ENTRY A0497 20240926 A119A049700000001 SUBENT A0497001 20240926 A119A049700100001 BIB 13 50 A049700100002 TITLE Production of Fe-52 via proton-induced reactions A049700100003 on manganese and nickel A049700100004 AUTHOR (G.F.Steyn,S.J.Mills,F.M.Nortier,B.R.S.Simpson, A049700100005 B.R.Meyer) A049700100006 INSTITUTE (3SAFNAC) A049700100007 REFERENCE (J,ARI,41,315,1990) A049700100008 DETECTOR (GE-IN) A049700100009 FACILITY (ISOCY,3SAFNAC) Separated-sector Cyclotron Facility A049700100010 ANALYSIS Cross-sections and radionuclide yields were calculated A049700100011 from the measured emission rates of the characteristic A049700100012 gamma-rays of the relevant activation products, making A049700100013 use of the decay data tables of Reus et al. (1983). A049700100014 METHOD (STTA,EXTB,ACTIV) A049700100015 For irradiation, the foil stacks were mounted either A049700100016 in one of the standard Faraday cups used for beam A049700100017 diagnostic purposes in the NAC external beam lines, A049700100018 or in a simple, more easily accessible stack holder A049700100019 at the end of one of the beam lines. A049700100020 CORRECTION All yields were corrected for decay losses during and A049700100021 after bombardment, and are therefore reported as A049700100022 (instantaneous) 'production rates', rather A049700100023 than 'yields'. A049700100024 Corrections for the decrease in beam current due to A049700100025 nonelastic nuclear interactions as the beam traversed A049700100026 the stacks were taken from the tabulation of A049700100027 Janni (1982) while the energy degradation in the stacksA049700100028 was computed by means of the stopping power expressionsA049700100029 of Anderson and Ziegler (1977). A049700100030 REL-REF (R,,J.F.Janni,J,AND,27,147,1982) see CORRECTION A049700100031 (R,,H.H.Anderson+,B,ANDERSEN,3,1,1977) see CORRECTION A049700100032 (R,,U.Reus+,J,AND,29,193,1983) see METHOD A049700100033 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty includes partial A049700100034 uncertainties described in Subents 002-009. A049700100035 COMMENT /By authors/ The total uncertainties in the cross- A049700100036 sections and production rates were obtained by A049700100037 summing all the contributing uncertainties in A049700100038 quadrature and were expressed with a 1 standard A049700100039 deviation (1 sigma) criterion. A049700100040 HISTORY (19910912C) A049700100041 (20140829A) SD: Updated to new date format, lower case.A049700100042 Corrections according to last EXFOR rules and Dict. A049700100043 BIB was updated in all Subents. A049700100044 (20170203A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. Page of the A049700100045 ref.J,AND,29,194... in REL-REF corrected (p.193). A049700100046 (20180527A) SD: REACTION code was updated according to A049700100047 MEMO CP-D/933rev. in Subents 003-004. A049700100048 (20190626A) SD: Corrections in Subents 006,007. A049700100049 (20210628A) SD: Corrections in Subents 005,006. A049700100050 (20231227A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A049700100051 (20240926A) SD: Correction in Subent 008. A049700100052 ENDBIB 50 0 A049700100053 COMMON 1 3 A049700100054 EN-ERR A049700100055 MEV A049700100056 1. A049700100057 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700100058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 A049700199999 SUBENT A0497002 20231227 A105A049700200001 BIB 8 29 