ENTRY A0413 20240911 A118A041300000001 SUBENT A0413001 20240911 A118A041300100001 BIB 6 12 A041300100002 TITLE Low-energy cross sections for B-11(p,3alpha)* A041300100003 AUTHOR (H.W.Becker, C.Rolfs, H.P.Trautvetter) A041300100004 REFERENCE (J,ZP/A,327,341,1987) A041300100005 INSTITUTE (2GERMST) A041300100006 FACILITY (CCW,2GERMST) Proton beam. A041300100007 (DYNAM,2GERMST) B-11 beam. A041300100008 HISTORY (19890601C) A041300100009 (20040921A) Correction according to new rules. Angular A041300100010 distributions and elastic scattering were added. A041300100011 (20050120U) Last checking has been done. A041300100012 (20240911A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Several A041300100013 Subents were merged. Subent 011 added. A041300100014 ENDBIB 12 0 A041300100015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A041300100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A041300199999 SUBENT A0413002 20240911 A118A041300200001 BIB 8 28 A041300200002 REACTION (5-B-11(P,A)4-BE-8,PAR,SIG,,SFC) A041300200003 SAMPLE All targets were fabricated by evaporation of natural A041300200004 B-11 (81.5% B-11) onto 0.1 mm Ta backings. The targets A041300200005 ranged in thickness from 2 to 100 ug/cm2. A041300200006 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Silicon surface-barrier detectors (with an A041300200007 active area of 300 mm2) were positioned at 90. degr. A041300200008 and 135. degr. to the beam direction in close geometry.A041300200009 The alpha-particles were observed with Si detectors A041300200010 positioned at 40., 60., 90., 120., 140., and 160. degr.A041300200011 (placed at a distance of 6 to 16 cm from the target A041300200012 and collimated by 2 to 3 mm diameter apertures in A041300200013 front of the detectors). A041300200014 MISC-COL (MISC) Cross sections data were calculated by A041300200015 compiler using formulae at page 342. A041300200016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors includes all experimental A041300200017 uncertainties excluding error due to normalization. A041300200018 (ERR-2)Error due to the cross section normaliation. A041300200019 COMMENT -By authors. Due to the thick targets used, data A041300200020 obtained near 150-keV resonance do not represent cross A041300200021 section values and have therefore been omitted. A041300200022 STATUS (TABLE,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,327,341,1987) Tbl.2 A041300200023 (COREL,A0413004) Data measured via 1H(11B,alpha)8Be A041300200024 with a gas target A041300200025 HISTORY (20240911A) SD: ERR-T -> ERR-1. ERR-ANALYS, STATUS A041300200026 updated. Data from Subent 003 were added. Data from A041300200027 REACTION (S) code were moved in col. MISC (data were A041300200028 not experimental). E-LVL -> LVL-NUMB (no information A041300200029 in the text about energy level). A041300200030 ENDBIB 28 0 A041300200031 COMMON 1 3 A041300200032 ERR-2 A041300200033 PER-CENT A041300200034 6. A041300200035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A041300200036 DATA 6 63 A041300200037 LVL-NUMB EN-CM DATA ERR-1 MISC MISC-ERR A041300200038 NO-DIM KEV B*MEV B*MEV B B A041300200039 0. 51.3 2.9 0.3 4.35E-08 4.50E-09A041300200040 0. 59.6 2.57 0.15 1.51E-07 9.00E-09A041300200041 0. 67.8 2.12 0.11 3.69E-07 1.90E-08A041300200042 0. 72.6 2.8 0.4 8.42E-07 1.20E-07A041300200043 0. 77.6 2.12 0.14 1.06E-06 7.00E-08A041300200044 0. 84.3 2.34 0.18 2.16E-06 1.70E-07A041300200045 0. 