ENTRY A0392 20231224 A104A039200000001 SUBENT A0392001 20231224 A104A039200100001 BIB 9 17 A039200100002 TITLE Cross sections for proton induced reactions on K-41 A039200100003 and for the reaction Ni-62(alpha,p)29-Cu-65 A039200100004 AUTHOR (M.E.Sevior,L.M.Mitchell,C.I.W.Tingwell,D.G.Sargood) A039200100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,454,128,1986) A039200100006 (W,SARGOOD,19880913) A039200100007 INSTITUTE (3AULAML) A039200100008 FACILITY (VDGT,3AULAML) Pelletron accelerator A039200100009 ADD-RES (COMP) Statistical-model analysis. Thermonuclear A039200100010 reactions rates. A039200100011 METHOD (BCINT) A039200100012 STATUS (TABLE) Private communication. A039200100013 HISTORY (19880919C) A039200100014 (19880920A) By D.G.Sargood. A039200100015 (20200319A) SD:Updated to new date formats, lower case.A039200100016 Major corrections in all Subents. ANALYSIS deleted. A039200100017 Several Subents were merged. A039200100018 (20231224A) SD: STATUS added in Subents 007, 009, 010. A039200100019 ENDBIB 17 0 A039200100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 A039200100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 A039200199999 SUBENT A0392002 20200319 A094A039200200001 BIB 8 21 A039200200002 REACTION (28-NI-62(A,P)29-CU-65,,SIG) A039200200003 ANALYSIS The 62Ni(alpha,p)65Cu cross sections were determined A039200200004 relative to the Rutherford scattering cross section A039200200005 over 6.5-8.5 MeV energy range. Above 8.5 MeV, where A039200200006 the Rutherford law was not followed, the excitation A039200200007 function was measured relative to the charge A039200200008 collected in a Faraday cup located behind the target, A039200200009 and normalized to the measurements made below 8.5 MeV. A039200200010 DETECTOR (SIBAR) A039200200011 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.9664) A thin self-supporting target wasA039200200012 prepared by evaporation of nickel metal,enriched to A039200200013 96.64% in Ni-62, from a tungsten boat on to a glass A039200200014 slide coated with potassium iodide as a release agent. A039200200015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS,,5.) Systematic error A039200200016 (ERR-S) Statistical error A039200200017 STATUS (DEP,A0392003) Partial cr.sections. A039200200018 COMMENT /By compiler/ Cross section for (alpha,p(0)) is very A039200200019 close to total cross-section. A039200200020 HISTORY (20200319A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A039200200021 Part of data moved to Subent 003 (REACTION (A)). A039200200022 BIB updated. ERR-T -> ERR-S. A039200200023 ENDBIB 21 0 A039200200024 NOCOMMON 0 0 A039200200025 DATA 3 27 A039200200026 EN-CM DATA ERR-S A039200200027 MEV MB MB A039200200028 6.0591 7.245E-3 4.600E-3 A039200200029 6.1530 3.565E-2 6.750E-3 A039200200030 6.2470 5.52E-2 9.20E-3 A039200200031 6.3409 7.36E-2 1.04E-2 A039200200032 6.4348 0.16215 1.1500E-2 A039200200033 6.4818 0.1955 2.3000E-2 A039200200034 6.5288 0.138 1.150E-2 A039200200035 6.6227 9.2E-2 1.04E-2 A039200200036 6.7167 6.67E-2 6.90E-3 A039200200037 6.8106 5.75E-2 6.90E-3 A039200200038 6.9045 9.2E-2 8.05E-3 A039200200039 6.9985 0.10350 1.03500E-2 A039200200040 7.0924 0.1265 1.1500E-2 A039200200041 7.1864 0.207 1.495E-2 A039200200042 7.2803 0.506 1.955E-2 A039200200043 7.3742 0.3105 1.725E-2 A039200200044 7.4682 0.345 1.725E-2 A039200200045 7.5621 0.3335 1.8400E-2 A039200200046 7.6561 0.6095 3.4500E-2 A039200200047 7.75 0.5865 3.4500E-2 A039200200048 7.8439 0.7015 3.4500E-2 A039200200049 7.9379 0.7705 3.4500E-2 A039200200050 8.0318 1.0925 4.6000E-2 A039200200051 8.1258 0.9315 4.6000E-2 A039200200052 8.2197 1.656 6.900E-2 A039200200053 8.3136 1.265 6.900E-2 A039200200054 8.4076 1.61 6.90E-2 A039200200055 ENDDATA 29 0 A039200200056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 A039200299999 SUBENT A0392003 20200319 A094A039200300001 BIB 6 20 A039200300002 REACTION (28-NI-62(A,P)29-CU-65,PAR,SIG) A039200300003 ANALYSIS The 62Ni(alpha,p) 65Cu cross sections were determined A039200300004 relative to the Rutherford scattering cross section A039200300005 over 6.5-8.5 MeV energy range. Above 8.5 MeV, where A039200300006 the Rutherford law was not followed, the excitation A039200300007 function was measured relative to the charge A039200300008 collected in a Faraday cup