ENTRY A0456 20240909 A117A045600000001 SUBENT A0456001 20240909 A117A045600100001 BIB 11 40 A045600100002 TITLE Pre-equilibrium particle emission in alpha-induced A045600100003 excitation functions in niobium A045600100004 AUTHOR (R.K.Y.Singh, M.Afzal Ansari, R.P.Gautam) A045600100005 REFERENCE (J,CHP,39,336,2001) A045600100006 INSTITUTE (3INDMUA) A045600100007 (3INDIND) Janta College, Bakewar, India A045600100008 (3INDIND) Thoubal College, Thoubal, India A045600100009 FACILITY (ISOCY,3INDVEC) Variable energy cyclotron A045600100010 SAMPLE Spectroscopically pure natural niobium metallic foils A045600100011 of thickness 10.69 mg/cm2 were used for A045600100012 investigation. A045600100013 The stack was comprised of fifteen niobium foils A045600100014 interspersed with aluminium foils of thicknesses A045600100015 6.75 mg/cm2 and 3.83 mg/cm2, which served as energy A045600100016 degraders, to get the desired alpha-particle energy A045600100017 incident on the individual target foil. A045600100018 METHOD (STTA) A045600100019 (EXTB) The cooled stack was irradiated with a diffused A045600100020 alpha-particle beam of energy 39 MeV. By using a A045600100021 tantalum collimator placed in front of the stack the A045600100022 diameter of the beam spot was adjusted to 8 mm. A045600100023 (BCINT) A045600100024 (ACTIV) By collimated alpha particle beam of about A045600100025 100 nanoAmpere A045600100026 (GSPEC) The dead time for counting was kept to less A045600100027 than 10% by adjusting the sample detector separation inA045600100028 these measurements. A045600100029 DETECTOR (GELI) High resolution (FWHM 2 keV at 1.33 MeV) 100 cm3A045600100030 ADD-RES (COMP) Measured excitation functions are compared with A045600100031 pre-equilibrium geometry dependent hybrid model A045600100032 calculations. It has been found that the initial A045600100033 exciton number N0 = 4 gives a satisfactory reproductionA045600100034 of the experimental data. A045600100035 STATUS (CURVE) By CAJAD A045600100036 The request for numeric data has been sent to A045600100037 M.Afzal Ansari. No reply was received. A045600100038 HISTORY (20030212C) A045600100039 (20030714U) Last checking has been done. A045600100040 (20200226U) SD: Small corrections in all Subents. A045600100041 (20240909A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A045600100042 ENDBIB 40 0 A045600100043 NOCOMMON 0 0 A045600100044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 A045600199999 SUBENT A0456002 20240909 A117A045600200001 BIB 6 18 A045600200002 REACTION (41-NB-93(A,N)43-TC-96-G,M+,SIG) A045600200003 REL-REF (D,C0718001,T.Matsuo+,J,PR,139,B886,1965) A045600200004 (D,,C.L.Branquinho+,J,JIN,41,617,1979) A045600200005 (D,,J.Ernst+,J,ZP/A,308,301,1982) A045600200006 (D,A0531001,S.Mukherjee+,J,PRM,41,329,1993) A045600200007 (D,C0185001,P.H.Stelson+,J,PR,133,B911,1964) A045600200008 (A,C2343001,P.Bond+,J,PR/C,2,1887,1970) A045600200009 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-96-G,4.35D,DG,778.,0.991, A045600200010 DG,812.,0.815, A045600200011 DG,850.,0.965, A045600200012 DG,1127.,0.151) A045600200013 (43-TC-96-M,51.5MIN) 98% isomer transition. A045600200014 COMMENT - By authors. The activities were measured after the A045600200015 decay of the metastable state. A045600200016 STATUS (CURVE,,R.K.Y.Singh+,J,CHP,39,336,2001) Fig.1 A045600200017 Tabulated energy values from the text on p.337. A045600200018 HISTORY (20200226U) SD: ERR-ANALYS deleted. DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIGA045600200019 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A045600200020 ENDBIB 18 0 A045600200021 COMMON 1 3 A045600200022 ERR-DIG A045600200023 PER-CENT A045600200024 3. A045600200025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A045600200026 DATA 3 15 A045600200027 EN EN-ERR DATA A045600200028 MEV MEV MB A045600200029 7.0 2.4 0.736 A045600200030 9.9 2.1 25.2 A045600200031 12.3 1.8 142. A045600200032 14.4 1.7 256. A045600200033 16.4 1.6 356. A045600200034 18.2 1.5 246. A045600200035 19.9 1.4 147. A045600200036 22.4 1.4 70.3 A045600200037 24.6 1.3 