93.1 2.4 0.2 4.43E-06 3.70E-07A041300200046 0. 102.1 2.3 0.2 7.81E-06 6.80E-07A041300200047 0. 111.2 2.62 0.13 1.52E-05 8.00E-07A041300200048 0. 120.3 2.82 0.14 2.62E-05 1.30E-06A041300200049 0. 129.3 3.67 0.18 5.15E-05 2.50E-06A041300200050 0. 135.9 5. 0.2 9.26E-05 3.70E-06A041300200051 0. 162.9 5.2 0.3 2.45E-04 1.40E-05A041300200052 0. 171.9 3.2 0.2 1.96E-04 1.20E-05A041300200053 0. 181. 2.54 0.13 1.97E-04 1.00E-05A041300200054 0. 190. 2.16 0.11 2.09E-04 1.10E-05A041300200055 0. 199. 2.08 0.1 2.47E-04 1.20E-05A041300200056 0. 208. 1.87 0.09 2.68E-04 1.30E-05A041300200057 0. 221. 1.91 0.16 3.51E-04 2.90E-05A041300200058 0. 235. 2.1 0.11 4.93E-04 2.60E-05A041300200059 0. 244. 1.98 0.1 5.38E-04 2.70E-05A041300200060 0. 253. 1.98 0.1 6.16E-04 3.10E-05A041300200061 0. 266. 1.9 0.2 7.11E-04 7.50E-05A041300200062 0. 284. 1.77 0.13 8.34E-04 6.10E-05A041300200063 0. 302. 1.79 0.09 1.04E-03 5.00E-05A041300200064 0. 316. 1.79 0.09 1.21E-03 6.00E-05A041300200065 0. 325. 1.77 0.09 1.30E-03 7.00E-05A041300200066 1. 21.8 380. 90. 1.82E-10 4.30E-11A041300200067 1. 26.1 230. 16. 1.47E-09 1.00E-10A041300200068 1. 30.3 213. 14. 9.74E-09 6.40E-10A041300200069 1. 34.6 210. 11. 4.85E-08 2.50E-09A041300200070 1. 38.8 237. 12. 2.03E-07 1.00E-08A041300200071 1. 43. 207. 11. 5.35E-07 2.80E-08A041300200072 1. 45.4 192. 14. 8.68E-07 6.30E-08A041300200073 1. 51.3 213. 11. 3.20E-06 1.70E-07A041300200074 1. 54.5 187. 10. 4.94E-06 2.60E-07A041300200075 1. 59.6 209. 11. 1.23E-05 6.00E-07A041300200076 1. 63.6 202. 11. 2.07E-05 1.10E-06A041300200077 1. 67.8 205. 10. 3.57E-05 1.70E-06A041300200078 1. 72.6 201. 11. 6.05E-05 3.30E-06A041300200079 1. 77.6 218. 11. 1.09E-04 6.00E-06A041300200080 1. 84.3 213. 11. 1.96E-04 1.00E-05A041300200081 1. 93.1 235. 14. 4.34E-04 2.60E-05A041300200082 1. 102.1 234. 17. 7.95E-04 5.80E-05A041300200083 1. 111.2 266. 20. 1.54E-03 1.20E-04A041300200084 1. 120.3 255. 13. 2.37E-03 1.20E-04A041300200085 1. 129.3 290. 30. 4.08E-03 4.20E-04A041300200086 1. 135.9 328. 16. 6.07E-03 3.00E-04A041300200087 1. 162.9 392. 20. 1.85E-02 9.00E-04A041300200088 1. 171.9 304. 15. 1.86E-02 9.00E-04A041300200089 1. 181. 284. 14. 2.21E-02 1.10E-03A041300200090 1. 190. 262. 13. 2.54E-02 1.30E-03A041300200091 1. 199. 265. 13. 3.13E-02 1.50E-03A041300200092 1. 208. 241. 12. 3.45E-02 1.70E-03A041300200093 1. 221. 266. 13. 4.89E-02 2.40E-03A041300200094 1. 235. 270. 13. 6.34E-02 3.10E-03A041300200095 1. 244. 269. 13. 7.30E-02 3.50E-03A041300200096 1. 253. 273. 13. 8.49E-02 4.00E-03A041300200097 1. 266. 271. 13. 1.01E-01 4.79E-03A041300200098 1. 284. 282. 15. 1.32E-01 6.91E-03A041300200099 1. 302. 280. 14. 1.61E-01 8.03E-03A041300200100 1. 316. 290. 15. 1.95E-01 1.00E-02A041300200101 1. 325. 315. 16. 2.32E-01 1.20E-02A041300200102 ENDDATA 65 0 A041300200103 ENDSUBENT 102 0 A041300299999 NOSUBENT A0413003 20240911 A118A041300300001 SUBENT A0413004 20240911 A118A041300400001 BIB 10 32 A041300400002 REACTION ((1-H-1(5-B-11,A)4-BE-8,PAR,SIG,,SFC)= A041300400003 (5-B-11(P,A)4-BE-8,PAR,SIG,,SFC)) A041300400004 SAMPLE The B-11 heavy ion beam was bombarded onto a hydrogen A041300400005 gas target of the quasi-point supersonic jet system A041300400006 type. A041300400007 ANALYSIS The absolute cross section was determined at low A041300400008 energies relative to the 11B+p elastic scattering crossA041300400009 section A041300400010 REL-REF (I,,H.W.Becker+,J,NIM,198,277,1982) - technical detailsA041300400011 and properties