ENTRY A0500 20231227 A105A050000000001 SUBENT A0500001 20231227 A105A050000100001 BIB 12 37 A050000100002 TITLE Excitation functions and production rates of relevance A050000100003 to the production of In-111 by proton bombardment of A050000100004 Cd-nat and In-nat up to 100 MeV. A050000100005 AUTHOR (F.M.Nortier,S.J.Mills,G.F.Steyn) A050000100006 INSTITUTE (3SAFNAC) A050000100007 REFERENCE (J,ARI,41,1201,1990) A050000100008 DETECTOR (GE-IN) Intrinsic Ge detector with a relative A050000100009 efficiency of 13% and a resolution of 1.8 keV FWHM A050000100010 at 1.33 MeV. A050000100011 FACILITY (ISOCY,3SAFNAC) A050000100012 ADD-RES (COMP).The computer code 'ALICE'. A050000100013 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) A050000100014 MONIT-REF (A0497002,G.F.Steyn+,J,ARI,41,315,1990) A050000100015 METHOD (EXTB,STTA,ACTIV) A050000100016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainties in the cross-sections A050000100017 and production rates were obtained by summing all the A050000100018 contributing uncertainties in quadrature. They are A050000100019 expressed with a 68% confidence level,and consist of: A050000100020 * a variable component, due to counting statistics andA050000100021 photopeak integration; A050000100022 (ERR-1,,1.4) The error in beam-loss corrections; A050000100023 (ERR-2) Comprising uncertainties in beam current; A050000100024 (ERR-3) The error in the detector efficiency; A050000100025 (ERR-4) The error in counting geometry; A050000100026 (ERR-5) The error in decay corrections; A050000100027 (ERR-6) The error in foil thickness; A050000100028 (EN-ERR) The uncertainties in incident energies. A050000100029 HISTORY (19911023C) A050000100030 (19920714U) A050000100031 (20160212A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. A050000100032 SF4 corrected in REACTION code in Subent 002 according A050000100033 to author's remark. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T in Subents 02,03.A050000100034 Info from COMMENT moved to ERR-ANALYS.ERR-ANALYS updateA050000100035 MONITOR added. DECAY-DATA were added to Subent 002. A050000100036 (20170203A) SD: Major revision in 003. A050000100037 (20231227A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subents A050000100038 were split. A050000100039 ENDBIB 37 0 A050000100040 COMMON 6 3 A050000100041 EN-ERR ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 A050000100042 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A050000100043 1. 6. 5. 1. 1. 1.A050000100044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A050000100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A050000199999 SUBENT A0500002 20231227 A105A050000200001 BIB 5 11 A050000200002 REACTION (48-CD-0(P,X)49-IN-109,,SIG) A050000200003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR) A050000200004 SAMPLE Natural high-purity Cd foils (99.95%), 125 mu-m thick. A050000200005 Each target foil was followed by a 250 mu-m high-purityA050000200006 Al monitor foil (99.999%) for the accurate measurement A050000200007 of the incident proton flux. A050000200008 STATUS (TABLE,,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,41,1201,1990) Tbl. 1 A050000200009 HISTORY (20160212A) SD: SF4=In-110m -> In-110g in REACTION (2) A050000200010 code according to author's remark. A050000200011 (20231227A) SD: STATUS updated. Data correction at A050000200012 