located behind the target, A039200300009 and normalized to the measurements made below 8.5 MeV. A039200300010 DETECTOR (SIBAR) A039200300011 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.9664) A thin self-supporting target wasA039200300012 prepared by evaporation of nickel metal, enriched to A039200300013 96.64% in Ni-62, from a tungsten boat on to a glass A039200300014 slide coated with potassium iodide as a release agent. A039200300015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS,,5.) Systematic error A039200300016 (ERR-S) Statistical error (same values are given on A039200300017 figs as statistical). A039200300018 HISTORY (20200319A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A039200300019 Data from Subent 004 and part of data from Subent 002 A039200300020 (REACTION (A)) moved to this Subent. BIB updated. A039200300021 ERR-T -> ERR-S A039200300022 ENDBIB 20 0 A039200300023 NOCOMMON 0 0 A039200300024 DATA 4 44 A039200300025 E-LVL EN-CM DATA ERR-S A039200300026 MEV MEV MB MB A039200300027 0. 6.0591 7.245E-3 4.600E-3 A039200300028 0. 6.1530 3.565E-2 6.750E-3 A039200300029 0. 6.2470 5.52E-2 9.20E-3 A039200300030 0. 6.3409 7.36E-2 1.04E-2 A039200300031 0. 6.4348 0.16215 1.1500E-2 A039200300032 0. 6.4818 0.1955 2.3000E-2 A039200300033 0. 6.5288 0.138 1.150E-2 A039200300034 0. 6.6227 9.2E-2 1.04E-2 A039200300035 0. 6.7167 6.67E-2 6.90E-3 A039200300036 0. 6.8106 5.75E-2 6.90E-3 A039200300037 0. 6.9045 9.2E-2 8.05E-3 A039200300038 0. 6.9985 0.10350 1.03500E-2 A039200300039 0. 7.0924 0.1265 1.1500E-2 A039200300040 0. 7.1864 0.207 1.495E-2 A039200300041 0. 7.2803 0.506 1.955E-2 A039200300042 0. 7.3742 0.3105 1.725E-2 A039200300043 0. 7.4682 0.345 1.725E-2 A039200300044 0. 7.5621 0.3335 1.8400E-2 A039200300045 0. 7.6561 0.6095 3.4500E-2 A039200300046 0. 7.75 0.5865 3.4500E-2 A039200300047 0. 7.8439 0.7015 3.4500E-2 A039200300048 0. 7.9379 0.7705 3.4500E-2 A039200300049 0. 8.0318 1.0925 4.6000E-2 A039200300050 0. 8.1258 0.9315 4.6000E-2 A039200300051 0. 8.2197 1.656 6.900E-2 A039200300052 0. 8.3136 1.265 6.900E-2 A039200300053 0. 8.4076 1.61 6.90E-2 A039200300054 0.7708 7.3742 2.394E-2 7.980E-3 A039200300055 0.7708 7.4682 3.42E-2 7.98E-3 A039200300056 0.7708 7.5621 4.902E-2 6.840E-3 A039200300057 0.7708 7.6561 7.638E-2 1.938E-3 A039200300058 0.7708 7.75 0.114 1.710E-2 A039200300059 0.7708 7.8439 0.1596 1.9380E-2 A039200300060 0.7708 7.9379 0.1596 1.5960E-2 A039200300061 0.7708 8.0318 0.2394 2.0520E-2 A039200300062 0.7708 8.1258 0.3306 2.2800E-2 A039200300063 0.7708 8.2197 0.5814 4.5600E-2 A039200300064 0.7708 8.3136 0.4902 4.5600E-2 A039200300065 0.7708 8.4076 0.5016 4.5600E-2 A039200300066 1.1155 8.0318 6.84E-3 1.368E-3 A039200300067 1.1155 8.1258 1.254E-2 1.824E-3 A039200300068 1.1155 8.2197 1.596E-2 2.280E-3 A039200300069 1.1155 8.3136 1.938E-2 2.280E-3 A039200300070 1.1155 8.4076 2.394E-2 3.420E-3 A039200300071 ENDDATA 46 0 A039200300072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 A039200399999 NOSUBENT A0392004 20200319 A094A039200400001 SUBENT A0392005 20200319 A094A039200500001 BIB 5 14 A039200500002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,N)20-CA-41,PAR,SIG) A039200500003 DETECTOR (GELI) A039200500004 SAMPLE (19-K-41,ENR=0.9935) A target was prepared by A039200500005 evaporation of KBr, enriched to 99.35% in K-41,on to a A039200500006 gold backing of supporting thickness. The adopted valueA039200500007 for the KBr target was (1.08+-0.07) x 1O**18 atoms/cm2 A039200500008 of 41K. A039200500009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error. The main contributions A039200500010 coming from overall detection efficiency and target A039200500011 thickness. A039200500012 (ERR-S) Statistical error A039200500013 HISTORY (20200319A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A039200500014 PART-DET deleted. BIB updated. ERR-T -> ERR-S. Data A039200500015 from Subent 006 added. A039200500016 ENDBIB 14 0 A039200500017 COMMON 1 3 A039200500018 ERR-SYS A039200500019 PER-CENT A039200500020 13. A039200500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039200500022 DATA 4 38 A039200500023 E-LVL EN-CM DATA ERR-S A039200500024 MEV MEV MB MB A039200500025 1.9427 3.22 15.4 0.20 A039200500026 1.9427 3.26 12.0 0.1 A039200500027 1.9427 3.30 15.8 0.2 A039200500028 1.9427 3.34 21.5 0.2 A039200500029 