ENTRY A0319 20231225 A105A031900000001 SUBENT A0319001 20231225 A105A031900100001 BIB 11 45 A031900100002 TITLE Excitation functions for 3-He and alpha-induced A031900100003 reactions with 107-Ag and 109-Ag. A031900100004 AUTHOR (P.Misaelides,H.Munzel) A031900100005 INSTITUTE (2GERKFK) Institute of Radiochemistry. A031900100006 REFERENCE (J,JIN,42,937,1980) A031900100007 FACILITY (ISOCY,2GERKFK) A031900100008 METHOD (STTA,ACTIV) A031900100009 (GSPEC) A031900100010 DETECTOR (GELI) Two Ge(Li)-detectors having an effective volume A031900100011 of 42 and 27 cm3. The corresponding resolution was A031900100012 2.15 and 2.85 keV for the 1.332 MeV peak of 60Co. A031900100013 ANALYSIS With the natural silver foils the sum of the excitationA031900100014 functions of the reactions of both silver isotopes A031900100015 leading to the same reaction products was determined. A031900100016 Subtracting from this sum the contribution of the A031900100017 reactions with Ag-107, determined by irradiations of A031900100018 enriched Ag-107 foils, the excitation functions of the A031900100019 corresponding reactions on Ag-109 were obtained. A031900100020 ADD-RES (RANGE) A031900100021 (COMP) A031900100022 ERR-ANALYS * the analysis of the gamma-ray spectra. A031900100023 The uncertainty due to the analysis of the gamma- A031900100024 spectra differs from case to case. Much greater A031900100025 uncertainties were taken into account in those cases A031900100026 where complex peak evaluation and subtraction of A031900100027 activities could not be avoided during the calculation A031900100028 of the cross sections. In many of these cases only a A031900100029 rough lower limit estimation of the error could be A031900100030 given. A031900100031 (ERR-1) The uncertainty due to foil thickness; A031900100032 (ERR-2) The uncertainty due to beam current; A031900100033 (ERR-3) The uncertainty due to detector efficiency; A031900100034 HISTORY (19861216C) A031900100035 (20011009A) Reaction lines are corrected. Four A031900100036 Subentries are added. Lower case. A031900100037 (20011018A) Date is corrected A031900100038 (20020321U) Last checking has been done. A031900100039 (20160130A) SD: BIB section updated in all Subents. A031900100040 Small corrections in all Subents. DECAY-DATA corrected A031900100041 in Subents 011, 021, 027, 034 (MEMO CP-D/888). A031900100042 ANALYSIS (AREA) deleted (not relevant) A031900100043 (20200201U) SD: Small correction in Subents 017, 027, A031900100044 032.033. A031900100045 (20200401A) SD: Corrections in several Subents. A031900100046 (20231225A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A031900100047 ENDBIB 45 0 A031900100048 COMMON 3 3 A031900100049 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 A031900100050 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A031900100051 3. 2. 3. A031900100052 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A031900100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A031900199999 SUBENT A0319002 20231225 A105A031900200001 BIB 9 22 A031900200002 REACTION (47-AG-107(HE3,N)49-IN-109,,SIG) A031900200003 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031900200004 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031900200005 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031900200006 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031900200007 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031900200008 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031900200009 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031900200010 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR,DG,204.,0.68) A031900200011 The contribution of 107-In to this peak is subtracted. A031900200012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty includes all sources A031900200013 mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031900200014 COMMENT -By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay of A031900200015 the metastable state. The cross sections calculated A031900200016 are the sum of the cross sections of both isomeric A031900200017 states. A031900200018 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031900200019 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 2 A031900200020 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031900200021 SF4=In-109g -> In-109; SF5=M+ deleted in REACTION code A031900200022 (see COMMENT). A031900200023 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031900200024 ENDBIB 22 0 A031900200025 COMMON 1 3 A031900200026 ERR-T A031900200027 PER-CENT A031900200028 13. A031900200029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A031900200030 DATA 2 10 A031900200031 EN DATA A031900200032 MEV MB A031900200033 13.4 2.2 A031900200034 15.4 3.4 A031900200035 19.5 5.7 A031900200036 21.5 5.8 A031900200037 23.6 7.2 A031900200038 27.6 5.8 A031900200039 30.6 5.4 A031900200040 33.6 4.3 A031900200041 35.7 3.8 A031900200042 39.7 2.4 A031900200043 ENDDATA 12 0 A031900200044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 A031900299999 SUBENT A0319003 20231225 A105A031900300001 BIB 9 24 A031900300002 REACTION G(47-AG-107(HE3,2N)49-IN-108-M,,SIG) A031900300003 M(47-AG-107(HE3,2N)49-IN-108-G,,SIG) A031900300004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031900300005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031900300006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031900300007 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031900300008 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031900300009 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031900300010 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031900300011 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-108-M,40.MIN,DG,633.2,0.764) A031900300012 (49-IN-108-G,58.MIN,DG,387.6,0.13, A031900300013 DG,633.2,1., A031900300014 DG,876.0,0.85, A031900300015 DG,1032.3,0.20, A031900300016 DG,1056.3,0.25) A031900300017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~13.%) includes all A031900300018 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031900300019 COMMENT -By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay A031900300020 of 106-In. A031900300021 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031900300022 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 2 A031900300023 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031900300024 (20231225A) SD: In-108-M and In-108-G were swapped A031900300025 in REACTION codes and DECAY-DATA. STATUS updated. A031900300026 ENDBIB 24 0 A031900300027 COMMON 1 3 A031900300028 ERR-T A031900300029 PER-CENT A031900300030 13. A031900300031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A031900300032 DATA 3 17 A031900300033 EN DATA GDATA M A031900300034 MEV MB MB A031900300035 12.3 1.3 1.1 A031900300036 13.4 22. 9.7 A031900300037 15.3 32. 22. A031900300038 15.4 41. 35. A031900300039 18.0 44. 44. A031900300040 19.5 41. 68. A031900300041 19.7 37. 64. A031900300042 21.5 23. 53. A031900300043 23.0 17. 45. A031900300044 23.1 17. 45. A031900300045 23.6 11.4 39. A031900300046 24.6 34. A031900300047 27.6 7.9 21. A031900300048 30.6 7.4 15. A031900300049 33.6 6.6 12. A031900300050 35.7 12. A031900300051 39.7 7.5 10. A031900300052 ENDDATA 19 0 A031900300053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A031900399999 SUBENT A0319004 20231225 A105A031900400001 BIB 9 23 A031900400002 REACTION (47-AG-107(HE3,3N)49-IN-107,,SIG) A031900400003 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031900400004 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031900400005 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031900400006 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031900400007 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031900400008 COMMENT - By Authors: A031900400009 Measurement performed after decay of metastable state. A031900400010 the cross sections calculated are the sum of the cross A031900400011 sections of both isomeric states. the contribution of A031900400012 109-In to this peak is subtracted. A031900400013 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031900400014 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031900400015 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-107-G,32.4MIN,DG,205.,0.485) A031900400016 (49-IN-107-M,52.SEC) 100% Isomeric Transition. A031900400017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~14.