ENTRY A0041 20231220 A104A004100000001 SUBENT A0041001 20231220 A104A004100100001 BIB 10 20 A004100100002 TITLE Influence of nuclear structure on the yields of the A004100100003 product nuclei in spallation reactions on 1-GeV protonsA004100100004 AUTHOR (B.N.Belyaev,V.D.Domkin,Ju.S.Egorov,Ju.G.Korobulin, A004100100005 L.M.Krizhanskii) A004100100006 REFERENCE (J,BAS,42,(11),151,1978) English translation. A004100100007 (J,IZV,42,2392,1978) Main reference. A004100100008 REL-REF (I,A0043001,B.N.Belyaev+,J,YF,24,1177,1976) Experim. A004100100009 setup (SNP,24,617,1976 - English translation). A004100100010 INSTITUTE (4RUSFTI) A004100100011 FACILITY (SYNCY,4RUSLIN) A004100100012 DETECTOR Mass spectrometer A004100100013 COMMENT Source of all decay-data - nuclear data sheets. A004100100014 STATUS (TABLE,,B.N.Belyaev+,J,BAS,42,(11),151,1978) A004100100015 Table on p.152 A004100100016 (APRVD) By V.D.Domkin. A004100100017 HISTORY (19781211C) A004100100018 (20080609A) BIB section updated A004100100019 Corrections were made according to new EXFOR rules. A004100100020 (20231220A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A004100100021 Several Subents were split according to EXFOR rules. A004100100022 ENDBIB 20 0 A004100100023 COMMON 1 3 A004100100024 EN A004100100025 MEV A004100100026 1000. A004100100027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A004100100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A004100199999 SUBENT A0041002 20231220 A104A004100200001 BIB 10 28 A004100200002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) A004100200003 DETECTOR (GELI) A004100200004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) A004100200005 MONIT-REF (,G.Friedlander+,J,PR,99,263,1955) A004100200006 METHOD (SITA,MOSEP,EXTB) A004100200007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.968) Enriched targets - A004100200008 sandwiches of three thin (20 mg) layers of A004100200009 zirconium (90,91,94), which were pressed between A004100200010 polystyrene films (0.2 mm). A004100200011 Each layer was between 2 aluminium foils (10 mu). A004100200012 FLAG (1.) These data were deduced by interpolating A004100200013 yields of neighboring isotopes. A004100200014 DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-72,26.0HR,DG,834.0,0.801) A004100200015 ((2.)33-AS-74,17.78D,DG,595.8,0.603) A004100200016 ((3.)37-RB-82-M,6.4HR,DG,619.1,0.41) A004100200017 ((4.)37-RB-83,86.2D,DG,520.4,0.461) A004100200018 ((5.)37-RB-84-G,33.D,DG,881.5,0.753) A004100200019 ((6.)39-Y-86-G,14.6HR,DG,1076.63,0.825) A004100200020 ((7.)39-Y-87-M,12.7HR,DG,381.3,0.985) A004100200021 ((8.)39-Y-87-G,80.3HR,DG,388.4,0.997) A004100200022 ((9.)39-Y-88,106.6D,DG,1836.01,0.994) A004100200023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainties in data-section include beam A004100200024 current, thickness and uniformity of targets, A004100200025 uncertainties of Ge(Li)-detector efficiency. A004100200026 HISTORY (20231220A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A004100200027 Subent was split into several Subents (see 008, 009) A004100200028 according to EXFOR rules. ISOMER=0 for 37-RB-84, A004100200029 39-Y-86 and 39-Y-88 was deleted. DATA-ERR -> ERR-1. A004100200030 ENDBIB 28 0 A004100200031 NOCOMMON 0 0 A004100200032 DATA 7 9 A004100200033 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-1 FLAG A004100200034 DECAY-FLAG A004100200035 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM A004100200036 NO-DIM A004100200037 33. 72. 16.9 1.4 A004100200038 1. A004100200039 33. 74. 4.2 0.3 A004100200040 2. A004100200041 37. 82. 1. 12.2 1.0 A004100200042 3. A004100200043 37. 83. 13.9 2.5 A004100200044 4. A004100200045 37. 84. 4.6 0.4 A004100200046 5. A004100200047 39. 86. 