ENTRY A0397 20231222 A104A039700000001 SUBENT A0397001 20231222 A104A039700100001 BIB 12 31 A039700100002 TITLE Experimental study of the 19-F(p,alpha+gamma)16-O A039700100003 reaction A039700100004 AUTHOR (J.P.Ribeiro, A.P.Jesus, B.Braizinha, J.Cruz, R.Mateus,A039700100005 J.V.Pinto) A039700100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,688,468,2001) A039700100007 REL-REF (I,O0859001,A.P.Jesus+,J,NIM/B,161-163,186,2000) A039700100008 Details of experimental set-up. A039700100009 INSTITUTE (2PRTLIS,2PRTNOV) A039700100010 FACILITY (VDG,2PRTLFE) A039700100011 COMMENT - By compiler. The gamma-ray excitation function is notA039700100012 presented in the paper. A039700100013 METHOD (SITA,MOMIX) A039700100014 SAMPLE The targets were made of Gd+F(3) evaporated on a thin A039700100015 carbon foil. Three different targets, with 68, 47 and A039700100016 20 um/cm2 thicknesses were employed. Their energy A039700100017 thicknesses were 8.3, 5.6, 2.4 keV for 872-keV A039700100018 protons and 6.5, 4.4, 1.9 keV for 1370-keV protons, A039700100019 respectively. The three targets had stoichiometric A039700100020 ratio of F to Gd equal to 2.89, 2.22, 2.82, A039700100021 respectively. A039700100022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the thickness and stoicheiometryA039700100023 ADD-RES Cosine coefficients obtained by fitting a differential A039700100024 cross section (see Subent 004) at resonance energy are A039700100025 given in Tbl.2. A039700100026 HISTORY (20020706C) A039700100027 (20020711R) Data tables from prof. A.P.Jesus A039700100028 (20020711A) Corrections according to data tables. A039700100029 (20030715A) Corrections according to V.McLane. A039700100030 (20120110A) SB-correction in Rel-Ref:v.161 to v.161-163A039700100031 according to M.Bossant remarks A039700100032 (20231222A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A039700100033 ENDBIB 31 0 A039700100034 COMMON 1 3 A039700100035 ERR-1 A039700100036 PER-CENT A039700100037 3. A039700100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039700100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A039700199999 SUBENT A0397002 20231222 A104A039700200001 BIB 6 9 A039700200002 REACTION (9-F-19(P,A)8-O-16,PAR,SIG,,RES) A039700200003 DETECTOR (SIBAR) A039700200004 REL-REF (M,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,305,319,1982) The procedure to A039700200005 extract the resonance cross sections is described. A039700200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A039700200007 STATUS (TABLE,,J.P.Ribeiro+,J,NP/A,688,468,2001) Tbl.1 A039700200008 Same data were received from prof. A.P.Jesus A039700200009 HISTORY (20231222A) SD: SF8=RES added to REACTION code. A039700200010 BIB updated. EN -> EN-RES. A039700200011 ENDBIB 9 0 A039700200012 COMMON 1 3 A039700200013 E-LVL A039700200014 MEV A039700200015 6.1304 A039700200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039700200017 DATA 3 2 A039700200018 EN-RES DATA ERR-T A039700200019 KEV MB MB A039700200020 872. 388. 12. A039700200021 1370. 325. 10. A039700200022 ENDDATA 4 0 A039700200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A039700299999 SUBENT A0397003 20231222 A104A039700300001 BIB 6 12 A039700300002 REACTION (9-F-19(P,A)8-O-16,PAR,SIG,G,RES) A039700300003 EN-SEC (E,G) A039700300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A039700300005 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in detector absolute efficiency A039700300006 REL-REF (M,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,305,319,1982) The procedure to A039700300007 extract the resonance cross sections is described. A039700300008 STATUS (TABLE) From prof. A.P.Jesus. Similar data are A039700300009 presented in Tbl.1 of Nucl.Phys.,A688(2001)468 A039700300010 (difference in one value: 345. mb is given in A039700300011 the table). A039700300012 HISTORY (20231222A) SD: SF8=RES added to REACTION code. A039700300013 BIB updated. EN -> EN-RES; E-LVL-INI -> LVL-INI. A039700300014 ENDBIB 12 0 A039700300015 COMMON 3 3 A039700300016 E LVL-INI ERR-2 A039700300017 MEV MEV PER-CENT A039700300018 6.125 6.1304 8. A039700300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039700300020 DATA 3 2 A039700300021 EN-RES DATA ERR-T A039700300022 KEV MB MB A039700300023 872. 