ENTRY A0137 20241002 A120A013700000001 SUBENT A0137001 20241002 A120A013700100001 BIB 13 59 A013700100002 TITLE Spallation cross sections and the LAMPF medical A013700100003 radioisotope program A013700100004 AUTHOR (B.R.Erdal,P.M.Grant,V.R.Casella,A.E.Ogard, A013700100005 H.A.O'Brien Jr) A013700100006 REFERENCE (C,75WASH,,492,1975) A013700100007 (S,LA-5535-C,93,1973) - data at E=590.MeV (CONF-730849)A013700100008 - Proc.of the Symp. on Practical Applicat. of Accel. A013700100009 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) A013700100010 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) A013700100011 METHOD (STTA,ACTIV,EXTB) A013700100012 SAMPLE Each packet contained a number of 1.268-cm diameter A013700100013 monitor, target, and recoil-catcher foils. Elemental A013700100014 Al, with a purity of 99.997% and thickness A013700100015 26 um was used for beam monitors and forward A013700100016 and backward recoil catchers. A catcher foil was A013700100017 placed both upstream and downstream of each target A013700100018 to determine recoil loss corrections, and monitors A013700100019 were situated likewise to measure any loss of beam A013700100020 intensity upon traversal of the experimental packet. A013700100021 All Al monitors were, of course, fully compensated. A013700100022 High-purity (>=99.9%) elemental targets of A013700100023 La, Mo, and V were irradiated, and an entire packet A013700100024 was sandwiched together and maintained at a constant A013700100025 position in the proton beam with an external holder. A013700100026 While each packet contained a single La and Mo foil, A013700100027 three adjacent V targets were incorporated. In this A013700100028 way, the cross sections for nuclides such as 24-Na, A013700100029 22-Na, and 7-Be, which are also produced in and A013700100030 recoil from the Al catchers, could be determined by A013700100031 analyzing the central V target. A013700100032 Two independent bombardments were performed. A013700100033 In the first, the thickness of each of the targets was A013700100034 approximately 0.05 mm, while in the second 0.25 mm A013700100035 was typical. Such a procedure allowed the study of A013700100036 individual cross sections as a function of target A013700100037 thickness in order to correct for any possible A013700100038 production via secondary reactions. A013700100039 MONITOR 1(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,CUM,SIG) A013700100040 2(13-AL-27(P,X)4-BE-7,CUM,SIG) A013700100041 DECAY-MON 1(11-NA-22,2.60YR,DG,1274.54,0.9995) A013700100042 2(4-BE-7,52.93D,DG,477.56,0.103) A013700100043 DETECTOR (GELI) 76 cm3 active vol. Ge(Li). A013700100044 STATUS (TABLE,,B.R.Erdal+,C,75WASH,2,492,1975) Tbl. 2 A013700100045 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors do not encompass any uncertainties A013700100046 in the monitor cross sections, however. A013700100047 The errors are one standard deviation of individual A013700100048 experimental values, including a A013700100049 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the detector efficiency A013700100050 calibration. A013700100051 HISTORY (19821109C) A013700100052 (19830125U) A013700100053 (20160317A) SD:Updated to new date formats, lower case.A013700100054 Author's name corrected (O'Brien,Jr. -> O'Brien Jr). A013700100055 MONIT-REF corrected, SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION codeA013700100056 in Subents 002-007. Corrections of SF3 in REACTION codeA013700100057 in several Subents. RAD-DET deleted (info was given A013700100058 in DECAY-DATA) from several Subents. ANALYSIS (AREA) A013700100059 deleted (not relevant). A013700100060 (20241002A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. A013700100061 ENDBIB 59 0 A013700100062 COMMON 1 3 A013700100063 ERR-1 A013700100064 PER-CENT A013700100065 3. A013700100066 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A013700100067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 A013700199999 SUBENT A0137002 20241002 A120A013700200001 BIB 3 6 A013700200002 REACTION (57-LA-139(P,X)53-I-123,,SIG) A013700200003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,13.2HR,DG,159.,0.829,DG,346.6,0.001, A013700200004 DG,440.4,0.0035,DG,505.6,0.0026, A013700200005 DG,529.,0.0105,DG,538.5,0.0027) A013700200006 HISTORY (20160318A) SD: SF3=8N+P+2A -> X in REACTION code. A013700200007 (20241002A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A013700200008 ENDBIB 6 0 A013700200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013700200010 DATA 5 2 A013700200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT1 MONIT2 A013700200012 MEV MB MB MB MB A013700200013 590. 