ENTRY A0025 20240711 A114A002500000001 SUBENT A0025001 20240711 A114A002500100001 BIB 13 36 A002500100002 TITLE Study of the channels of the reaction of the A002500100003 splitting of Ni-58 by 1 GeV protons A002500100004 AUTHOR (E.N.Vol'nin,V.T.Grachev,I.I.Gracheva,A.M.Zolotov, A002500100005 D.M.Seliverstov,L.A.Sliv,N.N.Smirnov) A002500100006 INSTITUTE (4RUSLIN) A002500100007 REFERENCE (J,JEL,28,42,1978) English translation A002500100008 (J,ZEP,28,(1),45,1978) A002500100009 (J,BAS,42,(11),194,1978) English translation A002500100010 (J,IZV,42,2442,1978) These papers are identical. A002500100011 difference is in the list of authors only. A002500100012 FACILITY (SYNCY,4RUSLIN) A002500100013 DETECTOR (TELES,IOCH,SI) An ionization chamber (dE detector) A002500100014 and a mosaic of six Si(Au) detectors with A002500100015 sensitive-layer thickness 300 um each (E detectors). A002500100016 (GELI) Volume 50 cm3 A002500100017 METHOD (COINC,EDE,SITA,EXTB) A002500100018 REL-REF (N,,E.N.Vol'nin+,J,PL/B,55,409,1975) A002500100019 ANALYSIS The absolute values of the cross sections were A002500100020 obtained from the relative measurements of the A002500100021 counting rates of the p-gamma and alpha-gamma A002500100022 coincidences and from the counting rate of the alpha A002500100023 particles. The differential cross sections were A002500100024 measured using production of alpha particles from 58Ni,A002500100025 which was measured earlier (differential cross-section A002500100026 of producing alpha-particle at 120 ang. degree A002500100027 assumed = 25+-3 mb/sr, see REL-REF). A002500100028 ADD-RES (ANGD) Angular distributions of protons and A002500100029 alpha-particles are isotropic in the angular A002500100030 range from 60 to 120 degree. A002500100031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A002500100032 STATUS (TABLE,,E.N.Vol'nin+,J,JEL,28,42,1978) Tbl.I A002500100033 (APRVD) By E.N.Vol'nin. A002500100034 HISTORY (19780904C) A002500100035 (20080608A) BIB section updated A002500100036 (20240711A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A002500100037 Subent 002 was split in two according to EXFOR rules. A002500100038 ENDBIB 36 0 A002500100039 COMMON 1 3 A002500100040 EN A002500100041 GEV A002500100042 1.0 A002500100043 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A002500100044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 A002500199999 SUBENT A0025002 20240711 A114A002500200001 BIB 5 7 A002500200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(P,P+X)ELEM/MASS,PAR,SIG,G) A002500200003 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence (gamma,p) A002500200004 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.98) Enriched target Ni-58(96.8%), A002500200005 9.3E-3 g/cm2. A002500200006 INC-SOURCE A proton beam with intensity 5 x 10**7 protons/sec. A002500200007 HISTORY (20240711A) SD: Subent was split in two (see A002500200008 Subent 004). A002500200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A002500200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A002500200011 DATA 5 14 A002500200012 ELEMENT MASS E DATA DATA-ERR A002500200013 NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV MB MB A002500200014 20. 42. 1226. 43. 8. A002500200015 20. 42. 1524. 50. 10. A002500200016 20. 44. 1157. 14. 7. A002500200017 22. 46. 889. 69. 11. A002500200018 22. 46. 1122. 60. 10. A002500200019 22. 48. 983. 26. 8. A002500200020 22. 48. 1312. 22. 9. A002500200021 24. 50. 783. 55. 10. A002500200022 24. 50. 1098. 38. 10. A002500200023 24. 50. 1282. 40. 11. A002500200024 24. 52. 1333. 10. 7. A002500200025 24. 52. 1434. 21. 13. A002500200026 26. 54. 1131. 23. 11. A002500200027 26. 54. 1408. 34. 11. A002500200028 ENDDATA 16 0 A002500200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A002500299999 SUBENT A0025003 20240711 A114A002500300001 BIB 5 6 A002500300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(P,X)ELEM/MASS,PAR,SIG,G) A002500300003 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence (gamma,p) A002500300004 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.98) Enriched target Ni-58(96.8%), A002500300005 10 g/cm2. A002500300006 INC-SOURCE A proton beam with intensity 5 x 10**4 protons/sec. A002500300007 HISTORY (20240711U) SD: BIB updated. A002500300008 ENDBIB 6 0 A002500300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A002500300010 DATA 6 14 A002500300011 ELEMENT MASS E DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX A002500300012 NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV MB MB MB A002500300013 20. 42. 1226. 6. 3. A002500300014 20. 42. 1524. 5. 3. A002500300015 20. 44. 1157. 2. A002500300016 22. 46. 889. 14. 4. A002500300017 22. 46. 1122. 16. 4. A002500300018 22. 48. 983. 4. 2. A002500300019 22. 48. 1312. 5. 2. A002500300020 24. 50. 783. 11. 3. A002500300021 24. 50. 1098. 10. 3. A002500300022 24. 50. 1282. 9. 3. A002500300023 24. 52. 1333. 10. 3. A002500300024 24. 52. 1434. 9. 3. A002500300025 26. 54. 1131. 10. 3. A002500300026 26. 54. 1408. 17. 3. A002500300027 ENDDATA 16 0 A002500300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A002500399999 SUBENT A0025004 20240711 A114A002500400001 BIB 5 6 A002500400002 REACTION (28-NI-58(P,A+X)ELEM/MASS,PAR,SIG,G) A002500400003 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence (gamma,alpha) A002500400004 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.98) Enriched target Ni-58(96.8%), A002500400005 9.3E-3 g/cm2. A002500400006 INC-SOURCE A proton beam with intensity 5 x 10**7 protons/sec. A002500400007 HISTORY (20240711T) SD A002500400008 ENDBIB 6 0 A002500400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A002500400010 DATA 6 14 A002500400011 ELEMENT MASS E DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX A002500400012 NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV MB MB MB A002500400013 20. 42. 1226. 7. 2. A002500400014 20. 42. 1524. 9. 2. A002500400015 20. 44. 1157. 4. 2. A002500400016 22. 46. 889. 10. 2. A002500400017 22. 46. 1122. 7. 2. A002500400018 22. 48. 983. 3. 1.5 A002500400019 22. 48. 1312. 4. 2. A002500400020 24. 50. 783. 6. 2. A002500400021 24. 50. 1098. 5. 2. A002500400022 24. 50. 1282. 5. 2. A002500400023 24. 52. 1333. 2.A002500400024 24. 52. 1434. 2.A002500400025 26. 54. 1131. 3. 1.5 A002500400026 26. 54. 1408. 3. 2. A002500400027 ENDDATA 16 0 A002500400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A002500499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 A002599999999