9000123600635 ,PN/DE 1/E (Energy spect.of del.neutrons emitt.by spec.9000123600636 prec.) 9000123600637 (Energy spectrum of delayed neutrons emitted9000123600638 by specific precursor) 9000123600639 DL,NU FY (Delayed neutron yield) 9000123600640 DL/CUM,NU FY (Cumulative delayed neutron yield) 9000123600641 (Cumulative delayed neutron yield from an 9000123600642 individual precursor, including formation 9000123600643 of product nucleus via radioactive decay 9000123600644 and isomeric transition) 9000123600645 DL/GRP,NU FY (Delayed neutron yield for given half-life 9000123600646 group) 9000123600647 DL/GRP/PAR,NU FY (Partial del.neutron yld.for gvn half-life 9000123600648 group) 9000123600649 DL/IND,NU FY (Independent delayed neutron yield) 9000123600650 (Independent delayed neutron yield from an 9000123600651 individual precursor) 9000123600652 ISP,DA/DA,*/* DA2 (Double diff. cross sect. d2/dA(*)/dA(*), 9000123600653I partial for intermediate prod.) 9000123600654I (Double differential cross section 9000123600655I d2/dA(*)/dA(*), partial for intermediate 9000123600656I product) 9000123600657I ISP/PR/FRG,NU FY (Multiplicity of prompt neutrons from frag. 9000123600658 spec.,partial.f.interm.prod.) 9000123600659 (Multiplicity of prompt neutrons from 9000123600660 fragment specified, partial for 9000123600661 intermediate product) 9000123600662 NUM,NU NO (Probability for emission of N neutrons) 9000123600663 NUM,PN NO (Probab.for the emission of N delayed 9000123600664 neutrons) 9000123600665 PAR,DA/DA DA2 (Partial double diff.cross section d2/dA/dA)9000123600666 (Partial double-diff. cross section with 9000123600667 respect to 2 angles referring to 2 outgoing9000123600668 particles) 9000123600669 = To be used only when it is obvious to 9000123600670 which particles the angles refer. 9000123600671 PAR,DA/DA,*+*/* DA2 (Partl.ang.correlation, relative angle) 9000123600672O Obsolete. Use PAR,DA/DA,*/*+*. 9000123600673O PAR,DA/DA,*/* DA2 (Partial double diff.cross sect. 9000123600674 d2/dA(*)/dA(*)) 9000123600675 PAR,DA/DA,*/*+* DA2 (Partl.ang.correlation, relative angle) 9000123600676 PAR,DA/DA,*/*,NCP DA2 (Partial angular correlation, non-coplanar) 9000123600677 PAR,KER KER (Partial kerma factor) 9000123600678 PAR,MLT MLT (Partial multiplicity) 9000123600679 PAR,MLT,* MLT (Partial multiplicity of particle specified)9000123600680 PAR,MLT,*,RES MLT (Partial multiplicity of part.spec. at 9000123600681 resonance) 9000123600682 PAR,MLT,,RES MLT (Partial multiplicity at resonance) 9000123600683 PAR,MLT/DA MDA (Partial multiplicity d/dA) 9000123600684 PAR,MLT/DA,* MDA (Partial multiplicity d/dA for particle 9000123600685 specified) 9000123600686 PAR,MLT/DA,,TT/CH YDAC(Ptl.thick target mult. d/dA per electric 9000123600687 charge) 9000123600688 PAR,MLT/DA,G,TT/CHYDAC(Ptl.thick targ.gam.mult.d/dA per electric 9000123600689 chrg.) 9000123600690 PAR,NU FY (Partial neutron yield) 9000123600691 PAR,PN NO (Partial delayed neutron emission 9000123600692 probability) 9000123600693 PAR,PY/DA MDA (Partial diff.product yield d/dA) 9000123600694 PAR,PY/DA,,TT YDA (Partial diff.product yield d/dA for thick 9000123600695 target) 9000123600696 (Partial differential product yield 9000123600697 for thick target with respect to 9000123600698 angle of outgoing particle) 9000123600699 PAR,PY/DA,,TT/CH YDAC(Ptl.dif.prod.yld.d/dA for thick targ.per e.9000123600700 chrg.) 9000123600701 PAR,PY/IPA,,TT YLD (Ptl.prod.yld. d/dA for thick targ.,int.ang.9000123600702 range) 9000123600703 PR,NU FY (Prompt neutron yield (nu-bar)) 9000123600704 PR,NU,,RES FY (Prompt Nu-bar at resonance) 9000123600705 PR,NU/DA FYDA(Diff.prompt.neut.mult.d/dA(n)) 9000123600706 (Differential prompt fission neutron 9000123600707 multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle9000123600708 of neutron) 9000123600709 PR,NU/DA,,RSD NO (Diff.prompt.neut.mult.d/dA(n) rel. to 90 9000123600710 deg) 9000123600711 (Differential prompt fission neutron 9000123600712 multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle9000123600713 of neutron relative to 90 deg) 9000123600714 PR,NU/DA,N+*F FYDA(Diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag. 9000123600715 specified)) 9000123600716 (Differential prompt fission neutron 9000123600717 multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle9000123600718 between neutron and fragment specified) 9000123600719 PR,NU/DA/DE,,RS0 NO (Diff.prompt.neut.mult.d/dA/dE rel. to 0 9000123600720 deg) 9000123600721 (Differential prompt fission neutron 9000123600722 multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle9000123600723 and energy of neutron relative to 0 deg) 9000123600724 PR,NU/DA/DE,N+*F/NFYAE(Diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag.spec. 9000123600725 )/dE(n)) 9000123600726 (Differential prompt neutron multiplicity 9000123600727 with respect to angle between neutron and 9000123600728 fission fragment specified and energy of 9000123600729 neutron) 9000123600730 PR,NU/DE FYDE(Energy spectrum of prompt fission neutrons)9000123600731 PR,NU/DE,,MXD NO (Prompt neut.spect.rel.to Maxw.distr.of giv.9000123600732 temp) 9000123600733 Temperature is coded under KT-NRM. 9000123600734 PR,NU/DE,,NPD 1/E (Prompt fission neutron spectrum in 9000123600735 probability) 9000123600736 PR,NU/DE,,RRE FYET(Prompt neut.spect. relative to square 9000123600737 root(E)) 9000123600738 (Differential prompt fission neutron 9000123600739 multiplicity with respect to outgoing 9000123600740 neutron energy relative to square root(E)) 9000123600741 PR,NU/TKE FY (Prompt neut.mult.for a given tot.kin. 9000123600742 energy) 9000123600743 (Prompt neutron multiplicity for a given 9000123600744 total kinetic energy) 9000123600745 PR/FRG,NU FY (Multiplicity of prompt neutrons from the 9000123600746 fragment specified) 9000123600747 PR/FRG,NU,HF FY (Mult. of prompt neutrons from the heavy 9000123600748 fragment) 9000123600749 (Multiplicity of prompt fission neutrons 9000123600750 emitted from the heavy fragment) 9000123600751 PR/FRG,NU,LF FY (Mult. of prompt neutrons from the light 9000123600752 fragment) 9000123600753 (Multiplicity of prompt fission neutrons 9000123600754 emitted from the light fragment) 9000123600755 PR/FRG,NU/TKE FY (Mult.of pr.neut.from the frag.spec.at given9000123600756 TKE) 9000123600757 (Multiplicity of prompt fission neutrons 9000123600758 emitted from the fragment specified at a 9000123600759 given total kinetic energy) 9000123600760 PR/NUM,NU NO (Probability for emission of N prompt 9000123600761 neutrons) 9000123600762 PR/PAR,MLT,G FY (Partial prompt gamma multiplicty) 9000123600763O Use PR,SPC for prompt discrete gamma 9000123600764O PR/PAR,NU FY (Partial prompt neutron yield (nu-bar)) 9000123600765 PR/PAR,NU/DA FYDA(Part.diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA) 9000123600766 PR/TER,NU FY (Prompt nu-bar for ternary fission) 9000123600767 PR/TER,NU/DA,N+*F FYDA(Diff.prompt neut.mult.d/dA(n+frag.spec.), 9000123600768 ter.fis) 9000123600769 (Differential prompt fission neutron 9000123600770 multiplicity with respect to outgoing angle9000123600771 between neutron and fragment specified for 9000123600772 ternary fission) 9000123600773 PRE,MLT,G FY (Pre-neutron emisson fiss.gamma 9000123600774O multiplicity) 9000123600775O PRE/PR,NU FY (Prompt neutron multiplicity for a given 9000123600776 primary fragment) 9000123600777 PRE/PR,NU/TKE FY (Prompt neutron multiplicity at a given TKE 9000123600778I for a given primary fragment) 9000123600779I (Prompt neutron multiplicity at a 9000123600780I given total kinetic energy for a 9000123600781I given primary fragment) 9000123600782I PRE/PR/FRG,NU FY (Multiplicity of prompt neutrons from the 9000123600783 primary fragment specified) 9000123600784 SEC/PR,NU FY (Prompt neutron multiplicity for a given 9000123600785 secondary fragment) 9000123600786 SEQ/PAR,DA/DA,*/* DA2 (Partial ang.correl.of spec.part.,spec.reac.9000123600787 seq.) 9000123600788 =======================================================9000123600789 Special quantities for scattering 9000123600790 =======================================================9000123600791 ,AMP L (Scattering length) 9000123600792 ,RAD L (Potential scattering radius) 9000123600793 BA,AMP L (Bound-atom scattering length) 9000123600794 BA/COH,AMP L (Bound-atom coherent scattering length) 9000123600795 BA/INC,AMP L (Bound-atom incoherent scattering length) 9000123600796 BA/PAR,AMP L (Partial bound-atom scattering length) 9000123600797 COH,AMP L (Coherent scattering length) 9000123600798 COH/IM,AMP L (Coherent scattering length (imaginary 9000123600799 part)) 9000123600800 FA,AMP L (Free-atom scattering length) 9000123600801 POT,RAD L (Potential scattering radius) 9000123600802O =======================================================9000123600803 Product yields 9000123600804 =======================================================9000123600805 ,MLT/DA/DE MAE (Particle multiplicity d2/dA/dE) 9000123600806 ,PY MLT (Product yield) 9000123600807 ,PY/DA MDA (Differential product yield d/dA) 9000123600808 (Differential product yield with respect to 9000123600809 angle of outgoing particle) 9000123600810 ,PY/DA/DE MAE (Differential product yield d/dA/dE) 9000123600811 (Differential product yield with respect to 9000123600812 angle and energy of outgoing particle) 9000123600813 CUM,PY MLT (Cumulative product yield) 9000123600814 Includes formation of product nucleus via 9000123600815 radioactive decay and isomeric transition.9000123600816 CUM,PY,,TT YLD (Cumulative product yield for a thick 9000123600817 target) 9000123600818 IND,PY YLD (Independent product yield) 9000123600819O (Independent product yield for direct 9000123600820O formation of the product nucleus) 9000123600821O Formation via radioactive decay explicitly 9000123600822O excluded. 9000123600823O NUM,PY NO (Probab.for the production of N reaction 9000123600824 products) 9000123600825 PAR,PY MLT (Partial product yield) 9000123600826 =======================================================9000123600827 Angular distributions, general 9000123600828 =======================================================9000123600829 ,DA DA (Differential c/s with respect to angle) 9000123600830 ,DA,* DA (Angular distribution of particle specified)9000123600831 ,DA,*+* DA (Angular distribution of particle pair 9000123600832 specified) 9000123600833 ,DA,*+FF,RSD NO (Ang.distr.of spec.part.vs.fiss.frag.,rel.909000123600834 deg.) 9000123600835 ,DA,*,RS NO (Angular distribution of part.spec. * 9000123600836 4pi/Sigma) 9000123600837 ,DA,*,RSD NO (Angular distr. of particle specif. rel. 90 9000123600838 deg.) 9000123600839 ,DA,*,RTH NO (Diff. cs d/dA for spec.part.rel.to Ruth. 9000123600840 scatt.) 