ENTRY A0028 20240927 A119A002800000001 SUBENT A0028001 20240927 A119A002800100001 BIB 13 50 A002800100002 TITLE Energy dependence of the cross sections for fission A002800100003 and nuclear transfer in interaction of 232Th with A002800100004 accelerated 74Ge ions A002800100005 AUTHOR (Ju.Ts.Oganesyan, D.M.Nadkarni, Ju.E.Penionzhkevich, A002800100006 B.I.Pustyl'nik, Nguen Tak An) A002800100007 REFERENCE (J,SNP,19,244,1974) English translation A002800100008 (J,YF,19,486,1974) see explanation below A002800100009 (R,JINR-P7-7391,1973) these papers are identical A002800100010 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB,3INDTRM) A002800100011 FACILITY (CYCTM,4ZZZDUB) A002800100012 METHOD (CHSEP,SITA,EDEG,INTB,MOSEP). Emax=600+-15 MeV. A002800100013 Beam intensity=approx.5. x 10**10 part/sec. A002800100014 MONITOR (32-GE-74(6-C-12,3N)38-SR-83,,SIG) A002800100015 DETECTOR (GELI) Resolution 2.0 keV at E=250 keV. A002800100016 SAMPLE The rotating target(metallic thorium) was separated A002800100017 into six parts. Target is foil, thickness=30.0 um A002800100018 part 1-no stopping foil, E(Ge)=600 MeV. A002800100019 part 2-aluminium stopping foil, A002800100020 4.06 mg/cm**2,E(Ge)= 500 MeV. A002800100021 part 3-aluminium stopping foil, A002800100022 5.45 mg/cm**2,E(Ge)=470 MeV. A002800100023 part 4-aluminium stopping foil, A002800100024 6.30 mg/cm**2,E(Ge)=450 MeV. A002800100025 part 5-aluminium stopping foil, A002800100026 7.16 mg/cm**2,E(Ge)=420 MeV. A002800100027 part 6-aluminium stopping foil, A002800100028 7.90 mg/cm**2,E(Ge)=405 MeV. A002800100029 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,5.) The chemical yield was determined with an A002800100030 accuracy of 5% or better on the basis of a control A002800100031 activity which was introduced before the radiochemical A002800100032 separation. A002800100033 (ERR-2,,15.) The relative error in the yield A002800100034 determination of the individual isotopes was no A002800100035 greater than 15%. A002800100036 (DATA-ERR) Error from error bars. No information A002800100037 about source of uncertainties A002800100038 COMMENT *By authors* Ions energy for each part of target was A002800100039 calculated by means of tables of stopping power. See A002800100040 REL-REF. The cross-section of monitor reaction was A002800100041 determined by special experiments. A002800100042 REL-REF (M,,L.C.Northcliffe+,J,ND/A,7,233,1970) See COMMENT A002800100043 HISTORY (19780908C) A002800100044 (19800716A) A002800100045 (20080609A) BIB section was updated A002800100046 Corrections were made according to new EXFOR rules. A002800100047 (20180523A) SD: REACTION code was updated according to A002800100048 MEMO CP-D/933rev. in Subents 002-004. BIB was updated. A002800100049 (20210120A) SD: Corrections in Subents 002, 003. A002800100050 (20240927A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subent 004 A002800100051 was split according to EXFOR rules. A002800100052 ENDBIB 50 0 A002800100053 NOCOMMON 0 0 A002800100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 A002800199999 SUBENT A0028002 20240927 A119A002800200001 BIB 4 14 A002800200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(32-GE-74,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,REL) A002800200003 No explanation of relative units is given. A002800200004 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-192-G,5.03HR,DG,612.,0.067) A002800200005 (79-AU-193-G,15.8HR,DG,186.,0.1) A002800200006 (79-AU-194-G,1.65D,DG,328.,0.59) A002800200007 (79-AU-196-G,6.18D,DG,356.,0.88) A002800200008 (79-AU-198-G,2.69D,DG,412.,0.947) A002800200009 (79-AU-199,3.13D,DG,158.,0.394) A002800200010 STATUS (CURVE,,Ju.Ts.Oganesyan+,R,JINR-P7-7391,1973) fig.1 A002800200011 (APRVD) By Ju.E.Penionzhkevich. A002800200012 HISTORY (20180522A) SD: SF6=TTY -> SIG in REACTION code. A002800200013 Data were re-digitized. A002800200014 (20210120A) SD: SF6=SIG -> FY in REACTION code. A002800200015 (20240927U) SD: STATUS updated. DATA-ERR2 -> DATA-ERR. A002800200016 ENDBIB 14 0 A002800200017 COMMON 2 3 A002800200018 ELEMENT ERR-DIG A002800200019 NO-DIM PER-CENT A002800200020 79. 