ENTRY A0154 20231222 A104A015400000001 SUBENT A0154001 20231222 A104A015400100001 BIB 15 33 A015400100002 TITLE Excitation functions for 3He-particle induced A015400100003 nuclear reactions on 76Se, 77Se and natSe: A015400100004 possibilities of production of 77-Kr. A015400100005 AUTHOR (He Youfeng, S.M.Qaim, G.Stocklin) A015400100006 REFERENCE (J,ARI,33,13,1982) A015400100007 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL) A015400100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERJUL) Compact cyclotron CV28. A015400100009 SAMPLE Al-Se-Al sandwich. Thickness of Al was equal to 20 um, A015400100010 thickness of Se was equal to 3 - 4 um (weight A015400100011 1.5 - 2.um/cm2, approximately). A015400100012 METHOD (STTA,EXTB,ACTIV,EDEG) A015400100013 Each stack had 6-8 Al-Se-Al sandwiches. A015400100014 MONITOR (22-TI-0(HE3,X)23-V-48,,SIG) A015400100015 Several high purity titanium (99.6%) and A015400100016 aluminium (99.99%) foils were inserted at several A015400100017 places in the stacks to allow beam current monitoring A015400100018 and the required energy degradation. A015400100019 DECAY-MON (23-V-48,16.1D,DG,983.,1., A015400100020 DG,1312.,0.98) A015400100021 MONIT-REF (A0169009,R.Weinreich+,J,ARI,31,223,1980) A015400100022 DETECTOR (GELI) Volume=32 cm**3. A015400100023 ADD-RES (TTY-C) The method of target preparation. A015400100024 REL-REF (R,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1966) Stopping power A015400100025 tables. A015400100026 STATUS (APRVD) By S.M.Qaim, 1984/03/16. A015400100027 HISTORY (19821106C) A015400100028 (19850305A) Corrections according to letter from A015400100029 Prof. S.M.Qaim, 1984/03/16. A015400100030 (20090921A) BIB section was updated A015400100031 (20210120A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. COMMENT A015400100032 deleted (info moved to MONITOR). A015400100033 (20231222A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Several A015400100034 Subents were split. A015400100035 ENDBIB 33 0 A015400100036 COMMON 1 3 A015400100037 EN-ERR-DIG A015400100038 MEV A015400100039 0.31 A015400100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A015400100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 A015400199999 SUBENT A0154002 20231222 A104A015400200001 BIB 6 16 A015400200002 REACTION (34-SE-76(HE3,2N)36-KR-77,,SIG) A015400200003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%) A015400200004 Se-74 0.14 A015400200005 Se-76 96.88 A015400200006 Se-77 0.85 A015400200007 Se-78 0.99 A015400200008 Se-80 0.95 A015400200009 Se-82 0.18 A015400200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,12.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015400200011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015400200012 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-77,1.2HR,DG,130.,0.873, A015400200013 DG,147.,0.409) A015400200014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.2 A015400200015 HISTORY (20210120U) SD: ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015400200016 (20231222A) SD: STATUS updated. Subent was split in A015400200017 two Subents (see Subent 011). A015400200018 ENDBIB 16 0 A015400200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015400200020 DATA 2 16 A015400200021 EN DATA A015400200022 MEV MB A015400200023 13.15 2.66E+01 A015400200024 13.57 1.08E+01 A015400200025 16.15 1.79E+02 A015400200026 17.10 2.23E+02 A015400200027 18.68 3.27E+02 A015400200028 19.31 3.12E+02 A015400200029 21.10 4.16E+02 A015400200030 21.68 3.56E+02 A015400200031 23.63 3.60E+02 A015400200032 25.74 2.87E+02 A015400200033 27.84 2.02E+02 A015400200034 29.58 1.14E+02 A015400200035 31.21 1.06E+02 A015400200036 32.63 9.05E+01 A015400200037 34.32 6.62E+01 A015400200038 35.05 6.01E+01 A015400200039 ENDDATA 18 0 A015400200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 A015400299999 SUBENT A0154003 20231222 A104A015400300001 BIB 6 17 A015400300002 REACTION (34-SE-76(HE3,X)35-BR-77,,SIG) A015400300003 SAMPLE Enriched targets, composition (%) A015400300004 Se-74 0.14 A015400300005 Se-76 96.88 A015400300006 Se-77 0.85 A015400300007 Se-78 0.99 A015400300008 Se-80 0.95 A015400300009 Se-82 0.18 A015400300010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,20.