9000123600841 ,DA,*,TT/RSD NO (Ang.distr.of part.specif.rel.90deg.f.thick 9000123600842 targ.) 9000123600843 ,DA,,ASY NO (Asymmetry of distribution of outgoing 9000123600844O particles) 9000123600845O ,DA,,MOT NO (Differential cs d/dA rel.to Mott 9000123600846 scattering) 9000123600847 (Angular distribution, relative to 9000123600848 relativistic scattering by point nucleus 9000123600849 (Mott scattering)) 9000123600850 ,DA,,RES DA (Differential cross section d/dA at 9000123600851 resonance) 9000123600852 ,DA,,RS NO (Differential c/s d/dA * 4pi/Sigma) 9000123600853 ,DA,,RS/TMP NO (Differential c/s d/dA * 4pi/Sigma at other 9000123600854 than room temperature) 9000123600855 ,DA,,RS0 NO (Differential c/s d/dA relative to 0 deg.) 9000123600856 (Angular distribution, diff.sig/sig(0deg)) 9000123600857 ,DA,,RSD NO (Differential c/s d/dA relative to 90 deg.) 9000123600858 (Angular distribution, diff.sig/sig(90deg)) 9000123600859 ,DA,,RTH NO (Differential cs d/dA rel.to Rutherf.scatt.)9000123600860 (Angular distribution, relative to 9000123600861 scattering by point nucleus (Rutherford 9000123600862 scattering)) 9000123600863 (Differential cs, coeff. for a 9000123600864 sum in power of sine**2 ) 9000123600865 ,DA,,TMP DA (Diff.cross section d/dA at other than room 9000123600866 temp.) 9000123600867 ,DA,,TT DA (Diff.cross section d/dA for thick target) 9000123600868 ,DA,FF,RSD/RES NO (Ang.distr.of fiss.fragm. rel. to 90 deg. at9000123600869 res.) 9000123600870 (Angular distribution of fission fragments 9000123600871 relative to 90 deg. at resonance) 9000123600872 ,DA/TYA,P DA (Diff.cross sect. with resp.to Treim.-Yang 9000123600873 angle) 9000123600874 (Diff.cross section, Treiman-Yang 9000123600875 distribution for plane defined by incident 9000123600876 projectile and outgoing proton) 9000123600877 ,INT/DA BEDA(Integral over incid.energy of ang. distr.) 9000123600878 (Integral over incident energy of angular 9000123600879 distribution) 9000123600880 ,INT/DA,,RES BED.(Integral over incid.energy of ang. dist. at9000123600881 res.) 9000123600882 ,INT/DE,RSD B (Integr.over incid.en., of spectrum of res. 9000123600883 nucl.) 9000123600884 (Integral over incident energy of energy 9000123600885 spectrum of residual nucleus) 9000123600886 CN,DA DA (Differential c/s d/dA, compound nucleus 9000123600887 contrib) 9000123600888 (Diff.partl.cs,compund-nucleus contributn) 9000123600889 CUM,DA,,RSD NO (Diff.c/s d/dA relative to 90 deg., 9000123600890 cumulative) 9000123600891 DI,DA DA (Differential c/s d/dA,direct interaction 9000123600892 contr.) 9000123600893 (Diff.partl.cs,direct-interactn contributn) 9000123600894 EM,DA DA (Particle emission angular distribution) 9000123600895 (Differential emission cross section 9000123600896 excluding elastic scattering) 9000123600897 EXL,DA DA (Angular diff. cross section including 9000123600898 excitation to low-lying levels)) 9000123600899 (Angular differential cross section 9000123600900 including excitation to low-lying levels) 9000123600901 IND,DA DA (Differential cross sect. d/dA, direct 9000123600902O formation) 9000123600903O (Independent diff.cross section for direct 9000123600904O formation of the product nucleus) 9000123600905O Formation via radioactive decay explicitly 9000123600906O excluded. 9000123600907O PRE,DA,FF,RSD NO (Angular distribution of primary fission 9000123600908 fragment relative to 90 deg) 9000123600909 PRE,DA,LF DA (Angular distribution of primary light 9000123600910 fission fragment) 9000123600911 SEQ,DA DA (Diff.cross section for spec. reaction seq.)9000123600912O (Diff.cs for partial reaction specified by 9000123600913O sequence of outgoing particles) 9000123600914O SEQ,DA,* DA (Angular dist. of part.spec.,specif.reaction9000123600915 seq.) 9000123600916 (Diff.cs with respect to part.spec., for 9000123600917 partial reaction specified by sequence of 9000123600918 outgoing particles) 9000123600919 TER,DA,* DA (Ang. distr. of particle specif.,ternary 9000123600920 fission) 9000123600921 TER,DA,*,RSD NO (Angular distr. alphas rel 90 deg.,ternary 9000123600922 fiss.) 9000123600923 TER,DA,N DA (Ang. distr. of fission neutrons,ternary 9000123600924 fission) 9000123600925 =======================================================9000123600926 Angular distributions, partial reactions 9000123600927 =======================================================9000123600928 DI/PAR,DA DA (Partial diff. c/s d/dA,direct interaction 9000123600929 contr) 9000123600930 EM/PAR,DA DA (Particle emission partial diff. c/s d/dA) 9000123600931 (Differential partial emission cross section9000123600932 excluding elastic scattering) 9000123600933 EP,DA DA (Partial diff. c/s d/dA for electric polar. 9000123600934 given) 9000123600935 (Electric multipole component of diff.cross 9000123600936 section for polarity specified) 9000123600937 ISP,DA DA (Differential cross section d/dA, partial 9000123600938 for intermediate product) 9000123600939 NN/PAR,DA,,NSF DA (Non-spin-flip probability (1-S(nn))*partial9000123600940 d/dA) 9000123600941 NN/PAR,DA,,SF DA (Spin-flip probability S(nn)*partial d/dA) 9000123600942 PAR,DA DA (Partial differential cross section d/dA) 9000123600943 PAR,DA,* DA (Partial angular distr. of particle 9000123600944 specified) 9000123600945 PAR,DA,*+* DA (Partial angular distr. of particle pair) 9000123600946 PAR,DA,*,RAB DA (Partial ang.dist.of particle 9000123600947 specified*abun.(nat)/abun.(nucl. 1st term))9000123600948 (Partial angular distribution of the 9000123600949 specified particle times the natural 9000123600950 isotopic abundance divided by the abundance9000123600951 of the target of the first term of the 9000123600952 REACTION sum) 9000123600953 PAR,DA,*,RS NO (Partial diff. cross section d/dA * 9000123600954 4pi/Sigma of particle specified) 9000123600955 PAR,DA,*,RSD NO (Partial diff. c/s d/dA rel.to 90 deg.) 9000123600956 (Diff.partial cross section for prod.of 9000123600957 part.spec., rel. to value at 90 degrees) 9000123600958 PAR,DA,*/* DA (Partial angular distrib. of particle pair) 9000123600959O Obsolete; use PAR,DA,*+* 9000123600960O PAR,DA,,RES DA (Partial diff. cross section at resonance) 9000123600961 PAR,DA,,RS NO (Partial diff. cross section d/dA * 9000123600962 4pi/Sigma) 9000123600963 PAR,DA,,RS/TT NO (Partial diff. cs d/dA * 4pi/Sigma f.thick 9000123600964 target) 9000123600965 PAR,DA,,RS0 NO (Partial diff. c/s d/dA relative to 0 deg.) 9000123600966 (Partial cross section, diff.sig/sig(0deg)) 9000123600967 PAR,DA,,RSD NO (Partial diff. cross section d/dA rel. to 909000123600968 deg) 9000123600969 PAR,DA,,RTH NO (Partial diff. cs d/dA rel.to Rutherf.scatt.9000123600970 ) 9000123600971 PAR,DA,,SFC BEDA(Partial angular differential S-factor) 9000123600972 PAR,DA,,TST DA (Partial diff. cs * total spin transfer) 9000123600973 PAR,DA,,TT DA (Thick-target angular distr., partial 9000123600974 reaction) 9000123600975 PAR,DA,G,RES DA (Partial diff. cross section d/dA at 9000123600976 ressonance) 9000123600977 (Partial differential cross section with 9000123600978 respect to angle of gamma at resonance) 9000123600979 PAR/CUM,DA DA (Partial angular distribution, cumulative) 9000123600980 PAR/ICL,DA DA (Partial diff. c.s. d/dA uncor. for other 9000123600981 channels emit.the same part.) 9000123600982 (Partial differential cross section d/dA 9000123600983 uncorrected for other channels emitting the9000123600984 same particle) 9000123600985 PAR/ICL,DA,* DA (Partial diff. c.s. d/dA(*) uncor. for other9000123600986 channels emit. same part.) 9000123600987 PAR/ICL,DA,,4PI B (Part.diff. c.s. d/dA uncor. for other 9000123600988 channels emit.the same part. *4pi) 9000123600989 (Partial differential cross section d/dA 9000123600990 uncorrected for other channels emitting the9000123600991 same particle * 4pi) 9000123600992 PAR/IND,DA DA (Partial angular distribution, direct 9000123600993O formation) 9000123600994O (Diff. partial independent cross section for9000123600995O direct formation of the product nucleus) 9000123600996O Formation via radioactive decay explicitly 9000123600997O excluded. 9000123600998O PAR/L-,DA,G DA (Ang.diff.c.s..of dis.gammas excl.transition9000123600999 from quasi-metastable state) 9000123601000 (Angular differential cross section of 9000123601001 discrete gammas excluding transition from 9000123601002 quasi-metastable state) 9000123601003 PAR/M-,DA,G DA (Ang.distr.of discrete gammas excl.isom. 9000123601004O trans.) 9000123601005O (Angular distribution of prompt discrete 9000123601006O gamma-ray transition, excluding formation 9000123601007O via an isomeric level) 9000123601008O SEQ/PAR,DA,* DA (Partial ang.distr.of spec.part.,spec.reac. 9000123601009 seq.) 9000123601010 (Diff.partial cs with respect to specified 9000123601011 particle, for partial reaction specified by9000123601012 sequence of outgoing particles) 9000123601013 =======================================================9000123601014 Fitting coefficients 9000123601015 =======================================================9000123601016 ,DA,*,COS DA (Coeff. of cosine expansion for particle 9000123601017 specif.) 9000123601018 (Angular distr. of particle specified, 9000123601019 cosine-coeff. of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = 9000123601020 a(0) + Sum( a(L)cos**L )) 9000123601021 ,DA,*,COS/RS NO (Cos.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=Sum(2L+1)a(L)cos**L) 9000123601022 Angular distr. of particle specified, 9000123601023 cosine-coeff. of the form 9000123601024 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601025 ,DA,*,COS/RSD NO (Cos.coef. 9000123601026 (d/dA)/(d/dA90deg)=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601027 (Angular distr. of particle specified, 9000123601028 cosine-coeff. of the form 9000123601029 (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) =9000123601030 1 + Sum( a(L)*cos**L ) ) 9000123601031 ,DA,*,LEG DA (Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L)) for 9000123601032 part. spec.) 9000123601033 (Angular distr. of particle specified, 9000123601034 Legendre coeff. of the form d-Sig/d-Omega =9000123601035 a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601036 ,DA,*,LEG/RS NO (Legendre coef. 4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L))) 9000123601037 (Differential cs with respect to specified 9000123601038 particle, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601039 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum( a(L)P(L)))9000123601040 ,DA,*,LEG/RSD NO (Leg.coef. d/dA=1+Sum(a(L))rel.90deg f.spec.9000123601041 part.) 9000123601042 (Differential cs with respect to specified 9000123601043 particle, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601044 (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) =9000123601045 = Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601046 ,DA,*,LEG/RSL NO (Leg.coef.4pi/Sig 9000123601047 d/dA=1+Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L))) 9000123601048 (Angular distr. of particle specified, 9000123601049 Legendre coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig 9000123601050 d-Sig/d-Omega= 1+Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L))) 9000123601051 ,DA,*,S2T DA (Sine**2 coef. 9000123601052 d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*Theta))) 9000123601053 (Angular distr. of particle specified, 9000123601054 coefficients of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = 9000123601055 a(0) + a(1)*sin**2(Theta) + 9000123601056 a(2)*sin**2(2*Theta)) 9000123601057 ,DA,*,S2T/RS0 NO (Coef.d/dA rel.to 9000123601058 0deg=1+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*Theta))) 9000123601059 ,DA,*,S2T/RSD NO (Coef.d/dArel. 