%) includes all A031900400018 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS ( see Subent 001). A031900400019 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031900400020 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 2 A031900400021 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031900400022 SF4=In-107g -> In-107; SF5=M+ deleted in REACTION code A031900400023 (see COMMENT). A031900400024 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031900400025 ENDBIB 23 0 A031900400026 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031900400027 DATA 3 20 A031900400028 EN DATA ERR-T A031900400029 MEV MB MB A031900400030 15.3 0.5 7.E-02 A031900400031 18.0 12. 2.0 A031900400032 19.5 48. 6.7 A031900400033 19.7 30. 4.2 A031900400034 21.5 83. 11.6 A031900400035 23.1 92. 12.9 A031900400036 23.6 148. 17.0 A031900400037 26.2 155. 21.7 A031900400038 27.6 180. 25.2 A031900400039 28.6 161. 22.5 A031900400040 30.6 193. 27.0 A031900400041 32.2 123. 20.0 A031900400042 33.1 128. 17.9 A031900400043 33.6 144. 20.2 A031900400044 34.3 130. 18.2 A031900400045 35.7 126. 17.6 A031900400046 36.4 84. 11.8 A031900400047 37.3 81. 11.3 A031900400048 39.7 60. 8.4 A031900400049 40.5 71. 8.0 A031900400050 ENDDATA 22 0 A031900400051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 A031900499999 SUBENT A0319005 20231225 A105A031900500001 BIB 8 19 A031900500002 REACTION M(47-AG-107(HE3,4N)49-IN-106-M,,SIG) A031900500003 G(47-AG-107(HE3,4N)49-IN-106-G,,SIG) A031900500004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031900500005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031900500006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031900500007 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031900500008 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031900500009 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031900500010 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031900500011 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-106-G,6.3MIN,DG,861.4,0.69, A031900500012 DG,998.8,0.32, A031900500013 DG,1010.4,0.17) A031900500014 (49-IN-106-M,5.3MIN,DG,1716.2,0.185) A031900500015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty includes all sources A031900500016 mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031900500017 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031900500018 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 2 A031900500019 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031900500020 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031900500021 ENDBIB 19 0 A031900500022 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031900500023 DATA 5 4 A031900500024 EN DATA MERR-T MDATA GERR-T G A031900500025 MEV MB MB MB MB A031900500026 30.6 2.2 0.7 18. 8. A031900500027 33.6 3.1 2.2 57. 7. A031900500028 35.7 22. 36. 107. 24. A031900500029 39.0 20. 5. 144. 17. A031900500030 ENDDATA 6 0 A031900500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A031900599999 SUBENT A0319006 20231225 A105A031900600001 BIB 9 19 A031900600002 REACTION (47-AG-107(HE3,A)47-AG-106-M,,SIG) A031900600003 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031900600004 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031900600005 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031900600006 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031900600007 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031900600008 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031900600009 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031900600010 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.3D,DG,450.8,0.31, A031900600011 DG,717.1,0.32, A031900600012 DG,748.2,0.23) A031900600013 COMMENT -By Authors: the intensity of the gamma-peaks of A031900600014 Ag-106-G is not sufficient for the evaluation. A031900600015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~13.%) includes all A031900600016 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031900600017 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031900600018 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 3 A031900600019 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031900600020 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031900600021 ENDBIB 19 0 A031900600022 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031900600023 DATA 3 9 A031900600024 EN DATA ERR-T A031900600025 MEV MB MB A031900600026 13.1 0.6 0.08 A031900600027 16.5 1.0 0.15 A031900600028 21.1 1.7 0.2 A031900600029 23.6 1.8 0.2 A031900600030 26.6 2.3 0.3 A031900600031 29.6 2.7 0.3 A031900600032 33.1 5.5 0.7 A031900600033 38.0 9.2 1.2 A031900600034 39.7 17.5 2.0 A031900600035 ENDDATA 11 0 A031900600036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A031900699999 SUBENT A0319007 20231225 A105A031900700001 BIB 9 25 A031900700002 REACTION (47-AG-107(HE3,X)47-AG-105,,SIG) A031900700003 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031900700004 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031900700005 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031900700006 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031900700007 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031900700008 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031900700009 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031900700010 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-105-G,41.2D,DG,280.4,0.32, A031900700011 DG,344.4,0.42, A031900700012 DG,443.3,0.10) A031900700013 (47-AG-105-M,7.2MIN) 99.66% Isomeric Transition. A031900700014 COMMENT - By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay ofA031900700015 the metastable state (T1/2=7.2 m). The metastable stateA031900700016 having no intensive gamma-rays was not measured. A031900700017 The cross sections calculated are the sum of the cross A031900700018 sections of both states. A031900700019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~12.%) includes all A031900700020 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031900700021 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031900700022 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 3 A031900700023 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. SF3=N+A -> X;A031900700024 SF4=Ag-105g -> Ag-105; SF5=M+ deleted in REACTION code A031900700025 (see COMMENT). A031900700026 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031900700027 ENDBIB 25 0 A031900700028 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031900700029 DATA 3 10 A031900700030 EN DATA ERR-T A031900700031 MEV MB MB A031900700032 14.4 5.1 0.6 A031900700033 16.5 14.7 1.8 A031900700034 18.5 23.6 2.8 A031900700035 21.1 28.9 3.5 A031900700036 23.6 26.4 3.2 A031900700037 26.6 28.6 3.4 A031900700038 29.6 19.9 2.4 A031900700039 33.1 18.2 2.2 A031900700040 38.0 15.9 1.9 A031900700041 39.7 24.5 2.7 A031900700042 ENDDATA 12 0 A031900700043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 A031900799999 SUBENT A0319008 20231225 A105A031900800001 BIB 9 21 A031900800002 REACTION G(47-AG-107(HE3,X)47-AG-104-G,,SIG) A031900800003 M(47-AG-107(HE3,X)47-AG-104-M,,SIG) A031900800004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031900800005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031900800006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031900800007 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031900800008 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031900800009 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031900800010 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031900800011 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-104-M,33.5MIN,EC,,0.33) A031900800012 (47-AG-104-G,69.2MIN,DG,767.4,0.663) A031900800013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~13.% for Ag-104g and A031900800014 ~25.% for Ag-104m) includes all sources mentioned in A031900800015 ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031900800016 COMMENT -By Authors: the activities of Ag-104g and Ag-104m A031900800017 were calculated by means of the Bateman equation. A031900800018 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031900800019 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 3 A031900800020 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031900800021 SF3=2N+A -> X in REACTION code. A031900800022 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031900800023 ENDBIB 21 0 A031900800024 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031900800025 DATA 5 6 A031900800026 EN DATA GERR-T GDATA MERR-T M A031900800027 MEV MB MB MB MB A031900800028 21.1 1.9 0.2 A031900800029 27.6 16.4 2.1 8. 2.0 A031900800030 30.6 25.0 3.2 23. 4. A031900800031 33.6 29.7 3.9 24. 6.0 A031900800032 35.7 36.8 4.8 14. 3.5 A031900800033 39.7 22.0 2.7 15. 