ENTRY A0140 20240816 A116A014000000001 SUBENT A0140001 20240816 A116A014000100001 BIB 11 24 A014000100002 TITLE Cyclotron production of Ni-57 and Co-55 and A014000100003 synthesis of their bleomycin complexes. A014000100004 AUTHOR (R.D.Neirinckx) A014000100005 REFERENCE (J,ARI,28,561,1977) A014000100006 FACILITY (CYCLO,3SAFNLP) A014000100007 INSTITUTE (3SAFNLP) A014000100008 METHOD (ACTIV,EXTB,CHSEP) A014000100009 ADD-RES Method of chemical separation. A014000100010 SAMPLE Natural iron was soldered on to a copper backing and A014000100011 bombarded with an extracted beam of 100 microAmpere A014000100012 of 25 MeV He3 particles. A014000100013 COMMENT *By authors* Ni-57 and Co-55 for the labelling of A014000100014 bleomycin were produced by bombardment of natural A014000100015 iron with 25 MeV helium-3. The thick target yields A014000100016 were 32 muCi/muAhr of Ni-57 and 21 muCi/muAhr of A014000100017 Co-55 of 25 MeV helium-3. The bleomycin was A014000100018 successfully labelled with the carrier-free isotopes. A014000100019 STATUS (TABLE,,R.D.Neirinckx,J,ARI,28,561,1977) Tbl.1 A014000100020 HISTORY (19860723C) A014000100021 (20180524A) SD: Updated to new date format, lower case.A014000100022 REACTION code was updated according to MEMO CP-D/933revA014000100023 in Subents 002-003. BIB was updated. A014000100024 (20240816A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A014000100025 Subents were split according to EXFOR rules. A014000100026 ENDBIB 24 0 A014000100027 COMMON 1 3 A014000100028 EN A014000100029 MEV A014000100030 25. A014000100031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A014000100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 A014000199999 SUBENT A0140002 20240816 A116A014000200001 BIB 4 14 A014000200002 REACTION (26-FE-56(HE3,2N)28-NI-57,,TTY,,(PHY)) A014000200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA014000200004 COMMENT /By authors/ Ni-57 can most easily be produced by A014000200005 helium-3 bombardment of natural iron by the reaction A014000200006 Fe-56(He3,2n)Ni-57 the occurrence of Fe-56 in natural A014000200007 iron being 92%. Ni-56 can be produced by the A014000200008 (alpha,2n) reaction on Fe-54, but since natural iron A014000200009 contains less than 6% of this isotope the helium-3 A014000200010 reaction on Fe-56 was preferred. However, since the A014000200011 decay scheme of Ni-56 is more favorable for medical A014000200012 work it will later replace the Ni-57 in this experimentA014000200013 HISTORY (20180524A) SD: SF8=(PHY) added; SF9=EXP deleted from A014000200014 REACTION code. A014000200015 (20240816A) SD:Subent was split in two (see Subent 004)A014000200016 ENDBIB 14 0 A014000200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A014000200018 DATA 2 1 A014000200019 DATA DATA-ERR A014000200020 MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A014000200021 32. 2. A014000200022 ENDDATA 3 0 A014000200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A014000299999 SUBENT A0140003 20240816 A116A014000300001 BIB 4 9 A014000300002 REACTION (26-FE-0(HE3,X)27-CO-55,,TTY,,(PHY)) A014000300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA014000300004 COMMENT *By authors* Co-55 is easier and cheaper to produce A014000300005 than Co-57 it was also decided to produced this A014000300006 isotope and tag it on to bleomycin. A014000300007 HISTORY (20180524A) SD: SF8=(PHY) added; SF9=EXP deleted from A014000300008 REACTION code. A014000300009 (20240816A) SD:Subent was split in four (see A014000300010 Subents 005-007). A014000300011 ENDBIB 9 0 A014000300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A014000300013 DATA 2 1 A014000300014 DATA DATA-ERR A014000300015 MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A014000300016 21. 1. A014000300017 ENDDATA 3 0 A014000300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A014000399999 SUBENT A0140004 20240816 A116A014000400001 BIB 2 2 A014000400002 REACTION (26-FE-56(HE3,3N)28-NI-56,,TTY,,(PHY)) A014000400003 HISTORY (20240816T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A014000400004 ENDBIB 2 0 A014000400005 NOCOMMON 0 0 A014000400006 DATA 1 1 A014000400007 DATA-MAX A014000400008 MUCI/MUAHR A014000400009 0.03 A014000400010 ENDDATA 3 0 A014000400011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 A014000499999 SUBENT A0140005 20240816 A116A014000500001 BIB 3 3 A014000500002 REACTION (26-FE-0(HE3,X)27-CO-56,,TTY,,(PHY)) A014000500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA014000500004 HISTORY (20240816T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A014000500005 ENDBIB 3 0 A014000500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A014000500007 DATA 2 1 A014000500008 DATA DATA-ERR A014000500009 MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A014000500010 0.2 0.05 A014000500011 ENDDATA 3 0 A014000500012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 A014000599999 SUBENT A0140006 20240816 A116A014000600001 BIB 3 3 A014000600002 REACTION (26-FE-0(HE3,X)27-CO-57,,TTY,,(PHY)) A014000600003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA014000600004 HISTORY (20240816T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A014000600005 ENDBIB 3 0 A014000600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A014000600007 DATA 2 1 A014000600008 DATA DATA-ERR A014000600009 MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A014000600010 2.3 0.2 A014000600011 ENDDATA 3 0 A014000600012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 A014000699999 SUBENT A0140007 20240816 A116A014000700001 BIB 3 3 A014000700002 REACTION (26-FE-0(HE3,X)27-CO-58,,TTY,,(PHY)) A014000700003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA014000700004 HISTORY (20240816T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A014000700005 ENDBIB 3 0 A014000700006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A014000700007 DATA 2 1 A014000700008 DATA DATA-ERR A014000700009 MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A014000700010 0.7 0.1 A014000700011 ENDDATA 3 0 A014000700012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 A014000799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 A014099999999