ENTRY A0441 20240909 A117A044100000001 SUBENT A0441001 20240909 A117A044100100001 BIB 13 73 A044100100002 TITLE Incomplete fusion reactions: analysis of excitation A044100100003 functions and recoil range distributions in 16-O+51-V A044100100004 AUTHOR (S.Mukherjee, A.Sharma, S.Sodaye, B.S.Tomar, A.Goswami,A044100100005 S.B.Manohar) A044100100006 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) A044100100007 INSTITUTE (3INDVUU) School of Studies in Physics, Vikram A044100100008 University. A044100100009 (3INDTRM) Radiochemistry division A044100100010 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDTRM) BARC-TIFR Pelletron accelerator A044100100011 COMMENT Abstract. Incomplete fusion reactions were A044100100012 investigated by measuring the excitation functions of A044100100013 nine evaporation residues in 16-O + 51-V reaction in A044100100014 the beam energy 4-6 MeV/amu, using the well-known A044100100015 recoil catcher technique and gamma-ray spectrometry. A044100100016 The experimental data were compared with that obtained A044100100017 from MONTE CARLO simulation calculations using the A044100100018 PACE2 code. The results indicate the presence of A044100100019 incomplete fusion process in the production of two A044100100020 alpha emission products. This was further confirmed by A044100100021 the measurement of recoil range distribution of these A044100100022 isotopes at 96 MeV beam energy. Calculations of the A044100100023 average angular momentum associated with these productsA044100100024 revealed the peripheral nature of these incomplete A044100100025 fusion reactions. A044100100026 /Special remark by authors/. In case of cobalt productsA044100100027 the experimental data are much higher than the A044100100028 calculated data indicating the contribution from A044100100029 incomplete fusion reactions. These incomplete fusion A044100100030 reactions can be of the 51-V(16-O,8-Be)59-Co* type. A044100100031 The excited 59-Co* nucleus may subsequently de-excite A044100100032 by neutron emission to give 58-56 Co. In the case of A044100100033 the evaporation residues 61-Co, there may be a breakup A044100100034 of 16-O into 12-C and 4-He and subsequent incomplete A044100100035 fusion of 12-C in the reaction 51-V(16-O,A)63-Cu; the A044100100036 evaporation of two protons leads to the formation of A044100100037 the residues. It was found that the incomplete fusion A044100100038 contributions with respect to the complete fusion A044100100039 cross-sections increase from 3% at 60 MeV to about 20% A044100100040 above 90 MeV. A044100100041 REL-REF (R,,L.C.Northcliffe+,J,ND/A,7,233,1970) To calculate A044100100042 the beam energy degradation in each target foil A044100100043 METHOD (EXTB) The target samples were irradiated with the A044100100044 collimated 16-O beam of diameter 1-2 mm. A044100100045 (STTA) A044100100046 (ACTIV) Several irradiations were carried out for each A044100100047 such stack of target and degraders to encompass the A044100100048 16-O beam energy between 58 and 94 MeV. A044100100049 (GSPEC) After the irradiation, the target and the A044100100050 catcher foil were counted in the live time mode. A044100100051 The recording time period were chosen in such a way so A044100100052 as to get the good counting statistics. The duration A044100100053 of counting was initially kept in the order of seconds A044100100054 and subsequently increased to longer periods for A044100100055 counting long-lived products. A044100100056 SAMPLE Stacks consisting of two self-supporting targets A044100100057 of vanadium, each of thickness 2.1 mg/cm2 and purity A044100100058 99.99%, approximately, separated by aluminum foils, A044100100059 2 mg/cm2, approximately. A044100100060 DETECTOR (HPGE) A044100100061 ADD-RES (RANGE) A044100100062 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A044100100063 (ERR-S,1.,4.) Uncertainty in counting statistics (1-4%)A044100100064 (ERR-1,5.,8.) Uncertainty in target thickness (5-8%), A044100100065 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in detector efficiency (4%), A044100100066 (ERR-3,,5.) Uncertainty in beam fluence (<5%) and A044100100067 (ERR-4,5.,10.) Uncertainty in gamma-ray intensity A044100100068 values (5-10%) A044100100069 HISTORY (20020916C) A044100100070 (20030113U) Last checking has been done. A044100100071 (20160214A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 010. A044100100072 BIB, ERR-ANALYS updated. ANALYSIS (AREA) deleted (not A044100100073 relevant). A044100100074 (20240909A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A044100100075 ENDBIB 73 0 A044100100076 COMMON 1 3 A044100100077 ERR-2 A044100100078 PER-CENT A044100100079 4. A044100100080 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100100081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 A044100199999 