ENTRY            A0265   20220331                             A100A026500000001 
SUBENT        A0265001   20220331                             A100A026500100001 
BIB                 12         32                                 A026500100002 
TITLE      Excitation functions and yields for 123-I production   A026500100003 
           using the 127-I(p,5n)123-Xe reaction                   A026500100004 
AUTHOR     (S.R.Wilkins, S.T.Shimore, H.H.Hines, J.A.Jungerman,   A026500100005 
           F.Hegedus, G.L.Denardo)                                A026500100006 
REFERENCE  (J,ARI,26,279,1975)                                    A026500100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USADAV)                                              A026500100008 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,1USADAV) The beam current was limited to        A026500100009 
           0.5 muA over the 6.4 cm**2 target area.                A026500100010 
METHOD     (SITA,ACTIV,BCINT,EXTB)                                A026500100011 
DETECTOR   (GELI) The detector was absolutely calibrated using    A026500100012 
           22-Na and 133-Ba standard sources.                     A026500100013 
SAMPLE     2 MeV thick (0.34 g/cm**2). A 0.051 mm thick           A026500100014 
           tantalum cover foil was used to prevent loss of        A026500100015 
           volatile products.                                     A026500100016 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total absolute error includes:                 A026500100017 
           (ERR-1) Target thickness variations.                   A026500100018 
           (ERR-2) The beam and spectral inaccuracies.            A026500100019 
           (ERR-3) The uncertainty in the detector efficiency.    A026500100020 
           (ERR-4) The uncertainty in the decay scheme.           A026500100021 
           (ERR-5) The uncertainty in the absorption              A026500100022 
           corrections.                                           A026500100023 
           (EN-ERR) This error is due to target thickness         A026500100024 
           fluctuations and a +-0.5 MeV uncertainty in the beam   A026500100025 
           energy.                                                A026500100026 
ADD-RES    123-Xe yield vs. Target thickness /see fig. 2 and 3/.  A026500100027 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 from J.Appl.Rad.Isot.26(1975)279         A026500100028 
HISTORY    (19850828C) By CAJaD                                   A026500100029 
           (19850912U)                                            A026500100030 
           (20220331A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. A026500100031 
           Corrections in all Subents. DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-1;        A026500100032 
           DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-2; DATA-ERR3 -> ERR-3;                A026500100033 
           DATA-ERR4 -> ERR-4; DATA-ERR5 -> ERR-5.                A026500100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 A026500100035 
COMMON               8          6                                 A026500100036 
EN-ERR     EN-ERR-DIG ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      A026500100037 
ERR-5      ERR-T                                                  A026500100038 
PER-CENT   MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   A026500100039 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               A026500100040 
        1.2        0.7         6.         5.        6.7         3.A026500100041 
         2.        12.                                            A026500100042 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 A026500100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 A026500199999 
SUBENT        A0265002   20220331                             A100A026500200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 A026500200002 
REACTION   (53-I-127(P,5N)54-XE-123,,SIG)                         A026500200003 
DECAY-DATA (54-XE-123,2.1HR,DG,149.,,                             A026500200004 
                            DG,188.)                              A026500200005 
HISTORY    (20220331A) SD: SF5=IND and SF9=EXP deleted from       A026500200006 
           REACTION code. EN-ERR (-> EN-ERR-DIG moved to          A026500200007 
           Subent 001), DATA-ERR deleted (given in Subent 001).   A026500200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 A026500200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A026500200010 
DATA                 2          8                                 A026500200011 
EN         DATA                                                   A026500200012 
MEV        MB                                                     A026500200013 
      45.24       92.8                                            A026500200014 
      48.37      206.5                                            A026500200015 
      53.69       480.                                            A026500200016 
      56.57       470.                                            A026500200017 
      59.20       390.                                            A026500200018 
      59.40       356.                                            A026500200019 
      62.33       291.                                            A026500200020 
      62.35       279.                                            A026500200021 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 A026500200022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 A026500299999 
SUBENT        A0265003   20220331                             A100A026500300001 
BIB                  3          5                                 A026500300002 
REACTION   (53-I-127(P,3N)54-XE-125,,SIG)                         A026500300003 
DECAY-DATA (54-XE-125,,DG,188.)                                   A026500300004 
HISTORY    (20220331A) SD: SF5=IND and SF9=EXP deleted from       A026500300005 
           REACTION code. EN-ERR (-> EN-ERR-DIG moved to          A026500300006 
           Subent 001), DATA-ERR deleted (given in Subent 001).   A026500300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A026500300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A026500300009 
DATA                 2          8                                 A026500300010 
EN         DATA                                                   A026500300011 
MEV        MB                                                     A026500300012 
      45.15      296.3                                            A026500300013 
      48.27      211.9                                            A026500300014 
      53.68       187.                                            A026500300015 
      56.62       140.                                            A026500300016 
      59.22       122.                                            A026500300017 
      59.48       125.                                            A026500300018 
      62.21       133.                                            A026500300019 
      62.36       135.                                            A026500300020 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 A026500300021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 A026500399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 A026599999999