A049700200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A049700200003 REL-REF (A,,J.Tobailem+,R,CEA-N-1466(3),1975) A049700200004 (A,D0505023,A.Grutter+,J,NP/A,383,98,1982) A049700200005 (A,O0501003,H.R.Heydegger+,J,PR/C,14,1506,1976) A049700200006 SAMPLE Each of the target foils was followed by a 250 mu-m A049700200007 high-purity Al catcher foil (99.999%). A049700200008 These foils also served as monitor foils for the A049700200009 accurate measurement of the incident proton flux. A049700200010 Additional beam degradation within the stacks, if A049700200011 required, was accomplished by means of suitable Al A049700200012 foils and/or Cu foils or discs. All the foils and discsA049700200013 had a diameter of 19 mm and their individual A049700200014 thicknesses were determined by weighing. A049700200015 METHOD (BCINT) The monitor reaction cross-sections were based A049700200016 on accurate Faraday-cup measurements. A049700200017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,4.2) The error due to counting statistics and A049700200018 photopeak integration as well as uncertainties in A049700200019 beam-loss corrections A049700200020 (ERR-1) The uncertainty in beam-loss corrections. A049700200021 (ERR-2) The uncertainty in detector efficiency. A049700200022 (ERR-3) The uncertainty in country geometry. A049700200023 (ERR-4) The uncertainty in decay corrections. A049700200024 (ERR-5) The uncertainty in the foil thickness. A049700200025 STATUS (TABLE,,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) Tbl.2 A049700200026 COMMENT /By authors/ The measured excitation function for A049700200027 the production of Na-22 in the bombardment of natural A049700200028 Al with protons used as monitor reaction in this work. A049700200029 HISTORY (20170203A) SD: METHOD was added. A049700200030 (20231227U) SD: STATUS updated. A049700200031 ENDBIB 29 0 A049700200032 COMMON 5 3 A049700200033 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 A049700200034 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049700200035 3. 5. 1. 1. 1. A049700200036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700200037 DATA 3 57 A049700200038 EN DATA ERR-T A049700200039 MEV MB MB A049700200040 199.6 14.96 0.92 A049700200041 193.3 15.22 0.93 A049700200042 187.5 15.75 0.97 A049700200043 181.0 16.05 1.00 A049700200044 174.3 16.34 1.03 A049700200045 169.1 16.67 1.07 A049700200046 163.2 16.90 1.09 A049700200047 157.2 16.85 1.10 A049700200048 151.8 17.03 1.13 A049700200049 146.0 17.30 1.16 A049700200050 141.3 17.19 1.17 A049700200051 136.4 17.72 1.23 A049700200052 131.4 17.71 1.25 A049700200053 126.3 17.97 1.28 A049700200054 121.5 18.15 1.32 A049700200055 119.4 18.08 1.13 A049700200056 113.7 18.77 1.17 A049700200057 107.0 19.07 1.19 A049700200058 101.4 19.66 1.23 A049700200059 95.6 19.81 1.25 A049700200060 93.2 19.79 1.20 A049700200061 91.0 19.87 1.21 A049700200062 88.8 20.00 1.22 A049700200063 86.6 19.87 1.21 A049700200064 84.4 20.71 1.26 A049700200065 82.1 20.00 1.22 A049700200066 79.7 20.19 1.24 A049700200067 77.3 20.30 1.25 A049700200068 74.8 20.33 1.25 A049700200069 72.3 21.69 1.34 A049700200070 69.7 21.92 1.36 A049700200071 67.0 22.69 1.41 A049700200072 65.7 23.04 1.39 A049700200073 64.1 23.80 1.44 A049700200074 62.4 24.91 1.51 A049700200075 60.7 25.93 1.57 A049700200076 59.0 26.95 1.63 A049700200077 57.2 28.25 1.71 A049700200078 55.4 30.55 1.85 A049700200079 53.5 33.05 2.00 A049700200080 51.5 35.13 2.13 