SUBENT A0441002 20240909 A117A044100200001 BIB 4 5 A044100200002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,2N)31-GA-65,,SIG) A044100200003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-65,15.2MIN,DG,115.,0.55) A044100200004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 1 A044100200005 HISTORY (20240909A) SD: Data were re-digitized. STATUS added. A044100200006 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044100200007 ENDBIB 5 0 A044100200008 COMMON 2 3 A044100200009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044100200010 MEV PER-CENT A044100200011 0.02 0.07 A044100200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100200013 DATA 3 3 A044100200014 EN DATA ERR-T A044100200015 MEV MB MB A044100200016 58.21 7.369E+00 1.178E+00 A044100200017 69.29 1.169E+00 1.794E-01 A044100200018 71.98 4.569E-01 7.305E-02 A044100200019 ENDDATA 5 0 A044100200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A044100299999 SUBENT A0441003 20240909 A117A044100300001 BIB 4 5 A044100300002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,X)30-ZN-63,CUM,SIG) A044100300003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-63,38.7MIN,DG,670.,0.084) A044100300004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 1 A044100300005 HISTORY (20240909A) SD: Data were re-digitized. STATUS added. A044100300006 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044100300007 ENDBIB 5 0 A044100300008 COMMON 2 3 A044100300009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044100300010 MEV PER-CENT A044100300011 0.02 0.07 A044100300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100300013 DATA 3 6 A044100300014 EN DATA ERR-T A044100300015 MEV MB MB A044100300016 58.16 2.795E+01 4.083E+00 A044100300017 69.26 7.651E+01 1.223E+01 A044100300018 71.98 9.106E+01 1.339E+01 A044100300019 82.02 1.028E+02 1.577E+01 A044100300020 87.03 3.723E+01 5.952E+00 A044100300021 93.28 2.965E+01 4.552E+00 A044100300022 ENDDATA 8 0 A044100300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A044100399999 SUBENT A0441004 20240909 A117A044100400001 BIB 4 5 A044100400002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,X)30-ZN-62,CUM,SIG) A044100400003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-62,9.186HR,DG,597.,0.28) A044100400004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 1 A044100400005 HISTORY (20240909A) SD: Data were re-digitized. STATUS added. A044100400006 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044100400007 ENDBIB 5 0 A044100400008 COMMON 2 3 A044100400009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044100400010 MEV PER-CENT A044100400011 0.02 0.07 A044100400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100400013 DATA 3 3 A044100400014 EN DATA ERR-T A044100400015 MEV MB MB A044100400016 82.06 3.011E+00 4.399E-01 A044100400017 87.03 1.582E+01 2.174E+00 A044100400018 93.28 1.204E+01 1.655E+00 A044100400019 ENDDATA 5 0 A044100400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A044100499999 SUBENT A0441005 20240909 A117A044100500001 BIB 4 5 A044100500002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,X)29-CU-61,CUM,SIG) A044100500003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.3HR,DG,656.,0.10) A044100500004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 2 A044100500005 HISTORY (20240909A) SD: Data were re-digitized. STATUS added. A044100500006 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044100500007 ENDBIB 5 0 A044100500008 COMMON 2 3 A044100500009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044100500010 MEV PER-CENT A044100500011 0.02 0.04 A044100500012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100500013 DATA 3 6 A044100500014 EN DATA ERR-T A044100500015 MEV MB MB A044100500016 58.22 7.494E+01 1.147E+01 A044100500017 69.31 6.459E+01 9.883E+00 A044100500018 71.99 8.901E+01 1.362E+01 A044100500019 82.07 9.537E+01 1.413E+01 A044100500020 87.05 3.442E+01 5.266E+00 A044100500021 93.30 3.949E+01 6.043E+00 A044100500022 ENDDATA 8 0 A044100500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A044100599999 SUBENT A0441006 20240909 A117A044100600001 BIB 4 5 A044100600002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,X)29-CU-60,CUM,SIG) A044100600003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-60,23.7MIN,DG,826.,0.88) A044100600004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 2 A044100600005 HISTORY (20240909A) SD: Data were re-digitized. STATUS added. A044100600006 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044100600007 ENDBIB 5 0 A044100600008 COMMON 2 3 A044100600009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044100600010 MEV PER-CENT A044100600011 0.02 0.04 A044100600012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100600013 DATA 3 6 A044100600014 EN DATA ERR-T A044100600015 MEV MB MB