of the experim. system A041300400012 (M,,A.Redder+,J,ZP/A,305,325,1982) Details of gas A041300400013 target. A041300400014 MISC-COL (MISC) Cross sections data were calculated by A041300400015 compiler using formulae at page 342. A041300400016 FLAG (1.) Analysis of the data near the 150-keV resonance isA041300400017 not certain. (Comment by authors). A041300400018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors includes all experimental A041300400019 uncertainties excluding error due to normalization. A041300400020 (ERR-2)Error due to the cross section normalization. A041300400021 COMMENT -By authors. Due to the thick targets used, data A041300400022 obtained near 150-keV resonance do not represent cross A041300400023 section values and have therefore been omitted. A041300400024 STATUS (TABLE,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,327,341,1987) Tbl.2 A041300400025 (DEP,A0413011) These values have been used as the A041300400026 standards for Tbl.2 A041300400027 (COREL,A0413002) Data measured via 11B(p,alpha)8Be A041300400028 with a solid target A041300400029 HISTORY (20240911A) SD: ERR-T -> ERR-1. ERR-ANALYS, STATUS A041300400030 updated. Data from Subent 003 were added. Data from A041300400031 REACTION (S) code were moved in col. MISC (data were A041300400032 not experimental.). E-LVL -> LVL-NUMB (no information A041300400033 in the text about energy level). A041300400034 ENDBIB 32 0 A041300400035 COMMON 1 3 A041300400036 ERR-2 A041300400037 PER-CENT A041300400038 6. A041300400039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A041300400040 DATA 7 60 A041300400041 LVL-NUMB EN-CM DATA ERR-1 MISC MISC-ERR A041300400042 FLAG A041300400043 NO-DIM KEV B*EV B*EV B B A041300400044 NO-DIM A041300400045 0. 140. 11.9 0.6 2.59E-04 1.30E-05A041300400046 A041300400047 0. 143. 23. 1.1 5.60E-04 2.70E-05A041300400048 A041300400049 0. 145. 42. 2. 1.10E-03 5.00E-05A041300400050 A041300400051 0. 146.5 64. 3. 1.77E-03 8.00E-05A041300400052 A041300400053 0. 148. 98. 5. 2.85E-03 1.50E-04A041300400054 A041300400055 0. 150. 76. 4. 2.37E-03 1.20E-04A041300400056 A041300400057 0. 155. 16.7 0.8 6.16E-04 3.00E-05A041300400058 A041300400059 0. 160. 6.4 0.3 2.76E-04 1.30E-05A041300400060 A041300400061 0. 170. 4.3 0.2 2.49E-04 1.20E-05A041300400062 A041300400063 0. 200. 1.95 0.1 2.36E-04 1.20E-05A041300400064 A041300400065 0. 230. 1.96 0.14 4.23E-04 3.00E-05A041300400066 A041300400067 0. 260. 1.83 0.11 6.30E-04 3.80E-05A041300400068 A041300400069 0. 292. 1.91 0.1 9.90E-04 5.20E-05A041300400070 A041300400071 0. 300. 1.82 0.09 1.03E-03 5.00E-05A041300400072 A041300400073 0. 350. 1.78 0.09 1.65E-03 8.00E-05A041300400074 A041300400075 0. 400. 1.64 0.09 2.23E-03 1.20E-04A041300400076 A041300400077 0. 450. 1.56 0.08 2.90E-03 1.50E-04A041300400078 A041300400079 0. 500. 1.38 0.08 3.32E-03 1.90E-04A041300400080 A041300400081 0. 550. 1.11 0.12 3.32E-03 3.60E-04A041300400082 A041300400083 0. 600. 1.35 0.08 4.87E-03 2.90E-04A041300400084 A041300400085 0. 642. 1.14 0.06 4.71E-03 2.50E-04A041300400086 A041300400087 0. 700. 1.12 0.06 5.46E-03 2.90E-04A041300400088 A041300400089 0. 750. 1.29 0.08 7.11E-03 4.40E-04A041300400090 A041300400091 0. 800. 1. 0.06 6.15E-03 3.70E-04A041300400092 A041300400093 0. 850. 0.94 0.05 6.38E-03 3.40E-04A041300400094 A041300400095 0. 900. 0.91 0.05 5.48E-03 3.00E-04A041300400096 A041300400097 0. 950. 0.74 0.05 5.94E-03 4.00E-04A041300400098 A041300400099 0. 1000. 