ENTRY A0118 20240304 A109A011800000001 SUBENT A0118001 20240304 A109A011800100001 BIB 12 38 A011800100002 TITLE Energy dependence of gamma-f/gamma-n for nucleus 216Rn A011800100003 AUTHOR (H.Freiesleben,H.C.Britt,J.R.Huizenga) A011800100004 REFERENCE (C,73ROCH,1,447,1973) A011800100005 (R,COO-3496-44,77,1974) Data tables A011800100006 (R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Data tables A011800100007 INSTITUTE (1USAROC,1USALAS,2GERMBG) A011800100008 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAROC) A011800100009 SAMPLE Targets were produced by vacuum evaporation of A011800100010 deposits of about 200 ug/cm2 on carbon backings A011800100011 of thickness 20 ug/cm2 and 100 ug/cm2. A011800100012 The targets with 20 ug/cm2 gave the best energy A011800100013 resolution for the alpha particle observation so A011800100014 that weak peaks and close doublets could be resolved A011800100015 but not all of the recoil nuclei were stopped in A011800100016 the target plus backing so that a correction was A011800100017 necessary for nuclei which recoiled out of the A011800100018 target. This correction was determined from the A011800100019 observation of the large cross section group using A011800100020 targets with 100 ug/cm2 backings. A011800100021 DETECTOR (COIN,SIBAR,SIBAR) A011800100022 The fission cross section was measured by detecting A011800100023 coincident fission fragment pairs with surface barrier A011800100024 detectors in a large geometry arrangement. A011800100025 METHOD Cross sections for the formation of Rn A011800100026 nuclei were obtained by bombarding a Bi-209 target A011800100027 with pulsed Li-6,7 beams and observing the alpha A011800100028 particle decays between beam pulses. A011800100029 ANALYSIS (4PI1A) A measurement of the anisotropy at 33 MeV gave A011800100030 W(165.)/W(90.) = 1.19+-0.15. Hence, isotropy was A011800100031 assumed over the whole energy range. A011800100032 ADD-RES (COMP,THEO,POT) A011800100033 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty. A011800100034 HISTORY (19811113C) A011800100035 (20080701A) BIB section updated A011800100036 Corrections were made according to new EXFOR rules. A011800100037 (20210121A) SD: Major corrections in all Subents. A011800100038 (20240304A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Several A011800100039 Subents were split. A011800100040 ENDBIB 38 0 A011800100041 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A011800199999 SUBENT A0118002 20240304 A109A011800200001 BIB 6 13 A011800200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,2N)86-RN-214,,SIG) A011800200003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011800200004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011800200005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011800200006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011800200007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011800200008 section at 90. degr. A011800200009 DECAY-DATA (86-RN-214,,A,9035.) A011800200010 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,77,1974) Tbl.14 A011800200011 HISTORY (20210121A) SD: BIB updated. Part of the data moved A011800200012 to Subent 010. A011800200013 (20240304A) SD: STATUS updated. Subent was split in A011800200014 several Subents (012,013). A011800200015 ENDBIB 13 0 A011800200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800200017 DATA 3 10 A011800200018 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011800200019 MEV MB MB A011800200020 34. 4.6 1.6 A011800200021 33. 4.7 1.6 A011800200022 32. 4.1 0.9 A011800200023 31. 4.4 0.6 A011800200024 30. 3.3 0.7 A011800200025 29. 2.0 0.4 A011800200026 28. 1.1 0.3 A011800200027 27. 0.5 0.11 A011800200028 26. 0.3 0.07 A011800200029 25. 0.4 0.013 A011800200030 ENDDATA 12 0 A011800200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A011800299999 SUBENT A0118003 20240304 A109A011800300001 BIB 7 16 A011800300002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,2N)86-RN-213,,SIG) A011800300003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011800300004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011800300005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011800300006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011800300007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011800300008 section at 90. degr. A011800300009 DECAY-DATA (86-RN-213,,A,8090.) A011800300010 CORRECTION Correction for the effects of second-chance fission A011800300011 were obtained from measurements of cross-sections for A011800300012 the (6Li,xn) reactions at appropriate energies A011800300013 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,77,1974) Tbl.14 A011800300014 HISTORY (20210121A) SD: BIB updated. Part of the data moved A011800300015 to Subent 011. A011800300016 (20240304U) SD: STATUS updated. Part of the data moved A011800300017 to Subent 014. A011800300018 ENDBIB 16 0 A011800300019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800300020 DATA 3 2 A011800300021 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011800300022 MEV MB MB A011800300023 30. 1.9 0.4 A011800300024 28. 1.0 0.2 A011800300025 ENDDATA 4 0 A011800300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A011800399999 SUBENT A0118004 20240304 A109A011800400001 BIB 6 12 A011800400002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,X)84-PO-212-G,,SIG) A011800400003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011800400004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011800400005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011800400006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011800400007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011800400008 section at 90. degr. A011800400009 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-212,,A,8780.) A011800400010 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011800400011 HISTORY (20210121A) SD: BIB updated. A011800400012 (20240304A) SD: SF3=N+A -> X in REACTION code. A011800400013 Part of the data moved to Subent 015. A011800400014 ENDBIB 12 0 A011800400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800400016 DATA 3 8 A011800400017 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011800400018 MEV MB MB A011800400019 34. 