1.9427 3.38 17.3 0.2 A039200500030 1.9427 3.42 19.2 0.2 A039200500031 1.9427 3.46 22.2 0.3 A039200500032 1.9427 3.50 31.1 0.3 A039200500033 1.9427 3.54 17.0 0.3 A039200500034 1.9427 3.58 22.4 0.3 A039200500035 1.9427 3.62 22.4 0.3 A039200500036 1.9427 3.66 24.7 0.4 A039200500037 1.9427 3.70 19.2 0.3 A039200500038 1.9427 3.74 22.2 0.3 A039200500039 1.9427 3.78 16.9 1.7 A039200500040 1.9427 3.82 19.3 2.0 A039200500041 1.9427 3.86 23.6 2.0 A039200500042 1.9427 3.90 23.2 2.0 A039200500043 1.9427 3.94 16.4 2.0 A039200500044 1.9427 3.98 19.5 2.0 A039200500045 2.0099 3.30 4.69 0.10 A039200500046 2.0099 3.34 9.02 0.10 A039200500047 2.0099 3.38 8.9 0.1 A039200500048 2.0099 3.42 8.08 0.10 A039200500049 2.0099 3.46 8.63 0.10 A039200500050 2.0099 3.50 15.6 0.2 A039200500051 2.0099 3.54 13.3 0.2 A039200500052 2.0099 3.58 14.3 0.2 A039200500053 2.0099 3.62 13.0 0.2 A039200500054 2.0099 3.66 21.0 0.2 A039200500055 2.0099 3.70 11.6 0.2 A039200500056 2.0099 3.74 14.2 0.23 A039200500057 2.0099 3.78 18.5 0.3 A039200500058 2.0099 3.82 16.7 0.3 A039200500059 2.0099 3.86 23.3 0.3 A039200500060 2.0099 3.90 20.2 0.3 A039200500061 2.0099 3.94 18.2 0.3 A039200500062 2.0099 3.98 27.7 0.3 A039200500063 ENDDATA 40 0 A039200500064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 A039200599999 NOSUBENT A0392006 20200319 A094A039200600001 SUBENT A0392007 20231224 A104A039200700001 BIB 7 24 A039200700002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,A)18-AR-38,PAR,SIG) A039200700003 SAMPLE (19-K-41,ENR=0.9935) A target was prepared by A039200700004 evaporation of KBr, enriched to 99.35% in K-41,onto a A039200700005 gold backing of supporting thickness. The adopted valueA039200700006 for the KBr target was (1.08+-0.07) x 10**18 atoms/cm2 A039200700007 of 41K. A039200700008 COMMENT /By authors/ The K-41(p,alpha(0))Ar-38 alpha-particles A039200700009 were separated from the high flux of protons, A039200700010 elastically scattered mainly by the gold target A039200700011 backing, by means of a permanent magnet with a field A039200700012 of 10E+4 G between its pole faces, and detected by a A039200700013 16 mm diameter surface barrier detector. A039200700014 /by compiler/ Total cross section is very close to A039200700015 this partial cross section. A039200700016 DETECTOR (SIBAR) 16 mm diam. surface barrier detector A039200700017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error. The main contributions A039200700018 coming from overall detection efficiency and target A039200700019 thickness. A039200700020 (ERR-S) Statistical error A039200700021 STATUS (COREL,D0854003) Measurement with an enriched sample A039200700022 HISTORY (20200319A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. BIBA039200700023 updated. PART-DET deleted. ERR-T->ERR-S; E-EXC->E-LVL. A039200700024 Data from Subent 008 added. A039200700025 (20231224U) SD: STATUS added. A039200700026 ENDBIB 24 0 A039200700027 NOCOMMON 0 0 A039200700028 DATA 5 146 A039200700029 E-LVL EN-CM DATA ERR-SYS ERR-S A039200700030 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB A039200700031 0. 0.78 7.1E-2 10. 1.8E-2 A039200700032 0. 0.82 0.128 10. 3.000E-2 A039200700033 0. 0.86 7.1E-2 10. 1.8E-2 A039200700034 0. 0.90 0.19 10. 3.00E-2 A039200700035 0. 0.94 0.171 10. 3.000E-2 A039200700036 0. 0.98 0.511 10. 8.000E-2 A039200700037 0. 1.02 0.356 10. 6.000E-2 A039200700038 0. 1.05 0.377 10. 6.000E-2 A039200700039 0. 1.09 0.351 10. 6.000E-2 A039200700040 0. 1.12 0.634 10. 8.000E-2 A039200700041 0. 1.15 1.1 10. 0.1 A039200700042 0. 1.18 1.23 10. 0.10 A039200700043 0. 1.20 2.77 10. 0.12 A039200700044 0. 1.21 1.77 10. 0.10 A039200700045 0. 1.24 1.29 10. 0.10 A039200700046 0. 1.27 1.72 10. 0.20 A039200700047 0. 1.30 2.85 10. 0.30 A039200700048 0. 1.325 2.5 10. 0.3 A039200700049 0. 1.35 2.21 10. 0.30 A039200700050 0. 1.375 4.85 10. 0.30 A039200700051 0. 1.400 6.02 10. 0.40 A039200700052 0. 1.425 5.68 10. 0.40 A039200700053 0. 1.450 2.2 10. 0.3 A039200700054 0. 1.475 5.08 10. 0.30 A039200700055 0. 1.500 4.7 10. 0.3 A039200700056 0. 1.525 2.42 10. 0.30 A039200700057 0. 1.550 4.3 10. 0.4 A039200700058 0. 1.575 8.86 10. 0.40 A039200700059 0. 1.600 6.25 10. 0.40 A039200700060 0. 1.625 4.4 10. 0.3 A039200700061 0. 1.650 4.4 10. 0.3 A039200700062 0. 1.675 6.21 10. 0.40 A039200700063 0. 1.700 12.7 10. 0.5 A039200700064 0. 