ENTRY            A0489   20240916                             A118A048900000001 
SUBENT        A0489001   20240916                             A118A048900100001 
BIB                 13         36                                 A048900100002 
TITLE      Excitation functions for the formation of some         A048900100003 
           radioisotopes of rubidium in proton induced nuclear    A048900100004 
           reactions on Kr-nat,Kr-82 and Kr-83 with special       A048900100005 
           reference to the production of Rb-81(Kr-81-m)          A048900100006 
           generator radionuclide                                 A048900100007 
AUTHOR     (Z.Kovacs, F.Tarkanyi, S.M.Qaim, G.Stocklin)           A048900100008 
INSTITUTE  (2GERJUL,3HUNDEB)                                      A048900100009 
REFERENCE  (J,ARI,42,329,1991)                                    A048900100010 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 A048900100011 
MONITOR    (29-CU-63(P,2N)30-ZN-62,,SIG)                          A048900100012 
           (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG)                           A048900100013 
           (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG)                           A048900100014 
MONIT-REF  (A0488001,F.TARKANYI+,J,ARI,42,221,1991)               A048900100015 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,2GERJUL) Julich Compact Cyclotron(CV28).        A048900100016 
METHOD     (CHSEP,STTA,ACTIV,BCINT)                               A048900100017 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The uncertainties in the beam current          A048900100018 
           measurements.                                          A048900100019 
           (ERR-2) The error in the measurements of absolute      A048900100020 
           activity.                                              A048900100021 
           (ERR-3) The error in gas pressure measurements.        A048900100022 
COMMENT    /By authors/ The total error was obtained by compiling A048900100023 
           the individual errors in quadrature. In most of cases  A048900100024 
           the total error amounted to about 15%. Typical         A048900100025 
           estimated energy scale errors were 0.1 at 30 MeV,0.5 atA048900100026 
            20 MeV,1.0 at 10 MeV and 1.5 at 5 MeV.                A048900100027 
STATUS     (TABLE,,S.M.Qaim,W,QAIM,19910516) Data received        A048900100028 
                                          from Dr. S.M.Qaim       A048900100029 
HISTORY    (19910528C)                                            A048900100030 
           (19910516R) The data received from S.M.Qaim.           A048900100031 
           (19920203A) According to MEMO CP-D/223.                A048900100032 
           (20090827A) Correction in author' list has been done,  A048900100033 
           according V.Zerkin remarks.                            A048900100034 
           Correction in subents 001-006, according to new Exfor  A048900100035 
           rules.                                                 A048900100036 
           (20240916A) SD: Corrections in Subents. Several        A048900100037 
           Subents were split according to EXFOR rules.           A048900100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 A048900100039 
COMMON               3          3                                 A048900100040 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       A048900100041 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    A048900100042 
        10.        10.         3.                                 A048900100043 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A048900100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 A048900199999 
SUBENT        A0489002   20240916                             A118A048900200001 
BIB                  5         11                                 A048900200002 
REACTION   (36-KR-0(P,X)37-RB-81,,SIG)                            A048900200003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-81-G,4.58HR,DG,190.,0.643,                      A048900200004 
                            DG,446.,0.233)                        A048900200005 
SAMPLE     Isotopic composition of natural Kr-gas samples -       A048900200006 
           Kr-78-0.35%, Kr-80-2.25%, Kr-82-11.6%, Kr-83-11.5%,    A048900200007 
           Kr-84-57.0%, Kr-86-17.3%.                              A048900200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              A048900200009 
           Estimated to be in general about 20%, for weakly       A048900200010 
           contributing processes they were higher.               A048900200011 
HISTORY    (20240916A) SD:Subent was split in four (see           A048900200012 
           Subents 007-009).                                      A048900200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 A048900200014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048900200015 
DATA                 4         10                                 A048900200016 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            A048900200017 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               A048900200018 
      29.48       0.12       68.2        9.0                      A048900200019 
      27.25       0.21       64.0        8.1                      A048900200020 
      24.93       0.30       51.2        7.8                      A048900200021 
      22.40       0.40       53.8        6.8                      A048900200022 
      21.84       0.43       56.6        9.3                      A048900200023 
      20.22       0.49       59.0        8.2                      A048900200024 
      19.57       0.52       53.5        6.6                      A048900200025 
      18.41       0.58       50.4        6.7                      A048900200026 
      16.35       0.68       21.2        2.7                      A048900200027 
      14.51       0.77       0.91       0.13                      A048900200028 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 A048900200029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 A048900299999 
SUBENT        A0489003   20240916                             A118A048900300001 
BIB                  4          8                                 A048900300002 
REACTION   (36-KR-82(P,2N)37-RB-81,,SIG)                          A048900300003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-81-G,4.58HR,DG,190.,0.643,                      A048900300004 
