ENTRY            A0156   20091029                             A066A015600000001 
SUBENT        A0156001   20091029                             A066A015600100001 
BIB                 12         39                                 A015600100002 
TITLE      Further measurement of the 7-Be(p,g)8-B cross section  A015600100003 
           at low energies with the coulomb dissociation of 8-B.  A015600100004 
AUTHOR     (T.Kikuchi, T.Motobayashi, N.Iwasa, Y.Ando, M.Kurokawa,A015600100005 
           S.Moriya, H.Murokami, T.Nishio, J.Ruan, S.Shirato,     A015600100006 
           S.Shimura, T.Uchibori, Y.Yanagisawa, T.Kubo, H.Sakurai,A015600100007 
           T.Teranishi, Y.Watanabe, M.Ishihara, M.Hirai,          A015600100008 
           T.Nakamara, S.Kubono, M.Gai, R.H.France IIi, K.H.Hahn, A015600100009 
           TH.Delbar, P.Lipnik, C.Michotte)                       A015600100010 
REFERENCE  (J,EPJ/A,3,213,1998)                                   A015600100011 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNYOK)                                              A015600100012 
           (2JPNIPC)                                              A015600100013 
           (2JPNTOK) Department of physics and centre of nuclear  A015600100014 
           study.                                                 A015600100015 
           (1USAUSA) Department of physics, university of         A015600100016 
           Connecticut                                            A015600100017 
           (1USAYAL)                                              A015600100018 
           (2BLGLVN)                                              A015600100019 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,2JPNJCL) radioactive beam line                  A015600100020 
METHOD     (EXTB) 8-B beam of 2.E+4 1/sec                         A015600100021 
           (SITA)                                                 A015600100022 
           (EDE)                                                  A015600100023 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Na-I detector area                             A015600100024 
           (SCIN) E-dE plastic detector hodoscope.                A015600100025 
           the detection efficiency is evaluated by Monte-Carlo   A015600100026 
           simulation.                                            A015600100027 
SAMPLE     50 milligramm/cm*2 208-Pb target                       A015600100028 
STATUS     (UNOBT) 20-apr-2001 the letter has been sent to        A015600100029 
           T.Motobayashi.  A reply is absent.                     A015600100030 
           (CURVE).By Cajad                                       A015600100031 
HISTORY    (20010526C)                                            A015600100032 
           (20090921A) BIB section upgrated                       A015600100033 
ADD-RES    S-factor at zero energy is deduced.                    A015600100034 
CORRECTION In order to deduce absolute cross sections, correctionsA015600100035 
           are made for the loss of fragment due to the reactions A015600100036 
           in the detector material (7% of the total yield), the  A015600100037 
           dissociation reaction feeding the 429 keV state of 7-BeA015600100038 
            (5% on an average), and the pile-up rejection (2%).   A015600100039 
           these corrections have an overall systematic           A015600100040 
           uncertainty estimated to Be 2% of the total yield      A015600100041 
ENDBIB              39          0                                 A015600100042 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A015600100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 A015600199999 
SUBENT        A0156002   20091029                             A066A015600200001 
BIB                  3          5                                 A015600200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-7(P,G)5-B-8,,SIG,,SFC,DERIV)                     A015600200003 
COMMENT    *By authors*.Derived from coulomb breakup              A015600200004 
           Pb-208(5-B-8,p+4-Be-7)                                 A015600200005 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of energy beam.          A015600200006 
           (ERR-T).The error is shown on figure                   A015600200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A015600200008 
COMMON               1          3                                 A015600200009 
EN-ERR-DIG                                                        A015600200010 
KEV                                                               A015600200011 
         9.                                                       A015600200012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A015600200013 
DATA                 3         11                                 A015600200014 
EN-CM      DATA       ERR-T                                       A015600200015 
KEV        B*EV       B*EV                                        A015600200016 
       365.        18.        0.4                                 A015600200017 
       630.       19.8        0.4                                 A015600200018 
       865.       21.1         1.                                 A015600200019 
      1118.        23.        1.2                                 A015600200020 
      1377.       24.3        1.2                                 A015600200021 
      1625.       23.6        2.2                                 A015600200022 
      1868.        20.         3.                                 A015600200023 
      2126.        25.         4.                                 A015600200024 
      2372.        29.         3.                                 A015600200025 
      2636.        37.         7.                                 A015600200026 
      2880.        47.         8.                                 A015600200027 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 A015600200028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 A015600299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 A015699999999