ENTRY            A0467   20190628                             A092A046700000001 
SUBENT        A0467001   20190628                             A092A046700100001 
BIB                 11         40                                 A046700100002 
TITLE      Production of Se-73 via (p,3n) and (d,4n) reactions    A046700100003 
           on arsenic.                                            A046700100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Mushtaq,S.M.Qaim,G.Stocklin)                        A046700100005 
REFERENCE  (J,ARI,39,1085,1988)                                   A046700100006 
INSTITUTE  (2GERJUL)                                              A046700100007 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,2GERJUL) high energy isochronous cyclotron      A046700100008 
            (JULIC) used  for incident proton energy of 45 MeV andA046700100009 
            incident deuteron energy of 56 MeV                    A046700100010 
            For the determination of excitation functions of the  A046700100011 
            (d,xn) reactions four stacks were irradiated at 50 nA A046700100012 
            for 20 min with deuterons having a primary            A046700100013 
            energy of 56 MeV                                      A046700100014 
           (CYCLO,2GERJUL) compact cyclotron CV 28 used for       A046700100015 
           measurement up to 20 MeV.                              A046700100016 
METHOD     (ACTIV,EXTB)                                           A046700100017 
DETECTOR   (GELI) 35 cm3 Ge(Li) detector coupled with a Nuclear   A046700100018 
           Data 66 system                                         A046700100019 
SAMPLE     Thin arsenic layers were prepared by electrolytic      A046700100020 
           deposition of arsenic using an alkaline bath in a      A046700100021 
           mini-electrolytic cell. Al and Cu foils (50 and 30. mumA046700100022 
           thick and of 16 mm diam.) were used as backing materialA046700100023 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty was  estimated by taking     A046700100024 
           square roots of the sums of the squares of the         A046700100025 
           individual errors. On average, the error in cross      A046700100026 
           sections amounted to 16%. Total error includes:        A046700100027 
            * The error in the energy degradation is 0.5 MeV at   A046700100028 
           E(p) and E(d)=15 MeV and about 0.3 MeV at higher       A046700100029 
           energies                                               A046700100030 
           (ERR-1) The error in the thickness of each foil and    A046700100031 
           arsenic layer is 4%                                    A046700100032 
           (ERR-2) The error in the beam current measurement      A046700100033 
           (ERR-3,5.,15.) Uncertainty in absolute activity        A046700100034 
           measurement of the products  (5-15)%                   A046700100035 
           (DATA-ERR) No description for the error bars is given. A046700100036 
ADD-RES    (TTY-C)                                                A046700100037 
HISTORY    (19900618C)                                            A046700100038 
           (20190628A) SD:Updated to new date formats, lower case.A046700100039 
           ANALYSIS deleted. Major corrections in all Subents.    A046700100040 
           BIB updated. MONITOR, DECAY-MON, REL-REF, part of      A046700100041 
           METHOD moved to Subents 002-007. ERR-ANALYS updated.   A046700100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 A046700100043 
COMMON               3          3                                 A046700100044 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-T                                       A046700100045 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    A046700100046 
         4.        10.        16.                                 A046700100047 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A046700100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 A046700199999 
SUBENT        A0467002   20190628                             A092A046700200001 
BIB                  8         20                                 A046700200002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(P,N)34-SE-75,,SIG)                           A046700200003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,120.D,DG,265.,0.58)                          A046700200004 
MONITOR    (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG)                           A046700200005 
           (29-CU-63(P,2N)30-ZN-62,,SIG)                          A046700200006 
           (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG)                           A046700200007 
METHOD     (STTA) Four stacks (each consisting of electroplated   A046700200008 
           foils, several absorbers and beam current monitor      A046700200009 
           foils) were irradiated for 20 min at 50nA with an      A046700200010 
           incident proton energy of 45 MeV.                      A046700200011 
            - Three stacks were irradiated at the CV28.           A046700200012 
DECAY-MON  (30-ZN-62,9.1HR,DG,597.,0.24)                          A046700200013 
           (30-ZN-63,38.1MIN,DG,670.,0.084)                       A046700200014 
           (30-ZN-65,244.D,DG,1115.,0.507)                        A046700200015 
REL-REF    (A,C2016002,J.C.Brodovitch+,J,JIN,38,1581,1976)        A046700200016 
                                              in a few points     A046700200017 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig.1 from App.Rad.Isot.,39(1988)1085          A046700200018 
HISTORY    (20190628A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A046700200019 
           RAD-DET deleted. METHOD, MONITOR, DECAY-MON, REL-REF   A046700200020 
           STATUS added from Subent 001. BIB updated.             A046700200021 
           EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG. Data re-digitized.               A046700200022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 A046700200023 
COMMON               2          3                                 A046700200024 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                A046700200025 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A046700200026 
  0.04        0.6                                                 A046700200027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A046700200028 