23.6 1.6 A004100200048 6. A004100200049 39. 87. 1. 14. 2.0 1.A004100200050 7. A004100200051 39. 87. 0. 12. 3.0 A004100200052 8. A004100200053 39. 88. 27.3 2.0 A004100200054 9. A004100200055 ENDDATA 22 0 A004100200056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 A004100299999 SUBENT A0041003 20231220 A104A004100300001 BIB 9 28 A004100300002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) A004100300003 DETECTOR (GELI) A004100300004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) A004100300005 MONIT-REF (,G.Friedlander+,J,PR,99,263,1955) A004100300006 METHOD (SITA,MOSEP,EXTB) A004100300007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.968) Enriched targets - A004100300008 sandwiches of three thin (20 mg) layers of A004100300009 zirconium (90,91,94), which were pressed between A004100300010 polystyrene films (0.2 mm). Each layer was between A004100300011 2 aluminium foils (10 mu). A004100300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainties of beam current, thickness A004100300013 and uniformity of targets, efficiency of Ge(Li) A004100300014 detector were included. A004100300015 DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-71,64.8HR,DG,174.9,0.911) A004100300016 ((2.)34-SE-72,8.4D,DG,834.0,0.801) A004100300017 ((3.)34-SE-73-G,7.1HR,DG,361.1,0.98) A004100300018 ((4.)34-SE-75,120.4D,DG,264.65,0.582) A004100300019 ((5.)35-BR-77-G,56.HR,DG,238.9,0.238) A004100300020 ((6.)37-RB-81-G,4.58HR,DG,190.1,0.965) A004100300021 ((7.)38-SR-82,25.D,DG,776.8,0.13) A004100300022 ((8.)38-SR-83-G,32.4HR,DG,762.7,0.30) A004100300023 ((9.)39-Y-87-M,12.7HR,DG,381.3,0.985) A004100300024 ((10.)40-ZR-86,16.5HR,DG,243.0,0.100) A004100300025 ((11.)40-ZR-88,83.4D,DG,392.9,0.100) A004100300026 ((12.)40-ZR-89-G,78.43HR,DG,909.2,0.999) A004100300027 HISTORY (20231220A) SD: Subent was split into several A004100300028 Subents (see 010, 011) according to EXFOR rules. A004100300029 DATA-ERR -> ERR-1. A004100300030 ENDBIB 28 0 A004100300031 NOCOMMON 0 0 A004100300032 DATA 6 12 A004100300033 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-1 DECAY-FLAG A004100300034 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM A004100300035 33. 71. 14.3 1.0 1.A004100300036 34. 72. 5.5 0.5 2.A004100300037 34. 73. 0. 12.9 0.8 3.A004100300038 34. 75. 23.9 1.6 4.A004100300039 35. 77. 0. 20.7 1.5 5.A004100300040 37. 81. 0. 20.3 1.2 6.A004100300041 38. 82. 15.1 1.2 7.A004100300042 38. 83. 0. 20.1 1.5 8.A004100300043 39. 87. 1. 27.5 1.9 9.A004100300044 40. 86. 6.3 0.4 10.A004100300045 40. 88. 27. 1.7 11.A004100300046 40. 89. 0. 45.4 3. 12.A004100300047 ENDDATA 14 0 A004100300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 A004100399999 SUBENT A0041004 20231220 A104A004100400001 BIB 7 11 A004100400002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) A004100400003 SAMPLE (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.968) Enriched targets A004100400004 METHOD (SITA,OLMS,EXTB) A004100400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties A004100400006 (ERR-1) The uncertainty of independent yields of A004100400007 Rb-83 and Rb-84. A004100400008 STATUS (DEP,A0041002) Independent yields of Rb-83 and Rb-84 A004100400009 were used to determine absolute Rb-yields. A004100400010 PART-DET (RSD) A004100400011 HISTORY (20231220A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A004100400012 DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-T; DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-1. A004100400013 ENDBIB 11 0 A004100400014 COMMON 2 3 A004100400015 ELEMENT ERR-1 A004100400016 NO-DIM PER-CENT A004100400017 37. 11. A004100400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A004100400019 DATA 3 13 A004100400020 MASS DATA ERR-T A004100400021 NO-DIM MB MB A004100400022 74. 