E=65.7 MeV (98.7 -> 98.6 mb). Subent was split in four.A050000200013 ENDBIB 11 0 A050000200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A050000200015 DATA 3 34 A050000200016 EN DATA ERR-T A050000200017 MEV MB MB A050000200018 98.5 34.9 2.8 A050000200019 95.8 38.3 3.1 A050000200020 93.1 39.9 3.2 A050000200021 90.4 43.6 3.5 A050000200022 87.6 45.3 3.6 A050000200023 84.7 49.0 3.9 A050000200024 81.8 52.9 4.3 A050000200025 78.7 57.9 4.7 A050000200026 75.6 66.1 5.3 A050000200027 72.4 73.4 5.9 A050000200028 69.1 82.6 6.7 A050000200029 65.7 98.6 7.9 A050000200030 62.9 95.9 7.7 A050000200031 60.1 96.6 7.7 A050000200032 57.1 100.2 8.0 A050000200033 54.0 109.8 8.8 A050000200034 50.8 126.2 10.1 A050000200035 47.4 143.5 11.5 A050000200036 44.9 150.2 12.1 A050000200037 42.3 146.3 11.8 A050000200038 39.5 137.0 11.0 A050000200039 37.9 132.0 10.6 A050000200040 36.1 122.9 9.9 A050000200041 34.3 117.7 9.4 A050000200042 32.4 116.8 9.4 A050000200043 30.5 127.5 10.2 A050000200044 28.4 140.7 11.3 A050000200045 26.2 153.0 12.3 A050000200046 23.9 133.6 10.7 A050000200047 21.4 109.9 8.8 A050000200048 18.6 93.8 7.5 A050000200049 16.9 69.3 5.6 A050000200050 15.0 25.9 2.1 A050000200051 13.0 1.8 0.3 A050000200052 ENDDATA 36 0 A050000200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A050000299999 SUBENT A0500003 20231227 A105A050000300001 BIB 5 9 A050000300002 REACTION (49-IN-0(P,X)50-SN-109,,SIG) A050000300003 REL-REF (D,A0506002,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,42,1105,1991) A050000300004 SAMPLE Each 125 mu-m thick high-purity In foil(99.99%) was A050000300005 sandwiched between two 20 mu-m Al microfoils for A050000300006 excluding local melting and subsequent sticking of A050000300007 the foils. A050000300008 STATUS (TABLE,,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,41,1201,1990) Tbl. 3 A050000300009 HISTORY (20170218A) SD: Data from Tbl.3 were added. A050000300010 (20231227A) SD:STATUS updated. Subent was split in fourA050000300011 ENDBIB 9 0 A050000300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A050000300013 DATA 3 15 A050000300014 EN DATA ERR-T A050000300015 MEV MB MB A050000300016 98.1 21.8 2.2 A050000300017 95.5 28.1 3.5 A050000300018 92.8 21.9 2.2 A050000300019 90.0 28.0 3.7 A050000300020 87.2 32.0 4.1 A050000300021 84.4 24.5 2.5 A050000300022 81.4 16.7 3.4 A050000300023 78.4 4.6 0.5 A050000300024 75.3 16.6 3.5 A050000300025 72.1 6.3 1.2 A050000300026 68.8 6.3 1.6 A050000300027 65.2 3.9 0.6 A050000300028 62.4 4.8 0.8 A050000300029 59.6 3.1 0.6 A050000300030 56.6 2.8 0.7 A050000300031 ENDDATA 17 0 A050000300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 A050000399999 SUBENT A0500004 20231227 A105A050000400001 BIB 5 8 A050000400002 REACTION (48-CD-0(P,X)49-IN-110-G,,SIG) A050000400003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-G,4.9HR) A050000400004 SAMPLE Natural high-purity Cd foils (99.95%), 125mu-m thick. A050000400005 Each target foil was followed by a 250 mu-m high-purityA050000400006 Al monitor foil (99.999%) for the accurate measurement A050000400007 of the incident proton flux. A050000400008 STATUS (TABLE,,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,41,1201,1990) Tbl. 1 A050000400009 HISTORY (20231227T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A050000400010 ENDBIB 8 0 A050000400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A050000400012 