DATA                 3         83                                 A046700200029 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    A046700200030 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A046700200031 
       2.99      0.205       0.04                                 A046700200032 
       4.26      11.39       1.65                                 A046700200033 
       5.28      45.36       5.46                                 A046700200034 
       5.67      58.60       9.91                                 A046700200035 
       6.17     111.24                                            A046700200036 
       6.95     165.67      31.90                                 A046700200037 
       6.96     211.09      32.34                                 A046700200038 
       7.79     362.54      61.54                                 A046700200039 
       9.07     454.84      62.28                                 A046700200040 
       9.18     429.58      62.30                                 A046700200041 
       9.29     405.73      63.79                                 A046700200042 
       9.68     562.92                                            A046700200043 
      10.56     523.75                                            A046700200044 
      10.85     874.68     119.72                                 A046700200045 
      10.95     639.17     100.52                                 A046700200046 
      11.51     952.16     114.95                                 A046700200047 
      11.95     757.67     128.66                                 A046700200048 
      12.17     779.41     132.30                                 A046700200049 
      13.11     872.75                                            A046700200050 
      13.44     756.56                                            A046700200051 
      13.55     665.40                                            A046700200052 
      13.60     610.83                                            A046700200053 
      13.99     537.09                                            A046700200054 
      14.43     452.45      69.31                                 A046700200055 
      14.70     445.93      75.69                                 A046700200056 
      15.36     316.53      43.33                                 A046700200057 
      15.64     409.00      55.98                                 A046700200058 
      15.80     303.15      46.42                                 A046700200059 
      16.24     215.23                                            A046700200060 
      16.63     231.04                                            A046700200061 
      17.29     221.23                                            A046700200062 
      17.51     171.13                                            A046700200063 
      17.73     163.93                                            A046700200064 
      18.33     140.06                                            A046700200065 
      18.83     123.14                                            A046700200066 
      18.94     128.50                                            A046700200067 
      19.10     111.41      7.66                                  A046700200068 
      19.93     105.15      19.02                                 A046700200069 
      20.20     112.89      21.06                                 A046700200070 
      20.70      95.10      13.02                                 A046700200071 
      21.80      68.44      10.49                                 A046700200072 
      22.24      73.47      11.25                                 A046700200073 
      23.84      65.44                                            A046700200074 
      24.95      55.10                                            A046700200075 
      25.28      61.73                                            A046700200076 
      26.22      53.48                                            A046700200077 
      26.71      60.77                                            A046700200078 
      26.71      49.78                                            A046700200079 
      27.76      36.86                                            A046700200080 
      28.04      49.01                                            A046700200081 
      28.14      39.01                                            A046700200082 
      29.25      34.28                                            A046700200083 
      29.36      40.09                                            A046700200084 
      30.24      40.63                                            A046700200085 
      30.58      43.00                                            A046700200086 
      31.35      37.26       5.71                                 A046700200087 
      31.63      43.58       5.97                                 A046700200088 
      31.79      34.19       5.24                                 A046700200089 
      32.78      38.84       5.31                                 A046700200090 
      33.00      35.14       6.36                                 A046700200091 
      33.94      34.12       5.79                                 A046700200092 
      34.94      40.45                                            A046700200093 
      35.32      32.65                                            A046700200094 
      36.04      39.27                                            A046700200095 
      36.38      39.82                                            A046700200096 
      36.93      39.80                                            A046700200097 
      37.15      34.50       5.83                                 A046700200098 
      37.53      39.21       6.66                                 A046700200099 
      38.20      40.90                                            A046700200100 
      38.20      34.96                                            A046700200101 
      38.47      39.74                                            A046700200102 
      39.52      34.92                                            A046700200103 
      40.46      36.93                                            A046700200104 
      41.23      32.00                                            A046700200105 
      41.73      35.34                                            A046700200106 
      42.12      39.03                                            A046700200107 
      42.34      33.36                                            A046700200108 
      43.22      38.44       6.50                                 A046700200109 
      43.45      40.11       4.22                                 A046700200110 
      43.94      31.46       5.34                                 A046700200111 