                            DG,446.,0.233)                        A048900300005 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-82,ENR=0.729) Isotopic composition of           A048900300006 
           Kr-gas samples - Kr-78-0.8%, Kr-80-9.5%, Kr-82-72.9%,  A048900300007 
           Kr-83-16.7%, Kr-84-0.1%.                               A048900300008 
HISTORY    (20240916A) SD:Subent was split in two (see            A048900300009 
           Subent 010).                                           A048900300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 A048900300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048900300012 
DATA                 2         16                                 A048900300013 
EN         DATA                                                   A048900300014 
MEV        MB                                                     A048900300015 
       29.5       296.                                            A048900300016 
       29.0       298.                                            A048900300017 
       28.0       310.                                            A048900300018 
       27.0       328.                                            A048900300019 
       26.0       356.                                            A048900300020 
       25.0       393.                                            A048900300021 
       24.0       443.                                            A048900300022 
       23.0       496.                                            A048900300023 
       22.0       540.                                            A048900300024 
       21.0       564.                                            A048900300025 
       20.0       556.                                            A048900300026 
       19.0       517.                                            A048900300027 
       18.0       437.                                            A048900300028 
       17.0       331.                                            A048900300029 
       16.0       191.                                            A048900300030 
       15.0       48.8                                            A048900300031 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 A048900300032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 A048900399999 
SUBENT        A0489004   20240916                             A118A048900400001 
BIB                  4          7                                 A048900400002 
REACTION   (36-KR-83(P,3N)37-RB-81,,SIG)                          A048900400003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-81-G,4.58HR,DG,190.,0.643,                      A048900400004 
                            DG,446.,0.233)                        A048900400005 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-83,ENR=0.731) Isotopic composition of           A048900400006 
           Kr-gas samples - Kr-82-22%, Kr-83-73.1%, Kr-84-4.9%.   A048900400007 
HISTORY    (20240916A) SD:Subent was split in three (see          A048900400008 
           Subents 011, 012).                                     A048900400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 A048900400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048900400011 
DATA                 2          7                                 A048900400012 
EN         DATA                                                   A048900400013 
MEV        MB                                                     A048900400014 
       29.5       226.                                            A048900400015 
       29.0       218.                                            A048900400016 
       28.0       190.                                            A048900400017 
       27.0       153.                                            A048900400018 
       26.0       109.                                            A048900400019 
       25.0       69.2                                            A048900400020 
       24.0       30.7                                            A048900400021 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 A048900400022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 A048900499999 
SUBENT        A0489005   20240916                             A118A048900500001 
BIB                  4         11                                 A048900500002 
REACTION   (36-KR-84(P,3N)37-RB-82-M,,SIG)                        A048900500003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-82-M,6.47HR,DG,554.,0.625,                      A048900500004 
                              DG,619.,0.38,                       A048900500005 
                              DG,698.,0.264,                      A048900500006 
                              DG,777.,0.845,                      A048900500007 
                              DG,1044.,0.321,                     A048900500008 
                              DG,1317.,0.237,                     A048900500009 
                              DG,1475.,0.155)                     A048900500010 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-84,NAT=0.570)                                   A048900500011 
HISTORY    (20240916A) SD:Subent was split in three (see          A048900500012 
           Subents 013, 014).                                     A048900500013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 A048900500014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048900500015 
DATA                 2          7                                 A048900500016 
EN         DATA                                                   A048900500017 
MEV        MB                                                     A048900500018 
       29.5       233.                                            A048900500019 
       29.0       196.                                            A048900500020 
       28.0       137.                                            A048900500021 
       27.0       85.3                                            A048900500022 
       26.0       47.8                                            A048900500023 
       25.0       19.3                                            A048900500024 
       24.0       2.93                                            A048900500025 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 A048900500026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 A048900599999 
SUBENT        A0489006   20091029                             A066A048900600001 
BIB                  4          4                                 A048900600002 
