ENTRY            A0235   20220331                             A100A023500000001 
SUBENT        A0235001   20220331                             A100A023500100001 
BIB                 13         66                                 A023500100002 
TITLE      Absolute cross sections for the production of 18F via  A023500100003 
           the 18O(p,n)18F reaction                               A023500100004 
AUTHOR     (T.J.Ruth, A.P.Wolf)                                   A023500100005 
REFERENCE  (J,RCA,26,21,1979)                                     A023500100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USABNL)                                              A023500100007 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USABNL)                                         A023500100008 
           (CYCLO,1USABNL)                                        A023500100009 
METHOD     (EXTB,SITA,ACTIV,CHSEP,BCINT)                          A023500100010 
           The proton irradiations were performed on the          A023500100011 
           Brookhaven tandem van de Graaff accelerator. Typically A023500100012 
           the irradiations were for 1.5-3.0 minutes duration     A023500100013 
           and the beam currents were 100-300 nA. The specific    A023500100014 
           details pertaining to the beam energy analysis, the    A023500100015 
           beam focusing and collimator system, and Faraday cup   A023500100016 
           have been reported previously see 'REL-REF'. The       A023500100017 
           defocused proton beam was directed through a 1 cm      A023500100018 
           collimator which had permanent magnets installed to    A023500100019 
           suppress the secondary electrons produced in the       A023500100020 
           collimator.                                            A023500100021 
SAMPLE     The beam passed through a thin (5.46 mg/cm2,           A023500100022 
           1/4 mil, 6.4 um) Havar foil, a small air path          A023500100023 
            (~ 1.5 mg/cm2) and a Havar target window              A023500100024 
            (6.44 mg/cm2) before entering the target gas. The     A023500100025 
           total charge collected by the Faraday cup for each     A023500100026 
           run was determined with calibrated current             A023500100027 
           integrators. The target gas consisted of 91.7%         A023500100028 
           enriched 18O-2 with a gross composition of 99.8% mole  A023500100029 
           oxygen. The impurities consisted of 4.0% 17O and       A023500100030 
           4.3% 16O in the form of either O-2 or CO-2. The CO-2   A023500100031 
           and N-2 impurities were less 0.1% each.                A023500100032 
            The target chamber was constructed of Al and had      A023500100033 
           valved filling ports. The cylindrical chamber was      A023500100034 
           2.0 cm deep and 2.5 cm in diameter. Target pressures   A023500100035 
           ranged between 200 and 600 Torr. The targets were      A023500100036 
           loaded by way of a vacuum line equipped with a         A023500100037 
           Barocell differential pressure transducer.             A023500100038 
           A preliminary experiment indicated that less than 0.1% A023500100039 
           of the total activity remained in the gas phase in the A023500100040 
           Al targets. This was determined by passing the         A023500100041 
           irradiated 18O2 target gas through a charcoal trap     A023500100042 
           at liquid n2 temperature and counting the activity     A023500100043 
           trapped. In subsequent irradiations the gas was vented A023500100044 
           and the target opened for removal of the 18F activity. A023500100045 
ADD-RES    1.Chemical separation method.                          A023500100046 
           2.Saturation yield curve.                              A023500100047 
DETECTOR   (NAICR)                                                A023500100048 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY) The only activities present were the 18-F      A023500100049 
           and 13-N produced from the (p,alpha) reaction on the   A023500100050 
           4.3% 16-O present.                                     A023500100051 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The uncertainty in the disintegration          A023500100052 
           rate, which combines the effect of the counting        A023500100053 
           statistics (1% approximately) and the decay            A023500100054 
           curve analysis (less 3%).                              A023500100055 
           (ERR-2,,1.) Beam current integration uncertainty.      A023500100056 
           (ERR-3,,2.) Maximum uncertainty due to effect of any   A023500100057 
           fluctuations in the intensity.                         A023500100058 
           (ERR-4,,1.) The upper limit uncertainty in the number  A023500100059 
           of target nuclei.                                      A023500100060 
           (ERR-5) The error of chemical transfer of 18-F.        A023500100061 
REL-REF    (N,,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) Experimental details. A023500100062 
HISTORY    (19850212C)                                            A023500100063 
           (19850228A)                                            A023500100064 
           (20220331A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. A023500100065 
           Corrections in all Subents. ERR-ANALYS updated.        A023500100066 
           DATA-ERR1->ERR-1; DATA-ERR2->ERR-2; DATA-ERR3->ERR-3;  A023500100067 
           DATA-ERR4 -> ERR-4; DATA-ERR5 -> ERR-5.                A023500100068 