0.67 0.06 5.78E-03 3.50E-04A041300400100 A041300400101 0. 1050. 0.67 0.04 6.17E-03 3.70E-04A041300400102 A041300400103 0. 1100. 0.56 0.03 5.79E-03 3.10E-04A041300400104 A041300400105 1. 140. 560. 30. 1.20E-02 6.43E-04A041300400106 A041300400107 1. 143. 940. 50. 2.30E-02 1.22E-03A041300400108 1. A041300400109 1. 145. 1620. 80. 4.20E-02 2.07E-03A041300400110 1. A041300400111 1. 146.5 2390. 120. 6.60E-02 3.31E-03A041300400112 1. A041300400113 1. 148. 3290. 160. 9.60E-02 4.67E-03A041300400114 1. A041300400115 1. 150. 2600. 130. 8.10E-02 4.05E-03A041300400116 1. A041300400117 1. 155. 463. 23. 1.70E-02 8.44E-04A041300400118 A041300400119 1. 160. 316. 16. 1.40E-02 7.09E-04A041300400120 A041300400121 1. 170. 360. 18. 2.10E-02 1.05E-03A041300400122 A041300400123 1. 200. 253. 13. 3.10E-02 1.59E-03A041300400124 A041300400125 1. 230. 263. 13. 5.70E-02 2.86E-03A041300400126 A041300400127 1. 260. 272. 14. 9.40E-02 4.84E-03A041300400128 A041300400129 1. 292. 271. 14. 1.41E-01 7.28E-03A041300400130 A041300400131 1. 300. 290. 15. 1.65E-01 8.53E-03A041300400132 A041300400133 1. 350. 293. 15. 2.71E-01 1.39E-02A041300400134 A041300400135 1. 400. 332. 17. 4.52E-01 2.31E-02A041300400136 A041300400137 1. 450. 361. 18. 6.72E-01 3.40E-02A041300400138 A041300400139 1. 500. 377. 19. 9.08E-01 4.60E-02A041300400140 A041300400141 1. 550. 357. 18. 1.07E+00 5.40E-02A041300400142 A041300400143 1. 600. 340. 17. 1.23E+00 6.10E-02A041300400144 A041300400145 1. 642. 239. 12. 9.88E-01 4.90E-02A041300400146 A041300400147 1. 700. 135. 7. 6.58E-01 3.40E-02A041300400148 A041300400149 1. 750. 68. 4. 3.75E-01 2.20E-02A041300400150 A041300400151 1. 800. 55. 3. 3.38E-01 1.80E-02A041300400152 A041300400153 1. 850. 42. 2. 2.85E-01 1.40E-02A041300400154 A041300400155 1. 900. 35. 2. 2.59E-01 1.50E-02A041300400156 A041300400157 1. 950. 30. 2. 2.41E-01 1.60E-02A041300400158 A041300400159 1. 1000. 26. 1. 2.24E-01 8.62E-03A041300400160 A041300400161 1. 1050. 26. 1. 2.40E-01 9.23E-03A041300400162 A041300400163 1. 1100. 24. 1. 2.35E-01 9.79E-03A041300400164 A041300400165 ENDDATA 124 0 A041300400166 ENDSUBENT 165 0 A041300499999 NOSUBENT A0413005 20240911 A118A041300500001 SUBENT A0413006 20240911 A118A041300600001 BIB 5 10 A041300600002 REACTION (5-B-11(P,EL)5-B-11,,DA,,RTH) A041300600003 SAMPLE Hydrogen - argon gas mixture. A041300600004 COMMENT -By compiler. Data point density is very high about A041300600005 150-keV region. Therefore some data-points could be A041300600006 missed. A041300600007 -By authors. The data have been used in the A041300600008 normalization of the 11-B(P,3alpha) reaction yields. A041300600009 Boron-11 beam was used in the experiment. A041300600010 STATUS (CURVE,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,327,341,1987)) Fig.9 A041300600011 HISTORY (20240911U) SD: BIB updated. A041300600012 ENDBIB 10 0 A041300600013 COMMON 3 3 A041300600014 ANG EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A041300600015 ADEG MEV NO-DIM A041300600016 37.5 4.E-03 1.E-02 A041300600017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A041300600018 DATA 2 27 A041300600019 EN-CM DATA A041300600020 MEV NO-DIM A041300600021 0.121 0.992 A041300600022 0.131 1.006 A041300600023 0.134 0.986 A041300600024 0.145 1.007 A041300600025 0.156 1.049 A041300600026 0.159 0.974 A041300600027 0.172 1.022 A041300600028 0.194 1.037 A041300600029 0.228 0.998 A041300600030 0.258 0.993 A041300600031 0.299 0.975 A041300600032 0.348 1.019 