ENTRY A0355 20240909 A117A035500000001 SUBENT A0355001 20240909 A117A035500100001 BIB 9 20 A035500100002 TITLE Incident energy dependence of isotopic yield A035500100003 distributions of target-like and fission-like A035500100004 products in N-14 induced reaction on Ni-62. A035500100005 AUTHOR (K.Sueki,Y.Nagame,M.Takahashi,H.Kudo,H.Nakahara, A035500100006 I.Kohno) A035500100007 REFERENCE (J,RCA,38,117,1985) A035500100008 INSTITUTE (2JPNTMU,2JPNIPC) A035500100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNIPC) A035500100010 DETECTOR (GELI) 40 cm3 Ge(Li) detector A035500100011 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA,BCINT,CHSEP) A035500100012 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.9883) Enriched Ni-62 targets (98.83% A035500100013 enrichment) of self-supporting metallic foils A035500100014 1.0 - 2.0 mg/cm2 thick were prepared by the A035500100015 electrodeposition method. A035500100016 HISTORY (19871208C) A035500100017 (19880112U) A035500100018 (20220613A) SD:Updated to new date formats, lower case.A035500100019 Corrections in all Subents. COMMENT, ADD-RES deleted. A035500100020 Subents 002,003 were split. A035500100021 (20240909A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A035500100022 ENDBIB 20 0 A035500100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A035500199999 SUBENT A0355002 20240909 A117A035500200001 BIB 6 16 A035500200002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)27-CO-61,,SIG) A035500200003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.65HR,DG,67.42,0.97) A035500200004 COMMENT /By authors/ Cobalt isotopes Co-61,Co-60,Co-58 be A035500200005 considered free from the effect of parents. Although, A035500200006 yields of the parent nuclides of Co-57 and Co-56, A035500200007 namely, Ni-57 and Ni-56, were sought, they were found A035500200008 below the detection limit, at least one order of A035500200009 magnitude smaller corresponding cobalt isotope yields A035500200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A035500200011 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.1 A035500200012 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.4. A035500200013 HISTORY (20220613A) SD: SF5=IND and SF9=EXP deleted from A035500200014 REACTION code. DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIG; ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A035500200015 Energy values were re-compiled (see STATUS). Subent A035500200016 was split (see Subents 004-008). A035500200017 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A035500200018 ENDBIB 16 0 A035500200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500200020 DATA 3 4 A035500200021 EN DATA DATA-ERR A035500200022 MEV MB MB A035500200023 86.0 1.86 0.07 A035500200024 97.5 2.3 0.5 A035500200025 106.0 3.87 0.14 A035500200026 122.0 8.2 0.28 A035500200027 ENDDATA 6 0 A035500200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A035500299999 SUBENT A0355003 20240909 A117A035500300001 BIB 6 12 A035500300002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)21-SC-48,,SIG) A035500300003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-48,43.67HR,DG,983.50,1.0) A035500300004 COMMENT /By authors/ SC-48, SC-46g, SC-44m be considered free A035500300005 from the effect of parents. A035500300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A035500300007 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.2 A035500300008 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.5. A035500300009 HISTORY (20220613A) SD: SF5=IND and SF9=EXP deleted from A035500300010 REACTION code. DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIG; ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A035500300011 Energy values were re-compiled (see STATUS). Subent A035500300012 was split (see Subents 009-011). A035500300013 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A035500300014 ENDBIB 12 0 A035500300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500300016 DATA 3 2 A035500300017 EN DATA DATA-ERR A035500300018 MEV MB MB A035500300019 106.0 0.0026 0.0007 A035500300020 122.0 0.0117 0.0023 A035500300021 ENDDATA 4 0 A035500300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A035500399999 SUBENT A0355004 20240909 A117A035500400001 BIB 5 13 A035500400002 REACTION (28-NI-61(7-N-14,X)27-CO-60,,SIG) A035500400003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-G,5.27YR,DG,1332.47,1.) A035500400004 COMMENT /By authors/ Cobalt isotopes Co-61,Co-60,Co-58 be A035500400005 considered free from the effect of parents. Although, A035500400006 yields of the parent nuclides of Co-57 and Co-56, A035500400007 namely, Ni-57 and Ni-56, were sought, they were found A035500400008 below the detection limit, at