      44.22      32.83       5.03                                 A046700200112 
      44.83      39.49       3.52                                 A046700200113 
      44.88      36.25       6.98                                 A046700200114 
ENDDATA             85          0                                 A046700200115 
ENDSUBENT          114          0                                 A046700299999 
SUBENT        A0467003   20190628                             A092A046700300001 
BIB                  8         22                                 A046700300002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(P,3N)34-SE-73-G,M+,SIG)                      A046700300003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-73-G,7.1HR,DG,361.,0.97)                        A046700300004 
MONITOR    (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG)                           A046700300005 
           (29-CU-63(P,2N)30-ZN-62,,SIG)                          A046700300006 
           (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG)                           A046700300007 
METHOD     (STTA) Four stacks (each consisting of electroplated   A046700300008 
           foils, several absorbers and beam current monitor      A046700300009 
           foils) were irradiated for 20 min at 50nA with an      A046700300010 
           incident proton energy of 45 MeV.                      A046700300011 
            - Three stacks were irradiated at the CV28.           A046700300012 
DECAY-MON  (30-ZN-62,9.1HR,DG,597.,0.24)                          A046700300013 
           (30-ZN-63,38.1MIN,DG,670.,0.084)                       A046700300014 
           (30-ZN-65,244.D,DG,1115.,0.507)                        A046700300015 
REL-REF    (A,C2016003,J.C.Brodovitch+,J,JIN,38,1581,1976)        A046700300016 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig.1 from App.Rad.Isot.,39(1988)1085          A046700300017 
           (COREL,O1041005) g.s and m.s. total cross section      A046700300018 
HISTORY    (20190628A) SD: SF4=Se-73 -> Se-73g, SF5=M+ added,     A046700300019 
           SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code; 'COREL' added to   A046700300020 
           STATUS according to remark from Prof. S.M.Qaim.        A046700300021 
           RAD-DET deleted. METHOD, MONITOR, DECAY-MON, REL-REF   A046700300022 
           STATUS added from Subent 001. BIB updated.             A046700300023 
           EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG. Data re-digitized.               A046700300024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 A046700300025 
COMMON               2          3                                 A046700300026 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                A046700300027 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A046700300028 
  0.04        0.6                                                 A046700300029 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A046700300030 
DATA                 3         47                                 A046700300031 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    A046700300032 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A046700300033 
      24.92      13.25       3.39                                 A046700300034 
      25.27      28.59       6.31                                 A046700300035 
      26.21      41.38       5.49                                 A046700300036 
      26.55      83.17      11.39                                 A046700300037 
      26.77      79.67      13.52                                 A046700300038 
      27.05     102.94      14.09                                 A046700300039 
      27.22      80.78                                            A046700300040 
      28.06     176.77      30.01                                 A046700300041 
      28.16     120.29      17.46                                 A046700300042 
      28.33     155.44      21.28                                 A046700300043 
      29.21     153.11                                            A046700300044 
      29.38     181.64      24.69                                 A046700300045 
      29.99     221.63                                            A046700300046 
      30.33     234.55                                            A046700300047 
      30.38     274.36                                            A046700300048 
      30.82     262.76                                            A046700300049 
      31.32     329.90                                            A046700300050 
      31.54     281.97      37.46                                 A046700300051 
      32.26     266.15      32.04                                 A046700300052 
      32.76     311.18                                            A046700300053 
      32.87     273.69                                            A046700300054 
      33.42     338.75                                            A046700300055 
      33.81     319.85                                            A046700300056 
      34.14     306.36                                            A046700300057 
      34.86     315.00                                            A046700300058 
      35.24     273.05                                            A046700300059 
      35.97     337.90      40.81                                 A046700300060 
      36.13     323.71      44.31                                 A046700300061 
      36.41     332.98      34.92                                 A046700300062 
      37.18     276.45                                            A046700300063 
      37.46     318.71                                            A046700300064 
      38.17     284.16                                            A046700300065 
      38.45     253.47                                            A046700300066 
      39.11     207.48                                            A046700300067 
      39.55     232.44                                            A046700300068 
      40.21     239.01      40.59                                 A046700300069 
      40.54     225.69      38.31                                 A046700300070 
      41.20     190.09                                            A046700300071 
      41.87     164.73                                            A046700300072 
      42.15     212.85                                            A046700300073 
      42.37     215.86                                            A046700300074 