9000123601060 90deg=a(0)+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*Theta))) 9000123601061 ,DA,,COS DA (Cosine coef. d/dA = a(0)+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601062 (Diff.cs, cosine-coeff. of the form 9000123601063 d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)cos**L )) 9000123601064 ,DA,,COS/1K2 NO (Cosine coef. k**2 d/dA = Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601065 (Diff.cs, cosine-coeff. of the form k**2 9000123601066 d-Sig/d-Omega = Sum(a(L)*cos**L) ) 9000123601067 ,DA,,COS/RS NO (Cosine coef. 4pi/Sig 9000123601068 d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601069 (Diff.cs, cosine-coeff. of the form 4pi/Sig 9000123601070 d-Sig/d-Omega = 1+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601071 ,DA,,COS/RSD NO (Cosne coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA, 9000123601072 90deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601073 (Diff.cs, cosine-coeff. of the form 9000123601074 (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) =9000123601075 Sum ( a(L)cos**L )) 9000123601076 ,DA,,CS2 DA (Cos coef. 9000123601077 d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*sin**2*cos**L)) 9000123601078 (Diff.cs, fitting coeff. of the form 9000123601079 d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + a(1)*sin**2(Theta) +9000123601080 a(2)*sin**2(Theta)*cos(Theta) + 9000123601081 a(3)*sin**2(Theta)*cos**2(Theta) ) 9000123601082 ,DA,,LEG DA (Legendre coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601083 (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601084 d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601085 ,DA,,LEG/1K2 NO (Legendre coef. k**2 d/dA=Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601086 (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form k**2 9000123601087 d-Sig/d-Omega = Sum ( a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601088 ,DA,,LEG/2L2 DA (Legendre coef. 9000123601089 d/dA=1/2Sum((2L+1)a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601090 (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601091 d-Sig/d-Omega = (1/2)Sum((2L+1)*a(L)*P(L)))9000123601092 ,DA,,LEG/4PI B (Legendre coef. 4pi 9000123601093 d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601094 ,DA,,LEG/L4P DA (Legendre coef. 4pi 9000123601095O d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601096O (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601097O 4pi*d-Sig/d-Omega = Sum((2L+1)*a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601098O ,DA,,LEG/RS NO (Legendre coef. 4pi/Sig 9000123601099 d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601100 (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601101 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum( a(L)P(L)))9000123601102 ,DA,,LEG/RS0 NO (Leg.coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA, 9000123601103 0deg)=Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601104 (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601105 (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 0 deg) = 9000123601106 Sum ( a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601107 ,DA,,LEG/RSD NO (Leg.coef. d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)) rel.90deg.) 9000123601108 (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601109 4pi/Sig(90deg) d-Sig/d-Omega = = 1 + 9000123601110 Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601111 ,DA,,LEG/RSL NO (Leg.coef. 4pi/Sig 9000123601112 d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601113 (Diff.cs, Legendre coeff. of the form 9000123601114 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega=Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L))) 9000123601115 ,DA,,LEG/RTH NO (Leg.coef.(d/dA)/(d/dA)Ruth. 9000123601116 =a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601117 (Legendre coefficients of the ratio of the 9000123601118 differential cross section to Rutherford 9000123601119 scattering differential cross section) 9000123601120 ,DA/DE,,LEG/RS NO (Legendre coeff. d2/dA/dE'=Sum(a(E', 9000123601121 L)*P(L))) 9000123601122 EM,DA,,LEG DA (Leg.coef.d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L)) for emis.9000123601123 c/s) 9000123601124 EM,DA,,LEG/RSL NO (Leg.coef. for fit to (4pi/Sig)d/dA emission9000123601125 c/s) 9000123601126 (Differential emission cross section 9000123601127 excluding elastic scattering, Legendre 9000123601128 coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig 9000123601129 d-Sig/d-Omega=Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L))) 9000123601130 EM,DA/DE,,LEG/RSL NO (Leg.coef. for fit to double-diff.emission 9000123601131 cs) 9000123601132 (Double-differential emission cross section 9000123601133 excluding elastic scattering, Legendre 9000123601134 coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig 9000123601135 d2-Sig/d-Omega/dE'= Sum((2L+1)a(E',L)P(L)))9000123601136 EXL,DA,,LEG DA (Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L)) incl. 9000123601137 exciation to low-lying levels) 9000123601138 (Angular differential cross section 9000123601139 including excitation to low-lying levels of9000123601140 the form d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( 9000123601141 a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601142 PAR,DA,*,COS DA (Cosine coefficient for fit to partial d/dA 9000123601143 of particle specified) 9000123601144 (Diff.partial cross section for particle 9000123601145 specified, cosine-coefficient of the form 9000123601146 d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)cos**L )) 9000123601147 PAR,DA,*,COS/RSD NO (Ptl.cos coef(d/dA)/(d/dA, 9000123601148 90deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L) of particle 9000123601149 specified) 9000123601150 (Diff.partial cross section for particle 9000123601151 specified, cosine-coeff. of the form 9000123601152 (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) =9000123601153 Sum ( a(L)cos**L )) 9000123601154 PAR,DA,*,LEG DA (Leg.coef. for fit to partialparticle em. 9000123601155 d/dA) 9000123601156 (Diff.partial cross section for particle 9000123601157 production, Legendre coeff.of the form 9000123601158 d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601159 PAR,DA,*,LEG/RS NO (Leg.coef.partl.4pi/Sig 9000123601160 d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)P(L))) 9000123601161 (Angular differential partial cross section 9000123601162 for particle specified in Legendre 9000123601163 polynomials in the form 4pi/Sig 9000123601164 d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601165 PAR,DA,*,LEG/RSD NO (Leg.cf.par.4pi/Sig(90dg)d/dA=1+Sum 9000123601166 a(L)P(L)) 9000123601167 (Diff.partial cross section for prod.of 9000123601168 part.specif., Legendre coeff.of the form 9000123601169 4pi/Sig(90deg) d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + 9000123601170 Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601171 PAR,DA,,COS DA (Cosine coef. for fit to partial d/dA) 9000123601172 (Diff.partial cs, cosine-coeff.of the form 9000123601173 d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)cos**L )) 9000123601174 PAR,DA,,COS/RS NO (Partl.cos coef.4pi/Sig 9000123601175 d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601176 PAR,DA,,COS/RSD NO (Ptl.cos coef(d/dA)/(d/dA, 9000123601177 90deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L)) 9000123601178 (Diff.partial cs, cosine-coeff. of the form 9000123601179 (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 90 deg) =9000123601180 Sum ( a(L)cos**L )) 9000123601181 PAR,DA,,LEG DA (Legendre coef. for fit to partial d/dA) 9000123601182 (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form9000123601183 d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601184 PAR,DA,,LEG/1K2 NO (Partial Leg.coef.fit to k**2 9000123601185 d/dA=Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601186 (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form9000123601187 k**2 d/dA=Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601188 PAR,DA,,LEG/2L2 DA (Leg.coef.fit to partl 9000123601189 d/dA=1/2Sum(2L+1)a(L)P(L)) 9000123601190 (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form9000123601191 d-Sig/d-Omega = (1/2)Sum((2L+1)*a(L)*P(L)))9000123601192 PAR,DA,,LEG/4PI B (Partial Legendre coef. 4pi 9000123601193 d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601194 PAR,DA,,LEG/RS NO (Leg.coef.fit partl.4pi/Sig 9000123601195 d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)P(L))) 9000123601196 (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form9000123601197 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + Sum(a(L)P(L))) 9000123601198 PAR,DA,,LEG/RS0 NO (Leg.coef. fit to partial (d/dA)/(d/dA, 9000123601199 0deg)) 9000123601200 (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form9000123601201 (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 0 deg) = 9000123601202 Sum(a(L)*P(L)) ) 9000123601203 PAR,DA,,LEG/RSD NO (Par.Leg.coef(4pi/Sig, 9000123601204 90deg)d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)P(L))) 9000123601205 (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form9000123601206 4pi/Sig(90deg) d-Sig/d-Omega = 1 + 9000123601207 Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601208 PAR,DA,,LEG/RSL NO (Partl.Leg. 9000123601209 coef(4pi/Sig)d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L))) 9000123601210 (Diff.partial cs, Legendre-coeff.of the form9000123601211 4pi/Sig d-Sig/d-Omega=Sum((2L+1)a(L)P(L))) 9000123601212 PAR,DA,,S2T DA (Coef.partial 9000123601213 d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*theta))) 9000123601214 (Diff.partial cross section, sine**2 form 9000123601215 d-sig/d-Omega = a(0)+a(1)*sin**2(theta) 9000123601216 +a(2)*sin**2(2*theta)) 9000123601217 (Diff.partial cs, coeff. for a 9000123601218 sum in power of sine**2 ) 9000123601219 PR,DA,N,LEG/RS NO (Leg.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)P(L)),pr 9000123601220 neuts.) 9000123601221 (Angular distr.of prompt fission-neutrons, 9000123601222 Legendre coefficients of the form 4pi/Sig 9000123601223 d-Sig/d-Omega = 1+Sum( a(L)P(L) )) 9000123601224 =======================================================9000123601225 Polarization of outgoing particles 9000123601226 =======================================================9000123601227 ,FM/DA,,AL1 DA (Leg.coef.of 1st kind for spin-pol.prob. * 9000123601228 d/dA) 9000123601229 (Product of spin-polarization probability 9000123601230 and diff.cross section,coeff.of associated 9000123601231 Legendre functions of the first kind) 9000123601232 ,POL NO (Spin-polarization probability) 9000123601233 of outgoing particles 9000123601234 ,POL,* NO (Spin-polarization probability of particle 9000123601235 spec.) 9000123601236 ,POL/DA NO (Spin-polarization probability d/dA) 9000123601237 (Differential spin-polarization probability 9000123601238 with respect to angle of emission) 9000123601239 ,POL/DA,* NO (Diff. spin-polariz. prob. d/dA of part. 9000123601240 specified) 9000123601241 (Differential spin-polarization probability 9000123601242 of specified particles with resp.to angle 9000123601243 of emission) 9000123601244 ,POL/DA,*,ANA NO (Analyzing power for particle specified) 9000123601245 ,POL/DA,*,ASY NO (Asymmetry of polarized particles specified)9000123601246 ,POL/DA,*,ASY/PP NO (Asymmetry parallel/perpend of particle 9000123601247 specified) 9000123601248 ,POL/DA,*,VAP NO (Vector anal.power, iT(11) for particle 9000123601249 specified) 9000123601250 ,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Analyzing power) 9000123601251 ,POL/DA,,ANA/LEG NO (Anal.power,Leg.coef. 9000123601252 d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601253 (Analyzing power,Legendre coeff.of the form 9000123601254 