A049700200081 49.6 38.34 2.32 A049700200082 47.5 40.74 2.47 A049700200083 45.4 43.05 2.61 A049700200084 43.2 43.46 2.64 A049700200085 40.9 41.37 2.52 A049700200086 39.2 36.57 2.21 A049700200087 38.0 32.70 1.98 A049700200088 36.7 27.72 1.68 A049700200089 35.4 21.96 1.34 A049700200090 34.1 15.96 0.98 A049700200091 32.8 9.874 0.612 A049700200092 31.4 5.262 0.336 A049700200093 29.9 2.094 0.145 A049700200094 28.4 0.671 0.060 A049700200095 26.8 0.181 0.028 A049700200096 25.2 0.035 0.015 A049700200097 ENDDATA 59 0 A049700200098 ENDSUBENT 97 0 A049700299999 SUBENT A0497003 20231227 A105A049700300001 BIB 7 21 A049700300002 REACTION 1(25-MN-55(P,4N)26-FE-52-G,,SIG) A049700300003 2(25-MN-55(P,4N)26-FE-52-G,,TTY/DEN,,PHY) A049700300004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A049700300005 METHOD The incident beam currents were determined from the A049700300006 22Na activity produced in the Al monitor foils in A049700300007 the stacks. A049700300008 SAMPLE The alloy of Mn/Ni(Mn-88%,Ni-12%) was used. A049700300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,4.2).The error due to counting statistics and A049700300010 photopeak integration as well as uncertainties in A049700300011 beam-loss corrections A049700300012 (ERR-1) The uncertainty in beam-loss corrections. A049700300013 (ERR-2) The uncertainty in detector efficiency. A049700300014 (ERR-3) The uncertainty in country geometry. A049700300015 (ERR-4) The uncertainty in decay corrections. A049700300016 (ERR-5) The uncertainty in the foil thickness. A049700300017 STATUS (TABLE,,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) Tbl.3 A049700300018 (DEP,A0497002) - MONITOR data A049700300019 HISTORY (20180527A) SD: SF6=TTY -> TTY/DEN; SF8=TM -> PHY in A049700300020 REACTION code (2). Value at Ep=174. MeV corrected. A049700300021 (20231227A) SD: SF4=Fe-52 -> Fe-52g in REACTION code. A049700300022 STATUS updated. A049700300023 ENDBIB 21 0 A049700300024 COMMON 5 3 A049700300025 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 A049700300026 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049700300027 6. 5. 1. 1. 1. A049700300028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700300029 DATA 5 46 A049700300030 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 A049700300031 MEV MB MB CI/AHR/MEV CI/AHR/MEV A049700300032 199.9 0.193 0.025 9.58 1.22 A049700300033 193.6 0.184 0.021 8.98 1.04 A049700300034 187.2 0.208 0.028 9.95 1.32 A049700300035 180.7 0.189 0.022 8.81 1.03 A049700300036 174.0 0.227 0.031 10.35 1.40 A049700300037 168.8 0.205 0.023 9.13 1.04 A049700300038 163.5 0.214 0.025 9.38 1.11 A049700300039 158.1 0.231 0.027 9.86 1.14 A049700300040 152.5 0.245 0.027 10.22 1.14 A049700300041 146.8 0.243 0.027 9.87 1.08 A049700300042 142.1 0.279 0.031 11.09 1.23 A049700300043 137.2 0.269 0.029 10.47 1.12 A049700300044 132.2 0.282 0.031 10.69 1.19 A049700300045 127.1 0.270 0.031 9.95 1.14 A049700300046 121.9 0.323 0.036 11.58 1.27 A049700300047 119.8 0.263 0.028 9.31 0.99 A049700300048 116.5 0.312 0.034 10.84 1.18 A049700300049 113.4 0.308 0.030 10.47 1.01 A049700300050 110.9 0.350 0.038 11.72 1.28 A049700300051 106.6 0.369 0.036 12.02 1.17 A049700300052 101.0 0.384 0.036 12.04 1.12 A049700300053 97.7 0.386 0.036 11.81 1.11 A049700300054 95.2 0.421 0.039 12.62 1.17 A049700300055 93.6 0.423 0.040 12.56 1.19 A049700300056 91.5 0.431 0.040 12.56 1.15 A049700300057 89.3 0.428 0.041 12.27 1.18 A049700300058 87.1 