least one order of A035500400009 magnitude smaller corresponding cobalt isotope yields A035500400010 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.1 A035500400011 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.4. A035500400012 HISTORY (20220613T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A035500400013 (20240909A) SD: SF4=Co-60g -> Co-60; SF5=M+ deleted A035500400014 from REACTION code. STATUS updated. A035500400015 ENDBIB 13 0 A035500400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500400017 DATA 3 4 A035500400018 EN DATA ERR-DIG A035500400019 MEV MB MB A035500400020 70.0 1.52 0.06 A035500400021 86.0 3.7 0.14 A035500400022 97.5 7.56 0.28 A035500400023 122.0 24.4 0.9 A035500400024 ENDDATA 6 0 A035500400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A035500499999 SUBENT A0355005 20240909 A117A035500500001 BIB 6 14 A035500500002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) A035500500003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,71.78D,DG,810.76,0.994) A035500500004 COMMENT /By authors/ Cobalt isotopes Co-61,Co-60,Co-58 be A035500500005 considered free from the effect of parents. Although, A035500500006 yields of the parent nuclides of Co-57 and Co-56, A035500500007 namely, Ni-57 and Ni-56, were sought, they were found A035500500008 below the detection limit, at least one order of A035500500009 magnitude smaller corresponding cobalt isotope yields A035500500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A035500500011 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.1 A035500500012 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.4. A035500500013 HISTORY (20220613T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A035500500014 (20240909A) SD: SF4=Co-58g -> Co-58; SF5=M+ deleted A035500500015 from REACTION code. STATUS updated. A035500500016 ENDBIB 14 0 A035500500017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500500018 DATA 3 4 A035500500019 EN DATA DATA-ERR A035500500020 MEV MB MB A035500500021 70.0 0.22 0.15 A035500500022 86.0 2.22 0.08 A035500500023 97.5 6.11 0.21 A035500500024 106.0 7.02 0.26 A035500500025 ENDDATA 6 0 A035500500026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A035500599999 SUBENT A0355006 20240909 A117A035500600001 BIB 5 12 A035500600002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) A035500600003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,271.65D,DG,122.06,0.856) A035500600004 COMMENT /By authors/ Cobalt isotopes Co-61,Co-60,Co-58 be A035500600005 considered free from the effect of parents. Although, A035500600006 yields of the parent nuclides of Co-57 and Co-56, A035500600007 namely, Ni-57 and Ni-56, were sought, they were found A035500600008 below the detection limit, at least one order of A035500600009 magnitude smaller corresponding cobalt isotope yields A035500600010 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.1 A035500600011 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.4. A035500600012 HISTORY (20220613T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A035500600013 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A035500600014 ENDBIB 12 0 A035500600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500600016 DATA 3 5 A035500600017 EN DATA ERR-DIG A035500600018 MEV MB MB A035500600019 70.0 0.085 0.003 A035500600020 86.0 0.97 0.03 A035500600021 97.5 2.28 0.08 A035500600022 106.0 3.1 0.11 A035500600023 122.0 7.9 0.27 A035500600024 ENDDATA 7 0 A035500600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A035500699999 SUBENT A0355007 20240909 A117A035500700001 BIB 6 13 A035500700002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)27-CO-56,,SIG) A035500700003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-56,78.76D,DG,846.75,1.) A035500700004 COMMENT /By authors/ Cobalt isotopes Co-61,Co-60,Co-58 be A035500700005 considered free from the effect of parents. Although, A035500700006 yields of the parent nuclides of Co-57 and Co-56, A035500700007 namely, Ni-57 and Ni-56, were sought, they were found A035500700008 below the detection limit, at least one order of A035500700009 magnitude smaller corresponding cobalt isotope yields A035500700010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A035500700011 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.1 A035500700012 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.4. A035500700013 HISTORY (20220613T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A035500700014 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A035500700015 ENDBIB 13 0 A035500700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500700017 DATA 3 5 A035500700018 EN DATA DATA-ERR A035500700019 MEV MB MB A035500700020 70.0 0.015 0.004 A035500700021 