1.6 0.2 A011800400020 33. 2.0 0.2 A011800400021 32. 1.2 0.1 A011800400022 31. 0.9 0.2 A011800400023 30. 0.4 0.08 A011800400024 29. 0.27 0.1 A011800400025 28. 0.11 0.06 A011800400026 27. 0.04 0.04 A011800400027 ENDDATA 10 0 A011800400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A011800499999 SUBENT A0118005 20240304 A109A011800500001 BIB 6 16 A011800500002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,X)84-PO-210,,SIG) A011800500003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011800500004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011800500005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011800500006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011800500007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011800500008 section at 90. degr. A011800500009 The cross section was also measured by bombarding a A011800500010 target for several hours with a DC beam and then A011800500011 counting the 5.31 MeV decay alpha particles off line A011800500012 in known geometry. A011800500013 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-210,,A,5300.) A011800500014 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011800500015 HISTORY (20210121A) SD: BIB updated. A011800500016 (20240304A) SD: SF3=2N+A -> X in REACTION code. A011800500017 STATUS updated. A011800500018 ENDBIB 16 0 A011800500019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800500020 DATA 3 2 A011800500021 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011800500022 MEV MB MB A011800500023 32. 140. 20. A011800500024 30. 71. 10. A011800500025 ENDDATA 4 0 A011800500026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A011800599999 SUBENT A0118006 20240304 A109A011800600001 BIB 6 14 A011800600002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,T)85-AT-213,,SIG) A011800600003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011800600004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011800600005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011800600006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011800600007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011800600008 section at 90. degr. A011800600009 DECAY-DATA (85-AT-213,,A,7679./7618.,, A011800600010 A,7897./7837.) A011800600011 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011800600012 HISTORY (20210121A) SD: SF3=N+T -> X in REACTION code (1). A011800600013 BIB updated. Information about radiation type only A011800600014 moved from DECAY-DATA to RAD-DET. A011800600015 (20240304A) SD: Part of the data moved to Subent 016. A011800600016 ENDBIB 14 0 A011800600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800600018 DATA 3 7 A011800600019 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011800600020 MEV MB MB A011800600021 34. 3.9 2. A011800600022 33. 4.4 2.2 A011800600023 32. 2.7 1.3 A011800600024 31. 1.3 0.6 A011800600025 30. 1.8 0.8 A011800600026 29. 1.3 0.6 A011800600027 28. 0.5 0.3 A011800600028 ENDDATA 9 0 A011800600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A011800699999 SUBENT A0118007 20240304 A109A011800700001 BIB 7 21 A011800700002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,X)83-BI-211,,SIG) A011800700003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,SIG) A011800700004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011800700005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011800700006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011800700007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011800700008 section at 90. degr. A011800700009 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-211,,A,6620.) A011800700010 MISC-COL (MISC) The cross section of unidentified isomer A011800700011 production. A011800700012 From the article: 'We do not know the half-life of thisA011800700013 transition and in converting to total cross sections A011800700014 we assumed that it was of the order or longer than our A011800700015 pulse repetition time (400 ns). If the lifetime of thisA011800700016 decay were less than 100 ns then the cross section A011800700017 estimate would be significantly low. A011800700018 (MISC-ERR) Uncertainty of 'MISC' A011800700019 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011800700020 HISTORY (20210121A) SD: BIB updated. A011800700021 (20240304A) SD: SF3=P+A -> X in REACTION code. A011800700022 STATUS updated. A011800700023 ENDBIB 21 0 A011800700024 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800700025 DATA 5 5 A011800700026 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR A011800700027 MEV MB MB MB MB A011800700028 30. 0.3 0.15 0.49 0.1 A011800700029 31. 0.4 0.2 0.86 0.14 A011800700030 32. 1. 0.2 0.97 0.1 A011800700031 33. 1.8 0.4 0.98 0.1 A011800700032 34. 