A041300600033 0.400 1.035 A041300600034 0.452 0.868 A041300600035 0.499 0.769 A041300600036 0.548 0.812 A041300600037 0.596 0.985 A041300600038 0.640 1.212 A041300600039 0.704 1.502 A041300600040 0.751 1.702 A041300600041 0.800 1.718 A041300600042 0.849 1.762 A041300600043 0.900 1.874 A041300600044 0.951 1.774 A041300600045 1.000 1.831 A041300600046 1.049 1.834 A041300600047 1.105 1.763 A041300600048 ENDDATA 29 0 A041300600049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 A041300699999 SUBENT A0413007 20240911 A118A041300700001 BIB 5 11 A041300700002 REACTION ((5-B-11(P,A)4-BE-8,PAR,DA,,REL)= A041300700003 (1-H-1(5-B-11,A)4-BE-8,PAR,DA,,REL)) A041300700004 COMMENT -By authors. Angular distributions were obtained using A041300700005 a B-11 heavy ion beam incident on a hydrogen gas targetA041300700006 as well as a proton beam incident on a solid-backed A041300700007 11-B target. A041300700008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty A041300700009 STATUS (CURVE,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,327,341,1987)) Figs 10,11 A041300700010 HISTORY (20240911A) SD: BIB updated. Data from Subent 009 addedA041300700011 E-LVL -> LVL-NUMB (no information in the text about A041300700012 energy level). Data were re-digitized. DATA-ERR->ERR-S.A041300700013 ENDBIB 11 0 A041300700014 COMMON 2 3 A041300700015 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG A041300700016 ADEG PER-CENT A041300700017 0.3 0.6 A041300700018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A041300700019 DATA 5 75 A041300700020 LVL-NUMB EN-CM ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S A041300700021 NO-DIM KEV ADEG ARB-UNITS PER-CENT A041300700022 0. 140. 27.5 7.718E+00 1.770E+00 A041300700023 0. 140. 46.4 1.346E+01 3.350E+00 A041300700024 0. 140. 64.7 1.263E+01 2.677E+00 A041300700025 0. 140. 89.9 2.347E+01 5.266E+00 A041300700026 0. 140. 113.8 2.841E+01 A041300700027 0. 140. 145.9 3.028E+01 A041300700028 0. 140. 157.8 3.439E+01 A041300700029 0. 148. 27.8 2.593E+00 1.701E-01 A041300700030 0. 148. 47.3 2.396E+00 1.775E-01 A041300700031 0. 148. 65.5 1.918E+00 1.881E-01 A041300700032 0. 148. 90.6 1.598E+00 2.022E-01 A041300700033 0. 148. 113.8 2.303E+00 A041300700034 0. 148. 145.8 2.946E+00 A041300700035 0. 148. 157.1 2.743E+00 A041300700036 0. 160. 27.7 3.783E+01 A041300700037 0. 160. 46.5 3.911E+01 A041300700038 0. 160. 65.3 2.942E+01 3.986E+00 A041300700039 0. 160. 91.1 2.286E+01 3.935E+00 A041300700040 0. 160. 113.7 1.253E+01 A041300700041 0. 160. 146.4 5.675E+00 9.767E-01 A041300700042 0. 160. 157.8 4.201E+00 9.631E-01 A041300700043 0. 300. 32.2 8.361E+00 A041300700044 0. 300. 53.0 9.492E+00 1.281E+00 A041300700045 0. 300. 73.2 8.366E+00 1.280E+00 A041300700046 0. 300. 99.7 9.498E+00 1.806E+00 A041300700047 0. 300. 122.4 7.612E+00 A041300700048 0. 300. 152.7 5.549E+00 7.489E-01 A041300700049 0. 300. 163.4 6.299E+00 A041300700050 0. 642. 36.1 2.247E+00 1.458E-01 A041300700051 0. 642. 60.0 3.517E+00 2.282E-01 A041300700052 0. 642. 82.0 4.280E+00 2.777E-01 A041300700053 0. 642. 111.5 4.741E+00 3.876E-01 A041300700054 0. 642. 135.4 3.865E+00 2.833E-01 A041300700055 0. 642. 168.8 2.735E+00 2.942E-01 A041300700056 0. 1100. 40.7 1.776E+00 1.302E-01 A041300700057 0. 1100. 66.3 3.690E+00 2.395E-01 A041300700058 0. 1100. 91.3 6.105E+00 3.961E-01 A041300700059 0. 1100. 124.6 6.660E+00 6.938E-01 A041300700060 0. 1100. 148.4 4.462E+00 4.029E-01 A041300700061 0. 1100. 