0.441 0.040 12.42 1.14 A049700300059 84.8 0.442 0.042 12.21 1.15 A049700300060 82.5 0.476 0.048 12.87 1.29 A049700300061 80.2 0.531 0.050 14.05 1.32 A049700300062 77.8 0.549 0.051 14.21 1.32 A049700300063 75.3 0.584 0.054 14.77 1.36 A049700300064 72.8 0.647 0.060 15.94 1.47 A049700300065 70.3 0.720 0.065 17.26 1.55 A049700300066 67.6 0.762 0.068 17.75 1.60 A049700300067 64.7 0.897 0.083 20.21 1.87 A049700300068 62.7 0.937 0.087 20.63 1.92 A049700300069 60.7 1.06 0.097 22.73 2.08 A049700300070 58.6 1.12 0.106 23.51 2.21 A049700300071 56.4 1.25 0.114 25.47 2.32 A049700300072 54.2 1.29 0.116 25.40 2.29 A049700300073 52.0 1.12 0.105 21.33 2.00 A049700300074 49.6 0.971 0.096 18.01 1.78 A049700300075 47.2 0.688 0.073 12.28 1.31 A049700300076 44.6 0.496 0.063 8.49 1.08 A049700300077 42.0 0.141 0.033 2.31 0.54 A049700300078 ENDDATA 48 0 A049700300079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 A049700399999 SUBENT A0497004 20231227 A105A049700400001 BIB 8 22 A049700400002 REACTION 1(28-NI-0(P,X)26-FE-52-G,,SIG) A049700400003 2(28-NI-0(P,X)26-FE-52-G,,TTY/DEN,,PHY) A049700400004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A049700400005 METHOD The incident beam currents were determined from the A049700400006 22Na activity produced in the Al monitor foils in A049700400007 the stacks. A049700400008 SAMPLE The high purity (99.98%) nickel foil. A049700400009 REL-REF (A,,S.Tanaka+,J,JIN,34,2419,1972) A049700400010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,4.2).The error due to counting statistics and A049700400011 photopeak integration as well as uncertainties in A049700400012 beam-loss corrections A049700400013 (ERR-1).The uncertainty in beam-loss corrections. A049700400014 (ERR-2).The uncertainty in detector efficiency. A049700400015 (ERR-3).The uncertainty in country geometry. A049700400016 (ERR-4).The uncertainty in decay corrections. A049700400017 (ERR-5).The uncertainty in the foil thickness. A049700400018 STATUS (TABLE,,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) Tbl.4 A049700400019 (DEP,A0497002) - MONITOR data A049700400020 HISTORY (20180527A) SD: SF1=Ni-50->Ni-0 in both REACTION codes.A049700400021 SF6=TTY -> TTY/DEN; SF8=TM -> PHY in REACTION code (2)A049700400022 (20231227A) SD: SF4=Fe-52 -> Fe-52g in REACTION code. A049700400023 STATUS updated. A049700400024 ENDBIB 22 0 A049700400025 COMMON 5 3 A049700400026 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 A049700400027 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049700400028 6. 5. 1. 1. 1. A049700400029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700400030 DATA 5 45 A049700400031 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 A049700400032 MEV MB MB CI/AHR/MEV CI/AHR/MEV A049700400033 199.4 2.22 0.18 100.3 8.33 A049700400034 193.2 2.16 0.18 95.81 8.01 A049700400035 186.8 2.26 0.19 98.23 8.20 A049700400036 180.2 2.30 0.19 97.76 8.25 A049700400037 173.5 2.27 0.19 94.03 8.03 A049700400038 168.3 2.44 0.22 98.90 8.78 A049700400039 163.0 2.35 0.20 93.37 8.09 A049700400040 157.5 2.33 0.20 90.73 7.94 A049700400041 152.0 2.29 0.20 87.04 7.58 A049700400042 146.3 2.31 0.21 85.55 7.60 A049700400043 141.5 2.34 0.21 84.82 7.53 A049700400044 136.6 2.36 0.22 83.28 7.80 A049700400045 131.7 2.29 0.21 79.01 7.18 A049700400046 126.5 2.25 0.21 75.40 7.15 A049700400047 121.3 2.22 0.21 72.20 6.76 A049700400048 119.2 2.20 0.19 71.52 6.32 A049700400049 112.7 2.15 0.18 66.55 5.60 