ENTRY A0428 20240914 A118A042800000001 SUBENT A0428001 20240914 A118A042800100001 BIB 12 44 A042800100002 TITLE 12-C(a,gamma)16-O: the key reaction in stellar A042800100003 nucleosynthesis A042800100004 AUTHOR (R.Kunz, M.Jaeger, A.Mayer, J.W.Hammer, G.Staudt, A042800100005 S.Harissopulos, T.Paradellis) A042800100006 REFERENCE (J,PRL,86,3244,2001) A042800100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.3244 A042800100008 (J,AJ,567,643,2002) Reaction rate was calculated. A042800100009 #doi:10.1086/338384 A042800100010 (T,Kunz,2002) Uni. Stuttgart, revised data sets in A042800100011 Anhang I. A042800100012 REL-REF (M,,A.Redder+,J,NP/A,462,385,1987) A042800100013 (M,C0439001,J.M.L.Ouellet+,J,PR/C,54,1982,1996) A042800100014 (M,A0652001,G.Roters+,J,EPJ/A,6,451,1999) A042800100015 There are previous investigations on the subject A042800100016 INSTITUTE (2GERTHS,2GERTUE,2GRCATH) A042800100017 FACILITY (DYNAM,2GERTHS) A042800100018 SAMPLE The target was produced by implanting 12-C atoms A042800100019 into gold. The gold layered backing used for this A042800100020 purpose was especially developed for long term A042800100021 experiments and high beam power of up to 10 KW/cm2. A042800100022 The depletion in respect to the detrimental 13-C was A042800100023 improved by a factor of 1000. The target was replaced A042800100024 when a deterioration of about 20% was found. A042800100025 METHOD (BCINT,EXTB,GSPEC) A042800100026 DETECTOR (HPGE) An array of three or four large detectors in A042800100027 close geometry, actively shielded with bismuth A042800100028 germanate crystals. A042800100029 (BGO) The crystals were used for active shielding and A042800100030 anti-Compton detectors. A042800100031 The whole detector setup was placed on a heavy A042800100032 motor-driven revolving table. A042800100033 ADD-RES The S(E1) and S(E2) factors deduced from the gamma A042800100034 angular distributions have been extrapolated to the A042800100035 range of helium burning temperatures applying the A042800100036 R-Matrix method, which yielded A042800100037 S(E1)/300 = (76 +/-20) keV*b and A042800100038 S(E2)/300 = =(85 +/- 30) keV*b. A042800100039 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Kunz+,J,PRL,86,3244,2001) Tbl. I A042800100040 HISTORY (20020719C) A042800100041 (20040604A) Additional reference has been added. A042800100042 (20040604U) Last checking has been done. A042800100043 (20160708U) REFERENCE was corrected. A042800100044 (20240914A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A042800100045 Subent 004 deleted (see ADD-RES). A042800100046 ENDBIB 44 0 A042800100047 NOCOMMON 0 0 A042800100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 A042800199999 SUBENT A0428002 20240914 A118A042800200001 BIB 7 19 A042800200002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP,SIG,,SFC) A042800200003 PART-DET (G) Gamma energy around 9 MeV was measured. A042800200004 ANALYSIS (INTAD) The values for Sigma(E1), Sigma(E2)/Sigma(E1), A042800200005 and Sigma(E2) have been obtained by using the formula A042800200006 for the interference of E1 and E2 transitions in A042800200007 angular distributions, given in the paper of Dyer and A042800200008 barnes. The parameter (PHASE) of this formula was not A042800200009 kept open, but determined by using the elastic alpha - A042800200010 scattering data of Plaga and D'Agostino Bruno. A042800200011 REL-REF (R,,P.Dyer+,J,NP/A,233,495,1974) A042800200012 (R,C0064001,R.Plaga+,J,NP/A,465,291,1987) A042800200013 (R,,M.D'Agostino Bruno+,J,NC/A,27,1,1975) A042800200014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainties include both statistical A042800200015 and systematic errors induced by R-Matrix analysis and A042800200016 fitting procedure. A042800200017 CORRECTION The data have been properly corrected for target A042800200018 deterioration due to sputtering and for any effects dueA042800200019 to finite geometry. A042800200020 HISTORY (20240914U) SD: ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A042800200021 ENDBIB 19 0 A042800200022 NOCOMMON 0 0 A042800200023 DATA 4 40 A042800200024 EN-CM POLAR DATA DATA-ERR A042800200025 KEV NO-DIM B*KEV B*KEV A042800200026 945. -1. 