ENTRY A0564 20240213 A109A056400000001 SUBENT A0564001 20240213 A109A056400100001 BIB 12 33 A056400100002 TITLE Fusion around the barrier in 11,9-Be + 209Bi A056400100003 AUTHOR (C.Signorini, Z.H.Liu, A.Yoshida, T.Fukuda, Z.C.Li, A056400100004 K.E.G.Loebner, L.Mueller, Y.H.Pu, K.Rudolph, F.Soramel,A056400100005 C.Zotti, J.L.Sida) A056400100006 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,2,227,1998) A056400100007 (J,CNPR,17,210,2000) in Chinese, same data A056400100008 INSTITUTE (2ITYPAD,2JPNIPC,2JPNTOK,2GERLMU,2ITYUDN,2FR SAC, A056400100009 3CPRAEP) A056400100010 FACILITY (VDGT,2GERLMU) A056400100011 METHOD (SITA) See SAMPLE A056400100012 (ACTIV) A056400100013 (EXTB) The Be-9 beam intensity was kept between 2 to 10A056400100014 electric nA, and the used charge state 4+. A056400100015 SAMPLE The target was natural bismuth 220 ug/cm2 thick A056400100016 evaporated onto a 150 ug/cm2 carbon foil; backing A056400100017 thickness was chosen to stop at the target site the A056400100018 recoiling evaporation residues. A056400100019 MONITOR (83-BI-209(4-BE-9,EL)83-BI-209,,DA,,RTH) A056400100020 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Two detectors, 100 um thick, with an effective A056400100021 surface of around 415 mm2 were used for the detection A056400100022 of the alpha particles emitted by the evaporation A056400100023 residues and two detectors, ~ 300 um thick, with an A056400100024 active surface of 12.6 mm2 used as monitor detectors. A056400100025 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A056400100026 ADD-RES (COMP) Code CASCADE A056400100027 HISTORY (20030803C) A056400100028 (20040324A) Some corrections for A0564005. A056400100029 A0564006 is deleted. A056400100030 (20040517U) Last checking has been done. A056400100031 (20210312A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. ERR-ANALYS A056400100032 deleted. A056400100033 (20240213U) SD: Small corrections in all Subents. A056400100034 Ref. CNPR,17,210,2000 added. A056400100035 ENDBIB 33 0 A056400100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 A056400100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A056400199999 SUBENT A0564002 20240213 A109A056400200001 BIB 6 14 A056400200002 REACTION ((83-BI-209(4-BE-9,2N)87-FR-216,,SIG)+ A056400200003 (83-BI-209(4-BE-9,X)86-RN-214,,SIG)) A056400200004 DECAY-DATA (87-FR-216,7.E-7SEC,A,9005.) A056400200005 (86-RN-214,2.7E-7SEC,A,9037.) A056400200006 COMMENT - By authors. Two channels emit alpha-particles too A056400200007 close in energy to be resolved. A056400200008 STATUS (CURVE,,C.Signorini+,J,EPJ/A,2,227,1998) Fig.2 A056400200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The overall accuracy of the measured cross A056400200010 section is better than 5% except for the two lowest A056400200011 energy points whose accuracy is anyhow better than 10%.A056400200012 (Symbol size on the fig. is ~7%). A056400200013 HISTORY (20210312A) SD: SF3=3N+P -> X in REACTION code. A056400200014 ERR-1 deleted; ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A056400200015 (20240213U) SD: STATUS updated. A056400200016 ENDBIB 14 0 A056400200017 COMMON 2 3 A056400200018 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A056400200019 MEV PER-CENT A056400200020 3.E-02 2.6 A056400200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A056400200022 DATA 3 12 A056400200023 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR A056400200024 MEV MB PER-CENT A056400200025 35.86 2.7 11. A056400200026 36.33 4.5 9. A056400200027 36.8 7.38 A056400200028 37.22 10.6 8. A056400200029 38.2 15.2 A056400200030 39.18 19.6 A056400200031 40.14 21.5 A056400200032 40.63 22.7 A056400200033 41.08 20.8 A056400200034 41.55 26.3 A056400200035 42.06 22.8 A056400200036 43.02 24.1 A056400200037 ENDDATA 14 0 A056400200038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 A056400299999 SUBENT A0564003 20240213 A109A056400300001 BIB 6 11 A056400300002 REACTION (83-BI-209(4-BE-9,3N)87-FR-215,,SIG) A056400300003 RAD-DET (87-FR-215,A) A056400300004 DECAY-DATA (87-FR-215,9.E-8SEC,A,9360.) A056400300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The overall accuracy of the measured cross A056400300006 section is better than 5% except for the two lowest A056400300007 energy points whose accuracy is anyhow better than 10%.A056400300008 (Symbol size on the fig. is ~7%). A056400300009 STATUS (CURVE,,C.Signorini+,J,EPJ/A,2,227,1998) Fig.2 A056400300010 HISTORY (20210312A) SD: SF3=3N+P -> X in REACTION code. A056400300011 ERR-1 deleted; ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A056400300012 (20240213U) SD: STATUS updated. A056400300013 ENDBIB 11 0 A056400300014 COMMON 2 3 A056400300015 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A056400300016 MEV PER-CENT A056400300017 3.E-02 2.6 A056400300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A056400300019 DATA 3 12 A056400300020 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR A056400300021 MEV MB PER-CENT A056400300022 35.86 1.72 13. A056400300023 36.33 5.1 8. A056400300024 36.82 10.57 A056400300025 37.28 16.9 A056400300026 38.22 43.9 A056400300027 39.22 82.5 A056400300028 40.15 139. A056400300029 40.6 167. A056400300030 41.09 183. A056400300031 41.58 183. A056400300032 42.07 200. A056400300033 43.01 201. A056400300034 ENDDATA 14 0 A056400300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 A056400399999 SUBENT A0564004 20240213 A109A056400400001 BIB 6 11 A056400400002 REACTION (83-BI-209(4-BE-9,4N)87-FR-214,,SIG) A056400400003 DECAY-DATA (87-FR-214-G,5.E-3SEC,A,8477.,,A,8547.) A056400400004 (87-FR-214-L,3.35E-3SEC,A,8426.) A056400400005 COMMENT - By authors. Two channels emit alpha-particles too A056400400006 close in energy to be resolved. A056400400007 ERR-ANALYS The overall accuracy of the measured cross section A056400400008 is better than 5% (Symbol size on the fig. is ~7%). A056400400009 STATUS (CURVE,,C.Signorini+,J,EPJ/A,2,227,1998) Fig.2 A056400400010 HISTORY (20210312A) SD: ERR-1 deleted (moved to free text). A056400400011 BIB updated. A056400400012 (20240213U) SD: STATUS updated. A056400400013 ENDBIB 11 0 A056400400014 COMMON 2 3 A056400400015 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A056400400016 MEV PER-CENT A056400400017 3.E-02 2.6 A056400400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A056400400019 DATA 2 5 A056400400020 EN-CM DATA A056400400021 MEV MB A056400400022 40.62 11.47 A056400400023 41.08 17. A056400400024 41.58 29.1 A056400400025 42.09 47.1 A056400400026 43.02 103.3 A056400400027 ENDDATA 7 0 A056400400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 A056400499999 SUBENT A0564005 20240213 A109A056400500001 BIB 7 26 A056400500002 REACTION (83-BI-209(4-BE-9,FUS),,SIG,,,DERIV) A056400500003 ANALYSIS Total fusion cross sections were calculated adding A056400500004 all the observed channels and the fission one extractedA056400500005 from Subent E1658.010. A056400500006 REL-REF (A,E1658001,A.Yoshida+,J,PL/B,389,457,1996) Fusion A056400500007 cross sections used for comparison were derived from A056400500008 the E1658 Entry. (The contribution from the mixed 2n A056400500009 and p3n channels, not reported there, was taken from A056400500010 the interpolation of present data.) A056400500011 ERR-ANALYS The overall accuracy of the cross section is less than A056400500012 size of the points on fig. (Symbol size on the fig. A056400500013 is ~4.5%). A056400500014 COMMENT From authors: We believe that discrepancies between A056400500015 the two sets of data might be attributed to A056400500016 normalization errors in data of A.Yoshida+ (see A056400500017 REL-REF) where only one monitor detector was used. A056400500018 Anyhow, for the present work the weighted average of A056400500019 the two data sets was adopted. A056400500020 STATUS (CURVE,,C.Signorini+,J,EPJ/A,2,227,1998) Fig.3 A056400500021 (DEP,A0564002) (2n + p3n) cr.sect. A056400500022 (DEP,A0564003) (3n) cr.sect. A056400500023 (DEP,A0564004) (4n) cr.sect. A056400500024 (DEP,E1658010) fission cr.sect. A056400500025 HISTORY (20210312A) SD: ERR-1 deleted (moved to free text). BIBA056400500026 updated. FLAG and data (marked by flag) were deleted. A056400500027 (20240213U) SD: STATUS updated. A056400500028 ENDBIB 26 0 A056400500029 COMMON 2 3 A056400500030 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A056400500031 MEV PER-CENT A056400500032 5.E-02 2.6 A056400500033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A056400500034 DATA 2 12 A056400500035 EN-CM DATA A056400500036 MEV MB A056400500037 35.86 4.48 A056400500038 36.38 9.65 A056400500039 36.82 16.9 A056400500040 37.31 27.5 A056400500041 38.24 60.4 A056400500042 39.21 102.1 A056400500043 40.18 160. A056400500044 40.62 204. A056400500045 41.11 224. A056400500046 41.6 251. A056400500047 42.04 281. A056400500048 43.05 339. A056400500049 ENDDATA 14 0 A056400500050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 A056400599999 NOSUBENT A0564006 20040517 0000A056400600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 A056499999999