ENTRY A0480 20231226 A105A048000000001 SUBENT A0480001 20231226 A105A048000100001 BIB 10 33 A048000100002 TITLE Spallation-fission competition in heaviest elements; A048000100003 Helium-ion-induced reactions in uranium isotopes A048000100004 AUTHOR (R.Vandenbosch,T.D.Thomas,S.E.Vandenbosch,R.A.Glass, A048000100005 G.T.Seaborg) A048000100006 INSTITUTE (1USABRK) A048000100007 REFERENCE (J,PR,111,1358,1958) A048000100008 (R,UCRL-3858,1957) -Additional data, experim. descript.A048000100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) A048000100010 METHOD (EDEG,SITA,BCINT,CHSEP,ACTIV,INTB,EXTB) A048000100011 DETECTOR (GEMUC) The disintegration rates were determined usingA048000100012 end window "Amperex" Geiger counter tubes A048000100013 (PROPC) The counting rates of spallation products whichA048000100014 decay by negatron emission or electron capture were A048000100015 determined with a methane-flow windowless proportional A048000100016 counter. A048000100017 (IOCH) The total disintegration rate of alpha-emitting A048000100018 samples was determined in a 52%-geometry argon-flow A048000100019 ionization chamber. A048000100020 REL-REF (M,,R.A.Glass+,J,PR,104,434,1956) - technical details A048000100021 COMMENT /By authors/ the counting rates of spallation products A048000100022 which decay by negatron emission or electron capture A048000100023 were determined with a methane-flow windowless A048000100024 proportional counter. A048000100025 HISTORY (19910207C) A048000100026 (19920429U) A048000100027 (19920207A) According to memo CP-D/123. A048000100028 (20160317A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. A048000100029 BIB updated. REACTION code corrected in several A048000100030 Subents. SAMPLE moved to Subents 002-048. BIB updated A048000100031 in all Subents. A048000100032 (20200311A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subents A048000100033 022-030; 031-039; 040-048 merged. Subents 049-058 addedA048000100034 (20231226A) SD: Correction in Subent 040. A048000100035 ENDBIB 33 0 A048000100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 A048000100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A048000199999 SUBENT A0480002 20200311 A094A048000200001 BIB 6 16 A048000200002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,N)94-PU-236,,SIG) A048000200003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-236,2.7YR,A,,1.) A048000200004 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96 %, A048000200005 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048000200006 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048000200007 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048000200008 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048000200009 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048000200010 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048000200011 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048000200012 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048000200013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048000200014 to be about 10%. A048000200015 (ERR-T,15.,25.) Total errors A048000200016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048000200017 HISTORY (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048000200018 ENDBIB 16 0 A048000200019 COMMON 1 3 A048000200020 ERR-S A048000200021 PER-CENT A048000200022 10. A048000200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048000200024 DATA 2 11 A048000200025 EN DATA A048000200026 MEV MB A048000200027 20.3 0.18 A048000200028 23.5 0.42 A048000200029 26.2 0.59 A048000200030 28.9 0.96 A048000200031 29.4 0.64 A048000200032 31.8 1.01 A048000200033 35.3 0.49 A048000200034 37.8 0.52 A048000200035 41.0 0.42 A048000200036 44.3 0.73 A048000200037 46.2 0.79 A048000200038 ENDDATA 13 0 A048000200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A048000299999 SUBENT A0480003 20200311 A094A048000300001 BIB 6 16 A048000300002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,2N)94-PU-235,,SIG) A048000300003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-235,26.MIN,A,,3.E-5) A048000300004 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96 %, A048000300005 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048000300006 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048000300007 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048000300008 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048000300009 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048000300010 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048000300011 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048000300012 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048000300013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048000300014 to be about 10%. A048000300015 (ERR-T,15.,25.) total error A048000300016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048000300017 HISTORY (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048000300018 ENDBIB 16 0 A048000300019 COMMON 1 3 A048000300020 ERR-S A048000300021 PER-CENT A048000300022 10. A048000300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048000300024 DATA 2 8 A048000300025 EN DATA A048000300026 MEV MB A048000300027 23.5 1.30 A048000300028 26.2 3.68 A048000300029 28.9 6.54 A048000300030 31.8 3.40 A048000300031 35.3 1.19 A048000300032 37.8 0.94 A048000300033 41.0 1.19 A048000300034 46.2 1.31 A048000300035 ENDDATA 10 0 A048000300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 A048000399999 SUBENT A0480004 20200311 A094A048000400001 BIB 6 17 A048000400002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,3N)94-PU-234,,SIG) A048000400003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-234,9.HR,A,,0.0616) A048000400004 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96 %, A048000400005 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048000400006 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048000400007 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048000400008 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048000400009 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048000400010 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048000400011 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048000400012 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048000400013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048000400014 to be about 10%. A048000400015 (ERR-T,15.,25.)Total errors A048000400016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048000400017 HISTORY (20200311A) SD: Energy: 46.21, 46.22 -> 46.2 MeV as it A048000400018 is given in the Tbl.II. COMMENT deleted. STATUS updatedA048000400019 ENDBIB 17 0 A048000400020 COMMON 1 3 A048000400021 ERR-S A048000400022 PER-CENT A048000400023 10. A048000400024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048000400025 DATA 2 17 A048000400026 EN DATA A048000400027 MEV MB A048000400028 26.2 0.003 A048000400029 28.9 0.083 A048000400030 29.4 0.058 A048000400031 31.8 0.91 A048000400032 32.4 0.39 A048000400033 35.3 0.97 A048000400034 36.8 0.67 A048000400035 37.8 0.48 A048000400036 39.0 0.54 A048000400037 40.0 0.44 A048000400038 41.0 0.33 A048000400039 42.7 0.19 A048000400040 44.3 0.26 A048000400041 44.4 0.51 A048000400042 46.2 0.45 A048000400043 46.2 0.20 A048000400044 46.2 0.15 A048000400045 ENDDATA 19 0 A048000400046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 A048000499999 SUBENT A0480005 20200311 A094A048000500001 BIB 6 16 A048000500002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,4N)94-PU-233,,SIG) A048000500003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-233,20.MIN,A,,0.0012) A048000500004 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96 %, A048000500005 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048000500006 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048000500007 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048000500008 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048000500009 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048000500010 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048000500011 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048000500012 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048000500013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,50.) This product was difficult to measure A048000500014 and the limits of error may be as much as 50%. A048000500015 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048000500016 HISTORY (20200311A) SD: Energy: 46.21, 46.22 -> 46.2 MeV as it A048000500017 is given in the Tbl.II. COMMENT deleted. STATUS updatedA048000500018 ENDBIB 16 0 A048000500019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A048000500020 DATA 2 5 A048000500021 EN DATA A048000500022 MEV MB A048000500023 42.7 0.27 A048000500024 44.4 1.03 A048000500025 46.2 1.13 A048000500026 46.2 0.33 A048000500027 46.2 0.34 A048000500028 ENDDATA 7 0 A048000500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A048000599999 SUBENT A0480006 20200311 A094A048000600001 BIB 6 16 A048000600002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,5N)94-PU-232,,SIG) A048000600003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-232,30.MIN,A,,0.11) A048000600004 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96 %, A048000600005 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048000600006 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048000600007 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048000600008 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048000600009 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048000600010 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048000600011 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048000600012 