ENTRY            A0263   20200517                             A095A026300000001 
SUBENT        A0263001   20200517                             A095A026300100001 
BIB                 11         42                                 A026300100002 
TITLE       7.07 MeV resonant state in 19-Ne reexamined through a A026300100003 
           new measurement of the 18-F(p,alpha)15-O reaction and  A026300100004 
           18-F(p,p) scattering                                   A026300100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,63,011302,2001)                                A026300100006 
           (J,EPJ/A,13,221,2002) review paper                     A026300100007 
           (J,NP/A,688,138,2001) report for conference            A026300100008 
AUTHOR     (J.-S.Graulich, S.Cherubini, R.Coszach, S.El Hajjami,  A026300100009 
           W.Galster, P.Leleux, W.Bradfield-Smith, T.Davinson,    A026300100010 
           A.Di Pietro, A.C.Shotter, J.Goerres, M.Wiescher,       A026300100011 
           F.Binon, J.Vanhorenbeeck)                              A026300100012 
COMMENT    *By authors*.  A new measurement of the 18-F(p,alpha)  A026300100013 
           reaction and the 18-F(p,p) elastic scattering was      A026300100014 
           performed at the radioactive ion beam facility in      A026300100015 
           Louvain-La-Neuve. Values were deduced for the          A026300100016 
           resonance energy, total width, partial width, and      A026300100017 
           resonance strength of the 7.07 MeV level in Ne-19,     A026300100018 
           confirming and increasing the precision of a first     A026300100019 
           result obtained several years ago in the same lab.     A026300100020 
INSTITUTE  (2BLGLVN,2BLGBRU,2UK EDG,1USANOT)                      A026300100021 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2BLGLVN)                                        A026300100022 
REL-REF    (O,A0258001,R.Coszach+,J,PL/B,353,184,1995)            A026300100023 
           Investigation of same reaction in 550-740 c.m. keV     A026300100024 
           region.                                                A026300100025 
           (I,,M.Cogneau+,J,NIM/A,420,489,1999) - 18F beam        A026300100026 
                               production described               A026300100027 
SAMPLE      275 mug/cm**2 polyethylene target.                    A026300100028 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) protons from the elastic scattering and        A026300100029 
           alpha-particles from the (p,alpha) reaction were       A026300100030 
           detected in the Louvain-Edinburgh detector array (LEDA)A026300100031 
           A concentric multistrip silicon detector that provided A026300100032 
           data at sixteen angles from 12 to 28 degrees in the    A026300100033 
           lab. system with a very large coverage (90%) in the    A026300100034 
           azimuthal angle.                                       A026300100035 
METHOD     (SITA,TTM) see sample. Inverse kinematics.             A026300100036 
HISTORY    (20020305C)                                            A026300100037 
           (20080616A) BIB section updated. Corrections were made A026300100038 
            according new EXFOR rules and N.Otsuka remarks.       A026300100039 
           (20180123U) SD: Author's list corrected (comma added,  A026300100040 
            'and' deleted). FACILITY was added.                   A026300100041 
           (20200517A) SD: PART-DET deleted. Corrections in       A026300100042 
           all Subents.  Subent 002 deleted (no incident energy,  A026300100043 
           strange units).                                        A026300100044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 A026300100045 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A026300100046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 A026300199999 
NOSUBENT      A0263002   20200517                             A095A026300200001 
SUBENT        A0263003   20200517                             A095A026300300001 
BIB                  5          8                                 A026300300002 
REACTION  1(9-F-18(P,0),,EN)                                      A026300300003 
          2(9-F-18(P,TOT),,WID)                                   A026300300004 
ANALYSIS   (SLA) Two sets of parameters were obtained, under      A026300300005 
           hypothesis of a J-Pi=3/2+ or 1/2+ resonance.           A026300300006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical Error                              A026300300007 
           (ERR-SYS) Systematical Error                           A026300300008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.I from Phys.Rev.,C63(2001)011302           A026300300009 
HISTORY    (20200517A) SD: Subent re-compiled.                    A026300300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 A026300300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A026300300012 
DATA                 6          1                                 A026300300013 
DATA      1ERR-S     1ERR-SYS   1DATA      2ERR-S     2ERR-SYS   2A026300300014 
KEV        KEV        KEV        KEV        KEV        KEV        A026300300015 
      657.5        0.7        1.7       34.2        1.4        1.7A026300300016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 A026300300017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 A026300399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 A026399999999