1.8 0.4 0.82 0.09 A011800700033 ENDDATA 7 0 A011800700034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 A011800799999 SUBENT A0118008 20240304 A109A011800800001 BIB 6 12 A011800800002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,A)84-PO-211,,SIG) A011800800003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011800800004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011800800005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011800800006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011800800007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011800800008 section at 90. degr. A011800800009 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-211-G,,A,7450.) A011800800010 (84-PO-211-M,,A,7275.) A011800800011 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011800800012 HISTORY (20210121A) SD: BIB updated. A011800800013 (20240304U) SD: STATUS updated. A011800800014 ENDBIB 12 0 A011800800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800800016 DATA 3 2 A011800800017 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011800800018 MEV MB MB A011800800019 28. 0.5 0.2 A011800800020 30. 0.8 0.2 A011800800021 ENDDATA 4 0 A011800800022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A011800899999 SUBENT A0118009 20240304 A109A011800900001 BIB 6 14 A011800900002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,X)85-AT-213,,SIG) A011800900003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011800900004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011800900005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011800900006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011800900007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011800900008 section at 90. degr. A011800900009 DECAY-DATA1(85-AT-212-G,,A,7679./7618.) A011800900010 (85-AT-212-M,,A,7897./7837.) A011800900011 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011800900012 HISTORY (20210121A) SD: SF3=D(or N+D) => X in REACTION codes A011800900013 (0) and (1) respectively. Information about radiation A011800900014 type only moved from DECAY-DATA to RAD-DET. BIB updatedA011800900015 (20240304A) SD: Part of the data moved to Subent 017. A011800900016 ENDBIB 14 0 A011800900017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011800900018 DATA 3 2 A011800900019 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011800900020 MEV MB MB A011800900021 28. 0.25 0.15 A011800900022 30. 1.6 0.8 A011800900023 ENDDATA 4 0 A011800900024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A011800999999 SUBENT A0118010 20240304 A109A011801000001 BIB 4 6 A011801000002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,F),,SIG) A011801000003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011801000004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011801000005 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,77,1974) Tbl.14 A011801000006 HISTORY (20210121T) SD: Information extracted from Subent 002. A011801000007 (20240304U) SD: STATUS updated. A011801000008 ENDBIB 6 0 A011801000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011801000010 DATA 3 8 A011801000011 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011801000012 MEV MB MB A011801000013 34. 1.77 0.03 A011801000014 33. 1.05 0.05 A011801000015 32. 0.58 0.03 A011801000016 31. 0.24 0.01 A011801000017 30. 0.086 0.008 A011801000018 29. 0.020 0.002 A011801000019 28. 0.0064 0.0008 A011801000020 27. 0.0014 0.0009 A011801000021 ENDDATA 10 0 A011801000022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A011801099999 SUBENT A0118011 20240304 A109A011801100001 BIB 5 9 A011801100002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,F),,SIG) A011801100003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011801100004 Angle of registration was equal to 90. degr. A011801100005 CORRECTION Correction for the effects of second-chance fission A011801100006 were obtained from measurements of cross-sections for A011801100007 the (6Li,f) reaction at appropriate energies A011801100008 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,77,1974) Tbl.14 A011801100009 HISTORY (20210121T) SD: Information extracted from Subent 003. A011801100010 (20240304U) SD: STATUS updated. A011801100011 ENDBIB 9 0 A011801100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011801100013 DATA 3 8 A011801100014 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011801100015 MEV MB MB A011801100016 34. 2.25 0.05 A011801100017 33. 1.34 0.04 A011801100018 32. 0.75 0.02 A011801100019 31. 0.29 0.01 A011801100020 30. 0.12 0.006 A011801100021 29. 0.32 0.002 A011801100022 28. 0.0094 0.001 A011801100023 27. 0.015 0.0003 A011801100024 ENDDATA 10 0 A011801100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A011801199999 SUBENT A0118012 20240304 A109A011801200001 BIB 6 10 A011801200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,3N)86-RN-213,,SIG) A011801200003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011801200004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011801200005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011801200006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011801200007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011801200008 section at 90. degr. A011801200009 DECAY-DATA (86-RN-213,,A,8090.) A011801200010 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,77,1974) Tbl.14 A011801200011 HISTORY (20240304T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A011801200012 ENDBIB 10 0 A011801200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011801200014 DATA 3 10 A011801200015 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011801200016 MEV MB MB A011801200017 34. 187. 19. A011801200018 33. 189. 19. A011801200019 32. 134. 13. A011801200020 31. 89. 10. A011801200021 30. 41. 4. A011801200022 29. 16. 2. A011801200023 28. 4.7 0.5 A011801200024 27. 1.0 0.1 A011801200025 26. 0.14 0.04 A011801200026 25. 