86.0 0.083 0.014 A035500700022 97.5 0.16 0.005 A035500700023 106.0 0.309 0.011 A035500700024 122.0 0.96 0.10 A035500700025 ENDDATA 7 0 A035500700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A035500799999 SUBENT A0355008 20240909 A117A035500800001 BIB 6 13 A035500800002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)27-CO-55,CUM,SIG) A035500800003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-55,17.54HR,DG,931.5,0.75) A035500800004 COMMENT /By authors/ Cobalt isotopes Co-61,Co-60,Co-58 be A035500800005 considered free from the effect of parents. Although, A035500800006 yields of the parent nuclides of Co-57 and Co-56, A035500800007 namely, Ni-57 and Ni-56, were sought, they were found A035500800008 below the detection limit, at least one order of A035500800009 magnitude smaller corresponding cobalt isotope yields A035500800010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A035500800011 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.1 A035500800012 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.4. A035500800013 HISTORY (20220613T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A035500800014 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A035500800015 ENDBIB 13 0 A035500800016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500800017 DATA 3 4 A035500800018 EN DATA DATA-ERR A035500800019 MEV MB MB A035500800020 86.0 0.013 0.003 A035500800021 97.5 0.0198 0.0007 A035500800022 106.0 0.035 0.003 A035500800023 122.0 0.072 0.009 A035500800024 ENDDATA 6 0 A035500800025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A035500899999 SUBENT A0355009 20240909 A117A035500900001 BIB 5 8 A035500900002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)21-SC-47,,SIG) A035500900003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-47,3.42D,DG,159.38,0.685) A035500900004 COMMENT /By authors/ SC-48, SC-46g, SC-44m be considered free A035500900005 from the effect of parents. A035500900006 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.2 A035500900007 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.5. A035500900008 HISTORY (20220613T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A035500900009 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A035500900010 ENDBIB 8 0 A035500900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035500900012 DATA 3 3 A035500900013 EN DATA ERR-DIG A035500900014 MEV MB MB A035500900015 97.5 0.0101 0.0003 A035500900016 106.0 0.0187 0.0006 A035500900017 122.0 0.091 0.003 A035500900018 ENDDATA 5 0 A035500900019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A035500999999 SUBENT A0355010 20240909 A117A035501000001 BIB 6 10 A035501000002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)21-SC-46,,SIG) A035501000003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46-G,83.80D,DG,889.25,1.0) A035501000004 COMMENT /By authors/ SC-48, SC-46g, SC-44m be considered free A035501000005 from the effect of parents. A035501000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A035501000007 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.2 A035501000008 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.5. A035501000009 HISTORY (20220613T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A035501000010 (20240909A) SD: SF4=Sc-46g -> Sc-46; SF5=M+ deleted A035501000011 from REACTION code. STATUS updated. A035501000012 ENDBIB 10 0 A035501000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035501000014 DATA 3 2 A035501000015 EN DATA DATA-ERR A035501000016 MEV MB MB A035501000017 106.0 0.071 0.013 A035501000018 122.0 0.287 0.021 A035501000019 ENDDATA 4 0 A035501000020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A035501099999 SUBENT A0355011 20240909 A117A035501100001 BIB 5 9 A035501100002 REACTION (28-NI-62(7-N-14,X)21-SC-44-M,,SIG) A035501100003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-44-M,2.44D,DG,271.24,0.986) A035501100004 COMMENT /By authors/ SC-48, SC-46g, SC-44m be considered free A035501100005 from the effect of parents. A035501100006 STATUS (CURVE,,K.Sueki+,J,RCA,38,117,1985) Fig.2 A035501100007 Energy values were taken from the bottom of the fig.5. A035501100008 HISTORY (20220613T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A035501100009 (20240909A) SD: SF5=M+ deleted from REACTION code. A035501100010 STATUS updated. A035501100011 ENDBIB 9 0 A035501100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A035501100013 DATA 3 3 A035501100014 EN DATA ERR-DIG A035501100015 MEV MB MB A035501100016 97.5 0.0241 0.0008 A035501100017 106.0 0.0517 0.0018 A035501100018 122.0 0.249 0.009 A035501100019 ENDDATA 5 0 A035501100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A035501199999 ENDENTRY 11 0 A035599999999