      43.13     142.67      24.23                                 A046700300075 
      43.30     144.69      24.56                                 A046700300076 
      43.46     138.61      21.24                                 A046700300077 
      43.96     132.75                                            A046700300078 
      44.24     134.61                                            A046700300079 
      44.90     130.75                                            A046700300080 
ENDDATA             49          0                                 A046700300081 
ENDSUBENT           80          0                                 A046700399999 
SUBENT        A0467004   20190628                             A092A046700400001 
BIB                  7         18                                 A046700400002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(P,4N)34-SE-72,,SIG)                          A046700400003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-72,8.4D,DG,834.,0.8)                            A046700400004 
MONITOR    (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG)                           A046700400005 
           (29-CU-63(P,2N)30-ZN-62,,SIG)                          A046700400006 
           (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG)                           A046700400007 
METHOD     (STTA) Four stacks (each consisting of electroplated   A046700400008 
           foils, several absorbers and beam current monitor      A046700400009 
           foils) were irradiated for 20 min at 50nA with an      A046700400010 
           incident proton energy of 45 MeV.                      A046700400011 
            - Three stacks were irradiated at the CV28.           A046700400012 
DECAY-MON  (30-ZN-62,9.1HR,DG,597.,0.24)                          A046700400013 
           (30-ZN-63,38.1MIN,DG,670.,0.084)                       A046700400014 
           (30-ZN-65,244.D,DG,1115.,0.507)                        A046700400015 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig.1 from App.Rad.Isot.,39(1988)1085          A046700400016 
HISTORY    (20190628A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A046700400017 
           RAD-DET deleted. METHOD, MONITOR, DECAY-MON,           A046700400018 
           STATUS added from Subent 001. BIB updated.             A046700400019 
           EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG. Data re-digitized.               A046700400020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 A046700400021 
COMMON               2          3                                 A046700400022 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                A046700400023 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A046700400024 
  0.04        0.6                                                 A046700400025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A046700400026 
DATA                 3         19                                 A046700400027 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    A046700400028 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A046700400029 
      35.23       2.40       0.45                                 A046700400030 
      36.07       4.37                                            A046700400031 
      36.35       7.73                                            A046700400032 
      37.07       9.98       1.81                                 A046700400033 
      37.08      15.75                                            A046700400034 
      37.41      16.67                                            A046700400035 
      38.47      22.15       4.26                                 A046700400036 
      39.47      32.52                                            A046700400037 
      39.80      36.95                                            A046700400038 
      40.63      43.19                                            A046700400039 
      41.24      47.02       7.39                                 A046700400040 
      41.85      49.05       7.12                                 A046700400041 
      42.13      57.36                                            A046700400042 
      43.06      56.49                                            A046700400043 
      43.23      52.60                                            A046700400044 
      43.40      72.99                                            A046700400045 
      43.95      67.93      11.49                                 A046700400046 
      44.17      67.92                                            A046700400047 
      44.90      92.87      17.33                                 A046700400048 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 A046700400049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 A046700499999 
SUBENT        A0467005   20190628                             A092A046700500001 
BIB                  8         18                                 A046700500002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,2N)34-SE-75,,SIG)                          A046700500003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,120.D,DG,265.,0.58)                          A046700500004 
MONITOR    (23-V-51(D,2N)24-CR-51,,SIG)                           A046700500005 
           (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           A046700500006 
DECAY-MON  (11-NA-24,15.HR,DG,1369.,1.)                           A046700500007 
           (24-CR-51,27.7D,DG,320.,0.102)                         A046700500008 
METHOD     (STTA) Four stacks (each consisting of electroplated   A046700500009 
           foils, several absorbers and beam current monitor      A046700500010 
           foils) were irradiated for 20 min at 50nA with an      A046700500011 
           incident proton energy of 45 MeV.                      A046700500012 
            - Two stacks were irradiated at the CV28.             A046700500013 
REL-REF    (A,R0046002,H.F.Rohm,R,KFK-1447,1971) Except for the   A046700500014 
           high energy tail of the (d,2n) reaction.               A046700500015 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig.2 from App.Rad.Isot.,39(1988)1085          A046700500016 
HISTORY    (20190628A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A046700500017 
           RAD-DET deleted. METHOD, MONITOR, DECAY-MON, REL-REF   A046700500018 
           STATUS added from Subent 001. BIB updated.             A046700500019 
           EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG. Data re-digitized.               A046700500020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 A046700500021 