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015400300011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015400300012 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-77-G,56.0HR,DG,238.,0.238, A015400300013 DG,521.,0.214) A015400300014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.3 A015400300015 HISTORY (20210120A) SD: SF3 in all REACTION codes corrected. A015400300016 ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015400300017 (20231222U) SD: STATUS updated. Subent was split in A015400300018 three Subents (see Subents 012,013). A015400300019 ENDBIB 17 0 A015400300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015400300021 DATA 2 13 A015400300022 EN DATA A015400300023 MEV MB A015400300024 13.89 1.53E+01 A015400300025 15.48 2.25E+02 A015400300026 18.41 4.23E+02 A015400300027 19.44 5.80E+02 A015400300028 20.82 7.75E+02 A015400300029 21.54 6.95E+02 A015400300030 23.69 6.54E+02 A015400300031 24.41 6.16E+02 A015400300032 27.89 4.28E+02 A015400300033 30.05 3.66E+02 A015400300034 30.56 3.89E+02 A015400300035 33.44 3.24E+02 A015400300036 35.13 3.32E+02 A015400300037 ENDDATA 15 0 A015400300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 A015400399999 SUBENT A0154004 20231222 A104A015400400001 BIB 6 17 A015400400002 REACTION (34-SE-77(HE3,N)36-KR-79,,SIG) A015400400003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%): A015400400004 Se-74 0.06 A015400400005 Se-76 0.66 A015400400006 Se-77 94.38 A015400400007 Se-78 3.02 A015400400008 Se-80 1.61 A015400400009 Se-82 0.27 A015400400010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,15.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015400400011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015400400012 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-79-G,35.HR,DG,261.,0.127, A015400400013 DG,397.,0.095, A015400400014 DG,606.,0.081) A015400400015 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.4 A015400400016 HISTORY (20210120U) SD: ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015400400017 (20231222A) SD: STATUS updated. Subent was split in A015400400018 three Subents (see Subents 014,015). A015400400019 ENDBIB 17 0 A015400400020 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015400400021 DATA 2 11 A015400400022 EN DATA A015400400023 MEV MB A015400400024 14.86 8.74E+00 A015400400025 18.06 2.55E+01 A015400400026 20.05 4.01E+01 A015400400027 22.32 4.03E+01 A015400400028 25.58 1.82E+01 A015400400029 27.38 1.01E+01 A015400400030 29.33 8.73E+00 A015400400031 31.03 6.53E+00 A015400400032 32.57 9.60E+00 A015400400033 34.44 5.82E+00 A015400400034 35.72 7.60E+00 A015400400035 ENDDATA 13 0 A015400400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A015400499999 SUBENT A0154005 20231222 A104A015400500001 BIB 6 16 A015400500002 REACTION (34-SE-77(HE3,X)35-BR-78,,SIG) A015400500003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%) A015400500004 Se-74 0.06 A015400500005 Se-76 0.66 A015400500006 Se-77 94.38 A015400500007 Se-78 3.02 A015400500008 Se-80 1.61 A015400500009 Se-82 0.27 A015400500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,20.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015400500011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015400500012 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-78,6.4MIN,DG,614.,0.136) A015400500013 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.5 A015400500014 HISTORY (20210120A) SD: SF3 in all REACTION codes corrected. A015400500015 ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015400500016 (20231222U) SD: STATUS updated. Subent was split in A015400500017 three Subents (see Subents 016,017). A015400500018 ENDBIB 16 0 A015400500019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015400500020 DATA 2 12 A015400500021 EN DATA A015400500022 MEV MB A015400500023 10.44 7.21E+01 A015400500024 13.61 3.49E+02 A015400500025 16.49 5.48E+02 A015400500026 19.19 6.75E+02 A015400500027 21.56 5.62E+02 A015400500028 23.86 4.33E+02 A015400500029 25.48 4.93E+02 A015400500030 27.67 3.47E+02 A015400500031 29.17 3.48E+02 A015400500032 31.07 3.29E+02 A015400500033 32.62 2.63E+02 A015400500034 34.24 2.96E+02 A015400500035 ENDDATA 14 0 A015400500036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A015400599999 SUBENT A0154006 20231222 A104A015400600001 BIB 6 16 A015400600002 REACTION (34-SE-77(HE3,X)34-SE-75,,SIG) A015400600003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%) A015400600004 Se-74 0.06 A015400600005 Se-76 0.66 A015400600006 Se-77 94.38 A015400600007 Se-78 3.02 A015400600008 Se-82 0.27 A015400600009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,15.