DATA 3 36 A050000400013 EN DATA ERR-T A050000400014 MEV MB MB A050000400015 98.5 17.3 1.4 A050000400016 95.8 19.5 1.6 A050000400017 93.1 20.6 1.7 A050000400018 90.4 22.9 1.8 A050000400019 87.6 24.1 1.9 A050000400020 84.7 26.5 2.1 A050000400021 81.8 28.0 2.3 A050000400022 78.7 31.0 2.5 A050000400023 75.6 33.5 2.7 A050000400024 72.4 36.5 2.9 A050000400025 69.1 40.9 3.3 A050000400026 65.7 48.7 3.9 A050000400027 62.9 57.2 4.6 A050000400028 60.1 68.3 5.5 A050000400029 57.1 81.0 6.5 A050000400030 54.0 88.3 7.1 A050000400031 50.8 86.7 7.0 A050000400032 47.4 80.9 6.5 A050000400033 44.9 77.8 6.3 A050000400034 42.3 83.8 6.8 A050000400035 39.5 102.6 8.2 A050000400036 37.9 116.8 9.4 A050000400037 36.1 124.5 10.0 A050000400038 34.3 125.4 10.1 A050000400039 32.4 120.7 9.7 A050000400040 30.5 111.9 9.0 A050000400041 28.4 101.1 8.1 A050000400042 26.2 81.3 6.5 A050000400043 23.9 57.0 4.6 A050000400044 21.4 50.4 4.1 A050000400045 18.6 44.2 3.6 A050000400046 16.9 39.7 3.2 A050000400047 15.0 29.5 2.4 A050000400048 13.0 16.0 1.3 A050000400049 10.7 6.0 0.5 A050000400050 8.0 1.0 0.1 A050000400051 ENDDATA 38 0 A050000400052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 A050000499999 SUBENT A0500005 20231227 A105A050000500001 BIB 4 8 A050000500002 REACTION (48-CD-0(P,X)49-IN-111,,SIG) A050000500003 SAMPLE Natural high-purity Cd foils (99.95%), 125 mu-m thick. A050000500004 Each target foil was followed by a 250 mu-m high-purityA050000500005 Al monitor foil (99.999%) for the accurate measurement A050000500006 of the incident proton flux. A050000500007 STATUS (TABLE,,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,41,1201,1990) Tbl. 1 A050000500008 HISTORY (20231227T) SD: Part of Subent 002 with correction at A050000500009 E=10.7 MeV (2.3->72.3 mb). A050000500010 ENDBIB 8 0 A050000500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A050000500012 DATA 3 37 A050000500013 EN DATA ERR-T A050000500014 MEV MB MB A050000500015 98.5 31.2 2.5 A050000500016 95.8 33.6 2.7 A050000500017 93.1 35.2 2.8 A050000500018 90.4 36.9 3.0 A050000500019 87.6 39.5 3.2 A050000500020 84.7 42.1 3.4 A050000500021 81.8 44.7 3.6 A050000500022 78.7 47.4 3.8 A050000500023 75.6 52.9 4.3 A050000500024 72.4 57.4 4.6 A050000500025 69.1 64.5 5.2 A050000500026 65.7 72.1 5.8 A050000500027 62.9 76.5 6.1 A050000500028 60.1 81.6 6.5 A050000500029 57.1 88.2 7.1 A050000500030 54.0 101.6 8.1 A050000500031 50.8 126.4 10.1 A050000500032 47.4 168.7 13.5 A050000500033 44.9 207.1 16.6 A050000500034 42.3 237.8 19.1 A050000500035 39.5 240.5 19.2 A050000500036 37.9 232.8 18.6 A050000500037 36.1 221.6 17.7 A050000500038 34.3 204.8 16.4 A050000500039 32.4 189.8 15.2 A050000500040 30.5 186.4 14.9 A050000500041 28.4 204.5 16.4 A050000500042 26.2 261.6 20.9 A050000500043 23.9 315.8 25.3 A050000500044 21.4 294.7 23.6 A050000500045 18.6 256.7 20.6 A050000500046 16.9 238.4 19.1 A050000500047 15.0 203.4 16.3 A050000500048 13.0 133.7 10.7 A050000500049 10.7 72.3 5.8 A050000500050 8.0 24.1 1.9 A050000500051 4.1 1.2 0.1 A050000500052 ENDDATA 39 0 A050000500053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A050000599999 SUBENT A0500006 20231227 A105A050000600001 BIB 5 8 A050000600002 REACTION (48-CD-0(P,X)49-IN-114-M,,SIG) A050000600003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M,49.51D) A050000600004 SAMPLE Natural high-purity Cd foils (99.95%), 125mu-m