ENTRY A0285 20240812 A116A028500000001 SUBENT A0285001 20240812 A116A028500100001 BIB 14 33 A028500100002 TITLE Monitor Reactions For High Energetic 6-Li-Projectiles. A028500100003 AUTHOR (H.Klewe-Nebenius,F.Michel,H.Munzel,B.Neumann) A028500100004 INSTITUTE (2GERKFK,2GERTHD) A028500100005 REFERENCE (J,RCA,33,181,1983) A028500100006 FACILITY (ISOCY,2GERKFK) A028500100007 METHOD (STTA,ACTIV,INTB,BCINT) A028500100008 SAMPLE 6.25 mg/cm2 aluminium foils were irradiated in the A028500100009 internal beam of the Karlsruhe Isochronous Cyclotron A028500100010 At 17 energies between 25 and 153 MeV. A028500100011 DETECTOR (GELI) A028500100012 ANALYSIS Automatic peak determination was performed and A028500100013 checked in several cases by hand analysis. It was A028500100014 found to be accurate to within 4-8%. See ERR-1. A028500100015 REL-REF (N,,Ladenbauer-Bellis+,J,PR,123,1368,1961) A028500100016 (N,,Ladenbauer-Bellis+,J,NP,88,21,1966) A028500100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The error of determination of peak area. A028500100018 (ERR-2) The error in the measurement of beam current. A028500100019 (ERR-3) The error of efficiency of detector. A028500100020 (ERR-4) The error in the target thickness. A028500100021 (ERR-5) The error of efficiency extrapolation for 22Na A028500100022 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A028500100023 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Klewe-Nebenius+,J,RCA,33,181,1983) Tbl.2 A028500100024 COMMENT 1. Compiler could not exclude the production Mg-22 and A028500100025 Ne-24. A028500100026 2. Authors did not observe Na-22 and Na-24 production A028500100027 at 23.3 MeV. Na-22 production was not observed at A028500100028 28.4 MeV too. A028500100029 HISTORY (19860321C) A028500100030 (19990407A) Converted to lower case. A028500100031 (19990407U) Last checking has been done. A028500100032 (19990621A) DATE is corrected A028500100033 (20240812A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A028500100034 Subent 002 was split according to EXFOR rules. A028500100035 ENDBIB 33 0 A028500100036 COMMON 5 3 A028500100037 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 A028500100038 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A028500100039 8. 10. 10. 5. 10. A028500100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A028500100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 A028500199999 SUBENT A0285002 20240812 A116A028500200001 BIB 2 2 A028500200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(3-LI-6,X)11-NA-22,CUM,SIG) A028500200003 HISTORY (20240812A) SD:Subent was split in two (see Subent 003)A028500200004 ENDBIB 2 0 A028500200005 COMMON 1 3 A028500200006 ERR-T A028500200007 PER-CENT A028500200008 20. A028500200009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A028500200010 DATA 2 15 A028500200011 EN DATA A028500200012 MEV MB A028500200013 33.6 0.3 A028500200014 38.7 0.6 A028500200015 48.9 3.3 A028500200016 59.1 20.3 A028500200017 64.1 22.3 A028500200018 69.2 26.4 A028500200019 79.2 49.5 A028500200020 84.3 44.2 A028500200021 89.3 42.2 A028500200022 99.4 38.5 A028500200023 109.4 47.7 A028500200024 119.4 43.2 A028500200025 129.5 38.3 A028500200026 139.5 41.3 A028500200027 152.5 44.4 A028500200028 ENDDATA 17 0 A028500200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A028500299999 SUBENT A0285003 20240812 A116A028500300001 BIB 2 2 A028500300002 REACTION (13-AL-27(3-LI-6,X)11-NA-24,(CUM),SIG) A028500300003 HISTORY (20240812T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A028500300004 ENDBIB 2 0 A028500300005 COMMON 1 3 A028500300006 ERR-T A028500300007 PER-CENT A028500300008 16. A028500300009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A028500300010 DATA 2 16 A028500300011 EN DATA A028500300012 MEV MB A028500300013 28.4 11.3 A028500300014 33.6 19.2 A028500300015 38.7 28.1 A028500300016 48.9 29.8 A028500300017 59.1 25.5 A028500300018 64.1 25.4 A028500300019 69.2 25.6 A028500300020 79.2 31.8 A028500300021 84.3 42.2 A028500300022 89.3 40.6 A028500300023 99.4 37.7 A028500300024 109.4 38.9 A028500300025 119.4 40.5 A028500300026 129.5 36.1 A028500300027 139.5 38.3 A028500300028 152.5 36.2 A028500300029 ENDDATA 18 0 A028500300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 A028500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A028599999999