1.725 11.9 10. 0.5 A039200700065 0. 1.750 23.1 10. 0.6 A039200700066 0. 1.75 11.5 10. 0.5 A039200700067 0. 1.800 11.0 10. 0.5 A039200700068 0. 1.825 5.86 10. 0.40 A039200700069 0. 1.850 7.09 10. 0.40 A039200700070 0. 1.875 9.81 10. 0.40 A039200700071 0. 1.900 24.0 10. 0.6 A039200700072 0. 1.925 17.5 10. 0.6 A039200700073 0. 1.950 24.0 10. 0.6 A039200700074 0. 1.975 6.68 10. 0.40 A039200700075 0. 2.000 12.3 10. 0.6 A039200700076 0. 2.02 11.8 10. 0.6 A039200700077 0. 2.04 9.0 10. 0.6 A039200700078 0. 2.06 22.5 10. 0.9 A039200700079 0. 2.08 24.7 10. 0.1 A039200700080 0. 2.10 25.3 10. 0.1 A039200700081 0. 2.12 13.9 10. 0.1 A039200700082 0. 2.14 39.4 10. 0.1 A039200700083 0. 2.16 23.5 10. 0.1 A039200700084 0. 2.18 32.8 10. 0.1 A039200700085 0. 2.20 31.9 10. 0.1 A039200700086 0. 2.22 15.5 10. 0.1 A039200700087 0. 2.24 16.2 10. 0.7 A039200700088 0. 2.26 8.86 10. 0.6 A039200700089 0. 2.28 11.0 10. 0.6 A039200700090 0. 2.30 32.2 10. 0.6 A039200700091 0. 2.32 31.5 10. 0.2 A039200700092 0. 2.34 13.2 10. 0.2 A039200700093 0. 2.36 22.7 10. 0.9 A039200700094 0. 2.38 28.5 10. 1.0 A039200700095 0. 2.40 21.7 10. 0.9 A039200700096 0. 2.42 19.1 10. 0.9 A039200700097 0. 2.44 28.1 10. 1.0 A039200700098 0. 2.46 38.8 10. 1.0 A039200700099 0. 2.48 52.2 10. 1.0 A039200700100 0. 2.50 23.3 10. 0.9 A039200700101 0. 2.52 35.1 10. 1.0 A039200700102 0. 2.54 43.1 10. 1.0 A039200700103 0. 2.56 27.9 10. 1.0 A039200700104 0. 2.58 19.8 10. 0.9 A039200700105 0. 2.60 25.0 10. 0.9 A039200700106 2.1676 1.18 0.03 13. 0.005 A039200700107 2.1676 1.22 0.0239 13. 0.0050 A039200700108 2.1676 1.26 0.0609 13. 0.0030 A039200700109 2.1676 1.30 0.0314 13. 0.0060 A039200700110 2.1676 1.34 0.0453 13. A039200700111 2.1676 1.38 0.0418 13. 0.0060 A039200700112 2.1676 1.42 0.0437 13. 0.0060 A039200700113 2.1676 1.46 0.0645 13. 0.0060 A039200700114 2.1676 1.50 0.0495 13. 0.0060 A039200700115 2.1676 1.54 0.0766 13. 0.0070 A039200700116 2.1676 1.58 0.128 13. 0.008 A039200700117 2.1676 1.62 0.223 13. 0.009 A039200700118 2.1676 1.66 0.0457 13. 0.0070 A039200700119 2.1676 1.70 0.0615 13. 0.0070 A039200700120 2.1676 1.74 0.252 13. 0.014 A039200700121 2.1676 1.78 0.163 13. 0.013 A039200700122 2.1676 1.82 0.456 13. 0.020 A039200700123 2.1676 1.86 0.261 13. 0.020 A039200700124 2.1676 1.90 0.27 13. 0.02 A039200700125 2.1676 1.94 0.327 13. 0.020 A039200700126 2.1676 1.98 0.292 13. 0.017 A039200700127 2.1676 2.02 0.401 13. 0.020 A039200700128 2.1676 2.06 0.508 13. 0.020 A039200700129 2.1676 2.10 1.04 13. 0.03 A039200700130 2.1676 2.14 0.979 13. 0.03 A039200700131 2.1676 2.18 1.32 13. 0.03 A039200700132 2.1676 2.22 1.26 13. 0.03 A039200700133 2.1676 2.26 1.18 13. 0.03 A039200700134 2.1676 2.30 1.71 13. 0.03 A039200700135 2.1676 2.34 1.97 13. 0.04 A039200700136 2.1676 2.38 0.882 13. 0.040 A039200700137 2.1676 2.42 2.71 13. 0.04 A039200700138 2.1676 2.46 2.65 13. 0.04 A039200700139 2.1676 2.50 1.51 13. 0.04 A039200700140 2.1676 2.54 4.80 13. 0.06 A039200700141 2.1676 2.58 2.63 13. 0.04 A039200700142 2.1676 2.62 4.54 13. 0.06 A039200700143 2.1676 2.66 3.52 13. 0.05 A039200700144 2.1676 2.70 5.53 13. 0.06 A039200700145 2.1676 2.74 6.32 13. 0.07 A039200700146 2.1676 2.78 4.15 13. 0.05 A039200700147 2.1676 2.82 10.10 13. 0.08 A039200700148 2.1676 2.86 8.76 13. 0.08 A039200700149 2.1676 2.90 8.44 13. 0.08 A039200700150 2.1676 2.94 6.17 13. 0.06 A039200700151 2.1676 2.98 9.12 13. 0.08 A039200700152 2.1676 3.02 4.97 13. 0.06 A039200700153 2.1676 3.06 6.73 13. 0.07 A039200700154 2.1676 3.10 8.81 13. 0.08 A039200700155 2.1676 3.14 12.6 13. 0.1 A039200700156 2.1676 3.18 8.59 13. 0.1 A039200700157 2.1676 3.22 12.2 13. 0.1 A039200700158 2.1676 3.26 15.2 13. 0.1 A039200700159 2.1676 3.30 11.1 13. 0.1 A039200700160 2.1676 3.34 9.22 13. 0.10 A039200700161 2.1676 3.38 16.9 13. 0.2 A039200700162 2.1676 3.42 11.8 13. 0.1 A039200700163 2.1676 3.46 15.5 13. 0.2 A039200700164 2.1676 3.50 13.6 13. 0.2 A039200700165 2.1676 3.54 20.7 13. 0.2 A039200700166 2.1676 3.58 16.7 13. 0.2 A039200700167 2.1676 3.62 17.8 13. 0.3 A039200700168 2.1676 3.66 20.9 13. 0.3 A039200700169 2.1676 3.70 15.4 13. 0.3 A039200700170 2.1676 3.74 22.7 13. 0.3 A039200700171 2.1676 3.78 19.0 13. 0.3 A039200700172 2.1676 3.82 25.5 13. 0.3 A039200700173 2.1676 3.86 20.8 13. 0.3 A039200700174 2.1676 3.90 22.3 13. 0.3 A039200700175 2.1676 3.94 25.6 13. 