ENTRY A0469 20240914 A118A046900000001 SUBENT A0469001 20240914 A118A046900100001 BIB 11 29 A046900100002 TITLE Astrophysical S(E) factor of He-3(He-3,2p)He-4 at A046900100003 solar energies A046900100004 AUTHOR (A.Krauss,H.W.Becker,H.P.Trautvetter,C.Rolfs) A046900100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,467,273,1987) A046900100006 INSTITUTE (2GERMST) A046900100007 FACILITY (DYNAM,2GERBOC) 100 KV accelerator used for Elab = 41 A046900100008 to 100 keV. A046900100009 (CCW,2GERMST) The 350 KV accelerator provided beams of A046900100010 3He+ and 3He++ ions at energies Elab = 60 to 700 keV. A046900100011 METHOD (SITA,BCINT) A046900100012 DETECTOR (SI) Six surface barrier (Si) detectors (active area A046900100013 was 50 to 300 mm2, thickness was 500 to 2000 um) were A046900100014 installed at ELab = 30., 52.5, 75., 97.5, 120. and A046900100015 142.5 degr. A046900100016 SAMPLE A quasi-point supersonic gas jet target. A windowless A046900100017 and recirculating gas target system of four pumping A046900100018 stages was used. A046900100019 ADD-RES The implications of the data for the Solar-Neutrino A046900100020 problem are discussed. A046900100021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Error in the excitation function normalization A046900100022 (ERR-2) Error in the absolute cross section A046900100023 HISTORY (19900710C) A046900100024 (19981224A) Reaction lines and measurement units are A046900100025 corrected. A046900100026 (19981224U) Last checking has been done. A046900100027 (19990318A) DATE is corrected A046900100028 (20220806A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subent 002 A046900100029 and 003 were merged. Subents 004-006 added. A046900100030 (20240914U) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A046900100031 ENDBIB 29 0 A046900100032 COMMON 2 3 A046900100033 ERR-1 ERR-2 A046900100034 PER-CENT PER-CENT A046900100035 3.0 3.4 A046900100036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A046900100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A046900199999 SUBENT A0469002 20240914 A118A046900200001 BIB 7 21 A046900200002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,2P)2-HE-4,,SIG,,SFC) A046900200003 MONITOR (2-HE-3(HE3,EL)2-HE-3,,DA,,MOT) Elastic scattering A046900200004 yields observed in the monitor detectors at Elab= 15. A046900200005 and 30. degr. A046900200006 DETECTOR (SI) Additionally, 3 Si detector pairs. An excitation A046900200007 function was obtained at Elab(3He) = 60 to 350 keV A046900200008 via pp-coincidences observed in each detector pair. A046900200009 In a third experiment at the 100 kV accelerator A046900200010 Elab(3He) = 50 to 100 keV; only two detector pairs A046900200011 were used for the measurement of pp-coincidences. A046900200012 FLAG (1.) Calculated for the assumption S(E)= A046900200013 constant over the target thickness. A046900200014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error A046900200015 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Krauss+,J,NP/A,467,273,1987) Tbl.1 A046900200016 (DEP,A0469006) The weighted average of S(E) was taken A046900200017 as the standard. A046900200018 HISTORY (20220806A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A046900200019 Data from Subent 003 added. Cross sect. values deleted A046900200020 (not given in the article). Data units updated A046900200021 (B*EV -> B*MEV => values divided by 1000.). A046900200022 (20240914U) SD: STATUS updated. A046900200023 ENDBIB 21 0 A046900200024 NOCOMMON 0 0 A046900200025 DATA 5 51 A046900200026 EN-CM DATA ERR-S DATA-MAX FLAG A046900200027 KEV B*MEV B*MEV B*MEV NO-DIM A046900200028 17.9 128. 1. A046900200029 20.4 30. 1. A046900200030 23.0 11. 1. A046900200031 24.51 5.07 1.34 A046900200032 26.0 6. 1. A046900200033 26.55 5.18 1.06 A046900200034 29.00 5.23 0.58 A046900200035 31.45 5.45 0.45 A046900200036 33.90 5.26 0.52 A046900200037 36.34 5.35 0.41 A046900200038 39.09 5.77 0.35 A046900200039 41.24 5.03 0.43 A046900200040 43.73 4.88 0.24 A046900200041 46.48 4.98 0.26 A046900200042 48.08 5.08 0.16 A046900200043 49.00 5.06 0.19 A046900200044 49.32 5.86 0.32 A046900200045 54.4 5.71 0.32 A046900200046 59.4 5.10 0.28 A046900200047 64.4 5.18 0.20 A046900200048 64.6 5.56 0.23 A046900200049 68.0 5.39 0.31 A046900200050 69.3 5.93 0.17 A046900200051 72.7 5.30 0.18 A046900200052 73.4 5.55 0.25 A046900200053 77.8 5.27 0.20 A046900200054 79.4 5.26 0.18 A046900200055 84.5 5.12 0.18 A046900200056 86.3 4.92 0.13 A046900200057 89.5 5.31 0.30 A046900200058 91.6 4.69 0.07 A046900200059 94.0 4.86 0.08 A046900200060 97.2 4.97 0.08 A046900200061 103.4 4.93 