ENTRY A0175 20241002 A120A017500000001 SUBENT A0175001 20241002 A120A017500100001 BIB 12 37 A017500100002 TITLE Formation of 18-F via its 18-Ne precursor- A017500100003 excitation functions of the reactions 20-Ne(d,x) A017500100004 18-Ne and 20-Ne(3-He,a+n)18-Ne A017500100005 AUTHOR (H.Backhausen, G.Stocklin, R.Weinreich, A017500100006 H.Youfeng, S.M.Qaim) A017500100007 REFERENCE (J,RCA,29,1,1981) A017500100008 (R,INDC(GER)-23,32(2),1981) A017500100009 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL) A017500100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERJUL) He-3 beam. A017500100011 (ISOCY,2GERJUL) Deuteron beam. A017500100012 SAMPLE The target system consists of 4 single cylinders A017500100013 filled with neon at normal pressure. They were arrangedA017500100014 and adjusted similar to a stacked foil system. A017500100015 The individual targets consist of a silver plated A017500100016 brass cylinders of 20 mm inner diameter and 25 mm A017500100017 length, sealed by 20 mm aluminium windows. Silver A017500100018 coating was used to trap the fluorine as water-soluble A017500100019 AgF on the wall surface. A017500100020 In addition, the inner surface was coated with a thin A017500100021 layer of NaF by evaporating an aqueous NaF solution. A017500100022 Each target is equipped with two valves for rinsing A017500100023 the 18-F from the wall after irradiation. A017500100024 DETECTOR (GELI) 55 cm3 A017500100025 STATUS (APRVD) By S.M.Qaim, 19840316. A017500100026 METHOD (STTA,BCINT,ACTIV,EXTB,CHSEP) A017500100027 ADD-RES (TTY-C) A017500100028 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error A017500100029 (ERR-1) Beam current uncertainty. A017500100030 (ERR-5) The error for the nuclide' activity A017500100031 determination. It includes possible elution losses and A017500100032 the statistical error. A017500100033 HISTORY (19830107C) A017500100034 (19850305A) Corrections according to remarks from A017500100035 S.M.Qaim, 19840316. A017500100036 (20090921A) BIB section updated A017500100037 (20241002A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A017500100038 ERR-S -> ERR-5. A017500100039 ENDBIB 37 0 A017500100040 COMMON 1 3 A017500100041 ERR-1 A017500100042 PER-CENT A017500100043 10. A017500100044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A017500100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A017500199999 SUBENT A0175002 20241002 A120A017500200001 BIB 6 12 A017500200002 REACTION (10-NE-20(D,X)9-F-18,CUM,SIG) A017500200003 RAD-DET (9-F-18,AR) A017500200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2) The error of the area weight of the target A017500200005 including the uncertainty about the density gradient A017500200006 due to local heating of the gas. A017500200007 FLAG (1.) Authors believed that (d,alpha) reaction is main A017500200008 source of 18-F up to 35 MeV. A017500200009 (2.) Authors believed that production of 18-Ne A017500200010 is main source of 18-F beyond 40 MeV. A017500200011 STATUS (CURVE,,H.Backhausen+,R,INDC(GER)-23,32,1981) Fig.4 A017500200012 HISTORY (20241002A) SD: STATUS added. ERR-S -> ERR-5; A017500200013 DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A017500200014 ENDBIB 12 0 A017500200015 COMMON 3 3 A017500200016 ERR-2 ERR-5 EN-ERR-DIG A017500200017 PER-CENT PER-CENT MEV A017500200018 5. 10. 