0.026 0.013 A011801200027 ENDDATA 12 0 A011801200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A011801299999 SUBENT A0118013 20240304 A109A011801300001 BIB 6 10 A011801300002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,4N)86-RN-212,,SIG) A011801300003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011801300004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011801300005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011801300006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011801300007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011801300008 section at 90. degr. A011801300009 DECAY-DATA (86-RN-212,,A,6260.) A011801300010 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,77,1974) Tbl.14 A011801300011 HISTORY (20240304T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A011801300012 ENDBIB 10 0 A011801300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011801300014 DATA 3 4 A011801300015 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011801300016 MEV MB MB A011801300017 34. 77. 15. A011801300018 33. 51. 15. A011801300019 32. 11. 3. A011801300020 31. 1.4 0.7 A011801300021 ENDDATA 6 0 A011801300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A011801399999 SUBENT A0118014 20240304 A109A011801400001 BIB 7 13 A011801400002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,3N)86-RN-212,,SIG) A011801400003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011801400004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011801400005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011801400006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011801400007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011801400008 section at 90. degr. A011801400009 DECAY-DATA (86-RN-212,,A,6260.) A011801400010 CORRECTION Correction for the effects of second-chance fission A011801400011 were obtained from measurements of cross-sections for A011801400012 the (6Li,xn) reactions at appropriate energies A011801400013 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,77,1974) Tbl.14 A011801400014 HISTORY (20240304T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A011801400015 ENDBIB 13 0 A011801400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011801400017 DATA 3 2 A011801400018 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011801400019 MEV MB MB A011801400020 30. 43. 4. A011801400021 28. 5.8 0.6 A011801400022 ENDDATA 4 0 A011801400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A011801499999 SUBENT A0118015 20240304 A109A011801500001 BIB 6 11 A011801500002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,X)84-PO-211,,SIG) A011801500003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011801500004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011801500005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011801500006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011801500007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011801500008 section at 90. degr. A011801500009 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-211-G,,A,7450.) A011801500010 (84-PO-211-M,,A,7275.) A011801500011 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011801500012 HISTORY (20240304T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A011801500013 ENDBIB 11 0 A011801500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011801500015 DATA 3 10 A011801500016 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011801500017 MEV MB MB A011801500018 34. 44. 4. A011801500019 33. 47. 5. A011801500020 32. 40. 4. A011801500021 31. 35. 4. A011801500022 30. 24. 3. A011801500023 29. 17. 2. A011801500024 28. 9.2 0.9 A011801500025 27. 4.6 0.7 A011801500026 26. 2.1 0.7 A011801500027 25. 0.8 0.4 A011801500028 ENDDATA 12 0 A011801500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A011801599999 SUBENT A0118016 20240304 A109A011801600001 BIB 6 10 A011801600002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,X)85-AT-212,,SIG) A011801600003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-7,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011801600004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011801600005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011801600006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011801600007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011801600008 section at 90. degr. A011801600009 RAD-DET (85-AT-212,A) A011801600010 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011801600011 HISTORY (20240304T) SD: Part of Subent 006. A011801600012 ENDBIB 10 0 A011801600013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011801600014 DATA 3 6 A011801600015 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011801600016 MEV MB MB A011801600017 34. 23. 2. A011801600018 33. 18. 2. A011801600019 32. 13. 2. A011801600020 31. 7.1 1.4 A011801600021 30. 4.1 0.8 A011801600022 29. 1.3 0.15 A011801600023 ENDDATA 8 0 A011801600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A011801699999 SUBENT A0118017 20240304 A109A011801700001 BIB 6 11 A011801700002 REACTION (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,X)85-AT-212,,SIG) A011801700003 MONITOR (83-BI-209(3-LI-6,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) A011801700004 Angle of registration was equal to 90 degr. A011801700005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Absolute cross sections were obtained by A011801700006 measuring the rate of alpha particle emission A011801700007 relative to an absolute elastic scattering cross A011801700008 section at 90. degr. A011801700009 DECAY-DATA (85-AT-212-G,,A,7679./7618.) A011801700010 (85-AT-212-M,,A,7897./7837.) A011801700011 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Freiesleben+,R,COO-3496-44,97,1974) Tbl.16 A011801700012 HISTORY (20240304T) SD: Part of Subent 009. A011801700013 ENDBIB 11 0 A011801700014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A011801700015 DATA 3 2 A011801700016 EN DATA DATA-ERR A011801700017 MEV MB MB A011801700018 28. 1.9 0.4 A011801700019 30. 11. 2. A011801700020 ENDDATA 4 0 A011801700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 A011801799999 ENDENTRY 17 0 A011899999999