0.10 A046900200062 109.2 4.77 0.16 A046900200063 116.0 4.89 0.08 A046900200064 121.5 4.67 0.08 A046900200065 133.6 4.56 0.13 A046900200066 141.3 4.62 0.09 A046900200067 146.0 4.97 0.10 A046900200068 156.3 4.63 0.05 A046900200069 157.9 4.56 0.08 A046900200070 168.9 4.67 0.05 A046900200071 170.5 4.73 0.05 A046900200072 195.4 4.68 0.21 A046900200073 219.8 4.35 0.22 A046900200074 244.3 4.57 0.19 A046900200075 268.8 4.73 0.05 A046900200076 293.3 5.09 0.28 A046900200077 317.9 4.40 0.26 A046900200078 342.5 4.41 0.24 A046900200079 ENDDATA 53 0 A046900200080 ENDSUBENT 79 0 A046900299999 NOSUBENT A0469003 20220806 A102A046900300001 SUBENT A0469004 20240914 A118A046900400001 BIB 4 6 A046900400002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,2P)2-HE-4,,DA,,REL) A046900400003 Number of counts A046900400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A046900400005 STATUS (CURVE,,A.Krauss+,J,NP/A,467,273,1987) Fig.5 A046900400006 HISTORY (20220806C) SD A046900400007 (20240914U) SD: STATUS updated. A046900400008 ENDBIB 6 0 A046900400009 COMMON 2 3 A046900400010 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG A046900400011 ADEG ARB-UNITS A046900400012 0.2 0.004 A046900400013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A046900400014 DATA 4 22 A046900400015 EN-CM ANG DATA DATA-ERR A046900400016 KEV ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS A046900400017 100. 50.7 1.114 0.114 A046900400018 100. 74.7 0.966 0.091 A046900400019 100. 96.6 0.920 0.114 A046900400020 100. 119.6 0.920 0.114 A046900400021 100. 142.0 1.057 0.205 A046900400022 175. 51.2 3.281 0.148 A046900400023 175. 74.4 3.167 0.148 A046900400024 175. 96.8 2.654 0.148 A046900400025 175. 119.4 2.392 0.125 A046900400026 175. 141.8 2.244 0.148 A046900400027 250. 29.9 6.737 0.445 A046900400028 250. 51.4 5.425 0.388 A046900400029 250. 74.4 5.859 0.354 A046900400030 250. 96.6 5.072 0.354 A046900400031 250. 119.6 4.867 0.399 A046900400032 250. 141.5 3.874 0.319 A046900400033 350. 29.9 10.021 0.422 A046900400034 350. 51.6 9.565 0.285 A046900400035 350. 74.7 9.052 0.297 A046900400036 350. 96.3 7.376 0.297 A046900400037 350. 119.6 6.486 0.354 A046900400038 350. 141.5 6.053 0.297 A046900400039 ENDDATA 24 0 A046900400040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 A046900499999 SUBENT A0469005 20240914 A118A046900500001 BIB 4 6 A046900500002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,2P)2-HE-4,,DA,,LEG/RS) A046900500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A046900500004 STATUS (CURVE,,A.Krauss+,J,NP/A,467,273,1987) Fig.5 A046900500005 (DEP,A0469004) Angl. distr. A046900500006 HISTORY (20220806C) SD A046900500007 (20240914U) SD: STATUS updated. A046900500008 ENDBIB 6 0 A046900500009 COMMON 3 3 A046900500010 NUMBER EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A046900500011 NO-DIM KEV NO-DIM A046900500012 1. 0.4 0.0005 A046900500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A046900500014 DATA 3 11 A046900500015 EN-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR A046900500016 KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM A046900500017 99.8 0.0952 0.0793 A046900500018 125.9 0.1093 0.0901 A046900500019 150.3 0.1239 0.0720 A046900500020 175.1 0.1029 0.0572 A046900500021 200.3 0.2122 0.0300 A046900500022 225.4 0.2750 0.0295 A046900500023 250.3 0.2494 0.0323 A046900500024 275.2 0.2680 0.0521 A046900500025 299.9 0.3677 0.0385 A046900500026 324.7 0.3483 0.0306 A046900500027 349.6 0.3460 0.0215 A046900500028 ENDDATA 13 0 A046900500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A046900599999 SUBENT A0469006 20240914 A118A046900600001 BIB 5 8 A046900600002 REACTION 1(2-HE-3(HE3,2P)2-HE-4,,SIG) A046900600003 2(2-HE-3(HE3,2P)2-HE-4,,SIG,,SFC) A046900600004 FLAG (1.) The weighted average A046900600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A046900600006 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Krauss+,J,NP/A,467,273,1987) From the A046900600007 text on p.287 A046900600008 HISTORY (20220806C) SD A046900600009 (20240914U) SD: STATUS updated. A046900600010 ENDBIB 8 0 A046900600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A046900600012 DATA 6 3 A046900600013 EN-CM DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2FLAG A046900600014 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B B*MEV B*MEV NO-DIM A046900600015 49.0 0.0298 0.002 5.00 0.34 A046900600016 170.5 216. 8. 4.76 0.18 A046900600017 170.5 4.73 0.16 1. A046900600018 ENDDATA 5 0 A046900600019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A046900699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 A046999999999