ENTRY A0298 20241003 A120A029800000001 SUBENT A0298001 20241003 A120A029800100001 BIB 11 34 A029800100002 TITLE Equilibrium and preequilibrium emission in some alpha- A029800100003 induced reactions on enriched isotopes 128-, 130-Te at A029800100004 moderate excitation energies A029800100005 AUTHOR (B.P.Singh,M.G.V.Sankaracharyulu,M.Afzal-Ansari, A029800100006 H.D.Bhardwaj,R.Prasad) A029800100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,47,2055,1993) A029800100008 INSTITUTE (3INDMUA) A029800100009 (3INDIND) D.S.N.College, Department of Physics A029800100010 FACILITY (ISOCY,3INDVEC) A029800100011 SAMPLE Enriched isotopes of 128-Te(87%) and 130-Te(61%). The A029800100012 elements were deposited on aluminum foils of A029800100013 thickness 6.75 mg/cm2. Thicknesses of 128-Te and A029800100014 130-Te deposits were 920 and 1100 ug/cm2, respectively.A029800100015 METHOD (STTA,BCINT,GSPEC) A029800100016 (EXTB) A diffused alpha beam A029800100017 (ACTIV) The beam currents was 100 nAamp. A029800100018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A029800100019 (ERR-1,,1.) Uncertainty in thickness of deposition of A029800100020 the sample materials A029800100021 (ERR-2,,4.) Uncertainty in beam flux fluctuations A029800100022 (ERR-3,,1.5) Uncertainty in detection efficiency A029800100023 (EN-ERR) No consideration of straggling is made in A029800100024 the incident energy of alpha particles on each foil A029800100025 in the stack. A029800100026 The uncertainties due to decay data are not included. A029800100027 CORRECTION The corrections for dead time were applied in A029800100028 counting rates. A029800100029 ADD-RES (COMP) The code "ACT" uses the Hauser-Feshbach model A029800100030 for compound nuclei calculations while the exciton A029800100031 model of Griffin is used for simulating the A029800100032 preequilibrium contribution. A029800100033 HISTORY (20020410C) A029800100034 (20020420U) Last checking has been done. A029800100035 (20241003A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A029800100036 ENDBIB 34 0 A029800100037 NOCOMMON 0 0 A029800100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 A029800199999 SUBENT A0298002 20241003 A120A029800200001 BIB 4 7 A029800200002 REACTION (52-TE-128(A,X)53-I-130-G,M+,SIG) A029800200003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-130-G,12.36HR,DG,536.,0.99, A029800200004 DG,668.,0.961, A029800200005 DG,739.,0.823) A029800200006 STATUS (TABLE,,B.P.Singh+,J,PR/C,47,2055,1993) Tbl.II A029800200007 HISTORY (20241003A) SD: SF5=IND/M+ -> M+ in REACTION code. A029800200008 STATUS added. A029800200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A029800200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A029800200011 DATA 4 10 A029800200012 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T A029800200013 MEV MEV MB MB A029800200014 26.37 0.79 7.21 0.25 A029800200015 28.86 0.75 16.67 1.2 A029800200016 31.22 0.72 13.81 1.92 A029800200017 33.44 0.68 25.22 0.75 A029800200018 35.55 0.64 27.59 0.86 A029800200019 37.57 0.62 18.47 0.65 A029800200020 39.51 0.58 34.55 1.1 A029800200021 41.38 0.56 25.49 1.81 A029800200022 43.19 0.54 28.94 1.81 A029800200023 44.96 0.54 25.12 1.08 A029800200024 ENDDATA 12 0 A029800200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A029800299999 SUBENT A0298003 20241003 A120A029800300001 BIB 4 7 A029800300002 REACTION (52-TE-130(A,X)53-I-132-G,,SIG) A029800300003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-132-G,2.30HR,DG,630.,0.138, A029800300004 DG,668.,0.987, A029800300005 DG,772.,0.762) A029800300006 STATUS (TABLE,,B.P.Singh+,J,PR/C,47,2055,1993) Tbl.III A029800300007 HISTORY (20241003A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A029800300008 STATUS added. A029800300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A029800300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A029800300011 DATA 4 10 A029800300012 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T A029800300013 MEV MEV MB MB A029800300014 22.56 0.84 0.43 0.05 A029800300015 24.07 0.80 3.43 0.20 A029800300016 25.50 0.77 9.94 0.47 A029800300017 26.89 0.73 28.46 1.66 A029800300018 29.36 0.68 44.58 2.64 A029800300019 31.69 0.65 46.02 2.58 A029800300020 33.89 0.63 35.65 2.09 A029800300021 36.00 0.59 35.43 1.77 A029800300022 38.02 0.56 22.57 0.83 A029800300023 39.95 0.55 24.65 1.04 A029800300024 ENDDATA 12 0 A029800300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A029800399999 SUBENT A0298004 20241003 A120A029800400001 BIB 4 6 A029800400002 REACTION (52-TE-130(A,X)53-I-132-M,,SIG) A029800400003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-132-M,83.6MIN,DG,668.,0.13, A029800400004 DG,772.,0.13) A029800400005 STATUS (TABLE,,B.P.Singh+,J,PR/C,47,2055,1993) Tbl.III A029800400006 HISTORY (20241003A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A029800400007 STATUS added. A029800400008 ENDBIB 6 0 A029800400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A029800400010 DATA 4 10 A029800400011 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T A029800400012 MEV MEV MB MB A029800400013 22.56 0.84 2.27 0.23 A029800400014 24.07 0.80 9.45 0.49 A029800400015 25.50 0.77 16.70 0.40 A029800400016 26.89 0.73 38.46 0.68 A029800400017 29.36 0.68 47.92 0.87 A029800400018 31.69 0.65 46.18 0.81 A029800400019 33.89 0.63 31.92 0.58 A029800400020 36.00 0.59 34.94 0.41 A029800400021 38.02 0.56 21.23 0.27 A029800400022 39.95 0.55 17.85 0.26 A029800400023 ENDDATA 12 0 A029800400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A029800499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 A029899999999