A049700400050 106.0 2.14 0.19 63.19 5.67 A049700400051 99.1 2.10 0.20 59.33 5.57 A049700400052 97.0 2.08 0.20 57.69 5.43 A049700400053 95.0 2.10 0.20 57.40 5.43 A049700400054 92.8 2.04 0.20 54.80 5.26 A049700400055 90.7 2.12 0.21 56.00 5.27 A049700400056 88.5 2.00 0.19 51.91 5.06 A049700400057 86.3 2.00 0.19 51.02 4.97 A049700400058 84.0 1.96 0.20 48.99 4.88 A049700400059 81.7 2.04 0.21 50.04 5.20 A049700400060 79.4 2.05 0.21 49.22 5.14 A049700400061 76.9 2.26 0.22 53.10 5.21 A049700400062 74.5 2.32 0.23 53.13 5.23 A049700400063 71.9 2.35 0.23 52.41 5.21 A049700400064 69.3 2.66 0.26 57.77 5.57 A049700400065 66.6 2.79 0.27 58.86 5.69 A049700400066 65.3 2.79 0.25 57.95 5.19 A049700400067 63.7 2.75 0.23 55.92 4.71 A049700400068 62.0 2.70 0.23 53.80 4.55 A049700400069 60.3 2.58 0.22 50.50 4.24 A049700400070 58.5 2.46 0.21 47.08 4.07 A049700400071 56.7 2.01 0.18 37.43 3.32 A049700400072 54.9 1.56 0.14 28.35 2.56 A049700400073 53.0 1.20 0.12 21.25 2.14 A049700400074 51.1 0.691 0.058 11.91 1.01 A049700400075 49.1 0.409 0.071 6.89 1.19 A049700400076 47.0 0.203 0.067 3.31 1.10 A049700400077 44.9 0.070 0.026 1.15 0.42 A049700400078 ENDDATA 47 0 A049700400079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 A049700499999 SUBENT A0497005 20231227 A105A049700500001 BIB 7 19 A049700500002 REACTION (25-MN-55(P,4N)26-FE-52-G,,TTY,,PHY) A049700500003 SAMPLE The stacks of pressed tablets of MnCl(2). A049700500004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A049700500005 METHOD The incident beam currents were determined from the A049700500006 22Na activity produced in the Al monitor foils in A049700500007 the stacks. A049700500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,4.2).The error due to counting statistics and A049700500009 photopeak integration as well as uncertainties in A049700500010 beam-loss corrections A049700500011 (ERR-1) The uncertainty in beam-loss corrections. A049700500012 (ERR-2) The uncertainty in detector efficiency. A049700500013 (ERR-3) The uncertainty in country geometry. A049700500014 (ERR-4) The uncertainty in decay corrections. A049700500015 (ERR-5) The uncertainty in the foil thickness. A049700500016 STATUS (TABLE,,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) Tbl.5 A049700500017 (DEP,A0497002) - MONITOR data A049700500018 HISTORY (20210628A) SD: SF3=X -> 4N in REACTION code. A049700500019 (20231227A) SD: SF4=Fe-52 -> Fe-52g in REACTION code. A049700500020 STATUS updated. A049700500021 ENDBIB 19 0 A049700500022 COMMON 5 3 A049700500023 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 A049700500024 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049700500025 6. 5. 1. 1. 1. A049700500026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700500027 DATA 4 10 A049700500028 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA ERR-T A049700500029 MEV MEV MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A049700500030 99.23 94.30 56.77 4.61 A049700500031 94.30 89.16 64.41 5.22 A049700500032 89.16 83.79 70.71 5.72 A049700500033 83.79 78.20 78.31 6.33 A049700500034 78.20 72.36 89.20 7.20 A049700500035 72.36 66.09 110.43 8.92 A049700500036 66.09 59.28 157.36 12.81 A049700500037 59.28 51.89 173.75 14.30 A049700500038 51.89 43.53 87.03 7.26 A049700500039 43.53 33.63 2.76 0.31 A049700500040 ENDDATA 12 0 A049700500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 A049700599999 SUBENT A0497006 20231227 A105A049700600001 BIB 7 22 