COMMON               2          3                                 A046700500022 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                A046700500023 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A046700500024 
     0.07     1.                                                  A046700500025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A046700500026 
DATA                 3         82                                 A046700500027 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    A046700500028 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A046700500029 
       5.68       8.89       1.51                                 A046700500030 
       7.37      59.47      12.34                                 A046700500031 
       8.57     104.67      15.91                                 A046700500032 
       9.95     143.27      16.66                                 A046700500033 
      10.85     141.00      29.26                                 A046700500034 
      11.03     205.59      32.64                                 A046700500035 
      11.81     175.64      30.19                                 A046700500036 
      11.94     256.11      38.91                                 A046700500037 
      12.78     299.61      59.17                                 A046700500038 
      12.96     361.78      54.97                                 A046700500039 
      13.86     391.24                                            A046700500040 
      14.70     457.70                                            A046700500041 
      15.54     510.79                                            A046700500042 
      16.38     543.79                                            A046700500043 
      17.22     552.26                                            A046700500044 
      17.22     616.48                                            A046700500045 
      18.06     587.94                                            A046700500046 
      18.54     587.85                                            A046700500047 
      18.78     625.94      72.79                                 A046700500048 
      18.84     518.35                                            A046700500049 
      19.44     596.99      90.72                                 A046700500050 
      20.10     606.33      81.23                                 A046700500051 
      20.76     606.20                                            A046700500052 
      20.88     534.56                                            A046700500053 
      21.12     578.22                                            A046700500054 
      21.72     596.57                                            A046700500055 
      22.14     517.82                                            A046700500056 
      23.76     408.86                                            A046700500057 
      24.36     470.90                                            A046700500058 
      25.98     263.13      41.77                                 A046700500059 
      26.22     338.33      51.40                                 A046700500060 
      26.88     239.39      47.28                                 A046700500061 
      26.94     298.29      39.97                                 A046700500062 
      28.02     221.22                                            A046700500063 
      29.10     235.49                                            A046700500064 
      29.52     221.11                                            A046700500065 
      30.18     185.97                                            A046700500066 
      31.50     228.03                                            A046700500067 
      32.22     201.05      34.21                                 A046700500068 
      32.46     182.94      29.04                                 A046700500069 
      33.54     161.27      27.72                                 A046700500070 
      34.14     177.19      28.13                                 A046700500071 
      34.38     194.69                                            A046700500072 
      35.76     168.94                                            A046700500073 
      35.76     148.98                                            A046700500074 
      35.76     191.58                                            A046700500075 
      36.12     151.33                                            A046700500076 
      36.72     148.94                                            A046700500077 
      37.62     148.90                                            A046700500078 
      37.86     142.03                                            A046700500079 
      38.46     146.54                                            A046700500080 
      38.88     129.21      20.51                                 A046700500081 
      39.66     133.30      22.91                                 A046700500082 
      39.72     146.48      30.76                                 A046700500083 
      39.72     155.98                                            A046700500084 
      40.92     148.74                                            A046700500085 
      41.28     127.10      13.24                                 A046700500086 
      41.28     139.66      11.42                                 A046700500087 
      42.90     121.18                                            A046700500088 
      43.08     137.41                                            A046700500089 
      43.68     117.40                                            A046700500090 
      44.52     124.99                                            A046700500091 
      45.06     105.13                                            A046700500092 
      46.32     108.44      16.48                                 A046700500093 
      46.50      94.13      14.94                                 A046700500094 
      46.68     100.24      17.23                                 A046700500095 
      47.58      97.11                                            A046700500096 
      48.00      86.98                                            A046700500097 
      48.54     103.38                                            A046700500098 
      49.20      85.59      10.11                                 A046700500099 
      49.68     103.34                                            A046700500100 
      50.22      84.23                                            A046700500101 
      50.70      88.28                                            A046700500102 
      50.94      82.90                                            A046700500103 