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015400600010 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015400600011 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,120.D,DG,136.,0.54, A015400600012 DG,265.,0.58, A015400600013 DG,280.,0.249) A015400600014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.6 A015400600015 HISTORY (20210120U) SD: ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015400600016 (20231222A) SD: SF3=N+A -> X in REACTION code. A015400600017 STATUS updated. A015400600018 ENDBIB 16 0 A015400600019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015400600020 DATA 2 11 A015400600021 EN DATA A015400600022 MEV MB A015400600023 14.96 7.10E+00 A015400600024 17.96 2.64E+01 A015400600025 20.37 5.05E+01 A015400600026 22.65 9.89E+01 A015400600027 25.17 9.02E+01 A015400600028 27.34 6.36E+01 A015400600029 29.22 6.03E+01 A015400600030 30.85 4.90E+01 A015400600031 32.37 4.73E+01 A015400600032 34.22 3.58E+01 A015400600033 35.40 4.29E+01 A015400600034 ENDDATA 13 0 A015400600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 A015400699999 SUBENT A0154007 20231222 A104A015400700001 BIB 6 16 A015400700002 REACTION (34-SE-76(HE3,X)34-SE-75,,SIG) A015400700003 SAMPLE enriched targets. Composition(%) A015400700004 Se-74 0.14 A015400700005 Se-76 96.88 A015400700006 Se-77 0.85 A015400700007 Se-78 0.99 A015400700008 Se-80 0.95 A015400700009 Se-82 0.18 A015400700010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A015400700011 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,120.D,DG,136.,0.54, A015400700012 DG,265.,0.58, A015400700013 DG,280.,0.249) A015400700014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.6 A015400700015 HISTORY (20210120U) SD: ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015400700016 (20231222A) SD: SF3=A -> X in REACTION code. A015400700017 STATUS updated. A015400700018 ENDBIB 16 0 A015400700019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015400700020 DATA 4 12 A015400700021 EN DATA -DATA-ERR +DATA-ERR A015400700022 MEV MB MB MB A015400700023 10.17 3.55E+00 6.70E-01 8.30E-01 A015400700024 15.53 1.18E+01 2.84E+00 3.74E+00 A015400700025 18.71 1.68E+01 3.89E+00 4.61E+00 A015400700026 20.66 1.16E+01 2.60E+00 3.82E+00 A015400700027 21.61 2.51E+01 5.81E+00 5.24E+00 A015400700028 23.97 2.97E+01 7.12E+00 5.84E+00 A015400700029 24.70 2.51E+01 4.77E+00 4.93E+00 A015400700030 27.92 2.45E+01 5.29E+00 5.77E+00 A015400700031 30.69 2.81E+01 7.20E+00 8.12E+00 A015400700032 33.23 4.72E+01 1.10E+01 1.49E+01 A015400700033 34.64 7.60E+01 1.45E+01 1.79E+01 A015400700034 35.14 8.81E+01 1.55E+01 1.84E+01 A015400700035 ENDDATA 14 0 A015400700036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A015400799999 SUBENT A0154008 20231222 A104A015400800001 BIB 6 17 A015400800002 REACTION (34-SE-0(HE3,X)36-KR-79,,SIG) A015400800003 SAMPLE Isotope composition(%) A015400800004 74-Se 0.87 A015400800005 76-Se 9.02 A015400800006 77-Se 7.58 A015400800007 78-Se 23.52 A015400800008 80-Se 49.82 A015400800009 82-Se 9.19 A015400800010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,15.) The total uncertainty in cross A015400800011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015400800012 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-79-G,35.HR,DG,261.,0.127, A015400800013 DG,397.,0.095, A015400800014 DG,606.,0.081) A015400800015 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.7 A015400800016 HISTORY (20210120A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A015400800017 ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015400800018 (20231222U) SD: STATUS updated. A015400800019 ENDBIB 17 0 A015400800020 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015400800021 DATA 2 17 A015400800022 EN DATA A015400800023 MEV MB A015400800024 14.41 2.46E+00 