ENTRY A0348 20240823 A117A034800000001 SUBENT A0348001 20240823 A117A034800100001 BIB 16 50 A034800100002 TITLE Cross section of Th-232(p,xn+gamma+p) reactions at A034800100003 Ep = 6.8 to 20.2 MeV A034800100004 AUTHOR (A.Celler,M.Luontama,J.Kantele,J.Zylicz) A034800100005 REFERENCE (J,PS,24,930,1981) A034800100006 INSTITUTE (2SF JYV,3POLWWA) A034800100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,2SF JYV) 90 cm cyclotron A034800100008 DETECTOR (GELI,HPGE) A034800100009 ADD-RES (COMP) Statistical and pre-equilibrium model. For A034800100010 the (p,pn) reaction, the 'clean knock-out' model is A034800100011 also considered. A034800100012 REL-REF (M,,S.Jagare,J,NP/A,95,481,1967).Statistical model. A034800100013 (M,,M.Blann,J,ARN,25,123,1975).Pre-equilibrium model. A034800100014 (M,,H.Kawakami+,J,NP/A,262,52,1976).'Clean knock-out' A034800100015 model. A034800100016 MONITOR (90-TH-232(P,NON),,SIG) A034800100017 DECAY-MON (90-TH-232,,XR) A034800100018 SAMPLE (90-TH-232,NAT=1.) Natural thorium (100% of Th-232), A034800100019 6.3 mg/cm2 thickness was used as target. A034800100020 COMMENT *By authors* Two methods were used in the cross A034800100021 section determinations- a standard activation method A034800100022 for the (p,n),(p,3n),(p,p+n)+(p+d) reaction and A034800100023 in-beam gamma-ray method in case of the (p,2n) A034800100024 reaction. A034800100025 *By authors* Cross section for the (p,n),(p,2n), A034800100026 (p,3n) and (p,n+p)+(p,d) reactions on Th-232 target A034800100027 were measured by comparison with the K-shell ionizationA034800100028 cross-section, for proton energy between 6.8 and A034800100029 20.2 MeV. A034800100030 MISC-COL (MISC) The effective energy. A034800100031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The total error includes: A034800100032 * uncertainty in counting statistics and peak-area A034800100033 determinations, A034800100034 * uncertainty in detection efficiencies and A034800100035 * uncertainty in knowledge of the decay schemes. A034800100036 The given errors do not include contributions from the A034800100037 uncertainties of the monitor cross section A034800100038 (MONIT-ERR,10.,15.) are estimated to be ~ 10% for the A034800100039 lowest proton energies and may increase up to ~ 15% A034800100040 closer to Ep = 20 MeV A034800100041 EN-ERR - The overall uncertainty in the proton energy.A034800100042 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Celler+,J,PS,24,930,1981) Tbl. II A034800100043 HISTORY (19870929C) A034800100044 (20160212A) SD:Updated to new date formats, lower case.A034800100045 Journal's title corrected (PC -> PS). BIB updated. A034800100046 ERR-S -> DATA-ERR in Subents 002-004. RAD-DET deleted A034800100047 from Subents (info presented in DECAY-DATA). A034800100048 ANALYSIS (AREA) deleted (not relevant). A034800100049 (20231224A) SD: Correction in Subent 003. A034800100050 (20240823A) SD: Subent 002 was split according to A034800100051 EXFOR rules. A034800100052 ENDBIB 50 0 A034800100053 COMMON 1 3 A034800100054 EN-ERR A034800100055 MEV A034800100056 0.1 A034800100057 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A034800100058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 A034800199999 SUBENT A0348002 20240823 A117A034800200001 BIB 5 9 A034800200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,N)91-PA-232,,SIG) A034800200003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-232,1.31D) A034800200004 METHOD (ACTIV,SITA) A034800200005 REL-REF (R,,M.R.Schmorak,J,NDS,20,165,1977) Decay-data for A034800200006 Pa-232. A034800200007 (R,,Y.A.Ellis,J,NDS,20,139,1977) Decay-data for Pa-230 A034800200008 (D,O0029003,H.A.Tewes,J,PR,98,25,1955) A034800200009 HISTORY (20120120A) NDS(VZ): REL-REF: ND/B->NDS A034800200010 (20240823A) SD:Subent was split in two (see Subent 005)A034800200011 ENDBIB 9 0 A034800200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A034800200013 DATA 5 11 A034800200014 EN MISC MONIT DATA DATA-ERR A034800200015 MEV MEV MB MB MB A034800200016 6.8 6.73 65. 0.84 0.08 A034800200017 7.23 7.17 75. 1.9 0.1 A034800200018 8.85 8.79 120. 7.0 0.5 A034800200019 10.10 10.05 170. 8.9 0.6 A034800200020 11.17 11.12 210. 10.9 0.8 A034800200021 12.38 12.33 270. 13.0 0.9 A034800200022 13.50 13.45 320. 17.0 1.2 A034800200023 14.80 14.76 380. 18.8 1.2 A034800200024 17.26 17.23 530. 20.3 2.0 A034800200025 18.75 18.72 620. 17.1 1.7 A034800200026 20.23 20.20 710. 