0.006 0.006 A004100400023 75. 0.013 0.005 A004100400024 76. 0.125 0.031 A004100400025 77. 1.19 0.04 A004100400026 78. 4.4 0.2 A004100400027 79. 13.2 0.4 A004100400028 80. 17.7 0.9 A004100400029 81. 26.4 0.9 A004100400030 82. 15.7 0.4 A004100400031 83. 12.5 0.5 A004100400032 84. 4.3 0.3 A004100400033 85. 3.1 1.2 A004100400034 86. 0.45 0.05 A004100400035 ENDDATA 15 0 A004100400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A004100499999 SUBENT A0041005 20231220 A104A004100500001 BIB 7 11 A004100500002 REACTION (40-ZR-91(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) A004100500003 SAMPLE (40-ZR-91,ENR=0.813) Enriched targets - A004100500004 METHOD (OLMS,SITA,EXTB) A004100500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties A004100500006 (ERR-1) The uncertainty of independent yields of A004100500007 Rb-83 and Rb-84. A004100500008 STATUS (DEP,A0041008) Independent yields of Rb-83 and Rb-84 A004100500009 were used to determine absolute Rb-yields. A004100500010 PART-DET (RSD) A004100500011 HISTORY (20231220A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A004100500012 DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-T; DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-1. A004100500013 ENDBIB 11 0 A004100500014 COMMON 2 3 A004100500015 ELEMENT ERR-1 A004100500016 NO-DIM PER-CENT A004100500017 37. 11. A004100500018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A004100500019 DATA 3 13 A004100500020 MASS DATA ERR-T A004100500021 NO-DIM MB MB A004100500022 76. 0.19 0.08 A004100500023 77. 0.40 0.12 A004100500024 78. 2.52 0.24 A004100500025 79. 8.9 0.4 A004100500026 80. 12.7 0.6 A004100500027 81. 21.3 1.2 A004100500028 82. 18.1 0.8 A004100500029 83. 12.2 0.6 A004100500030 84. 6.3 0.4 A004100500031 85. 4.5 0.8 A004100500032 86. 1.6 0.4 A004100500033 87. 0.86 0.40 A004100500034 88. 0.24 0.12 A004100500035 ENDDATA 15 0 A004100500036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A004100599999 SUBENT A0041006 20231220 A104A004100600001 BIB 7 11 A004100600002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) A004100600003 SAMPLE (40-ZR-94,ENR=0.912) Enriched target A004100600004 METHOD (OLMS,SITA,EXTB) A004100600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties A004100600006 (ERR-1) The uncertainty of independent yields of A004100600007 Rb-83 and Rb-84. A004100600008 STATUS (DEP,A0041009) Independent yields of Rb-83 and Rb-84 A004100600009 were used to determine absolute Rb-yields. A004100600010 PART-DET (RSD) A004100600011 HISTORY (20231220A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A004100600012 DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-T; DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-1. A004100600013 ENDBIB 11 0 A004100600014 COMMON 2 3 A004100600015 ELEMENT ERR-1 A004100600016 NO-DIM PER-CENT A004100600017 37. 11. A004100600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A004100600019 DATA 3 15 A004100600020 MASS DATA ERR-T A004100600021 NO-DIM MB MB A004100600022 76. 0.12 0.11 A004100600023 77. 0.32 0.11 A004100600024 78. 2.03 0.22 A004100600025 79. 6.4 1.1 A004100600026 80. 12.5 0.8 A004100600027 81. 22.5 0.9 A004100600028 82. 19.0 1.4 A004100600029 83. 18.2 1.5 A004100600030 84. 11.1 1.1 A004100600031 85. 6.3 1.9 A004100600032 86. 2.26 0.30 A004100600033 87. 1.25 0.20 A004100600034 88. 0.42 0.17 A004100600035 89. 0.19 0.10 A004100600036 90. 