57. 9. A013700200014 800. 51. 3. 16.3 6.4 A013700200015 ENDDATA 4 0 A013700200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A013700299999 SUBENT A0137003 20160317 A084A013700300001 BIB 3 5 A013700300002 REACTION (57-LA-139(P,X)54-XE-127,CUM,SIG) A013700300003 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-127-G,36.41D,DG,57.60,0.0122,DG,145.22,0.0372, A013700300004 DG,172.10,0.200,DG,202.84,0.582, A013700300005 DG,374.96,0.175) A013700300006 HISTORY (20160318A) SD: SF3=5N+2A -> X in REACTION code. A013700300007 ENDBIB 5 0 A013700300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013700300009 DATA 5 2 A013700300010 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT1 MONIT2 A013700300011 MEV MB MB MB MB A013700300012 590. 53. 11. A013700300013 800. 51. 7. 16.3 6.4 A013700300014 ENDDATA 4 0 A013700300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A013700399999 SUBENT A0137004 20160317 A084A013700400001 BIB 2 4 A013700400002 REACTION (42-MO-0(P,X)38-SR-82,CUM,SIG) A013700400003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-82,25.D) Daughter gamma only. A013700400004 (37-RB-82-G,1.25MIN,DG,698.4,0.00014,DG,776.6,0.134, A013700400005 DG,1395.2,0.0047) A013700400006 ENDBIB 4 0 A013700400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013700400008 DATA 5 2 A013700400009 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT1 MONIT2 A013700400010 MEV MB MB MB MB A013700400011 590. 15. 3. A013700400012 800. 24.5 0.8 16.3 6.4 A013700400013 ENDDATA 4 0 A013700400014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 A013700499999 SUBENT A0137005 20160317 A084A013700500001 BIB 3 4 A013700500002 REACTION (42-MO-0(P,X)38-SR-85,(CUM),SIG) A013700500003 COMMENT (By compiler) Authors did not report any information A013700500004 about precursor's yield (Rb-85). A013700500005 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-85-G,64.5D,DG,513.97,0.9928) A013700500006 ENDBIB 4 0 A013700500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013700500008 DATA 5 1 A013700500009 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT1 MONIT2 A013700500010 MEV MB MB MB MB A013700500011 800. 50. 2. 16.3 6.4 A013700500012 ENDDATA 3 0 A013700500013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 A013700599999 SUBENT A0137006 20160317 A084A013700600001 BIB 4 8 A013700600002 REACTION (23-V-51(P,X)19-K-43,CUM,SIG) A013700600003 DECAY-DATA (19-K-43,22.3HR,DG,220.7,0.043,DG,372.9,0.85, A013700600004 DG,396.4,0.11,DG,404.9,0.0039, A013700600005 DG,593.6,0.10,DG,617.1,0.79, A013700600006 DG,990.,0.0064,DG,1022.,0.023) A013700600007 COMMENT (By compiler) The target was natural mixture of A013700600008 vanadium isotopes, but V-51 is main isotope (99.75%) A013700600009 HISTORY (20160318A) SD: SF3=P+2A -> X in REACTION code. A013700600010 ENDBIB 8 0 A013700600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013700600012 DATA 5 2 A013700600013 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT1 MONIT2 A013700600014 MEV MB MB MB MB A013700600015 590. 3.8 0.8 A013700600016 800. 5.4 0.3 16.3 6.4 A013700600017 ENDDATA 4 0 A013700600018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A013700699999 SUBENT A0137007 20160317 A084A013700700001 BIB 4 7 A013700700002 REACTION (23-V-51(P,X)19-K-42,,SIG) A013700700003 COMMENT (By compiler) 1. The target was natural mixture of A013700700004 vanadium isotopes, but V-51 is main isotope (99.75%) A013700700005 2. Compiler believes, that the precursor's feeding A013700700006 for K-42 is negligible. A013700700007 DECAY-DATA (19-K-42,12.36HR,DG,312.4,0.0018,DG,1524.7,0.179) A013700700008 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A013700700009 ENDBIB 7 0 A013700700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013700700011 DATA 5 2 A013700700012 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT1 MONIT2 A013700700013 MEV MB MB MB MB A013700700014 590. 8.9 3.6 A013700700015 800. 11.8 0.5 16.3 6.4 A013700700016 ENDDATA 4 0 A013700700017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A013700799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 A013799999999