d-Sig/d-Omega = a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601255 ,POL/DA,,ASY NO (Asymmetry of polarized particles) 9000123601256 ,POL/DA,,ASY/PP NO (Asymmetry as a fn. of inc.parallel/perpend.9000123601257 ) 9000123601258 ,POL/DA,,ASY/PP/RES 99000123601259 NO (Asymmet.as a fn. of inc.parallel/perpend.at9000123601260 res.) 9000123601261 ,POL/DA,,AYY NO (Tensor anal.power,inc.proj.spin normal 9000123601262O scatt.pl) 9000123601263O (Tensor analyzing power, incident projectile9000123601264O spin normal to scattering plane) 9000123601265O ,POL/DA,,LEG NO (Legendre coef. for fit to spin-pol. 9000123601266 probability) 9000123601267 (Differential spin-polarization probability,9000123601268 Legendre coefficients) 9000123601269 ,POL/DA,,SRF NO (Spin rotation function, Q) 9000123601270 ,POL/DA,,TAP NO (Tensor analyzing power, T(kq)) 9000123601271O ,POL/DA,,VAP NO (Vector analyzing power, iT(11)) 9000123601272 ,POL/DA/DA,*/*,ANANO (Analyzing power d2/dA(*)/dA(*)) 9000123601273 ,POL/DA/DA/DE,*,ANA 99000123601274 NO (Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE f.particle 9000123601275 specified) 9000123601276 ,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA 99000123601277 NO (Anal.power dA1/dA2/dE(rel.energies)) 9000123601278 ,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*,ANA 99000123601279 NO (Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 f.particles 9000123601280 spec.) 9000123601281 ,POL/DA/DA/DE,,ANANO (Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 for 2 9000123601282 particles) 9000123601283 ,POL/DA/DA/DP,*/*+*/*+*,VAP 99000123601284 NO (Vector analyzing power 9000123601285 d/dA(*)/dA(*+*)/dp(*+*)) 9000123601286 ,POL/DA/DE NO (Diff.spin-pol.probab.w.resp.to angle and 9000123601287 energy) 9000123601288 (Differential spin-polarization probability 9000123601289 with respect to angle and energy of 9000123601290 outgoing particles) 9000123601291 ,POL/DA/DE,* NO (Double-diff.spin-pol.probab.f.particle 9000123601292 specified) 9000123601293 ,POL/DA/DE,*,ANA NO (Analyzing power dA/dE for particle 9000123601294 specified) 9000123601295 ,POL/DA/DE,*,VAP NO (Vect.anal.power,iT(11)/dA(*)/dE(*), f.part.9000123601296 spec.) 9000123601297 ,POL/DA/DE,*/*,ANANO (Anal.power d2/dA/dE for specified particle 9000123601298 pair) 9000123601299 ,POL/DA/DE,,ANA NO (Analyzing power / dE) 9000123601300 ,POL/DA/DE,,ASY NO (Asymm.of polarized part.w.resp.to angle and9000123601301 en.) 9000123601302 (Asymmetry of polarized particles 9000123601303 with respect to angle and energy of 9000123601304 outgoing particles) 9000123601305 ,POL/DA/DE,,TST NO (Total spin transfer w.resp.to angle and 9000123601306 energy) 9000123601307 (Total spin transfer with respect to angle 9000123601308 and energy of outgoing particles) 9000123601309 ,POL/DA2/DE2,*/* NO (Polarization d/dA1(*)/dA2(*)/dE1(*)/dE2(*))9000123601310 ,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,ANA 99000123601311 NO (Analyzing power d4/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*))9000123601312 ,POL/DT,,ANA NO (Anal. power with respect to 4-momentum 9000123601313 transfer) 9000123601314 20,POL/DA,*,TAP NO (Tensor anal. power, T20 for particle 9000123601315 specified) 9000123601316 20,POL/DA,,TAP NO (Tensor analyzing power, T20) 9000123601317 20,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,TAP 99000123601318 NO (Tensor anal. power, 9000123601319 T20/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*+*)) 9000123601320 20,POL/DA/DE,*,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T20/dA(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601321 20/PAR,POL/DA,*,TAP 99000123601322 NO (Tensor anal. power, T20, partial f.part. 9000123601323 spec.) 9000123601324 20/PAR,POL/DA,,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T20, partial) 9000123601325 21,POL/DA,*,TAP NO (Tensor anal. power, T21 for particle 9000123601326 specified) 9000123601327 21,POL/DA,,TAP NO (Tensor analyzing power, T21) 9000123601328 21,POL/DA/DE,*,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T21/dA(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601329 21/PAR,POL/DA,*,TAP 99000123601330 NO (Tensor anal.power, T21,partl.for part.spec.9000123601331 ) 9000123601332 21/PAR,POL/DA,,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T21, partial) 9000123601333 22,POL/DA,*,TAP NO (Tensor anal. power, T22 for particle 9000123601334 specified) 9000123601335 22,POL/DA,,TAP NO (Tensor analyzing power, T22) 9000123601336 22,POL/DA/DE,*,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T22/dA(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601337 22/PAR,POL/DA,*,TAP 99000123601338 NO (Tensor analyzing power, T22,partl.for part.9000123601339 spec.) 9000123601340 22/PAR,POL/DA,,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T22, partial) 9000123601341 31,POL/DA,,TAP NO (Tensor analyzing power, T31) 9000123601342 31/PAR,POL/DA,,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T31, partial) 9000123601343 32,POL/DA,,TAP NO (Tensor analyzing power, T32) 9000123601344 32/PAR,POL/DA,,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T32, partial) 9000123601345 33,POL/DA,,TAP NO (Tensor analyzing power, T33) 9000123601346 33/PAR,POL/DA,,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power, T33, partial) 9000123601347 40/PAR,POL/DA,,TAPNO (Tensor analyzing power T40, partial) 9000123601348 EM,POL/DA/DE,P,ANANO (Analyzing power dA/dE for proton emission) 9000123601349 EXL,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Analyzing power including excitation to 9000123601350 low-lying levels) 9000123601351 LL,POL/DA,*,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(zz)/dA(*)) 9000123601352 LL,POL/DA,*,D NO (Spin rotation parameter, D(LL), for part. 9000123601353 spec.) 9000123601354 LL,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(zz)) 9000123601355 LL,POL/DA,,C NO (Initial spin correlation parameter, C(LL)) 9000123601356 LL,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin rotation parameter, D(LL)) 9000123601357 LL,POL/DA,,K NO (Spin-transfer parameter, K(LL)) 9000123601358 LL,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA 99000123601359 NO (Tensor anal.power 9000123601360 A(LL)/dA(*)/dA(*)/d(E(rel.en.)) 9000123601361 LL,POL/DA/DE,*,D NO (Doub.diff.spin rotat. param. f.part.spec. 9000123601362 D(LL)) 9000123601363 LL,POL/DA/DE,,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power A(zz)/dA/dE) 9000123601364 LL,POL/DA/DE,,D NO (Doub.diff.spin rotation parameter, D(LL)) 9000123601365 LL,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D 99000123601366 NO (Spin rot.param 9000123601367 D(LL)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601368 (Spin rotation parameter 9000123601369 D(LL)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601370 LL,POL/DT,,D NO (Spin rot.param.D(LL),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)9000123601371 LL/PAR,POL/DA,,ANANO (Partial tensor analyzing power, A(zz)) 9000123601372 LL/PAR,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin-rotation parameter, D(LL), partl. 9000123601373 reaction) 9000123601374 LON,POL,,DSP/ASY NO (Spin-spin asymmetry for longitud. spin 9000123601375 states) 9000123601376 LON,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Longitudinal analyzing power A(z)) 9000123601377 LS,POL/DA,*,D NO (Spin rotation parameter, D(LS), for part. 9000123601378 spec.) 9000123601379 LS,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(zx)) 9000123601380 LS,POL/DA,,C NO (Initial spin correlation parameter, C(LS)) 9000123601381 LS,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin rotation parameter, D(LS)) 9000123601382 LS,POL/DA,,K NO (Spin-transfer parameter, K(LS)) 9000123601383 LS,POL/DA/DE,*,D NO (Doub.diff.spin rotat. param.f.part.spec. 9000123601384 D(LS)) 9000123601385 LS,POL/DA/DE,,D NO (Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(LS)) 9000123601386 LS,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D 99000123601387 NO (Spin rot.param 9000123601388 D(LS)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601389 (Spin rotation parameter 9000123601390 D(LS)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601391 LS,POL/DT,,D NO (Spin rot.param.D(LS),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)9000123601392 LS/PAR,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin-rotation parameter, D(LS), partl. 9000123601393 reaction) 9000123601394 NL,POL/DA,,C NO (Initial spin correlation parameter, C(NL)) 9000123601395 NN,POL/DA,*,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(yy)/dA(*)) 9000123601396 NN,POL/DA,*,D NO (Spin-depolarization parameter,D(NN),f.part.9000123601397 spec.) 9000123601398 NN,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(yy)) 9000123601399 NN,POL/DA,,C NO (Initial spin correlation parameter, C(NN)) 9000123601400 NN,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin-depolarization parameter, D(NN)) 9000123601401 NN,POL/DA,,K NO (Spin-transfer parameter, K(NN)) 9000123601402 NN,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA 99000123601403 NO (Tensor anal.power 9000123601404 A(NN)/dA(*)/dA(*)/d(E(rel.en.)) 9000123601405 NN,POL/DA/DE,*,D NO (Doub.diff.spin rotat. param.f.part.spec. 9000123601406 D(NN)) 9000123601407 NN,POL/DA/DE,,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power A(yy)/dA/dE) 9000123601408 NN,POL/DA/DE,,D NO (Doub.diff.spin rotation parameter, D(NN)) 9000123601409 NN,POL/DA/DE,,K NO (Doub.diff.spin transfer parameter, K(NN)) 9000123601410 NN,POL/DA/DE,,SF NO (Double diff. spin-flip prob.d/dA/dE, S(nn))9000123601411 NN,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D 99000123601412 NO (Spin rot.param 9000123601413 D(NN)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601414 (Spin rotation parameter 9000123601415 D(NN)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601416 NN,POL/DT,,D NO (Spin rot.param.D(NN),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)9000123601417 NN/PAR,POL/DA,*,ANA 99000123601418 NO (Tensor analyzing power A(yy)/dA(*), 9000123601419 partial) 9000123601420 NN/PAR,POL/DA,,ANANO (Partial tensor analyzing power, A(yy)) 9000123601421 NN/PAR,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin-depolarization param., D(NN), partl. 9000123601422 react.) 9000123601423 NN/PAR,POL/DA,,K NO (Spin-transfer parameter, K(NN), partl. 9000123601424 reaction) 9000123601425 NN/PAR,POL/DA,,SF NO (Spin-flip prob. S(nn) for partial reaction)9000123601426 PAR,FM/DA,,AL1/RS NO (4pi/Sig polar. * d/dA Leg.coef.of 1st kind)9000123601427 (Product of spin-polarization probability 9000123601428 and partial differential cross section, 9000123601429 coefficients of associated Legendre 9000123601430 functions of the first kind * 4pi/Sigma) 9000123601431 PAR,POL,G NO (Polarization for gamma-ray specified) 9000123601432 PAR,POL/DA NO (Diff. spin-polarization prob.for partial 9000123601433 react.) 