0.07 0.07 A004100600037 ENDDATA 17 0 A004100600038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 A004100699999 SUBENT A0041007 20231220 A104A004100700001 BIB 10 17 A004100700002 REACTION (40-ZR-91(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) A004100700003 SAMPLE (40-ZR-91,ENR=0.813) Enriched targets A004100700004 METHOD (OLMS,SITA,EXTB) A004100700005 ANALYSIS Absolute values of cross sections were A004100700006 deduced by interpolation of independent yields of Rb A004100700007 and As by means of improved Rudstam's formulae. A004100700008 REL-REF (N,,K.F.Cackett+,J,NP/A,100,633,1967) Rudstam's A004100700009 formulae. A004100700010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties A004100700011 (ERR-1) The uncertainty in calculation of A004100700012 absolute cross sections (see ANALYSIS). A004100700013 STATUS (DEP,A0041008) See 'ANALYSIS' A004100700014 PART-DET (RSD) A004100700015 FLAG (1.) These data were deduced by interpolating yields A004100700016 of neighboring isotopes. A004100700017 HISTORY (20231220A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A004100700018 DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-T; DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-1. A004100700019 ENDBIB 17 0 A004100700020 COMMON 2 3 A004100700021 ELEMENT ERR-1 A004100700022 NO-DIM PER-CENT A004100700023 35. 20. A004100700024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A004100700025 DATA 4 14 A004100700026 MASS DATA ERR-T FLAG A004100700027 NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM A004100700028 71. 0.04 0.04 A004100700029 72. 0.3 0.1 A004100700030 73. 0.52 0.14 A004100700031 74. 3.7 0.4 A004100700032 75. 10.7 0.3 A004100700033 76. 14.1 0.4 A004100700034 77. 16.0 0.6 A004100700035 78. 9.9 1.4 A004100700036 79. 6.1 1.4 1. A004100700037 80. 2.8 1.4 A004100700038 81. 1.2 0.4 1. A004100700039 82. 0.45 0.20 A004100700040 83. 0.27 0.17 A004100700041 84. 0.05 0.05 A004100700042 ENDDATA 16 0 A004100700043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 A004100799999 SUBENT A0041008 20231220 A104A004100800001 BIB 10 25 A004100800002 REACTION (40-ZR-91(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) A004100800003 DETECTOR (GELI) A004100800004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) A004100800005 MONIT-REF (,G.Friedlander+,J,PR,99,263,1955) A004100800006 METHOD (SITA,MOSEP,EXTB) A004100800007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-91,ENR=0.813) Enriched targets - A004100800008 sandwiches of three thin (20 mg) layers of A004100800009 zirconium (90,91,94), which were pressed between A004100800010 polystyrene films (0.2mm). A004100800011 Each layer was between 2 aluminium foils (10mu). A004100800012 FLAG (1.) These data were deduced by interpolating A004100800013 yields of neighboring isotopes. A004100800014 DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-72,26.0HR,DG,834.0,0.801) A004100800015 ((2.)33-AS-74,17.78D,DG,595.8,0.603) A004100800016 ((3.)37-RB-82-M,6.4HR,DG,619.1,0.41) A004100800017 ((4.)37-RB-83,86.2D,DG,520.4,0.461) A004100800018 ((5.)37-RB-84-G,33.D,DG,881.5,0.753) A004100800019 ((6.)39-Y-86-G,14.6HR,DG,1076.63,0.825) A004100800020 ((7.)39-Y-87-M,12.7HR,DG,381.3,0.985) A004100800021 ((8.)39-Y-87-G,80.3HR,DG,388.4,0.997) A004100800022 ((9.)39-Y-88,106.6D,DG,1836.01,0.994) A004100800023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainties in data-section include beam A004100800024 current, thickness and uniformity of targets, A004100800025 uncertainties of Ge(Li)-detector efficiency. A004100800026 HISTORY (20231220T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A004100800027 ENDBIB 25 0 A004100800028 NOCOMMON 0 0 A004100800029 DATA 7 9 A004100800030 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-1 FLAG A004100800031 DECAY-FLAG A004100800032 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM A004100800033 NO-DIM A004100800034 33. 72. 16.7 1.7 A004100800035 1. A004100800036 33. 74. 4.7 0.4 A004100800037 2. A004100800038 37. 82. 1. 13.3 1.1 A004100800039 3. A004100800040 37. 