37.6 A045600200038 27.2 1.3 22.3 A045600200039 29.7 1.2 16. A045600200040 32.1 1.1 12. A045600200041 34.3 1.1 9.64 A045600200042 36.4 1.1 7.4 A045600200043 38.5 1.0 5.44 A045600200044 ENDDATA 17 0 A045600200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A045600299999 SUBENT A0456003 20240909 A117A045600300001 BIB 6 20 A045600300002 REACTION (41-NB-93(A,2N)43-TC-95-G,,SIG) A045600300003 REL-REF (D,,C.L.Branquinho+,J,JIN,41,617,1979) A045600300004 (D,A0531001,S.Mukherjee+,J,PRM,41,329,1993) A045600300005 (A,C2343001,P.Bond+,J,PR/C,2,1887,1970) A045600300006 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR,DG,948.,0.021, A045600300007 DG,1074.,0.042) A045600300008 (43-TC-95-M,61.D,DG,582.,0.325, A045600300009 DG,835.,0.281) 3.9% isomer transition,A045600300010 95.8% electron capture, 0.3% beta+ decay. A045600300011 COMMENT - By compiler. A045600300012 1. It is unclear, what cross sections are shown on A045600300013 figure 2. Was isomer production cross section included A045600300014 in published data? A045600300015 2. The paper text contains phrase: " the cross-section A045600300016 was measured at eleven alpha-particle energies", but A045600300017 only 10 data points are shown on figure 2. A045600300018 STATUS (CURVE,,R.K.Y.Singh+,J,CHP,39,336,2001) Fig.2 A045600300019 Tabulated energy values from the text on p.337. A045600300020 HISTORY (20200226U) SD: ERR-ANALYS deleted. DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIGA045600300021 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A045600300022 ENDBIB 20 0 A045600300023 COMMON 1 3 A045600300024 ERR-DIG A045600300025 PER-CENT A045600300026 2.6 A045600300027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A045600300028 DATA 3 10 A045600300029 EN EN-ERR DATA A045600300030 MEV MEV MB A045600300031 16.4 1.6 136. A045600300032 18.2 1.5 294. A045600300033 19.9 1.4 480. A045600300034 22.4 1.4 609. A045600300035 24.6 1.3 669. A045600300036 29.7 1.2 550. A045600300037 32.1 1.1 392. A045600300038 34.3 1.1 313. A045600300039 36.4 1.1 182. A045600300040 38.5 1. 73.9 A045600300041 ENDDATA 12 0 A045600300042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A045600399999 SUBENT A0456004 20240909 A117A045600400001 BIB 5 11 A045600400002 REACTION (41-NB-93(A,2N)43-TC-95-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A045600400003 REL-REF (D,C0718001,T.Matsuo+,J,PR,139,B886,1965) A045600400004 (A,,C.L.Branquinho+,J,JIN,41,617,1979) A045600400005 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR,DG,948.,0.021, A045600400006 DG,1074.,0.042) A045600400007 (43-TC-95-M,62.D,DG,582.,0.325, A045600400008 DG,835.,0.281) A045600400009 STATUS (CURVE,,R.K.Y.Singh+,J,CHP,39,336,2001) Fig.3 A045600400010 Tabulated energy values from the text on p.337. A045600400011 HISTORY (20200226U) SD: ERR-ANALYS deleted. A045600400012 (20240909U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIG. STATUS updated. A045600400013 ENDBIB 11 0 A045600400014 COMMON 1 3 A045600400015 ERR-DIG A045600400016 NO-DIM A045600400017 0.003 A045600400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A045600400019 DATA 3 11 A045600400020 EN EN-ERR DATA A045600400021 MEV MEV NO-DIM A045600400022 16.4 1.6 0.148 A045600400023 18.2 1.5 0.106 A045600400024 19.9 1.4 0.098 A045600400025 22.4 1.4 0.129 A045600400026 24.6 1.3 0.096 A045600400027 27.2 1.3 0.076 A045600400028 29.7 1.2 0.065 A045600400029 32.1 1.1 0.044 A045600400030 34.3 1.1 0.066 A045600400031 36.4 1.1 0.048 A045600400032 38.5 1. 