5. A031900800034 ENDDATA 8 0 A031900800035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 A031900899999 SUBENT A0319009 20231225 A105A031900900001 BIB 9 23 A031900900002 REACTION (47-AG-107(HE3,X)47-AG-103,,SIG) A031900900003 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031900900004 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031900900005 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031900900006 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031900900007 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031900900008 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031900900009 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031900900010 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-103-G,1.1HR,DG,118.7,0.222, A031900900011 DG,148.5,0.201) A031900900012 (47-AG-103-M,5.7SEC) 100% Isomeric Transition. A031900900013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~14.%) includes all A031900900014 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031900900015 COMMENT - By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay ofA031900900016 the metastable state (TI/2=5.7s). The cross sections A031900900017 calculated are the sum of the cross sections of A031900900018 both isomeric states. A031900900019 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031900900020 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 3 A031900900021 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. SF3=3N+A -> XA031900900022 SF4=Ag-103g -> Ag-103; SF5=M+ deleted in REACTION code A031900900023 (see COMMENT). A031900900024 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031900900025 ENDBIB 23 0 A031900900026 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031900900027 DATA 3 9 A031900900028 EN DATA ERR-T A031900900029 MEV MB MB A031900900030 32.2 4.0 0.6 A031900900031 33.1 7.5 1.1 A031900900032 33.6 8.5 1.3 A031900900033 34.3 8.0 1.1 A031900900034 35.7 21.4 3.0 A031900900035 36.4 22.9 3.2 A031900900036 37.3 26.8 3.8 A031900900037 38.0 47.3 6.6 A031900900038 39.7 49.6 6.1 A031900900039 ENDDATA 11 0 A031900900040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 A031900999999 SUBENT A0319010 20231225 A105A031901000001 BIB 9 20 A031901000002 REACTION (47-AG-107(HE3,X)48-CD-107,,SIG) A031901000003 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901000004 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901000005 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901000006 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031901000007 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031901000008 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031901000009 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031901000010 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-107,6.5HR,DG,93.1,0.046) A031901000011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~21.%) includes all A031901000012 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901000013 COMMENT - By Authors: Measured by means of the isomeric A031901000014 transition Ag-107m to Ag-107g after establishment A031901000015 of the equilibrium. A031901000016 STATUS (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031901000017 (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 3 A031901000018 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. SF3=2N+P -> XA031901000019 in REACTION code. A031901000020 (20200201A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A031901000021 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901000022 ENDBIB 20 0 A031901000023 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901000024 DATA 3 22 A031901000025 EN DATA ERR-T A031901000026 MEV MB MB A031901000027 12.3 1.7 0.3 A031901000028 15.3 8.3 1.7 A031901000029 18.0 26. 7. A031901000030 19.5 93. 19.5 A031901000031 19.7 141. 21.5 A031901000032 21.5 134. 28.1 A031901000033 23.0 276. 58.0 A031901000034 23.1 211. 44.3 A031901000035 23.6 332. 75. A031901000036 26.2 310. 65.1 A031901000037 27.6 331. 69.5 A031901000038 28.6 450. 94.5 A031901000039 30.6 413. 86.7 A031901000040 32.2 492. 99. A031901000041 33.1 367. 77.1 A031901000042 33.6 420. 88.2 A031901000043 34.3 329. 69.1 A031901000044 35.7 376. 79.0 A031901000045 36.4 313. 65.7 A031901000046 37.3 324. 68.0 A031901000047 38.0 287. 60.3 A031901000048 39.7 306. 52. A031901000049 ENDDATA 24 0 A031901000050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 A031901099999 SUBENT A0319011 20231225 A105A031901100001 BIB 7 22 A031901100002 REACTION M(47-AG-107(A,N)49-IN-110-M,,SIG) A031901100003 G(47-AG-107(A,N)49-IN-110-G,,SIG) A031901100004 METHOD (BCINT) A031901100005 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901100006 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901100007 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901100008 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031901100009 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031901100010 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-M,69.1MIN,DG,657.7,0.979) A031901100011 The contribution of the In-110m to this peak was A031901100012 subtracted. A031901100013 (49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,657.7,0.989, A031901100014 DG,707.4,0.312, A031901100015 DG,884.6,0.950, A031901100016 DG,937.5,0.697) A031901100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~23.% for In-110m and A031901100018 ~17.% for In-110g) includes all sources mentioned in A031901100019 ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901100020 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 5 A031901100021 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: In-110g and In-110m were swapped A031901100022 following their half-lives. STATUS added. BIB update. A031901100023 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901100024 ENDBIB 22 0 A031901100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901100026 DATA 5 6 A031901100027 EN DATA MERR-T MDATA GERR-T G A031901100028 MEV MB MB MB MB A031901100029 13.2 26. 6.0 50. 8.5 A031901100030 20.1 51. 11.7 111. 18.9 A031901100031 25.5 5.2 0.7 24. 3. A031901100032 33.6 3.1 1. 19. 4. A031901100033 37.6 2.9 0.7 23. 3.9 A031901100034 41.6 3. 0.7 19. 4. A031901100035 ENDDATA 8 0 A031901100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A031901199999 SUBENT A0319012 20231225 A105A031901200001 BIB 8 16 A031901200002 REACTION (47-AG-107(A,2N)49-IN-109,,SIG) A031901200003 METHOD (BCINT) A031901200004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901200005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901200006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901200007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR,DG,204.,0.68) A031901200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~11.%) includes all A031901200009 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901200010 COMMENT -By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay of A031901200011 the metastable state. The cross sections calculated areA031901200012 the sum of the cross sections of both isomeric states. A031901200013 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 5 A031901200014 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031901200015 SF4=In-109g -> In-109; SF5=M+ deleted in REACTION code A031901200016 (see COMMENT). A031901200017 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901200018 ENDBIB 16 0 A031901200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901200020 DATA 3 18 A031901200021 EN DATA ERR-T A031901200022 MEV MB MB A031901200023 13.2 6.7 0.7 A031901200024 20.1 519. 57.1 A031901200025 25.5 1012. 111.3 A031901200026 31.9 710. 78.1 A031901200027 33.6 546. 58. A031901200028 36.7 294. 32.3 A031901200029 37.6 207. 22.8 A031901200030 41.6 134. 14.7 A031901200031 45.7 64. 7.0 A031901200032 54.7 43. 5. A031901200033 59.7 30. 3.3 A031901200034 64.7 25. 2.8 A031901200035 68.7 15. 1.7 A031901200036 72.7 15. 1.5 A031901200037 77.8 11.6 1.3 A031901200038 86.8 8.9 1.0 A031901200039 91.8 5. 0.6 A031901200040 96.8 6.6 0.7 A031901200041 ENDDATA 20 0 A031901200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A031901299999 SUBENT A0319013 20231225 A105A031901300001 BIB 8 21 A031901300002 REACTION G(47-AG-107(A,3N)49-IN-108-M,,SIG) A031901300003 M(47-AG-107(A,3N)49-IN-108-G,,SIG) A031901300004 METHOD (BCINT) A031901300005 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901300006 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901300007 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901300008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-108-M,40.MIN,DG,633.2,0.764) A031901300009 (49-IN-108-G,58.MIN,DG,387.6,0.13, A031901300010 DG,633.2,1., A031901300011 DG,876.0,0.85, A031901300012 DG,1032.3,0.20, A031901300013 DG,1056.3,0.25) A031901300014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~16.