      51.12      95.49                                            A046700500104 
      52.08      84.18                                            A046700500105 
      52.32      69.71                                            A046700500106 
      52.68      88.23                                            A046700500107 
      53.46      76.57                                            A046700500108 
      53.70      82.83      12.58                                 A046700500109 
      54.06      80.26                                            A046700500110 
      54.97      86.79                                            A046700500111 
ENDDATA             84          0                                 A046700500112 
ENDSUBENT          111          0                                 A046700599999 
SUBENT        A0467006   20190628                             A092A046700600001 
BIB                  8         20                                 A046700600002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,4N)34-SE-73-G,M+,SIG)                      A046700600003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-73-G,7.1HR,DG,361.,0.97)                        A046700600004 
MONITOR    (23-V-51(D,2N)24-CR-51,,SIG)                           A046700600005 
           (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           A046700600006 
DECAY-MON  (11-NA-24,15.HR,DG,1369.,1.)                           A046700600007 
           (24-CR-51,27.7D,DG,320.,0.102)                         A046700600008 
METHOD     (STTA) Four stacks (each consisting of electroplated   A046700600009 
           foils, several absorbers and beam current monitor      A046700600010 
           foils) were irradiated for 20 min at 50nA with an      A046700600011 
           incident proton energy of 45 MeV.                      A046700600012 
            - Two stacks were irradiated at the CV28.             A046700600013 
REL-REF    (A,R0046002,H.F.Rohm,R,KFK-1447,1971)                  A046700600014 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig.2 from App.Rad.Isot.,39(1988)1085          A046700600015 
           (COREL,O1041006) g.s. and m.s. total cross section     A046700600016 
HISTORY    (20190628A) SD: SF4=Se-73 -> Se-73g, SF5=M+ added,     A046700600017 
           SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code; 'COREL' added to   A046700600018 
           STATUS according to remark from Prof. S.M.Qaim.        A046700600019 
           RAD-DET deleted. METHOD, MONITOR, DECAY-MON, REL-REF   A046700600020 
           STATUS added from Subent 001. BIB updated.             A046700600021 
           EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG. Data re-digitized.               A046700600022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 A046700600023 
COMMON               2          3                                 A046700600024 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                A046700600025 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A046700600026 
     0.07     1.                                                  A046700600027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A046700600028 
DATA                 3         49                                 A046700600029 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    A046700600030 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A046700600031 
      26.07       0.11       0.02                                 A046700600032 
      28.06       6.44       0.98                                 A046700600033 
      29.09      12.27       1.62                                 A046700600034 
      29.57      16.28       2.58                                 A046700600035 
      30.05      23.36                                            A046700600036 
      30.53      33.53                                            A046700600037 
      31.56      55.43       8.42                                 A046700600038 
      32.22      59.01       8.97                                 A046700600039 
      32.40      54.55      11.32                                 A046700600040 
      32.70      82.07      13.97                                 A046700600041 
      33.54      79.51      12.08                                 A046700600042 
      34.14      94.50                                            A046700600043 
      34.32     127.37                                            A046700600044 
      36.06     135.56                                            A046700600045 
      37.62     174.24                                            A046700600046 
      37.92     168.83                                            A046700600047 
      38.46     171.47                                            A046700600048 
      38.76     161.01                                            A046700600049 
      39.54     179.69                                            A046700600050 
      40.92     220.33                                            A046700600051 
      41.22     213.49                                            A046700600052 
      41.34     197.35                                            A046700600053 
      42.85     213.38      36.31                                 A046700600054 
      43.08     182.34      31.34                                 A046700600055 
      43.09     203.54                                            A046700600056 
      43.63     191.11      29.04                                 A046700600057 
      44.47     188.08                                            A046700600058 
      44.83     194.06                                            A046700600059 
      46.15     176.53                                            A046700600060 
      46.33     185.04                                            A046700600061 
      46.57     200.15                                            A046700600062 
      47.53     158.07                                            A046700600063 
      47.83     163.10                                            A046700600064 
      48.49     182.03                                            A046700600065 
      49.15     153.10                                            A046700600066 
      49.63     157.96                                            A046700600067 
      50.23     153.05      23.25                                 A046700600068 
      50.59     132.85      20.18                                 A046700600069 
      50.95     130.76      19.01                                 A046700600070 
