ENTRY A0238 20240819 A116A023800000001 SUBENT A0238001 20240819 A116A023800100001 BIB 13 41 A023800100002 TITLE Excitation functions for the reactions producing A023800100003 121I,123I and 124I from irradiation of natural A023800100004 antimony with 3He and 4He particles with energies A023800100005 up to 30 MeV A023800100006 AUTHOR (I.A.Watson, S.L.Waters, D.J.Silvester) A023800100007 REFERENCE (J,JIN,35,3047,1973) A023800100008 INSTITUTE (2UK HHL) A023800100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,2UK HHL) 'MRC' cyclotron - 4He beam A023800100010 (CYCLO,2UK BIR) 3He beam. A023800100011 DETECTOR (NAICR) 3 * 3 inch. A023800100012 METHOD (SITA,ACTIV,EDEG,CHSEP) A023800100013 (BCINT) Beam current integration was carried out A023800100014 calorimetrically (see REL-REF) and later using a copperA023800100015 foil activation technique similar to the method A023800100016 described by Lebowitz et al. (see REL-REF). A023800100017 REL-REF (M,,I.A.Watson+,J,NIM,106,231,1973) Beam current A023800100018 integration described. A023800100019 (M,,E.Lebowitz+,J,ARI,21,625,1970) A023800100020 SAMPLE Thin natural antimony targets were prepared by vacuum A023800100021 distillation of antimony powder (99.999%) onto disks A023800100022 of aluminium foil (99.99%) of 0.001 in thickness. Two A023800100023 to three Mg were deposited over an area of 3.46 cm2. A023800100024 Degradation of the 4He or 3He particle beams by A023800100025 this thickness of antimony would in no case exceed 2% A023800100026 over the energy range considered. The uniformity of A023800100027 color of these targets indicated that there was A023800100028 little variation of thickness although no attempt was A023800100029 made to confirm this by measurement. After careful A023800100030 weighing these coated target foils were covered with A023800100031 a 0.001 inch aluminium foil to protect the coating, A023800100032 and the edges crimped to form a sealed envelope. A023800100033 ADD-RES Chemical separation method. A023800100034 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error A023800100035 MISC-COL (MISC) The number of repeated measurements at the same A023800100036 incident energy. A023800100037 HISTORY (19850305C) A023800100038 (19861022A) According to memo CP-D/142. A023800100039 (20210225A) SD:Updated to new date formats, lower case.A023800100040 Corrections in all Subents. A023800100041 (20240819A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A023800100042 Subents were split according to EXFOR rules. A023800100043 ENDBIB 41 0 A023800100044 NOCOMMON 0 0 A023800100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A023800199999 SUBENT A0238002 20240819 A116A023800200001 BIB 7 17 A023800200002 REACTION (51-SB-0(A,X)53-I-123,,SIG) A023800200003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,13.3HR,DG,159.,0.83) A023800200004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A023800200005 REL-REF (M,,D.K.Bewley+,J,PMB,12,1,1967) A023800200006 (M,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1962) Incident beam A023800200007 energy estimated from experimental data of Bewley et A023800200008 al., and the range energy compilation of Williamson. A023800200009 COMMENT /By compiler/ Since Q-value for (alpha,2n) reaction A023800200010 121Sb is 15.5 MeV the results at 9.72-15.29 MeV A023800200011 are look suspiciuos. However, the energy spread A023800200012 may provide enough of an overlap with high cross A023800200013 sections region to produce this apparent anomaly. A023800200014 STATUS (TABLE,,I.A.Watson+,J,JIN,35,3047,1973) Tbl.2 A023800200015 HISTORY (20210225A) SD: SF5=IND and SF9=EXP deleted from A023800200016 REACTION codes. Right hand part of reaction codes A023800200017 was deleted. RAD-DET deleted. A023800200018 (20240819A) SD:Subent was split in two (see Subent 004)A023800200019 ENDBIB 17 0 A023800200020 NOCOMMON 0 0 A023800200021 DATA 4 20 A023800200022 EN DATA ERR-S MISC A023800200023 MEV MB MB NO-DIM A023800200024 28.20 775. 54. 4. A023800200025 27.85 776. 52. 6. A023800200026 27.60 816. 40. 6. A023800200027 27.30 719. 50. 2. A023800200028 26.95 786. 14. 6. A023800200029 26.65 718. 36. 4. A023800200030 26.32 650. 53. 4. A023800200031 25.68 612. 47. 4. A023800200032 25.02 534. 44. 4. A023800200033 24.35 581. 47. 4. A023800200034 23.66 495. 55. 4. A023800200035 22.95 445. 31. 4. A023800200036 21.49 345. 28. 4. A023800200037 19.65 327. 23. 5. A023800200038 18.00 246. 10. 4. A023800200039 16.23 149. 23. 4. A023800200040 15.29 69.5 10. 2. A023800200041 14.31 29.1 9.3 4. A023800200042 12.18 6.18 1.1 4. A023800200043 9.72 5.30 0.57 4. A023800200044 ENDDATA 22 0 A023800200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A023800299999 SUBENT A0238003 20240819 A116A023800300001 BIB 6 13 A023800300002 REACTION (51-SB-0(HE3,X)53-I-121,,SIG) A023800300003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-121,2.1HR,DG,212.,0.92) A023800300004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A023800300005 REL-REF (M,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1962) Incident beam A023800300006 energy estimated from experimental data of J.H.Fremlin A023800300007 (gave in priv.comm.) and range energy compilation of A023800300008 C.F.Williamson. A023800300009 STATUS (TABLE,,I.A.Watson+,J,JIN,35,3047,1973) Tbl.3 A023800300010 HISTORY (20210225A) SD: SF5=IND and SF9=EXP deleted from A023800300011 REACTION codes. Right hand part of reaction codes A023800300012 was deleted. RAD-DET deleted. A023800300013 (20240819A) SD:Subent was split in three (see A023800300014 Subents 005, 006) A023800300015 ENDBIB 13 0 A023800300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A023800300017 DATA 4 10 A023800300018 EN DATA ERR-S MISC A023800300019 MEV MB MB NO-DIM A023800300020 25.8 449. 