A015400800025 15.98 4.99E+01 A015400800026 17.33 5.85E+01 A015400800027 18.90 1.16E+02 A015400800028 19.77 1.12E+02 A015400800029 20.92 1.83E+02 A015400800030 21.64 1.64E+02 A015400800031 23.33 1.37E+02 A015400800032 23.75 1.31E+02 A015400800033 25.66 6.84E+01 A015400800034 27.23 6.25E+01 A015400800035 28.59 5.31E+01 A015400800036 30.55 8.90E+01 A015400800037 31.77 1.50E+02 A015400800038 33.66 1.89E+02 A015400800039 34.54 2.19E+02 A015400800040 36.05 2.04E+02 A015400800041 ENDDATA 19 0 A015400800042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A015400899999 SUBENT A0154009 20231222 A104A015400900001 BIB 6 16 A015400900002 REACTION (34-SE-0(HE3,X)36-KR-77,,SIG) A015400900003 SAMPLE Isotope composition(%) A015400900004 74-Se 0.87 A015400900005 76-Se 9.02 A015400900006 77-Se 7.58 A015400900007 78-Se 23.52 A015400900008 80-Se 49.82 A015400900009 82-Se 9.19 A015400900010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,12.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015400900011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015400900012 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-77,1.2HR,DG,130.,0.873, A015400900013 DG,147.,0.409) A015400900014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.7 A015400900015 HISTORY (20210120A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A015400900016 ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015400900017 (20231222U) SD: STATUS updated. A015400900018 ENDBIB 16 0 A015400900019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015400900020 DATA 2 17 A015400900021 EN DATA A015400900022 MEV MB A015400900023 14.25 1.50E-01 A015400900024 15.91 8.90E-01 A015400900025 16.77 9.38E+00 A015400900026 18.30 2.04E+01 A015400900027 19.07 2.12E+01 A015400900028 20.32 4.04E+01 A015400900029 21.32 3.57E+01 A015400900030 23.22 4.43E+01 A015400900031 23.68 4.93E+01 A015400900032 25.50 3.25E+01 A015400900033 26.90 3.21E+01 A015400900034 28.79 2.96E+01 A015400900035 30.30 2.69E+01 A015400900036 31.77 2.79E+01 A015400900037 33.66 2.74E+01 A015400900038 34.78 2.77E+01 A015400900039 36.20 2.88E+01 A015400900040 ENDDATA 19 0 A015400900041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 A015400999999 SUBENT A0154010 20231222 A104A015401000001 BIB 6 16 A015401000002 REACTION (34-SE-0(HE3,X)36-KR-76,,SIG) A015401000003 SAMPLE Isotope composition(%) A015401000004 74-Se 0.87 A015401000005 76-Se 9.02 A015401000006 77-Se 7.58 A015401000007 78-Se 23.52 A015401000008 80-Se 49.82 A015401000009 82-Se 9.19 A015401000010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,15.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015401000011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015401000012 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-76,14.6HR,DG,270./272.,0.267, A015401000013 DG,316.,0.400) A015401000014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.7 A015401000015 HISTORY (20210120A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A015401000016 ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. A015401000017 (20231222U) SD: STATUS updated. A015401000018 ENDBIB 16 0 A015401000019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015401000020 DATA 2 9 A015401000021 EN DATA A015401000022 MEV MB A015401000023 23.25 8.80E-01 A015401000024 23.47 1.66E+00 A015401000025 25.23 4.76E+00 A015401000026 26.84 7.03E+00 A015401000027 28.85 8.61E+00 A015401000028 30.61 8.86E+00 A015401000029 31.98 1.32E+01 A015401000030 33.45 1.39E+01 A015401000031 35.07 1.33E+01 A015401000032 ENDDATA 11 0 A015401000033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 A015401099999 SUBENT A0154011 20231222 A104A015401100001 BIB 6 14 A015401100002 REACTION (34-SE-76(HE3,3N)36-KR-76,,SIG) A015401100003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%) A015401100004 Se-74 0.14 A015401100005 Se-76 96.88 A015401100006 Se-77 0.85 A015401100007 Se-78 0.99 A015401100008 Se-80 0.95 A015401100009 Se-82 0.18 A015401100010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,15.