0.5 A017500200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A017500200020 DATA 4 24 A017500200021 EN DATA ERR-T FLAG A017500200022 MEV MB MB NO-DIM A017500200023 24.69 11.6 2.3 1. A017500200024 25.66 8.1 1.6 1. A017500200025 27.14 6.0 1.2 1. A017500200026 29.06 6.1 1.1 1. A017500200027 31.02 6.1 1.2 1. A017500200028 34.96 5.8 1.1 A017500200029 35.87 5.0 1.0 A017500200030 37.91 5.8 1.2 A017500200031 39.20 8.8 1.7 A017500200032 43.93 15.2 3.0 2. A017500200033 45.87 16.0 3.2 2. A017500200034 47.20 18.2 3.6 2. A017500200035 48.58 17.1 3.4 2. A017500200036 54.97 24.5 4.8 2. A017500200037 55.94 19.0 3.7 2. A017500200038 57.23 24.3 4.8 2. A017500200039 57.54 23.6 5.2 2. A017500200040 57.97 20.9 4.1 2. A017500200041 58.88 24.1 4.0 2. A017500200042 60.17 19.5 4.3 2. A017500200043 72.66 23.6 4.6 2. A017500200044 72.96 18.7 3.7 2. A017500200045 74.41 25.8 5.1 2. A017500200046 76.02 24.0 4.7 2. A017500200047 ENDDATA 26 0 A017500200048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 A017500299999 SUBENT A0175003 20241002 A120A017500300001 BIB 6 9 A017500300002 REACTION (10-NE-20(HE3,X)9-F-18,CUM,SIG) A017500300003 RAD-DET (9-F-18,AR) A017500300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2) The error of the area weight of the target A017500300005 including the uncertainty about the density gradient A017500300006 due to local heating of the gas. A017500300007 REL-REF (A,E1871001,T.Nozaki+,J,ARI,25,393,1974) A017500300008 STATUS (CURVE,,H.Backhausen+,R,INDC(GER)-23,32,1981) Fig.3 A017500300009 HISTORY (20241002A) SD: STATUS added. ERR-S -> ERR-5; A017500300010 DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A017500300011 ENDBIB 9 0 A017500300012 COMMON 3 3 A017500300013 ERR-5 ERR-2 EN-ERR-DIG A017500300014 PER-CENT PER-CENT MEV A017500300015 10. 5. 0.1 A017500300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A017500300017 DATA 3 6 A017500300018 EN DATA ERR-T A017500300019 MEV MB MB A017500300020 17.27 232. 46. A017500300021 20.25 250. 50. A017500300022 23.10 252. 58. A017500300023 29.14 160. 24. A017500300024 31.01 130. 28. A017500300025 32.40 118. 25. A017500300026 ENDDATA 8 0 A017500300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A017500399999 SUBENT A0175004 20241002 A120A017500400001 BIB 7 15 A017500400002 REACTION (10-NE-20(HE3,X)10-NE-18,,SIG) A017500400003 RAD-DET (9-F-18,AR) A017500400004 DECAY-DATA (10-NE-18,1.67SEC) A017500400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3) The error of pressure measurements. A017500400006 (ERR-4) The error of time /flow/ measurement A017500400007 COMMENT *By authors*. The neon gas from the target containing A017500400008 18-Ne and 18-F was allowed to pass four Al/2+O/3 A017500400009 columns. A017500400010 The primary 18F is quantivly removed in the first A017500400011 columns, the secondary 18F from the decay 18Ne is A017500400012 absorbed upon formation during the passage of the A017500400013 18Ne through the columns. A017500400014 STATUS (CURVE,,H.Backhausen+,R,INDC(GER)-23,32,1981) Fig.3 A017500400015 HISTORY (20241002A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A017500400016 STATUS added. ERR-S -> ERR-5; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A017500400017 ENDBIB 15 0 A017500400018 COMMON 4 3 A017500400019 ERR-5 ERR-3 ERR-4 EN-ERR-DIG A017500400020 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT MEV A017500400021 5. 3. 5. 0.1 A017500400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A017500400023 DATA 3 9 A017500400024 EN DATA ERR-T A017500400025 MEV MB MB A017500400026 18.44 0.157 0.045 A017500400027 18.44 0.284 0.082 A017500400028 20.89 0.46 0.14 A017500400029 23.10 1.40 0.32 A017500400030 23.10 1.57 0.34 A017500400031 24.72 1.63 0.32 A017500400032 27.16 2.00 0.43 A017500400033 30.87 2.70 0.58 A017500400034 30.89 2.50 0.50 A017500400035 ENDDATA 11 0 A017500400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A017500499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 A017599999999