0.3 A039200700176 2.1676 3.98 26.6 13. 0.3 A039200700177 ENDDATA 148 0 A039200700178 ENDSUBENT 177 0 A039200799999 NOSUBENT A0392008 20200319 A094A039200800001 SUBENT A0392009 20231224 A104A039200900001 BIB 6 18 A039200900002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,N)20-CA-41,,SIG) A039200900003 SAMPLE (19-K-41,ENR=0.9935) A target was prepared by A039200900004 evaporation of KBr, enriched to 99.35% in K-41,onto a A039200900005 gold backing of supporting thickness. The adopted valueA039200900006 for the KBr target was (0.78+-0.04) x 10**18 atoms/cm2 A039200900007 of 41K. A039200900008 DETECTOR (GELI) 125 cm3 Ge(Li) detector located 2.3 cm from the A039200900009 target in the 55. degr. direction for gamma-ray A039200900010 measurements made below the neutron threshold and a A039200900011 60 cm3 Ge(Li) detector for measurements above the A039200900012 neutron threshold. A039200900013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error. The main contributions A039200900014 coming from overall detection efficiency and target A039200900015 thickness. A039200900016 STATUS (COREL,D0854004) Measurement with an enriched sample A039200900017 HISTORY (20200319A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. BIBA039200900018 updated. PART-DET deleted. A039200900019 (20231224U) SD: STATUS added. A039200900020 ENDBIB 18 0 A039200900021 COMMON 1 3 A039200900022 ERR-SYS A039200900023 PER-CENT A039200900024 16. A039200900025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039200900026 DATA 2 45 A039200900027 EN-CM DATA A039200900028 MEV MB A039200900029 1.235 0.056 A039200900030 1.26 0.354 A039200900031 1.30 0.527 A039200900032 1.34 0.779 A039200900033 1.38 1.22 A039200900034 1.42 0.771 A039200900035 1.46 0.908 A039200900036 1.50 2.41 A039200900037 1.54 4.0 A039200900038 1.58 4.91 A039200900039 1.62 3.51 A039200900040 1.66 5.18 A039200900041 1.70 3.89 A039200900042 1.74 4.79 A039200900043 1.78 5.33 A039200900044 1.82 10.2 A039200900045 1.86 35.6 A039200900046 1.90 12.5 A039200900047 1.94 12.7 A039200900048 1.98 7.15 A039200900049 2.02 7.3 A039200900050 2.06 14.0 A039200900051 2.10 12.7 A039200900052 2.14 17.9 A039200900053 2.18 18.6 A039200900054 2.22 19.4 A039200900055 2.26 9.16 A039200900056 2.30 22.0 A039200900057 2.34 16.9 A039200900058 2.38 14.8 A039200900059 2.42 37.4 A039200900060 2.46 17.2 A039200900061 2.50 34.1 A039200900062 2.54 30.5 A039200900063 2.58 23.2 A039200900064 2.62 22.9 A039200900065 2.66 29.4 A039200900066 2.70 40.3 A039200900067 2.74 52.7 A039200900068 2.78 41.3 A039200900069 2.82 49.2 A039200900070 2.86 38.1 A039200900071 2.90 76.4 A039200900072 2.94 45.3 A039200900073 2.98 40.9 A039200900074 ENDDATA 47 0 A039200900075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 A039200999999 SUBENT A0392010 20231224 A104A039201000001 BIB 7 21 A039201000002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,G)20-CA-42,,SIG) A039201000003 CORRECTION Cascade summing corrections were significant only for A039201000004 the (p,gamma) reaction and a 3% correction was applied.A039201000005 SAMPLE (19-K-41,ENR=0.9935) A target was prepared by A039201000006 evaporation of KBr, enriched to 99.35% in K-41,onto a A039201000007 gold backing of supporting thickness. The adopted valueA039201000008 for the KBr target was (0.78+-0.04) x 10**18 atoms/cm2 A039201000009 of 41K. A039201000010 DETECTOR (GELI) 125 cm3 Ge(Li) detector located 2.3 cm from the A039201000011 target in the 55. degr. direction for gamma-ray A039201000012 measurements made below the neutron threshold and a A039201000013 60 cm3 Ge(Li) detector for measurements above the A039201000014 neutron threshold. A039201000015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error. The main contributions A039201000016 coming from overall detection efficiency and target A039201000017 thickness. A039201000018 (ERR-S) Statistical error A039201000019 STATUS (COREL,D0854002) Measurement with an enriched sample A039201000020 HISTORY (20200319A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A039201000021 BIB updated. PART-DET deleted. ERR-T->ERR-S. A039201000022 (20231224U) SD: STATUS added. A039201000023 ENDBIB 21 0 A039201000024 COMMON 1 3 A039201000025 ERR-SYS A039201000026 PER-CENT A039201000027 14. A039201000028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039201000029 