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048000600013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048000600014 to be about 10%. A048000600015 (ERR-T,15.,25.)Total errors A048000600016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048000600017 HISTORY (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048000600018 ENDBIB 16 0 A048000600019 COMMON 1 3 A048000600020 ERR-S A048000600021 PER-CENT A048000600022 10. A048000600023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048000600024 DATA 2 1 A048000600025 EN DATA A048000600026 MEV MB A048000600027 42.7 0.002 A048000600028 ENDDATA 3 0 A048000600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A048000699999 SUBENT A0480007 20200311 A094A048000700001 BIB 7 19 A048000700002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,P)93-NP-236-M,,SIG) A048000700003 DECAY-DATA 9236-M,22.HR,B-,,1.) A048000700004 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96 %, A048000700005 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048000700006 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048000700007 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048000700008 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048000700009 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048000700010 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048000700011 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048000700012 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048000700013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048000700014 to be about 10%. A048000700015 (ERR-T,15.,25.)Total errors A048000700016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048000700017 COMMENT /By authors/ detector efficiency =92+-20% A048000700018 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF4=Np-236m1 -> Np-236m in REACTION A048000700019 code and DECAY-DATA. A048000700020 (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048000700021 ENDBIB 19 0 A048000700022 COMMON 1 3 A048000700023 ERR-S A048000700024 PER-CENT A048000700025 10. A048000700026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048000700027 DATA 2 16 A048000700028 EN DATA A048000700029 MEV MB A048000700030 26.2 0.20 A048000700031 28.9 0.53 A048000700032 30.7 0.63 A048000700033 31.8 1.72 A048000700034 32.4 0.64 A048000700035 34.3 1.07 A048000700036 35.3 0.58 A048000700037 36.8 1.46 A048000700038 37.8 0.74 A048000700039 40.4 0.40 A048000700040 41.0 0.62 A048000700041 42.7 0.70 A048000700042 43.8 2.53 A048000700043 44.3 0.74 A048000700044 44.4 0.72 A048000700045 46.2 0.30 A048000700046 ENDDATA 18 0 A048000700047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 A048000799999 SUBENT A0480008 20200311 A094A048000800001 BIB 7 17 A048000800002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,X)93-NP-235,,SIG) A048000800003 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96%, A048000800004 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048000800005 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048000800006 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048000800007 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048000800008 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048000800009 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048000800010 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048000800011 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048000800012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,50.) This product was difficult to measure A048000800013 and the limits of error may be as much as 50%. A048000800014 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-235,410.D,EC,,1.) A048000800015 COMMENT /By authors/. detector efficiency =41+-4 %. A048000800016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048000800017 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF3=N+P -> X in REACTION code. A048000800018 (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048000800019 ENDBIB 17 0 A048000800020 NOCOMMON 0 0 A048000800021 DATA 2 14 A048000800022 EN DATA A048000800023 MEV MB A048000800024 26.2 1.0 A048000800025 28.9 -1.8 A048000800026 30.7 3.5 A048000800027 31.8 0.3 A048000800028 34.3 13.5 A048000800029 35.3 2.5 A048000800030 36.8 6.5 A048000800031 37.8 3.5 A048000800032 40.4 4.6 A048000800033 41.0 14.9 A048000800034 42.7 2.6 A048000800035 43.8 8.8 A048000800036 44.3 18.7 A048000800037 46.2 21.3 A048000800038 ENDDATA 16 0 A048000800039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A048000899999 SUBENT A0480009 20200311 A094A048000900001 BIB 7 18 A048000900002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,X)93-NP-234,,SIG) A048000900003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-234,4.4D,EC,,1.) A048000900004 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96 %, A048000900005 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048000900006 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048000900007 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048000900008 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048000900009 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048000900010 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048000900011 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048000900012 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048000900013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048000900014 to be about 10%. A048000900015 (ERR-T,15.,25.)Total errors A048000900016 COMMENT /By authors/ detector efficiency =92+-20% A048000900017 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048000900018 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF3=2N+P -> X in REACTION code. A048000900019 (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048000900020 ENDBIB 18 0 A048000900021 COMMON 1 3 A048000900022 ERR-S A048000900023 PER-CENT A048000900024 10. A048000900025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048000900026 DATA 2 16 A048000900027 EN DATA A048000900028 MEV MB A048000900029 26.2 0.16 A048000900030 28.9 1.63 A048000900031 30.7 5.04 A048000900032 31.8 4.91 A048000900033 32.4 3.52 A048000900034 34.3 10.9 A048000900035 35.3 5.20 A048000900036 36.8 10.5 A048000900037 37.8 7.25 A048000900038 40.4 10.4 A048000900039 41.0 11.8 A048000900040 42.7 9.4 A048000900041 43.8 17.8 A048000900042 44.3 19.9 A048000900043 44.4 15.9 A048000900044 46.2 19.6 A048000900045 ENDDATA 18 0 A048000900046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 A048000999999 SUBENT A0480010 20200311 A094A048001000001 BIB 7 18 A048001000002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,X)93-NP-233,,SIG) A048001000003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-233,35.MIN,EC,,1.) A048001000004 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96 %, A048001000005 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048001000006 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048001000007 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048001000008 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048001000009 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048001000010 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048001000011 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048001000012 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048001000013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001000014 to be about 10%. A048001000015 (ERR-T,15.,25.) Total errors A048001000016 COMMENT /By authors/ detector efficiency =20+-20% A048001000017 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048001000018 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF3=3N+P -> X in REACTION code. A048001000019 (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048001000020 ENDBIB 18 0 A048001000021 COMMON 1 3 A048001000022 ERR-S A048001000023 PER-CENT A048001000024 10. A048001000025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001000026 DATA 2 8 A048001000027 EN DATA A048001000028 MEV MB A048001000029 35.3 0.21 A048001000030 37.8 0.11 A048001000031 40.4 1.16 A048001000032 41.0 0.60 A048001000033 43.8 1.41 A048001000034 44.3 1.72 A048001000035 44.4 0.64 A048001000036 46.2 1.10 A048001000037 ENDDATA 10 0 A048001000038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 A048001099999 SUBENT A0480011 20200311 A094A048001100001 BIB 7 17 A048001100002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,N)94-PU-238,,SIG) A048001100003 COMMENT Spallation cross sections A048001100004 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-238,89.6YR,A,,1.) A048001100005 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048001100006 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001100007 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001100008 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001100009 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001100010 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001100011 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001100012 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001100013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001100014 to be about 10%. A048001100015 (ERR-T) total error A048001100016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. III from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358; A048001100017 same data in Tbl.III of UCRL-3858,1957 A048001100018 HISTORY (20200311U) SD: STATUS, ERR-ANALYS updated. A048001100019 ENDBIB 17 0 A048001100020 COMMON 2 3 A048001100021 ERR-S ERR-T A048001100022 PER-CENT PER-CENT A048001100023 10. 