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015401100011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015401100012 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-76,14.6HR,DG,270./272.,0.267, A015401100013 DG,316.,0.40) A015401100014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.2 A015401100015 HISTORY (20231222T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A015401100016 ENDBIB 14 0 A015401100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015401100018 DATA 2 12 A015401100019 EN DATA A015401100020 MEV MB A015401100021 21.68 5.06E+00 A015401100022 23.63 2.96E+01 A015401100023 24.84 3.85E+01 A015401100024 25.74 4.56E+01 A015401100025 27.84 6.62E+01 A015401100026 28.89 1.48E+02 A015401100027 30.05 9.96E+01 A015401100028 30.89 1.36E+02 A015401100029 32.63 1.67E+02 A015401100030 33.68 1.24E+02 A015401100031 34.32 1.46E+02 A015401100032 35.05 1.39E+02 A015401100033 ENDDATA 14 0 A015401100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 A015401199999 SUBENT A0154012 20231222 A104A015401200001 BIB 6 14 A015401200002 REACTION (34-SE-76(HE3,X)35-BR-76,,SIG) A015401200003 SAMPLE Enriched targets, composition (%) A015401200004 Se-74 0.14 A015401200005 Se-76 96.88 A015401200006 Se-77 0.85 A015401200007 Se-78 0.99 A015401200008 Se-80 0.95 A015401200009 Se-82 0.18 A015401200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,20.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015401200011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015401200012 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-76-G,16.HR,DG,559.,0.724, A015401200013 DG,1216.,0.087) A015401200014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.3 A015401200015 HISTORY (20231222T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A015401200016 ENDBIB 14 0 A015401200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015401200018 DATA 2 13 A015401200019 EN DATA A015401200020 MEV MB A015401200021 21.54 2.77E+01 A015401200022 23.69 1.05E+02 A015401200023 24.41 1.05E+02 A015401200024 25.74 1.44E+02 A015401200025 27.54 3.57E+02 A015401200026 29.08 5.87E+02 A015401200027 30.05 5.88E+02 A015401200028 30.56 8.54E+02 A015401200029 32.36 7.04E+02 A015401200030 33.44 7.85E+02 A015401200031 34.10 6.08E+02 A015401200032 35.13 1.00E+03 A015401200033 35.13 8.75E+02 A015401200034 ENDDATA 15 0 A015401200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 A015401299999 SUBENT A0154013 20231222 A104A015401300001 BIB 6 13 A015401300002 REACTION (34-SE-76(HE3,X)35-BR-75,,SIG) A015401300003 SAMPLE Enriched targets, composition (%) A015401300004 Se-74 0.14 A015401300005 Se-76 96.88 A015401300006 Se-77 0.85 A015401300007 Se-78 0.99 A015401300008 Se-80 0.95 A015401300009 Se-82 0.18 A015401300010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,20.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015401300011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015401300012 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-75,1.6HR,DG,287.,0.916) A015401300013 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.3 A015401300014 HISTORY (20231222T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A015401300015 ENDBIB 13 0 A015401300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015401300017 DATA 2 6 A015401300018 EN DATA A015401300019 MEV MB A015401300020 26.56 2.42E+00 A015401300021 30.05 5.65E+00 A015401300022 30.56 7.39E+00 A015401300023 33.44 2.23E+01 A015401300024 35.13 4.55E+01 A015401300025 35.13 5.45E+01 A015401300026 ENDDATA 8 0 A015401300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A015401399999 SUBENT A0154014 20231222 A104A015401400001 BIB 6 14 A015401400002 REACTION (34-SE-77(HE3,3N)36-KR-77,,SIG) A015401400003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%): A015401400004 Se-74 0.06 A015401400005 Se-76 0.66 A015401400006 Se-77 94.38 A015401400007 Se-78 3.02 A015401400008 Se-80 1.61 A015401400009 Se-82 0.27 A015401400010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,12.