ENTRY A0570 20240201 A107A057000000001 SUBENT A0570001 20240201 A107A057000100001 BIB 13 45 A057000100002 TITLE Excitation function and yields for Br-nat(p,xn)Kr-76, A057000100003 Kr-77,Kr-79 reactions at 100 MeV bombarding energy A057000100004 AUTHOR (C.Deptula,Kim Sen Han,O.Knotek,S.Mikolajewski, A057000100005 L.M.Popinenkova,E.Rurarz,N.G.Zaitseva) A057000100006 INSTITUTE (3POLIPJ,3CZRUJV,4RUSFVE,4ZZZDUB,3KDRPYN) A057000100007 REFERENCE (J,NKA,35,79,1990) A057000100008 (J,RCA,54,57,1991) - final publ. only figs. A057000100009 SAMPLE The thin targets were prepared by compressing the A057000100010 necessary amount of the natural, high purity K-Br. A057000100011 The isotopic composition of the natural bromine - A057000100012 Br-79-69%, A057000100013 Br-81-49.31%. A057000100014 Pellets thicknesses were obtained by the weight and A057000100015 area measurement. A057000100016 The weight of pressed K-Br pellets, diameter 1.5 cm, A057000100017 area 1.76 cm**2, varied throughout the stacked thin A057000100018 K-Br discs according to necessary energy loss of A057000100019 protons in each discs. A057000100020 About twenty K-Br pellets (0.2-0.6 g/cm2) were placed A057000100021 in an aluminum target holder. A057000100022 ADD-RES (COMP) Hybrid Model of nuclear reactions using the wellA057000100023 developed computer code Alice. A057000100024 (TTY-C) A057000100025 DETECTOR (GELI) A057000100026 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSFVE) Lu-100 A057000100027 METHOD (STTA) See sample. A057000100028 (EXTB) Beam current had been kept at 70 nanoAmpere. A057000100029 The stacks were exposed during 0.5 - 0.75 hour. A057000100030 (GSPEC) The stacks were repeatedly measured over a A057000100031 period of several days. A057000100032 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty obtained by summing up in A057000100033 squares all the individual errors A057000100034 1. The data analysis, A057000100035 2. Proton flux determination, A057000100036 3. Gamma spectroscopy, A057000100037 (ERR-1,13.,18.) Uncertainty in conversion of gamma A057000100038 intensities into reaction cross sections A057000100039 COMMENT - By Authors - Proton energy (EN) is average proton A057000100040 energy at the mid thickness of K-Br discs. A057000100041 - By Compiler - Any information about decay-data of A057000100042 Radioactive Kripton Isotopes. A057000100043 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Deptula+,J,NKA,35,79,1990) Tbl. 1 A057000100044 HISTORY (19970210C) A057000100045 (19970220U) Last checking has been done. A057000100046 (20240201U) SD: Ref. RCA,54,57,1991 added. A057000100047 ENDBIB 45 0 A057000100048 COMMON 1 3 A057000100049 ERR-T A057000100050 PER-CENT A057000100051 15. A057000100052 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A057000100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 A057000199999 SUBENT A0570002 19970220 0000A057000200001 BIB 2 3 A057000200002 REACTION (35-BR-0(P,X)36-KR-76,,SIG) A057000200003 COMMENT -By Authors- Kr-76 is Produced Via 79Br(P,4N) And A057000200004 81-Br(P,6N) Reactions. A057000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 A057000200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057000200007 DATA 2 24 A057000200008 EN DATA A057000200009 MEV MB A057000200010 98.1 7. A057000200011 94.9 8. A057000200012 92.3 11. A057000200013 89. 10. A057000200014 86.2 12. A057000200015 83.7 11. A057000200016 80.4 10. A057000200017 75.2 11. A057000200018 73.2 12. A057000200019 70.9 13. A057000200020 68.6 14. A057000200021 65.9 14. A057000200022 62.9 14. A057000200023 60.1 18. A057000200024 57.4 18. A057000200025 55.4 24. A057000200026 53.3 24. A057000200027 51.2 27. A057000200028 49.2 28. A057000200029 46.6 27. A057000200030 44. 12. A057000200031 41. 8. A057000200032 38.4 5. A057000200033 36.2 3. A057000200034 ENDDATA 26 0 A057000200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 A057000299999 SUBENT A0570003 19970220 0000A057000300001 BIB 2 3 A057000300002 REACTION (35-BR-0(P,X)36-KR-77,,SIG) A057000300003 COMMENT - By Authors - 77-Kr is Produced Via 79-Br(P,3N) And A057000300004 81-Br(P,5N) Reactions. A057000300005 ENDBIB 3 0 A057000300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057000300007 DATA 2 22 A057000300008 EN DATA A057000300009 MEV MB A057000300010 98.1 13. A057000300011 94.9 17. A057000300012 92.3 21. A057000300013 89. 28. A057000300014 86.2 21. A057000300015 83.7 34. A057000300016 80.4 35. A057000300017 75.2 45. A057000300018 70.9 49. A057000300019 62.9 47. A057000300020 60.1 57. A057000300021 55.4 55. A057000300022 51.2 52. A057000300023 46.6 59. A057000300024 44. 58. A057000300025 41. 81. A057000300026 38.4 88. A057000300027 36.2 107. A057000300028 34. 105. A057000300029 31.6 95. A057000300030 28.8 75. A057000300031 24.7 25. A057000300032 ENDDATA 24 0 A057000300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 A057000399999 SUBENT A0570004 19970220 0000A057000400001 BIB 2 3 A057000400002 REACTION (35-BR-0(P,X)36-KR-79-G,M+,SIG) A057000400003 COMMENT - By Authors - 79-Kr is Produced Via 79-Br(P,N) And A057000400004 81-Br(P,3N) Reactions. A057000400005 ENDBIB 3 0 A057000400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057000400007 DATA 2 28 A057000400008 EN DATA A057000400009 MEV MB A057000400010 98.1 23. A057000400011 94.9 24. A057000400012 92.3 24. A057000400013 89. 25. A057000400014 86.2 30. A057000400015 83.7 29. A057000400016 80.4 29. A057000400017 77.3 28. A057000400018 75.2 34. A057000400019 73.2 34. A057000400020 70.9 38. A057000400021 68.6 42. A057000400022 65.9 40. A057000400023 62.9 45. A057000400024 57.4 56. A057000400025 55.4 61. A057000400026 53.3 76. A057000400027 51.2 80. A057000400028 49.2 86. A057000400029 46.6 117. A057000400030 44. 123. A057000400031 41. 194. A057000400032 38.4 206. A057000400033 36.2 210. A057000400034 34. 211. A057000400035 31.6 215. A057000400036 28.8 203. A057000400037 24.7 77. A057000400038 ENDDATA 30 0 A057000400039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A057000499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 A057099999999