ENTRY A0139 20240816 A116A013900000001 SUBENT A0139001 20240816 A116A013900100001 BIB 16 75 A013900100002 TITLE Cross sections and thick target yields of (alpha,xn) A013900100003 reactions on natural lead. A013900100004 AUTHOR (C.Wasilevsky, M.de la Vega Vedoya, S.J.Nassiff) A013900100005 REFERENCE (J,RRL,50,(4),211,1982) A013900100006 INSTITUTE (3ARGCNE) A013900100007 FACILITY (SYNCY,3ARGCNE) A013900100008 REL-REF (R,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1966) Energy-range A013900100009 table decay-data tables- A013900100010 (R,,M.R.Schmorak,J,NDS,27,(4),581,1979) A013900100011 (R,,M.R.Schmorak,J,NDS,23,(2),287,1978) A013900100012 (R,,M.P.Webb,J,NDS,26,(1),145,1979) A013900100013 (R,,M.R.Schmorak,J,NDS,22,(4),487,1977) A013900100014 ADD-RES Thick-target yields. A013900100015 Contributions from different reactions were estimated A013900100016 MONITOR (29-CU-63(A,N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A013900100017 (29-CU-65(A,2N)31-GA-67,,SIG) A013900100018 (13-AL-27(A,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A013900100019 MONIT-REF (B0058006,M.Hille+,J,NP/A,198,625,1972) A013900100020 (B0156001,N.T.Porile+,J,PR,116,1193,1959) A013900100021 (B0079016,E.A.Bryant+,J,PR,130,1512,1963) A013900100022 (A0447001,A.Karpales,J,RCA,12,115,1969) A013900100023 (B0142001,U.Martens+,R,KFK-1083,1969) A013900100024 METHOD (EXTB,STTA,ACTIV) A013900100025 Foil thickness and alpha particles flux were measured A013900100026 and used to calculate production cross sections for A013900100027 each of the active isotopes found in each foil. A013900100028 DETECTOR (GE-IN) Ge intrinsic detector A013900100029 SAMPLE The lead foils were analyzed spectroscopically A013900100030 for interfering impurities, the amounts of these A013900100031 were found to be negligible. The stacks, used for A013900100032 the determination of excitation functions and thick A013900100033 target yields, were during the irradiations interlaid A013900100034 by copper and aluminum foils. A013900100035 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties in the cross-section values A013900100036 were estimated by propagating in square the A013900100037 contributions for A013900100038 * decay curve and peak analyses including counting A013900100039 statistics, A013900100040 * absolute detector efficiencies, A013900100041 * disintegration schemes, A013900100042 * target thicknesses and alpha particles flux. A013900100043 - The eventual losses of reaction products by recoil A013900100044 were assumed to be negligible. A013900100045 - As for any reaction that might occur due to A013900100046 secondary neutrons, additional foils were set up A013900100047 beyond the range of alpha particles. Spectra from A013900100048 those foils showed no significant contribution to A013900100049 the data. A013900100050 CORRECTION The areas of all gamma-peaks observed were corrected A013900100051 for efficiency of detection and the activities A013900100052 of the radioactive products were calculated separately A013900100053 for each peak on the basis of the nuclear data. A013900100054 No corrections were made either for the energy spreadA013900100055 at each foil /as resulting from foil thickness A013900100056 variations/ or for energy losses at the preceding foilsA013900100057 COMMENT *By authors* No absolute beam energy determination A013900100058 was performed in this experiment. On the basis of A013900100059 other determinations of the external beam of Buenos A013900100060 Aries synchrocyclotron, we assumed an energy of A013900100061 55.0 MeV for alpha particles with an error of 0.55 MeV A013900100062 in each case the target stack was thick enough to stop A013900100063 the 55.0 MeV external alpha-beam. The uncertainty in A013900100064 the incident particle energy for each data point A013900100065 arises from the energy spread of the incident alpha- A013900100066 particle beam as well as from the straggling energy A013900100067 losses. Effective energy spreads of 0.5 MeV were A013900100068 obtained for 10 MeV alpha-particles. A013900100069 HISTORY (19820808C) A013900100070 (19820916A) A013900100071 (20120120A) NDS(V): REL-REF: ND/B->NDS A013900100072 (20160207A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. A013900100073 Subent 002 was split in two, REACTION codes update. A013900100074 ANALYSIS (AREA) deleted (not relevant). A013900100075 (20240816A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A013900100076 Subent 003 was split in three. A013900100077 ENDBIB 75 0 A013900100078 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013900100079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 A013900199999 SUBENT A0139002 20240816 A116A013900200001 BIB 3 5 A013900200002 REACTION (82-PB-204(A,4N)84-PO-204,,SIG) A013900200003 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Wasilevsky+,J,RRL,50,(4),211,1982) Tbl.1 A013900200004 HISTORY (20160207A) SD: Subent was split in two A013900200005 (see Subent 003). A013900200006 (20240816U) SD: STATUS updated. A013900200007 ENDBIB 5 0 A013900200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013900200009 DATA 3 4 A013900200010 EN DATA DATA-ERR A013900200011 MEV MB MB A013900200012 54.5 735. 218. A013900200013 50.8 802. 227. A013900200014 46.0 148. 136. A013900200015 43.7 26.5 26.4 A013900200016 ENDDATA 6 0 A013900200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A013900299999 SUBENT A0139003 20240816 A116A013900300001 BIB 3 7 A013900300002 REACTION (82-PB-0(A,X)84-PO-205,,SIG,,DAM) A013900300003 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Wasilevsky+,J,RRL,50,(4),211,1982) Tbl.1 A013900300004 HISTORY (20160207T) SD: SF8=DAM was added to REACTION (5,6,7) A013900300005 codes according to its presentation in the Tbl. 1. A013900300006 Po-207g->Po-207, SF5=M+ deleted from REACTION (7) code.A013900300007 (20240816A) SD: Subent was split in three (see A013900300008 Subents 004, 005). STATUS updated. A013900300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A013900300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013900300011 DATA 3 8 A013900300012 EN DATA DATA-ERR A013900300013 MEV MB MB A013900300014 54.5 0.332 0.0927 A013900300015 50.8 0.0566 0.0238 A013900300016 46.0 0.0443 0.0175 A013900300017 43.7 0.0382 0.0153 A013900300018 41.4 0.0821 0.0262 A013900300019 39.2 0.104 0.0296 A013900300020 36.9 0.0321 0.0123 A013900300021 34.7 0.00689 0.00794 A013900300022 ENDDATA 10 0 A013900300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A013900399999 SUBENT A0139004 20240816 A116A013900400001 BIB 3 3 A013900400002 REACTION (82-PB-0(A,X)84-PO-206,,SIG,,DAM) A013900400003 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Wasilevsky+,J,RRL,50,(4),211,1982) Tbl.1 A013900400004 HISTORY (20240816T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A013900400005 ENDBIB 3 0 A013900400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013900400007 DATA 3 11 A013900400008 EN DATA DATA-ERR A013900400009 MEV MB MB A013900400010 54.5 2.28 0.282 A013900400011 50.8 1.13 0.146 A013900400012 46.0 0.268 0.0564 A013900400013 43.7 0.208 0.141 A013900400014 41.4 0.0946 0.0615 A013900400015 39.2 0.0569 0.0297 A013900400016 36.9 0.0191 0.0192 A013900400017 34.7 0.0268 0.0270 A013900400018 30.5 0.0316 0.0261 A013900400019 26.0 0.0553 0.0501 A013900400020 23.0 0.0221 0.0223 A013900400021 ENDDATA 13 0 A013900400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A013900499999 SUBENT A0139005 20240816 A116A013900500001 BIB 3 3 A013900500002 REACTION (82-PB-0(A,X)84-PO-207,,SIG,,DAM) A013900500003 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Wasilevsky+,J,RRL,50,(4),211,1982) Tbl.1 A013900500004 HISTORY (20240816T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A013900500005 ENDBIB 3 0 A013900500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A013900500007 DATA 3 12 A013900500008 EN DATA DATA-ERR A013900500009 MEV MB MB A013900500010 54.5 2.25 0.581 A013900500011 50.8 1.38 0.357 A013900500012 46.0 1.41 0.366 A013900500013 43.7 1.33 0.343 A013900500014 41.4 1.31 0.340 A013900500015 39.2 1.11 0.289 A013900500016 36.9 0.717 0.188 A013900500017 34.7 0.258 0.0692 A013900500018 30.5 0.0130 0.00453 A013900500019 26.0 0.0164 0.00534 A013900500020 23.0 0.0322 0.0222 A013900500021 17.0 0.0656 0.00214 A013900500022 ENDDATA 14 0 A013900500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A013900599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 A013999999999