0.138 A045600400033 ENDDATA 13 0 A045600400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 A045600499999 SUBENT A0456005 20240909 A117A045600500001 BIB 7 41 A045600500002 REACTION (41-NB-93(A,3N)43-TC-94-G,,SIG) A045600500003 REL-REF (A,C0718016,T.Matsuo+,J,PR,139,B886,1965) A045600500004 (A,D0143005,J.Ernst+,J,ZP/A,308,301,1982) A045600500005 (D,A0531004,S.Mukherjee+,J,PRM,41,329,1993) A045600500006 (A,C2343001,P.Bond+,J,PR/C,2,1887,1970) A045600500007 (D,P0103001,J.M.Matuszek Jr+,J,NP,42,582,1963) A045600500008 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-94-G,4.88HR,DG,702.,0.998, A045600500009 DG,871.,1., A045600500010 DG,916.,0.074) A045600500011 COMMENT - By compiler. The probability of isomer transition to A045600500012 ground state is very low (<0.1%). A045600500013 -By compiler. The angle between X and Y axes A045600500014 on this figure is not equal 90 angular degrees. A045600500015 This deviation is 2.28E-02 radians. A045600500016 -By authors. In this reaction two isomers of 94Tc are A045600500017 produced. The ground and metastable states have A045600500018 half-lives of 4.88 H and 52.5 minutes respectively. A045600500019 The ground state isomer gives four major gamma-rays: A045600500020 0.702, 0.850, 0.871 and 0.916 MeV. The 0.850 MeV A045600500021 gamma-ray is in common with Tc-96-g, produced in the A045600500022 (alpha,n) reaction whereas the 0.871 MeV gamma-ray is A045600500023 also obtained from Tc-94-m. The 0.871 MeV gamma ray A045600500024 was also used in the analysis of the cross-section A045600500025 corresponding to the ground state by counting the A045600500026 activity, after the decay of several half-lives of the A045600500027 metastable state. The 0.916 MeV gamma-ray overlaps A045600500028 with the 0.913 MeV gamma-rays, emitted from Nb-92-m, A045600500029 produced in the (a,a+n) reaction. The absolute A045600500030 intensity of the latter gamma ray is 1.6% and the crossA045600500031 sections for the (a,a+n) reaction in the energy range A045600500032 of our interest is small. Therefore, the 0.913 MeV A045600500033 gamma ray has negligible contribution to the photopeak A045600500034 counts of the 0.916 MeV gamma ray. Thus the cross A045600500035 sections of the 93Nb(a,3n) reaction were measured by A045600500036 considering the 0.702, 0.871 and 0.916 MeV gamma-rays. A045600500037 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A045600500038 STATUS (CURVE,,R.K.Y.Singh+,J,CHP,39,336,2001) Fig.4 A045600500039 Tabulated energy values from the text on p.337. A045600500040 HISTORY (20200226U) SD: ERR-ANALYS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIGA045600500041 REL-REF corrected. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A045600500042 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A045600500043 ENDBIB 41 0 A045600500044 COMMON 1 3 A045600500045 ERR-DIG A045600500046 PER-CENT A045600500047 2.3 A045600500048 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A045600500049 DATA 4 7 A045600500050 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR A045600500051 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT A045600500052 24.6 1.3 0.27 40. A045600500053 27.2 1.3 10.25 A045600500054 29.7 1.2 92.4 A045600500055 32.1 1.1 236. A045600500056 34.3 1.1 379. A045600500057 36.4 1.1 474. A045600500058 38.5 1.0 479. A045600500059 ENDDATA 9 0 A045600500060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 A045600599999 SUBENT A0456006 20240909 A117A045600600001 BIB 5 8 A045600600002 REACTION (41-NB-93(A,X)41-NB-92-M,,SIG) A045600600003 REL-REF (D,A0531001,S.Mukherjee+,J,PRM,41,329,1993) A045600600004 (A,C2343001,P.Bond+,J,PR/C,2,1887,1970) A045600600005 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.14D,DG,936.,0.992) A045600600006 STATUS (CURVE,,R.K.Y.Singh+,J,CHP,39,336,2001) Fig.5 A045600600007 Tabulated energy values from the text on p.337 A045600600008 HISTORY (20200226U) SD: ERR-ANALYS deleted. DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIGA045600600009 (20240909U) SD: STATUS updated. A045600600010 ENDBIB 8 0 A045600600011 COMMON 1 3 A045600600012 ERR-DIG A045600600013 PER-CENT A045600600014 2.6 A045600600015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A045600600016 DATA 3 8 A045600600017 EN EN-ERR DATA A045600600018 MEV MEV MB A045600600019 22.4 1.4 2.28 A045600600020 24.6 1.3 3.36 A045600600021 27.2 1.3 5.89 A045600600022 29.7 1.2 8.22 A045600600023 32.1 1.1 8.78 A045600600024 34.3 1.1 9.55 A045600600025 36.4 1.1 8.71 A045600600026 38.5 1.0 8.22 A045600600027 ENDDATA 10 0 A045600600028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A045600699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 A045699999999