ENDBIB              66          0                                 A023500100069 
COMMON               3          3                                 A023500100070 
EN-ERR     ERR-1      ERR-5                                       A023500100071 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    A023500100072 
        0.1         3.         2.                                 A023500100073 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A023500100074 
ENDSUBENT           73          0                                 A023500199999 
SUBENT        A0235002   20220331                             A100A023500200001 
BIB                  8         15                                 A023500200002 
REACTION   (8-O-18(P,N)9-F-18,,SIG)                               A023500200003 
DECAY-DATA (9-F-18,109.8MIN,AR,511.,2.)                           A023500200004 
FLAG       (1.) This datum was determined at the BNL 60-inch      A023500200005 
            cyclotron using the same Faraday cup assembly.        A023500200006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainty in the cross sections    A023500200007 
           determined by combining the errors in quadrature.      A023500200008 
COMMENT    /By authors/. The energy of the irradiation was taken  A023500200009 
           as the mid-point in the range of the protons in the    A023500200010 
           target gas.                                            A023500200011 
REL-REF    (A,C1016001,J.D.Anderson+,J,PR,177,1416,1969)          A023500200012 
           (A,D0095001,J.P.Blaser+,J,HPA,24,465,1951)             A023500200013 
           (D,,J.P.Blaser+,J,HPA,22,598,1949)                     A023500200014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.2 from Radiochim.Acta 26(1979)21           A023500200015 
HISTORY    (20220331A) SD: SF5=IND and SF9=EXP deleted from       A023500200016 
           REACTION code.                                         A023500200017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 A023500200018 
COMMON               1          3                                 A023500200019 
ERR-T                                                             A023500200020 
PER-CENT                                                          A023500200021 
    5.                                                            A023500200022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A023500200023 
DATA                 3         35                                 A023500200024 
EN         DATA       FLAG                                        A023500200025 
MEV        MB         NO-DIM                                      A023500200026 
    2.30      47.                                                 A023500200027 
    2.30      34.                                                 A023500200028 
    3.20      24.                                                 A023500200029 
    3.35      89.                                                 A023500200030 
    4.31     298.                                                 A023500200031 
    4.59     208.                                                 A023500200032 
    4.86     171.                                                 A023500200033 
    5.13     697.                                                 A023500200034 
    5.25     571.                                                 A023500200035 
    5.31     617.                                                 A023500200036 
    5.31     580.                                                 A023500200037 
    5.67     410.                                                 A023500200038 
    5.72     188.                                                 A023500200039 
    6.20     381.                                                 A023500200040 
    6.36     199.                                                 A023500200041 
    6.43     367.                                                 A023500200042 
    6.45     356.                                                 A023500200043 
    6.85     245.                                                 A023500200044 
    7.00     162.                                                 A023500200045 
    7.00     156.                                                 A023500200046 
    7.52     224.                                                 A023500200047 
    8.04     174.                                                 A023500200048 
    9.08     114.                                                 A023500200049 
    9.08     112.                                                 A023500200050 
   10.11     147.                                                 A023500200051 
   10.63     133.                                                 A023500200052 
   11.14     116.                                                 A023500200053 
   11.65     162.         1.                                      A023500200054 
   11.65     158.         1.                                      A023500200055 
   11.65     134.                                                 A023500200056 
   11.65     111.                                                 A023500200057 
   12.16     103.                                                 A023500200058 
   13.18      89.                                                 A023500200059 
   13.69      43.                                                 A023500200060 
   14.71      41.                                                 A023500200061 
ENDDATA             37          0                                 A023500200062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 A023500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 A023599999999