% for Ag-108g and A031901300015 ~13.% for Ag-108m) includes all sources mentioned in A031901300016 ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901300017 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 5 A031901300018 COMMENT - By Authors: measurement performed after the decay A031901300019 of 106-In. A031901300020 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031901300021 (20231225A) SD: In-108-M and In-108-G were swapped A031901300022 in REACTION codes and DECAY-DATA. STATUS updated. A031901300023 ENDBIB 21 0 A031901300024 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901300025 DATA 5 15 A031901300026 EN DATA GERR-T GDATA MERR-T M A031901300027 MEV MB MB MB MB A031901300028 31.9 86. 13.8 296. 38.5 A031901300029 33.6 82. 13.1 382. 49.7 A031901300030 36.7 173. 27.7 453. 58.9 A031901300031 37.6 539. 56. A031901300032 40.8 668. 86.8 A031901300033 41.6 186. 38. 674. 74. A031901300034 45.3 459. 59.7 A031901300035 54.7 126. 14. A031901300036 59.7 82. 10.7 A031901300037 64.7 66. 8.6 A031901300038 68.7 44. 5.7 A031901300039 72.7 45. 6. A031901300040 77.8 34. 4.4 A031901300041 86.8 27. 3.5 A031901300042 91.8 14. 2. A031901300043 ENDDATA 17 0 A031901300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 A031901399999 SUBENT A0319014 20231225 A105A031901400001 BIB 8 22 A031901400002 REACTION (47-AG-107(A,4N)49-IN-107,,SIG) A031901400003 METHOD (BCINT) A031901400004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901400005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901400006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901400007 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031901400008 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031901400009 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-107-G,32.4MIN,DG,205.,0.485) A031901400010 The contribution of 109-In to this peak is subtracted. A031901400011 (49-IN-107-M,52.SEC) 100% isomeric transition. A031901400012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~15.%) includes all A031901400013 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901400014 COMMENT By authors: Measurement performed after decay of the A031901400015 metastable state (T1/2=52s). The cross sections A031901400016 calculated are the sum of the cross sections of both A031901400017 isomeric states. The contribution of 109In to this peakA031901400018 is subtracted. A031901400019 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 5 A031901400020 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031901400021 SF4=In-107g -> In-107; SF5=M+ deleted in REACTION code A031901400022 (see COMMENT). A031901400023 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901400024 ENDBIB 22 0 A031901400025 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901400026 DATA 3 17 A031901400027 EN DATA ERR-T A031901400028 MEV MB MB A031901400029 36.7 10.3 1.5 A031901400030 37.6 8.8 1.8 A031901400031 40.8 12.2 1.8 A031901400032 41.6 39. 8. A031901400033 45.3 187. 28.1 A031901400034 49.5 315. 47.3 A031901400035 54.0 353. 52.9 A031901400036 54.7 273. 32. A031901400037 57.6 296. 44.4 A031901400038 59.7 203. 30.5 A031901400039 64.7 139. 20.8 A031901400040 68.7 84. 12.6 A031901400041 72.7 80. 10. A031901400042 77.8 58. 9. A031901400043 86.8 44. 6.6 A031901400044 91.8 24. 2.5 A031901400045 96.8 36. 5.4 A031901400046 ENDDATA 19 0 A031901400047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 A031901499999 SUBENT A0319015 20231225 A105A031901500001 BIB 7 15 A031901500002 REACTION (47-AG-107(A,5N)49-IN-106-M,,SIG) A031901500003 METHOD (BCINT) A031901500004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901500005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901500006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901500007 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031901500008 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031901500009 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-106-M,6.3MIN,DG,861.4,0.69, A031901500010 DG,998.8,0.32, A031901500011 DG,1010.4,0.17) A031901500012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~17.%) includes all A031901500013 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901500014 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 5 A031901500015 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031901500016 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901500017 ENDBIB 15 0 A031901500018 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901500019 DATA 3 11 A031901500020 EN DATA ERR-T A031901500021 MEV MB MB A031901500022 54.0 50. 8.5 A031901500023 57.6 69. 10. A031901500024 61.0 109. 18.5 A031901500025 64.6 138. 23.5 A031901500026 69.4 145. 24.7 A031901500027 74.6 118. 18. A031901500028 77.3 96. 16.3 A031901500029 77.8 83. 14.1 A031901500030 86.8 51. 3. A031901500031 91.8 28. 8. A031901500032 96.8 34. 5.8 A031901500033 ENDDATA 13 0 A031901500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 A031901599999 SUBENT A0319016 20231225 A105A031901600001 BIB 8 18 A031901600002 REACTION (47-AG-107(A,X)48-CD-107,,SIG) A031901600003 METHOD (BCINT) A031901600004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901600005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901600006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901600007 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031901600008 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031901600009 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-107,6.5HR,DG,93.1,0.046) A031901600010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~20.%) includes all A031901600011 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901600012 COMMENT - By Authors: Measured by means of the isomeric A031901600013 transition Ag-107m to Ag-107g after establishment A031901600014 of the equilibrium. A031901600015 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 6 A031901600016 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. SF3=3N+P -> XA031901600017 in REACTION code. A031901600018 (20200201A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A031901600019 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901600020 ENDBIB 18 0 A031901600021 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901600022 DATA 3 11 A031901600023 EN DATA ERR-T A031901600024 MEV MB MB A031901600025 45.5 145. 29.0 A031901600026 49.5 353. 70.6 A031901600027 54.0 439. 87.8 A031901600028 54.7 530. 114. A031901600029 59.7 456. 91.2 A031901600030 64.7 369. 73.8 A031901600031 68.7 228. 45.6 A031901600032 72.7 236. 43. A031901600033 77.8 220. 44. A031901600034 86.8 176. 35.2 A031901600035 91.8 159. 31.8 A031901600036 ENDDATA 13 0 A031901600037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A031901699999 SUBENT A0319017 20231225 A105A031901700001 BIB 8 24 A031901700002 REACTION G(47-AG-107(A,X)47-AG-104-G,,SIG) A031901700003 M(47-AG-107(A,X)47-AG-104-M,,SIG) A031901700004 METHOD (BCINT) A031901700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,30.) Only a rough lower limit estimation A031901700006 of the error is given. The uncertainty due to the A031901700007 analysis of the gamma-spectra differs from case to caseA031901700008 Much greater uncertainties were taken into account in A031901700009 those cases where complex peak evaluation and A031901700010 subtraction of activities could not be avoided during A031901700011 the calculation of the cross sections. A031901700012 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901700013 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901700014 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901700015 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031901700016 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031901700017 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-104-G,69.2MIN,DG,767.4,0.663) A031901700018 (47-AG-104-M,33.5MIN,EC,,0.33) A031901700019 COMMENT - By Authors: the activities of Ag-104-G and Ag-104-M A031901700020 were calculated by means of the Bateman equation. A031901700021 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 6 A031901700022 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. SF3=3N+A -> XA031901700023 in REACTION code. A031901700024 (20200201U) SD: Small correction in ERR-ANALYS. A031901700025 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901700026 ENDBIB 24 0 A031901700027 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901700028 DATA 3 8 A031901700029 EN DATA GDATA M A031901700030 MEV MB MB A031901700031 49.5 33. 