DATA 3 68 A039201000030 EN-CM DATA ERR-S A039201000031 MEV MB MB A039201000032 0.625 1.59E-3 7.E-4 A039201000033 0.675 5.72E-3 9.E-4 A039201000034 0.725 1.64E-2 1.5E-3 A039201000035 0.775 1.99E-2 1.9E-3 A039201000036 0.825 3.27E-2 2.2E-3 A039201000037 0.875 4.23E-2 2.7E-3 A039201000038 0.925 6.48E-2 3.E-3 A039201000039 0.975 8.59E-2 3.E-3 A039201000040 1.025 0.128 7.E-3 A039201000041 1.075 0.166 7.E-3 A039201000042 1.125 0.149 6.E-3 A039201000043 1.175 0.287 9.E-3 A039201000044 1.220 0.165 7.E-3 A039201000045 1.260 0.241 8.E-3 A039201000046 1.30 0.364 9.E-3 A039201000047 1.34 0.216 8.E-3 A039201000048 1.38 0.234 8.E-3 A039201000049 1.42 0.156 7.E-3 A039201000050 1.46 0.127 6.E-3 A039201000051 1.50 0.136 6.E-3 A039201000052 1.54 0.167 7.E-3 A039201000053 1.58 0.204 8.E-3 A039201000054 1.62 0.220 9.E-3 A039201000055 1.66 0.248 9.E-3 A039201000056 1.70 0.152 5.E-3 A039201000057 1.74 0.228 1.2E-2 A039201000058 1.78 0.274 1.3E-2 A039201000059 1.82 0.353 1.7E-2 A039201000060 1.86 0.388 1.6E-2 A039201000061 1.90 0.321 1.4E-2 A039201000062 1.94 0.314 1.5E-2 A039201000063 1.98 0.172 1.2E-2 A039201000064 2.02 0.169 1.2E-2 A039201000065 2.06 0.218 1.5E-2 A039201000066 2.10 0.337 1.7E-2 A039201000067 2.14 0.314 1.7E-2 A039201000068 2.18 0.249 1.7E-2 A039201000069 2.22 0.266 1.8E-2 A039201000070 2.26 0.185 1.8E-2 A039201000071 2.30 0.227 1.9E-2 A039201000072 2.34 0.230 2.0E-2 A039201000073 2.38 0.302 1.8E-2 A039201000074 2.42 0.371 2.E-2 A039201000075 2.46 0.296 2.E-2 A039201000076 2.50 0.393 2.E-2 A039201000077 2.54 0.228 3.E-2 A039201000078 2.58 0.382 3.E-2 A039201000079 2.62 0.326 3.E-2 A039201000080 2.66 0.346 3.E-2 A039201000081 2.70 0.347 3.E-2 A039201000082 2.74 0.319 4.E-2 A039201000083 2.78 0.245 3.E-2 A039201000084 2.82 0.516 3.E-2 A039201000085 2.86 0.286 3.E-2 A039201000086 2.90 0.477 3.E-2 A039201000087 2.94 0.321 3.E-2 A039201000088 2.98 0.222 3.E-2 A039201000089 3.02 0.242 3.E-2 A039201000090 3.06 0.279 3.5E-2 A039201000091 3.10 0.351 4.E-2 A039201000092 3.14 0.203 6.E-2 A039201000093 3.18 0.416 6.E-2 A039201000094 3.22 0.495 8.E-2 A039201000095 3.26 0.324 8.E-2 A039201000096 3.38 0.298 5.E-2 A039201000097 3.54 0.420 8.E-2 A039201000098 3.70 0.278 8.E-2 A039201000099 3.86 0.194 9.E-2 A039201000100 ENDDATA 70 0 A039201000101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 A039201099999 SUBENT A0392011 20200319 A094A039201100001 BIB 5 18 A039201100002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,INL)19-K-41,PAR,SIG) A039201100003 SAMPLE (19-K-41,ENR=0.9935) A target was prepared by A039201100004 evaporation of KBr, enriched to 99.35% in K-41,onto a A039201100005 gold backing of supporting thickness. The adopted valueA039201100006 for the KBr target was (0.78+-0.04) x 10**18 atoms/cm2 A039201100007 of 41K. A039201100008 DETECTOR (GELI) 125 cm3 Ge(Li) detector located 2.3 cm from the A039201100009 target in the 55. degr. direction for gamma-ray A039201100010 measurements made below the neutron threshold and a A039201100011 60 cm3 Ge(Li) detector for measurements above the A039201100012 neutron threshold. A039201100013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error. The main contributions A039201100014 coming from overall detection efficiency and target A039201100015 thickness. A039201100016 (ERR-S) Statistical error A039201100017 HISTORY (20200319A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. BIBA039201100018 updated. PART-DET deleted. ERR-T->ERR-S; E-EXC->E-LVL. A039201100019 Data from Subents 012-015 added. A039201100020 ENDBIB 18 0 A039201100021 COMMON 1 3 A039201100022 ERR-SYS A039201100023 PER-CENT A039201100024 13. A039201100025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039201100026 DATA 4 192 A039201100027 E-LVL EN-CM DATA ERR-S A039201100028 MEV MEV MB MB A039201100029 0.9804 1.86 2.75E-2 6.6E-3 A039201100030 0.9804 1.90 2.86E-2 5.5E-3 A039201100031 0.9804 1.94 4.07E-2 6.6E-3 A039201100032 0.9804 1.98 2.53E-2 6.6E-3 A039201100033 0.9804 2.02 6.27E-2 6.6E-3 A039201100034 0.9804 2.06 9.79E-2 8.8E-3 A039201100035 0.9804 2.10 6.38E-2 8.8E-3 A039201100036 0.9804 2.14 5.5E-2 8.8E-3 A039201100037 0.9804 2.18 0.429 0.132 A039201100038 0.9804 2.22 0.187 1.1E-2 A039201100039 0.9804 2.26 0.429 1.1E-2 A039201100040 0.9804 2.30 0.803 2.2E-2 A039201100041 0.9804 2.34 1.474 2.2E-2 