9000123601434 (Differential spin-polarization probability 9000123601435 with respect to angle of emission, for 9000123601436 partial reaction) 9000123601437 PAR,POL/DA,*+*,ASYNO (Asymmetry for given particle pair) 9000123601438 PAR,POL/DA,*,VAP NO (Vect.anal.power,partl.react.,iT11 for part.9000123601439 spec.) 9000123601440 PAR,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Partial analyzing power) 9000123601441 PAR,POL/DA,,ANA/LEG 99000123601442 NO (Ptl.Anal.power,Leg.coef. 9000123601443 d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*P(L))) 9000123601444 (Partial analyzing power, Legendre 9000123601445 coefficients of the form d-Sig/d-Omega = 9000123601446 a(0) + Sum( a(L)*P(L) )) 9000123601447 PAR,POL/DA,,ANA/TTNO (Partial analyzing power for thick target) 9000123601448 PAR,POL/DA,,ASY NO (Partial asymmetry of polarized particles) 9000123601449 PAR,POL/DA,,ASY/PPNO (Partial asymmetry, inc. 9000123601450 parallel/perpendicular)) 9000123601451 (Partial asymmetry, incident projectile 9000123601452 parallel/perpendicular to reaction plane) 9000123601453 PAR,POL/DA,,TST NO (Partial total spin transfer w.resp.to 9000123601454 angle) 9000123601455 PAR,POL/DA,,VAP NO (Vect.anal.power,partl.react.,iT11) 9000123601456 PAR,POL/DA,G NO (Diff. polarization for gamma-ray specified 9000123601457 d/dA) 9000123601458 PAR,POL/DA,N+A NO (Diff.spin-polar.prob.for partial react., 9000123601459 rel.ang.) 9000123601460 (Differential spin-polarization probability 9000123601461 with respect to rel.angle specified 9000123601462 partiles, partial reaction) 9000123601463 PAR,POL/DA/DA,*/*,ANA 99000123601464 NO (Partial analyzing power d2/dA(*)/dA(*)) 9000123601465 PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*,ANA 99000123601466 NO (Partial analyz.power dA1/dA2/dE1 for part. 9000123601467 spec.) 9000123601468 PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,,ANA 99000123601469 NO (Partial analyz.power dA1/dA2/dE1 f. 2 9000123601470 particles) 9000123601471 PAR,POL/DA/DE,*/*,ANA 99000123601472 NO (Partial analyz.power d2/dA(*)/dA(*)) 9000123601473 SL,POL/DA,*,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(xz)/dA(*)) 9000123601474 SL,POL/DA,*,D NO (Spin rotation parameter, D(SL), for part. 9000123601475 spec.) 9000123601476 SL,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(xz)) 9000123601477 SL,POL/DA,,C NO (Initial spin correlation parameter, C(SL)) 9000123601478 SL,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin rotation parameter, D(SL)) 9000123601479 SL,POL/DA,,K NO (Spin-transfer parameter, K(SL)) 9000123601480 SL,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA 99000123601481 NO (Tensor analyzing power A(xz)/dA1/dA2/dE) 9000123601482 SL,POL/DA/DE,*,D NO (Doub.diff.spin rotat. param.f.part.spec., 9000123601483 D(SL)) 9000123601484 SL,POL/DA/DE,,D NO (Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(SL)) 9000123601485 SL,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D 99000123601486 NO (Spin rot.param 9000123601487 D(SL)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601488 SL,POL/DT,,D NO (Spin rot.param.D(SL),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)9000123601489 SL/PAR,POL/DA,,ANANO (Partial tensor analyzing power, A(xz)) 9000123601490 SL/PAR,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin-rotation parameter, D(SL), partl. 9000123601491 reaction) 9000123601492 SS,POL/DA,*,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(xx)/dA(*)) 9000123601493 SS,POL/DA,*,D NO (Spin rotation parameter, D(SS), for part. 9000123601494 spec.) 9000123601495 SS,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power, A(xx)) 9000123601496 SS,POL/DA,,C NO (Initial spin correlation parameter, C(SS)) 9000123601497 SS,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin rotation parameter, D(SS)) 9000123601498 SS,POL/DA,,K NO (Spin-transfer parameter, K(SS)) 9000123601499 SS,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA 99000123601500 NO (Tensor analyzing power A(xx)/dA1/dA2/dE) 9000123601501 SS,POL/DA/DE,*,D NO (Doub.diff.spin rotat.param.f.part.spec., 9000123601502 D(SS)) 9000123601503 SS,POL/DA/DE,,ANA NO (Tensor analyzing power A(xx)/dA/dE) 9000123601504 SS,POL/DA/DE,,D NO (Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(SS)) 9000123601505 SS,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,D 99000123601506 NO (Spin rot.param 9000123601507 D(SS)/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601508 SS,POL/DT,,D NO (Spin rot.param.D(SS),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)9000123601509 SS/PAR,POL/DA,*,ANA 99000123601510 NO (Tensor analyzing power A(xx)/dA(*), 9000123601511 partial) 9000123601512 SS/PAR,POL/DA,,D NO (Spin-rotation parameter, D(SS), partl. 9000123601513 reaction) 9000123601514 TRS,POL,,DSP/ASY NO (Spin-spin asymmetry for transverse spin 9000123601515 states) 9000123601516 TRS,POL/DA,,ANA NO (Transverse vector analyzing power, A(x)) 9000123601517 TRS,POL/DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+*,ANA 99000123601518 NO (Transverse vector analyzing power, 9000123601519 A(x)/dA1/dA2/dE(relative energies)) 9000123601520 =======================================================9000123601521 Outgoing energy spectra 9000123601522 =======================================================9000123601523 ,DA/DE,,4PI DE (Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE * 4pi) 9000123601524 ,DE DE (Energy spectrum of outgoing particles) 9000123601525 ,DE,* DE (Energy spectrum of particle specified) 9000123601526 ,DE,*+* DE (Energy spectrum of correlated particles 9000123601527 specif.) 9000123601528 ,DE,*+*+* DE (Energy spectrum of correlated particles 9000123601529 specif.) 9000123601530 ,DP DP (Diff. cross section with respect to linear 9000123601531 mom.) 9000123601532 ,DT D4 (Diff.c/s with respect to 4-mom.transfer 9000123601533 squared) 9000123601534 (Differential cross section with respect to 9000123601535 4-momentum transfer squared of outgoing 9000123601536 particles) 9000123601537 ,SPC YLD (Gamma spectrum) 9000123601538 ,SPC,,TT YLD (Gamma spectrum for thick target) 9000123601539 ,SPC/DA YDA (Gamma spectrum as function of angle) 9000123601540 2,DE DE (Energy spectrum of 2nd secondary particle) 9000123601541 if 2 or more identical particles are 9000123601542 emitted 9000123601543 DI,DE DE (En.spectrum of outg.partl.,dir.interact. 9000123601544 contr.) 9000123601545 DL,SPC FY (Intensity of delayed gammas) 9000123601546 DL/GRP,DE,N 1/E (Energy spectrum for specific delayed neut. 9000123601547O group) 9000123601548O DL/GRP,NU/DE FYDE(Energy spectrum for specific delayed neut. 9000123601549 group) 9000123601550 EM,DE DE (Particle emission energy spectrum) 9000123601551 (Particle emission energy spectrum, 9000123601552 excluding elastic scattering) 9000123601553 LP,DP DP (Diff.cs w.resp.to longit.secondary 9000123601554 momentum) 9000123601555 (Differential cross section with respect to 9000123601556 longitudinal secondary linear momentum) 9000123601557 LP,IPA/DP DP (Cs diff.by long.sec.lin.mom.,int.over ang. 9000123601558 range) 9000123601559 LP,IPA/DP,* DP (Cs dif.by lon.sec.li.mom.int.ov.an.ran., 9000123601560 par.spe.) 9000123601561 LP,IPA/DP,*/* DP (Diff.cs d/dA(*)/dp(*) integrated over ang. 9000123601562 range) 9000123601563 LP/ISP,DP,* DP (Diff.cs w.r.t. longit.sec.lin.mom.of part. 9000123601564I specified, part.interm.prod.) 9000123601565I (Differential cross section with respect to 9000123601566I longitudinal secondary linear momentum of 9000123601567I particle specified, partial for 9000123601568I intermediate product) 9000123601569I LP/PAR,DP DP (Partial diff. cross section w.r.t. 9000123601570 longitudinal linear momentum) 9000123601571 PAR,DE DE (Spectrum of outgoing particles for specif. 9000123601572 level) 9000123601573 PAR,DE,* DE (Spectrum of particle specified for specif. 9000123601574 level) 9000123601575 PAR,DE,*+* DE (Partial energy distr. of particle pair) 9000123601576 PAR,DP,*+* DP (Diff.cs w.resp.to sec.momentum of particle 9000123601577 pair) 9000123601578 (Differential cross section with respect to 9000123601579 secondary linear momentum of particle pair)9000123601580 PAR,SPC YLD (Partial gamma spectrum) 9000123601581 PR,DE,N DE (Diff.cs.with respect to pr.fiss.neutron 9000123601582 energy) 9000123601583 PR,SPC FY (Intensity of prompt fission gammas) 9000123601584 PRE,DE,*F DE (Energy spectrum of primary fission frag. 9000123601585 specif.) 9000123601586 PRE,DE,LF+HF DE (Sum of prim.fragm.en.,total kin.en. 9000123601587 spectrum) 9000123601588 (Sum of primary light and heavy fragment 9000123601589 energies, total kinetic energy spectrum) 9000123601590 TER,DE,* DE (Energy spectr.of particle specif.,ternary 9000123601591 fiss.) 9000123601592 TP,DP DP (Diff.cs w.resp.to transv.secondary 9000123601593 momentum) 9000123601594 (Differential cross section with respect to 9000123601595 transverse secondary linear momentum) 9000123601596 TP/ISP,DP,* DP (Diff.cs w.r.t. trans.sec.lin.mom.of part. 9000123601597I specified, part.interm.prod.) 9000123601598I (Differential cross section with respect to 9000123601599I transverse secondary linear momentum of 9000123601600I particle specified, partial for 9000123601601I intermediate product) 9000123601602I TP/PAR,DP DP (Part.Diff.cs w.resp.to transv.sec.momentum)9000123601603 (Partial Differential cross section with 9000123601604 respect to transverse secondary linear 9000123601605 momentum) 9000123601606 =======================================================9000123601607 Double differential data 9000123601608 =======================================================9000123601609 ,DA/DA DA2 (Double diff. cross section d2/dA/dA) 9000123601610 (Double-diff. cross section with respect to 9000123601611 2 angles referring to 2 outgoing particles)9000123601612 ===To be used only when it is obvious to 9000123601613 which particles the angles refer 9000123601614 ,DA/DA,*+*/* DA2 (Angular correl.betw.specif.particles,rel. 9000123601615O angle) 9000123601616O Obsolete. Use ,DA/DA,*/*+*. 9000123601617O ,DA/DA,*/* DA2 (Angular correlation betw.specified 9000123601618 particles) 9000123601619 ,DA/DA,*/*+* DA2 (Double diff. cross section 9000123601620 d2/dA(*)/dA(*+*)) 9000123601621 ,DA/DA,A/A+A,NCP DA2 (Ang.correl.betw.alphas,rel.angle, 9000123601622 non-coplanar) 9000123601623 ,DA/DA,P+P DA2 (Angular correlation of protons (rel. 9000123601624 angle)) 9000123601625 ,DA/DE DAE (Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE) 9000123601626 ,DA/DE,* DAE (Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA/dE of part. 9000123601627 spec.) 9000123601628 ,DA/DE,*,RSD NO (Double diff.cs d2/dA/dE of part.spec.rel. 9000123601629 90deg.) 9000123601630 (Double differential cross sectionsle with 9000123601631 respect to particle specified relavive to 9000123601632 the value at 90 deg.) 9000123601633 ,DA/DE,*/* DAE (Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601634 ,DA/DE,*/*+* DAE (Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA(*)/dE(*+*)) 9000123601635 ,DA/DE,,RSD NO (Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA/dE rel.to 90 9000123601636 deg.) 9000123601637 ,DA/DE,,TMP DAE (Double diff.cs.d2/dA/dE at other than room 9000123601638 temp.) 9000123601639 ,DA/DE,,TST DAE (Total spin transfer * d2/dA/dE) 9000123601640 ,DA/DP DAP (Diff.cs dAngle/d(lin.momentum)) 9000123601641 ,DA/DP,* DAP (Double diff. cross section d2/dA(*)/dp(*)) 9000123601642 ,IPA/DE DE (Double-diff.cs integr.over partial ang. 9000123601643 range) 9000123601644 ,IPA/DE,*+* DE (d/dA(*+*)/dE(*+*) int.over part.ang.range) 9000123601645 ,IPA/DE,*+*+* DE (d/dA(*+*+*)/dE(*+*+*) int.over part.ang. 9000123601646I range) 9000123601647I (d/dA(*+*+*)/dE(*+*+*) integrated over the 9000123601648I angular range of correlated particles 9000123601649I specified) 9000123601650I ,IPA/DE,G DE (Double-diff.gamma cs integr.over part.ang. 9000123601651 range) 9000123601652 ,IPA/DE,RSD DE (Double-diff.cs f.resid.int.over part.ang. 9000123601653 range) 9000123601654 ,IPA/DP DP (Double-diff.cs d2/dp/dA int.over part.ang. 9000123601655 range) 9000123601656 ,IPP/DA DA (Double-diff.cs d2/dp/dA int.over part.mom. 9000123601657 range) 9000123601658 DI,DA/DE DAE (Double diff. c/s d2/dA/dEdir.interaction 9000123601659 contr) 9000123601660 (Double-diff. cross section, direct 9000123601661 interaction contribution) 9000123601662 EM,DA/DE DAE (Double diff. emission cross section, 9000123601663 d/dA/dE) 9000123601664 (Double-diff.emission cross section 9000123601665 excluding elastic scattering) 9000123601666 EM,DA/DE,P DAE (Double diff. proton emission cross section)9000123601667 ICL,DA/DE,*/* DAE (d2/dA(*)/dE(*)uncor.for oth.chan.emit.same 9000123601668 part.) 9000123601669 (Double-differential cross section 9000123601670 d2/dA(*)dE(*) uncorrected for other 9000123601671 channels emitting the same particle) 9000123601672 ICL,IPA/DE,*/* DE (d2/dA(*)/dE(*)unc.f.ot.ch.em.same par.int. 9000123601673 ov.an.) 9000123601674 (Double-differential cross section 9000123601675 d2/dA(*)dE(*) uncorrected for other 9000123601676 channels emitting the same particle, and 9000123601677 integrated over the angular range) 9000123601678 IND,DA/DE DAE (Double diff. c/s d2/dA/dE, direct 9000123601679O formation) 9000123601680O (Independent double-diff.cross section for 9000123601681O direct formation of the product nucleus) 9000123601682O Formation via radioactive decay explicitly 9000123601683O excluded. 