173.6 2.019E+00 5.976E-01 A041300700062 1. 140. 30.0 1.138E+01 A041300700063 1. 140. 50.2 7.178E+00 A041300700064 1. 140. 69.1 1.235E+01 A041300700065 1. 140. 95.5 1.072E+01 A041300700066 1. 140. 118.9 9.153E+00 A041300700067 1. 140. 149.7 8.742E+00 A041300700068 1. 140. 160.4 1.076E+01 A041300700069 1. 148. 31.4 7.928E+00 A041300700070 1. 148. 51.5 1.072E+01 A041300700071 1. 148. 71.1 8.867E+00 A041300700072 1. 148. 97.0 9.014E+00 A041300700073 1. 148. 120.9 5.968E+00 A041300700074 1. 148. 151.2 4.559E+00 A041300700075 1. 148. 161.9 4.488E+00 A041300700076 1. 160. 30.6 1.250E+01 A041300700077 1. 160. 50.7 1.173E+01 A041300700078 1. 160. 69.6 1.270E+01 A041300700079 1. 160. 96.0 1.192E+01 A041300700080 1. 160. 119.2 8.820E+00 A041300700081 1. 160. 149.4 5.932E+00 A041300700082 1. 160. 160.1 6.954E+00 A041300700083 1. 300. 34.9 1.161E+01 A041300700084 1. 300. 56.5 1.340E+01 A041300700085 1. 300. 77.4 1.384E+01 A041300700086 1. 300. 105.9 1.454E+01 A041300700087 1. 300. 128.8 1.302E+01 A041300700088 1. 300. 166.8 1.244E+01 A041300700089 1. 642. 40.4 7.353E+00 A041300700090 1. 642. 65.0 8.347E+00 A041300700091 1. 642. 89.6 7.485E+00 A041300700092 1. 642. 121.8 8.107E+00 A041300700093 1. 1100. 44.2 1.805E+01 A041300700094 1. 1100. 72.5 2.326E+01 A041300700095 1. 1100. 100.8 1.958E+01 A041300700096 1. 1100. 141.7 1.147E+01 A041300700097 ENDDATA 77 0 A041300700098 ENDSUBENT 97 0 A041300799999 SUBENT A0413008 20240911 A118A041300800001 BIB 5 11 A041300800002 REACTION ((5-B-11(P,A)4-BE-8,PAR,DA,,LEG/RS)= A041300800003 (1-H-1(5-B-11,A)4-BE-8,PAR,DA,,LEG/RS)) A041300800004 COMMENT -By authors. Angular distributions were obtained using A041300800005 a B-11 heavy ion beam incident on a hydrogen gas targetA041300800006 as well as a proton beam incident on a solid-backed A041300800007 11-B target. A041300800008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A041300800009 STATUS (CURVE,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,327,341,1987)) Figs 10,11 A041300800010 HISTORY (20240911A) SD: BIB updated. Data from Subent 010 addedA041300800011 E-LVL -> LVL-NUMB (no information in the text about A041300800012 energy level). Data were re-digitized. A041300800013 ENDBIB 11 0 A041300800014 COMMON 2 3 A041300800015 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A041300800016 KEV PER-CENT A041300800017 0.7 0.0065 A041300800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A041300800019 DATA 5 164 A041300800020 LVL-NUMB NUMBER EN-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR A041300800021 NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM A041300800022 0. 1. 117.7 -0.8704 A041300800023 0. 1. 119.1 -0.4867 A041300800024 0. 1. 126.1 -0.1653 0.1452 A041300800025 0. 1. 131.7 -0.3831 0.1556 A041300800026 0. 1. 137.3 -0.6009 0.5600 A041300800027 0. 1. 142.8 -0.6943 A041300800028 0. 1. 145.7 -0.2587 A041300800029 0. 1. 147.0 -0.9639 0.3422 A041300800030 0. 1. 147.1 -0.1861 A041300800031 0. 1. 148.5 -0.0617 A041300800032 0. 1. 152.7 0.1872 A041300800033 0. 1. 155.6 0.5916 A041300800034 0. 1. 161.2 0.8819 A041300800035 0. 1. 171.0 0.9855 A041300800036 0. 1. 179.3 0.5396 0.4252 A041300800037 0. 1. 184.9 0.8195 0.0933 A041300800038 0. 1. 201.7 0.7053 A041300800039 0. 1. 208.7 0.7883 0.1348 A041300800040 0. 1. 232.3 0.3007 0.0726 A041300800041 0. 1. 236.6 0.5392 0.1141 A041300800042 0. 1. 261.6 0.1865 0.0622 A041300800043 0. 1. 268.6 0.0827 0.0622 A041300800044 0. 1. 282.6 0.1863 0.1141 A041300800045 0. 