A044100600016 58.18 9.273E-01 1.464E-01 A044100600017 69.27 1.076E+01 1.646E+00 A044100600018 71.95 1.206E+01 1.787E+00 A044100600019 82.07 1.616E+01 2.473E+00 A044100600020 87.09 1.046E+01 1.600E+00 A044100600021 93.30 1.369E+01 2.028E+00 A044100600022 ENDDATA 8 0 A044100600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A044100699999 SUBENT A0441007 20240909 A117A044100700001 BIB 4 5 A044100700002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,X)27-CO-61,CUM,SIG) A044100700003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.65HR,DG,908.6,0.03) A044100700004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 3 A044100700005 HISTORY (20240909A) SD: Data were re-digitized. STATUS added. A044100700006 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044100700007 ENDBIB 5 0 A044100700008 COMMON 2 3 A044100700009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044100700010 MEV PER-CENT A044100700011 0.02 0.2 A044100700012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100700013 DATA 3 6 A044100700014 EN DATA ERR-T A044100700015 MEV MB MB A044100700016 58.25 1.324E+01 1.946E+00 A044100700017 69.30 1.715E+01 2.699E+00 A044100700018 71.98 2.012E+01 3.062E+00 A044100700019 82.07 2.170E+01 3.415E+00 A044100700020 87.10 1.230E+01 1.872E+00 A044100700021 93.35 1.392E+01 2.119E+00 A044100700022 ENDDATA 8 0 A044100700023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A044100799999 SUBENT A0441008 20240909 A117A044100800001 BIB 4 6 A044100800002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) A044100800003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,70.2D,DG,811.,0.994) A044100800004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 3 A044100800005 HISTORY (20240909A) SD: SF4=Co-58g -> Co-58; SF5=M+ deleted A044100800006 from REACTION code. Data were re-digitized. STATUS A044100800007 added. EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044100800008 ENDBIB 6 0 A044100800009 COMMON 2 3 A044100800010 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044100800011 MEV PER-CENT A044100800012 0.02 0.2 A044100800013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100800014 DATA 3 6 A044100800015 EN DATA ERR-T A044100800016 MEV MB MB A044100800017 58.23 3.931E+01 5.983E+00 A044100800018 69.28 7.816E+01 1.230E+01 A044100800019 71.97 9.057E+01 1.425E+01 A044100800020 82.10 8.696E+01 1.368E+01 A044100800021 87.08 7.656E+01 1.165E+01 A044100800022 93.33 8.770E+01 1.335E+01 A044100800023 ENDDATA 8 0 A044100800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A044100899999 SUBENT A0441009 20240909 A117A044100900001 BIB 4 5 A044100900002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,X)27-CO-57,CUM,SIG) A044100900003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,271.79D,DG,122.,0.855) A044100900004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 4 A044100900005 HISTORY (20240909A) SD: Data were re-digitized. STATUS added. A044100900006 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044100900007 ENDBIB 5 0 A044100900008 COMMON 2 3 A044100900009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044100900010 MEV PER-CENT A044100900011 0.02 0.2 A044100900012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044100900013 DATA 3 6 A044100900014 EN DATA ERR-T A044100900015 MEV MB MB A044100900016 58.24 4.785E+00 7.279E-01 A044100900017 69.35 9.342E+01 1.421E+01 A044100900018 72.04 5.802E+01 8.825E+00 A044100900019 82.12 4.661E+01 7.332E+00 A044100900020 87.13 1.071E+02 1.684E+01 A044100900021 93.38 1.249E+02 1.964E+01 A044100900022 ENDDATA 8 0 A044100900023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A044100999999 SUBENT A0441010 20240909 A117A044101000001 BIB 4 7 A044101000002 REACTION (23-V-51(8-O-16,X)27-CO-56,CUM,SIG) A044101000003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-56,77.2D,DG,1238.,0.66) A044101000004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.Mukherjee+,J,EPJ/A,12,199,2001) Fig. 4 A044101000005 HISTORY (20160214A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected according to the A044101000006 Tbl. 1 from EPJ/A,12,199,2001 A044101000007 (20240909A) SD: Data were re-digitized. STATUS added. A044101000008 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. A044101000009 ENDBIB 7 0 A044101000010 COMMON 2 3 A044101000011 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A044101000012 MEV PER-CENT A044101000013 0.02 0.2 A044101000014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A044101000015 DATA 3 3 A044101000016 EN DATA ERR-T A044101000017 MEV MB MB A044101000018 82.10 2.420E+00 3.314E-01 A044101000019 87.10 1.269E+01 1.915E+00 A044101000020 93.39 2.311E+01 3.635E+00 A044101000021 ENDDATA 5 0 A044101000022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A044101099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 A044199999999