2.7 16.5 A042800200027 945. 2. 2.9 21.8 A042800200028 1254. -1. 14.7 3. A042800200029 1254. 2. 18.8 6.1 A042800200030 1451. -1. 14.4 2.1 A042800200031 1451. 2. 11.4 2.6 A042800200032 1572. -1. 11.9 10.6 A042800200033 1572. 2. 5.6 11.4 A042800200034 1702. -1. 18.6 2.4 A042800200035 1702. 2. 6.6 1.4 A042800200036 1997. -1. 25. 3.1 A042800200037 1997. 2. 2.4 0.6 A042800200038 2072. -1. 29.5 3.6 A042800200039 2072. 2. 3.1 0.7 A042800200040 2147. -1. 40.8 4.9 A042800200041 2147. 2. 3.3 0.7 A042800200042 2184. -1. 49.7 6. A042800200043 2184. 2. 2.7 0.6 A042800200044 2223. -1. 58.9 4.9 A042800200045 2223. 2. 4. 0.5 A042800200046 2259. -1. 53.6 34.8 A042800200047 2259. 2. 7.1 19.6 A042800200048 2299. -1. 47.8 15.3 A042800200049 2299. 2. 9.8 12.9 A042800200050 2335. -1. 62.9 33.4 A042800200051 2335. 2. 10.9 25.4 A042800200052 2374. -1. 64.9 7.7 A042800200053 2374. 2. 2.6 0.6 A042800200054 2407. -1. 62.5 7.5 A042800200055 2407. 2. 2.1 0.6 A042800200056 2449. -1. 30.8 11.8 A042800200057 2449. 2. 5.1 10.2 A042800200058 2486. -1. 36. 4.4 A042800200059 2486. 2. 2.2 0.7 A042800200060 2526. -1. 25.2 3. A042800200061 2526. 2. 0.8 0.3 A042800200062 2771. -1. 6.1 3. A042800200063 2771. 2. 3.8 4.1 A042800200064 2787. -1. 7.5 2.4 A042800200065 2787. 2. 0.6 1.6 A042800200066 ENDDATA 42 0 A042800200067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 A042800299999 SUBENT A0428003 20240914 A118A042800300001 BIB 5 9 A042800300002 REACTION ((6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP,SIG)// A042800300003 (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP,SIG)) A042800300004 MISC-COL (MISC) The phase for P.Dyer and C.A.Barnes formula A042800300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainties include both statistical A042800300006 and systematic errors induced by R-matrix analysis and A042800300007 fitting procedure. A042800300008 (MISC-ERR) Any information is absent A042800300009 STATUS (DEP,A0482002) A042800300010 HISTORY (20240914U) SD: ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A042800300011 ENDBIB 9 0 A042800300012 COMMON 2 3 A042800300013 POLAR-NM POLAR-DN A042800300014 NO-DIM NO-DIM A042800300015 2. 1. A042800300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A042800300017 DATA 5 20 A042800300018 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR A042800300019 KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM ADEG ADEG A042800300020 945. 1.097 4.515 59. A042800300021 1254. 1.277 0.324 55. A042800300022 1451. 0.79 0.137 53. A042800300023 1572. 0.468 0.862 52. A042800300024 1702. 0.355 0.055 49. A042800300025 1997. 0.095 0.021 40. A042800300026 2072. 0.105 0.017 35. A042800300027 2147. 0.081 0.012 28. A042800300028 2184. 0.055 0.009 24. A042800300029 2223. 0.068 0.006 17. A042800300030 2259. 0.132 0.355 10. A042800300031 2299. 0.202 0.246 1. A042800300032 2335. 0.174 0.392 9. A042800300033 2374. 0.039 0.007 21. A042800300034 2407. 0.034 0.008 32. A042800300035 2449. 0.152 0.279 44. A042800300036 2486. 0.061 0.016 53. A042800300037 2526. 0.031 0.008 61. A042800300038 2771. 0.63 0.597 87. 9. A042800300039 2787. 0.078 0.203 67. 37. A042800300040 ENDDATA 22 0 A042800300041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 A042800399999 NOSUBENT A0428004 20240914 A118A042800400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 A042899999999