1. 292.4 -0.0004 A041300800046 0. 1. 293.7 -0.1663 0.2178 A041300800047 0. 1. 302.1 0.1447 0.0519 A041300800048 0. 1. 316.1 0.0720 0.0726 A041300800049 0. 1. 352.4 0.0718 0.0519 A041300800050 0. 1. 401.3 -0.0011 0.0622 A041300800051 0. 1. 452.9 -0.0429 A041300800052 0. 1. 503.2 -0.1366 A041300800053 0. 1. 552.1 -0.1161 0.1141 A041300800054 0. 1. 601.0 -0.2202 A041300800055 0. 1. 642.8 -0.2412 A041300800056 0. 1. 701.5 -0.3556 A041300800057 0. 1. 750.4 -0.1278 0.1659 A041300800058 0. 1. 800.6 -0.3251 0.0622 A041300800059 0. 1. 850.9 -0.5225 A041300800060 0. 1. 901.2 -0.4917 0.0622 A041300800061 0. 1. 948.6 -0.5231 0.0726 A041300800062 0. 1. 1000.3 -0.5442 0.0518 A041300800063 0. 1. 1049.2 -0.5860 0.0726 A041300800064 0. 1. 1099.5 -0.4826 A041300800065 0. 2. 120.3 -0.1629 0.1746 A041300800066 0. 2. 121.9 0.5149 0.2259 A041300800067 0. 2. 130.1 -0.0090 A041300800068 0. 2. 131.4 -0.1528 0.1643 A041300800069 0. 2. 142.7 -0.0092 A041300800070 0. 2. 146.8 -0.2660 0.1849 A041300800071 0. 2. 149.7 0.3091 A041300800072 0. 2. 159.4 -0.0505 0.1027 A041300800073 0. 2. 166.5 0.2062 0.1541 A041300800074 0. 2. 173.4 0.0006 A041300800075 0. 2. 181.8 -0.0406 A041300800076 0. 2. 187.4 0.1339 0.1541 A041300800077 0. 2. 202.7 0.0002 A041300800078 0. 2. 212.5 -0.0821 0.0719 A041300800079 0. 2. 230.6 -0.3083 0.1130 A041300800080 0. 2. 237.6 -0.2160 0.1335 A041300800081 0. 2. 262.7 -0.4115 0.0719 A041300800082 0. 2. 265.6 -0.0829 0.1130 A041300800083 0. 2. 280.9 -0.1345 0.1541 A041300800084 0. 2. 293.4 -0.3811 0.0924 A041300800085 0. 2. 293.5 0.0913 0.1232 A041300800086 0. 2. 301.9 -0.1862 0.0822 A041300800087 0. 2. 310.2 -0.1452 0.0924 A041300800088 0. 2. 352.1 -0.1972 0.0616 A041300800089 0. 2. 402.4 -0.3109 0.0924 A041300800090 0. 2. 454.1 -0.3220 A041300800091 0. 2. 502.9 -0.3432 0.0719 A041300800092 0. 2. 553.2 -0.3029 0.1746 A041300800093 0. 2. 602.1 -0.3550 0.0513 A041300800094 0. 2. 644.0 -0.4891 0.0514 A041300800095 0. 2. 701.3 -0.3976 0.0719 A041300800096 0. 2. 751.6 -0.2546 0.2054 A041300800097 0. 2. 801.8 -0.4915 0.0924 A041300800098 0. 2. 850.7 -0.5333 0.0616 A041300800099 0. 2. 901.0 -0.4930 0.0822 A041300800100 0. 2. 951.3 -0.4938 0.1027 A041300800101 0. 2. 1001.5 -0.6486 0.0924 A041300800102 0. 2. 1050.4 -0.6698 0.0924 A041300800103 0. 2. 1099.3 -0.7014 0.0616 A041300800104 1. 1. 110.1 0.0002 0.0556 A041300800105 1. 1. 122.7 -0.1596 A041300800106 1. 1. 131.1 -0.1873 0.1597 A041300800107 1. 1. 145.1 0.2572 A041300800108 1. 1. 149.3 0.2988 A041300800109 1. 1. 152.0 0.4030 A041300800110 1. 1. 161.8 0.3058 A041300800111 1. 1. 167.4 0.5002 0.2083 A041300800112 1. 1. 171.6 0.1461 A041300800113 1. 1. 180.0 0.2155 0.0833 A041300800114 1. 1. 194.0 0.2225 0.0833 A041300800115 1. 1. 202.4 -0.0414 A041300800116 1. 1. 210.7 0.0628 0.0694 A041300800117 1. 1. 231.7 -0.0622 A041300800118 1. 1. 241.5 0.0003 0.0556 A041300800119 1. 1. 254.1 -0.0483 0.0347 A041300800120 1. 1. 262.4 -0.0830 A041300800121 1. 1. 270.8 -0.0482 0.0486 A041300800122 1. 1. 283.4 0.0004 0.0556 A041300800123 1. 1. 293.2 -0.0551 A041300800124 1. 1. 296.0 -0.0829 0.0625 A041300800125 1. 1. 301.6 -0.0551 A041300800126 1. 1. 311.3 0.0004 0.0486 A041300800127 1. 1. 351.9 -0.0967 A041300800128 1. 1. 403.6 -0.0203 A041300800129 1. 1. 452.5 -0.0341 A041300800130 1. 1. 502.8 -0.0549 A041300800131 1. 1. 553.0 -0.0617 A041300800132 1. 1. 600.6 -0.0756 A041300800133 1. 1. 645.3 -0.0338 A041300800134 1. 1. 702.5 0.0496 A041300800135 1. 1. 