9000123601684O LL,DA/DE,,SF DAE (Spin-flip probability S(LL)*d2/dA/d(E)) 9000123601685 NN,DA/DE,,NSF DAE (Non-spin-flip probability 9000123601686 (1-S(nn))*d2/dA/dE) 9000123601687 NN,DA/DE,,SF DAE (Spin-flip probability S(nn)*d2/dA/dE) 9000123601688 PAR,DA/DE DAE (Partial double diff.cross-section) 9000123601689 (Partial double-diff. cross section for 9000123601690 specific level of residual nucleus) 9000123601691 =Note= In this case 'PAR' refers to a 9000123601692 specific level, and not to a specific 9000123601693 energy group of outgoing particles. 9000123601694 PAR,DA/DE,*/* DAE (Part.double diff.cross-section 9000123601695 d2/dA(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601696 PAR,IPA/DE,*+* DE (Par.d/dA(*+*)/dE(*+*) int.over part.ang. 9000123601697 range) 9000123601698 PR,DA/DE DAE (Double differential spectra of prompt 9000123601699 fission particles) 9000123601700 SEQ,DA/DE DAE (Double-diff.cs for spec. reaction seq.) 9000123601701 (Double-diff.cs for partial reaction specif.9000123601702 by sequence of outgoing particles) 9000123601703 SS,DA/DE,,SF DAE (Spin-flip probability S(SS)*d2/dA/d(E)) 9000123601704 TER,DA/DE,* DAE (Double-diff.cs d2/dA/dE of part.spec.,tern.9000123601705 fiss.) 9000123601706 =======================================================9000123601707 Triple differential data 9000123601708 =======================================================9000123601709 ,DA/DA/DE D3A (Triple diff.cross section d3/dA/dA/dE) 9000123601710O (Triple-diff. cross section with respect to 9000123601711O two angles and secondary energy of outgoing9000123601712O particles) 9000123601713O ,DA/DA/DE,*/*+*/* D3A (Triple diff.cross section 9000123601714 d3/dA(*)/dA(*+*)/dE(*)) 9000123601715 ,DA/DA/DE,*/*/* D3A (Triple diff.cross section 9000123601716 d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601717 ,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+* D3A (Triple diff.cs d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(rel.en. 9000123601718 *-*)) 9000123601719 (Triple-diff. cross section with respect to 9000123601720 angles and relative energies of specified 9000123601721 particles) 9000123601722 ,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*,NCP 99000123601723 D3A (Triple diff.cs.d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*), 9000123601724 non-coplanar) 9000123601725 ,DA/DA/DE/DE,P/P/P/RSD 99000123601726 D4A (Quadruple diff.cs 9000123601727 d4/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p)/dE(res)) 9000123601728 ,DA/DA/DP,*/*+*/*+* 99000123601729 DA2P(Triple diff cs dA(*)/dA(*+*.)/dP(*+*)) 9000123601730 (Triple differential cross section 9000123601731 d2/dA(*)/dA(*)/dP(*+*)) 9000123601732 ,DA/DE/DE,*/*/* D3 (Triple diff.cross section 9000123601733 d3/dA(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601734 ,DA2/DE2,*/* D4A (Quadruple diff.cs 9000123601735 d4/dA(*)/dE(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601736 (Quadruple-diff. cross section with respect 9000123601737 to 2 angles and 2 energies of 9000123601738 part.specified) 9000123601739 ISP,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*D3A (Triple diff.cross sect. 9000123601740I d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*), partial for intermed. 9000123601741I prod.) 9000123601742I (Triple differential cross section 9000123601743I d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*), partial for 9000123601744I intermediate product) 9000123601745I ISP,DA2/DE2,*/* D4A (Quadruple diff.cross sect. 9000123601746I d4/dA(*)/dE(*)/dA(*)/dE(*), part.interm. 9000123601747I prod.) 9000123601748I (Quadruple differential cross section 9000123601749I d4/dA(*)/dE(*)/dA(*)/dE(*), partial for 9000123601750I intermediate product) 9000123601751I PAR,DA/DA/DE D3A (Partial triple diff.cross-section) 9000123601752 (Partial triple-diff. cross section for 9000123601753 specific level of residual nucleus with 9000123601754 respect to 2 angles and secondary energy of9000123601755 outgoing particles) 9000123601756 =Note= In this case 'PAR' refers to a 9000123601757 specific level, and not to a specific 9000123601758 energy group of outgoing particles. 9000123601759 PAR,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*D3A (Par.triple diff.cross sect. 9000123601760 d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*)) 9000123601761 PAR,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*+* 99000123601762 D3A (Par.triple diff.cross sec. 9000123601763 d3/dA(*)/dA(*)/dE(*+*)) 9000123601764 (Partial triple differential cross sections 9000123601765 with respect to angles and relative 9000123601766 energies of specified particles) 9000123601767 SEQ,DA/DA/DE,N/T/RSD 99000123601768 D3A (Triple-df.cs d3/dA(n)/dA(t)/dE(rsd),spec.r.9000123601769 seq.) 9000123601770 (Triple diffential cross sections for angles9000123601771 of neutron and triton and energy of 9000123601772 residual nucleus specified by sequence of 9000123601773 outgoing particles) 9000123601774 SEQ,DA/DA/DE,P/P/PD3A (Triple-diff.cs d3/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p),spec.r.9000123601775 seq.) 9000123601776 (Triple differential cross sections for 9000123601777 angles of two protons and energy of proton 9000123601778 specified by sequence of outgoing 9000123601779 particles) 9000123601780 =======================================================9000123601781 Fission fragment data 9000123601782 =======================================================9000123601783 (CUM),FY FY (Fission-product yield (uncertain if 9000123601784 cumulative)) 9000123601785 (Fission product yield, uncertain if 9000123601786 cumulative) 9000123601787 (CUM),FY,,FRC NO (Fractional fission product yield (uncertain9000123601788 if cumulative)) 9000123601789 (SEC),AKE,*F E (Average kinetic energy of fission fragments9000123601790 (uncertain if secondary)) 9000123601791 (SEC),AKE,LF+HF E (Avg.tot.kin.energy of light and heavy 9000123601792 fission fragment unc.if secondary) 9000123601793 (Average total kinetic energy of light and 9000123601794 heavy fission fragments, uncertain if 9000123601795 secondary) 9000123601796 (SEC),ZP NO (Most prob. charge of fiss.fragm., 9000123601797 post-n-emiss.uncertain if secondary) 9000123601798 ,AKE,* E (Average kinetic energy of specified 9000123601799O particle) 9000123601800O ,AKE,*F E (Average kinetic energy of specified 9000123601801O fragment) 9000123601802O ,AKE,LF+HF E (Avg.tot.kin.energy of light and heavy fiss.9000123601803O frag.) 9000123601804O (Average total kinetic energy of light and 9000123601805O heavy fission fragments) 9000123601806O ===Use with PRE, SEC or (SEC) in SF5. 9000123601807O ,AKE/DA,* E (Avg.kinetic en. of specified part. given 9000123601808O angle) 9000123601809O ,AP NO (Most probable mass of fission products) 9000123601810 for a given element 9000123601811 ,AP,*F NO (Most probable mass of fragment specified) 9000123601812 ,AP,*F,RES NO (Most probable mass of fragment specif.at 9000123601813 reson.) 9000123601814 ,FY,G FY (Fission gamma yld for fission fragment 9000123601815 specified) 9000123601816 ,FY/DA/DE,*+*F/* FYAE(Diff.fis.yield d/dA(*+frag.spec.)/dE(*)) 9000123601817 ,KE E (Kinetic energy of reaction product) 9000123601818 ,KE,* E (Kinetic energy of product specified) 9000123601819 ,KE,,TT E (Kinetic energy of reaction prod.for thick 9000123601820 target) 9000123601821 ,KE,LF+HF E (Total kin. energ.of light/heavy frag.pair 9000123601822 spec.) 9000123601823 (Average total kinetic energy of light and 9000123601824 heavy fission fragments specified) 9000123601825 ,KEM E (Temperature of Maxw. dist. of reaction 9000123601826 product) 9000123601827 ,KEP,HF E (Most probable kin.energy of heavy 9000123601828 fragments) 9000123601829 ,KEP,LF E (Most probable kin.energy of light 9000123601830 fragments) 9000123601831 ,ZP NO (Most probable charge of fission products) 9000123601832 for a given mass 9000123601833 ,ZP,HF NO (Most probable charge of heavy fragments) 9000123601834 ,ZP,LF NO (Most probable charge of light fragments) 9000123601835 BIN,AKE,FF E (Average kinetic energy of binary fission 9000123601836 frag.) 9000123601837 BIN/TER,DA/RAT,FF NO (Binary/ternary differential fiss.frag.dist.9000123601838 d/dA) 9000123601839 (Binary/ternary ratio of fission fragment 9000123601840 angular distributions) 9000123601841 BIN/TER,FY/RAT NO (Binary/ternary fission product yield ratio)9000123601842 CHG,FY FY (Total element yield of fission products) 9000123601843 CHG,FY/DE FYDE(Total element fiss. yield of diff.d/d(frag.9000123601844 en.)) 9000123601845 (Total element yield of fission products, 9000123601846 differential with fragment kinetic energy) 9000123601847 CHG/TER,FY FY (Total element yield of fiss.prod.,ternary 9000123601848 fiss.) 9000123601849 CHG/TER/CRN,FY FY (Total element yield of ternary fission 9000123601850 product pair specified) 9000123601851 CHN,FY FY (Total chain yield of fission products) 9000123601852 CHN,FY/DE FYDE(Total chain yield, fiss.prod.diff.d/d(frag.9000123601853 en)) 9000123601854 (Total chain yield of fission products, 9000123601855 differential with fragment kinetic energy) 9000123601856 CHN,SIG B (Total chain yield cross section f. fiss. 9000123601857 products) 9000123601858 CUM,FY FY (Cumulative fission-product yield) 9000123601859 Includes formation of product nucleus via 9000123601860 radioactive decay and isomeric transition.9000123601861 CUM,FY,,FRC NO (Fractional cumulative fission product 9000123601862 yield) 9000123601863 Ratio of cumulative fission product yield 9000123601864 to chain yield of fission product 9000123601865 CUM,FY/RAT NO (Cumulative fission-product yield isom. 9000123601866 ratio) 9000123601867 Includes formation of product nucleus via 9000123601868 radioactive decay and isomeric transition.9000123601869 DL/GRP,KE E (Kin.ene.of del.reac.prod.f.given half-life 9000123601870 grp.) 9000123601871 FIS,AKE,FF E (Avg.kin.energy of fragments of high energy 9000123601872 fiss) 9000123601873 IND,AKE/DA E (Avg.kin.energy at given angle, direct 9000123601874O formation) 9000123601875O (Average kinetic energy at a given angle for9000123601876O direct formation of the product nucleus) 9000123601877O IND,FY FY (Independent fission-product yield) 9000123601878 IND,FY,,FRC NO (Fractional independent fission product 9000123601879 yield) 9000123601880 Ratio of independent fission product yield 9000123601881 to chain yield of fission product 9000123601882 IND,FY,,RES FY (Independent fission-product yield at 9000123601883 resonance) 9000123601884 IND,FY/DE FYDE(Diff.indep. fission product yield d/d(frag.9000123601885 en.)) 9000123601886 (Independent fiss.fragment yield, 9000123601887 differential with fragment kinetic energy) 9000123601888 IND,FY/RAT NO (Independent fission-product yield ratio) 9000123601889 (Independent fiss.fragment yield, isomeric 9000123601890 ratio) 9000123601891 IND/CRN,FY FY (Indep. fiss.