      51.01     141.45      16.45                                 A046700600071 
      52.21     126.66                                            A046700600072 
      52.69     111.68                                            A046700600073 
      52.99     128.64                                            A046700600074 
      53.41     126.62                                            A046700600075 
      53.65     132.72                                            A046700600076 
      54.01     108.18      18.41                                 A046700600077 
      55.33     115.15      19.60                                 A046700600078 
      55.51     113.35                                            A046700600079 
      55.51     136.88                                            A046700600080 
ENDDATA             51          0                                 A046700600081 
ENDSUBENT           80          0                                 A046700699999 
SUBENT        A0467007   20190628                             A092A046700700001 
BIB                  8         17                                 A046700700002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,5N)34-SE-72,,SIG)                          A046700700003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-72,8.4D,DG,834.,0.8)                            A046700700004 
MONITOR    (23-V-51(D,2N)24-CR-51,,SIG)                           A046700700005 
           (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           A046700700006 
DECAY-MON  (11-NA-24,15.HR,DG,1369.,1.)                           A046700700007 
           (24-CR-51,27.7D,DG,320.,0.102)                         A046700700008 
METHOD     (STTA) Four stacks (each consisting of electroplated   A046700700009 
           foils, several absorbers and beam current monitor      A046700700010 
           foils) were irradiated for 20 min at 50nA with an      A046700700011 
           incident proton energy of 45 MeV.                      A046700700012 
            - Two stacks were irradiated at the CV28.             A046700700013 
REL-REF    (A,R0046002,H.F.Rohm,R,KFK-1447,1971)                  A046700700014 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig.2 from App.Rad.Isot.,39(1988)1085          A046700700015 
HISTORY    (20190628A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A046700700016 
           RAD-DET deleted. METHOD, MONITOR, DECAY-MON, REL-REF   A046700700017 
           STATUS added from Subent 001. BIB updated.             A046700700018 
           EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG. Data re-digitized.               A046700700019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 A046700700020 
COMMON               2          3                                 A046700700021 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                A046700700022 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A046700700023 
     0.07     1.                                                  A046700700024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A046700700025 
DATA                 3         38                                 A046700700026 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    A046700700027 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A046700700028 
      37.53       0.21       0.04                                 A046700700029 
      37.83       0.36                                            A046700700030 
      38.37       0.24       0.04                                 A046700700031 
      39.58       0.63       0.09                                 A046700700032 
      39.70       0.79       0.14                                 A046700700033 
      40.96       2.50       0.40                                 A046700700034 
      41.20       2.17                                            A046700700035 
      41.27       3.16       0.46                                 A046700700036 
      41.33       5.23       1.19                                 A046700700037 
      42.77       4.40                                            A046700700038 
      42.89       5.40       0.92                                 A046700700039 
      43.07       9.50                                            A046700700040 
      43.13       8.38                                            A046700700041 
      43.67       7.74                                            A046700700042 
      44.39      10.44                                            A046700700043 
      44.93      12.80                                            A046700700044 
      46.26      17.52       2.66                                 A046700700045 
      46.44      18.36       1.82                                 A046700700046 
      46.62      21.83       4.95                                 A046700700047 
      47.52      21.15       3.60                                 A046700700048 
      47.94      20.81       3.93                                 A046700700049 
      48.54      29.40                                            A046700700050 
      49.26      30.82                                            A046700700051 
      49.68      34.94                                            A046700700052 
      50.16      34.94                                            A046700700053 
      50.64      41.52                                            A046700700054 
      50.94      35.48                                            A046700700055 
      51.06      47.08                                            A046700700056 
      52.08      38.37                                            A046700700057 
      52.20      39.59                                            A046700700058 
      52.80      44.89       6.82                                 A046700700059 
      53.04      44.18       8.34                                 A046700700060 
      53.40      43.49       7.40                                 A046700700061 
      53.58      46.31       6.74                                 A046700700062 
      54.00      49.31       6.50                                 A046700700063 
      54.78      50.08                                            A046700700064 
      55.38      50.86                                            A046700700065 
      55.38      55.02                                            A046700700066 
ENDDATA             40          0                                 A046700700067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 A046700799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 A046799999999