25. A048001100024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001100025 DATA 2 9 A048001100026 EN DATA A048001100027 MEV MB A048001100028 18.7 0.27 A048001100029 21.9 0.36 A048001100030 23.6 1.32 A048001100031 27.3 1.74 A048001100032 30.6 1.42 A048001100033 34.1 2.15 A048001100034 39.5 2.26 A048001100035 42.8 2.52 A048001100036 45.4 0.91 A048001100037 ENDDATA 11 0 A048001100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 A048001199999 SUBENT A0480012 20200311 A094A048001200001 BIB 6 16 A048001200002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,2N)94-PU-237,,SIG) A048001200003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-237-G,44.D,A,,3.3E-5) A048001200004 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048001200005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001200006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001200007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001200008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001200009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001200010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001200011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001200012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001200013 to be about 10%. A048001200014 (ERR-T) total error A048001200015 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. III from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358; A048001200016 same data in Tbl.III of UCRL-3858,1957 A048001200017 HISTORY (20200311U) SD: STATUS, ERR-ANALYS updated. A048001200018 ENDBIB 16 0 A048001200019 COMMON 2 3 A048001200020 ERR-S ERR-T A048001200021 PER-CENT PER-CENT A048001200022 10. 15. A048001200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001200024 DATA 2 9 A048001200025 EN DATA A048001200026 MEV MB A048001200027 21.9 4.43 A048001200028 23.6 13.3 A048001200029 27.3 15.8 A048001200030 30.0 8.3 A048001200031 30.6 6.84 A048001200032 34.7 6.8 A048001200033 39.5 5.65 A048001200034 42.8 4.8 A048001200035 45.4 3.5 A048001200036 ENDDATA 11 0 A048001200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A048001299999 SUBENT A0480013 20200311 A094A048001300001 BIB 6 16 A048001300002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,3N)94-PU-236,,SIG) A048001300003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-236,2.7YR,A,,1.) A048001300004 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048001300005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001300006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001300007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001300008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001300009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001300010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001300011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001300013 to be about 10%. A048001300014 (ERR-T) total error A048001300015 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. III from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358; A048001300016 same data in Tbl.III of UCRL-3858,1957 A048001300017 HISTORY (20200311U) SD: STATUS, ERR-ANALYS updated. A048001300018 ENDBIB 16 0 A048001300019 COMMON 2 3 A048001300020 ERR-S ERR-T A048001300021 PER-CENT PER-CENT A048001300022 10. 15. A048001300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001300024 DATA 2 9 A048001300025 EN DATA A048001300026 MEV MB A048001300027 27.3 0.61 A048001300028 30.0 4.43 A048001300029 30.6 4.15 A048001300030 34.1 8.63 A048001300031 34.7 7.23 A048001300032 37.1 3.67 A048001300033 39.5 3.12 A048001300034 42.8 2.23 A048001300035 45.4 1.86 A048001300036 ENDDATA 11 0 A048001300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A048001399999 SUBENT A0480014 20200311 A094A048001400001 BIB 7 17 A048001400002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,4N)94-PU-235,,SIG) A048001400003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-235,26.MIN,A,,3.E-5) A048001400004 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048001400005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001400006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001400007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001400008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001400009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001400010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001400011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001400012 COMMENT /By authors/ detector efficiency =70+-14% A048001400013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001400014 to be about 10%. A048001400015 (ERR-T) total error A048001400016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. III from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358; A048001400017 same data in Tbl.III of UCRL-3858,1957 A048001400018 HISTORY (20200311U) SD: STATUS, ERR-ANALYS updated. A048001400019 ENDBIB 17 0 A048001400020 COMMON 2 3 A048001400021 ERR-S ERR-T A048001400022 PER-CENT PER-CENT A048001400023 10. 15. A048001400024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001400025 DATA 2 4 A048001400026 EN DATA A048001400027 MEV MB A048001400028 37.1 0.17 A048001400029 39.5 1.5 A048001400030 42.8 2.4 A048001400031 45.4 1.55 A048001400032 ENDDATA 6 0 A048001400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 A048001499999 SUBENT A0480015 20200311 A094A048001500001 BIB 6 16 A048001500002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,5N)94-PU-234,,SIG) A048001500003 DECAY-DATA (94-PU-234,9.HR,A,,0.0616) A048001500004 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048001500005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001500006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001500007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001500008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001500009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001500010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001500011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001500012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001500013 to be about 10%. A048001500014 (ERR-T) total error A048001500015 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. III from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358; A048001500016 same data in Tbl.III of UCRL-3858,1957 A048001500017 HISTORY (20200311U) SD: STATUS, ERR-ANALYS updated. A048001500018 ENDBIB 16 0 A048001500019 COMMON 2 3 A048001500020 ERR-S ERR-T A048001500021 PER-CENT PER-CENT A048001500022 10. 15. A048001500023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001500024 DATA 2 2 A048001500025 EN DATA A048001500026 MEV MB A048001500027 42.8 0.002 A048001500028 45.4 0.034 A048001500029 ENDDATA 4 0 A048001500030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 A048001599999 SUBENT A0480016 20200311 A094A048001600001 BIB 7 18 A048001600002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,P)93-NP-238,,SIG) A048001600003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-238,2.1D,B-,,1.) A048001600004 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048001600005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001600006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001600007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001600008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001600009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001600010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001600011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001600012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001600013 to be about 10%. A048001600014 (ERR-T) total error A048001600015 COMMENT /By authors/. detector efficiency =70+- 5%. A048001600016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. III from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358; A048001600017 same data in Tbl.III of UCRL-3858,1957 A048001600018 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A048001600019 (20200311U) SD: STATUS, ERR-ANALYS updated. A048001600020 ENDBIB 18 0 A048001600021 COMMON 2 3 A048001600022 ERR-S ERR-T A048001600023 PER-CENT PER-CENT A048001600024 10. 15. A048001600025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001600026 DATA 2 12 A048001600027 EN DATA A048001600028 MEV MB A048001600029 21.9 0.02 A048001600030 23.6 0.035 A048001600031 25.2 1.01 A048001600032 27.3 0.55 A048001600033 29.7 1.7 A048001600034 30.0 1.43 A048001600035 30.6 1.57 A048001600036 34.1 2.08 A048001600037 37.1 1.92 A048001600038 39.5 1.87 A048001600039 42.8 1.94 A048001600040 45.4 1.21 A048001600041 ENDDATA 14 0 A048001600042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A048001699999 SUBENT A0480017 20200311 A094A048001700001 BIB 7 20 A048001700002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,X)93-NP-236-M,,SIG) A048001700003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-236-M,22.HR,B-,,1.) A048001700004 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048001700005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001700006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001700007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001700008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001700009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001700010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001700011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001700012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001700013 to be about 10%. A048001700014 (ERR-T) total error A048001700015 COMMENT /By authors/ detector efficiency =92+-20%. A048001700016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. III from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358; A048001700017 same data in Tbl.III of UCRL-3858,1957 A048001700018 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF3=2N+P -> X, SF4=Np-236m1 -> Np-236m A048001700019 in REACTION code and DECAY-DATA. A048001700020 (20160317A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A048001700021 (20200311U) SD: STATUS, ERR-ANALYS updated. A048001700022 ENDBIB 20 0 A048001700023 COMMON 2 3 A048001700024 ERR-S ERR-T A048001700025 PER-CENT PER-CENT A048001700026 10. 