A039201100042 0.9804 2.38 0.616 2.2E-2 A039201100043 0.9804 2.42 0.869 2.2E-2 A039201100044 0.9804 2.46 0.517 2.2E-2 A039201100045 0.9804 2.50 2.541 3.3E-2 A039201100046 0.9804 2.54 0.649 2.2E-2 A039201100047 0.9804 2.58 1.364 3.3E-2 A039201100048 0.9804 2.62 1.738 3.3E-2 A039201100049 0.9804 2.66 1.991 3.3E-2 A039201100050 0.9804 2.70 3.113 4.4E-2 A039201100051 0.9804 2.74 1.771 4.4E-2 A039201100052 0.9804 2.78 1.826 4.4E-2 A039201100053 0.9804 2.82 3.234 4.4E-2 A039201100054 0.9804 2.86 1.342 4.4E-2 A039201100055 0.9804 2.90 4.422 5.5E-2 A039201100056 0.9804 2.94 4.455 5.5E-2 A039201100057 0.9804 2.98 4.62 0.11 A039201100058 0.9804 3.02 2.86 0.11 A039201100059 0.9804 3.06 5.61 0.11 A039201100060 0.9804 3.10 8.69 0.22 A039201100061 0.9804 3.14 9.46 0.22 A039201100062 0.9804 3.18 6.27 0.22 A039201100063 0.9804 3.22 3.30 0.23 A039201100064 0.9804 3.26 5.17 0.44 A039201100065 0.9804 3.30 4.84 0.33 A039201100066 0.9804 3.34 5.94 0.33 A039201100067 0.9804 3.38 9.35 0.55 A039201100068 0.9804 3.42 5.61 0.55 A039201100069 0.9804 3.46 5.50 0.55 A039201100070 0.9804 3.50 15.62 0.66 A039201100071 0.9804 3.54 11.33 0.99 A039201100072 0.9804 3.58 5.72 0.55 A039201100073 0.9804 3.62 4.18 0.55 A039201100074 0.9804 3.66 7.92 0.55 A039201100075 0.9804 3.70 9.46 0.66 A039201100076 0.9804 3.74 11.77 8.8E-2 A039201100077 0.9804 3.78 10.23 8.8E-2 A039201100078 0.9804 3.82 7.04 0.88 A039201100079 0.9804 3.86 8.47 0.88 A039201100080 0.9804 3.90 15.7 1.1 A039201100081 0.9804 3.94 13.2 1.1 A039201100082 0.9804 3.98 8.03 1.1 A039201100083 1.2937 2.30 2.6E-2 1.3E-2 A039201100084 1.2937 2.34 3.4E-2 1.9E-2 A039201100085 1.2937 2.38 8.5E-2 1.2E-2 A039201100086 1.2937 2.42 6.2E-2 1.4E-2 A039201100087 1.2937 2.46 5.3E-2 1.4E-2 A039201100088 1.2937 2.50 8.8E-2 1.6E-2 A039201100089 1.2937 2.54 0.300 2.E-2 A039201100090 1.2937 2.58 0.18 0.02 A039201100091 1.2937 2.62 0.19 2.E-2 A039201100092 1.2937 2.66 0.16 2.E-2 A039201100093 1.2937 2.70 0.189 2.E-2 A039201100094 1.2937 2.74 0.41 2.E-2 A039201100095 1.2937 2.78 0.42 2.E-2 A039201100096 1.2937 2.82 1.11 3.E-2 A039201100097 1.2937 2.86 0.72 3.E-2 A039201100098 1.2937 2.90 0.96 3.E-2 A039201100099 1.2937 2.94 0.85 3.E-2 A039201100100 1.2937 2.98 1.57 4.E-2 A039201100101 1.2937 3.02 0.61 3.E-2 A039201100102 1.2937 3.06 1.18 4.E-2 A039201100103 1.2937 3.10 2.70 5.E-2 A039201100104 1.2937 3.14 0.72 6.E-2 A039201100105 1.2937 3.18 1.7 8.E-2 A039201100106 1.2937 3.22 1.7 8.E-2 A039201100107 1.2937 3.26 2.6 0.1 A039201100108 1.2937 3.30 6.5 0.1 A039201100109 1.2937 3.34 3.0 0.1 A039201100110 1.2937 3.38 3.6 0.1 A039201100111 1.2937 3.42 2.8 0.16 A039201100112 1.2937 3.46 3.00 0.14 A039201100113 1.2937 3.50 2.80 0.16 A039201100114 1.2937 3.54 3.20 0.16 A039201100115 1.2937 3.58 5.20 0.17 A039201100116 1.2937 3.62 5.20 0.17 A039201100117 1.2937 3.66 6.10 0.20 A039201100118 1.2937 3.70 2.90 0.16 A039201100119 1.2937 3.74 7.0 0.2 A039201100120 1.2937 3.78 5.9 0.2 A039201100121 1.2937 3.82 4.4 0.2 A039201100122 1.2937 3.86 10.4 2.E-2 A039201100123 1.2937 3.90 6.8 0.2 A039201100124 1.2937 3.94 7.8 0.2 A039201100125 1.2937 3.98 7.5 0.2 A039201100126 1.5604 2.66 0.77 0.026 A039201100127 1.5604 2.70 0.11 0.03 A039201100128 1.5604 2.74 0.18 0.03 A039201100129 1.5604 2.78 0.18 0.03 A039201100130 1.5604 2.82 0.31 0.03 A039201100131 1.5604 2.86 0.45 0.04 A039201100132 1.5604 2.90 0.45 0.04 A039201100133 1.5604 2.94 0.20 0.03 A039201100134 1.5604 2.98 0.66 4.E-2 A039201100135 1.5604 3.02 0.3 3.E-2 A039201100136 1.5604 3.06 0.8 4.E-2 A039201100137 1.5604 3.10 2.0 5.E-2 A039201100138 1.5604 3.14 1.5 0.1 A039201100139 1.5604 3.18 0.85 6.E-2 A039201100140 1.5604 3.22 1.6 0.1 A039201100141 1.5604 3.26 1.4 0.1 A039201100142 1.5604 3.30 1.7 0.1 A039201100143 1.5604 3.34 2.1 0.11 A039201100144 1.5604 3.38 3.6 0.12 A039201100145 1.5604 3.42 2.00 0.11 A039201100146 1.5604 3.46 3.5 0.2 A039201100147 1.5604 3.50 4.0 0.2 A039201100148 1.5604 3.54 2.2 0.2 A039201100149 1.5604 3.58 3.3 0.2 A039201100150 1.5604 3.62 2.2 0.2 A039201100151 1.5604 3.66 3.2 0.2 A039201100152 1.5604 3.70 3.2 0.2 A039201100153 1.5604 3.74 5.6 0.2 A039201100154 1.5604 3.78 3.5 0.2 A039201100155 1.5604 3.82 3.8 0.2 A039201100156 1.5604 3.86 7.7 0.3 A039201100157 1.5604 3.90 13.5 0.3 A039201100158 1.5604 3.94 8.6 0.3 A039201100159 1.5604 3.98 11.8 0.3 A039201100160 1.5823 2.66 