ENTRY A0326 20240819 A116A032600000001 SUBENT A0326001 20240819 A116A032600100001 BIB 15 55 A032600100002 TITLE Cyclotron production of Xe-123 and high purity I-123: A032600100003 a comparison of tellurium targets A032600100004 AUTHOR (M.Guillaume,R.M.Lambrecht,A.P.Wolf) A032600100005 REFERENCE (J,ARI,26,703,1975) A032600100006 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) A032600100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) A032600100008 DETECTOR (GELI) A032600100009 METHOD (EXTB,MOSEP,BCINT) A032600100010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Overall errors are typically of the order A032600100011 of 12%, although relative errors for comparative yieldsA032600100012 from the various reactions would be considerably A032600100013 smaller, since systematic uncertainties in detector A032600100014 efficiencies and nuclear decay properties A032600100015 would be removed. A032600100016 (ERR-1,,10.) Uncertainty in the dead time losses. A032600100017 (ERR-S,3.,5.) The counting error at the 95.5% A032600100018 confidence level for 123Xe and 123I was less than 3%. A032600100019 For 125Xe(125I) the error was 5%. A032600100020 (ERR-2) Uncertainties in the irradiation parameters A032600100021 resulting from any lack of uniformity in the tellurium A032600100022 thickness, and specifically from heterogeneous A032600100023 distribution, if any, with time and place of the A032600100024 incident beam density. A032600100025 (EN-ERR) The uncertainty in the energy beam A032600100026 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,52-TE-123(HE3,3N)54-XE-123,,SIG) A032600100027 (ASSUM2,52-TE-124(HE3,4N)54-XE-123,,SIG) A032600100028 MONITOR (29-CU-65(HE3,X)30-ZN-65,,SIG) A032600100029 (29-CU-63(A,X)30-ZN-65,,SIG) A032600100030 DECAY-MON (30-ZN-65,,DG,1115.,0.49) A032600100031 COMMENT /By authors/ The cross sections for 20-45 MeV He3 and A032600100032 alpha and the corresponding reactions- A032600100033 Cu-65(He3,2n+p)30-Zn-65 and Cu-63(alpha,n+p)30-Zn-65. A032600100034 have been accurately measured. A032600100035 /By authors/ Cyclotron production of Xe-123 from A032600100036 isotopically enriched tellurium targets was evaluated A032600100037 as a source of high purity I-123 for A032600100038 radiopharmaceutical applications. A032600100039 The Te-123(He3,3n)Xe-123 and the Te-124(He3,4n)Xe-123 A032600100040 nuclear reactions have cross sections peaks of 178 mb A032600100041 and 162 mb at 26 MeV and 45 MeV, respectively. A032600100042 The Xe-123 thick target production yields for the A032600100043 reactions were 6.44 mci/muAhr and 7.16 mCi/muAhr A032600100044 respectively, as compared to large 5 mCi/muAhr for A032600100045 the Te-122(a,3n)Xe-123 reaction. A032600100046 REL-REF (I,,R.M.Lambrecht+,J,RR,52,32,1972) Dynamic target. A032600100047 (R,,R.L.Auble,J,NDS,7,363,1972) A032600100048 ADD-RES Static and dynamic target were compared. A032600100049 HISTORY (19861212C) A032600100050 (20120120A) NDS(VZ): REL-REF: ND/B->NDS A032600100051 (20180604A) SD:Updated to new date format, lower case. A032600100052 REACTION code was updated according to MEMO CP-D/933revA032600100053 in Subents 002-004. BIB was updated. DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-1A032600100054 DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-S. ERR-ANALYS was updated. A032600100055 (20240819A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subents A032600100056 were split according to EXFOR rules. A032600100057 ENDBIB 55 0 A032600100058 COMMON 4 3 A032600100059 ASSUM1 ASSUM2 ERR-2 ERR-T A032600100060 MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT A032600100061 178. 162. 2. 12. A032600100062 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A032600100063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 A032600199999 SUBENT A0326002 20240819 A116A032600200001 BIB 5 11 A032600200002 REACTION (52-TE-122(A,3N)54-XE-123,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) A032600200003 EOB yield without irradiation time specification A032600200004 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-123,2.1HR,DG,148.,0.486) A032600200005 SAMPLE (52-TE-122,ENR=0.962) Static target isotopically A032600200006 enriched Te-122(96.2%),0.101 g/cm**2 thickness was usedA032600200007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Guillaume+,J,ARI,26,703,1975) Tbl. 1 A032600200008 HISTORY (20180605A) SD: REACTION codes (2,4) were deleted (no A032600200009 EXFOR codes for such type of reactions). SF9=EXP A032600200010 deleted from all REACTION codes. SF8=EOB/MSC added to A032600200011 REACTION codes (1,3); SF3=2N+P->X in REACTION code (3).A032600200012 (20240819A) SD: Subent was split (see Subent 005). A032600200013 ENDBIB 11 0 A032600200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A032600200015 DATA 3 1 A032600200016 EN EN-ERR DATA A032600200017 MEV MEV MUCI/MUAHR A032600200018 0.5 43.2 4996. A032600200019 ENDDATA 3 0 A032600200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A032600299999 SUBENT A0326003 20240819 A116A032600300001 BIB 5 12 A032600300002 REACTION (52-TE-123(HE3,X)53-I-123,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) A032600300003 EOB yield without irradiation time specification A032600300004 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,,DG,159.,0.83) A032600300005 SAMPLE (52-TE-123,ENR=0.8745) Static target, isotopically A032600300006 enriched Te-123(87.45%),0.04 g/cm**2 thickness was usedA032600300007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Guillaume+,J,ARI,26,703,1975) Tbl. 2 A032600300008 HISTORY (20180605A) SD: REACTION codes (2,4) were deleted (no A032600300009 EXFOR codes for such type of reactions). SF9=EXP A032600300010 deleted from all REACTION codes. SF8=EOB/MSC added to A032600300011 REACTION codes (1,3); SF3=2N+P->X in REACTION code (3).A032600300012 (20240819A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A032600300013 Subent was split (see Subent 006). A032600300014 ENDBIB 12 0 A032600300015 COMMON 1 3 A032600300016 EN-ERR A032600300017 MEV A032600300018 0.4 A032600300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A032600300020 DATA 2 5 A032600300021 EN DATA A032600300022 MEV MUCI/MUAHR A032600300023 24.3 1108. A032600300024 27.9 1787. A032600300025 32.0 1719. A032600300026 35.2 777. A032600300027 38.8 557. A032600300028 ENDDATA 7 0 A032600300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A032600399999 SUBENT A0326004 20240819 A116A032600400001 BIB 5 12 A032600400002 REACTION (52-TE-124(HE3,4N)54-XE-123,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) A032600400003 EOB yield without irradiation time specification A032600400004 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-123,2.1HR,DG,148.,0.486) A032600400005 SAMPLE (52-TE-124,ENR=0.962) Static target isotopically A032600400006 enriched Te-124(96.2%),0.037 g/cm**2 thickness was usedA032600400007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Guillaume+,J,ARI,26,703,1975) Tbl. 3 A032600400008 HISTORY (20180605A) SD: REACTION codes (2,4) were deleted (no A032600400009 EXFOR codes for such type of reactions). SF9=EXP A032600400010 deleted from all REACTION codes. SF8=EOB/MSC added to A032600400011 REACTION codes (1,3); SF3=3N+P -> X, SF5=IND added A032600400012 in REACTION code (3). A032600400013 (20240819A) SD: Subent was split (see Subent 007). A032600400014 ENDBIB 12 0 A032600400015 COMMON 1 3 A032600400016 EN-ERR A032600400017 MEV A032600400018 0.4 A032600400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A032600400020 DATA 2 7 A032600400021 EN DATA A032600400022 MEV MUCI/MUAHR A032600400023 31.5 226. A032600400024 38.2 776. A032600400025 40.8 625. A032600400026 43.2 1123. A032600400027 46.6 1674. A032600400028 49.0 1161. A032600400029 52.2 792. A032600400030 ENDDATA 9 0 A032600400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A032600499999 SUBENT A0326005 20240819 A116A032600500001 BIB 5 7 A032600500002 REACTION (52-TE-122(A,X)53-I-123,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) A032600500003 EOB yield without irradiation time specification A032600500004 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,,DG,159.,0.83) A032600500005 SAMPLE (52-TE-122,ENR=0.962) Static target isotopically A032600500006 enriched Te-122(96.2%),0.101 g/cm**2 thickness was usedA032600500007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Guillaume+,J,ARI,26,703,1975) Tbl. 1 A032600500008 HISTORY (20180819T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A032600500009 ENDBIB 7 0 A032600500010 COMMON 1 3 A032600500011 EN-ERR A032600500012 MEV A032600500013 0.5 A032600500014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A032600500015 DATA 2 1 A032600500016 EN DATA A032600500017 MEV MUCI/MUAHR A032600500018 43.2 690. A032600500019 ENDDATA 3 0 A032600500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A032600599999 SUBENT A0326006 20240819 A116A032600600001 BIB 5 7 A032600600002 REACTION (52-TE-123(HE3,X)53-I-123,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) A032600600003 EOB yield without irradiation time specification A032600600004 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,,DG,159.,0.83) A032600600005 SAMPLE (52-TE-123,ENR=0.8745) Static target, isotopically A032600600006 enriched Te-123(87.45%),0.04 g/cm**2 thickness was usedA032600600007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Guillaume+,J,ARI,26,703,1975) Tbl. 2 A032600600008 HISTORY (20180819T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A032600600009 ENDBIB 7 0 A032600600010 COMMON 1 3 A032600600011 EN-ERR A032600600012 MEV A032600600013 0.4 A032600600014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A032600600015 DATA 2 5 A032600600016 EN DATA A032600600017 MEV MUCI/MUAHR A032600600018 24.3 133. A032600600019 27.9 247. A032600600020 32.0 334. A032600600021 35.2 263. A032600600022 38.8 203. A032600600023 ENDDATA 7 0 A032600600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A032600699999 SUBENT A0326007 20240819 A116A032600700001 BIB 5 7 A032600700002 REACTION (52-TE-124(HE3,X)53-I-123,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) A032600700003 EOB yield without irradiation time specification A032600700004 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,,DG,159.,0.83) A032600700005 SAMPLE (52-TE-124,ENR=0.962) Static target isotopically A032600700006 enriched Te-124(96.2%),0.037 g/cm**2 thickness was usedA032600700007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Guillaume+,J,ARI,26,703,1975) Tbl. 3 A032600700008 HISTORY (20180819T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A032600700009 ENDBIB 7 0 A032600700010 COMMON 1 3 A032600700011 EN-ERR A032600700012 MEV A032600700013 0.4 A032600700014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A032600700015 DATA 2 7 A032600700016 EN DATA A032600700017 MEV MUCI/MUAHR A032600700018 31.5 23. A032600700019 38.2 35. A032600700020 40.8 59. A032600700021 43.2 74. A032600700022 46.6 127. A032600700023 49.0 130. A032600700024 52.2 117. A032600700025 ENDDATA 9 0 A032600700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A032600799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 A032699999999