15. A048001700027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001700028 DATA 2 12 A048001700029 EN DATA A048001700030 MEV MB A048001700031 23.6 0.042 A048001700032 25.2 0.087 A048001700033 27.3 0.52 A048001700034 29.7 1.86 A048001700035 30.0 2.22 A048001700036 30.6 2.38 A048001700037 34.1 4.38 A048001700038 34.7 4.20 A048001700039 37.1 5.9 A048001700040 39.5 8.5 A048001700041 42.8 10.7 A048001700042 45.4 10.5 A048001700043 ENDDATA 14 0 A048001700044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 A048001799999 SUBENT A0480018 20200311 A094A048001800001 BIB 8 21 A048001800002 REACTION (92-U-238(A,X)93-NP-240-M,,SIG) A048001800003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-240-G,60.MIN,B-,,1.) (now known as the ground A048001800004 state) A048001800005 SAMPLE U-238 with isotopic purity > 99.% used. Most of A048001800006 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001800007 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001800008 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001800009 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001800010 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001800011 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001800012 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001800013 CORRECTION Appropriate correction factors were applied to obtain A048001800014 disintegration rates from the measured counting rates. A048001800015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001800016 to be about 10%. A048001800017 (ERR-T,15.,25.)Total errors A048001800018 COMMENT /By authors/ detector efficiency =94+- 6%. A048001800019 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048001800020 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF3=N+P -> X, SF4=Np-240m1 -> Np-240m A048001800021 in REACTION code and DECAY-DATA. A048001800022 (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048001800023 ENDBIB 21 0 A048001800024 COMMON 1 3 A048001800025 ERR-S A048001800026 PER-CENT A048001800027 10. A048001800028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001800029 DATA 2 9 A048001800030 EN DATA A048001800031 MEV MB A048001800032 22.6 0.024 A048001800033 25.2 1.1 A048001800034 27.1 1.2 A048001800035 32.5 1.7 A048001800036 33.8 3.6 A048001800037 37.9 6.0 A048001800038 38.6 6.1 A048001800039 41.4 6.3 A048001800040 45.4 5.3 A048001800041 ENDDATA 11 0 A048001800042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A048001899999 SUBENT A0480019 20200311 A094A048001900001 BIB 8 19 A048001900002 REACTION (92-U-238(A,X)93-NP-239,,SIG) A048001900003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-239,2.3D,B-,,1.) A048001900004 SAMPLE U-238 with isotopic purity > 99.% used. Most of A048001900005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048001900006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048001900007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048001900008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048001900009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048001900010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048001900011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048001900012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048001900013 to be about 10%. A048001900014 (ERR-T,15.,25.)Total errors A048001900015 FLAG (1.)The results of two measurements had been include A048001900016 for data table by authors. A048001900017 COMMENT /By authors/. detector efficiency =92+- 5%. A048001900018 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048001900019 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF3=2N+P -> X in REACTION code. A048001900020 (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048001900021 ENDBIB 19 0 A048001900022 COMMON 1 3 A048001900023 ERR-S A048001900024 PER-CENT A048001900025 10. A048001900026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048001900027 DATA 3 9 A048001900028 EN DATA FLAG A048001900029 MEV MB NO-DIM A048001900030 22.6 0.22 A048001900031 25.2 1.06 A048001900032 27.1 9.1 A048001900033 32.5 9.0 A048001900034 33.8 9.3 A048001900035 38.6 17.5 1. A048001900036 38.6 20.5 1. A048001900037 41.4 21.2 A048001900038 45.4 33.4 A048001900039 ENDDATA 11 0 A048001900040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 A048001999999 SUBENT A0480020 20200311 A094A048002000001 BIB 7 17 A048002000002 REACTION (92-U-238(A,X)93-NP-238,,SIG) A048002000003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-238,2.1D,B-,,1.) A048002000004 SAMPLE U-238 with isotopic purity > 99.% used. Most of A048002000005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048002000006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048002000007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048002000008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048002000009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048002000010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048002000011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048002000012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048002000013 to be about 10%. A048002000014 (ERR-T,15.,25.)Total errors A048002000015 COMMENT /By authors/ detector efficiency =70+- 5%. A048002000016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048002000017 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF3=3N+P -> X in REACTION code. A048002000018 (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. A048002000019 ENDBIB 17 0 A048002000020 COMMON 1 3 A048002000021 ERR-S A048002000022 PER-CENT A048002000023 10. A048002000024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048002000025 DATA 2 2 A048002000026 EN DATA A048002000027 MEV MB A048002000028 40.0 3.8 A048002000029 45.4 8.8 A048002000030 ENDDATA 4 0 A048002000031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A048002099999 SUBENT A0480021 20200311 A094A048002100001 BIB 7 17 A048002100002 REACTION (92-U-238(A,X)92-U-237,,SIG) A048002100003 DECAY-DATA (92-U-237,6.75D,B-,,1.) A048002100004 SAMPLE U-238 with isotopic purity > 99.% used. Most of A048002100005 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048002100006 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048002100007 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048002100008 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048002100009 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048002100010 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048002100011 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048002100012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The deviation due to random error is believed A048002100013 to be about 10%. A048002100014 (ERR-T,15.,25.)Total errors A048002100015 COMMENT /By authors/ detector efficiency =80+- 5%. A048002100016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048002100017 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF3=N+A -> X in REACTION code. A048002100018 (20200311U) SD: STATUS updated. FLAG deleted. A048002100019 ENDBIB 17 0 A048002100020 COMMON 1 3 A048002100021 ERR-S A048002100022 PER-CENT A048002100023 10. A048002100024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048002100025 DATA 2 8 A048002100026 EN DATA A048002100027 MEV MB A048002100028 25.2 0.6 A048002100029 27.1 1.5 A048002100030 32.5 8.2 A048002100031 33.8 7.9 A048002100032 38.6 49.2 A048002100033 38.6 56.2 A048002100034 43.9 56.0 A048002100035 45.4 74. A048002100036 ENDDATA 10 0 A048002100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A048002199999 SUBENT A0480022 20200311 A094A048002200001 BIB 6 21 A048002200002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,F)MASS,CHN,SIG) A048002200003 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96%, A048002200004 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048002200005 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048002200006 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048002200007 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048002200008 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048002200009 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048002200010 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048002200011 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048002200012 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) A048002200013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The limits of error are estimated to be A048002200014 about 15% for most of the mass chains reported. A048002200015 However, at higher energies, the chain yield A048002200016 corrections become quite sizeable and the errors A048002200017 may be somewhat greater. A048002200018 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. V from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048002200019 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF5=CUM -> CHN in REACTION code. A048002200020 ANALYSIS added. A048002200021 (20200311A) SD: Data from Subents 023-030 were added. A048002200022 STATUS updated. A048002200023 ENDBIB 21 0 A048002200024 COMMON 1 3 A048002200025 DATA-ERR A048002200026 PER-CENT A048002200027 15. A048002200028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048002200029 DATA 4 86 A048002200030 EN MASS DATA DATA-MIN A048002200031 MEV NO-DIM MB MB A048002200032 23.5 95. 2.5 A048002200033 23.5 97. 7.1 A048002200034 23.5 99. 1.4 A048002200035 23.5 103. 4.8 A048002200036 23.5 105. 3.3 A048002200037 23.5 111. 0.29 A048002200038 23.5 115. 3.4 A048002200039 23.5 139. 