751.4 0.0635 A041300800136 1. 1. 798.9 0.0428 A041300800137 1. 1. 850.6 0.0706 A041300800138 1. 1. 900.9 0.1263 A041300800139 1. 1. 949.8 0.0499 A041300800140 1. 1. 998.7 0.1194 A041300800141 1. 1. 1047.6 0.0223 A041300800142 1. 1. 1099.3 0.2099 A041300800143 1. 2. 117.1 -0.0796 0.0759 A041300800144 1. 2. 125.4 -0.2728 0.1379 A041300800145 1. 2. 128.3 0.0720 0.0690 A041300800146 1. 2. 135.3 -0.0109 0.0828 A041300800147 1. 2. 143.7 0.0304 A041300800148 1. 2. 147.8 -0.0248 A041300800149 1. 2. 149.2 -0.1283 A041300800150 1. 2. 153.3 -0.2594 A041300800151 1. 2. 153.3 -0.1835 A041300800152 1. 2. 158.9 -0.1905 A041300800153 1. 2. 163.1 -0.1561 A041300800154 1. 2. 174.3 -0.1010 A041300800155 1. 2. 184.2 -0.0253 0.0621 A041300800156 1. 2. 192.5 -0.0599 0.0552 A041300800157 1. 2. 205.1 -0.1083 A041300800158 1. 2. 212.1 0.0089 0.0690 A041300800159 1. 2. 234.4 -0.0811 A041300800160 1. 2. 237.2 -0.1984 0.0827 A041300800161 1. 2. 242.9 0.0292 0.0414 A041300800162 1. 2. 256.8 -0.0607 0.0690 A041300800163 1. 2. 263.7 -0.1366 A041300800164 1. 2. 270.8 0.0012 0.0345 A041300800165 1. 2. 284.8 0.0011 0.0483 A041300800166 1. 2. 294.5 0.0009 0.0414 A041300800167 1. 2. 295.9 -0.1232 A041300800168 1. 2. 302.9 -0.1440 A041300800169 1. 2. 312.7 -0.0751 0.0621 A041300800170 1. 2. 354.6 -0.1101 A041300800171 1. 2. 404.8 -0.1590 A041300800172 1. 2. 453.7 -0.1941 A041300800173 1. 2. 504.0 -0.2292 A041300800174 1. 2. 553.0 -0.0092 A041300800175 1. 2. 604.7 -0.0925 A041300800176 1. 2. 646.6 -0.0862 A041300800177 1. 2. 703.9 -0.0800 A041300800178 1. 2. 752.8 -0.1013 A041300800179 1. 2. 803.1 -0.0743 A041300800180 1. 2. 852.0 -0.0887 A041300800181 1. 2. 900.8 -0.2135 A041300800182 1. 2. 952.5 -0.2279 0.0414 A041300800183 1. 2. 1001.3 -0.3595 A041300800184 1. 2. 1048.8 -0.4084 A041300800185 1. 2. 1097.6 -0.5607 A041300800186 ENDDATA 166 0 A041300800187 ENDSUBENT 186 0 A041300899999 NOSUBENT A0413009 20240911 A118A041300900001 NOSUBENT A0413010 20240911 A118A041301000001 SUBENT A0413011 20240911 A118A041301100001 BIB 5 15 A041301100002 REACTION (5-B-11(P,A)4-BE-8,PAR,DA,,4PI) A041301100003 ANALYSIS The absolute cross section was determined at low A041301100004 energies relative to the 11B+p elastic scattering A041301100005 cross section A041301100006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error A041301100007 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in angular position A041301100008 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in counting statistics and A041301100009 angular distribution A041301100010 (ERR-3) Uncertainty in contributions of the secondary A041301100011 alpha-particles to the yield of the alpha1-peak A041301100012 STATUS (TABLE,,H.W.Becker+,J,ZP/A,327,341,1987) values A041301100013 on p.353, 354.A041301100014 (DEP,A0413006) Elastic scattering cross section A041301100015 relative to Rutherford scattering A041301100016 HISTORY (20240911C) SD A041301100017 ENDBIB 15 0 A041301100018 COMMON 3 3 A041301100019 EN ANG ERR-1 A041301100020 KEV ADEG PER-CENT A041301100021 300. 37.5 2. A041301100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A041301100023 DATA 5 2 A041301100024 LVL-NUMB DATA ERR-T ERR-2 ERR-3 A041301100025 NO-DIM MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT A041301100026 0. 1.03 0.06 5.2 A041301100027 1. 165. 10. 0.5 5.5 A041301100028 ENDDATA 4 0 A041301100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A041301199999 ENDENTRY 11 0 A041399999999