ENTRY A0493 20240917 A118A049300000001 SUBENT A0493001 20240917 A118A049300100001 BIB 12 56 A049300100002 TITLE Small-angle proton elastic scattering from the A049300100003 neutron-rich isotopes 6-He and 8-He and from 4-He at A049300100004 0.7 GeV in inverse kinematics A049300100005 AUTHOR (S.R.Neumaier, G.D.Alkhazov, M.N.Andronenko, A049300100006 A.V.Dobrovolsky, P.Egelhof, G.E.Gavrilov, H.Geissel, A049300100007 H.Irnich, A.V.Khanzadeev, G.A.Korolev, A.A.Lobodenko, A049300100008 G.Muenzenberg, M.Mutterer, W.Schwab, D.M.Seliverstov, A049300100009 T.Suzuki, N.A.Timofeev, A.A.Vorobyov, V.I.Yatsoura) A049300100010 INSTITUTE (2GERGSI,2GERTHD,4RUSLIN) A049300100011 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Experiment A049300100012 REL-REF (I,,H.Geissel+,J,NIM/B,70,286,1992) fragment separator A049300100013 (I,,A.A.Vorobyov+,J,NIM,119,509,1974) Details of IKAR A049300100014 (I,,A.A.Vorobyov+,J,IET,24,1127,1981) Details of IKAR A049300100015 (I,,J.P.Burq+,J,NP/B,187,205,1981) Details of IKAR A049300100016 (I,,J.P.Burq+,J,NP/B,217,285,1983) Details of IKAR A049300100017 (A,,O.G.Grebenjuk+,J,NP/A,500,637,1989) - the data on A049300100018 p + 4He scattering at the proton energy Ep = 695 MeV A049300100019 FACILITY (SYNCH,2GERGSI) A049300100020 SAMPLE See INC-SOURCE A049300100021 DETECTOR (COIN,IOCH,MWPC) A049300100022 The detector IKAR consists of six in-line axial A049300100023 ionization chambers and has a 2-pi acceptance in A049300100024 azimuthal angle for the recoil proton registration. A049300100025 The main constituent is the ionization chamber IKAR, A049300100026 described in detail in REL-REF, filled with hydrogen A049300100027 gas at a pressure of 10 bar. Beam particles interacted A049300100028 with the protons inside IKAR, which thus served A049300100029 simultaneously as a target and a recoil proton A049300100030 detector. The recoil protons registered in IKAR were A049300100031 measured in coincidence with the scattered A049300100032 He particles. For the purpose of determining the A049300100033 scattering angle of the He particles, a system of A049300100034 tracking detectors was applied. It consisted of two A049300100035 pairs of two-dimensional position-sensitive multi-wire A049300100036 proportional chambers. A049300100037 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) The helium ions produced by fragmentation of A049300100038 18-O entered FRS and were separated according to their A049300100039 magnetic rigidity. The beam intensities were 1000 A049300100040 1/sec, with the duty factor between 25% and 50%. A049300100041 COMMENT By authors. The indicated energies correspond to the A049300100042 equivalent proton energies (in the laboratory frame) A049300100043 for the case of direct kinematics. A049300100044 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The uncertainty in the data normalization. A049300100045 (ERR-2) The uncertainty are the procedure for A049300100046 eliminating the tails from the angular resolution A049300100047 function is 2%. A049300100048 (ERR-3) Calibration of the t-scale is 1.5% A049300100049 (ERR-4) Error in the determination of the target A049300100050 thickness is 1%. A049300100051 HISTORY (20030228C) A049300100052 (20100406A) Correction for SF3=TOT and SF-EL in A049300100053 Subents 002-004 has been done. A049300100054 (20180126U) SD: Ref. PTE,5,31,1981 deleted from REL-REFA049300100055 (translation of this article is given in IET,24,1127).A049300100056 (20240917A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Several A049300100057 Subents were split according to EXFOR rules. A049300100058 ENDBIB 56 0 A049300100059 COMMON 4 3 A049300100060 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 A049300100061 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049300100062 3. 2. 1.5 1. A049300100063 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049300100064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 A049300199999 SUBENT A0493002 20240917 A118A049300200001 BIB 6 13 A049300200002 REACTION ((1-H-1(A,TOT),,SIG,,MSC)=(2-HE-4(P,TOT),,SIG,,MSC)) A049300200003 Cross section for strong interaction A049300200004 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters was used in A049300200005 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049300200006 Derived from extrapolated 0 deg angular differential A049300200007 cross section with the optical theorem A049300200008 REL-REF (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049300200009 Detail of Glauber calculation A049300200010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049300200011 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049300200012 (DEP,A0493005) Angular differential cross section A049300200013 HISTORY (20240917A) SD: Subent was split in three (see A049300200014 Subents 008, 009). A049300200015 ENDBIB 13 0 A049300200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049300200017 DATA 3 1 A049300200018 EN DATA ERR-T A049300200019 MEV/A MB MB A049300200020 702. 