ENTRY A0061 20240714 A115A006100000001 SUBENT A0061001 20240714 A115A006100100001 BIB 13 31 A006100100002 TITLE Study of fusion of 48-Ca with the nuclei A006100100003 203-,205-Tl, 208-Pb and 209-Bi nuclei A006100100004 AUTHOR (O.A.Orlova, H.Bruchertseifer, Ju.A.Muzychka, A006100100005 Ju.Ts.Oganesyan, B.I.Pustyl'nik, G.M.Ter-Akopyan, A006100100006 V.I.Chepigin, Choi Val Sek) A006100100007 REFERENCE (J,SNP,30,317,1979) English translation A006100100008 (J,YF,30,618,1979) A006100100009 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) A006100100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) A006100100011 METHOD (INTB,CHSEP,ACTIV,SITA) A006100100012 ADD-RES (THEO,COMP) A006100100013 DETECTOR (SI) Alpha spectrometer with Si(Au) semiconductor A006100100014 detectors A006100100015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A006100100016 (ERR-1) Uncertainty of beam current A006100100017 (ERR-2) Uncertainty of chemical separation yield A006100100018 MONITOR (20-CA-48(13-AL-27,X)31-GA-67,CUM,SIG) A006100100019 COMMENT *By authors*. Beam energy was changed by transference A006100100020 of the target along the cyclotron radius. A006100100021 STATUS (TABLE,,O.A.Orlova+,J,SNP,30,317,1979) Tables I-III A006100100022 (APRVD) By A.G.Artukh,19801022 A006100100023 HISTORY (19800601C) A006100100024 (19811110A) A006100100025 (20080618A) BIB section updated A006100100026 Corrections were made according to new EXFOR rules. A006100100027 (20120327A) English translation of 'YF' was added A006100100028 (20160123A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 002. A006100100029 ANALYSIS (AREA) deleted (not relevant). A006100100030 (20240714A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A006100100031 Subents 002-004 were split. MISC deleted (not for A006100100032 EXFOR). A006100100033 ENDBIB 31 0 A006100100034 COMMON 3 3 A006100100035 EN-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 A006100100036 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A006100100037 2.5 2. 15. A006100100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A006100100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A006100199999 SUBENT A0061002 20240714 A115A006100200001 BIB 5 9 A006100200002 REACTION (81-TL-0(20-CA-48,X)98-CF-246,,INT) A006100200003 COMMENT *By authors*. Main reactions of Cf-246 production A006100200004 are (,3n) and (,n+alpha). A006100200005 DECAY-DATA (98-CF-246,35.7HR,A,6760.) A006100200006 SAMPLE Metallic thallium (thickness 2.6 mg/cm2) on thick A006100200007 aluminum backing. Beam-target angle was equal 20 degr. A006100200008 HISTORY (20160123A) SD: hl=7.04hr -> 22.7hr in DECAY-DATA. A006100200009 (20240714A) SD: Subent was split in two according to A006100200010 EXFOR rules. A006100200011 ENDBIB 9 0 A006100200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A006100200013 DATA 3 1 A006100200014 EN DATA ERR-T A006100200015 MEV B*EV B*EV A006100200016 223. 1.3 0.2 A006100200017 ENDDATA 3 0 A006100200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A006100299999 SUBENT A0061003 20240714 A115A006100300001 BIB 6 9 A006100300002 REACTION (82-PB-208(20-CA-48,X)98-CF-246,,INT) A006100300003 COMMENT *By authors*- A006100300004 The main mode of Cf-246 production is evaporation of 2nA006100300005 RAD-DET (98-CF-246,A) A006100300006 DECAY-DATA (98-CF-246,35.7HR,A,6760.) A006100300007 SAMPLE Metallic enriched Pb-208, thickness 1.6 mg/cm2 on thickA006100300008 aluminum backing. Beam-target angle was equal 20 degr. A006100300009 HISTORY (20240714A) SD: Subent was split in three according to A006100300010 EXFOR rules. DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-T. A006100300011 ENDBIB 9 0 A006100300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A006100300013 DATA 3 1 A006100300014 EN DATA ERR-T A006100300015 MEV B*EV B*EV A006100300016 224. 40. 6. A006100300017 ENDDATA 3 0 A006100300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A006100399999 SUBENT A0061004 20240714 A115A006100400001 BIB 6 10 A006100400002 REACTION (83-BI-209(20-CA-48,X)98-CF-246,,INT) A006100400003 COMMENT *By author*- A006100400004 The main mode of Cf-246 production is evaporation A006100400005 of 3 neutrons A006100400006 RAD-DET (98-CF-246,A) A006100400007 DECAY-DATA (98-CF-246,35.7HR,A,6760.) A006100400008 SAMPLE Metallic bismuth, thickness 3.8 mg/cm2, on thick A006100400009 aluminum backing. Beam-target angle was equal 20 degr. A006100400010 HISTORY (20240714A) SD: Subent was split in two according to A006100400011 EXFOR rules. DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-T. A006100400012 ENDBIB 10 0 A006100400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A006100400014 DATA 3 1 A006100400015 EN DATA ERR-T A006100400016 MEV B*EV B*EV A006100400017 236. 