REACTION   (36-KR-86(P,3N)37-RB-84,,SIG)                          A048900600003 
RAD-DET    (37-RB-84,DG)                                          A048900600004 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84,32.8D,DG,882.,0.679)                         A048900600005 
SAMPLE     Kr-84, enriched 17.3%, was used.                       A048900600006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 A048900600007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048900600008 
DATA                 2          9                                 A048900600009 
EN         DATA                                                   A048900600010 
MEV        MB                                                     A048900600011 
       29.5       509.                                            A048900600012 
       29.0       472.                                            A048900600013 
       28.0       397.                                            A048900600014 
       27.0       323.                                            A048900600015 
       26.0       254.                                            A048900600016 
       25.0       186.                                            A048900600017 
       24.0       105.                                            A048900600018 
       23.0       16.9                                            A048900600019 
       22.0       1.17                                            A048900600020 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 A048900600021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 A048900699999 
SUBENT        A0489007   20240916                             A118A048900700001 
BIB                  5         15                                 A048900700002 
REACTION   (36-KR-0(P,X)37-RB-82-M,,SIG)                          A048900700003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-82-M,6.47HR,DG,554.,0.625,                      A048900700004 
                              DG,619.,0.38,                       A048900700005 
                              DG,698.,0.264,                      A048900700006 
                              DG,777.,0.845,                      A048900700007 
                              DG,1044.,0.321,                     A048900700008 
                              DG,1317.,0.237,                     A048900700009 
                              DG,1475.,0.155)                     A048900700010 
SAMPLE     Isotopic compositions of natural Kr-gas samples-       A048900700011 
           Kr-78-0.35%, Kr-80-2.25%, Kr-82-11.6%, Kr-83-11.5%,    A048900700012 
           Kr-84-57.0%, Kr-86-17.3%.                              A048900700013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              A048900700014 
           Estimated to be in general about 20%, for weakly       A048900700015 
           contributing processes they were higher.               A048900700016 
HISTORY    (20240914T) SD: Part of Subent 002.                    A048900700017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 A048900700018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048900700019 
DATA                 4         15                                 A048900700020 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            A048900700021 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               A048900700022 
      29.48       0.12       152.        21.                      A048900700023 
      27.25       0.21       90.2       10.7                      A048900700024 
      24.93       0.30       53.3        6.8                      A048900700025 
      22.40       0.40       61.0        7.0                      A048900700026 
      21.84       0.43       61.8        8.1                      A048900700027 
      20.22       0.49       61.0        7.6                      A048900700028 
      19.57       0.52       56.1        9.6                      A048900700029 
      18.41       0.58       70.8        8.7                      A048900700030 
      16.35       0.68       55.1        6.8                      A048900700031 
      14.51       0.77       63.4       11.6                      A048900700032 
      14.02       0.80       50.2        6.1                      A048900700033 
      12.87       0.86       41.2        5.8                      A048900700034 
      10.73       0.96       25.8        3.5                      A048900700035 
       8.15       1.19       12.5        1.7                      A048900700036 
       5.00       1.50       0.49       0.07                      A048900700037 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 A048900700038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 A048900799999 
SUBENT        A0489008   20240916                             A118A048900800001 
BIB                  5         11                                 A048900800002 
REACTION   (36-KR-0(P,X)37-RB-83,,SIG)                            A048900800003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-83,86.2D,DG,520.,0.46,                          A048900800004 
                           DG,530.,0.302,                         A048900800005 
                           DG,553.,0.163)                         A048900800006 
SAMPLE     Isotopic compositions of natural Kr-gas samples-       A048900800007 
           Kr-78-0.35%, Kr-80-2.25%, Kr-82-11.6%, Kr-83-11.5%,    A048900800008 
           Kr-84-57.0%, Kr-86-17.3%.                              A048900800009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              A048900800010 
           Estimated to be in general about 20%, for weakly       A048900800011 
           contributing processes they were higher.               A048900800012 
HISTORY    (20240914T) SD: Part of Subent 002.                    A048900800013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 A048900800014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048900800015 
DATA                 4         15                                 A048900800016 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            A048900800017 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               A048900800018 
      29.48       0.12       194.        26.                      A048900800019 
      27.25       0.21       258.        31.                      A048900800020 
      24.93       0.30       323.        40.                      A048900800021 
      22.40       0.40       376.        51.                      A048900800022 
      21.84       0.43       352.        45.                      A048900800023 