6.7 A048002200040 23.5 140. 5.9 A048002200041 23.5 141. 11. A048002200042 23.5 143. 10. A048002200043 23.5 144. 3.1 A048002200044 23.5 147. 2.1 A048002200045 23.5 157. 0.07 A048002200046 26.2 95. 12. A048002200047 26.2 97. 17. A048002200048 26.2 111. 11. A048002200049 26.2 115. 10. A048002200050 26.2 135. 4.0 A048002200051 26.2 139. 16. A048002200052 26.2 140. 17. A048002200053 27.8 95. 17. A048002200054 27.8 97. 17. A048002200055 27.8 115. 16. A048002200056 27.8 141. 29. A048002200057 27.8 143. 17. A048002200058 27.8 144. 14. A048002200059 27.8 147. 9.2 A048002200060 27.8 156. 2.4 A048002200061 27.8 157. 1.9 A048002200062 27.8 161. 0.77 A048002200063 30.7 95. 22. A048002200064 30.7 97. 14. A048002200065 30.7 115. 35. A048002200066 30.7 141. 15. A048002200067 30.7 143. 18. A048002200068 30.7 144. 18. A048002200069 35.3 89. 16. A048002200070 35.3 91. 21. A048002200071 35.3 95. 41. A048002200072 35.3 97. 44. A048002200073 35.3 103. 24. A048002200074 35.3 105. 28. A048002200075 35.3 106. 30. A048002200076 35.3 115. 44. A048002200077 35.3 135. 31. A048002200078 35.3 139. 37. A048002200079 35.3 140. 34. A048002200080 40.4 95. 48. A048002200081 40.4 97. 55. A048002200082 40.4 141. 46. A048002200083 40.4 144. 40. A048002200084 40.4 147. 22. A048002200085 40.4 156. 1.6 A048002200086 40.4 157. 1.8 A048002200087 40.4 161. 1.8 A048002200088 41.0 89. 10. A048002200089 41.0 91. 19. A048002200090 41.0 95. 44. A048002200091 41.0 97. 52. A048002200092 41.0 115. 47. A048002200093 41.0 135. 22. A048002200094 41.0 139. 31. A048002200095 41.0 140. 32. A048002200096 41.0 147. 4.4 A048002200097 44.3 89. 33. A048002200098 44.3 91. 58. A048002200099 44.3 95. 58. A048002200100 44.3 97. 53. A048002200101 44.3 99. 33. A048002200102 44.3 103. 28. A048002200103 44.3 105. 44. A048002200104 44.3 106. 51. A048002200105 44.3 111. 45. A048002200106 44.3 115. 74. A048002200107 44.3 135. 45. A048002200108 44.3 139. 55. A048002200109 44.3 140. 54. A048002200110 46.2 89. 22. A048002200111 46.2 91. 40. A048002200112 46.2 95. 61. A048002200113 46.2 97. 61. A048002200114 46.2 115. 82. A048002200115 46.2 135. 22. A048002200116 46.2 139. 83. A048002200117 46.2 140. 83. A048002200118 ENDDATA 88 0 A048002200119 ENDSUBENT 118 0 A048002299999 NOSUBENT A0480023 20200311 A094A048002300001 NOSUBENT A0480024 20200311 A094A048002400001 NOSUBENT A0480025 20200311 A094A048002500001 NOSUBENT A0480026 20200311 A094A048002600001 NOSUBENT A0480027 20200311 A094A048002700001 NOSUBENT A0480028 20200311 A094A048002800001 NOSUBENT A0480029 20200311 A094A048002900001 NOSUBENT A0480030 20200311 A094A048003000001 SUBENT A0480031 20200311 A094A048003100001 BIB 7 29 A048003100002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,F)MASS,CHN,SIG) A048003100003 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048003100004 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048003100005 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048003100006 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048003100007 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048003100008 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048003100009 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048003100010 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048003100011 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) A048003100012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,15.,25.) These errors arise from many sourcesA048003100013 and are rather difficult to evaluate, The most likely A048003100014 source's of error are in the determination of the A048003100015 number of atoms per cm2 in the target, from A048003100016 uncertainties in decay schemes and counting correctionsA048003100017 of the observed products, and, to a lesser extent, A048003100018 uncertainties in mass chain yield corrections. A048003100019 FLAG (1.) Mass yield had been measured for 112-Pd. A048003100020 (2.) Mass yield had been measured for 112-Ag. A048003100021 (3.) Mass yield had been measured for 143-Pr. A048003100022 (4.) Mass yield had been measured for 143-Ce. A048003100023 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II of UCRL-3858,1957 report; partly given A048003100024 in Tbl. VI of Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048003100025 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF5=CUM -> CHN in REACTION code. A048003100026 ANALYSIS added. A048003100027 (20200311A) SD: Data from Subents 032-039 were added. A048003100028 STATUS updated. Several values corrected. Data from A048003100029 Tbl. II of UCRL-3858 report were added; several values A048003100030 corrected. A048003100031 ENDBIB 29 0 A048003100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 A048003100033 DATA 4 134 A048003100034 EN MASS DATA FLAG A048003100035 MEV NO-DIM MB NO-DIM A048003100036 18.7 89. 0.098 A048003100037 18.7 91. 0.097 A048003100038 18.7 97. 0.075 A048003100039 18.7 105. 0.017 A048003100040 18.7 139. 0.11 A048003100041 18.7 140. 0.13 A048003100042 21.9 95. 4.24 A048003100043 21.9 97. 4.5 A048003100044 21.9 115. 0.87 A048003100045 21.9 117. 0.94 A048003100046 21.9 141. 2.1 A048003100047 21.9 143. 1.6 A048003100048 21.9 144. 1.1 A048003100049 23.6 72. 0.30 A048003100050 23.6 95. 8.6 A048003100051 23.6 97. 9.5 A048003100052 23.6 115. 3.55 A048003100053 25.2 115. 5.9 A048003100054 25.2 117. 5.3 A048003100055 25.2 141. 6.3 A048003100056 25.2 143. 4.5 4. A048003100057 25.2 143. 3.7 3. A048003100058 25.2 144. 3.2 A048003100059 26.8 89. 10.2 A048003100060 26.8 91. 11.2 A048003100061 26.8 95. 16.5 A048003100062 26.8 97. 17.6 A048003100063 26.8 99. 18.6 A048003100064 26.8 103. 11.9 A048003100065 26.8 105. 11.5 A048003100066 26.8 106. 11.5 A048003100067 26.8 111. 11.0 A048003100068 26.8 112. 10.1 A048003100069 26.8 113. 11.2 A048003100070 26.8 115. 11.7 A048003100071 26.8 139. 19.4 A048003100072 26.8 140. 15.4 A048003100073 26.8 141. 13.9 A048003100074 26.8 143. 12.8 A048003100075 26.8 144. 8.9 A048003100076 26.8 147. 7.5 A048003100077 26.8 156. 0.63 A048003100078 26.8 157. 0.73 A048003100079 26.8 159. 0.35 A048003100080 27.3 95. 17.5 A048003100081 27.3 97. 22.5 A048003100082 27.3 115. 10.1 A048003100083 27.3 117. 10.3 A048003100084 29.7 95. 29.0 A048003100085 29.7 97. 30.0 A048003100086 29.7 115. 13.9 A048003100087 29.7 117. 10.3 A048003100088 30.6 89. 17.2 A048003100089 30.6 91. 18.3 A048003100090 30.6 95. 30.0 A048003100091 30.6 97. 33.0 A048003100092 30.6 115. 18.5 A048003100093 30.6 117. 16.2 A048003100094 30.6 139. 26.1 A048003100095 30.6 140. 24.0 A048003100096 32.8 89. 21.9 A048003100097 32.8 91. 24.5 A048003100098 32.8 95. 32.0 A048003100099 32.8 97. 32.8 A048003100100 32.8 99. 35.1 A048003100101 32.8 111. 33.4 A048003100102 32.8 112. 32.6 A048003100103 32.8 115. 36.7 A048003100104 32.8 140. 36.1 A048003100105 32.8 141. 27.8 A048003100106 32.8 143. 39.2 A048003100107 32.8 144. 22.7 A048003100108 32.8 147. 15.9 A048003100109 32.8 156. 2.6 A048003100110 32.8 157. 2.8 A048003100111 32.8 159. 0.82 A048003100112 34.1 89. 23.0 A048003100113 34.1 91. 27.4 A048003100114 34.1 95. 39.6 A048003100115 34.1 97. 45.4 A048003100116 34.1 115. 39.6 A048003100117 34.1 117. 38.3 A048003100118 34.1 139. 42.3 A048003100119 34.1 140. 40.8 A048003100120 34.1 141. 52.0 A048003100121 34.1 143. 33.8 A048003100122 34.1 144. 21.6 A048003100123 34.1 147. 22.2 A048003100124 34.1 156. 4.93 A048003100125 34.1 157. 4.26 A048003100126 34.1 161. 0.49 A048003100127 37.1 89. 26.7 A048003100128 37.1 91. 29.0 A048003100129 37.1 95. 47.7 A048003100130 37.1 97. 52.9 A048003100131 37.1 115. 49.0 A048003100132 37.1 117. 49.0 A048003100133 37.1 139. 40.3 A048003100134 37.1 140. 39.5 A048003100135 39.5 95. 53.7 A048003100136 39.5 97. 60.8 A048003100137 39.5 115. 57.9 A048003100138 42.8 72. 0.52 A048003100139 42.8 95. 50.6 A048003100140 42.8 97. 56.5 A048003100141 42.8 115. 53.1 A048003100142 42.8 117. 65.5 A048003100143 45. 89. 60.4 A048003100144 45. 91. 59.2 A048003100145 45. 95. 47.2 A048003100146 45. 97. 62.9 A048003100147 45. 99. 63.7 A048003100148 45. 103. 52.0 A048003100149 45. 105. 53.2 A048003100150 45. 106. 64.1 A048003100151 45. 111. 71.7 A048003100152 45. 112. 54.0 1. A048003100153 45. 112. 54.0 2. A048003100154 45. 113. 79.8 A048003100155 45. 115. 62.1 A048003100156 45. 140. 62.9 A048003100157 45. 141. 41.5 A048003100158 45. 143. 41.1 A048003100159 45. 144. 33.9 A048003100160 45. 147. 19.1 A048003100161 45. 156. 3.67 A048003100162 45. 157. 3.71 A048003100163 45. 159. 2.3 A048003100164 45. 161. 1.0 A048003100165 45.5 72. 0.65 A048003100166 45.5 95. 59.0 A048003100167 45.5 97. 59.2 A048003100168 45.5 115. 75.4 A048003100169 45.5 140. 44.0 A048003100170 ENDDATA 136 0 A048003100171 ENDSUBENT 170 0 A048003199999 NOSUBENT A0480032 20200311 A094A048003200001 NOSUBENT A0480033 20200311 A094A048003300001 NOSUBENT A0480034 20200311 A094A048003400001 NOSUBENT A0480035 20200311 A094A048003500001 NOSUBENT A0480036 20200311 A094A048003600001 NOSUBENT A0480037 20200311 A094A048003700001 NOSUBENT A0480038 20200311 A094A048003800001 NOSUBENT A0480039 20200311 A094A048003900001 SUBENT A0480040 20231226 A105A048004000001 BIB 7 24 A048004000002 REACTION (92-U-238(A,F)MASS,CHN,SIG) A048004000003 SAMPLE The U-238 with isotopic purity > 99.