22.4 2.4 A034800200027 ENDDATA 13 0 A034800200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A034800299999 SUBENT A0348003 20231224 A105A034800300001 BIB 6 14 A034800300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,X)90-TH-231,,SIG) A034800300003 DECAY-DATA (90-TH-231,25.5HR) A034800300004 REL-REF (R,,Y.A.Ellis,J,NDS,20,139,1977).Decay-data. A034800300005 (R,,P.Hornshoj+,J,NP/A,248,406,1975).Decay-data. A034800300006 (A,O0030002,J.J.Hogan+,J,PR/C,20,1831,1979) A034800300007 COMMENT /By authors/ For Th-231, the measurement was based on A034800300008 the observation of a single line at 84.2 keV both the A034800300009 (p,n+p) and (p,d) processes lead to Th-231,it was A034800300010 not possible in our work to study these two reactions A034800300011 separately. A034800300012 METHOD (SITA,ACTIV) A034800300013 HISTORY (20120120A) NDS(VZ) : REL-REF: ND/B->NDS A034800300014 (20231224A) SD: Value at E=14.80 MeV moved to A034800300015 DATA-MAX col. A034800300016 ENDBIB 14 0 A034800300017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A034800300018 DATA 6 4 A034800300019 EN MISC MONIT DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX A034800300020 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB A034800300021 14.80 14.76 380. 3.2 A034800300022 17.26 17.23 530. 42. 8. A034800300023 18.75 18.72 620. 65. 12. A034800300024 20.23 20.20 710. 105. 11. A034800300025 ENDDATA 6 0 A034800300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A034800399999 SUBENT A0348004 20160212 A084A034800400001 BIB 6 14 A034800400002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,2N)91-PA-231,,SIG) A034800400003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-231,3.28E4YR) A034800400004 METHOD (ASSOP,SITA) A034800400005 REL-REF (R,,M.R.Schmorak,J,NDS,21,91,1977) Decay-data. A034800400006 CORRECTION /By authors/ The total cross section have been A034800400007 expressed as sigma(p,2n)=sigma-84+ delta-sigma'+ A034800400008 +delta-sigma'', where delta-sigma' and delta-sigma'' A034800400009 are correction terms. The correction delta-sigma' is A034800400010 obtained from the intensity of the 68.5 keV A034800400011 transition and from the intensity difference of the A034800400012 58.6 and 25.6 keV transitions. Delta-sigma'' should A034800400013 account for the feeding of the ground-and the 9.2 keV A034800400014 states by transitions from levels higher than 84.2 keV.A034800400015 HISTORY (20120120A) NDS(VZ): REL-REF: ND/B->NDS A034800400016 ENDBIB 14 0 A034800400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A034800400018 DATA 5 15 A034800400019 EN MISC MONIT DATA DATA-ERR A034800400020 MEV MEV MB MB MB A034800400021 7.23 7.17 75. 0.8 0.3 A034800400022 8.85 8.79 120. 12.3 1.3 A034800400023 10.10 10.05 170. 50. 3. A034800400024 10.90 10.85 200. 93. 7. A034800400025 11.17 11.12 210. 110. 8. A034800400026 12.38 12.33 270. 200. 14. A034800400027 12.50 12.44 270. 217. 15. A034800400028 13.50 13.45 320. 283. 20. A034800400029 13.90 13.86 340. 307. 21. A034800400030 14.80 14.76 380. 297. 21. A034800400031 15.60 15.56 430. 270. 19. A034800400032 17.00 16.96 510. 196. 16. A034800400033 17.26 17.23 530. 168. 15. A034800400034 18.75 18.72 620. 113. 11. A034800400035 20.23 20.20 710. 95. 13. A034800400036 ENDDATA 17 0 A034800400037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A034800499999 SUBENT A0348005 20240823 A117A034800500001 BIB 5 8 A034800500002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,3N)91-PA-230,,SIG) A034800500003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-230,17.4D) A034800500004 METHOD (ACTIV,SITA) A034800500005 REL-REF (R,,M.R.Schmorak,J,NDS,20,165,1977) Decay-data for A034800500006 Pa-232. A034800500007 (R,,Y.A.Ellis,J,NDS,20,139,1977) Decay-data for Pa-230 A034800500008 (D,O0029004,H.A.Tewes,J,PR,98,25,1955) A034800500009 HISTORY (20240823T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A034800500010 ENDBIB 8 0 A034800500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A034800500012 DATA 5 4 A034800500013 EN MISC MONIT DATA DATA-ERR A034800500014 MEV MEV MB MB MB A034800500015 14.80 14.76 380. 3.7 0.5 A034800500016 17.26 17.23 530. 162. 13. A034800500017 18.75 18.72 620. 242. 15. A034800500018 20.23 20.20 710. 420. 42. A034800500019 ENDDATA 6 0 A034800500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A034800599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 A034899999999