2. A002800200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A002800200022 DATA 4 27 A002800200023 EN MASS DATA DATA-ERR A002800200024 MEV NO-DIM ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS A002800200025 420. 194. 38. 14. A002800200026 420. 196. 98. 42. A002800200027 420. 198. 107. 31. A002800200028 420. 199. 117. 45. A002800200029 450. 192. 84. 22. A002800200030 450. 194. 553. 170. A002800200031 450. 196. 901. 268. A002800200032 450. 198. 228. 66. A002800200033 450. 199. 215. 59. A002800200034 470. 192. 1532. 396. A002800200035 470. 193. 1995. 535. A002800200036 470. 194. 1730. 429. A002800200037 470. 196. 1198. 374. A002800200038 470. 198. 482. 101. A002800200039 470. 199. 135. 31. A002800200040 500. 192. 3806. 1096. A002800200041 500. 193. 5380. 1652. A002800200042 500. 194. 5270. 1415. A002800200043 500. 196. 3410. 982. A002800200044 500. 198. 808. 149. A002800200045 500. 199. 185. 36. A002800200046 600. 192. 10832. 3223. A002800200047 600. 193. 12154. 3499. A002800200048 600. 194. 10537. 2932. A002800200049 600. 196. 7201. 1788. A002800200050 600. 198. 1752. 470. A002800200051 600. 199. 681. 209. A002800200052 ENDDATA 29 0 A002800200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A002800299999 SUBENT A0028003 20240927 A119A002800300001 BIB 5 13 A002800300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(32-GE-74,F)ELEM,CUM,FY,,REL) A002800300003 No explanation of relative units is given. A002800300004 COMMENT *By compiler*. The radioactive isotopes were accepted A002800300005 only. A002800300006 STATUS (CURVE,,Ju.Ts.Oganesyan+,R,JINR-P7-7391,1973) fig.2 A002800300007 (DEP,A0027002) The sum yield of gold isotopes A002800300008 was determined from the data of the Subent 002. A002800300009 (APRVD) By Ju.E.Penionzhkevich. A002800300010 ADD-RES (COMP) A002800300011 HISTORY (20180522A) SD: SF6=TTY -> SIG in REACTION code. A002800300012 Data were re-digitized. A002800300013 (20210120A) SD: SF6=SIG -> FY in REACTION code. A002800300014 (20240927U) SD: STATUS updated. DATA-ERR2 -> DATA-ERR. A002800300015 ENDBIB 13 0 A002800300016 COMMON 2 3 A002800300017 ELEMENT ERR-DIG A002800300018 NO-DIM PER-CENT A002800300019 79. 0.6 A002800300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A002800300021 DATA 4 6 A002800300022 EN DATA DATA-MAX DATA-ERR A002800300023 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS A002800300024 405. 0.21 A002800300025 420. 8.06 1.34 A002800300026 450. 46.74 8.08 A002800300027 470. 125.8 22.6 A002800300028 500. 311.7 45.2 A002800300029 600. 1082.4 215.5 A002800300030 ENDDATA 8 0 A002800300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A002800399999 SUBENT A0028004 20240927 A119A002800400001 BIB 5 9 A002800400002 REACTION (90-TH-232(32-GE-74,X)91-PA-232,CUM,SIG,,REL) A002800400003 No explanation of relative units is given. A002800400004 ADD-RES Calculation of effective interaction radius A002800400005 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-232,1.31D,DG,969.,0.446) A002800400006 STATUS (CURVE,,Ju.Ts.Oganesyan+,R,JINR-P7-7391,1973) fig.2 A002800400007 HISTORY (20180522A) SD: SF6=TTY -> SIG in REACTION code. A002800400008 Data were re-digitized. A002800400009 (20240927A) SD: Subent was split in four (see A002800400010 Subents 005-007). DATA-ERR2 -> DATA-ERR. A002800400011 ENDBIB 9 0 A002800400012 COMMON 1 3 A002800400013 ERR-DIG A002800400014 PER-CENT A002800400015 0.6 A002800400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A002800400017 DATA 3 6 A002800400018 EN DATA DATA-ERR A002800400019 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS A002800400020 405. 