20. A031901700032 54.0 84. 21. A031901700033 54.7 75. 58. A031901700034 57.6 93. 35. A031901700035 61.0 94. 44. A031901700036 64.6 76. 44. A031901700037 69.4 72. 31. A031901700038 72.7 46. 14. A031901700039 ENDDATA 10 0 A031901700040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 A031901799999 SUBENT A0319018 20231225 A105A031901800001 BIB 8 20 A031901800002 REACTION (47-AG-107(A,X)47-AG-103,,SIG) A031901800003 METHOD (BCINT) A031901800004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901800005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901800006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901800007 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031901800008 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031901800009 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-103-G,1.1HR,DG,118.7,0.222, A031901800010 DG,148.5,0.201) A031901800011 (47-AG-103-M,5.7SEC) 100% Isomeric Transition. A031901800012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~16.%) includes all A031901800013 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901800014 COMMENT -By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay of A031901800015 the metastable state. The cross sections calculated areA031901800016 the sum of the cross sections of both isomeric states. A031901800017 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 6 A031901800018 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. SF3=4N+A -> XA031901800019 SF4=Ag-103g -> Ag-103; SF5=M+ deleted in REACTION code A031901800020 (see COMMENT). A031901800021 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901800022 ENDBIB 20 0 A031901800023 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901800024 DATA 3 18 A031901800025 EN DATA ERR-T A031901800026 MEV MB MB A031901800027 59.7 29. 4.6 A031901800028 61.0 56. 9.0 A031901800029 64.0 87. 13.9 A031901800030 64.7 87. 16. A031901800031 68.0 111. 17.8 A031901800032 68.7 97. 15.5 A031901800033 69.4 119. 19.0 A031901800034 72.1 127. 20.3 A031901800035 72.7 130. 20.8 A031901800036 74.6 124. 15. A031901800037 77.3 144. 23.0 A031901800038 77.8 118. 18.9 A031901800039 80.0 94. 15.0 A031901800040 84.7 84. 14. A031901800041 86.2 123. 19.7 A031901800042 86.8 92. 14.7 A031901800043 91.8 53. 9. A031901800044 96.8 110. 17.6 A031901800045 ENDDATA 20 0 A031901800046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 A031901899999 SUBENT A0319019 20231225 A105A031901900001 BIB 8 17 A031901900002 REACTION (47-AG-107(A,X)47-AG-102-G,(CUM),SIG) A031901900003 METHOD (BCINT) A031901900004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031901900005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031901900006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031901900007 The copper foil was added to the stack to enable a A031901900008 flux measurement via the monitor reaction. A031901900009 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-102-G,13.MIN,DG,719.,0.581) A031901900010 (47-AG-102-M,7.7MIN) 49% Isomeric Transition. A031901900011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~16.%) includes all A031901900012 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031901900013 COMMENT - By Compiler: the method for excluding possible A031901900014 production Ag-102g via decay Ag-102m and/or Cd-102 is A031901900015 not described by authors. A031901900016 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 6 A031901900017 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031901900018 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031901900019 ENDBIB 17 0 A031901900020 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031901900021 DATA 3 11 A031901900022 EN DATA ERR-T A031901900023 MEV MB MB A031901900024 74.6 15. 2.4 A031901900025 77.3 32. 5. A031901900026 77.8 30. 4.8 A031901900027 80.0 34. 5.4 A031901900028 84.7 42. 7. A031901900029 86.2 53. 8.5 A031901900030 86.8 59. 9.4 A031901900031 89.1 40. 6. A031901900032 91.8 35. 5.6 A031901900033 96.3 64. 10.2 A031901900034 96.8 50. 7. A031901900035 ENDDATA 13 0 A031901900036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A031901999999 SUBENT A0319020 20231225 A105A031902000001 BIB 9 20 A031902000002 REACTION (47-AG-109(HE3,N)49-IN-111,,SIG) A031902000003 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902000004 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902000005 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031902000006 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031902000007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-111-G,2.83D,DG,171.3,0.903, A031902000008 DG,245.3,0.94) A031902000009 (49-IN-111-M,7.6MIN) 100% Isomeric Transition A031902000010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~13.%) includes all A031902000011 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902000012 COMMENT -By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay of A031902000013 the metastable state. The cross sections calculated areA031902000014 the sum of the cross sections of both isomeric states. A031902000015 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 4 A031902000016 (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031902000017 (also see ANALYSIS in Subent 001). A031902000018 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031902000019 SF4=In-111g -> In-111; SF5=M+ deleted in REACTION code A031902000020 (see COMMENT). A031902000021 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031902000022 ENDBIB 20 0 A031902000023 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902000024 DATA 3 11 A031902000025 EN DATA ERR-T A031902000026 MEV MB MB A031902000027 10.0 0.07 9.E-03 A031902000028 14.2 1.2 0.1 A031902000029 14.8 1.0 0.1 A031902000030 18.0 2.4 0.3 A031902000031 20.3 2.2 0.3 A031902000032 23.7 2.2 0.3 A031902000033 26.5 2.0 0.3 A031902000034 29.0 1.8 0.2 A031902000035 29.7 2.0 0.2 A031902000036 34.3 1.8 0.2 A031902000037 39.6 1.5 0.2 A031902000038 ENDDATA 13 0 A031902000039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A031902099999 SUBENT A0319021 20231225 A105A031902100001 BIB 9 24 A031902100002 REACTION G(47-AG-109(HE3,2N)49-IN-110-G,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902100003 M(47-AG-109(HE3,2N)49-IN-110-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902100004 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section and 107Ag A031902100005 isotopic cross section. A031902100006 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902100007 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902100008 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031902100009 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031902100010 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,657.7,0.988, A031902100011 DG,707.4,0.312, A031902100012 DG,884.6,0.95, A031902100013 DG,937.5,0.697) A031902100014 (49-IN-110-M,69.1MIN,DG,657.7,0.979) A031902100015 The contribution of the In-110m to this peak was A031902100016 subtracted. A031902100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~12.%) includes all A031902100018 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902100019 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 4 A031902100020 (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031902100021 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: In-110g and In-110m were swapped A031902100022 following their half-lives. STATUS added. BIB updated. A031902100023 (20200401A) SD: SF8=A deleted, SF9=DERIV added in A031902100024 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. A031902100025 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031902100026 ENDBIB 24 0 A031902100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902100028 DATA 5 13 A031902100029 EN DATA MERR-T MDATA GERR-T G A031902100030 MEV MB MB MB MB A031902100031 12.3 1.6 0.2 0.8 0.1 A031902100032 15.3 35.8 4.3 17.2 2.1 A031902100033 18.0 36.3 4.5 30.0 3.4 A031902100034 19.7 24.0 2.9 34.0 4.1 A031902100035 23.0 11.3 1.4 21.8 2.6 A031902100036 23.1 11.6 1.4 23.4 2.8 A031902100037 26.2 7.6 0.9 14.1 1.7 A031902100038 28.6 7.6 0.9 12.2 1.2 A031902100039 32.2 5.1 0.6 8.4 1.0 A031902100040 33.1 4.8 0.6 6.5 0.8 A031902100041 36.4 4.2 0.5 5.3 0.6 A031902100042 37.3 3.5 0.4 4.7 0.6 A031902100043 40.5 3.3 0.4 4.4 0.6 A031902100044 ENDDATA 15 0 A031902100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A031902199999 SUBENT A0319022 20231225 A105A031902200001 BIB 10 24 A031902200002 REACTION (47-AG-109(HE3,3N)49-IN-109,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902200003 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section and 107Ag A031902200004 isotopic cross section. A031902200005 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902200006 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902200007 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031902200008 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031902200009 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR,DG,204.,0.68) A031902200010 The contribution of In-107 to this peak is subtracted. A031902200011 (49-IN-109-M1,1.34MIN) A031902200012 COMMENT -By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay of A031902200013 the metastable state. The cross sections calculated areA031902200014 the sum of the cross sections of both isomeric states. A031902200015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~13.