A049700600002 REACTION (25-MN-55(P,N)26-FE-55,,TTY,,PHY) A049700600003 SAMPLE The stacks of pressed tables of MnCl(2). A049700600004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A049700600005 METHOD The incident beam currents were determined from the A049700600006 22Na activity produced in the Al monitor foils in A049700600007 the stacks. A049700600008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) experimental uncertainty of 2% due to imperfectA049700600009 matching of the photomultiplier tubes A049700600010 (ERR-3,,2.5).The uncertainty in the beam-loss A049700600011 corrections. A049700600012 (ERR-4) The uncertainty in beam current integration. A049700600013 (ERR-5) The uncertainty in the thickness variations. A049700600014 (ERR-6) The uncertainties in the chemical separation A049700600015 losses and A049700600016 * the subtraction of the indirectly-produced 55Fe A049700600017 (via 55Co) from the measured 55Fe contents. A049700600018 STATUS (TABLE,,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) Tbl.5 A049700600019 (DEP,A0497002) - MONITOR data A049700600020 HISTORY (20190626A) SD: One of ERR-S -> ERR-T according to A049700600021 presentation in the article. A049700600022 (20210628A) SD: SF3=X -> N in REACTION code. A049700600023 (20231227U) SD: STATUS updated. A049700600024 ENDBIB 22 0 A049700600025 COMMON 4 3 A049700600026 ERR-S ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 A049700600027 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049700600028 2. 6. 1. 3. A049700600029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700600030 DATA 4 12 A049700600031 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA ERR-T A049700600032 MEV MEV MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A049700600033 99.23 94.30 0.274 0.024 A049700600034 94.30 89.16 0.288 0.025 A049700600035 89.16 83.79 0.301 0.022 A049700600036 83.79 78.20 0.351 0.025 A049700600037 78.20 72.36 0.370 0.027 A049700600038 72.36 66.09 0.397 0.029 A049700600039 66.09 59.28 0.482 0.042 A049700600040 59.28 51.89 0.553 0.049 A049700600041 51.89 43.55 0.668 0.049 A049700600042 43.55 33.63 0.867 0.065 A049700600043 33.63 20.65 3.01 0.23 A049700600044 20.65 0. 5.87 0.44 A049700600045 ENDDATA 14 0 A049700600046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 A049700699999 SUBENT A0497007 20231227 A105A049700700001 BIB 7 20 A049700700002 REACTION (28-NI-0(P,X)26-FE-52-G,,TTY,,PHY) A049700700003 SAMPLE The stacks of Ni powder(99.5%) was used. A049700700004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A049700700005 METHOD The incident beam currents were determined from the A049700700006 22Na activity produced in the Al monitor foils in A049700700007 the stacks. A049700700008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,4.2) The error due to counting statistics and A049700700009 photopeak integration as well as uncertainties in A049700700010 beam-loss corrections A049700700011 (ERR-1) The uncertainty in beam-loss corrections. A049700700012 (ERR-2) The uncertainty in detector efficiency. A049700700013 (ERR-3) The uncertainty in country geometry. A049700700014 (ERR-4) The uncertainty in decay corrections. A049700700015 (ERR-5) The uncertainty in the foil thickness. A049700700016 STATUS (TABLE,,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) Tbl.6 A049700700017 (DEP,A0497002) - MONITOR data A049700700018 HISTORY (20190626A) SD: ERR-S -> ERR-T in the DATA section A049700700019 according to presentation in the article. A049700700020 (20231227A) SD: SF4=Fe-52 -> Fe-52g in REACTION code. A049700700021 STATUS updated. A049700700022 ENDBIB 20 0 A049700700023 COMMON 5 3 A049700700024 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 A049700700025 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049700700026 6. 