131.2 1.5 A049300200021 ENDDATA 3 0 A049300200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A049300299999 SUBENT A0493003 20240917 A118A049300300001 BIB 6 14 A049300300002 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-6,TOT),,SIG,,MSC)= A049300300003 (2-HE-6(P,TOT),,SIG,,MSC)) A049300300004 Cross section for strong interaction A049300300005 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters were used in A049300300006 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049300300007 Derived from extrapolated 0 deg angular differential A049300300008 cross section with the optical theorem A049300300009 REL-REF (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049300300010 Detail of Glauber calculation A049300300011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049300300012 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049300300013 (DEP,A0493006) Angular differential cross section A049300300014 HISTORY (20240917A) SD: Subent was split in three (see A049300300015 Subents 010, 011). A049300300016 ENDBIB 14 0 A049300300017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049300300018 DATA 3 1 A049300300019 EN DATA ERR-T A049300300020 MEV/A MB MB A049300300021 721. 198.9 4.6 A049300300022 ENDDATA 3 0 A049300300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A049300399999 SUBENT A0493004 20240917 A118A049300400001 BIB 6 14 A049300400002 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-8,TOT),,SIG,,MSC)= A049300400003 (2-HE-8(P,TOT),,SIG,,MSC)) A049300400004 Cross section for strong interaction A049300400005 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters were used in A049300400006 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049300400007 Derived from extrapolated 0 deg angular differential A049300400008 cross section with the optical theorem A049300400009 REL-REF (N,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049300400010 Detail of Glauber calculation A049300400011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049300400012 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049300400013 (DEP,A0493007) Angular differential cross section A049300400014 HISTORY (20240917A) SD: Subent was split in three (see A049300400015 Subents 012, 013). A049300400016 ENDBIB 14 0 A049300400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049300400018 DATA 3 1 A049300400019 EN DATA ERR-T A049300400020 MEV/A MB MB A049300400021 678. 252. 4.8 A049300400022 ENDDATA 3 0 A049300400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A049300499999 SUBENT A0493005 20240917 A118A049300500001 BIB 4 4 A049300500002 REACTION ((1-H-1(A,EL)1-H-1,,DT)=(2-HE-4(P,EL)2-HE-4,,DT)) A049300500003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties A049300500004 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 1 A049300500005 HISTORY (20240917U) SD: STATUS updated. A049300500006 ENDBIB 4 0 A049300500007 COMMON 1 3 A049300500008 EN A049300500009 MEV/A A049300500010 702. A049300500011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049300500012 DATA 3 16 A049300500013 -t DATA ERR-S A049300500014 GEV2/C2 MB/GEV2/C2 MB/GEV2/C2 A049300500015 0.00164 1665. 136. A049300500016 0.00211 1112. 112. A049300500017 0.00258 979. 95. A049300500018 0.00305 1066. 99. A049300500019 0.00352 907. 92. A049300500020 0.00399 937. 93. A049300500021 0.00469 863. 63. A049300500022 0.0054 789. 86. A049300500023 0.00657 838. 44. A049300500024 0.00835 773. 43. A049300500025 0.01023 681. 41. A049300500026 0.01211 610. 39. A049300500027 0.01398 662. 44. A049300500028 0.01586 558. 46. A049300500029 0.01774 461. 49. A049300500030 0.01961 548. 53. A049300500031 ENDDATA 18 0 A049300500032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 A049300599999 SUBENT A0493006 20240917 A118A049300600001 BIB 4 4 A049300600002 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-6,EL)1-H-1,,DT)=(2-HE-6(P,EL)2-HE-6,,DT)) A049300600003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties A049300600004 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 1 A049300600005 HISTORY (20240917U) SD: STATUS updated. A049300600006 ENDBIB 4 0 A049300600007 COMMON 1 3 A049300600008 EN A049300600009 MEV/A A049300600010 721. A049300600011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049300600012 DATA 3 38 A049300600013 -t DATA ERR-S A049300600014 GEV2/C2 MB/GEV2/C2 MB/GEV2/C2 A049300600015 0.00164 2757. 116. A049300600016 0.00211 2311. 106. A049300600017 0.00258 1970. 89. A049300600018 0.00305 1965. 88. A049300600019 0.00352 1747. 84. A049300600020 0.00399 1895. 87. A049300600021 0.00446 1688. 