%) includes all A031902200016 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902200017 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 4 A031902200018 (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031902200019 (also see ANALYSIS in Subent 001). A031902200020 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB updated. A031902200021 SF4=In-109g -> In-109; SF5=M+ deleted from REACTION A031902200022 code (see COMMENT). A031902200023 (20200401A) SD: SF8=A deleted, SF9=DERIV added in A031902200024 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. A031902200025 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031902200026 ENDBIB 24 0 A031902200027 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902200028 DATA 3 13 A031902200029 EN DATA ERR-T A031902200030 MEV MB MB A031902200031 15.3 18. 2.3 A031902200032 18.0 72. 12. A031902200033 19.7 210. 27.3 A031902200034 23.0 294. 38.2 A031902200035 23.1 260. 33.8 A031902200036 26.2 325. 39. A031902200037 28.6 464. 60.3 A031902200038 32.2 322. 41.9 A031902200039 33.1 206. 26.8 A031902200040 34.3 180. 21. A031902200041 36.4 126. 16.4 A031902200042 37.3 95. 12.4 A031902200043 40.5 66. 8. A031902200044 ENDDATA 15 0 A031902200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A031902299999 SUBENT A0319023 20231225 A105A031902300001 BIB 10 27 A031902300002 REACTION M(47-AG-109(HE3,4N)49-IN-108-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902300003 G(47-AG-109(HE3,4N)49-IN-108-G,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902300004 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section and 107Ag A031902300005 isotopic cross section. A031902300006 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902300007 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902300008 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031902300009 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031902300010 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-108-M,40.MIN,DG,633.2,0.764) A031902300011 (49-IN-108-G,58.MIN,DG,387.6,0.13, A031902300012 DG,633.2,1., A031902300013 DG,876.,0.85, A031902300014 DG,1032.3,0.2, A031902300015 DG,1056.3,0.25) A031902300016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~26.% for In-108g and A031902300017 ~16.% for In-108m) includes all sources mentioned in A031902300018 ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902300019 COMMENT - By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay A031902300020 of 106-In. A031902300021 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 4 A031902300022 (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031902300023 (also see ANALYSIS in Subent 001). A031902300024 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB updated. A031902300025 (20200401A) SD: SF8=A deleted, SF9=DERIV added in A031902300026 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. A031902300027 (20231225A) SD: In-108-M and In-108-G were swapped A031902300028 in REACTION codes and DECAY-DATA. STATUS updated. A031902300029 ENDBIB 27 0 A031902300030 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902300031 DATA 5 8 A031902300032 EN DATA MERR-T MDATA GERR-T G A031902300033 MEV MB MB MB MB A031902300034 26.2 14. 3.6 7.5 1.2 A031902300035 28.6 40. 7. 32. 7. A031902300036 32.2 71. 12. 112. 14. A031902300037 33.1 114. 18.2 A031902300038 34.3 45. 11.7 127. 20.3 A031902300039 36.4 23. 6.0 149. 23.8 A031902300040 37.3 17.7 7. 159. 24. A031902300041 40.5 3.9 1.0 176. 28.2 A031902300042 ENDDATA 10 0 A031902300043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 A031902399999 SUBENT A0319024 20231225 A105A031902400001 BIB 9 19 A031902400002 REACTION (47-AG-109(HE3,2P)47-AG-110-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902400003 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section and 107Ag A031902400004 isotopic cross section. A031902400005 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902400006 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902400007 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031902400008 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031902400009 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-110-M,250.4D,DG,657.7,0.938, A031902400010 DG,884.7,0.747, A031902400011 DG,937.5,0.332) A031902400012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~12.%) includes all A031902400013 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902400014 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 4 A031902400015 (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031902400016 (also see ANALYSIS in Subent 001). A031902400017 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB updated. A031902400018 (20200401A) SD: SF8=A deleted, SF9=DERIV added in A031902400019 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. A031902400020 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031902400021 ENDBIB 19 0 A031902400022 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902400023 DATA 3 9 A031902400024 EN DATA ERR-T A031902400025 MEV MB MB A031902400026 14.2 0.2 2.4E-02 A031902400027 18.0 1.7 0.2 A031902400028 20.3 2.5 0.3 A031902400029 23.7 4.7 0.6 A031902400030 26.5 6.0 0.7 A031902400031 29.0 6.7 0.8 A031902400032 29.7 8.6 1.0 A031902400033 34.3 9.2 1.1 A031902400034 39.6 9.2 1.1 A031902400035 ENDDATA 11 0 A031902400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A031902499999 SUBENT A0319025 20231225 A105A031902500001 BIB 10 21 A031902500002 REACTION (47-AG-109(HE3,X)47-AG-106-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902500003 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section and 107Ag A031902500004 isotopic cross section. A031902500005 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902500006 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902500007 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031902500008 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031902500009 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.3D,DG,450.8,0.31, A031902500010 DG,717.1,0.32, A031902500011 DG,748.2,0.23) A031902500012 COMMENT /by Authors/ The intensity of the gamma-peaks of A031902500013 Ag-106g is not sufficient for the evaluation. A031902500014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~18.%) includes all A031902500015 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902500016 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 4 A031902500017 (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031902500018 (also see ANALYSIS in Subent 001). A031902500019 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB updated. A031902500020 (20200401A) SD: SF8=A deleted, SF9=DERIV added in A031902500021 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. A031902500022 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031902500023 ENDBIB 21 0 A031902500024 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902500025 DATA 3 8 A031902500026 EN DATA ERR-T A031902500027 MEV MB MB A031902500028 18.0 0.4 0.07 A031902500029 20.3 0.7 0.15 A031902500030 23.7 7.6 1.4 A031902500031 26.5 15.2 2.7 A031902500032 29.0 22.2 4.0 A031902500033 29.7 31.1 5.0 A031902500034 34.3 34.6 6.2 A031902500035 39.6 33.1 5.3 A031902500036 ENDDATA 10 0 A031902500037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A031902599999 SUBENT A0319026 20231225 A105A031902600001 BIB 10 26 A031902600002 REACTION (47-AG-109(HE3,X)47-AG-105,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902600003 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902600004 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902600005 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section A031902600006 and 107Ag isotopic cross section A031902600007 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031902600008 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031902600009 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-105-G,41.2D,DG,280.4,0.32, A031902600010 DG,344.4,0.42, A031902600011 DG,443.3,0.10) A031902600012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~16.