-prod. yld. for frag. pair 9000123601892 specified) 9000123601893 (Independent fission-product yield for 9000123601894 fragment pair specified) 9000123601895 IND/M+,FY FY (Indep. fission-product yield, incl. isom. 9000123601896O trans.) 9000123601897O (Independent fission-product yield, 9000123601898O including formation of the product nucleus 9000123601899O via isomeric transition) 9000123601900O IND/TER,FY FY (Independ.fission-prod.yield for ternary 9000123601901 fission) 9000123601902 IND/TER/CRN,FY FY (Independ.fission-prod.yield for fragment 9000123601903 pair specified, ternary fiss.) 9000123601904 (Independent ternary fission product for 9000123601905 fragment pair specified in ternary fission)9000123601906 ISP/IND,FY FY (Independent fission-product yield partial 9000123601907 for intermediate products) 9000123601908 ISP/PRE,AKE,LF+HF E (Ave. Tot. kin. energy of primary fragm., 9000123601909 partial for intermediate prod.) 9000123601910 (Average total kinetic energy of primary 9000123601911 fragments, partial for intermediate 9000123601912 product) 9000123601913 ISP/PRE,FY FY (Pre-neutron-emission fission yield, partial9000123601914 for intermediate product) 9000123601915 ISP/PRE,KE E (Kinetic energy of spec.primary fragm., 9000123601916 partial for intermediate prod.) 9000123601917 ISP/PRE,KE,LF+HF E (Tot. kin. energy of spec.primary fragm., 9000123601918 partial for intermediate prod.) 9000123601919 (Total kinetic energy of primary fragments 9000123601920 specified, partial for intermediate 9000123601921 product) 9000123601922 ISP/SEC,AP,*F NO (Most probable mass of frag. specified, 9000123601923 partial for intermediate product) 9000123601924 (Most probable mass of fragment specified, 9000123601925 partial for intermediate product) 9000123601926 ISP/SEC,FY FY (Post-neutron-emission fission yield, 9000123601927 partial for intermediate product) 9000123601928 ISP/SEC,KE E (Kinetic energy of post-n-emiss.prod.spec., 9000123601929 partial for intermed.prod.) 9000123601930 (Kinetic energy of post-neutron-emission 9000123601931 product specified, partial for intermediate9000123601932 product) 9000123601933 NUM,FY NO (Probability for production of N fis. 9000123601934 particles) 9000123601935 NUM,FY,* NO (Probability for production of N fis. part. 9000123601936 spec.) 9000123601937 PAR,AP,HF NO (Most prob.mass of heavy fragm.f.given 9000123601938 excit.en.) 9000123601939 PAR,FY/DA,*+*F FYDA(Par.diff.fiss.yields d/dA(*+fis.frag. 9000123601940 specified)) 9000123601941 PAR,FY/DE,LF/HF FYDE(Fiss.pr.yld at given light and heavy fragm.9000123601942 en.) 9000123601943 (Fission product yield at given light and 9000123601944 heavy fragment energy) 9000123601945 PAR,KE E (Kinetic energy of reaction prod.f.given en.9000123601946 grp.) 9000123601947 PAR,ZP NO (Most probable charge, for fragm.energy 9000123601948 given) 9000123601949 PAR/CHN,FY FY (Total chain yield of fiss.prod.f.given 9000123601950 excit.en.) 9000123601951 PAR/IND,FY FY (Ind.fission yield for fragm.energy given) 9000123601952 PAR/IND,FY,G FY (Abs.yield of pr.fiss.gammas of def.energy) 9000123601953O (Absolute yield of prompt fission gammas of 9000123601954O a definite energy or energy range) 9000123601955O Obsolete. Use PR,SPC 9000123601956O PAR/PRE,FY FY (Primary fragm.fission yield for given exc. 9000123601957 energ) 9000123601958 PAR/PRE,FY,G FY (Partial yield of gammas vs. prim. fragment 9000123601959 mass) 9000123601960 (Partial yield of fission gammas from both 9000123601961 fragments as a function of primary fragment9000123601962 mass) 9000123601963 PR,AKE/DA,N E (Av.E of pr.neutr.at given angle(neutron)) 9000123601964O (Average kinetic energy of prompt neutron at9000123601965O a given angle of neutron) 9000123601966O PR,FY FY (Yield of prompt fission particles) 9000123601967 PR,FY,G FY (Prompt fis.gamma yields for fis.frag. 9000123601968 specified) 9000123601969 (Prompt fission gamma yields for fission 9000123601970 fragment specified) 9000123601971 PR,FY/DE FYDE(Energy spectrum of prompt fission 9000123601972 particles) 9000123601973 PR,FY/TKE FY (Yield of promopt fission particles at given9000123601974 TKE) 9000123601975 PR,KE E (Kin.energy averaged for prompt prod. 9000123601976 specified) 9000123601977 PR,KE,N E (Av.kin.energ.of prompt ntr.f.fis.frag. 9000123601978 specified) 9000123601979 (Average total kinetic energy of prompt 9000123601980 neutron for fission fragment specified) 9000123601981 PR,KE/DA,N/N+LF E (Av.kin.energ.of neut., fn.of ang(n+light 9000123601982 frag.)) 9000123601983 PR,KE/TKE,N E (Kin.energy averaged for prompt neutron v.s.9000123601984 TKE) 9000123601985 (Prompt fission neutron energy for a given 9000123601986 total kinetic energy and specified product)9000123601987 PR,KEM E (Temp.of Maxwell.distr.of prompt prod. 9000123601988 specified) 9000123601989 (Temperature of Maxwellian distribution of 9000123601990 prompt products specified) 9000123601991 PR/FRG,FY,G FY (Yield of prompt fission gammas from the 9000123601992O fragment specified) 9000123601993O PR/PAR,AKE,N E (Aver. energy f.specif.group of prompt 9000123601994O neutrons) 9000123601995O PR/PAR,FY FY (Partial yield of prompt fission particles) 9000123601996 PR/PAR,FY,G FY (Prompt fiss.gam.yld.for spec.frag.& gamma 9000123601997 energy) 9000123601998 PR/PAR,KE E (Kinetic energy of prompt reac. products, 9000123601999 partial) 9000123602000 PRE,AKE,FF E (Average kinetic energy of primary fragment)9000123602001 (Average kinetic energy of primary fission 9000123602002 fragments) 9000123602003 PRE,AKE,HF E (Average kinetic energy of primary heavy 9000123602004 frag.) 9000123602005 PRE,AKE,LF E (Average kinetic energy of primary light 9000123602006 frag.) 9000123602007 PRE,AKE,LF+HF E (Average total kin. energy for prim.fiss. 9000123602008 frag.) 9000123602009 (Average total kinetic energy for primary 9000123602010 fission fragments) 9000123602011 PRE,AP NO (Most prob.mass of fiss.fragm., 9000123602012 pre-n-emission) 9000123602013 PRE,AP,*F NO (Most prob.mass, pre-n-emission of frag. 9000123602014 specif.) 9000123602015 PRE,AP/DA,FF NO (Centr.of mass dist.of pr.fiss.fr.,dep.on 9000123602016 angle) 9000123602017 (Centroids of mass distribution of primary 9000123602018 fission fragments as function of angle) 9000123602019 PRE,FY FY (Primary fission-product yield) 9000123602020 PRE,FY/DE FYDE(Primary fission-product yield d/d(kinetic 9000123602021 en.)) 9000123602022 (Primary fission-product yield differential 9000123602023 with fragment kinetic energy) 9000123602024 PRE,FY/DE,*F FYDE(Primary fragm.fission yield d/dE(fragm. 9000123602025 spec.)) 9000123602026 (Primary light fragment fission yield 9000123602027 differential with kinetic energy of 9000123602028 fragment specified) 9000123602029 PRE,FY/DE,G FYDE(Energy spectrum of gammas vs. prim. frag. 9000123602030 mass) 9000123602031 (Energy spectrum of gammas from both 9000123602032 fragments as a function of primary fragment9000123602033 mass) 9000123602034 PRE,FY/DE,LF+HF FYDE(Diff. primary fission product yield w.r.t. 9000123602035 total kinetic energy) 9000123602036 PRE,KE E (Kinetic energy of primary fission fragments9000123602037 spec.) 9000123602038 PRE,KE,*F E (Kinetic energy of primary fission fragments9000123602039O spec.) 9000123602040O PRE,KE,G E (Pre-neutron emiss.fiss.gamma energy) 9000123602041 PRE,KE,LF+HF E (Tot.kin.energy of primary fission fragments9000123602042 spec.) 9000123602043 PRE,KEP,*F E (Most probable kin.en.of primary fiss.fragm.9000123602044 spec.) 9000123602045 PRE/PR,KE,* E (Kinetic energy of prompt particle specified9000123602046 for a given primary fragm.) 9000123602047 PRE/PR/FRG,FY,G FY (Prompt fission gamma yield from the primary9000123602048 fragment specified) 9000123602049 PRE/TER,AKE,*F E (Av. kin. energy of primary fission frag. 9000123602050 specified from ternary fission) 9000123602051 (Average kinetic energy of primary fission 9000123602052 fragment specified from ternary fission) 9000123602053 PRE/TER,AKE,LF+HF E (Av. tot. kin. energy of primary fission 9000123602054 fragments from ternary fission) 9000123602055 (Average total kinetic energy of primary 9000123602056 fission fragments from ternary fission) 9000123602057 PRE/TER,AP,*F NO (Most probable mass of prim.frag.spec. 9000123602058 ternar.fis.) 9000123602059 PRE/TER,FY FY (Primary-fission prod.yield, ternary 9000123602060 fission) 9000123602061 PRV,AKE,*F E (Provisional average kinetic energy of 9000123602062 fragment specified) 9000123602063 PRV,AKE,LF+HF E (Provisional average total kinetic energy) 9000123602064 PRV,AP,HF NO (Most prob.provisional mass for heavy frag.)9000123602065 (Most probable provisional mass for heavy 9000123602066 fragments) 9000123602067 PRV,AP,LF NO (Most prob.provisional mass for light frag.)9000123602068 (Most probable provisional mass for light 9000123602069 fragments) 9000123602070 PRV,FY FY (Fission product yield for a provisional 9000123602071 mass specified) 9000123602072 PRV,FY/DE,LF+HF FYDE(Diff. provisional fission product yield w. 9000123602073 r.t. total kinetic energy) 9000123602074 PRV,KE E (Provisional kinetic energy) 9000123602075 PRV,KE,LF+HF E (Total kinetic energy of fission fragments, 9000123602076 provisional mass specified) 9000123602077 QTR,FY FY (Fission-product yield, quaternary fission) 9000123602078 QTR,KE E (Kinetic energy for quaternary fission) 9000123602079 SEC,AKE,*F E (Average kin.energy of post-neut-emission 9000123602080 frag.) 9000123602081 (Average kinetic energy of pre-delayed- 9000123602082 neutron emission fission fragments) 9000123602083 SEC,AKE,LF+HF E (Avg.tot.kin.energy for post-neutr-em.frag.)9000123602084 (Average total kinetic energy for post- 9000123602085 neutron-emission fission fragments) 9000123602086 SEC,AP NO (Most prob. mass of fiss.fragm., 9000123602087 post-n-emiss.) 9000123602088 SEC,AP,*F NO (Most prob. mass of post-n-emiss. frag. 9000123602089 specif.) 9000123602090 SEC,FY FY (Post-neutron-emiss.fission-prod.yld.(mass 9000123602091 yield)) 9000123602092 (Pre-delayed-neutron fission-prod.yield) 9000123602093 SEC,FY/DE FYDE(Post-neutron-emisson fission yield 9000123602094 d/dE(KE)) 9000123602095 (Post-neutron emission fission yield 9000123602096 differential with fragment kinetic energy) 9000123602097 SEC,FY/DE,*F FYDE(Secondary fragm.fission yield d/dE(fragm. 