404. 32. A039700300024 1370. 346. 25. A039700300025 ENDDATA 4 0 A039700300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A039700399999 SUBENT A0397004 20231222 A104A039700400001 BIB 5 9 A039700400002 REACTION (9-F-19(P,A)8-O-16,PAR,DA,,RES/REL) A039700400003 Number of alpha particles A039700400004 DETECTOR (SIBAR) A039700400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error A039700400006 STATUS (TABLE) From prof. A.P.Jesus. Same data are A039700400007 presented on fig.1 of Nucl.Phys.,A688(2001)468 A039700400008 as a function from cos**2. A039700400009 HISTORY (20231222A) SD: SF8=REL -> RES/REL in REACTION code. A039700400010 EN -> EN-RES; ERR-T -> ERR-S. A039700400011 ENDBIB 9 0 A039700400012 COMMON 1 3 A039700400013 E-LVL A039700400014 MEV A039700400015 6.1304 A039700400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039700400017 DATA 4 11 A039700400018 EN-RES ANG DATA ERR-S A039700400019 KEV ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS A039700400020 872. 123. 10167. 200. A039700400021 872. 132. 8904. 180. A039700400022 872. 142. 7697. 140. A039700400023 872. 151. 6466. 120. A039700400024 872. 165. 5415. 100. A039700400025 1370. 117. 8144. 160. A039700400026 1370. 123. 8375. 170. A039700400027 1370. 132. 8517. 170. A039700400028 1370. 142. 8753. 170. A039700400029 1370. 151. 9196. 180. A039700400030 1370. 165. 9659. 190. A039700400031 ENDDATA 13 0 A039700400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 A039700499999 SUBENT A0397005 20231222 A104A039700500001 BIB 6 9 A039700500002 REACTION (9-F-19(P,A)8-O-16,,SIG,,RES) A039700500003 DETECTOR (SIBAR) A039700500004 REL-REF (M,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,305,319,1982) The procedure to A039700500005 extract the resonance cross sections is described. A039700500006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A039700500007 STATUS (TABLE,,J.P.Ribeiro+,J,NP/A,688,468,2001) Tbl.1 A039700500008 Same data were received From prof. A.P.Jesus A039700500009 HISTORY (20231222A) SD: SF8=RES added to REACTION code. A039700500010 BIB updated. EN -> EN-RES. A039700500011 ENDBIB 9 0 A039700500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A039700500013 DATA 3 2 A039700500014 EN-RES DATA ERR-T A039700500015 KEV MB MB A039700500016 872. 528. 22. A039700500017 1370. 361. 14. A039700500018 ENDDATA 4 0 A039700500019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A039700599999 SUBENT A0397006 20231222 A104A039700600001 BIB 5 9 A039700600002 REACTION (9-F-19(P,A)8-O-16,,SIG,G,RES) A039700600003 REL-REF (M,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,305,319,1982) The procedure to A039700600004 extract the resonance cross sections is described. A039700600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A039700600006 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in detector absolute efficiency A039700600007 STATUS (TABLE,,J.P.Ribeiro+,J,NP/A,688,468,2001) Tbl.1 A039700600008 Same data were received From prof. A.P.Jesus A039700600009 HISTORY (20231222A) SD: SF8=RES added to REACTION code. A039700600010 BIB updated. EN -> EN-RES. A039700600011 ENDBIB 9 0 A039700600012 COMMON 1 3 A039700600013 ERR-2 A039700600014 PER-CENT A039700600015 8. A039700600016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A039700600017 DATA 3 2 A039700600018 EN-RES DATA ERR-T A039700600019 KEV MB MB A039700600020 872. 546. 43. A039700600021 1370. 388. 28. A039700600022 ENDDATA 4 0 A039700600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A039700699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 A039799999999