%) includes all A031902600013 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902600014 COMMENT - By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay ofA031902600015 the metastable state (T1/2=7.2 m). The metastable stateA031902600016 having no intensive gamma-rays was not measured. A031902600017 The cross sections calculated are the sum of the cross A031902600018 sections of both states. A031902600019 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 4 A031902600020 (DEP,A0319034) Average values for monitor cross sect. A031902600021 (DEP,A0319007) 107Ag(He3,x)105Ag data A031902600022 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. SF3=3N+A -> XA031902600023 SF4=Ag-105g -> Ag-105; SF5=M+ deleted from REACTION A031902600024 code (see COMMENT). A031902600025 (20200201A) SD: SF5=IND and SF8=A deleted; SF9=DERIV A031902600026 added to REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. STATUS updated.A031902600027 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031902600028 ENDBIB 26 0 A031902600029 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902600030 DATA 3 3 A031902600031 EN DATA ERR-T A031902600032 MEV MB MB A031902600033 29.7 4.0 0.6 A031902600034 34.3 35. 5.6 A031902600035 39.6 78. 13. A031902600036 ENDDATA 5 0 A031902600037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A031902699999 SUBENT A0319027 20231225 A105A031902700001 BIB 8 27 A031902700002 REACTION M(47-AG-109(A,3N)49-IN-110-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902700003 G(47-AG-109(A,3N)49-IN-110-G,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902700004 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902700005 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902700006 METHOD (BCINT) A031902700007 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section A031902700008 and 107Ag isotopic cross section A031902700009 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-M,69.1MIN,DG,657.7,0.979) A031902700010 (49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,657.7,0.989, A031902700011 DG,707.4,0.312, A031902700012 DG,884.6,0.95, A031902700013 DG,937.5,0.697) A031902700014 The contribution of the In-110m to this peak was A031902700015 subtracted. A031902700016 ERR-ANALYSG(ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~14.%) includes all A031902700017 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902700018 M(ERR-T,40.) Only a rough lower limit estimation A031902700019 of the error is given. See ERR-ANALYS in Subent 001. A031902700020 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 7 A031902700021 (DEP,A0319011) 107Ag(He3,3n)110In data A031902700022 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: In-110g and In-110m were swapped A031902700023 following their half-lives. STATUS added. BIB update. A031902700024 hl=4.9 min -> 4.9 hl in DECAY-DATA. A031902700025 (20200201A) SD: Small correction in ERR-ANALYS. A031902700026 ANALYSIS added. SF8=A deleted; SF9=DERIV added to A031902700027 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. STATUS updated. A031902700028 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031902700029 ENDBIB 27 0 A031902700030 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902700031 DATA 4 6 A031902700032 EN DATA MDATA GERR-T G A031902700033 MEV MB MB MB A031902700034 31.9 125. 583. 81.6 A031902700035 36.7 49. 807. 81. A031902700036 40.8 43. 789. 110.5 A031902700037 45.5 6.6 369. 82. A031902700038 49.5 6.5 191. 30. A031902700039 54.0 91. 12.7 A031902700040 ENDDATA 8 0 A031902700041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 A031902799999 SUBENT A0319028 20231225 A105A031902800001 BIB 9 22 A031902800002 REACTION (47-AG-109(A,4N)49-IN-109,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902800003 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section and 107Ag A031902800004 isotopic cross section. A031902800005 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902800006 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902800007 METHOD (BCINT) A031902800008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR,DG,204.,0.68) A031902800009 The contribution of In-107 to this peak is subtracted. A031902800010 (49-IN-109-M1,1.34MIN) 100% isomeric transition. A031902800011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~12.%) includes all A031902800012 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902800013 COMMENT Measurement performed after the decay of the metastableA031902800014 state. The cross section calculated are the sum of theA031902800015 cross sections of both isomeric states. A031902800016 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 7 A031902800017 (DEP,A0319012) see ANALYSIS in Subent 001. A031902800018 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB updated. A031902800019 SF4=In-109g -> In-109; SF5=M+ deleted from REACTION A031902800020 code (see COMMENT). A031902800021 (20200401A) SD: SF8=A deleted, SF9=DERIV added in A031902800022 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. A031902800023 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031902800024 ENDBIB 22 0 A031902800025 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902800026 DATA 3 21 A031902800027 EN DATA ERR-T A031902800028 MEV MB MB A031902800029 40.8 242. 29.0 A031902800030 45.2 627. 75.2 A031902800031 45.5 503. 60.4 A031902800032 49.5 639. 76.7 A031902800033 54.0 597. 68. A031902800034 57.6 448. 53.8 A031902800035 59.1 422. 50.6 A031902800036 61.0 286. 34.3 A031902800037 64.1 255. 30. A031902800038 64.6 203. 24.4 A031902800039 68.0 148. 17.8 A031902800040 69.4 159. 19.1 A031902800041 72.1 123. 14. A031902800042 74.7 118. 14.2 A031902800043 77.3 111. 13. A031902800044 80.0 81. 9.7 A031902800045 84.7 67. 8.0 A031902800046 86.2 72. 8.6 A031902800047 86.9 52. 6.2 A031902800048 89.1 48. 5.8 A031902800049 96.3 61. 7.3 A031902800050 ENDDATA 23 0 A031902800051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 A031902899999 SUBENT A0319029 20231225 A105A031902900001 BIB 8 20 A031902900002 REACTION (47-AG-109(A,5N)49-IN-108-G,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031902900003 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section and 107Ag A031902900004 isotopic cross section. A031902900005 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031902900006 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031902900007 METHOD (BCINT) A031902900008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-108-G,58.MIN,DG,387.6,0.13, A031902900009 DG,633.2,1., A031902900010 DG,876.,0.85, A031902900011 DG,1032.3,0.20, A031902900012 DG,1056.3,0.25) A031902900013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~22.%) includes all A031902900014 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031902900015 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 7 A031902900016 (DEP,A0319013) see ANALYSIS in Subent 001. A031902900017 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB updated. A031902900018 (20200401A) SD: SF8=A deleted, SF9=DERIV added in A031902900019 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. A031902900020 (20231225A) SD: SF4=In-108-M -> In-108-G in A031902900021 in REACTION code and DECAY-DATA. STATUS updated. A031902900022 ENDBIB 20 0 A031902900023 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031902900024 DATA 3 17 A031902900025 EN DATA ERR-T A031902900026 MEV MB MB A031902900027 49.5 15. 3.3 A031902900028 54.0 105. 40. A031902900029 57.6 187. 41.1 A031902900030 59.1 258. 50. A031902900031 61.0 275. 60.5 A031902900032 64.1 334. 73.5 A031902900033 64.6 292. 64.2 A031902900034 68.0 268. 59.0 A031902900035 69.4 268. 59.0 A031902900036 72.1 231. 45. A031902900037 74.7 183. 40.3 A031902900038 77.3 189. 38. A031902900039 80.0 111. 24.4 A031902900040 84.7 88. 19.4 A031902900041 86.2 89. 19.6 A031902900042 86.9 63. 13.9 A031902900043 89.1 57. 