thick. A050000600005 Each target foil was followed by a 250 mu-m high-purityA050000600006 Al monitor foil (99.999%) for the accurate measurement A050000600007 of the incident proton flux. A050000600008 STATUS (TABLE,,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,41,1201,1990) Tbl. 1 A050000600009 HISTORY (20231227T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A050000600010 ENDBIB 8 0 A050000600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A050000600012 DATA 3 37 A050000600013 EN DATA ERR-T A050000600014 MEV MB MB A050000600015 98.5 3.0 0.3 A050000600016 95.8 3.2 0.3 A050000600017 93.1 3.2 0.3 A050000600018 90.4 3.5 0.3 A050000600019 87.6 3.7 0.3 A050000600020 84.7 4.0 0.3 A050000600021 81.8 4.3 0.4 A050000600022 78.7 3.9 0.3 A050000600023 75.6 4.4 0.4 A050000600024 72.4 4.8 0.4 A050000600025 69.1 5.1 0.4 A050000600026 65.7 5.2 0.4 A050000600027 62.9 5.5 0.5 A050000600028 60.1 6.4 0.5 A050000600029 57.1 6.7 0.6 A050000600030 54.0 7.1 0.6 A050000600031 50.8 7.9 0.7 A050000600032 47.4 8.9 0.7 A050000600033 44.9 10.3 0.8 A050000600034 42.3 13.1 1.1 A050000600035 39.5 17.0 1.4 A050000600036 37.9 20.3 1.7 A050000600037 36.1 26.1 2.1 A050000600038 34.3 34.8 2.8 A050000600039 32.4 47.0 3.8 A050000600040 30.5 57.8 4.6 A050000600041 28.4 64.4 5.2 A050000600042 26.2 62.4 5.0 A050000600043 23.9 50.9 4.1 A050000600044 21.4 26.8 2.2 A050000600045 18.6 11.8 1.0 A050000600046 16.9 16.1 1.3 A050000600047 15.0 29.7 2.4 A050000600048 13.0 60.2 4.8 A050000600049 10.7 70.1 5.6 A050000600050 8.0 21.3 1.7 A050000600051 4.1 0.7 0.2 A050000600052 ENDDATA 39 0 A050000600053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A050000699999 SUBENT A0500007 20231227 A105A050000700001 BIB 4 8 A050000700002 REACTION (49-IN-0(P,X)50-SN-110,,SIG) A050000700003 SAMPLE Each 125 mu-m thick high-purity In foil(99.99%) was A050000700004 sandwiched between two 20 mu-m Al microfoils for A050000700005 excluding local melting and subsequent sticking of A050000700006 the foils. A050000700007 STATUS (TABLE,,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,41,1201,1990) Tbl. 3 A050000700008 HISTORY (20170218A) SD: Data from Tbl.3 were added. A050000700009 (20231227T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A050000700010 ENDBIB 8 0 A050000700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A050000700012 DATA 3 23 A050000700013 EN DATA ERR-T A050000700014 MEV MB MB A050000700015 98.1 31.4 2.5 A050000700016 95.5 33.8 2.7 A050000700017 92.8 37.0 3.0 A050000700018 90.0 40.4 3.3 A050000700019 87.2 45.9 3.7 A050000700020 84.4 53.2 4.3 A050000700021 81.4 61.3 4.9 A050000700022 78.4 71.2 5.7 A050000700023 75.3 84.5 6.8 A050000700024 72.1 93.7 7.6 A050000700025 68.8 94.5 7.7 A050000700026 65.2 79.5 6.4 A050000700027 62.4 58.4 4.7 A050000700028 59.6 33.5 2.7 A050000700029 56.6 16.5 1.3 A050000700030 53.5 11.0 0.9 A050000700031 50.3 12.9 1.0 A050000700032 46.9 15.3 1.2 A050000700033 44.4 15.5 1.3 A050000700034 41.8 12.4 1.0 A050000700035 38.8 8.0 0.6 A050000700036 36.3 3.6 0.3 A050000700037 33.7 0.7 0.1 A050000700038 ENDDATA 25 0 A050000700039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A050000799999 SUBENT A0500008 20231227 A105A050000800001 BIB 6 11 A050000800002 REACTION (49-IN-0(P,X)50-SN-111,,SIG) A050000800003 REL-REF (D,A0506002,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,42,1105,1991) A050000800004 SAMPLE