% used. Most of A048004000004 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048004000005 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048004000006 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048004000007 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048004000008 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048004000009 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048004000010 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048004000011 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) A048004000012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The limits of error are estimated to be A048004000013 about 15% for most of the mass chains reported. A048004000014 However, at higher energies, the chain yield A048004000015 corrections become quite sizeable and the errors A048004000016 may be somewhat greater. A048004000017 FLAG (2.) Cross section is for 129m-Te only. A048004000018 (1.) Cross section is approximated owing to A048004000019 complexities in the decay scheme. A048004000020 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Vandenbosch+,J,PR,111,1358,1958) Tbl. VII A048004000021 HISTORY (20160317A) SD: SF5=CUM -> CHN in REACTION code. A048004000022 ANALYSIS added. A048004000023 (20200311A) SD: Data from Subents 041-048 were added. A048004000024 STATUS updated. Several values corrected. A048004000025 (20231226A) SD: Col.EN deleted from COMMON section. A048004000026 ENDBIB 24 0 A048004000027 COMMON 1 3 A048004000028 DATA-ERR A048004000029 PER-CENT A048004000030 15. A048004000031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048004000032 DATA 4 72 A048004000033 EN MASS DATA FLAG A048004000034 MEV NO-DIM MB NO-DIM A048004000035 22.6 95. 4.7 A048004000036 22.6 97. 8.2 A048004000037 22.6 103. 6.5 A048004000038 22.6 105. 7.0 A048004000039 22.6 115. 2.6 A048004000040 22.6 117. 2.0 A048004000041 22.6 139. 7.0 A048004000042 22.6 140. 6.7 A048004000043 25.2 143. 12.1 A048004000044 27.1 95. 29. A048004000045 27.1 97. 37. A048004000046 27.1 115. 15.4 A048004000047 27.1 141. 40. A048004000048 27.1 143. 24. A048004000049 27.1 147. 15.4 A048004000050 27.1 156. 1.9 A048004000051 27.1 157. 1.7 A048004000052 27.1 161. 0.31 A048004000053 32.5 95. 21. A048004000054 32.5 97. 35. A048004000055 33.8 95. 28. A048004000056 33.8 97. 42. A048004000057 33.8 140. 36. A048004000058 38.6 95. 38. A048004000059 38.6 97. 56. A048004000060 38.6 103. 47. A048004000061 38.6 105. 36. A048004000062 38.6 115. 48. A048004000063 38.6 139. 41. A048004000064 38.6 140. 43. A048004000065 38.6 143. 48. A048004000066 38.6 147. 28. A048004000067 38.6 156. 3.7 A048004000068 38.6 157. 2.8 A048004000069 38.6 161. 0.48 A048004000070 40. 89. 24. A048004000071 40. 91. 28. A048004000072 40. 95. 35. A048004000073 40. 97. 56. A048004000074 40. 99. 59. A048004000075 40. 103. 44. A048004000076 40. 105. 53. A048004000077 40. 111. 43. A048004000078 40. 112. 56. A048004000079 40. 113. 49. A048004000080 40. 115. 60. A048004000081 40. 129. 35. 2. A048004000082 40. 132. 74. 1. A048004000083 40. 140. 43. A048004000084 40. 143. 52. A048004000085 40. 147. 20. A048004000086 40. 156. 4.5 A048004000087 40. 157. 2.5 A048004000088 40. 159. 0.71 A048004000089 43.9 95. 41. A048004000090 43.9 97. 56. A048004000091 43.9 103. 51. A048004000092 43.9 105. 55. A048004000093 43.9 115. 58. A048004000094 43.9 117. 64. 1. A048004000095 43.9 139. 45. A048004000096 43.9 140. 50. A048004000097 43.9 143. 33. A048004000098 45.4 89. 27. A048004000099 45.4 91. 36. A048004000100 45.4 95. 36. A048004000101 45.4 97. 54. A048004000102 45.4 103. 47. A048004000103 45.4 105. 48. A048004000104 45.4 115. 49. A048004000105 45.4 139. 51. A048004000106 45.4 140. 50. A048004000107 ENDDATA 74 0 A048004000108 ENDSUBENT 107 0 A048004099999 NOSUBENT A0480041 20200311 A094A048004100001 NOSUBENT A0480042 20200311 A094A048004200001 NOSUBENT A0480043 20200311 A094A048004300001 NOSUBENT A0480044 20200311 A094A048004400001 NOSUBENT A0480045 20200311 A094A048004500001 NOSUBENT A0480046 20200311 A094A048004600001 NOSUBENT A0480047 20200311 A094A048004700001 NOSUBENT A0480048 20200311 A094A048004800001 SUBENT A0480049 20200311 A094A048004900001 BIB 5 13 A048004900002 REACTION (93-NP-237(D,2N)94-PU-237,,SIG) A048004900003 SAMPLE Most of the neptunium targets were prepared in the sameA048004900004 manner as the uranium targets. The plating yields of A048004900005 neptunium were quite low; a modified procedure using a A048004900006 solution of 0.15 M ammonium formate and 0.2 M A048004900007 perchloric acid was found to give somewhat better A048004900008 yields. The amount of material deposited was determinedA048004900009 by alpha counting and also checked occasionally by A048004900010 assaying the target solution after the target A048004900011 had been bombarded and dissolved. A048004900012 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from UCRL-3858,1057 report. A048004900013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A048004900014 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048004900015 ENDBIB 13 0 A048004900016 COMMON 1 3 A048004900017 DATA-ERR A048004900018 PER-CENT A048004900019 15. A048004900020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048004900021 DATA 2 6 A048004900022 EN DATA A048004900023 MEV MB A048004900024 13.7 13.2 A048004900025 16.0 15.6 A048004900026 18.3 14.2 A048004900027 20.6 12.0 A048004900028 22.0 11.3 A048004900029 23.3 12.5 A048004900030 ENDDATA 8 0 A048004900031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A048004999999 SUBENT A0480050 20200311 A094A048005000001 BIB 5 13 A048005000002 REACTION (93-NP-237(D,3N)94-PU-236,,SIG) A048005000003 SAMPLE Most of the neptunium targets were prepared in the sameA048005000004 manner as the uranium targets. The plating yields of A048005000005 neptunium were quite low; a modified procedure using a A048005000006 solution of 0.15 M ammonium formate and 0.2 M A048005000007 perchloric acid was found to give somewhat better A048005000008 yields. The amount of material deposited was determinedA048005000009 by alpha counting and also checked occasionally by A048005000010 assaying the target solution after the target A048005000011 had been bombarded and dissolved. A048005000012 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from UCRL-3858,1057 report. A048005000013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A048005000014 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005000015 ENDBIB 13 0 A048005000016 COMMON 1 3 A048005000017 DATA-ERR A048005000018 PER-CENT A048005000019 15. A048005000020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048005000021 DATA 2 6 A048005000022 EN DATA A048005000023 MEV MB A048005000024 13.7 2.16 A048005000025 16.0 10. A048005000026 18.3 13.6 A048005000027 20.6 9.2 A048005000028 22.0 7.8 A048005000029 23.3 7.6 A048005000030 ENDDATA 8 0 A048005000031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A048005099999 SUBENT A0480051 20200311 A094A048005100001 BIB 5 13 A048005100002 REACTION (93-NP-237(D,P)93-NP-238,,SIG) A048005100003 SAMPLE Most of the neptunium targets were prepared in the sameA048005100004 manner as the uranium targets. The plating yields of A048005100005 neptunium were quite low; a modified procedure using a A048005100006 solution of 0.15 M ammonium formate and 0.2 M A048005100007 perchloric acid was found to give somewhat better A048005100008 yields. The amount of material deposited was determinedA048005100009 by alpha counting and also checked occasionally by A048005100010 assaying the target solution after the target A048005100011 had been bombarded and dissolved. A048005100012 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from UCRL-3858,1057 report. A048005100013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A048005100014 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005100015 ENDBIB 13 0 A048005100016 COMMON 1 3 A048005100017 DATA-ERR A048005100018 PER-CENT A048005100019 15. A048005100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048005100021 DATA 2 12 A048005100022 EN DATA A048005100023 MEV MB A048005100024 8.6 23. A048005100025 11.9 67. A048005100026 13.9 80. A048005100027 15.8 73. A048005100028 16.0 177. A048005100029 18.3 146. A048005100030 18.4 126. A048005100031 20.6 117. A048005100032 21.7 88. A048005100033 22.0 99. A048005100034 22.0 107. A048005100035 23.3 93. A048005100036 ENDDATA 14 0 A048005100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A048005199999 SUBENT A0480052 20200311 A094A048005200001 BIB 5 13 A048005200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(D,P)93-NP-238,,SIG) A048005200003 SAMPLE Most of the neptunium targets were prepared in the sameA048005200004 manner as the uranium targets. The plating yields of A048005200005 neptunium were quite low; a modified procedure using a A048005200006 solution of 0.15 M ammonium formate and 0.2 M A048005200007 perchloric acid was found to give somewhat better A048005200008 yields. The amount of material deposited was determinedA048005200009 by alpha counting and also checked occasionally by A048005200010 assaying the target solution after the target A048005200011 had been bombarded and dissolved. A048005200012 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from UCRL-3858,1057 report. A048005200013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A048005200014 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005200015 ENDBIB 13 0 A048005200016 COMMON 1 3 A048005200017 DATA-ERR A048005200018 PER-CENT A048005200019 15. A048005200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048005200021 DATA 2 14 A048005200022 EN DATA A048005200023 MEV MB A048005200024 8.6 0.24 A048005200025 11.9 5.2 A048005200026 13.7 26. A048005200027 13.9 14.3 A048005200028 15.8 16.5 A048005200029 16.0 36.5 A048005200030 18.3 42.0 A048005200031 18.4 37.2 A048005200032 20.6 38.5 A048005200033 21.7 32.7 A048005200034 22.0 36.0 A048005200035 22.0 41.5 A048005200036 23.3 39.5 A048005200037 23.3 46.0 A048005200038 ENDDATA 16 0 A048005200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A048005299999 SUBENT A0480053 20200311 A094A048005300001 BIB 5 17 A048005300002 REACTION (92-U-233(A,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) A048005300003 SAMPLE The U-233 (isotopic purity of approximately 96%, A048005300004 U-238 - 3%, U-234 <1%). Most of the targets were A048005300005 prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 to 2 mg of A048005300006 hydrated uranium oxide over an area of about 1 cm**2 onA048005300007 a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of deposited A048005300008 material was determined by direct alpha counting, A048005300009 weighting, or both. These targets were then mounted in A048005300010 a water-cooled micro-target holder which also served asA048005300011 a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurements. A048005300012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The limits of error are estimated to be A048005300013 about 15% for most of the mass chains reported. A048005300014 However, at higher energies, the chain yield A048005300015 corrections become quite sizeable and the errors A048005300016 may be somewhat greater. A048005300017 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. V from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048005300018 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005300019 ENDBIB 17 0 A048005300020 COMMON 1 3 A048005300021 DATA-ERR A048005300022 PER-CENT A048005300023 15. A048005300024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048005300025 DATA 6 86 A048005300026 EN ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-MIN A048005300027 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB A048005300028 23.5 40. 