10. A031902900044 ENDDATA 19 0 A031902900045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A031902999999 SUBENT A0319030 20231225 A105A031903000001 BIB 9 22 A031903000002 REACTION (47-AG-109(A,6N)49-IN-107,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031903000003 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section and 107Ag A031903000004 isotopic cross section. A031903000005 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031903000006 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031903000007 METHOD (BCINT) A031903000008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-107-G,32.4MIN,DG,205.0,0.485) A031903000009 The Contribution of In-109 to this peak is subtracted. A031903000010 (49-IN-107-M,52.SEC) 100% isomeric transition. A031903000011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~33.%) includes all A031903000012 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031903000013 COMMENT - By Authors: Measurement performed after the decay ofA031903000014 the metastable state. The cross sections calculated A031903000015 are the sum of the cross sections of both states. A031903000016 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 7 A031903000017 (DEP,A0319014) see ANALYSIS in Subent 001. A031903000018 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB updated. A031903000019 SF4=In-107g -> In-107; SF5=M+ deleted from REACTION A031903000020 code (see COMMENT). A031903000021 (20200401A) SD: SF8=A deleted, SF9=DERIV added in A031903000022 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. A031903000023 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031903000024 ENDBIB 22 0 A031903000025 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031903000026 DATA 3 13 A031903000027 EN DATA ERR-T A031903000028 MEV MB MB A031903000029 61.0 31. 10.2 A031903000030 64.1 51. 39. A031903000031 64.6 43. 14.2 A031903000032 68.0 63. 20.8 A031903000033 69.4 72. 23.8 A031903000034 72.1 48. 15. A031903000035 74.7 109. 36.0 A031903000036 77.3 134. 35. A031903000037 80.0 134. 44.2 A031903000038 84.7 102. 33.7 A031903000039 86.2 117. 16. A031903000040 86.9 68. 22.4 A031903000041 89.1 68. 12. A031903000042 ENDDATA 15 0 A031903000043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 A031903099999 SUBENT A0319031 20231225 A105A031903100001 BIB 7 13 A031903100002 REACTION (47-AG-107(A,X)48-CD-104,,SIG) A031903100003 METHOD (BCINT) A031903100004 SAMPLE (47-AG-107,ENR=0.9854) The target stacks consisted up A031903100005 to three 7.87E-3 gr/cm2 thick 98.54% enriched A031903100006 107-Ag foils interspersed by aluminum catcher foil. A031903100007 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-104,57.7MIN,DG,83.5,0.80) A031903100008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Average uncertainty (~14.%) includes all A031903100009 sources mentioned in ERR-ANALYS (see Subent 001). A031903100010 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 6 A031903100011 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. SF3=6N+P -> XA031903100012 in REACTION code. A031903100013 (20200201A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A031903100014 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031903100015 ENDBIB 13 0 A031903100016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031903100017 DATA 3 8 A031903100018 EN DATA ERR-T A031903100019 MEV MB MB A031903100020 80.0 13. 1.8 A031903100021 84.7 24. 3.4 A031903100022 86.2 31. 6.0 A031903100023 86.8 31. 4.3 A031903100024 89.1 37. 5.2 A031903100025 91.8 39. 4.0 A031903100026 96.3 69. 9.7 A031903100027 96.8 70. 8.0 A031903100028 ENDDATA 10 0 A031903100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A031903199999 SUBENT A0319032 20231225 A105A031903200001 BIB 7 19 A031903200002 REACTION (47-AG-109(A,7N)49-IN-106-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031903200003 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031903200004 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031903200005 METHOD (BCINT) A031903200006 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section A031903200007 and 107Ag isotopic cross section A031903200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,40.) Only a rough lower limit estimation A031903200009 of the error is given. The uncertainty due to the A031903200010 analysis of the gamma-spectra differs from case to caseA031903200011 Much greater uncertainties were taken into account in A031903200012 those cases where complex peak evaluation and A031903200013 subtraction of activities could not be avoided during A031903200014 the calculation of the cross sections. A031903200015 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 7 A031903200016 (DEP,A0319015) 107Ag(alpha,5n)106mIn data A031903200017 HISTORY (20160130U) SD: STATUS added. BIB update. A031903200018 (20200201A) SD: SF8=A deleted; SF9=DERIV added to A031903200019 REACTION code. ANALYSIS added.ERR-ANALYS,STATUS updatedA031903200020 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031903200021 ENDBIB 19 0 A031903200022 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031903200023 DATA 2 6 A031903200024 EN DATA A031903200025 MEV MB A031903200026 80.0 13. A031903200027 84.7 23. A031903200028 86.2 31. A031903200029 86.9 35. A031903200030 89.1 31. A031903200031 96.3 55. A031903200032 ENDDATA 8 0 A031903200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 A031903299999 SUBENT A0319033 20231225 A105A031903300001 BIB 9 24 A031903300002 REACTION (47-AG-109(A,X)48-CD-107,,SIG,,,DERIV) A031903300003 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted up to three 12.E-3 gr/cm2 A031903300004 thick natural silver (99.99% pure). A031903300005 METHOD (BCINT) A031903300006 ANALYSIS Derived from elemental cross section A031903300007 and 107Ag isotopic cross section A031903300008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,40.) Only a rough lower limit estimation A031903300009 of the error is given. The uncertainty due to the A031903300010 analysis of the gamma-spectra differs from case to caseA031903300011 Much greater uncertainties were taken into account in A031903300012 those cases where complex peak evaluation and A031903300013 subtraction of activities could not be avoided during A031903300014 the calculation of the cross sections. A031903300015 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-107,6.5HR,DG,93.1,0.046) A031903300016 COMMENT Measured by means of the isomeric transition Ag-107m A031903300017 -> Ag-107g after the establishment of the equilibrium. A031903300018 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 7 A031903300019 (DEP,A0319016) 107Ag(alpha,x)107Cd data A031903300020 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: SF3=5N+P -> X in REACTION code. A031903300021 BIB update. A031903300022 (20200201A) SD: SF5=IND and SF8=A deleted; SF9=DERIV A031903300023 added to REACTION code. ANALYSIS added. ERR-ANALYS, A031903300024 STATUS updated. A031903300025 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031903300026 ENDBIB 24 0 A031903300027 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031903300028 DATA 2 10 A031903300029 EN DATA A031903300030 MEV MB A031903300031 64.6 50. A031903300032 68.0 67. A031903300033 69.4 140. A031903300034 72.1 215. A031903300035 74.7 216. A031903300036 77.3 374. A031903300037 80.0 241. A031903300038 84.7 210. A031903300039 86.9 183. A031903300040 89.1 152. A031903300041 ENDDATA 12 0 A031903300042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A031903399999 SUBENT A0319034 20231225 A105A031903400001 BIB 8 12 A031903400002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031903400003 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) A031903400004 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031903400005 DECAY-MON (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.5,0.3732) A031903400006 MONIT-REF (T0120019,N.W.Golchert+,J,NP/A,152,419,1970). Average A031903400007 values for monitor reaction cross sections were used. A031903400008 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR) An estimated uncertainty of 10% due to the A031903400009 use of a monitor reaction A031903400010 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Misaelides+,J,JIN,42,937,1980) Tbl. 8 A031903400011 HISTORY (20160130A) SD: Col. MISC -> MONIT in DATA section. A031903400012 BIB update. hl=93.hr -> 9.3hr in DECAY-DATA. A031903400013 (20231225U) SD: STATUS updated. A031903400014 ENDBIB 12 0 A031903400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A031903400016 DATA 3 11 A031903400017 EN DATA MONIT A031903400018 MEV MB MB A031903400019 12.7 105. 160. A031903400020 16.7 178. 165. A031903400021 20.2 97. 100. A031903400022 23.0 74. 69. A031903400023 23.4 96. 65. A031903400024 25.8 46. 48. A031903400025 28.6 32. 35. A031903400026 31.0 23. 23. A031903400027 33.5 23. 22. A031903400028 36.4 15. A031903400029 39.6 12. A031903400030 ENDDATA 13 0 A031903400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A031903499999 ENDENTRY 34 0 A031999999999