6.8E-2 1.8E-2 A039201100161 1.5823 2.70 0.11 3.E-2 A039201100162 1.5823 2.74 5.9E-2 1.5E-2 A039201100163 1.5823 2.78 5.9E-2 2.9E-2 A039201100164 1.5823 2.82 0.52 4.E-2 A039201100165 1.5823 2.86 0.17 4.E-2 A039201100166 1.5823 2.90 0.28 4.E-2 A039201100167 1.5823 2.94 0.39 4.E-2 A039201100168 1.5823 2.98 0.40 4.E-2 A039201100169 1.5823 3.02 0.41 3.E-2 A039201100170 1.5823 3.06 0.42 2.E-2 A039201100171 1.5823 3.10 0.76 4.E-2 A039201100172 1.5823 3.14 0.59 7.E-2 A039201100173 1.5823 3.18 1.2 6.E-2 A039201100174 1.5823 3.22 0.91 9.E-2 A039201100175 1.5823 3.26 2.0 9.E-2 A039201100176 1.5823 3.30 2.1 0.1 A039201100177 1.5823 3.34 0.70 8.E-2 A039201100178 1.5823 3.38 3.5 0.11 A039201100179 1.5823 3.42 1.5 0.11 A039201100180 1.5823 3.46 1.50 0.16 A039201100181 1.5823 3.50 2.0 0.2 A039201100182 1.5823 3.54 2.70 0.19 A039201100183 1.5823 3.58 2.40 0.19 A039201100184 1.5823 3.62 1.9 0.2 A039201100185 1.5823 3.66 2.8 0.2 A039201100186 1.5823 3.70 1.60 0.16 A039201100187 1.5823 3.74 3.9 0.2 A039201100188 1.5823 3.78 4.3 0.2 A039201100189 1.5823 3.82 4.7 0.2 A039201100190 1.5823 3.86 4.3 0.3 A039201100191 1.5823 3.90 5.5 0.3 A039201100192 1.5823 3.94 4.8 0.3 A039201100193 1.5823 3.98 5.2 0.3 A039201100194 1.5936 2.94 0.19 4.E-2 A039201100195 1.5936 2.98 0.6 6.E-2 A039201100196 1.5936 3.02 0.16 6.E-2 A039201100197 1.5936 3.06 0.28 5.E-2 A039201100198 1.5936 3.10 0.34 6.E-2 A039201100199 1.5936 3.14 1.8 0.1 A039201100200 1.5936 3.18 0.78 8.E-2 A039201100201 1.5936 3.22 1.2 0.13 A039201100202 1.5936 3.26 1.0 0.1 A039201100203 1.5936 3.30 0.49 0.12 A039201100204 1.5936 3.34 1.10 0.14 A039201100205 1.5936 3.38 0.82 0.14 A039201100206 1.5936 3.42 0.76 0.17 A039201100207 1.5936 3.46 1.2 0.2 A039201100208 1.5936 3.50 2.0 0.3 A039201100209 1.5936 3.54 1.6 0.3 A039201100210 1.5936 3.58 0.69 0.25 A039201100211 1.5936 3.62 0.90 0.24 A039201100212 1.5936 3.66 1.4 0.3 A039201100213 1.5936 3.70 2.8 0.3 A039201100214 1.5936 3.74 1.3 0.3 A039201100215 1.5936 3.78 2.6 0.3 A039201100216 1.5936 3.82 1.9 0.3 A039201100217 1.5936 3.86 2.5 0.4 A039201100218 1.5936 3.90 4.2 0.4 A039201100219 1.5936 3.94 2.3 0.4 A039201100220 1.5936 3.98 3.2 0.4 A039201100221 ENDDATA 194 0 A039201100222 ENDSUBENT 221 0 A039201199999 NOSUBENT A0392012 20200319 A094A039201200001 NOSUBENT A0392013 20200319 A094A039201300001 NOSUBENT A0392014 20200319 A094A039201400001 NOSUBENT A0392015 20200319 A094A039201500001 SUBENT A0392016 20200319 A094A039201600001 BIB 2 2 A039201600002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,G)20-CA-42,,SGV) A039201600003 HISTORY (20200319C) SD A039201600004 ENDBIB 2 0 A039201600005 NOCOMMON 0 0 A039201600006 DATA 2 21 A039201600007 KT DATA A039201600008 KEV CM3/S/MOL A039201600009 0.5 4.69E-03 A039201600010 0.6 3.68E-01 A039201600011 0.8 6.19 A039201600012 1.0 4.02E+01 A039201600013 1.2 1.53E+02 A039201600014 1.4 4.19E+02 A039201600015 1.5 6.35E+02 A039201600016 1.6 9.17E+02 A039201600017 1.8 1.71E+03 A039201600018 2.0 2.85E+03 A039201600019 2.5 7.28E+03 A039201600020 3.0 1.38E+04 A039201600021 3.5 2.12E+04 A039201600022 4.0 2.46E+04 A039201600023 4.5 3.48E+04 A039201600024 5.0 4.07E+04 A039201600025 6.0 4.88E+04 A039201600026 7.0 5.28E+04 A039201600027 8.0 5.39E+04 A039201600028 9.0 5.25E+04 A039201600029 10.0 5.04E+04 A039201600030 ENDDATA 23 0 A039201600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A039201699999 SUBENT A0392017 20200319 A094A039201700001 BIB 2 2 A039201700002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,N)20-CA-41,,SGV) A039201700003 HISTORY (20200319C) SD A039201700004 ENDBIB 2 0 A039201700005 NOCOMMON 0 0 A039201700006 DATA 2 21 A039201700007 KT DATA A039201700008 KEV CM3/S/MOL A039201700009 0.5 1.69E-06 A039201700010 0.6 1.90E-04 A039201700011 0.8 7.43E-02 A039201700012 1.0 2.89 A039201700013 1.2 3.54E+01 A039201700014 1.4 2.21E+02 A039201700015 1.5 4.66E+02 A039201700016 1.6 9.03E+02 A039201700017 1.8 2.76E+03 A039201700018 2.0 7.00E+03 A039201700019 2.5 3.79E+04 A039201700020 3.0 1.25E+05 A039201700021 3.5 3.12E+05 A039201700022 4.0 6.46E+05 A039201700023 4.5 1.18E+06 A039201700024 5.0 1.97E+06 A039201700025 6.0 4.51E+06 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10.0 7.00E+06 A039201800030 ENDDATA 23 0 A039201800031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A039201899999 ENDENTRY 18 0 A039299999999