9000123602098 spec.)) 9000123602099 (Secondary light fragment fission yield 9000123602100 differential with kinetic energy of 9000123602101 fragment specified) 9000123602102 SEC,FY/DE,LF+HF FYDE(Diff. secondary fission product yield w.r. 9000123602103 t. total kinetic energy) 9000123602104 (Post-neutron emission fission yield 9000123602105 differential with fragment total kinetic 9000123602106 energy) 9000123602107 SEC,KE E (Kinetic energy of post-n-emiss.product. 9000123602108 specified) 9000123602109 (Average kinetic energy of post-neutron- 9000123602110 emission product specified) 9000123602111 SEC,KE,FF E (Av.kin.energ.of post-n-emiss.frag. 9000123602112O specified) 9000123602113O (Average kinetic energy of post-neutron- 9000123602114O emissionfission fragment specified) 9000123602115O SEC,KE,LF+HF E (Tot.kin.energ.of lig./heav.post-n-emis. 9000123602116 frag.pair) 9000123602117 (Total kinetic energy of post-neutron- 9000123602118 emission light and heavy fission fragment 9000123602119 pair specified) 9000123602120 SEC,KEP,*F E (Most prob.kin.energy of post-n-emiss. frag.9000123602121 spec.) 9000123602122 SEC,KEP,LF+HF E (Most prob.total kin.energy of post-n-emiss.9000123602123 frag.) 9000123602124 SEC,ZP NO (Most prob. charge of fiss.fragm., 9000123602125 post-n-emiss.) 9000123602126 SEC/TER,AKE,*F E (Av.kin.energy of post-neut-emiss.frag.,ter.9000123602127 fis.) 9000123602128 (Average kinetic energy of post-neutron 9000123602129 emission fragment specified for ternary 9000123602130 fission) 9000123602131 SEC/TER,AKE,LF+HF E (Av.tot.kin.ene.of post-neut-emiss.frag., 9000123602132 ter.fis.) 9000123602133 (Average total kinetic energy of 9000123602134 post-neutron emission fragments for ternary9000123602135 fission) 9000123602136 SEC/TER,KE,*F E (kin.energ.of post-neut-emission frag., 9000123602137 ternary fis.) 9000123602138 (Kinetic energy of post-neutron emission 9000123602139 fragment specified for ternary fission) 9000123602140 TER,AKE,* E (Avg. kin.en. of particle specif., ternary 9000123602141O fiss.) 9000123602142O TER,AKE,*F E (Avg. kin.en. of fragment specif., ternary 9000123602143 fiss.) 9000123602144 TER,AKE,LF+HF E (Avg. kin.en.sum f.light and heavy frag., 9000123602145 tern.f.) 9000123602146 TER,AP NO (Most probable mass of ternary fiss. frag.) 9000123602147 (Most probable mass of fission fragments 9000123602148 from ternary fission for a given element) 9000123602149 TER,AP,*F NO (Most prob. mass of ternary fission frag. 9000123602150 specif.) 9000123602151 (Most probable mass of the fragment 9000123602152 specified in ternary fission) 9000123602153 TER,DA/KE,* E (Kin. energy angular dist.of part.spec., 9000123602154O tern.fis.) 9000123602155O TER,FY FY (Fission-product yield, ternary fission) 9000123602156 TER,FY,* FY (Yield of specified particle from ternary 9000123602157 fission) 9000123602158 TER,FY,,RES FY (Fission-product yield, ternary fission at 9000123602159 resonance) 9000123602160 TER,FY,LCP FY (Light-charged-particle yield, ternary 9000123602161 fission) 9000123602162 TER,FY/DA FYDA(Diff. fission yield dY/dA for tern. 9000123602163 fission) 9000123602164 TER,FY/DA,*+*F FYDA(Diff. fission yield dY/dA(*+frag.spec.), 9000123602165 ter.fis.) 9000123602166 TER,FY/DA/DE FYAE(Diff. fission yield dY/dA/dE for tern. 9000123602167 fission) 9000123602168 TER,FY/DA/DE,*+*F/* 99000123602169 FYAE(Diff.fis.yield d/dA(*+frag.spec.)/dE(*), 9000123602170 ter.fis.) 9000123602171 TER,FY/DE FYDE(Diff. fission yield dY/dE for tern. 9000123602172 fission) 9000123602173 (Differential fission product yield dY/dE 9000123602174 for ternary fission) 9000123602175 TER,FY/DE,*F FYDE(Ternary fission fragm.yield d/dE(fragm. 9000123602176 spec.)) 9000123602177 (Ternary fission fragment yield differential9000123602178 with kinetic energy of fragment specified) 9000123602179 TER,FY/DE,A FYDE(Diff.fiss.alph.yield dY/dE corr.w.fragment)9000123602180 (Differential fission alpha yield dY(a)/dE 9000123602181 correlated with A and/or Z of ternary 9000123602182 fission fragment) 9000123602183 TER,KE E (Kinetic energy for ternary fission) 9000123602184 TER,KE,* E (Kinetic energy for ternary fiss. prod. 9000123602185 specified) 9000123602186 TER,KE/TKE E (Kinetic energy for ternary fission v.s. 9000123602187 TKE) 9000123602188 TER,KEP E (Most probable kinetic energy of ter. fis. 9000123602189 prod.) 9000123602190 TER,KEP,* E (Most probable kin.energy of tern.fiss.prod.9000123602191 spec.) 9000123602192 TER,KEP,A E (Most probable kin.energy of ternary fission9000123602193 alp) 9000123602194 TER,ZP,*F NO (Most prob. charge of ternary fission frag. 9000123602195 spec.) 9000123602196 (Most probable charge of the fragment 9000123602197 specified in ternary fission) 9000123602198 TER/CHG,FY FY (Total element yield of fiss.prod.,ternary 9000123602199O fiss.) 9000123602200O TER/PAR,FY FY (Partial fission yield in ternary fission) 9000123602201 TER/PAR,KE,N E (Kin.ene.of neut.assoc.to prod.lev.spec. 9000123602202 tern.fis.) 9000123602203 (Average kinetic energy of neutrons 9000123602204 associated to product in a specific level 9000123602205 in ternary fission) 9000123602206 TER/PAR,MLT,G/LCP FY (Gamma mult.,tern.fis.with light chg.part. 9000123602207O eng.gvn) 9000123602208O =======================================================9000123602209 Resonance parameters 9000123602210 =======================================================9000123602211 ,AG,,AA BER.(Adler-Adler symmetry coefficient) 9000123602212 ,AH,,AA BER.(Adler-Adler asymmetry coefficient) 9000123602213 ,AKE,*,RES E (Average kinetic en. of specif.part. at 9000123602214O reson.) 9000123602215O (Average kinetic energy of specified 9000123602216O particle at resonance) 9000123602217O ,ARE B*E.(Resonance area) 9000123602218 ,D E .(Average level spacing) 9000123602219 ,EN E .(Resonance energy) 9000123602220 ,EN,,AA E .(Adler-Adler resonance energy) 9000123602221 ,J NO .(Spin J) 9000123602222 ,L NO .(Momentum L) 9000123602223 ,PHS,,VGT A .(Vogt relative phase) 9000123602224 ,PTY NO .(Parity) 9000123602225 ,SPC,,RES YLD (Gamma spectrum at resonance) 9000123602226 ,STF NO .(Strength function) 9000123602227 ,SWG NO .(Statistical weight factor g) 9000123602228 To be coded with reaction (N,0). 9000123602229 ,WID E .(Resonance width) 9000123602230 ,WID,,2AG E .(2ag * resonance width) 9000123602231 ,WID,,2G E .(2g * resonance width) 9000123602232 ,WID,,4AG E .(4ag * resonance width) 9000123602233 ,WID,,AA E .(Adler-Adler Nu) 9000123602234 ,WID,,AG E .(ag * resonance width) 9000123602235 ,WID,,G E .(g * resonance width) 9000123602236 ,WID,,RM E .(Reich-Moore resonance width) 9000123602237 ,WID,,RM/2G E .(2g * Reich-Moore resonance width) 9000123602238 ,WID,,RM/G E .(g * Reich-Moore resonance width) 9000123602239 ,WID,,RM/S0 B*E (Reich-Moore res. width * tot.peak cross 9000123602240 sect.) 9000123602241 ,WID,,RM/SQ/G E2 .(g * Reich-Moore resonance width squared) 9000123602242 ,WID,,S0 B*E.(Resonance width * total peak cross section)9000123602243 ,WID,,SQ E2 .(Resonance width squared) 9000123602244 ,WID,,SQ/G E2 .(g * resonance width squared) 9000123602245 ,WID,,SQ/S0 BE2.(Resonance width squared * tot.peak cross 9000123602246 section) 9000123602247 ,WID,,VGT E .(Vogt resonance width) 9000123602248 ,WID,,VGT/2G E .(2g * Vogt resonance width) 9000123602249 ,WID/RED E .(Reduced width) 9000123602250 ,WID/RED,,2AG E .(2ag * reduced width) 9000123602251 ,WID/RED,,2G E .(2g * reduced width) 9000123602252 ,WID/RED,,4AG E .(4ag * reduced width) 9000123602253 ,WID/RED,,AG E .(ag * reduced width) 9000123602254 ,WID/RED,,G E .(g * reduced width) 9000123602255 ,WID/RED,,RM E .(Reich-Moore reduced resonance width) 9000123602256 ,WID/RED,,RM/2G E .(2g * Reich-Moore reduced resonance width) 9000123602257 ,WID/RED,,RM/G E .(g * Reich-Moore reduced resonance width) 9000123602258 ,WID/RED,,RMT E .(R-matrix reduced resonance width) 9000123602259 ,WID/RED,,RMT/AMP RE .(R-matrix reduced width amplitude) 9000123602260 ,WID/RED,,VGT E .(Vogt reduced resonance width) 9000123602261 ,WID/STR E .(Resonance strength) 9000123602262 ,WID/STR,,RG E .(Resonance strength * (2J(i)+1)*(2J(j)+1)) 9000123602263 (Resonance strength given as (2J+1) * * 9000123602264 Gamma(i)*Gamma(j) / Gamma(tot)) 9000123602265 ,WID/STR,,RM E .(Reich-Moore resonance strength) 9000123602266 1,WID,,RM E .(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 1) 9000123602267 1,WID,,VGT E .(Vogt resonance width for channel 1) 9000123602268 2,WID,,RM E .(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 2) 9000123602269 3,WID,,RM E .(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 3) 9000123602270 4,WID,,RM E .(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 4) 9000123602271 EP,STF NO .(Strength function for electr.polarity 9000123602272 given) 9000123602273 MP,STF NO .(Strength function for magnetic polarity 9000123602274 given) 9000123602275 PAR,ARE B*E.(Partial resonance area) 9000123602276 PAR,STF NO .(Partial strength function) 9000123602277 PAR,WID E .(Partial width) 9000123602278 PAR,WID,,G E .(g * partial width) 9000123602279 PAR,WID/RED,,RMT E .(R-matrix red.resonance width f.partial 9000123602280 reaction) 9000123602281 PAR,WID/STR E .(Partial resonance strength) 9000123602282 PAR,WID/STR,,RG E .(Partial Resonance strength * 9000123602283 (2J(i)+1)*(2J(j)+1)) 9000123602284 (Partial resonance strength given as 9000123602285 (2J+1)*Gamma(i)*Gamma(j)/Gamma(tot)) 9000123602286 PRE,AKE,LF+HF,RES E (Aver.tot.kin.energ.for prim.fiss.frag.at 9000123602287 res.) 9000123602288 =======================================================9000123602289 Nuclear quantities 9000123602290 =======================================================9000123602291 ,LD 1/E (Level density) 9000123602292 ,LDP 1/E (Level density parameter) 9000123602293 ,SCO NO (Spin-cut-off factor) 9000123602294 ,TEM E (Nuclear temperature) 9000123602295 ENDSUBDICT 2294 0 9000123699999 SUBDICT 90001950 20241220 List of Dictionaries 9000195000001 1 System identifiers 9000195000002 2 Information identifiers 9000195000003 3 Institutes 9000195000004 4 Reference types 9000195000005 5 Journals 9000195000006 6 Reports 9000195000007 7 Conferences 9000195000008 8 Elements 9000195000009 15 History 9000195000010 16 Status 9000195000011 17 Related reference types 9000195000012 18 Facilities 9000195000013 19 Incident sources 9000195000014 20 Additional results 9000195000015 21 Methods 9000195000016 22 Detectors 9000195000017 23 Analyses 9000195000018 24 Data headings 9000195000019 25 Data units 9000195000020 30 Processes (REACTION SF 3) 9000195000021 31 Branches (REACTION SF 5) 9000195000022 32 Parameters (REACTION SF 6) 9000195000023 33 Particles 9000195000024 34 Modifiers (REACTION SF 8) 9000195000025 35 Data types (REACTION SF 9) 9000195000026 37 Results 9000195000027 38 Supplemental information 9000195000028 43 NLIB for evaluated libraries 9000195000029 45 CINDA quantities 9000195000030 47 Old CINDA quantities 9000195000031 48 Alphabetic energy values 9000195000032 52 CINDA readers 9000195000033 113 Web quantities 9000195000034 144 Data libraries 9000195000035 207 Books 9000195000036 209 Chemical compounds 9000195000037 213 Reaction types 9000195000038 227 Nuclides and nat.isot.mixtures 9000195000039 235 Work types 9000195000040 236 Quantities (REACTION SF 5-8) 9000195000041 ENDSUBDICT 40 0 9000195099999 ENDDICTION 41 0 9000199999999