95. 2.4 A048005300029 23.5 40. 97. 6.5 A048005300030 23.5 42. 99. 1.4 A048005300031 23.5 44. 103. 4.8 A048005300032 23.5 44. 105. 3.2 A048005300033 23.5 47. 111. 0.29A048005300034 23.5 48. 115. 3.3 A048005300035 23.5 56. 139. 4.6 A048005300036 23.5 56. 140. 3.4 A048005300037 23.5 58. 141. 10. A048005300038 23.5 58. 143. 8.4 A048005300039 23.5 58. 144. 2.1 A048005300040 23.5 60. 147. 2.0 A048005300041 23.5 63. 157. 0.04 A048005300042 26.2 40. 95. 12. A048005300043 26.2 40. 97. 15. A048005300044 26.2 47. 111. 11. A048005300045 26.2 48. 115. 9.9 A048005300046 26.2 56. 135. 1.0 0.42 A048005300047 26.2 56. 139. 9.2 A048005300048 26.2 56. 140. 7.4 A048005300049 27.8 40. 95. 17. A048005300050 27.8 40. 97. 15. A048005300051 27.8 48. 115. 15. A048005300052 27.8 58. 141. 26. A048005300053 27.8 58. 143. 13. A048005300054 27.8 58. 144. 8.0 A048005300055 27.8 60. 147. 8.0 A048005300056 27.8 63. 156. 0.68 A048005300057 27.8 63. 157. 0.94 A048005300058 27.8 65. 161. 0.50 A048005300059 30.7 40. 95. 21. A048005300060 30.7 40. 97. 12. A048005300061 30.7 48. 115. 32. A048005300062 30.7 58. 141. 13. A048005300063 30.7 58. 143. 12. A048005300064 30.7 58. 144. 8.8 A048005300065 35.3 38. 89. 16. A048005300066 35.3 38. 91. 19. A048005300067 35.3 40. 95. 39. A048005300068 35.3 40. 97. 38. A048005300069 35.3 44. 103. 24. A048005300070 35.3 44. 105. 27. A048005300071 35.3 44. 106. 27. A048005300072 35.3 48. 115. 41. A048005300073 35.3 56. 135. 1. 4.9 A048005300074 35.3 56. 139. 18. A048005300075 35.3 56. 140. 12. A048005300076 40.4 40. 95. 46. A048005300077 40.4 40. 97. 45. A048005300078 40.4 58. 141. 39. A048005300079 40.4 58. 144. 15. A048005300080 40.4 60. 147. 15. A048005300081 40.4 63. 156. 0.44 A048005300082 40.4 63. 157. 0.48 A048005300083 40.4 65. 161. 0.71 A048005300084 41.0 38. 89. 9.9 A048005300085 41.0 38. 91. 17. A048005300086 41.0 40. 95. 42. A048005300087 41.0 40. 97. 44. A048005300088 41.0 48. 115. 43. A048005300089 41.0 56. 135. 1. 4.0 A048005300090 41.0 56. 139. 12. A048005300091 41.0 56. 140. 8.4 A048005300092 41.0 60. 147. 3.0 A048005300093 44.3 38. 89. 32. A048005300094 44.3 38. 91. 52. A048005300095 44.3 40. 95. 55. A048005300096 44.3 40. 97. 43. A048005300097 44.3 42. 99. 32. A048005300098 44.3 44. 103. 28. A048005300099 44.3 44. 105. 41. A048005300100 44.3 44. 106. 45. A048005300101 44.3 47. 111. 44.A048005300102 44.3 48. 115. 68. A048005300103 44.3 56. 135. 1. 8.5 A048005300104 44.3 56. 139. 22. A048005300105 44.3 56. 140. 14. A048005300106 46.2 38. 89. 22. A048005300107 46.2 38. 91. 35. A048005300108 46.2 40. 95. 57. A048005300109 46.2 40. 97. 48. A048005300110 46.2 48. 115. 74. A048005300111 46.2 56. 135. 1. 4.9 A048005300112 46.2 56. 139. 25. A048005300113 46.2 56. 140. 16. A048005300114 ENDDATA 88 0 A048005300115 ENDSUBENT 114 0 A048005399999 SUBENT A0480054 20200311 A094A048005400001 BIB 6 18 A048005400002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) A048005400003 SAMPLE The U-235 with isotopic purity > 99.9% used. Most of A048005400004 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048005400005 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048005400006 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048005400007 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048005400008 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048005400009 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048005400010 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048005400011 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) A048005400012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The limits of error are estimated to be A048005400013 about 15% for most of the mass chains reported. A048005400014 However, at higher energies, the chain yield A048005400015 corrections become quite sizeable and the errors A048005400016 may be somewhat greater. A048005400017 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. II of UCRL-3858,1957 report; partly given A048005400018 in Tbl. VI of Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048005400019 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005400020 ENDBIB 18 0 A048005400021 COMMON 1 3 A048005400022 DATA-ERR A048005400023 PER-CENT A048005400024 15. A048005400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048005400026 DATA 5 162 A048005400027 EN ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA A048005400028 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB A048005400029 18.7 38. 89. 0.098 A048005400030 18.7 38. 91. 0.095 A048005400031 18.7 40. 97. 0.071 A048005400032 18.7 44. 105. 0.017 A048005400033 18.7 56. 139. 0.10 A048005400034 18.7 56. 140. 0.10 A048005400035 21.9 40. 95. 4.24 A048005400036 21.9 40. 97. 4.3 A048005400037 21.9 48. 115. 1. 0.073 A048005400038 21.9 48. 115. 0. 0.80 A048005400039 21.9 48. 115. 0.87 A048005400040 21.9 48. 117. 0.90 A048005400041 21.9 58. 141. 2.1 A048005400042 21.9 58. 143. 1.5 A048005400043 21.9 58. 144. 0.98 A048005400044 23.6 35. 72. 0.30 A048005400045 23.6 40. 95. 8.53 A048005400046 23.6 40. 97. 9.05 A048005400047 23.6 48. 115. 1. 0.25 A048005400048 23.6 48. 115. 0. 3.27 A048005400049 23.6 48. 115. 3.52 A048005400050 25.2 48. 115. 1. 0.423 A048005400051 25.2 48. 115. 0. 5.43 A048005400052 25.2 48. 115. 5.85 A048005400053 25.2 48. 117. 5.0 A048005400054 25.2 58. 141. 6.1 A048005400055 25.2 58. 143. 4.1 A048005400056 25.2 58. 144. 2.9 A048005400057 25.2 59. 143. 3.33 A048005400058 26.8 38. 89. 10.2 A048005400059 26.8 38. 91. 11.0 A048005400060 26.8 40. 95. 16.4 A048005400061 26.8 40. 97. 16.8 A048005400062 26.8 42. 99. 18.6 A048005400063 26.8 44. 103. 11.9 A048005400064 26.8 44. 105. 11.5 A048005400065 26.8 44. 106. 11.2 A048005400066 26.8 46. 112. 9.7 A048005400067 26.8 47. 111. 11.0 A048005400068 26.8 47. 113. 11.1 A048005400069 26.8 48. 115. 1. 1.29 A048005400070 26.8 48. 115. 0. 10.3 A048005400071 26.8 48. 115. 11.6 A048005400072 26.8 56. 139. 16.2 A048005400073 26.8 56. 140. 10.9 A048005400074 26.8 58. 141. 13.6 A048005400075 26.8 58. 143. 11.5 A048005400076 26.8 58. 144. 7.4 A048005400077 26.8 60. 147. 7.1 A048005400078 26.8 63. 156. 0.55 A048005400079 26.8 63. 157. 0.57 A048005400080 26.8 64. 159. 0.29 A048005400081 27.3 40. 95. 17.2 A048005400082 27.3 40. 97. 20.9 A048005400083 27.3 48. 115. 1. 1.0 A048005400084 27.3 48. 115. 0. 9.06 A048005400085 27.3 48. 115. 10.1 A048005400086 27.3 48. 117. 9.56 A048005400087 29.7 40. 95. 28.6 A048005400088 29.7 40. 97. 27.8 A048005400089 29.7 48. 115. 1. 1.2 A048005400090 29.7 48. 115. 0. 12.5 A048005400091 29.7 48. 115. 13.7 A048005400092 29.7 48. 117. 9.55 A048005400093 30.6 38. 89. 17.2 A048005400094 30.6 38. 91. 17.6 A048005400095 30.6 40. 95. 29.3 A048005400096 30.6 40. 97. 30.6 A048005400097 30.6 48. 115. 1. 1.65 A048005400098 30.6 48. 115. 0. 16.6 A048005400099 30.6 48. 115. 18.2 A048005400100 30.6 48. 117. 15.0 A048005400101 30.6 56. 139. 20.1 A048005400102 30.6 56. 140. 15.3 A048005400103 32.8 38. 89. 21.9 A048005400104 32.8 38. 91. 23.6 A048005400105 32.8 40. 95. 31.8 A048005400106 32.8 40. 97. 30.7 A048005400107 32.8 42. 99. 35.1 A048005400108 32.8 46. 112. 30.4 A048005400109 32.8 47. 111. 33.4 A048005400110 32.8 48. 115. 1. 3.7 A048005400111 32.8 48. 115. 0. 32.7 A048005400112 32.8 48. 115. 36.4 A048005400113 32.8 56. 140. 22.6 A048005400114 32.8 58. 141. 27.6 A048005400115 32.8 58. 143. 34.4 A048005400116 32.8 58. 144. 17.5 A048005400117 32.8 60. 147. 14.7 A048005400118 32.8 63. 156. 2.1 A048005400119 32.8 63. 157. 1.94 A048005400120 32.8 64. 159. 0.55 A048005400121 34.1 38. 89. 22.9 A048005400122 34.1 38. 91. 26.0 A048005400123 34.1 40. 95. 38.8 A048005400124 34.1 40. 97. 41.8 A048005400125 34.1 48. 115. 1. 3.17 A048005400126 34.1 48. 115. 0. 35.2 A048005400127 34.1 48. 115. 38.4 A048005400128 34.1 48. 117. 34.8 A048005400129 34.1 56. 139. 29.5 A048005400130 34.1 56. 140. 22.0 A048005400131 34.1 58. 141. 49.0 A048005400132 34.1 58. 143. 27.0 A048005400133 34.1 58. 144. 14.9 A048005400134 34.1 60. 147. 19.8 A048005400135 34.1 63. 156. 3.64 A048005400136 34.1 63. 157. 2.68 A048005400137 34.1 65. 161. 0.36 A048005400138 37.1 38. 89. 26.5 A048005400139 37.1 38. 91. 27.6 A048005400140 37.1 40. 95. 46.7 A048005400141 37.1 40. 97. 48.7 A048005400142 37.1 48. 115. 1. 3.86 A048005400143 37.1 48. 115. 0. 43.8 A048005400144 37.1 48. 115. 47.7 A048005400145 37.1 48. 117. 44.6 A048005400146 37.1 56. 139. 29.9 A048005400147 37.1 56. 140. 21.3 A048005400148 39.5 40. 95. 