5. 1. 1. 1. A049700700027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700700028 DATA 4 12 A049700700029 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA ERR-T A049700700030 MEV MEV MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A049700700031 99.81 96.09 215.60 18.37 A049700700032 96.09 92.27 206.20 17.35 A049700700033 92.27 88.33 206.20 18.37 A049700700034 88.33 84.25 213.11 19.41 A049700700035 84.25 80.02 207.30 18.24 A049700700036 80.02 75.62 215.73 18.57 A049700700037 75.62 71.02 239.03 20.70 A049700700038 71.02 66.19 265.40 22.88 A049700700039 66.19 61.07 292.82 25.21 A049700700040 61.07 55.61 267.43 23.43 A049700700041 55.61 49.72 119.48 12.64 A049700700042 49.72 43.28 27.94 6.76 A049700700043 ENDDATA 14 0 A049700700044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 A049700799999 SUBENT A0497008 20240926 A119A049700800001 BIB 9 31 A049700800002 REACTION 1(28-NI-0(P,X)27-CO-55,,TTY,,PHY/MSC) A049700800003 Ni(p,x)55Co -> 55Fe part of 55Fe production A049700800004 2(28-NI-0(P,X)26-FE-55,,TTY,,PHY) A049700800005 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A049700800006 METHOD The incident beam currents were determined from the A049700800007 22Na activity produced in the Al monitor foils in A049700800008 the stacks. A049700800009 SAMPLE The stacks of Ni powder(99.5%) was used. A049700800010 MISC-COL Ni(p,x)55Co -> 55Fe part of 55Fe production A049700800011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The total uncertainty in the liquid- A049700800012 scintillation data. A049700800013 (ERR-1,,2.5) The uncertainty in the beam-loss A049700800014 corrections. A049700800015 (ERR-2) The uncertainty in beam current integration. A049700800016 (ERR-3) The uncertainty in the thickness variations. A049700800017 (ERR-4) The uncertainties in the chemical separation A049700800018 losses and A049700800019 * the subtraction of the indirectly-produced 55Fe A049700800020 (via 55Co) from the measured 55Fe contents. A049700800021 COMMENT From Dr. G.F.Steyn (2014-09-02): The Ni(p,x)55Co yield A049700800022 used for the correction (REATION (1)) is from the A049700800023 measurement on the same set of Ni targets, but it is A049700800024 unpublished and no longer available. A049700800025 From Dr. N.Otsuka (24.09.2024): It actually gives A049700800026 Ni(p,x)55Co decay contribution used for subtraction of A049700800027 the decay contribution to obtain the 008.2 dataset. A049700800028 STATUS (TABLE,,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) Tbl.6 A049700800029 (DEP,A0497002) - MONITOR data A049700800030 HISTORY (20231227A) SD: SF5=IND in REACTION code (2) deleted. A049700800031 STATUS updated. A049700800032 (20240926A) SD: SF4=Fe-55 -> Co-55 in REACTION (1). A049700800033 ENDBIB 31 0 A049700800034 COMMON 4 3 A049700800035 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 A049700800036 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049700800037 3. 6. 1. 