0.39 0.08 A006100400018 ENDDATA 3 0 A006100400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A006100499999 SUBENT A0061005 20240714 A115A006100500001 BIB 5 7 A006100500002 REACTION (81-TL-0(20-CA-48,X)100-FM-252,,INT) A006100500003 COMMENT *By authors*. Main reactions of Fm-252 production A006100500004 are (,n) and (,p) A006100500005 DECAY-DATA (100-FM-252,22.7HR,A,7040.) A006100500006 SAMPLE Metallic thallium (thickness 2.6 mg/cm2) on thick A006100500007 aluminum backing. Beam-target angle was equal 20 degr. A006100500008 HISTORY (20240714T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A006100500009 ENDBIB 7 0 A006100500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A006100500011 DATA 3 1 A006100500012 EN DATA ERR-T A006100500013 MEV B*EV B*EV A006100500014 223. 0.2 0.05 A006100500015 ENDDATA 3 0 A006100500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A006100599999 SUBENT A0061006 20240714 A115A006100600001 BIB 6 14 A006100600002 REACTION ((82-PB-208(20-CA-48,X)100-FM-252,,INT)+ A006100600003 (82-PB-208(20-CA-48,X)100-FM-255,,INT)) A006100600004 COMMENT *By authors*- A006100600005 D-the main mode of Fm-252 production is evaporation A006100600006 of one neutron. A006100600007 The main mode of Fm-255 production is evaporation A006100600008 of alpha-particle, A006100600009 RAD-DET (100-FM-252,A) A006100600010 (100-FM-255,A) A006100600011 DECAY-DATAD(100-FM-252,22.8HR,A,7040.) A006100600012 (100-FM-255,20.07HR,A,7020.) A006100600013 SAMPLE Metallic enriched Pb-208, thickness 1.6 mg/cm2 on thickA006100600014 aluminum backing. Beam-target angle was equal 20 degr. A006100600015 HISTORY (20240714T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A006100600016 ENDBIB 14 0 A006100600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A006100600018 DATA 3 1 A006100600019 EN DATA ERR-T A006100600020 MEV B*EV B*EV A006100600021 224. 1.2 0.2 A006100600022 ENDDATA 3 0 A006100600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A006100699999 SUBENT A0061007 20240714 A115A006100700001 BIB 6 9 A006100700002 REACTION (82-PB-208(20-CA-48,X)100-FM-254,,INT) A006100700003 COMMENT *By authors*- A006100700004 The main mode of Fm-254 production is evaporation A006100700005 of two neutrons. A006100700006 RAD-DET (100-FM-254,A) A006100700007 DECAY-DATA (100-FM-254,3.2HR,A,7180.) A006100700008 SAMPLE Metallic enriched Pb-208, thickness 1.6 mg/cm2 on thickA006100700009 aluminum backing. Beam-target angle was equal 20 degr. A006100700010 HISTORY (20240714T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A006100700011 ENDBIB 9 0 A006100700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A006100700013 DATA 3 1 A006100700014 EN DATA ERR-T A006100700015 MEV B*EV B*EV A006100700016 224. 4.2 0.8 A006100700017 ENDDATA 3 0 A006100700018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A006100799999 SUBENT A0061008 20240714 A115A006100800001 BIB 6 12 A006100800002 REACTION ((83-BI-209(20-CA-48,X)100-FM-252,,INT)+ A006100800003 (83-BI-209(20-CA-48,X)100-FM-255,,INT)) A006100800004 COMMENT *By author*- A006100800005 The main mode of Fm-252 production is evaporation A006100800006 of neutron or (alpha+ neutron). A006100800007 RAD-DET (100-FM-252,A) A006100800008 (100-FM-255,A) A006100800009 DECAY-DATA (100-FM-252,22.8HR,A,7040.) A006100800010 (100-FM-255,20.07HR,A,7020.) A006100800011 SAMPLE Metallic bismuth, thickness 3.8 mg/cm2, on thick A006100800012 aluminum backing. Beam-target angle was equal 20 degr. A006100800013 HISTORY (20240714T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A006100800014 ENDBIB 12 0 A006100800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A006100800016 DATA 3 1 A006100800017 EN DATA ERR-T A006100800018 MEV B*EV B*EV A006100800019 236. 0.93 0.16 A006100800020 ENDDATA 3 0 A006100800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 A006100899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 A006199999999