52.1 A048005400149 39.5 40. 97. 54.1 A048005400150 39.5 48. 115. 1. 4.3 A048005400151 39.5 48. 115. 0. 51.3 A048005400152 39.5 48. 115. 55.6 A048005400153 42.8 35. 72. 0.48 A048005400154 42.8 40. 95. 49.1 A048005400155 42.8 40. 97. 50.3 A048005400156 42.8 48. 115. 1. 4.4 A048005400157 42.8 48. 115. 0. 46.5 A048005400158 42.8 48. 115. 50.9 A048005400159 42.8 48. 117. 57.0 A048005400160 45. 38. 89. 59.6 A048005400161 45. 38. 91. 55.6 A048005400162 45. 40. 95. 45.5 A048005400163 45. 40. 97. 55.6 A048005400164 45. 42. 99. 62.9 A048005400165 45. 44. 103. 52.0 A048005400166 45. 44. 105. 51.6 A048005400167 45. 44. 106. 60.0 A048005400168 45. 46. 112. 47.6 A048005400169 45. 47. 111. 71.7 A048005400170 45. 47. 112. 47.6 A048005400171 45. 47. 113. 75.7 A048005400172 45. 48. 115. 1. 10.1 A048005400173 45. 48. 115. 0. 49.6 A048005400174 45. 48. 115. 59.7 A048005400175 45. 56. 140. 29.0 A048005400176 45. 58. 141. 38.1 A048005400177 45. 58. 143. 30.6 A048005400178 45. 58. 144. 20.4 A048005400179 45. 60. 147. 16.0 A048005400180 45. 63. 156. 2.38 A048005400181 45. 63. 157. 1.83 A048005400182 45. 64. 159. 1.3 A048005400183 45. 65. 161. 0.67 A048005400184 45.5 35. 72. 0.60 A048005400185 45.5 40. 95. 57.2 A048005400186 45.5 40. 97. 52.7 A048005400187 45.5 48. 115. 1. 10.9 A048005400188 45.5 48. 115. 0. 61.5 A048005400189 45.5 48. 115. 72.4 A048005400190 45.5 56. 140. 20.2 A048005400191 ENDDATA 164 0 A048005400192 ENDSUBENT 191 0 A048005499999 SUBENT A0480055 20200311 A094A048005500001 BIB 6 17 A048005500002 REACTION (92-U-238(A,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) A048005500003 SAMPLE The U-238 with isotopic purity > 99.% used. Most of A048005500004 the targets were prepared by electrodeposition of 0.1 A048005500005 to 2 mg of hydrated uranium oxide over an area of aboutA048005500006 1 cm**2 on a dish-shaped aluminum disk. The amount of A048005500007 deposited material was determined by direct alpha A048005500008 counting, weighting, or both. These targets were then A048005500009 mounted in a water-cooled microtarget holder which alsoA048005500010 served as a Faraday cup for beam intensity measurementsA048005500011 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) A048005500012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The limits of error are estimated to be A048005500013 about 15% for most of the mass chains reported. A048005500014 However, at higher energies, the chain yield A048005500015 corrections become quite sizeable and the errors A048005500016 may be somewhat greater. A048005500017 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. VII from Phys.Rev.,111(1958)1358 A048005500018 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005500019 ENDBIB 17 0 A048005500020 COMMON 1 3 A048005500021 DATA-ERR A048005500022 PER-CENT A048005500023 15. A048005500024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A048005500025 DATA 5 72 A048005500026 EN ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA A048005500027 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB A048005500028 22.6 40. 95. 4.7 A048005500029 22.6 40. 97. 8.0 A048005500030 22.6 44. 103. 6.5 A048005500031 22.6 44. 105. 7.0 A048005500032 22.6 48. 115. 2.6 A048005500033 22.6 48. 117. 1.9 A048005500034 22.6 56. 139. 6.5 A048005500035 22.6 56. 140. 5.8 A048005500036 25.2 58. 143. 11.5 A048005500037 27.1 40. 95. 29. A048005500038 27.1 40. 97. 36. A048005500039 27.1 48. 115. 15.4 A048005500040 27.1 58. 141. 40. A048005500041 27.1 58. 143. 23. A048005500042 27.1 60. 147. 15. A048005500043 27.1 63. 156. 1.8 A048005500044 27.1 63. 157. 1.5 A048005500045 27.1 65. 161. 0.29 A048005500046 32.5 40. 95. 21. A048005500047 32.5 40. 97. 34. A048005500048 33.8 40. 95. 28. A048005500049 33.8 40. 97. 41. A048005500050 33.8 56. 140. 29. A048005500051 38.6 40. 95. 38. A048005500052 38.6 40. 97. 54. A048005500053 38.6 44. 103. 47. A048005500054 38.6 44. 105. 36. A048005500055 38.6 48. 115. 48. A048005500056 38.6 56. 139. 36. A048005500057 38.6 56. 140. 35. A048005500058 38.6 58. 143. 44. A048005500059 38.6 60. 147. 27. A048005500060 38.6 63. 156. 3.4 A048005500061 38.6 63. 157. 2.5 A048005500062 38.6 65. 161. 0.46 A048005500063 40. 38. 89. 24. A048005500064 40. 38. 91. 27. A048005500065 40. 40. 95. 35. A048005500066 40. 40. 97. 54. A048005500067 40. 42. 99. 59. A048005500068 40. 44. 103. 44. A048005500069 40. 44. 105. 53. A048005500070 40. 46. 112. 54. A048005500071 40. 47. 111. 43. A048005500072 40. 47. 113. 49. A048005500073 40. 48. 115. 60. A048005500074 40. 52. 129. 1. 31. A048005500075 40. 52. 132. 39. A048005500076 40. 56. 140. 35. A048005500077 40. 58. 143. 49. A048005500078 40. 60. 147. 19. A048005500079 40. 63. 156. 4.1 A048005500080 40. 63. 157. 2.2 A048005500081 40. 64. 159. 0.71 A048005500082 43.9 40. 95. 41. A048005500083 43.9 40. 97. 53. A048005500084 43.9 44. 103. 51. A048005500085 43.9 44. 105. 55. A048005500086 43.9 48. 115. 58. A048005500087 43.9 48. 117. 61. A048005500088 43.9 56. 139. 37. A048005500089 43.9 56. 140. 36. A048005500090 43.9 58. 143. 30. A048005500091 45.4 38. 89. 27. A048005500092 45.4 38. 91. 35. A048005500093 45.4 40. 95. 36. A048005500094 45.4 40. 97. 52. A048005500095 45.4 44. 103. 47. A048005500096 45.4 44. 105. 48. A048005500097 45.4 48. 115. 49. A048005500098 45.4 56. 139. 42. A048005500099 45.4 56. 140. 36. A048005500100 ENDDATA 74 0 A048005500101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 A048005599999 SUBENT A0480056 20200311 A094A048005600001 BIB 5 15 A048005600002 REACTION (88-RA-226(A,4N)90-TH-226,,SIG) A048005600003 SAMPLE The radium used was isotopically pure Ra-226. A048005600004 The target material was deposited on l-mil gold plates A048005600005 rather than aluminum "hats" to simplify the chemical A048005600006 procedures following bombardment. The radium was A048005600007 electrodeposited on the gold foil from a solution A048005600008 0.15 M in sulfuric acid and 0.15 M in ammonium formate.A048005600009 The plating yields were rather low, but this did not A048005600010 present much difficulty as 0.1 mu-g was sufficient to A048005600011 produce adequate amounts of the 26-min. A048005600012 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. VIII from UCRL-3858,1057 report. A048005600013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The estimated errors of ~ 20% are A048005600014 principally due to uncertainties in determining the A048005600015 amount of target material bombarded A048005600016 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005600017 ENDBIB 15 0 A048005600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 A048005600019 DATA 3 8 A048005600020 EN DATA DATA-ERR A048005600021 MEV MB MB A048005600022 35.6 110. 20. A048005600023 38.2 270. 50. A048005600024 39.4 260. 50. A048005600025 39.4 380. 80. A048005600026 40.8 500. 100. A048005600027 42.7 420. 80. A048005600028 44.7 490. 100. A048005600029 45.5 200. 40. A048005600030 ENDDATA 10 0 A048005600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A048005699999 SUBENT A0480057 20200311 A094A048005700001 BIB 7 15 A048005700002 REACTION (90-TH-230(A,4N)92-U-230,,SIG) A048005700003 MONITOR (94-PU-239(A,3N)96-CM-240,,SIG) The monitor reaction A048005700004 gave an average recoil-collection efficiency for all A048005700005 of the bombardment of 80 +- 5%. A048005700006 SAMPLE The thorium used had an isotopic composition of A048005700007 87.85 +- 0.1% Th-230 and 12.12 +- 0.1% Th-232. A048005700008 The target used for the recoil bombardments was A048005700009 prepared by electrodeposition of the thorium and A048005700010 plutonium onto a gold cathode from a 6 M ammonium A048005700011 chloride solution. The target was found to contain A048005700012 1.61 mu-g/cm2 of Th-230 and 2.43 mu-g/cm2 of Pu239. A048005700013 CORRECTION Corrected for recoil efficiency A048005700014 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IX from UCRL-3858,1057 report. A048005700015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A048005700016 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005700017 ENDBIB 15 0 A048005700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 A048005700019 DATA 3 6 A048005700020 EN DATA DATA-ERR A048005700021 MEV MB MB A048005700022 38.0 2.8 0.2 A048005700023 40.0 10.2 0.7 A048005700024 41.2 12.5 0.9 A048005700025 42.6 12.9 0.9 A048005700026 43.3 12.2 0.8 A048005700027 44.2 11.5 0.8 A048005700028 ENDDATA 8 0 A048005700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A048005799999 SUBENT A0480058 20200311 A094A048005800001 BIB 6 14 A048005800002 REACTION (92-U-236(A,4N)94-PU-236,,SIG) A048005800003 SAMPLE The uranium had an isotopic composition of 94.9% U-236,A048005800004 0,04% U-234, 4.52% U-235, and 0.54% U-238. The targets A048005800005 were electrodeposited on gold or aluminum plates by theA048005800006 same technique used to prepare the thorium target. A048005800007 The amount of material deposited was determined by A048005800008 direct alpha counting, and the targets usually A048005800009 contained about 0.1 mg of U-236 . A048005800010 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. X from UCRL-3858,1057 report. A048005800011 COMMENT The contribution of the Pu-236 produced by the A048005800012 (alpha,3n) reaction from the U-235 present in the A048005800013 target has been subtracted. A048005800014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A048005800015 HISTORY (20200311C) SD A048005800016 ENDBIB 14 0 A048005800017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A048005800018 DATA 3 4 A048005800019 EN DATA DATA-ERR A048005800020 MEV MB MB A048005800021 34.5 9.11 0.1 A048005800022 38.4 2.0 0.2 A048005800023 42.0 4.1 0.4 A048005800024 45.6 3.6 0.4 A048005800025 ENDDATA 6 0 A048005800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A048005899999 ENDENTRY 58 0 A048099999999