83. A049300600022 0.00493 1723. 83. A049300600023 0.0054 1596. 80. A049300600024 0.00657 1512. 39. A049300600025 0.008 1266. 51. A049300600026 0.00895 1332. 52. A049300600027 0.0099 1155. 49. A049300600028 0.01084 1207. 49. A049300600029 0.01179 1061. 47. A049300600030 0.01274 987. 45. A049300600031 0.01369 985. 45. A049300600032 0.01463 952. 45. A049300600033 0.01558 897. 44. A049300600034 0.01653 901. 44. A049300600035 0.01795 818. 33. A049300600036 0.01985 718. 31. A049300600037 0.02174 647. 30. A049300600038 0.02364 560. 28. A049300600039 0.02553 506. 27. A049300600040 0.02743 469. 29. A049300600041 0.02932 434. 33. A049300600042 0.03122 362. 30. A049300600043 0.03311 379. 31. A049300600044 0.03501 291. 27. A049300600045 0.0369 266. 26. A049300600046 0.0388 257. 26. A049300600047 0.04069 236. 31. A049300600048 0.04259 208. 29. A049300600049 0.04449 187. 28. A049300600050 0.04638 174. 27. A049300600051 0.04828 143. 25. A049300600052 0.05017 132. 24. A049300600053 ENDDATA 40 0 A049300600054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 A049300699999 SUBENT A0493007 20240917 A118A049300700001 BIB 4 4 A049300700002 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-8,EL)1-H-1,,DT)=(2-HE-8(P,EL)2-HE-8,,DT)) A049300700003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties A049300700004 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 1 A049300700005 HISTORY (20240917U) SD: STATUS updated. A049300700006 ENDBIB 4 0 A049300700007 COMMON 1 3 A049300700008 EN A049300700009 MEV/A A049300700010 678. A049300700011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049300700012 DATA 3 42 A049300700013 -t DATA ERR-S A049300700014 GEV2/C2 MB/GEV2/C2 MB/GEV2/C2 A049300700015 0.00164 3680. 136. A049300700016 0.00211 3448. 131. A049300700017 0.00258 3000. 111. A049300700018 0.00305 3126. 112. A049300700019 0.00352 2892. 110. A049300700020 0.00399 2581. 103. A049300700021 0.00446 2551. 105. A049300700022 0.00493 2526. 104. A049300700023 0.0061 2391. 50. A049300700024 0.00727 2103. 95. A049300700025 0.00809 1935. 64. A049300700026 0.00905 2001. 66. A049300700027 0.01002 1891. 64. A049300700028 0.01098 1638. 59. A049300700029 0.01195 1639. 59. A049300700030 0.01291 1510. 57. A049300700031 0.01388 1339. 55. A049300700032 0.01484 1342. 55. A049300700033 0.0158 1258. 53. A049300700034 0.01677 1156. 51. A049300700035 0.01773 1058. 49. A049300700036 0.0187 1006. 48. A049300700037 0.01966 916. 46. A049300700038 0.02063 858. 45. A049300700039 0.02159 820. 44. A049300700040 0.02256 855. 45. A049300700041 0.02352 694. 41. A049300700042 0.02449 698. 41. A049300700043 0.02545 684. 41. A049300700044 0.02641 667. 41. A049300700045 0.02786 614. 30. A049300700046 0.02979 551. 29. A049300700047 0.03172 487. 27. A049300700048 0.03365 448. 26. A049300700049 0.03558 438. 26. A049300700050 0.03751 363. 24. A049300700051 0.03944 304. 23. A049300700052 0.04136 307. 23. A049300700053 0.04329 281. 24. A049300700054 0.04522 239. 22. A049300700055 0.04715 173. 20. A049300700056 0.04908 169. 20. A049300700057 ENDDATA 44 0 A049300700058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 A049300799999 SUBENT A0493008 20240917 A118A049300800001 BIB 6 9 A049300800002 REACTION ((1-H-1(A,NON),,SIG)=(2-HE-4(P,NON),,SIG)) A049300800003 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters were used in A049300800004 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049300800005 REL-REF (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049300800006 Detail of Glauber calculation A049300800007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049300800008 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049300800009 (DEP,A0493005) Angular differential cross section A049300800010 HISTORY (20240917T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A049300800011 ENDBIB 9 0 A049300800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049300800013 DATA 3 1 A049300800014 EN DATA ERR-T A049300800015 MEV/A MB MB A049300800016 702. 99.8 0.9 A049300800017 ENDDATA 3 0 A049300800018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A049300899999 SUBENT A0493009 20240917 A118A049300900001 BIB 6 11 A049300900002 REACTION ((1-H-1(A,EL)1-H-1,,SIG,,MSC)= A049300900003 (2-HE-4(P,EL)2-HE-4,,SIG,,MSC)) A049300900004 Cross section for strong interaction A049300900005 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters were used in A049300900006 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049300900007 REL-REF (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049300900008 Detail of Glauber calculation A049300900009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049300900010 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049300900011 (DEP,A0493005) Angular differential cross section A049300900012 HISTORY (20240917T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A049300900013 ENDBIB 11 0 A049300900014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049300900015 DATA 3 1 A049300900016 EN DATA ERR-T A049300900017 MEV/A MB MB A049300900018 702. 