82. 7. A023800300021 24.6 421. 77. 7. A023800300022 23.5 374. 72. 7. A023800300023 22.2 342. 84. 7. A023800300024 21.2 251. 78. 3. A023800300025 20.5 299. 51. 4. A023800300026 18.7 239. 44. 4. A023800300027 16.4 215. 75. 4. A023800300028 14.1 22.3 1. A023800300029 12.4 10.5 3.9 3. A023800300030 ENDDATA 12 0 A023800300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A023800399999 SUBENT A0238004 20240819 A116A023800400001 BIB 7 14 A023800400002 REACTION (51-SB-0(A,X)53-I-124,,SIG) A023800400003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-124,4.2D,DG,605.,0.67,AR,511.) A023800400004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A023800400005 REL-REF (M,,D.K.Bewley+,J,PMB,12,1,1967) A023800400006 (M,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1962) Incident beam A023800400007 energy estimated from experimental data of Bewley et A023800400008 al., and the range energy compilation of Williamson. A023800400009 COMMENT /By compiler/ Since Q-value for (alpha,2n) reaction A023800400010 121Sb is 15.5 MeV the results at 9.72-15.29 MeV A023800400011 are look suspiciuos. However, the energy spread A023800400012 may provide enough of an overlap with high cross A023800400013 sections region to produce this apparent anomaly. A023800400014 STATUS (TABLE,,I.A.Watson+,J,JIN,35,3047,1973) Tbl.2 A023800400015 HISTORY (20240819T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A023800400016 ENDBIB 14 0 A023800400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A023800400018 DATA 4 20 A023800400019 EN DATA ERR-S MISC A023800400020 MEV MB MB NO-DIM A023800400021 28.20 189. 22. 4. A023800400022 27.85 187. 26. 6. A023800400023 27.60 175. 35. 6. A023800400024 27.30 152. 30. 2. A023800400025 26.95 133. 7.0 6. A023800400026 26.65 115. 11. 4. A023800400027 26.32 8.13 8.4 4. A023800400028 25.68 59.1 4.9 4. A023800400029 25.02 35.7 4.6 3. A023800400030 24.35 25.0 7.1 4. A023800400031 23.66 22.1 5. 2. A023800400032 22.95 19.2 1.9 4. A023800400033 21.49 26.7 4.4 4. A023800400034 19.65 30.6 1.7 4. A023800400035 18.00 48.8 8.1 4. A023800400036 16.23 80.3 11. 4. A023800400037 15.29 75.8 10. 2. A023800400038 14.31 77.1 10. 2. A023800400039 12.18 93.2 6.8 3. A023800400040 9.72 30.2 3.2 4. A023800400041 ENDDATA 22 0 A023800400042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A023800499999 SUBENT A0238005 20240819 A116A023800500001 BIB 6 9 A023800500002 REACTION (51-SB-0(HE3,X)53-I-123,,SIG) A023800500003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,13.3HR,DG,159.,0.83) A023800500004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A023800500005 REL-REF (M,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1962) Incident beam A023800500006 energy estimated from experimental data of J.H.Fremlin A023800500007 (gave in priv.comm.) and range energy compilation of A023800500008 C.F.Williamson. A023800500009 STATUS (TABLE,,I.A.Watson+,J,JIN,35,3047,1973) Tbl.3 A023800500010 HISTORY (20240819T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A023800500011 ENDBIB 9 0 A023800500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A023800500013 DATA 4 10 A023800500014 EN DATA ERR-S MISC A023800500015 MEV MB MB NO-DIM A023800500016 25.8 333. 87. 7. A023800500017 24.6 339. 81. 7. A023800500018 23.5 321. 57. 7. A023800500019 22.2 366. 49. 7. A023800500020 21.2 265. 66. 3. A023800500021 20.5 281. 33. 4. A023800500022 18.7 229. 35. 4. A023800500023 16.4 218. 54. 4. A023800500024 14.1 48.3 1. A023800500025 12.4 35.1 6.6 3. A023800500026 ENDDATA 12 0 A023800500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A023800599999 SUBENT A0238006 20240819 A116A023800600001 BIB 6 9 A023800600002 REACTION (51-SB-0(HE3,X)53-I-124,,SIG) A023800600003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-124,4.2D,DG,605.,0.67,AR,511.) A023800600004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A023800600005 REL-REF (M,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1962) Incident beam A023800600006 energy estimated from experimental data of J.H.Fremlin A023800600007 (gave in priv.comm.) and range energy compilation of A023800600008 C.F.Williamson. A023800600009 STATUS (TABLE,,I.A.Watson+,J,JIN,35,3047,1973) Tbl.3 A023800600010 HISTORY (20240819T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A023800600011 ENDBIB 9 0 A023800600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A023800600013 DATA 4 9 A023800600014 EN DATA ERR-S MISC A023800600015 MEV MB MB NO-DIM A023800600016 25.8 21.6 2.6 4. A023800600017 24.6 24.4 2.0 3. A023800600018 23.5 25.8 3.7 4. A023800600019 22.2 29.9 6.2 4. A023800600020 20.5 34.9 5.4 4. A023800600021 18.7 39.8 6.3 4. A023800600022 16.4 41.1 4.0 4. A023800600023 14.1 36.8 1. A023800600024 12.4 43.4 13. 3. A023800600025 ENDDATA 11 0 A023800600026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A023800699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 A023899999999