      20.22       0.49       380.        51.                      A048900800024 
      19.57       0.52       334.        55.                      A048900800025 
      18.41       0.58       379.        49.                      A048900800026 
      16.35       0.68       282.        39.                      A048900800027 
      14.51       0.77       240.        38.                      A048900800028 
      14.02       0.80       177.        22.                      A048900800029 
      12.87       0.86       82.1       10.1                      A048900800030 
      10.73       0.96       55.5        6.7                      A048900800031 
       8.15       1.19       33.1        4.1                      A048900800032 
       5.00       1.50        8.4        1.1                      A048900800033 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 A048900800034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 A048900899999 
SUBENT        A0489009   20240916                             A118A048900900001 
BIB                  5          9                                 A048900900002 
REACTION   (36-KR-0(P,X)37-RB-84,,SIG)                            A048900900003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-G,32.8D,DG,882.,0.679)                       A048900900004 
SAMPLE     Isotopic compositions of natural Kr-gas samples-       A048900900005 
           Kr-78-0.35%, Kr-80-2.25%, Kr-82-11.6%, Kr-83-11.5%,    A048900900006 
           Kr-84-57.0%, Kr-86-17.3%.                              A048900900007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              A048900900008 
           Estimated to be in general about 20%, for weakly       A048900900009 
           contributing processes they were higher.               A048900900010 
HISTORY    (20240914T) SD: Part of Subent 002.                    A048900900011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 A048900900012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048900900013 
DATA                 4         15                                 A048900900014 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            A048900900015 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               A048900900016 
      29.48       0.12       109.        14.                      A048900900017 
      27.25       0.21       79.8       10.7                      A048900900018 
      24.93       0.30       54.4        7.2                      A048900900019 
      22.40       0.40       31.0        4.2                      A048900900020 
      21.84       0.43       31.9        4.1                      A048900900021 
      20.22       0.49       35.7        4.3                      A048900900022 
      19.57       0.52       28.9        5.1                      A048900900023 
      18.41       0.58       57.8        9.2                      A048900900024 
      16.35       0.68       79.0       13.1                      A048900900025 
      14.51       0.77       227.        33.                      A048900900026 
      14.02       0.80       205.        29.                      A048900900027 
      12.87       0.86       270.        32.                      A048900900028 
      10.73       0.96       284.        35.                      A048900900029 
       8.15       1.19       146.        17.                      A048900900030 
       5.00       1.50       29.9        3.8                      A048900900031 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 A048900900032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 A048900999999 
SUBENT        A0489010   20240916                             A118A048901000001 
BIB                  4         12                                 A048901000002 
REACTION   (36-KR-82(P,N)37-RB-82-M,,SIG)                         A048901000003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-82-M,6.47HR,DG,554.,0.625,                      A048901000004 
                              DG,619.,0.38,                       A048901000005 
                              DG,698.,0.264,                      A048901000006 
                              DG,777.,0.845,                      A048901000007 
                              DG,1044.,0.321,                     A048901000008 
                              DG,1317.,0.237,                     A048901000009 
                              DG,1475.,0.155)                     A048901000010 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-82,ENR=0.729) Isotopic composition of           A048901000011 
           Kr-gas samples - Kr-78-0.8%, Kr-80-9.5%, Kr-82-72.9%,  A048901000012 
           Kr-83-16.7%, Kr-84-0.1%.                               A048901000013 
HISTORY    (20240914T) SD: Part of Subent 003.                    A048901000014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 A048901000015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048901000016 
DATA                 2         25                                 A048901000017 
EN         DATA                                                   A048901000018 
MEV        MB                                                     A048901000019 
       29.5       10.7                                            A048901000020 
       29.0       10.9                                            A048901000021 
       28.0       11.5                                            A048901000022 
       27.0       12.6                                            A048901000023 
       26.0       14.8                                            A048901000024 
       25.0       18.5                                            A048901000025 
       24.0       24.7                                            A048901000026 
       23.0       34.5                                            A048901000027 
       22.0       50.3                                            A048901000028 
       21.0       72.8                                            A048901000029 
       20.0       101.                                            A048901000030 
       19.0       135.                                            A048901000031 
       18.0       176.                                            A048901000032 
       17.0       219.                                            A048901000033 
       16.0       272.                                            A048901000034 
       15.0       327.                                            A048901000035 
       14.0       370.                                            A048901000036 