17.1 2.5 A002800400021 420. 35.0 6.5 A002800400022 450. 129.0 19.4 A002800400023 470. 201.3 30.6 A002800400024 500. 361.6 39.5 A002800400025 600. 597.5 73.9 A002800400026 ENDDATA 8 0 A002800400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A002800499999 SUBENT A0028005 20240927 A119A002800500001 BIB 5 6 A002800500002 REACTION (90-TH-232(32-GE-74,X)92-U-230,CUM,SIG,,REL) A002800500003 No explanation of relative units is given. A002800500004 ADD-RES Calculation of effective interaction radius A002800500005 DECAY-DATA (92-U-230,20.8D,DG,72.,0.0054) A002800500006 STATUS (CURVE,,Ju.Ts.Oganesyan+,R,JINR-P7-7391,1973) fig.2 A002800500007 HISTORY (20240927T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A002800500008 ENDBIB 6 0 A002800500009 COMMON 1 3 A002800500010 ERR-DIG A002800500011 PER-CENT A002800500012 0.6 A002800500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A002800500014 DATA 3 6 A002800500015 EN DATA DATA-ERR A002800500016 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS A002800500017 405. 18.6 3.3 A002800500018 420. 42.3 4.0 A002800500019 450. 108.5 15.7 A002800500020 470. 211.6 33.7 A002800500021 500. 396.0 46.1 A002800500022 600. 752.8 87.7 A002800500023 ENDDATA 8 0 A002800500024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A002800599999 SUBENT A0028006 20240927 A119A002800600001 BIB 5 6 A002800600002 REACTION (90-TH-232(32-GE-74,X)90-TH-231,CUM,SIG,,REL) A002800600003 No explanation of relative units is given. A002800600004 ADD-RES Calculation of effective interaction radius A002800600005 DECAY-DATA (90-TH-231,25.5HR,DG,89.,0.011) A002800600006 STATUS (CURVE,,Ju.Ts.Oganesyan+,R,JINR-P7-7391,1973) fig.2 A002800600007 HISTORY (20240927T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A002800600008 ENDBIB 6 0 A002800600009 COMMON 1 3 A002800600010 ERR-DIG A002800600011 PER-CENT A002800600012 0.6 A002800600013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A002800600014 DATA 3 6 A002800600015 EN DATA DATA-ERR A002800600016 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS A002800600017 405. 19.7 2.2 A002800600018 420. 40.6 4.1 A002800600019 450. 118.8 13.0 A002800600020 470. 253.7 40.6 A002800600021 500. 426.5 68.3 A002800600022 600. 638.3 90.1 A002800600023 ENDDATA 8 0 A002800600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A002800699999 SUBENT A0028007 20240927 A119A002800700001 BIB 5 6 A002800700002 REACTION (90-TH-232(32-GE-74,X)90-TH-227,CUM,SIG,,REL) A002800700003 No explanation of relative units is given. A002800700004 ADD-RES Calculation of effective interaction radius A002800700005 DECAY-DATA (90-TH-227,18.2D,DG,334.,0.011) A002800700006 STATUS (CURVE,,Ju.Ts.Oganesyan+,R,JINR-P7-7391,1973) fig.2 A002800700007 HISTORY (20240927T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A002800700008 ENDBIB 6 0 A002800700009 COMMON 1 3 A002800700010 ERR-DIG A002800700011 PER-CENT A002800700012 0.6 A002800700013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A002800700014 DATA 3 6 A002800700015 EN DATA DATA-ERR A002800700016 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS A002800700017 405. 19.5 2.4 A002800700018 420. 52.0 3.6 A002800700019 450. 149.6 18.3 A002800700020 470. 235.5 26.7 A002800700021 500. 399.3 83.5 A002800700022 600. 964.3 112.3 A002800700023 ENDDATA 8 0 A002800700024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A002800799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 A002899999999