83. 13.1 3. A004100800041 4. A004100800042 37. 84. 5.6 0.5 A004100800043 5. A004100800044 39. 86. 20.7 1.4 A004100800045 6. A004100800046 39. 87. 1. 15. 2. 1.A004100800047 7. A004100800048 39. 87. 0. 9.3 2.4 A004100800049 8. A004100800050 39. 88. 25.2 1.8 A004100800051 9. A004100800052 ENDDATA 22 0 A004100800053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A004100899999 SUBENT A0041009 20231220 A104A004100900001 BIB 10 25 A004100900002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) A004100900003 DETECTOR (GELI) A004100900004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) A004100900005 MONIT-REF (,G.Friedlander+,J,PR,99,263,1955) A004100900006 METHOD (SITA,MOSEP,EXTB) A004100900007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-94,ENR=0.912) Enriched targets - A004100900008 sandwiches of three thin (20 mg) layers of A004100900009 zirconium (90,91,94), which were pressed between A004100900010 polystyrene films (0.2mm). A004100900011 Each layer was between 2 aluminium foils (10mu). A004100900012 FLAG (1.) These data were deduced by interpolating A004100900013 yields of neighboring isotopes. A004100900014 DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-72,26.0HR,DG,834.0,0.801) A004100900015 ((2.)33-AS-74,17.78D,DG,595.8,0.603) A004100900016 ((3.)37-RB-82-M,6.4HR,DG,619.1,0.41) A004100900017 ((4.)37-RB-83,86.2D,DG,520.4,0.461) A004100900018 ((5.)37-RB-84-G,33.D,DG,881.5,0.753) A004100900019 ((6.)39-Y-86-G,14.6HR,DG,1076.63,0.825) A004100900020 ((7.)39-Y-87-M,12.7HR,DG,381.3,0.985) A004100900021 ((8.)39-Y-87-G,80.3HR,DG,388.4,0.997) A004100900022 ((9.)39-Y-88,106.6D,DG,1836.01,0.994) A004100900023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainties in data-section include beam A004100900024 current, thickness and uniformity of targets, A004100900025 uncertainties of Ge(Li)-detector efficiency. A004100900026 HISTORY (20231220T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A004100900027 ENDBIB 25 0 A004100900028 NOCOMMON 0 0 A004100900029 DATA 7 9 A004100900030 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-1 FLAG A004100900031 DECAY-FLAG A004100900032 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM A004100900033 NO-DIM A004100900034 33. 72. 15. 1.4 A004100900035 1. A004100900036 33. 74. 7.3 0.5 A004100900037 2. A004100900038 37. 82. 1. 17.0 1.1 A004100900039 3. A004100900040 37. 83. 18.2 2.4 A004100900041 4. A004100900042 37. 84. 11.3 0.8 A004100900043 5. A004100900044 39. 86. 15.2 1.0 A004100900045 6. A004100900046 39. 87. 1. 15. 2. 1.A004100900047 7. A004100900048 39. 87. 0. 5. 2. A004100900049 8. A004100900050 39. 88. 24.5 1.8 A004100900051 9. A004100900052 ENDDATA 22 0 A004100900053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A004100999999 SUBENT A0041010 20231220 A104A004101000001 BIB 9 26 A004101000002 REACTION (40-ZR-91(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) A004101000003 DETECTOR (GELI) A004101000004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) A004101000005 MONIT-REF (,G.Friedlander+,J,PR,99,263,1955) A004101000006 METHOD (SITA,MOSEP,EXTB) A004101000007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-91,ENR=0.813) Enriched targets - A004101000008 sandwiches of three thin (20.mg) layers of A004101000009 zirconium (90,91,94), which were pressed between A004101000010 polystyrene films (0.2mm). Each layer was between A004101000011 2 aluminium foils (10mu). A004101000012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainties of beam current, thickness A004101000013 and uniformity of targets, efficiency of Ge(Li) A004101000014 detector were included. A004101000015 DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-71,64.8HR,DG,174.9,0.911) A004101000016 ((2.)34-SE-72,8.4D,DG,834.0,0.801) A004101000017 ((3.)34-SE-73-G,7.1HR,DG,361.1,0.98) A004101000018 ((4.)34-SE-75,120.4D,DG,264.65,0.582) A004101000019 ((5.)35-BR-77-G,56.HR,DG,238.9,0.238) A004101000020 ((6.)37-RB-81-G,4.58HR,DG,190.1,0.965) A004101000021 ((7.)38-SR-82,25.D,DG,776.8,0.13) A004101000022 ((8.)38-SR-83-G,32.4HR,DG,762.7,0.30) A004101000023 ((9.)39-Y-87-M,12.7HR,DG,381.3,0.985) A004101000024 ((10.)40-ZR-86,16.5HR,DG,243.0,0.100) A004101000025 ((11.)40-ZR-88,83.4D,DG,392.9,0.100) A004101000026 ((12.)40-ZR-89-G,78.43HR,DG,909.2,0.999) A004101000027 HISTORY (20231220T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A004101000028 ENDBIB 26 0 A004101000029 NOCOMMON 0 0 A004101000030 DATA 6 12 A004101000031 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-1 DECAY-FLAG A004101000032 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM A004101000033 33. 71. 12.8 0.9 1.A004101000034 34. 72. 4.1 0.4 2.A004101000035 34. 73. 0. 11.5 0.7 3.A004101000036 34. 75. 22.8 1.8 4.A004101000037 35. 77. 0. 20.0 1.4 5.A004101000038 37. 81. 0. 18.5 1.2 6.A004101000039 38. 82. 12.3 1.4 7.A004101000040 38. 83. 0. 18.5 1.4 8.A004101000041 39. 87. 1. 25.5 2.0 9.A004101000042 40. 86. 4.6 0.4 10.A004101000043 40. 88. 20.3 1.5 11.A004101000044 40. 89. 0. 29.5 2.0 12.A004101000045 ENDDATA 14 0 A004101000046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 A004101099999 SUBENT A0041011 20231220 A104A004101100001 BIB 9 26 A004101100002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) A004101100003 DETECTOR (GELI) A004101100004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) A004101100005 MONIT-REF (,G.Friedlander+,J,PR,99,263,1955) A004101100006 METHOD (SITA,MOSEP,EXTB) A004101100007 SAMPLE (40-ZR-94,ENR=0.912) Enriched targets - A004101100008 sandwiches of three thin (20. mg) layers of A004101100009 zirconium (90,91,94), which were pressed between A004101100010 polystyrene films (0.2 mm). Each layer was between A004101100011 2 aluminium foils (10 mu). A004101100012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainties of beam current, thickness A004101100013 and uniformity of targets, efficiency of Ge(Li) A004101100014 detector were included. A004101100015 DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-71,64.8HR,DG,174.9,0.911) A004101100016 ((2.)34-SE-72,8.4D,DG,834.0,0.801) A004101100017 ((3.)34-SE-73-G,7.1HR,DG,361.1,0.98) A004101100018 ((4.)34-SE-75,120.4D,DG,264.65,0.582) A004101100019 ((5.)35-BR-77-G,56.HR,DG,238.9,0.238) A004101100020 ((6.)37-RB-81-G,4.58HR,DG,190.1,0.965) A004101100021 ((7.)38-SR-82,25.D,DG,776.8,0.13) A004101100022 ((8.)38-SR-83-G,32.4HR,DG,762.7,0.30) A004101100023 ((9.)39-Y-87-M,12.7HR,DG,381.3,0.985) A004101100024 ((10.)40-ZR-86,16.5HR,DG,243.0,0.100) A004101100025 ((11.)40-ZR-88,83.4D,DG,392.9,0.100) A004101100026 ((12.)40-ZR-89-G,78.43HR,DG,909.2,0.999) A004101100027 HISTORY (20231220T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A004101100028 ENDBIB 26 0 A004101100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 A004101100030 DATA 6 12 A004101100031 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-1 DECAY-FLAG A004101100032 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM A004101100033 33. 71. 9.3 0.7 1.A004101100034 34. 72. 3.1 0.3 2.A004101100035 34. 73. 0. 8.5 0.6 3.A004101100036 34. 75. 20.5 1.6 4.A004101100037 35. 77. 0. 17.9 1.2 5.A004101100038 37. 81. 0. 14.3 0.9 6.A004101100039 38. 82. 6.7 0.7 7.A004101100040 38. 83. 0. 12.1 0.9 8.A004101100041 39. 87. 1. 19.6 1.8 9.A004101100042 40. 86. 1.6 0.2 10.A004101100043 40. 88. 10.8 0.8 11.A004101100044 40. 89. 0. 17.5 1.1 12.A004101100045 ENDDATA 14 0 A004101100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 A004101199999 ENDENTRY 11 0 A004199999999