3. A049700800038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700800039 DATA 6 14 A049700800040 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 1ERR-T 1A049700800041 MEV MEV MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A049700800042 99.81 96.09 2.470 0.197 0.867 0.076A049700800043 96.09 92.27 2.636 0.210 0.918 0.080A049700800044 92.27 88.33 2.731 0.198 0.891 0.078A049700800045 88.33 84.25 2.677 0.215 0.959 0.084A049700800046 84.25 80.02 2.815 0.226 0.982 0.086A049700800047 80.02 75.62 2.852 0.231 0.997 0.088A049700800048 75.62 71.02 2.981 0.242 1.062 0.092A049700800049 71.02 66.19 3.238 0.263 1.122 0.095A049700800050 66.19 61.07 3.457 0.285 1.230 0.108A049700800051 61.07 55.61 3.665 0.305 1.357 0.118A049700800052 55.61 49.72 3.972 0.322 1.230 0.109A049700800053 49.72 43.28 3.327 0.269 0.889 0.081A049700800054 43.28 36.02 1.459 0.119 0.348 0.038A049700800055 36.02 27.41 0.300 0.047 0.196 0.039A049700800056 ENDDATA 16 0 A049700800057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 A049700899999 SUBENT A0497009 20231227 A105A049700900001 BIB 7 21 A049700900002 REACTION (28-NI-0(P,X)26-FE-59,,TTY,,PHY) A049700900003 SAMPLE The stacks of Ni powder(99.5%) was used. A049700900004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A049700900005 METHOD The incident beam currents were determined from the A049700900006 22Na activity produced in the Al monitor foils in A049700900007 the stacks. A049700900008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The total uncertainty in the liquid- A049700900009 scintillation data. A049700900010 (ERR-1) An uncertainty in the correction for the effectA049700900011 of the Fe-59 gamma-activity. A049700900012 (ERR-2,,2.5) The uncertainty in the beam-loss A049700900013 corrections. A049700900014 (ERR-3) The uncertainty in beam current integration. A049700900015 (ERR-4) The uncertainty in the thickness variations. A049700900016 (ERR-5) The uncertainties in the chemical separation A049700900017 losses and A049700900018 * the subtraction of the indirectly-produced 55Fe A049700900019 (via 55Co) from the measured 55Fe contents. A049700900020 STATUS (TABLE,,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) Tbl.6 A049700900021 (DEP,A0497002) - MONITOR data A049700900022 HISTORY (20231227U) SD: STATUS updated. A049700900023 ENDBIB 21 0 A049700900024 COMMON 5 3 A049700900025 ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 A049700900026 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A049700900027 3. 2. 6. 1. 3. A049700900028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A049700900029 DATA 4 15 A049700900030 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA ERR-T A049700900031 MEV MEV MUCI/MUAHR MUCI/MUAHR A049700900032 99.81 96.09 115.60E-3 10.42E-3 A049700900033 96.09 92.27 124.20E-3 11.22E-3 A049700900034 92.27 88.33 120.60E-3 10.88E-3 A049700900035 88.33 84.25 118.55E-3 10.51E-3 A049700900036 84.25 80.02 110.72E-3 10.17E-3 A049700900037 80.02 75.62 111.60E-3 10.12E-3 A049700900038 75.62 71.02 110.92E-3 9.26E-3 A049700900039 71.02 66.19 99.91E-3 9.16E-3 A049700900040 66.19 61.07 99.31E-3 9.12E-3 A049700900041 61.07 55.61 82.62E-3 7.91E-3 A049700900042 55.61 49.72 77.69E-3 7.38E-3 A049700900043 49.72 43.28 72.06E-3 7.03E-3 A049700900044 43.28 36.02 58.53E-3 6.02E-3 A049700900045 36.02 27.41 23.39E-3 3.02E-3 A049700900046 27.41 15.89 8.81E-3 1.92E-3 A049700900047 ENDDATA 17 0 A049700900048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 A049700999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 A049799999999