Each 125 mu-m thick high-purity In foil(99.99%) was A050000800005 sandwiched between two 20 mu-m Al microfoils for A050000800006 excluding local melting and subsequent sticking of A050000800007 the foils. A050000800008 STATUS (TABLE,,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,41,1201,1990) Tbl. 3 A050000800009 COMMENT F.M.Nortier (2017-02-18): 111Sn production cross A050000800010 section at 65.2 MeV in Table 3 should read A050000800011 126.4+/-11.4 mb instead of 26.4+/-11.4 mb. A050000800012 HISTORY (20231227T) SD: Part of Subent 003. A050000800013 ENDBIB 11 0 A050000800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A050000800015 DATA 3 26 A050000800016 EN DATA ERR-T A050000800017 MEV MB MB A050000800018 98.1 30.5 4.8 A050000800019 95.5 21.7 5.0 A050000800020 92.8 34.3 4.9 A050000800021 90.0 28.1 6.5 A050000800022 87.2 33.5 6.0 A050000800023 84.4 47.4 5.7 A050000800024 81.4 39.2 6.9 A050000800025 78.4 48.8 6.0 A050000800026 75.3 52.3 7.7 A050000800027 72.1 68.4 7.7 A050000800028 68.8 91.7 11.0 A050000800029 65.2 126.4 11.1 A050000800030 62.4 161.5 14.0 A050000800031 59.6 179.4 15.5 A050000800032 56.6 191.5 16.7 A050000800033 53.5 176.0 15.5 A050000800034 50.3 131.9 12.2 A050000800035 46.9 68.0 7.0 A050000800036 44.4 24.0 3.6 A050000800037 41.8 9.2 2.6 A050000800038 38.8 14.6 1.5 A050000800039 36.3 20.1 2.0 A050000800040 33.7 25.8 2.5 A050000800041 30.9 27.5 2.6 A050000800042 27.8 17.7 1.9 A050000800043 24.6 8.7 1.3 A050000800044 ENDDATA 28 0 A050000800045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 A050000899999 SUBENT A0500009 20231227 A105A050000900001 BIB 5 8 A050000900002 REACTION (49-IN-0(P,X)50-SN-113,,SIG) A050000900003 REL-REF (D,A0506002,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,42,1105,1991) A050000900004 SAMPLE Each 125 mu-m thick high-purity In foil(99.99%) was A050000900005 sandwiched between two 20 mu-m Al microfoils for A050000900006 excluding local melting and subsequent sticking of A050000900007 the foils. A050000900008 STATUS (TABLE,,F.M.Nortier+,J,ARI,41,1201,1990) Tbl. 3 A050000900009 HISTORY (20231227T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A050000900010 ENDBIB 8 0 A050000900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A050000900012 DATA 3 31 A050000900013 EN DATA ERR-T A050000900014 MEV MB MB A050000900015 98.1 36.2 3.0 A050000900016 95.5 37.4 3.1 A050000900017 92.8 41.0 3.3 A050000900018 90.0 41.7 3.4 A050000900019 87.2 42.9 3.5 A050000900020 84.4 46.2 3.8 A050000900021 81.4 48.6 4.0 A050000900022 78.4 50.9 4.2 A050000900023 75.3 55.4 4.6 A050000900024 72.1 58.4 4.8 A050000900025 68.8 60.5 5.0 A050000900026 65.2 66.9 5.4 A050000900027 62.4 72.0 5.8 A050000900028 59.6 78.6 6.3 A050000900029 56.6 85.2 6.9 A050000900030 53.5 97.4 7.8 A050000900031 50.3 111.5 9.0 A050000900032 46.9 136.0 11.0 A050000900033 44.4 171.3 13.8 A050000900034 41.8 239.5 19.3 A050000900035 38.8 346.2 28.2 A050000900036 36.3 502.0 40.8 A050000900037 33.7 681.1 55.0 A050000900038 30.9 776.9 62.7 A050000900039 27.8 779.5 62.9 A050000900040 24.6 553.0 44.9 A050000900041 20.9 118.5 10.2 A050000900042 18.1 4.7 1.3 A050000900043 14.9 13.2 1.8 A050000900044 11.1 24.7 2.7 A050000900045 5.8 5.8 1.1 A050000900046 ENDDATA 33 0 A050000900047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 A050000999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 A050099999999