       13.0       395.                                            A048901000037 
       12.0       398.                                            A048901000038 
       11.0       376.                                            A048901000039 
       10.0       330.                                            A048901000040 
        9.0       273.                                            A048901000041 
        8.0       196.                                            A048901000042 
        7.0       102.                                            A048901000043 
        6.0       23.7                                            A048901000044 
ENDDATA             27          0                                 A048901000045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 A048901099999 
SUBENT        A0489011   20240916                             A118A048901100001 
BIB                  4         11                                 A048901100002 
REACTION   (36-KR-83(P,2N)37-RB-82-M,,SIG)                        A048901100003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-82-M,6.47HR,DG,554.,0.625,                      A048901100004 
                              DG,619.,0.38,                       A048901100005 
                              DG,698.,0.264,                      A048901100006 
                              DG,777.,0.845,                      A048901100007 
                              DG,1044.,0.321,                     A048901100008 
                              DG,1317.,0.237,                     A048901100009 
                              DG,1475.,0.155)                     A048901100010 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-83,ENR=0.731) Isotopic composition of           A048901100011 
           Kr-gas samples - Kr-82-22%, Kr-83-73.1%, Kr-84-4.9%.   A048901100012 
HISTORY    (20240914T) SD: Part of Subent 004.                    A048901100013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 A048901100014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048901100015 
DATA                 2         18                                 A048901100016 
EN         DATA                                                   A048901100017 
MEV        MB                                                     A048901100018 
       29.5       154.                                            A048901100019 
       29.0       182.                                            A048901100020 
       28.0       242.                                            A048901100021 
       27.0       301.                                            A048901100022 
       26.0       352.                                            A048901100023 
       25.0       394.                                            A048901100024 
       24.0       426.                                            A048901100025 
        23.       442.                                            A048901100026 
       22.0       445.                                            A048901100027 
       21.0       433.                                            A048901100028 
       20.0       410.                                            A048901100029 
       19.0       382.                                            A048901100030 
       18.0       349.                                            A048901100031 
       17.0       301.                                            A048901100032 
       16.0       243.                                            A048901100033 
       15.0       165.                                            A048901100034 
       14.0       70.9                                            A048901100035 
       13.0       13.7                                            A048901100036 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 A048901100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 A048901199999 
SUBENT        A0489012   20240916                             A118A048901200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 A048901200002 
REACTION   (36-KR-83(P,N)37-RB-83,,SIG)                           A048901200003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-83,86.2D,DG,520.,0.46,                          A048901200004 
                           DG,530.,0.302,                         A048901200005 
                           DG,553.,0.163)                         A048901200006 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-83,ENR=0.731) Isotopic composition of           A048901200007 
           Kr-gas samples - Kr-82-22%, Kr-83-73.1%, Kr-84-4.9%.   A048901200008 
HISTORY    (20240914T) SD: Part of Subent 004.                    A048901200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 A048901200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048901200011 
DATA                 2         25                                 A048901200012 
EN         DATA                                                   A048901200013 
MEV        MB                                                     A048901200014 
       29.5       34.1                                            A048901200015 
       29.0       35.2                                            A048901200016 
       28.0       37.2                                            A048901200017 
       27.0       39.8                                            A048901200018 
       26.0       42.8                                            A048901200019 
       25.0       46.6                                            A048901200020 
       24.0       50.2                                            A048901200021 
        23.       55.3                                            A048901200022 
       22.0       61.1                                            A048901200023 
       21.0       68.5                                            A048901200024 
       20.0       78.8                                            A048901200025 
       19.0       95.0                                            A048901200026 
       18.0      121.0                                            A048901200027 
       17.0      176.0                                            A048901200028 
       16.0       306.                                            A048901200029 
       15.0       445.                                            A048901200030 
       14.0       552.                                            A048901200031 
       13.0       638.                                            A048901200032 
       12.0       671.                                            A048901200033 