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015401400011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015401400012 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-77,1.2HR,DG,130.,0.873, A015401400013 DG,147.,0.409) A015401400014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.4 A015401400015 HISTORY (20231222T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A015401400016 ENDBIB 14 0 A015401400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015401400018 DATA 2 11 A015401400019 EN DATA A015401400020 MEV MB A015401400021 18.06 1.36E+00 A015401400022 20.05 1.30E+01 A015401400023 22.32 8.29E+01 A015401400024 23.80 1.79E+02 A015401400025 25.58 2.61E+02 A015401400026 27.38 2.73E+02 A015401400027 29.33 3.13E+02 A015401400028 31.03 3.57E+02 A015401400029 32.57 3.05E+02 A015401400030 34.44 2.90E+02 A015401400031 35.72 2.87E+02 A015401400032 ENDDATA 13 0 A015401400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 A015401499999 SUBENT A0154015 20231222 A104A015401500001 BIB 6 14 A015401500002 REACTION (34-SE-77(HE3,4N)36-KR-76,,SIG) A015401500003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%): A015401500004 Se-74 0.06 A015401500005 Se-76 0.66 A015401500006 Se-77 94.38 A015401500007 Se-78 3.02 A015401500008 Se-80 1.61 A015401500009 Se-82 0.27 A015401500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,15.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015401500011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015401500012 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-76,14.6HR,DG,270./272.,0.267, A015401500013 DG,316.,0.400) A015401500014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.4 A015401500015 HISTORY (20231222T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A015401500016 ENDBIB 14 0 A015401500017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015401500018 DATA 2 5 A015401500019 EN DATA A015401500020 MEV MB A015401500021 27.38 1.31E+00 A015401500022 31.03 5.44E+00 A015401500023 32.57 1.18E+01 A015401500024 34.44 1.87E+01 A015401500025 35.72 3.66E+01 A015401500026 ENDDATA 7 0 A015401500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A015401599999 SUBENT A0154016 20231222 A104A015401600001 BIB 6 14 A015401600002 REACTION (34-SE-77(HE3,X)35-BR-77,,SIG) A015401600003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%) A015401600004 Se-74 0.06 A015401600005 Se-76 0.66 A015401600006 Se-77 94.38 A015401600007 Se-78 3.02 A015401600008 Se-80 1.61 A015401600009 Se-82 0.27 A015401600010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,20.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015401600011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015401600012 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-77-G,56.0HR,DG,238.,0.238, A015401600013 DG,521.,0.214) A015401600014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.5 A015401600015 HISTORY (20231222T) SD: Part of Subent 005. A015401600016 ENDBIB 14 0 A015401600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015401600018 DATA 2 11 A015401600019 EN DATA A015401600020 MEV MB A015401600021 14.70 3.63E+00 A015401600022 17.64 2.20E+01 A015401600023 20.06 1.01E+02 A015401600024 22.48 4.31E+02 A015401600025 25.48 7.44E+02 A015401600026 27.67 8.10E+02 A015401600027 29.17 9.49E+02 A015401600028 31.07 9.62E+02 A015401600029 32.62 9.13E+02 A015401600030 34.24 1.04E+03 A015401600031 35.36 1.20E+03 A015401600032 ENDDATA 13 0 A015401600033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 A015401699999 SUBENT A0154017 20231222 A104A015401700001 BIB 6 14 A015401700002 REACTION (34-SE-77(HE3,X)35-BR-76,,SIG) A015401700003 SAMPLE Enriched targets. Composition(%) A015401700004 Se-74 0.06 A015401700005 Se-76 0.66 A015401700006 Se-77 94.38 A015401700007 Se-78 3.02 A015401700008 Se-80 1.61 A015401700009 Se-82 0.27 A015401700010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,20.0) The total uncertainty in cross A015401700011 sections varies from case to case. No any details. A015401700012 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-76-G,16.HR,DG,559.,0.724, A015401700013 DG,1216.,0.087) A015401700014 STATUS (CURVE,,He Youfeng+,J,ARI,33,13,1982) fig.5 A015401700015 HISTORY (20231222T) SD: Part of Subent 005. A015401700016 ENDBIB 14 0 A015401700017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A015401700018 DATA 2 5 A015401700019 EN DATA A015401700020 MEV MB A015401700021 27.67 4.38E+00 A015401700022 31.07 9.49E+00 A015401700023 32.62 2.81E+01 A015401700024 34.24 7.70E+01 A015401700025 35.36 1.13E+02 A015401700026 ENDDATA 7 0 A015401700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A015401799999 ENDENTRY 17 0 A015499999999