31.4 0.7 A049300900019 ENDDATA 3 0 A049300900020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A049300999999 SUBENT A0493010 20240917 A118A049301000001 BIB 6 10 A049301000002 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-6,NON),,SIG)=(2-HE-6(P,NON),,SIG)) A049301000003 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters were used in A049301000004 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049301000005 Total cross section minus elastic cross section A049301000006 REL-REF (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049301000007 Detail of Glauber calculation A049301000008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049301000009 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049301000010 (DEP,A0493006) Angular differential cross section A049301000011 HISTORY (20240917T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A049301000012 ENDBIB 10 0 A049301000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049301000014 DATA 3 1 A049301000015 EN DATA ERR-T A049301000016 MEV/A MB MB A049301000017 721. 161.3 3.7 A049301000018 ENDDATA 3 0 A049301000019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A049301099999 SUBENT A0493011 20240917 A118A049301100001 BIB 6 11 A049301100002 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-6,EL)1-H-1,,SIG,,MSC)= A049301100003 (2-HE-6(P,EL)2-HE-6,,SIG,,MSC)) A049301100004 Cross section for strong interaction A049301100005 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters were used in A049301100006 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049301100007 REL-REF (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049301100008 Detail of Glauber calculation A049301100009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049301100010 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049301100011 (DEP,A0493006) Angular differential cross section A049301100012 HISTORY (20240917T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A049301100013 ENDBIB 11 0 A049301100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049301100015 DATA 3 1 A049301100016 EN DATA ERR-T A049301100017 MEV/A MB MB A049301100018 721. 37.6 1.2 A049301100019 ENDDATA 3 0 A049301100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A049301199999 SUBENT A0493012 20240917 A118A049301200001 BIB 6 10 A049301200002 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-8,NON),,SIG)=(2-HE-8(P,NON),,SIG)) A049301200003 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters were used in A049301200004 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049301200005 2Total cross section minus elastic cross section A049301200006 REL-REF (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049301200007 Detail of Glauber calculation A049301200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049301200009 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049301200010 (DEP,A0493007) Angular differential cross section A049301200011 HISTORY (20240917T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A049301200012 ENDBIB 10 0 A049301200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049301200014 DATA 3 1 A049301200015 EN DATA ERR-T A049301200016 MEV/A MB MB A049301200017 678. 197.8 3.5 A049301200018 ENDDATA 3 0 A049301200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A049301299999 SUBENT A0493013 20240917 A118A049301300001 BIB 6 14 A049301300002 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-8,EL)1-H-1,,SIG,,MSC)= A049301300003 (2-HE-8(P,EL)2-HE-8,,SIG,,MSC)) A049301300004 Cross section for strong interaction A049301300005 ANALYSIS Effective nucleon-nucleon parameters were used in A049301300006 Glauber calculation. See REL-REF. A049301300007 Extrapolation of angular differential cross section A049301300008 (A0493.007) to 0 deg by the Glauber model and A049301300009 integration. A049301300010 REL-REF (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,J,NP/A,712,269,2002) A049301300011 Detail of Glauber calculation A049301300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty A049301300013 STATUS (TABLE,,S.R.Neumaier+,J,NP/A,712,247,2002) Table 2 A049301300014 (DEP,A0493007) Angular differential cross section A049301300015 HISTORY (20240917T) SD: Part of Subent 004. A049301300016 ENDBIB 14 0 A049301300017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A049301300018 DATA 3 1 A049301300019 EN DATA ERR-T A049301300020 MEV/A MB MB A049301300021 678. 54.1 1.7 A049301300022 ENDDATA 3 0 A049301300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 A049301399999 ENDENTRY 13 0 A049399999999