       11.0       662.                                            A048901200034 
       10.0       601.                                            A048901200035 
        9.0       507.                                            A048901200036 
        8.0       402.                                            A048901200037 
        7.0       296.                                            A048901200038 
        6.0       203.                                            A048901200039 
ENDDATA             27          0                                 A048901200040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 A048901299999 
SUBENT        A0489013   20240916                             A118A048901300001 
BIB                  4          6                                 A048901300002 
REACTION   (36-KR-84(P,2N)37-RB-83,,SIG)                          A048901300003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-83,86.2D,DG,520.,0.46,                          A048901300004 
                           DG,530.,0.302,                         A048901300005 
                           DG,553.,0.163)                         A048901300006 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-84,NAT=0.570)                                   A048901300007 
HISTORY    (20240914T) SD: Part of Subent 005.                    A048901300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 A048901300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048901300010 
DATA                 2         18                                 A048901300011 
EN         DATA                                                   A048901300012 
MEV        MB                                                     A048901300013 
       29.5       332.                                            A048901300014 
       29.0       361.                                            A048901300015 
       28.0       412.                                            A048901300016 
       27.0       460.                                            A048901300017 
       26.0       504.                                            A048901300018 
       25.0       543.                                            A048901300019 
       24.0       582.                                            A048901300020 
       23.0       616.                                            A048901300021 
       22.0       642.                                            A048901300022 
       21.0       656.                                            A048901300023 
       20.0       652.                                            A048901300024 
       19.0       628.                                            A048901300025 
       18.0       597.                                            A048901300026 
       17.0       542.                                            A048901300027 
       16.0       455.                                            A048901300028 
       15.0       334.                                            A048901300029 
       14.0       195.                                            A048901300030 
       13.0       32.6                                            A048901300031 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 A048901300032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 A048901399999 
SUBENT        A0489014   20240916                             A118A048901400001 
BIB                  4          4                                 A048901400002 
REACTION   (36-KR-84(P,N)37-RB-84,,SIG)                           A048901400003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-G,32.8D,DG,882.,0.679)                       A048901400004 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-84,NAT=0.570)                                   A048901400005 
HISTORY    (20240914T) SD: Part of Subent 005.                    A048901400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 A048901400007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A048901400008 
DATA                 2         26                                 A048901400009 
EN         DATA                                                   A048901400010 
MEV        MB                                                     A048901400011 
       29.5       27.8                                            A048901400012 
       29.0       28.3                                            A048901400013 
       28.0       30.1                                            A048901400014 
       27.0       32.2                                            A048901400015 
       26.0       34.6                                            A048901400016 
       25.0       37.3                                            A048901400017 
       24.0       40.9                                            A048901400018 
       23.0       44.5                                            A048901400019 
       22.0       49.0                                            A048901400020 
       21.0       55.2                                            A048901400021 
       20.0       63.5                                            A048901400022 
       19.0       77.2                                            A048901400023 
       18.0       101.                                            A048901400024 
       17.0       139.                                            A048901400025 
       16.0       199.                                            A048901400026 
       15.0       287.                                            A048901400027 
       14.0       389.                                            A048901400028 
       13.0       474.                                            A048901400029 
       12.0       518.                                            A048901400030 
       11.0       508.                                            A048901400031 
       10.0       458.                                            A048901400032 
        9.0       383.                                            A048901400033 
        8.0       289.                                            A048901400034 
        7.0       199.                                            A048901400035 
        6.0       114.                                            A048901400036 
        5.0       53.2                                            A048901400037 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 A048901400038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 A048901499999 
ENDENTRY            14          0                                 A048999999999